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The purpose of this chapter is to describe the methods that were used in the study. Here

lies the research design, and displays the materials needed, procedure to be done in the

experiment proper, and the statistical treatment to be applied in analyzing data.




COMMERCIALIZED BIODEGRADABLE PLASTIC”, is an experimental type of research.

According to Babbie, experimental research is a study that strictly adheres to a scientific research

design. In addition, the experimental method is stated as a systematic and scientific approach to

research in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables, and controls and measures

any change in other variables.

Experimental research design is known to be the most appropriate method for measuring

and testing the cause-effect relationships between variables. The researchers used this type of

research design in order to manipulate the variables for the comparison of taro-based bioplastic

and commercial biodegradable plastic in terms of their biodegradability and durability.

Through experimental method, researchers will be able to observe the outcome of the

study in real life situation and be able to come up with a significant conclusion through scientific
approach. The researchers identified the variables of the study by referring to two components:

the independent and dependent variable.

The independent variable is known as the variable that is manipulated and controlled by

the researcher while the dependent variable is the outcome or the result of the experiment and the

one being measured. The independent variable is known or hypothesized to affect the dependent

variable. In the study, the independent variables are the Tomato and Potato, while the dependent

variable is its electrical charge and its run time.

Numerous instruments will be used to ensure that the result will not be affected in the

experiment process. The laboratory apparatuses guarantee that the outcome is true, accurate and

precise according to the expected results. 3 trials will be done for testing the durability of the

bioplastic and another 3 for the commercialized biodegradable plastic. The same number of trials

will be done for testing the biodegradability. The results of the process s will show outcome of

the experiment that will answer the study.



The independent variable of the study. 2-kilo of taro is used in this experiment. The taro

starch will be the main component of the bioplastic and will be mixed with glycerin and vinegar.
Biodegradable Plastic

Another independent variable that will be compared to the other. 3 biodegradable plastics

are needed for the whole experiment. The same procedure will be done for both of the

independent variable


The glycerin is one of the components in the making of the bioplastic. This will serve as a

component for the ‘plasticity’ of the bioplastic and makes it more flexible

The vinegar will also be used as one of the components of the bioplastic. This is

important, because ions react with the starch polymers and it allows them to be disordered more

easily in the

solution. This disorder makes the resulting bioplastic homogenous.


Water is one of the main ingredients in making the bioplastic. As the universal solvent, it

will help the starch to be dissolved in the bioplastic production process. This will also be used in

gaining the liquid from the grated taro

The strainer will be used to filter the liquid from the grated taro. This is to gain the liquid

easier without having solid residue from the grated taro


Grater serves as an instrument to shred the taro into small pieces in order for the liquid to

be obtained easier by grinding the grated taro.


The soil will be used to determine the biodegradability of the independent variables. Both

plastics will be buried in this soil in order to see its degradation.

Spring Balance

This material is an instrument that will be used to determine the durability of both

independent variables.


This will serve as the holder for the materials that will be used and for the observation of

the variables

Stated below are the processes that will be done in the experimentation proper.

I. Preparation of the taro starch

1. Peel the skin of the taro and grate it

2. Collect the grated taro and place it in the strainer with a container underneath

3. Add a 100 mL amount of water to the grated taro and grind it with a mortar. Allow

the liquid gained from the taro to drip in the container

4. Set aside the grated taro and leave the liquid gained from grinding overnight to let the

starch settle

5. After the starch has settled in the bottom of the container, pour the water out, leaving

the starch at the bottom

6. Let it dry under the sun

II. Making the bioplastic

1. Get a casserole

2. Add 2 tbsp. of taro starch, 60 mL water, 1 tsp glycerin and 1 tsp vinegar in the


3. Mix the ingredients well until the starch has dissolve in the liquid mixture

4. Place the casserole in a a stove with a low-medium heat

5. Stir the mixture continuously until bubbles form in the mixture

6. Turn of the heat and place the mixture in a container. Make sure to flatten it.

7. Let it dry

III. Measurement of Durability

1. Cut 3x5in. strips of the bioplastic and commercialized biodegradable plastic

2. Hook each in a spring balance

3. Pull the plastic until it tears apart

4. Measure the data

5. Do it for 3 times each

IV. Measurement of Biodegradability

1. Pour 1 cup of soil in a container

2. Cut a 5x5cm. piece from a folder and cover it with the taro-based bioplastic

3. Do the same for the biodegradable plastic

4. Bury the piece of the folder in the soil

5. After a week, take the folder from the soil and draw a line per centimeter horizontally

and vertically.

6. Measure the area by using the

7. Do this for 3 trials each


The test comparing two independent population means with unknown and possibly

unequal population standard deviation is called the Aspin-Welch t-test. A difference between the

two samples depend on both the means and standard deviation.

With that saying, the following statistical treatments were used by the researchers in

order to calculate the desired results.

I. Sample Mean. The average of all values randomly selected from the population. It is

to determine the average force the plastics can withstand. It is computed by using the



where: 𝒙 = given data

𝒏 = sample size

II. Sample Standard Deviation. The sum of the square root of variance of each data from

̅) divided by 𝒏 − 𝟏. The researchers used this to determine the

the sample mean (𝒙

sample standard deviation on the taro bioplastic and commercialized biodegradable

plastic and their difference in terms of their durability. That is,

̅) 𝟐
∑(𝒙 − 𝒙

III. Two Population Means with Unknown Standard Deviations (Aspin – Welch t-

test). The researchers used the Welch’s test in order to determine and prove the

hypotheses of the study. It is used to compare the means and the sample standard

deviation. It used the t-test method since the sample is less than 30. The formula of

the Welch’s test is:

(𝒙𝟏 − 𝒙𝟐 ) − (𝝁𝟏 − 𝝁𝟏 )
𝟐 𝟐
√ 𝒔𝟏 + 𝒔𝟐
𝒏𝟏 𝒏𝟐

where: 𝒔𝟏 and 𝒔𝟐 = the sample standard deviation

̅𝟏 and 𝒙
𝒙 ̅𝟐 = the sample means

𝝁𝟏 and 𝝁𝟐 = the population means or target value

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