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Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung


Dosen : Ersa Tri Wahyuni, S.E., M.Acc., CPMA, Ph.D
NPM : 120620190008

No. Author Nama Jurnal Judul Penelitian Metodologi Finding/Result Variable Country Theories Model
1 Kummer, T.- Managerial The effectiveness of Data were obtained from an The findings provide valuable insights into Fraud risk assesments, Fraud risk Australia Webster’s Dictionary (2001, p. 380) defines fraud as “[…] the Survey
F., Singh, K., Auditing fraud detection NFP fraud survey conducted in understanding fraud detection mechanisms. register, code of conduct, fraud and New multifarious means which human ingenuity can devise, which
& Best, P. Journal, 30(4/5), instruments in not- Australia and New Zealand. A Although most fraud detection measures may awareness training, whistleblowers Zealand are resorted to by one individual, to get an advantage over
(2015). 435–455. for-profit set of contingency tables is not lead to more fraud detection, three highly policy, fraud control plan, fraud control another by false representations”
organizations produced to explore the effective instruments emerge, namely, fraud policy, internal controls review, no The three key elements of fraud triangle theory are pressure
(an un-shareable need), rationalization (of personal ethics)
and opportunity (lack of adequate controls and knowledge to
commit a fraud. All three must be present for a
fraud to be perpetrated (Cressey, 1950).
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) further
defines occupational fraud as, “[…] the use of one’s
occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate
misuse or misapplication of the employing organization’s
resources or assets” (ACFE, 2012, p. 6)
2 Krambia‐Kap Journal of A fraud detection The paper first provides a that irregularity-prone companies are Fraud Risk assesments. Cyprus and Australian Accounting Research Foundation, Auditing ROP Fraud Risk
ardis, M. Financial model: A must for critique of existing fraud characterised by a lack of an effective internal Australia Standards Board (AuSB) (1995) ‘Auditing Standard AUS 210: Assessment
(2002) Regulation and auditors aetiology models and then control, system and the absence of a code of Irregularities, including fraud, other illegal acts and errors’, Model, EFD
Compliance, describes the ROP Fraud Risk- conduct. This finding is not surprising when it Australian Accounting Research Foundation, Caulfield, Model,
10(3), 266–278. Assessment Model constructed is remembered that 76 per cent of the Victoria-Irregularities such as fraud that result in a materially Albrecht,
by the author in a study of companies where management fraud had misstated financial report are of particular interest to auditors Cressey,
convicted serious fraud occurred had ineffective internal controls and since they have legal responsibilities for detecting and Loebbecke.
offenders in Australia 64 per cent lacked a code of conduct. reporting such irregularities. Material irregularities include
Similarly, of the companies where employee management fraud, employee fraud, error, intentional acts,
fraud occurred 65 per cent had ineffective other illegal acts and, finally, intentional but not fraudulent or
internal controls and 56 percent lacked a code other illegal misstatements
of conduct. As already
indicated, these two company characteristics
are significantly correlated.
3 Tatiana Advances in Early detection of Content analysis is used in Implications of the findings suggest that Total words, Lexical diversity, Colons, UK Content analysis has also been used to examine concealment qualitative
Churyk, N., Accounting fraud: Evidence analyzing the Management’s qualitative methods of deception detection Semicolons, For Example, Positive of negative information using either the president’s letter or methods of
Lee, C.-C., & Behavioral from restatements. Discussion and Analysis (MDA) may provide an earlier, and thus more useful, Emotion, Optimism and energy, chairperson’s statement. Abrahamson and Park (1994) deception
Clinton, B. D. Research, section of the annual report to method of the detection of fraud. The results Anxiety, Causation, Present Tense examined 1,118 president’s letters to determine if corporate detection
(2009) 25–40. identify potential indicators of of this study should provide stakeholders with officers hide negative outcomes in communications with
deception to increase the a set of indicators to aid in identifying stockholders intentionally (i.e., as evidenced by short selling).
likelihood of fraud detection in a misstated information. This approach is also They found that some environments led to intentional
timelier manner than current one that can be generalized to other written concealment and that disclosure of negative outcomes was
quantitative models documents used to predict fraudulent more likely when financial performance was poor. When
communication. Abrahamson and Amir (1996) used content analysis to
examine the president’s letter and to estimate a measure of
negativity, they found that investors used the information to
assess the quality of earnings. Smith and Taffler (2000) found
that the information content in the chairperson’s statement
was associated with firm failure.

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No. Author Nama Jurnal Judul Penelitian Metodologi Finding/Result Variable Country Theories Model

4 Siregar, S. V., Journal of Fraud awareness This paper presents a It was found that majority of respondents Fraud Awareness Indonesia Keller and Owens (2015), there are two categories of frauds: Descriptive
& Tenoyo, B. Financial Crime, survey of private descriptive survey. In total, 67 agree that fraud is a major concern for internal and external. Internal frauds are committed by and Inferential
(2015) Vol. 22 Iss 3 pp. sector in Indonesia respondents returned the businesses in Indonesia and that corporations persons inside the entities, such as employees, officers and Statistics.
329 - 346 questionnaires, which can be have enough level of fraud awareness. Poor directors. External frauds are committed by persons outside Survey,
considered suitable for a internal control and lack of ethical values are the entities, such as vendors. financial statement frauds questionnaire
descriptive survey. Some ranked as the most likely reasons why entities involve fraudulent journal entries or managerial override of
descriptive (included are being threatened by fraud, and a sound controls that have utilized journal entries within accounting
percentages, means) and ethical policy and code of conduct is information systems (Debreceny and Gray, 2010). Rezaee
inferential statistics (mean perceived as the most important fraud risk (2005) define financial statement fraud as a deliberate
differences test) are used to management process. Corporations have attempt by corporations to deceive or mislead users of
summarize and analyze the implemented several tools to detect or published financial statements, especially investors and
questionnaire results prevent fraud, such as internal audit and creditors, by preparing and disseminating materially
internal control. They also have a system in misstated financial statements. Examples are inappropriate
place for anonymous reporting of suspicions revenue recognition, inappropriate capitalization of expenses
of fraud, corruption or misconduct.inferential and a wide variety of inappropriate accruals.
statistics (mean differences test) are used to
summarize and analyze the questionnaire
5 Kathryn Journal of Financial fraud in A qualitative methodological All funds reported a need for more Financial Fraud Australia The Australian government defines fraud as “dishonestly Qualitative
Flynn , (2016) Financial Crime, the private health approach was used, and technological resources and higher staffing obtaining a benefit, or causing a loss, by deception or other research
Vol. 23 Iss 1 pp. insurance sector in interviews were conducted with levels to manage fraud. Inadequate means” (Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines, 2011: 4).
143 - 158 Australia fraud managers from Australia’s resourcing has the predictable outcome of a For fraud to occur, there has to be a proven intention to
largest private health insurance low detection and recovery rate. The fund defraud. For it to be judged as a criminal offence, the behavior
funds and experts in fields managers had differing approaches to in question must demonstrate intention to defraud,
connected to health fraud recovery action and this ranged from police recklessness or negligence (Commonwealth Fraud Control
detection action, the use of debt recovery agencies, to Guidelines, 2011: 16)
derecognition from the health fund. As for
present and future harm to the industry, the
funds found on-line claiming platforms a
major threat to the integrity of their
insurance system. In addition, they all viewed
the Privacy Act as an impediment to
managing fraud against their organizations
and they desired that there be greater
information sharing between themselves and

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6 Oluwatoyin Accounting An empirical The study used cross-sectional The results of the present study confirm the Fraud-Related Problem Representation, Nigeria Fraud is an intentional act designed principally to deceive or cross-sectional
Muse Research investigation of design and 400 survey positive relationship between KR on TPFRA, Task Performance Fraud Risk mislead another party (Arens and Loebbecke, 1996), and, design and 400
Johnson Journal, Vol. 28 fraud risk questionnaires. The positive relationship of KR on FRPR and Assessment, Knowledge Requirement regardless of the form fraud is noticed, it is problematic to survey
Popoola Iss 1 pp. 78 - 97 assessment and respondents are real positive relationship of FRPR and TPFRA. (forensic accountant and auditor) auditors to detect, as the perpetrators take steps deliberately questionnaires
Ayoib B Che- knowledge professional people (auditors Specifically, the results revealed that FRPR to conceal the resulting wrongdoings (Knapp and Knapp,
Ahmad Rose requirement on and forensic accountants in the positively mediates the relationship between 2001). In addition, fraud harms the character and the
Shamsiah fraud related Nigerian public sector) as true TPFRA and KR (forensic accountant and trustworthiness of the audit profession (Wuerges, 2011).
Samsudin , problem representatives to enhance the auditor) in the areas of fraud prevention, Accounting researchers, practitioners and standard setters
(2015) representation in generalization of the outcomes. detection and response. alike uttered the concern for auditors’ apparent failure in
Nigeria A total of 36 indicator items was detecting fraud during an audit (Jamal, 2008; Wells, 2005;
measured on five-point Likert AICPA, 2002).
scale from 1 (strongly disagree)
to 5 (strongly agree). Partial
Least Square – Structural
Equation Modelling 2.0 3M and
IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 were
used as the primary statistical
analysis tool for the study.

7 Chioma International The management of The authors conducted three The authors found that many retailers are Deterrence, prevention, detection, UK Wilhelm (2004) proposed the fraud management lifecycle Qualitative
Vivian Journal of Retail first party fraud in case studies and a total of 24 treating this problem as just a cost of doing mitigation, analysis, policy, theory consisting of eight components that drive success or Study
Amasiatu, & Distribution etailing: a semi-structured interviews with business online and have no detailed plans for investigation and prosecution failure in fraud management: deterrence, prevention,
Mahmood Management, qualitative study retail managers, and evaluated dealing with this problem or any reporting to detection, mitigation, analysis, policy, investigation and
Hussain Vol. 47 Issue: 4, their existing prevention-related law enforcement agencies. However, they prosecution
Shah, (2019) pp.433-452 documentation. Fraud have begun working with delivery companies
management lifecycle theory for delivery accuracy. Use of convenience
was used to organise and stores as collection points is also showing
discuss the findings. early improvements
8 Bonita Journal of Small Trust, but verify: Recent statistics from This paper summarizes pertinent facts that Perceived unshareable pressure, USA Fraud prevention circles have a 10/10/80 rule: 10 percent of Qualiative
Kramer Business and fraud in small international fraud surveys are repeatedly show small businesses are most Perceived opportunity, Rationalization employees will steal regardless; 10 percent will never steal; Research
(2015) Enterprise businesses, presented, and the theory of vulnerable to fraud and suffer a and the remaining 80 percent may, depending on the
Development, why people commit fraud is disproportionate median loss when compared circumstances (Rothberg, 2011). three elements must exist
Vol. 22 Iss 1 pp. described. The most common to larger businesses. External audits by simultaneously for an otherwise honest person to commit
4 - 20 internal fraud schemes as Certified Public Accountants cannot be relied fraud, referred to as the “fraud triangle” (Cressey, 1971)
identified in the international upon to detect fraud. Owners, managers, and
fraud surveys are explained, as advisors are strongly encouraged to have
well as some of the related red knowledge of how fraud can affect their
flags and preventative organizations in order to prevent or detect
measures. Examples of actual fraud and avoid the devastating effect it can
internal frauds perpetrated in have on the small business’s viability.
small businesses are discussed.
9 Rohaida Journal of The case studies of The multiple case studies The findings suggest that the fraud cases Fraud Prevention Mechanism Malaysia Frauds can be grouped into three main categories: corruption, Case Studies
Basiruddin, Financial Crime fraud prevention approach has been employed in experienced by the enterprises were related asset misappropriation and financial statement fraud. In
Malar mechanisms in the this study. The data was to broken trust and non-cash larceny. The terms of frequency, the most common type of fraud scheme
Gunasegaran Malaysian medium collected through interviews implementation of fraud prevention reported, in both large and small organizations, was that of
, Siti Zaleha enterprises with the directors, owners, mechanisms in the enterprises seem to be asset misappropriation (ACFE, 2014, 2016; KPMG, 2013;
Abdul Rasid, managers and supervisors of very limited due to resources and budget Omar et al., 2012). T
Adriana three medium size enterprises. constraints.
Mohd Rizal,
A (2018)

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10 Curtis M. Advances in Second Chance This exercise presents an actual Student surveys confirm that students learn Fraud Exercise: The exercise was clear USA The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), in their Introductory or
Nicholls, Accounting Homeless Shelter: A embezzlement committed by a about detecting and preventing fraud. and understandable, The exercise ACFE 2014 Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and survey
Stacy A. Education, Fraud Exercise for long-tenured employee of a Students also indicate that they find the not- provided an interesting setting in which Abuse, found that 10.8% of the frauds they studied occurred accounting
Mastrolia 1–24. Introductory and local not-for-profit organization. forprofit setting interesting and would use the to study the topic of financial fraud, at not-for-profit organizations and an additional 15.1% (hereafter
(2015) Survey Courses in Each component of the exercise principles in the exercise if they become This exercise and the related questions occurred at government agencies (ACFE, 2014). referred to as
Accounting. contains a series of questions to affiliated with a not-for-profit organization. were too introductory
facilitate classroom discussion. difficult, I learned something new about accounting)
detecting fraud, I learned something courses
new about preventing fraud, I learned typically
something new about individuals provide only
involved in financial fraud and their minimal
motivation, If I become associated with discussion of
an NFP, I would the accounting
likely use the principles demonstrated internal
in this exercise. controls
required for
prevention or
11 P. K. Gupta Journal of Corporate frauds in – An exploratory research was It was found that the regulatory system is Perceived unshareable pressure, India Fraud is the use of false representations to gain unjust A survey of
Sanjeev Financial Crime, India – perceptions conducted through a combined weak, and there is dire need to redefine the Perceived opportunity, Rationalization advantage and criminal deception. The Internal Resources literature,
Gupta (2015) Vol. 22 Iss 1 pp. and emerging issues mode of literature review; case role of auditors. Coordination among Service, Department of the USA of the Treasury, defines a questionnaire
79 - 103 studies; structured different regulatory authorities is poor, and corporate fraud as a violation of the Internal Revenue Code
questionnaires from 346 sample after every scam, there is a blame game. and related statutes committed by large, publicly traded
companies; and 43 interviews Reporting of fraud and publication of fraud corporations and/or by their senior executives (IRIS, 2010).
with the corporate prevention policy are missing. Banks and Corporate frauds, conceptually, is broad and encompasses a
professionals, management, financial institutions are ineffective on due variety of criminal and civil violations. In addition, corporate
investors, government offices diligence, and there is a lack of frauds have gradually become very complex in nature
and authorities having wide professionalism on the board and other (Sutherland, 1949). A typical fraud triangle quoted in th
experience. executive levels in companies
12 N’Guilla Sow, Journal of Fraud prevention in This study used self-administer The output of multiple regressions showed the culture of honesty, fraud effective Malaysia According to Girgenti and Hedley (2011), an effective fraud This study has
A., Financial Crime, Malaysian small and questioners and distributed 126 that culture of honesty and high integrity, prevention mechanisms in Malaysian risk management approach has three controlled objectives: to utilised the
Basiruddin, 00–00. medium enterprises questionnaire to general antifraud processes and controls, and SMEs, internal controls, the prevent, to detect, and to respond quantitative
R., (SMEs) managers, financial managers, appropriate oversight functions has a positive development of appropriate oversight method to
Mohammad, and supervisors at Malaysian’s and significant effective on fraud prevention functions achieve the
J., & Abdul SMEs. Multiple regression was mechanisms. objectives of
Rasid, S. Z. used to test the theoretical this research.
(2018) model Data was

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13 Hans-Ulrich Journal of The escalating The anti-fraud requirements Over the years IA has been continuously Identification of fraud as a strategic Canada - Viewpoint
Westhausen, Financial Crime, relevance of internal stipulated in the “International increasing its auditing quality and audit topic, Qualification and quality
(2017) Vol. 24 Issue: auditing as anti- Standards for the Professional effectiveness with new analytical methods, improvement and
2,pp. fraud control Practice of Internal Auditing” specialized software tools and professional Utilization of audit technology.
are confronted with empirical certifications. But all these efforts have hardly
data about the current situation been reflected in statistical or research data,
of the IA as anti-fraud control. especially not in the listing of the top sources
The empirical data were of fraud detection. The “ACFEFraud Report
extracted from global sources 2016” revealed that IA is now – for the first
such as “Fraud Reports” (ACFE) time ever – second among the initial
and “CBOK”‐studies (IIA). detections of occupational frauds (financial
statement fraud, corruption, asset
misappropriation) worldwide. This positive
trend of global anti-fraud auditing was
probably no “one‐hit wonder”, but a result of
a lengthy process of professionalization of IA.

14 Lloyd Advances in Does Fraud Training A total of 369 experienced The results indicate that auditors with fraud fraud training, identify fraud risk Fraudulent financial reporting often arises from the perceived Experimental
Bierstaker, J., Accounting Help Auditors auditors completed a complex training identified significantly more red flags factors, 15 risk factors identified by the need by management to get through a difficult period of time Design
Hunton, J. E., Behavioral Identify Fraud Risk audit simulation task that and obtained greater knowledge about fraud Big 4 firm’s training (e.g., cash shortage), or to meet or beat analysts’
& Thibodeau, Research, Factors? involved 15 seeded fraud risk risk than auditors who did not receive the function as the model (normative) expectations. Management often views these conditions as
J. C. (2012) 85–100. red flags. A total of 143 auditors training. Considering that the fraud training answer temporary and believes that the falsification of the financial
participated in a 30-minute consumed only 30 minutes out of a 64-hour statements will help the company get through the difficulties
training session focused training session, the findings suggest that and expectations (Louwers, Ramsay, Sinason, Strawser, &
specifically on fraud risk, while even modest exposure to fraud training is Thibodeau, 2011).
the remaining 226 auditors quite effective.
learned about general internal
control risk during this time
15 Kwabena Journal of Back to basics: The article draws on secondary Fraud is a challenge in the UK public sector Fraud and Austerity UK the ambiguous nature of the role of internal auditors and Qualitative
Frimpong Financial Crime, fighting fraud and sources of data and available but the cut-back on anti-fraud and financial widespread criticism levelled against internal auditors by the
(2015) Vol. 22 Iss 2 pp. austerity literature on fraud and financial crime investigative resources, given the scale public in relation to the minimal role played in organisational
219 - 227 crime. of public sector fraud, the growing emphasis fraud detection at a time when fraud is increasingly becoming
on accountability and the time of austerity a challenge to organisations (See, Alleyne and Howard, 2005;
with public money more exposed to fraud is Hassink et al., 2010; Smith, 2012)
arguably a back-door/u-turn policy on zero-
tolerance approach in tackling public sector
fraud and financial crime. There is the
potential of this encouraging more fraud and
financial crime against the public sector in the
long term if measures are not taken to devise
strategies for enhancing anti-fraud and
financial crime investigative resource

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16 Spyridon Journal of An investigation of Data used for this study were Results showed that forgeries, bribery and the impact of global financial crises of Greek Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (2011), defines fraud The study
Repousis, Money the fraud risk and obtained from primary source money laundering are the most important 2008 in Greek commercial banks, major as “Any illegal acts characterized by deceit, concealment or adopted a
Petros Lois, Laundering fraud scheme through questionnaires. This types of fraud risk and the best fraud scheme types of fraud risk and fraud risk violation of trust. These acts are not dependent on the descriptive
Varvara Veli Control methods in Greek method of data collection was methods are using dormant accounts and scheme methods, determine basic application of threat of violence or of physical force”. Cresse’s survey design
(2019) commercial banks followed and was considered checks. Based on the empirical findings, the principles of bank internal controls to final hypothesis published in Other People’s Money: A Study which is a
appropriate because the study recommends there is a need banks to detect and prevent fraud in the Social Psychology of Embezzlement (1973), was: method of
information sought is not implement a code of conduct and a code of “Trusted Persons become trust violators when they conceive collecting
publicly available and middle ethics for staff, staff training, signature of themselves as having a financial problem which is non- information by
management and internal verification, control over dormant accounts, shareable, are aware this problem can be secretly resolved by interviewing or
auditors are in a good position asking employees about their opinions and violation of the position of financial trust, and are able to passing a
to know the answers to the the way they feel about their bank, apply to their own conduct in that situation verbalizations questionnaire
questions asked. Questionnaires conducting surprise audits and using a hot which enable them to adjust their conceptions of themselves to a sample of
were sent to a sample of 230 line for whistlebowing as trusted persons with their conceptions of themselves as individuals
persons, all bank branch trusted persons with their conceptions of themselves as users
employees (internal auditors entrusted funds or property.”
were excluded), in the city of
Athens (city capital of Greece),
in five banks, National Bank of
Greece, Piraeus Bank, Alpha
Bank, Eurobank and Postal
Bank, during February 2017 –
March 2017. Finally, of the 230
questionnaires distributed, 225
completed and returned but
only 203 of them were usable
questionnaires. The Cronbach’s
alpha was used to test the
reliability of variables.

17 Peltier‐Rivest Journal of An analysis of the This study is based on a 2006 The analysis shows that occupational fraud Fraud loss, Asset misappropriations, Canada Occupational fraud may be defined as “the use of one’s Qualitative
, D. (2009) Financial Crime, victims of occupational fraud web survey losses are quite large, accounting for a Corruption, Fraudulent statements occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate
16(1), 60–66. occupational fraud: conducted in Canada by the median loss of C$187,500 and a mean loss of misuse or misapplication of the employing organization’s
a Canadian Association of Certified Fraud C$1,142,494. These losses represent, resources or assets” (ACFE and Peltier‐Rivest, 2007).
perspective Examiners (ACFE). respectively, 0.3 percent (median) and 9
percent (mean) of the victim organization’s
annual sales. Private companies, not-for-
profit organizations and small businesses are
particularly vulnerable to relatively larger
fraud losses. It is also shown that the smaller
the organization the more likely fraud losses
will be relatively larger.

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18 Nor Azrina Journal of An integrative This paper is grounded on three By integrating these three theories, this paper TRA, TPB and the “Fraud Diamond Malaysia Wolfe and Hermanson (2004) explained that there were five Qualitative
Mohd Yusof Financial Crime, model in predicting theories, namely, the theory of proposes that individual cognitive factors, Theory components of capability: first, position/function. A person
Ming Ling Lai Vol. 21 Iss 4 pp. corporate tax fraud reasoned action, theory of fraud diamond factors and organizational having a position/function within the organization may try to
, (2014) 424 - 432 planned behaviour and the factors such as normative and control factors find an opportunity for fraud. The second component is the
“Fraud Diamond Theory” influence managers to commit corporate tax brain. Fraudsters are smart enough to handle and exploit the
fraud. weaknesses of internal control and authorized access for
personal advantage. The third component is confidence/ego.
Fraudsters have a strong confidence and ego that they will not
be detected. The next component is related to coercion skills.
Fraudsters can coerce others to commit or conceal fraud.
Effective lying is the fifth component whereby successful
fraudsters lie effectively and consistently. Finally, the
successful fraudsters deal very well with stress. This is
because fraud usually occurs for over a long period and it can
be extremely stressful (Brennan and McGrath, 2007).

19 Mahito The Journal of The relationship Using a theoretical model First, the amount of policyholder’s effort is a Moral Hazard and Insurance Fraud Japan The difference between moral hazard and insurance fraud is theoretical
Okura, Risk Finance, between moral containing five-stages, the weakly monotone decreasing function of the explained in some insurance textbooks. According to Dorfman model
(2013) Vol. 14 Issue: 2, hazard and author sheds light on how the insurance firm’s investment in preventing (2008), insurance fraud in our research indicates “moral
pp.120-128 insurance fraud possibility of insurance fraud insurance fraud. Second, unlike in previous hazard” and moral hazard in our research indicates “morale
affects the amount of moral hazard models, the policyholder hazard”, respectively. This classification may be based on the
policyholder’s effort. chooses a strictly positive amount of effort background if the person who commits moral hazard is
even in the full insurance case because the “abnormal”. Another kind of explanation about the difference
possibility of insurance fraud gives an is given from information-deficiencies
incentive to realize policyholder’s effort.
Third, the amount of insurance firm’s
investment in preventing insurance fraud
depends on whether it wants to give an
additional incentive to policyholder’s effort in
exchange for realizing the possibility of
insurance fraud
20 Mark Button Journal of Fraud in overseas The research is based on 21 This paper shows there are significant Measurements of Fraud UK Overseas aid in developing and transition countries is semi-
Chris Lewis Financial Crime, aid and the semi-structured interviews with challenges to using fraud loss measurement generally at high risk of fraud and corruption (Transparency structured
David Vol. 22 Iss 2 pp. challenge of key persons working in the to gauge fraud in overseas aid. However, it International, 2006; and Fletcher and Herrmann, 2012). Fraud interviews
Shepherd 184 - 198 measurement delivery of aid in both the public argues that, along with other types of Loss Measurements (FLM) is a process to measure fraud in a with key
Graham and voluntary sectors. It uses measures, it could be used in areas of similar group of transactions based upon a sample, which are persons
Brooks theUKDepartment for expenditure in overseas governments and investigated to a higher standard than normal, to determine
(2015) International Development as a charities to measure aid. Given the high risk whether such transactions are correct, erroneous or
case study to applying more of such aid to fraud, it argues helping to fraudulent (Brooks et al., 2012).
accurate measures of fraud. develop capacity to reduce aid, of which
measuring the size of the problem is an
important part; this could be considered as
aid in its own right
21 Alon, A., & Management The impact of The research framework links The results of the study provide insight on Fraud risk assessment guidance, USA In 2002, the fraud guidance was expanded by the Statement a literature
Dwyer, P. Research groups and decision the influences of the fraud how the brainstorming impacts fraud risk Information load and decision aids, of Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 99 (AICPA, 2002) to reinforce review and
(2010) Review, 33(3), aid reliance on fraud assessment setting and decision assessment, decision aid use and decision aid Brainstorming, Decision aid reliance, to auditors the need to maintain professional skepticism and hypothesis
240–256 risk assessment. aid reliance. The hypotheses are reliance. The results show that groups using a Likelihood of fraud rating, overcome the tendency of over-reliance on client development,
tested in an experiment with decision aid with fraud risk factors representation. followed by
two manipulated factors: demonstrate superior decision quality and the description
setting (group or individual) and effectiveness even with lower decision aid of the
decision aid (provided or not reliance. experiment
provided). and

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22 Grace Mui Accounting A tale of two The application of the Crime The Crime Triangle complements the Fraud Perceived unshareable pressure, UK Fraud has been examined using the universally accepted lens Qualitative
Jennifer Research triangles: comparing Triangle is illustrated using Triangle’s perpetrator‐centric focus by Perceived opportunity, Rationalization, of the Fraud Triangle (Albrecht, 2014; Dorminey et al., 2012). Research
Mailley , Journal, Vol. 28 the Fraud Triangle scenarios of asset examining the environment where fraud crime triangle The Fraud Triangle takes a perpetrator-centric focus to
(2015) Iss 1 pp. 45 - 58 with criminology’s misappropriations by type of occurs and the relevant parties that play their explain why the fraud was perpetrated (Cressey, 1953)
Crime Triangle perpetrator: external role in preventing fraud or not playing their
perpetrator, employee, role, and thus, allowing the occurrence of
management and the board and fraud. Applying both triangles to a fraud event
its governing bodies provides a comprehensive view of the fraud
23 Chun-Keung Corporate Labor market Board membership of Compared to non-executive directors, Labor Market, Accounting Fraud USA Manipulation of financial statements and earnings (or Qualitative
Hoi Ashok Governance: consequences of incumbent directors in US firms executive directors are more than twice as earnings management) arises because of flexibility in research
Robin, (2010) The accounting fraud accused of accounting fraud are likely to lose own firm board seat and at least accounting systems. There are many ways to manage
international tracked for three years after the five times as likely to lose at least one outside earnings. For example, Marquardt and Wiedman (2004)
journal of revelation. Two labor market directorship. Moreover, all executives, top or
business in consequences/penalties are otherwise, appear to face similar tough
society, Vol. 10 considered. Probability of losing penalties
Iss 3 pp. 321 - internal, own firm board seat is
333 the likelihood that incumbent
directors leave the accused
firm’s board upon accounting
fraud revelation. The likelihood
of losing at least one external
board seat (outside
directorship) is also examined.
Both univariate tests and
multivariate LOGIT regressions
are used to conduct the analysis

24 Jiali Tang, Managerial Financial fraud The authors review the The existing audit practice aimed at Fraud detection and big data analysis USA In the fraud triangle put forward by Cressey (1973), three Review
Khondkar E. Auditing Journal detection and big literature related to fraud, identifying the fraud risk factors needs factors determine the likelihood of fraud occurrence, Literature
Karim (2018) data analytics – brainstorming sessions and Big enhancement, due to the inefficient use of including pressure, opportunity and rationalization. The core
implications on Data, and propose a model that unstructured data. The brainstorming session of these factors lies in people’s belief and behavior. Due to the
auditors’ use of auditors can follow during the provides a useful setting for such concern as it unpredictability and uncertainty in fraudsters’ incentives and
fraud brainstorming brainstorming sessions by draws on collective wisdom and encourages techniques, fraud detection requires the skillset that
session applying Big Data analytics at idea generation. The integration of Big Data encompasses both diligence and judgment.
different steps. analytics into brainstorming can broaden the
information size, strengthen the results from
analytical procedures and facilitate auditors’
communication. In the model proposed, an
audit team can use Big Data tools at every
step of the brainstorming process, including
initial data collection, data integration, fraud
indicator identification, group meetings,
conclusions and documentation

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Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung

No. Author Nama Jurnal Judul Penelitian Metodologi Finding/Result Variable Country Theories Model

25 Richard Lane Accounting The changing face of This paper analyses a sample of This paper finds evidence of changes in the issuance of AAERs by the SEC in the Australia The findings of the COSO Report should also be considered in Case Studies
Brendan T. Research regulators' AAERs from 2002 to 2005. It Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) period after 2001,e US accounting light of a number of studies that have examined the incentives
O'Connell, Journal, Vol. 22 investigations into also provides case studies of an enforcement activities since the COSO Report. scandals. for financial statement fraud and/or earnings management
(2009) Iss 2 pp. 118 - financial statement additional five high-profile case Specifically, it is found that enforcement (Dechow et al., 1996; Graham et al., 2005).
143 fraud studies from that period. activities have increased substantially post-
Enron and the companies subject to AAERs
are, on average, much larger, more profitable
and the frauds are more substantial than
those exhibited in the COSO Report. These
findings suggest that the SEC has become
more aggressive at pursuing larger companies
for financial statement fraud in the post-
Enron environment.

26 Jinyu Zhu, Accounting in Fraudulent Financial This study adopts a descriptive Based on the sample of 83 cases over the 5- Management Fraud Chinese Corporate fraud has recently received considerable attention Case Study
Simon S. Gao. Asia. Published Reporting: research approach using the year period from 2002 to 2006, this study from the business community, accounting profession,
(2011) 61-82. Corporate Behavior data based on 182 punishment finds that all the frauds in the sample involved academicians, and regulators (Kedia & Philippon, 2009;
of Chinese Listed bulletins issued by the China the manipulation, alteration, and falsification Rezaee, 2005). Fraud may be defined as intentional deception,
Companies Securities Regulatory of reported financial information. Fraud cheating, or stealing. It can be committed against users such
Commission from 2002 to 2006. schemes often contained more than one as investors, creditors, customers, or government entities
The study considers three technique to misstate financial statements, (Weirich & Reinstein, 2000).
categories of frauds (i.e., false typically through overstating revenues and
income statements, false assets, and understating liabilities and
balance sheets, and insufficient expenses. Most of the sample companies
or false disclosure) and uses committed several frauds simultaneously.
these categories to describe and This study also reveals that most of the frauds
analyze the fraud cases. committed by Chinese listed companies lasted
more than 2 years, with the longest being 9
years, and common intervals between the
initial fraud year and the announcement year
of punishment were more than 3 years, with
the longest being 11 years

27 Jingjing Yang, Advances in Accounting Fraud, We discuss the institutional Our results suggest that Chinese government (1) the impact of government Chinese Gerakos and Syverson (2015) point out that firms seeking Ordinary Least
Hao-Chang Pacific Basin Audit Fees, and background of the audit market support to local auditors does not significantly intervention on the pricing ability of audit services choose among several auditors, and each Square (OLS)
Sung (2017) Business Government in China in Section 2. We enhance these auditors’ competitiveness in both international and local big potential auditor provides varying aspects of service that are
Economics and Intervention in develop our main hypothesis in terms of audit fee and audit quality. auditors; (2) the impact of government potentially valued differentially by each client firm
Finance. China Section 3, and present the intervention on the incidence of
Published sample selection process and financial statement fraud for local big
online: 18 Sep research design in Section 4. auditors.
2017; 101-120. The empirical results and
additional analyses are reported
in Section 5. Section 6 concludes
above remarks.

Tugas Metodologi Penelitian 9 of 10 Wildan Rahmansyah - 120620190008

Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung

No. Author Nama Jurnal Judul Penelitian Metodologi Finding/Result Variable Country Theories Model

28 Philip Law, Managerial Corporate Factor analysis using principal The results indicate that audit committee (1) audit committee effectiveness; Chinese Prior research has focused on fraud detection and prevention quantitative
(2011) Auditing governance and no component extraction was first effectiveness, internal audit effectiveness, the (2) internal audit effectiveness; methods (Bierstaker et al., 2006; Cormier and Antunes, 2006; and qualitative
Journal, Vol. 26 fraud occurrence in employed. Logistic regression tone at the top managerial level, and ethical (3) tone at the top management level; Moyes and Anandarajan, 2002; Albrecht and Romney, 1986; research
Iss 6 pp. 501 - organizations was then performed to analyze guidelines and policies are positively (4) impact of receiving an unqualified Pincus, 1989). The organizational impact of fraud clearly methods
518 the survey responses of 253 associated with a lack of fraud within audit report; cannot be neglected. About 40 percent of companies that
chief financial officers (CFOs) in organizations. Neither auditors’ prior success (5) ethical policies and guidelines; have experienced fraud suffer significant losses in terms of
Hong Kong. A total of 20 semi- in fraud detection nor the type of auditor (6) external auditors’ prior success in their reputation and in damaged business
structured interviews were also employed is an influential factor in the detecting fraud; and relations and decreased staff motivation (Rezaee, 2008)
carried out with CFOs to absence of fraud. These results are interesting (7) the type of external auditors
supplement the research and counter those of earlier studies employed by the organization
results. conducted in the USA. Also contradicting prior
research, the receipt of unqualified audit
reports was not found to be significant in this
29 Hassink, H., Managerial Fraud detection, To gather data on the role of The results reveal that auditors fail to comply The performance of auditors regarding USA Such lawsuits have introduced the effect of litigation risk into survey among
Meuwissen, Auditing redress and auditors in fraud cases, a survey with some important elements of fraud the detection of corporate fraud and auditors’ fraud detection, as a result of which auditors may all audit
R., & Bollen, Journal, 25(9), reporting by was conducted among all audit standards. There are substantial differences Compliance with relevant auditing adjust their audit planning to understate firm performance partners of the
L. (2010) 861–881. auditors. partners of the top 30 Dutch among audit firms regarding compliance with standards (Baron et al., 2001) top 30 Dutch
audit firms. In total, 1,218 audit the relevant auditing standards. Furthermore, audit firms
partners were selected and auditors appear to encounter corporate fraud
received a postal questionnaire. only incidentally. About half of the auditors
In total, 326 questionnaires believe they have a “significant” impact on
were returned (27 per cent), of redressing fraud.
which 296 (24 per cent) were
30 Wei, Y., Pacific Detecting fraud in Every balance sheet account is Other receivables, inventories, prepaid Chinese listed companies’ balance Australia for different types of fraud, firms are motivated by different Quantitative
Chen, J., & Accounting Chinese listed proposed to be a potential expenses, employee benefits payables and sheets , Fraudulent financial incentives; some relate to the firm’s rights issuance (Chen and reserch based
Wirth, C. Review, 29(3), company balance vehicle to manipulate financial long-term payables are important indicators statements. (examination that covers Yuan, 2004) on cases
(2017) 356–379. sheets. statements. of fraudulent financial statements. These all the accounts in the balance sheet)
results confirm that asset account
manipulation is frequently carried out and
cast doubt on earlier conclusions by
researchers that inflation of liabilities is the
most common source of financial statement

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