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B-114(national movement and constitution of INDIA)- Ques no 5 ans:-Power of state government:-

24/4/18 - Sec- B Powers of the States Government

Ques no 1 ans:- Panchayati raj The exclusive executive and legislative powers of a state of
The Panchayat raj is a South Asian political system found the Sudan shall be as follows:-
mainly in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Trinidad 1. The Constitution of the state, subject to compliance with
and Tobago[1][2][3][4], and Nepal. It is the oldest system of the National Constitution, and, as relevant, the Constitution
local government in South Asia, and historical mentions of Southern Sudan;
date to the c. 250 AD period.[5] The word raj means "rule" 2. State Police, prisons;
and panchayat means "assembly" (ayat) of five (panch). 3. Local Government;
Traditionally panchayats consisted of wise and respected 4. State information, state publications and state media;
elders chosen and accepted by the local community. 5. Social Welfare including state pensions;
However, there were varying forms of such assemblies. 6. The Civil Service at the state level;
Traditionally, these assemblies settled disputes between 7. State Land and state Natural Resources;
individuals and between villages. 8. Cultural matters within the state;
The leader of the panchayat was often called the mukhiya 9. Regulation of religious matters;
or sarpanch, an elected or generally acknowledged 10. The management, lease and utilization of lands
position. The modern panchayati raj of India and its gram belonging to the state;
panchayats are not to be confused with either the Sec c:-
traditional system nor with the extra-constitutional khap Ques no 1 ans:- essay on Indian national movement:-
panchayats (or caste panchayats) found in northern India. The Indian national movement was undoubtedly one of the
Ques no 2 ans:- Two characteristics of Indian biggest mass movements modern society has ever seen. It
Constitution:- was a movement which galvanized millions of people of all
(1) The Indian Constitution is the most detailed classes and ideologies into political action and brought to
Constitution in the world. It contains as many as 395 its knees a mighty colonial empire. Consequently, along
Articles and runs into a huge number of pages. with the British, French, Russian, Chinese, Cuban and
(2) An important feature of the Indian Constitution is Vietnamese revolutions, it is of great relevance to those
that its Preamble forms an integral part of the Constitution. wishing to alter the existing political and social structure.
The Preamble embodies the spirit and ideals which the Various aspects of the Indian national movement,
people of India aspire for. especially Gandhian political strategy, are particularly
Ques no 3 ans:- Four national parties of India:- relevant to these movements in societies that broadly
With the Election Commission taking strong action against function within the confines of the rule of law, and are
those parties not fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria for characterized by a democratic and basically civil libertarian
getting recognition as “national” or “State” parties, the polity. But it is also relevant to other societies. We know for
number of national parties in the country has come down to a fact that even Lech Walesa consciously tried to
six from seven. The total number of State parties is 52 and incorporate elements of Gandhian strategy in the Solidarity
registered unrecognised parties, 1112. Movement in Poland.
Now, the six recognised national parties are the Congress, The Indian national movement, in fact, provides the only
the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Communist Party of India actual historical example of a semi-democratic or
(CPI), the CPI (M), the Bahujan Samaj Party and the democratic type of political structure being successfully
Nationalist Congress Party. replaced or transformed. It is the only movement where the
Ques no 4 ans:- Quit India Movement:- broadly Gramscian theoretical perspective of a war of
The Quit India Movement or the India August position was successfully practiced; where state power was
Movement, was a movement launched at the Bombay not seized in a single historical moment of revolution, but
session of the All-India Congress Committee by Mahatma through prolonged popular struggle on a moral, political and
Gandhi on 8 August 1942, during World War II, demanding ideological level; where reserves of counter-hegemony
an end to British Rule of India.[1] were built up over the years through progressive, stages;
The Cripps Mission had failed, and on August 1942, where the phases of struggle alternated with 'passive'
Gandhi made a call to Do or Die in his Quit India speech phases.
delivered in Bombay at the Gowalia Tank Maidan. The All- The Indian national movement is also an example of how
India Congress Committee launched a mass protest the constitutional space offered by the existing structure
demanding what Gandhi called "An Orderly British could be used without getting co-opted by it. It did not
Withdrawal" from India. Even though it was wartime, the completely reject this space, as such rejection in
British were prepared to act. Almost the entire leadership of democratic societies entails heavy costs in terms of
the Indian National Congress was imprisoned without trial hegemonic influence and often leads to isolation - but
within hours of Gandhi's speech. Most spent the rest of the entered it and used it effectively in combination with non-
war in prison and out of contact with the masses. The constitutional struggle to overthrow the existing structure.
British had the support of the Viceroy's Council (which had The Indian national movement is perhaps one of the best
a majority of Indians), of the All India Muslim League, the examples of the creation of an extremely wide movement
princely states, the Indian Imperial Police, the British Indian with a common aim in which diverse political and
Army and the Indian Civil Service. ideological currents could co-exist and work - and
simultaneously continue to contend for overall ideological
and political hegemony over it. While intense debate on all
basic issues was allowed, the diversity and tension did not
weaken the cohesion and striking power of the movement; Government of India Act 1935 also gave India its first taste
on the contrary, this diversity and atmosphere of freedom in democratic self-governance.
and debate became a major source of its strength.
Ques no 2 ans:-Non Cooperative movement:- The Non- Ques no 3 ans:- Power and position of Indian
Cooperation Movement was a significant phase of the president:-
Indian independence movement from British rule. It was led Power:- 1. Executive Power: The President of India is the
by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi after the Jallianwala head of the executive of the Union Government. Therefore,
Bagh Massacre. It aimed to resist British rule in India all executive powers are vested in the hands of the
through nonviolent means,"Ahinsa". Protesters would President. He can exercise these powers either directly or
refuse to buy British goods, adopt the use of local through the subordinate officers.
handicrafts and picket liquor shops. The ideas of Ahinsa According to the Constitution of India, all executive action is
and nonviolence, and Gandhi's ability to rally hundreds of also taken in his name. The President appoints the
thousands of common citizens towards the cause of Indian Governors of the States, the Judges of the Supreme Court
independence, were first seen on a large scale in this and High Courts of the States. The Prime Minister of India
movement through the summer of 1920. Gandhi feared that is appointed by the President. The President also appoints
the movement might lead to popular violence. The non- other Ministers in consultation with the Prime Minister.
cooperation movement was launched on 31st August, 2. Legislative Powers: The President of India also enjoys
1920. legislative powers. He is an integral part of Indian
Factors leading to the movement Parliament. Parliament consists of the President and two
The Non-cooperation movement was a reaction to the Houses—the House of the people (Lok Sabha) and the
oppressive policies of the British Indian government such Council of States (Rajya Sabha).
as the Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. A The President has the power of to summon and prorogue
meeting of civilians held at Jallianwala Bagh near the both the House of Parliament. He can also dissolve the
Golden Temple in Amritsar was fired upon by soldiers House of the People before the expiry of its term.
under the command of Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer, 3. Financial Powers: The President of India also exercises
killing and injuring thousands of protestors. The outcry financial powers. No money bill can be introduced in
generated by the massacre led to thousands of unrests and Parliament without the recommendations of the President.
more deaths at the hands of the police. The massacre 4. Judicial Powers: The President of India grants,
became the most infamous event of British rule in India. pardons, reprieves or remissions of punishment to any
Gandhi was horrified. He lost all faith in the goodness of the person who has been convicted by a Court of Law.
British government and declared that it would be a "sin" to 5. Emergency Powers: The President of India exercises
cooperate with the "satanic" government. extra-ordinary powers in times of emergency. The three
Indian Muslims who had participated in the Khilafat kind of Emergency situations are:
movement to restore the status of the Caliph gave their 1. Emergency due to armed rebellion or external
support to the non-cooperation movement. aggression;
Satyagraha 2. Emergency arising from the breakdown of
Main article: Satyagraha constitutional machinery in a State;
Satyagraha is a Sanskrit term which is a compound of two 3. Financial Emergency.
words: satya ("truth") and agraha ("holding firmly to" or Position:
"force"). Gandhi's call was for a nationwide protest against Thus the President of India has been given wide and far-
the Rowlatt Act. All offices and factories would be closed. reaching powers which he enjoys both during normal and
Indians would be encouraged to withdraw from Raj- emergency times. But after the passing of the Constitution
sponsored schools, police services, the military, and the Forty-Second (1976) and Forty-Fourth (1978) Amendment
civil service, and lawyers were asked to leave the Raj's Acts, the President of our Republic has become a
courts. Public transportation and English-manufactured Constitutional figurehead and nothing beyond that.
goods, especially clothing, was boycotted Today, President’s position is one of great authority and
End of non-cooperation dignity, but at the same time strictly constitutional. Thus the
The non-cooperation movement was withdrawn President is bound in every case to act on the advice of his
because of the Chauri Chaura incident. Although he Prime Minister and other Ministers who are responsible to
had stopped the national revolt single-handedly, on the Lok Sabha and responsive to the public opinion.
March 10, 1922, Gandhi was arrested. On March 18, In short, the powers really reside in the Ministry and the
1922, he was imprisoned for six years for publishing Parliament and not in the President as such. He has no
seditious materials. This led to suppression of the discretion in our Parliamentary system of government.
movement and was followed by the arrest of other It does not, however, mean that the President of India is a
leaders. magnificent cipher or a mere rubber stamp. Unlike the British
Savings Monarchy which is hereditary, the President of our Republic is an
Gandhi's commitment to non-violence was redeemed elected Head of the State. In our coalition politics, there are some
grey areas where the President may still have to use his own
when, between 1930 and 1934, tens of millions again judgment and wisdom. These are:
revolted in the Salt Satyagraha which made India's cause
 Appointment of the Prime Minister,
famous worldwide for its unerring adherence to non-
 Dismissal of the Union Ministry,
violence. The Satyagraha ended in success: the demands
 Dissolution of the Lok Sabha, and,
of Indians were met, and the Congress Party was
recognized as a representative of the Indian people. The  Seeking information on all matters of administration and
legislation from the Prime Minister etc.

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