Diego Moreno Task 1 Business

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Assessment Cover Page

BSBMKG502 – Establish and adjust the marketing mix

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RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K

Student name
Diego Moreno
Student ID number
Diego Moreno Date
Student signature
July 21 2019

Task Number Task 1: Evaluate the marketing


This report provides information obtained from the analysis of the marketing mix of
BREW Ha Ha Coffee Roasters.

This report will pay particular attention to each component of the marketing mix and
address the key characteristics of the business’s products and services, the pricing
structure, the current promotional methods, and channels as well as the products
available and their significance to BREW Ha Ha Coffee Roasters target markets.

Business Overview

Lilyfield's Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters are well-known for their coffee roasting and
cafe fare. Brew Ha Ha is a top inner-city Coffee establishment that attracts its wide
customer base from happy locals to serious coffee amateurs.

The breakfast, brunch and lunch offering are modern Australian inspired that tries to
innovate with its regular changes and seasonal specials.


The customer base of Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters is wide. Owners are focused on
attracting customers who want to enjoy a real coffee with gourmet food in a great
ambiance Cafe establishment. Therefore, customers are from locals to a real coffee

Customer Service

Denis and Mira do understand the importance of providing outstanding customer

service to attract new customers, retain recurrent customers and being competitive in
the market.

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To do so, Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters service philosophy outlines the importance of
retains the best staff including chef and baristas to make people feel special, serve the
best creative cuisine, embrace the locals, remember their regulars’ customers and
change and delight regularly with the menu options to enhance the customer
experience when going to the Café and therefore encourage customer loyalty.

Key Characteristics of the Products and Significance to the Market

The characteristics of the product are the features and elements that differentiate it
from other products on the market that separate it from its competitors.

The key characteristics of Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters that differentiate them from
their competitors are:

 Coffee making art

 Top class food options

 The range of coffee

 The range of brews

 In-store and online products availability

The Product characteristics mentioned above, help determine the marketing mix,
potential target market and the pricing of a product.

Current Target Market

The target market for Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters includes drip coffee drinkers,
coffee shop lovers, specialty coffee drinkers, and whole bean buyers.

Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters wants to attract the upscale market so they charge more

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for the drip coffee to focus on the customers who appreciate the coffee art, range of
coffee, range of brews and the top-class food options available.

Current Marketing Mix

 Product

Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters have developed their differentiation through their coffee
making art, but also with their products and their suppliers. Food is an important part
of this strategy. Their chef is top class and the food is ‘foodie’ and delicious. Brew Ha
Ha Coffee Roasters offers a different range of coffee.

 Price

Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters prices are slightly higher than a local competitor for
their coffee due to uniqueness of the brand.

 Place

Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters has two different channels of distribution:

1) The physical outlet with an inner west atmosphere located in Sydney

2) The online store which is attached to the Facebook page

 Promotion

Promotion is developed and managed by the owners They can also actively test the
effectiveness of different promotions and other manipulations of the marketing mix

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using a mix of monitoring tools available on social media and websites and foot
traffic and sales.

Pricing policy

Brew Ha Ha’s Coffee Roasters has a pricing policy that allows them to make a profit
while being competitive. The price is slightly higher compared to their competence.
However, due to the uniqueness of the Cafe brand, this difference in the price does not
affect their sales.

Brew Ha Ha’s Coffee Roasters stands from the normal café offerings in Sydney
allowing them to have a slight premium for their quality, style, and service.

Brew's pricing policy does not affect demand since the uniqueness of the Cafe allows
them to establish this small business as a Premium, which gives them the right to have
slightly higher prices than the normal market. Similarly, the price helps to segment
your target market

Evaluation of each component of the current marketing mix

 Product

Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters product mix constitutes a wide range of products that
appeal primarily to Australian coffee and food lovers. Products have a decided
Australian taste especially in the food.

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 Price

Considering that Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters prices are slightly high because of their
uniqueness, they used the Premium pricing marketing tool to set higher prices for
their products to give the impression that what they offer is of a higher quality.

 Place

The strategy that Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters has adapted is to have two different
channels of distribution.

The first is the physical store, customers can go and enjoy the inner west atmosphere
and its great atmosphere accompanied by excellent coffee and good food. They will
be able to receive excellent attention from the staff and enjoy all the experience
involved in going to Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters.

On the other hand, Brew has an online store. In this shop, coffee lovers can buy
Coffee pods Coffee beans in 250 grams and 1-kilo packs and Traditional Turkish
coffee available in 250 grams and 1-kilo packs. It gives your customers various
options to access their exclusive coffee beans

 Promotion

Promotion is mainly developed through Facebook and Instagram. On Facebook, Brew

Ha Ha Coffee Roasters posts videos and photographs that feature their business,
people can review like and comment about the Café. It is a good social media since
people can check the reviews when deciding whether or not to go to the café. In the
same way, Instagram is used by Brew Ha Ha to display their products with some great
pics of customers enjoying their coffees.

Description of how the promotions are analysed and tested.

Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters promotions are analysed and tested by the owners. The
business is still very small and does not have the economic capacity to invest in a

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person who is responsible for different promotion strategies. In the same way, the
owners prefer to be the ones who direct these strategies since they know more in-
depth how their business works, their competence and the tendencies of the moment.

Because of their promotion is based on social networks and websites (both their
website and websites where they recommend restaurants such as URBAN SPOON
ZOMATO and Beanhunter), the owners help themselves with the data analytics
generated by social networks and websites to determine the impact of your
promotions as well as sales and foot traffic.


The marketing objectives of the business is to build the brand as a unique inner city
‘hip’ café with great ambience and gourmet food and real coffee. To fulfil this
objective, the owners must understand that their marketing mix must satisfy their
target market while still meeting their marketing objectives.

It can be concluded that Brew Ha Ha is clear about its target market, as well as the
implementation of promotional and pricing strategies. It is important to evaluate the
effectiveness of these strategies by comparing their benefits versus the costs generated
by them.

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