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This poem by Sylvia Stults is about environmental degradation caused by man’s reckless activities.

In the first stanza she says the current times have become full of fear because of pollution. The clear
blue skies have become covered with smog; stars which used to twinkle so clearly have been
dimmed by the pollution haze.

In the second stanza the poet writes about the water bodies’ pollution. Oceans, rivers, streams,
lakes, etc. used to have crystal clear water flowing in them; but now they are littered and the water
in them has become murky and muddy.

The third stanza is about the deforestation; in the past tall trees used to stand majestically,
sheltering thousands species of animals; but now they have been cut for paper which also causes

In the fourth stanza the poet says all this degradation has not been done by pollution alone; it is the
fallout of man’s reckless deeds. Man has been reaping what he sowed. The poet appeals to all to
plant better seeds of thoughts and deeds.

In the last stanza she appeals to all to protect nature that has been given free to mankind. She says if
nature is not conserved and preserved, the fatal day is not far when all mankind will disappear from
this planet.

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