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Network Systems In Plant

Like other organisms, plant cells are grouped together into various tissues. This
network can be simple, consisting of a single cell type, or complex, which consists
of more than one type of cell. Above and beyond the network, the plants also have
higher levels of system structure called the plant tissue. There are three types of
network systems: the dermal tissue, vascular tissue, and ground system network.
1. Network Dermal

Dermal tissue system consists of epidermis and periderm. The epidermis is

generally one layer of the adjacent cell. It both covers and protects the plants. It
can be regarded as a plant "skin." Depending on the plant covering, dermal tissue
system can be specialized to a certain extent. For example, the epidermis of the
leaves of plants that secrete a layer called the cuticle which helps plants to retain

2. Networking Basics

Basic network system to synthesize organic compounds, plant support and

provide storage for the plant. It is mostly composed of parenchymal cells but may
also include some collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells as well. Parenchyma cells
synthesize and store organic products in the plant.

3. Vascular Network

Xylem and phloem throughout the plant to form a network system of blood
vessels. They allow water and other nutrients to be transported throughout the
plant. Xylem is composed of two types of cells known as tracheids and vessel
elements. Phloem consists largely of cells called sieve-tube cells and companion
cells. These cells help transport sugars and nutrients produced during
photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
4. Plant Growth

Areas within the plant that is capable of growth through mitosis is called
meristem. Plants undergo two types of growth, the growth of primary and / or
secondary. In the primary growth, plant stems and roots elongated with
enlargement of cells as opposed to the production of new cells. Primary growth
occurs in areas called the apical meristem. The type of growth allows the plant to
increase the length and to extend the roots deeper into the soil. All plants
experienced a primary growth. Plants that undergo secondary growth, such as a
tree, has a lateral meristem that produces new cells. New cells increase the
thickness of the stems and roots.

1. Network Meristem
Meristem network is a network that continually divide and this network is
relatively very young, full cytoplasm, has the ability totipotensi high due to the
ability to form other tissues in the form of adult tissues.
2. Network Meristem Primary
The meristem tissue in plants in the organs of the youngest. Is a further
development of the embryonic growth / shoot / agency has the ability to divide,
elongated and berdefrensiasi and specialisasi forming mature tissue.
• The network is likely to produce the hormone auxin thereby making the
continuous division lengthwise direction.
• The location of this tissue in the tip of the stem, root tip which became known as
the apical meristem apical dominance leading je
• The growth of the primary meristem tissue is often called the primary growth.
• The network of primary meristem stem and root cause long mined not widened.

3. Secondary Meristem Network

Secondary meristem tissue is meristem tissue derived from primary meristem
tissue that does defrensiasi and specialization is adult tissue, but has the ability
totipotensi again this network is in the middle of the organ to perform tissue
formation different from previous ones.

4. Kambium
Cambium is a layer of plant cells is actually a mature tissues such as (epidermis,
parenchyma, kolenkim, sklerenkim) but his cell cells have the ability totipotensi.

5. Network Adult
Adult network is a network that has stopped melaukakan totipotensi, this network
only divide but did defrensiasi form another network.
Adult tissues can be divided into several types:
a. The epidermis tissue
The epidermis tissue
• Network is located at the outer
• Network epidermis is composed of living cells form a flat layer of meetings
lined up without spaces between cells.
• Does not contain chlorophyll unless the plant epidermis Bryophita and
Pterydophyta and around the cells of the epidermis on the stomatal closing
• The shape of epidermal tissue cells such as beams
• Experiencing a variety of cells to form modified according to function
• In plants that have experienced secondary growth, roots and stems no longer
have epidermal tissue.

The function of the epidermal tissue, among others:

• Protector / Protection therein networks
• Do not permeable to water from the outside, but the roots of the young, can take
in water because of osmosis
• impregnation of water and minerals to the roots of the young.
• Therefore, young roots epidermisnya expanded with protrusions called root
• For excessive water evaporation. Can through evaporation or Guttation
- The diffusion of O2 and CO2 during respiration, occurs in the epidermal surface
is joined.
b. Modifications epidermis
The epidermis can form a variety of shapes to adjust its role in the organ where
the presence of the epidermis
1. Stomata (mouth leaves), which is a hole in the leaf epidermis layer.
Approximately stomata chlorophyll cells are called cell cover. Stomata serves as
the entry of CO2 and release O2 during photosynthesis. Stomata jam it also serves
to evaporation of water
2. Trichoma, the hairs that grow on the outer surface of the leaf and stem
epidermis. Serves to restrain the evaporation of water.
3. feathers roots, namely hairs that grow on the surface roots that can be
impregnated by a solution of salts the soil.

c. Network parenchyma
Parenchyma is the most common plant tissue and undifferentiated. Most non-
structural carbohydrates and water are stored by plants in this network.
Parenchyma usually has a length and width dimensions are the same
(isodiametrik) and active protoplas covered by the primary cell walls with
cellulose thinner. Intercellular spaces between cells commonly found in
Other names are basic networking. Parenchymal tissue found in the bark, root
bark, meat, leaves, fruit flesh and endosperm. Parenchymal cell shape assortment.
Parenchyma cells containing chlorophyll called klorenkim, which contain air
cavities called aerenchyma. Backup storage of food and water by plant body
carried by the parenchymal tissue.
Based on the function of parenchymal tissue differentiated into several types,
among others:
1. The assimilation parenchyma (klorenkim).
2. parenchyma hoarders.
3. parenchyma water
4. The air storage parenchyma (aerenchyma).
a. Assimilation parenchyma (klorenkim) is parenchyma cells containing
chlorophyll for photosynthesis and function.
b. Hoarders are parenchyma parenchymal cells can store different food reserves as
a solution in the vacuole, the form of solid particles or liquid in the cytoplasm.
c. Parenchyma water is the parenchymal cells capable of storing water. Generally
found in dry areas of plant life (Xerophyte), epiphytic plants, and succulent plants.
d. Air parenchyma (aerenchyma) is the parenchymal tissue that is capable of
storing the air because it has a large space between cells. Aerenchyma abundant in
stems and leaves of plants hidrofit.

d. Network Amplifiers / backers

Its function is to strengthen the plant body includes two networks, namely

1. Network Kolenkim
Kolenkim composed of cells similar to the parenchyma but the primary cell wall
thickening in the corner of the corner cell is not exhaustive. Generally located at
the peripheral stem and leaf parts. Cell wall plastic and flexible in kolenkim
members adequate support for the neighboring cells. Because kolenkim rarely
produce secondary cell wall, it appears as a network of cells with extensive cell
wall thickening
The close relationship between kolenkim and parenchymal tissue appears on the
stem where it is located adjacent to both networks. Many examples demonstrate
the absence of specific boundary between the two networks, as se-cells with
medium thickness exists between the two different types of networks.

2. Network Sklerenkim
Sklerenkim is supporting tissues in plants.
• Thickening of lignin is located on the primary and secondary cell walls and
walls become very thick.
• There is little room for protoplas that will be lost if the adult cells (tissue image
• The cells are made up of a network may sklerenkim divided into 2 types: fiber
(fiber) or sklereid.
• Fiber or fiber is usually elongated with tapered walls culminate in a longitudinal
cross section (longitudinal section; LS),
• while sklereid or stone cells. Coconut shells is a good example of body parts of
plants that contain fibers and sklereid.
• There is the hard part of the fruit and seeds. The ridges on the pear is caused by
cells of the stone (stone cell, sklereid).
• Most of the cell wall kolenkim network consists of a cellulose compound
amplifier network at organs or body parts of young plants that software.
• In addition to the cell walls contain cellulose, lignin-containing compounds
sklerenkim network, so that the cells become strong and hard.

C. Carrier Network / Network Tubes

In the vascular plant that is on Pterydophyta, and Spermatophyta transporting
water and salts the soil and the results of photosynthesis carried out by a network
of vessels that consists of two groups of cells same origin but different in form,
structure and content of its cell wall. Vascular tissue consisting of xylem and
phloem. Both networks are called complex networks because it consists of a
variety of different network structures and functions. The main function of the
xylem is transporting water and substances dissolved in it. Phloem transport
function of photosynthesis nutrients. On the stem xylem files are generally
associated with the phloem in the vascular bundles. Combination of xylem and
phloem form vascular system throughout the plant body, including all branches of
the stem and roots.
The carrier networks in plants is often called vascular tissue vascular tissue
Known as a means of transportation or transportation vessels such as vessels
(vascular). Vessels (vascular) was to bring water and a solution to the entire plant.
It includes the xylem vessels or vessels used to carry the water timber while the
phloem vessels ply / bark vessels carrying photosynthesis results in the form of an
organic solution.
1. Xylem

Xylem, consists of trakeid, trachea / timber vessels, xylem parenchyma, and fibers
/ fiber xylem. Based on the origin of the formation is divided into primary xylem
and secondary xylem. Primary Xylem is derived from prokambium whereas
secondary xylem derived from the cambium. Based on the primary xylem
formation process can be divided into protoxylem and metaxylem. Protoxilem is
the primary xylem first formed while metaxilem formed later.

2. phloem

Phloem consists of filter elements (filter cells and components filter vessels),
accompanist cell / cell introduction, parenchyma and fibers / fiber phloem. Based
on the origin of the formation is divided into primary and secondary phloem
phloem. Primary phloem derived from prokambium while the secondary phloem
derived from the cambium. Based on the process of formation of the primary
phloem consists of protofloem and metafloem. Protofloem is the primary phloem
first formed while metafloem formed later. Protofloem be grown in parts of the
plant are still experiencing unfolding. Filter element stretched and immediately
loses its function. Primary phloem elements in Anggiospermae usually narrow
and not flashy. Introduction cell is not always exist.

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