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Editors: 4th Central and Eastern European Conference
Andrei Rotaru on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Tudor Lupaşcu 28-31 August 2017
Florentin Paladi Chişinău, Moldova
Book of abstracts of the 4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and
Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC4)

4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry:
28-31 August 2017
Republic of Moldova

Andrei Rotaru, Tudor Lupaşcu, Florentin Paladi

© 2017 Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

Publisher: Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

Publishing House: Academica Greifswald, Germany

ISBN 978-3-940237-47-7
Table of Contents
Organizers and Partners ........................................................................................... 5
Sponsors ...................................................................................................................... 7
Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 9
International Organizing Committee & Honorific Committee ........................... 11
Scientific Committee and Executive Committee ................................................... 12
General Information ................................................................................................ 13
List of Plenary, Award Plenary and Invited Lecturers ......................................... 13
Program .................................................................................................................... 14
TA Instruments (Platinum Sponsor) ...................................................................... 15
Netzsch and Setaram (Gold Sponsors) ................................................................... 17
DSC Consumables and Wine of Moldova (Sponsors) .......................................... 19
Plenary Lectures ...................................................................................................... 21
Award Plenary Lectures .......................................................................................... 33
Invited Lectures ........................................................................................................ 41
Oral Presentations 1 ................................................................................................. 59
Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry & Calorimetry and Thin Films & Nanomaterials

Oral Presentations 2 ................................................................................................. 89

Theory & Methods, Kinetics & Catalysis, Fuels & Biofuels, Energetics and Applied Thermal Engineering

Oral Presentations 3 ............................................................................................... 119

Materials: Functional Materials, Ceramics, Metals & Alloys, Cements, Glasses and Composites

Oral Presentations 4 ............................................................................................... 149

Polymers, Bio(macro)molecules & Biocomposites, Life science and Organic & Functional complex

Poster Session 1 ...................................................................................................... 179

Theory & Methods, Kinetics & Catalysis, Fuels & Biofuels, Energetics, Fertilizers and Applied Thermal

Poster Session 2 ...................................................................................................... 287

Materials: ceramics, metals & alloys, cements, glasses, minerals, nanomaterials, thin films and composites

Poster Session 3 ....................................................................................................... 395

Thermochemistry & (Bio)Calorimetry, Polymers, Biocomposites, Bio(macro)molecules, Organic &
Functional compounds

Information on Sponsoring Companies ............................................................... 503

List of Participants ................................................................................................. 509
Authors’ Index ........................................................................................................ 515

4th Central and Eastern European Conference on
Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
28-31 August 2017 – Chişinău, Republic of Moldova

organized by the:
Central and Eastern European Committee for
Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Moldova State University (USM) and the Academy of Science of Moldova (ASM)
through the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
and with the great support of:
Faculty of Physics of USM,
Faculty of Chemistry & Chemical Technology of USM, Institute of Applied Physics of ASM,
Tiraspol State University & INFLPR-National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics.


Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Excursion, Conference Dinner & Welcome Cocktail Sponsor

Dear participants at CEEC-TAC4 Conference,
Let us express our great pleasure to welcome you here in Chişinău – Republic of Moldova; we thank
very much to all 338 of you (this time from 33 countries on 5 continents) for joining us!
The first meeting of the Central and East European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
took place at Craiova, Romania, in September 2011. Even though the original idea was to interconnect
researchers working in the wide field of thermal analysis and calorimetry from the Central and Eastern
European countries, even from the mere beginning the scientists all over the world contributed to this event.
Following the first, the second CEEC-TAC conference was in Vilnius, Lithuania, four years ago, and the
third was in Ljubljana, Slovenia, two years ago. Each time there were more than 300 participants!
During the fourth CEEC-TAC conference in Chişinău this year, 7 Plenary, 15 Invited and 1 Technical
lecturers will bring attractive and detailed insights to various specific aspects in the field of thermal analysis
and calorimetry. Beside the fundamental studies concerning the kinetic analysis and mechanisms of chemical
reactions, which can be studied with different thermal techniques, thermal analysis is also an indispensable
tool in the field of material and life sciences. With the aid of other measuring techniques it offers to compose
a complex picture from separate puzzles, each representing one of these techniques. Therefore, the 108 oral
presentations (divided in 4 sessions) give us a glimpse into the progress of the field itself, technical and
measurement development, as well as new trans-disciplinary ideas. The poster sessions (3, with 106 works
each) will also represent an adequate scientific forum, suitable for less formal discussions, which might in
some cases bear even more fruition.
We would like to express our thanks to the people who contributed and supported the organization of
this event, especially to the members of the Honorary Committee, Scientific Committee, International
Organizing Committee, National Associations for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry from the Central and
Eastern European Countries, Executive Organizing Committee, Moldova State University (USM), Academy
of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), Institute of Chemistry of ASM, Faculty of Physics of USM, Institute of
Applied Physics of ASM, Faculty of Chemistry & Chemical Technology of USM, Tiraspol State University
and INFLPR-National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics. We acknowledge the great support
of our sponsors: TA INSTRUMENTS (Platinum Sponsor and Excursion, Conference Dinner & Welcome
Cocktail Sponsor); NETZSCH, SETARAM, DSC CONSUMABLES (Gold Sponsors) and WINE OF
MOLDOVA. A special acknowledgement has to be addressed to the Journal of Thermal analysis and
Calorimetry and to Ceramics International, where one of their volumes will be dedicated to the research
papers of our conference, presented as oral or poster contributions.
Chisinau is the largest city of Moldova and also its capital. Located in-between the Charpatian
mountains, the Danube, the Black sea and the Transdinistrian plain, it lies in a hilly region exactly between
the Dniester and the Prut rivers; it is now the cultural, educational, economic, political and administrative
center of the Republic of Moldova, independent since 1991. Chisinau has a population of about 750,000
people, distributed over a city municipality area of 565 km2. Chisinau is situated some 460 km northeast of
Bucharest, 170 km southeast of Iasi, 470 km southwest of Kiev, 170 km northwest of Odessa, 1000 km
southeast of Warszawa and 1350 km southwest of Moscow.
Palatul Republicii (Republic Palace) is hosting the 4-day meeting, which is located close to the
historic centre and in the modern one. The official language at CEEC-TAC4 is English.
We hope that you will enjoy the city during your stay at the conference, and that you will leave
Chişinău with the same good feelings and memories as after attending our previous three conferences.
We expect that this conference will give you novel scientific and practical knowledge, and enrich you
with a variety of new contacts.
Loking forward to seeing you in the very next future at forthcoming thermal analysis and calorimetry
conferences, and hopefully in 2019 for CEEC-TAC5!

Tudor Lupaşcu and Andrei Rotaru

Co-Chairmen of CEEC-TAC4
Florentin Paladi
Vice-Chairman of CEEC-TAC4

Organizing Committees
Co-Chairmen: Tudor Lupaşcu & Andrei Rotaru
Vice-Chairman: Florentin Paladi
International Organizing Committee
Petru Budrugeac Milan Antonijevic (United Kingdom)
Commission for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry of the Mihaela Badea (Romania)
Romanian Academy Barbara Becker (Poland)
Andrey Blokhin (Belarus)
Matko Erceg Anatolie Casian (Moldova)
Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry of the Romana Cerc-Korosec (Slovenia)
Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers Attilio Cesaro (Italy)
Konstantinos Chrissafis (Greece)
Konstantin S. Gavrichev Eduard Coropceanu (Moldova)
Herbert Danninger (Austria)
Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on
Nikolay Gelfond (Russia)
Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry
Kataryna Gyoryova (Slovakia)
Dimitri Ivanov (France)
Janos Kristof Mykola T. Kartel (Ukraine)
Thermoanalytical Branch of the Hungarian Chemical Society Mustafa Versan Kok (Turkey)
Wim de Klerk (Netherlands)
Giuseppe Lazzara Jiri Kucerik (Czech Republic)
Interdivisional Group of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis Jiri Malek (Czech Republic)
of the Italian Society of Chemistry Dragan Manasijevic (Serbia)
Daumantas Matulis (Lithuania)
Vesa-Pekka Lehto Jozef Medved (Slovenia)
Finnish Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Division Alfred Menyhard (Hungary)
Gundars Mezinskis (Latvia)
Vilma Petkova Rouslan I. Moustafine (Russia)
Bulgarian Society of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Cristian-Andi Nicolae (Romania)
Nina Obradovic (Serbia)
Krzysztof Pielichowski Enisa Omanovic-Miklicanin
Polish Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Oleg Petuhov (Moldova)
Peter Simon Crisan Popescu (Germany)
Slovak Group for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Stanislaw L. Randzio (Poland)
Nicu D. Scarisoreanu (Romania)
Anatolie Sidorenko (Moldova)
Petra Sulcova
Piotr Staszczuk (Poland)
Czech Working Group for Thermal Analysis
Natasa Stipanelov Vrandecic (Croatia)
Muhamed Suceska (Croatia)
Dirk Walter Alexander Toikka (Russia)
Gesellschaft fur Thermische Analyse e.V Andres Trikkel (Estonia)
Dimitrinka Tsocheva (Bulgaria)
Dragana Zivkovic Sergey Verevkin (Germany)
Serbian Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Committee Titus Vlase (Romania)
Honorary Committee
Honorary Chairman: Jaroslav Sestak
Giuseppe Arena Gyorgy Liptay Barbara Pacewska
Branka Andricic Vladimir A. Logvinenko Yoncho Pelovski
Jerzy Blazejowski Boris L'vov Henryk Piekarski
Vladimir Boldyrev Jan Majling Leszek Rycerz
Gheorghe Ciocanu Slavko Mentus Christoph Schick
Jose M. Criado Andrzej Mianowski Raimundas Siauciunas
Nicolae Doca Dragica Minic Judit Simon
Michael Feist Eric Mittemeijer Cornelia Vasile
Ewa Ingier-Stocka Vladimir Novotortsev Liudmila Yeuseyeva
Tiit Kaljuvee Dumitru Oancea Zivan Zivkovic
Wolfgang Linert Victor Ostrovskii Irina Zvereva

President of the conference: Gheorghe Duca (President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova)

Conference Program Chairs: Vasile Lozan, Valentina Nicorici, Igor Povar & Maria Zaharescu

Scientific Committee
B. Adnadjevic (Serbia) Z. Jacimovic (Montenegro) J. Pekez (Serbia)
G.V. Aldica (Romania) H. Janik (Poland) S. Perimovic Jozic (Croatia)
H. Arslan (Turkey) D. Jelic (Bosnia&Herzegovina) H. Pfeiffer (Mexico)
E. Badea (Romania) D. Jozic (Croatia) R. Pietrzak (Poland)
L. Balanovic (Serbia) G. Kaptay (Hungary) A. Pimerzin (Russia)
K. Baltakys (Lithuania) K. Katoh (Japan) P. Pissis (Greece)
L.G. Bujoreanu (Romania) N. Koga (Japan) N. Pop (Romania)
R. Bulanek (Czech Rep. ) Z. Kozisek (Czech Rep. ) M. Premovic (Kosovo)
I. Bulhac (Moldova) M. Krunks (Estonia) H. Pruchnik (Poland)
N. Celan Korosin (Slovenia) V. Kravtov (Moldova) M. Sumar Ristovic (Serbia)
W. Ciesielski (Poland) L. Kulyuk (Moldova) P. Rotaru (Romania)
A. Crisan (Romania) S. Kurajica (Croatia) J. Tarrio Saavedra (Spain)
I. Chicinas (Romania) I. Kuznetsova (Russia) A. Saccone (Italy)
T. Chusova (Russia) M. Labor (Croatia) A. Samide (Romania)
D. Dadarlat (Romania) I. Letyanina (Russia) V. Sasca (Romania)
M. Dinescu (Romania) D. Luca Motoc (Romania) N. Sbirrazzuoli (France)
E. Drozdz (Poland) K. Ludzik (Poland) B. Smetana (Czech Rep. )
Z. Drzazga (Poland) O. Lupan (Moldova) Z. Sroka (Poland)
C. Duce (Italy) J. Machnikowski (Poland) N. Strbac (Serbia)
W. Ferenc (Poland) M. Macovei (Moldova) I. Szczygiel (Poland)
M. Fonari (Moldova) H.O. Manolea (Romania) I.M. Szilagyi (Hungary)
V.L.S. Freitas (Portugal) T. Maskow(Germany) O. Stefanescu (Romania)
A.C. Galca (Romania) M.A. Matsko (Russia) S. Tanasescu (Romania)
O. Gingu (Romania) A. Michnik (Poland) M.R. Tine (Italy)
P. Gierycz (Poland) A. Mietlarek-Kropidlowska (Poland) C. Varhelyi Jr. (Romania)
V. Gladchi (Moldova) S. Milioto (Italy) I. Vasilyeva (Russia)
V. Gorbachuk (Russia) A. Moanta (Romania) S. Vecchio Ciprioti (Italy)
B. Gorgiladze (Georgia) I. Morjan (Romania) G. Vlase (Romania)
A. Grajcar (Poland) F.D. Morrison (United Kingdom) M. Voncina (Slovenia)
V. Gun'ko (Ukraine) L. Novotny (Slovakia) S. Vyazovkin (USA)
V. Gutanu (Moldova) P. Nowicki (Poland) M. Wesolowski (Poland)
W. Hohenauer (Austria) V. Oja (Estonia) L. Zelenina (Russia)
T. Holjevac Grguric (Croatia) R. Olar (Romania) K.V. Zherikova(Russia)
J. Hutchinson (Spain) C. Pacurariu (Romania) S. Zla (Czech Rep. )
M. Jablonska (Poland) M. Palou (Slovakia) Z. Zovko Brodarac (Croatia)

Executive Organizing Committee

Aculina Aricu Dragos Criveanu Gabriel Florian Mariana Savva
Ana Baltag Lilia Croitor Vladilena Girbu Iurie Scutaru
Adrian Bercea Andrei Cucos Eugen Goncearenco Diana Sepeli
Lucica Boroica Elena Culighin Ionut Ledeti Oxana Spinu
Mihaela Bojan Olesea Cuzan Marian Leulescu Andrei Udangiu
Tatiana Bulimaga Olga Danilescu Vasile Lozovan Dumitru Ureche
Alexandru Ciocarlan Claudiu Dobrinescu Lucian Lupascu Natalia Terenti
Corneliu Ciorici Raisa Druta Raisa Nastas Cristian Tigae
Diana Chisca Vadim Druta Tatiana Popa Ion Tirca
Alexandr Cocemasov Gabriel Dumitru Simona Popescu Aliona Vitiu
Marius Criveanu Mihaela Filipescu Bogdan Sava Irina Voda

General Information
The 4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
(CEEC-TAC4) has gathered 338 registered participants from 33 countries and of 5 continents,
presenting a total number of 366 scientific works. Of those, 5 are Plenary Lectures (PL), 2 Award
Plenary Lectures (APL), 15 Invited Lectures (IL), 1 Technical Lecture (TL), 4 Parallel Sessions of
Oral Presentations – 108 contributions (OP) & 3 Sessions of Poster Presentation – 318 contributions
(PS). Each session of oral presentations comprises of 27 works, while each session of poster
presentations includes 106 works.

An important task of CEEC-TAC is the initiation of 2 distinctive directions that our conference
follows, with 2 Workshops (WS) introducing the subjects: 1) Thermophysical Aspects of Functional
Ceramics and Surfaces; 2) Kinetics and Lifetime Prediction of Materials.

Plenary lectures
Giuseppe Arena (University of Catania, Italy)
Boris L’vov (Sankt Petersburg State Politechnical University, Russia)
Luis A. Perez-Maqueda (Institute of Materials Science of Sevilla CSIC, Spain)
Finlay D. Morrison (University of St Andrews, United Kingdom)
Anthony R. West (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Award Plenary Lecturess

Distinguished TA&C Researcher in Central & Eastern Europe
Jerzy Blazejowski (Gdansk University, Poland)
Outstanding Young TA&C Researcher in Central & Eastern Europe
Matko Erceg (University of Split, Croatia)

Invited lectures
Ignazio Blanco (University of Catania, Italy)
Catalin Constantinescu (University of Limoges/CNRS, SPCTS - UMR 7315, France)
Vladimir M. Fomin (Leibniz-Institut fur Festkorper- und Werkstoffforschung, Germany)
Concetta Giancola (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
Jan Majling (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia)
Alice Mija (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Atsumi Miyake (Yokohama National University, Japan)
Xavier Moya (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Denis L. Nika (Moldova State University, Moldova)
Vlad T. Popa (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Romania)
Raimundas Siauciunas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Svetlana Sinyova (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia)
Ion Tiginyanu (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova)
Mikhail Varfolomeev (Kazan Federal University, Russia)
Irina Zvereva (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia)

Plenary Lectures
Plenary Lectures PL1

Kinetics of decomposition reactions: the thermochemical model of

Langmuir-L’vov against the activation model of Arrhenius

Boris V. L’VOV
St Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

The development of the technology of electrothermal atomization in Atomic Absorption

Spectrometry, described by the present author in monograph [1] about 50 years ago, led to a
confrontation of two theoretical models used in the kinetics of heterogeneous chemical reactions:
the activation model of Arrhenius [2] based on the effect of activation of reactants and the
thermochemical model proposed by Langmuir [3] and later developed by L’vov, in which the
existence of this effect is dismissed. Our investigations into atomization kinetics in the 1980s [4, 5],
and the mechanism of solid decomposition, in the 1990s [6, 7], allowed eventually to develop and
formulate a rigorous and consistent theory [8]. The latter is based on phenomenological
thermodynamics (van’t Hoff’s isobar equation), statistical physics (Hertz ‒ Langmuir equation) and
the mechanism of solid decomposition via congruent dissociative evaporation.
The thermochemical model for the first time in the history of Thermal Analysis allowed a
quantitative estimate and prediction of the lifetime of materials depending on the environment and
the temperature of their storage. Presently, it allows the calculation of the rate of reaction [9‒12],
taking into account the composition, stoichiometry and thermochemical characteristics (entropy and
enthalpy changes) of the reaction, the excess pressure of the gaseous product in the reactor and the
physical properties of the sample (its density and size). In the framework of this theory, it was
possible to interpret many of the outstanding questions, including the physical nature of the A and E
parameters in the Arrhenius equation, the mechanism of autocatalysis, the Topley–Smith effect and
the kinetic compensation effect. In addition, potassium permanganate was selected as an ideal
kinetic standard and the so-called “third-law method” was used to significantly improve the
precision (up to 1-2 % RSD) in the determination of the E parameter.
The spread of the thermochemical model can be hampered by the psychological barrier of
applying the slightly different measurement and calculation procedure in comparison with ordinary
versions. It is hoped that in the case of an impartial attitude of the ICTAC Kinetics Committee to
this matter, this difficulty will be overcome by the efforts of the thermoanalytical community in the
near future.
[1] BV L’vov. “Atomic Absorption Spectral Analysis”, Moscow: Nauka; 1966 (in Russian)
[2] S Arrhenius. Z Phys Chem 1889;4:226–248
[3] I Langmuir. Phys Rev 1913;2:329–342
[4] BV L’vov, GN Ryabchuk. Zh Anal Khim 1981;36:2085–2096 (in Russian)
[5] BV L’vov, GHA Fernandez. Zh Anal Khim 1984;39:221–231 (in Russian)
[6] BV L’vov. Zh Anal Khim 1990;45:2144–2153 (in Russian)
[7] BV L'vov, AV Novichikhin. Spectrochim Acta Part B 1995;50:1427–1448
[8] BV L’vov. “Thermal decomposition of solids and melts”, Berlin: Springer; 2007
[9] BV L’vov, AK Galwey. Int Rev Phys Chem 2013;32:515–557
[10] BV L’vov. React Kinet Mech Cat 2015;114:11–40
[11] BV L’vov. React Kinet Mech Cat 2015;116:1–18
[12] BV L’vov. J Therm Anal Calorim 2017;128:593–600

Plenary Lectures PL2

Gemini guests drive the self-assembling of homodimeric

compartments in water

Giuseppe ARENA
Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Catania
Viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy

Encapsulation of guests in molecular containers has implications for chemical

transformations, sensing, stimuli-responsive devices, separations and design of molecular materials.
In organic media, various strategies have been developed to build molecular containers that
assemble through non-covalent interactions. By contrast, the design of water-soluble containers is
still a great challenge and methods to gain an active control on the encapsulation and/or transport of
molecules are topics of interest [1].
We have recently shown that a tetra cationic calix[4]arene receptor (TAC4, 1a) recognizes
organic anions and forms supramolecular capsules in water at physiological pH. Appropriate gemini
guests, having two aromatic and negatively charged head groups (BSCn), trigger the self-
assembling of homodimeric capsules in the presence of TAC4 [2]. Capsule formation in water has
been confirmed by 1H and DOSY NMR, MS and ITC.

R =

1a 1b
Schematic of TAC4 and BSCn (1a) and the Gd3+ metallacrown (1b)
The formation of capsular entities is not restricted to calixarenes. Metallacrowns (MC) may
selectively recognize anions through their open metal sites (1b) [3]. Here we also report on the
formation of dimeric compartments of Gd3+[15-MCCu(II), S-pheHA-5] metallacrown with organic
carboxylates in neutral aqueous solution. In both cases, the analysis of the host-guest adducts with
HypCal, a general-purpose computer program for the determination of standard reaction enthalpy
and binding constant values by calorimetry [4], provides key information and addresses the issues
related to compartment size and selectivity.

[1] Z. Laughreya, B. C. Gibb, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40, (2011) 363.

[2] C. Bonaccorso, C. Sgarlata, G. Grasso, V. Zito, D. Sciotto, G. Arena, Chem. Commun. 47, 2011, 6117; C.
Bonaccorso, G. Brancatelli, G. Forte, G. Arena, S. Geremia, D. Sciotto, C. Sgarlata, RSC Adv., 4, (2014) 53575.
[3] C. Sgarlata, A. Giuffrida, E. R. Trivedi, V. L. Pecoraro, G. Arena, Inorg. Chem. 56 (2017) 4771.
[4] G. Arena, P. Gans, C. Sgarlata, Anal. Bioanal, Chem., 408 (2016) 6413.

Plenary Lectures PL3

Conductivity enhancement, dielectric breakdown and resistive

switching phenomena in electroceramics

Anthony R. WEST
University of Sheffield, Dept Materials Science & Engineering, Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK

Acceptor-doped oxide ceramics such as Zn-doped BaTiO3 show a slow, reversible

conductivity enhancement by 1-3 orders of magnitude at high temperature, > ~ 400oC, on
application of a small dc bias [1]. With Ca-doped BiFeO3, a similar but much more dramatic effect,
with a conductivity enhancement of 4-5 orders of magnitude, occurs rapidly at room temperature
and is reversible with some hysteresis on removing the bias [2]. Donor-doped materials such as
oxygen-deficient rutile, TiO2, show the opposite effect of a decrease in conductivity with a small dc
bias [3].The conductivity enhancement in Ca-doped BiFeO3 is not associated with Schottky barrier
effects at the sample-electrode interfaces and is not filamentary. It is instead associated with the
sample bulk, i.e. grains and grain boundaries, and in the case of BiFeO3, it is isotropic. The
conductivity changes are voltage-dependent and are observed with samples that are 1-2 mm thick
and applied voltages as small as 2 V. The effect that we observe in BiFeO3 is not a 'traditional'
memristive effect as it is reversible on removing the dc bias and does not require an initial
electroforming stage. Possible implications of this effect for the dielectric breakdown of dielectrics
will be discussed.
A mechanism for conductivity enhancement in acceptor-doped oxides has been proposed
that involves p-type conduction associated with creation and location of holes on underbonded
oxide ions [1-3]. By contrast, the proposed mechanism for conductivity decrease in donor-doped
rutile involves the trapping of mobile carriers at sample surfaces. In both sets of cases, there is clear
evidence that at sample surfaces, reaction with oxygen in the atmosphere can have a similar effect,
but smaller in magnitude, to the effect of dc bias.
There is increasing evidence in a diverse range of materials and investigations that under
certain conditions, oxygen may be redox-active, especially at sample surfaces, as shown by the
presence of peroxide and superoxide species in which oxygen has an intermediate oxidation state.
We have recently found [4] that oxide ion conducting, yttria-stabilised zirconia, YSZ, shows
increasing p-type conductivity on application of a small bias at high temperatures, which is
attributed to redox activity of underbonded oxide ions; under these conditions, YSZ becomes a
mixed conductor, which may lead to undesirable consequences for the use of YSZ ceramics as the
electrolyte in solid oxide fuel cells.
There is much current interest in ‘anomalous capacities’ of certain lithium battery cathode
materials, which is also attributed to redox activity of oxygen, in addition to the usual, redox-active
transition metal components.
An overview of these recent developments in electroceramic materials will be given.

[1] H. Beltran et al., J Amer Ceram Soc., 93(2), 500, (2010)

[2] N. Maso and A.R. West, Phys Chem Chem Phys., 16, 19408, (2014)
[3] Y. Liu and A.R. West, Appl Phys Lett., 103, 263508, (2013)
[4] N. Maso and A.R. West, Chem Mater., 27, 1552, (2015)

Plenary Lectures PL4

Thermal Evolution of Structure and Dielectric Properties of

Ferroelectric Tetragonal Tungsten Bronzes

Jonathan GARNER and Finlay D. MORRISON

School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews, St Andrews KY16 9ST, U.K.

Tetragonal tungsten bronzes (TTBs), an important class of oxides known to exhibit

ferroelectricity, undergo complex distortions, including rotations of oxygen octahedra, which give
rise to either incommensurately or commensurately modulated superstructures. Many TTBs display
broad, frequency-dependent relaxor dielectric behavior rather than sharper frequency-independent
normal ferroelectric anomalies, but the exact reasons that favor a particular type of temperature and
frequency dependent dielectric response for a given composition remain unclear.
Recently we have studied a family of ferroelectric and relaxor-ferroelectric TTBs
Ba4R0.671.33Nb10O30 (R = La, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy and Y and  = vacancy) with significant A-site
vacancy concentrations [1,2] using an array of diffraction techniques (high resolution neutron,
synchrotron x-ray and selected area electron). The structural modulations are controlled by varying
the A1-(perovskite) site cation size with different R, and allows manipulation of the nature of the
dipolar ordering. For example, Ba4La0.671.33Nb10O30 (R = La) is a commensurate RFE while R =
Nd is incommensurate and FE [2]. The crossover from these behaviours has also been examined in
more detail via the solid solution Ba4La1-xNdx1.33Nb10O30. La-rich compounds display an
additional feature of electrical field-driven ordering at temperatures between the RFE and
paraelectric states, (demonstrated by ‘pinched’ polarisation-electric field (P-E) loops). The stability
of this disordered regime has a clear thermal and electric field dependence and may be controlled by
the average A-cation size (i.e. ratio of La:Nd).2
We rationalise this behaviour in the context of our recent crystal-chemical model [3] and
demonstrate a test of the model via a simple compositional series [4]. The key to understanding the
variation in structure and electrical properties as a function of temperature is a multi-technique

[1] J. Gardner and F. D. Morrison, Dalton Trans., 43 (2014), 11687.

[2] J. Gardner, F. Yu, C. Tang, W. Kockelmann, W. Zhou, F. D. Morrison, Chem. Mater., 28
(2016), 4616-4627.
[3] X. Zhu, M. Fu, M. C. Stennett, P.M. Vilarinho, I. Levin, C.A. Randall, J. Gardner, F.D.
Morrison, and I.M. Reaney, Chem. Mater., 27 (2015) 3250.
[4] J. Gardner and F. D. Morrison, Appl. Phys. Lett., 109 (2016) 072901.

Plenary Lectures PL5

Kinetic analysis of complex solid-state reactions involving more than

one simultaneous process


Antonio PEREJON1,2, Jose M. CRIADO1
Materials Science Institute of Seville, CSIC, Americo Vespucio 49, 41092 Seville, Spain
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Seville, Spain

Kinetics for solid-state reactions is of the most interest for different reasons. Firstly, it
provides some insight into the processes taking place during the solid-state reactions. This
information is quite valuable because of the complexity of solid-state processes and the difficulties
for studying at the microscopic level these reactions with conventional available instrumentation.
Secondly, kinetic parameters allow modelling. Thus, the behaviour of our reactions under different
heating conditions could be predicted. This information is very useful in many applications for
optimizing production conditions or improving thermal stability of solids. Finally, kinetic control of
some reactions could be performed in materials processing for controlling and tailoring the final
structures or microstructures of the products.
In literature there are a number of well stablished kinetic analysis procedures, including
model-free and model fitting analysis, for determining the kinetic parameters of simple reactions.
Nevertheless, the analysis of complex processes is still challenging. Unfortunately, most of the
solid-state reactions are complex and involve more several processes that take place either
simultaneously or sequentially. The most straightforward procedure for the discrimination is using
different experimental conditions (such as heating programme) to separate the different individual
processes. In this respect, sample controlled thermal analysis is a quite useful technique.
Nevertheless, in many cases, even changing the experimental conditions is not enough to
discriminate overlapping processes.
In this presentation different strategies for dealing with the kinetic of complex reactions will
be presented. Some real examples from different fields of how to deal with them will be also

Award Plenary Lecture1
Distinguished TA&C Researcher in Central and Eastern Europe
Award Plenary Lecture 1 APL1

Thermodynamics in the description of surrounding world and

chemical processes occurring in it

Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Wita Stwosza 63, 80-308 Gdańsk, Poland

Thermodynamics is the most general phenomenological theory utilised in the description of

behaviour of surrounding world. Two tendencies existing in surrounding world – towards
organisation and dissipation of matter and energy – are represented by two state functions: energy
(enthalpy) and entropy, respectively. Global behaviour reflects free energy or Gibbs free energy
state functions, being combination of two mentioned above quantities, values of which decrease in
spontaneous processes. The lowest energy states of matter can be described on the ground of
thermodynamics of reversible processes, while other states – employing thermodynamics of real,
irreversible processes. In latter processes – among others chemical processes, which require
overcoming of the activation barriers – energy is conserved while entropy is created, so they are the
source of entropy. This fact is utilised in thermodynamics of irreversible processes by defining
thermodynamic fluxes, reflecting changes of the system in time, and thermodynamic forces causing
them. The sum of products of thermodynamic forces and conjugated with them fluxes define
quantity named entropy source. The surrounding world exists in stationary state for which entropy
source is constant in time. Living matter on the Earth exists in such a state and thermodynamics of
irreversible processes can be used to explain peculiarities accompanying this phenomenon. In non-
stationary state entropy source changes in time and, among others, chemical processes occur. For
these processes, changes of values of state functions upon reaction are obtained on the ground of
thermodynamics of reversible processes, but more important information can be extracted from
thermodynamics of irreversible processes – particularly its fragment devoted to chemical processes,
namely chemical kinetics. Various aspects of the latter area of knowledge are the subject of
continuous interest of chemists and researchers involved in thermoanalytical investigations.
The lecture will be focused on principles of thermodynamics of irreversible processes,
relations of it with chemical kinetics, possibilities of gaining kinetic information experimentally and
theoretically, and prospects of employing thermodynamics to explain behaviour of surrounding us

Award Plenary Lecture 2
Outstanding Young TA&C Researcher in Central and Eastern Europe
Award Plenary Lecture 2 APL2

The reliability of kinetic analysis of the thermal degradation of


Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, University of Split, Ruđera Boškovića 35
21000 Split, Croatia

Polymers are very important materials in modern society with applications in almost every
aspect of our way of life. Their structures, i.e. properties can be altered and tailored to produce
materials with a broad range of thermal, mechanical, optical, barrier and various other properties.
Being mostly organically based, it is very often the case that thermal properties and thermal
degradation are the limiting factors for their final application. This makes the investigation of
thermal properties, thermal degradation and kinetic analysis of thermal degradation of polymers
very important and challenging.
In general, practical purpose of kinetic analysis of the thermal degradation of polymers is
the prediction of their process rates and lifetimes, while theoretical purpose includes the
interpretation of experimentally determined kinetic triplets. In order to use the results of kinetic
analysis for both practical and theoretical purposes, the reliability of kinetic analysis of the thermal
degradation of polymers must be accomplished.
The purpose of this lecture is to discuss some factors that can possibly influence the results
of the kinetic analysis but which might be easily overlooked.

Invited Lectures
Invited Lectures IL01

Theory of phonons in advanced micro- and nanoarchitectures for

thermoelectric applications

Vladimir M. FOMIN
Institute for Integrative Nanosciences (IIN), Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research
(IFW) Dresden, Helmholtzstraße 20, D-01069 Dresden, Germany

Efficient nanoscale control of acoustic phonons is of immanent importance for design and
fabrication of novel nanoelectronic systems, nano- and optomechanical devices, micro- and
nanoscale resonators, phonon-based quantum memories and biomedical applications, thermoelectric
materials. Spatial confinement of acoustic phonons in semiconductor thin films, superlattices, and
nanowires changes their properties in comparison with bulk materials. Phonon confinement in
nanostructures leads to emergence of the quantized energy sub-bands with corresponding
modification of the phonon density of states.
In new classes of hybrid nanoarchitectures, core–multishell semiconductor nanowires [1]
and self-assembled rolled-up micro- and nanotubes [2,3], the strain is partially released along the
radial direction, thus allowing the creation of heterostructures, based on lattice-mismatched
materials. A novel method of self-assembly of micro- and nanoarchitectures designed on the base of
the strain-driven roll-up procedure paved the way for novel classes of metamaterials: single
semiconductor micro- and nanotubes (or radial crystals) [2] and multilayer spiral micro- and
nanotubes (or radial superlattices) [3]. A combined “roll-up press-back” technology has been
presented to fabricate novel acoustic metamaterials – mechanically joined nanomembrane
superlattices [4], which reveal a significant reduction of the measured cross-sectional phonon
transport compared to a single nanomembrane layer.
It has been demonstrated theoretically, that phonon heat flux can be significantly suppressed
in Si and Si/SiO2 nanowires with the periodically modulated cross-section area (MNWs) [5, 6].
Redistribution of the phonon energy spectra in MNWs leads to a strong decrease of the average
phonon group velocities and hence to a suppression of the phonon thermal flux in these nanowires
as compared to the generic nanowires. This effect was explained by the exclusion of the phonon
modes trapped in MNW segments from the heat flow. Our analysis of phonon spectra in multishell
nanostructured microtubes [7] has revealed the fact that the number of shells is an important control
parameter of the phonon dispersion, which implies a prominent effect on the group velocity
dispersion and the phonon density of states as well as on the phonon transport.

[1] M. Royo, M. De Luca, R. Rurali, I. Zardo, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 143001
[2] B. Krause, C. Mocuta, T. H. Metzger, C. Deneke, O. G. Schmidt, Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 165502.
[3] C. Deneke, N.-Y. Jin-Phillipp, I. Loa, O. G. Schmidt, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 (2004) 4475
[4] D. Grimm, R. B. Wilson, B. Teshome, S. Gorantla, M. H. Rümmeli, T. Bublat, E. Zallo,
G. Li, D. G. Cahill, O. G. Schmidt, Nano Lett. 14 (2014) 2387
[5] D. L. Nika, A. I. Cocemasov, C. I. Isacova, A. A. Balandin, V. M. Fomin, O. G. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012)
[6] A. I. Cocemasov, D. L. Nika, V. M. Fomin, D. Grimm, O. G. Schmidt, Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015) 011904
[7] V. M. Fomin and A. A. Balandin, Appl. Sci. 5 (2015) 728

IL02 Invited Lectures

Barocaloric effects in ferroelectrics

E. Stern-Taulats1, W. Li1, A. Avramenko1, S. Crossley1, P. Lloveras2,

M. Barrio2, J.-Ll. Tamarit2, A. Planes3, Ll. Mañosa3, N. D. Mathur1,
Xavier Moya1
Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0FS, UK
Departament de Física, EEBE, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Eduard Maristany 10-14,
08019 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Facultat de Física, Departament de la Matèria Condensada, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i
Franquès 1, 08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Giant barocaloric effects driven by hydrostatic pressure have been suggested for cooling
applications, but they have been traditionally seen only in a small range of magnetic materials that
are relatively expensive. Here it will presented the pressure-dependent calorimetry data to
demonstrate giant barocaloric effects in ferroelectric materials that are made of cheap abundant

Invited Lectures IL03

GaN versus ZnO: Growth, properties and applications

Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
Chisinau 2028, Republic of Moldova; National Center for Materials Study and Testing, Technical
University of Moldova, Chisinau 2004, Republic of Moldova

GaN and ZnO are wide band gap semiconductor compounds with unique properties
favourable for the development of short-wavelength light emitting devices and high-power
electronics. From the point of view of applications, over the last decades gallium nitride proved to
be more successful. In particular, GaN played a major role in the development of modern solid-state
lighting industry, success that resulted in the Nobel Prize for Physics being awarded to Shuji
Nakamura, Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano, in 2014. Note that a few years ago an electrically
pumped inversionless polariton lasing at room temperature from a bulk GaN-based microcavity
diode has been demonstrated [1,2]. Actually GaN is considered the second most important
semiconductor material after Si, especially taking into account its utility for the development of
high-frequency, high-power electronics. On the other hand, growing attention is paid nowadays to
zinc oxide which exhibits direct band gap (Eg = 3.37 eV) close to that of GaN. The growing interest
to ZnO is caused not only by the abundance of Zn element in Earth’s crust, but also by the
fascinating properties of crystalline material. For example, the binding energy of excitons in ZnO
(60 meV) is considerably higher than in GaN (25 meV) which discloses the perspectives of zinc
oxide for the development of cost-effective UV light-emitting devices. In this paper, we carry out a
comparative analysis of the technologies for the growth and nanostructuring of GaN and ZnO,
properties and applications in different fields, including optoelectronics, photonics and biomedicine.
Besides, we review the recent development of various hybrid nanoarchitectures [3-5] for
multifunctional applications.

[1] P. Battacharya et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 (2014) 236802

[2] M. Z. Baten et al., Sci. Rep., 5 (2015) 11915
[3] A. Schuchardt et al., Sci. Rep., 5 (2015) 8839
[4] I. Tiginyanu et al., Sci. Rep., 6 (2016) 32913
[5] M. Dragoman et al., Nanotechnology, 27 (2016) 475203

IL04 Invited Lectures

Thermal analysis of topochemical processes in layered materials


Saint Petersburg State University
199034 Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Layered perovskite-like oxides are known as promising materials for electronics, chemical
technology, environment. Using of these compounds in different areas of application depends on
their thermal and chemical stability. Due to particularities of structure layered oxides are favorable
to topochemical processes which happen without significant change of structure. These reactions
could be in different medium (in water suspension, in melt, in gas atmosphere) at room temperature
or heating. Topochemical reactions impacts on chemical stability and also they are the way of the
synthesis of new compounds and materials on their base by means of low temperature reactions. In
some cases there is a great influence of topochemical processes on functional properties of materials
as photocatalytic activity [1].
Here in it will be reported the spectrum of topochemical reactions which are typical for
layered perovskite-like oxides. Opportunities and advantages of thermochemical investigations of
topochemical processes as a main method in complex research combined different physical methods
as XRD, SEM, FTIR, NMR will be demonstrated.
Objects under investigation include structures with different thickness of perovskite blocks
(mono-layered, double-layered, triple-layered), with different cationic content of perovskite layers
(titanates, tantalates, niobates) and different cations (alkali, earth-alkali, rare-earth) occupied the
interlayer space.
Results of thermochemical investigation (thermogravimetry, differential scanning
calorimetry, simultaneous thermal analysis coupled with mass-spectrometric evolved gas
analysis,water sorption analysis) will be present for following reactions: ion-exchange,
intercalation, deintercalation, protonation, dehydration [2-5]. Content of intermediates and products,
overall reaction heat effects and effects of different stages combined with structural data have been
used for the description of topochemical processes in layered oxides.
. The work was supported by RFBR (grant 15-03-05981) and was performed
inThermogravimetric and Calorimetric Research Center of Saint Petersburg State University

[1] I.A. Rodionov, I.A. Zvereva, Russian Chemical Reviews, 85 (2016) 248
[2] O. Silyukov, M. Chislov, A. Burovikhina, T. Utkina, I. Zvereva, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 110 (2012) 187
[3] L.D. Abdulaeva, O.I. Silyukov, Yu.V. Petrov, I.A. Zvereva, J. Nanomater. (2013) 514781.
[4] O.I. Silyukov, L.D. Abdulaeva, A.A. Burovikhina, I.A. Rodionov, I.A. Zvereva, J. Solid State Chem., 226 (2015)
[5] T. Utkina, M. Chislov, O. Silyukov, A. Burovikhina, I. Zvereva. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 125 (2016) 281

Invited Lectures IL05

Thermo-optical method to observe the oxidation of

carbon thin films

Ján MAJLING1, Vladimír KREMNIČAN2, Ladislav PACH1, Vladimír

Vasilij ŠMATKO4 and Miroslav KOCIFAJ5
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Technology and Materials, Slovak University of Technology,
812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia
Data System Laboratory, Budovateľská 13, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovakia
STU Centre for nanodiagnostics, Slovak University of Technology, 812 43 Bratislava, Slovakia
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Science, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
MMFI, Comenius University, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

The solids initially investigated by this method were mostly prepared from the colloidal
solutions of the inorganic nano particles, processed further to the xerogels’ planar forms. The
xerogels thus became the precursors to some of the high-tech ceramic materials. In this work we
have performed the optical measurements on the oxidation of carbon thin films prepared by the
common vacuum arc plasma discharge as well as by exploiting the oxo-graphene colloids. In both
cases the OT curves recorded have been subjected to deliberate curve fits. According to fit results
the overall oxidation of the films of first category, to which we pay here the major attention, could
be divided into three individual steps. Such a division had been declared also previously on an
account of carbon films prepared by the microwave plasma. In this ca the referred films have been
analyzed by TG measurements [1]. A division of the overall films’ oxidation course into three
subsequent, partially overlaid processes can be explained by the film’s containing, say, three carbon
varieties undergoing gasification relative to their resistance to oxidation. Another explanation may
originate on an account of the distribution of the carbo-carbon atomic bonds energies across the all
carbon atom domains/associates present. Altogether, the experience gained with present
measurements points out to a few of the important OT method’s properties. The OT method as
found out to be of the supreme sensitivity, is efficient to detect the quite minute OT changes. As
such the method is prone to bring the results also on thermal analysis of the especially thin carbon
films. In a course of the oxidation the carbon films gasify, i.e. they are wholly annihilated. The
process of their annihilation is supposed to be controlled from a great part by the film chemical and
morphological structure. The OT records definitely archive then an imprint of the films pertinent
structures. To their general recovery it would be helpful oxidations of the films with their structures
known as much as possible in each detail.

[1] Li Y. Q., Zhang L. H. Gong H. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 79 (2005) 677

IL06 Invited Lectures

The rebirth of POSS, a very thermally stable nanoparticle:

state of the art and future developments

Ignazio BLANCO
Department of Civil Engineering and architecture, University of Catania, V.le A. Doria 6, 95125
Catania, Italy

Polymer was the defining material of the twentieth century whilst, both for the considerable
increase in articles published in literature and for the growth of applications over the last fifteen
years the defining material platform of the twenty-first century could very well be the hybrid
material. The design of an hybrid material is related with the combination of two or more
components in a single material to give new and previously unattainable combinations of useful
properties [1]. For the preparation of these materials are required building blocks like carbon
nanotubes, graphene and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSSs). The set of knowledge
regarding these latter expanded rapidly over a very short period of time as highly efficient synthesis
methodologies were developed. Efforts to develop practical applications for discrete POSS
frameworks gained a major champion in the early 1990’s when Joseph D. Lichtenhan initiated a
research program at Edwards Air Force Base (California, USA) to use POSS-containing polymers
as precursors to hybrid inorganic/organic materials [2]. The interest observed for these
nanomaterials since the nineties, was probably due to an increased focus on mechanistic studies
involving POSS frameworks, and the deliberate use of POSS as precursors to more complex Si/O
and Si/O/M frameworks. Since the existence of reports consistent with silsesquioxane formation
back as far as the 1870s [3], we can consider this new development as a real rebirth of POSS. Today
POSSs, due to their thermal and chemical stability, cover with their use various fields, ranging from
high-performance materials to flame-resistant materials, novel homogeneous POSS-supported
catalyst and applications in proton exchange membranes [4]. POSS molecule has been considered a
next generation material in several biological fields, due to its excellent mechanical properties and
biodegradability provided by Si–O–Si bonds. Accordingly, POSSs have been used as tissue
engineering and biomedical materials and to improve the efficiency and pathway of delivery in drug
delivery systems [4].

[1] C. Hartmann-Thompson “Applications of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes”, Springer (2011)

[2] J.D. Lichtenhan, Comment. Inorg. Chem. 17(2) (1995) 115
[3] A. Ladenburg, Chem. Ber. 6 (1873) 379
[4] I. Blanco, L. Abate, F.A. Bottino, Thermochim. Acta 655 (2017) 117

Invited Lectures IL07

Kinetic Analysis of Microcalorimetric Bacterial Growth

Vlad Tudor POPA

“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy,
Splaiul Independentei 202, Bucharest, Romania

An extensively used practice in the kinetic analysis of microcalorimetric data of bacterial

growth involves considering the ascending part of the thermogram and assigning it to the so-called
“exponential growth phase” [1]. With the critical assumption that heat flow directly scales with
the bacterial population [2],
 B ( t ) = B ( 0 ) e = B 0 e   H F ( t ) = H F 0 e 
kt kt kt

   ,
 H F ( t ) = ψ B ( t ); H F 0 = ψ B 0   ln H F ( t ) = ln H F 0 + k t 
ψ = "p o w e r o u tp u t o f e a c h b a c te riu m " (!!)

this reduces to the convenient procedure of finding some part of the thermogram where an
exponential time dependence of the heat flow is observed. A considerable amount of papers
followed this approach within the last 30 years. The main reason consists in the convenience of
obtaining some value of the growth rate constant, k, most often by taking the logarithm of the
“exponential portion” of the thermogram, and associating this value with some growth / inhibiting
A detailed analysis of the above method reveals its questionable features: an imposed
effortlessness resulting in either/both poor fits or/and inappropriate values of the pertaining
parameters. The normal alternative is to assume that the bacterial population scales with the net
heat produced by its growth, ∆H(t) [4]:
d B (t )
" n e t h e a t f lo w " = H F ( t ) = ϕ = "th e rm a l g ro w th ra te "
ϕ = " h e a t p r o d u c e d b y a b a c te r iu m in its lif e tim e "
t t
d B (t )

H F (t )d t = ϕ 
dt  Δ H (t ) = ϕ [ B (t ) − B (t0 )]

B (t0 ) = B 0 ; B (t f ) = B f ; Δ H (t ) = ϕ [ B (t ) − B 0 ]
ϕ [B f − B0] = ΔH f = "to ta l n e t th e rm a l g ro w th "

This alternative is amenable to more complex kinetic models, such as the Monod [1] or
various modifications of the logistic one [3]. Growth experiments of different strains and mixed
growth – decay (antibiotic action) of E coli are analyzed and illustrate the versatility of the proposed
approach and the shortcomings of the criticized one [2].

[1] J. Monod, The Growth of Bacterial Cultures. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 3 (1949) 371-394.
[2] C-L Xie, H-K Tang, Z-H Song, S-S Qu, Y-T Liao, H-S Liu, Microcalorimetric Study of Bacterial Growth,
Thermochim. Acta, 123 (1988) 33- 41.
[3] A. Tsoularis, Analysis of Logistic Growth Models, Res. Lett. Inf. Math. Sci., 2 (2001) 23-46.
[4] V. T. Popa, Monod’s Bacterial Growth Model. Kinetic Arguments for ‘Simple, But Not Too Simple’, in
Prokaryotes: Physiology, Biochemistry and Cell Behavior, Marina Nisnevich Ed., (pp. 221-246), Nova Science
Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-63321-592-4.

IL08 Invited Lectures

Thermal analysis – useful tools for hazard analysis and risk

assessment of chemical processes

Atsumi MIYAKE1
Yokohama National University
Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, JAPAN

Thermal analysis such as DTA, TG and DSC have been widely used for thermal hazard
analysis of chemical substance and risk assessment of chemical processes using chemical
In this presentation hazard analysis of reactive chemicals such as organic peroxides or
energetic materials and case studies of risk assessment of chemical processes using thermal
information are introduced.
Thermal risk diagram proposed by F.Stoessel [1] shows one of the worst case scenario of
batch process and it is applied to synthetic reaction with reactive chemicals and also new energy
processes, and risk assessment technique using thermal analysis are discussed.

[1] F,Stossel, Thermal risk of chemical processes, Wiley (2009)

Invited Lectures IL09

Thermodynamical Control of Polymerization for the Eco-design of

Thermosets, Composites & Industrial Waste Valorization

Alice MIJA
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis; CNRS, ICN; UMR 7272, 06100 Nice, France

European strategic sectors require today more sustainable materials, while still need to fulfill
the European regulations in terms of circular economy, recyclability and the end-of-life. The
thermoset systems are largely used in different industries due to their important advantages
including dimensional stability, chemical resistance and improved thermo-mechanical
properties. In general, they outperform the existing thermoplastics, for example in
composites applications. The current trend is to use matrices that are bio-based and
eventually to change into "100% bio-based" resins. However, there are still important
challenges and limitations that the thermoset industry needs to address in order to become
environmentally sustainable and techno-economically competitive. Therefore, for structural
applications like these, the bio-renewable resources may be used to tailor structures with
formulations that shall play important roles as functional materials. In this work the attention
focuses on the topics of eco-designed thermosets – starting with their elaboration in the perspective
of fine tuning the ultimate properties. To optimize the curing procedure the chemo-rheological
behaviour of the curing systems was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and dynamic rheometry; the multi-frequency Temperature
Modulated DSC technique (TOPEM®) was also used. Then, the final networks have been
investigated for their thermal and mechanical properties, by means of thermogravimetric
analysis (TGA) and respectively by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). Valuable
information about thermal stability and the variation of molecular mobility between the
glassy and the liquid state of the network has been obtained.
Furthermore, the problematic of valorization of the side streams within the bio-refineries
will be presented. The associated studies are projected to have a direct impact in environmental
terms, to the reduction of oil based resources (sustainability), for the eco-design (fully recyclable
and reusable composites) and highly-efficient processes (energy consumption reduction), and
finally for the reduction of generated wastes (valorization of residues).

IL10 Invited Lectures

G-quadruplexes studied by calorimetric methodologies

Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, Via D. Montesano 49, 80131-Naples,

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) are
powerful methodologies to characterize the energetics of stability of DNA G-quadruplexes (G4s)
and their interactions with potential drugs. G4s are nucleic acid secondary structures that form
within guanine-rich sequences. Their formation in crucial points of genome has been associated
with genetic diseases and cancer progression [1]. In addition, G4s are also important in the design
of novel aptamers aimed at binding and inhibiting specific proteins [2]. G-quadruplexes are formed
from G-rich sequences that build tetrads of hydrogen-bonded guanine bases, first found in telomeric
DNA. In the last years, studies by Balasubramanian's group have showed that G-quadruplexes may
exist in vivo; in addition, G-quadruplex formation in DNA is modulated during cell-cycle
progression and endogenous G-quadruplex DNA structures can be stabilized by small-molecule
ligands [3].
DSC can be utilized to study G4s of any molecularity providing all the thermodynamic
parameters (enthalpy, entropy and free energy changes) for the folding/unfolding processes, without
any two-step model assumption. In addition, comparison of the calorimetric enthalpies with
calculated model-dependent enthalpies provides additional information on the unfolding process as
the presence of intermediate states. DSC is important to determine the thermodynamic stability of
the G4s and to evaluate the ability of the ligands to enhance their stability. Particularly, the Gibbs
energy changes at physiological temperature in the presence and in the absence of ligands gives
information on ligand stabilization upon binding process.
On the other hand, ITC offers a direct measure of binding enthalpy, in addition to the
stoichiometry and affinity constants. With the complete thermodynamic signature of drug-target
interaction, dissecting the enthalpic and entropic components of binding is possible, which can be a
useful aid to decision-making during drug optimization [4]. ITC can be used to rank all selected
ligands in terms of their affinity towards the G-quadruplex targets.

[1] N. Maizels, EMBO Rep. 16 (2015) 910

[2] W.O. Tucker; K.T. Shum, J.A, Tanner, Curr Pharm Des 18 (2012) 2014
[3] W. Weselowski, A. Kartuj, F. Laam, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 81 (2008) 1237
[3] G. Biffi, D.Tannahill, J. McCafferty, S. Balasubramanian, Nat Chem., 5(2013) 182.
[4] C. Giancola, B. Pagano, Top Curr Chem., 330 (2013) 211-42.

Invited Lectures IL11

Experimental investigation and phase diagrams construction of the

ternary Fe-S-X (X=Co, Cu, Ni, Sn) systems


Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Iron and sulphur are the main components of many metallurgical semiproducts. For this
reason phase diagrams of multicomponent systems formed on the basis of binary Fe-S system are
very important for the extractive metallurgy of nonferrous metals. On the other side,
thermodynamic databases for melts and alloys with sulphur are characterised by the lack of
information due to different methodological difficulties of experimental research with such volatile
and aggressive element, as sulphur. These factors became the main reason for providing the detailed
research of phase high-temperature equilibria in the ternary Fe-S-X (X=Co, Cu, Ni, Sn) systems
with the use of experimental methods. The presented work was performed with the use of thermal
methods (TGA, DSC, and STA), scanning microscopy methods (SEM/EDX) as well as XRD
Desired compositions of listed systems were limited by pseudobinary sections of
congruently melted sulphides, namely, Fe1-xS – Ni1-xS, Fe1-xS – Cu2±xS, Fe1-xS – Co1-xS and Fe1-xS –
Sn1-xS. Phase diagrams of these sections also have been constructed. It was shown, that sulphides of
nickel and iron, as well as sulphides of iron and cobalt are formed the continuous solid solutions
within the whole composition range at high-temperature region. Besides, sulphides of iron and
copper both sulphides of iron and tin have the eutectic reaction at the wide composition area, as
well as limited solid solutions.
After construction and critical assessment of phase diagrams for all boundary binary systems
the research was focused on high-temperature phase equilibria, realised in ternary Fe-S-X (X=Co,
Cu, Ni, Sn) systems. More than 80 samples for each system were prepared in laboratory conditions
for further experiments.
All samples were investigated by thermal analysis with the use of high-temperature modular
platform Setsys evo, manufactured by SETARAM Instrumentation Company. Received results gave
us information about types and temperatures of phase reactions during the heating in the wide
temperature ranges. Also it should be noted about interesting and safe experimental technique,
which is proposed by us for investigation of systems with volatile and aggressive elements under
providing of thermoanalytical experiments.
Chosen compositions were additionally examined with the use of SEM/EDX and EPMA
methods. Obtained data about compositions and structures of coexisting phases gave us the relevant
information for determination the tie-lines, monovariant lines and nonvariant points of phase
The main results of research are the liquidus and solidus surface projections for ternary Fe-S-X
(X=Co, Cu, Ni, Sn) systems, which will be presented during the conference.

This work is supported by RFBR grants № № 16-38-00305\16, 16-03-00987\16

and 17-08-00875 А.

IL12 Invited Lectures

Impact of α-C2SH calcination temperature on the mineral composition

and heat flow of the products


Department of Silicate Technology, Kaunas University of Technology,
Radvilenu pl. 19, LT-50254 Kaunas, Lithuania

The most important calcium silicates in cement chemistry are alite Ca3SiO5 (C3S) and belite
Ca2SiO4 (C2S) [1]. Alite is a major mineral in ordinary Portland cement. However, the cement
industry requires large energy consumption and produces a great amount of CO2. Belite cement is
considered to be environmentally friendly, because the energy necessary to produce it is equal to
1350 kJ/kg, whereas alite requires approximately 1810 kJ/kg. Production of α-C2SH as a precursor
and subsequent dehydration to highly reactive C2S is one of promising approaches [2]. The
dehydration of α-C2SH has been extensively studied and two new very reactive belite polymorphs,
amorphous and crystalline x-C2S, were discovered [3-4]. Nevertheless, impact of calcination
temperature on the mineral composition and heat flow of the products requires more detail studies.
In this study the properties of natural raw materials were determined in order to use them for
creating hydraulically active belite cement. Various parameters for manufacture of this cement were
investigated: optimal conditions for hydrothermal synthesis of α-C2SH; the kinetics of calcination at
450–1000 °C temperature and hydration process of the products.
α-C2SH was synthesized by processing opoka-lime mixture (molar ratio CaO/SiO2 = 2.0)
under hydrothermal conditions. The optimal parameters of synthesis were determined: duration of
the isothermal curing at 200 °C – 12 h, water/solid ratio W/S =10.0, stirring intensity – 50 rpm. It
was found that during the thermal activation of hydrothermal synthesis products at 450–1000 °C
temperature various polymorphs of di-calcium silicates forms. x-C2S and γ-C2S were identified
after calcination at 450 °C and remained stable until 700 and 800 °C, respectively. β-C2S starts
composing at 600 °C temperature and remains stable even after thermal treatment at 1000 °C, α‘L-
C2S appears only at 900 °C and the amount of it increases after burning at 1000 °C. In addition, the
phase transformation is greatly improved by intensive grinding of α-C2SH with quartz sand
(mixture: 1:1). In this case, unreactive polymorph γ-C2S does not form. At 450 °C only x-C2S
formed and remained stable until 800 °C, while β-C2S started forming at 600 °C, the maximum
quantity of it was reached at 900 °C and during the burning at 1000 °C the main part of it
transforms to α‘L-C2S, remaining part – decomposes to wollastonite. Calorimetric analysis for α-
C2SH and α-C2SH in mixture with quartz sand, burned at 450–1000 °C temperature, was
performed. The results showed that samples, burned at 450–600 °C temperature have hydraulic
properties. According to the results, the most hydraulically reactive sample is α-C2SH in mixture
with quartz sand, thermally treated at 450 °C temperature: the heat flow during the main hydration
reaction reached 0.0018 W/g and it released the biggest amount of total heat after 72 h of hydration
– 67.52 J/g.

[1] Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures // Edit: P. C. Aïtcin and R. J. Flatt, 2016
[2] K. Garbev, B. Gasharova, P. Stemmermann., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97 (2014), 2286–2297
[3] T. Link, F. Bellmann, H. M. Ludwig, M. Ben, Cem. Concr. Res., 67 (2015), 131–137
[4] H. M. Ludwig, W. Zhang, Cem. Concr. Res., (2015), 78 (A), 24–37

Invited Lectures IL13

Thermal investigation and laser processing of thin films

for microelectronic devices

SPCTS – UMR 7315, CNRS / University of Limoges, F-87000 Limoges, France

Lasers are now an integral part of post-modern society, with applications in materials
science and in medicine, but also in multimedia, manufacturing, security, etc. However, in materials
science, and more specifically in laser processing of materials for thin films, nanostructuring and
device applications, the more intimate aspects of laser-matter interaction are in most cases
overlooked. The application of thermal analysis techniques directly to the materials being processed
could open up new opportunities in the fields of process monitoring and testing. Herein, results on
the laser processing and thermal analysis investigations of soft organic materials such as organic
semiconductors, various polymers, hybrid metal-organics, precursors, and carbon nanostructures,
are presented and discussed. Quantitative studies of the decomposition products and phenomena
reveal that the melting points together with other physical and chemical changes in the samples,
either exothermic or endothermic vs. their chemical structure, all play an important role upon the
kinetics and thermal behaviour. Mechanistic/kinetic pathways are also proposed as such results are
important in further designing laser processing protocols, i.e. in matrix-assisted pulsed laser
evaporation (MAPLE) or in laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT), for thin film deposition and/or
device printing.

[1] C. Constantinescu, L. Rapp, P. Rotaru, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle, “Polyvinylphenol (PVP) microcapacitors
printed by laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT): multilayered pixel design and thermal analysis investigations”,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (2016) 155301;
[2] C. Constantinescu, L. Rapp, P. Rotaru, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle, “Pulsed laser processing of poly(3,3’’’-
didodecyl quarter thiophene) semiconductor for organic thin film transistors”, Chemical Physics 450-451 (2015) 32–
[3] M. Tabetah, A. Matei, C. Constantinescu, N.P. Mortensen, M. Dinescu, J. Schou, L.V. Zhigilei, “The minimum
amount of “matrix” needed for matrix-assisted pulsed laser deposition of biomolecules”, The Journal of Physical
Chemistry B 118 (2014) 13290–13299;
[4] L. Rapp, C. Constantinescu, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle, “Laser-induced forward transfer of polythiophene-based
derivatives for fully polymeric thin film transistors”, Organic Electronics 15 (2014) 1868–1875;
[5] C. Constantinescu, A.K. Diallo, A. D’Aleo, F. Fages, P. Rotaru, C. Videlot-Ackermann, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle,
“Thermal behaviour and thin film properties of a bis-pyrene compound for organic thin film transistor applications”,
Synthetic Metals 209 (2015) 29–33.

IL14 Invited Lectures

Phonon thermal conductivity in graphene

Denis L. NIKA
Department of Physics and Engineering, Moldova State University, Chisinau, MD 2009,
Republic of Moldova

Phonons, i.e. quanta of the crystal lattice vibrations, affect all physical processes in solids.
They limit the electron mobility near room temperature (RT), and affect optical properties of
crystalline materials. Spatial confinement of acoustic phonons in nanostructures strongly affects
their phonon energy dispersions. It modifies phonon properties such as phonon group velocity,
polarization, density of states, and changes the way acoustic phonons interact with other phonons,
defects and electrons [1]. Such changes create opportunities for engineering phonon spectrum in
nanostructures for improving their electrical or thermal properties.
Acoustic phonons are the main heat carriers in carbon materials [2]. Although graphite reveals
many metal characteristics, its heat transport is dominated by phonons owing the exceptionally
strong sp2 covalent bonding of its lattice. The thermal conductivity of various allotropes of carbon
span an extraordinary large range – of over five orders of magnitude – from ~0.01 Wm-1K-1 in
amorphous carbon to above 2000 Wm-1K-1 in diamond or graphite at RT [2]. In 2007, the first
measurements of the thermal conductivity of graphene carried out by Prof. A. Balandin’s group at
UC Riverside revealed unusually high values of thermal conductivity κ~3000 – 5000 Wm-1K-1 at
RT [3-4]. The values measured for the high-quality large suspended graphene samples (length
above 10 µm) were exceeding those for basal planes of graphite [3-4]. The experimental
observation was explained theoretically by the specifics of the two-dimensional (2D) phonon
transport [5,6]. The low-energy acoustic phonons in graphene, which make substantial contribution
to heat conduction, have extraordinary large MFP [4]. The anharmonic scattering in 2D graphene is
very weak for such phonons. The large values of thermal conductivity and 2D phonon density of
states make graphene an ideal material for phonon engineering.
In this talk we discuss different possibilities of phonon engineering in graphene and twisted
graphene. We briefly review available theoretical and experimental results on the thermal
conductivity of these materials, focusing on unusual strong dependence of thermal conductivity on
flake’s size and shape, concentration of defects and edge roughness.

[1] A.A. Balandin, D.L. Nika, Materials Today 15 (2012) 266.

[2] A.A. Balandin, Nature Mater. 10 (2011) 569.
[3] A. Balandin et al., Nano Letters 8 (2008) 902.
[4] S. Shosh et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (2008) 151911.
[5] D. L. Nika, E. P. Pokatilov, A. S. Askerov, A. A. Balandin, Phys. Rev. B 79 (2009) 155413.
[6] D. L. Nika, A. A. Balandin, Rep.Prog. Phys. 80 (2017) 036502.

Invited Lectures IL15

Oxidation behaviour of crude oil and its SARA fractions

characterized by TG and DSC in presence of catalysts and rock
components: differences and connections

Mikhail VARFOLOMEEV1, Chengdong YUAN1, Dmitrii EMELIANOV1,

Artashes KHACHATRIAN1, Alexandra USHAKOVA1, Ilnaz RAKIPOV1,
Mustafa Versan KOK2
Department of Physical Chemistry, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya str. 18, Kazan
420008, Russia Address, Country
Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Inonu
Bulvari, Ankara, Turkey

High-pressure air injection (HPAI) is one of the promising thermal methods of light oil
recovery from low-permeability reservoirs. Air injection into the well induces the rise of the
pressure and oxidation reactions after air contacts with oil. Heat generated directly inside the oil
reservoir and produced amount of gaseous products like carbon oxides, nitrogen and light
hydrocarbons significantly reduces the heat loss, reduces power consumption and affect the oil
displacement. For more detailed analysis of using HPAI on a certain reservoir, a number of research
methods have been developed in recent years. The most widely-spread of them are
thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. These methods can be used for more deep
analysis of oil oxidation mechanism, for fast screening of HPAI technology and for determination
of kinetic parameters of oxidation process.
This research is intended to reveal the difference and connection of the oxidation behaviour
between crude oil and its SARA fractions. Thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) techniques were used to characterize their oxidation behaviour. The results
showed that oxidation behaviour exhibited obvious difference between individual SARA
components. Saturates showed a weak HTO region. Asphaltenes generated more heat in HTO
region than in LTO region and had the most intense HTO reaction. Aromatics showed intense
exothermic activity both in LTO and HTO region. For all SARA fractions, heat release and mass
loss in HTO region showed a good correspondence, which means they were caused by the same
reaction mechanism. However, thermal behaviour and mass loss behaviour displayed significant
differences in LTO region. Based on the results of DSC and DTG, LTO interval should be
considered by multiple-step mechanism. In addition, it was shown that it is not quite reasonable to
determine the reactivity of SARA fractions only by TG data as little mass loss doesn’t mean that
reactants are inactive or resistant. The kinetic parameters determined by Friedman and Ozawa–
Flynn–Wall isoconversional models were similar. The activation energies of HTO (118–155
kJ/mol) were always higher than that of LTO (102–145 kJ/mol). Resins showed the lowest
activation energies for both LTO and HTO. The additivity of the DSC data could be applied quite
well for LTO region before 350 ℃, which allows to predict the LTO of whole oil from individual
SARA component. However, the predicted curve showed serious deviation from the actual situation
after 350 ℃, which implies the reaction process of individual components was influenced by the
presence of other components and they couldn’t follow their own reaction pathway. Nevertheless,
total heat release of the measured and predicted value was almost the same, which makes it possible
to predict the heat effect of whole oil from individual SARA components.
Cu and Mn based catalysts significantly affect the LTO and HTO kinetic parameters.
Separate study of individual and mixed crude oil fractions helps us to understand the mechanism of
oil oxidation and to evaluate effect of catalysts, initiators and rocks composition on these processes.

Oral Presentations 1
Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry & Calorimetry and
Thin Films & Nanomaterials
Oral Presentations 1 OP1.01

Thermal analysis for nanostructures investigation in

Cultural Heritages

Giuseppe CAVALLARO, Giuseppe LAZZARA, Stefana MILIOTO,

Filippo PARISI
Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze pad 17, 90100,
Palermo, ITALY.

The conservation of cellulosic based materials such as waterlogged archaeological woods

and paper is a challenging task for conservators and scientists.
The degradation degree of cellulose is dependent on the chemical and biological nature of the
conservation site. In general, low temperatures and anoxic conditions promote the conservation
while the degradation of lignocellulosic polysaccharides and lignin is mostly due to the actions of
bacteria. Consequently, the high degradation strongly enhanced the wood porosity that can be as
high as 90 to 95 %, generating a worsening of the mechanical resistance. Similarly, paper undergoes
to a loss of mechanical performance. The use of a proper consolidant is a key issue to confer
stability to these kind of art-works. We have designed an innovative protocol for the consolidation
of waterlogged archaeological woods [1,2] and paper [3] by using mixtures of Halloysite clay
nanotubes and natural macromolecules. The thermal and mechanical response of the consolidant
materials have been investigated and allowed us to select the best nanocomposite to be used in
conservation science. Then, composites at variable compositions have been employed as
consolidants for waterlogged archaeological woods and paper. The quantitative analysis of the
thermogravimetric curves have provided the amounts of consolidants entrapped into the sample.
These results have been successfully correlated to the consolidation efficiencies estimated from the
analysis of the wood shrinkage volume upon drying. The mechanical performance of treated wood
samples have been determined by dynamic mechanical analysis.
The importance of thermo-analytical methods on solving particular conservation problems and to
develop green protocol for conservation of cultural heritages will be highlighted..

[1] Cavallaro G, Lazzara G, Milioto S, Parisi F, Ruisi F. Cellulose. 2017;24(8):3367–76.

[2] Cavallaro G, Lazzara G, Milioto S, Parisi F, Sparacino V. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2015;120:220–5.
[3] Cavallaro G, Lazzara G, Milioto S, Parisi F. Clay Minerals. 2016;51(3):445.

OP1.02 Oral Presentations 1

Water binding in biochars produced by using microwave pyrolysis

of municipal sludge


Jan Žídek3
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, Brno, 612 00
Faculty of Chemistry, Purkyňova 118
Admas, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Purkyňova 139
Ceitec, Technická 3058/10

Pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic materials conducted under anoxic

conditions. An advanced approach represents pyrolysis with microwave heating, which is beneficial
due to lower energy consumption and possibly better control of experimental conditions. The
typical products of pyrolysis are gases, oil and charcoal or biochar.
The industrial use of biochar is well documented [1]. However, more important appeared its
application in agriculture and horticulture, because of the positive influence on soil properties and
crop productivity, mitigation of green-house gasses [2] and positive effect on plant growth under
deficient irrigation conditions [3]. The latter property is ascribed to biochar porosity that is assumed
being responsible for holding of a large amount of water and thus regulating soil water
management. However, the principle of this effect is still unclear. Biochar is very hydrophobic
(contact angle can be as high as 120° [4]), thus the inner surfaces of biochar should not be not easily
wettable, which would preventing its hydration and decrease water holding capacity.
This work addresses this issue and focuses on the elucidation of the interactions between
biochar and water. Biochar was produced by microwave pyrolysis of the municipal sludge catalysed
by addition of a small amount of a catalyser. The hydration was studied by a combination of
approaches that have already been tested on carbonaceous materials such as humic acids, peats and
polysaccharides. The experiments included the determination of non-freezing water (e.g. [5]),
desorption enthalpy of water (e.g. [7]) and stability of water clusters (e.g. [6]) present in biochar
exposed to different relative humidities. The results revealed very low interaction energies between
water and biochar and relatively low amount of non-freezing water. These findings indicate low
importance of micropores, higher importance of mezzo and macropores and preferable binding of
water by van der Waals forces.

The projects No. LO1408 "AdMaS UP - Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies",
supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the „National Sustainability Programme I" and
FCH-S-17-4766 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and are

1. Qian K, Kumar A, Zhang H, Bellmer D, Huhnke R. Renew Sust. Energ. Rev. 42 (2015) 1055
2. Sohi SP, Krull E, Lopez-Capel E, Bol R. Adv Agron 105 (2010) 47
3. Agbna GHD, Dongli S, Zhipeng L, Elshaikh NA, Guangcheng S, Timm LC. Sci Hortic 222 (2017) 90
4. Bubici S, Korb JP, Kucerik J, Conte P. Magn Reson Chem. 54 (2016) 365
5. Cihlar Z, Vojtova L, Michlovska L, Kucerik J. Geoderma. 274 (2016) 10
6. Kucerik J, Prusova A, Rotaru A, Flimel K, Janecek J, Conte P. Thermochim Acta. 523 (2011) 245
7. Kucerik J, Schwarz J, Jaeger A, Bertmer M, Schaumann G. J Therm Anal Calorim. 118 (2014) 1169

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.03

Fire danger of ceramic particles heated up to high temperatures in

industry and forestry: mathematical simulation

Nikolay BARANOVSKIY1, Alexander NAUMKIN1, Andrey SOLODKIN2,

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin av., 30, Tomsk, 634050,
The Russian Federation
National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Krasnokazarmennaya st.,
14, Moscow, 111250, The Russian Federation
Tomsk branch of Electric Generation Company TGK-11, Kirov av., 36, Tomsk,
The Russian Federation

High temperature sources can be of different nature [1]. This article deals with the fire
hazard investigation of different forest fuels and biomaterial (human skin) exposed to the high
temperatures of sufficiently small size ceramic particles (a parallelepiped of different sizes). Such
particles can be formed as a result of technological accidents accompanied by fires that are occurred
in industry facilities situated in forested areas. Forest fuel specimen corresponds to the typical
biocoenosis in Tomsk region Timiryazevskiy forestry. Thermal properties of human skin
correspond to the one of hand. The calculations were performed on up-to-date computer system
using finite difference method [2,3]. In the results of the computations there were investigated forest
fuel pyrolysis and skin thermal destruction caused by influence of the high temperature ceramic
There were mathematically determined the regularities of forest fuel pyrolysis and human
skin burns for the different initial temperatures of the ceramic particles. The investigation identified
the mechanism and conditions for the thermal destruction of forest fuel and human skin influenced
by a single high temperature heated ceramic particle. The obtained results are the objective basis for
the natural biomaterials thermal destruction generalized mathematical model development based on
the established physical mechanisms of the investigated processes. There were shown a high fire
danger and moderate threshold of the thermal injuries caused by the single high temperature
ceramic particles.

This work is implemented at financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research and
administration of Tomsk region. The grant N 16-41-700831.

[1] N. Baranovskiy, G. Kuznetsov, “Forest fire occurrences and ecological impact prediction: monograph”, Publishing
House of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (2017)
[2] A.A. Samarskii, P.N. Vabishchevich, “Computational Heat Transfer”. Vol. 1. Mathematical Modelling. Chichester:
Wiley (1995)
[3] A.A. Samarskii, P.N. Vabishchevich, “Computational Heat Transfer”. Vol. 2. The Finite Difference Method.
Chichester: Wiley (1995)

OP1.04 Oral Presentations 1

Thermal behaviour and microstructure of biocompatible

hydroxyapatite/titania nanocomposites

Cornelia MARINESCU1, Ancuta SOFRONIA1, Speranta TANASESCU1,

Cristina TEISANU2
Institute of Physical Chemistry Ilie Murgulescu of the Romanian Academy, 060021 Bucharest,
University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, 200512, Craiova, Romania

HA (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), (HA) – based biomaterials are used as medical implants to repair

and reconstruct diseased or damaged hard tissues of the body. However, HA has low fracture
strength therefore a second phase reinforcement is required to achieve the necessary mechanical
strength to support high loads [1]. Titania (TiO2) addition to hydroxyapatite leads to the formation
of a composite with improved mechanical properties and high biocompatibility, serving to enhance
cell vitality [2].
The aim of this work was to develop TiO2/HA based biocomposites starting from titanium
hydride (TiH2) and commercial HA (Aldrich) ( HA : TiH2 = 3 :1 ratio) by powder metallurgy
technology. Further, two-step sintering (TSS) method [3] was used to obtain high density and nano-
particles simultaneously. TiO2/HA composites were structurally and morphologically characterized
by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Functional groups of the HA – TiH2 mixture heated up to different temperatures have been
investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis (FT-IR). Crystallinity degree and quantitative
assessment of the PO43- and OH- substitution byCO32- from the deconvoluted Raman spectra of the
studied samples were reported. The reactions between HA and TiH2 at sintering were investigated
by simultaneous high temperature thermogravimetry coupled with differential scanning calorimetry
(TG-DSC) in order to study the reaction mechanism of the TiO2/HA formation. TiH2
decomposition heat of 73.3 kJ·mol-1 obtained in this work is within the values reported in literature,
67 kJ·mol-1 [4] and 136 kJ·mol-1 [5].
TiO2/HA nanocomposite with specific properties for applications in tissue engineering such
as, a densified nanostructure, high stability of HA component and superior wear resitance, was

[1] W.R. Weinand, F.F.R. Gonçalves, W.M. Lima, Sci. Forum, 530 (2006) 249.
[2] E. Fidancevska, G. Ruseska, J. Bossert, Y.M. Lin, A.R. Boccaccini, Chem. Phys., 103 (2007) 95.
[3] O. Gingu, G. Benga, A. Olei, N. Lupu, P. Rotaru, S. Tanasescu, M. Mangra, I. Ciupitu, I. Pascu, G. Sima, G., Proc.
ImechE Part E: J. Process Mechanical Engineering., 225 (2011) 62.
[4] E. Fromm, G. Hörz, International Metallurgy Review, 6 (1980) 269.
[5] J.F. Herbst, J. Alloys Compd., 337 (2002) 99.

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.05

Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: an upcoming alternative to

conventional technologies. Thermochemical studies

Sergey P. Verevkin1, Andrey A. Pimerzin2

Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Rostock, Rostock, 18059, Germany
Samara State Technical University, Samara, 443100, Russia

Organic heteroaromatics as liquid hydrogen storage has been considered as an auspicious

alternative to conventional technologies. Due to the very low density of H2, practical storage and
recovery of H2 has been a challenge in utilizing H2 as an alternative fuel. An auspicious alternative
to conventional approach to hydrogen storage for fuel-cell vehicles is to use organic compounds
that have a high capacity to bind hydrogen covalently. Storage and release of the hydrogen is
achieved by hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of the organic compounds, and these reactions are
done in the presence of a catalyst. For transportation applications, the H2 storage (hydrogenation)
would be done off-board the vehicle. Organic heteroaromatics have attracted interest because of
their thermal stability and high storage capacity. The advantage of storing hydrogen covalently as
part of a molecule in comparison with physical trapping of hydrogen gas in a substrate is that the
system does not require compression or cryogenic temperatures.
A system based on the catalytic hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactions of N-
alkylcarbazoles or dibenzyltoluenes are the most promising as the new class of the liquid organic
hydrogen carrier compounds (LOHC). Enthalpies of formation of the liquid N-alkylcarbazoles and
dibenzyltoluenes as well as their fully hydrogenated derivatives were measured by using
combustion calorimetry. Vaporization enthalpies for these compounds were derived from vapour
pressure temperature dependence measured by transpiration. Enthalpies of formation of the gaseous
LOHC were derived and validated with the high-level quantum chemical calculation. Vapor
pressures of the liquid LOHC at practically relevant temperature 400 K were assessed from the new
experimental data. It has turned out that these vapor pressures were low enough to fulfill the basic
requirement for an LOHC.

This research was supported by the Government of Russian Federation (decree №220 of 9 April
2009), agreement №14.Z50.31.0038.

OP1.06 Oral Presentations 1

Fabrication of PdII complex-Carbon Nanotube based Materials as

Effective Counter Electrode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kayseri, Erciyes University, Turkey

Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are preferred to conventional silicon solar cells because of their
several advantages including simple assembly, low cost, good plasticity, environmental friendliness,
and the ease of building integrated photovoltaic cells. An important component of DSSCs is the
counter electrode (CE), which is functionalized to enable the transfer of electrons from an external
circuit to the oxidizing species, which is then reduced at the CE/electrolyte interface. Platinum (Pt)
has been widely used as a standard CE catalytic material due to its high electrical conductivity and
catalytic activity toward the widely used redox couple of I−/I3− [1].

In this work, the PdII complexes [PdL2] bearing aromatic sulfonamide group were synthesized by
the reaction PdCl2 salt and the sulfonamide ligands. The complexes were characterized with thermal
analysis (TG/DTA), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), single
crystal XRD etc. Then, the carbon nanotube based materials were fabricated from the PdII
complexes and characterized by TEM, SEM-EDX, BET, XRD and CV. The fabricated materials
were used as active cathode film for DSSCs.

We acknowledge the financial support granted by Erciyes University (ERUBAP), (FDK-2015-6013
and FBA-2016-6696).

[1] K. Wu, L. Chen, C. Duan, J. Gao, M. Wu, Materials and Design, 104 (2016) 298-302.

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.07

Relevance of thermal analysis for sol-gel derived nanomaterials


“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania

Since its reconsideration in the middle of the last century, mainly for glass or crystallized
oxide materials preparation, the sol-gel method evolved very much allowing the synthesis of Si-
based inorganic-organic hybrids and of a very high number of different types of nanocomposites. In
all cases the first step consists in obtaining of an amorphous material that could be kept in the same
state or could be transformed into crystallized materials by adequate thermal treatments. In the
present study, examples regarding the relevance of the thermal analysis method for the
characterization of the oxide systems, inorganic-organic hybrides and composites nanomaterials
will be discussed.
In the case of oxide systems the thermal behavior of the silica and Al2O3, TiO2, MgO, Fe2O3
sol-gel monocomponent, as well as of MgO-TiO2 binary powders will be presented.
The influence on the thermal behavior of the gels obtained by enhanced sol-gel method,
using microwave (MW) irradiation of the starting solution was also studied for TiO2 and V doped
TiO2 systems. A more complex thermal decomposition of the gels obtained by MW assisted sol-gel
method was observed. The results were correlated with the formation of different molecular species,
as determined by EGA/TG/DTA measurements.
In the case of the hybrid gels differences between the thermal behavior of the silica gel and
the corresponding hybride ones will be presented. For the hybrid gels, obtained starting with
MTEOS, VTEOS and MTMOS, more complex decomposition was observed due to their
compositions that contain different molecular species formed during the sol-gel process, as
determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The hybrid gels,
based on MTEOS, VTEOS and MTMOS reagents show a more complex thermal decomposition,
assigned to their compositions consisting from different molecular species, as determine by gas
chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (CG-MS).
In the case of nanocomposites, SiO2-FexOy type nanocomposites and a system of Si-based
hybrid matrix and laboratory made binary CeO2-TiO2 (1:4) powder will be discussed. In the second
case the doping of the matrix was realized either by dispersion of the previously prepared binary
nanopowders in the solution used for matrix preparation or by in situ generation of the nanopowders
simultaneously with the matrix formation. The thermal analysis of the two type of nanocomposites
have shown different results, assigned to formation of gels with different composition, due to the
fact that in the case of in-situ nanopowders formation, reactions between the reagents used for the
matrix – MTMOS - and those of the oxides - Ti(iOP)4 and Ce(NO3)4.9.H2O – could take place.
In all studied cases, the thermal analysis methods corroborated with structural investigations
(XRD, FT-IR) allowed obtaining important information not only about the thermal behavior but
also on the chemical composition of the as-prepared gels and powders

OP1.08 Oral Presentations 1

Thermogravimetric analysis of the sol-gel prepared nickel-oxide thin

films: a tool for optimization their electrochromic response


Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology; University of Ljubljana,
Večna pot 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Non-stoichiometric nanostructured or polycrystalline nickel oxide is a promising material

owing two attractive properties: high electrochromic efficiency [1] and p-type semiconductivity [2].
Recently fast developing research area of NiO application is in new types of photo-electrochemical
devices for the conversion of solar energy into electricity and for fuel production, based on p-type
dye-sensitized solar cells [3]. In a form of thin film NiO can also be used as functional sensing layer
for gas sensors [4].
Electrochromic nickel oxide thin films have been prepared by various physical and chemical
methods. Sol–gel synthesis route, followed by one of the deposition techniques, is a versatile
method for the preparation of the variety of composition at relatively low processing temperatures.
During or after the deposition process, the films have to be thermally treated in order to improve
adhesion to the substrate and to ensure their structural stability. The final properties of the films can
be tailored using various precursors and different annealing temperatures.
For the electrochromic nickel-oxide thin films it is well known that regardless of the
preparation technique, the degree of thermal treatment is the key factor which influences the
magnitude of the optical modulation. Too high processing temperature significantly lowers the
electrochromic effect, but on the other hand, in thermally untreated films the optical modulation
decreases soon after the beginning of cycling.
If the sample is prepared in thin film as well as in powdered form, the differences in particle
size and in microstructure of both forms cause different thermal stability. Decomposition
temperature decreases with decrease in sample particle size. Thermal analysis of thin films is a
demanding procedure and direct measurements of thin films are still not very common; but
explanation of thermal decomposition of thin films on the basis of the results obtained from TG and
DSC curves of xerogels could lead to a wrong interpretation.
The aim of the optimisation procedure was to find out the temperature and duration of
thermal treatment of sol-gel derived nickel oxide thin films, prepared from different precursors (nickel
sulphate, acetate and chloride) which lead to maximal optical modulation during potential switching,
for a great number of cycles. The first step in in this procedure was dynamic TG analysis of the thin
films themselves, followed by isothermal measurements at a chosen temperature.

[1] C. G. Granqvist, Handbook of Inorganic Electrochromic Materials, Elsevier, New York, 1995
[2] G. Boschloo, A. Hagfeldt, J. Phys. Chem. B 105 (2001) 3039
[3] F. Odobel, Y. Pellegrin, E. A. Gibson, A. Hagfeldt, A. L. Smeigh, Coord. Chem. Rev. 256 (2012) 2414
[4] I. Hotovy, J. Huran, L. Speiss, R. Čapkovic, Š. Haščík, Vacuum 58 (2000) 300

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.09

Thermodynamic analysis of phase transitions in thermomechanically

processed steel showing the transformation-induced plasticity effect

Adam GRAJCAR1, Władysław ZALECKI2, Wojciech BURIAN3,

Mariusz KRÓL1
Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials,
18a Konarskiego Street, Gliwice, Poland
Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, 12-14 K. Miarki Street, Gliwice, Poland
Institute of Non Ferrous Metals, 5 Sowinskiego Street, Gliwice, Poland

In recent years the high technological progress in the automotive industry has been done
in the development of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) enabling both the reduction of car
weight and the improvement of the passive safety. The advanced high strength steels are
characterized by multiphase microstructures. They include Dual Phase (DP), Complex Phase (CP)
and Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels [1,2]. The special focus concentrates on the
relationships between chemical composition, heat treatment and mechanical properties of TRIP
steels showing a strain-induced transformation of retained austenite into martensite. Decomposition
of retained austenite on cooling from the austenite region is often monitored by dilatometry,
differential thermal analysis (DTA) or differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) [3,4]. Results of the
investigations have often to be confirmed by detailed microscopic research because phase
transformations in multiphase steels are very complex.
The study addresses monitoring phase transitions from the heavily deformed austenite of
the 0.24C-1.5Mn-0.9Si-0.4Al type steel. The pseudo-binary Fe-C diagram of the steel was
calculated using Thermo-Calc. The next step of the study included the thermodynamic calculations
of the volume fraction change of individual phases as a function of temperature. The calculations
were performed with the use of JMatPro programme under conditions of thermodynamic
equilibrium. The research included the determination of the time-temperature-transformation (TTT)
diagram and continuous-cooling-transformation (CCT) diagram of the investigated steel. The
calculated equilibrium diagrams were compared with the experimental diagram determined using
dilatometric tests. The physical simulation tests were performed using a thermomechanical
simulator under conditions of multi-step deformation to reflect cooling strategies designed on the
basis of thermodynamic data. Microstructural features of phases were revealed using light and
scanning electron microscopy techniques.

[1] D. Krizan, B.C. De Cooman, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 45 (2014) 3481

[2] A. Grajcar, W. Zalecki, P. Skrzypczyk, A. Kilarski, A. Kowalski, S. Kołodziej, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 118
(2014) 739
[3] L. Zhao, K.A. Top, V. Rolin, J. Sietsma, A. Mertens, P.J. Jacques, S. Van der Zwaag, J. Mater. Sci., 37 (2002) 1585
[4] M. Gojic, M. Suceska, M. Rajic, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 75 (2004) 947

OP1.10 Oral Presentations 1

Thermal behaviour and structure of BaZrO3 nanoparticles

Kerim Emre ÖKSÜZ1, Şaduman ŞEN2, Uğur ŞEN2

Cumhuriyet University, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Eng., 58140, Sivas, Turkey.
Sakarya University, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Eng., 54187, Sakarya, Turkey.

Barium zirconate (BaZrO3) has unique material features such as a high melting point, a
small thermal expansion coefficient, a wide band gap, and high dielectric permittivity. This paper
presents the possibility of applying wet ball milling techniques to carry out the synthesis of
ceramics with perovskite structure, thereby eliminating prolonged use of high temperatures in their
preparation. In this paper, the effect of ball milling time on particle size, morphology and phase
composition of BaZrO3 nanoparticles, prepared by the wet ball milling method, were studied. The
Perovskite phase formation was investigated systematically as a function of milling time. The
corresponding structural properties and morphology were investigated and confirmed by various
techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD) together with Rietveld refinement, Fourier transform
infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy and Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-
SEM). Besides, the thermal analysis of the powders was performed in a flowing air atmosphere by
using a Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and
Thermogravimetric analysis (TG).

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.11

Factors affecting thermal and thermodynamic properties of nanoscale


Konstantin GAVRICHEV, Vladimir GUSKOV, Ksenia BRYUKHANOVA,

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Leninsky prospect, 31, Moscow, 119991,

It is known that nanosubstances exhibit unique properties owing to their nanosize of grains,
large surface area, high porosity (for sponge-like materials). These properties enable application of
nanoscale materials in various fields, such as catalysts, chemical current sources, ceramics and so
Experimental study of nanoscale materials meets a number of difficulties. Among them are:
(1) structural disordering, (2) difference in the chemical composition of the surface layer (shell) and
inner part of the nanoparticles (core), (3) presence of impurities, adsorbed on the surface of
nanoparticles, (4) the presence of hydrated (solvated) phases in the sample formed during the
synthesis, (5) limitations of using traditional thermal methods for desorption of impurities and
dehydration of the substance.
Nanoscale substances, in comparison with their bulk counterparts, are metastable, and this
leads to the difference in phase diagrams. This applies both to the position of the lines of phase
equilibria, as well as temperature and concentration of non-variant equilibria points.
Thermochemical studies of enthalpy of dissolution for oxides and hydroxides of iron [1], aluminum
[2] and titanium [3] showed that the enthalpy of formation of these compounds depends linearly on
the surface area of particles.
The study of low-temperature heat capacity of magnetite [4] showed that the Verwey
transition (a λ-peak at 120 K for bulk substance), for nanoparticle specimen (13 nm) actually
disappears. On the curve Cp(T) magnetic transition in CoO [5] changes the shape of transition from
a sharp peak (for a bulk substance) to flat maximum (for 7 nm particles).
Calorimetric study of hexagonal nanoscale and bulk GdPO4·nH2O specimens revealed that
the temperature of phase transformation, which consists of the removal of the last water molecules
from the channels of the hexagonal structure and the resulting structural phase transition
“rabdophan-monazite”, decreases by almost 300 K.
Heat capacity measurements of nanowhiskers of LnPO4 (Ln=La-Sm) showed that in the
temperature region above 100 K the thermodynamic functions of nanoscale substances are slightly
higher than the values for bulk substances. For particles of size 25-30 nm the difference in entropy
at a temperature of 298 K is up to 5%.

[1] I. Diakonov et al., Eur. J. Miner., 6 (1994) 967.

[2] J. Majzlan et al., Clays and Clays minerals, 48 (2000) 699.
[3] A.A. Levchenko et al., Chem. Mater., 18(26) (2006) 6324.
[4] C.L. Snow et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 21100.
[5] L. Wang et al., Chem.Mater, 16 (2004) 5394.

OP1.12 Oral Presentations 1

Thermodynamic and kinetic causes of bio-monochirality


1Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS, Pyzhevsky side-str. 3, Moscow, 119017 Russia
2Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Vorontsovo Pole str. 10, Moscow, 105064 Russia

lance between the levorotatory and dextrorThe phenomena of monochirality and of racemization delay for
some substances contrary to fast racemization for other substances are the natural riddles, guesses of which evade researchers for
about 160 years after the monochirality discovery by Louis Pasteur. These phenomena are under wide study by the technique of
thermal analysis [1, 2], because the understandings of their nature are of great interest as the basis for governing the optical activity
of drugs, liquid crystals and some other goods in the processes of their industrial productions and storages and for developing the
methods of medical analyses.
Our presentation relates generally to bio-active organic substances. The proteins belonging to different
organisms as well as the natural amino-acids incorporated into proteins or occurring free in tissues
and lymphatic fluids are, as a rule, levorotatory; on the contrary, the riboses belonging to different
DNAs and RNAs and the DNA and RNA molecules as whole are dextrorotatory. Such selectivity in
the natural choice of a definite optical isomer requires special explanation, because the molar free
energies of levorotatory and dextrorotatory isomers of the same overall chemical composition and
the same chemical composition of their individual atomic groups are practically equal
independently of the spatial location of the individual groups and, thus, it would seem that the
numbers of the molecules with different arrangements of atomic groups should be the same and no
chirality should be expected. However, chirality is inherent in all organisms, from the simplest to
most complicated ones, and, what is more, transmits from one generation to another. This paradox
will be explained.
The riddles are not limited by this. Let the situation of the unbaotatory molecules of the
same overall chemical composition and the same chemical composition of individual atomic groups
arise by any unknown way by the time of the birth of any organism. It would seem that the
interatomic oscillations and diffusion jumping of atoms should lead to interchange by the points of
location and to balancing in the locations of the atomic groups of identical chemical composition.
And such process really proceeds in some systems. But why doesn’t racemization proceed in other
systems? Why do all organisms come into being with identical DNA and RNA optical isomers
(dextrorotatory), and why doesn’t racemization proceed during their lives, independently of the time
intervals between DNA replications? Why do all organisms begin their lives with identical proteins
(levorotatory), and why are optical characteristics of their proteins the same up to their death?
We answer all above questions on the basis of our Life Origination Hydrate Theory (LOH-
Theory) and chemical and structural features of ribonucleic acids and proteins and bearing in mind
the thermodynamic and kinetic factors influencing the optical characteristics of functional organic

[1] K.W. Bush, M.A. Bush, “Chiral Analysis”, Elsevier (2011) 720 p.
[2] D.Ž. Obadović, A. Vajda, M. Garić, et al., J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 82 (2005) 519
[3] E.A. Kadyshevich, V.E. Ostrovskii, Chirality, 28 (2016) 153
[4] V.E. Ostrovskii, E.A. Kadyshevich, J. Molec. Evol., 79 (2014) 155

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.13

Thermogravimetric and Isothermal Sorption Analysis under

Application Relevant Conditions – High Pressure, Vapours and
Corrosive Atmospheres – Technology and Application Examples

Thomas PASCHKE1, Frieder DREISBACH1, Daniël ROEDOLF2

TA Instruments ˗ Rubotherm , Bochum, Germany
TA Instruments ˗ Waters NV, Zellik, Belgium.

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a well-established method in materials science,

physics and chemistry. The continuous weight measurement of a sample while exposing it to a
temperature program under controlled atmospheric conditions provides important information about
chemical reactions and structural changes of the sample material. Such extreme processes are
possible with our thermogravimetric analysers, because of the unique technology of TA Instruments
Magnetic Suspension Balance. As a result of that, our HP TGA instruments can measure under
conditions where all other instruments fail: Thermogravimetric Analysis using corrosive or toxic
atmospheres and from vacuum to high pressure.
The heart of the IsoSORP® Sorption Analysis instruments is again the Magnetic Suspension
Balance. This patented Balance allows highly accurate weight measurements of an isothermal
samples in closed vessels to be performed. The sample is weighed from the outside and the
suspension force is contactless transmitted from the pressurized measuring cell to a microbalance at
ambient atmosphere. This means that the sorption ability of a sample in a closed reactor can be
analyzed even under extreme conditions like high pressure and/or toxic atmospheres with the
utmost accuracy.
Multiple applications will be presented for both analysers mentioned above.

OP1.14 Oral Presentations 1

The critical solvent composition for solvation properties of different

aqueous-organic solvents


Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlevskaya str, Kazan, Russia

Understanding of solvation properties of binary aqueous-organic solvents is important due

to their numerous applications, but systematic studies are still very scarce. We determined
experimentally the thermodynamic functions of solvation of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in
the mixtures of various organic solvents with water at different compositions and considered the
relationships between the Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of solvation. The enthalpies of
solution were measured by means of precision titration calorimetry. The limiting activity
coefficients were determined using gas chromatographic headspace analysis and recalculated into
the Gibbs free energies of solvation.
Results show that the Gibbs free energy of solvation gradually increases with increasing
fraction of water in all the studied systems [1]. In contrast, the enthalpies of solvation grow up to a
certain critical water concentration, reach their maximum, and then decrease within quite a narrow
range of high molar fractions of water. Hence, a sharp drop of the entropy of solvation is observed
upon addition of a small quantity of organic solvent to pure water. Enthalpy-entropy compensation
is observed for a broad range of compositions up to the mentioned critical concentration of water,
which can be different for each organic cosolvent and solute.
Such behavior of the thermodynamic functions cannot be explained only by the preferential
solvation [2] of a nonpolar solute with an organic cosolvent, despite it undoubtedly exists. Further
understanding of the observed phenomena was achieved through molecular dynamics simulations
of binary solvents and calculation of the thermodynamic functions of cavity formation. Widom
method was applied to calculate the Gibbs free energy and enthalpy of insertion of a hard sphere
particle into the solvent, which is equivalent to creation of a cavity with the same radius. The trends
observed for the calculated values reproduced the above-mentioned tendencies for hydrocarbons
solvation, including the maximum of the enthalpy at high water content and the bend in enthalpy-
entropy plots. Solvation properties of binary solvents are governed by the cavity formation
contribution. The existence of enthalpy maxima can be attributed to the reorganization of the
solvent around a dissolved molecule or a cavity.
From these thermodynamic studies, it follows that organic solvents suppress the
hydrophobic effect very effectively even at low concentrations, which leads to such phenomena as
denaturation of proteins or destabilization of micelles and other supramolecular aggregates in the
presence of organic compounds. A comparison between the values of critical solvent composition
corresponding to the enthalpy maximum and the critical micelle concentrations in aqueous-organic
mixtures shows that micelles are easier disrupted by the solvents with higher critical water content.

[1] I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov, B.N. Solomonov, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 224(B) (2016) 1205-1209
[2] G. N. Pallewela, P. E. Smith, J. Phys. Chem. B 119 (2015) 15706−15717

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.15

Solution and excess molar enthalpies for 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium

chloride and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide + 1-butanol
systems at temperatures between 303.15 K and 318.15 K in the dilute
concentration region

Mariana TEODORESCU, Vlad Tudor POPA

“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Splaiul Independentei
202, 060021 Bucharest, Romania

The ionic liquid (IL) + organic solvent and electrolyte systems and the infinite dilution
concentration range are very important from both experimental data and modeling view points [1].
1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl) and bromide ([bmim]Br) prototype ILs are used
for the synthesis of other more complicated ILs. Beyond others, the phase equilibria,
thermophysical and excess thermodynamic properties of ILs – organic solvent mixtures are
important in development of predictive thermodynamic models for total or partial replacement of
classical solvents by “greener” ILs. The elucidation of the ILs solvent abilities through molecular
interactions explanation is under academia focus.
As part of a project started few years ago, in this work isothermal enthalpies of solution for
[bmim]Cl and [bmim]Br + 1-butanol systems, measured in a SETARAM C80 3D calorimeter with
reversal mixing mechanism over the composition range of 0.0075 - 1.1625 mol/kg IL at three
temperatures and atmospheric pressure, are presented. The data are missing from literature. The
studied ILs are solids at normal conditions. The calorimeter was calibrated by Joule effect. Its
accuracy was checked by measurements of the molar enthalpies of solution in infinite dilution
region for KCl in water. The values were 2% lower than literature value [2] at 303.15 K. The
reproducibility was 0.1% of the measured value.
The experimental data have been correlated reasonably well by means of the modified
Pitzer’s model by Archer for electrolyte solutions [3] despite of the fact that the electrolyte models
are not sufficiently developed [1]. The molar enthalpies of solution at infinite dilution and excess
molar enthalpies (apparent relative molar enthalpies for solutes and relative molar enthalpies for
mixtures) have been obtained. The results show that the endothermic breaking of the solute/solute
or solvent/solvent interactions is dominant at mixing and decreases with temperature increasing.
The thermal effect of bromide-bromide bonds breaking is larger than that of chloride-chloride ones,
supported by the higher molar enthalpy of fusion and normal melting point of pure bromide.
Solute/solvent interactions which should be reflected at infinite dilution are somewhat evidenced in
the present derived molar heat of solution at infinite dilution values, but the exact numbers are
extremely sensitive to imperfection of the electrolyte models, the algorithm used for the fittings and
small uncertainty of experimental data. In order to improve the modelling and reflect the molecular
interactions in excess partial molar enthalpies, the results of a new attempt for data correlation are
also presented.

[1] E. Hendriks, G. M. Kontogeorgis, R. Dohrn, J.-C. de Hemptinne, I. G. Economou, L. F. Zilnik, V. Vesovic, Ind.
Eng. Chem. Res., 49 (2010) 11131
[2] A. Sanahuja, E. Cesari, Themochim. Acta, 85 (1985) 163
[3] D. G. Archer, J. A. Rard, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 43 (1998) 791

OP1.16 Oral Presentations 1

Calorimetric analysis of degradation of nitrocellulose after

microbiological treatment


Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, av. Semenova, 5, Chernogolovka,
142432 Russian Federation
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kremlevskay st., 18, Kazan,
420000 Russian Federation

The development of methods and techniques to accelerate the decomposition of sewage

from the production of nitrated cellulose (NC) at treatment facilities of industrial enterprises will
allow to solve environmental problems associated with the accumulation of large amounts of the
fire and explosive dangerous material in the pond-settling ponds and thereby reduce the negative
impact on the environment. The biodegradation of NC with the content of N 13.38 wt% in a joint
incubation with the bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans [1] and fungi Fusarium solani [2], in the
community of microorganisms of an active silt, and also in a variant of the preliminary treatment of
NC with hard ultraviolet irradiation and ozone (UV+ozon) for 27 hours has been researched (NCtr).
The incubation of NC with microorganisms was carried out for 36 and 65 days. Isolation of NC
from the biodegradation reaction solution after its sedimentation was carried out with acetone. The
amount of decomposed NC was determined by weight method after 5, 36 and 65 days of incubation.
Several parameters were also measured during this study: the heat release kinetics in the thermal
decomposition of products of the NC utilization after 36 and 65 days of incubation when used the
automatic differential microcalorimeter DAC-1–2 [3] to estimate qualitatively the conversion of NC
in the biodegradation reaction, pH, the nitrate and nitrite ion content, the viscosity of solution NC
after microbiological treatment , the H, S, C, N quantity and the molecular weight distribution for
the isolated and dried sample of NC after utilization [1,2]. It has been found that the preliminary
treatment of the initial NCtr significantly changes the structure and promotes the further
biodegradation of NC. The greatest degree of biodegradation was achieved when NCtr were co-
incubated on a F. solani culture with D. desulfuricans. The maximal reduction of the nitrogen
content in a treat NC is achieved already after five days of microbiological treatment and at more
great time of treatment does not change practically, which is promising from the point of view of
practical application. For this variant of microbiological treatment of the NC with the bacteria D.
desulfuricans and fungi F. solani, the heat release Qtot in the thermal decomposition reaction of NC
subjected to microbiological treatment was 3620 J/g for 36 days compared with 4080 J/g for the
original NC sample.

[1] E.A. Saratovskikh, A.I. Kazakov, A.V. Kulikov, V.A. Khryachkov, R.N. Yarullin. Rus. J. General Chem., LX, No.
4 (2016) 106.
[2] V.A. Khryachkov, E.A. Saratovskikh, V.A. Shcherbakova, A.V. Kulikov, R.N. Yarullin. «Biotechnol.: state of the
art and perspectives», Moscow: LLC “RED GROUP” 1 (2017) 476.
[3] O.S. Galyuk, Yu.I. Rubtsov, G.R. Malinovskaya, G.B. Manelis. Rus. J. Phys. Chem. A, 39 (1965) 2319. (in

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.17

Enthalpies of fusion and solvation as a source of information about

sublimation enthalpies of aromatic compounds at 298.15 K


Department of Physical Chemistry, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya str. 18, 420008
Kazan, Russia

In the present work a method of determination of sublimation enthalpies of aromatic

compounds is developed. The method is modification of recently proposed solution calorimetry
approach, which allows determining sublimation or vaporization enthalpy of aromatic compound
from its measured solution and calculated solvation enthalpies in an appropriate solvent. In this
study fusion enthalpies at the melting temperature and solvation enthalpies in benzene calculated
according to group-additivity scheme are applied for calculation of sublimation enthalpies of
aromatic compounds. The sublimation enthalpy of aromatic compound Ai not capable of self-
association due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding may be calculated as follows [1]:
Δgcr H Ai (298.15 K) = Δlcr H Ai (Tm ) − Δsolv H Ai /С6H6 (298.15 K)
In the case of self-associating compound (Xi)nPhY with substituent Y causing self-
associtation due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding (COOH, OH, CONH2, NH2) and substituents
Xi not capable of self-association, the sublimation enthalpy may be expressed by dint of the fusion
enthalpy of PhY at the melting temperature and the sublimation enthalpy of PhY at 298.15 K:
Δ gcr H (Xi )n PhOH (298.15 K) = Δ lcr H (Xi )n PhOH (Tm ) + Δ gcr H PhOH (298.15 K) −
−Δ lcr H PhOH (Tm ) − n ⋅ Δsolv H Xi →H/C6H6
Proposed equations are derived basing on the relationships between fusion and solution
enthalpies of aromatic compounds in benzene. The solution enthalpies of self-associated aromatic
compounds in liquid state in benzene were supposed to be weakly influenced by insertion of
substituents not causing self-association due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding. This assumption
was validated experimentally in the study [2] devoted to relationships between phase transitions
enthalpies of substituted phenols.
Sublimation enthalpies calculated according to proposed equations are shown to converge
with recommended literature values within the limits of experimental uncertainty, as well as with
the sublimation enthalpies determined according to solution calorimetry approach. Among self-
associated aromatic compounds phase transitions thermochemistry of benzoic acid derivatives,
aromatic and heteroaromatic carboxylic acids [3], substituted phenols [2], benzamide derivatives,
nicotinamide and isonicotinamide [4] is discussed in details.

[1] B.N. Solomonov, M.A. Varfolomeev, R.N. Nagrimanov, T.A. Mukhametzyanov, V.B. Novikov, Thermochim. Acta,
622 (2015) 107
[2] M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 105 (2017) 50
[3] B.N. Solomonov, R.N. Nagrimanov, M.I. Yagofarov, Fluid Phase Equilib., 430 (2016) 93
[4] M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov, Thermochim. Acta, 646 (2016) 26

OP1.18 Oral Presentations 1

Non-additivity in the thermochemical properties of phase transitions

of heteroaromatic compounds


Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Kazan federal university,420111, Kazan, Russia
Department of Physical Chemistry, Rostock University, 18051, Rostock, Germany

Thermochemical properties of phase transitions are an important parameter of a pure

substance. Traditional methods for determination of this parameter are based on the investigation of
the process of transition from the condensed phase to gas at 298.15 K. This procedure is not
universal and has some well-known problems, which were discussed in [1].
In this work, we propose a solution calorimetry approach to the determination of the
enthalpies of phase transitions directly at 298 K. This approach is based on the well-known
relationship between the phase transition enthalpy of compound Ai at 298 K and the enthalpy of
solution ( Δsoln Н A /S ) and solvation ( Δ solv Н A /S ) of compound Ai in solvent S at 298 K:
i i

Δ cr(l)
Н A /S (298 К) = Δ soln Н A /S (298 К) - Δ solv Н A /S (298 К)
i i
Solution enthalpy can be measured experimentally. The solvation enthalpy can be calculated using
the additive scheme as well as the vaporization enthalpy. However it was shown that the solvation
enthalpies as well as vaporization enthalpies at 298 K of pyrazole and imidazole have different
values despite the same molecular formula. This difference was analyzed based on substituted
pyrazoles and imidazoles with the same molecular formula. And it turned out that this difference is
a constant and can be taken into account for calculation the solvation enthalpies of substituted
Also in the present work we have developed an additivity scheme [2] for the calculation of
solvation enthalpy of systems with solute-solvent hydrogen bond interactions. A simple additivity
scheme [2] was modified taking into account the contribution of hydrogen bonding on the values of
solvation enthalpy. This contribution was calculated using Iogansen equation which connected the
enthalpy of hydrogen bonds with frequency shifts of N-H stretching vibrations. The efficiency of
the scheme for calculating the enthalpies of solvation was tested on the substituted NH containing
compounds. We have determined vaporization/sublimation enthalpies of substituted NH containing
compounds at 298.15 K using experimentally measured solution enthalpies and estimated values of
solvation enthalpies. The values of vaporization/sublimation enthalpies obtained using the solution
calorimetry approach are in good agreement with data from transpiration method and data from the
This work was supported by the research grant of Kazan Federal University.

[1] S.P. Verevkin, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005, pp. 6–30.

[2] B.N. Solomonov, M.A. Varfolomeev, R.N. Nagrimanov, V.B. Novikov, A.V. Buzyurov, Yu.V. Fedorova, T.A.
Mukhametzyanov, Thermochim. Acta, 622 (2015) 88-96.

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.19

Coumarin intercalated layered double hydroxides thin films prepared

by laser techniques

Angela VLAD1, Ion TIRCA1,2, Andrei ROTARU1, Ruxandra BIRJEGA1,

Mihai SECU3, Andreea MATEI1, Rodica ZAVOIANU4
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics,Atomistilor 409, Bucharest, Romania,
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, RO-200585, Craiova, Romania
National Institute for Materials Physics, P.O. Box MG7, 77125 BucharestMagurele, Romania
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Technology and Catalysis,
412 Regina Elisabeta Bd., Bucharest, 030018, Romania,

Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are a class of anionic clays consisting of positively-
charged brucite-like layers between which are intercalated anions and water molecules. LDHs
containing Mg2+ and Al3+ cations with molar ratio of 2.5 were prepared by co-precipitation.
Intercalation of an organic chromophore in layered double hydroxide (LDH) materials was done by
reconstruction method. Coumarin intercalated inside the interlayers, induce changes in their
morphology and in optical properties.
X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and differential
thermal analysis (TG-DTA) analysis on prepared powders shows that the coumarin-343 has been
successfully intercalated into LDH matrix. The minimal amount of incorporated coumarin-343 is
1.1% and was determined by TG analysis.
Thin films of coumarin intercalated in LDH structure have been prepared by pulsed laser
deposition (PLD) using a Nd:YAG laser working at 532 nm and 1064 nm and 10 Hz repetition rate
[1,2]. The optical properties of hybrid thin films were characterized by photoluminescence spectra
with the excitation wavelength of 380 nm pumped by Xe lamp.

1. A. Vlad, R. Birjega, A. Matei, C. Luculescu, B. Mitu, M. Dinescu, R. Zavoianu, O. D. Pavel, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2014,
302, 99-104
2. Birjega R, Vlad A, Matei A, Dumitru M, Stokker-Cheregi F, Dinescu M, Zavoianu R, Raditoiu V, Corobea MC
(2016), Organo-layered double hydroxides composite thin films deposited by laser techniques. Appl Surf Sci 374: 326-

OP1.20 Oral Presentations 1

Spectroscopic ellipsometry, a useful tool to investigate phase

transitions in thin films: case study on phase change materials

Aurelian-Catalin GALCA1, Gabriel SOCOL2, Alin VELEA1

National Institute of Materials Physics, Atomistilor 405A, Magurele, Ilfov, Romania
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Atomistilor 409, Magurele, Ilfov,

Spectroscopic ellipsometry is a non-invasive tool to characterize thin films. The

experimental data are highly accurate and the analysis of the change in polarization upon reflection
from the sample surface [1] can lead to determination of any material parameter (e.g. chemical
composition, crystallinity, porosity, free carrier concentration), almost all being responsible for the
change in optical properties.
Performing spectroscopic ellipsometry at different samples temperatures it is possible to
determine phase change transitions [2,3]. The advantage of this technique is that small amount of
material can be tested, the mass of sample which is meant to be characterized being a limitation of
other thermal analysis equipment.
Phase change materials [4] (e.g. GeTe, GaSb) are ‘perfect’ materials to prove the usefulness
of spectroscopic ellipsometry since the difference between the refractive indices of crystalline phase
and amorphous phase are very high [5].
In this work, we will present and discuss the temperature dependence of the optical
properties of phase change materials.

[1] Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Principles and Applications, H Fujiwara (Wiley, Chichester, 2007)
[2] Djneka et al., Spectroscopic ellipsometry applied to phase transitions in solids: possibilities and limitations, Optics
Express 17 (2009) 14322
[3] Tyunina et al., Phase transitions in ferroelectric Pb0.5Sr0.5TiO3 films probed by spectroscopic ellipsometry, Physical
Review B 86 (2012) 224105
[4] Phase Change Materials Science and Applications, edited by S. Raoux and M. Wuttig (Springer, New York, 2009)
[5] Velea et al., In-situ characterization of the optical and electronic properties in GeTe and GaSb thin films, Journal of
Applied Physics 118 (2015) 135712

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.21

Thermal analysis and testing of unidirectional carbon-carbon

composite for thermal imaging diagnostic

Mauro DALLA PALMA1, Davide GAULE2, Antonio PIMAZZONI1,

Consorzio RFX - CNR, 4 corso Stati Uniti Padova, Italy
University of Padova, 1848 via 8 Febbraio Padova, Italy
IPP Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 2 Boltzmannstraße Garching, Germany

Unidirectional carbon-carbon (C-C) composite tiles have been designed, manufactured, and
tested to be used as thermal imaging diagnostic of high energy particle beams. The tiles intercept
the particle beam eroding the carbon surface and producing debris, while a plasma forms due to
beam-gas interaction in front of the tiles. Carbon fibres are aligned along the tile thickness in order
to transfer the thermal pattern from the front to the rear surface. Thermal pattern divergence is
limited by the very high thermal conductivity of carbon fibre and pattern aspect ratio is preserved
by applying the same manufacturing parameters in any transversal direction. Thermal radiation is
detected at the tile rear surface by thermographic cameras producing thermograms correlated to
particle beam energy, distribution, and exposure time [1].
Different manufacturers have been involved in the project to develop the unidirectional C-C
composite and tile prototypes have been tested [2]. Thermal patterns with spatial resolution of few
mm and time resolution of 100 ms have been measured on C-C tiles exposed to hydrogen
accelerated to produce up to 10 MW/m2 in the GLADIS ion beam test facility by observing material
heterogeneousness and temperature distribution with maximum value of 800 °C in vacuum.
Multiphysics transient non-linear parametric finite element models have been developed to
simulate thermal transfer inside tiles, thermal patterns at surfaces, and thermal deformations of tiles
by varying distribution and peak of the power density. Screening shields have been simulated to
investigate experimental effects on tested tiles. Thermal gradients, heat fluxes through the thermal
path, characteristic time constant, and hoop deformations around the applied power density have
been analysed and discussed to recognise the tile behaviour. Models have been validated by
comparing outputs from analytical calculations and experimental measurements. Then, model
geometry and parameters can be changed to extrapolate the behaviour of the full diagnostic to be
used in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility with expected specific power up to 20 MW/m2 [3].

[1] D. Ciric et al, Beam profiles measurement using a unidirectional CFC-target and infrared imaging, Proceedings of
the 18th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 22–26 August 1994
[2] M. De Muri et al, High energy flux thermo-mechanical test of 1D-carbon-carbon fibre composite prototypes for the
SPIDER diagnostic calorimeter, Rev Sci Instrum. 2014 Feb;85(2):02A718
[3] G. Serianni et al, Neutralisation and transport of negative ion beams: physics and diagnostics / Pasqualotto,
Diagnostics of the ITER neutral beam test facility, New Journal of Physics, Volume 19, April 2017

OP1.22 Oral Presentations 1

Phase equilibria in LaBr3-TlBr system


Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, Wrocław University
of Economics, Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland
Division of Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Metallurgy, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław
University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland

Lanthanide halides have high practical impact in modern technologies because of their
luminescence and unusual optical properties. Therefore they are attractive component of materials
used in lighting industry, medical imaging and display panels [1,2]. Thallium compounds are a
well-known material in radiation detectors, optical fibre crystals and in medical imaging as well [3].
The attractive application properties of lanthanum(III) bromide and thallium bromide suggest that
interesting properties of their mixture can be also expected.
The phase equilibria in the lanthanium(III) bromide-thallium bromide pseudobinary system
were established by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (Fig. 1). The DSC
investigations were performed on the samples with different compositions in whole mole fraction
x(LaBr3) range. Experiments were carried out at heating and cooling rates ranging from 1 to 5
K . min-1. This system includes one intermediate compound Tl2LaBr5. It melts congruently at 829 K.
The compositions of TlBr-Tl2LaBr5 and Tl2LaBr5-LaBr3 eutectics, corresponding to LaBr3 mole
fraction x = 0.088 (T = 687 K) and x = 0.491 (T = 788 K) respectively, was found from Tammann’s
plot, which predicts, through application of the lever rule, the variation of the enthalpy associated
with eutectic melting as a function of composition.

Figure 1. LaBr3–TlBr phase diagram.

[1] W. Van Erk, Pure Appl. Chem., 72 (2000) 2159-66

[2] A. Bessière, P. Dorenbos, C.W.E. Van Eijk, K.W. Krämer, H.U. Güdel, A. Galtayries, J. Lumin., 117 (2006) 187-98
[3] V. Rajagopal, H.S. Gurm, R.C, Brunken, C.E. Pothier, D.L. Bhatt, M.S. Lauer, Am. Heart J., 149 (2005) 534-40

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.23

Phase Transitions and Thermal Behavior of the compounds of the

type [M(DMSO)6](ClO4)2


Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, ul. Ingardena 3, 30–060 Krakow, Poland

The ranges of thermal stability and the temperature of explosion of all the
[M(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 compounds (M = Cd, Mn, Zn, Ni, Fe, Mg and Sr) were determined and
compared. This comparison showed that the most stable is a compound which contains Mn2+ ions
and the least that which contains Sr2+ ions. Before reaching the temperature of the explosion some
of the title compounds can release one or two DMSO molecules transforms into the corresponding
four- and five-coordinate complexes. This process is reversible when the measurements are carried
out for "closed" samples.
The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements performed for
[M(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 indicated its very rich and interesting phase polymorphism [1-3]. The
crystallization by cooling of this compounds undergoes in a specific way because some of the
phases can be very easily supercooled, and become the metastable phases.
To facilitates the orientation in the
polymorphism of [M(DMSO)6](ClO4)2, the
schematic phase diagram for each of studied 100
[Ni(DMSO) ](ClO ) explosion
5 4 2

compounds has been created (see Fig 1). sample

ΔS [J/molK]

80 Rot 1
The values of molar enthalpy and entropy of the 60
phase transitions, which can be read directly from
the diagram, indicate that in high temperature range
Cr 4
all studied compounds tend to create orientationally 20
Cr 3
Cr 5 Cr 2
dynamically disordered crystals (ODIC) (called also 0
Cr 3
as plastic crystals). 40 [Ni(DMSO) ](ClO ) 5 4 2

On a basis of the results obtained for chosen

[M(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 type compound, we will 30 Rot 1
ΔH [kJ/mol]

present the global analysis of the mechanism of 20

detected phase transitions. This analysis would be
based on a data obtained by infrared and Raman 10 Cr 4

spectroscopy methods, solid state NMR Cr 5 Cr 2

Cr 3

spectroscopy, and structural analyses (X-Ray and 0

Cr 3

neutron diffraction). 300 350 400 450 500 550

T [K]

Fig. 1. Phase diagram of [Ni(DMSO)6](ClO4)2

[1] A. Migdał-Mikuli, E. Szostak, Thermochim. Acta, 444 (2006) 195-200.
[2] E. Szostak, A. Migdał-Mikuli, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 101 (2010) 601-606.
[3] E. Szostak, A. Migdał-Mikuli, P. Bernard, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 115 (1) (2014) 443-449.
[4] A. Migdał-Mikuli, E. Szostak, Z. Naturforsch., 60a (2005) 289-295.

OP1.24 Oral Presentations 1

Suppression of the thermal flux in Si/Ge and Si/SiO2 cross-section

modulated nanowires

Calina I. ISACOVA1, Alexandr I. COCEMASOV, Denis L. NIKA

Moldova State University, Mateevici-60 str., Chisinau MD-2009, Moldova

We report on theoretical investigation of phonon thermal transport in Si/Ge and Si/SiO2 cross-
section modulated nanowires. The calculations of the acoustic phonon energies were carried out in
the framework of the face-centered cubic cell and Born von Karman models of the lattice dynamics
[1-2]. The thermal conductivity was calculated in the framework of Boltzmann transport equation
approach within the relaxation time approximation. The significant suppression (up to an order of
magnitude, see Fig. 1) of the thermal flux in Si/Ge and Si/SiO2 cross-section modulated nanowires
(MNWs) in comparison with generic silicon nanowires (NW) is established. Modulation of
nanowire cross-section leads to suppression of the thermal flux and decreasing the phonon group
velocities due to the redistribution of the phonon spectrum. Acoustical mismatch of materials and
narrow segments of nanowires are responsible for appearance of the phonon modes, localized in
nanowire segments. These modes possess low group velocity and weakly participate in the thermal
transport. Low values of the thermal flux and thermal conductivity of cross-section modulated
nanowires make them prospective for thermoelectric applications.

Figure 1.

Acknowledgements: The work was supported by the Moldova State Project nr. 15.817.02.29F

[1] D. L. Nika, A. I. Cocemasov, C. I. Isacova, et al. Phys. Rev. B, 85 (2012) 205439.

[2] A. I. Cocemasov, D. L. Nika, V. M. Fomin, D. Grimm, O. G. Schmidt, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107(1) (2015) 011904.

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.25

Experimental evaluation of water injection impact at

turbo engine starting

Ene BARBU1, Mihaiella CRETU1, Radu MIREA1, Marius DEACONU1,

Valeriu VILAG1
INCDT COMOTI, Iuliu Maniu 220D, Bucharest, 061126, Romania

A gas turbine is designed by taking into account the standard ISO conditions: 15 °C, 1.013
bar and 60 % relative humidity. During summer, the air temperature increases and its density
decreases. That leads to the reduction of air flow within turbine's intake and, consequently, of the
power delivered by the turbo engine. Thus, a 1°C of air temperature increase means that the
delivered power decreases with 0.45 - 0.9% [1].
One of the used methods for compensating the power loss is the cooling of the intake air by
spraying pulverized water in the engine's intake. The post-combustion is situated downstream in
relation to the turbo engine and, thus, will be influenced by its activity regarding flame stability and
Usually, in order to compensate the power loss of a co-generative power group, water
injection starts only if the nominal power of the engine is 50 % or more. The environment
regulations are more and more restrictive and have determined researches related to the decrease of
the emissions even at the starting of the co-generative group. Considering the above mentioned
aspects, water injection in engine's intake, increase its power and may lead to the decrease of the
NOx emissions [2].
Present paper is presenting the researches performed at INCDT COMOTI on its post
combustion testing stand, regarding the impact of water injection in engine's intake at its starting.
The experiments have been performed by using a TV2-117A turbo engine, modified by INCDT
COMOTI's specialists to work on natural gas rather than kerosene. The methodology for
emphasising the power increase and the relation between NOx emissions and burned gas
temperature is described and detailed.
The experimental emission data collected both at the chimney and at the
residential/industrial interface allowed the charting of NOx dispersion. By analysing the dispersion
charts, it was highlighted that NOx levels at the interface are way below the limits imposed by the in
force regulations.

[1] Chaker, M., Meher,-Homji, C. B., Mee III, T., R., 2002, "Inlet Fogging Of Gas Turbine Engines - Part A: Fog
Droplet Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer And Practical Considerations" ASME paper GT-2002-30562
[2] Barbu E. et al., The Influence of Inlet Air Cooling and Afterburning on Gas Turbine Cogeneration Groups
Performance, Gas Turbines - Materials, Modeling and Performance, Dr. Gurrappa Injeti (Ed.), InTech, 2015, ISBN:

OP1.26 Oral Presentations 1

A calorimetric study of hydration of magnesia-ferriferous slag

mechanically activated in air and in CO2 atmosphere

Aleksandr KALINKIN1, Basya GUREVICH1, Mikhail MYSHENKOV2,

The Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw
Materials, Kola Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Akademgorodok 26a, Apatity, Murmansk Region 184209, Russia
Saint Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia

The research object in this study has been granulated magnesia-ferriferous Cu–Ni slag from
“Pechenganickel” smelter plant (Murmansk Region, Russia). The slag mainly consists of magnesia-
ferriferous glass (95–98 wt.%) with minor amount of the crystalline phases of olivine (2–5 wt.%)
and ore minerals (1–3 wt.%). The reactivity of the slag as cementitious material is relatively low.
However in building materials it can be used as a component of blended cement, lime-activated
cement and alkali-activated cement in combination with Portland cement, lime or alkali agent,
In the present study, the hydration behaviour of the magnesia-ferriferous slag without
additional reagents has been studied by isothermal calorimetry. To enhance the reactivity,
mechanical activation of the slag has been carried out in a planetary mill AGO-2 in air and in CO2
atmosphere for 10 min at a centrifugal factor of 40 g. Earlier studies showed that the reactivity of
the slag milled in CO2 was higher than that of the slag milled in air [1,2]. The increase of the
reactivity was due to carbonization of the slag as a result of the MA-induced chemisorption of
carbon dioxide molecules in the form of carbonate ions by the slag particles.
The slag hydration heat evolution rate and total hydration heat emission have been measured
with an ТАМ III isothermal calorimeter at 25oC within two months. The mechanically activated
slag to water ratio has been 0.24. The results have shown that MA in CO2 in comparison to MA in
air substantially enhances the hydration of the slag. The induction period of heat evolution for the
slag mechanically activated in air and in CO2 is about 25 d and 6 d, respectively. The total hydration
heat emission for the both milled slag samples is about 2 times larger than that for supersulfated
cement [3] and is comparable with that for Portland cement [4].
The results of calorimetric experiments have been compared with X-ray diffraction, FT-IR
spectroscopy measurements and compressive strength of the slag samples. Hydration scheme of the
mechanically activated slag has been suggested.
The calorimetric experiments have been performed at the Centre for Thermogravimetric and
Calorimetric Research of the Research Park of St. Petersburg State University.

[1] A.M. Kalinkin, B.I. Gurevich, T.C. Y.A. Pakhomovskii, E.V. Kalinkina, V.V. Tyukavkina, Russ. J. Appl. Chem. 82
(2009) 1346
[2] A.M. Kalinkin, S. Kumar, B.I. Gurevich, T.C. Alex, E.V. Kalinkina, V.V. Tyukavkina, V.T. Kalinnikov, R. Kumar,
Int. J. Miner. Process., 112–113 (2012) 101
[3] S. H. Liu, L. Wang, Y. X. Gao, B. Yu, W. Tang, Thermochim. Acta, 605 (2015) 37
[4] B. Lothenbach, G. Le Saout, E. Gallucci, K. Scrivener, Cem.Concr. Res. 38 (2008) 848

Oral Presentations 1 OP1.27

Thermooxidative stability of a coaxial cable insulation aged by various

doses of radiation and temperature using non-isothermal DSC


Tibor DUBAJ1
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University
of Technology, Radlinského 9, 812 37, Bratislava, Slovakia

Polymer materials are sensitive to changes in chemical structure due to the effect of external
conditions. The main factors that usually trigger a chain mechanism of chemical changes in the
polymer are heat, light and radiation in the presence of oxygen. The changes in polymer materials
caused by these factors are generally known as ageing or degradation of materials. These changes
are naturally undesirable. Thermooxidative degradation occurs in two steps. The first one is
induction period (IP), where seemingly no chemical reaction takes place [1]. At the end of IP, the
second process – oxidation itself begins. The end of IP is characterized by a rapid oxygen uptake
and often a sudden change of material characteristics occurs. Therefore, the length of the IP is
frequently taken as a measure of a material stability.
The aim of this work was to estimate thermooxidative stability of coaxial cable used in an
atomic power plant. The samples contained the original unaged cable and cable aged by various
degradation doses. Three types of ageing were used: heat, radiation and combination of heat and
radiation. Non-isothermal DSC measurements were employed to study the thermooxidation of the
samples. Kinetic parameters describing IP of the thermooxidation were obtained from the
dependence of the onset oxidation temperatures on the heating rate by isoconversional method
using non-Arrhenian temperature function. Two criteria for the evaluation of the stability of the
materials have been chosen: the length of the IP and the residual stability. Based on the obtained
results, it has been demonstrated that the radiation and combination of heat and radiation exhibited a
negative effect on the lifetime of the cable. In this case, the thermooxidative stability of cable
coating decreases with increasing degradation dose. A different situation was observed in the
samples aged by the heat. This type of ageing led to initial increase of the thermooxidative stability
of materials followed by its exponential decrease. The decrease of residual stability can be
described by an exponential equation of first order for all types of ageing. The determination of
residual stability allows reliably quantify the extent of the material damage. This method can be
regarded as an appropriate technique for the evaluation of a durability of the cable.

Financial support from the Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV-15-0124) is
gratefully acknowledged. The financial support from the Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak
Republic (VEGA 1/0592/15) is also acknowledged.

[1] P. Šimon, Ľ. Kolman, J Therm Anal Calorim. 2001;64:813–20.

Oral Presentations 2
Theory & Methods, Kinetics & Catalysis, Fuels & Biofuels,
Energetics and Applied Thermal Engineering
Oral Presentations 2 OP2.01

High Temperature (1500 °C) Modulated DSC, Direct Cp

measurements, High Resolution and Modulated TGA – Technology
and Application Examples

Jaroslav Kolejka1, Daniël Roedolf2

TA Instruments ˗ Waters Gesellschaft m.b.H, Prague, Czech Republic
TA Instruments ˗ Waters NV, Zellik, Belgium.

In Modulated DSC, a sinusoidal temperature oscillation is overlaid on the traditional linear

ramp. The net effect of this on a simultaneous DSC/TGA instrument is that Heat Capacity (Cp) can
be measured directly in a single run. TA invented MDSC and understands it like no other company
and now extends the temperature range to 1500°C. This also allows measuring changes in Cp
isothermally and so looking at structure changes vs time. In Hi-Res TGA the heating rate is
controlled by the decomposition rate of the sample. Separation of broad and overlapping weight
losses, increased productivity with better resolution and rapid survey over wide temperature range
with excellent resolution are some of the benefits of HiRes TGA at high temperatures. Modulated
TGA™ is another TA Instruments innovation that offers advantages for material decomposition
studies. Developed from the proprietary heater control technology utilized by Hi-Res TGA and
MDSC, MTGA produces model-free kinetic data. Activation energy can be calculated real-time and
studied as a function of time, temperature, and conversion.

OP2.02 Oral Presentations 2

Use of biogas in a multi cylinder engine power generation unit

Fabrício J. P. PUJATTI1, Hugo L. ROCHA1, Rita C. O. SEBASTIÃO2

Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Brasil.
Departamento de Química, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,

Biogas is a by-product of the anaerobic treatment of organic waste. The methane, the main
constituent of biomass biogas, is a pollutant with potential greenhouse up to 30 times greater than
CO2 [1]. The biogas combustion using a low-pressure burner is an adopted strategy to reduce the
polluting effect, however, the thermal energy released in this process is often wasted, thrown
directly into atmosphere.
Methane is a gas with great low heating value – LHV and in organic waste treatment
plants the methane concentration could reach around 60-80% in biogas [2]. This has encouraged use
this biofuel as source of thermal energy and it can be used to fuel internal combustion engines for
vehicular application or power generation, when used in power generators units.
At UFMG, one treats organic waste produced in the university restaurants. In order to
avail of the biogas energy made in this waste treatment plant, it was proposed the use of an
electronic controlled spark ignition engine assembled in a power generation unit, fed by biogas, to
convert the thermal energy released into a controlled combustion of biogas into electric power. To
evaluate how efficient is the use of biogas in internal combustion engines, the multi cylinder power
generation unit fuelled by biogas was tested to measure the power conversion from biogas to
electric power.

[1] BORGES, E. S. M. Tratamento térmico de lodo anaeróbio a partir da queima do biogás produzido em
reator UASB objetivando a higienização e a melhora da biodisponibilidade e biodegradabilidade da fração orgânica,
2004. 186f. Tese (Doutorado em Saneamento) – Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo
Horizonte, 2004.
[2] LOBATO, L. C. Aproveitamento Energético de Biogás Gerado em Reatores UASB Tratando Esgoto
Doméstico. Exame de qualificação. Programa de Pós-graduação em Saneamento, Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos -
UFMG. Belo Horizonte - MG. 2009, 108p.

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.03

Kinetic and Thermal Decomposition studies of Thalidomide under

non-isothermal and isothermal conditions

Natália R. S. ARAÚJO1, Raphael F. LIGÓRIO1, Maria Irene YOSHIDA1,

Fabrício J. P. PUJATTI 2, Rita C. O. SEBASTIÃO1
Departamento de Química, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Brasil.

Thalidomide is a teratogenic substance that was developed in 1950 for use as a sedative. However,
only in 1961 it was associated with poor fetal formation due to maternal use [1]. The kinetic study
of its thermal decomposition will be carried out by two methodologies: (a) adjustment of physical
models to experimental data of decomposition fraction as a function of time, obtained in isothermal
conditions and (b) adjustments of functions that correlate the heating rate and the temperature in
which certain conversion fractions occur. For this analysis, experiments are required under different
heating rates. However, it can be observed that, in some cases, the adjustment obtained by
individual models under the whole experimental decomposition curve can present quite high error
values and the adjustment methods in non-isothermal experiments do not allow defining the
physical mechanism. For a more complete analysis of the whole process, this work proposes the use
of a multi-layer neural network for the adjustment of the isothermal experimental data. This
network was developed to determine the contribution of each model in the total fit and best fit
region of each model. For the non-isothermal conditions, also called isoconversional methods, the
activation energy was calculated from the models Ozawa [2], Friedman [3], Flynn-Wall-Ozawa [2]
and Kissinger-Akahira- Sunose [4]. For the isothermal conditions, the experiments were carried out
at temperatures close to the temperature of the first mass loss event of the material. For the non-
isothermal treatment, the analyzes were done in inert atmosphere of nitrogen, with the heating rates
of 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 ° C / s. The results obtained under the two conditions will be compared and will
be used to predict the time of decomposition at room temperature, which allow the estimation of its
shelf-life and metabolic activity of the drug in the body. In addition, the accuracy of the isothermal
and non-isothermal methods will be discussed.

[1] R. J. D’Amato. Thalidomide is na inhibitor of angiogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA vol.91, pp.4082-4085, April
[2] J. H. Flynn, L. A. Wall, “A quick, direct method for the determination of activation energy from thermogravimetric
data”, Polymer Letters, V.4 (1966) 323-328
[3] H. L. Friedman, “New methods for evaluating kinetic parameters from thermal analysis data”, Polymer Letters, V.7
(1969) 41-46
[4] E. Kirchhof, N. M. Nakamura, C. M. Lapa, G. F. M. Pinheiro, J. A. F. F. Rocco, K. Iha, “Determinação de
Parâmetros Cinéticos na Caracterização do Envelhecimento Acelerado do PBX”, ITA (2014)

OP2.04 Oral Presentations 2

DSC baseline interpolations:

Importance for kinetic evaluations


Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Pardubice, Studentská 573, Pardubice 532 10,
Czech Republic

Many powerful tools and methodologies exist nowadays for easy and precise execution of
the kinetic analysis and determination of the corresponding kinetic parameters. Accordingly, the
decision point regarding the reaction/transformation kinetics has shifted towards acquisition of high
quality kinetic data and their correct preparation. With respect to the latter, correct identification
and consequent subtraction of the thermokinetic background (baseline, zeroline) belongs to the
most important procedures. The tangential area-proportional baseline is the most universal baseline
not only because of its correction possibilities but most importantly because it represents true,
physically substantiated evolution of the heat capacity in the given system. However, the tangential
area-proportional baseline is often not included in the standard operating and evaluation software
packages of TA instruments, and its programming requires an iterative approach. Therefore,
various, more easily accessible approximations and substitutions are often being utilized, which are
based on the interpolation algorithms employing only the pre- and post-peak data. Obviously, usage
of these approximations leads to certain distortion of the kinetic data and corresponding
introduction of systematic errors into the results of the kinetic analysis.
In the present contribution the errors associated with application of the three most common
interpolations — linear, cubic spline and Bezier — will be analyzed and quantified for several
typical cases of the thermokinetic background course. In the first batch of theoretically simulated
data we will approach the simplest case of a single process with JMA asymmetry exhibiting various
differences between the heat capacities of products and reactants. The second batch of theoretically
simulated data will then demonstrate the degree of errors arising from usage of inaccurate
interpolations in case of different asymmetries of the kinetic peak.

Authors wish to thank for financial support to the Czech Science Foundation under project No. 17-

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.05

Crystallization kinetics of (chalcogenide) glasses:

The Ultimate Complexity?


Joint Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry of Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASČR v.v.i. .
and University of Pardubice
Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies, Faculty of Chemical Technology, nam. Cs. Legii 565,
532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic
Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Pardubice, Studentská 573, Pardubice 532 10,
Czech Republic
Vitrum Laugaricio – Joint Glass Center of the IIC SAS, TnU AD, and FChPT STU, Trenčín,

Nowadays the complex kinetics and kinetic analysis of complex processes are of major
concern for the field of thermal analysis of solid state reactions and phase-transformations. Number
of methodologies suitable for the task were introduced and reviewed during the ICTAC 2017
conference in Orlando. However, most these methods and approaches assume the kinetics of the
involved sub-processes to be independent from applied heating rate or temperature range. This
condition is not always fulfilled - especially in case of the amorphous-to-crystalline transformation
of the glassy matrices, where the stress- or mechanically induced defects tend to play a key role.
The kinetic issue can be represented either by the change of intensity of certain sub-processes, or
the kinetic mechanism can change for the given sub-process, or simply the activation energy of each
sub-process can be a function of temperature or heating rate.
In the present contribution several real-life examples (crystallization of the far-infrared
GeTe4-GaTe3 glass; crystallization of the Y3Al5O12 glass microspheres and crystallization of
amorphous selenium) will be shown to demonstrate the level of complexity occurring for certain
cold crystallization processes. The current and possible future solutions of this problematic will be

Authors wish to thank for financial support to the Czech Science Foundation under project No. 17-

OP2.06 Oral Presentations 2

Kinetics of Thermooxidative Degradation of Selected Sponge Chitins

Dawid STAWSKI1, Hermann EHRLICH2,

Lodz University of Technology, Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile
Metrology, Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Experimental Physics, 09599 Freiberg, Germany

Chitin as polysaccharide contains of glucopyranose units. Chemically it is structurally

similar to cellulose; however, it is an amino polysaccharide possessing acetamide group at C-2
positions in place of hydroxyl group. Chitin is a strengthening element in the cell walls of most
fungi, shells of crustaceans such as crabs and shrimps, cuticles of arthropods, exoskeletons of krill,
element of insects, sponges as well as specific component of many other living organisms. It is a
white, hard, inelastic, containing nitrogen material.
In this report the object of TGA analysis are α-chitins form see sponges according to the
source below:
Sample A. aerophoba – α-chitin isolated from sponge Aplysina aerophoba,
Sample I. basta – α-chitin isolated from sponge Ianthella basta,
Sample A. cauliformis – α-chitin isolated from sponge Aplysina cauliformis,
Sample A. fulva – α-chitin isolated from sponge Aplysina fulva,
Sample V. rigida – α-chitin isolated from sponge Verongula rigida.
This degradation process appears in three stages. The studies performed in this work have
shown that the basic range of the thermal degradation of α-chitins is 320–410°C. It was also
presented, that the αs - αr method can be successfully used in the determination of the sequence of
thermal resistance of chitins. In the main degradation step the thermal resistance depends on the
origin of this biopolymer and can be marked as follows. Calculated activation energy values are
from 40-70 kJ/mol depending of the chitin origin.

[1] Dawid Stawski: Thermogravimetric Analysis of Sponge Chitins in Thermooxidative Conditions, Chapter in
monography: Extreme Biomimetics, editor: Hermann Ehrlich, Springer International Publishing, 2016

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.07

Heat treatment and mechanical alloying effect on the dynamic

stiffness of PM Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni SMAs

Bogdan PRICOP1, Elena MIHALACHE1, Burak ÖZKAL2,

Leandru-Gheorghe BUJOREANU1
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of
Iaşi, Bd. D. Mangeron 41, 700050 Iaşi, Romania
Particulate Materials Laboratory, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Istanbul
Technical University, 34469 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey

Fe-Mn-Si based Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) were developed in the early 1980’s as an
easier workable economic substitute of Ni-Ti [1]. Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni SMAs are stainless steel types or
fatigue-resistant seismic damping alloys, presently used for commercial applications, due to
excellent mechanical properties such as yield stress 320 MPa or 270 MPa, tensile strength 720 MPa
or 670 MPa and ultimate strain 50 % or 70 %, respectively [2].
The present paper aims to analyse the effects of heat treatments and mechanical alloying
(MA) on the dynamic behaviour of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni SMAs obtained by powder metallurgy (PM).
For this purpose five groups of specimens with Fe-14Mn-6Si-9Cr-5Ni (mass. %) were produced by
PM with various amounts of mechanically alloyed powders, namely 0 (0_MA), 10 vol. % (10_MA),
20 vol. % (20_MA), 30 vol. % (30_MA) and 40 vol. % (40_MA). After blending, pressing and
sintering, the billets were hot-rolled to 1 mm-thickness and 25 types of rectangular (1×4×25 mm)
specimens were cut by spark erosion for dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) tests.
DMA tests were performed by temperature scans and strain sweeps. The former were
applied between room temperature (RT) and 4000C, at constant strain amplitude and were
correlated with thermomagnetic measurements performed on the same thermal range. Based on
these measurements, the temperature maxima of ε-martensite reversion to austenite, Aε50, and
antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic transitions (Néel temperature), AN50, were determined as a function
of MA fraction and heat treatment temperature. The latter were applied during three cycles of strain
amplitude increasing up to 0.02 %, performed at three temperatures: (i) T1=RT; (ii) T2< Aε50 and
(iii) T3 > Aε50. The effects of heat treatment temperature and MA fraction on both storage modulus
values determined at 0.02 % strain amplitude during each cycle and average values of storage
modulus were emphasized for each of the three temperatures T1, 2, 3.

[1] A. Sato, E. Chisima, K. Soma, T. Mori, Acta Metall., 30, (1982) 1177
[2] Sawaguchi, T., Maruyama, T., Otsuka, H., Kushibe, A., Inoue,Y. Tsuzaki, K., Mater. Trans., 57(3), (2016) 283

OP2.08 Oral Presentations 2

Spark plasma sintered composite compacts obtained from

Me@Ni1-xMexFe2O4 pseudo core-shell powders

Ionel CHICINAŞ, Traian Florin MARINCA, Bogdan Viorel NEAMȚU,

Florin POPA
Materials Sciences and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Muncii
Avenue 103-105, 400641 Cluj-Napoca, Romania,

High magnetic properties and high electrical resistivity are required in many AC
applications for magnetic cores, to reduce eddy current losses. Usually, the powders of Fe-based
magnetic alloys are covered with a thin organic/inorganic dielectric layer [1, 2]. To avoid the
decrease of the magnetic properties of the material by dielectric layer, we use a magnetic dielectric
layer which consist in a layer of nanosized soft magnetic ferrite particles, to electrically isolate
metallic particles between them. The Me@MeFe2O4 composite particles are pseudo core-shell type
particles where core is a large metallic particle of Fe or Ni-Fe alloy and shell is a discontinuously
layer of nanosized soft magnetic ferrite particles. The pseudo-core shell powders have been
obtained by a procedure that is the subject of a patent application [3]. The Me mass/ferrite mass
ratio was between 70/30 to 98/2.
The Me/MeFe2O4 composite compacts have been obtained from Me@MeFe2O4 pseudo
core-shell powders by spark plasma sintering (400 °C – 900 °C, 20 MPa, 0 – 10 minutes, argon
Thermal stability of the phases in the Me@MeFe2O4 composite powders and compacts
obtained by spark plasma sintering was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry coupled
with thermogravimetry. Also, the local chemical analyses have been performed by EDX
spectrometry to analyse the distribution of phases in composite and to study the inter-diffusion
phenomenon (and new phase appearing) during sintering and DSC treatment [4].
The properties of the sintered compacts have been investigated by several methods: X-ray
diffraction-XRD, in situ high-temperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD), scanning electron
microscopy, magnetic and electric measurements.

[1] Arthur J. Moorhead, Hyoun-Ee Kim, Composite of coated magnetic alloy particle, US Patent No 6,110,420/Aug. 29,
[2], 31.05.2017
[3] I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamţu, Pulberi compozite de tipul Fe sau aliaj feromagnetic/ferită
magnetic moale cu structură de tipul pseudo „core-shell” și procedeu de obținere, Patent application no.
A/10083/2015/18.12.2015, OSIM, Romania
[4] I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamțu, Appl. Surf. Sci. 358 Part B (2015) 627

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.09

Kinetic analysis and detailed chemical reaction simulation for

ammonium nitrate decomposition

Yu-ichiro IZATO, Atsumi MIYAKE

Yokohama national university, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, JAPAN

Ammonium nitrate (AN, NH4NO3) has attracted attention as a environmentally friendly

solid/liquid propellant oxidizer component, because it possesses both a good oxygen balance and a
cost-effectiveness, and does not contain halogen atoms [1]. It is helpful to have information
regarding the decomposition and combustion behavior of propellant ingredients such as AN when
developing comprehensive ignition and combustion models for rocket motors and gas generators
employing these materials. To construct a detailed reaction model for the condensed phase reactions
of AN, it is important to understand the thermal decomposition pathways and the associated
kinetics. The AN thermal decomposition kinetics depend on several factors, such as temperature,
pressure, isothermal or non-isothermal conditions, extent of the reaction, catalysis, and the species
The aim of the present study was to elucidate the reaction pathways involved in liquid AN
thermal decomposition based on ab initio calculations. We developed the detailed reaction model
for AN decomposition and conducted simulation for thermal behaviour. A simulated heat flow
profile was good agreement with experimental DSC profile. We conducted kinetic analysis for the
simulated curves obtained at various heating rates. The simulated reaction triplets were compared
with the experimental ones.

[1] A. Larsson, N. Wingborg, Advances in Spacecraft Technologies (Eds.: J. Hall), InTech (2011) 139

OP2.10 Oral Presentations 2

Evolved gas analysis of thermal decomposition and combustion of

high energetic ionic liquid based on ammonium dinitramide

Hiroki MATSUNAGA1, Katsumi KATOH1, Hiroto HABU2,3,

Masaru NODA1, Atsumi MIYAKE3
Fukuoka University, 8-19-1 Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka, 814-0180, Japan
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 3-1-1, Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-
5210, Japan
Yokohama National University, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-8501,

Rocket propellants are now evaluated not only with regard to their performance but also
their current or potential environmental and health impacts. Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is one
of the promising high energetic materials due to its high energy content and low toxicity [1]. We
have been trying to use ADN as energetic ionic liquid propellants (EILPs). Our past studies showed
that the mixture of ADN (melting point =93 °C), methylamine nitrate (MMAN) (melting point =110
°C), urea (melting point =133 °C) forms combustible ionic liquid and chemical equilibrium
computations showed that it contain higher energy than current propellant [2, 3]. This study focused
on thermal decomposition and combustion of the ADN-based ionic liquid. To get better
understanding of thermal decomposition and combustion mechanisms evolved gas of from these
reactions analyses were carried out.
The pressure dependence of thermal decomposition behaviour was investigated using
thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis-mass spectrometry (TG-DTA-MS) under
atmospheric and reduced pressure. In atmospheric pressure, exotherms with generation of N2O and
NO2 were observed. On the other hands, a remarkable endotherm was occurred in reduced pressure.
Since the combustion of the ionic liquid begins with thermal decomposition, it is thought that the
endotherm affects ignition. The evolved gases during combustion in combustor were analysed using
infrared spectrometry. It was found that decomposition gases were consumed by the reaction in

[1] K. Anflo, T. A. Grönland, N. Wingborg, Proc. 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-
2000-3162 (2000)
[2] H. Matsunaga, H. Habu, A. Miyake, Proc. 30th Int’l Symp. Space Technology and Science, 2015-a-73 (2015)
[3] Y. Ide, T. Takahashi, K. Iwai, K. Nozoe, H. Habu, S. Tokudome, Procedia Engineering 99, (2014) 332

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.11

Effect of the amine type on thermal stability of modified mesoporous

silica used for CO2 adsorption

Alexandru POPA1, Viorel SASCA1, Catalin IANASI1, Orsina VERDES1,

Mariana SUBA1 and Paul BARVINSCHI2
Institute of Chemistry Timişoara, Bl.Mihai Viteazul 24, 300223 Timisoara, Romania
Faculty of Physics, West University of Timisoara, B-dul V. Parvan, Nr. 4, 300223 Timisoara,

Adsorption of CO2 was investigated over a wide range of conditions on a series of

mesoporous silica adsorbents comprised of conventional silica, MCM-41 and SBA-15 molecular
sieves [1-2].
In this study was carried out the preparation by grafting of amino-functionalized SBA-15
molecular sieves. Amino-functionalized molecular sieves were synthesized using a silane coupling
agent 3-glycidyl-oxypropyl-trimethoxysilane which was first grafted on the SBA-15. The silane
coupling agent react with hydroxyl groups on the surface of the mesoporous channels and provide
epoxy groups to react with amination reagent subsequently. Then four different types of amination
reagents were used to react with modified SBA-15: ethylene diamine (EDA), diethylene triamine
(DETA), triethylene tetramine (TETA), and tetraethylene pentamine (TEPA).
These composites were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction at low
angles, nitrogen physisorption at 77 K, SEM-EDS and evaluated by the adsorption of CO2 and its
temperature programmed desorption – TPD.
Thermal stability was investigated by TGA, DTA and DSC. In the view of a possible use of
these amino-functionalized molecular sieves as sorbents for CO2 removal, their adsorption–
desorption properties towards CO2 were also investigated by the temperature-programmed
desorption (TPD).
The weight loss of amino-functionalized molecular sieves above 210°C was due to the
oxidation and decomposition of aminoethyl functional groups. This means that these composites
could be used for adsorption of CO2 at temperatures below 210°C.
The adsorption of CO2 and its temperature programmed desorption – TPD using
thermogravimetry were studied for amino-functionalized molecular sieves. The evolved gases
during the adsorption–desorption of CO2 on amino-functionalized molecular sieves were identified
by online mass spectrometry coupled with thermogravimetry.
CO2 adsorption isotherms of functionalized samples at different temperatures (60-90°C)
showed that both the adsorption capacity (mg CO2/g ads) and the efficiency of amino groups (mol
CO2/mol N) depend on the type of amination reagents, temperature and the amount of organic
compound used.
[1] A. Heydari-Gorji, Y. Belmabkhout, A. Sayari, Langmuir 27 (2011) 12411–12416
[2] A. Popa, V. Sasca, O. Verdes, C. Ianasi, R. Banica, J.Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127 (2017) 319-334

OP2.12 Oral Presentations 2

Non-isothermal study on CdS oxidation

Viorel Zoltan SASCA1, Daniel URSU2, Paula SVERA3, Mariana SUBA1,

Orsina VERDEŞ1 and Alexandru POPA1
Chemistry Institute of Romanian Academy Timisoara, Bd. M. Viteazul 24, 300223Timisoara,
National Institute for Research and Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Dr.
A. Paunescu Podeanu 144, 300569, Timisoara, Romania
University Politehnica Timisoara, Piata Victoriei 2, 300006 Timisoara, Romania

The semiconductor properties of cadmium sulphide are known for a long time, but at present
its photocatalytic and photoemission of electrons properties are studied intensively. On the other
hand the cadmium sulphide is the most important additionally sulphide in zinc blende and from this
position is an important source for obtaining cadmium. Thus, the study of CdS oxidation is a very
important problem for the optimization of its roasting process and also for to know its resistance to
oxidation at use in photovoltaic cells, photocatalysts or light sensors.
The oxidation of CdS to CdO is a complicate process that has generated controversial
opinions on mechanism. The main theories, oxide formation or sulphate formation in the first stage,
agree both that the final stage of process is the CdSO4 decomposition from a CdO:CdSO4 = 2:1
mixture. Our study on CdS, CdO:CdSO4 = 2:1 mixture (obtained from CdO p.a. and CdSO4 p.a.)
and CdSO4 p.a. using non-isothermal TG/DTG-DTA method coupled with mass spectrometry on
CdS has confirmed the existence of CdO:CdSO4 = 2:1 in the final stage of CdS oxidation and the
CdSO4 decomposition (see Fig.1).
The apparent activation energy-Ea and preexponential factor-A were determined using the
ASTM E 1641-04, “Standard Test Method for Decomposition Kinetics by Thermogravimetry”,
based on Flyn-Wall isoconversional method. Also, Ea and A were determined for the mixture of
CdO:CdSO4 = 2:1.and for CdSO4 separately. The compensation effect was observed for Ea and A
(see Fig.2).
105 50

100 1000 47.5

y = 0.1197x + 5.322
95 900
R² = 0.9975
Temperature, K

Ln A

Mass, %

90 CdS
85 CdS
CdO:CdSO4=2:1 600
80 CdSO4 40
Temperature CdSO4
75 400
280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370
70 300
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Ea, Kj/mol
Time, min
Fig.1. TG curves vs. time for CdSO4, CdO:CdSO4 Fig. 2. LnA vs. Ea for α=5, 10, 15 and
and CdS for the heating rate of 5 K/min. 20 %

Thus, although the Ea has the highest value (355±6 kJ/mol) for CdS and the lowest (291±4
kJ/mol) for CdSO4, the rate constant-k increases in order: CdSO4< CdO:CdSO4 = 2:1<
CdS(CdO:CdSO4) and as result the conversion to CdO is completely in a shorter time for CdS.

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.13

The kinetics of redox reactions for prospective oxygen carrier

material made from iron manganese ore


Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, 1 Zamkowa, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland
Center for Research and Technology Hellas/ Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute, 6th
km Harilaou - Thermi Rd, P.O. Box 60361, 57001-Thermi Thessaloniki, Greece

Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) technology is considered as one of the most

promising fuel combustion methods for Carbon Capture and Storage. In CLC the oxygen is
provided to the fuel by a metal oxide, therefore the direct contact between air and fuel is avoided
and both CO2 and NOX emissions from fossil fuel combustion in power generation plants are
greatly reduced. Simple metal oxides such as NiO, Fe2O3, or more complex such as perovskite type
have been studied as Oxygen Carriers (OC) for CLC in the past.
The paper shows results on naturally occurring OC which is Sinai ore, a mineral. It contains
iron and manganese oxides and might be industrially applicable because to its lower production cost
compared to synthetic OCs. The redox cycling reactions were carried out in a Thermo-Gravimetric
Analyser (TGA). The tests were performed isothermally (750-950°C) during multiple redox cycles
(5-10 cycles). For the redox reactions, methane mixtures and air were applied, with using different
CH4 (<25%) and oxygen (<20% of O2) contents. Models of the redox reactions were selected using
model-fitting method. For Sinai ore, 3-dimensional diffusion model was the most suitable for
description of the reduction step, while shrinking core model was the best for oxidation step. The
performance of the Sinai ore as an OC was compared to that of ilmenite, which is the most
extensively studied naturally occurring Fe-based mineral. It was shown that the 3-dimensional
diffusion model was the most suitable mechanism for describing ilmenite behaviour during redox
reactions. The kinetic parameters, such as the activation energy (Ea), pre-exponential factor (A0),
and reaction order (n) were determined with MathCad Prime 2.0. Both fresh and reacted samples
were characterized by XRD and SEM–EDS to detect structural and/or morphological changes and
determine stability of the Sinai ore over multiply CLC reactions. The results confirmed Sinai ore to
be a cost effective and environmental friendly material, able to operate as OC in CLC power plants
without the need for extra pre-treatment.

Acknowledgement: The work was financed by The National Center of Research and Development
Poland, project No. NCBiR/FENCO‒NET2/2013 and the General Secretariat for Research and
Technology Hellas, project No. 13FENCO‒13‒478A ‘Minerals for Sustainable COst and energy
efficient chemical looping combUstion Technology’-MINERAL SCOUT.

OP2.14 Oral Presentations 2

The oxidation kinetic study of mechanically activated ultrafine iron

powders by thermogravimetric analysis


Vitaliy VLASOV
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia

Iron powders are widely used in powder metallurgy for catalysts and other magnetic fluids
producing. It was shown [1, 2] that the oxidation of the iron powder is a complicated mechanism,
which occurs through the formation of intermediate products and depends on temperature, the rate
of powder heating as well as particle structure. Thus, ultrafine iron powders obtained from
technology based on an electrical wire explosion have high reactivity, which is increased with the
decreasing particle size of powder. In [3] using thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, the oxidation
kinetics of ultrafine metallic iron powders, which were made by the electric explosion of wire, were
studied and a three-step reaction scheme consisting of two concurrent and one parallel reaction step
was suggested.
In this work, the effect of mechanical activation on the oxidation of ultrafine iron powders,
obtained by electro-explosion method, was investigated by TG analysis through the simultaneous
application of non-linear regression to several measurements run at different heating rates
(multivariate non-linear regression). The mechanical activation of powders was performed in air for
15 and 40 min using an AGO-2S planetary ball mill with stainless steel balls and vials. TG curves
were obtained in STA 449C Jupiter (Netzsch-Geratebau GmbH, Germany) instrument at 1, 3, 5 and
10 K min-1 heating rates. The Netzsch Proteus software packages were used for data analysis. Phase
composition of the initial powders and oxidation products were determined by X-ray structure
analysis using ARL X’TRA diffractometer with СuKα radiation. The Powder Cell 2.4 software was
used for a full-profile analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns.
XRD analysis showed that a certain amount of FeO phase is formed during mechanical
activation of ultrafine iron powders. According to TG analysis, a preliminary mechanical activation
of powders leads to increasing in the temperature of oxidation onset and shifts the reaction to higher
temperatures. In this case, the oxidation is more simple process and occurs in a single step in
compared to non-milled ultrafine iron powders where a complex process with three stages are
Using TG curves and Netzsch Thermokinetics software package, the kinetic models with
minimal adjustable parameters were selected to quantitatively describe the reaction of mechanically
activated iron powders oxidation.

[1] D. Wen, P. Song, K Zhang K, J Qian J, J. Chem. Technol. Biot., 86 (2011) 375.
[2] I. V. Beketov, A. P. Safronov, A. I. Medvedev, J. Alonso, G. V. Kurlyandskaya and S.M Bhagat, J. AIP Adv., 2
[3] E. N. Lysenko, A. P. Surzhikov, S. P. Zhuravkov, V. A. Vlasov, A. V. Pustovalov, N. A. Yavorovskii, J. Therm.
Anal. Calor. 115 (2014) 1447.

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.15

THEMYS - innovative thermal analysis platform for TGA, HP-TGA,

STA, DTA/DSC, EGA - capabilities and applications

Rémi ANDRE1, Stéphan MOREAU1

SETARAM Instrumentation, 7 rue de l’Oratoire 69300 CALUIRE, FRANCE

THEMYS is a new simultaneous TG-DSC/DTA modular platform with a temperature range

25 – 1750°C. The thermogravimetric measurements can be performed using one of the three
optional hang-down balance models: high sensitivity (designed for very small variations), high
capacity (+/- 3g of mass variation), high versatility (auto-tare system, which virtually eliminates the
manual equilibration of the balance between tests). Additionally, a high pressure version operating
up to 1200 C and 150 bar is available. Several applications will be shown as examples, including
standardized tests (CuSO4.5H2O, CaC2O4 at 50 bar), gas sorption, high temperature corrosion, and
coal pyrolysis at 5 and 10 bar.
The gas flow management system and the atmosphere control will be discussed. A special
attention will be paid to the three available gas options: PureGas, GasBlend and MultiGasBlend
which allow to sequentially changing the gas types, flowrates, or blend ratios during the experiment
or sample pre-treatment.
THEMYS is designed for Evolved Gas Analysis by coupling to the main gas analysis
techniques: mass spectrometry, FTIR spectrometry, gas chromatography, and combinations of
these. The furnace allows for in-situ analyses with two 4-port parts placed at its top and bottom. Up
to 8 extra sensors can be connected (some of the ports may already be occupied with options like
vacuum, gas flow or standard EGA coupling).
Depending on the selected modules, the mode of operation, the temperature and pressure
range, THEMYS can be used for characterization of organic or inorganic materials (polymers,
composites, oils, coal, ceramics, cements, metals, and nanomaterials): composition, thermal and
corrosion resistance, the efficiency of the synthesis routes, the regeneration/recycling conditions,
and the detection of different phase transitions. The high pressure version is particularly beneficial
for the pyrolysis, combustion, and gasification studies of fuels (biomass, coal) or the structure of
materials (alloys, ceramic). Another important application is the sorption properties investigation of
catalysts or porous materials under low, atmospheric or high pressure.

OP2.16 Oral Presentations 2

Peculiar Opportunities of Laser-Interferometric Creep Rate

Spectroscopy as Thermal Analysis Method


Ioffe Institute RAS, Politekhnicheskaya str. 26, Saint-Petersburg 194021, Russia

Creep Rate Spectroscopy (CRS) [1] is an original high-resolution method of

thermomechanical analysis of solids based on the use of a laser-interferometric creep rate meter
(LICRM) setup to record the deformation response of a solid under study to the applied load over
the broad temperature range. The LICRM setups, developed in our lab, are based on utilizing a
Michelson interferometer and Doppler effect. They are the optical-electronic devices combined with
the setups for mechanical loading, under uniaxial tension or compression, of solid samples.
CRS provides measuring ultra-precisely a creep rate at small mechanical stress, typically
much lower than the yield or breaking stress, as a function of temperature, over the range from 100
to 800K. LICRM setup allows one to register precisely creep rates on the basis of deformation
increment of as low as 150–300 nm. As a result, the obtained, typically non-monotonic, temperature
dependencies of the rate of small inelastic deformations are designated as the "creep rate spectra".
CRS has been successfully applied by us to solving various problems of materials science
and solid state physics. It was applied to polymers, metals, ceramics, nanocomposites, etc.; the most
attention was paid to polymers because its behavior is best suited to the specificity of this method.
This approach provided new experimental possibilities and superiority in resolution compared to the
conventional thermal analysis, relaxation spectrometry and mechanical testing techniques. Amongst
them are as follows:
(a) a discrete analysis of dynamics (dynamic heterogeneity) at different temperatures;
(b) studying creep on submicro-, micro- and meso-scales;
(c) new possibilities for the precise analysis of creep kinetics of materials in any
temperature point and at any stage of deformation process;
(d) studying the peculiarities of polymer dynamics in composite materials including
dynamics at interfaces;
(e) analysis of microplasticity, relaxations, and phase transitions in brittle materials;
(g) using creep rate spectra for non-destructive prediction of temperature anomalies in
mechanical behavior of materials, etc.

[1] V.A. Bershtein, P.N. Yakushev, Laser-Interferometric Creep Rate Spectroscopy of Polymers, Adv. Polym. Sci.,
230 (2010) 73-219

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.17

Meaning and application of isoconversional methods

Peter Šimon, Tibor Dubaj, Zuzana Cibulková, Anna Vykydalová

Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 9, 812
37 Bratislava, Slovakia

Isoconversional methods are widely applied in thermoanalytical kinetics. However, their

physical meaning is not fully understood. The methods are based on the general rate equation which
represents, in fact, a single-step approximation enabling the description of the kinetic hypersurface.
In this way, the methods can be employed for the treatment of experimental data and predicting the
behaviour of the system under study without knowing the detailed mechanism of the process [1-2].
It will be shown that the integral isoconversional methods are mathematically incorrect in
the case of variable activation energy. This fact may have fatal consequences when extrapolation to
lower temperatures is carried out [3]. The differential isoconversional methods are known to be
numerically unstable. Hence, the best choice for the treatment of experimental data and making
predictions are the incremental isoconversional methods.
The modern methods should avoid bias in the kinetic parameters obtained. This means that
the experimental data should be treated without their transformation, physically well justified
objective function should be used, correct evaluation of the temperature integral should be carried
out, etc. All these requirements are fulfilled in the case of the method published recently [4]. Non-
Arrhenian temperature functions [5] can be easily incorporated in the method. Application of the
method will be illustrated on the case of ambuphylline decomposition [6].

[1] The financial supports from the Slovak Scientific Grant Agency, grant No. VEGA 1/0592/15,
and from the Agency for Research and Development, grant No. APVV-15-0124, are greatly

[1] P. Šimon, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 76 (2004) 123

[2] P.Šimon, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 82 (2005) 651
[3] P.Šimon, P.Thomas, T.Dubaj, Z.Cibulková, A.Peller, M.Veverka, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 115 (2014) 853
[4] T.Dubaj, Z.Cibulková, P.Šimon, J. Comput. Chem., 36 (2015) 392
[5] P.Šimon, T.Dubaj, Z.Cibulková, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 120 (2015) 231
[6] J.Matos, J.F.Oliveira, D.Magalhaes, T.Dubaj, Z.Cibulková, P.Šimon, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 123 (2016) 1031

OP2.18 Oral Presentations 2

Comparison of yields and thermal properties of the fast-growing tree

and crop species to be used as a renewable and energy efficient


Technical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, T. G. Masaryka 24,
960 53 Zvolen, Slovakia
Technical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Forestry, T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovakia

The energy stands of fast-growing trees and crops are a prospective resource of fuel biomass
/phytomass due to relatively low production costs in particular.
The paper focuses the assessment and comparison of the yields and thermal properties of
selected species of fast growing trees (Paulownia tomentosa, Salix viminalis clone Tora, Populus x
euroamericana clone MAX 4) and crops (Sida Hermaphrodita, Arundo donax, Miscanthus x
giganteus), their thermal properties as well as ash content (wt %).
The yields of the fast-growing tree species were derived based on the application of the
general principles for the determination of dendrometrical parameters with the application of the
direct measurement method on the test plots according to the pre-prepared selection plan. The
yields of the fast-growing crops were derived based on application the general knowledge on
production of each type of crop considered in the testing. Among the thermal properties which were
tested belonged the self-ignition temperature (° C), time to reach the self-ignition (s), heat of
combustion (, relative moisture of the sample and the calorific value ( The self-
ignition temperatures were determined in accordance to the STN ISO 871 standard [1]. The heat of
combustion was determined in accordance to the STN ISO 1928:2003-07 standard [2]. The
procedure for determining the ash content was based on the requirements of the STN ISO 1171
standard [3].
The research results focusing the thermal properties, i.e. energy potential of tested samples,
showed the energy crops to be much more effective than the trees for renewable energy production.
It is mostly due to higher yields harvested in a relatively short time, increased share of fiber as well
as higher energy efficiency. On the other hand, the fast-growing trees and their samples showed
higher calorific value and hence higher energy potential, however higher ash content. The highest
calorific value (energy potential) in terms of energy crops had Miscanthus x giganteus (19.41 –
19.63 and the lowest ash content (3.39 – 3.44 wt %). The highest calorific value in terms
of fast-growing trees showed Paulownia (16.219 – 16.540, which also had the lowest ash
content (0.70 - 0.80 wt %), while the Populus had the highest (2.71 – 2.74 wt %).

[1] STN ISO 871, Plastics. Determination of ignition temperature using a hot-air furnace.
[2] STN ISO 1928:2003-07, Solid fuels. Determination of gross caloric value and calculation of heating value.
[3] STN ISO 1171: 2003 (44 1378), Solid mineral fuels. Determination of ash.

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.19

Energetic optimization of the cooling system for internal combustion



Transilvania University of Brasov, Eroilor Street No. 29, Romania

In this paper, the authors tackle the problem of energetic optimization of the cooling system
of internal combustion engines (radiator, water pump, air ventilator, hydraulic transport installation
and thermostat) by the adjustment of fluid flows and their economic correlation [1-2]. The
adjustments can be primary, secondary and combined, resulting different characteristics,
emphasized by numeric application.
The increase of economic efficiency Ɛec (indicator defined by authors), for imposed thermal
efficiency Ɛt, leads to energetic savings due to the reduction of driving power and fuel consumption

[1] R. T. Bohacz, “Engine cooling systems” Penguin Press (2007)

[2] W. Lin, B. Sundén, “Vehicle Cooling Systems for Reducing Fuel Consumption and Carbon Dioxide” Literature
Survey, SAE Technical Paper, (2010)
[3] R. Ţârulescu, V. Benche, “Horizontal micro-carrier of heat and mass”, Annals of the Oradea University, Oradea
University Press, (2013)
[4] R. Ţârulescu, O. Crăciun, “Elemente de mecanica fluidelor și unele aplicații practice”, Transilvania University
Press, Brasov, (2009)

OP2.20 Oral Presentations 2

General algorithm for evaluation of the kinetic scheme and

corresponding kinetic parameters of heterogeneous processes.

National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Splaiul Unirii
313, Bucharest – 030138, Romania,

The critical analysis of the procedures for evaluation of the kinetic scheme and corresponding
kinetic parameters of heterogeneous processes leads us [1, 2] to a general algorithm, which keeps
into account the conclusion of ICTAC – 2000 Project [3] and is in agreement with the Workshop at
ICTAC 13 [4], and the recent ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for performing kinetic
computations of thermal analysis data [5]. According to these, the correct kinetic analysis of non-
isothermal data corresponding to a heterogeneous process can be only performed by making use of
the experimental data recorded at several heating rates. The algorithm involves the following two
steps: (1) the evaluation of the dependence of the apparent activation energy on the conversion
degree that is performed by model-free methods, and the use some procedures for determination of
the kinetic scheme of investigated process and corresponding kinetic parameters. Additionally, for
complex processes (consecutive, parallel, reversible reactions), the results obtained by
“multivariate non-linear regression method” should be checked for conversion degree versus
temperature or time curves in some temperature programs, other than used in assessing of the
kinetic scheme and kinetic parameters.
This algorithm has been applied for kinetic analysis of the following processes: thermal
dehydrochlorination of PVC, and thermal degradation of HDPE. It has been obtained that
dehydrochlorination of the investigated sort of PVC is a single step process, while the thermal
degradation of HDPE is a complex process which is satisfactory described from kinetic point of
view by three consecutive decomposition reactions. The corresponding values of activation
parameters and the analytical form of differential conversion functions have been determined.

[1] P. Budrugeac, Polym. Degrad. Stab.,89 (2005) 265

[2] P. Budrugeac, Thermochim. Acta, 500 (2010) 30
[3] M. E. Brown, M. Maciejewski, S. Vyazovkin, R. Nomen, J. Sempere, A. K. Burnham, J. Opfermann, R. Srey, H. L.
Anderson, A. Kemmler, R. Keuleers, J. Janssens, H. O. Desseyn,. C. R. Li, T. B. Tang, B. Roduit, J. Malek, T.
Mitsuhasni, Thermochim. Acta, 355 (2000)125
[4] H. Tanaka, M. E. Brown, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 80 (2005) 795
[5] S. Vyazovkin, A. Burnham, J. M. Criado, L. A. Perez-Maqueda, C. Popescu, N. Sbirrazzuoly, Thermochim. Acta,
520 (2011) 1

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.21

Differential scanning calorimetry and the effect of generation and

extinction of crystal nuclei at very low temperatures
Florentin PALADI1, Masaharu OGUNI2
Moldova State University, A.Mateevici str. 60, Chisinau MD-2009, Moldova
Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama 2-12-1, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan

Generation and extinction of crystal nuclei was found at low temperatures in supercooled
liquids of o-benzylphenol, salol, and 2,2´-dihydroxybenzophenone. This contributed to the
development of the new concept of irreversible structural relaxation in supercooled liquids and
glasses [2, 3]. Crystal growth process was observed macroscopically by differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC). By making a contrivance for thermal treatment in the DSC, the presence of
crystal nuclei within supercooled liquids of o-benzylphenol, salol, and 2,2´-dihydroxybenzophenone
during the course of aging at constant temperature after a rapid cooling can be judged from whether
the growth process can be observed or not. Scheme of thermal procedures taken in DSC (Fig. 1): A,
rapid cooling at 200 Kmin-1 from 343 K to each aging temperature (Ta); B, aging at 103 K≤Ta≤213
K; C, rapid heating at 200 Kmin-1 from Ta to 213 K; D, DSC heating measurement above 213 K at
10 Kmin-1; ta is the aging period at Ta. Fig. 2 shows DSC results obtained for o-benzylphenol
samples subjected to aging at 128 K.

10 mW

– Ta=128 K

300 D Run 6 (316 min)

Run 5 (100 min)

T g α=223 K
Run 4 (10 min)
heat flow
T/ K

200 213 K
Run 3 (5 min)

Ta B Run 2 (1 min)

Run 1 ( ta=30 s)
100 103 K

ta 200 250 300 350

t Fig. 2. DSC curves of samples aged at
Fig. 1. Scheme of DSC thermal analysis. Ta=128 K; Tfus=290 K.

The results indicate that the crystal nucleation occurs immediately after cooling to very low
temperatures, and then the formed nuclei are extinguished through a structural fluctuation and an
irreversible relaxation of liquid in the course of aging.
[1] F. Paladi, M. Oguni, Phys.Rev.B, 65 (2002) 144202.
[2] F. Paladi, Studia Universitatis, 6[26] (2009) 237-248.

OP2.22 Oral Presentations 2

Thermostat influence on certain quantum systems

Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
Academiei str. 5, Chișinău, Moldova

The environmental thermostat may influence the quantum dynamics of many quantum
samples. Particularly, certain quantum states relevant to quantum technologies are sensitive to
surrounding thermal reservoir. We will show how to obtain non-classical correlations in artificial or
real atomic samples as well as nano-mechanical or optical systems when interacting also with the
environmental thermal reservoir [1,2]. Particularly, the electromagnetic field generated by a
collection of few-level qubits in a thermal environment surprisingly exhibits quantum features.
Furthermore, when a collection of cooperatively interacting qubits are fixed on a nano-mechanical
resonator then its fast dynamics is transferred to the resonator’s ones. The oscillation amplitude is
enhanced as well due to the cooperative interaction nature. Finally, cooling effects in various
nonlinear systems will be discussed as well. The quantum dissipations are included, taking into
account the nonlinearity of the qubit–oscillator interaction. For certain bath temperatures and
resonator’s quality factors, effective cooling occurs. As the photon-photon second-order coherence
function behaves differently depending on photon number states parity, we describe a mechanism
distinguishing those states.

[1] S. Carlig, M. A. Macovei, Phys. Rev. A 89, 053803 (2014); Phys. Rev. A 90, 013817 (2014); JETP Letters 105(8),
526 (2017).
[2] V. Ceban, P. Longo, M. A. Macovei, Phys. Rev. A 95, 023806 (2017).

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.23

Theoretical study for increasing the efficiency of an air source

heat pump at low temperature

Viorel POPA, Camelia Lacramioara POPA

„Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 42 Domneasca Street, Galati, Romania

Abstract. Electrically driven heat pumps have become a viable alternative for use as building
heating systems during the cold period of the year, especially due to the improvement of
compressor technology. Due to the existence of alternative heating systems (mainly those that work
by using chemical or electrical energy), it is necessary to improve their efficiency. The most used
heat pumps like building heating systems are air source heat pumps (ASHP) and ground source heat
pumps (GSHP).
Air source heat pumps can be a fantastic way to generate heat for a house. Like the majority of heat
pumps, they are often better for the environment too, leaving less of an impact and little to no
emissions. While it comes with a wide range of benefits, everything has a set of disadvantages. The
most important is the dependence of heat pump efficiency on ambient temperature variations.
For not very low temperatures in the winter, the heat pump can operate on the basis of an one stage
refrigeration cycle. But when the temperature lift is increasing, the heat pump efficiency is badly
This paper presents a study on the possibilities of improving the performance of a pump at low
temperatures by using an ejector. By using an ejector, compressor operation is much improved due
to lower compression ratio and reduce the temperature of the working medium at the end of the
compression process.

[1] Bertsch, S.S., and Groll, E.A., Air to Water Heat Pump for Low Temperature Climates, 8th International Energy
Agency Heat Pump Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2005
[2] Aidoun Z., Giguère D., Scott D., Hosatte S., 2011. Ejector applications in refrigeration and
heating: an overview of modeling, operation and recent developments. Paper No. 294, 10th
IEA Heat Pump Conf., Tokyo, Japan
[3] Kultgen, D. (2013). Assessing the Energy Reduction Potential of a Cold Climate Heat Pump. Doctoral dissertation,
Master’s thesis, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Applied Energy Laboratory 2013

OP2.24 Oral Presentations 2

Nucleation of gas hydrates in the presence of several interfaces

Andrey STOPOREV1, Anton SEMENOV2, Vladimir MEDVEDEV2,

Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry,
3, ac. Lavrentiev ave. 630090, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Gubkin University, Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, 65, Leninsky prosp., Building
1, 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics,
13, ac. Lavrentiev ave. 630090, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Gas hydrates are crystalline non-stoichiometric inclusion compounds, where hydrogen-

bonded water molecules play the host role while small molecules (methane, ethane, hydrogen
sulfide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, propane, isobutane, etc.) occupy the cages in the host
framework [1]. Process of gas hydrate nucleation is important for understanding of their formation
regularities. There is a large number of recent studies showed that the hydrate nucleation occurs on
boundary of water and hydrate-forming gas (liquid containing dissolved hydrate-forming
substance), or on the line of water – hydrate-forming gas – solid (as a rule, the reactor design
elements) [2-4]. In the present work, kinetics of methane and methane-ethane-propane hydrates
nucleation in water – organic liquid – gas systems with / without surfactants in the presence of four
types of phase boundaries was studied.
Sapphire Rocking Cell RCS6 with six transparent sapphire cells was used. The experiments
were conducted at the constant supercooling (ΔT = 20.2°C). Decane, toluene and crude oils were
used as organic liquids. It was observed that gas hydrate nucleation occurred on water – stainless
steel – gas and water – sapphire – organic liquid three-phase contact lines rather than on water – gas
or water – organic liquid interfaces.
The empirical survival curves was constructed both for the entire set of data and for each
cell separately. Hydrate nucleation in 87% of cases occurred near the contact line of the water –
stainless steel – gas in experiments with pure decane and toluene. In the remaining 13% of cases,
nucleation happened near the contact line of water – decane – sapphire. Two series of experiments
were also conducted for the system of water – decane – Surfynol 420 – methane with the same
sample. Series of experiments differed with cell angle relative to the horizontal (45 and 14°). The
length of the contact line of water – decane – sapphire differ by about 1.9 times (the interface area
of the water-decane by about 2.5 times). Comparison of the observed thermal effects with data of
visual examination for this system allowed nucleation rates of methane hydrate to be determined on
the different nucleation sites.

This research was performed with financial support from the Ministry of Science and Education of the
Russian Federation (Grant No. 14.577.21.0233, Identification No. RFMEFI57716X0233).

[1] E. D. Sloan, C. A. Koh, “Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases”, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group): Boca Raton,
FL, (2008)
[2] K. Lee, S. H. Lee, W. Lee, Inter. J. Greenhouse Gas Control, 14 (2013) 15
[3] N. Maeda, AIChE J., 61(8) (2015) 2611
[4] N. Maeda, Fluid Phase Equilibr., 413 (2016) 142

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.25

From thermal study of MOCVD precursors to creation of

functional materials

Kseniya V. ZHERIKOVA1, Eugenia S. VIKULOVA1,

Ludmila N. ZELENINA1,2, Igor K. IGUMENOV1
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SB RAS, Lavrentiev ave. 3, 630090 Novosibirsk,
Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova str. 2, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) is called to produce high quality,

high-performance, solid materials. The technique is constantly being improved and developed due
to new materials tasks. As a result, the devices of the IV, V, VI and etc. generation appear.
MOCVD is a multivariable complicated process and one of the essential conditions of its
successful realization is the “right” selection of source compounds (precursors). The precursor
should satisfy the requirements on volatility and thermal stability. From this point of view metal
beta-diketonates and their derivatives are extremely popular in MOCVD processes determining the
relevance of activities in the field of synthesis and physico-chemical research including the study of
structural and thermal features of potential precursors in the condensed and gas phases and
obtaining quantitative values of thermodynamic characteristics of evaporation processes. This set of
fundamental researches forms the basis for the targeted choice of precursors and optimal coating
deposition conditions. In such way we realized a principle “from precursor to deposition” that
underlies at the heart of developing MOCVD technical procedure.
In this study, I will present the investigation of thermal behaviours of metal (I-IV groups)
beta-diketonate derivatives performed by using TG/DTA, DSC and a set of tensimetric methods
(Knudsen effusion method, transpiration and static methods). The research allowed us to retrace the
changes in chelate thermal properties during both the metal substitute and the organic component
variation. Based on this information the suitable precursors were selected and the deposition
regimes were determined to form oxide films by MOCVD.
The literature background and the work concerning synthesis and study of yttrium,
zirconium and hafnium compounds were carried out under the financial support of the Russian
Science Foundation (N 16-19-10325)

OP2.26 Oral Presentations 2

The effect of Mg(NO3)2 addition in formation of AlN by direct


Fatih KURTULDU1, Azim GOKCE1, Ali Osman KURT2

Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Technology Faculty, Sakarya University,
Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Sakarya University,

Amount of the produced heat in electronic devices increased with miniaturization of

electronic devices. Materials such as Al2O3, Cordierite, SiO2, AlN can be used as substrate for
electronic devices. Among them AlN is ideal substrates and packaging material because of its high
thermal conductivity, low dielectric loss and ideal thermal expansion which similar with silicon [1]–

In this study AlN powder was produced by using direct nitridation method. Elemental
aluminium powder and ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) mixture was prepared with and without the
addition of small amount of magnesium nitrate (Mg(NO3)2). Nitridation process was performed in
a conventional electric resistance furnace coupled with a horizontal stainless steel tube. Nitridation
was carried out at 850-950 ˚C for 2 hours in N2 atmosphere. DTA and DSC analyses were
conducted for understanding thermal events during high temperature processes. The morphology of
the produced AlN was investigated using XRD, SEM and EDS techniques. According to the
analyses, fully transformation from aluminium to AlN was occurred.

[1] R. K. Paul, K. H. Lee, B. T. Lee, and H. Y. Song, “Formation of AlN nanowires using Al powder,” Mater.
Chem. Phys., vol. 112, no. 2, pp. 562–565, 2008.
[2] M. Mashhadi, F. Mearaji, and M. Tamizifar, “The effects of NH4Cl addition and particle size of Al powder in
AlN whiskers synthesis by direct nitridation,” Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mater., vol. 46, pp. 181–187, 2014.
[3] C. Wu et al., “Facile solvent-free synthesis of pure-phased AlN nanowhiskers at a low temperature,” J. Solid
State Chem., vol. 177, no. 10, pp. 3522–3528, 2004.
[4] M. Radwan and M. Bahgat, “A modified direct nitridation method for formation of nano-AlN whiskers,” J.
Mater. Process. Technol., vol. 181, no. 1, pp. 99–105, 2007.

Oral Presentations 2 OP2.27

Advanced thermoaccumulation as a condition sine qua non for

sustainable energy development

Elena Agarwal1, Iurie Bosneaga2, Mircea Bologa2

University of ASM, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Institute of Applied Physics of ASM, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Energy governs the world - our development is driven by energy transformations. In order to
ensure optimal solutions for all-embracing energy issues, we elaborated scientifically based (mainly
on Thermodynamics) Strategy of Sustainable Energy Development (3D-Strategy), founded on three
principles: Decentralization, Diversification and Decarbonization. Our credo is - only complex,
integrated approach can ensure optimal, sustainable solutions for all energy related problems. It is
because the Universal law of energy conservation integrates all nature phenomena.
Thermoaccumulation is an indispensable component of energy-efficient systems. It refers to
accumulation of both - high-potential, and low-potential thermal energy (secondary energy, or
“waste” heat). Intermittence of renewables (especially, of solar radiation), necessity of daily and
seasonal temperature variations’ utilization - these are additional arguments for thermoaccumulation
From large amount nomenclature of thermoaccumulators we especially highlight two - most
important - types of thermoaccumulators: related to accumulation of natural (“winter”) cold, and the
secondary energy (“waste heat”) accumulation, coming from the thermal machines (heat engines).
Both mentioned types of thermoaccumulators have extremely large potential field of application
and - respectively - can drastically change (improve) energy problems solving. For both cases we
propose efficient principles and constructions for thermoaccumulation.
Intelligent application of the advanced low temperature (cold) accumulators permits
realization of the competitive advantages for the relatively high latitudes’ countries - with
continental climate. These advantages derive from Thermodynamics (apropos, nowadays - mainly
because of the adequate thermoaccumulation technologies absence - seasonal cold and heat are
usually irrationally treated as important disadvantages, which finally cause immense damages to
economy). We developed non-traditional thermal machine, based on the frozen water (ice)
expansion. Unique property of the frozen water to expand by approximately 9% - ensures obtaining
of the additional high-potential energy during freezing process, the quantity of which is a strong
function of the operating pressure. Large-scale application of the low-temperature
thermoaccumulation can decisively improve the economy indices for all the related technologies -
air-conditioning, freeze- and vacuum drying, cryoconcentration, cold (refrigeration) storage, etc.
The original solution of the “active wall” is applied for the efficient on-board utilization
(accumulation) of the “waste heat” coming from the transport’s heat engines. Rational utilization of
this - relatively low-potential - thermal energy of a really huge quantities can change entire energy
issue, and first of all - the pressing district heating task.
It is worth to mention different adsorbents and absorbents (silica-gel, CaCl2, LiCl, LiBr,
etc.) - as non-traditional, open-cycle accumulative heat generators. Such accumulative heat
generators also can be treated as no-movable parts accumulative open-cycle heat pumps.

Oral Presentations 3
Materials: Functional Materials, Ceramics, Metals & Alloys,
Cements, Glasses and Composites
Oral Presentations 3 OP3.01

Thermoluminescence properties of Eu2+ and Nd3+-doped alkaline

earth aluminates prepared by the sol-gel method


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
Večna pot 113, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Persistent luminescence is an optical phenomenon, whereby the material is excited with

high-energy radiation and the resulting visible emission remains that way for many hours after the
excitation has stopped.
To achieve intense persistent luminescence it is important that for the trap depths in the
materials we observe the corresponding bands in the thermoluminescence (TL) glow curves at room
temperature or only a bit higher.
The thermoluminescence of polycrystalline alkaline earth aluminates persistent
luminescence materials doped with Eu2+ and Nd3+ ions were studied between room temperature and
250 °C. The TL spectra were measured with a Mettler Toledo HP DSC827e analyser equipped with
a CCD camera PCO SensiCam.
All TL curves in the observed temperature range form only a single peak. Since the peaks
broaden with increasing temperature, this means that are increasing also the number of deep traps,
since the release of electrons require more thermal energy. The depth of the trap which is on the TL
curve seen as a shift to higher temperatures is supposed to be a cause of persistent luminescence.
This is obvious for the samples which are additionally doped with Nd3+ ions compared with
samples that are doped only with Eu2+ ions.
The thermoluminescence study of the samples doped with Eu2+ and Nd3+ ions has confirmed
that persistent luminescence depends on the depth of the trap. Samples of CaAl2O4:Eu2+,Nd3+
calcined at 1000, 1100 and 1300 °C, and Ca0.5Mg0.5Al2O4:Eu2+,Nd3+ calcined at 1300 °C, where the
TL peaks occur in the temperature range between 90 and 105 °C, and their TL curves are
terminated to ~ 180 °C, exhibit a persistent luminescence which lasts at least 24 hours. For samples
where the peaks of the TL curves spread to higher temperatures (above 180 °C) with a relatively
high intensity, however, luminescence is shorter due to a large number of deep traps, which
adversely affect the persistent luminescence.

[1] N. Čelan Korošin, N. Bukovec, P. Bukovec, Acta Chim. Slov., 62 (2015) 1318
[2] T. Aitasalo, J. Hölsä, H. Jungner, M. Lastusaari, J. Niittykoski, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110 (2006) 4589

OP3.02 Oral Presentations 3

Thermal behavior and thermophysical properties

of LDPE filled with SiC


Liudmila EVSEEVA, Svetlana TANAEVA
A.V. Luikov Heat&Mass Transfer Institute (HMTI) of the
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Many technical applications require using the materials with high thermal stability and
thermal conductivity. The tendency of energy and resources saving defines the exploitation of light
artificial materials like polymers instead of metals, for example, where it is possible. Such fillers as
boron carbide, silicon carbide, boron nitride, aluminum nitride, metal oxides, carbon nanotubes and
nanoparticles are used for managing the polymer matrix properties. The effect of interaction
between polymer and filler depends on type of matrix, its chemical structure, polymer and filler
availability of functional groups, conditions of composite formation and others.
The object of the study is low-density polyethylene (LDPE) filled with silicon carbide of
different particle’s sizes. Samples were made in Grodno Branch «Research Center of Resources-
Saving Problems» of HMTI. The effect of the filler’s concentration and size on the heat transfer
characteristics of composite polymer material was investigated. Silicon carbide is characterized
with high thermal conductivity (∼110 W/m⋅K) where LDPE thermal conductivity is ~0.3 W/m⋅K.
Certified silicon carbide by Ukraine (black SiC with particles size less than 1 µm and green SiC
with particles size 45-63 µm) was used as a filler. Its concentration varied from 0.5 to 60 mass%.
Thermoanalytical and thermophysical research methods are successfully used for the
determination of phase transitions, destruction, specific heat and thermal conductivity of the
composites under interest. Simultaneous TG-DSC analysis was carried out by STA 449 F3 Jupiter
(NETZSCH) in the temperature range 25 - 150 °С. Thermophysical properties were determined on
the LFA 457 MicroFlash (NETZSCH) by a laser flash method in the temperature range 25 - 90 °C.
Experiments were carried out in nitrogen atmosphere.
It has been shown that size of SiC particles doesn`t influence on specific heat but this
thermal parameter is reduced with filler concentration increase. It is due to limitation of mobility of
macromolecules chains of polymer matrix. At the same time, thermal conductivity raises together
with filler concentration because of density increase and formation of percolation chains by
particles. No any decomposition observed of the composites under investigation in the chosen
temperature range. The peculiarities of phase changes of LDPE based composites don`t depend on
SiC particles size and even their presence. Temperature of phase changes is almost stable and
doesn`t significant affected by SiC concentration or type. But the higher concentration of the filler
is, the lower melting enthalpy of polymer composite is. It is explained by weak chemical interaction
between LDPE matrix and SiC particles and cause low thermal stability of the composite.

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.03

Thermal properties of PLA composites with carbon based fillers

Fabio Faraguna, Roko Blažic, Elvira Vidović, Ante Jukić

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb,
Marulićev trg 19, HR-10000 Zagreb

Polylactide (PLA) composites with carbon based fillers were prepared by melt mixing
method using Brabender mixer. Graphite flakes (CA), amorphous graphite (CB) (both micro fillers)
and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) (nano filler) were used. PLA composites were prepared
by adding 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0 wt. % of each filler. Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics and melting
behavior of PLA composites was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry while
morphology of composites and dispersity of filler was investigated using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). The obtained kinetic data were analyzed by Avrami’s kinetic model. CA and
CB filler hindered melt crystallization of PLA. MWCNT in PLA-MWCNT composites slightly
decreased melt crystallinity of matrix from 18.7 to 14.3 % compared to neat PLA (19.9 %), except
in composite with 5 wt. % of MWCNT (20.2 %). Kinetic of cold crystallization of PLA composites
with CA and CB filler was slower than cold crystallization of neat PLA regardless of amount of
filler. Additionally, influence of type and amount of filler on thermal conductivity of PLA
composites was investigated using transient hot wire method. All composites exhibited increase of
thermal conductivity compared to neat PLA. The highest thermal conductivity, registered in
PLACA5 composite, is 2.6 fold higher than that of neat PLA.

Figure 1 SEM micrograph of PLA composites with:

1 wt. % of CB, 5 wt. % of CA and 1 wt. % of MWCNT

OP3.04 Oral Presentations 3

Thermodynamic evaluation of Al-2.5 wt.%Mg-0.7wt.%Li


University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, Sisak, Croatia
University of Ljubljana Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Aškerčeva cesta 12,
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Reduction of density, increase in elastic modulus and introduction of precipitation hardening

by the formation of metastable δ’ (Al3Li) phase are considered to be three most important benefits
of aluminium-lithium-magnesium (Al-Li-Mg) alloy production and utilization [1]. Reduction in
density as well as enhancement of corrosion resistance, increases in stiffness and fracture toughness
are most effectively done by adding Li. Furthermore, the Li addition to Al alloy will result in 6%
increase in elastic modulus and 3% decrease in density for each percent of Li added up to 4%
respectively. Strengthening effect of Li addition is primarily realized as precipitation of the
aforementioned metastable δ’ phase as well as solid solution strengthening. Mg additions
significantly influence strengthening by introducing new precipitates and changing the nucleation
and behaviour of existing metastable δ’ phase. Besides that, Mg leads to the further density
The solidification sequence and metastable δ’ phase behaviour, for the Al-2,5 wt.%Mg-
0,7wt.%Li alloy, was obtained combining differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and computer
aided thermodynamic diagram calculation (CALPHAD) with optical and electron microscopy as
well as energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). According to the equilibrium phase diagram
obtained by Thermo-Calc software support, solidification begins with development of primary α-Al
dendrite network at 622°C. Since the Li possess the highest solubility in Al at 600°C, decrease in
temperature will cause stabile δ (AlLi) phase formation at 368°C. Afterwards, Mg from the bulk α-
Al and stabile δ react forming ternary T (Al2LiMg) phase through peritectoid reaction at 257°C. The
equilibrium solidification ends with secondary eutectic Al3Mg2 precipitation at 138°C. However, in
real solidification conditions, Mg has a more pronounced effect on the phase precipitation. Since
Mg significantly reduces solubility of Li in α-Al, and therefore metastable δ’ phase precipitates
after development of α-Al dendrite network. Afterward solidification sequence depends from Li/Mg
ratio. For high Li/Mg ratio metastable δ’ phase becomes stabile δ, therefore avoiding formation of
ternary T phase. In this case, since Li/Mg ratio is low, ternary T phase precipitates next, while the
formation of secondary eutectic Al3Mg2 represents the end of solidification sequence. However,
Scheil non-equilibrium calculation recognizes the existence of two phases: primary α-Al dendrites
that start to form at 648°C, and Al3Mg2 which precipitate at 461°C.
This deviation between equilibrium and real solidification conditions is confirmed by the
results of EDS analysis. The presence of these phases is based on Al:Mg ratio, since EDS does not
possess the ability of light element identification. Correlation of identified microstructural
constituents thermodynamic stability by CALPHAD and DSC allows prediction of Al-2,5 wt.%Mg-
0,7wt.%Li alloy solidification sequence.

[1] N. Prasad, A. Eswara, A. Gokhale, R. J. H. Wanhill, Aluminium–lithium alloys, Aerospace Materials and Material
Technologies Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2013.

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.05

Assessing structural heterogeneity of multi-anion glasses by

thermal analysis

Jelena S. Petrović, Huyen Quyen Le, Lothar Wondraczek

Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Fraunhoferstraße 6, 07743 Jena, Germany

We study spatially heterogeneous dynamics in glass transition region of ionic fluoride-

phosphate (FPS), and fluoride-sulfophosphate (NAFPS) glass series. Knowing structure of these
glasses, and using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), we consider these glasses as structures
which consist of heterogenous set of environments with dynamics and relaxation time varying
significantly among environments.
In our work, we present how dynamic heterogeneity depends on the chemical identity, ionic
bonding, and amount of the glass components, and comment on influence of these heterogeneities
on relaxation from the glassy state towards equilibrium.
Using DSC and considering glass transition as a multistep process, we apply model-free
isoconversional method (multiple single-step kinetic equations) in order to calculate temperature
dependent activation energy barrier. Variable activation energy barrier during the glass transition is
used to comment on configurational rearangements which helps to understand mechanism of
heterogeneous dynamics.

OP3.06 Oral Presentations 3

Thermal and mechanical investigations on dysprosium and

therbium-doped boro-phosphate glass

Bogdan Alexandru SAVA1, Lucica BOROICA1, Mihail ELISA2,

Cristina BARTHA3, Olga SHIKIMAKA4, Daria GRABCO4,
Mihaela POPA4, Zinaida BARBOS4
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 409th Atomistilor Str., RO-77125,
Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
National Institute of Research & Development for Optoelectronics - INOE 2000, 409th Atomistilor
Str., RO-77125, Magurele, Romania
National Institute of Materials Physics, 405 A Atomistilor Str., RO-77125, Magurele, Romania
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 5th Academiei str., Chisinau, MD-
2028, Republic of Moldova

Boro-phosphate glasses combine the property of phosphate glass as excellent host for rare-
earth oxides with those of borate glass with good mechanical strength, thermal shock and chemical
attack resistance as well as water stability. Bulk boro-phosphate glasses doped with rare-earth ions,
4.5 mol% dysprosium oxide Dy2O3 and 4.5 mol% therbium oxide Tb2O3 were designed and
prepared by wet preparation route of raw materials followed by melting/quenching/annealing [1].
The glass composition include also vitreous network modifiers and stabilizers namely Li2O, Al2O3
and ZnO.
Differential scanning calorimetry measurements at four heating rates, from room
temperature up to 950 oC using synthetic air have revealed that no significant mass change occurs
during the heat treatment, as normally expected for glass samples. The step changes in heat flow
signals are associated with the presence of three important effects: the first one corresponds to the
glass transition effect (Tg) and is followed by two exothermic peaks, first of them more
pronounced, associated with the first crystallization process (Tp1), while the second one, lower in
intensity corresponds to the second crystallization (Tp2) process. The processing of the non-
isothermal data was performed using the advanced thermokinetics software package. The kinetic
parameters (activation energies and pre-exponential factors) were determined using both Friedman
(FR) and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) methods [2] and many other different kinetic models were
used for model-fitting crystallization data analysis. Crystalline phases formed during the thermal
treatment of the glass were identified by X-ray diffraction.
The mechanical parameters, hardness (H), Young’s Modulus (E) and fracture toughness
(KIC) of doped boro-phosphate glasses, evaluated by micro- and nanoindentation techniques,
demonstrated mostly higher values in comparison with those for other phosphate glasses [3].

[1] B.A. Sava, M. Elisa, L. Boroica, R.C.C. Monteiro, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 178 (2013) 1429
[2] B.A. Sava, M. Elisa, C. Bartha, R. Iordanescu, I. Feraru, C. Plapcianu, R. Patrascu, Ceram. Int., 40 (8) A, (2014)
[3] O. Shikimaka, D. Grabco, B.A. Sava, M. Elisa, L. Boroica, E. Harea, C. Pyrtsac, A. Prisacaru, Z. Barbos, J Mater
Sci., 51(3) (2016) 1409

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.07

Research of ceramic materials with large permittivity

Saad Tapuchi, D. Baimel, N. Natali, J. Gal

Shamoon College of Engineering, Beer Sheva, Israel

In the last decade very high dielectric constant have been reported in ceramic materials
based on titanium oxides [1-3]. However, these high dielectric constants were reported in the
literature only for small sized round pellets with diameter of approximately 10 mm’s. The reported
results that showed extremely large dielectric constants have potential for commercial use.
In our research, we were able to manufacture large ceramic slabs with high dielectric
constant, with dimensions of 20*30*3 mm. During this research, the stability and electric properties
of these materials were analyzed. Furthermore, an extended analysis of the dielectric constant,
parallel resistivity and the temperature behavior of the ceramic materials as a function of the
environmental humidity was conducted[4-8].
The paper shows how temperature of the oven during the ceramic production influences the
dielectric constant and parallel resistivity of the ceramic slabs. The obtained ceramic samples were
tested by XRD and electronic scanning microscope.
The following compositions were investigated:
BaZrxTi1-XO3, Ba1-X SrXTiO3, CaCu3Ti4O12
The research shows that for large slabs the Curie temperatures and the width at half
maximum are different than for small ones. In addition, the dielectric constants and the parallel
resistivity are extremely sensitive to humidity, meaning that the correct values of these parameters
should be measured at humidity of ~ 10%.

[1] J. Quan et al." Solid State Sciences", 14(2012)1520.

[2] J.H. Jeon, J.Eur.Ceramic Soc. 242004)1045.
[3] P. Liu et al. J.of Alloys and compounds 650(2015)59.
[4] Gu, Jie, Michael H. Azarian, and Michael G. Pecht. "Failure prognostics of multilayer ceramic capacitors in
temperature-humidity-bias conditions." International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management PHM 2008,
IEEE, 2008.
[5] Arlt, G., D. Hennings, and G. De With. "Dielectric properties of fine‐grained barium titanate ceramics." Journal of
applied physics 58.4 (1985): 1619-1625.
[6] Chen, Zuhuang, et al. "A percolative ferroelectric–metal composite with hybrid dielectric dependence." Scripta
Materialia 57.10 (2007): 921-924.
[7] Yeung, F., and Y. C. Chan. "Electrical failure of multilayer ceramic capacitors caused by high temperature and high
humidity environment." Electronic Components and Technology Conference, (1994). Proceedings., 44th. IEEE, 1994.
[8] Guillemet-Fritsch, Sophie, et al. "Dielectric properties of CaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 based multiphased ceramics." Journal of
the European Ceramic Society 26.7 (2006): 1245-1257.

OP3.08 Oral Presentations 3

Synthesis, characterization and anticanceractivity of N-coordinate

PdII and RuIIcomplexes bearing imine bond and 1,3-phenylenediamine

Ahmet CUMAOGLU1, Serkan DAYAN2, Asli Ozge AGKAYA1, Nilgun

KAYACI2, Nilgun Kalaycioglu OZPOZAN2
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kayseri, Erciyes University, Turkey

Chemotherapeutics in cancer treatment have a wide range of non-specific effects, there is an

urgent need to develop safety and cost effective drugs [1]. In this context, a number of Schiff base
ligands bearing 1,3-diaminobenzene backbone (1-5) and their PdII (6-10) and RuII (11-15)
derivative complexes were synthesized from 1,3-diaminobenzene, Ar-aldehydes (Ar-BzH) (4-
methylBzH (1), 4-methoxyBzH (2), 4-nitroBzH (3), 4-chloroBzH (4) and 3,4,5-trimethoxyBzH(5)),
PdCl2 and [RuCl2(p-cymene)]2, respectively. These compounds were characterized by various
methodologies including 1H and13C-NMR, thermal analysis (TG/DTA), FT-IR, elemental analysis
(E.A.) and tested for their in vitro anti-proliferative activities against A549 (human lung
adenocarcinoma) and Colo-205 (human colon carcinoma) cell line. Moreover, cytotoxic RuII
complexes were selected (11, 13 and 15) and to explore the underlying molecular mechanisms
involved in cell death process.
All the compounds have not been remarkable cytotoxic effect on Colo-205 cells. The
compounds (1-5) and their PdII complexes (6-10) were not effect on A549 cell viability, but the RuII
complexes (11, 13 and 15) were able to markedly inhibit cell growth. Further investigation on
intracellular mechanisms revealed that, treatment with compounds 11, 13 and 15triggered apoptosis
by transcriptionally upregulate pro-apoptotic caspase 9 and caspase 3 levels in A549 cells.
These findings suggest that some RuII complexes11, 13 and 15exhibits high cytotoxicity and
induced apoptosis by induced caspase9/caspase3 genes and may contribute to the future
development of improved chemo-therapeutics against human cancers.

[1] A. Jemal, F. Bray, M.M. Center, J. Ferlay, E. Ward, D. Forman, CA Cancer J. Clin. 61 (2011),

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.09

Hysteresis in barocaloric materials


Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, 27 Charles Babbage
Road, Cambridge CB3 0FS, UK

Barocaloric materials show thermal changes near non-isochoric ferroic phase transitions [1].
These thermal changes are giant near first-order phase transitions where both the volume change
and the entropy change across the transition are large. However, the existence of temperature and
pressure hysteresis in these giant barocaloric materials is detrimental for their application in
sustained cooling cycles [1]. Here I will screen the state-of-the-art giant barocaloric materials in
terms of temperature and pressure hysteresis, and will discuss strategies to minimise the
corresponding loss in cooling efficiency.

[1] X. Moya, S. Kar-Narayan, and N. D. Mathur, Nat. Mater. 3, 5, 2014.

OP3.10 Oral Presentations 3

Characterization of Thermal Management Properties of Polymers and

Metal-Ceramic systems by Steady State and Flash Method


TA Instruments ˗ Waters LLC, 159 Lukens Drive, New Castle, Delaware 19720, USA

The characterization of the thermal management of a system, regardless if polymeric or

based upon a mix of polymers, ceramics and metals, also require reliable thermal conductivity data
of each component employed. Understanding both the advantages offered and limitations posed by
the various measurement methods and instruments associated with the thermal conductivity range
of materials, geometries and sizes of the samples available for testing, sample status (solid, powder,
liquid) is essential to choose the proper methods, often in accordance with ASTM or ISO standards,
to obtain reliable thermal conductivity data and precisely tailor the system to achieve the target
thermal management properties.
The presentation covers the measuring principles and instrumentations of heat flow thermal
conductivity meters, and flash diffusivity analysers, and their applications on various materials such
as polymers, metal/alloys, carbon/graphite, ceramics, liquids/pastes/powders in different shapes,
sizes, and status in the temperature range -150°C to 1600°C. The comparisons between different
methods and the cautions that must be taken for the correct measurement are discussed.

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.11

Thermogravimetric investigations of new γ-γ′cobalt-based superalloys

Damian MIGAS1, Grzegorz MOSKAL1, Marta MIKUŚKIEWICZ1,

Tomasz MACIĄG2
Silesian University of technology, Department of Materials Science,
40-019 Katowice, Krasinskiego 8 str, Poland

The expeditious development of new γ-γ′ Co-based superalloys as possible next generation
superalloys considerably depends on achieving an appropriate oxidation resistance at high
temperature. The oxidation resistance of high-temperature resistant materials of each type depends
on possibilities of dens protective oxides layer formation, based generally on alumina, chromia or
silica. The development of new Co based superalloys with reinforced phase of γ′ is related with
alloying of Co solid solution by Al with W or Mo, Nb and Ta. This complexed chemical
composition has a strong effect on oxidation resistance and exhibit different oxidation mechanisms
related with other alloying elements [1-3].
The aim of this study is characterization of high temperature oxidation behaviour of new
Co-base superalloys by thermogravimetry (TG). The following alloys have been taken into account:
Co-9Al-9W (% at.), Co-20-Ni-7Al-7W (% at.), Co-10Al-5Mo-2Nb (% at.) and Co-20Ni-10Al-
5Mo-2Nb (% at.) [4,5]. The thermogravimetric analysis was carried out in temperature range
40÷1200°C of heating rate 5° min-1, using the thermal analyzer NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter. TG
curves showed oxidation behavior up to 1200°C and indicated the temperatures of further
isothermal oxidation examinations. The oxidation behavior of basic Co-9Al-9W alloy was
compared to tungsten-free Co-10Al-5Mo-2Nb and Co-20Ni-10Al-5Mo-2Nb alloys. Obtained data
showed different oxidation behaviour dependably on type of alloying elements. Moreover, the
effect of Ni addition on oxidation performance was determined.
Oxidized surfaces after thermogravimetry were evaluated by means of Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The
surface condition was determined in cross-section and both on-view as well.

[1] J. Sato et al., Science, 312 (2006), 90

[2] T.M. Pollock et al., JOM, 62 (2010), 58
[3] H.-Y. Yan, V.A. Vorontsov, D. Dye, Corrosion Science, 83 (2014), 382
[4] G. Moskal et al., Materials Engineering 2017, in press
[5] G. Moskal et al., Corrosion protection 2017, in press

This work was supported by Institute of Materials Science of Silesian University of Technology, as
a part of Statutory Research no BK-225/RM3/2017.

OP3.12 Oral Presentations 3

Thermal analysis of new type γ-γ′ cobalt-based superalloys

Agnieszka TOMASZEWSKA1, Damian MIGAS1, Grzegorz MOSKAL1,

Silesian University of technology, Department of Materials Science,
40-019 Katowice, Krasinskiego 8 str, Poland

The γ-γ′ Co-based superalloys are newly developed class of refractory alloys, which may
replace commercial Ni-based superalloys owing to many favourable properties. In this study,
various methods of thermal analysis and calorimetry were applied for determination of temperature
range for heat treatment of new Co-based superalloys. Examinations of as-cast alloys were carried
out by the differential thermal analysis (DTA), Thermal Derivative Analysis (ATD) and Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). On the bases of obtained results, respectively solvus of γ′ phase and
solidus temperatures were determined [1-5].
In case of new Co-based superalloys, the aim of heat treatment is to obtain microstructure
composed of appropriate volume fraction of small cuboidal γ′-Co3(Al,W) precipitates within γ-Co
matrix, or with other composition adequate to chemical constituent of alloy. The most beneficial
heat treatment for this issue is solution heat treatment and subsequently artificial aging. The
solution heat treatment was carried out at 1300°C and 1350°C for two variants of time, respectively
5 and 24h, whereas aging was performed at 900°C for 50, 100 and 150h. The effectiveness
evaluation of performed heat treatment efficiency was done by microstructural analysis.
The following alloys were examined: Co-9Al-9W (% at.), Co-20-Ni-7Al-7W (% at.), Co-
10Al-5Mo-2Nb (% at.) and Co-20Ni-10Al-5Mo-2Nb (% at.). The differential thermal analysis
(DTA) measurements were carried out on the thermal analyzer NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter.
Calorimetric analysis was made on differential scanning calorimeter DSC 404 F1 by Netzsch
likewise. The solidification process for ATD investigations was recorded by a Crystaldigraph PC-
8T apparatus. The microstructure of heat treated alloy was characterized by means of Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).

[1] F. Binczyk, J. et al., Archives of Foundry Engineering 8 (2008), 5

[2] F. Binczyk, J. Śleziona, Archives of Foundry Engineering 10 (2010) 13
[3] M. Ooshima et al., Journal of Alloys and Compounds 508 (2010) 71
[4] H.-Y. Yan, V.A. Vorontsov, D. Dye, Intermetallics 48 (2014) 44
[5] V.A. Vorontsov et al., Acta Materialia 120 (2016) 14

This work was supported by Institute of Materials Science of Silesian University of Technology, as
a part of Statutory Research no BK-225/RM3/2017.

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.13

Natural and artificial pozzolans saline hydration for their reactive

alumina, Al2O3r-, qualitative and quantitative assessment, by TGA

CBI Pro-Akademia, Innowacyjna 9/11 95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki, Łódź, Poland

Reactive alumina, Al2O3r-, is a constituent of natural and artificial pozzolans (thermally

activated clays, natural pozzolans of volcanic origin, fly ash, diatomite, silica fume), used as
mineral additions to Portland cement (PC) based materials due to environmental (1 t of
conventional PC releases 1 t of CO2), technological (higher mechanical strength of the resultant PC
blends) and economic reasons (energy savings) [1][2]. Performance of this hydraulic factor in
building materials, if present, is related directly to the chemical durability against their exposure to
chlorides and/or sulphates. Ergo, thaw salts and marine environments contribute to hindering and
preventing electrochemical corrosion of steel reinforcement of reinforced concrete due to rapid
forming Friedel's salt [3][4][5]. In return, gypsum-bearing water and/or soils promote degradation
of concrete and mortar quality due to expansion, shrinkage and decomposition of PC hydration
products caused by rapid forming ettringite [6][7].
Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the reactive alumina, Al2O3r-, content in
pozzolans is addressed pioneeringly in this research as all the tetra– or penta–coordinated alumina
[8][9] capable to react chemically in form of Friedel’s salt compound. Saline hydration natural and
artificial pozzolans are here subjected to, is studied maximally up to 28 days-age using TGA
(TG/DTG/DTA) techniques (TA Instruments). The resultant amorphous and/or vitreous Al2O3r-
contents are contrasted with the Florentin reference method [10] up to 1 year-age, giving a
satisfactory convergence between both data sets. Finally, the precision and repeatability of the
newly proposed analytical method is validated conforming obligatory requirements of ISO/IEC
17025 standard for quality and reliability of new analytical trials [11], namely its standardization is
resultatively recommended to be considered in a future.

[1] P.K. Mehta, Concr. Int., 21 [11] 47-52 (1999).

[2] B. Uzal, L. Turanli, P.K. Mehta, ACI Mater. J., 104 (5) 535-538 (2007)
[3] R. Talero, L. Trusilewicz, A. Delgado, C. Pedrajas, R. Lannegrand, V. Rahhal, R. Mejía, S. Delvasto, F.A.
Ramírez, Constr Build Mater., 25 [5] 2370−2380, (2011).
[4] R. Talero, L. Trusilewicz, Ind Eng Chem Res., 51 [38] 12517−12529 (2012).
[5] R. Talero, Constr Build Mater., 33, 164-180 (2012).
[6] R. Talero, Constr Build Mater., 24 [9] 1779-1789 (2010).
[7] R. Talero, Constr Build Mater., 25 [3] 1139-1158 (2011).
[8] L. Trusilewicz, F. Fernández-Martínez, V. Rahhal, R. Talero, J Amer Ceram Soc,. 95 (9) 2989-2996 (2012).
[9] L. Trusilewicz, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University of Madrid, ETSIDI, Madrid, Spain (2014).
[10] R. Feret, Revue des Materiaux de Construction et de Travaux Publics, 281, 41-44 and 282, 85-92 (1933).
[11] International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

OP3.14 Oral Presentations 3

Experimental investigation of the Fe-Co-S ternary system

Mariia ILATOVSKAIA1,2, Svetlana SINYOVA1, Roman STARYKH1

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya Str. 29, St. Petersburg,
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 5, Freiberg, Germany

Cobalt is extracted as a byproduct of oxidizing nickel and copper-cobalt ores during

pyrometallurgical processing. Received mattes which contain up to 12 % mass of cobalt can be
directly related to the Fe-Co-S system. Phase relations in the Fe-Co-S system were studied
experimentally in Refs. [1-4]. Vogel and Hillner [1] reported liquidus projection and several vertical
sections of the Fe-Co-S system. Three invariant reactions on the liquidus projection were detected
[1,2] and then included to the scheil scheme reaction with some corrections [5]. Based on the
literature data for the boundary binary systems, the Fe-Co-S was partially calculated
thermodynamically [5,6]. Mainly isothermal sections at high temperatures (in the temperature range
between 1100°C and 1350°C) were calculated. Nevertheless, the thermodynamic data have some
contradictions with respect to the available literature data.
Thus, the aim of the present work is an experimental reinvestigation of the phase equilibria
in the Fe-Co-S system with the subsequent possibility of thermodynamic calculation of the entire
system. For this, about 90 different compositions of the system were prepared by melting in an
induction furnace followed by quenching in water. Samples were examined by X-ray diffraction.
The microstructure characterization was carried out using SEM/EDX. Phase transformations
temperatures and melting behavior of the samples were studied by DTA. Combination of the
obtained results and mathematical treatment of these for the liquidus temperatures allowed
visualizing phase transformations of the Fe-Co-S system as the liquidus and solidus projections.

This work is supported by RFBR grants № № 16-38-00305\16, 16-03-00987\16 and 17-08-00875


[1] Vogel R., Hillner G.F., Arch. Eisenhuettenwes., 1953, 24, pp. 133-141.
[2] Moleva N.G., Kusakin P.S., Vetrenko E.A., Diev N.P., Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1958, 3, pp. 904-910.
[3] Chen Y.O., Chang Y.A., Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 1978, 9B, pp. 61-67.
[4] Soltanieh M., Toguri J.M., Sridhar R., Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 1997, 28B, pp. 647-650.
[5] Raghavan V., Phase Diagrams of Ternary Iron Alloys, Indian Institute of Metals, Calcutta, 1988, 2, pp. 93-106.
[6] Kongoli F., Pelton A.D., Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 1999, 30B, pp. 443-450.

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.15

Thermogravimetric investigations of the phase boundaries and non-

stoichiometry of Co1-xO in the system Co/O2

Dirk WALTER1,2
Laboratories of Chemistry and Physics, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Justus-Liebig-
University, Aulweg 129, D-35392 Gießen, Germany
Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Justus-Liebig-University, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17,
D-35392 Gießen, Germany

The phase boundaries of cobalt oxide were determined by thermogravimetry (TG)

depending on temperature and oxygen partial pressure. Further the non-stoechiometry of Co1-xO
in air was investigated in a temperature range of 1000 - 1500°C. Both results were compared with
data of cobalt tracer diffussion experiments, and electrical conductivity, respectively.
In the system Co/O2 exists the elemental cobalt as well as the oxide compounds Co1-xO and
Co3O4 in a temperature range between 700 - 1400°C and a range of oxygen partial pressure between
log pO2 = -20 and log pO2 = 0.

Figure: Investigated phase boundaries by TG in dependence on temperature and pO2-

pressure. Lines = TG results; squares = references data (Dieckmann)

[1] R. Dieckmann, Z. Phys. Chem., 107 (1978) 189

OP3.16 Oral Presentations 3

Study of protonated perovskite type layered titanates

thermolysis process

Oleg I. Silyukov, L.D. Abdulaeva, I.A. Rodionov, Irina A. Zvereva

Institute of Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Layered perovskite-like oxides are solid crystalline substances formed by two-dimensional

nanosized perovskite slabs interleaved with cations or cationic structural units. Until present time
perovskite-like compounds are actively studied as materials with wide range of important physical
and chemical properties such as super-conductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, ferroelectricity,
catalytic and photocatalytic activity, thermochemical properties and electrochemical properties. In
recent years, there has been a constant interest in using the soft chemistry methods for development
of new layered perovskite- like compounds with specified physicochemical properties, as well as
design of these materials based on perovskite structure.
In the present work the phase transitions during the thermolysis process of protonated
HLnTiO4 (Ln=La, Nd) related to the Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite-type phases were studied by
means of simultaneous thermal analysis and thermal XRD as main methods in order to investigate
intermediate stages of metastable Ln2□Ti2O7 oxides formation and their further evolution to stable
compounds. HLnTiO4 compounds were found to form partially hydrated Ln2Ti2O7·xH2O during
thermal dehydration as well as defect oxides Ln2□Ti2O7 as final products. Further heating of defect
Ln2□Ti2O7 substances leads to the pyrochlore-type oxides Ln2Ti2O7 (p), with subsequent
transformation to stable layered 110-type perovskites Ln2Ti2O7

Acknowledgement This research was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants
№ 14-03-31968 и № 15-03-05981). Authors also are grateful to Saint Petersburg State University
Research Park: Center of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Research Centre for X-ray Diffraction
Studies, Center for chemical analysis and materials research, Interdisciplinary Resource Center for

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.17

Radiation-thermal method of LiZn ferrite ceramics production


Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue, 30, 634050, Tomsk, Russia

The ceramic technology of ferrite materials production, which is based on preliminary

synthesis of ferrite powders and followed by high temperature sintering, allows to obtain high-
density ferrite ceramics with desired performance characteristics. But this technological process has
the following disadvantages: multistage process, long duration, high material costs.
One of the effective methods of ferrite production is radiation-thermal (RT) heating of the
ferrite samples using high-energy electron beams [1-3]. The high efficiency was observed at the
stage of ferrite powder synthesis [1, 2] as well as at the stage of ferrite ceramics sintering [3].
However, the main results in this direction were obtained for ferrites subjected to pulsed electron
beam heating.
In the present work, the structural and magnetic properties of lithium-zinc ferrite ceramics
with Li0.4Fe2.4Zn0.2O4 composition obtained by complex high-energy impact, which was included
the mechanical activation of Fe2O3-Li2CO3-ZnO initial reagents in ball mill and RT heating using
continuous electron beam, were studied.
The samples were divided into two parties. The samples from the first party were obtained
by thermal synthesis of mechanically activated initial reagents mixture and further RT sintering at
1050 °C for 140 min. The samples from second party were obtained by one-step RT heating of
mechanically activated mixture, avoiding the preliminary synthesis stage. The whole samples were
studied by X-ray diffraction (ARL X’TRA), electron microscopy (Hitachi ТМ-3000) and thermal
analysis (STA 449C Jupiter) techniques.
It was established that the high density and low porosity lithium-zinc ferrite ceramics can be
obtain by radiation-thermal heating. The samples are characterized by high values of specific
magnetization and Curie temperature.
Preliminary mechanical activation of the initial reagents mixture allows not only to
accelerate the synthesis of ferrite materials, but also to combine the technological stages of
synthesis and sintering in one stage of radiation-thermal processing. Thus, the main result of the
study is the proven possibility of excluding the stage of preliminary synthesis in the fabrication of
Li-Zn ferrite ceramics by the radiation-thermal method. Consequently, the technology of ferrites
production can be modified to rapidly obtain ferrite ceramics.

[1] A.P. Surzhikov, E.N. Lysenko, V.A. Vlasov, E.A. Vasendina, A.M. Pritulov, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.110 (2012)
[2] V.G. Kostishin, V.G. Andreev, V.V. Korovushkin, D.N. Chitanov, N.A. Yudanov, A.T. Morchenko, A.S. Komlev,
A.Yu. Adamtsov, A.N. Nikolaev, Inorg. Mater. 50 (2014) 1317
[3] A.V. Malyshev, E.N. Lysenko, V.A. Vlasov, Ceram. Int. 41 (2015) 13671

OP3.18 Oral Presentations 3

Phase diagram of the Ga-S system (48-61 at.% S)

Alexander Y. ZAVRAZHNOV, Sergey S. BEREZIN, Alexander V. NAUMOV,

Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Universitetskaya sq. 1, Russia

Almost all binary systems composed of s- and sp- elements have been studied in great detail.
With the exception of small details, for almost all such systems, the corresponding phase diagrams
are consistently described in the. In the light of the foregoing, the phase diagram of the Ga-S system
causes an obvious bewilderment, according to which the available literature is consistent only with
the presence of GaS Ga2S3 phases congruently melting above 950°C [1-3].
As the main method of studying the T-x phase diagram, we chose differential thermal
analysis (DTA). Taking into account the propensity of the phases of the A(III)-B(VI) systems to the
formation of metastable states, we used equipment that allows to maintain low heating rates (<1
K/min) with high linearity of temperature changes in time [4]. The DTA data were compared with
the results of the new method of chromatothermographic analysis (CTA) [4] (which allows one to
carry out research in the static mode) as well
as with the data of high-temperature XRD.
The constructed T-x diagram (fig. 1) is in
contradiction with the source data [1]; it has
a remote similarity with [2] and it is most
correlated with the results of little-known
work by Pardo [3]. It is found that, in
contrast to the low-temperature part of the
diagram, where only Ga2S3 and GaS phases
are present, the high-temperature part (870-
1110°C) of this diagram is complicated. It is
also found that in a narrow range of
compositions (59.0-60.7 at.% S) there are
three separate phases (σ, Ga2S3′, Ga2S3) of
different stoichiometry. The detected σ-
phase with a sulfur content of about
59.0 at. % S exists in a very narrow
temperature range (877 - 922°C).
Fig. 1. T-x diagram of the Ga-S system in the
concentration range from 48 to 61 at.% S (our

[1] Greenberg. J. Thermodynamic basis of crystal growth: P-T-X phase equilibrium and nonstoichiometry, Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2002) 247
[2] Massalski T.B., Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2-nd Ed., Mater. Inf. Soc., Ohio, 2 (1990) 1269
[3] M. P. Pardo [et al.] J. Solid State Chem., 102 (1993) 423
[4] S. S. Berezin [et al.] Inorg. Mater. (Russia), 49 (2013) 555

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.19

Thermal reactivity of YBa2Cu3O7-δ with Al2O3


Institute of experimental physics SAS, Watsonova 47, 04001 Košice, Slovakia

Yttrium barium copper oxide (YBa2Cu3O7-δ or YBCO) is a high-temperature superconductor

with transition temperature about 91 K that is above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77 K).
Practical application of YBCO bulk superconductors strongly depends on the presence of effective
pinning centres in YBCO crystal structure, which interact with magnetic flux lines. Chemical
substitution of the atoms in the YBCO crystal lattice by others chemical elements was used for
creating of non-superconducting regions, which are effective pinning centres, [1] and aluminium
belongs to the most successfully used elements for achievement of this purpose [2]. It has been
found that contamination of YBCO by Al took place, when different oxides such as Y2O3, BaO,
BaCO3 or CuO were used for YBCO growing in the Al2O3 crucibles [3]. However, direct reaction
of Al2O3 with YBCO has not been comprehensively investigated yet.
The main task of our work was concentrated on investigation of Al2O3 powder reaction with
commercially synthesised YBCO powder. Different powder mixtures of YBCO and Al2O3 (0wt.%
to 12.5wt.%) were investigated. Differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry
simultaneously with thermogravimetric measurements were used for investigation of thermal
reactivity of YBCO and Al2O3 powder mixtures. X-ray diffraction and high-temperature X-ray
diffraction analyses as well as scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy were used for deeper investigation.
The peritectic melting temperature of YBCO decreased to about 940°C from 1010°C (pure
YBCO) after increasing of Al2O3 concentration. Investigation of the powder mixtures, after
additional annealing or fully melting, showed that the first reaction of Al2O3 with YBCO took place
below 940°C. Different Al rich secondary phases with Ba, Cu and O were formed and partial
substitution of the Cu atoms by the Al atoms was observed. The thermal properties of YBCO were
substantially changed with increasing of Al2O3 and after full peritectic melting of the powder
mixtures the number of secondary phases decreased and concentration of Al in the YBCO crystal
structure increased. From the obtained results it was evident that after full melting of the powder
mixtures Al rich secondary phases dissolved and the Al atoms substituted for the Cu atoms in the
form of YBa2(AlxCu1-x)3O7-δ composition.

[1] J.M. Tarascon et al., Phys. Rev. B., 37 (1988) 7458

[2] V. Antal et al., Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010) 065014
[3] G. Krabbes et al., Journal of Electronic Materials., 23 (1994) 1135

OP3.20 Oral Presentations 3

Catalytic properties of ceramic materials containing Li ions and metal

transition ions in the process of thermal decomposition botanical
origin systems

Wojciech Ciesielski, Damian Kulawik, Volodymyr Pavlyuk

Institute of Chemistry, Environment Protection and Biotechnology,
Jan Dlugosz University, al. Armii Krajowej 13/15, 42200 Czestochowa, Poland

Literature searches, based on the use of SciFinder Scholar database showed for the keywords
„catalysed decomposition of biomass” and „biofuels” more than 500 literature references, among
them 150 publications devoted to catalysed decomposition of biomass. For this reason, research on
new catalysts compounds are very important and highly topical themes. These studies connecting
the new methodology of the synthesis of ceramic materials and new methods for the preparation of
synthesis gas free of sulfur and phosphorus, which will be used for the preparation of the
appropriate fractions of fuels.
Material properties, especially absorption and catalytic largely depend on their structure. The
condition and mode of formation compounds and concentration and temperature ranges of their
existence explains the phase diagrams. Therefore, the study in described project will be based on
basic research include: synthesis of alloy phase diagram determination, determine their crystal and
electron structure and the study of catalytic properties of these materials. This project focuses on the
original experimental work aimed at obtaining ceramics, combine them with the material of the
botanical origin (grain and straw of cereals, starchy crops) and investigate the effect of the above
ceramics on thermal decomposition of "biomass". Full physicochemical analysis for received
system was carried out using thermal analysis DSC / TG and TGA / SDTA / QMS to the selection
process for obtaining the best possible conditions for carbonizate and qualitative composition of the
gases as promising materials for the synthesis of second-generation fuels in the near future. The
study of the ceramic material will be show the potential structural changes in the used as a potential
catalyst systems.
The main objective of this project is the development of a new generation of ceramic materials
subsidized by Li ions and the study of these oxides in catalytic processes. Implementation of the
proposed project increased library of "knowledge" on the ceramic materials subsidized by Li ions
which formed on the basis of sintering metal oxides or hydroxides and their use as catalysts in the
preparation of quality control of the synthesis gas from the char material or botanical origin.
Investigated ceramic materials are new, not described in the chemical literature concerning to the
compounds in which the presence of Li provides a convenient opportunity to induce catalytic
property and ensures the appearance of physical and chemical properties useful when used as
substrates derivatives obtained in Chemistry "new materials" (in particular of the "catalyzed") and
new substances for controlling the process of pyrolysis of biomass.

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.21

Thermal analysis as a control method for recycled aluminium alloys

Lina Jerina1,2, Jožef Medved1, Maja Vončina1

Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University
of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Blok d.o.o., IOC Zapolje II 7, 1370 Logatec, Slovenia

The aluminium industry, with the desire to reduce costs and impact on the environment,
increases the use of secondary aluminium as a raw material resource. It is well known that
aluminium can be remelted several times without losing its properties. Nevertheless, the industry
faces a number of challenges that include the supply of secondary material, appropriate sorting,
effective refining, reduction of melt losses etc.
The quality of secondary material is related to several factors which include purity of material,
pollution (oils, dirt, plastics and paper), coatings and size. The size of the material is associated with
inclusions and mass losses. Remelting light scrap causes more inclusions and higher melt losses
than remelting bulky scrap.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of a specific surface on the melt
recovery and to determine basic thermal characteristics of recycled aluminium alloys using thermal
analysis known as simple thermal analysis (STA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
Materials used during the research were wrought aluminium alloy AA7075 and two types of
secondary aluminium with different specific surfaces. Secondary aluminium, obtained from
recycling of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE), was in form of a sheet metal.
The study confirmed the linear influence of the specific surface of the secondary aluminium,
used as an input material, on the melt losses and formation of oxides and inclusions. Thermal
analysis serves as a good control research method for determining the formation of phases and

OP3.22 Oral Presentations 3

Vogel–Fulcher analysis of relaxor dielectrics

Andrei ROTARU1,2, Finlay D. MORRISON2

School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews, St Andrews KY16 9ST, U.K.
INFLPR-National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bvd. Atomistilor 409,
Măguree, Bucharest, Romania

In this study, the dynamics of dielectric relaxation of dipoles was studied by fitting dielectric
permittivity data to the Vogel-Fulcher (VF) model [1,2] in order to monitor the reproducibility and
validity of the physical results. As examples, tetragonal tungsten bronzes (TTBs) with the general
formula: Ba6M3+Nb9O30 (M3+ = Ga3+, Sc3+ & In3+, and their solid solutions) [3-5] and the archetypal
relaxor ferroelectric PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 with 10 at % lead titanate (PMN-10PT) [6] were chosen.
Restrictions to the VF fit were attempted besides the regular “free-fit” by constraining some of the
fundamental relaxation parameters to physically sensible values. We show that Vogel-Fulcher fits
are very sensitive to the fitting range resulting in a large range of fundamental parameters for the
dielectric relaxation processes, and that the restriction of the frequency domain due to experimental
noise or to instrumentation limits has a dramatic influence on the values obtained [5].
Particularly, the effect of B-site doping within the TTB structure on the fundamental dipolar
relaxation parameters was investigated by independently fitting the dielectric permittivity to the
Vogel-Fulcher (VF) model, and the dielectric loss to Universal Dielectric Response (UDR) [7] and
Arrhenius models [8]. The reproducibility of the dielectric data and the relaxation parameters
obtained by VF fitting were shown to be highly sensitive to the thermal history of samples and also
the conditions during dielectric data acquisition (e.g., heating/cooling rate). In contrast, UDR
analysis of the dielectric loss data [9] provided far more reproducible results, and to an extent was
able to partially separate the additional relaxation processes present in these materials [8]. Further
understanding of these processes and the structural transformations within these materials may be
obtained by means of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, RUS, since elastic constants are more
sensitive to structural changes rather than other properties (dielectric permittivity, heat capacity,
etc.) and thus supplementary relaxations (accompanying the main dielectric relaxation) are
exhibited [10].
[1] H. Vogel, Phys. Z., 22 (1921) 645
[2] G.S. Fulcher, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 8 (1925) 339.
[3] A. Rotaru, D.C. Arnold, A. Daoud-Aladine and F.D. Morrison; Phys. Rev. B, 83, 18, 184302, (2011).
[4] A. Rotaru, A.J. Miller, D.C. Arnold and F.D. Morrison; Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, 372, 20120451, (2014).
[5] A. Rotaru and F.D. Morrison; J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 120(2), 1249, (2015)
[6] D. Viehland, S.J. Jang, L.E. Cross and M. Wuttig, J. Appl. Phys., 68 (1990) 2916.
[7] A.K. Jonscher, Dielectric Relaxation in solids, Chelsea Dielectrics Press, London, (1983).
[8] A. Rotaru, PhD Thesis, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom, (2013).
[9] N.J. Donnelly, R.M. Bowman and J.M. Gregg, Phys. Rev. B, 73 (2006) 064110.
[10] A. Rotaru, J.A. Schiemer and M.A. Carpenter; J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 124(2), 571, (2016)

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.23

Effect of sintering regimes on the microstructure and magnetic

properties of LiTiZn ferrite ceramics


Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia

Lithium-substituted ferrites due to a good combination of magneto-dielectric properties are

excellent materials for use in such devices as gas sensors, various devices of microwave electronics,
for example in phase shifters, switches, etc. [1-2].
Most of electromagnetic properties of ferrites are structurally-sensitive, i.e. the magnetic
state of the substance and the dynamics of the magnetization reversal processes are specified by
both the chemical composition of the material and the content of microstructure defects. An initial
permeability, μi, a coercive force, Hc are the most important static magnetic characteristics of ferrite
ceramics. These characteristics have high structural sensitivity, good theoretical binding to certain
defectiveness parameters and, therefore, can be used as indicators of the defect state and the phase
composition of the ferrite material.
In this work, the influence of sintering regimes on the microstructure (the grain size, density
and porosity), saturation magnetization, the Curie point and the temperature dependence of the
initial permeability of LiTiZn ferrite ceramics, was investigated. Ceramics was prepared by a
standard ceramic technique. The formation of a single-phase cubic spinel structure was confirmed
by XRD analysis. The Curie point was determined from both the temperature dependences of the
initial permeability and the method of thermogravimetric measurements in a magnetic field.
The results showed that the density / porosity and the grain size are sensitive to the sintering
regime, while the Curie temperature and magnetization are independent of it.
The results obtained from the temperature dependence of μi showed that for all LiTiZn
ferrite samples there is a sharp decrease of μi near the Curie point. This behavior assumes the
formation of a single-phase and chemically homogeneous ferrite structure.
The initial permeability of ferrite decreases with increasing of sintering temperature (in the
range (1010–1150) °С) and grain size, which contradicts the generally accepted Globus and Smith
and Wijn theories. A possible reason for this behavior is the formation of intragranular pores
growing with increasing of sintering temperature, which inhibit the domain wall motion inside the
grain. These results correspond to the porosity of the investigated ferrite ceramic samples, which
grows with sintering temperature increasing. In addition, deterioration of ceramics microstructure
due to an increase in grain size dispersion affected the decrease of ferrite initial permeability.
Thus, maximum value of the dependence μi (T) can be used as an indicator of the structure
perfection or the level of defect state. For the studied ferrite samples, the sintering regime of 1010
°С 2 h proved to be optimal from the point of view high density and low porosity, the highest
maximum value of the dependence μi (T) and therefore low level of defect state.

[1] J. Smith, H.P.J. Wijn, Philips’ Technical Library, (1959) 500 p.

[2] M. Mahmoudi, M. Kavanlouei, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 384 (2015) 276–283.

OP3.24 Oral Presentations 3

Glass transition and glassy state of a wholly amorphous Polylactide:

parallel between standard differential scanning calorimetry and fast
scanning calorimetry


Normandie Univ, UNIROUEN Normandie, INSA Rouen, CNRS, Groupe de Physique des
Matériaux, 76000 Rouen, France

In the recent years, the understanding of glass forming liquids such as polymer glasses [1]
still supports the focus of many researchers. Especially by standard differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), the understanding of the structural relaxation remains disputed. When some
authors claim that thermodynamic equilibrium can be reached [2], others claim the contrary [3].
Besides, some works have observed plateau and different time scale in the change of properties
towards equilibrium [4].
In the same time, the recent development of fast scanning calorimeters (FSC) has opened
new possibilities on the investigation of polymer crystallization, polymer melting or amorphous
polymer properties [5]. Such technique allows to analyze few ng of samples by using scanning
ramps as fast as thousand Kelvin per second.
In that purpose, glass transition and structural relaxation on wholly amorphous polylactide
has been investigated by means of standard differential scanning calorimetry and fast scanning
The determination of the glass transition temperature for both techniques has been
significant for comparison. An increase of 80 to 90 % has been observed in the enthalpy recovery
by FSC investigations, compared to the in-situ aging study through the standard DSC. Such increase
has been related to the high cooling rates used by FSC. Besides, such high cooling rates have
allowed to reach the thermodynamic equilibrium. However, the sample geometry seems to play a
role on the structural relaxation kinetics when glasses are vitrified by high cooling rates. This
implies that the critical thickness involved in the physical aging acceleration is cooling rate
dependent. In addition, few ng of material analyzed by FSC are representative of the bulk one
analyzed by standard DSC, when the glass is formed in the same conditions [6].

[1] D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero (2016). Effect of nanostructure on the thermal glass transition and physical
aging in polymer materials, Prog. Polym. Sci. 54-55, 128-147.
[2] S.E.B. Petrie (1972). Thermal behavior of annealed organic glasses, J. Polym. Sci. Part -2 Polym. Phys. 10, 1255-
[3] J.M. Hutchinson, S. Montserrat, Y. Calventus, P. Cortés (2000). Application of the Adam−Gibbs Equation to the
Non-Equilibrium Glassy State, Macromolecules, 33, 5252-5262.
[4] D. Cangialosi, V.M. Boucher, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero (2013). Direct Evidence of Two Equilibration Mechanisms
in Glassy Polymers, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 095701.
[5] C. Schick, V. Mathot (2016). Fast Scanning Calorimetry, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016.
[6] X. Monnier, A. Saiter, E. Dargent (2017). Physical aging in PLA through standard DSC and fast scanning
calorimetry investigations, Thermochimica Acta 648, 13-22.

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.25

Mechanical behaviour of in-situ formed Cordierite-Anorthite

ceramic composite

Aptullah KARAKAS1, Ali Sabri BERKEM1, Ahmet CAPOGLU1

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gebze Technical University, 41400,
Gebze/Kocaeli-TURKEY, e-mail:

Cordierite ceramics have excellent thermal shock resistance because of their very low thermal
expansion coefficient. However, their relatively poor mechanical properties limits its large scale
production [1-2-3]. To improve its mechanical behaviour some reinforcing phases are added to form
a ceramic composite. In this study, dense cordierite-anorthite composite ceramic was in-situ formed
during one step sintering. Cordierite-anorthite ceramic body was prepared from a mixture of
pyrophyllite, α-alumina, wollastonite and Mg-clay with appropriate proportions. The samples were
formed by employing aqueous tape casting method and sintered at 1340 °C for 2 h. The mechanical
behaviour of sintered composite ceramics were characterised by measuring the elastic modulus,
flexural strength, hardness and fracture toughness values at room temperature. X-ray diffraction
(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were carried out to analyze the
The XRD analysis results showed that the main crystalline phases in the microstructure of ceramic
composite were cordierite being the major phase and anorthite. Typical elastic modulus, flexural
strength, hardness and fracture toughness values were 120 GPa, 90 MPa, 820 HV and 2.1 MPa1/2,

[1] J. Takahashi, M. Natsuisaka and S. Shimada. “Fabrication of cordierite-mullite ceramic composites with differently
shaped mullite grains”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 22, pp.479-485, 2002
[2] M. A. Camerucci, G. Urretavizcaya, A. L. Cavalieri. . “Mechanical behavior of cordierite and cordierite–mullite
materials evaluated by indentation techniques”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 21, pp.1195-1204, 2001
[3] A. Aklouche, S. Achour, N, Tabet . “Mullite and alumina composites preparation from cordierite and aluminium
hydroxide”, Mater. Res. Bull. 43, pp.1297-1306, 2008

OP3.26 Oral Presentations 3

The Optoelectronic Effects of Alumina Ceramic Material

Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academiei Street 5, Chisinau MD
2028, Republic of Moldova

The most well known oxide ceramic material alumina or aluminium oxide (Al2O3) in its
various levels of purity is used more often than any other advanced ceramic material. The
thermodynamically stable crystallographic modification of alumina (Al2O3) is known as corundum
[1]. In the recent years Al2O3 oxide ceramics are extensively studied because of their interesting
chemical, optical and electrical properties. Al2O3 oxide ceramic have received great attention,
because of having excellent photocatalytic and antibacterial properties when exposed to UVA light
(320 - 400 nm) and find a wide range of applications in various fields like, antibacterial and
protective coatings, antireflecting coatings, dielectric films, etc.
In framework of a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have investigated Al2O3 oxide
ceramic thin films by choosing a set of initial coordinates and momenta for the collection of N
atoms at a particular pressure and temperature. Next we have computed the classical trajectories by
integrating Newton’s second law. In the course of such a simulation we have recorded the atomic
positions as a function of time. These trajectories are a composite of each vibrational mode,
weighed by their respective amplitudes. Finally we made a Fourier transform in order to obtain the
density of states (DOS), IR (infrared) and Raman spectra (see Fig.1).
This work presents MD simulation results of the optical properties of Al2O3 oxide ceramic.
DOS, IR and Raman spectra were simulated and compared with experimental data. We have found
a good agreement between MD simulation and experiment.

IR absorbtion

DOS simulation 0,4
IR simulation
151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 -1
wave number 10 cm
Fig. 1 Comparison of various MD simulation spectra with experimental data. DOS spectra agree very well with
experimental IR spectra while the simulated IR in the region of 400-450 cm-1 lacks a peak. In fact this is due to the
dipole induced dipole (DID) mechanism, which is found to be responsible for this peculiar bands shapes near 450 cm-1

[1] Database

[2] M. Wilson and P. Madden, Phys. Rev. Letters, 77 (1996) 19
[3] B. Guillot, J. Chem. Phys., 95 (1991) 1543

Oral Presentations 3 OP3.27

Investigation of thermal stability of Fe-W alloys electrodeposited from

glycolate-citrate plating bath
Henrikas CESIULIS2
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius, LT-10257, Lithuania
Vilnius University, Naugarduko str. 24, Vilnius, LT-03225, Lithuania
Chalmers University of Technology, Rännvägen 2A, Gothenburg, Sweden
Institute of Applied Physics of ASM, Academiei str. 5, Chisinau, MD-2028, Moldova

A set of Fe-W samples was prepared by electrodeposition from newly developed glycolate-
citrate Fe(III)-bath. The X-ray diffraction and Mossbauer spectra of electrodeposited Fe and Fe-W
alloys with W content ranged from 1 to 25 at.% were collected and analysed in order to obtain a
better understanding of the structural changes caused by the addition of W to pure Fe. The
Mossbauer spectrum of the samples with W concentrations below 14 at.% consists of a sextet, thus
the main contribution comes from α-Fe subspectra. Other subspectra have smaller hyperfine field
and corresponds to iron atoms being replaced with W atoms in α-Fe lattice. There are up to three
iron atoms replaced with W atoms. For samples with larger W concentration two subspectra were
distinguished: one corresponding to thermodynamically stable intermetallic compound Fe2W, and
the second one corresponding to iron solution in tungsten W(Fe).
As-deposited Fe-W coatings have been subjected to vacuum annealing treatment at 400°C,
600°C and 800°C. Fe-W coatings with high W content retain the amorphous structure up to 400° C
while a partially crystalized structure was observed at 600°C. The carbide Fe-W-C phase has been
identified in electroplated Fe-W alloys with W content >17 at.% annealed at 800 °C. This carbide
phase is unexpected and forms due to carbon contamination (cca. 2-4%) during electrodeposition of
Fe-W coatings. Mossbauer spectroscopy was employed in order to understand the evolution of the
ferromagnetic phases after heat treatment.
∇ • Fe(W) ∇ Fe W C
1.0 ∗Fe W 6 6
• 2
α-Fe ∇

0.8 ∇∇ ∇
∇ • ∇ ∇ •
Relative ammount

∗ ∗ ∇ ∇∇ •
Intensity (a.u.)

Fe in W ♦
600°C • • •
3 400°C
0.2 2
1, 2, 3 W in Fe
0 5 10 15 20 25 20 40 60 80 100
W content (at.%) 2 theta (degrees)

Fig. 1. Relative amount of phases identified by Fig. 2. XRD patterns of as-deposited and annealed Fe-
Mossbauer spectroscopy. 25W coatings.

Acknowledgments: Authors acknowledge funding from H2020 (SELECTA 642642) and

the Moldavian national project (15.817.02.05A).

Oral Presentations 4
Polymers, Bio(macro)molecules & Biocomposites, Life science and
Organic & Functional complex compounds
Oral Presentations 4 OP4.01

How to measure the metabolic energy conversion of

non-chemical energy sources?

Thomas MASKOW1
Department of Environmental Microbiology, WG Biocalorimetry/Ecothermodynamics, Helmholtz
Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, 04318 Leipzig, Germany,

Chemoorganoheterotrophic organisms use the energy that is chemically linked to nutrients

for biosynthesis, maintenance of the structures, replication and growth. The attainable growth
efficiency [1] as well as the growth rates [2] are determined by thermodynamic rules and can be
calorimetrically monitored in real time. This is of great practical importance if, for example,
microorganisms are to be used as producers in the chemical industry. Interestingly, despite the
impressive successes of biothermodynamics and calorimetry in the area of
chemoorganoheterotrophic energy conservation, non-chemical energy sources for microbial growth
(e.g. light and electricity) have been largely neglected. Here, the energy of photons and electrons
allows the microbial reduction of CO2 and make bio-reactions feasible which are
thermodynamically not allowed. Potential reasons for this surprising lack of knowledge are
challenges to develop the required tailor-made calorimeters and to quantify very low energy
conversion efficiencies in case of photosynthesis.
For these reasons, new photocalorimeters and bioelectrocalorimeters were developed and
tested. In the case of light energy, it is now possible to determine the efficiency of energy
conservation as a function of light intensity and environmental conditions in real time with an
accuracy which is not accessible by other methods. This was successfully confirmed for two
examples: Microalgae of industrial (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) and ecological (Phaeodactylum
tricornutum) [3] importance. In the case of electrical energy, we succeeded with our calorimeter in
quantifying previously unknown energetic burden for growth on electrodes (i.e. microbial
electrochemical Peltier heat).[4] Numerous applications of the new calorimetric techniques are

[1] J.S. Liu, V. Vojinović, R. Patiño, T. Maskow, U. von Stockar, Thermochim. Acta, 458 (2007) 38
[2] E. Desmond-Le Quemener, T. Bouchez, ISME J., 8 (2014) 1747
[3] S. Oroszi, T. Jakob, C. Wilhelm, H. Harms, T. Maskow T., J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 104 (2011) 223
[4] B. Korth, T. Maskow, C. Picioreanu, F. Harnisch, Energy Environ. Sci. 9 (2016) 2539

OP4.02 Oral Presentations 4

Sol-gel synthesis and chemical, structural and thermal

characterization of inorganic/organic hybrid materials
for biomedical applications

Michelina CATAURO1, Riccardo TUFFI2, Stefano VECCHIO CIPRIOTI3

Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, University of Campania “Luigi
Vanvitelli”, Aversa, Italy
Unità Tecnica Tecnologie Ambientali, ENEA – Casaccia Research Center,Via Anguillarese
301,00123 S. Maria di Galeria (Roma), Italy
Department of Basic and Applied Science for Engineering (S.B.A.I.), Sapienza University of
Rome, via del Castro Laurenziano 7, Roma, Italy

The study of organic-inorganic nanocomposites networks for biomedical applications

has recently become an expanding field of investigation [1].
Sol-gel process has proved to be versatile and has been widely used in the preparation
of organic/inorganic hybrid biomaterials [3], non-linear optical and mesoporous materials [4,
5]. The sol-gel chemistry is based on the hydrolysis and polycondensation of metal alkoxides
M(OR)x, where M = Si, Sn, Zr, Ti, Al, Mo, V, W, Ce and so forth. SiO2/PEG and ZrO2/PEG
organic-inorganic hybrid materials, which differ in polyethylene glycol (PEG) content, were
synthesized by the sol-gel technique, and their structural characterization, the study of the
thermal behavior and biological properties were carried out in order to evaluate their possible
use in biomedical field.
FT-IR spectroscopy revealed that the inorganic (SiO2 or ZrO2) and the organic (PEG)
components of the hybrids are linked by hydrogen bonds between the Si-OH or Zr-OH groups
of the inorganic phase and the terminal alcoholic groups and/or the ethereal oxygen atoms in
the repeating units of the polymer. X-ray diffraction analysis ascertained the amorphous nature
of the gels, while the observation of their morphology by SEM microscopy confirmed that the
interpenetration of the two phases (organic and inorganic) occurs on a nanometric scale.
In order to evaluate the possible use of these materials for biomedical applications their
bioactivity and biocompatibility were tested. All SiO2/PEG and ZrO2/PEG organic-inorganic
hybrid materials were found to be bioactive and biocompatible, regardless the polymer amount.
The thermal behavior of all the hybrid materials was studied for the first time by
Thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), aiming at identifying all
physical and chemical processes occurring in these interesting materials, with particular
reference to the decomposition of PEG. Their thermal stabilities and the most suitable
temperature condition for a further thermal treatment were also determined.

[1] T. Miyazaki, Front Biosci (Elite Ed), 5 (2013) 333-340.

[3] B. Samuneva, P. Djambaski, E. Kashchieva, G. Chernev, L. Kabaivanova, E. Emanuilova, I.M.M. Salvado,
M.H.V. Fernandes, A. Wu, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 354 (2008) 733-740.
[4] S. Wang, L. Zhao, J. Sun, Z. Cui, D. Zhang, Polym. Adv. Technol., 22 (2011) 759-762.
[5] B. Lu, Y.S. Lin, J. Mater. Sci., 46 (2011) 7056-7066.

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.03

Investigation of Dispersion and Particle Size

of Inorganic Fillers in Polymers

Ekkehard Füglein1, Felipe Wolff-Fabris2

NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 42, 95100 Selb, Germany
European Center for Dispersion Technologies (EZD), SKZ – KFE gGmbH, Weissenbacher Str.
86, 95100 Selb, Germany

Additives such as processing agents, UV stabilizers, inhibitors against aging, flame retardants or
inorganic fillers usually show a significantly different temperature behavior compared to the
polymer matrix. This is why the content of additives as well as the filler-to-matrix ratio can often be
determined with thermoanalytical techniques. Measurement examples will be introduced for
determination and quantification of fillers and additives.

Figure 1: Quantification of additives, polymer content and filler content (chalk) of a typical polymer part

Although thermal analysis techniques do not detect particle size directly, measurement results are
nevertheless influenced by the particle size and the quality of dispersion. The dehydration reaction
of aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3), well known as flame retardant agent, will show the influence of
particle size and dispersion performance on thermogravimetric data.

OP4.04 Oral Presentations 4

Prediction of stiffness in semicrystalline polymers based

on a single melting curve

János Molnára, János Móczób, Anna Jelineka, Anna Maloveczkya,

Alfréd Menyhárda
Laboratory of Plastics and Rubber Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials
Science at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1111 Budapest Műegyetem rkp.
3. H. ép. I. Hungary
Institute of Materials Science and Environmental Chemistry, Research Center for Natural Sciences,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2., Hungary

The properties of the semicrystalline materials are depending on their complex crystalline
structure. Isotactic polypropylene (iPP) is a semicrystalline commodity polymer, which develops
dynamically nowadays, because its properties can be modified in wide range throughout the
modification of its crystalline structure. The stiffness and optical transparency of iPP are the most
important properties from the point of view of several applications. Although the key parameters of
the crystalline structure, which determines the aforementioned properties are known in the
literature, but the quantitative modeling is difficult and time consuming procedure if possible at all.
In fact the number of models, which link the crystalline structure to the properties, is limited in the
open literature. Accordingly, prediction of upper limit of stiffness is an open question in general.
In the present work we introduce a novel technique for the prediction of modulus of
semicrystalline polymers, based on simple DSC measurement. A former model equation was
developed earlier to describe stiffness [1], which indicated that lamellar structure and crystallinity
determines the mechanical stiffness predominantly. However the calculation using this equation is
time consuming and complicated, thus a new technique was developed to simplify the calculation
procedure. The accuracy of the models was tested on several set of samples and good agreement
was found between the calculated and measured modulus values. The results indicate clearly that
stiffness can be predicted reliably and this approach can be adopted for other polymers as well.

[1] Menyhárd, A., Suba, P., László, Z., Fekete, H. M., Mester, Á. O., Horváth, Z., Vörös, G., Varga, J., Móczó, J.,
Direct correlation between modulus and the crystalline structure in isotactic polypropylene Express Polym. Lett. 9.
308-320 (2015)

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.05

Composite materials based on halloysite nanotubes and differently

charged biopolymers

Vanessa BERTOLINO, Giuseppe CAVALLARO, Giuseppe LAZZARA,

Stefana MILIOTO, Filippo PARISI
University of Palermo, Department of Physics and Chemistry, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 17, 90128
Palermo, Italy

This work represents a contribution to the design of green materials based on sustainable
components, such as halloysite clay nanotubes (HNTs) and biopolymers (chitosan, alginate, pectin
and cellulose ethers).
The chemical properties of the outermost surface of the HNTs are similar to the properties
of SiO2, whereas the properties of the inner cylindrical core can be associated with those of Al2O3.
This different chemistry determines a positively charged lumen and a negatively charged outer
surface in the 2−8 pH interval.
Biopolymers with different charge were selected with the aim to explore the effect of the
specific electrostatic interactions on the aqueous colloidal stability of HNTs as well as on the
mesoscopic properties of the nanocomposite films obtained from the casting method. The
thermodynamics of the biopolymer adsorption onto the clay surfaces was studied by ITC
measurements. We estimated negative ΔHads° values for all the biopolymer/HNTs dispersions
indicating that the polymer−nanoparticle interactions are favored as the driving forces for the
adsorption phenomena [1]. The entropic contribution for the polymer adsorption is always negative,
demonstrating the loss of configuration freedom of the polymer in the adsorbed state [1]. According
to the ITC data, non-ionic Hydroxylpropylcellulose is the most efficient polymer in retarding the
HNTs sedimentation because of the steric interactions. As a general feature, chitosan is efficient in
stabilizing HNT dispersions under acidic pH, whereas pectin is recommended for the same purpose
at basic pH values [1]. Regarding the mesoscopic properties of the bionanocomposite films, we
observed that the addition of HNTs into non-ionic methylcellulose and cationic chitosan generates a
slight decrease of the polymer degradation temperature [2]. Contrary to these results, the anionic
alginate is thermally stabilized by the filling with HNTs because of the polymer encapsulation into
the clay lumen [2]. For both methylcellulose and chitosan the nanofiller addition do not affect the
tensile properties, while the presence of HNTs into alginate matrix determines an increase of the
elastic modulus. DMA measurements in the oscillatory regime as a function of temperature
evidenced that the glass transition of the polymers is reduced as consequence of the specific
interactions with the HNTs surfaces [2]. Mechanical and thermal characteristics of the
bionanocomposites were successfully correlated to their morphology and wettability. The attained
knowledge represents a starting step to generate smart nanomaterials with interesting technological
properties that can be controlled by the specific biopolymer/nanoclay interactions.

[1] V. Bertolino, G. Cavallaro, G. Lazzara, S. Milioto, F. Parisi Langmuir, 33 (2017) 3317

[2] V. Bertolino, G. Cavallaro, G. Lazzara, S. Milioto, F. Parisi Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 55 (2016) 7373

OP4.06 Oral Presentations 4

High loaded Polylactic-Acid/ Hydroxyapatite composites for fused

deposition modelling


Scalera1, FRANCESCO Montagna1, Sanosh Kunjalukkal PADMANABHAN1,
Antonio LICCIULLI, Alessandro SANNINO1,
Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento, Lecce 73100, Italy

Bone is a composite organic–inorganic system with a complex multiscale structure. Biomimetic

scaffolds for use as bone implants should be designed with a structural and chemical composition
similar to native bone tissue. Under this perspective, ceramic/polymer composite scaffolds offer
improved mechanical properties and biological activity compared to a ceramic or polymer material
alone. A promising strategy to produce custom-made bone substitutes, is a rapid-prototyping (RP)
technique through which complex physical models can be fabricated starting from an STL file
format obtained from 3D clinical images [1]. In the present work, the possibility of using a low-cost
3D printer based on the FDM technique to produce a bone substitute in a PLA/HA composite
material was evaluated. To this aim, 50% wt. of two different HA (i.e. a micron sized commercial
HA and HA microspheres ) was added to PLA matrix:. Microspheres with an average diameter of 6
μm and a mesoporous structure with a specific surface area of 40 m2 /g were produced by spray
drying and were shown to consist of pure crystalline HA phase with a Ca/P ratio of 1.69
corresponding to the stoichiometric value for pure HA. The slurry for spray drying was obtained by
precipitating HA nano particles from Ca(NO3)2·4H2O and H3PO4 precursors with a Ca/P molar
ratio of 1.67 [2]. After aging, the precipitated slurry underwent spray drying, with a flow rate of 2
l/h at an inlet pressure of 2 bar and chamber temperature of 200 °C. The obtained microspheres
were calcined at 500 °C[2].
A multistep procedure to produce the composite material without using any chemical solvent and in
a form suitable for a 3D printing commercial apparatus, that is, a filament, was developed. The
composite material of the produced filament was then deeply characterized, and the filament was
finally used in the 3D printer to produce samples of either a simple geometry for the
characterization study or of an anatomical detail with complex geometry to assess the feasibility of
the technique. Porous scaffolds were also fabricated by 3D printing and fully characterized in order
to assess the suitability of the RP technique. The morphology of the scaffolds was studied using
SEM, and the 3- dimensional structure was observed using microCT. Mechanical compression
measurements and biological tests were performed on scaffolds with and without HA microspheres
and commercial HA in order to evaluate the potential reinforcing role of the ceramic phase and
biocompatibility of the composites. Additional attractive properties of this composite scaffold
include the potential to load the microspheres for drug delivery and the controllability of the pore
structure at various length scales.

[1] C.Esposito Corcione et al J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/APP.44656

[2] R. Cholas et al., Materials Science and Engineering C 63 (2016) 499–505

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.07

Cardanol derivatives as efficient plasticizers for Poly(lactic acid)

Francesca FERRARI, Antonio GRECO, Alfonso MAFFEZZOLI1

Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, via per Arnesano, 73100, Lecce,

The present work is aimed to study the suitability of cardanol derived plasticizers for the
production of toughened poly(lactic acid), PLA. Addition of the plasticizer is intended to reduce the
brittleness of PLA, which severely limits its applicability in many industrial applications [1]. In
recent years, cardanol derivatives have been proven to represent a valid alternative to toxic
phthalates for the production of soft PVC, reducing the environmental and health issues associated
to the use of oil based plasticizers [2]. In facts, cardanol represents a by-product of the distillation of
cashew nut shell liquid, and therefore is an abundant, and low cost natural resources, which
nowadays finds application in different industrial fields.
Plasticized PLA was produced by melt mixing of base polymer and different cardanol
derivatives, including cardanol acetate, obtained by acetylation of hydroxyl group, and epoxidated
cardanol acetate, also including epoxidation of the side chain double bond, as well as neat cardanol.
For comparison purposes, a polyethylene(glycole) plasticizer was also used. The produced
plasticized PLA were characterized by means of tensile testing, X ray analysis and differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC).
The results obtained highlight that, when added in small amount (10-20%), all the materials act as
efficient plasticizes, reducing the glass transition temperature of the polymer. Nevertheless, the
toughness increase is quite limited, mainly due to the fact that the plasticizers enhance the
crystallization kinetics of PLA. In turn, an higher degree of crystallinity of plasticized PLA
counterbalances the plasticizing effectiveness of PEG and cardanol derivatives. On the other hand,
upon further addition of plasticizers (to content as high as 30%), PEG and cardanol acetate involve
a limited reduction of the Tg (down to 30-35 °C compared to 55-60°C for neat PLA), whereas
addition of cardanol and epoxidated cardanol acetate involves a reduction of the Tg down to 15°C,
indicating a better plasticizing effectiveness. In terms of mechanical properties, addition of PEG
plasticizer involves a reduction of the modulus from the value of PLA (1.7 GPa) to 0.5 GPa, and an
increase of the elongation at break from 0.04 to 0.4. Addition of cardanol derivatives, and in
particular of cardanol in its natural form, involves a reduction of the modulus down to 45 MPa, and
an increase of the elongation at break up to 1. This indicates that cardanol plasticizer, either
modified by epoxidation or in its natural form, shows a much better plasticizing effectiveness
towards PLA than commercial plasticizers.

[1] A. Greco, A. Maffezzoli, Adv. Polym. Technol., (2015), DOI 10.1002/adv.21630

[2] A Greco, F Ferrari, A Maffezzoli, Effect of the epoxidation yield of a cardanol derivative on the plasticization and
durability of soft PVC, Polym Degr Stab, 134 (2016) 220-226

OP4.08 Oral Presentations 4

Effect of nitrogen content on the thermal behaviour of nitrocellulose

and their acid mixtures

Katsumi KATOH1, Satomi FUKUI2, Hiroki MATSUNAGA1,

Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka University, 8-19-1 Nanakuma, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan
Graduate School of Engineering, Fukuoka University, 8-19-1 Nanakuma, Fukuoka 814-0180,
Taketoyo Plant, NOF Corp., 61-1, Kitakomatsudani, Taketoyo, Aichi 470-2379, Japan.

Nitrocellulose (NC) is an industrially important material used as a feedstock for lacquers, celluloid
products, and explosives. However, NC is a hazardous material prone to spontaneous ignition, even
at room temperature in summer, due to the accumulation of decomposition heat. Notably, numerous
accidental explosions during storage have been previously reported [1]. Generally, NC
decomposition is caused by reaction with acids such as H2SO4 and HNO3 remaining from the
synthesis process or released during storage [2]. Thus, the reaction between NC and acids is the key
reaction in terms of the explosion safety of NC. In this study, we observed the thermal behavior of
NCs having different nitrogen content (nitration degree) and their mixtures with acid solution, using
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
From the DSC thermogram, the exothermic peak temperatures (Tp) of NC/H2SO4 and NC/HNO3
were lower than those of NC alone, indicating that H2SO4 and HNO3 promoted the exothermic
decomposition of NC. In addition, when thermal behavior was compared in each nitrogen content,
Tp values of NC and NC/HNO3 were almost same regardless of nitrogen content. On the other hand,
Tp of NC/H2SO4 was increased with increase of nitrogen content, although slightly. Therefore, it
can be assumed that decomposition occurs via a different reaction pathway in the presence of

[1] K. Katoh, E. Higashi, Y. Ariyoshi, Y. Wada, K. Nakano, Sci. Tech. Energ. Mater., 74 (2013), 132
[2] M. Koshi (editorial board chair), “Kayakugaku”, Japan Explosives Industry Association (1994) 171-172.

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.09

Thermal study on complex formation of ADN mixtures

Kento SHIOTA1, Yu-ichiro IZATO2, Hiroki MATSUNAGA3,

Hiroto HABU4, Atsumi MIYAKE2
Yokohama National University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,
79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-8501, Japan
Yokohama National University,
79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-8501, Japan
Fukuoka University,
8-19-1 Nanakuma Jonan-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency,
3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5210, Japan

Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is a promising high energy oxidizer for rocket propellant
because of high oxygen balance and high energy content. It has been studied as ADN-based
energetic ionic-liquid propellants (EILPs) [1]. ADN based EILPs are deep eutectic solvents (DESs)
which is a type of ionic liquid. DESs are fluid generally composed of over two solid components.
ADN fluidifies with certain amide compounds and nitrate salts [2]. We proposed that ADN and
these additives form complex structure by molecular interaction. It is considered that complex
structure affects the melting point of ADN mixtures because the distance between dinitramide anion
and ammonium cation increases. The purpose of this research is thermal study on complex
formation of ADN mixtures. To obtain better understanding of complex forming reaction of ADN
mixtures, difference the Gibbs energies and rate constant of the complex forming reaction are
calculated using ab initio calculation. The ratios of the complex formation are figured from the
calculation results. Melting point of the mixtures are measured using differential scanning
calorimetry. We estimated the relationship between ratio of the complex formation and melting
point of the ADN mixtures. It is found that the ratio of ADN and amide compound complex has
effect on melting point depression of the mixture.

[1] Y. Ide, T. Takahashi, K. Iwai, K. Nozoe, H. Habu, S. Tokudome, Procedia Engineering, 99 (2014) 332
[2] M. Itakura, H. Matsunaga, H. Habu, A. Miyake, Abstract book of the 5th international symposium on energetic
materials and their applications, (2014) 101

OP4.10 Oral Presentations 4

Thermal analysis of polymers by Thermogravimetry (TG),

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Evolved gas analysis by
Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)


Lithuanian Energy Institute, Breslaujos str. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania

Commercial fishing is an important industry, producing waste from fishing nets on a large
scale (eg. Fishing nets, tackles). Waste fishing nets (WFN) and fishing tackles are a major source of
water pollution that poses serious environmental problems, therefore they must be properly utilized.
It is known that fishing nets and tackles are produced using different polymers: polyamide (nylon-
6), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polyester (polyethylene terephthalate PET).
Polymers are exposed to mechanical stress, oxygen, salt water, ultraviolet radiation, therefore their
polymeric chains decompose and are eroded releasing various chemical species (for example,
chlorine). For these reasons, mechanical properties of fishing nets are modified, the degree of
polymerisation changes, rendering fishing nets inoperable, and presence of other components can
interfere with the recycling process of the substances. Thermogravimetric analysis of polymers was
performed on an NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter analyser and gas evolution analysis was carried
out by infrared spectroscopy during the pyrolysis and combustion. The aim of this work was to
investigate the thermal changes, melting point, thermal stability, decomposition rate, dehydration,
carbon and ash contents. Analysis of combustion of waste fishing nets showed the formation of
chlorine and chlorinated carbon compounds. Also, thermal analysis was performed with gas
evolution analysis (FTIR 3D) and chromatograms and 3D FTIR infrared spectra were obtained,
representing changes in the polymer structure and composition compared to fresh fishing nets.

[1] Seung-Soo Kim, Jong-Ki Jeon, Young-Kwon Park, Seungdo Kim, Thermal pyrolysis of fresh and waste fishing
nets, Waste Management, Volume 25, Issue 8, October 2005, Pages 811-817, ISSN 0956-053X,
[2] Mahejabeen Azizul Haque, Ratiram Gomaji Chaudhary, L.J. Paliwal, Synthesis, structural, morphological, and
thermal decomposition kinetics of Iron (II) coordination polymer of sebacoyl bis (isonicotinoylhydrazone), Inorganica
Chimica Acta, Volume 462, 1 June 2017, Pages 298-307, ISSN 0020-1693,

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.11

Calorimetric and spectroscopic studies of the formation of

supramolecular complex between cucurbituril Q7 macrocycle
and gemcitabine hydrochloride


Unit of Biophysical Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry,
University of Lodz, Pomorska 165, Lodz 90-236, Poland.

Use of supramolecular carriers of toxic drug molecules can improve the efficiency of
medical treatment, especially in the cancer therapy. Binding the drug molecules inside cavity of the
host macromolecule protects the drug from degradation and allows its slower release.
As a consequence the drug toxicity is reduced and the time between subsequent dosages of the drug
is prolonged.
Macrocycles of cucurbiturils are able to bind the cationic drugs, such as gemcitabine
hydrochloride. Gemcitabine is a potent chemotherapy medication used to treat different kinds of
cancer, among others breast, lung and pancreatic cancer. However, its use is limited because of
serious side effects caused by its relatively high toxicity for all, also healthy, cells in the stage of
division. The carbonyl edges (portals) of cucurbituril cavity create a negatively polarised micro-
environment inside which small cationic ligand molecules can be bound and stabilized.
The aim of our study was to evaluate the stoichiometry of gemcitabine – cucurbituril
complex and to asses thermodynamic parameters describing the phenomenon of binding the drug
molecules by a macromolecule of Q7 cucurbituril in aqueous solutions. Thermodynamic binding
parameters such as the equilibrium constant of the bound drug and enthalpy and entropy of the
formed complex in aqueous solution were evaluated, using the results of the isothermal titration
calorimetry (ITC), 1H NMR titration and equilibrium dialysis. Calculated binding parameters
confirm the strong interactions between gemcitabine hydrochloride and the Q7 macrocycle with 1:1

Acknowledgments: The study was financed from the Grant for Development of Young Researchers
from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Lodz, 2017.

OP4.12 Oral Presentations 4

Infrared thermal imaging of swimmers and ski-runners during

endurance training. Comparative thermal analysis.

Zofia DRZAZGA1,2, Mariusz BINEK1,2, Ilona POKORA3

University of Silesia, Department of Medical Physics, A. Chełkowski Institute of
Physics, ul. Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland,
The Silesian Centre for Education and Interdisciplinary Research, ul. 75 Pułku Piechoty 1A, 41-
500 Chorzów, Poland
The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Department of Physiological
and Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, ul. Mikołowska 72a, 40-065 Katowice, Poland

Thermovision is a non-invasive and easy-to-perform method of imaging, and it is becoming

useful in different modalities of clinical medicine including sports medicine. However, it seems
that thermal imaging may also find some use in training.
Two groups of students of Academy of Physical Education in Katowice: ski runners and
swimmers were studied by means of by thermovision camera (Flir Systems E60) in conditions
suitable for thermal imaging. Thermograms were registered before and after endurance training
including one our running on the treadmill, on a threshold load. The results were analysed by using
a ThermaCAM TM Researcher Pro 2.8 SR-3. and statistical analyses were done in Statistica 12
(p 0.05 was required)
Thermograms of chest, back, front and back thighs, front and back knees and calves in
front and rear were performed. We focused on the muscles that worked the most intensively while
endurance training. It was found that the biggest changes of temperature due to endurance training
occurred in the upper part of body (eg. serratus anterior, pectoralis major, biceps brachii) for ski
runners while for swimmers in muscles of lower limbs. Statistically significant differences in skin
temperature between swimmers and ski running were observed for muscles of upper as well as
lower part of body. Relatively high correlation between the standard parameters, used in efficiency
tests (such as metabolised oxygen which is described by lactate dehydrogenase enzyme) and the
parameters derived from thermal imaging were obtained. Moreover an impact of physiological
metabolic heat production, blood perfusion rate and evaporative heat loss has been discussed.
Our results suggest the possibility of using thermovision as an additional method in the
planning of training cycles and its effects. Thermal imaging may be useful in sports medicine as a
helpful method in efficiency evaluation.

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.13

Characterization of cartilage porosity with NaCl thermoporometry

Dorota MAJDA1, Abhisek BHATTARAI2, Joakim RIIKONEN2,

Alicja MICHALIK-ZYM3, Juha TӦYRӒS2,4 and Vesa-Pekka LEHTO2
Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland; e-mail:
Department of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland;
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, PAS, Kraków, Poland;
Diagnostic Imaging Centre, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland;
Pore size distribution of cartilage and its dependence on injuries are not fully known. This
situation hinders development of novel contrast agents for diagnostics of joint conditions. In order
to design such contrast agents, the variation in cartilage porosity under different injures need to be
known. Characterization of cartilage porosity is complicated because the tissue has a complex
structure and it does not withstand drying necessary for conventional porosity measurements. Thus,
no direct method to determine the pore size distribution of cartilage has been introduced so far. In
this work, we reveal the possibility of using thermoporometry (TPM) to determine pore size
distribution of cartilage [1]. TPM is based on differential scanning calorimetry measurements
(DSC). The DSC melting profiles of intact and degraded cartilage samples immersed in 4.5% NaCl
solution exhibit the additional shoulder in the peak attributed to hydrohalite melting inside the
cartilage pores. The presence of the shoulder enables characterisation of the tissue porosity. Based
on NaCl-TPM measurements, degradation of cartilage increased its pore diameter. Broad pore size
distribution profiles (PSD) reflect non-homogenous pores in cartilage and correspond to PSD
reported by Fathima at el. for collagen fibers [2].

Fig. 1. DSC profiles of

intact and degraded
cartilage immersed in
4.5% NaCl solution
illustrating hydrohalite
melting; PSD profiles
derived from NaCl-TPM

[1] D. Majda, A. Bhattarai, J. Riikonen, B. D. Napruszewska, M. Zimowska, A. Michalik-Zym, J. Tӧyrӓs and V-P.
Lehto, “New approach for determining cartilage pore size distribution: NaCl-thermoporometry”, Microporous and
Mesoporous Materials, 241 (2017) 238-245
[2] N. N. Fathima, M. Baias, B. Blumich, T. Ramasami, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010)

This work was supported by Grant No. 2012/07/B/ST5/00911 from the National Science Centre, Poland and by
Academy of Finland (decision number 269315).

OP4.14 Oral Presentations 4

New development in protein-polymer conjugation:

PPE-ylated myoglobin

Chiara PELOSI1, Frederik R. WURM2, Celia DUCE1, Dimitrios FESSAS3

Maria Rosaria TINÉ1
Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Via Moruzzi 13, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, Via Celoria 2, 20133 Milano, Italy

Protein-polymer conjugates are used to treat several diseases [1], therefore the design of new
efficient conjugates is very promising for academia and industry. We present here the synthesis and
characterization of novel PEEP-myoglobin conjugates.
PEEP (poly(ethyl ethylene phosphate)) belongs to polyphosphoesters, a class of
biocompatible and biodegradable polymers [2], and is a promising candidate to substitute, in
biomedical field, the “gold standard” poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) which can cause long term
effects as it is not biodegradable [3].
PEEP-ylated-myoglobin conjugates, with variable polymer chain number and length, were
synthesized and compared with PEG-ylated myoglobin, in order to understand how structure,
number, and molecular weight of the polymer influence protein’s features and properties within the
conjugates. A range of different techniques, such as activity essay, spectrophotometric
measurements, Nano-Differential Scanning Calorimetry, and Nano-Differential Scanning
Fluorimetry, allowed us to achieve a first important evaluation of the conjugates potentialities, with
a particular focus on their response to thermal stimuli.
The entirety of the analyses performed on PEEP-ylated and PEG-ylated conjugates shows a
decrease in unfolding temperature and activity (respect to pure protein), but in all cases the loss of
activity does not affect irremediably the protein’s features under physiological conditions.
Furthermore, PEG shows to stabilize myoglobin in solution preventing aggregation and increasing
the maximum temperature of unfolding reversibility, without a change in the unfolding process (that
remains a two-state process). Finally, we detected a decreasing trend in observed properties with the
increasing of chain number and polymer length.

[1] S. Alconcel, A. Baas, H. Maynard, Polym. Chem. 2 (2011) 1442.

[2] T. Steinbach, F. Wurm, Angew. Chemie - Int. Ed.54 (2015) 6098
[3] K. Knop K, R. Hoogenboom, D. Fischer, Angew. Chemie - Int. Ed. 49 (2010) 6288

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.15

Differential scanning calorimetry as a tool for evaluation of peritoneal

tissue in patients undergoing laparoscopy – capabilities and

Hanna TRĘBACZ1, Łukasz PIETRZYK2,3, Agnieszka SZCZĘSNA1,

Kamil TORRES2,3
Department of Biophysics, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Centre of Medical Simulation, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Department of General Surgery, Clinical Military Hospital No.1, Lublin, Poland

Laparoscopic techniques, due to their minimally invasive character became a standard in

surgical treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases. During each surgery an amount of peritoneal
tissue covering intra-abdominal wall is removed. The peritoneal basal network is mainly formed by
collagen. The overall condition of collagen structure and its interactions with the surrounding
molecules is essential for the physical status of the tissue and its response to the medical treatment.
Differential scanning calorimetry was frequently proved to be useful for examining the integrity of
collagen-based structures and in particular to a be a valuable tool in assessing the role of collagen in
structural alterations of several musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and ophthalmological problems [1-
Our previous studies showed that DSC was an appropriate method to examine subtle
changes in physicochemical condition of peritoneum on the basis of small samples obtained during
surgical procedures [6-8]. The aim of this study was to present the potential of DSC method for
evaluating the overall condition of peritoneum in different gastrointestinal diseases. In particular,
the discussion is focused on applicability of the method to alterations in the peritoneal tissue in
obesity, in patients with hernia, and also in patients operated due to gastric and rectal cancer.
The problem was analysed both from methodological and medical point of view. The
considerations were focused on limitations of the method with reference to the specific biological
samples where thermally labile collagen structures were functionally coupled with variety of other
molecules. The theoretical discussion was supported by experimental results obtained by our group.

[1] C.A. Miles, N.C. Avery, Phys. Biol. 8 (2011) 026002

[2] G.K. Reddy, L. Stehno-Bittel, C.S.Enwemeka, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 399 (2002) 174
[3] V. Samouillan, J. Dandurand, C. Lacabanne , et al., J Biomed Mater Res A, 95 (2010) 611
[4] A. Sionkowska, J. Photochem. Photobiol. B 80 (2005) 87
[5] H. Trębacz, K. Wójtowicz, E. Wlizło-Dyś, W. Dyś, Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 51 (2012) 561 [6] K. Torres, H. Trębacz,
A. Chrościcki , et al. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol., 49 (2011) 700
[7] K. Torres, H. Trębacz, M. Bącik-Donica, et al. Surg. Endosc., 28 (2014) 2623
[8] K. Torres, H. Trębacz, A. Chrościcki , et al. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. (accepted)

OP4.16 Oral Presentations 4

Thermal conductivity of epoxy-thiol composites filled with

boron nitride


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ESEIAAT, Carrer Colom 11, 08222 Terrassa, Spain

Within a broader study of epoxy-thiol “click” systems [1], we are interested here in the
fabrication of epoxy-thiol composites filled with boron nitride (BN) for use as insulated metal
substrates. For such an application, the material must display high thermal conductivity and low
electrical conductivity. In this work we examine the effect of the BN filler on the epoxy-thiol curing
reaction and on the thermal conductivity of the fully cured samples.
Composite samples are prepared by mechanically mixing the BN particles, in the desired
proportion (up to 34 vol%), with the stoichiometric amounts of epoxy (DGEBA) and thiol
(pentaerythritol tetrakis) and an initiator (encapsulated imidazole). The BN particles are obtained
commercially (Saint Gobain) in different forms: hexagonal platelets of sizes 2 μm and 6 μm, and
spherical agglomerates of size 80 μm. The cure reaction is monitored by differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) in both isothermal and non-isothermal mode, and the thermal conductivity of
cured samples is measured by the Transient Hot Bridge method [2] using the HotPoint sensor
calibrated with 5 different materials over the range from 0.2 to 20 W/mK.
The DSC results show that the cure reaction is first accelerated by a low vol% of BN and is
then retarded at higher BN contents; this is evident from the peak exotherm temperature in non-
isothermal cure and in the time to the peak exotherm in isothermal cure. The effect is more
pronounced with the 80 μm BN agglomerates, and even more so with a hybrid of 80 μm
agglomerates with 2 μm or 6 μm platelets. Despite the change in the cure kinetics with the addition
of BN filler, the heat of reaction and the glass transition temperature of the fully cured systems is
always the same. Furthermore, the effect is not observed when the epoxy is cured with an amine.
Accordingly, we attributed it to a physical effect associated with the heat transfer into the sample,
which appears to be better in the epoxy-thiol system, and would therefore anticipate an enhanced
thermal conductivity in the composites with 80 μm agglomerates and in the hybrids.
The measurements of thermal conductivity show that this is indeed the situation. For all
samples, the thermal conductivity increases with BN content in a non-linear manner, but the
increase is greatest for the hybrids, followed by the 80 μm agglomerate samples. For example, for
the hybrid with 34 vol% BN, the thermal conductivity is 4.0 W/mK. The thermal conductivities of
the samples with 6 μm and 2 μm platelets are somewhat lower, but nevertheless greater than those
obtained with an epoxy-diamine matrix. The enhanced thermal conductivity is attributed to an
improved matrix-filler interaction in the epoxy-thiol composites, which could be associated with
Lewis acid-base coordination.

[1] J. E. Moses, A. D. Moorhouse, Chem. Soc. Rev., 36 (2007) 1249

[2] U. Hammerschmidt, U. Meier, Int. J. Thermophys., 27 (2006) 84

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.17

What can we learn from preparing three component

co-amorphous system?

Alessandra D’ANGELO, Benjamin EDGAR, Milan D. ANTONIJEVIĆ

Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, ME4 4TB, UK

Amorphous materials are characterised by non-periodic molecular arrangement. Amorphous

forms of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are often preferred to their crystalline
counterparts, because of improved dissolution rate and bioavailability. However, the elevated
internal energy of the system causes spontaneous conversion to the thermodynamically stable
crystalline state [1].
Co-amorphous mixtures are homogeneous single-phase dispersion of amorphous materials
[2]. A co-amorphous system is primarily identified by one glass transition indicating that the
components are interacting.
Two components, Indomethacin (IND) and Piroxicam (PXC), in 1:1 molar ratio formed a
stable co-amorphous compound indicated by a single glass transition in the DSC trace. It was also
found that with the addition of a third component a 3-component co-amorphous mixture could be
reliably created using a melt-cool method. The introduction of a third component lowered the glass
transition in all cases tested (Fig. 1).
Table 1. Temperature data for the thermal events on initial heating, cooling and 2nd heating cycles (DSC).

Chemicals Melting point on Crystallization Thermal events on 2nd heating ) Start of mass loss
initial heating ) on cooling ) in TGA )
PXC 203.1 - Tg 64.6 Tc 138.1 Tm 181.4 200
IND 161.1 - Tg 45.7 220
AC 169.8 - Tg 22.6 Tc 87.9 Tm 158.6 187
CTMZ 145.5 - Tg 28.0 180
PXC-IND 140.6 - Tg 57.6 186
PXC-IND-AC 130.7 - Tg 44.1 187
PXC-IND-CTMZ 129.3 - Tg 53.3 184
Tg – Glass transition, Tc – Crystallisation, Tm – Melting.

The DSC data (Table 1) has indicated that the combination of PXC and IND forms a stable
co-amorphous compound with a high glass transition (57.6℃). Acetaminophen (AC) and
Clotrimazole (CTMZ) can each be added to PXC-IND mixture to generate stable ternary co-
amorphous materials. Although the generated ternary co-amorphous have lower glass transitions
than the binary co-amorphous, these revealed to be stable upon heating above their glass transition
temperature. We have shown that that modelling the Tg by introducing several co-amorphous forms
can be achieved and used as a new way of stabilizing amorphous material.

[1] B. Fahlman, Chapter 2 in Material chemistry, XI Edition, Springer, 2011.

[2] S. J. Dengale, H. Grohganz, T. Rades, K. Löbmann, “Recent advances in co-amorphous drug formulations”,
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 100 (2016), 116-125.

OP4.18 Oral Presentations 4

PVC pyrolysis in the presence of sorbents: investigation


Ekaterina LOKTEVA, Natalia STROKOVA

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Leninskie Gory 1/3, Moscow,
119991, Russia

The development of the methods for environmentally safe polyvinylchloride (PVC) recycle
or disposal is of great interest due to growing scale of PVC wastes worldwide [1]. Several types of
PVC (e.g. medical wastes) are dangerous and cannot be recycled. Between disposal methods for
such wastes the attractive one is pyrolysis, but appropriate sorbents need to be used to trap chlorine-
containing gaseous products. It is known, that HCl is very corrosive and may cause the equipment
damage; chlorinated organics are xenobiotics, causing serious diseases; some of them are endocrine
In this work PVC pyrolysis in Ar alone or in the presence of sorbents (CaO+CaCO3, La2O3,
and egg shell) was investigated in the set for synchronic thermal analysis STA 449C Jupiter
(Netzsch, Germany), by simultaneous collection of TG, DSC and MS data. Then the solid products
of pyrolysis were heated in O2/Ar mixture in the same experimental set to check the content of
burnable components.
MS analysis demonstrated that the presence of
sorbents provides significant decrease of the
assortment and the amount of gaseous products. The
most promising sorbents are La2O3 and egg shell.
Lanthanum chloride or CaCl2 are formed as the
products of sorbents interaction with HCl. Egg shell
is a waste product of agriculture; it comprises
predominantly CaCO3 and has developed structure,
as it was demonstrated by N2 adsorption-desorption.
Chemical composition and texture features of egg
shell provide effective contact of PVC
Fig. 1. TG analysis of PVC pyrolysis in decomposition products with sorbent, improving
Ar in the presence of CS (CaO+CaCO3), sorption efficiency.
ES (egg shell), and LO (La2O3)
The sorption of HCl which can catalyse PVC destruction leads to decrease of chlorinated organic
compounds production, making process more environmentally benign. All sorbents used have no
catalytic action in pyrolysis. The increase of sorbent loading can provide total sorption of
chlorinated products, both organic and inorganic. The composition of solid residues of PVC
pyrolysis with the listed sorbents found on the base of TG/DSC/MS analysis of pyrolysis residues in
the presence of oxygen will be discussed in the report.

[1] ”Chemistry beyond chlorine.” P. Tundo, L.-N. He, E. Lokteva, C. Mota, eds. Springer, 2016. 608 p.

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.19

Influence of the bioscouring complexing agents on the thermal

degradation of cotton fabrics

Simona GAVRILAȘ1, Mihaela DOCHIA2, Monica PUSTIANU3,

Cristian MOISĂ2, Dorina CHAMBRE1
”Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environmental
Protection, 2 Elena Drăgoi Str., Arad, Romania
Research Development Innovation in Natural and Technical Sciences Institute of “Aurel Vlaicu”
University, 2 Elena Drăgoi Str., Arad, Romania
Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Faculty of Engineering, 2 Elena Drăgoi Str., Arad, Romania

Different treatments applied on cotton fibres influence their thermal behaviour. The
chemical structure of the reagents used in the technological process affect the thermal
decomposition process. Dyed cotton fibres proved to have a lower thermal stability compared with
the white samples [1]. Thermal analysis could be successfully used to determine the nature of
different natural cellulosic fibres analysed and the mordant added in the dyeing process. Presence of
a fixing colour compound contributes to a high thermal stability of the cotton dyed fabric [2]. The
decomposition atmosphere also influences the cellulosic fabric degradation. The activation energy
has lower level in oxidative conditions compared with nitrogen. Also the degradation rates are high
in air. Those results suggest an advanced thermal degradation process in presence of oxygen [3].
The research data presented in the literature propose the thermal analysis as an important
analytical tool to investigate and predict structural properties of different natural fibres. Our study
demonstrated the influence of the complexing agents used in the bioscouring process of 100%
cotton fabrics. The thermal behaviour investigation was also corroborated with mechanical and
other determinations.
The reaction was developed in presence of ultrasound in distillate water. The intended
purpose of the bioscouring process was the pectin degradation and elimination of different
impurities presented in the natural fibres (organic acids, wax, and minerals). For a proper treatment
process in the reaction bath were added different quantities of commercial pectinolytic products
(Beisol Pro), complexing agents (EDTA or sodium citrate) and a surfactant (Denimcol Wash-RGN
detergent from CHT Bezema Company).
[1] E. Corradini, E. Teixeira, P. Paladin, J. Agnelli, O. Silva, L. Mattoso, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 98 (2009) 415
[2] S. F. Ibrahim, E. S. El-Amoudy, K. E. Shady, Int. J. Chem., 3 (2011) 40
[3] P. Yang, S. Kokot, J. Appl. Polym, Sci., 60 (1996) 1137

OP4.20 Oral Presentations 4

Isothermal calorimetry and 1H NMR study on complex formation of

cyclodextrins with pharmacologically active 1,2,4-thiadiazole


G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences,
1 Akademicheskaya str., 153045 Ivanovo, Russia,
2Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Severniy pr.,
142432 Chernogolovka, Russia

The objects of this work are novel 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives which were recently
synthesized and proposed for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease [1,2]. Solubility of these
compounds is not high and lies in the range of 10-4–10-3 M. Inclusion complex formation with
cyclodextrins is known as one of the methods used to improve the aqueous solubility of
pharmacologically active compounds [3,4]. Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclic oligosaccharides
consisting of glucopyranose units linked by α-(1,4)-glycosidic bonds. Owing to the sufficient
solubilizing capacity of CDs they are widely used in pharmacy for preparation of different dosage
forms of poorly soluble compounds [3,4]. Solubilizing effect of CDs is based on their ability to
inclusion complex formation. Hydrophobic cavity of CDs can accommodate drug molecule, and
hydrophilic exterior of CDs provides the dissolution of inclusion complexes in aqueous media.
Therefore, investigation of complex formation of CDs with drugs is of practical importance.
In this connection, complex formation of native and modified CDs with 1,2,4-thiadiazole
derivatives in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry and 1H
NMR spectroscopy at 298.15 K. It was found that more stable inclusion complexes are formed with
β-CD and γ-CD and they are typically enthalpy-entropy stabilized. On other hand, van der Walls
interactions and hydrogen bonding determine the negative values of ΔcH and TΔcS obtained for
complex formation of 1,2,4- thiadiazole derivatives with α-CD. Binding mode of CDs with 1,2,4-
thiadiazole derivatives was proposed on the basis of 1D and 2D 1H NMR (ROESY) experiments
The impact of CDs and thiadiazole structure on thermodynamics and binding mode was analyzed.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant № 15-13-
10017). Calorimetric experiments were performed in Research Park of St. Petersburg State

[1] A.N. Proshin, L.N. Petrova, S.O. Bachurin, Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 142 (2006) 43.
[2] A. Castro, T. Castaño, A. Encinas, W. Porcal, C. Gil, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 14 (2006) 1644.
[3] A. Katdare, M.V. Chabal (Eds.), Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Drug Delivery
Systems, CRC Press, New York, 2006.
[4] D. Douroumis, A. Fahr (Eds.), Drug delivery Strategies for Poorly Water-soluble Drugs, J. Wiley & Sons, 2012.

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.21

Influence of the anion ligand nature on the thermal behavior of double

complex compounds with a cation [Cr(ur)6]3+
I.V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw
Materials of the KSC RAS, Apatity, «Academic town», 26a, Russia
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Lavrentiev Ave. 3, Russia
Center for Chemical Analysis and Materials Research, St.Petersburg, Petrodvorets, Universitetskiy
pr. 26, Russia

The thermal behavior of double complex compounds (DCC) [Cr(ur)6][Fe(CN)6]·4Н2О (I),

[Cr(ur)6][Co(CN)6]·4Н2О (II), [Cr(ur)6][Fe(C2O4)3]·2Н2О (III), [Cr(ur)6][Со(C2O4)3]·3.5Н2О (IV)
and urea were studied by the TG-MS method in a reducing atmosphere.
According to the results of the TG study DCC II, containing CN-, begins to decompose at a
temperature ~ 50 °C higher than in the case of DCC IV with C2O42-. The reduction process finishes
at ~ 520°С for all Co-containing DCC. The final solid products were mixtures of Cr2O3, Со0 (fcc
and hcp modifications) for DCC II and IV; Cr2O3, Fe0 with a small admixture of Fe2O3 for I and
FeCr2O4, Fe0 for III. We explain the presence of oxide phases of Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 in products of
thermal decomposition by the oxidation by air oxygen of finely dispersed metal particles, witch
formed during there ductive thermolysis of DСC.
Urea degradation products (NH3 and HNCO) and the conversion products of the anion
ligands (HCN in the case of cyanides and a mixture of CO and CO2 in the case of oxalate) are found
in the gaseous products of the reduction of DCC II and IV. Insignificant amounts of nitrogen and
hydrocarbons CxHy (where x≤1) are also fixed.
The final products of thermolysis were tested in a model decomposition reaction of H2O2.
Products of reduction of iron-containing DCC were found to have little catalytic activity. Perhaps
this can be explained by the greater catalytic activity of Co0 compared to Fe0. An increase in the
final thermolysis temperature leads to a decrease in the specific surface area, probably due to an
increase in particle size during sintering and removal of carbon. The replacement of the ligand
C2O42- by CN- leads to an increase in the products by a factor of 2.

This work was supported by a grant «U.M.N.I.K.» №11220GY/2016.

OP4.22 Oral Presentations 4

An Experimental Study about Thermal Behaviour of Human Body

under Different Exercise Loads

Tahsin BASARAN1, Gorkem Aybars BALCI2, Ozgur SOKAT3,

Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, Izmir, Turkiye
Ege University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Izmir, Turkiye
Izmir Institute of Technology, Energy Engineering Program, Izmir, Turkiye

Some part of biochemical energy is converted to mechanical energy depending on type of

exercise and athletic status, and remaining part is released into the environment as heat. Air
temperature, radiant temperature, relative humidity and air flow velocity are four main factors
affecting the heat transfer mechanism of the human body [1]. For investigation of thermal
behaviour of human body under different exercise loads, this study was performed in an air
conditioned test room within the School of Physical Education and Sports of the Ege University.
During the exercise under different loadings, thermal behaviours of athletes were obtained
by the measurement of the core and surface temperatures depend on time. Therefore, 11 athletes
who achieved the criteria for inclusion were chosen. In this test room, a cycle ergometer was used.
These athletes were subjected to an experimental test which consists of a total four sessions. These
sessions were 2 familiarization session, 1 aerobic power (VO2peak) test session and submaximal VO2
exercise test sessions. The athletes’ oxygen consumption and carbondioxide production and
respiratory exchange ratios (RQ) were controlled by using gas analyzer on a 2-second time intervals
regularly. The parameters such as heart rate exchange and fatique level were also monitored. In
addition, the body temperatures different surface were determined by using thermal camera and
core temperature recorded by using the core body temperature capsules periodically.
During the cycle exercise, athletes’ total energy production was measured by gas analyzer;
mechanical energy data from cycle ergometer was also calculated. The changes of the body thermal
behaviours were calculated by the subtraction of the mechanical energy from the total energy. The
result of this study indicate that while approximately one-fourth of the total energy produced by
metabolism was used for performed the mechanical work during an exercise which intensity of
VO2peak, the other part of the energy was balanced by means of sensible and latent heat transfer and
thermal storage of the body depends on the body temperature exchange. Core temperatures more
quickly increased observed in VO2peak test than %60 VO2 test.

[1] G.A. Balci, T. Başaran, M. Colakoğlu, “Analysing visual pattern of skin temperature during submaximal and
maximal exercises” Infrared Physics & Technology 74 (2016) 57-62

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.23

Synthesis, Structural and Thermal Characterization of Acesulfamato-

N,N-Diethylnicotinamid Mixed Ligand Complexes of Some Transition
Metal Cations

Tuğrul Yıldırım1, Dursun Ali Köse1, Onur Şahin2

Hitit University, Department of Chemistry, 19030, Çorum, Turkey
Sinop University, Scientific and Technological Research Application Centre, 57000 Sinop, Turkey

Acesulfam molecule (6-methyl-1,2,3-oxothiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide) (Figure 1a), which has

been used as an artificial promoter and food additive in Europe since 1983, was released in 1988
with the authorization granted by the FDA [1]. Despite being 180 to 200 more sweet than the
known glucose sugar, it is not digested, stored, and calorie-free when taken in the body. Because of
these properties, they can be used as sweeteners by diabetics. At the same time, acesulfame is a
multifunctional ligand which can form new compounds with different properties by binding to
metal ions via acidic imine nitrogen and neutral carbonyl oxygen, sulfonyl oxygen or ring oxygen
The molecular weight of N,N-diethylnicotinamide, whose chemical formula is C10H14N2O,
is 178.12 g/mol, IUPAC is the name 3-pyridine diethylcarboxamide (Figure 1b). This compound,
commonly called N,N-diethylnicotinamide, is also known to be commercially available, such as
cordiamin, niketamide. Good solubility in water but insoluble in oils and ether [5].

Figure 1. Molecular structure of ligands. (a) acesulfame, (b) nicotinamide

In this work, mixed ligand complexes have been synthesized where asesulfam-nicotinamide
molecules use transition metal cations of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II). For the structural
characterization of new molecules, elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, single crystal x-ray
diffraction spectroscopy (SC-XRD), solid-visible region spectroscopy (UV-vis), magnetic
susceptibility determination and melting point determination methods have been studied. Thermal
analysis curves (TG/DTA/DrTG) were also used to determine the thermal characterization of new
molecules. Structural properties of Co(II), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II) complexes obtained as single
crystals were elucidated in detail and suggestions were made based on other analytical studies
obtained in Ni(II) complex.

[1] V.D. Duffy, G.H. Anderson, J. Am. Diet. Assoc., 98 (1998) 580.
[2] A. Mukherjee, J. Chakrabarti, Food and Chem. Tox., 35 (1997) 1177.
[3] M. Fidan, H. İçbudak, R. Tapramaz, Y. Şahin, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 79(1) (2011) 17.
[4] H. İçbudak, et al., Trans. Metal Chem., 31 (2006) 666.
[5] D.A. Köse, H. Necefoğlu, H. Icbudak, J. Coord. Chem., 61(21) (2008) 3508.

OP4.24 Oral Presentations 4

The analytical investigations of structural formation in synthetic and

bovine hydroxyapatite bioceramics

K. Emre ÖKSÜZ, U. Hilal ÖZER, Ali ÖZER1

Cumhuriyet University, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Eng., 58140, Sivas, Turkey.

Our study represents a brief discussion of hydroxyapatite formation from bovine bone and
chemical synthesis route as co-precipitation from precursors by acidic solutions. The phase
formation and structural analysis of powders were investigated by FTIR, XRF, TG-DTA, XRD,
SEM and TEM for molecular structure formation, elemental distribution and Ca/P ratios, thermal
dissipation and properties, phases involved, particle morphology and primary particles and clusters,
respectively. The powders were calcined from 300°C to 1100°C with 100°C intervals to evaluate
the phase and particle morphology formations in XRD and SEM, as well as TEM. The sinterability
of two different type HAs’ was studied at 1400°C after ball milling for 24h, and the Archimedes’
rule was employed for relative and open pore density measurements. As concluded from analytical
techniques, the bovine bone HA was having finer particle size than synthetic one by means of
containing hydroxyl groups even at higher temperatures due to their OH related nature which is
known as chemically bonded water. Bovine bone as a natural allograft may show a good candidacy
as bone replacement (powder or slurry stacking) and defect (bulk sintered ceramic) surgery

[1] K.E. Öksüz, A. Özer, “Effect of Yttria on the Phase Formation and Sintering of HA-Al2O3
Biocomposites”, A. Phys. Pol. A., 131(3), pp: 576-579, 2017.
[2] K.E. ÖKSÜZ, A. ÖZER, “Microstructural and Phase Study of Y2O3 Doped Hydroxyapatite/Al2O3 Biocomposites”,
D. Journal of Nanomat. and Biostructures, 11(1), 2016, p. 167 – 172.
[3] Brigitte WopenkaT, Jill D. Pasteris, “A mineralogical perspective on the apatite in bone”, Mat. Sci. and Eng. C, 25
(2005) 131 – 143.

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.25

Polyurethane structures investigated by dynamic mechanical analysis:

comments on loading type-dependent viscoelastic behaviour

Mariana CRISTEA, Vlad HURDUC, Manuela IFTIME, Daniela IONITA,

Stefan OPREA
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania

Polyurethane uniqueness is given by their segregated structure, with two kinds of domains:
soft segments and hard segment domains. It is well-known that this morphology originates from the
formation of hydrogen bonds between complementary parts of the polymer structure. Hard domains
function as physical crosslinks for flexible, soft blocks. As long as this hydrogen bond physical
network is not affected, the molecular dynamics of polyurethanes is barely influenced by any
structural modification [1,2].
Dynamic mechanical analysis is largely used to examine the molecular dynamics of
polyurethanes. By the adequate selection of experimental condition (frequency, heating rate), the
results of a DMA investigation allow to distinguish between kinetic/relaxation phenomena (glass
transition/melting, flowing), to separate the glass transition regions of overlapping domains, to
identify processes than can take place in the region considered stable for polyurethanes (rubbery
region)[3-5]. In the same direction, the presentation aims to put forward how different loading types
(tension, shear, bending) could shed more light on the structural changes that occur in a
polyurethane during a DMA temperature scanning experiment.
The experiments were undertaken on polyurethanes based on aliphatic prepolymers,
obtained from poly(tetramethylene ether glycol) (PTMG) and hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI).
The physical crosslinking degree is tuned by including include chain extenders with increasing
nucleophylic capacity (1,6-hexanediol, HD; triethylene glycol,TEG; 3,6-dithio-1,8-octanediol,

[1] P. Król, Prog. Mater. Sci., 52 (2007) 915

[2] L. Okrasa, P. Czech, G. Boitieux, F. Méchin, J. Ulanski, Polymer, 49 (2008) 2662
[3] M. Cristea, in „Multiphase polymer systems”, CRC Press, (2016) 173
[4] M. Cristea, D. Ionita, F. Doroftei, B. C. Simionescu, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mat., 17 (2013) 317
[5] D. Ionita, C. Gaina, M. Cristea, D. Banabic, RSC Adv., 5 (2015) 76852

OP4.26 Oral Presentations 4

Organic pollutants removal from aqueous solutions by surface gliding


Iuliana-Delicia DIRLAU, Oana BENIUGA, Radu BURLICA,

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Iasi, Romania

The aims of this present paper are the study of the removal of organic pollutants from
aqueous solutions. To achieve this goal, the polluted solutions were treated with non-thermal
surface gliding plasma discharges (SDG).
The surface gliding discharges (SDG) are generating d by an electrical discharge gliding
over a water surface as known as “liquid film”. In the SGD reactors the thin film are formed by a
lot of numbers of small droplets obtained by spraying the treated solution in the plasma generated in
air and argon, as carrier gas. The spayed solution droplets enhance the surface contact between
treated solution and the plasma generated by discharge.
In order to assess the pollutant removal of non-thermal plasma, the discolouring of an
organic water soluble pigment (e.g. Direct Green 26) was investigated. The effect of NTP treatment
on the examined solutions is the permanent discolouring process.
In the treated solution, in the same time with the discoloration of Green 26 dye, the
evolution of PH, conductivity and another reactive species like hydrogen peroxide or nitrates, in the
treated solution have been determined.
The influences of solution flow rate, nature of the gas, for the same voltage applied to the
SGD reactor have been investigated.
The paper also presents the influence of temperature on pollutant degradation precess.
The non-thermal plasma technology is efficient solution in eliminating organic pollutants
from water.
[1] R. Burlica and B. R. Locke, "Pulsed Plasma Gliding-Arc Discharges With Water Spray," in IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 482-489, March-april 2008
[2] R. Burlica, M. Kirkpatrick, W. C. Finney, R. Clark and B. R. Locke, "Organic Dye Removal From Aqueous
Solution by Glidarc Discharges," Journal of Electrostatics, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 309-321, 2004.
[3] B. R. Locke and S. M. Thagard, "Analysis of Chemical Reactions in Gliding-Arc Reactors With Water Spray Into
Flowing Oxygen," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 494-501., 2009.

Oral Presentations 4 OP4.27

Thermal stability and decomposition products of phosphate-doped



AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Rodolicoite FePO4 and grattarolaite Fe3PO7, naturally occurring anhydrous iron(III)

phosphates, are final products of the thermal conversion of amorphous hydrated iron(III)
phosphates. In natural environment however, the path of formation of these phosphate minerals is
extremely difficult to reconstruct. This can be accomplished with thermal analysis of synthetic
metastable ferrihydrite Fe5HO8·4H2O doped with phosphates. At certain conditions, this phase may
undergo thermal conversion to hematite α-Fe2O3 through various intermediate phase including
nanomaghematite γ-Fe2O3, rodolicoite and grattarolaite.
This work presents important insights on thermal stability and transformation mechanisms
of a series of synthetic ferrihydrites doped with phosphates at P/Fe molar ratios of 0.0, 0.2, 0.5, and
1.0. The simultaneous thermal analysis STA-DTA/TG was performed up to 1000 °C. The XRD,
FTIR, and SEM–EDS were carried out prior to and after heating.
Pure ferrihydrite transforms directly to hematite at about 500°C. The presence of phosphate
retards this conversion and results in formation of intermediate phases. Transformation of P-doped
ferrihydrite to hematite proceeds at 710°C via two or three intermediates: nanomaghematite γ-
Fe2O3, rodolicoite and grattarolaite. SEM observation showed that elongated crystallites (spindles)
appear to be more common in these samples at 1000°C and are distinctly larger than isometric
crystals of hematite produced from pure ferrihydrite. When ferrihydrites with P/Fe=0.2-0.5 molar
ratios were annealed, the presence of tetragonal maghemite γ-Fe2O3 was detected between 650 and
700°C, followed by formation of hematite at higher temperatures. Hematite is accompanied with
small amounts of trigonal rodolicoite which forms between 800 and 900°C. However, the durability
of rodolicoite strongly depends on the content of phosphate. At temperatures above 900°C,
rodolicoite transforms into hematite when P/Fe molar ratio in ferrihydrite equals to 0.2, or to
grattarolaite when P/Fe molar ratio in ferrihydrite equals to 0,5. Transformation of ferrihydrite
containing the highest amount of P (molar ratio P/Fe=1.0) results in the formation of rodolicoite at
670°C, then hematite at 700°C, and grattarolaite at 800°C. High content of phosphorus ensures the
coexistence of these two iron phosphate phases above 1000°C, despite their partial melting.

This project is financed by AGH research grant no. and partly by the National
Science Centre, Poland under the research project awarded by the decision no.

Poster Session 1
Theory & Methods, Kinetics & Catalysis, Fuels & Biofuels,
Energetics, Fertilizers and Applied Thermal Engineering
Poster Session 1 PS1.01

Hydrogen donors for in situ catalytic upgrading of heavy crude oil

through thermolysis process


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

In present work we have study process of catalytic thermolysis of heavy crude oil from
Ashal’cha field in a presence of catalyst and hydrogen donor. Determination of efficiency of
hydrogen donors is the aim of the work.
The heavy crude oil compositions and viscosity were characterized by SARA-analysis and
rheology before and after catalytic thermolysis. Anton Paar MCR 302 rheometer equipped with
high pressure high temperature cell was used for rheology measurements. Crude oil samples were
heated in nitrogen atmosphere from 298.15 K to 523.15 K at heating rate 5K/min and stirred at
523.15 К for 30 minutes. Initial pressure was 50 bar. Light hydrocarbons from initial crude oil and
ones produced during thermolysis remain in the cell. Cobalt (II, III) oxide was used as a catalyst.
Addition of the catalyst 1wt% leads to increasing of viscosity at 298.15 K after thermolysis
relatively the crude oil without catalyst. A catalytic activity of cobalt (II, III) oxide was also
confirmed by composition changing. But an addition of a hydrogen donor results in decreasing of
viscosity even relatively the crude oil. A viscosity reduction depends on structure of hydrogen
donor and varies from 5 to 23 %. A decreasing of viscosity occurs due to both dilution and
stabilizing of generated free radicals that are formed during pyrolysis process. Saturates content was
shown to increase in case of all hydrogen donors.
First time cobalt (II, III) oxide with several hydrogen donor, namely cyclohexane, tetralin,
decalin, formic acid were used in a catalytic thermolysis of heavy crude oil. High catalytic
efficiency of studied hydrogen donors was shown.

PS1.02 Poster Session 1

Gas Storage Capacity of MOF Materials – Measuring High Pressure

Methane Adsorption

Frieder DREISBACH1, Thomas PASCHKE1, Daniël ROEDOLF2

TA Instruments ˗ Rubotherm , Bochum, Germany
TA Instruments ˗ Waters NV, Zellik, Belgium.

The high storage capacity of porous MOF materials for adsorbed gas is discussed as a
promising method for utilizing natural gas or hydrogen as fuel for mobile applications. Currently
the development of new porous MOF materials with high natural gas storage capacity is a vital area
of research. Accurately measured gas adsorption data are the basis for evaluation and comparison of
the natural gas storage potential of new and classical MOF materials. Gravimetric measurements of
gas adsorption equilibrium data and kinetics with Rubotherm’s magnetic suspension balance
instruments provide highly accurate results in a large pressure range.

Poster Session 1 PS1.03

Measuring Modulus (DMA), Thermal Expansion (TMA), Shear

Viscosity (Rheometer) and Dielectric Constants (DEA) with one
Thermal Analyser: ARES-G2 from TA Instruments

Jaroslav Kolejka1
TA Instruments ˗ Waters Gesellschaft m.b.H, Prague, Czech Republic

Measuring physical properties of samples is strongly depended on the thermal method used,
like heating rate or atmosphere. Also the limited repeatability of these thermal methods, when
measuring with different thermal analysers will affect the comparisons. Measuring at least 4
different physical properties (storage and loss modulus; expansion coefficient, ion conductivity and
viscosity or shear modulus ) with one thermal analyser, will not only increase the repeatability and
comparison of results, but will also have a cost effective impact.

PS1.04 Poster Session 1

Design and Combustion Analysis of an Ethanol Homogeneous Charge

Torch Ignition System for a SI engine

Roberto Berlini1, Fabrício J. P. PUJATTI 1, Rita C. O. SEBASTIÃO2

Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Brasil.
Departamento de Química, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,

Energy is the key to longevity of modern civilization. With the end of oil availability and world
energy crisis perspectives, coupled with the rapid growth of vehicle industry, an increase demand
from the scientific technology community regarding solutions that promote a reduction in fuel
consumption and emissions in internal combustion engines is noticed. Aiming to reach these needs,
the use of a torch ignition system is an alternative in potential, being able to allow the engine to
operate with lean mixtures and with a wide variety of fuels. In this work a methodology was
developed to design and characterized experimentally a homogeneous charge torch ignition system
adapted to a single-cylinder research engine with optical access, using hydrated ethanol (E100) lean
burn mixtures. The methodology consisted of a quasi-dimensional model, associated with the use of
three-dimensional models that helped to define the geometric parameters of the pre-chamber. The
device was manufactured and adapted to the engine, requiring no additional work in the cylinder
head, as the pre-chamber is mounted in the original spark plug hole. The prototype was
experimental characterized on an active dynamometer and the combustion process was evaluated
using optical visualization techniques.
The torch ignition system characterized improved engine performance by about 4.3%, and reduced
fuel consumption by approximately 5.0%. The high-speed imaging helped the better understanding
of the combustion phenomenon. From the results obtained in this work, the homogeneous torch
ignition system developed has wide application and marketability integration, as an alternative
technology able to help meeting the energy demands in a sustainable manner. This study aims to
design and analyze a torch ignition system running with ethanol on lean homogeneous charge,
adapted to an Otto cycle single-cylinder engine with optical visualization.
[1] Fabrício J. P. Pujatti. Desenvolvimento de um sistema de Gerenciamento Eletrônico para Motores de
Ignição por Centelha. Tese de Doutorado – Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo
Horizonte, 2007.

Poster Session 1 PS1.05

Thermal Degradation and Kinetic Studies of Automotive

Polyurethane under non-isothermal and isothermal conditions

Bárbara D. L. FERREIRA1, Fabrício J. P. PUJATTI 2, Natália R. S. ARAÚJO1,

Raphael F. LIGÓRIO1, Maria Irene YOSHIDA1, Rita C. O. SEBASTIÃO1
Departamento de Química, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Brasil.

Thermal decomposition process of automotive polyurethane was investigated by

thermogravimetric analysis under non-isothermal and isothermal conditions. For the isothermal
treatment, a methodology based on multilayer perceptron neural networks was adopted and kinetic
models were used as activation functions for neurons in the hidden layer. [1] A polyurethane sample
was collected from an automotive intake manifold and among fifteen models, the Diffusion and
Contraction models were selected as a preferable set to describe the process. This choice was based
on the network residual error in the experimental data description. The neural network architecture
allows quantifying the contribution of each model in the entire process. [1] Because of the
mathematical corrections in the kinetic functions, the accuracy of the network is greater than the
individual model analysis. For the isothermal treatment, air atmosphere was considered and the
experiments were performed at 380, 390, 400 and 410oC. In the non-isothermal analysis, the
activation energy was calculated by Ozawa [2], Friedman [3], Flynn-Wall-Ozawa [2] and
Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose [4] methods. For these experiments, air atmosphere was also used at four
heating rates: 5, 10, 15 and 20 oC min-1. Thermodynamic properties of the decomposition reaction
were determined and the activation energy was calculated as approximately 198 KJmol-1 for all the
methods. The results were compared and analysed to predict thermal aging decomposition and to
evaluate the polyurethane lifetime in vehicles. Moreover, a critical analysis between the isothermal
and non-isothermal methods was performed to discuss their accuracy and performance.

[1] A. Ionescu, V. Alecu, “Thermal properties of solids”, Expert PublishingHouse, (2008) 1356-1364
[2] J. H. Flynn, L. A. Wall, “A quick, direct method for the determination of activation energy from thermogravimetric
data”, Polymer Letters, V.4 (1966) 323-328
[3] H. L. Friedman, “New methods for evaluating kinetic parameters from thermal analysis data”, Polymer Letters, V.7
(1969) 41-46
[4] E. Kirchhof, N. M. Nakamura, C. M. Lapa, G. F. M. Pinheiro, J. A. F. F. Rocco, K. Iha, “Determinação de
Parâmetros Cinéticos na Caracterização do Envelhecimento Acelerado do PBX”, ITA (2014)

PS1.06 Poster Session 1

Kinetics of solid-solid phase transformations in (As2Se3)50(As2Te3)50

chalcogenide glass

Daniela Brandová1, Roman Svoboda1, Ludvík Beneš2,3, Jiří Málek1

University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry,
Studentska 573, 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic
Joint Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic v.v.i., 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic
University of Pardubice, 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic

The structure and crystallization kinetics of (As2Se3)50(As2Te3)50 chalcogenide glass were

studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry under non-isothermal conditions and in
dependence on particle size. A full-scale kinetic analysis was performed for each particle size and
the applied heating rates (0,5; 1; 2; 5; 10 and 20 °C.min-1). The original Kissinger [1], Kissinger-
Akahira-Sunose [2] and Friedman [3] methods were used for the estimation of crystallization
activation energies. The next step of kinetic analysis was the finding of an appropriate kinetic
model. In case of (As2Se3)50(As2Te3)50 system, the autocatalytic AC(M,N) [4] model was applied on
experimental data. The complexity of the DSC data was confirmed. In this regard, the
deconvolution procedure using Fraser-Suzuki function [5] was applied on chosen DSC data to
reveal the nature of crystallization peaks.
In addition to kinetic data, the glass stability Hruby criterion [6] and its dependence on
experimental conditions was determined. This glassy material is not entirely stable, this fact makes
the studied material far off the classical fiber-drawing materials – this conclusion arises from the
estimated values of Hruby criterion, which are very variable with experimental conditions.
The kinetic data were supported by the structural information from X-ray diffraction
analysis, Raman spectroscopy and infrared microscopy. The crystalline phases identified by XRD
were As2Te3 and As2Se3. The results from IR microscopy and Raman spectroscopy confirmed the
presence of the As-Te, As-Se and As2Se(Te)3 phases, but no strict morphology exists due to the
presence of tellurium and its influence on crystallization behavior.

Authors wish to thank for financial support to the Czech Science Foundation under project No. 17-

[1] H.E. Kissinger, Anal. Chem. 29 (1957) 1702.

[2] M.J. Starink, Thermochim. Acta 404 (2003) 163.
[3] H.L. Friedman, Kinetics of Thermal Degradation of Char-Forming Plastics from Thermogravimetry, Wiley
Subscription Services, Inc., New York, 1964.
[4] J. Šesták, Thermophysical Properties of Solids, Their Measurements and Theoretical Analysis, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1984.
[5] A. Perejón, P.E. Sánchez-Jiménez, J.M. Criado, L.A. Pérez-Maqueda, J. Phys. Chem. B 115 (2011) 1780.
[6] A. Hrubý, Czechoslov. J. Phys. B 22 (1972) 1187.

Poster Session 1 PS1.07

Modelling of heat transfer after the laser-tissue interaction

Jana URZOVÁ1, Miroslav JELÍNEK1,2

CTU in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, nám.Sítná 3105, 272 01 Kladno, Czech
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 00 Prague 8,
Czech republic

Pulse lasers precision and targeted removal of pathological tissue is a major advantage
but their use can lead to overheating in the tissue. Rising temperatures in the tissue can cause
irreversible damage, the scale of which depends on the temperatures reached and on the
duration of exposure to these temperatures. Current research is looking into the possibility of
using pulse lasers which, with appropriate repeating frequency, would prevent any
undesirable overheating. Using nanosecond pulses with this technology achieves the
necessary photoablation while preventing heat stress. [1-2]
The aim of our work is to create a functioning theoretical model to predict heat transfer in in
tissues surrounding the laser-treated area. A theoretical mathematical model has been created to
describe heat transfer in tissues throughout the procedure. The theoretical model was created using
the COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 software, with the pre-defined module „Bioheat Transfer“. The
physical principle behind our model is a simplified version of the Pennes bioheat transfer equation.
The laser is set to pulse mode in which it emits short pulses of constant length with adjustable
repeating frequency. Because the duration of a pulse is so short in comparison to the interval
between them, a pulse function needs to be included in the model. Neither blood perfusion nor
metabolic heat was included in this experiment and for the default sample temperature the real
value was used. Convective heat dissipation from the surface of the sample was included.
Laser beam parameters (pulse length, repetition frequency, energy density) can be adjusted for
each specific application. Parameters describing the laser-tissue interaction were determined
experimentally or calculated from the chemical composition of the tissue. Spectral dependence of
absorption coefficient for heart muscle tissue of the atrium as well as the ventricle was measured.
The ablation depth and shape of the crater, created through photoablation, were detailed using CT
images. [3]
The model was experimentally verified by monitoring the sample’s surface heat transfer and
its comparison to the calculated theoretical values. It is possible to determine the maximal
temperature reached in the tissue and its duration to help assess the risk of irreversibly damaging the
tissue. The model allows us to predict changes in temperature during the process of removing
pathological tissue using a pulse laser.

[1] Carslaw HS, Jaeger JC. Conduction of Heat in Solids. Oxford University press, 2007
[2] Niemz M. Laser-Tissue interactions. Berlin Springer-Verlag, 1996
[3] Urzová J.: Determination of thermophysical parameters of tissues from their chemic composition. Československý
časopis pro fyziku. 20130400, vol. 63, issue 2

PS1.08 Poster Session 1

Crystallization kinetics of nano-sized amorphous TiO2 prepared by

facile hydrolysis route via ultrasonic irradiation

Advanced Materials/Solar Energy and Environmental Sustainability (AMSEES) Laboratory, Basic
Engineering Science Department, Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom,
32511, Egypt

Titania (TiO2) has remarkable scientific and technological interests due to its potential application
such as photo-catalysis, sensors, photovoltaic cell and electrodes in lithium batteries [1,2]. Indeed,
TiO2 may be formed in different crystalline phases (anatase, brookite and rutile) as well as in
amorphous form [3]. The transformation from phase to phase of TiO2 reflects on their properties.
Therefore, the study of the crystallization kinetics of amorphous TiO2 will enable to optimize TiO2
nanocrystals to be qualified in the desired application.
The aim of this study is to investigate the crystallization process of nano-sized amorphous TiO2
using various model-free isoconversional model under non-isothermal conditions.
The synthesized nano-sized amorphous TiO2 were obtained by hydrolysis of titanium
tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) using EtOH solution under ultrasonic irradiation. The use of EtOH
solution to prevent the fast hydrolysis process which enabled to obtain amorphous TiO2 [4].
Furthermore, the microstructure and amorphous feature of TiO2 were examined by X-ray diffraction
(XRD) as well as high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). Moreover, the
selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern confirmed the amorphous nature of the obtained
TiO2 powder.
Finally, the crystallization kinetics together with its dimensionality were studied to identify the
growth mechanism using different heating rates from 5 to 25 K/min. Here we address the effect of
ultrasonic irradiation on the growth mechanism due to the expected homogeneous formation of a
large number of seed nuclei during sonochemical reaction.

[1] S.G. Kumar, S.R.K. Rao, Nanoscale, 6 (2014)11574

[2] A.N. Banerjee, Nanotechnology, Science and Applications 4 (2011) 35
[3] J. Jean, S. Lin, J. Mater. Res., 14 (1999) 2922
[4] J.C. Yu, Y. J. Yu, W. Hu, L. Zhanga, Chem. Commun., (2001) 1942

Poster Session 1 PS1.09

Studies on Photocatalytic Performance and Photodegradation Kinetics

of Fenton-like Process Based on Hematite Nanocrystals for Basic Dye

Shehab A. MANSOUR1, Maha A. TONY1, Aghareed M. TAYEB2

Advanced Materials/Solar Energy and Environmental Sustainability (AMSEES) Laboratory, Basic
Engineering Science Department, Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom,
32511, Egypt
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt

Nowadays, because of industrialization, water pollution is considered one of the huge

environmental challenges, which can cause serious environmental problems due to its hazardous
nature. For instance, dye-containing wastewater, which is produced during the dyeing processes in
different industries, represents a significant proportion of total wastewater discharges in the whole
world. . Indeed, the discharge of this dye wastewater to the aquatic environment could potentially
degrade water quality and impact on human health due to the toxic effects of some dyes. Currently,
advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) such as Fenton and Fenton-like are considered a promising
technology in the treatment of wastewater containing organic pollutants [1]. Such processes
produce a large number of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (·OH) which minerlaize the organic
pollutants to harmless end products, CO2 and H2O2 through a series of oxidizing reactions [2].
Novelty in the oxidation of pollutants by the Fenton method is running it with the participation of
iron nano-compounds.
In the present investigation, α-Fe2O3 (hematite) nanocrystals were synthesized using simple
sol gel technique to be a source of Fe3+ ions for treating a Methylene Blue (MB) dye-containing
wastewater. In fact, hematite is considered the highest stable type of the iron oxide under ambient
conditions. It has been intensively interested for its environmentally friendly nature and
technological applications such as wastewater treatment [3]. Furthermore, the structural and
morphological properties of the synthesized hematite nanocrystals have been determined using X-
ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and transmission electron microscope
(TEM). The synthesized hematite nanoparticles have demonstrated significant potential as a
photocatalyst of a MB dye-containing wastewater.
The influence of Fenton-like reagent parameters was investigated and the optimal experimental
conditions were achieved at 40 mg/L nano-hematite, 400 mg/L H2O2 and initial pH 3.0. However,
the temperature increase shows enhancement in the reaction rate. The decolorization reached to
70% in only 90 min of reaction time.
Moreover, the decolorization kinetics and thermodynamic parameters of Methylene Blue by
nano-Fenton-like process were studied for various contact times varying from up to 60 min at
different operating temperatures from 298 to 353 K. The obtained results suggested that the reaction
following the second order reaction model with activation energy 51.27 kJ mol-1.

[1] C. Jiang, S. Pang, F. Ouyang, J. Ma, J. Jiang, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 174 (2010) 813
[2] M.A. Tony, P.J. Purcell, Y.Q. Zhao, J. Environ. Sci. Health, 47 (2012) 435
[3] X. Fang, C. Chen, M. Jin, Q. Kuang, Z. Xie, S. Xie, R. Huang, L. Zheng, J. Mater. Chem., 19 (2009) 6154

PS1.10 Poster Session 1

Thermal and structure analysis of ammonium dinitramide and nitrate

salt eutectic mixtures

Kento SHIOTA1, Yu-ichiro IZATO2, Hiroki MATSUNAGA3,

Hiroto HABU4, Atsumi MIYAKE2
Yokohama National University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,
79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-8501, Japan
Yokohama National University,
79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-8501, Japan
Fukuoka University,
8-19-1 Nanakuma Jonan-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency,
3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5210, Japan

Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is a promising high energy oxidizer for rocket propellant
because of high oxygen balance and high energy content. It has been studied as ADN-based
energetic ionic-liquid propellants [1,2]. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) allows ADN to liquefy
without solvents. ADN fluidifies with certain nitrate salts [3]. The purpose of this study is to obtain
better understanding for effect of nitrate salts on melting point depression of ADN. Melting point of
the ADN and nitrate salt mixtures are measured using differential scanning calorimetry. Structure
analysis of these mixtures are conducted using Raman spectroscopy. The results of these
measurements reveal that ion exchange occurs between ADN and monomethyl amine nitrate which
has effect on melting point depression of ADN. It is considered that ion exchange of ADN mixture
affects eutectic mechanism of ADN.

[1] Y. Ide, T. Takahashi, K. Iwai, K. Nozoe, H. Habu, S. Tokudome, Procedia Engineering, 99 (2014) 332
[2] H. Matsunaga, H. Habu, A. Miyake, Sci. Tech. Energetic Materials, 78 (2017) 69
[3] M. Itakura, H. Matsunaga, H. Habu, A. Miyake, Abstract book of the 5th international symposium on energetic
materials and their applications, (2014) 101

Poster Session 1 PS1.11

Temperature programmed decomposition of

nut shells active carbons


Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 3, Academiei str.,
Chisinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova
О. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
17, General Naumov str., Kyiv 03164, Ukraine

The main objective of this work was to study the modification introduced in the functionality
of modified activated carbons. Carboxylic acids, lactones, anhydrides, phenolic groups, carbonyl
groups and quinones can be analyzed by temperature programmed desorption experiments with
mass spectrometric detection (TPD) [1].
Activated carbon obtained by physical chemical activation method from nut shells (CAN) has
been modified with chlorine aqueous solution (CAN-Cl) to introduce chlorine surface groups. The
TPD has been used to study the surface functionality of the active carbons. For TPD analysis 10 mg
of sample were placed in quartz-molybdenum tube and the tube was evacuated to 10-2 Pa and then
heated at 10oC/min up to 800 oC. The gases produced along the decomposition of surfaces groups
were analyzed with a mass spectrometer.
The CO2 released from CAN and CAN-Cl samples at temperatures lower than 400°C
indicates the presence of carboxylic groups on active carbons surface. CO released from CAN and
CAN-Cl active carbons beyond 600°C shows the presence of phenolic groups, carbonyl groups and
quinones. The species evolved for chlorine groups were mainly mass 36 (HCl35); this means that the
groups decompose mainly to HCl. Also, release of CH4 and C2H6 from active carbons can be
explained by uncompleted (partial) activation of charcoal.

[1] M. Molina-Sabio et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 142 (2011) 577–584.

PS1.12 Poster Session 1

Variation of the Coefficient of Thermal Transfer to Composite

Concrete Using Lower-Carbon Nano-Clusters

Petru LOZOVANU1, Valentin ZICHIL2, Alisa MOSNEAGA1,

Narcis BARSAN2
State University of Moldova, the laboratory "Environment Metrology and Astronomy", 60
Mateevici str., Chisinau, MD-2009, Moldova
"Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau, Engineering Faculty, 157 Marasesti str., Bacau, Romania,

The use of carbon nanoclusters as additives in concrete in order to improve its physical and
mechanical properties is a future branch of the building technique and of the interior design. The
advantage of carbon nanoclusters consists in a high surface energy and a very strong interaction
with concrete ingredients. The authors have shown that introducing micro-doses of nanoclusters in
concrete, its thermal properties improve, especially the thermal transfer coefficient [1-2].
This leads to a reduction in the cost of insulating buildings and rooms, favouring the use of
low-weight interior decorations by applying to the vertical wall, together with the thermal insulation
effect. To obtain carbon nanoclusters, the soot obtained from the combustion of fusible substances
was used [3].

Keywords: concrete, carbon nanoclusters, thermal transfer coefficient, soot, fusible substances

[1] Уханова Л.А. Бетоны на композиционных вяжущих с нано дисперсной фуллерен содержащей добавкой
// Нано технологии в строительстве. – 2012. – №1. – С. 39-45;
[2] Габдуллин, М.Г. Влияние добавки нано модификатора на основе углеродных нано трубок на прочность
цементного камня // Известия КазГАСУ. – 2011. – №2 (16). – С. 185-189.
[3] Lozovanu P., Zichil V., Mosneaga A. Preparation technology of carbon nanoclusters as additives for antifriction
materials, the 10th International Conference Constructive and Technological Design Optimization in the Machines
Building Field, Bacau, Romania, May, 23 – 25, 2013.

Poster Session 1 PS1.13

Molecular Dynamic Investigation of Biomaterial’s Surfaces for Dental


Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academiei Street 5, Chisinau MD
2028, Republic of Moldova

The biocompatibility profiles of synthetic substances known as biomaterials used for the
replacement or augmentation biological tissues have always been a critical concern within the
health care disciplines. It is well known that the root form or endosteal plate form, and pin-type
dental implants are generally made from High ceramics from aluminum, titanium and zirconium
oxides, where the compressive, tensile and bending strengths exceed the strength of compact bone
by 3 to 5 times. These properties combined with high moduli of elasticity and especially with
fatigue and fracture strength have resulted in specialized design requirements for this class of
biomaterials [1]. In this context we propose a reliable numerical model, which is capable of
accurately reproducing the structure as well as the vibrational properties of a simulated material.
Thus molecular dynamic (MD) simulations, where the minimum energy configurations are found
iteratively following the constraints imposed by interatomic forces, proved to be particularly
convenient for the modelling of such biomaterial structures [2].

Examples of MD simulated surfaces. Figure (1a) shows the bulk structure without surface (infinite system) while (1b)
shows a 2d slab of the same biomaterial but with the surface on top. For the top layer, the distance between the ions in
(1a) is greater than in (1b) which means that the atoms have been rearranged to minimize the system energy, which
results in a denser surface.

To construct biomaterial’s surfaces, we started with a periodic (space filling) 1000-atom

model and relaxed it with ab initio MD with the omission of periodic boundary conditions in one
direction. After a substantial rearrangement, a structure was found having a local minimum in the
configurational energy. In such a way we have simulated the following type of surfaces Al2O3,
TiO2, Zr2O2 and SiO2. Biomaterial surfaces characteristics versus their ionic bonds, iconicity and
contraction of the atoms at top layers was discussed.
Finally we discuss the adhesions of different metamaterials such as fused sillica deposited
on top of these surfaces.

[1] A. Wennerberg, T. Albrektsson Int. J. Oral. Maxillofac. Implants, 25 (2010) 63

[2] M.P Allen and D.J. Tildesley, “Computer Simulation of Liquids”, Clarendon Press, Oxford(1991)

PS1.14 Poster Session 1

Effect of addition Ag on microstructure and crystallization

kinetics of Cu-Ti

M. Krupiński*, K. Mazur, B. Krupińska, W. Borek

Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology,
Konarskiego St. 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

An important factor in improving product quality is the appropriate use of knowledge about
crystallization and its mechanisms, which allows the production of materials with optimum
microstructure and properties. In the case of metal alloys, the crystallization process is within the
temperature range defined by its value for the beginning and the end of crystallisation, i.e., between
the liquidus and solidus temperatures, which depend primarily on the chemical composition of the
alloy, the cooling rate and the thermodynamic conditions of the transformation. The free energy
values for the liquid and solid phase depend on the concentration of the second component.
The purpose of this research work is to investigate the thermo-derivative interdependences
occurred in the analysed copper alloys using Universal Metallurgical Simulator and Analyzer
(UMSA) [2]. In this paper was also investigated the influence of the heat treatment conditions on
the structure of titanium copper.

[1] Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang, Microstructures and tensile deformation behavior of Cu–16 wt.%Ag binary alloy, Materials
Science and Engineering A 508 (2009) pp. 209–213.
[2] Krupiński M., Krupińska B., Labisz K., Rdzawski Z., Borek W., Influence of cooling rate on crystallisation kinetics
on microstructure of cast zinc alloys, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 118, Issue 2 (2014) pp

Poster Session 1 PS1.15

Effect of addition Ce on crystallization kinetics and microstructure

of Zn-Al-Cu alloys
Mariusz Krupiński
Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology,
Konarskiego St. 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

In order to improve properties of the casting zinc alloy, modification of the structure
consisting in the change of the morphology of alloy structural constituents has been applied,
primarily by reducing interfacial eutectic α'+ η, reduction in the size of structural constituents, as
well as the effect of Ce on the change of the grain morphology of the solid solution with the
aluminum matrix from the dendritic one to the tweed one.
Thermal analysis of the crystallisation process allows accurate calculation of latent
crystallization heat of various phases crystallising during solidification. Calculation of the above-
mentioned properties is based on the characteristic points determined in a differential curve [1].
Therefore it is very important to know how the changes of the cast structure in relation to the
change of the cooling rate and Ce mass concentrations.
The purpose of this research work is to investigate the thermo-derivative interdependences
occurred in the analysed zinc with cerium added alloys using Universal Metallurgical Simulator and
Analyzer (UMSA) [2].

[1] S.F. Liu, B. Li, X.H. Wang, W. Su, H. Han: Refinement effect of cer ium, calcium and strontium in AZ91
magnesium alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (2009) 3999–4004.
[2] Krupiński M., Krupińska B., Rdzawski Z., Labisz K., Tański T., Additives and thermal treatment influence on
microstructure of nonferrous alloys, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 120, Issue 3, (2015) pp

PS1.16 Poster Session 1

Investigations of various oxygen carriers

for both chemical looping combustion and chemical looping
with oxygen uncoupling applications

Ewelina KSEPKO1, Kyle O'MALLEY2,

Shakar BRADOST2, Kevin J. WHITTY2
Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, 1 Zamkowa, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Utah, 50 S. Central Campus Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9203, USA

The presented paper contains results of collaborative research work on Chemical Looping
Combustion (CLC) and Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU). CLC is believed to
be one of the most promising low-carbon combustion technologies. Production of a concentrated
and pure carbon dioxide (CO2) stream, together with and decrease in nitrogen oxides (NOx)
emissions to the atmosphere from fuel combustion processes are the main advantages. In CLC the
direct contact between combustion air and fuel is avoided. The needed process oxygen is obtained
from an oxygen carrier material (OCM). OCM is usually made from transition metal oxides (such
as Fe2O3, CuO, NiO) and inert (such as SiO2, Al2O3 etc.). However, for CLOU purposes, the
potential metal oxides are limited to only those with given thermodynamic properties, enabling
them to spontaneously liberate gaseous O2 in the fuel reactor, where it can react directly with solid
fuels. Therefore, obtaining stable and reactive OCM material is crucial for successful CLC-CLOU
The purpose of this study was to evaluate both CLC and CLOU reaction performance for
novel mixed metal OCMs. xFe2O3-yMnO2/40 wt.% Al2O3 were prepared in a form of powders with
using a mechanical mixing method. Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) Q500 (TA Instruments)
and lab-scale batch fluidized bed reactor tests were conducted to evaluate their performance under
repeated oxidation-reduction cycles. The effects of redox cycle number and temperature on
stability, oxygen transport capacity, and reaction rates was also evaluated (up to 100 cycles). Multi-
cycle CLC tests were also conducted in the small fluidized bed reactor at 850°C with selected
samples. Physical (morphology) and compositional properties of both fresh and reacted sample
were investigated by SEM EDX, and phase composition XRD, while internal surface area analyses
were carried out by BET method. Five-cycle TGA tests at 800–900°C indicated that all oxygen
carriers exhibited stable performance. Furthermore, extensive study showed that even after 100
redox cycles, the OCs showed complete reduction and regeneration. The oxidation reaction was
significantly faster than the reduction reaction for all oxygen carriers. Fluidized bed data indicated a
stable reactivity of OCs during complete H2 combustion without signs of Fe-Mn-Al agglomeration.
For fluidized bed applications mechanical strength of OCMs is one of most important properties,
therefore results of crushing strength testing (by Digital Force Gauge FGE 5X, Shimpo Instruments)
are presented and discussed in detail.
The obtained data indicates that materials have low cost of production, with superior
reactivity during reduction in hydrogen (CLC) or nitrogen (CLOU), making them perfect matching
carriers for industrial applications for power generation.

Acknowledgement: The research leading to these results has received funding from the People
Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007–
2013/ under REA grant agreement n° PIRSES–GA–2013–612699 entitled “Long–term research
activities in the area of advanced CO2 capture technologies for Clean Coal Energy Generation“ –
CO2TRIP, and was also partially funded by the Polish Ministry of Higher Education and Science
(IChPW No 11.19.005.) and Decision No. 3111/7.PR/2014/2 as "Scientific work financed from the funds
for science in years 2014–2017, allocated for completion of the international co–financed project."

Poster Session 1 PS1.17

Thermoporometry as a tool for characterization of mesoporous

Dorota MAJDA1, Bogna D. NAPRUSZEWSKA2, Małgorzata ZIMOWSKA2,
Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland; e-mail:
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, PAS, Kraków, Poland;

Thermoporometry (TPM) is based on the fact that a fluid confined in the pores of a solid
material, undergoes liquid to solid phase transition at a temperature considerably lower than its
freezing point. The temperature shift (ΔT) is related to the size of pores, in which the liquid is
trapped, according to the Gibbs -Thomson equation. In the standard experiment the sample of a
porous material is soaked in the liquid medium, whose melting profiles are measured with
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). This method is simple, inexpensive and non-destructive,
it requires only a small amount of sample (c.a. 2 mg) and short time for an experiment (about 30
minutes). Owing to the possibility of using different liquid compounds TPM offers a wide range of
potential applications. Water is the most commonly used liquid probe, especially for examining the
hydrated materials which can change their properties during drying. n-Alkanes, with non-polar
molecules exhibiting weaker surface-fluid interactions, can be used for porosity investigation of
hydrophobic materials [1, 2].
Herein, we present a characterization of a series of SBA-15 silicas and their derivatives
obtained by grafting with different amine groups, derived from water and n-heptane TPM, in
comparison to N2 sorption and thermodesorption of n-nonane experiments [3]. The results
demonstrate the necessity of using complementary methods to study properties of porous materials.
The comparison of the methods led to the conclusion that water thermoporosimetry can differentiate
the pore size and volume of samples that seem to be the same according to nitrogen sorption

Fig 1. Pore size distribution (PSD) derived from different methods.

[1] D. Majda, B. D. Napruszewska, M. Zimowska, W. Makowski, MMM 234 (2016) 98-106

[2] D. Majda, at el. J Therm Anal Calorim 127 (2017) 207-220
[3] W. Makowski, Thermochim. Acta 454 (2007) 26.

This work was supported by National Science Centre, Poland, Grant No. 2012/07/B/ST5/00911

PS1.18 Poster Session 1

Thermal Properties of
Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)

Lodz University of Technology, Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile
Metrology, Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland

Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) has recently become

increasingly popular because it is a mucoadhesive polymer that can be cationic in acidified media or
quaternized using an alkylation agent. PDMAEMA has potential uses in drug delivery, as a gene
transfer vector, or as an ion exchange medium for protein separation. PDMAEMA can be attached
to glass, paper, or textiles. It is a polymer rich in tertiary amine groups, which can be easily
transformed into quaternary amine groups with known bacteriostatic properties.
In this report the thermogravimetric analysis of PDMAEMA is shown. Thermal
decomposition appeared in two stages. Polymer was heated to previously planned temperatures.
Heated samples were analysed by using FTIR spectroscopy. It was found that firstly degradate side
gropus, and next in second stage occurs decomposition of side and main chain. Activation energy of
both stages of thermal degradation was calculated – it is 89,8 kJ/mol for first step and 17,7 kJ/mol
for second degradation phase.

Poster Session 1 PS1.19

Hydrogen donors for in situ catalytic upgrading of heavy crude oil

through thermolysis process.


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

In present work we have study process of catalytic thermolysis of heavy crude oil from
Ashal’cha field in a presence of catalyst and hydrogen donor. Determination of efficiency of
hydrogen donors is the aim of the work.
The heavy crude oil compositions and viscosity were characterized by SARA-analysis and
rheology before and after catalytic thermolysis. Anton Paar MCR 302 rheometer equipped with
high pressure high temperature cell was used for rheology measurements. Crude oil samples were
heated in nitrogen atmosphere from 298.15 K to 523.15 K at heating rate 5K/min and stirred at
523.15 К for 30 minutes. Initial pressure was 50 bar. Light hydrocarbons from initial crude oil and
ones produced during thermolysis remain in the cell. Cobalt (II, III) oxide was used as a catalyst.
Addition of the catalyst 1wt% leads to increasing of viscosity at 298.15 K after thermolysis
relatively the crude oil without catalyst. A catalytic activity of cobalt (II, III) oxide was also
confirmed by composition changing. But an addition of a hydrogen donor results in decreasing of
viscosity even relatively the crude oil. A viscosity reduction depends on structure of hydrogen
donor and varies from 5 to 23 %. A decreasing of viscosity occurs due to both dilution and
stabilizing of generated free radicals that are formed during pyrolysis process. Saturates content was
shown to increase in case of all hydrogen donors.
First time cobalt (II, III) oxide with several hydrogen donor, namely cyclohexane, tetralin,
decalin, formic acid were used in a catalytic thermolysis of heavy crude oil. High catalytic
efficiency of studied hydrogen donors was shown.

PS1.20 Poster Session 1

Investigation of the crystallization kinetics for Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films by

differential scanning calorimetry and measurements of the resistivity
temperature dependences


MIET National Research University of Electronic Technology, pl. Shokina 1, Zelenograd,
Moscow, 124498 Russia

Materials on the GeTe-Sb2Te3 pseudo-binary line, in particular Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST225), are

considered to be the most perspective for the application in phase change memories. However,
despite the successful commercial application of Ge2Sb2Te5 this material is not yet well studied. In
particular, mechanism and kinetics of the phase transition, which determines operation rate of the
memory devices, are not fully understood. Therefore, the aim of this work was investigation of the
crystallization kinetics for Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films by the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and
measurements of the resistivity temperature dependences.
Ge2Sb2Te5 films were deposited by magnetron sputtering. According to atomic force
microscopy (NT-MDT Solver Pro) the thicknesses of the films were in the range 130-170 nm.
The amorphous and crystalline structures of the as-deposited films and films after annealed
at the 450 °C, respectively, were checked by X-ray diffraction (XRD) performed by Rigaku Smart
Lab diffractometer. Scanning electron microscope (Philips XL 40) with EDXR spectrometer
revealed agreement between the compositions of the spattered target and deposited thin films.
The resistivity temperature dependences of thin films were investigated on a special stand,
containing heating stage HFS600E-PB4 Linkam and picoammeter Keithley 6485. Differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC-50, Shimadzu) was used for the investigation of thermal properties and
thermally induced transformations. Measurements carried out at different heating rates in both
methods were used for the estimation and comparison of the crystallization kinetics parameters.
Exponential temperature dependences for resistivities of amorphous thin films in the range
from room temperature to 140 °C were observed for all cases. The activation energies of
conductivities were 0.42 eV for all films. Sharp drop in resistivity for GST225 were observed in the
ranges from 140 to 180 °C. DSC and XRD data showed that drops of the resistivities were caused
by the phase transformation from amorphous to metastable rock salt structure.
Developed methodics including application of the isoconversional model-free method of
Ozawa-Flynn-Wall (OFW) for resistivity temperature dependences of thin films, and joint
application of OFW, and Coates-Redfern model-fitting method were used for the estimation and
comparison of the crystallization kinetics parameters obtained by different methods. It allowed to
define influence of the substrate on the crystallization process.
Analysis of the obtained results showed that crystallization process is accompanied by the
decrease of the activation energy (from 2.88 to 2.54 eV), indicating that crystallization is a complex
process consisting of two stages – nucleation and crystalline growth.
Thus, crystallization kinetics and parameters for Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films were investigated by
DSC and measurements of the resistivity temperature dependences, which allowed to analyze
influence of the substrate on the crystallization process.

Poster Session 1 PS1.21

Forest fuel ignition by the heated up to high temperatures

carbonaceous particle: experimental research


National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin av., 30, Tomsk, 634050,
The Russian Federation

Forest fuel ignition is the most important stage of any forest fire. Ignition sources can be of
different nature [1]. This article deals with the fire hazard investigation of different forest fuels
exposed to the high temperatures of sufficiently small size carbon particles (a cylinder with 13-17
mm. height and 6-8 mm. diameter). Forest fuel specimen collection was held in Tomsk region
Timiryazevskiy forestry. Timiryazevskiy forestry is a typical area for the Western Siberia region
[2]. The experiments were performed on a unique physical modeling installation on the forest fuel
ignition materials exposed to the high temperature particles. In the results of the experiments there
were studied forest fuel ignition regularities of the heated via high temperature carbon particles. It
was found out that there are two possible scenarios for the ignition process: a) the first is
accompanied by carbon particles fall and its combustion, which clearly leads to the fire emergence;
b) heated particles falling out is unaccompanied with the volatile compounds combustion.
There was experimentally determined the lower limit ignition temperature and ignition delay
time for the different initial temperatures of the carbon particles. The study identified the
mechanism and conditions for the fallen leaves and needles fall ignition as a typical representative
of hardwood (birch) and softwood (pine) trees of a single high temperature heated carbon particle.
Also, experiments were conducted with dead grass. The obtained results are the objective
prerequisites for the combustible forest fuel ignition generalized mathematical model development
based on the established physical mechanisms of the investigated processes. There was shown a
high dry leaves fall fire danger of deciduous trees (the lower limit of ignition is 1013 K). This fact
allows us to conclude the need for further preventive measures application in mixed forests
(especially with the soft wood predominance). It’s a known fact that leaves can be the fires
initiators in fuel bed at a lower temperature of the heated particles which fall on the forest fuel

This work is implemented at financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research and
administration of Tomsk region. The grant N 16-41-700831.
This work is partly based on Mobility Grant to IRSTEA (Aix-en-Provence) of French Embassy in
Russia (Andre Mazon Program, 2016 year)

[1] N. Baranovskiy, G. Kuznetsov, “Forest fire occurrences and ecological impact prediction: monograph”, Publishing
House of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (2017)
[2] N. Baranovskiy, S. Krechetova, M. Belikova, A. Perelygin, “WWLLN data cluster analysis methods for lightning-
caused forest fires monitoring”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016) 3112-3120.

PS1.22 Poster Session 1

Catalytic effect of copper-based compound on the oxidation behaviour

of Ashal’cha heavy oil: HP-DSC and ARC study
Cheng-dong YUAN1, Dmitrii EMELIANOV1, Muneer SUWAID1,
1Department of Physical Chemistry, Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlyovskaya street
Kazan 420008, Russia

In situ combustion (ISC) is an effective enhanced oil recovery method for heavy oil reservoirs.
It is acknowledged that the oxidation reaction between crude oils and injected air dictates the
overall success of ISC processes. However, the field applications have shown that it is difficult
sometimes to initiate a successful ignition and the sustainable propagation of the combustion front
under reservoir conditions, which might be caused by the low reactivity of the oil, low reservoir
temperature and high water saturation, etc. The use of catalyst for promoting ignition and enhancing
oxidation has been considered as an effective method to solve this problem.
In this study, an oil-soluble copper-based catalyst was synthesized for improving the oxidation
behavior of Ashal’cha heavy oil. Its catalytic effects for the oxidation process of Ashal’cha heavy
oil that is from Tatneft oil company (Tatarstan, Russia) were evaluated using high-pressure
differential scanning calorimetry (HP-DSC) and adiabatic reaction calorimeter (ARC). The
oxidation behavior of heavy oil with and without catalyst was analyzed, including onset
temperature, thermochemical parameters, reaction intervals and their temperature range,
spontaneous ignition temperature and induction time, etc. An obvious shifting of reaction intervals
was observed from DSC curves. The exothermic peaks of both low temperature oxidation (LTO)
and high temperature oxidation (HTO) were turned to lower temperatures. The onset temperature of
exothermic reaction is significantly reduced. Simultaneously, in ARC experiments, significant
reduction in both the spontaneous ignition temperature and induction time (more than 30 %) of the
oxidation was achieved in the presence of copper-based catalyst. Also, the kinetic parameters of
oxidation processes with and without catalysts were calculated based on the obtained data from HP-
DSC experiments. It turned out that the activation energies in both LTO and HTO stages were
greatly reduced due to the addition of copper-based catalyst.
All these results indicated that oxidation behavior of heavy oil is significantly improved in the
presence of the copper-based catalyst, which implies that the copper-based catalyst has a great
application potential in improving oxidation during ISC process. In addition, it is noteworthy that
this oil-soluble copper-based catalyst can be produced with cheap initial reagents in a simple way.
Thus, the low cost makes it possible to be widely applied in air injection technologies.

Poster Session 1 PS1.23

High-precision measurements
of combustion energy of high- and low-calorie gases


D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation,
OOO «Teplofizicheskie pribory», St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

All-Russian State Primary Standard of the units of combustion energy, specific combustion
energy and volumetric combustion energy «GET 16-2010» provides the basis for ensuring the
uniformity of measurements for the needs of fuel and energy complex, petrochemical, coal, metal
and chemical industries.
D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology has been improving GET 16-2010 since 2015,
particularly with the aim of expanding the measurement range from 50 to 90 MJ/m3 together with
reducing the lowest figures from 10 to 3 MJ/m3. A technical task has been developed for
manufactures of the calorimetric gas equipment to implement the possibilities to burn various gases
in the range of (3 – 90) MJ/m3 with a relative accuracy of better than 0,5%.
Measurements range expansion will allow for improve the metrological assurance for
precision measurements of combustion energy of associated petroleum gases (APG) of various
compositions, and also of low-calorific gases (LCG: coke gas, blast-furnace gas, biogas) which are
beginning to find wide usage in heat production industry, petrochemical industry and metallurgy.
The reference calorimeter system has been assembled, launched and researched by specialists
of the OOO «Teplofizicheskie pribory» and the Calorimetry Laboratory of VNIIM. It includes 2
reference calorimeters, which implement a direct calorimetric method of measurements of inferior
heat of combustion: in the range of 25 to 90 MJ/m3 – typical for the different types of natural gas
(NG) and APG (the calorimeter for APG – CAPG), in the range of 3 to 35 MJ/m3 – typical for the
different types of LCG (the calorimeter for LCG – CLCG).
The calorimeter system CAPG/CLCG is intended for long-term continuous measurements. Its
work principles are based on a comparison of the gas calorific value with the velocity of its feed
rate. The calorimeters contain a gas burner and an electrical heater inside the thermal unit. Heat
balance between these parts is constantly maintained during combustion process (compensation
method). The CLCG contains additional gas mixing system for combustion of gases with low
calorific value: gases in the range of (3 − 10) MJ/m3) are diluted by pure methane in a volume ratio
of «3 (LCG) / 1 (methane) ». Calibration of the calorimeters is performed using high-purity gases –
methane, ethane and propane, hydrogen, hydrogen-helium mix.
Interlaboratory comparisons have been performed using a NG imitator and 2 other types of
reference gas calorimeters with various work principles. Obtained measurement results confirm the
declared accuracy.
Now the priority is to create a modern type of metrological assurance for gas calorimeters
and chromatographs with the operational range of 3 to 90 MJ/m3 that are meant to measure calorific
values of APG, NG and LCG. As a part of this workframe is has been planned to create operational
standard gas mixtures with different calorific values typical for different types of gases to serve for
calibration and verification.

PS1.24 Poster Session 1

Influence of modified lignocellulose on the thermal properties of

ENR/PLA blends

Karolina Diakowska*, Anna Masek, Marian Zaborski

Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology, Lodz University of Technology,
Stefanowskiego 12/16, Lodz 90-924

Literature reports a great potential of lignocellulosic biomass. Natural fibers are renewable,
environmentally friendly and abundant in the natural world. Among potential alternatives of
bioenergy resources, lignocellulosic have been identified as the prime source of biofuel but also
widely used in the industry of polymer composites and other value added products.
The aim of this study is obtain ecological composites from renewable resources. We use of
epoxidized natural rubber in combination with the polylactide, crosslinked by natural substances.
One of the most important elements of my research is suitable manner modification of natural fibres
and their application in polymer composites as a filler. As modifier for lignocelluloses we used two
different type of montmorillonite (octadecyloamine, 0.5-5 wt.% aminopropyltriethoxysilane and
dimethyl dialkyl (C14-C18) amine). Both of modifier are appropriately modified surface [1-2] .
In our work we are using thermal analyzes methods to the describe important properties of
obtained biofiller and polymeric composites. Thermogravimetry method (TGA) was used to
determine influence modified fillers on thermal stability ENR/PLA composite. Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) gave information about structural-phase transition of studied samples.

[1] H. Deka, M. Misra, A. Mohanty, Ind. Crops Prod., 41 (2013), 94-101

[2] C.-S. Wu, Pol. Deg. Stab., 97 (2012), 64-71

This study was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
project: LIDER/32/0139/L-7/15/NCBR/2016.

Poster Session 1 PS1.25

Thermocatalytic pyrolysis and oxidation of heavy oil at

reservoir conditions


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

In present time, the problem of heavy oil production is a major in oil and gas industry,
because recovery of light oil to decrease. At the same time Russian Federation is a leader in
explored resources of high-viscosity oils and bitumen after Canada and Venezuela. The main part
of heavy oil in Russia situated in Republic of Tatarstan (33%). However, recovery of high-viscosity
oils remains at a low level. Therefore, investigations in this area directed to increasing recovery of
heavy oil and bitumen.
The heat methods (in-situ combustion, aquathermolysis and others), gas methods (injection
air, carbon dioxide and etc.), "сold" methods ("CHOPS", "VAPEX") which to allow effectively
exploit crude oil. The effectiveness of these methods is often increased by sharing with catalysts.
Therefore, in our work we set out to investigate the efficacy of the compounds based on iron
(carbonyls, iron oxide, metallic iron) under conditions close to the reservoir. The viscosity was used
as the main parameter determining the efficiency of thermal catalytic pyrolysis of heavy oil. The
heavy oil of Ashal’cha field with a dynamic viscosity of 1700 mPa*s at 25°C were chosen As an
object of study. To study the effectiveness of catalysts based on iron was used by rotary rheometer
(MCR 302 "Anton Paar"), which allow to measure viscosity at various temperatures (25 to 400°C)
and pressures (up to 150 bar). At the first stage we studied the effect of a wide range of
temperatures and pressures on the viscosity of Ashal’cha field oil.
It was shown, that the viscosity of the oil during the pressure increases up to 100 bars
increased by 32%. the investigation of the pyrolysis process (under nitrogen) oil samples at
reservoir conditions (P = 50 bar, From 25 to 250°C) were presented. Results of viscosity evaluation
of the initial oil and oil after pyrolysis with catalysts were analyzed.
To analyze the structural changes in the fractional composition of oil samples SARA-
analysis were carried out. It has been found that the most efficient catalyst increases the saturated
fraction. It should be noted that the resins were destroyed, but not asphaltenes.
To estimate the molecular weight of fractions oil the method of matrix-assisted laser
desorption / ionization (MALDI-TOF) was used. It has been found that the most effectiveness of
catalyst decrease the molecular weight of asphaltenes. At the same molecular weight for the
aromatic fractions are constant.

PS1.26 Poster Session 1

Kinetics of oxidation of different carbon powders in air atmosphere


University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Studentski trg 12, 11158 Belgrade, Serbia

Commercial carbon powders of high purity and of various specific surface area were
subjected to heating in synthetic air atmosphere in a thermogravimetric balance. The heating at an
uniform rate continued until the samples combusted completely. To avoid scatter in oxygen delivery
rate, uniform flow rate (70 ml/min) of synthetic air and similar volume occupation of TG cups (~30
μl) were used. To obtain kinetic parameters of combustion, each carbon sample was treated at
several heating rates. By a model-free isoconversional analysis, using software Kinetisc2015, the
pairs of energy of activation, E, and corresponding frequency factor, A, were determined. The type
of carbon and the pairs of kinetics parameters, read at a reaction degree α = 0.5, are presented in
Table I. Rate constants, k, calculated on the basis of Arrhenius equation for a common temperature
600 oC, and temperatures corresponding to α=0.5, for heating rate 5 oC/min, are also presented, in
the last two rows, respectively.

Table I . Activation energies, frequency factor, natural logarithm of rate constant at 600 C, and the
temperature of half-reaction read for 5 C/min heating rate, for some commercial carbons recognizable by
their commercial names and BET specific surface areas (given in round brackets)

Timrex GNP Flammruss101* VulcanXC72 AlfaAesar IG Printex*

(9) (20-40) (30) (230) Pt/C** (600) (1170)
E kJ/mol 137 125 150 155 145 170 132
A , 1/s 1.33E4 8.1E3 3.33E5 1.09E6 6.56E7 6.56E7 4.8E5
ln (k, 1/s) -9.39 -8.23 -7.96 -7.46 -1.99 -5.43 -5.11
( 600 oC)
T (α=0.5) 766 660 717 647 432 567 567
*. Literature data ( R. López-Fonseca, I. Landa, M. A. Gutiérrez-Ortiz, J. R. González-Velasco, J. Therm. Anal. Cal.,
80, 65 (2005)).
**Pt /C catalyst for fuel cells , Vulcan XC72 +40% Pt

A particular case in this series is Pt/C catalyst: although VulcanXC72 is the support for Pt
nanodispersion, its combustion is considerably faster than that of pure VulcanXC72, thanks to the
catalytic effect of Pt. With its exception, although neither E nor A change monotonously when
specific surface area increases, the logarithm of rate constant (calculated for a common temperature,
600 oC in this case), is roughly proportional to the specific surface area. More scattered
proportionality holds between temperature of half reaction and specific surface area.
The study is supported by NATO within the framework of the project EAP.SFPP 984925.

Poster Session 1 PS1.27

Kinetics and thermodynamics of thermally activated processes

in cordierite-based ceramics


Suzana FILIPOVIĆ1, Darko KOSANOVIĆ1, Smilja MARKOVIĆ1, Vladimir
Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, Knez Mihailova 35/IV, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials,
Bulevar Franse d′Eperea 86, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Cordierite is a frequently used ceramic material, that is often used as a carrier of electrical
components due to its low dielectric constant (~ 5) and low temperature thermal expansion
coefficient (20·10-7 oC-1). In order to accelerate its sintering process, 5.00 mass% of TeO2 was
added to the starting mixtures. The system was tested in two parallel mixtures: one with no added
additives, and the other one with TeO2. Mechanical activation of the both mixtures was performed
in a high-energy ball mill in time intervals from 0 to 40 min with ball to powder mass ratio 1:40.
In order to determine temperature intervals of chemical reactions and phase transitions,
differential thermal analyses (DTA) and thermo-gravimetric (TG) analysis were used. Based on the
obtained DTA results, it was established that several different processes occur during heating, such
as evaporation of physisorbed water, dehydroxylation of Al2O3 based compounds, structural α→β
phase transition in crystalline SiO2 and mullite formation. Analysis of these thermally activated
processes was performed to determine the relevant kinetic and thermodynamic parameters and
investigate the effect of TeO2 addition, thus allowing prediction of optimal sintering conditions to
obtain a material with targeted functional properties.

PS1.28 Poster Session 1

Glass transition kinetics and fragility index of chalcogenides

from the Ag-As-S-Se system

Goran R. ŠTRBAC1, Jelena S. PETROVIĆ1,2, Dragana D. ŠTRBAC3,

Kristina ČAJKO1, Svetlana R. LUKIĆ-PETROVIĆ1
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics, Trg Dositeja
Obradovića 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, University of Jena, Löbdergraben 32, 07743
Jena, Germany
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Environmental
Engineering, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

The heating rate dependence of the glass transition temperature was investigated by
differential scanning calorimetry for the chalchogenide glasses from the Agx(As2(S0.5Se0.5)3)100-x
system for x=0, 0.5, 2 and 3 at. %. According this dependance apparent glass transition activation
energies Eg were calculated for different defined glass transition temperatures (onset Tg1, midpoint
Tg2, endpoint Tg3 and endset Tg4) [1, 2, 3]. Also, Eg was analyzed using isoconversional (model
free) method [4, 5, 6]. The results showed that the activation energy is not constant during the
investigated process, but vary with the degree of transformation from the glassy to the supercooled
liquid phase, pointing out that it was a complicated, multi-step process. The values of the fragility
index showed that these glasses do not exhibit large configurational changes during the glass
transition process. Influence of silver content on investigated parameters was discussed.
[1] C. T. Moynihan, A. J.Eastel, J. Wilder, J. Tucker, J. Phys. Chem., 78 (1974) 2673
[2] C. T. Moynihan, S. K. Lee, M. Tatsumisago, M. Minami, Thermochim. Acta, 280/281 (1996) 153
[3] H. G. Kissinger, Anal. Chem., 29 (1957) 1702
[4] S. Vyazovkin, “Isoconversional Kinetics of Thermally Stimulated Processes”, Springer International Publishing
(2015) 33-85
[5] S. Vyazovkin, D. Dollimore, J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci., 36 (1996) 42
[6] S. Vyazovkin, J. Comp. Chem., 18 (1997) 393

Poster Session 1 PS1.29

Non-isothermal degradation of zinc–isophthalate complex with


J.D. Zdravković1, L. Radovanović1, D. Poleti2, J. Rogan2,

K. Mészásaros Szécsényi3, P.J. Vulić 4, M.M. Vasić 5, D.M. Minić 5
Innovation Centre - Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade,Serbia
Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

The design and synthesis of various mixed ligand complexes with amazing architecture and
topology are promoted due to their potential applications as functional materials in fields such as
gas storage, chemical separation, catalysis and luminescence [1].
The structural diversity and properties of these materials strongly depend on the organic O-
donor ligand. For example, dianion of isophthalic (ipht) acid is widely used as ligand due to its
ability to coordinate up to four metal centres with different coordination modes. The addition of N-
donor ligands significantly contributes to their structural versatility increasing their thermal stability
There are only three ipht complexes containing dipya (2,2’-dipyridylamine) as N-donor
ligand recently published: [Cu(dipya)(ipht)]·H2O [2, 3], [Mn(dipya)(ipht)]n [4] and
[Zn(dipya)(ipht)]n [5]. The highest thermal stability was observed for [Zn(dipya)(ipht)]n. In
addition, [Zn(dipya)(ipht)]n exhibits also a great antibacterial activity [4].
The decomposition of [Zn(dipya)(ipht)]n was studied in detail using simultaneous TG/DSC
analysis in conjunction with TG/MS measurements and XRPD analysis in nitrogen atmosphere
under non-isothermal conditions at four heating rates: 15, 20, 25 and 30 ºC min−1. The first two
decomposition steps are highly overlapped and for that reason the peak deconvolution using Fraser-
Suzuki function was employed. The deconvolution was performed at each heating rate and the three
single step processes were isolated. The application of isoconversional method confirmed that
deconvoluted steps are individual processes while the determination of conversion functions was
done according to the Màlek algorithm [6]. The third degradation step ends around 970 ºC,
depending on the heating rate, yielding ZnO.

[1] L. J. Murray, M. Dinca, J. R. Long, Chem. Soc. Rev., 38 (2009) 1294.

[2] J. Rogan, D. Poleti, Lj. Karanović, Z. Jagličić, J. Mol. Struct., 985 (2011) 371.
[3] J. Rogan, D. Poleti, Lj. Karanović, Acta Crystallogr. C67 (2011) m230.
[4] L. Radovanović, J. Rogan, D. Poleti, M.V. Rodić, N. Begović, Inorg. Chim. Acta 445 (2016) 46.
[5] L. Radovanović, J. Rogan, D. Poleti, M. Milutinović, M.V. Rodić, Polyhedron, 112 (2016) 18.
[6] J. Màlek, Thermochim. Acta, 200 (1992) 257.

PS1.30 Poster Session 1

Kinetic analysis and predictions of thermal decomposition of spent ion

exchange resins for the optimization of screw conveyor reactor

Hee-Chul YANG, Hyung-Ju KIM, Si-Young LEE, In-Hwan YANG,

Keun-Young LEE
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Dukjindong 150, Yuseong, Daejeon, 305-353 Korea

The spent ion-exchange resins are a major fraction of the combustible organic waste
generated from the nuclear industry. Radioactive spent ion-exchange resins, a combustible type of
organic waste, cannot be readily incinerated due to problems associated with the volatilization of
radioactive metal species [1].
The present study attempts to develop a pyrolysis system, which properly controls the
temperature and residence time of spent resins and converts semi-volatile radioactive cesium
species into thermally stable chemical species. A screw conveyor reactor system is studied for the
pyrolysis of powdered or granular-type solid fuels. Owing to its compact and simple design,
controlling the reactor temperatures and the residence time of fed materials is relatively easy when
compared to other fast pyrolysis reactors [2].
A screw conveyor reactor system with multiple temperature zones was designed for the slow
pyrolysis of spent resins for the conversion of cesium species into their non-volatile species. Model-
free kinetic analyses and kinetic predictions of the desirable reaction steps and the undesirable
reaction steps were performed and the results were applied for the optimization of the proposed
screw conveyor reactor system with multistep heating zones.

[1] H. Yang, S. Lee, I. Yang, Y. Choi, D. Chung, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 127 (2017) 587
[2] L. Janssen, R. Hollander, M. Spoor, M. John, AIChE J. 25 (1979) 345

Poster Session 1 PS1.31

Thermal decomposition kinetics of carbon-immobilized minerals

Hee-Chul YANG, Hyung-Ju KIM, Si-Young LEE, In-Hwan YANG,

Keun-Young LEE
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Dukjindong 150, Yuseong, Daejeon, 305-353 Korea

Recently the demand for the development an immobilization technology for long half-life
radiocarbon (C-14) has arisen in the nuclear industry. A significant challenge today is the
mineralization of carbon dioxide into its natural host minerals. There are, however, some specific
requirements to be met to ensure the thermal stability of immobilized waste forms considering heat
generated and thus the potential for fire accidents during transportation, storage, and disposal. One
of important tasks with regard to the radiocarbon immobilization is to minimize the potential for the
release of radiocarbon from immobilized waste forms due to the thermal decomposition.
The first part of this study conducted experiments of immobilization of CO2 into various
calcined host minerals, such as calcite, dolomite and certain shell materials in a high pressure
reactor under supercritical CO2 conditions. A non-isothermal TG analysis of CO2-immobilized
minerals were then conducted to the temperatures as high as 1000 °C to establish kinetic parameters
of thermal decomposition of CO2 from host minerals.
Kinetic predictions using established kinetic parameters were then conducted to know the
thermal stability of mineralized CO2 at 800 °C for half an hour, which is the thermal stability
criterion established by IAEA [1]. As results of kinetic prediction, among the tested minerals,
calcined conch shell was selected as the most promising minerals.

[1] IAEA, “Management of waste containing tritium and carbon-14” Technical Report Series No. 421, International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2004

PS1.32 Poster Session 1

Effect of dolomite for the thermogravimetric-mass spectrometric

analysis of olive pomace, coal and petcoke co-gasification

M. Puig-Gamero1, L. Sánchez-Silva1, P. Sánchez1,

J.L. Valverde1*, I. Cretescu2*
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Castilla –La Mancha,
Avda Camilo José Cela 12, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain,
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iasi, 73, Blvd. Dimitrie Mangeron, Iasi 700050, Romania,

The development of alternative renewable energies has taken importance due to the growing
concern of climate change owing to greenhouse gas emission. In addition, population growth and
their socio-economic development require large amounts of energy, converting the biomass in one
of the most viable option for a sustainable future.
In this sense, the olive pomace is a suitable candidate due to olive oil industry is one of the
most important economic activity in Spain, which produces large amount of seasonal waste.
On the other hand, steam gasification is considered to be one of the most effective and
efficient techniques for generating hydrogen from biomass and electric power. In this sense, the co-
gasification of coal, petcoke and biomass is one of the alternatives to solve problems associated
with gasifying each of them separately. Biomass and coal gasification could achieve synergistic
effects, combining some of the characteristics of each feedstock to improve the characteristics of
the gasification process such as tar formation or char reactivity.
Furthermore, the use of catalysts during gasification can enhance the quality of released gas
products, promoting tars and hydrocarbons reactions. However, its use can increase the operational
costs, thus, the good selection of catalysts must be considered. In this regard, natural catalysts are
growing their interest, being less expensive and more environmental friendly than synthetic
catalysts. In this sense, dolomite is one of the most used catalysts because it is an inexpensive,
natural and abundant catalyst.
On the basis of the above, the aim of this research was to study the effect of dolomite as
catalyst on the steam co-gasification process of coal-petcoke and biomass mixtures by means of the
thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometric (TGA-MS). In addition, the
synergistic effect and the morphology of the ashes resulting from gasification process were also
The use of dolomite enhanced the performance of the co-gasification process. The reactivity
of these samples was improved, accelerating the process. However, the dolomite addition of 10 wt.
% was not enough to improve the H2 yield, obtaining a lower [H2/CO] ratio in the catalytic samples
than the non-catalytic samples. Nevertheless, it was observed that higher light compounds were
generated due to the cracking of pyrolytic liquid. In addition, the porosity of remaining residues was
enhanced due to the presence of the dolomite. Therefore, it could be considered a precursor for the
active carbon formation from biomass.

Poster Session 1 PS1.33

Kinetic analysis of Ti3SiC2 MAX phase

Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science Engineering, Faculty of Technology,
University of Sakarya, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey, E-mail :

There are growing interests on the MAX materials family at the last two decades because of
the MAX phase materials combine metal and ceramic material properties. These materials are new
generation materials which replaced with the advanced ceramics in the near future. The
decomposition temperatures of the materials change between 850-2300˚C, depending upon the type
and number of impurities present.
Among the MAX phase ceramics, Ti3SiC2 is one of the most attraction material which is
half of the published papers were about it. It is usually processed from pure Ti, Si, SiC and TiC
powders or combinations at high temperature. Because of expensive raw materials used, the cost of
the products is so expensive. An alternative use of oxide source for Ti or Si and in-situ synthesis of
the final phase such as Ti3SiC2 could be attraction method in the Max phase family.
The kinetic analysis of Ti3SiC2 MAX phase formation were investigated by means of
differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). the
kinetics parameters including the activation energy for the Ti3SiC2 phase and the Avrami parameter
(n) were measured with Ozawa and Kissinger methods. The results were shown that the starting
mixture of SiO2, TiO2, Al and C powders were underwent extensive reduction into metallic forms
in a alumina-rich matrix, then the carburising and the formation of 312 phase were took place. It
was determined that the formation kinetic of Ti3SiC2 occurred in two steps and both regions
suitably fit a first order kinetic model.

[1] H. Noontny, Prog. Solid State Chem., 2 (1970)27

[2] H. Noontny, J.C. Schuster, P. Rogl, , J. Solis State Chem., 44(1982)126
[3] M.W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, J. Amer. Cer. Soc., 79(1996)1953
[4] C. Hu, H. Xhang, F. Li, Q. Huang, Y. Bao,. Int. J. Ref. Metals Hard Mat., 36( 2013)300
[5] M. Rodovic, M.W. Barsoum, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.,92 (2013)20

PS1.34 Poster Session 1

Crystallization Kinetics of Nucleation Effect of Ga Doped on

BSCCO Glass Ceramic Systems


Superconductivity and Thermal Analysis Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences,
Gazi University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

In this study, the crystallization kinetics of Ga (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.2%) Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oδ

(BSCCO) glass ceramic system was investigated. DTA analysis was employed to determine the
glass transition, nucleation and crystallization temperatures of the glass system. The crystallization
heat treatment was realised at 800 °C and 1100 °C for about 1 hour based on DTA results.
According to DTA results; by using Ozawa, Augis-Bennett, Takhor and Kissinger equations,
nucleation kinetics was analysed. Activation energies and Avrami parameters were found.
According to thermogravimetric analysis it is found that oxidation amount in the structure increase
with Ga doping concentration.

Poster Session 1 PS1.35

Glass-ceramics produced from bone ash containing glasses


Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Technology Faculty, Sakarya University,
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Gebze Technical
University, Turkey

A glass ceramic material based on CaO- P2O5-Al2O3-SiO2-B2O3-Li2O-Na2O-MgO-ZrO2

was developed to study its bioactive behaviour. Cano and P2O5 were incorporated in the form of
natural animal bone ash. ZrO2 added to glasses composition as a nucleation agent with the amounts
of 1, 3, 5 % (wt.).
Animal bone ash which is a waste product of slaughter houses is commercially used in bone
china ceramics. Animal bone ash contains mostly CaO and P2O5. Therefore, the rich content of
phosphorous and calcium oxides makes the natural bone ash a potential low-cost raw material to
produce bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics [1].
Glass batch based on CaO-P2O5-Al2O3-SiO2-B2O3-Li2O-Na2O-MgO-ZrO2 was
successfully melted in alumina crucibles at 1360°C, and frit was obtained by quenching through
water at room temperature. The frits were milled for 24 hours to obtain fine glass powders, then
pellets were produced from powdered glass by uniaxial pressing and heat treated between 650-
900°C for two hours. The effect of adding nucleation agent on glass ceramic formation was
characterized by DTA, optical microscope and heating microscope. The phases developed in
microstructure were identified by XRD and SEM studies. Based on the result obtained from
crystallization and microstructural characterization studies the glass-ceramics being heat treated at
800°C for different period of times were chosen for mechanical characterization which were carried
out by measuring bulk density, elasticity modulus and flexural strength.
The glass ceramic samples, containing 3% ZrO2, that were being heat threated at 800°C for
30 minutes were tested in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) solution for 3, 7, 14, 21 days. Following in-
vitro test the sample surfaces were analysed by XRD and SEM to detect the nature of bioactivity of
glass-ceramics. The other set of samples were used as sintered, and soaked in static condition in
order to evaluate the concentration of the elements released by the glass-ceramics. After extraction,
SBF was chemically analysed by ICP-OES.
The results of in-vitro studies demonstrated that the glass ceramics developed from natural
animal bone ash containing glass can be effectively used for the development of bioactive glass

[1] L. Barbieri et al., “Preliminary studies on the valorization of animal flour ash for the obtainment of active
glasses,” Ceram. Int., vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 5619–5628, May 2014.

PS1.36 Poster Session 1

Crystallization kinetics of vermiculite glass

Umut ÖNEN1, Ediz ERCENK2, Şenol YILMAZ2

Cumhuriyet University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Campus, 58140 Sivas, Türkiye.
Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya, Türkiye.

Vermiculite is a clay mineral abundant in Sivas Region of Türkiye, originating in igneous

rocks. The crystallization kinetics of vermiculite based glass prepared by melt-quenching method
was investigated using differential thermal analysis under non-isothermal conditions with several
different heating rates. The crystallization kinetics was described in terms of the nucleation-growth
Johnson–Mehl–Avrami model. Crystalline phases and crystal morphologies were studied by X-ray
diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. XRD analysis indicates
that magnesium iron silicate and iron silicate as the main crystalline phase in all the glass-ceramic
samples. SEM images show crystalline regions in all the samples.

Poster Session 1 PS1.37

Crystallization kinetics of vermiculite based machinable


Umut ÖNEN1, Ediz ERCENK2, Şenol YILMAZ2

Cumhuriyet University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Campus, 58140 Sivas, Türkiye.
Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya, Türkiye.

In this study, the crystallization kinetics of vermiculite based glass-ceramic prepared by the
melt-quench technique was investigated. The glass based on SiO2–Al2O3–MgO–BaO–MgF2 system
added %50 weight vermiculite mineral was synthesized and characterized by differential thermal
analysis (DTA), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques.
The activation energies for the precipitation of crystalline phases have been evaluated, and the
crystallization mechanisms have been studied by applying DTA measurements performed at various
heating rates. XRD analysis revealed the crystallization of phlogopite and fluorphlogopite phases.
SEM images show mica based crystalline regions. The glass-ceramics exhibited excellent
performance in machinability tests without cracking or deforming.

PS1.38 Poster Session 1

The crystallization kinetics of the Bi2O3 added- MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2

glass ceramics system produced from industrial waste


Sakarya University, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey

The glass ceramics based on the MAS (MgO-Al2O3-SiO2) system belong to an important class of
advanced technological material, having a wide range of applications. Some of their interesting
features are machinability, high thermal stability, high electrical insulation, vacuum compatibility
and etc. Various properties of MAS glass ceramics like hardness, low expansion coefficient,
conductivity and machinability etc., among other parameters, depend on the composition and
microstructure [1]. Different processes remarkably influence the reactivity of the solids. Mechanical
treatments are important as long as they can help produce changes in the texture and structure of the
solids, causing the particle size reduction and decreasing the reaction sintering temperature.
Additives can also decrease the temperature of the reaction process during sintering. The
application of additives should improve the contacts between reacting components. On the other
hand, the addition of Bi2O3, owing to a lower melting temperature (850°C), leads to liquid phase
sintering. Having in mind its greater atomic radius, it cannot be incorporated into the cordierite
crystal lattice; therefore it acts as a catalyst, increasing the reaction velocity. According to the
literature data, this has influence on sintering temperatures lower than 1365°C [2].

In this study, Crystallization kinetics and phase formations of the Bi2O3 added MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-
TiO2 glass ceramics system were investigated. The glass ceramic system were analysed using X-ray
using (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and differential thermal analyses (DTA). Also
the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of cordierite formation in the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2
glass ceramics system was studied using DTA.

Fig.1 shows the DTA results

different heating rates for MAS-1.
The activation energies of
crystallization and viscous flow
were measured to be 377 kJ/mol
and 336 kJ/mol. In this study, the
activation energies of
crystallization and viscous flow for
all composition were calculated.

Fig 1. DTA curves depending on different heating rate for MAS-1

[1].Goswamia, M., Sarkara, A., Mirzaa, T., Shrikhandea, V.K., Sangeetaa, K.R., Gurumurthyb, G.P., Kothiyala,
(2002).Ceramics International 28, 585.
[2].Obradović, N., Đorđević, N., Filipović, S., Nikolić, N., Kosanović, D., Mitrić, M., Marković, S., Pavlović, V.
(2012)., Powder Technology 218, Pages 157.

Poster Session 1 PS1.39

The carbothermal reduction and nitridation (CRN) kinetics of silica

by differential thermal analysis
Sakarya University, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Sakarya, Turkey

Structural ceramics based on the silicon nitride (Si3N4) have been explored since more than three
decades. They exhibit excellent mechanical properties, good oxidation resistance and thermal shock
behaviour at both room and high temperatures [1]. In recent years, silicon nitride ceramics have
been used in the structural members of gas turbine, engines and other parts subjected to high-
temperature conditions [2].

Formation of silicon nitride by CRN process of silica is generally considered to consist of two
principal reaction steps. The first step is the reduction of silicon oxide to silicon monoxide. In the
second step, the gaseous silicon monoxide reacts with nitrogen (the first nucleation of α-Si3N4). In
this work, the activation energies for reduction and nitridation of silica in CRN process were
investigated using DTA.

As the raw material, high purity SiO2 was used in this study. Carbon black was primarily used as
reducing agent and was supplied by Merck. Carbon black was added in the calcined clay mineral
and high purity SiO2 just above the stoichiometric amount of oxygen contents in the mineral and
SiO2. Mixing was performed in a mill with alumina balls for 10 h. The DTA (TA Instruments
SDTQ 600 Simultane DTA-TG) curves were obtained at heating rates of 5, 10, 15 and 20 oC/min
under the 100 ml/min rate of nitrogen gas (99.99% pure) flow. The identification of the crystalline
phase composition of the products was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) with Cu Kα (λ:
1.54056) radiation using a RIGAKU D/Max 2200 diffractometer.
C: Cristobalite (SiO2) 00-039-1425 C: Cristobalite (SiO2) 01-071-0785
S: Silicon Oxide (SiO) 00-030-1127 α: α-Silicon Nitride (α-Si3N4) 01-073-1210
8000 C C
Intensity (Counts)
Intensity (Counts)

6000 4000



1000 C
C α α
α C α α α α C CC α C α
C α α
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
2θ 2θ

Figure 1. The XRD pattern of powders fired Figure 2. The XRD pattern of powders fired at
at 1050oC and slowly cooled nitrogen gas 1300oC and slowly cooled under of nitrogen gas

The activation energies for nitridation and reduction of silica in CRN process were determined
using the Kissinger method.

1. Houjou, K., Ando, K., Chu, M., C., Liu, S., P., Sato, S., “Effect of Sintering Additives on the Oxidation Behavior
of Si3N4 Ceramics at 1300°C” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 25 (2005), 559-567.
2. Hoffmann, M., J., Petzow, G., “Tailored Microstructures of Silicon Nitride Ceramics” Pure & Appl. Chem., 66
(1994), 1807-1814.

PS1.40 Poster Session 1

The crystallization kinetics of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) glass ceramics

system produced from pumice and marble dust

Zafer Yavuz MERKİT, H. Özkan TOPLAN and Nil TOPLAN

Sakarya University, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey

CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) tennary compound is one of the main glass ceramic systems. This based
system demand for its excellent abrasion resistance, chemical stability, industrial availability and
economy. They are also industrially preferred because of their good optical and mechanical
properties [1]. Furthermore, CAS system glass-ceramics is a good candidate for floor and wall
covering in the construction site, due to the high hardness, scratch resistance and chemical
resistance as well as low raw material costs [2]. Because of the CAS glass-ceramics have high
strength and good toughness, control of the heat treatment process significantly affects the structure
and function of glass ceramics. In glass ceramics, continuous growth at high temperature and
nucleation at low temperature are achieved by heat treatment [3].
In the present work, CAS based glass-ceramics was prepared with using pumice (Nevşehir, Turkey)
and Al2O3 (Seydişehir, Turkey) as natural raw materials and marble dust (Sakarya, Turkey) as a
waste source. CAS (CaO-Al2O3-SiO2) coded composition (57.5 wt.% SiO2, 27.5 wt.% CaO, 15
wt.% Al2O3) selected in stoichiometric anorthite region according to CAS ternary diagram. Fig.1
shows the DTA results different heating rates for CAS. According to the results, the crystallization
activation energy of the glass that prepared from the CAS-coded composition was calculated as
389.12 kJ.mol-1 and the viscous flow activation energy as 429.80 kJ.mol-1.

20 C/min 1027 C
1 738 C
15 C/min o o
732 C 1014 C
0 10 C/min
DTA (μV/mg)

725 oC
Exo o
1014 C



200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Temperature ( C)

Figure. 1. DTA curves depending on different heating rate for CAS

1. Xie, J., Cheng, J.S., Long, X.J., Yan, S. Z. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 16 (1), 2006, 101.
2. Banijamali, S., Rezaei, H.R., Eftekhari Yekta, B., Marghussian, V.K., Ceram. Int., 33(8), 2007, 1557.
3. Fanderlik, I., “Silica Glass and Its Application” 11. Edition, Elsevier, New York, 1991,17-20.

Poster Session 1 PS1.41

The crystallızation kinetics of CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) glass

ceramics system doped with lead oxide


Sakarya University, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey

CMAS glass-ceramics with diopside (Ca(Mg,Al)(Si,Al)2O6) as dominate crystalline phase possess

excellent properties, such as high strength, good chemical resistance, which provide high potential
in wide variety of applications [1]. The CMAS glass system has attracted much attention due to its
low densification temperature, low thermal expansion coefficient (TEC <5.10-6/°C), low dielectric
constant (Ɛr< 10) and better chemical durability [2]. In the present study, in many areas of the
industry high corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, electrical resistance, and potential for use
in nuclear fuel storage units CMAS glass-ceramics are produced from raw materials such as kaolin,
wollastonite and waste material such as magnesite in combination with lead oxide, zirconia,
bismuth oxide and zinc oxide is available. The CMAS composition to form the aqueous raw and
waste materials are weighed and homogeneously mixed in a ball mill for 12 hours. Powders were
dried in an oven than melted in a MSE lift furnace at 10oC/min heating rate of in the alumina
crucible at 1400°C for 2 hours and poured into graphite mold; then annealing at 600°C for 1 hour.
CMAS-based glass samples broken-by grinding in Retsch RS 100 a cyclic mill 700 rpm speed were
ground into powder. The powders were calibrated the correct particle size (<45 μm) for hydrollic
press. DTA analysis was employed to determine the glass transition and crystallization temperatures
of the glass system. DTA analysis was performed at different heating rates (10, 15 and 20oC/min.).
It is heated up to 1450oC. Activation energy for surface crystallization value of 304 kJ/mole was
determined graphically from a Kissinger-type plot using the analysis of Matusita and Sakka. The
effects of complex nucleation agents on the crystallization and microstructure of CMAS glass-
ceramics were investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Figure 1. DTA Analysis of CMAS glass-

ceramics doped with lead oxide

1. Kang J., Wanga J., Cheng J. , Yuan J., Hou Y., Qian S., Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 457 (2017) 111-115.
2. Hsiang H. , Yung S-W., Wang C-C., Materials Research Bulletin 60 (2014) 730-737.

PS1.42 Poster Session 1

Effect of perlite addition on sintering kinetics of porcelain bodies

Senol YILMAZ, Uğur SEN

Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya, Türkiye.

Porcelain is a variety of dense, highly vitrified and translucent white-bodied ceramic

fabricated from a formulation with essential components consisting of clay, feldspar and quartz [1-
3]. The aim of this work is to study the effect of volcanic rock perlite addition on the sintering
kinetics in porcelain bodies. Quartz was progressively replaced by up to 20 wt.% perlite in a
traditional porcelain composition. The samples were sintered in an electric furnace with a heating
rate of 7 °C/min at 1150, 1200 and 1250 °C with a period of 60, 120, 180 and 300 min. The sintered
samples were characterised by XRD (X-ray diffraction) and SEM (scanning electron microscopy).
Sintering activation energies were determined according to the bulk density result. It was found that
the sintering activation energy decreased with increasing perlite addition.

[1] S. Akpinar, A. Evcin, Y. Özdemir, Ceram. Int., 43-11 (2017) 8364

[2] W. Lerdprom, R.K. Chinnam, D.D. Jayaseelan, W.E. Lee, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 36-16 (2016) 4319
[3] F.A. Fırat, E. Ercenk, S. Yılmaz, J. Ceram. Process. Res., 13-6 (2012) 756

Poster Session 1 PS1.43

Crystallization kinetics of basalt based glass-ceramics for solid oxide

fuel cell application


Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya, Türkiye.

Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is a very efficient and clean source of energy. The glass and
glass ceramics are most suitable and compatible sealing materials for SOFC The crystallization
behaviour of a novel sealing glass developed from the volcanic rock basalt suitable as SOFC sealant
has been investigated. The crystallization kinetics of glass sealants is an essential parameter to
check the suitability of glass as a sealant. Crystallization kinetic of the sealing glass was
investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA) using the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami kinetic model
with several different heating rates. Development of crystalline phases on thermal treatments of the
glass at various temperatures has been followed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Augite and diopside
were the primary crystalline phases in crystallized glas-ceramic seals. The results showed that the
basalt base glass-ceramic sealant material exhibited promising properties to use for SOFC.

PS1.44 Poster Session 1

Thermal degradation, kinetic analysis and evaluation of biological

activity on human melanoma for artemisinin

Denisa CIRCIOBAN1, Ionuţ LEDEŢI2, Gabriela VLASE3, Adriana LEDEŢI2,

Titus VLASE3, Cristina DEHELEAN1,2
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tirgu Mures, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gh. Marinescu Street
38, RO-540139, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA

Atermisinin, the standard treatment used in malaria has been studied in the last decades for
its antitumor and antiproliferative properties [1]. The rapidly developing resistance of cancer line
cells to various molecules has increased the interest on therapeutically active basic structures whose
physical properties could be altered in order to develop new pharmaceutical formulations [2].
a 100
30 0,05 b
90 25

80 DTG

Mass / %

50 -0,15

. -1

DTG/ mg s

20 DTA -5

10 -10 -0,30

0 -15 -0,35
0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature/ C

Thermoanalytical curves TG/DTG/HF (a) and UATR spectrum of artemisinin (b)

The thermal behaviour of artemisinin was analysed based on the thermoanalytical curves
registered at five different heating rates: β=5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 °C min-1 and the obtained results
were interpreted using a differential method (Friedman) and two integral ones (Flynn–Wall–Ozawa
and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose). The FTIR spectrum was drawn up and interpreted in order to
determine the purity of the analysed compound[3].
The biological activity of artemisinin was evaluated in vitro using A375 human malignant
melanoma cell lines in order to determine de apoptotic capacity of the tested compound according
to a previously reported protocol [4].

1. M. Tilaoui, H.A. Mouse, A. Jaafari, A. Zyad, Nat Products Bioprospect., 4 (2014) 1892.
2. B. Zhou, Sci China Life Sci., 58 (2015) 1151
3. A. Ledeti, G. Vlase, D. Circioban, I. Ledeti, L. Stelea, T. Vlase, Rev. Chim., 67 (2016) 2648.
4. A. Fulias, I. Ledeti, G. Vlase, T. Vlase, C. Soica, C. Dehelean, C. Oprean, F. Bojin, LM. Suta, V. Bercean, S. Avram,
J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 125 (2016) 759.

Poster Session 1 PS1.45

Thermal degradation and kinetic analysis for artemether and


Denisa CIRCIOBAN1, Nicolae DOCA3, Ionuţ LEDEŢI2, Gabriela VLASE3,

Adriana LEDEŢI2, Titus VLASE3, Cristina DEHELEAN1,2
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tirgu Mures, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gh. Marinescu Street
38, RO-540139, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA

Artemether and artesunate, structural derivatives of artemisinin, possess a sesquiterpenic

structure with an endoperoxidic bond that has been shown to determine antitumor and
antiproliferative properties, being of great importance in the oncological research field [1].
a b

Chemical structure and thermoanalytical curves TG/DTG/HF for artemether (a) and
artesunate (b)
This study presents the comparative analysis regarding the thermal degradation process
(including kinetic study) in dynamic air atmosphere, for two similar-structured compounds:
artemether and artesunate. As kinetic methods, two integral methods (Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose
and Flynn–Wall–Ozawa) and one differential method (Friedman) were used. This analysis was
completed by using the nonparametric kinetics method (NPK) in order to differentiate the physical
and chemical processes that accompany the thermal degradation process [2, 3].

1. E. Ooko, M.E.M. Saeed, O. Kadioglu, S. Sarvi, M. Colak, K. Elmasaoudi, R. Janah, H.F. Greten, T. Efferth,
Phytomedicine., 22 (2015) 1045.
2. I. Ledeti, M. Murariu, G. Vlase, T. Vlase, N. Doca, A. Ledeti, L.M. Suta, T. Olariu, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127
(2017) 565.
3. I. Ledeti, G. Vlase, T. Vlase, A. Fulias, L.M. Suta, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 125 (2016) 769.

PS1.46 Poster Session 1

Investigation of flame acoustic excitation of a gas fueled burner

Ion V. ION, Daniela PANĂ, Eugen DIMOFTE, Florin POPESCU
„Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati

The paper presents the results of experimental and numerical study performed on a
premixed gas fuel burner excited with acoustic waves.
The results revealed that the flame was strongly affected by the acoustic perturbations. Visual
observations coupled with numerical simulation showed that the flame can be shortened and
transformed to blue at a certain frequency.
Imposing acoustic oscillations on flame front enhances the turbulent mixing resulting in reduced
CO emission and peak temperatures at the front that, in turn, is the reason of reduced emission of
thermal NOx.

Poster Session 1 PS1.47

Performant Applications of Functionally Graded Composites



Intreprinderea Metalurgica pentru Aeronautica METAV S.A ,
Bucharest,66-67, Biharia street , Romania

The main objective of the ComGrad project is the development and processing using
technologies specific to powder metallurgy of FGM/FGCM materials and of industrial applications
with complex properties of abrasive, adhesive, corrosive and fatigue wear resistance superior to
conventional steels.
These materials are processed by Powder Metallurgy (PM) Technologies, and have unique
properties in comparison with conventional tool steels and are called Functionally Graded
Materials-FGM and Functionally Graded Composite Materials-FGCM [1-2].
Innovative products processed from FGM/FGCM are: cutting tools (punches and dies);
moulds for extrusion/cold forging of bolts and nuts; moulds for cold stamping, moulds and punches
for metal powders compaction having simple matrix or functional graded system; paper and wood
processing tools; guide rollers and plates from the construction industry; nozzles, flanges, tightening
and fixing parts and rings specific to oil and petrochemical industry, measurement instruments and
sintered carbides.

Relevance of the ComGrad project is demonstrated by mechanical properties of FGM/FGCM:

- longitudinal modulus of elasticity 290 GPa-310 GPa;
- transverse modulus of elasticity 115 GPa-125 GPa;
- compressive strength 3.600 MPa-3.800 MPa;
- bending strength 1.200 MPa-1.500 MPa;
- resilience 25 J-30 J;
- hardness profile: 30 HRC to 65 HRC-70 HRC;
- active surface hardness: HRC 65-70 HRC;
- wear resistance: 80-90 mg lost mass to wear test, pin-on disk for FGM/FGCM compared
with 160-200 mg for monolithic tool steels.

[1] Thomas Hillskog, ”Powder Metallurgy Tool Steels, an overview”, Mettalforming Magazine, January, 2003,
[2] M.Rosso, D.Ugues, M. Actis Grande, ”The chalange of PM tool steels for the innonavation”, Journal of
Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.18. Sept-Oct. 2006;

Acknowledgements to: Research Project PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4 - 1864

PS1.48 Poster Session 1

Panels with sandwich structure for reducing heat transfer at external

cladding of buildings
Ştefania Miţa IONESCU1, Petronela NECHITA1
“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania
Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy Braila, Romania
Department of Environment, Applied Engineering and Agriculture
Calarasi Street, 29, Braila, 810019, Romania,
email: , Phone: +40 726013774

In present time, the achievement of a sustainable building industry is a major issue. This
must to meet new requirements regarding the selection and rational use of raw materials and energy
resources by controlled minimization of the total CO2 emissions as well as the requirements for the
quality, reliability and functionality of building materials and structures for provision of optimal
indoor climate
For these reasons, more attention is given to natural materials as alternative to obtain the
products with high mechanical and thermal insulation properties, but with less impact on the
environment and human health due to their renewability and biodegradability. In this respect, the
use of lignocellulose residues as reinforcements in composite materials is more appreciated and
studied in the last time, due to their advantages comparing with synthetic fibres: low cost, non-
toxic, biodegradable, abundant, low density and very good mechanical properties.
In present study the composite materials based on natural additives (diatomite) and mineral
oils matrix reinforced with agro-wastes and residues from industrial process of vegetal oil
(sunflower oil) manufacturing are obtained in laboratory scale. These composite materials were
evaluated regarding their thermal insulating and mechanical properties comparing with existing
commercial petroleum based insulation materials.

Poster Session 1 PS1.49

Thermal analysis and kinetic study of 6-ethyl chenodeoxycholic acid

and deoxycholic acid

Marius MURARIU1, Ionuț LEDEŢI2, Denisa CIRCIOBAN2, Gabriela VLASE3,

Carmen AXENTE1, Lenuţa-Maria ŞUTA2, Titus VLASE3, Adriana LEDEŢI2
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Medicine, Eftimie Murgu Square
2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA

6-ethyl chenodeoxycholic acid, or obeticholic acid, is indicated in the treatment of primary

biliary cholangitis as monotherapy in patients with intolerance to usual treatment or in combination
with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) in adults [1]. Deoxycholic acid, one of the natural secondary
bile acids, is used in order to emulsify fats for absorption and as a treatment component its role
regards the prevention dissolution of gallstones [2].
a b

Thermoanalytical curves of a) 6-ethyl chenodeoxycholic acid and b) deoxycholic acid

In order to properly estimate the values of the activation energies for the two tested compounds, a
series of isoconversional methods (Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Friedman)
were chosen and five different heating rates were used for the analysis: β=5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 °C
min-1 [3]. The obtained results were processed using the NPK method in order to objectively
separate the physical and chemical processes that participate to the thermal degradation. A kinetic
evaluation is presented regarding thermal stability.

1. D. Yu, D.L. Mattern, B.M. Forman, Steroids, 77 (2012) 1335.

2. V.A. Rodriguez, M.A. Rivoira, A.D. Perez, et al, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 591 (2016) 28.
3. A. Jaworska, K. Malek, J. Colloid. Interf. Sci., 413 (2014) 117.

This work was supported by a grant financed by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor
Babeş” Timişoara (Grant PIII-C3-PCFI-2016/2017, acronym STONES).

PS1.50 Poster Session 1

Thermal analysis and kinetic study of deprenyl hydrochloride

Adriana LEDEŢI1, Denisa CIRCIOBAN1, Gabriela VLASE1, Angelica

CAUNII1, Lenuţa-Maria ŞUTA1, Titus VLASE2, Ionuț LEDEŢI1
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA

Deprenyl hydrochloride, or more commonly known as selegiline, is used in the first stages
of Parkinson's disease as monotherapy or in combination with L-Dopa in more advanced stages, but
also in major depressive disorder [1]. Due to its low oral bioavailability, new formulations are
studied in order to improve this disadvantage and a comprehensive behaviour study is of the utmost
importance [2].
a b

Thermoanalytical curves TG/DTG/HF (a) and UATR spectrum (b) of deprenyl hydrochloride
The thermoanalytical studies for selegiline were performed using five heating rates β=5, 7,
10, 12 and 15 °C min-1 and the obtained data was analysed using the Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose,
Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Friedman isoconversional methods in order to determine the apparent
values for the activation energies. Considering that the thermal degradation behaviour of the
analysed compound could have had chemical or physical background, the results of the performed
tests were interpreted using the NPK method, for the precise identification of each type of process
The chosen analytical methods were an important tool used in the determination of the
kinetic parameters that characterize the specific profile of deprenyl hydrochloride.

1. T. Nagatsu, M. Sawada, Parkinsonism. Relat. Disord., 15(2009) S3.

2. C.U. Pae, H.K. Lim, C. Han, A. Neena, C. Lee, A.A. Patkar, Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacology. Biol. Psychiatry. 31
(2007) 1153.
3. A. Fuliaş, C. Popoiu, G. Vlase, T. Vlase, D. Oneţiu, G. Sǎvoiu, G. Simu, C. Pǎtruţescu, G. Ilia, I. Ledeti, Dig. J.
Nanomater. Biostructures., 9 (2014) 93.

This work was supported by the PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0515.

Poster Session 1 PS1.51

Thermal analysis and kinetic study of prochlorperazine and


Ionuţ LEDEŢI1, Denisa CIRCIOBAN1, Gabriela VLASE2, Marius MURARIU3,

Adriana LEDEŢI1, Lenuţa-Maria ŞUTA1, Titus VLASE2
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Medicine, Eftimie Murgu Square
2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA

Prochlorperazine is a piperazine derivative used as a symptomatic alternative for psychotic

disorders, anxiety disorders, but also for the treatment of severe nausea and vomiting [1].
Promethazine, a compound with phenothiazine structure possesses anticholinergic, sedative, and
antiemetic properties, and is currently used as an antiemetic or to prevent motion sickness [2].
a b

Thermoanalytical curves TG/DTG/HF for prochlorperazine (a) and promethazine (b)

Prochlorperazine and promethazine were studied using thermal analysis. The results were
obtained using five different heating rates β=5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 °C min-1 and were analysed for the
estimation of the values of the activation energies using a series of isoconversional methods
(Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Friedman). The NPK analysis method was
also utilized, the differentiation between the type of processes (physical or chemical) that occur
being necessary in order to obtain a full thermal degradation behaviour profile [3].

1. W.S. Jellish, K. Owen, E. Fluder, K. Sawicki, J. Sinacore, J. Clin. Anesth., 20 (2008) 594
2. P. Liu, S. Liang, B.J. Wang, R.C. Guo, Eur. J. Drug. Metab. Pharmacokinet., 34 (2009) 177
3. L.M. Suta, G. Vlase, A. Ledeti, T. Vlase, P. Matusz, C. Trandafirescu, D. Circioban, S. Olariu, C. Ivan, M.S.
Murariu, L. Stelea, I. Ledeti, Rev. Chim. 67 (2016) 329.

This work was supported by a grant financed by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor
Babeş” Timişoara (Grant PIII-C3-PCFI-2016/2017, acronym STONES).

PS1.52 Poster Session 1

Thermal stability of amygdalin. Part 1. Kinetic study of the active

substance under non-isothermal conditions

Eleonora MARIAN1, Bogdan TIȚA2, Ioana Cristina TIȚA3, Tunde JURCA1,

Laura VICAȘ1
University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Speciality of Pharmacy, 29 Nicolae Jiga
Str., 410028, Oradea, Romania
”Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, 86 Liviu Rebreanu Str., 300041, Arad, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Carol Davila” București, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department
of Pharmacy II Profile Sciences, 6 Traian Vuia Str., Sector 2, Bucharest, România

The thermal methods of analysis are widely employed in the study of stability and thermal
decomposition of substances used in medicine, especially drugs. Kinetic studies have become a
crucial point in thermal analysis, having as main purpose to determine the kinetic model of thermal
decomposition and to calculate the parameters of the Arrhenius equation. The present work reports
the study of thermal behaviour of amygdaline active substance, based on the thermoanalytical
curves, respectively the determination of the kinetic parameters.
The kinetic study regarding the amygdalin – active substance’s thermal decomposition was
performed under non-isothermal conditions and in a nitrogen atmosphere at five heating rates: 2.5 ;
5 ; 7.5 ; 10 and 15 °C.min-1.
The kinetic parameters of thermal decomposition process were obtained from TG/DTG
curves using the following differential methods: Friedman isoconversional and Freeman-Carroll,
respectively integral methods: Flynn–Wall–Ozawa, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose, Starink and Tang.

Keywords: Amygdalin, TG/DTG/DSC, non-isothermal, kinetic study

Poster Session 1 PS1.53

Thermal stability of fusidic acid. Part 1. Kinetic study of the active

substance under isothermal conditions

Eleonora MARIAN1, Bogdan TIȚA2, Ioana Cristina TIȚA3, Tunde JURCA1,

Laura VICAȘ1
University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Speciality of Pharmacy, 29 Nicolae Jiga
Str., 410028, Oradea, Romania
”Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, 86 Liviu Rebreanu Str., 300041, Arad, Romania
3University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Carol Davila” București, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Department of Pharmacy II Profile Sciences, 6 Traian Vuia Str., Sector 2, Bucharest, România

The application of thermal methods is a great importance regarding the pharmaceutical

problems such as the control of raw materials, the determination of purity, the qualitative and
quantitative analysis of drug formulation, tests of thermal stability and compatibility, the
determination of kinetic parameters etc. The purpose of a kinetic investigation is to calculate the
kinetic parameters and kinetic model for the studied process.
The results are further used to predict the system behaviour in various circumstances. A
kinetic study regarding the fusidic acid involving active substance’s thermal decomposition was
performed under isothermal conditions in a nitrogen atmosphere, for the temperature steps: 260,
270, 280, 290 and 300°C. The thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry data were processed
by three differential methods: isothermal-isoconversional, Friedman’s isothermal-isoconversional
and isothermal model-fitting.
The careful treatment of the kinetic parameters obtained in different thermal conditions is
necessary, as well as the choice of the adequate calculation methods.

Keywords: Fusidic acid, TG/DTG/DSC, isothermal method, kinetic study

PS1.54 Poster Session 1

Kinetic and thermodynamic study of titanium hydride

dehydrogenation process

Cornelia MARINESCU1, Ancuta SOFRONIA1, Andrei ROTARU2,3

Institute of Physical Chemistry Ilie Murgulescu of the Romanian Academy, 060021 Bucharest,
INFLPR – National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bvd. Atomistilor,
Nr. 409, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Str. Academiei,
Nr. 3, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova

Titanium is known to have a large affinity for hydrogen. Hydrogenation leads to the
formation of titanium hydrides which present different stoichiometries such as TiH2, TiH, TiH1.5
[1]. TiH2 is mainly used in pyrotechnic and metallurgical areas, hydrogen storage media [1] and for
preparation of the hydrogenated titanium alloys and ceramics based composites with biomedical
applications [2]. Therefore, the TiH2 dehydrogenation process is important to be studied from the
kinetic point of view, in order to understand the processes undergoing and to further develop the
above mentioned applications; however, until now the TiH2 dehydrogenation kinetics is not clear
and needs supplementary investigation.
The non-isothermal dehydrogenation of TiH2 powder was studied using thermogravimetry
(TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in the temperature range 25 – 900 ºC, at the
heating rates of 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 K/min. Commercial TiH2 (100-150 μm; water atomised; >98 %;
Merck) was used in this work. TiH2 was structurally and morphologically characterized by X-ray
diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
The TiH2 mass rapidly decreases between 474 °C and 670 °C due to the release of hydrogen,
with a maximum rate of decomposition at 579 °C corresponding to a sharp peak on the DTG curve
(at 10 K/min). Above 670 °C (when the remaining mass was about 98.6% of gross mass), the TG
curve indicates the gain in mass due to the slight oxidation of Ti in the presence of the oxygen
incorporated in Ti network. The results showed that upon heating TiH2 undergoes a series of
transformations in a three-step process. The activation parameters corresponding to these
transformations are reported; also, the TiH2 dehydrogenation “activation” thermodynamic
parameters were calculated.

[1] H. Liu, P. He, J.C. Fenga, J. Cao, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 34 (2009) 3018
[2] C. I. Pascu, O. Gingu, P. Rotaru, I. Vida-Simiti, A. Harabor, N. Lupu, J Therm Anal Calorim, 113 (2012) 849

Poster Session 1 PS1.55

The kinetic study of the thermally induced degradation

and an evaluation of the drug-excipient interactions
performed for a new generation bisphosphonate – risedronate

Paul ALBU1, Gabriela VLASE1, Madalina MATEESCU1,

Research Center for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems, West University of Timisoara,
16 Pestalozzi St., Timisoara, RO-300115, Romania

Bisphosphonates are used worldwide as one of the standard treatments for osteoporosis [1]
as they bind to hydroxyapatite crystals inhibiting crystal breakdown and suppressing bone
resorption [2].
Bisphosphonates used as inhibitors of bone resorption all contain two phosphonate groups
attached to a single carbon atom, to give a ‘P–C–P’ structure. The bisphosphonates are therefore
stable analogues of naturally occurring pyrophosphate compounds, which now helps to explain their
intracellular as well as their extracellular modes of action [3].
Amongst this new generation of compounds that were synthesized to optimize their
antiresorptive effects, the most potent antiresorptive bisphosphonates were those containing a
nitrogen atom within a heterocyclic ring as in risedronate and zoledronate [3].
The thermally induced interactions of risedronate (Fig.1) in 1:1 mass ratio binary mixture with talc,
silica, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, starch and mannitol (Fig.2) were studied
under non-isothermal conditions. As kinetic methods, integral methods (Flynn–Wall–Ozawa) and
one differential method (Friedman) were used. This analysis was completed by using the
nonparametric kinetics method (NPK).
Keywords: risedronate-excipients mixture, thermally induced interactions, kinetic study.

Fig.1. TG/DTG/HF curves for risedronate Fig.2 TG/DTG/HF curves for risedronate:
in air with heating rate 10 ℃/min mannitol 1:1 in air with heating rate 10 ℃/min

1. M. Hongo, N. Miyakoshi, Y. Kasukawa, Y. Ishikawa, Y. Shimada, J. Bone Miner. Metab., 33
(2015) 432-439
2. H. Molvik, W. Khan, Osteoporos. Int., 26 (2015) 1251-1260
3. R.G.G Russel, P.I Croucher, M.J Rogers, Osteoporos. Int. Suppl. (1999) 2:S66–S80

PS1.56 Poster Session 1

An evaluation of the structure, thermal behaviour and kinetic

parameters of a novel biomimetic hybrid organic/inorganic
hydroxyapatite-based composite

Paul ALBU1,2, Iren Andrea SERBAN3, Ovidiu GEICU3, Loredana STANCA3,

Alexandra STANCIU2, Madalina MATEESCU1, Gabriela VLASE1,
Titus VLASE1
Research Center for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems, West University of Timisoara,
16 Pestalozzi St., Timisoara, RO-300115, Romania
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Vasile Goldis” Western
University of Arad, 86 L. Rebreanu St., Arad, RO-310414, Romania
Department of Preclinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agronomic
Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 59 Mărăşti Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest, RO-
011464, Romania
Bioceramics like hydroxyapatite (HA) and other calcium phosphates cements (CPC) attract
great interest in the field of bone tissue restoration due to their excellent biocompatibility,
bioactivity, bone reggeneration ability, osteoconductivity [1, 2] and chemical bone-binding
properties [3]. Although CPC possess high tissue compatibility, the restriction of their use is their
brittle nature, poor mechanical strength, lack of macroporosity, low porosity degree responsible for
their slow resorbtion rate [1] and a low rate of osseointegration with bone tissues [3]. Due to the
unique organic-inorganic composite structure of osseous tissue, design strategies in vitro aim to
mimic the natural mineralization process [4]. Therefore, a composite biomaterial of HA and natural
or synthetic biocompatible and biodegradable polymers is expected to show not only an increased
osteoconductivity, osseointegration and biodegradation properties but also sufficient mechanical
strength. For this current study, we developed a new biomimetic HA-based composite by mixing,
under proper reaction conditions, the inorganic precursors of the mineral bone-like structure and a
carrageenan aqueous solution used to provide the organic matrix employed as template for the HA
crystal growth. Samples of the organic/inorganic hybrid material were characterized before and
after the sinterization process by FTIR, XRD, SEM and EDAX analysis.TG/DTG/HF analysis was
performed on the biomimetic hydroxyapatite composite in order to determine the thermal behaviour
of the hybrid material. The thermoanalytical data were recorded using five heating rates, β = 7, 10,
12, 15 and 20 °C·min-1, in air atmosphere and they were further used to determine the kinetic
parameters of the main degradation process. All the kinetic methods used in this study, were
isoconversional according to ICTAC 2000 Protocol, using Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose, Flynn-Wall-
Ozawa and the modified NPK methods to estimate the activation energy of the studied process.



























4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650.0

Figure 1. FTIR spectrum of the biomimetic hydroxyapatite Figure 2. Thermogravimetic curves of biomimetic
composite before (--) and after thermal threatment (--)at 900℃ hydroxyapatite composite
[1] M. Dessi, M.A. Alvarez-Perez, R. De Santis, M.P. Ginebra, J.A. Planell, L. Ambrosio, J Mater Sci: Mater Med
(2014), 25:283-295;
[2] A. Shavandi, A.A. Bekhit, Z. Sun, M. Azam Ali, J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2016), 77:675-687;
[3] J. Lewandowska-Lancucka, S. Fiejdasz, L. Rodzik, A. Latkiewicz, M. Nowakowska, J Mater Sci: Mater Med
(2015), 26:231;
[4] W.L. Stoppel, C.E. Ghezzi, S.L. McNamara, L.D. Black, D.L. Kaplan, Ann Biomed Eng (2015), 43(3):657-680;

Poster Session 1 PS1.57

Thermal behaviour of some conductive adhesives used for

PEMFC bipolar plate bonding

Irina PETREANU, Laurentiu PATULARU, Radu ENE, Dorin SCHITEA,

National Reserch and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies, ICSI- Rm.
Valcea, 4 Uzinei street, Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea, Romania

Thermal management of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is an important
issue for both performance and durability of this device. For this purpose, a new kind of bipolar
plate provided with internal flow channels for cooling agent was designed. As constructive solution
two symmetrically pieces of graphite were bonded together with an electrically conductive adhesive
produced and tested by us. This work describes the attempts to develop an electrically conductive
adhesive based on graphitic cement with suitable properties: adhesion, thermal resistance, electrical
and thermal conductivity and chemical stability in the operating.

PS1.58 Poster Session 1

Study of thermal degradation of photovoltaic panels:

Optical non-destructive versus mechanical destructive methods

Roxana BEIU1, Corina MNERIE1, Nicolina POP2*, Virgil-Florin DUMA1,3*,

George M. DOBRE4, Adrian BRADU4, Adrian Gh. PODOLEANU4
Optomechatronics Group, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, 77 Revolutiei Ave., 310130 Arad,
Department of Fundamentals of Physics for Engineers, Politehnica University of Timisoara,
2 Vasile Parvan Ave., Timisoara 300223, Romania
Doctoral School, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 1 Mihai Viteazu Ave., Timisoara 300222,
Applied Optics Group, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NR,

The use of solar energy can replace significant amounts of fossil fuels, in order to decrease
climate changing emissions. Thus, the ratio of the photovoltaic (PV) electricity in the energy mix
has increased at an accelerated pace and this trend is expected to continue in the future. As PV
panels are widely used, those installed for years now have to be monitored, and when their
parameters reach critically low values, they have to be replaced [1, 2]. This issue of PVs, related to
the change of the parameters over time is unavoidable due to their exposure to rough atmospheric
conditions: solar radiation [3], thermal differences between day and night (as well as between
seasons), wind, dust, and humidity.
The aim of the present study is to propose for the assessment and monitoring of such
structural changes a non-destructive method that can be used in situ: Optical Coherence
Tomography (OCT) [4-6]. Other optical and mechanical methods are used to validate the
experimental findings using OCT, including: optical and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM)
[7], as well as mechanical investigation methods such as roughness and hardness measurements.
Two categories of samples are considered for the study: news PV cells and PV cells that have been
exposed to various atmospheric conditions (the most significant ones being the temperature
influence) for several years. The changes in their structure and properties are determined and
[1] A. M. Mitrašinović, F. C Robles Hernández, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.,115 (2014) 177–183
[2] B.Nehme, N.K. M’Sirdi, Alecu, Energy Procedia 62 (2014) 565–575.
[3] N. Pop, A. Pacurar, R. Boata, M. Paulescu, Int. J Green Energy, 11(8) (2014) 876-885.
[4] D. Huang, E. A. Swanson, et al, J. G. Fujimoto, Science 254 (1991) 1178-1181.
[5] A. Gh. Podoleanu, J. of Microscopy, 247 (2012) 209–219.
[6] D. Demian, V.-F. Duma, et al, A. Gh. Podoleanu, Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal
of Engineering in Medicine 228(8) (2014) 743-753.
[7] Gh. Hutiu, V.-F. Duma, et al, A. Gh. Podoleanu, Appl. Opt. 53(26) (2014) 5912-5916.

This research was supported by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research through CNDI–
UEFISCDI Grant PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-0181 (

Poster Session 1 PS1.59

Theoretical study on increasing the efficiency of a heat pump by

refrigerant injection at intermediate pressure

Viorel POPA, Camelia Lacramioara POPA

„Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 42 Domneasca Street, Galati, Romania

Abstract. Heat pumps represent a very promising technology to contribute to the building sector
decarbonisation and to decrease the primary energy consumption for the heat demand in the EU
countries. Increasing the efficiency of heat pumps can be achieved either by reducing the
temperature lift between the heat source and the sink or by improving the performance of the
thermodynamic cycle. An energetic and exergetic analysis of single stage refrigeration cycle show
that if the energetic efficiency is about 300 %, the exergetic efficiency is 20 %. This result shows
that the thermodynamic cycle can be substantially improved. A way to improve is the injection of
refrigerant at intermediate pressure.
This became possible due to dynamic compressor technology development.
Instead of using a two-stage compressor where two-phase refrigerant can be injected between the
two stages in order to cool the suction gas before it enters the high pressure stage, it is also possible
to inject refrigerant at an intermediate pressure during a single-stage compression process. This
measure is only possible for a few special compressor types. Examples for such compressors are
screw or scroll compressors.
This paper presents a study on the possibilities of improving the performance of a pump by using
refrigerant injection. A comparative analysis of different solutions (flash tank, economizer and
liquid injection) are analysed.

[1] Xudon Wang, Yunho Hwang, and Reinhard Radermacher. Two-stage heat pump system with vapor-injected scroll
compressor using R410A as a refrigerant. International Journal of Refrigeration, 32:1442–1451, 2009
[2] Wang, X., Performance Investigation of Two-Stage Heat Pump System with Vapor-Injection Scroll Compressor,
Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2008.
[3] J. E. B. Margaret M. Mathison and E. A. Groll, “Approaching the performance limit for economized cycles using
simplified cycles,” International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 45, pp. 67–72, 2014

PS1.60 Poster Session 1

Influence of Ti–Al tanning agent on the non–isothermal decomposition

kinetics of wet–white leather

Dan ROSU1, Cristian–Dragos VARGANICI1, Liliana ROSU1,

Marian CRUDU2
Centre of Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers, ”Petru Poni” Institute of
Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A Gr. Ghica-Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi, Romania
National Research & Development Institute for Textiles and Leather Division: Leather and
Footwear Research Institute, 93 Ion Minulescu Street, Bucharest, Romania

The leather manufacturing departments [1–3] represent a major industrial pollutant mostly
through the inorganic chemical wastes resulted in bulk during specific operations, such as tanning,
i.e. mineral agents, Cr (III), NaCl and NH4+ salts, H2SO4, lime, sulphide, etc. Therefore, the
recovering and reuse of water and chemicals from the implied processes represents a serious issue.
Furthermore, a major drawback resides in the worldwide legislative limitations with regards to
tanning operations. Wastes resulted from chrome tanning generate serious environmental
consequences, hence the great deal of research conducted in surpassing this impediment, for the
development of chrome–free tanning agents and methods, such as titanium based tanning ones
This study describes the influence of a new tanning agent based on titanium and aluminium
(Ti–Al) on the non–isothermal kinetic decomposition parameters of wet–white bovine leather. The
non–isothermal global kinetic parameter values were determined with the aid of an isoconversional
kinetic method. The kinetic models describing the thermal degradation stages and their individual
kinetic parameters values, determined in the first derivative curves (DTGs) peaks, were found by
applying a multivariate non–linear regression method.
The thermal degradation kinetic data were correlated with structural modifications generated
during tanning.

[1] T. Bosch, A. M. Manich, J. Carilla, J. Cot, A. Marsal, H.J. Kellert, H.P. Germann, J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 97
(2002) 441
[2] K. Joseph, N. Nithya, J. Clean. Prod., 17 (2009) 676
[3] C.K. Liu, N.P. Latona, R. Ashby, K. Ding, J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 101 (2006) 368
[4] V. Deselnicu, “Wet–white tanning as alternative to chromium salt tanning”, in: D.C. Deselnicu (Ed.), “Inovation and
competitiveness in the leather department”, AGIR, (2014) 15–32.
[5] M. Crudu, V. Deselnicu, D.C. Deselnicu, L. Albu, Waste Manag., 34 (2014) 1806

Authors acknowledge the financial support of a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research, CNCS−UEFISCDI project number PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0436.

Poster Session 1 PS1.61

Physical characterisation used for the development of a stable

freeze-dried meloxicam formulation

Lucia Maria RUS1, Sonia IURIAN2, Irina KACSO3, Gheorghe BORODI3,

Simona Codruta HEGHES1, Cristina Adela IUGA1, Ioan TOMUTA2
UMF “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Drug Analysis Department,
6 Pasteur street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
UMF “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and
Biopharmaceutics, 4 Ion Creanga street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
National Institute of Research and Development for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies,
67-103 Donath street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Meloxicam is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory used in the form of tablets for the
symptomatic treatment of inflammatory conditions in the elderly. The objective of this study was
the characterization by physical methods of the formulations developed to obtain meloxicam oral
In the first stage of the study, meloxicam-excipient compatibility studies were realized,
using Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC, X-ray Powder Diffraction XRPD and Infrared
Spectroscopy FTIR methods [1]. In the second stage, the glass transition temperature (Tg') of
formulations containing meloxicam and excipients compatible with the drug chosen from the first
stage, was determined using a DSC method. The same formulations were also subjected to an
annealing program by DSC, in order to obtain a complete crystallization. In the third stage, the
lyophilized formulations were analyzed by DSC and XRPD to determine the crystallinity and by
Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA for the residual water content [2, 3].
Following studies in the preformulation stage, excipients compatible with the drug substance
(gelatin, sodium alginate, mannitol, croscarmellose, polyvinylpyrrolidone K30, poloxamer 188,
polyethylene glycol 4000) were chosen. The formulations were the freeze-dried according to the
results in the second stage. It has been determined the degree of crystallinity of the meloxicam oral
lyophilizated and their residual water content.
Thus, it was elaborated an optimal lyophilization cycle for the achievement of meloxicam
oral lyophilizates.

[1] R. Chadha, S .Bhandari, Drug–excipient compatibility screening—Role of thermoanalytical and spectroscopic

techniques, J Pharm Biomed Anal, 87 (2014) 82-97
[2] J.C. Kasper, W. Friess, The freezing step in lyophilization: Physico-chemical fundamentals, freezing methods and
consequences on process performance and quality attributes of biopharmaceuticals, Eur J Pharm Biopharm, 78(2)
(2011) 248-63
[3] J. Barley, Basic principles of freeze drying. SP Scientific, (2009) 1-14

PS1.62 Poster Session 1

Aluminum nitride based micro-electronics for harsh environments

Cristina BESLEAGA, George E. STAN, Viorel DUMITRU, Mihaela BOTEA,

Roxana RADU, Liliana M. TRINCA, Aurelian C. GALCA
National Institute of Materials Physics, Atomistilor 405A, 077125, Magurele-Ilfov, Romania

Because of its poor thermal conductivity, the application of SiO2 insulating layer in high-
power, high-temperature logic devices is limited by the self-heating effect [1]. The overheating of
such devices could cause the degradation of the operations and the reduction of the device lifetime.
Therefore, it is important to develop new insulating materials with good thermal conductivity and
high dielectric constants.
Aluminum nitride (AlN) exhibits a high thermal conductivity, ten times higher than SiO2
(~17 Wm−1K−1 [2]), low thermal expansion coefficient, a dielectric constant larger than 10, small
dielectric loss and good stability at high temperatures (up to 1400°C) [3, 4]. Therefore, the use of
AlN layer as gate dielectric should reduce the influence of the self-heating effect observed in
traditional devices. AlN has a wide energy band gap of approximately 6.2 eV being an alternative
material to be used in transparent electronics as gate dielectric.
Fully transparent transistors based on indium gallium zinc oxide [5] as channel
semiconductor were obtained using magnetron sputtering in RF regime and photolithography
patterning (the staggered bottom-gate transistors have the channel length ratio of 20 µm
Here we explore the thermal stability of the AlN based transistors. The influence of thermal
treatment upon the electrical properties (capacity, dielectric losses, and pyroelectric coefficient vs.
temperature) of the AlN layers is assed in order to establish its suitability for micro-electronics
working in high temperatures conditions.

[1] P.K. Chu, IEEE Circuits Syst. Mag. 5, 18 (2005)

[2] C. Duquenne, M.-P. Besland, P. Y. Tessier, E. Gautron, Y. Scudeller and D. Averty, J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 45,
015301 (2012)
[3] R. D. Gould and S. A. Awan, Thin Solid Films 469-470, 184 (2004)
[4] A. Abid, R. Bensalem and B. J. Sealy, J. Mater. Sci. 21, 1301 (1986)
[5] E. Fortunato, P. Barquinha and R. Martins, Adv. Mater. 24, 2945 (2012)

Poster Session 1 PS1.63

Analytical contributions to the definition of a wind traction for marine



Transilvania University of Brasov, Eroilor Street No. 29, Romania

In this paper it is analytically, and by numerical applications, affirmed the idea of using
aerodynamic and self-shaping structures (flyers, sails and kites), solidary with the boat by flexible
cross-ties, that in case of the wind in the stern, with a speed v∞ higher than that of the boat, v0, can
generate either partial or full traction [1]. Summary analytical relations are presented, suggesting
performance parameters such as: the traction force Fx, after the longitude axis of the ship, Ox and
the related power, Nx, of aerodynamic origin, the power saving ΔNengine and the related fuel ΔC, in
relation to the internal burning engine of the ship, the output of the general power conversion η, the
dimensionless proportionality sub-unitary parameters Cx and Caerodynamic, that introduce also the
horizontal and α̂ x vertical α̂ z incidences of the wind in relation to the axis Ox of the ship [2, 3]. As
well, a variable that is independent, dimensionless and higher than one has been defined, indicated
as ∞ . The wind traction of the marine ships is of high interest energetically and economically, for
important values of the wind force potential, together with the favorable wind [4]. There are
though, construction and exploitation related issues as well as technical and economic and other
aspects that should be optimally approached and solved.

[1] V. B. Ungureanu, R. Ţârulescu, O. Crăciun, “Maşini şi aparate fluidice”, Transilvania University Press, Brașov,
[2] J. D. Anderson, “Fundamentals of Aerodynamics”. 7th ed. McGraw-Hill Press, New York, (2016)
[3] E. Rathakrishnan, “Theoretical Aerodynamics”, John Wiley & Sons Press, (2013)
[4] A. Postelnicu, “Aeroelasticitatea structurilor de aviație”, Transilvania University Press, Brașov, (2000)

PS1.64 Poster Session 1

Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) thin films deposited

by laser techniques

I. Tirca1,2, A. Vlad1, M. Secu3, R. Birjega1, R. Zavoianu4, V. Marascu1,

A. Marinescu1, M. Dinescu1
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics,Atomistilor 409, Bucharest, Romania,
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, RO-200585, Craiova, Romania
National Institute for Materials Physics, P.O. Box MG-7, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Technology and Catalysis,
4-12 Regina Elisabeta Bd., Bucharest, 030018, Romania

Layered double hydroxide (LDH) thin films of Mg-Al having Mg/Al of 2.5 with/without organic
chromophores (coumarin-343) or surfactant (dodecylsulfat) guest intercalated in layered double
hydroxide host were deposited via pulsed laser deposition (PLD)[1,2]. Powders of intercalated
compounds and of pristine LDH were obtained by coprecipitation and reconstruction, respectively.
The thin films were deposited at 266, 532 and 1064 nm wavelength of a Nd:YAG laser working at a
repetition rate of 10 Hz and pulse duration of 5 ns in order to find the best deposition parameters
(Fig. 1). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis were used to analyse the
homemade prepared powders. We observed that 532 nm and 1064 nm favoured the formation of a
thicker film with prospective applications in photoluminescence materials or as corrosion coating
on different surfaces.

1. A. Vlad, R. Birjega, A. Matei, C. Luculescu, B. Mitu, M. Dinescu, R. Zavoianu, O. D. Pavel, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2014,
302, 99-104
2. Birjega R, Vlad A, Matei A, Dumitru M, Stokker-Cheregi F, Dinescu M, Zavoianu R, Raditoiu V, Corobea MC
(2016), Organo-layered double hydroxides composite thin films deposited by laser techniques. Appl Surf Sci 374: 326-
Financial support from Romanian National NUCLEU Program LAPLAS4-code 16 47 and TE271/2015 is gratefully

Poster Session 1 PS1.65

Jet CAT P80 thermal analyses and performance assessment using

different fuels types

Cristian PUŞCAŞU1, Grigore CICAN2, Adina TOMA1, Razvan CATANA1

National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines - COMOTI, 220D Iuliu Maniu
Ave, Bucharest 6, Romania
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, 1-7 Polizu Street, 011061,
Bucharest 1, Romania

Worldwide, there is a clear tendency to use UAV’s in various emergency situations, border
monitoring, rescue, surveillance, etc [1]. One of the most preferment micro turbo engines which can
be successful used in UAV equipping are the JetCAT engines [2]. It becomes necessary to
characterize the performances of the micro engines in different exploitation conditions [3]. The
question that arises is what type of fuel [4],[5],[6] it is suitable to be used in the current state
without any modifications of the engine and keeping the functioning performance. The most
important parameters [7] of a turbo engine are power and consumption. The present work monitors
these parameters, correlating them with other important engine instrumentation data. The aim of
this research was to study the operation of the JetCAT using various types of fuels under various
operating conditions: normal acceleration and sudden acceleration. The measured parameters were
monitored under different conditions: (A) Engine operation at two different ambient temperatures –
outdoor at 0ºC and inside at 19 ºC; and (B) Using 4 fuel types: kerosene, diesel fuel, kerosene with
5% gasoline and kerosene with 10% gasoline. The relevance of this work is given by the fact that a
detailed analysis is performed for the idle regime. Into the literature was identified a gap regarding
the start time and data are not available; moreover, there are no data for different types of fuels. The
paper will present the detailed test plan used and the most relevant charts with the obtained results
for: start time, power, temperature before turbine, fuel flow, air flow, compressor compression ratio
and temperature after compressor, depending on micro turbo engine speed. Interesting and
unexpected conclusions were drawn and will be presented in frame of the paper. The results
obtained are the basis for future research involving the use of several types of fuel, including bio

[1] Kurt Schereckling, Gas Turbines for Model Aircraft, Reprinted by Traplet Publications Limited in 2003.
[2] US. Patent, "Jet Cat instruction manual," 2008.
[3] T. Witkowski, S. White, C. Ortiz Dueñas, P. Strykowski, T. Simon, CHARACTERIZING THE PERFORMANCE
OF THE SR-30 TURBOJET ENGINE, Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference & Exposition
[4] E. Nygren, K. Aleklett, and M. H¨o¨ok, “Aviation fuel and future oil production scenarios,” Energy Policy, vol.
37,no. 10,pp. 4003– 4010, 2009.
[5] A. R. Abu Talib, E. Gires, and M. T. Ahmad, Performance Evaluation of a Small-Scale Turbojet Engine Running on
Palm Oil Biodiesel Blends, Journal of Fuels Volume 2014
[6] E. Shelton, "Aviation Turbine Fuels-1980," U.S, Department of Energy, DOE/BETC/PPS-81/2, March 1981.
[7] Aviation Maintenance Technician Hand Book, Vol.1, FAA-H-8083-32

PS1.66 Poster Session 1

Temperature influence on the memory functionality of PZT/aIGZO

based heterostructures

Liliana TRINCA1, Cristina BESLEAGA1, Aurelian GALCA1,

Roxana RADU1, Viorica STANCU1, Alin IUGA1, Viorel DUMITRU1,
National Institute of Materials Physics, 405A Atomistilor Str., Magurele, Ilfov, Romania

Ferroelectrics are crucial components for a wide spectrum of applications, including non-
volatile memories[1,2,3]. In order to avoid the destructive readout of data, process that usually takes
place in capacitor geometries, ferroelectric field-effect transistor devices (FeFET) are preferred
nowadays. Alongside the memory function, FeFET come with the logical functions of transistors
(switching and amplifying). The combination of PZT (ferroelectric) and a-IGZO (channel
semiconductor) has great potential for processing FeFET with good memory response. Furthermore,
both materials are transparent in the visible spectrum.
In this study, the memory function of PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 integrated in metal-ferroelectric-
semiconductor (MFS) and FeFET architectures has been investigated. It was found that the key
parameter that influence the memory performance of the studied structures is the temperature,
which controls the capacitance-voltage hysteresis direction through the a-IGZO-PZT interface
defect states. The structural and optical properties of the heterostructures were also considered. The
fully transparency of the fabricated devices was assured by using F:SnO2 (bottom/gate electrode)
coated glass substrate. The PZT layer was prepared by sol-gel technique, a-IGZO and top (source
and drain) electrodes were deposited by magnetron sputtering.

[1] J. F. Scott, „Ferroelectric Memories”,

[2] K. Uchino, „Ferroelectric Devices”, Marcel Decker Inc. (2000)
[3] R. Waser, „Nanoelectronics and Information Technology – Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices”,
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co (2003)

Poster Session 1 PS1.67

Fast Interaction of Cu2+ with S2O32- in Aqueous Solution

Mihaela-Ligia UNGUREŞAN1, Vlad MUREŞAN2

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Physics and Chemistry Department,
103 – 105 Muncii Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Automation Department,
24-26 Baritiu Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract: Copper is essential for living organisms, acts as a cofactor in many metabolic
enzymes, contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and provide new targets to combat
cancer. [1-3]
In this paper it is presented a comparison between the experimental values for the kinetic of
the fast redox reaction between Cu2+ and S2O32- and some possible variants of analogical modeling
and numerical simulation for this pre-equilibrium reaction. [4]
One of them is based on a function with a periodical, strongly under-damped component. It
is analytically shaped and corrected, so that it can approximate well enough the experimental
measurements. For a non periodical, fast damped evolution of reaction between Cu2+ and S2O32-, the
paper proposes a variant of numerical modelling and simulation based on two exponential
functions. [5]
For this complex reaction kinetics the proposed approach based on application of neural
networks is an efficient and accurate tool to solve modelling problems. The elaborated hybrid
model as well as the modelling procedure has been described in detail.
The methods ensure a good approximation of the experimental data, with a remarkable
flexibility of analyses and synthesis of elaborated in the paper. The associated numerical simulation
operates with an easy and flexible program, which allows the change in large limits of some
structures parameters, for the adaptation of the numerical results, with the experimental

[1] S. Blockhuys, E. Celauro, C. Hildesjö, A. Feizi, O. Stål, J. C. Fierro-González, P. Wittung-Stafshede, Metallomics,

9 (2017) 112-123
[2] J. Osredkar, N. Sustar, Copper and Zinc, Journal of Clinical Toxicology (2011) S:3
[3] S. Blockhuys, P. Wittung-Stafshede, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (2017) 871.
[4] M.-L. Ungureşan, G. Niac, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 85, 4 (2011) 549-556.
[5] T. Coloşi, M. Abrudean, M.-L. Ungureşan, V. Mureşan, “Numerical Simulation Method for Distributed Parameters
Processes using the Matrix with Partial Derivatives of the State Vector”, Springer, (2013) pg. 343.

PS1.68 Poster Session 1

Adsorption Process of Phenothiazine Solution in Dimethyl Sulfoxide

on graphite electrodes

Mihaela-Ligia UNGUREŞAN1, Vlad MUREŞAN2,

Delia GLIGOR3, Codruţa VARODI4
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Physics and Chemistry Department,
103-105 Muncii Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Automation Department,
28 Memorandumului Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Department of Environmental Analysis and Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University,
30 Fantanele Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies,
65-103 Donath Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract: In this paper, an original solution for the modelling and simulation of the
adsorption process of a phenothiazine derivative [1, 2] on graphite electrodes is presented.
The adsorption process is considered a distributed parameter one, due to the fact that the
adsorbed phenothiazine quantity is a function depending on two independent variables. [3] The
structure parameters of the adsorption process, which define the influence of both independent
variables, are determined using an experimental identification method. [4]
The experimental data are obtained through an experiment which is based on the process
step response. In order to simulate the adsorption process, the approximate analytical solution,
representing the process model, is determined. The simulations results prove the model generality, it
being simulated in relation to both independent variables.

[1] F. R. Carvalho, E. H. Zampieri, W. Caetano, R. Silva, ChemPhysChem, 18, 10 (2017) 1224–1228.

[2] D. M. Gligor, M.-L. Ungureşan, J. Math. Chem. 47, 4 (2010) 1476-1482
[3] M.-L. Ungureşan, A. Măicăneanu, F. V. Dulf, D. Gligor, E.-H. Dulf, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,
110, 3 (2012) 1293-1297
[4] T. Coloşi, M. Abrudean, M.-L.Ungureşan, V. Mureşan, ”Numerical Simulation Method for Distributed Parameters
Processes using the Matrix with Partial Derivatives of the State Vector”, Springer, (2013) pg. 343

Poster Session 1 PS1.69

Non–isothermal decomposition kinetics of wet–blue leather. Influence

of Cr (III) salts tanning agent

Cristian–Dragos VARGANICI1, Liliana ROSU1, Andra Manuela CRUDU2,

Centre of Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers, ”Petru Poni” Institute of
Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A Gr. Ghica-Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi, Romania
National Research & Development Institute for Textiles and Leather Division: Leather and
Footwear Research Institute, 93 Ion Minulescu Street, Bucharest, Romania

Leather, obtained through processing of different animal skins, is one of the main
biomaterials implied in many application areas (furniture, clothing, footwear, etc.) [1–3]. Its
superior properties, such as thermal and mechanical stability and good elasticity are induced by the
triple helix collagen protein.
The skins used in the processing of leather are taken from different animal hides, which are
prone to rotting as a consequence of their microbiological instability, an impediment which is
resolved through tanning, described by protein crosslinking followed by drying [4–6].
The paper describes a study on the influence of Cr (III) salts based tanning agent on the
non–isothermal kinetic parameters of bovine leather tanned by the wet–blue method. For this
purpose, the non–isothermal global kinetic parameter values were determined with an
isoconversional kinetic method. The kinetic models best describing each thermal decomposition
stage and the individual kinetic parameters values specific to each thermal decomposition stage,
corresponding to the first derivative curves (DTGs) peaks, were determined with the aid of a
multivariate non–linear regression method.
The kinetic findings were discussed in correlation with the structural modifications induced
after applying the tanning method.
[1] K. Joseph, N. Nithya, J. Clean. Prod., 17 (2009) 676
[2] C.K. Liu, N.P. Latona, R. Ashby, K. Ding, J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 101 (2006) 368
[3] T. Bosch, A. M. Manich, J. Carilla, J. Cot, A. Marsal, H.J. Kellert, H.P. Germann, J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 97
(2002) 441
[4] M. Crudu, V. Deselnicu, D.C. Deselnicu, L. Albu, Waste Manag., 34 (2014) 1806
[5] V. Deselnicu, “Wet–white tanning as alternative to chromium salt tanning”, in: D.C. Deselnicu (Ed.), “Inovation and
competitiveness in the leather department”, AGIR, (2014) 15–32.
[6] A.M. Manich, S. Cuadros, J. Cot, J. Carilla, A. Marsal, Thermochim. Acta., 429 (2005) 205

Authors acknowledge the financial support of a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research, CNCS−UEFISCDI project number PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0436.

PS1.70 Poster Session 1

Pyroelectric properties of lead-free (Na0.5Bi0.5)1-x(BaTiO3)x thin films

obtained by pulsed laser deposition

A. Andrei, N. D. Scarisoreanu, V.Ion, R. Birjega, N.Dumitrescu, M. Dinescu

NILPRP, P.O. Box MG-16, RO-77125

Ferroelectric perovskites based on NBT are considered the most promising lead-free
candidate materials to substitute Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (PZT) in devices designed to respect standards
and environmental laws. Nonetheless, to transpose bulk properties to NBT-BT thin films is a major
challenge. The goal of this study was to investigate the optical, structural, dielectric and
ferroelectric properties of NBT-BT thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition as a function of
composition, from pure NBT across and beyond morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) (x=0, 0.04,
0.06, 0.08). Dielectric and ferroelectric measurements were performed using an impedance analyzer
HP 4294A and RT 66A Ferroelectric Test System. XRD, SEM, HR-TEM and AFM techniques
have been used for morphologic and structural characterizations of NBT-BT films. Pyroelectric
properties were investigated with a Woollam Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer (VASE)
system under different temperature conditions.

Poster Session 1 PS1.71

Epitaxial thin films of (Ba1−xCax)(ZryTi1−y)O3 obtained by Pulsed

Laser Deposition (PLD)

V. Ion1, N.D. Scarisoneanu1, A. Andrei1, F. Craciun2, R. Birjega1,

M. Dinescu1
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 409 Atomistilor St, Magurele,
CNR-ISC, Istituto Dei Sistemi Complessi, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, I-00133 Rome,

The new non-lead ceramic (Ba1−xCax)(ZryTi1−y)O3 (BCZT), based on BaTiO3 system, were
intensified developed in last years in bulk form.
The phase diagram of (Ba1−xCax)(ZryTi1−y)O3 (BCZT) system exhibit a morphotropic phase
boundary (MPB) point around x/y = 0.15/0.10, where the rhombohedral and tetragonal phases
coexist [1]. Different properties can be obtained ranging from normal ferroelectrics up to relaxor
ferroelectrics by varying the amount of A-site (Ca2+) and B-site (Ti4+) isovalent substitutions in
BCTZ system. The dielectric and piezoelectric properties are maximized at MPB point [2].
Using Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique, the role of epitaxial strain and fine
stoichiometric changes induced into the BCZT thin films during growth on the enhancement of
electrical properties is revealed.
Thin films of (Ba1−xCax)(ZryTi1−y)O3 growth on pure and Nb doped SrTiO3 substrate were
investigated by X -ray diffraction, High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Spectroscopic
Ellipsometry (SE) and by dielectric spectroscopy techniques [3].

[1] Keeble, D.S., Benabdallah, F., Thomas, P.A., Maglione, M., Kreisel, J. Applied Physics Letters, 102 (9) (2013), art.
no. 092903
[2] Fu, D., Kamai, Y., Sakamoto, N., Wakiya, N., Suzuki, H., Itoh, M. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 25 (42)
(2013), art. no. 425901
[3] Scarisoreanu, N.D., Craciun, F., Moldovan, A., Ion, V., Birjega, R., Ghica, C., Negrea, R.F., Dinescu, M. ACS
Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7 (43) (2015), pp. 23984-23992.

PS1.72 Poster Session 1

Impact of high energy mill and mineral additives on thermal

behaviour of carbonate-quartz-apatite system

Vilma PETKOVA1,2, Ventseslav STOYANOV3,4,

New Bulgarian University, Department of Natural Sciences,
21 Montevideo Str., 1618 Sofia, Bulgaria
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bldg.107, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
University of Structural Engineering and Architrcture (VSU) “Lyuben Karavelov”,
175 “Suhodolska” Str., 1373 Sofia, Bulgaria
Academy of the Faculty of Fire safety and civil protection,
Bc. Ilinden at 171 Pirotska Str., Sofia
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086, Tallinn, Estonia

High energy milling (HEM) activation finds enlarging application in treatment of sedimentary
phosphorite ores with high content of admixtures, mainly Calcite/Dolomite and Quartz. The impact
of mechanical forces over the samples is mostly related to an increase in the quantity of assimilable
forms of P2O5 (P2O5ass) for the plants.
In the work were investigated high energy milled (HEM) samples of natural phosphorites
from Tunisian, Syrian, Bulgarian and Estonian localities. The activation was made via planetary
mill. This method is an alternative for environmental protection eliminating the disadvantages of
conventional methods, namely release of gaseous and solid technogenic products.
The aim of investigation is to determinate the possibilities of application of high-energy
milled samples as a soil conditioners on the basis the study of activation effect and results from
thermal investigation.
We investigated untreated and different time HEM-activated natural phosphorites from
Bulgaria and Estonia (both reach to quartz) using chemical analysis, specific surface area (SSA),
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) measurements as well as
thermal analyses (TG-DTG-DTA). The HEM activation was carried out in a planetary mill with Cr-
Ni milling bodies of diameter 20 mm.The study on activation effect shows that the mechanical
activation impacts at the micro-level is as following: (i) change the strength of chemical bond; (ii)
deformation of polyhedrons; (iii) smaller size of crystallites with increased degree of structural
defects leading to metastable phosphorite with increased dispersity.The obtained results show
correlation in the behavior of the studied samples in regards of their quartz content and bonded or
non-bonded carbonate ions. After HEM activation of the raw samples, the A-and A-B type
carbonate-apatite are formed. The new isomorphic phases (A-and A-B type carbonate-apatite) are
decarbonized at temperature of about 780-850 K and 1050-1100 K. In the presence of quartz, the
decomposition temperature for carbonate ions in A-site is increased. In addition, the moisture and
higher quartz content in the samples leads to shift of dehydroxylation temperature.

Key word: High energy milling, Carbonate apatite, Quartz, Isomorphic substitution, Thermal

Acknowledgments: Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Department of

Natural Sciences and Laboratories of Chemistry and Gemology of New Bulgarian University.

Poster Session 1 PS1.73

Effect of marble powder addition on structure and thermal behaviour

of mortars with low water–cement ratio

Vilma Petkova1,2, Ventseslav Stoyanov3, Bilyana Kostova1, Ekaterina

Serafimova4, Yana Tzvetanova2
New Bulgarian University, Department of Natural Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
University of Structural Engineering and Architrcture (VSU) „Lyuben Karavelov“, Sofia, Bulgaria
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria

The decorative cement mortars and concretes are an artificial imitation of the natural stones.
The main advantage of these artificial stones is their better workability, but the durability and
stability are the key objectives in the use of these cement composites. To achieve a good aesthetic
surface of decorative composites, that allows their multilateral application (decorative stamp
concrete, pots, balustrade, ornamental stones, restoration of architectural monuments, decoration of
facades, fences, terraces, etc.), the use of white Portland cement and white or colour fine and coarse
aggregates are necessary. These limitations both in phase and mineral composition of used cement,
the disparate properties of the surface of the aggregates and the necessity of greater quantity of
water suggest large differences in formed structure of these compositions, compared to
conventional cement ones.
In this study are investigated the different type of cementitious composites based on White
Portland cement and Marble as filler. The density of their structure at 28 and 120 days of water
curing were evaluated by measurement of some physical-mechanical properties such as density,
compressive strength and porosity. X-ray diffraction analysis, IR and thermal analyses (TG-DTG-
DTA) with analysis of evolving gases with mass-spectrometer. Scanning electron microscopy were
used to identify the crystal structures and their morphology
The experimental data show that the cement composites with higher water content exhibit
more variety of new-formed phases, like hydration products of C-S-H type. The structure of self-
compacting type decorative mortars is so dense that there is no possibility of crystal hydrates
development at late curing ages. The use of marble as filler leads to a partial inclusion of carbonate
ions in the new-formed hydrated phases (carbo-aluminates).

Keywords: White Portland cement, decorative mortar, cement hydration

Acknowledgments: Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Department of

Natural Sciences and Laboratories of Chemistry and Gemology of New Bulgarian University.

PS1.74 Poster Session 1

Irreversible thermal transformations of optical constants of petroleum

compounds thin layers on the metal surfaces

Silvia EVTODIEV1,3, Liliana DMITROGLO1, Igor EVTODIEV1,2,

Nicolae GURĂU4, Tudor POPOVICI3, Mihail CARAMAN1
Faculty of Physics and Engineering, Moldova State University,
Alexei Mateevici, 60, MD-2009, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Academy of Sciences of
Moldova, Academiei, 3/3, MD-2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
University of European Political and Economical Studies ”Constantin Stere”,
Stefan cel Mare si Sfint, 200, MD-2004, Chisinau,Republic of Moldova
National Center for Judicial Expertise, Maria Cibotari, 2, MD-2009,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The influence of the temperature on the structure of absorption and photoluminescence

spectra of the M-40 and M-60 oil layers on the granular surface of the Al, Fe and textolite plates are
studied in this paper .
The non-destructive identification of the thin film composition of natural oils on metallic or
dielectric surfaces (asphalt, ceramics, soil etc.) is mainly made by spectroscopy and
photoluminescence methods. The structure of the optical spectra depends on the thermal treatment
to which the sample is subjected. As a result of heat treatment at temperatures (-20 ÷ 40)°C, in the
thin oil layers the composite changes occur due to the chemical composition of the object, the
substrate nature and the temperature.
The refractive index and absorption coefficient spectra of the thin layers of internal
combustion engine oil obtained on smooth metal surfaces (granulation less than the wavelength of
the probe) and on micro granulated metal or dielectric surfaces subjected to long term heat
treatment were studied in this paper. The optical constants at the given wavelength of the thin layers
on the metal surfaces were determined by the ellipsometry method.
From measurements of the radiation diffuse reflectance spectra of the micro granulate
surface coated with a thin layer of natural oil, the spectral distribution of the absorption coefficient
of both the substrate and the oil layer on this surface, was determined. The thermal kinetics of the
absorption coefficient was studied in the temperature range from -20°C to 60°C, at wavelengths
corresponding to the absorption bands maximum. The results of the absorption coefficient thermal
kinetics measurements are compared with the photoluminescence thermal kinetics of the studied
The absorption spectrum of the M-30 oil layer on the aluminum plate surface at the
normal temperature contains two wide-band bands: one in the ultraviolet-blue region of the
spectrum and the other in the orange region. The time dependence of the absorption coefficient on
the wavelength of 410 nm after the laser impulse heating of the oil layer on the surface of the
aluminum plate to the temperature of 60°C is well described by an exponential dependence with the
time constant in the range from 0,7s to 3s. The time constant is increasing with the thickness of the
oil layer. The surface temperature of the investigated sample was determined by the dependence of
photoluminescence intensity of 3,0% Eu doped GaSe micro-crystallites.

Poster Session 1 PS1.75

Thermal transformations of the optical constants of petroleum

products films on the water surface

Silvia EVTODIEV1,2, Iuliana CARAMAN3, Dumitru UNTILA1,4,

Faculty of Physics and Engineering, Moldova State University, Alexei Mateevici, 60, MD-2009,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
University of European Political and Economical Studies “Constantin Stere” , Stefan cel Mare si
Sfint bd 200, MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Engineering Department, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Calea Marasesti, 157, RO-
600115, Bacau, Romania
Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Academy of Sciences of
Moldova, Academiei, 3/3, MD-2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

As a result of tehnological accidents, processing, transport and use of oil and its derivatives
there are possible both their leaks and infiltration into soil and aquatic systems. In order to
determine the nature of the impurities, the composition of the petroleum product and its effects on
the environment, it is necessary to know the factors that lead to their degradation, such as solar
radiation and temperature. Since petroleum products form thin layers of micro- and sub-
micrometric thicknesses on the water surface, optical and luminescence methods are dominant
among the analytical methods for identifying the product and determining the contamination
duration. Optical radiation interacts with the environment through so-called optical constants
(refractive index, extinction coefficient, and absorption coefficient). Since the molecular
composition of the substance determines refraction, and emission (luminescence) and absorption
processes are determined by electronic transitions in molecules, the structure of the absorption /
emission spectra and the intensity of the molecular electronic bands are investigated for the broad
characterization of the substance.
In this work the absorption, photoluminescence (PL) and refraction spectra of gasoline films
(A92 and A95) and diesel on the water surface, as well as the temperature influence on their
structure are investigated. Samples temperature was varied in the range of 15-55°C. Layer
absorption was determined from measurements of the transmission and reflection coefficients from
the layer-substrate (water) assembly in the 260-1100 nm wavelength range. Samples
photoluminescence was excited with the radiation of both Hg lamp (λ = 253.6 nm) and N2 laser (λ =
337.4 nm). The diesel fuel absorption spectrum contains three low intensity bands in the blue-UV
spectral region. In this spectral range there are two PL bands. The intensity of both absorption and
PL bands depend on the sample temperature. It has been established that the absorption coefficient
in blue-violet band tends to saturate at temperatures higher than 50°C, whereas the intensity of the
band from the UV region is poorly temperature-dependent in the studied thermal range. These
results indicate the thermal dissociation of diesel fuel. In the paper similar studies for gasoline (A92
and A95) are also presented. The results of the study of temperature influence on the optical spectra
indicate the composition of the fuel layer on the water surface and the contamination duration.

PS1.76 Poster Session 1

Geometrical effects during crystallization in quasi 1D geometry, as

studied in electrospun core-shell fibres

Arkadiusz GRADYS
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences,
Pawinskiego 5B 02-106 Warsaw, Poland

In recent decades, there is increasing scientific and practical interest in studies on

confinement effects, which manifest, with decrease in size, as deviations in the behavior as
observed in bulk. Phase transitions in systems with quasi one-dimensional geometry (fibers) are, so
far, least studied.
We performed a differential scanning calorimetry study on crystallization of model oligomer
- polyethylene glycol (PEG) confined (encapsulated) in c.a. micrometer fibers, which were spun
from solution of atactic polystyrene using method of coaxial electrospinning [1].
As compared to regular shape of crystallization peak in bulk, dsc studies reveal non-trivial
crystallization behavior of oligomer confined in fibers.
Analysis of crystallization using Avrami formalism [2], assuming constant Avrami exponent
n, was found unsuitable. Approach allowing for changes in the exponent n was developed, which
requires assumption of the crystallization rate function, which was derived from the nucleation
theory proposed by Turnbull and Fisher [3]. Observed changes in Avrami exponent n fairly explain
expected changes in geometry of crystal growth and in nucleation mechanisms. Crystallization in
micrometer fibers starts from heterogeneous nucleation with three-dimensional crystal growth - as
in bulk - (n=3), but changes to two (n=2) and one-dimensional (n=1), terminated by rapid
homogeneous nucleation and three-dimensional growth of tiny crystals (n=4).
For bulk and in 1 and 0.6 μm thick fibers, the approach using the crystallization function
derived from the nucleation theory evidences similar thermodynamic parameters. On the other
hand, in 0.6 μm thick fibers, crystallization rate is lower due to higher energy barrier for diffusion,
ED= 10 kJ/mol versus 8.7 kJ/mol for bulk and 1 μm thick fibers.
Additionally, it was found that fiber thickness may depend not only on parameters of the
electrospinning process but also on the fiber thermal history.

[1] A. Gradys, Polymer, 108 (2017) 383

[2] M. Avrami, J. Chem. Phys. 7 (1939) 1103
[3] D. Turnbull, J. C. Fisher, J. Chem. Phys., 17 (1949) 71

Poster Session 1 PS1.77

New Composites in Cultural Heritage: Sustainable Consolidation and

Protection for Waterlogged Archaeological Wood

Filippo PARISI, Vanessa BERTOLINO, Giuseppe CAVALLARO,

Stefana MILIOTO, Giuseppe LAZZARA
Department of Physics and Chemistry, Università degli Studi di Palermo
Viale delle Scienze, pad. 17, 90128 Palermo, Italy;

A relevant role within the cultural heritage issue is played by waterlogged archaeological
wood. Its consolidation for conservation is a challenging task especially if it is sustainable [1]. An
innovative consolidation method based on Halloysite nanotube dispersions in different polymers is
proposed. This dispersions show to safeguard the weakened, aged material structures in an
appropriate way. Additionally, the nanotubes are used like nanocontainers for loading and triggered
release of different species.
In this work the incorporation of Ca(OH)2 into the nanotube lumen retards the carbonatation
delaying the reaction with CO2 gas. The obtained materials were tested for wood protection and
The obtained materials are characterized through morphology, wettability, thermal
degradation and tensile properties. The treatment with pristine halloysite nanotubes does not
generated an enhancement of the mechanical performance and did not alter the thermal properties of
the woods. The co-presence of polymer and Ca(OH)2 loaded nanoparticles generated a more
uniform nanotubes distribution in the lignin channel structures and a significant enhancement of the
mechanical properties with respect to the pristine halloysite treatment. Afterwards, the co-presence
of the polymer and calcium hydroxide trigger the response to acid exposure minimizing the pH
This work proposes the use of halloysite/polymer mixture in a new method for waterlogged
archaeological wood consolidation and represents a starting point to develop, with a biocompatible
approach, smart composite material in which the nanotube cavity is filled with active species for
wood protection and active response to external stimuli.
These features are promising for a composite nanoadditive in long-term smart protection of
waterlogged archeological woods.

[1] G. Cavallaro, G. Lazzara, S. Milioto, F. Parisi, V. Sparacino, Polym. Deg. Stab., 120 (2015) 220

PS1.78 Poster Session 1

Thermodynamic functions and fractal dimensions of samarium-

calcium tungstate based on low-temperature calorimetry


Institute of Problems of Complex Development of Mineral Resources, Ippodromnaya str. 5,
Karaganda 100019, Kazakhstan
N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Gagarin avenue 23, Nizhny Novgorod
603950, Russian Federation

Compounds in the triple oxide systems based on rare earth elements, alkaline earth and
transition metals constantly attract the attention of researchers. The presence of lanthanide atoms in
their structure gives these compounds a variety of magnetic and electrical properties, often unique.
This paper presents the results of the synthesis and study of the calorimetric properties of the
compound based on calcium, tungsten, and samarium.
The compound under study was synthesized from oxides of the corresponding elements of
CaO, Sm2O3, and WO3 taken in the stoichiometric ratio 1: 1: 1. The purity of the starting materials
corresponded to the qualification "chemically pure" ("Ch.P"), in this case they were additionally
purified by recrystallization or reprecipitation followed by thermal decomposition down to oxides.
The synthesis was carried out by one of the variants of the "sol-gel" method using polyvinyl
alcohol. The resulting solution of the organic precursor was evaporated to form a solid product,
which was then annealed in several stages at gradually increasing temperatures up to 1150 ° C at the
final stage.
The product obtained is a powder of a light brown colour. Based on the results of the
microprobe analysis, the sample is characterized by a sufficiently high homogeneity and constancy
of the composition. On the basis of the X-ray diffraction data, the synthesized substance was
indexed in the orthorhombic system with the unit-cell parameters a=13.49 Å, b=8.177 Å,
c=7.417 Å.
The heat capacity of the sample was measured on a low temperature thermophysical
installation of the firm "Thermax" (Moscow) starting from a temperature of 12 K. Over the
temperature range from 12 to 320 K no significant deviations from the normal course of the heat
capacity curve are observed. On the basis of the measurements we obtained the values of the
thermodynamic functions of the sample, taking into account extrapolation to absolute zero by the
power function equation: Cp (298.15) = 227.8 J/mol • K, S°(298.15) = 255.2 J/mol • K, H°(298.15)
- H°(0) = 40.50 kJ/mol.
In the process of distinguishing the lattice component of the heat capacity in the coordinates
ln(Cp/T 3) vs. ln(1Cp/3Rn) [1,2], we discovered a deviation of the dependence from the linear course,
that can indicate the presence of a phase transition below 12 K. The fractal dimensions were also
calculated for the sample over the range of characteristic temperatures from 100 to 1000 K on the
basis of the experimental values of the heat capacity. These dependences at the values of the heat
capacity above 200 K show an increased scatter of the points, what may indicate a structural
imperfection of the obtained sample.

[1] G. Krestov, K. Yatsimirsky, Zh. Neorg. Khim., 6 (1961) 2294

[2] T. Melia, R. Merrifield, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 32 (1970) 2573

Poster Session 1 PS1.79

Comparative analysis of bioactivity of scaffolds obtaining by 3D

printing technique


AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics,
Department of Biomaterials, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-59 Krakow, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics,
Department of Manufacturing Systems, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-59 Krakow, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics,
Department of Ceramics and Refractories, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-59 Krakow, Poland

Rapid prototyping techniques are a very interesting group of methods for the preparation of
substrates for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Firstly, they allow for a personalized
approach to the defect of the patient, and secondly, they allow the microstructure to be optimized
for the needs and requirements of the cells of substituted tissue [1-2]. Limitations however remain
linked to the materials which can be used to print the mentioned scaffolds. The neat polymers (e.g.
polylactide) are inert to the living cells (they do not stimulate them to differentiate or release
proteins that stimulate the adhesion). In turn, attempts to obtain composite monofilament, e.g. using
bioactive ceramics, are ineffective. Difficulties with dispersion of filler cause unstable cross-section
of monofilament and prevent printing [3].
This research attempted to obtain bioactive scaffolds for bone tissue engineering using the
3D printing of the inert PLA. Scaffolds with various pore geometry (hexagonal and square) and
60% filling were subjected to the two-stage functionalization of the surface. In the first stage, the
scaffold was etched for 24h in 1M NaOH and then the bioactive layer (hydroxyapatite HAp, carbon
nanotubes CNT and their mixtures) was applied onto the structure using the EPD method. As a
positive control in bioactivity tests (incubation in simulated body fluid SBF), a scaffold with a
nanoparticle hydroxyapatite (Sigma Aldrich) was used. The scaffolds prepared without etching but
obtained by EPD were also tested for bioactivity. Both series of scaffolds with applied layers
(etched and not-etched) were compared for microstructure (functionalized scaffolding surface),
thermal stability TG/DSC, bioactivity and adhesion at the substrate-layer joints (tape test).
The etching step has been shown to provide a homogeneous layer of both HAP and CNT.
The etching process does not affect the thermal stability of the scaffold. All the scaffolds exhibit
bioactivity: etched after 7 days, not-etched after 21 days incubation in SBF. Presented approaches
may be an interesting alternative to applications for personalized implants with complex shapes and

[1] Do AV., Khorsand B, Geary SM., Salem AK., Adv Healthc Mater. 2015 (12): 1742–1762.
[2] Spath S, Seitz H. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2014;70:135.
[3] Wei M P, Adv Funct Mater. 2008;18:3568

PS1.80 Poster Session 1

Additive manufacturing of thermoplastic matrix composites using

Selective Laser Sintering


AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics,
Department of Manufacturing Systems, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-59 Krakow, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics,
Department of Ceramics and Refractories, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-59 Krakow, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics,
Department of Biomaterials, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-59 Krakow, Poland

Additive manufacturing (AM) is an advanced technology of building parts with a desired

geometry, layer by layer, from three-dimensional models. Compared with conventional subtractive
manufacturing technologies, additive manufacturing can easily and rapidly fabricate prototypes or
functional components with complex geometries, and therefore, significantly improve the design
and manufacturing process.
One of the mostly used AM techniques offering freedom of design is Selective Laser
Sintering (SLS). SLS convers thermoplastic powders (e.g. polyamide 12, polystyrene) into end-use
parts using a laser to melt and fuse the particles. This technique uses the powder as both the raw
material and the mould. Therefore, unsintered powder can be recovered, sieved, and recycled in
subsequent builds to decrease manufacturing cost.
Polyamide 12 (PA 12) is the major and almost best option. Either pure PA 12 or PA 12
compounds are actually used in almost all commercial systems, but compared to other AM
technologies, for example, the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), Stereolithography (SLA), or
SLS, use less materials. This is due to the identified thermal and mechanical properties for raw
material. This paper investigates the possibility of manufacturing PA composite materials with
addition particles of Al2O3 by 3D printing method. The special input was put on the study
properties of manufactured materials by the thermal analysis method (DSC, DTA, TG). The relation
between the surface area, particle size distribution of Al2O3 addition into the PV matrix, and
properties of manufactured composite materials was analysed. The composite PV-Al2O3 materials
should improve mechanical properties of the sintered parts.

Poster Session 1 PS1.81

Water sorption by layered perovskite-type titanate K2Nd2Ti3O10

in humid atmosphere

Tatiana UTKINA, Mikhail CHISLOV, Mikhail MYSHENKOV,

Saint Petersburg State University,
26 Universitetskii prospect, St. Petersburg, Petergof 198504, Russia

Layered perovskite-type K2Nd2Ti3O10 titanate is known as promising photocatalyst in the

reaction of water splitting. Interactions with water lead to processes which can influence the
physico-chemical properties of oxides: intercalation of water into the interlayer space and ion
exchange of alkali cations to protons [1]. At the same time the composition of K2Nd2Ti3O10 can also
change in a humid atmosphere that’s why the study of water sorption by K2Nd2Ti3O10 is relevant
and such investigation should not be neglected.
The layered perovskite-type titanate K2Nd2Ti3O10 belonging to Ruddlesden-Popper phases
was synthesized by the solid-state reaction at 1100oC during 6 h in air. Protonated intercalated
derivatives HxK2-xNd2Ti3O10•yH2O were obtained by continuous flushing of K2Nd2Ti3O10 by 1 and
5.5 L of water.
K2Nd2Ti3O10 and HxK2-xNd2Ti3O10•yH2O were investigated in a humid atmosphere by
sorption analysis (TA Instruments TGA Q5000SA) at alterable conditions of humidity.
The phase composition of the investigated compounds was monitored using XRD analysis
(Rigaku MiniFlex II). To determine the degree of protonation and the number of intercalated water
thermogravimetric analysis (Netzsch TG 209 F1 Libra) was used.
It has been found that the interaction of K2Nd2Ti3O10 with water leads to formation of two
stable phases: H1.64К0.36Nd2Ti3O10·0,61 H2O (phase I) and H1.89К0.11Nd2Ti3O10·0,60 H2O (phase II).
While the initial layered oxide crystallizes in a tetragonal I4/mmm space group and its hydrated
form - in a P4/mmm s.g., it was found that the crystal symmetry loweres upon protonation during
water flushing to C222 s.g.
Sorption analysis of Phase I and Phase II at 0 ̶ 95 ̶ 0% RH demonstrated that they are
resistant to further intercalation and protonation processes. Water sorption ̶ desorption processes are
observed for these compounds only. Concerning K2Nd2Ti3O10, sorption analysis presented that the
sorption-desorption isotherm is not-reversible and characterized by mass change as a result of
intercalation and protonation processes.
Scientific research was performed at Center for Thermogravimetric and Calorimetric
Research and Center for X-ray Diffraction Methods of St.Petersburg State University.
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants №15-03-
05981 and №16-33-60044).

[1] T. Utkina, M. Chislov, O. Silyukov, A. Burovikhina, I. Zvereva, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 125 (2016) 281–287.

PS1.82 Poster Session 1

Thermodynamic study of volatile zirconium and yttrium beta-

diketonates - perspective precursor for MO CVD processes

Liudmila ZELENINA1,2, Tamara CHUSOVA1, Anna NAZAROVA1,

Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, Acad. Lavrentiev Ave., 3, 630090
Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova str., 2, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) based materials are of interest due to their combined mechanical,
chemical and electrical properties. They were used as solid electrolyte in gas sensors, fuel cells, and
insulators in microelectronic devices. The volatile zirconium precursors for metall-organic chemical
vapour deposition (MOCVD) applications combining with yttrium precursors for obtaining thin
films yttrium stabilized zirconium (YSZ) will have still more technological applications than the
pure ZrO2 thin films. The study of thermal properties of volatile Zr- and Y-complexes is needed for
the most success of their MOCVD application.
This work is devoted to thermochemical study of Zr(thd)4 and Y(thd)3. There are a lot of
number publications where thermal and thermodynamics properties of Zr(thd)4 and Y(thd)3 have
been presented but this information is very contradictory. Complexes under study were synthesized
as described in [1] and characterized by elemental analysis, 1H-NMR-spectroscopy and X-Ray
diffraction. The results of analyses confirmed the homogeneity of the samples and their compliance
with the chemical formula ZrC44O8H76 and YC33O6H57.
The method of DSC (SETARAM 111) was used to determine the thermodynamic
characteristics of phase transitions (Ttr, ΔtrНTtr). These experiments were performed in vacuum with
heating rate 0.5–1.0 K·min-1. The uncertainties in the heat effect measurements were less than 1.5%
[2]. Zr(thd)4 samples exhibited two solid phase transitions (at 439 and 446 K) and melting at 609 K
while Y(thd)3 samples had only one transition (melting at 449 K).
The temperature dependences of saturated and unsaturated vapour pressure were measured
by a static method with quartz membrane-gauge manometers in the temperature interval 382–520
K. The pressure and temperature measurement errors were less than 40 Pa and 0.5 K, accordingly
[3]. As a result of this study the thermal stability of complexes was established, the temperature
dependences of pressure for sublimation and vaporization processes were obtained and the
enthalpies and entropies of sublimation and vaporization were calculated. Obtained information was
compared with previous published data.
The data on volatilities, decomposition temperatures and phase transitions allowed us to
choose the most optimum conditions for carrying out MOCVD processes.
This work was supported by RSF № 16-19-10325.

[1] Zherikova K.V., Baidina I.A., Morozova N.B., Kuratieva N.V., Igumenov I.K. J. Struct. Chem., 49 (2008) 1098–
[2] Zherikova K.V., Zelenina L.N., Chusova T.P., Gelfond N.V., Morozova N.B. J. Chem. Thermodyn., 101 (2016)
[3] Zherikova K.V., Zelenina L.N., Morozova N.B., Chusova T.P. J. Therm. Anal. Calor., 108 (2012) 1325-1329.

Poster Session 1 PS1.83

Physical aging of shape memory polymers based upon epoxy-thiol

“click” systems


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ESEIAAT, Carrer Colom 11, 08222 Terrassa, Spain

The physical aging behaviour of two epoxy-thiol shape memory polymers, SMP’s [1], has
been studied: diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cross-linked with pentaerythritol tetrakis, denoted 4-
thiol, with Tg=51 ºC; and the same system modified with tri(2,3-epoxypropyl) isocianurate in a 30
wt% proportion, denoted 4-thiol-30%iso, with Tg=63 ºC. Both these polymers have relatively low
Tg’s, and in their application as SMP’s they may be stored in their deformed state for long times at
room temperature (RT) before recovering their original shape on heating above Tg. Their physical
aging behaviour is therefore important, and has been studied by torsional creep for aging
temperatures between RT and the Tg of each polymer.
The creep behaviour is measured as a function of aging time up to about 100 h at constant
temperature, following the protocol of Struik [2]. For each system, the creep curves for different
aging times can be superposed by horizontal shifting to give a master curve for each aging
temperature, the relationship between the aging time and the horizontal shift defining the double
logarithmic aging rate, μ, for that temperature. The master curve can be characterised by a discrete
distribution of creep relaxation times; the distribution for 4-thiol-30%iso is broader than that for 4-
thiol and is also skewed to longer times. A best fit with the KWW function gives values of the
exponent β=0.65 and 0.55 for 4-thiol and 4-thiol-30%iso, respectively, the lower value for the latter
according with the broader discrete distribution.
For a given aging time, the creep curves for different aging temperatures can be time-
temperature superposed to give a reduced activation energy, Δh*/R, which is found to be 92 kK for
4-thiol and 82 kK for 4-thiol-30%iso. The dependence of μ on temperature displays a peak as the
aging temperature reduces below Tg, and is sharper for 4-thiol, in accordance with the narrower
distribution, as predicted by a theoretical model based upon structural relaxation kinetics. The other
parameter defining the aging behaviour, namely the non-linearity parameter of structural relaxation,
x, has been determined by comparison of the experimental dependence of μ on temperature with the
predictions of the theoretical model, and the values of 0.4 for 4-thiol and 0.35 for 4-thiol-30%iso
have been obtained.
These parameter values (discrete distribution, Δh*/R, x) can be used in a theoretical model
to predict the effects of physical aging on the shape memory response of these polymers.

[1] A. Belmonte, D. Guzman, X. Fernandez-Francos, S. De la Flor, Materials, 7 (2015) 2146

[2] L.C.E. Struik, “Physical aging in amorphous polymers and other materials”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1978)

PS1.84 Poster Session 1

Study of the thermal decomposition of historical Spanish metal



Adrian DURAN3
Materials Science Institute of Seville, CSIC, Americo Vespucio 49, 41092 Seville, Spain
Technical Architecture Faculty, University of Seville, Reina Mercedes 4, 41002 Seville, Spain
University of Navarra, Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences, Irunlarrea 1, 31008
Pamplona, Spain

Metal threads consist of metal strips, primarily gold, gold alloys, silver, copper or
aluminium, wound around a fibrous core of linen, cotton, silk or other yarns. Metal threads are
extensively used for the decoration of different clothing and decoration accessories in Churches and
Palaces in Spain. Nowadays, they are widely used in Holly Week celebrations in Spain, providing a
wide variety of such species for their characterization and determination of their origin and
manufacturing processes.
In this work, it is reported that thermal analysis techniques, mainly differential thermal
analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) are very useful to evaluate metals threads.
The obtained results were confirmed by other experimental techniques, mainly Scanning Electron
Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Rays.
The thermal decomposition of the threads is affected by the fibre type, the metallic
components, the possible metal corrosion and the thermal experimental conditions, primarily the
atmosphere (experiments were carried out in N2 and air atmosphere).
The presence of silk and cotton in the threads has been determined by thermal analysis. The
study of the different natural fibres showed a mass loss and an endothermic effect at low
temperature followed by other thermal effects at higher temperature attributed to the degradation of
the organic fibre compounds. In this study, important differences have been observed in the DTG
curves between vegetal and animal fibres. Thus, the maximum temperature of the DTG peaks
appears at 300ºC for silk and wool and at 350ºC for cotton and linen. Cotton and linen marked
by an exothermic degradation at about 350 ºC, whereas silk undergoes an endothermic degradation.
Samples containing copper show an increase in mass in the range between 560 and 900 ºC when
heating in air atmosphere that is not shown under inert N2 atmosphere. This weight increase is
attributed to the oxidation of metallic copper to copper (II) oxides. The decomposition of the fibres
is also attributed to the presence of copper. The aluminium metal is responsible of the endothermic
peak shown at ca. 660 ºC in the DTA curve (melting point of aluminium). The presence of silver is
detected in DTA curve by a peak at 962 ºC) (melting point of silver).
The corrosion compounds have been also detected by thermal study, i.e. samples with high
content in silver chloride produced by corrosion show an important mass loss in the TG curve
attributed to decomposition of this salt. The treatment of the metallic treads with organic
compounds used to preserve from corrosion or for pasting to the others components show mass loss
and exothermic effect that facility its characterization.

Poster Session 1 PS1.85

Fuelwood from Belarus: calorific value and elemental composition


Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University,
14 Leningradskaya str, 220006, Minsk, Belarus

Wood biomass is natural resource with diverse directions of utilization. Among the solid
biofuels the most relevant are wood pellets and briquettes from wood processing wastes due their
high calorific value. Calorific value is standardized parameter of quality for boiler fuel and the basic
criterion for estimation of power efficiency of its use.
The results of tests for 57 various samples of fuelwood from coniferous and deciduous
species of all six areas of Belarus and the Kaliningrad region (Russia) have been obtained, which
include 18 samples of pellets and 13 samples of briquettes. Experimental values of the gross
calorific values at constant volume on the dry basis (GCVd, in MJ/kg) varied in intervals: 19,4–21,2
for wood, 18,9-21,7 for a bark (excluding birch with 23,6), and average 20,8±0,5 for coniferous
species of wood, 19,9 ± 0,7 for deciduous species, 20,9 ± 0,3 for pine, 19,9 ± 1,0 for alder and
The equation for calculation of GCVd for fuelwood based on carbon (Cd) and hydrogen (Hd)
content (in mass percentages) was proposed to be:

GCVd (in MJ/kg) = 0,4078 · Cd – 0,0506 · Hd.

The development of the equation was carried out by the least squares method based on the
results of determination of gross calorific values, ash content and elemental composition (carbon,
hydrogen, sulfur and nitrogen) for 43 different samples of fuelwood. Verification of the equation
was carried out based on experimental data for 66 samples from 20 different literary sources. The
average absolute deviation of the experimental values from the calculated values for the proposed
equation was 1,5 %.

PS1.86 Poster Session 1

Derived expressions for the enthalpies of polynuclear complex

formation reactions in heterogeneous multicomponent systems

Igor POVAR1, Oxana SPINU1

Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 3 Academiei str., MD 2028,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

This study examines the global thermal effect of the precipitation-dissolution processes of
poorly soluble salts of different nature and composition under the running of arbitrary secondary
reactions between the ions precipitate and saturated solution components. As secondary reactions
the ligand protonation, metal ion hydrolysis, formation of neutral, protonated and hydroxo-
complexes are taken into account. It has been shown that different thermodynamic functions of the
summary process under real conditions are expressed differently through standard thermodynamic
functions [1-2]. The potential chemical processes for the most general case of global chemical
processes in the system “MA(S) - saturated aqueous solution - complexing agent” can be described
by the generalized equation (1):
n 1  j  np  j  m
MA( S ) + H p L = M i H m Ln A j + 1 −  H q A +  +  − 1q −  H (1)
i i  i  i i  i
The obtained derivatives in the expressions of thermodynamic functions may serve as differential
criteria in experimental determination of the composition of polynuclear complexes in solution. The
thermodynamic functions depend on the metal ion concentration [M], which can be determined
from the mass balance equation:
CM = [ M ] +  iβ imnj [ M ]i [ H ]− m [ L]n [ A]J = [ M ]α M
i =1 m =1 n =1 j =1

Here CM is the total metal ion concentration. Secondly, the functional dependence of the enthalpy is
proving to be fundamentally different. This fact is due to the appearance in the expression for
enthalpy of the concentration functions (2) - (4).

i =1 m =1 n =1 j =1
nf imnj 
i =1 m =1 n =1 j =1
jf imnj
Φ= (2) F= (3) ϕ= (4)
 if imnj
i =1 m = 0 n = 0 j = 0
 if imnj
i =1 m =0 n =0 j =0
 if imnj
i =1 m =0 n =0 j =0

These functions are designed to the normative multipliers, taking into account the fact that the
global enthalpy is to be reported to one mol of the metal ion. Within the developed approach, the
global enthalpy for heterogeneous systems „ZnS(S) – aqueous solution” and „ZnS(S) – ethylene
diamine – aqueous solution” has been investigated.

[1] I. Povar, O. Spinu O. Can. J. Chem., 94 (2016) 113

[2] I. Povar, O. Spinu O. “Thermodynamics of complex chemical equilibria in heterogeneous multicomponent
systems”, Printing House of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, (2014) 70-85

Poster Session 1 PS1.87

Thermal behaviour of photo-aging PDMS polymeric films with

embedded Lanthanum complexes based on polytopic ligands

Mirela-Fernanda ZALTARIOV1, Cristian –Dragos VARGANICI1,

"Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Aleea Grigore Ghica-Voda 41A, 700487 Iasi,

Two different films of crosslinked polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) containing 5%wt of

Lanthanum(III) complexes of two Schiff bases: (E)-(dimethylsilanediyl)bis(methylene)bis(4-((E)-
(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzilidene)amino)benzoate ( F I ) and
(F II) in their structure were exposed to UV irradiation aging conditions for 600 hours, extracted
every 100 hours and thermally analyzed.
Both initial samples exhibited the typical PDMS transitions: glass transition temperatures, at
around –120 oC, melting profiles, at around –45 oC, and crystallizations, on the cooling runs, at
around –80 oC, with F I films being more crystalline than F II. These transitions are most probably
generated by the amorphous PDMS islands, appeared as a result of structural tensions in the matrix
due to crosslinking. Both samples did not manifest cold crystallization transitions, due to their
crosslinked nature, to the bulky end groups and to complexation, hence lowering the PDMS chains
ability to reorganize before melting. Moreover, in the literature there observed only one melting
peak for a crosslinked PDMS structure [1]. The behavior was explained by the inability of
crosslinks to crystallize. This is due to prevention of rearrangements and crystallite thickening
because of the distance that appears between adjacent crosslinks, whereas for a completely linear
structure of PDMS, the melting profile could also exhibit two peaks, depending on how the
helicoidal crystallite conformations form during cooling [2].
The degree of crystallinity degree (χc) was calculated with the equation (ΔHt2/
ΔHliterature)•100, where ΔHt2 is the enthalpy of the melting profile corresponding to the second
heating run and ΔHliterature = 61.3 J g–1 [3–5]. In both cases the χc varied very slowly with ageing
time, exhibiting a general decreasing trend and was the lowest for the F II films after 600 hours
exposure time.

[1] T. Dollase, H. W. Spiess, M. Gottlieb, R. Yerushalmi-Rozen, Europhys. Lett., 60 (2002) 390

[2] L. Pricop, “Silicone Surfactants”, Tehnopress, (2007)
[3] C. M. Roland, C. A. Aronson, Polym. Bull., 45 (2000) 439
[4] A. Bele, G. Stiubianu, S. Vlad, C. Tugui, C. D. Varganici, L. Matricala, D. Ionita, D. Timpu, M. Cazacu, RSC Adv.,
6 (2016) 8941
[5] C. Tugui, S. Vlad, M. Iacob, C. D. Varganici, L. Pricop, M. Cazacu, Polym. Chem., 7 (2016) 2709

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of National Education,
CNCS – UEFISCDI, PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016, Contract 130PED/2017.

PS1.88 Poster Session 1

Physical and chemical processes during the sintering treatments

applied to ceramic biocomposites

Oana GINGU1, Gabriela SIMA1, Cristina TEISANU2, Petre ROTARU3

University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Engineering and Management of
Technological Systems, 1 Calugareni street, 220037, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania
University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Automotive, Transport and Industrial
Engineering, 107 Calea Bucuresti, 200512, Craiova, Romania
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics, 13 A.I. Cuza street, 200585,
Craiova, Romania

New biocomposites for alloplastic bone grafts manufacturing gained special attention lately
due to advanced designing principles which lead to improved functional characteristics. The
hydroxyapatite (HAP, (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2)) matrix reinforced by micrometric component allows
higher biocompatibility related to improved mechanical characteristics [1, 2].
The morphological matching of the alloplastic bone grafts to the genuine bone tissue
represents one of the challenges of the tissue engineering research. The porosity of such
biocomposites has to match the cortical or trabecular bone tissue. For this purpose, special materials
and technologies, related to the powder metallurgy, should include advanced elaboration
The aim of this work is to depict the main physical and chemical processes occurring during
the sintering treatments applied for the elaboration of HAP (Sigma-Aldrich, type 1 of av. 200 nm
and type 2 of av. 50 µm) based biocomposites reinforced by titanium hydride (TiH2, Sigma-Aldrich,
av. 150 µm) powder particles (av. 150 µm). The initial powder mixture contains HAP: TiH2 = 3: 1
ratio [wt.]. The additions of special foaming components (5...25% wt.), working as blowing agents
(ammonium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate) as well as TiH2, provide the required porosity,
depending on the bone tissue structure to be grafted [3].
The green compacts (90-150 MPa as unilateral compaction pressure) are submitted to the
foaming process developing during the first step of the two-steps sintering (TSS) route, up to
9000C, in argon atmosphere. The foaming sequences, corresponding to each foaming agent, have
great influence on the final porosity of the obtained biocomposites.
The complex processes developing during the foaming reactions are investigated by means
of the thermal analysis (TA), simultaneous high temperature thermogravimetry coupled with
differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) and Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis (FT-IR).

[1] R. Murugan, S. Ramakrishna, J. Cryst. Growth 274 (2005) 209.

[2] W.R. Weinand, F.F.R. Gonçalves, W.M. Lima, Sci. Forum, 530 (2006) 249.
[3] C. Teisanu, G. Sima., ACADEMICA Greifswald Publishing House, Germany, ISBN 978-3-940237-38-5 (2016).

Poster Session 1 PS1.89

Thermal investigation of the hydroxyapatite – based materials by

coupled TG-DSC methods

Ancuta SOFRONIA1, Cornelia MARINESCU1, Speranta TANASESCU1,

Gabriela SIMA2
Institute of Physical Chemistry Ilie Murgulescu of the Romanian Academy, 060021 Bucharest,
University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Engineering and Management of
Technological Systems, 220037 Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania

Hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HAP, is the principal inorganic component of bones and

teeth. Synthetic or natural HAP is the main constituent of the ceramics used as replacements of hard
tissues, presenting excellent biocompatibility. However, they show different thermal properties and
can be easily decomposed at a temperature depending on the conditions of synthesis, which results
in poor mechanical properties [1]. Also, calcination temperature strongly influenced reactions
kinetics, with consequences on the thermal stability range of HAP. In order to overcome these
limitations, the reinforcement by titania and zirconia is often used. In the present work
simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) together thermo-
mechanical analysis (TMA) were used to study the thermodynamic and thermomechanical stability
of synthetic and bone-derived HAP and HAP reinforced with some oxides such as, titania and
zirconia. Structural and surface changes related to samples origin and calcination temperature were
investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy
and BET methods.
The influence of the particle size and heating rate on titanium dioxide phase transformations
is investigated. The brookite–anatase–rutile transformations were reported to be thermodynamically
favorable in a large temperature range of 200–11500C [2]. By thermal analysis, the variations in the
temperature and enthalpy of the phase transitions, as well as heat capacities of the titania and
zirconia nanopowders were studied.
The relationships between thermal stability and mechanical properties of synthetic and
natural HAP and those of titania or zirconia reinforcements were discussed.

[1] Yang Chun, Guo Ying-kui, Zhang Mi-lin, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 20 (2010) 254
[2] C. Marinescu, A. Sofronia, C. Rusti, R. Piticescu, V. Badilita, E. Vasile, R. Baies, S.
Tanasescu, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 103 (2011) 49.

PS1.90 Poster Session 1

Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of zirconates of


P.G. Gagarin, V.N. Guskov, K.S. Gavrichev

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Leninsky prospect, 31, Moscow, 119991,

Zirconates of lanthanides Ln2O3·2ZrO2 are the double oxides, which exists in the wide
temperature range up to 2500 K without the structural transition. These compounds actively used as
the high-temperature heat resistant materials, solid electrolytes in SOFC, catalysts, and so on.
Prospects of application of these substances at high temperatures associated needs the
thermodynamic modeling to predict the thermal behavior and evaluation of chemical stability and
survivability in various environments. Thus, the aim of this work was to determine thermodynamic
properties of zirconates lanthanides in a wide range of temperatures based on measurements of
isobaric heat capacity of high-purity crystalline substances. Zirconates of “light” lanthanides (La-
Gd) crystallize in the pyrochlore structural type Ln2Zr2O7, while compounds of other lanthanides
forms the continuous rows of solid solution with the structure of defect fluorite. High-purity
zirconates were synthesized by the method of reverse sedimentation in the ammonia medium.
Obtained sediments were dried and stepwise fired up to temperature 1500°C. Formation of Ln
zirconates and solid solutions were detected by the X-ray diffraction. Particle sizes determined by
the measurements of coherent-scattering regions were more than 100 nm. The similar result was
obtained by ESM. Absence of impurities in studied zirconates was confirmed by EDX
Low temperature heat capacities (5-340 K) were measured in adiabatic calorimeter BKT-3
TERMIS for pyrochlore-structure compounds (Ln= La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd), and fluorite-structure
compounds (Ln= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm), smoothed by spline approximation and presented in tables.
High-temperature isobaric heat capacities (300- 1400 K) were measured in STA 449 F1
Jupiter NETZSCH and smoothed using Maier-Kelley equation.
The similar measurements were performed for LaLnZr2O7 pyrochlores (where Ln=Nd, Sm,
Gd, Dy), because these mutual solid solutions are of particular interest as heat-barrier coatings.
Related thermodynamic functions (enthalpy change, entropy, Gibbs energy) were calculated from
Cp(T) data in the studied temperature range.
These studies were carried out with the financial support of RFBR grant 15-03-04388. Equipment
of Joint Research Center of IGIC RAS was used.

Poster Session 1 PS1.91

Obtaining and catalytic properties investigation of the products of the

thermal oxidation double complex salts [Cr(ur)6][M(L)6]
(M= Co, Fe; L=CN-, 1/2C2O42-)
Alevtina GOSTEVA1, Evgeny FILATOV2,3, Yulya SEMUSHINA1
I.V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw
Materials of the KSC RAS, Apatity, «Academic town», 26a, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Pirogova str. 2, Russia
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Lavrentiev Ave. 3, Russia

Thermal behavior of the products of thermolysis of double complex salts (DCS)

[Cr(ur)6][Fe(CN)6]·4Н2О (I), [Cr(ur)6][Co(CN)6]·4Н2О (II), [Cr(ur)6][Fe(C2O4)3]·2Н2О (III),
[Cr(ur)6][Со(C2O4)3]·3.5Н2О (IV) were studied in the oxidizing atmosphere (air) by static
experiments 1h long each.
One phase is observed in the issue thermolysis of the DCS I and III at 500 °C. The phase
has the orthorhombic space group R-32/c, the unit cell parameters: a = 4.998(2), c = 13.622(3) Å.
The specific volume of a unit cell per a formula unit (V/Z) was calculated as 49.1 Å3. A low value
of V/Z and asymmetry of the peaks indicate incomplete mixing of the oxides and the presence of a
second phase based on Fe2O3. V/Z increases to 49.6 Å3 with an increase in the heat treatment
temperature to 900°C. This indicates the formation of a mixed oxide phase (Fe,Cr)2O3.
Spinels of general composition (Co,Cr)3O4 are formed in the Co-Cr DCS. One phase with a
cubic space group F4/d-32/m (a=8.269(2) Å, V/Z=70.7 Å3) is observed after the thermolysis at 500°C.
V/Z increases to 71.1 Å3 with an increase in the heat treatment temperature to 900°C. This indicates the
formation of a single-phase spinel of the composition Co1.5Cr1.5O4.
A decrease in the specific surface area is observed with increasing of annealing temperature.
Also the calculated particle size of the oxidation products increases from 9-13 (500°C) to 35-42 nm
The final products of thermolysis were tested in the reaction of catalytic oxidation of acetone
with air oxygen. The reaction rate was determined by the total oxidation product - CO2. The
CH3COOH emission is also fixed. Oxidation products of iron-containing DCS are most active; the
apparent constant is in the range of (10-13)·10-5 с-1.
This work was supported by a grant «U.M.N.I.K.» № 11220GY/2016.

PS1.92 Poster Session 1

New thermochemical aspects of organic compounds intermolecular

interactions in ionic liquids

Artashes A. Khachatrain, Ziliya I. Shamsutdinova,

Mikhail A. Varfolomeev
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420000, Russian Federation

Nowadays rapidly increase interest of new class of molten salts – ionic liquids (ILs). ILs is
comprised of a bulky organic cation and coordinating organic or inorganic anion. Much of the
interest ILs based on their unique properties such as chemical stability, thermal stability,
nonflammability, low vapor pressure, high solvency ability. Also, ILs proved as alternative “green
solvents”, reaction media for synthesis, different processes catalyst. Still rapidly grow number of
new synthesized ILs. Thus knowledge of thermochemical properties of ionic liquids will make their
industrial application more available. One of the important aspects is interrelation of the structure of
ionic liquids and thermochemical properties. Furthermore, necessary approaches and method of
estimation and predictions intermolecular interactions ILs.
In this paper we have studied thermochemistry of solution of substituted aromatic compounds in ILs
using direct solution calorimetry technique and to get new values. 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium
based ionic liquids with tetrafluoroborate ([BF4]), trifluoromethanesulfonate ([TfO]) and
bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([NTf2]) anion were taken as solvents of this work. As the
substituted aromatic compounds o-, m-, p-dichlorobenzenes, o-, m-, p-dinitrobenzenes, o-, m-, p-
chloronitrobenzenes were used. There are solutes has a different values of dipole moment.
In this work we studied one of aspects of intermolecular interaction of solutes in ionic liquids. The
enthalpies of solvation organic compounds in ionic liquids were analyzed. The absence of influence
of dipole moment of organic compound in ionic liquids, do possible to use additivity of group
contribution. The enthalpies of solvation NO2, Cl, OCH3, NH2, CH3, I, Br, COOCH3, tert-Bu
groups were derived. These results are very important for estimating intermolecular interaction
organic compounds in ionic liquids. Group contribution approach using might be prediction not
only enthalpies of solvation and some types of intermolecular interaction also solubilizing ability of
organic compounds through to prediction of enthalpy of solution

Poster Session 1 PS1.93

Agriculture waste valorisation as fertilizers based on humic mater

Elena-Emilia OPRESCU1,2*, Cristina-Emanuela ENASCUTA1,

Elena RADU1, Emil STEPAN1, Catalina CALIN2, Doru EPURE3, Cristian
Cioineag3, Rusandica STOICA1, Carmen SIRBU4, Traian CIORAIANU4
National Research & Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry ICECHIM, 202
Splaiul Independentei Street, 060021, Bucharest, Romania.
Petroleum-GasUniversity of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry, 39
Bucharest Blv., 100680, Ploiesti, Romania.
SC Probstdorfer Saatzucht Romania SRL, 20 Siriului Street, 014354, Bucharest, Romania.
National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment –
ICPA, 61 Mărăşti Blv., 011464, Bucharest, Romania.

Fertility of soils has been declining due to extensive use of land and chemical fertilizers in
quest of producing more food for ever increasing population. Application of organic manures or
biofertilizers is the only option to improve soil organic carbon for sustenance of soil quality and
future agricultural productivity [1]. The humic substances can be used to remove or decrease the
negative effects of chemical fertilizers from the soil. The role of humic acid is well known in
controlling, soil-borne diseases and improving soil health and in availability of mineral nutrients
uptake by plants [2]. In general, researchers have been isolating humic substances from different
sources such as soil and water, but with low extraction yield.
In the last years, thermal studies were carried out in order to characterize commercial humic
acids, humic acids from different types of soil, water sediments (sea and rivers), fruits, sugar and
amino acids [3]. In this context, our study presents extraction of humic acids with high yield, from
humic matter obtained as secondary product from chemical processing of agriculture waste.
Extracted humic acids were characterized using infrared spectroscopic measurements (FT-IR),
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA, DSC), elemental analysis, TOC (total organic carbon) and mass
spectrometry (LC/MS). Further to be used as fertilizers for different crops the extracted humic acids
were complexes with Zn and Mg metal ions. The thermal decomposition process of metal-humic
compounds was investigated.

[1] Kowsar Jan, M.V.Boswa IJSRM volume 3 issue 2 February, 2015, 2073.
[2] Mauromicale G., Angela M. G. L., Monaco A. L., Scientia Horticulturae, 129 (2), 2011, 189.
[3] A. Rotaru, Irina Nicolaescu, P. Rotaru, C. Neaga, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 92, 2008, 297.

PS1.94 Poster Session 1

Iron and copper humates obtained from lignite

Carmen SÎRBU1, Traian CIOROIANU1, Nicoleta CIOATERĂ2,

National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment –
ICPA Bucharest, 61 Mărăşti Blvd., sector 1, Romania
Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania

Through their humic and fulvic acids (HA and FA) contents the humic substances have the
role to mobilize or stabilize different ions with major implication in agriculture, to reduce pollution,
and to protect the environment [1]. The humic acids experimentally used were extracted from
lignite by use of a potassium alkali and were prepared for the development of some organic metallic
compounds intended for plant nutrition.
Compounds formed between humic acids and two important cations for plant nutrition,
namely iron (HA-Fe) and copper (HA-Cu) are presented in this paper. Extracted HA were
characterized to this end from the point of view of the complexing capacity for iron and copper
ions. These elements have role in plant growth is known, that’s why obtaining compounds that can
be applied to different crops for treating nutritional deficiency. The humic acids extracted from
lignite presented selectivity in forming HA-Cu and HA-Fe compounds, which was also noticed in
other researches [2]. The results prove the possibility to use humic acids extracted from lignite to
increase the bio availability of some cations in the soils where humic substances based fertilizers
are applied [3].
The compounds obtained through the reaction between HA and the iron (II), respectively
copper (II) ions were characterized using: atomic absorption spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy,
Raman spectroscopy, TG, DTA, DSC, XRD and SEM. Their biological activity was also tested.

Thermal analysis of the humic acids used for obtaining iron and copper humates is presented
in the Figure.

[1] K. Chassapis, M. Roulia, D. Tsirigoti, Int. J. Coal Geol. 78 (2009) 288

[2] M. M. Abualhaija, H. Whitby, C. M.G. van den Berg, Marine Chemistry 172 (2015) 46
[3] L. P. Canellas, F. L. Olivares, N. O. Aguiara, Sci. Hort. 196 (2015) 15

Poster Session 1 PS1.95

Obtaining and complex characterization of certain compounds of

humic acids with metal cations

Carmen SÎRBU1, Traian CIOROIANU1, Adriana GRIGORE1,

Nicoleta CIOATERĂ2, Petre ROTARU2
National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment –
ICPA Bucharest, 61 Mărăşti Blvd., sector 1, Romania
Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania

The roles in agriculture and environmental protection of compounds formed between humic
substances and various cations are well known [1,2].
In the paper are presented the results regarding the obtaining and characterization of the
compounds formed between humic acid (HA) and some cations needed for plant nutrition
(magnesium, manganese, zinc). The effect of magnesium compounds (HA-Mg), manganese (HA-
Mn) and zinc (HA-Zn) obtained on seed germination was evaluated. HA used was extracted from
lignite by use of a potassium alkali.
The rezults confirms the correlation between the humic acid structure and the type of cation
used for complexation. The structure of the compounds formed depends on the pH value and the
conductivity of the solutions, the way of obtaining for AH, and the type of cation. The structure and
total acidity affected the complexing capacity of the HA [3].
The compounds obtained through the reaction between HA and the magnesium, manganese
and zinc ions were characterized using: atomic absorption spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, Raman
spectroscopy, TG, DTA, DSC, XRD and SEM. Their biological activity was also tested.

Thermal analysis of the humic acids used for obtaining magnesium, manganese and zinc
humates is presented in the Figure.
[1] Y. Chen, K. Zhang, Y. Zuo, Science of the Total Environment 463–464 (2013) 802
[2] M. Bahemmat, M. Farahbakhsh, M. Kianirad, J. Hazardous Materials 312 (2016) 307
[3] S.W.C. Chien, M.C. Wang, C.C. Huang, Chemosphere 64 (2006) 1353

PS1.96 Poster Session 1

Reaction mechanism, thermal analysis and kinetics

of Bi2S3 oxidation in the air atmosphere

Dejan GUREŠIĆ1, Aleksandra MITOVSKI2, Nada ŠTRBAC2,

Miroslav Sokić3, Milica TOMOVIĆ1,
University in Priština, Faculty of Technical Science, Kos. Mitrovica, Serbia
University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Serbia
Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials, Belgrade, Serbia

Bizmutinite (Bi2S3) often accompanies sulfide copper minerals as a polluting component

which may be present in the copper concentrates that may contaminate even copper cathodes. It was
found that almost the entire quantity of bismuth during the smelting process goes into copper matte
because of high vapor pressure of bismuth sulfide. Knowledge of the thermodynamic, thermal and
kinetic behavior of bismuth(III) sulfide during oxidative roasting at elevated temperatures is very
important from the aspects of ability to remove bismuth in the pyrometallurgical production
This paper presents the results of the oxidation process of Bi2S3 in an air atmosphere. X-ray
analysis of the initial sample was done. According to Kellog diagrams for the Bi-S-O system at 50,
500 and 1000 °C, thermodynamically possible reactions of bismuth sulphide oxidation were
proposedfor which the change of Gibbs free energies at 500 and 1000 °C were calculated. Thermal
(DTA/TG) analysis at heating rates of 5, 10, 15 and 20 °C·min-1 in the temperature range 25 – 1000
°C was done. Based on both theoretical and experimental results, a reaction mechanism was
proposed. Kinetic parameters of the oxidation process were calculated according to Kissinger’s
method of nonisothermal kinetics.

[1] M.E. Schlesinger, M.J. King, K.C. Sole, W.G. Davenport, “Extractive metallurgy of copper”, Elsevier, (2011)
[2] V. S. Johnson, R. J. White, S. E. Dann, K. Hellgardt, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43 (2004) 3127–3132
[3] N. Mitevska, Ž. Živković, J. Min. Metall. B., 38 (2002) 93-102
[4] J. R. Serrano, D. Berger, B. Bridges Jr., JOM, 46 (1994) 12-14
[5] R. Padilla, M. C. Ruiz, TMS Springer, Switzerland, (2016) 43-50
[6] X. Zhang, Y. Liu, G. Zhang, Y. Wang, H. Zhang, F. Huang, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 7 (2015) 4442–4448
[7] M.E. Rincón, P.K. Nair, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 57 (1996) 1947-1955

Acknowledgement: Authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development, Republic of Serbia, for financial supporting this research as a part of the Project TR

Poster Session 1 PS1.97

Thermal and electrochemical study of chemotherapeutic Fluorouracil

drug interaction on Ti electrode surface

Bogdan TUTUNARU, Adriana SAMIDE, Roxana GRECU,

Cristian TIGAE, Cezar SPÎNU
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, Chemistry Department, Calea București 107i, Craiova,

5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is extensively used as an antitumoral agent for the treatment of breast,
esophageal, pancreatic, colon, stomach and cervical cancer. Electrochemical methods have been
used to study the oxidation/reduction behaviour of organic compounds of biological significance [1-
The thermal analysis of the injectable fluorouracil solution (Merck provenience) was
performed within the temperature range ambient÷500 °C (heating rate = 5 °C·min-1) using a Perkin
Elmer thermal analyser. The interaction of 5-fluorouracil in serum solution on titanium plate
electrode surface in aqueous solution was study by cyclic voltammetry, linear polarization, Tafel
polarization in association with UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Electrochemical measurements were
performed with the VoltaLab 40 potentiostat (Volta Master 4-software), and the Varian Cary 50
spectrophotometer (CaryWin UV-software) was used to record the UV-Vis spectra.

Figure 1: a - Thermoanalytic curves, TG/DSC of Fluorouracil solution; b - detail of thermogravimetric curve (TG) of
Fluorouracil solution; c - cyclic voltammograms of Ti plate electrode in serum in the absence and in the presence of 10-4
mol·L-1 5-Fluorouracil; d - UV-Vis spectra of serum with 5-Fluorouracil solution, before and after cyclic
voltammograms registration
The results of thermogravimetric and calorimetric analysis (Fig. 1a) indicate a mass
decrease of 92 % associated with water evaporation. The thermal degradation of fluorouracil
molecules begins at a temperature of 150 °C as indicated by the detail of the TG curve (Fig. 1b).
Cyclic voltammograms indicate a strong interaction of cytostatic molecules at the surface of the
titanium electrode associated with a decrease in current densities when 5-FU is present in the
physiological serum (Fig. 1c). This behaviour is also indicated by the UV-Vis spectra (Fig. 1d) of
the solution, recorded before and after the cyclic voltamograms registration.

[1] K. Zhang, W. Liu, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 6 (2011) 1669

[2] S. Bukkitgar, N. Shetti, J. Analyt. Sci. Technol., 7 (2016) 1
[3] D. Koyuncu, B. Demir, B. Zeybek, Ş Pekyardımcı, Talanta, 1 (2015) 793

PS1.98 Poster Session 1

Electrochemical and thermal stability of Brown HT food additive

Bogdan TUTUNARU, Adriana SAMIDE, Cristian TIGAE, Cezar SPÎNU,

Cristian NEAMŢU
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, Chemistry Department, Calea București 107i, Craiova,

The electrochemical and thermal methods are widely applied to the determination of
additives and/or contaminants in foods [1-3]. The Brown HT (BHT) food additive is used to
substitute cocoa or caramel as a colorant in foods, cakes and drinks. BHT is a diazo dye and with
IUPAC name: disodium 4 - [(2E) – 2 - [(5Z) – 3 - (hydroxymethyl) - 2,6 – dioxo – 5 - [(4 –
sulfonatonaphthalen – 1 - yl) hydrazinylidene] – 1 – cyclohex – 3 - enylidene] hydrazinyl]
naphthalene – 1 – sulfonate.
The thermal stability of the additive was studied in inert atmosphere of nitrogen gas using a
Perkin-Elmer Thermal Analyzer. The electrochemical stability of 10-4 mol·L-1 BHT was studied in
the presence of different supporing electrolite (10-1 mol·L-1 NaX, X = F, Cl, Br, I) using cyclic
voltammetry and constant current density electrolysis. The BHT concentration variation over time
was analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry.

Figure 1: Thermoanalytical curves, Cyclic moltammograms and UV-Vis scans of 10-4 mol·L-1
BHT in 10-1 mol·L-1 NaCl solution at different times of electrolysis.

The experimental results of thermal analysis indicate that the mass decreases with 8 % until
150 °C, this being associated to the evaporation of water and/or to the release of the volatile
compounds. The thermal cracking of compound starts at 295 °C and finally, the residue of 77 % at
temperature of 500 °C was remained.
The spectrophotometric results show a more rapidly decrease of colorant concentration in
the presence of bromide anions. The experimental data fitting according to the kinetics of the first
order reactions indicates that the rate constant decreases in the following order, taking into
consideration the support electrolyte composition: Br > Cl > F > I.

[1] A. Samide, B. Tutunaru, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127 (2017) 863.

[2] A. Samide, B. Tutunaru, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127 (2017) 597.
[3] B. Tutunaru, C. Tigae, C. Spînu, I. Prunaru, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 12 (2017) 396.

Poster Session 1 PS1.99

Study of thermal regeneration of expanded perlite used in the

filtration of vegetable oil

Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, 3, Academiei str.,
Chisinau MD-2028, Republic of Moldova, e-mail:

Sorbents used for vegetable oil filtration include a wide range of materials: clay, zeolites,
silica and perlites. The properties of good adsorbents for vegetable oil filtration and purification
include high hydrophobicity, uptake efficiency, long retention time, easy oil recovery and adsorbent
Perlites are small particles of natural glass which contain a small amount of occluded water
and are found in volcanic deposits. Raw perlite is a porous material and can be heated rapidly at
700–1200 oC to expand as much as five to eight times of their original volume. Expanded perlite is
one of widely available aluminosilicate mineral, it has several advantages such as high porosity,
excellent thermal and chemical stability, low bulk density, sheet-like appearance. Moreover, perlite
shows thermal and chemical inertness and behaves friendly to the environment. These properties
make in fact expanded perlite useful chemical in many industrial applications including liquid
In this work it was studied the regeneration of the expanded perlite used in the purification
of vegetable oil. The regeneration process simulation was performed using the thermal analysis
method. Thermoanalytical curves (TG-DTG-DTA) were measured in a dynamic atmosphere of air
at the heating rate 10 °C/min. The results indicated that the regeneration of perlite occurs in the
range 180-550 °C, the process being performed in two consecutive steps, both of which are
accompanied by strong exothermic effects. The first stage occurs in the range 180-410 oC, resulting
in a mass loss of 38%, with an exothermic maximum at 365 oC. During this time the volatilization
and oxidative degradation of adsorbed organic substances takes place. At 455 °C start the second
stage of decomposition can be explained by the oxidation of the char formed in the previous stage
and that has accumulated in the pores of the adsorbent. Final mass loss is 56% indicating a very
high adsorption capacity of perlite.
In conclusion it can be mentioned that the effective regeneration temperature of the perlite
used in the process of purifying vegetable oils is 460-500 °C, this leads to recovery the perlite
adsorption capacity and does not lead to blocking the pores with the char formed at lower

PS1.100 Poster Session 1

Orthorhombic YBCO-123 ceramic oxide superconductor: structural,

resistive, diamagnetic and thermal behaviour
Ana HARABOR1, Petre ROTARU1, Novac Adrian HARABOR2
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585
Craiova, Romania
Department of Physics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Politehnica University of Bucharest, 313
Splaiul Independenţei blvd., 060042 Bucharest, Romania

Mono-phase YBa2Cu3O7-x high critical temperature (Tc) superconductor samples were

obtained by sintering at 999 °C and 960 °C, respectively, followed by special cooling programs, in
oxygen atmosphere. In the framework of XRD diffractometry, we determined the crystallite
dimensions and the unit cell parameters for the orthorhombic crystalline system of our samples:
a=0.38128 nm; b=0.38814 nm; c=1.16753 nm. A preferential orientation of the crystallites on the
sample surface, with c axis along the pressure axis is observed.
The fitting equation from ref. [3], giving the oxygen content, (7-x), over the c-axes values of
YBCO-123 structures (belonging only to Pmmm spatial group), delivered by ICSD Data Base,
allowed us to estimate a value, (7-x), of 6.88 for our YBa2Cu3O7-x samples.
On cooling to nitrogen liquid temperature, both resistive and diamagnetic measurements
indicate some differences between the superconductor parameters (critical temperature, residual
resistivity, crossover temperature from 3D-2D dimensionality and coherence length) [1,2],
depending on the sample preparation program.
Results of the thermogravimetry (TG) on heating, in air atmosphere (an increasing rate of 10
K min-1), from room temperature (RT) to 1004.99 °C, show the following behavior: a very small
mass increase (of 0.101%) from RT to 450 °C probably due to O2 chemical adsorption, than a mass
decrease of 1.208 % in the temperature range from 450 °C to 1004.99 °C when a part of oxygen
content is lost, until (7-x)=6.80 at 934 °C. We interposed three isotherms in the cooling process (of
10 K min-1 rate): at 950 °C for 1h, at 750 °C for ½ h, and at 450 °C for 5 h. A strong oxygen
accumulation occurred during the last two isotherms (at 750 °C and at 450 °C), the final oxygen
content (7-x) acquired at 463.15 °C being of = 6.95, improving also Tc. In argon atmosphere, during
a complete thermal cycle (heating and cooling), a different behavior is encountered. It begins with a
mass increase of 0.707 %, on heating from RT to 429.3 °C, due to Ar adsorption; then the mass
decreased with 1.116 % in the heating range from 429.3 °C to 730.7 °C; it follows another mass
increase of 0.533 % from 730.7 to 931.1 °C. From 931.1 °C to 998.9 °C, the mass decreases with
1.092 %, accompanied by an endothermic process in two steps, evidenced on DSC, and DTA
curves, due to a solid-solid transition from orthorhombic to tetragonal YBCO crystalline systems,
followed by sample melting and Ar desorption.

[1] A. Harabor, R. Deltour, A. Dang, ”TAPS near Tc in granular YBa2Cu3O7-x and YBa2Cu3O7-x-Ag”, Appplied
Superconductivity, vol I (1993) 839-847
[2] A. Harabor, “Experimental researches with HTSC superconductors”, Universitaria Craiova Publishing House
(EUC), Romania (2003) 236-245
[3] P. Benzi, E. Bottizzo, N. Rizzi, “Oxygen determination from cell dimensions in YBCO superconductors”, Journal
of Crystal Growth 269 (2004) 625–629

Poster Session 1 PS1.101

Bi1.8Pb0.3Sr2Ca2(Cu1-xNix)3.3Oy system: excess-conductivity, structure

and thermal behaviour

Ana HARABOR1, Petre ROTARU1, Novac-Adrian HARABOR2

Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, A I Cuza 13, Str.,
Craiova 200585, Romania
Department of Physics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Politehnica University of Bucharest,
313 Splaiul Independenţei blvd., 060042 Bucharest, Romania

In the framework of XRD diffractometry we identified two-phases (2223 and 2212) in our
Bi1.8Pb0.3Sr2Ca2(Cu1-xNix)3.3Oy superconductor samples. The percent of 2223-phase depend on Ni
doping: 78.37 % for x=0.002; 70.29 % for x=0.005; 51.13 % for x=0.015; 47.75 % for 0.02; 26.11
% for x=0.03. The unit cell of 2223 phase was indexed as tetragonal structure having the following
lattice constants: a=b=5.39 Å and c=37.05 Å [1].
On cooling to 77 K, the plots of resistance versus temperature (four points method)
evidenced that the critical transition temperature to the superconductor phase, Tc, is decreasing from
106.21 to 93.47 K when the Ni content is varying from x=0.002 to x=0.03. From the log-log plots
of the excess-conductivity we calculated the 3D-2D cross-over temperature, the coupling factor and
the coherence length for all the samples.
Thermal measurements were performed with a horizontal “Diamond”
Differential/Thermogravimetric Analyzer from PerkinElmer Instruments in dynamic air atmosphere
(150 cm3 min-1), choosing an increasing rate of 10 K/min, from room temperature to 940 °C.
Thermal behaviors (TG, DTA, DSC, DTG diagrams) show a strong dependence on Ni content. The
results of the specific heat capacities calculated from DSC plots [2], are presented in Fig. 1 for three
samples (x=0.002, 0.005 and x=0.01). The contribution of crystal lattice to the estimated specific
heat capacity was in conformity with the Einstein model [2]. The Einstein temperature values
depend on Ni content.

Fig.1 –The specific heat capacity

diagrams for three
samples: x=0.002, 0.005 and 0.01

1. A. Harabor, N. A. Harabor, M. Deletter, “Short-wavelength fluctuation regime in paraconductivity of bulk

monophase (Bi,Pb)-2223 superconductor system”, J Optoelectron Adv Mater (2006) 8: 1072–1076
2. A. Harabor, P. Rotaru, N. A. Harabor, “Thermal properties, texture, second-order stress, and magnetic
susceptibility of the Bi1.8Pb0.3Sr2Ca2Cu3.3Ox”, J Therm Anal Calorim (2014) 118:227–234

PS1.102 Poster Session 1

Phase transitions in orthodontic intelligent alloys

Gabriel FLORIAN1, Augueta Raluca GABOR2, Cristian Andi NICOLAE2,

Nicolae STĂNICĂ3, Sonia DEGERATU1, Gabriela Iacobescu1,
University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania
National Institute for Research and Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, 202 Spl.
Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
Ilie Murgulescu Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, 202 Spl.
Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, 2-4 Petru Rareş Street, 200349 Craiova, Romania

Smart orthodontic alloys are used in orthodontic practice to correct the position of teeth,
especially in children. For the choice of orthodontic arcs, the dentist must know some of their
physical characteristics: the force that develops under stress conditions, the elasticity range and the
thermal characteristics of the alloy, including the phase transitions. The main orthodontic arcs are
made of gold, Co-Cr-Ni alloys, stainless steel or Ni-Ti alloys. The Ni-Ti alloy, called nitinol, has
proven its orthodontic efficiency, especially due to its remarkable elasticity and shape memory
effect, due to the transition between the martensite and austenite phases. The shape memory effect
is the return to the initial form after a plastic deformation that occurs at a low temperature [1].
In this paper we study phase transitions of orthodontic wires with different geometries in the
transversal section: circular, square, rectangular.

Figure is a diagram of the phase transitions of a 0.19x0.25 inch orthodontic wire with two
heating-cooling cycles in air at a heating rate of 2 K / min in the temperature range RT-150 oC. The
martensite-austenite phase transition occurs in the temperature range of 25-38 oC, temperatures
obtained at introduction into the oral cavity.
In addition to the thermal properties, in the work, other physical properties of the
orthodontic alloys are studied: magnetic, thermomechanical, structural and adsorption properties.

[1] C.C. Ren, Z.X. Bai, H.M. Wang, Y.F. Zheng, Chin. Med. J. 121 (2008) 2060

Poster Session 1 PS1.103

Phase transitions in shape memory alloys

Gabriel FLORIAN1, Augusta Raluca GABOR2, Cristian Andi NICOLAE2,

Nicolae STĂNICĂ3, Sonia DEGERATU1, Gabriela Iacobescu1,
University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania
National Institute for Research and Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, 202 Spl.
Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
Ilie Murgulescu Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, 202 Spl.
Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania

The applications of intelligent shape-memory materials in robotics and the construction of

electromechanical command and control devices are based on the properties of some alloys to
modify their geometry when they undergo phase transitions to modify the martensite-austenite
crystalline structure [1]. After phase transitions, forces are developed that can act conveniently and
perform the desired operations by the designer.
We have realised some applications using smart shape memory materials with different
geometries and different physico-mechanical characteristics [2-4]. Continuing these concerns, in
this paper, the thermomechanical properties of SMA bands and wires are studied, the results being
used in the design of electromechanical devices.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Thermal measurements performed on SMA bands revealed phase transitions, for which
process enthalpy was calculated (Figure 1). Mechanical and thermomechanical properties for the
same material were determined by DMA and TMA. By AFM measurements, interaction of
intelligent alloys with several azo-food dyes has been highlighted. Figure 2 shows the deposition on
the SMA band of E155 food dye. SMA characterization is complemented by magnetic studies.

[1] S.J. Yates, A.L. Kalamkarov, Metals, 3 (2013) 123

[2] S. Degeratu, P. Rotaru, G. Manolea, H. Manolea, A. Rotaru, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 97 (2009) 695
[3] S. Degeratu, P. Rotaru, S. Rizescu, N. Bîzdoacă, J.Therm. Anal. Calorim., 111 (2013) 1255
[4] S. Danoiu, P. Rotaru, S. Degeratu, S. Rizescu, N. Bîzdoacă, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 118 (2014) 132

PS1.104 Poster Session 1

Green way to develop kinetics for cumene hydroperoxide mixed with

phenol for autocatalytic reaction via TAM III tests

Shang-Hao Liu1, Chen-Rui Cao2, Chung-Li Huang1, Qiu-Hong Wang 3,

Chi-Min Shu4
Department of Ammunition Engineering and Explosion Technology, Anhui University of Science
and Technology, Anhui 232001, China
Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology, National Yunlin University of Science
and Technology (YunTech), 123, University Rd., Sec. 3, Douliou, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, ROC
College of Science and Technology, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi
710054, China
Process Safety and Disaster Prevention Laboratory, Department of Safety, Health, and
Environmental Engineering, YunTech, 123, University Rd., Sec. 3, Douliou, Yunlin 64002,
Taiwan, ROC

In the petrochemical industries, estimation methods based on isothermal microcalorimetry

measurements have been developed for an exquisite screening of hazard risk associated with a
chemical inherently safer design (ISD). To obtain the thermokinetic parameters for reactive
mechanisms, thermal activity monitor III was used under various isothermal conditions. Cumene
hydroperoxide (CHP), a generic organic peroxide, which is then decomposed with sulfuric acid to
obtain equi-molar phenol and acetone [1]. In the meantime, CHP has complex and multiple
reactions when an autocatalytic reaction has occurred under isothermal decomposition [2,3]. The
following reaction scheme is considered in this study: A+nB ⇌ (n+1) B, A ⇌ B, B→C. This type
reaction will generally accelerate as the reactant is consumed and the autocatalytic substance is
produced. As a result, intrinsically safer design of preparation, manufacturing, transportation,
storage, and even elimination is required [4]. The rich behavior patterns of autocatalytic reactions
were revealed by specific multiple illustrations.

[1] K.M. Luo, J.G. Chang, S.H. Lin, C.T. Chang, T.F. Yeh, K.H. Hu, C.S. Kao, The criterion of critical runaway and
stable temperatures in cumene hydroperoxide reaction. J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 14 (2001) 229–239.
[2] Q.C. Zhu, B.X. Shen, H. Ling, R. Gu, Cumene hydrogenation over Pd/C catalysts. J. Hazard. Mater., 175 (2010)
[3] S.H. Liu, C.P. Lin, C.M. Shu, Thermokinetic parameters and thermal hazard evaluation for three organic peroxides
by DSC and TAM III. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 106 (2011) 165–172.
[4] D. Huang, M. Han, J. Wang, Y. Jin, Catalytic decomposition process of cumene hydroperoxide using sulfonic resins
as catalyst. Chem. Eng. J., 88 (2002) 215–223.

Poster Session 1 PS1.105

Comparative thermal stability of walnut shells from different

Romanian types of nuts

Simona Mariana POPESCU1, Andrei ROTARU2,

Sina Niculina COSMULESCU1, Marius Catalin CRIVEANU3,
University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture, 13 AI Cuza Street, Craiova, Romania
INFLPR-National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bvd. Atomistilor 409, Măgurele, Bucharest,
University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, IMST, Calgareni Str, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Str. Academiei Nr 3, Chisinau,
Republic of Moldova

Walnut shells are a secondary biomass, with an important energy potential. In Romania nuts
grow both spontaneously and in orchards. In orchards, several nuts varieties are grown, whose
walnut core and walnut shells differ from one another by their chemical composition (cellulose,
hemicellulose, lignin and microelements) [1-3].
In order to determine the best use of these vegetal residues we study here, comparatively,
the thermal behaviour in oxidative environment and under non-isothermal conditions of the walnut
shells from five nut varieties grown in Oltenia region, Romania. These nut varieties are Germisana,
Jupâneşti, Lara, Valmit and Valrex.
By means of a PerkinElmer DIAMOND TG/DTA thermobalance, the TG, DTG, DTA and
DSC curves were simultaneously recorded at the non-isothermal linear 10 K/min heating rate of the
walnut shells from these five nut varieties. After the walnut shells are devolatilised, cox burning
occurs, remaining 1-2 % ash, for all of them; however, the thermal behaviour differs slightly,
depending on the walnut variety.

The figure is an example of calculation of the decomposition enthalpy of Lara walnut shells.
In this case, oxidative decomposition occurs in several exothermic stages, the total variation of
enthalpy for the decomposition is ΔH = -6484.35 J/g.

[1] R. Findorak, M. Frohlichova, J. Legemya, L. Findorakova, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 125 (2016) 689
[2] M.J. Antal, G. Varhegyi, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43 (1995) 703
[3] H.T. Liou, F.W. Chang, J.J. Lo, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 36 (1997) 568

PS1.106 Poster Session 1

Investigation of the properties of a furan-2-one-based catalyst in the

hydrotreatment process of the diesel oil fraction


Saratov National Research State University,
83 Ulitsa Astrakhanskaya, Saratov 410012, Russian Federation

Modern trends in the oil refining industry development are caused by the quality
deterioration of oil produced, on the one hand, and the growth in the demand for motor fuel, on the
other hand. As a result, crude oil with high contents of sulfur, nitrogen, and metals is processed. To
process such raw materials and to produce high-quality light oil products, catalytic hydrogenation
processes are used with compounds of transition metal (in particular, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum,
and tungsten) as catalysts [1].
In this work, the catalytic activity of 5-phenyl-3-
[2-(thiazol-2-yl)hydrazono]-3H-furan-2-one Co(II)
during diesel fraction hydrotreatment was studied.
The cobalt complex of the substituted furan-2-one
obtained by method described in [2] was deposited
onto γ-Al2O3 by impregnation. The activity of the
resulting catalytic system was studied during
diesel oil fraction hydrotreatment in a flow-
through type plant within 320–380°C with a step
of 20°C at a hydrogen feed rate of 6 L per h.
Preliminary, our catalyst was activated in a
hydrogen flow for 2 h. The duration of the experiment was 1 h, the feed rate was 6 mL per h. The
main indicator of the activity of the catalytic system was the hydrodesulphiding ability, i.e. the
degree of purification of raw materials from sulfur-containing compounds. By the difference in the
sulfur content in the diesel fraction before and after our experiment, the degree of purification of the
diesel fraction at several process temperatures was estimated. The sulfur concentration was
determined by burning the oil product in an air jet and trapping the formed sulfur dioxide and
trioxide by solutions of hydrogen peroxide with sulfuric acid with subsequent titrating with sodium
hydroxide solution. As a result of our study, it was shown that our catalytic system began to
function already at 320°С (the purification degree 45%), however, the best result was achieved with
a feed rate of 0.6 h-1 and a temperature of 360°C, the purification degree being 75%.

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No 15-13-10007).

[1] A.G. Okunev, E.V. Parkhomchuk, A.I. Lysikov, P.D. Parunin, V.S. Semeykina, V.N. Parmon., Rus. Chem. Rev.,
84 (2015) 981
[2] O.A. Mayorova, A.Yu. Yegorova., Magn. Reson. Chem., 53 (2015) 853

Poster Session 2
Materials: ceramics, metals & alloys, cements, glasses, minerals,
nanomaterials, thin films and composites
Poster Session 2 PS2.01

Multimode, Horizontal and Vertical Optical Dilatometer for ceramics,

frits & glazes, tape casting, ash fusibility

Mete EGEMEN and Vittorio MERCURIO

TA Instruments ˗ Waters LLC, Italy

Dilatometry is a method that measures thermal expansion of materials over a specified

temperature range. Standard dilatometry experiments are performed with horizontal or vertical push
rod dilatometers. The mechanical interference due to contact with the measuring element may
introduce several artefacts in the real behaviour of the material under investigation. Novel optical
techniques are presented here, allowing the range of thermo-mechanical measurements to extend
above the elastic region of materials.
Manufactured by TA Instruments, optical dilatometers represent an important tool for high
temperature thermo-mechanical analysis. It is critical to have the ability to make easy and reliable
non-contact thermal expansion measurements on materials up to their melting temperature. Optical
dilatometers provide a novel research tool for the scientific community.

PS2.02 Poster Session 2

The Effect of Al/Mn Content on the Thermodynamic Parameters

of Cu-Al-Mn Alloys

Tamara Holjevac Grgurić1, Stjepan Kožuh1, Dragan Manasijević2,

Ljubiša Balanović2, Mirko Gojić1
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak, Croatia
University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Serbia

Understanding and control of chemical composition is one of the most important factors for
practical application of Cu-Al-Mn shape memory alloys [1]. Microstructure and phase
transformation temperatures of Cu-Al-Mn alloys are very sensitive on content of components and
even slightly changes can significantly shift transformation temperatures as well as prevent shape
memory properties [2-4].
In this work, an attempt has been made to study of influence of different Al/Mn ratio on the
thermodynamic properties and changes in phase transformation temperatures of Cu-Al-Mn alloys.
Cu-Al-Mn specimens were prepared by melting in the electric-arc furnace and casted in the
cylindrical moulds with φ=6mm. Alloys were homogenised at different temperatures and quenched
in the water. Microstructure of as-cast state and heat-treated state of Cu-Al-Mn were followed by
optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The influence of alloy content on the
transformation temperatures was carried out by simultaneous thermal analysis, STA DSC/TG.

This work was done in the frame of Croatian-Serbian bilateral project between University of
Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy and University of Belgrade Technical Faculty in Bor entitled
“Development and Characterization of Innovative Shape Memory Alloys Cu-Al-Mn-Me (Me=Ag,
Au, Ce)”.

[1] A. K.Jain, S. Hussain, P. Kumar, A. Pandey, R. Dasgupta, Trans Indian Inst Met, 69 (6) (2016) 1289–1295
[2] J. Liu, H. Huang, J. Xie, Effects of aging treatment on the microstructure and superelasticity of columnar-grained
Cu71Al18Mn11 shape memory alloy, Inter. J. Min. Met. Mat., 23 (10) (2016) 1-11
[3] Canbay C.A. et all, Controlling of Transformation Temperatures of Cu-Al-Mn Shape Memory Alloys by Chemical
Composition, Acta Phys. Pol. A., 125 (5) (2014) 1163-1166
[4] L. Niu, Z. Li, L. Li, B. Liu, Q. Liu, G. Xu, A free-cutting and ductile CuAlMnZnTiB shape memory alloy, J. Cent.
South Univ. , 22 (2015) 416−421

Poster Session 2 PS2.03

Polymer biocomposites based on natural lignocellulose:

Preparation and thermal characterization

Emi Govorčin Bajsić1, Tamara Holjevac Grgurić2, Vesna Ocelić Bulatović1,

Anabela Kos1
University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Marulićev trg 19,
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, HR-44103 Sisak, Croatia

The aim of this study was to prepare biocomposites with melt mixing (compounding) of
low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with natural lignocellulose, rice husk (RH) in order to obtain
biocomposites as a packaging materials [1,2]. The LDPE/RH biocomposites with different content
of rice husk (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 wt %) were prepared by laboratory Brabender mixer. The
influence of the rice husk and their content on thermal properties of LDPE/ RH biocomposites was
investigated. Thermal stability of the neat LDPE and LDPE/RH biocomposites was studied using
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in nitrogen atmosphere. The viscoelastic properties, the storage
modulus (E ') and loss modulus (E'') as a function of temperature for the neat LDPE and LDPE/RH
biocomposites were obtained by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The phase transitions were
obtained using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Results confirmed that the
incorporation of the RH into the LDPE and increase of the content of the RH slightly increased the
crystallinity of biopolymers. The initial degradation temperature of the neat LDPE is shifted to
higher temperature by the addition of RH which means that the thermal stability of the LDPE
increased by the addition od RH.

[1] K. Nwosu-Obieogu, I.F. Ejim, K. F. Adekunle, International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and
Technology, 2 (1) (2016) 10-15.
[2] R. Arjmandi, A. Hassan, K. Majeed, Z. Zakaria, International Journal of Polymer Science, (2015),

PS2.04 Poster Session 2

Crystallization behaviour of Y3Al5O12

Jozef CHOVANEC1, Roman SVOBODA2, Andrea ČERNÁ1,

Vitrum Laugaricio – Joint Glass Center of the IIC SAS, TnU AD, and FChPT STU, Trenčín,
Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Pardubice, Studentská 573, Pardubice 532 10,
Czech Republic
Joint Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry of Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASČR v.v.i.
and University of Pardubice
Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies, Faculty of Chemical Technology, nam. Cs. Legii 565,
532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Crystallization kinetics of Y3Al5O12 glass microspheres was studied under non – isothermal
conditions by differential scanning calorimetry. The glass was prepared by flame technique from a
crystalline YAG precursor synthesized by Pechini method. Kinetic analysis of the crystallization
peak had shown that at lower heating rates, the only process in the system was volume
crystallization with the apparent activation energy of 555±37 kJ mol-1 while at higher heating rates,
partial change of crystallization mechanism was observed with significant contribution of surface
crystallization and the activation energy of 606±31 kJ mol-1. The complex crystallization data were
further treated both by means of mathematic deconvolution based on the Fraser-Suzuki function and
kinetic deconvolution employing multivariate kinetic analysis. The complete kinetic description of
the complex crystallization signal was achieved using a combination of the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami
and Šesták–Berggren models. Depending on the heating rate, crystallization of the Y3Al5O12 glass
microspheres is controlled by two processes. The first one is bulk crystallization, which is dominant
at lower heating rates – the fit by JMA model indicated growth of 3–dimensional crystallites from
volume-located nuclei. At higher heating rates the dominant crystallization mechanism changes
towards surface crystallization from mechanically induced defects and /or/ higher internal tension
which is related to very fast cooling rates and small diameter of the glass microspheres. The surface
crystallization of YAG was described by the AC model; the consequent peak–shape analysis had
shown that this process is significantly more rapid (compared to the classic nucleation–growth
regime represented by the bulk crystallization in the present work) and may be responsible for the
poor glass–forming ability of YAG material.

R.S. and Z.O. wish to thank for financial support to the Czech Science Foundation under project
No. 17-11753S.

Poster Session 2 PS2.05

Influence of solution composition on sprayed ZnO nanorods

properties and formation process: thermoanalytical study
of the precursors

Tatjana DEDOVA, Ilona OJA ACIK, Svetlana POLIVTSEVA, Inga

School of Engineering, Department of Materials and Environmental Technology,
Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5 Tallinn, Estonia

ZnO has attracted enormous research interest in recent years due to its potential applications for
many various applications, such as lasers and light emitting diodes, gas sensors, field emission
devices, solar cells, photocatalyst, functional coatings etc.
Among many deposition techniques, spray pyrolysis deposition method is well-known as cheap and
facile route to prepare ZnO nanostructures.
The aim of this work was to study the influence of solution composition on sprayed ZnO nanorods
formation process and properties. Two precursor systems were chosen for this study. These are
acidic ZnCl2 aqueous solution (pH=3) (1) and basic solution e.g. mixture of ZnCl2 and NH4OH
(pH=10) (2). Precursor (2) was dried to white powder at room temperature for one week and while
precursor (1) did not fully dry and looked like a sleet even at 70° C. The precursors (1) and (2) were
characterized by XRD and FTIR methods. According to XRD, precursor (1) is amorphous and
precursor (2) consists of several zinc ammonia complexes. Thermal decomposition was monitored
by simultaneous TG-DTA/EGA-FTIR measurements on SetSys-Evo 1600 in the temperature range
of 30-800 °C in artificial air (80% Ar+ 20% O2).
TG/DTG/DTA curves of (1) indicate a weight loss of 86% in the temperature range of 150 °C and
635 °C. TG/DTA/DTG curves of (2) indicate a weight loss of 76% in the temperature range of 90
°C and 615 °C. The final product of thermal decomposition of (1) and (2) is ZnO. The main evolved
gases from (1) are H2O and HCl, whereas the main evolved gases from (2) are H2O, NOx, NH3 and
According to SEM analysis, ZnO rods formation from (2) solutions takes place about 100 °C lower
deposition temperatures, than those from acidic solutions. Moreover, the rods obtained from (2)
have shown ca. 3 times higher photocatalytic activity for degradation of doxycycline being
superhydrophilic (CA=3 ° C), compared to the rods produced from solution (1) (CA=20 °C).

PS2.06 Poster Session 2

Reaction pathway to CZTSe

Part 1. Chemical reactions and enthalpies in mixtures ZnSe-CdI2,
SnSe-CdI2, CuSe-CdI2

Inga LEINEMANN, Godswill Chimezie NKWUSI, Kristi TIMMO,

Department of Materials and Environmental Technology, Tallinn University of Technology,
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia

In order to understand the formation and growth mechanisms of Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe),

various chemical reactions and their enthalpies in mixtures of ZnSe, SnSe or CuSe with CdI2 were
investigated in closed vacuum ampoules. For analysis, DTA, XRD, SEM, EDX, and Raman
spectroscopy were used. By investigating changes in phase composition and in process enthalpies
the occurring chemical reactions and their enthalpies were derived. The experimental results
confirm intermediate formation of ZnxCd1-xSe in ZnSe-CdI2 and of CdSe and iodides in SnSe or
CuSe mixtures by exchange reaction.

Poster Session 2 PS2.07

Reaction pathway to CZTSe

Part 2. Chemical reactions and enthalpies in mixtures CuSe-SnSe-
CdI2, CuSe-SnSe-ZnSe-CdI2 and Cu2ZnSnSe4 monograin sintering


Department of Materials and Environmental Technology, Tallinn University of Technology,
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia

The chemical reactions and their enthalpies from CuSe, SnSe and ZnSe in molten CdI2 in
closed vacuum ampoules were investigated. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was used for the
determination of temperatures of processes taking place. XRD and Raman spectroscopy were
performed for the phase analysis of heating for prolonged samples time at temperfature higher than
peak top in DTA. The occurring chemical reactions and their enthalpies were derived. The
recrystallization of CZTSe in CdI2 was investigated. The grain sintering in three different flux
materials (CdI2, NaI, KI) was compared. The results confirmed Cu2SnSe3, Cu2SnSe4, CdSe,
Cu2CdSnSe4, Cu2ZnSnSe4, Zn1-xCdxSe compounds.

PS2.08 Poster Session 2

Chemical and thermal behaviour characterization of pure

Al2O3•2SiO2 synthesized via a sol-gel technique

Elisabetta TRANQUILLO1, Michelina CATAURO1, Flavia BOLLINO1,

Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”,
Aversa, Italy
Department of Basic and Applied Science for Engineering (S.B.A.I.), Sapienza University of
Rome, via del Castro Laurenziano 7, Roma, Italy

Metakaolin (MK) is a material used in the construction field, mainly as pozzolanic additive
for modern cement and concrete. MK mainly consists of silica and alumina oxides, with variable
contents of other oxides that can be considered as impurities. With the aim of overcoming the
drawback represented by the non-homogeneous properties of natural MK due to significant
variability of its structure, chemical composition and reactivity, four pure aluminosilicates with
formula Al2O3•2SiO2 were synthesized and characterized in the present study. Aluminosilicate gels
were synthesized by the sol-gel method using ANN and TEOS as precursors of Al2O3 and SiO2
respectively. Both precursors were dissolved in pure ethanol.
Several samples were obtained with four different TEOS/H2O molar ratios. Before the
thermal pre-treatment of the gel materials their thermal behaviour were analysed by thermal
analysis with the aim to choose the most suitable temperatures. The sols were dried at 65°C for 24
hours, and then at 120° for 1 h. Since the results showed that dehydroxylation (which leads to the
conversion of Al(VI) into the more reactive Al(V)) begin to occur at around 500 °C [1], the samples
were subsequently heated up to 600°C in order to induce dehydroxylation. The FTIR spectra of all
the synthesized samples after heating at 600°C compared to that of MK were found very similar to
each other. Therefore, FTIR analysis showed that a higher amount of reactive Al(V) is present in
the synthesized material compared to natural MK. Furthermore, no impurities were detected in the
sol-gel powders whereas impurities are present in the natural MK, though in small amount. The
colour of the powders confirms the result of the XRF analysis: MK is grey, whereas all the sol-gel
powders are white. The XRD spectra of all the calcined samples and of the fresh MK revealed that
they are completely amorphous, and SEM analysis confirmed that all the samples are homogeneous
and compact, regardless of the water content.
Finally, ICP analysis shows that the synthesized aluminosilicates release a higher amount of
Al and Si than natural MK, regardless the TEOS/H2O molar ratio. These results suggest that the
synthetic materials are more reactive than ‘natural’ MK and can be suitably used as raw materials,
as a MK substitute.

[1] D.S. Klimesch, A. Ray. Thermochim Acta, 307 (1997) 167-176.

Poster Session 2 PS2.09

Thermal behaviour study of ZrO2/PCL hybrids

synthesized via sol-gel route

Stefano VECCHIO CIPRIOTI1, Riccardo TUFFI2, Michelina CATAURO3

Department of Basic and Applied Science for Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome,
Via del Castro Laurenziano 7, Building RM017, I-00161 Rome, Italy
Dipartimento Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Produttivi e Territoriali, ENEA – Casaccia Research
Center, Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 S. Maria di Galeria (Rome), Italy
Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, University of Campania
“Luigi Vanvitelli”, Aversa, Italy

Organic-inorganic hybrids (OIHs) are an important class of materials proposed for bone
repair and substitution [1]. An ideal technique to prepare OIHs is the sol-gel methods, a versatile
synthesis process used to produce glasses and ceramics at low temperatures. The transition of the
system from a colloidal liquid (‘sol’) into a solid ‘gel’ occurs involving hydrolysis of metal
alkoxide precursors and polycondensation reactions in a water-alcohol solution. The low processing
temperatures allows entrapping thermolabile molecules (e.g. polymers and drugs) in the inorganic
matrix, producing OIHs. The main idea when a hybrid material is developed is to overcome the
disadvantages of both the components and to retain their advantages. Recently,
ZrO2/polycaprolactone (PCL) hybrids containing variable percentages of PCL (6, 12, 24 and 50
wt%) were synthesized via the sol-gel process, and characterized by means of several techniques.
FT-IR, NMR, XRD and SEM analyses showed that the ZrO2/PCL materials are amorphous and
homogeneous OIHs, in which the organic and inorganic phases are linked by H-bonds between the
–OH groups of the zirconia matrix and the C=O bonds in the PCL chains [2]. The knowledge of the
thermal behaviour of sol-gel materials, studied by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal
analysis (DTA) is of paramount importance to identify the best condition for their thermal treatment
to provide good materials with the most suitable properties for the requested applications.
Furthermore, all the physical and chemical processes that take place in these promising materials
upon heating were investigated using a TG/FTIR device, able to analyse the gaseous mixture
evolved from the samples at several temperatures. In particular, all the PCL-poor OIHs (except that
with 50% of PCL) showed similar thermal behaviour: they undergo dehydration up to about 130 °C,
followed by a multi-step decomposition of PCL in the range between 150 and 550 °C. A small
amount of water is evolved by the PCL-rich OIH material if compared with those of the other OIH
studied. In addition, the multi-step degradation of PCL begins to occur simultaneously with
dehydration, is made up of four endothermic effects and ends at temperature slightly lower than
those for PCL-poor hybrids (about 505 °C) with a residue of 40%.

[1] R. Li, K. Nie, W. Pang, Q. Zhu, J Biomed Mater Res A, 83 (2007) 114
[2] M. Catauro, M. C. Mozzati, F. Bollino, Acta Astronautica, 117 (2015) 153

PS2.10 Poster Session 2

The influence of different additives on the early stage hydration of

calcium aluminate cement


Department of Silicate Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu 19,
LT–50270 Kaunas, Lithuania

Calcium aluminate cement is a specific hydraulic binder, which primarily consist of

monocalcium aluminate. Mentioned binder has properties such as rapid hardening, high early
strength and resistance to fire, abrasion, sulphate attack and alkali-silica reaction. Calcium
aluminate cement usually is produced by burning a mixture of calcium bearing materials
(limestone) and aluminum bearing materials (bauxite or refined alumina) [1]. In order to cheapen
production, various types of additives or waste are applied. However, there is a lack of information
about the hydration properties of calcium aluminate cement using granite dust or quartz [2]. For
these reasons, the main aim of this study was to determine the influence of granite cutting waste and
quartz influence on early stage hydration of calcium aluminate cement.
Calcium aluminate cement Gorkal 70 (Gorka Cement, Poland) (Sa = 466.5 m2 kg-1, ρ = 3.15
g cm-3 and calcium aluminate cement clinker (Gorka Cement, Poland) (additionally ground for 7
min in a vibrating cup) were used. The dominant minerals are calcium aluminum oxide –
CaO·Al2O3 and grossite – CaO·2Al2O3. Quartz sand and granite cutting waste (GCW) were used as
additives. GCW (Sa = 913 m2/kg, ρ = 2.927 g/cm3) mainly consist of silicon, aluminium, iron,
potassium elements. The dominant minerals are quartz (SiO2) microcline (KAlSi3O8,) annite
(KFe3AlSiO10(OH)2), albite ((Na,Ca)Al(Si,Al)3O8), cordierite ((Mg,Fe)2Al2Si5O18).
It was determined that quartz and GCW additives have major influence on the calcium
aluminate cement and clinker hydration process. It was obtained that in clinker samples with 12 %
of SiO2 the second exothermic reaction started about 10 h earlier and the heat release rate was a
little lower (0.005 W g-1) than in pure clinker. The amount of released heat during mentioned
exothermic reaction was equal to 240 J g-1. It is worth mentioning that the same tendency was
observed in the clinker samples with 12 % of GCW. The second exothermic reaction for both
samples started after 1.9 and finished after 10 h of hydration, while in pure samples – 10-18 h. The
total amount of released heat after 75 h in the clinker samples with 12 % SiO2 samples was equal to
432 J g-1, meanwhile in samples with 12% GCW – 437 J g-1. It should be underlined, that hydration
process of calcium aluminate cement differs from clinker. The previous results were confirmed by
XRD, STA and microcalorimetry analysis.

[1] J. Newman, “Advanced Concrete Technology 1”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2003)

[2] S. Singh, R. Nagar, V. Agrawal, A. Rana, A. Tiwari, J. Clean. Prod., (2016) 223-235

Poster Session 2 PS2.11

Thermoanalytical study of strontium substituted Ca–Mo–O nitrate-

tartrate gel precursors prepared by sol-gel synthesis


Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Vilnius University, Naugarduko Str. 24,
LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania

Molybdates such as CaMoO4 and SrMoO4 with a scheelite-type structure are important
luminescent materials, which have attracted a lot of interest because of its potential applications,
such as electro-optical, laser host materials and acousto-optic filter [1]. During the past decades, the
wide range of physical and chemical properties of such kind compounds were investigated in detail
Up to now, various synthesis methods have been developed to synthesize different
molybdates with interesting surface morphology features from bulk materials to nanoparticles.
However, only limited investigations have been published on the full strontium substituted calcium
molybdate. This lack of information has motivated us to show the advantages of the aqueous sol-gel
synthesis technique by the synthesis of strontium substituted calcium molybdate.
In the present study we have found that it is possible to synthesize Ca1-xSrxMoO4 crystalline
compounds using an environmentally benign and simple chemical reaction method without the need
of post-synthesis heat treatment and complicated instrumentation. The resultant phase of the Ca1-
xSrxMoO4 bulk materials were analyzed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). The results clearly showed that the Ca1-xSrxMoO4 crystalline compounds in the
range of x from 0.1 to 0.9 have a scheelite-type structure without any impurity phase. Moreover, it
was also shown the well-defined peak shift from 2θ =27.50o for strontium molybdate to 2θ =28.75o
for calcium molybdate, which can be attributed to (1 1 2), reflection of the single phase tetragonal
structure of scheelites CaMoO4 and SrMoO4, respectively. Besides, SEM micrographs revealed that
this technique is suitable for the preparation of nano-sized materials. Finally, the thermal
decomposition and possible mechanism of the formation of final crystalline materials were
substantiated by thermogravimetric investigation and differential scanning calorimetry of the as
prepared gel precursors for defined ceramics.

[1] C. Cui, J. Bi, D. Gao, J. Alloys Compd. 470 (2009) L21

[2] Q. Wei, D. Chen, Cent. Eur. J. Phys., 8 (2010) 766
[3] V. B. Mikhailik, S. Henry, H. Kraus, I. Solskii, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 583 (2007) 350
[4] D. Li, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, G. Shi, G. Liu, Y. Song, J. Alloys Compd., 550 (2013) 509.
[5] L. Wan, S. Lu, L. Sun, X. Qu, Opt. Mater., 36 (2014) 628

PS2.12 Poster Session 2

Synthesis, properties and thermoanalytical study of calcium

substituted LAMOX oxide-ion conductor


Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Vilnius University, Naugarduko Str. 24,
LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania
Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University, Sauletekio av. 9/3, LT-10222 Vilnius, Lithuania

Oxide-ion conductors have been widely studied because of their potential applications as
components of fuel cells, oxygen sensors, oxygen pumps and oxygen-permeable membrane
catalysts [1]. Up to now, there is a considerable number of structural families that could be suitable
for use as oxide electrolytes in consideration of the limitation of operating temperature and
conductivity. An oxygen ionic conductor, reported by Lacorre et al. [2], namely lanthanum
molybdate La2Mo2O9 [3], has attracted much attention due to its high ionic conductivity at medium
temperature (0.06 S/cm at 800 °C) [4]. This compound undergoes a structural transition around 540
°C, resulting in a decrease in conductivity by almost two orders of magnitude at low temperatures.
Substituting the La3+ cation with divalent ions such as Ca, Sr, Ba etc. can suppress this phase
transition and maintain the high-temperature phase to lower temperature with only slightly
decreased or even increased conductivity in some cases.
Up to now, various synthesis methods have been developed to synthesize lanthanum
molybdate substituted by different cations. Aqueous sol–gel synthesis method is one of the simplest
preparation techniques that is successfully used for the obtaining of different materials with
necessary physical and chemical properties. However, only limited investigations have been
published on the thermoanalytical study of the as prepared gel precursors by the formation of the
La2Mo2O9 substituted with divalent Ca2+. Moreover, the influence of used starting materials to the
resulting surface morphology of produced ceramics also was not investigated in detail. We present
the investigation of Ca2+ substituted La2Mo2O9 by thermoanalytical analysis of gel precursors and
microscopy of surface of subsequently sintered ceramics. Furthermore, the samples, which
characterized by a dense surface morphology, were additionally studied by two different electrical
impedance spectroscopy techniques.

Acknowledgements The research leading to these results has received funding from Lithuanian–
French Programme “Gilibert” under project agreement n° S-LZ-17-7.

[1] X. P. Wang and Q. F. Fang, J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 13 (2001) 1641.

[2] P. Lacorre, F. Goutenoire, O. Bohnke, R. Retoux and Y. Laligant, Nature 404 (2000) 856.
[3] F. Goutenoire, O. Isnard, R. Retoux and P. Lacorre, Chem. Mater. 12 (2000) 2575.
[4] S. Basu and H. S. Maiti, J. Solid State Electrochem. 14 (2010) 1021.

Poster Session 2 PS2.13

Peculiarities of 1.13 tobermorite and xonotlite synthesis from

isomorphic Ca/Si rocks


Department of Silicate Technology, Kaunas University of Technology,
Radvilenu pl. 19, LT-50254 Kaunas, Lithuania

Tobermorite Ca5Si6O16(OH)2·4H2O and xonotlite Ca6Si6O17(OH)2 are rarely encountered in

nature but often found in autoclaved concrete products [1]. New publications show possibilities to
synthesize these calcium silicate hydrates from coal fly ash [2], biomass ash [3], silica fume, quartz
sand and other unconventional raw materials [4]. Unfortunately, results sometimes lack integrated
data about the impact of impurities in raw materials on the formation kinetics and thermal
behaviour of these minerals and often are contradictory. Occurring chemical reaction mechanism
and kinetic can be precisely set only using reagent grade raw materials.
The aim of this work was to compare the mineral composition of products obtained during
the hydrothermal synthesis (isothermal curing at 180 and 200 °C – from 2 to 72 h) of reagent grade
CaO-SiO2·H2O and calcined limestone-opoka mixtures (molar ratio C/S = 1.0). Opoka is a silica-
calcite sedimentary rock that is found in Lithuania and other South-Eastern Europe countries. The
samples were analysed by DSC, STA, XRD, SEM and IR–spectroscopy.
The formation of crystalline calcium silicate hydrates in calcined limestone-opoka mixture
at 180 °C goes quite slow. However, according to XRD and heat flow data, semi–crystalline
calcium silicate hydrates transform into more ordered compounds with prolonging the synthesis
duration and 1.13 nm tobermorite of the highest crystallinity degree was obtained after 12 h of
isothermal curing. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) shows, that tobermorite dehydration
effect at 200–230 °C temperature is very broad, vaguely expressed. Similar results obtained and
other authors during the synthesis of 1.13 nm tobermorite from natural raw and industrial by-
products with Al-containing impurities. However, exothermic process at ~840 °C temperature is
clearly visible in simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) curves, which shows recrystallization of
semi amorphous C-S-H(I) to wollastonite. The narrow thermal effect in the DSC curve at 370 °C
shows, that product contains a small amount of hydrogarnet. It was transformed into Al-substituted
tobermorite with curing time. It should be underlined that 1.13 nm tobermorite was stable and start
to recrystallize to xonotlite only by prolonging the synthesis duration to 72 h.
Elevating the temperature of the synthesis to 200 °C led to a significant acceleration of the
reactions in calcined limestone-opoka mixture. 1.13 nm tobermorite became a dominant compound
in the product after 4 h of the synthesis and only a negligible amount of C-S-H(I) was identified in
STA curves. Moreover, tobermorite after 8 h of the synthesis started to recrystallize to xonotlite. It
should be underlined that in reagent grade CaO-SiO2·H2O mixture 1.13 nm tobermorite start to
transform to xonotlite by prolonging the synthesis duration to 24 h.
It can be state, that opoka is a suitable raw material for the synthesis of 1.13 nm tobermorite
and xonotlite.

[1] X. Guo, F. Meng, H. Shi, Constr. Build. Mater., 133 (2017), 253–260
[2] L. Young, S. Ma, Z. Zhao, Z. Wang, S. Zheng, Ceram. Int., 43 (2017), 1–11
[3] I. Jimenez, G. Perez, A. Guerrero, B. Ruiz, Int. J. Miner. Process., 158 (2017), 8–12
[4] L. Galvánková, J. Másilko, T. Solný, E. Štěpánková, Proc.Eng.,151 (2016),100–107

PS2.14 Poster Session 2

Zn2SnO4 nanodinensional layers’ growth at 300-400 °C by

spray method
Moldova State University, Departament of Physics and Engineering,
str.Alexe Mateevici, nr.60, Chisinau, MD-2009, Republic of Moldova
Zinc oxide and its Sn compounds are of particular interest for researchers related to their
technical using due to the wide band gap and high resisatance to the temperature, chemical
influence and corpuscular radiation.
Recently for ZnO and Zn2SnO4 nanometric layers fabrication such a methods as magnetron
sputtering, gaseous phase deposition and pulverization are used. Nevertheless the properties of
policrystalline layers of these wide band gap semiconductors deposited by pulverization are not
sufficiently studieid which delays the process of their practical implementation in different device
The objective of our study were establishing of the optimum deposition conditions for ZnO
and zinc stanate (Zn2SnO4) layers by pulverization method on the glass substrates and investigation
of their electrophysical properties.Tle oxide layers deposition by pulverization method has a serieis
of priorities: siplicity; using of low cost equipment; minimum loses of the material; economical at
the deposion on large areas; excludes the using of toxic gases. For ZnO and Zn2SnO4 layers
fabrication the installation described in [1] was used.
The system allows to obtain the ZnO and Zn2SnO4 layers with a surface area up to 80 cm2.
The layers were grown in an oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 40 kPa through the pulverizer. For
ZnO and Zn2SnO4 layers deposition the ethanol solutions of ZnCl2 and SnO4 molarity of 0.2M were
used. The layers were grown on glass substrates having temperature in the range range of the 300 -
400 ° C for various ZnCl2 and SnO4 ratios in the solution of a 10 mL volume. ZnO and Zn2SnO4
layers with a thickness of 500-350 nm depending on ZnCl2 / SnO4 ratio there were obtained.
The electrical and optical properties of the obtained at the temperture of 300 ºC, 350 ºC și
400ºC layers in dependence of ZnCl2/SnCl4 ratio were studied. The surface resistance of the layers
grown for Zn/Sn ratio from 9/1 up to 5/5 is of 107 Ω/cm2 by reaching values of 6⋅107 Ω/cm2 for 1/9
ratio. The optical transmittance in the wavelength region of 300...900 nm is of 60-70% up to the
ratio 5/5 and increases to 80% for Zn/Sn ratio where Sn prevails.

[1]. V.Botnariuc, L.Gorceac, A.Coval, B.Cinic, P.Ketrush, S.Raevschi, V.Micli. Synthesys and Electrophysical
Properties of Nanometric CdS Layers Deposited on SnO2-coated Glass Substrates by Pulverization Method.J.of
Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics. 7 (2013) 1-7.

Poster Session 2 PS2.15

Temperature influence on the doping efficiency by various metals for

CVT ZnO crystals

Gleb V. Colibaba
Moldova State University, A. Mateevici 60, Chisinau, Moldova
Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan, RF

Zinc oxide (ZnO) crystals have drawn attention due to a relatively low price and due to their
application perspectives in optoelectronics and photonics. Doping by transitional metals and rare-
earth elements is applicable for obtaining new effective light-emitting materials. One of the most
cheap and simpler methods for obtaining ZnO crystals with controllable impurity composition
varied in a wide range is the chemical vapor transport (CVT) in sealed chambers. This high
temperature growth method is free from Li or K ion contamination, in comparison with widely used
hydrothermal method [1].
The application of chloride compounds as a chemical vapour transport agents (TA), which
effectively react with ZnO might be a perspective. Moreover, it can be also the perspective for
obtaining materials homogeneously doped by various metal chlorides in the growth process, as well
as solid solution crystals based on ZnO. The theoretical and experimental data for the use of HCl as
a TA for ZnO single crystals growth were demonstrated earlier [2]. High density of products for
HCl+ZnO interaction, that is favourably for high quality of grown crystals was shown. However, a
very low growth rate (≤ 0.2 mm per day), which is limited by the weak temperature dependence of
pressures for the main CVT gaseous species, is inherent for this method [2]. Recently, new methods
using HCl+H2 and HCl+CO TA mixtures were suggested for ZnO single crystal growth. The
increase of growth rate up to 1−1.5 mm per day has been achieved [3, 4] giving alternative research
direction for obtaining ZnO and for its applications.
The present investigation is theoretical study of doping efficiency of CVT ZnO crystals,
which are doped in the growth process by oxides of various metals. The thermodynamic analysis for
composition of ZnO−HCl−MeO CVT systems in the closed growth chambers is carried out for
oxides (MeO) of over 50 metals; including elements of I, II, III groups of the periodic table,
transitional metals and some rare-earth elements. The influence of crystal growth temperature on
the pressure and mass transport rate of doping gaseous species is investigated for the 1000−1500 K
range. The application perspectives of various doping materials, as well as optimal growth
conditions are discussed.

[1] Ü. Özgür et al., J. Appl. Phys. 98 (2005) 041301

[2] G. V. Colibaba. Solid State Sciences 56 (2016) 1
[3] G. V. Colibaba. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 43 (2016) 75
[4] G. Colibaba. 8th International conference of Material Science and Condensed Matter Physics, 12-16 September,
Chisinau, Moldova, Abstract, p.103

PS2.16 Poster Session 2

Temperature influence on the chemical mass transport rate of ZnO

Gleb V. Colibaba
Moldova State University, A. Mateevici 60, Chisinau, Moldova
Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan, RF

Zinc oxide (ZnO) crystals have drawn attention due to a relatively low price and due to their
application perspectives in various fields. One of the most cheap and simpler methods for obtaining
ZnO crystals with controllable electrical parameters and impurity composition varied in a wide
range is the chemical vapour transport (CVT) in sealed chambers, which is free from Li or K ion
contamination characteristic to hydrothermal method [1].
The use of hydrogen as a transport agent (TA) gives the possibility to grow large CVT ZnO
crystals. However, these crystals are usually characterized by structural defects such as angle
boundaries and voids, and strong mechanical contact between crystals and walls of quartz growth
chambers leads to a partial destruction of crystals during a post-growth cooling [2]. Polycrystal
growth is usually observed at the use of C or CO; single crystals have been reproducibly obtained
only by using seeds and a low mass transport rate [3, 4]. High density of products for HCl+ZnO
interaction, that is favourably for high quality of grown crystals was demonstrated in Ref. [5].
However, a very low growth rate, which is limited by the weak temperature dependence of
pressures for the main CVT gaseous species, is inherent for this method [5]. In this regard, of great
interest is the elaboration of alternative growth methods based on compound mixtures as TAs for
fast and stable growth of high quality ZnO single crystals.
The present investigation is comparative study of mass transport rate of ZnO grown by CVT
method. The thermodynamic analysis for composition of CVT systems which include ZnO and H2,
C, CO, HCl, H2+C, Cl2+C, HCl+H2 and HCl+CO as TAs, is carried out for closed growth
chambers. This analysis includes 1000−1500 K temperature range, various loaded TA pressure and
ZnCl2, H2O, Zn2Cl4, ZnCl, Zn, CO2, CH4, COCl2, CCl4 gaseous species. The influence of the
growth temperature, of the TA density/composition and of the undercooling on the rate of ZnO
mass transport is investigated experimentally. The application perspectives of various TAs, as well
as optimal growth conditions are discussed.

[1] Ü. Özgür et al., J. Appl. Phys. 98 (2005) 041301

[2] P. Skupinski et al., Phys. Status Solidi B 247 (2010) 1457
[3] M. Mikami et al., J. Cryst. Growth 304 (2007) 37
[4] S-H. Hong et al., J. Cryst. Growth 311 (2009) 3609
[5] G. V. Colibaba. Solid State Sciences 56 (2016) 1

Poster Session 2 PS2.17

Temperature growth influence on luminescent properties of ZnSe:Gd

single crystals

Evghenii Goncearenco, Gleb Colibaba, Dumitru Nedeoglo

Moldova State University, A. Mateevici str. 60, Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova

Nowadays, rare-earth elements (REE) are widely used as doping material. Incorporation of
REE in the crystals give possibility to obtain new irradiation bands due to necessaries in the optics
and optoelectronics. However, REE have a weak property of incorporation into the crystals or low
transport values, while doping or growing respectively, in the vapour transport methods. In this
case, it is important to define the best growth conditions of the ZnSe single crystals where would be
efficient doping with gadolinium ions.
The Gd doped ZnSe single crystals from 900 to 1050°C had been grown. The doping
impurity amount and the purity of the source elements had been maintained. Luminescent properties
have been investigated in the 400-800 nm range at 100 and 300K. Single crystals have been excited
by impulse gas-discharge laser with λexc = 337 nm.
It is known, “pure” ZnSe single crystals radiate only in the short-wavelength visible spectral
region, called edge-band radiation. Figure demonstrates edge-band radiation of the ZnSe:Gd single
crystals grown at different temperatures.

Figure 1. Edge-band spectra (a) and normalized (b) of the ZnSe:Gd single crystals
grown at: 1 – 900°С; 2 – 950°С; 3 – 1000°С; 4 – 1050°С. Т=100К.
Inset: temperature dependences of the edge-band intensity (a) and its position (b).

Figure indicates that increasing temperature in the growth chamber causes decrease of the
edge-band intensity and position shifts to the short-wavelength region. These dependences are
linear and are shown in the insets. In the long-wavelength spectral region the detected band
intensities is quenching with the temperature growth in the chamber. We suppose, the crystal lattice
extends with increasing temperature in the growth chamber giving possibility to the REE ions to
migrate freely and to occupy the advantageous energetically sites. Hence, vacancies are filled up
and the background impurity is displaced, which is responsible for the long-wavelength radiation.
As a result, the edge-band radiation shifts toward higher energies (fig. 1b), and the band in the long-
wavelength region is vanished. Experimentally we observe decrease of the edge-band intensity (fig.
1a) as it is expected from our previous suppose and the Gd impurity property to capture migrate
energy through the crystal.

PS2.18 Poster Session 2

InP photovoltaic cells: results and comparison

Leonid GORCEAC, Ludmila GAGARA, Petru KETRUSH,

Boris CINIC, Andrei COVAL, Cornel ROTARU
Moldova State University, Departament of Physics and Engineering,
str.Alexe Mateevici, nr.60, Chisinau, MD-2009, Republic of Moldova

InP photovoltaic cells for renewable energetics having obvious advantages comparable with
other ionizing rediation resistant PV cells [1] are realised based on homojunctions or
heterojunctions obtained by such methods as diffusion, ion implanting, liquid or gaseous phase
epitaxy or various combination of the last.
The results of studies of PV cells based on InP homojunction and heterojunction are brought in
this paper.
The technological process of n+-po-p+InP type homojuntions obtaining consists of:
• The Zn doped poInP (p° - (1…5)⋅1016cm-3) layer deposition on p+InP (p~3⋅1018cm-3)
substrates by gaseous phase epitaxy in In-PCl3-H2 system at the temperature of 650°C and
po-p+InP isostructure obtaining;
• Deposition of Te doped n+InP (n=(3..5)⋅1018 cm-3) epitaxial layer on the poInP layer surface
at the temperature of 650°C by the same method in the same technologic cycle.
At the fabrication of n+CdS-poInP-p+InP hetrostructures the n+InP epitaxial layer was substituted
by n+CdS layer having the thickness of 2÷4µm, deposited by quaziclosed space method in a H2
The n+CdS layer is used as a „window” layer for n+-po-p+InP homostructure.
The frontal contact is deposited bu In thermal evaporation in vacuum, the bottom contact was
deposited by thermal evaporation of Ag+5%Zn alloy followed by heat treatment in H2 flow at
250°C and 420°C respectively.
I-U and load dependencies on temperature were studied.
It was established:
• the open circuit voltage Uoc linearily decreases with temperature increase with the
temperature coefficient of ( -0,25…-0,22)%⋅degree-1;
• the short circuit current density jsc increase from 42,3 mA⋅cm-2 up to 50,3 mA⋅cm-2 wit the
temperature coefficient of (0,008…0,07)%⋅degree -1;
• the generated by PV cells maximum power varries with the temperature coefficient of (-
0,28…-0,25)%⋅degree -1
The comparison of the poad dependencies of n+CdS-n+InP-p-InP- p+InP homojunction and of
n+CdS-p-InP-p+InP heterojunction at the illumination with a light flow of 100 mW⋅cm-2 one can
observe: the efficiency of PV cells with the heterojunction reaches the value of 17,3% and is by
3,8% higher thanfor the PV cells with homojunction which is of 13,5%. This is due to the more
efficient use of the visible spectrum, the fact proved by the form of photosensitivity spectral

[1] K.Ando, M.Yamagchi. Radiation resistance of InP solar cells under light illumination. In: Appl.Phys.Lett. 47 (1985)

Poster Session 2 PS2.19

Single source synthesis of Sr6Co5O15⋅Co3O4 composite:

characterization of the oxide product and its precursor


Institute of Chemistry, ASM, Academiei, str.3, MD 2028-Chisinau, Moldova
Institute of Physics, PAS, al. Lotników 32/46, Warszawa 02-668, Poland
Institute of Physical Chemistry I.Murgulescu, RA, 060021 - Bucharest, Romania

Cobalt perovskite oxides and their derivatives are intensively studied because of their complex
electronic and magnetic properties, that are very attractive for many technological applications.
Physical properties of such systems depend strongly on the oxygen deficiency and can be modified
by choosing appropriate preparation conditions [1]. Herein, we present the synthesis of strontium
cobaltite nanopowder from coordination molecular precursor Co-Sr-2,3-PDC (1) [2] by a thermal
decomposition method as well as structural, magnetic and transport characterization of the
composite obtained. Compound 1 exhibits a 2D coordination polymer structure, where the ligands
link Co(II) and Sr(II) ions in the molar ratio 1:1; the shortest cobalt-cobalt distance is 6.42 Å. The
TGA thermal analysis proves that complex 1 undergoes a controlled thermal decomposition to give
a Co-Sr mixed metal oxide residue 2, which after cooling in air was determined by PXRD as
Sr6Co5O15⋅Co3O4 (CPDC Nr 01-086-0614, and Nr 00-042-1467). The chemical composition and
surface morphology analyzed by SEM microscopy and ED X-ray, suggest the formation of
crystallite mixture of Sr6Co5O15⋅Co3O4 with well-defined crystalline particles evently distributed in
the range 1-3 μm. Variable temperature magnetic measurements of 1 and 2 have been performed in
the range 5 – 330 K. The magnetic studies of polycrystalline sample 1 show the dominant
paramagnetic behavior of high-spin (S = 3/2) Co(II) ions (fig.1). While for sample 2, magnetometry
results demonstrate the presence of a major compound Sr6Co5O15 (fig.2) with a small inclusions of
SrCoO2.75, probably, remaining as an insignificant part of the intermediate phase. The electrical
conductivity (σ) (75–330 K) of 2, shows semiconducting-like behavior with values of σ in the range
~10-6–10-1 Ω-1cm-1 with Ea~ 0.23 eV in the range (T=200-330K).

Fig. 1 Plot of χT versus T for complex 1, measured at Fig. 2 Temperature dependences of ZFC-FC magnetization
50 Oe (symbols) and simulation for mononuclear model measured at 50 Oe and SEM micrograph (in situ) of the
(solid line). oxide sample 2.

[1] L.G.Hubert-Pfalzgraf, Inorg.Chem.Commun., 2003, 6,102; [2] A.Lazarescu, et all. Proceed. of Int.Conf (OMEE-
2012), sept.,3-7, 2012, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 299-300; [3] C. De la Calle,et all.Solid State Sci.,2008,10, 1924.

PS2.20 Poster Session 2

Effect of rapid thermal annealing on properties of

ZnO:Ag nanostructures

Vasile POSTICA1, Oleg LUPAN1, Rainer ADELUNG2, Thierry PAUPORTÉ3

Department of Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Moldova,
168 Stefan cel Mare Blvd., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Institute for Materials Science, Kiel University, Kaiser str. 2, D-24143, Kiel, Germany
PSL Research University, Chimie ParisTech-CNRS, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris,
UMR8247, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France

With fast development of new portable gadgets and other intelligent devices, a wide
necessity of multifunctional sensors has appeared [1]. In this context, one dimensional (1-D)
nanostructures of metal oxides are excellent candidates as building blocks for nanoscale
optoelectronics, nanosensors and electronics [1,2]. Due to small diameter and high surface-to
volume ratio of individual nanostructures, the conduction channel is highly dependent on surface
reactions [1]. ZnO nanostructures are widely used for fabrication of nanosensors due to easy
synthesis and a wide range of morphologies [3]. Further improvements to enhance the sensing
properties of ZnO nanostructures can be achieved by doping with transition metals, such as silver
(Ag) [1], as well as by thermal annealing in electrical furnace (TA) or by rapid thermal annealing
(RTA) [4]. Previous reports clearly demonstrates that Ag-doping of ZnO lead to the diminution
of the concentration of donor defects for the compensation of the n-type conductivity [1],
while thermal annealing (TA) and rapid treatment (RTA) can lead to efficient change in
morphology of doped ZnO nanostructured films [4].
Recently, our group has demonstrated efficient Ag-doping and growth of ZnO:Ag NWs by
electrochemical method [1,5] and of thin films. Based on individual ZnO:Ag NWs with 150 nm
radius the multifunctional sensor devices for fast room temperature hydrogen gas and ultraviolet
(UV) light detection were fabricated using FIB/SEM system [1]. The sensors demonstrated the
response of ~ 1.6 to 100 ppm of hydrogen gas with relatively fast response and complete recovery
of signal [1]. Such response is comparable with those of nanosensors based on pristine ZnO NWs
with much lower diameter of ≈ 100 nm, which demonstrate the efficiency of Ag-doping for sensing
properties enhancement [1]. In the case of ZnO:Ag nanostructured films synthesized via a simple
synthesis from chemical solutions (SCS) approach [4], the RTA and TA treatments at different
temperatures and in different inert atmospheres showed efficient change in morphology and defect
concentration leading to the improvement of UV and gas sensing properties.
This research was supported by STCU within project 6229.
[1] O. Lupan, V. Cretu, V. Postica, M. Ahmadi, B. R. Cuenya, L. Chow, I. Tiginyanu, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté, R.
Adelung, Sens. Actuators B, 223 (2016) 893
[2] X. Duan, Y. Huang, Y. Cui. J. Wang, C.M. Lieber, Nature, 409 (2001) 66
[3] Z.L. Wang, Mater. Today, 7 (2004) 26
[4] V. Postica, I. Hölken, V. Schneider, V. Kaidas, O. Polonskyi, V. Cretu, I. Tiginyanu, F. Faupel, R. Adelung, O.
Lupan, Mater. Sci. Semic. Proc.,49 (2016) 20
[5] Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, J. Zhang, T. Tugsuz, I. Ciofini, F. Labat, B. Viana, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7 (2015)

Poster Session 2 PS2.21

Highly sensitive and selective Acetone gas sensors based on

Au - surface decorated CuO nanostructures

Nicolai ABABII1, Victor SONTEA1, Lee CHOW2, Oleg LUPAN1

Department of Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Moldova,
168 Stefan cel Mare Blvd., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2385, USA

Copper oxide is a p-type semiconducting oxide, which in pure form as sensor can detect
ethanol vapors [1]. The sensory properties and the selectivity of CuO based materials can be
improved by doping with impurities [2]. Another way to improve detection properties is through
thermal treatment and its regimes [3]. To raise the gas response and the selectivity tuning, surface
functionalization with nanoparticles of noble metals also has been used [4,5].
Recently, our group has demonstrated that by virtue functionalization of CuO
nanostructured films with Au nanoparticles, it is possible to detect acetone vapors with very low
concentrations of down to 10 ppm with high selectivity when compared with other gases with a
response of about 25% [6]. In this context, we can mention that the nanostructures of CuO
semiconductor oxide synthesized via a simple synthesis from chemical solutions (SCS) approach
[3], functionalized with Au nanoparticles demonstrate promising results as an acetone sensor
This research was supported by STCU within project 6229.
[1] O. Lupan, V.Cretu, V. Postica, O. Polonskyi, N. Ababii, F. Schütt, V. Kaidas, F. Faupel, R. Adelung, Sens.
Actuators B, 230 (2016) 832
[2] V. Cretu, V. Postica, N. Ababii, N. Magariu, V. Sontea, F. Schütt, R. Adelung, O. Lupan. IFMBE Proceedings 55
(2016) 349
[3] V. Postica, I. Hölken, V. Schneider, V. Kaidas, O. Polonskyi, V. Cretu, I. Tiginyanu, F. Faupel, R. Adelung, O.
Lupan, Mater. Sci. Semic. Proc., 49 (2016) 20
[4] Y.S. Shim, L. Zhang, D. H. Kim, Y. H. Kim, Y. R. Choi, S. H. Nahm, C.Y. Kang, W. Lee, H. W. Jang. Sens.
Actuators B, 198 (2014) 294
[5] Y. Feng, I. S. Cho, P. M. Rao, L.Cai, X. Zheng. Nano Lett., 13 (2013) 855
[6] N. Ababii, V. Postica, V. Cretu, E. Lazari, V. Sontea, O. Lupan. 3rd International Conference Health Technology
Management, 1 (2016) 78.

PS2.22 Poster Session 2

Nonlinearity of PbTe:Ga current-voltage dependencies

at low temperatures

Valentina Nikorich, Petru Ketrush

Moldova State University, Mateevici str. 60, Chisinau, MD-2009, Republic of Moldova

Narrow band gap semiconductors of AIVBVI group are the most important materials for IR
optoelectronics in the wavelength range of 0.74 ... 40 μm. The concentration of charge carriers in
these compounds (PbTe, Pb1-xSnxTe) is determined by the degree of stoichiometry deviation; the
vacant sites in the lead sub-lattice are acceptors, and in the tellurium sub-lattice are donors.
According to the phase diagram, the PbTe stability region, depending on the compound
stoichiometry of, is shifted to the tellurium side and at the crystallization the solid phase with a
tellurium excess appears firstly. The holes concentration, which occur due to deviations from
stoichiometry, reaches 1018-1019cm-3. This leads to the change of the electrical parameters of the
given material along the single crystal ingots [1], therefore the problem of impurity states plays an
important role in the problem in the fabrication of materials with the needed parameters [2].
The analysis of PbTe: Ga crystals galvanomagnetic phenomena shows that there are some
instabilities of concentration and conductivity at the high voltages applied to the crystal. In the
temperature range 54 - 100 K, the current-voltage characteristics were investigated in dependence
on the rate of the voltage switching. The voltage variation rate has changed from 0.015 V / s to 2.5
V / s. It has been observed that the current-voltage characteristics have the N-type shape. So, there a
sector with negative differential resistance exists. The emergence of this sector is due to the
unipolar injection of the charge carriers from the ohmic contacts and their subsequent capture on the
trap centers. The capture takes place by penetrating a columbian potential barrnone-linearier. At the
electric field value increase, the charge carriers capture processes are more intensive. By coming
from the theory of space charge limited currents, the energy position of the capture levels equal to
0.08 eV, related to the presence of the gallium impurity was determined.

[1] Nikorich V., Ketrush P., Nikorich A. Fizica și Tehnica: Procese, modele experimente, 2 (2015), 13-17.
[2] Akimov, B.A., Dmitriev, A.V., Khokhlov, D.R., Ryabova, L.I. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 137 (1993), 9-55.

Poster Session 2 PS2.23

AIII-N layers deposited on Silicon by the HVPE method with

polymerized nitrogen traces (pN)


Moldova State University, Department of Physics and Engineering, MD-2009,
A. Mateevich str. 60, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The paper is devoted to the development of the technology for obtaining GaN epitaxial
layers on silicon by the HVPE (Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy) method. Synthesis of gallium nitride
directly on silicon is difficult to achieve due to the interaction at high temperatures between silicon
and nitrogen, the release of the gallium in the form of drops, the deterioration of the surface of the
substrate. Interaction can be diminished by using a buffer layer of AlN synthesized on the surface of
the substrate under optimized conditions at the initial GaN layer growth stage.
The synthesis of AIII-N/Si(111) layers was carried out in the (H2-HCl-Al-Ga- NH3) system
in a quartz reactor at atmospheric pressure. Hydrogen was used as transport gas. The transport of
Ga, Al precursors was carried out in a flow of hydrogen chloride. Ammonia was used as the
nitrogen source.
The phase composition and crystallographic properties were analyzed by X-ray diffraction
(XRD). XRD patterns were recorded at Tallinn University of Technology on a Rigaku Ultima IV
system using monochromatic Cu Kα radiation (λ= 1.5406 Å, 40 kV at 40 mA) and equipped with a
D / teX Ultra silicon line detector in the 2θ (Bragg-Brentano ) Mode using a 2θ step of 0.04, and a
counting time of 2-10 s / step, and sample rotation. Crystal phases were identified using data issued
by the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS). The crystallite sizes and lattice
constants were calculated using the Rigaku PDXL Version software. The Debye-Scherrer
formula was used to calculate the crystallite size. . The Debye–Scherrer formula was used to
calculate the crystallite size (L): B(2θ)=Kλ/Lcosθ , where B is the peak width, K is the Scherrer
constant, λ is the wavelength of the X-ray radiation, and θ is one-half of the diffraction angle
The deposition of AlN layers was performed in the range 500 ÷ 1150 0C with the duration of
30 ÷ 600 sec. At temperatures lower than 800 0C, the layers are usually amorphous, can be easily
removed from the surface of the substrate. In the AlN /Si structures obtained at 1100 0C for 40 sec,
except for AlN and Si (a= 5.429 A), the following phases were found: Polymeric nitrogen (pN) (a
= b = c = 3.503 A; α = β = γ = 900; Crystallite size (Cs) = 227A); Cristobalite-a (low) (a = b =
4.902 A, c = 6.8 A; α = β = γ = 900; Cs = 530 A); Quartz HP, syn (a = b = 4.55 A, c = 5.169
0 0 0
A, α = β = 90 , γ = 120 ; Cs = 1536 A). In the GaN layers grown at 1035 C on AlN/Si structures
(AlN layer deposited at 1100 0C), cubic modification of gallium nitride (a = 4.50 A), aluminum
nitride (a = 4.298 A) were obtained, as well as Hexagonal quartz HP (a = 4.564 A; b = 5.420 A).
Traces of pN in this GaN layer were not detected. GaN epitaxial layers were obtained on
intermediate layers of AlN grown at temperatures higher than ≥ 1000 0C with a duration of 120 ± 40
sec and thicknesses in the order of 100 nm.

PS2.24 Poster Session 2

Thermal analysis of the composition of gallium and sulfur oxides

obtained by thermal oxidation of gallium (III) sulfide

Veaceslav SPRINCEAN1, Iuliana CARAMAN2, Dumitru UNTILA1,3,

Faculty of Physics and Engineering, Moldova State University, Alexei Mateevici, 60, MD-2009,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Engineering Department, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Calea Marasesti, 157, RO-
600115, Bacau, Romania
Ghitu Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Academy of Sciences of
Moldova, Academiei, 3/3, MD-2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Department of Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Moldova,
Stefan cel Mare Avenue, 168, MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Oxides of both Ga and In elements (Ga2O3, In2O3) are wide bandgap materials and have
molecular gas adsorption properties, such as CO and CO2. They are materials with semiconductor
properties, which doping with chemical elements changes the type of major charge carriers and also
the characteristic properties. By thermal annealing of both Ga and In chalcogenides (Ga2S3, GaSe,
Ga2Se3, In2S3, In2Se3, InSe) in a wide temperature range under normal atmospheres, their
dissociation occurs with formation of Ga, In, Se, and S oxides. Both semiconductor and adsorbing
properties of the synthesized oxides depends on their structure and composition.
In this work, we study the influence of technological oxidation regime, in normal
atmosphere, of Ga2S3 singlecrystals with own structural defects on the oxides composition, optical
and photoelectric properties, as well as the adsorption of the gases formed as a result of liquid fuel
(gasoline) combustion. Ga2S3 singlecrystals have been grown by chemical vapour transport (I2) of
the material synthetized from Ga (5N) and S (5N) elements. Thermal annealing was carried out in
normal atmosphere for 1-24 hours, at temperatures from 770K up to 1230K.
Chemical composition of the materials obtained as a result of thermal annealing was
analyzed by the XRD method and IR spectroscopy. Impurity state of the synthesized oxides was
analyzed by absorption spectra in the fundamental edge region and photoluminescence (PL) at low
temperatures. At low annealing temperatures (770K) the surface of Ga2S3 singlecrystals is covered
with a micro-granular layer of Gax(SeO4)y, Ga2O3 and sulfur oxides. The composite enrichment
with Ga2O3 oxide occurs at annealing temperature increase. So at high temperatures (1170-1230K)
the XRD patterns contain only reflections from the Ga2O3 atomic planes. The composition of the
oxides obtained at different temperatures was also determined from the analysis of the IR reflection
bands. The bandgap of the Ga2O3 oxide layer, obtained by thermal annealing of Ga2S3 crystals at
770K, was determined from the absorption spectrum and represents 4.8 eV. It increases slowly at
thermal annealing temperature increase. The semiconductor properties of the Ga2O3 layer depend
on the energy diagram of the levels in the bandgap. Both impurity-induced levels type and energy
were determined from the absorption and PL spectra. Kinetics of CO2 molecules adsorption in the
Ga2O3 layer, from the Ga2S3 singlecrystals surface, is also studied in this paper.

Poster Session 2 PS2.25

Effect of temperature and deformation on the structure of high-Mn

austenitic steels

Wojciech BOREK
Division of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Computer Techniques in Materials
Science, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials,
Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Among the wide variety of recently developed steels, high-manganese austenitic steels with
low stacking faulty energy are particularly promising, especially when mechanical twinning occurs.
Beneficial combination of high strength and ductile properties of these steels depends on structural
processes taking place during cold plastic deformation, which are a derivative of stacking-fault
energy (SFE) of austenite, dependent, in turn on the chemical composition of steel and deformation
temperature. High-manganese austenitic steels in effect of application of proper heat treatment or
thermo-mechanical treatment can be characterized by different structure assuring the advantageous
connection of strength and plasticity properties. Obtaining of high strength properties with retaining
the high plasticity has significant influence for the development of high-manganese steel groups and
their significance for the development of materials engineering.
Therefore the aim of the paper is to determine the effect of temperature and deformation
value on the structure of new-developed high-manganese austenitic steels after hot-compression
tests performed in a temperature range from 850 to 1100°C using Gleeble 3800 thermo-mechanical
simulator. The influence of plastic deformation temperature and solution temperature on the
mechanical properties of steels are a consequence of the changed austenite SFE. As the plastic
temperature of investigated steels is rising so is rising the stacking-fault energy. Evaluation of
processes controlling work hardening were identified by microstructure observations of the
specimens after various solution temperature. Metallographic investigations were performed on
LEICA MEF4A optical microscope.

[1] L. A. Dobrzański, M. Czaja, W. Borek, K. Labisz, T. Tański, Influence of hot-working conditions on a structure
of X11MnSiAl17-1-3 steel for automotive industry, International Journal of Materials & Product Technology,
51/3 (2015) 264-280.
[2] L.A. Dobrzański, W. Borek, J. Mazurkiewicz, Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Manganese Steels,
Comprehensive Materials Processing, 2 (2014) 199-218.
[3] A.Grajcar, M. Opiela, G. Fojt-Dymara, The influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of high-
manganese steel, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 9 (3) (2009) 49-58.

PS2.26 Poster Session 2

Protective properties of SiO2 with SiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles sol-gel

coatings deposited on FeCrAl alloys


Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
Wybrzeże S. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Economics,
Wrocław University of Economics, Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland

Five layer SiO2 coatings containing SiO2 or Al2O3 nanopowders were deposited on FeCrAl
alloy support by sol-gel method. Studies of protective properties of the coatings were carried out
during high temperature cyclic oxidation, and changes in surface topography, structure and
chemical composition of the surface layer of FeCrAl alloy were also investigated. It has been shown
that the type of nanofillers present in the SiO2 coating (about 2.5% by mass) affects morphology of
Al2O3 growing scale and determines the heat resistance of FeCrAl alloy. The lowest relative mass
change (approx. 1.3%) after 10 oxidation cycles (one cycle = 12 h, in air, at 900 °C) was shown by
the samples with coatings containing hydrophilic nano-silica (Aerosil 380). The presence of
hydrophobic silica nanoparticles (Aerosil R974) in the SiO2 coating results in worsening the heat
resistance of the alloy – the relative change of the sample mass after 10 oxidation cycles is approx.
2.8%. The protective efficiency of the coatings in the process of high-temperature oxidation
amounts from 66 to 85%. The thickness of the formed scale and the value of the parabolic rate
constant depend on the type of nanopowder in the coating.

Poster Session 2 PS2.27

The heat resistance of FeCrAl alloy covered with sol-gel

nanocomposite SiO2 coatings containing oxides of reactive elements


Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
Wybrzeże S. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Economics,
Wrocław University of Economics, Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland

Five layer SiO2 coatings containing nanopowders of reactive element oxides: ZrO2, Y2O3,
CeO2-ZrO2, ZrO2-Y2O3 were deposited on FeCrAl alloy surface by sol-gel method. Studies of the
impact of nanopowders on surface topography, structure and chemical composition of the scale
formed during high-temperature oxidation of the alloy were carried out, and the protective
properties of the coatings were determined. It has been shown that the type of nanofillers present in
the sol-gel coating (approx. 2.5% by mass) determines the heat resistance of the metallic support,
the protective properties of the Al2O3 scale and the protective efficiency of the SiO2 coatings. The
relative mass change after 10 oxidation cycles (one cycle = 12 h, in air at 900 ºC) was almost 4%,
and after covering the alloy with SiO2 coatings containing ZrO2 nanoparticles it decreased to
approximately 0.7%. The other nanofillers turned out to be less effective. The type of the used
nanofillers determines the protective efficiency of the SiO2 coatings. The efficiency after the
oxidation process changes from approx. 56% (for Y2O3 filler) to over 84% (for ZrO2 nanopowder).
The type of the nanopowder in the coating affects the formed scale thickness and the value of the
parabolic rate constant.

PS2.28 Poster Session 2

Hydrogenation, structural and electrochemical properties

of hybrid Mg76Li12Al12 alloy and MWCNT

Damian Kulawik, Wojciech Ciesielski, Volodymyr Pavlyuk

Institute of Chemistry, Environment Protection and Biotechnology,
Jan Dlugosz University, al. Armii Krajowej 13/15, 42200 Czestochowa, Poland

The magnesium alloy hydrides and the magnesium complex hydrides as hydrogen storage
materials has been studied for a long time. In recent decades, to search of new metal hydrides
intensively involved magnesium alloys with rare earth, transition metals and p- or s-elements [1]. In
generally, the magnesium complex hydrides with light elements such as lithium (MgLiH3) [2] and
aluminium (Mg(AlH4)2) [3] have more hydrogen capacity (8.82 and 9.34 wt. % respectively) in
compare to hydrides based on magnesium alloy. However, there are several problems with
magnesium hydrides as a hydrogen storage materials, such as a very slow kinetics of hydrogen
absorption, high temperatures desorption and etc., so the search of new materials based on
magnesium is a promising task.
Three different methods: gas phase hydrogenation, thermal synthesis and electrochemical
hydrogenation to prepare of the Mg76Li12Al12Hx hydrides and multiwalled carbon nanotubes
(MWCNT) were used.
The hydrogen absorption and desorption measurements for Mg76Li12Al12 alloy and hybrid
materials (Mg76Li12Al12/MWCNT) were performed using the IMI-COR (Hiden Isochema)
manometric hydrogen storage analyzer. The Sieverts method up to pressure of 60 bar in the
temperature range from 350 oC up to 450 oC was used. For the thermal synthesis of the
Mg76Li12Al12Hx/CNT hydrides the following reactants: MgH2 (Aldrich, hydrogen storage grade)
and LiAlH4 (Aldrich, > 95%) and MWCNT were used. The stoichiometry amounts of reactants
were mixed and milled, pressed into tablets and filled into tantalum crucibles in the glove box under
argon atmosphere. The reaction between the reactants carried in a resistance furnace at 150 ° C for
20 hours. Then the sample was heated to 250 °C and processed within 2 hours, then the temperature
was decreased to 200 oC and sample was annealed for one week.
All electrochemical relationships for all samples were measured using a electrochemical
analyzer/workstation from CH Instruments (Austin, TX, USA). The electrochemical hydrogenation
was performed in SWAGELOK-type cells with 6M KOH electrolyte.

[1] J.-C. Crivello, R. V. Denys, M. Dornheim, M. Felderhoff, D. M. Grant, J. Huot, T. R. Jensen, P. de Jongh, M.
Latroche, G. S. Walker, C. J. Webb, V. A. Yartys, Appl. Phys. A 122 (2016) 85.
[2] P. Vajeeston, P. Ravindran, A. Kjekshus, H. Fjellvag, J. Alloy Compd. 450 (2008) 327.
[3] M. Fichtner, J. Engel, O. Fuhr, A. Glöss, O. Rubner, R. Ahlrichs, Inorg. Chem. 42 (2003) 7060.

The studies presented here were in part financially supported by National Science Center award
2015/19/N/ST8/03922 and 2014/15/B/ST8/00101.

Poster Session 2 PS2.29

Manufacture and determination of the physicochemical properties of

NiO-Ca0.05Ba0.95Ce0.9Y0.1O3 as an anode material for a ceramic proton-
conducting fuel cell

Bartłomiej LIS1, Ryszard KLUCZOWSKI2, Magdalena DUDEK1,

Mariusz KRAUZ2, Michał KAWALEC2, Łukasz ZYCH3
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Energy and Fuels,
Mickiewicza Av. 30, 30-059 Krakow Poland
Institute of Power Engineering, Ceramic Department CEREL, ul. Techniczna 1, Boguchwała,
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Material Science and Ceramics,
Mickiewicza Av. 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

The partial substitution of Ca2+ for Ba2+, resulting in (CaxBa1‒x)(Ce0.9Y0.1O3), led to an improvement
in electrical conductivity compared to the starting composition, BaCe0.9Y0.1O3. Electrolyte-
supported button solid oxide fuel cells (E-SOFCs) involving modified calcium barium cerate with
the formula (CaxBa1‒x)(Ce0.9Y0.1O3), where 0.02<x<0.1, also exhibited superior power output Pmax
within a temperature range of 500‒800ºC compared to E-SOFCs incorporating BaCe0.9Y0.1O3 as an
electrolyte. In terms of planar design, the main advantage of anode-supported SOFCs (A-SOFCs) is
the substantially lower ohmic resistance of the electrolyte and consequent potentially lower
operating temperatures. In an A-SOFC, a relatively thick porous anode is used to provide structural
support for the assembly.
The aim of this study is to determine the physicochemical properties of NiO-
Ca0.05Ba0.95Ce0.9Y0.1O3 cermet designed for an A-SOFC involving Ca0.05Ba0.95Ce0.9Y0.1O3 (5CBCY)
as an electrolyte. NiO-Ca0.05Ba0.95Ce0.9Y0.1O3 was fabricated using the tape-casting method. A
mixture of 38 wt.% of 5CBCY, 57 wt.% of NiO, and 5 wt.% of graphite as a pore former was
milled in a polythene ball mill with an organic medium based on PVB (polyvinyl butyral) at a mass
ratio of powder to organics of 54:46. Green tape was cast at the rate of 2 cm/s‒1 on a PTFE surface.
Subsequently the tape was dried in an air-conditioned room for 24 h. At the conclusion of the
drying process, the thickness of the tape was 0.7 mm. The thermal analysis method (DTA-DSC/TG)
was used to study the thermal effect occurring during the heating of NiO-5CBCY samples at
25‒1000ºC in air. Dilatometry was used to study variation in the dimensions of samples heated
within a temperature range of 25‒1400ºC. In the course of X-ray diffraction analysis, NiO and
5CBCY phases were detected in sintered samples. SEM microscopy was used to evaluate variations
in microstructure and porosity during the heating of samples in an argon-hydrogen or pure
hydrogen gas atmosphere. Impedance spectroscopy was used to determine the electrical
conductivity of Ni-5CBCY anode supports. To create an optimised Ni-5CBCY anode support, a
thin layer 5CBCY gas-tight electrolyte was placed on the anode surface. LSCF|C5BCY|Ni-5CBCY
button solid oxide fuel cells were tested within a temperature range of 400‒700ºC. The preliminary
results obtained via the analytical method for the obtained Ni-5CBCY cermet, along with
electrochemical tests, indicated that the elaborated Ni-5CBCY anode material appeared promising
for use in ceramic proton-conducting fuel cells operating in an intermediate temperature range.

PS2.30 Poster Session 2

Refinement effect of RE in light weight Mg-Li-Al alloys

Mariusz KRÓL1, Marcin STASZUK1, Mariusz Krupiński1, Dariusz KUC2,

Eugeniusz HADASIK3
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian
University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Institute of Materials Science, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Silesian
University of Technology, Katowice, Poland
Institute of Metals Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Silesian
University of Technology, Katowice, Poland
corresponding author e-mail:
In this work, the results of the influence of Rare Earth elements on the kinetics of
crystallisation of Mg-xLi-2Al alloys (x=4, 8 and 12 by weight percentage) as well as dilatometric
behaviour and microstructure was presented. The thermo-derivative analysis was implemented
using the UMSA platform (Universal Metallurgical Simulator and Analyzer) with cooling rate
approx.≈0.5°Cs-1 that correspond to natural cooling. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of
investigated light-weight alloys was measured in the temperature range from 20 to 400°C.
Microstructural evaluations were identified by light microscope, X-ray diffraction, scanning
electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Obtained results from the thermal-
derivative analysis allowed to determine characteristic temperatures of phase transitions of the
investigated alloy during crystallisation.
The data used in this work can be used in order to improve simulations of casting processes.
The relationships between solidification events and alloy chemistries will aid in the design and
optimization of casting alloys and components [1, 2].
a) b)

Fig. 1. Representative thermal characterization of LAE442 alloy and its changes of fraction solid

Keywords: thermal-derivative analysis, dilatometry studies, magnesium-lithium alloys, grain

refinement, microstructure

[1] M. Król, T. Tański, P. Snopiński, B. Tomiczek, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127 (2017) 299
[2] R. Wu, Y. Yan, G. Wang, L. E. Murr, W. Han, Z. Zhang and M. Zhang, Int. Mater. Rev., 60/2 (2015) 65

Poster Session 2 PS2.31

Influence of binder components and thermal debinding conditions on

the structure and properties of Co-Cr-Mo alloys manufactured by

G. Matula1, B. Tomiczek1, M. Król1, A. Szatkowska1, M.E. Sotomayor2

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian
University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Materials Science and Engineering Department, Universidad Carlos III, Avda. Universidad, 30. E-
28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain,

To produce the polymer-powder slurry for injection moulding the thermoplastic polymers
such as polypropylene (PP), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA)
were used. Independ on skeletal polymers, in every feedstock paraffin wax (PW) was used in the
amount of 50% of binder. Application of PW gives the possibility using solvent debinding or
thermal debinding in lower temperature. Then the open porosity into the injected samples reduces
the time of thermal debinding of binders residue. Application of one type of skeletal polymer
requires to use a long isothermal step. The use of a blend of skeletal polymers enables subsequent
thermal degradation which consecutively removes skeletal polymers during the heating to the
sintering temperature, to minimise the time of isothermal stops [1, 2]. The rheological properties of
blends used as a binder and next feedstocks were investigated during mixing in the twin-screw
extruder and capillary rheometer. This results gives the information about the possibility to produce
feedstocks and then to their injection moulding. Thermal behaviour of samples was determined by
differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis to obtain the information about the
temperature of mixing the polymers and to propose the thermal debinding cycle [3]. The optimal
sintering temperature was selected on the basis of dilatometry studies. The mechanical properties
were measured on injected, debounded and next sintered samples in order to decide which
feedstock allows obtaining a good quality of sinters.

Keywords: thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dilatometry studies,

[1] R.M. German, A. Bose, Injection Molding of Metals and Ceramics, MPIF, 1997, Princeton, NJ
[2] D.F. Heaney, Handbook of metal injection moulding, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2012
[3] M.E. Sotomayor, I. Krupa, A. Várez, B. Levenfeld, Thermal and mechanical characterization of injection moulded
high density polyethylene/paraffin wax blends as phase change materials, Renewable Energy 68 (2014) pp.140-145

PS2.32 Poster Session 2

Analysis of the effect of solidification and heat treatment on the Cu-Ni

alloy structure

B. Krupińska, Z. Rdzawski, M. Krupiński*

*Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology,
Konarskiego St. 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Corresponding author. E-mail address:

Thermal analysis of the crystallisation process allows accurate calculation of latent

crystallization heat of various phases crystallising during solidification. Based on the assumption,
that the latent crystallization heat is proportional to the share of various phases in the alloy
microstructure, the thermo-derivative analysis allows also the calculation of the amount of
crystallized phases. Calculation of the above-mentioned properties is based on the characteristic
points determined in a differential curve. Properly selected chemical composition of the alloy, as
well as the appropriate cooling rate and heat treatment conditions lead to improvement of functional
properties of manufactured elements. Therefore it is very important to know how the changes of the
cast structure in relation to the change of the cooling rate and chemical composition [1].
The purpose of this research work is to investigate the thermo-derivative interdependences
occurred in the analysed copper alloys using Universal Metallurgical Simulator and Analyzer
(UMSA) [2]. In this paper was also investigated the influence of the heat treatment conditions on
the structure of nickel copper.

[1] J. Stobrawa, Z. Rdzawski, W. Głuchowski, W. Malec.: Microstructure and properties of CuNi2Si1 alloy processed
by continuous RCS method, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 37, Issue 2
(2009) pp.466-479
[2] Krupiński M., Krupińska B., Labisz K., Rdzawski Z., Borek W., Influence of cooling rate on crystallisation kinetics
on microstructure of cast zinc alloys, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 118, Issue 2 (2014) pp

Poster Session 2 PS2.33

Effect of calcination temperature of LaFeO3 perovskite precursors on

the properties and the catalytic activity of the perovskite in methane

Barbara KUCHARCZYK1, Janina OKAL2, Juliusz WINIARSKI1,

Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
Wybrzeże S. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences,
P.O. Box 1410, 50-950 Wrocław, Poland 3Institution, Address, Country

Perovskite-type LaFeO3 oxides were prepared by calcination of iron and lanthanum nitrates
in the temperature range 650 – 850 oC. The obtained perovskites were applied as an active layer of
monolithic catalysts for oxidation of methane. BET specific surface area and compositions of the
perovskites (XRD, XPS) were determined. Surface morphology of the catalysts was studied by
scanning electron microscope (SEM). Composition of the perovskite powders was determined by
It has been shown that the increase in the calcination temperature of the perovskite
precursors from 650 to 850 oC results in reduction of the specific surface area of the powders from
10.1 to 4.2 m2/g and an increase in the crystallite size from 30 to 52 nm. This is an effect of
sintering of the perovskites proceeding during the increase of their calcination temperature. Cross-
sections have shown (SEM) that the layers are porous (in the bulk) and composed of a number of
small particles, whose average diameter is lower or equal to 0.5 μm. XRD studies have revealed that
at 650 oC, besides the perovskite phase, there is also La(OH)3 present, its amount decreases with an
increase of calcination temperature. Calcination at 800 oC and 850 oC results in almost
homogeneous LaFeO3 perovskite phase. XPS studies have shown that deposition of the perovskites
on the monolithic support (heatproof FeCr25Al5 foil) and calcination at 500 oC causes segregation
of lanthanum to the catalyst surface. The La content on the catalysts surface at 650 oC and 750 oC is
about 12 times higher than the Fe content. The increase of the calcination temperature to 800 oC
lowers the La/Fe ratio to about 5.2. Moreover, EDXS studies of the perovskite powders have
revealed lowering the La/Fe ratio on increase of calcination temperature. At precursor calcination
temperature in the range 650 oC – 750 oC the La/Fe content ratio in the subsurface layer lowers
from 1.49 to 1.08, and at temperature higher than 750 °C it remains constant (about 1.08). Taking
this into account it can be assumed that a well crystallized perovskite phase forms only at ≥750 °C,
which is also confirmed by XRD studies. At the same time, at the temperature increase from 650 to
850 oC absolute concentrations of La and Fe increase, which indicates an increase of the amount of
the perovskite in its crystalline form. The highest catalytic activity in methane oxidation is reached
when the based on LaFeO3 perovskite monolithic catalyst is calcined at 700 oC. Further increase of
the calcination temperature of the perovskites causes lowering the catalyst activity despite more
complete LaFeO3 perovskite phase formation. This is a result of reduction in specific surface of the
obtained perovskite.

PS2.34 Poster Session 2

Thermogravimetry as a tool for fracturing fluid

adsorption in shales

Krzysztof LABUS, Małgorzata LABUS

Institute for Applied Geology, Silesian University of Technology,
2 Akademicka St., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Water-based fracturing fluids are used for gas shale stimulations. The fluids are pumped
under pressure into the well to create conductive fractures in hydrocarbon-bearing zones. The
chemical additives varies depending on the geological and technical conditions of the well. One of
the requirements of good fluid coherence is its low absorbency relative to the formation rock.
Standard water absorption tests for rocks are usually performed on cubic samples (50x50x50
mm) soaked in water. In case of rocks which are drilled from the borehole, the obtaining of such
large samples is very difficult, therefore, an attempt was made to determine the rock adsorption on
small samples, using the TG analysis.
Thermogravimetric (TG/DTG) experiments were conducted in temperature range 40-200oC
in synthetic air environment. Shale rock samples were soaked in water and fracturing fluid. The
adsorption of the rocks is related to the shale’s mineral composition, which was also determined by
thermal analysis (TG/DSC).

The research leading to these results has received funding from the Polish-Norwegian Research
Programme, operated by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Norwegian
Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, in the frame of Project Contract No Pol-Nor/196923/49/2013.

Poster Session 2 PS2.35

Thermal conductivity of fine-grained sedimentary rocks

Małgorzata LABUS, Krzysztof LABUS

Institute for Applied Geology, Silesian University of Technology,
2 Akademicka St., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Thermal conductivity is an important thermo-physical rock property, needed for heat flow
determination, deep thermal regime determination, and reconstruction of thermal history of
sedimentary basin [1]. It is generally accepted that the thermal conductivity of rocks decreases with
increasing temperature and increases with increasing pressure, and the effects of temperature and
pressure counteract each other [2]. Although many measurements of thermal conductivity of the
igneous and metamorphic rocks have been made, little attention has been paid to sedimentary rocks,
and heat flow in sedimentary basins [3].
Samples selected for the investigation, representing sedimentary rocks of aleuritic structure,
were collected from boreholes (from deep formation, approx. 3000 meters), and outcrops. The
mineral composition was determined with use of TG/DSC analysis, under inert and oxidising
atmosphere. Thermal conductivity measurements were performed with use of C-Therm analyzer, in
directions parallel and perpendicular to the bedding in rock.
Thermal conductivity of the examined rocks ranges from 0,5 to 6,0 W/m·K, and is strongly
dependent on mineral content and bedding direction.

[1] S. Liu, Ch. Feng, L. Wang, Ch. Li, Acta Geologica Sinica, 85 (2011) 598
[2] C. Clauser, E. Huenges, [in:] T.J. Ahrens (ed.), “Rock Physics and Phase Relations – A Handbook of Physical
Constants”, AGU Reference Shelf, (1995) 105-126
[3] D. Deming, 1994, J. Geophys. Res., 99 (1994) 22087

The research leading to these results has received funding from the Polish-Norwegian Research
Programme, operated by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Norwegian
Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, in the frame of Project Contract No Pol-Nor/196923/49/2013.

PS2.36 Poster Session 2

Utilisation of the gel-casting method for the fabrication of

Ba0.95Ca0.05Ce0.9Y0.1O3 proton-conducting membranes for
intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells

Bartłomiej LIS1, Magdalena DUDEK1, Elwira KOCYŁO2, Marcin GAJEK3,

Magdalena ZIĄBKA3
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Energy and Fuels,
Mickiewicza Av. 30, 30-059 Krakow Poland
Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Powstańców Warszawy 12,
35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Ceramics and Material Science,
Mickiewicza Av. 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

Since Iwahara’s discovery in 1980 of high-temperature ceramic proton-conducting BaCeO3-based

materials, there has been growing interest in certain perovskite oxides based on their potential
application as proton-conducting ceramic membranes in solid oxide fuel cells, solid oxide
electrolysers and other electrochemical devices [1]. It was previously found that the partial
substitution of barium for calcium in (Ba1-xCax)(Ce0.9Y0.1)O3 solid solutions, where 0<x<0.1, led to
an improvement in electrical conductivity compared to initial BaCe0.9Y0.1O3 samples. The
elaborated (Ba1-xCax)(Ce0.9Y0.1)O3 electrolytes 0<x<0.1 were successfully tested in solid button fuel
cells in the intermediate temperature range 550‒750ºC [2]
Gel-casting seem to be constitute an attractive forming process for the manufacture of high-
quality, complex-shaped ceramic parts from electrolytic materials. The process consists of casting a
suspension of ceramic particles and gel former in a mould, followed by in-situ gelation of the
binder. Following solidification, the gelled part can be removed from the mould and sintered
conventionally [3].
The aim of this study is the elaboration of a method of forming gas-tight
Ba0.95Ca0.05Ce0.9Y0.1O3 (5CBCY) samples by means of gel-casting with an environmentally friendly
shaping agent. Methylcellulose was used as a shaping agent for 5CBCY powder synthesised by
means of a solid state reaction in an ethanol solution. The thermal analysis method (DTA/TG) was
applied to the study of thermal effects occurring in samples under thermal treatment within a
temperature range of 25‒1200ºC. The dried 5CBCY gel-cast samples were sintered at temperatures
of 1450‒1600ºC. The only pure 5CBCY phase was detected using the X-ray diffraction method for
sintered samples formed by the gel-casting method. Comparative studies of the physicochemical
properties of 5CBCY electrolyte samples formed by means of isostatic pressure or gel-cast
moulding and then sintered at 1600ºC for 2 h are presented and discussed. The results of
electrochemical tests of solid oxide fuel cells with 5CBCY formed by gel-casting are also
discussed. Based on the electrical and electrochemical results obtained for 5CBCY samples, it can
be concluded that methylcellulose appears to be an attractive gelling agent for the formation of
planar ceramic electrolytes.

[1] H. Iwahara, T. Esaka, H. Uchida, N. Maeda, Solid State Ionics 3/4 (1981) 359
[2] M. Dudek, B. Lis, A. Rapacz-Kmita, M. Gajek, A. Raźniak, E. Drożdż Mater Sci-Poland 34 (2016) 101
[3] H. Ding, B. Lin, D. Fang, Y. Dong, S. Wang, X. Liu G. Meng J Alloys. Compd. 474 (2009) 364

Poster Session 2 PS2.37

Enthalpy of formation of intermetallic phases from Al-Zr system

determined by calorimetric solution method

Tomasz MACIĄG1
Silesian University of Technology, Ul. Krasińskiego 8, Katowice, Poland

Intermetallic phases are unique materials which properties are similar to metals and
ceramics. In Al-Zr system ten intermetallic phases exist, that can be used as materials for work at
elevated temperature also in nuclear reactors. Studies are focused also on obtaining amorphous
phases, nanoparticles and zirconium-based pressure pipes covered with aluminum. As a result,
better understanding of thermal effects accompanying those compounds formation becomes crucial.
In this paper, solution calorimetry method was used for determination of formation enthalpy
ΔfH (temperature 298K) of intermetallic phases from Al-Zr system. Experiments were conducted on
test station built by author [1]. Material used as bath was aluminum. Subsequent phases were
examined: Al3Zr, Al2Zr, Al3Zr2, AlZr, Al2Zr3, AlZr2 and AlZr3. Heat of dissolution of zirconium in
aluminum bath at temperature of 800°C was determined experimentally and was equal to -
244,5±5,4 [kJ/g.atom].
Alloys were prepared from metals of high purity (Zr-99,9%, Al-99,99%) using semi-
levitation melting method in protective atmosphere of Ar (N6.0). Before carrying out analysis,
samples were vacuum melted in quartz capsules and heated for 672h (28 days) in resistance furnace
at temperature of 850°C in order to homogenize the structure and clear out stress occurred during
rapid cooling. Subsequently, microscopic analysis EDS for chemical composition and phase
analysis using X-ray diffraction XRD were performed.

[1] T. Maciąg, K. Rzyman, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 113 (2013) 189

PS2.38 Poster Session 2

Thermal analysis of high-tin bronze of chemical composition

corresponding to the composition of the Tibetan bowl

Tomasz MACIĄG1, Magdalena JABŁOŃSKA1, Marian NOWAK1, Tomasz

Silesian University of Technology, Ul. Krasińskiego 8, Katowice, Poland

Technical copper alloys with tin are traditionally named bronzes. Modern tin bronzes used
in industry contain between 1 to 9% of tin. Those alloys are used mostly for mechanical working
and characterizes with α structure solution. An increase of tin content in bronzes cooled in standard
conditions results with appearance next to heterogeneous structure α also other structures, including
adverse phase δ. In ancient times were used bronzes with tin content up to 14% in order to
manufacture ornaments or items used for everyday life such as Tibetan bowl. During rubbing or
hitting, distinctive sounds can be heard, therefore similar vessels are also named as sound bowls or
playing bowls. An analysis of discussed Tibetan bowl indicated dominant phase β, which is high-
temperature phase. Presence of phase β is an evidence of using quenching in order to preserve the
In this paper, research concerning alloy based on chemical composition of Tibetan bowl is
presented. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was used in order to determine presence of phase
transitions. Measurements were conducted with different heating and cooling rate in order to verify
an influence of those on temperatures during recorded phase transitions. Based on thermal analysis,
temperature ranges were determined, subsequently attempts of cooling of proper structures of alloys
was carried out. Additionally, microscopic and phase analysis were performed. The main goal of
this work was to obtain in high-tin bronze high temperature phase β at room temperature.

Poster Session 2 PS2.39

Thermal diffusivity characterization of zirconate, cerate and hafnate

of europium

Marta MIKUŚKIEWICZ1, Grzegorz MOSKAL1, Damian MIGAS1,

Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Materials Science, 40-019 Katowice,
ul. Krasińskiego 8,

The paper presents the study on synthesis and thermal diffusivity analysis of europium
zirconate, cerate and hafnate, as a new type of materials with pyrochlore or fluorite type of lattice
dedicated to replacement of conventional 8YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia ZrO2 × Y2O3) in TBC
(thermal barrier coatings) systems for aircraft gas turbine. The necessity to development of new
materials solutions for TBC systems is related mainly with increasing of insulations properties
requirements due to still increased outlet temperature in gas turbines. From the other site the
conventional 8YSZ has not enough level of durability during exposure on aggressive environment
such as liquid deposits of CMAS (calcia-magnesia-alumina-silica) or similar volcanic ashes as well
as liquid salts such as Na2SO4+V2O5. It is expected that rare earth pyrochlore or fluorite materials
with overall formula RE2(Zr\Ce\Hf)2O7 will be exhibited much better resistance on this type of
exploitation conditions than 8YSZ [1-5].
All materials were synthesized using conventional solid-state reaction (SSR) with
mechanical milling in alcohol. The feedstock powders particle size distribution and morphology
were analysed by laser diffraction method and S/TEM (scanning/transmission electron
microscopy). The X-ray diffraction investigation were made as well, and phases constituent and
crystallite size were described. Thermal analysis of constituent oxides and their mixtures was
conducted by DSC (differential scanning calorimetry). On the base of DSC information the
parameters of high temperature sintering in vacuum press were developed (1300°C/2h/15MPa).
Structural characterization included analysis of morphology (SEM-scanning electron microscopy),
chemical (EDS – energy dispersion spectrometry) and phase composition (XRD – X-ray diffraction)
of sinters were made. Thermal diffusivity by laser flash analysis (LFA) was measured in the
temperature range from 25 to 1400°C. The same method was used to calculation of specific heat of
all materials. All results were compared to data obtained for conventionally used in TBC systems
8YSZ ceramic.

[1] M.A. Subramanian, et al., Prog. Solid State Chem. 15 (1983) 55

[2] R. Vasen, et al., Surf. Coat. Technol. 205 (2010) 938
[3] X.Q. Cao, R. Vassen, D. Stoever, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 24 (2004) 1
[4] M. Mikuśkiewicz, M. Stopyra, G. Moskal, Solid State Phenom. 223 (2015) 54
[5] M. Stopyra , G. Moskal, D. Niemiec, Surf. Coat. Technol. 284 (2015) 38

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland under grant number

PS2.40 Poster Session 2

The influence of sonochemical method of powders preparation on

synthesis process of europium zirconate


Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Materials Science,
40-019 Katowice, Krasińskiego 8, Poland
Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Physics – Centre for Science and Education, 40-019
Katowice, Krasińskiego 8, Poland

The oxides with pyrochlore or defected fluorite structure are a potential alternative ceramic
materials for now widely used yttria-stabilized zirconia 8YSZ in the application for the insulation
layer of thermal barrier coatings systems [1-3]. There are many publications about physical
properties of these group of materials especially related with theirs thermal conductivity
(diffusivity) or ionic conductivity. The basic routs of powders synthesis are solid state reactions and
different types of wet chemical methods, but here is lack information about ultrasonic assisted both
solid and chemical methods [4,5].
The paper presents the studies on feedstock powders morphology, ultrasonic assisted
synthesis of nonstoichiometric europium zirconate and its microstructure and thermal properties
characterization. The morphology of feedstock powders was investigated using SEM equipped with
EDS for analysis of chemical composition in micro-areas as well as by STEM method for more
detailed investigations. The powders particle size distribution were analysed by laser diffraction
method. The compound was prepared from Eu2O3 and ZrO2 powders, weighed in the mass ratio 1:1
and with initially ultrasound treatment what wasn`t never been reported before. As a source of
ultrasound 750 Watt ultrasonic processor VCX-750 equipped with sealed converter VC-334 and
horn 630-0219 with the diameter of 13 mm (Sonics & Materials, Inc.) was used. Ultrasound
frequency was 20 kHz and power density was controlled in the range from 75 W/cm2 to 340 W/cm2.
Materials were synthesized using conventional solid-state reaction (SSR). DSC analysis of prepared
mixtures revealed that higher value of ultrasound power density has a strong influence on the DSC
curves what suggest different phenomena during heating treatment and probably changes in phases
constituent. Due to confirm this observations sintering process was mad with different temperature
parameters in accordance to data obtained from calorimetric investigations. XRD and SME/EDS
methods were used to revealed those phenomena in sintered specimens.

[1] M.A. Subramanian, et al., Prog. Solid State Chem. 15 (1983) 55

[2] R. Vasen, et al., Surf. Coat. Technol. 205 (2010) 938
[3] X.Q. Cao, R. Vassen, D. Stoever, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 24 (2004) 1
[4] S. Mukherjee, et al., J. Nanopart. Res. 14:814 (2012) 1
[5] M. Ranjbar, Int. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8 ( 2012) 191

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland under grant number

Poster Session 2 PS2.41




Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, Wrocław University
of Economics, Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland
Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże
Wyspiańskiego 27, Wrocław, Poland

The aim of this study was preparation Mn-Zn ferrite from the solution after acid leaching of
spent batteries by co-precipitation method and determination the physicochemical properties of the
obtained materials. Mn-Zn ferrites are an important group of soft magnetic ceramic materials which
are used an industrial scale in microelectronics: transformer cores, choke coils and electromagnetic
interference devices (EMI) [1]. The change in grain size from micron to nanometer scale let the use
of ferrite in new areas of applications such as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging, drug
delivery systems, catalysts or gas sensors [2-4].
Different kind of precipitating agent was used: ammonia oxalate, sodium hydroxide and
sodium carbonate. The co-precipitation process was conducted at temperature of over 50 °C under
continuously magnetic stirring. Then the precipitate was filtered under reduced pressure and dried
overnight. Next the precipitate was sintered at 800 °C in air.
Dilatometric study have revealed that lowest shrinkage showed a material obtained from an
oxalate precipitant (5.6%). After high-temperature sintering at 1300 °C and pressing, it showed both
insufficient density and the presence of pores in the structure. This has contributed to the
deterioration of the magnetic properties of the ferrites: low value of the magnetic permeability and
high magnetic losses as a function of frequency.
Ferrite prepared from hydroxide and carbonate precipitant showed a much higher shrinkage,
and therefore the sintered density was higher. They were characterized by a much higher magnetic
permeability in relation to the ferrite prepared from oxalate precursor..

[1] A. Goldman, ”Modern ferrite technology”. 2nd ed. Pittsburgh, Springer (2006)
[2] Y. Cao, J. Ren, J. Li, Y. Liu, J. Biomater. Sci., Polym. Ed. 22 (2012) 1473-1486
[3] A.V. Kadu, S.V. Jagtap, G.N. Chaudhari, Curr. Appl. Phys. (9) 2009 1246-1251
[4] K. Winiarska, I. Szczygieł, R. Klimkiewicz, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 52 (2013) 353-361

PS2.42 Poster Session 2

Phase transitions in [Co(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 studied by Raman light

scattering, and infrared absorption spectroscopy


Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, ul. Ingardena 3, 30–060 Krakow, Poland

Title compound at ambient temperature crystallize in a trigonal system (P31c space group
No. 159) [1]. The results of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements indicate very rich
and interesting phase polymorphism of [Co(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 compound. Ac can be seen in Fig. 1 in
the temperature range of 298 – 383 K it can exist in one of five possible phases, of which three (Cr
2, Cr 1 and Rot 1) are stable and two (Rot 2 and Rot 3) are metastable [2]. On the basis of the
entropy change value of the phase transitions it can be also concluded that the solid phase Rot 1,
Rot 2, Rot 3 are the phases with high degree of orientational disorder (so called as “plastic
In plastic crystals atoms and their centers of mass are located at well-defined positions within the
periodic lattice but the crystal exhibit orientational/conformational disorder. If the disorder is
mainly related to molecular rotations rather than molecular conformations, the phase is frequently
referred to as a “rotor phase” [3]. Plastic crystals are possible intermediate stages between ordered
crystal and liquid phases.
The infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy have been used to investigate the phase
transitions from ordered to disordered [Co(OS(CH3)2)6](ClO4)2 crystal phase. The FT-IR and FT-RS
spectra of measured in the spectral range
of 4000–90 cm-1 in a function of [Co(DMSO) ](ClO ) 6 4 2
temperature show distinct differences Rot 1
before and after phase transitions Cr 2 → 80 Rot 2

Cr 1 → Rot 1. The study of temperature

dependence of the band position, intensity 60

and full width at half maximum allowed

ΔS [J/molK]

us to link each of the observed in title 40

compound phase transitions with the

changes either of the crystal structure or 20 Cr 3
with the reorientational motions of the Cr 1
dimethylosulphoxide (DMSO) ligands Cr 2
and/or [Co(OS(CH3)2)6]2+ and/or the
ClO4- anions and/or with all these 300 320 340 360 380
changes together. T [K]

Fig. 1. Phase diagram of [Co(DMSO)6](ClO4)2.

[1] E.J. Chan, B.G. Cox, J.M. Harrowfield, M.I. Ogden, B.W. Skelton, A.H. White, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 357 (2004)
[2] A. Migdał-Mikuli, E. Szostak, Thermochim. Acta, 426 (2005) 191–198.
[3] J. Even, M. Carignano, C. Katan, Nanoscale, 8 (2016) 6222–6236.

Poster Session 2 PS2.43

Thermal stability of Friedel’s salt from metacaolin origin, by DSC and

HTXRD techniques

CBI Pro-Akademia, Innowacyjna 9/11, 95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki, Łódź, Poland

Metacaolin is a thermally activated clay used in building materials as an active mineral

pozzolanic addition to Portland cement (PC) partial replacements [12]. Such substitutions
performed at conglomerate level are benefit due to environmental and economic issues providing
resultant products, mortars and concretes, under the same conditions and identical construction as
plain PC. Pozzolanicity of these additions is related to their structure consisted of crystalline
fractions randomly distributed in a vitreous and/or amorphous matrix, which confers their reactivity
with calcium hydroxide released from PC hydration. Hydraulic factors of pozzolans are reactive
silica, SiO2r-, reactive alumina, Al2O3r-, and reactive iron oxide, Fe2O3r-, fractions and in case of
metacaolin has turned out to be organized completely or in part in χ-Al2O3-like metastable structure
Friedel's salt, 3CaO·Al2O3·CaCl2·10H2O, is a compound formed in PC-pozzolans based
conglomerates exposed to chlorides presence from thaw salts or marine environments. The
constituents that chemically bond chlorides are tricalcium silicate, 3CaO·Al2O3, of PC and reactive
alumina, Al2O3r-, of pozzolan [14][15]. In this research, thermal stability of Friedel's salt from
metacaolin origin (Guadalajara, Spain) is studied by DSC (Mettler Toledo) and HTXRD (X’Pert
PRO MPD in th-th configuration with Antón Paar HTK-1200) techniques from 0 up to 75°C in
order to verify the course of the structural transition between its two crystalline modifications:
monoclinic (space group C2/c of low temperature α-form, < 35°C) and rhombohedral (space group
R c of high temperature β-form, > 35°C). Both DSC signals and HTXRD patterns confirm absence
of monoclinic Friedel's salt, instead rhombohedral structure of the compound is modified in
function of temperature. In other words, in the programmed conditions of the saline hydration trial
(40°C), the structural transformation of β to α form, when lowering the temperatures of the test, is
not produced, unlike the consulted bibliography [16][17][18]. In return, the cell parameters of the
precipitated rhombohedral Friedel's salt crystals undergo insignificant modifications that result in
decreasing the volume of the unit cell (total 0.5% from 0 to 75°C). These results obtained for the
active mineral addition metacaolin are valuable especially from the point of view of the chemical
durability parameter against the sea spray and de-icing salts (chlorides strikes the reinforced steel
concrete causing them electrochemical corrosion by "bite") attack that may suffer their resultant
PC-pozzolan based conglomerates. Thermal stability of the Friedel’s salt compound itself formed
during this chemical attack, always if the sufficient source of AlO4 and AlO5 is present
(3CaO⋅Al2O3 and/or Al2O3r-), will contribute to the protector effect of the electrochemical corrosion
of steel reinforcements that have its crystals on the matrix.
[12] L. Trusilewicz, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University of Madrid, ETSIDI, Madrid, Spain (2014).
[13] L. Trusilewicz, F. Fernández-Martínez, V. Rahhal, R. Talero, J Amer Ceram Soc,. 95 (9) 2989-2996 (2012).
[14] R. Talero, L. Trusilewicz, A. Delgado, C. Pedrajas, R. Lannegrand, V. Rahhal, R. Mejía, S. Delvasto, F.A.
Ramírez, Constr Build Mater., 25 [5] 2370−2380, (2011).
[15] R. Talero, L. Trusilewicz, Ind Eng Chem Res., 51 [38] 12517−12529 (2012).
[16] Renaudin, G., Rapin, J.P., Elkaim, E., François, M., Cem Concr Res, 34, p. 1845-1852 (2004).
[17] Renaudin, G., Kubel, F., Rivera, J.P., François, M., Cem Concr Res, 29, p. 1937-1942 (1999).
[18] Rapin, J.P., Renaudin, G., Elkaim, E., François, M., Cem Concr Res, 32, p. 513-519 (2002).

PS2.44 Poster Session 2

Study of hydrogen interaction with Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.3V0.6 by means of

calorimetric method

Elena Yu. Anikina1, Victor N. Verbetsky1, Sergey A. Melnikov2

Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119971, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, 1, Russia
VNNIHT, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 33, Russia

In the present work the hydrogen interaction with IMC Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.3V0.6, being
substoichiometric compound, which formula could be written as AB2-X, was studied. Since it is
known that in the nonstoichiometric compounds of AB2-type the rearrangement of atoms in the
crystal lattice takes place, when Ti atoms in this IMC occupy B positions, where atoms of Mn and
V are located [1]. In other words it can be written as Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.34V0.62 Ti0.04.
The starting alloy was prepared from metals with a purity grade higher than 99.9% by
induction melting in argon atmosphere, for the homogeneity improvement this alloy was annealed
in the sealed silica ampoules at 800°С for 240 hours. For calorimetric study the twin-cell
differential calorimeter of a Tean-Calvet type connected with a Sieverts-type apparatus permitting
to fill in or pick out of fixed hydrogen portions was used. The apparatus scheme and the method of
measurements are described elsewhere [2].
Powder X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the starting sample was single-phase
material with the hexagonal Laves phase structure C14 (MgZn2) and hydride of
Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.3V0.6H3 was single phase material with the hexagonal Laves phase structure C14
(MgZn2). It was determined that Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.3V0.6 compound absorbs considerable quantity of
hydrogen (H/IMC=3.06 at 25°C and 50 atm).
The calorimetric study was carried out at 60 and 80°C and a hydrogen pressure up to 50
atm. Absorption (desorption) partial molar enthalpy ΔHabs.(des.) was determined from the heat
effect of the reaction:
Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.3V0.6 HX + y/2 H2 ↔ Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.3V0.6 HX+Y
The calorimetric data obtained for the Ti0.9Zr0.1Mn1.3V0.6 – H2 system at 60ºC are presented
in the Table :
H/IMC ∆Habs., kJ/molH2 H/IMC ∆Hdes., kJ/molH2
0.7-1.5 -30.3+/-0.2 0.7-1.5 27.4+/-0.5
1.5-2.3 -31.4+/-0.2 1.8-2.2 31.2+/-0.3
2.3-2.7 -33.4+/-0.2 2.3-2.7 33.4+/-0.8
As one can see from presented results the values of enthalpy of hydrogen reaction of
absorption and desorption from the hydride phase increased with the rise of C, but the structure of
the formed hydride at 25°C and atmospheric pressure remained the same as initial IMC (MgZn2) (as
the data of X-ray analysis showed), only the volume of crystal lattice expanded about 21%.
We assume that hydrogenation of IMC at definite conditions (increased temperature and
pressure) may cause rearrangement of crystal structure of initial IMC and formation of some new
different interstitial sites which are more energetic efficient for hydrogen.

[1] D. Fruchart, J.L. Soubeyrouz. J. Less-Common Metals 99 (1984) 307

[2] E.Yu. Anikina, V.N. Verbetsky. J Alloys Compd 330-332 (2002) 45

Poster Session 2 PS2.45

Investigation of the heat effects for the powder Al-Ni

thermite materials

Egor LEBEDEV1, Alexey BABICH1, Svetlana NEMTSEVA1,

National Research University of Electronic Technology, Shokin Square, bld. 1, Zelenograd,
Moscow, Russia
Lodz University of Technology, Stefana Żeromskiego 116, Lodz, Poland

Thermite powder materials that react in a self-propagating manner have been used for over a
century for joining applications. Currently, development of the fabrication technologies for
nanoscale powders opens new opportunities for the improvement of the thermite materials
properties and search of new applications: from effective surface bonding to heat source for
thermoelectric batteries.
In this work, we investigated the Al-Ni thermite mixtures, prepared using 90 nm Al and 70
nm Ni commercially available powders and solvent-based ultrasonic mixing technique.
The influence of different pressing force from 0 to 10000 kg on the combustion process is
explored in terms of total heat release and propagation rate of the reaction front using simultaneous
DSC and TGA measurements and high-speed video camera. It was found that the maximum
thermal effect and the combustion rate correspond to the sample pressed by 1000 kg.
To identify the sequence of phase transformations, a series of experiments was carried out
where each sample was heated at a constant rate of up to 860°C, and XRD PANalytical X'Pert Pro
equipped with an Anton Paar XRK900 reactor chamber.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC-50, Shimadzu) was used for the investigation of
thermal properties and thermally induced transformations in the Al-Ni materials. Measurements
were carried out at 4 different heating rates (from 2 to 10°C/min) in a nitrogen flow (20 ml/min).
Samples were put into Al2O3 pans, and empty Al2O3 pans were used as references.
According to the differential scanning calorimetry heat effects in the temperature range of 520-
650 °C were observed for all investigated materials. However, details of this heat effect range are
dependent on the preparation conditions of the samples. For example, only one exopeak is observed
at the beginning of this range for the sample obtained with pressing force of 1 ton. In addition,
broad exopeak in the temperature range of 255-450 °C is observed only for this sample. Second
measurement of the samples showed only one endopeak in the temperature range of 640-645 °C for
all samples, which is due to the melting of the eutectic composition in the Al-Ni system. Developed
methodic including joint application of the isoconversional model-free method of Ozawa-Flynn-
Wall (OFW), and Coates-Redfern model-fitting method was used for the estimation of the effective
activation energies and pre-exponential factors for exothermic reaction as functions of conversion,
and determination of reaction models. It was shown that preparation conditions of the samples
influence on the effective activation energies and pre-exponential factors dependencies on the
The Russian Science Foundation supported this work (project №16-19-10625).

PS2.46 Poster Session 2

Dilatometric thermal studies of sintering of lithium ferrite with ZrO2


Elena LYSENKO, Sergey GHYNGAZOV, Svetlana Nikolaeva

Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue, 30, 634050, Tomsk, Russia

It was shown [1] that ZrO2 zirconium dioxide can be used in small amounts as an effective
additive in the manufacture of some ferrite materials, which significantly affects the microstructure
and magnetic properties of ferrites. So, the introduction of ZrO2 (not more than 5 wt%) into ferrites
increases the values of initial magnetic permeability and reduces magnetic losses [2], and also leads
to an improvement in mechanical properties, such as flexural strength, microhardness and fracture
toughness. It was found in [3] that the ZrO2 addition changes the electrical conductivity of lithium
In this work, the sintering process of lithium ferrites with ZrO2 (0.2-3 wt%) addition was
studed by dilatometric analysis.
Lithium ferrites, LiFe5O8 and Li0.65Fe1.6Ti0.5Zn0.2Mn0.05O4, were prepared according to
standard ceramic technology where the synthesis from initial reagents mixture was used. Then ZrO2
was added to the synthesized powders by mixing in a ball mill. The powders were compressed into
tablets and sintered in DIL 402 C (Netzsch) dilatometer. The density and apparent porosity of
ceramic samples was measured by hydrostatic weighing using Shimadzu AUW 220D high-
precision analytical balance.
It was established that the addition of zirconia affects the sintering process of lithium
ferrites. The non-isothermal dilatometric curves showed that with an increase in the ZrO2 content,
the sintering rate decreases, the stronger the higher the concentration of impurity introduced. The
data on the samples density are consistent with dilatometric measurements, from which the density
of the samples decreases with an increase in the addition of zirconia.

[1] Wang Sea-Fue, Yang Hsiao-Ching, Hsu Yung-Fu, Hsieh Chung-Kai, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 374 (2015) 381.
[2] Sattar A.A., El-Sayed H.M., Agami W.R. and Ghani A.A. Am. J. of Appl. Sci. 4 (2007) 89.
[3] Lamonova S.A., Surzhikov A.P., Lysenko E.N. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 110 (2016).

Poster Session 2 PS2.47

Effect of additives on zirconium ceramics sintering


Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue, 30, 634050, Tomsk, Russia

By the method of dilatometry the effect of various additives on the sintering of zirconium
ceramics in the sintering of compacts from ultrafine powders was studied. Ultrafine ZrO2-Y2O3
powders were synthesized using the method of decomposition of a mixture of aqueous solutions of
zirconium and yttrium nitrates in the RF discharge plasma. As additives polyvinyl alcohol, bismuth
oxide and metal nanopowders in amounts ranging from 1 to 5 vol.% were used. Metal nanopowders
of copper and molybdenum were obtained by electric explosion method. The additives were mixed
with ultradisperse zirconia powder. Green bodies were formed by using dry (without binder)
uniaxial static pressing. The pressing pressure varied from 150 MPa to 600 MPa. Shrinkage kinetics
of the powder samples during their constant-rate heating were investigated in a DIL 402 C high-
sensitivity single push rod dilatometer (NETZSCH, Germany). Sintering temperature T=(1200–
1400) °С. The single-stage and two-stage sintering regimes were considered. It was found that
density of compacts does not depend on the type of additive. When sintering such compacts, the
degree of shrinkage depends on the type of impurity. For single-stage sintering, the greatest degree
of shrinkage is observed when bismuth oxide is used as an additive. In this case, at the isothermal
stage of heating, the sample slightly widens. To avoid expansion, two-stage sintering was used.
When selecting the type of additives and two-stage sintering regimes, a significant reduction in the
sintering temperature was obtained. Influence of the additives and sintering modes on the porosity
and mechanical properties of the zirconia ceramics was investigated.

PS2.48 Poster Session 2

The MgO-TiO2 system


TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 5, 09599 Freiberg, Germany
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya Str. 29, St. Petersburg,
195251 Russia

Since the MgO-TiO2-Al2O3 system obeys interesting properties important for industrial
applications: MgAl2O4-based materials have a good combination of physical and chemical
properties such as high refractoriness, high mechanical strength and high resistance to chemical
attack, while the addition of Al2TiO5 improves the thermal shock resistance of alumina-rich
magnesium aluminate spinel. The binary MgO-Al2O3 [1] and TiO2-Al2O3 [2] systems were
investigated experimentally and thermodynamic functions were re-assessed based on obtained
results. However reported experimental data on phase equilibria in the MgO-TiO2 system are
partially contradictory. There are three intermediate compounds in the MgO-TiO2 system. MgTi2O5
melts congruently at temperature of 1662-1690°C, whereas Mg2TiO4 and MgTiO3 melt by peritectic
decomposition at 1740-1756°C and 1630-1680°C, respectively [3-5]. Also, two eutectics were
reported: 1610-1630°C (~57.0 mol.% TiO2) and 1620-1632°C (75.0-80.0 mol.% TiO2). Earlier
studies have proposed all intermediate compounds melt congruently [6]. Thus, the aim of present
work is an experimental study of the phase equilibria in the MgO-TiO2 system to resolve
contradictions between mentioned data as well as to define the low limit of thermal stability of
Mg2TiO4. Samples containing 20.0, 33.3, 50.0, 56.0, 66.7, and 76.0 mol.% of TiO2 were prepared
by co-precipitation, dried at 700°C for 1-2 hours, and then annealed for 1-18 days at temperature of
900-1400°C followed by air-quenching. By prolonged heat treatment at 900°C followed by XRD
analysis mixture of MgTiO3 and MgO was stable instead of Mg2TiO4. This result is in agreement
with calculations performed in [7] based on calorimetric data. Following results were obtained in
the present work using DTA and SEM/EDX: MgTi2O5 melts congruently at 1667°C, and peritectic
reactions with formation of Mg2TiO4 and MgTiO3 occur at 1767°C and 1636°C, respectively.
Eutectics were detected at 1631°C and 1638°C (71.5 mol.% TiO2). Heat capacities of MgTiO3 and
MgTi2O5 were measured in the temperature range between 200°C and 1100°C using DSC. The
thermodynamic description of Pelton and Eriksson [8] was based on results [3-5, 7, 9, 10]. Results
obtained in the present work and experimental thermodynamic data [9, 10] will be used to derive
new thermodynamic description of the MgO-TiO2 system.

[1] T. Zienert, O. Fabrichnaya, CALPHAD 40 (2013) 1-9.

[2] M. Ilatovskaia, G. Savinykh, O. Fabrichnaya, J. Phase Equilib. Diffus. 38 (2017) 175-184.
[3] E. Woermann, B. Brezny, A. Muan, Am. J. Sci., 267A (1969) 463-479.
[4] M.A. Rouf, A.H. Cooper, H.B. Bell, Trans. Br. Ceram. Soc. 68(6) (1969) 263-267.
[5] F. Massazza, E. Sirchia, Chim. Ind. (Milan) 40(5) (1958) 376-380.
[6] L.W. Coughanour, V.A. DeProsse, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S) 51(2) (1953) 85-88.
[7] B.A. Wechsler, A. Navrotsky, J. Solid State Chem. 55 (1984) 165-180.
[8] A.D. Pelton, G. Eriksson, Z. Phys. Chem. 207 (1998) 163-180.
[9] R. A. Robie, H.T. Haselton Jr., B.S. Hemingway, J. Chem. Thermodyn. 21 (1989) 743-749.
[10] N. E. Brown, A. Navrotsky, Am. Mineral. 47 (1989) 902-912.

Poster Session 2 PS2.49

Synthesis of La2Zr2O7 by thermal treatment of mechanically activated

salt mixture

Aleksandr KALINKIN1, Aleksandr USOLTSEV 2, Elena KALINKINA1,

The Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw
Materials, Kola Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Akademgorodok 26a, Apatity, Murmansk Region 184209, Russia
Murmansk State Technical University, Apatity Branch, Fersman St., 50a, Apatity, Murmansk
Region 184209, Russia
Saint Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia
Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Politekhnicheskaya ul. 26, St.
Petersburg 194021, Russia

Lanthanum zirconate La2Zr2O7 is of considerable practical interest as a material for high-

temperature ceramic thermal barrier coatings, catalysts, and high-temperature superconductors. The
conventional method for La2Zr2O7 solid-state synthesis is based on multiple calcination of zirconia
and lanthana powder mixtures at 1500 °C, with intermediate grinding to facilitate the solid-state
reaction. This method may not meet the necessary ceramic technology requirements due to the
inhomogeneity of the final product, large grain size and poor sintering behavior. To overcome these
drawbacks, La2Zr2O7 has been synthesized by coprecipitation-calcination [1,2] and other soft
chemistry methods.
In this work, we have synthesized nanocrystalline La2Zr2O7 by new solution-free method
using mechanical activation (MA) of the salt mixture (ZrO(NO3)2·6H2O + La2(CO3)3·8H2O)
following by thermal treatment. MA has been carried out in a planetary mill AGO-2 in air for 30
min at a centrifugal factor of 20 g. The processes occurring during thermal treatment of the
mechanically activated salt mixture have been studied using differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC), thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and
FT-IR spectroscopy.
It has been shown that in the course of intensive mechanical treatment in planetary mill
alongside with intimate mixing of the reagents and their amorphization exchange reaction occurs,
producing lanthanum nitrate and basic zirconium carbonate. The DSC curve of the mechanically
activated salt mixture shows a strong exothermic peak at 877°C which is not associated with weight
loss and can be attributed to La2Zr2O7 crystallization in agreement with XRD data. Nanocrystalline
lanthanum zirconate synthesized by annealing of the mechanically activated salt mixture has been
characterized using XRD and transmission electron microscopy.
The thermal analysis was performed at the Centre for Thermogravimetric and Calorimetric
Research of the Research Park of St. Petersburg State University.

[1] W. Duarte, A. Meguekam, M. Colas, M. Vardelle, S. Rossignol, J. Mater. Sci. 50 (2015) 463
[2] A.M. Kalinkin, A.V. Usoltsev, E.V. Kalinkina, I.A. Zvereva, M.V. Chislov, V.N. Nevedomskii, Ceram.
Int. 42 (2016) 15843

PS2.50 Poster Session 2

Thermal decomposition and reducibility of the silica-supported

precursors of Cu, Fe and Cu-Fe nanoparticles


N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
47 Leninsky prospect, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

The efficient utilization of natural resources is critical for conveying society to a more
sustainable future. Recently, the Cu-Fe nanocomposites are found to be efficient catalysts for
profitable use of biomass- and syngas-based products [1-4], and they are considered as
ecofriendly and low-cost altenative to the precious metal catalysts. The method of preparation of
the Cu-Fe nanocomposite influences its reducibility and the interaction between Cu and Fe
components that can result in wide variation of catalytic properties.
In this work, we studied the Cu-Fe nanocomposites prepared by two novel procedures: (i)
co-deposition of Cu and Fe precursors on the outer surface of the silica support powder using urea
and (ii) deposition of Cu and Fe precursors by consecutive incipient wetness impregnation of
porous silica beads with ammonium trioxalatoferrate and copper (II) nitrate solutions. The TG-
DTA studies showed that the supported precursors decomposed at 300-350 ºC. Interaction of Fe
and Cu precursors during preparation has been revealed, which results in the formation of
bimetallic oxide nanoparticles after thermal decomposition of deposited precursors. The XRD and
TEM analysis confirmed a high dispersion of mono and bimetallic nanoparticles on the SiO2
The method of temperature programmed reduction with hydrogen (TPR-H2) was applied to
compare the Cu-Fe interaction. The samples were reduced both after deposition and after thermal
decomposition of precursors. The TPR-H2 studies included (i) TPR-H2 up to 500°C followed by
reduction at this temperature; (ii) in situ reoxidation with oxygen at room temperature and (iii)
TPR-H2 of reoxidized sample. The extent of interaction strongly depends on the preparation
procedure that affected the catalytic properties of the prepared materials in the reactions of
hydrogenation terminal alkynes and nitroarenes with molecular hydrogen.

[1] K. Yan, A. Chen, Fuel 115 (2014) 101–108

[2] C. Sun, D. Mao, L. Han, J. Yu, Catal. Commun. 84 (2016) 175–178
[3] L. He, X. Gong, L. Ye, X. Duan, Y. Yuan, J. Energy Chem. 25 (2016) 1038–1044
[4] J. Feng, L. Su, Y. Ma, C. Ren, Q. Guo, X. Chen, Chem. Eng. J. 221 (2013) 16–24

Poster Session 2 PS2.51

Application of the isothermal calorimetry method in the study of

influence of lithium carbonate adding on the hydration rate of cement


Ekaterina SHOKODKO
NRU MGSU, 129337 Moscow Yaroslavskoe av 26, Russia

Today much attention is paid to one issue which is related with improvements of dry
construction mixtures for various purposes production technology, as well as products based on
such mixtures. It is known that hydration process of a cement system occurs with the release of
heat. Consequently, the use of the calorimetry method clearly shows the exothermic processes that
occur during the hydration of cement. [1-2]
The paper presents the results of studies of the influence of the adding of lithium carbonate
(Li2CO3) on the hydration rate of binders systems on a cement basis.
We made mixtures with different percentage of Li2CO3 (from 0 to 2.5%) using domestic
and foreign cement binders. The method of isothermal calorimetry was used to obtain data about the
amount of heat flow and heat release of the hardening cement systems in various time intervals
from the moment of water quenching [3]. The studies were carried out at various temperature
regimes: 20 С, 40 С and 60 С. Relations between heat flow-time, heat release-time for the
studied mixtures were established and shown. Our hypothesis about the advisability of using
Li2CO3 in the production of reinforced concrete products in order to reduce energy carrier costs
during the heat treatment of products was confirmed.

1. Adamtsevich A., Eremin A., Pustovgar A., Pashkevich S., Nefedov S. Research on the Effect of Prehydration
of Portland Cement Stored in Normal Conditions // Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014. Vol. 670-671. P.
376-381 DOI: 10.4028/
2. Bazhenov Y.M. Concrete Technology. M .: ASV, 2007. 528s
3. Usher Marshak-A.V. Betonovedenie: Modern etudes - H .: Rarities of Ukraine, 2016 - 135 p.

PS2.52 Poster Session 2

Thermal analysis of Early-Late Neolithic ancient pottery


Saint Petersburg State University,
199034 Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The State Hermitage Museum,
190000 Dvortsovaya nab. 34, Saint Petersburg, Russia

The investigation of ancient pottery has become important over the past century and
provides the archaeologist with information on the technology, trade and culture of the past [1]. An
analytical study of potsherds is usually complex and includes spectroscopic techniques, X-ray
diffraction, electron and visual microscopy, chemical analysis and so on. Thermal analysis is a good
tool for checking quality in the production of ceramics [2]. It allows to evaluate the conditions of
firing and to analyze raw clay materials and products. The main temperature effects are: for
dehydration 22-350oC, for dehydroxylation 350-600 oC and for decomposition of carbonates, mica,
etc. 600-850 oC, so usual experimental temperature interval is from room temperature up to 950 oC.
The results of measurements were shown [3] to depend on temperature profile throughout the wall
of a pot during the thermal treatment under the firing and cooking meal.
Here it will be reported the results of thermal analysis of shreds samples from Rakushechny
Yar and Serteya excavations of Early-Late Neolithic in Dnepr-Dvina region [4]. TG and DSC
investigation in temperature range up to 1200 oC (STA 409 C/CD NETZSCH) was held. Difference
in mass loss and values of temperatures shows that samples of pottery from different excavations
have different sources of clay. Inner and outer sides of shreds are different by mass loss with
increasing of temperature: inner sides lose more as result of the contact with cooking meal.
According to DSC curves there are thermal effects above 1000 oC in both cases due to mullite
Presented results will be used in the analysis of ceramics manufacture techniques and useful
for further integrated ancient pottery investigations and their interpretations.
The work was performed in Thermogravimetric and Calorimetric Research Center of Saint
Petersburg State University.

[1] G.R. Annamalai, R. Ravisancar, A. Rajalakshmi, A. Chandrasekaran, K. Rajan, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Mol.
and Biomol. Spectroscopy, 133 (2014) 112
[2] V.A. Drebushchak, L.N. Mylnikova, T.N. Drebushchak, V.V. Boldyrev, J. Therm. Anal. Cal., 82 (2005) 617
[3] V.A. Drebushchak, L.N. Mylnikova, V.I. Molodin, J. Therm. Anal. Cal., 90 (2007) 73
[4] E.V. Dolbunova, A.N. Mazurkevich, Samara Scientific Bulletin, 2015, N4(13)

Poster Session 2 PS2.53

Microstructure and thermal analysis of lithium ferrite pre-milled in

a high energy ball mills


Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia

Lithium ferrites are widely used in microwave technique. Usually, such ferrites are prepared
by the conventional ceramic double sintering method in which solid state reactions between oxides
and/or carbonates are carried out in the first stage. The microstructure of synthesized ferrite
powders has a significant effect on the properties of ferrite ceramics obtained as a result of sintering
in the second stage. In order to achieve the necessary microstructure properties of ferrites,
additional technological operations are used, for example, a mechanical milling in a planetary mill.
This type of treatment allows homogenizing, grinding and mechanically activating the initial
powder reactants, which leads to a stimulation of physic-chemical processes during synthesis of
ferrites [1-2].
In this work, the effect of ball milling of synthesized LiFe5O8 ferrite powders on the
microstructure of ferrite ceramics was studied by laser diffraction (Fritsch Analysette 22 MicroTec
Plus), XRD (ARL X’TRA) and SEM (Hitachi TM-3000) analysis. The mechanical milling of
LiFe5O8 was carried out in a Fritsch Pulverisette 7 or AGO planetary mills at room temperature
using the zirconium or steel grinding bowls and balls. The process of ferrite sintering was
investigated using dilatometric analysis (DIL 402 C, Netzsch). The structural disordering was
estimated by TG/DSC analysis (STA 449 C Jupiter, Netzsch).
The results showed a strong difference in the structure of ferrite ceramics obtained from
ferrite powder pre-milled by dry and wet milling. Thus, dry milling via steel balls results in slight
decrease in particle size of the ferrite powder, which has a narrow monomodal particle distribution.
The ferrite ceramics, obtained from this powder, is characterized by the presence of an ordered α-
LiFe5O8 phase. On the contrary, wet milling in isopropyl alcohol leads to a formation of ultrafine
ferrite powder, from which the ceramics was obtained that is characterized by a well-developed
fine-grained polycrystalline structure and the main presence of a disordered β-LiFe5O8 phase. It was
shown that a relatively high density and low porosity were observed for such ceramics, which is
practically impossible to obtain for pure lithium ferrite without the use of impurities that affect the
ferrite sintering processes.
It was established that during mechanical milling in a planetary mill with zirconium balls, a
ferrite powder is strongly contaminated with a zirconia material, resulting in formation of
LiFe5O8/ZrO2 composite ceramic.

[1] V. Berbenni, A. Marini, P. Matteazzi, R. Ricceri, N.J. Welham, J. Europ. Ceram., 23 (2003) 527−536.
[2] A.P. Surzhikov, E.N. Lysenko, V.A. Vlasov, A.V. Malyshev, E.V. Nikolaev, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 122
(2015) 1347–1353.

PS2.54 Poster Session 2

Thermal study of phase transformations during thermolysis of

protonated and hydrated layered perovskite bismuth titanates

I.A. Minich, O.I Silyukov, I.A. Zvereva

Institute of Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Layered perovskite-like oxides are solid crystalline substances formed by two-dimensional

nanosized perovskite slabs interleaved with cations or cationic structural units. Until present time
perovskite-like compounds are actively studied as materials with wide range of important physical
and chemical properties such as super-conductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, ferroelectricity,
catalytic and photocatalytic activity, thermochemical properties and electrochemical properties. In
recent years, there has been a constant interest in using the soft chemistry methods for development
of new layered perovskite-like compounds with specified physicochemical properties, as well as
design of these materials based on perovskite structure.
The present research considers ability of bismuth-containing complex oxide K2,5Bi2,5Ti4O13
to undergo protonation and intercalation of water molecules into interlayer space. The series of
derivatives with general formula HxK2,5-xBi2,5Ti4O13*yH2O were obtained in water and nitric acid
solutions. The phase transformations during thermolysis processes of obtained derivatives were
studied by means of thermogravimetric analysis, simultaneous thermal analysis, thermo XRD and
IR spectrometry. As the result a range of new phases with layered structure was obtained and

Acknowledgement This research was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant
№ 16-33-60082). Authors also are grateful to Saint Petersburg State University Research Park:
Center of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Research Centre for X-ray Diffraction Studies, Center
for chemical analysis and materials research, Interdisciplinary Resource Center for

Poster Session 2 PS2.55

Thermal analysis study of LiFeO2 formation from

Li2CO3-Fe2O3 mechanically activated reagents


Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia

Lithium ferrite, LiFeO2, has attracted considerable interest due to its potential industrial
applications, for example, as a cathode material in lithium rechargeable batteries because it has
lower toxicity and cost, relative to LiNiO2 and LiCoO2 [1]. In most of cases it is necessary to obtain
a nanostructured LiFeO2, which can be achieved by using lower synthesis temperatures. It is
known, that one way to prepare powdered materials in a highly dispersed state and with disordered
structure is the use of the mechanical activation in high energy ball mills. Mechanically activated
powders are highly reactive and therefore the final products at lower temperatures and durations of
thermal treatment could be obtained.
In this work, the effect of mechanical activation of Fe2O3-Li2CO3 initial reagents on LiFeO2
synthesis was investigated by XRD and TG/DSC analysis. The powders mixture was dry milled in
air using an AGO-2S planetary ball mill with stainless steel balls and vials for 60 min. The powder
to ball mass ratio was 1:10. Thermogravimetric and calorimetric (TG/DSC) measurements were
carried out by simultaneous thermal analyzer STA 449C Jupiter (Netzsch, Germany) in a non-
isothermal mode within a temperature range of (20-900)°C. Phase compositions of ferrite were
determined by X-ray diffraction analysis using ARL X’TRA diffractometer with СuKα radiation.
The Powder Cell 2.4 software was used for a full-profile analysis of XRD patterns.
XRD analysis showed that for mechanically activated powders, a decrease in the intensities
and an increase in the half-width of superstructure reflections for α-Fe2O3 were observed.
According to TG analysis, a preliminary mechanical activation of initial reagents leads to increasing
the reactivity of the solid state system, which is to lower the temperature of LiFeO2 synthesis onset.
The shape of DTG curves is similar to that of DSC curves, which shows that the mass changes can
be attributed to the observed endothermic effects.
The results obtained are consistent with earlier results for lithium-substituted ferrites
formation from mechanically activated initial reagents [3].

[1] P. D. Baba, G. M. Argentina, W. E. Courtney, G. F. Dionne, D. H. Temme, IEEE Trans. Magn., 8 (1972) 83.
[2] V. Berbenni, A. Marini, P. Matteazzi, R. Ricceri, N. Welham, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23 (2003) 527.
[3] A.P. Surzhikov, E.N. Lysenko, V.A. Vlasov, A.V. Malyshev, E.V. Nikolaev, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 122
(2015) 1347.

PS2.56 Poster Session 2

Thermal study of hydrated and alcohol derivatives of protonated

layered perovskite-like niobates

Oleg I. Silyukov, L.D. Abdulaeva, A.A. Burovikhina, L.V. Yafarova,

Irina A. Zvereva
Institute of Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University, 198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Layered perovskite-like oxides are solid crystalline substances formed by two-dimensional

nanosized perovskite slabs interleaved with cations or cationic structural units. Until present time
perovskite-like compounds are actively studied as materials with wide range of important physical
and chemical properties such as super-conductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, ferroelectricity,
catalytic and photocatalytic activity, thermochemical properties and electrochemical properties. In
recent years, there has been a constant interest in using the soft chemistry methods for development
of new layered perovskite-like compounds with specified physicochemical properties, as well as
design of these materials based on perovskite structure.
In the present work the process of formation of hydrated and alcohol derivatives of layered
perovskite niobate HCa2Nb3O10 during heating or hydrothermal treatment, was investigated by
thermal analysis methods. The conditions for the formation of protonated and hydrated forms, as
well as organic-inorganic covalent bonds in interlayer space were established. The thermal stability
of the obtained protonated, hydrated and organic-inorganic derivatives was studied in inert and
oxidizing atmosphere. Conditions of alcohol derivatives carbonization during pyrolysis process
were found. Obtained samples were also characterized using X-ray powder diffraction, SEM and
FT-IR spectroscopy.

Acknowledgement This research was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants
№ 16-33-60082 и № 16-33-00240). Authors also are grateful to Saint Petersburg State University
Research Park: Center of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Research Centre for X-ray Diffraction
Studies, Center for chemical analysis and materials research, Interdisciplinary Resource Center for

Poster Session 2 PS2.57

Analysis of phase composition of LiZn and LiTi ferrites by XRD and

thermomagnetometric analysis

Elena LYSENKO, Vitaly VLASOV, Alexander ASTAFYEV, Anatoly

Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue, 30, 634050, Tomsk, Russia

Substituted lithium ferrites in which Fe3+ ions are substituted by ions of zinc and/or titanium
are widely used in microwave technology. These ferrites are characterized by low values of
dielectric losses and high temperature stability. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis is
traditional method for phase composition control and microstructure analysis for ferrite materials.
However, for substituted lithium ferrites, it is difficult to examined by XRD the different spinel
phases that can be formed in Li0.5(1−x)Fe2.5−0.5xZnxO4 (LiZn) and Li0.5(1+х)Fe2.5−1.5xTixO4 (LiTi)
systems as intermediate phases with identical types of the crystal lattices and close values of the
lattice parameters. As was shown in [1, 2], thermomagnetometry method, which is
thermogravimetric analysis of the samples in magnetic field, can be used to control magnetic-phase
transformations in the synthesized lithium ferrites.
In the present work, the method of ferrite phase control, which is based on
thermomagnetometric analysis, was developed by solving technical problems and creating software.
The sensitivity of thermomagnetometric methods for determination of phase composition in a
complex components mixture that is included non-magnetic and poor magnetic phases, was
estimated. In addition, the magneto-phase transitions in LiZn and LiTi ferrites with different
saturation magnetization have been investigated.
Thermomagnetometric analysis was performed in air atmosphere using thermal analyzer
STA 449C Jupiter (Netzsch, Germany). The permanent magnets creating a field of ~5 Oe were
attached on the outer side of measurement cell for control of the samples magnetic state.
It was shown that the method of thermomagnetometric analysis allows to examine the
magnetic phase composition of ferrites more precisely. However, a complex analysis, using both X-
ray and termomagnitometric methods, will be the most optimal in case of the formation of non-
magnetic and poor magnetic phases. It was established that the method of thermomagnetometric
analysis allows to detect each ferrite phase with a content of not less than 0.5% in substituted
lithium ferrites.

[1] A.P. Surzhikov, A.M. Pritulov, E.N. Lysenko, V.A. Vlasov, E.A. Vasendina, A.V. Malyshev, J. Therm.
Anal. Calorim. 112 (2013) 739–745.
[2] P.K. Gallagher, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 49 (1997) 33–44.

PS2.58 Poster Session 2

Phase diagram of the Sn-P system

Alexander Yu. ZAVRAZHNOV, Galina V. SEMENOVA,

Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Universitetskaya sq. 1, Russia

A great deal of studies have been published lately on tin phosphides used as negative
electrode materials for ion-lithium batteries, as well as for creating thermoelectric materials [1-2].
However, the data on phase equilibria in the Sn-P system is based, in fact, on several works [3-4]
concerning the area of the alloys with a high tin content. The existence of three phases was
reported: Sn4P3, decomposing at 823 K into two liquids of different composition, Sn3P4, congruently
melting at 833 K, and SnP3, also presumably participating in the synthetic equilibrium. The Р-Т-х
diagram of the system has not been studied.
In this work, the Т-х diagram of the Sn–P system was studied by differential thermal
analysis, X-ray phase analysis and local X-ray spectral microanalysis. An optical-tensimetric
method was used to evaluate the saturated vapor pressure of phosphorus. The method consists in in
situ scanning of electronic absorption spectra of
steam at different temperatures in order to obtain
quantitative information about the vapor phase.
In the Sn-P system, the existence of a single eutectic
equilibrium with participation of higher tin
phosphide: L ↔ Sn4P3 + SnP3 was found in the
concentration range of 43-70 mol. % of phosphorus.
The Sn3P4 intermediate phase is formed only during
prolonged annealing of the samples at a temperature
of less than 623 K. A Р-Т-х diagram of the Sn–P
system was constructed by a combination of
differential thermal analysis and optical-tensimetric
methods (Fig. 1). The coordinates of four-phase
equilibrium points were found: for the synthetic
equilibrium Sn4P3 ↔ V + L1 + L2, the vapor pressure
is 0.6 atm at 836 ± 4 K; for the eutectic equilibrium L
↔ V + Sn4P3 + SnP3 2,8 atm.

Fig. 1. Phase diagram of the Sn-P system according

to our data

[1] Y. Kim [et al.], Advanced Materials, 26 (2015) 4139

[2] J. V. Zaikina [et al.], Chem. Mater., 20 (2008) 2476
[3] Vivian A.C., J. Inst. Met., 23 (1920) 325
[4] Arita M., Kamo K., Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met., 26 (1985) 242

Poster Session 2 PS2.59

Thermal stability and thermally induced crystallization of amorphous

Fe40Ni40B12Si8 alloy

Milica M. VASIĆ1, Jelena D. ZDRAVKOVIĆ2, Naděžda PIZÚROVÁ3, Pavla

ROUPCOVÁ3, Tomáš ŽÁK3, Dušan M. MINIĆ4, Dragica M. MINIĆ1
Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12-16, Belgrade, Serbia
Innovation Centre - Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4,
Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, Žižkova 22, Brno, Czech Republic
Military Technical Institute, Ratka Resanovića 1, Belgrade, Serbia

Amorphous alloys have been attracting much scientific attention due to their technologically
interesting and isotropic physical properties, connected with their unique structure. In this sense,
their favourable magnetic, electrical, mechanical and anti-corrosion properties are of great interest.
However, kinetic and thermodynamic metastability of these materials can limit their practical usage,
or even enhance, if materials with combined amorphous/nanocrystalline structure are formed.
Consequently, understanding of thermal stability of amorphous alloys and mechanism and kinetics
of their thermally induced structural transformations is very important for creation of materials with
targeted functional properties.
The subject of research in this work is a multicomponent amorphous Fe40Ni40B12Si8 alloy,
prepared using a melt-spinning technique. XRD measurements were carried out to examine the
structure of the as-prepared and thermally treated alloy samples. The formation of different Fe and
Ni-based crystalline phases, as well as recrystallization process, was observed after successive
annealing at different temperatures. Thermal stability of the alloy was studied by non-isothermal
DTA measurements, while deconvolution of complex DTA and DSC peaks allowed determination
of mechanism and kinetics of individual crystallization steps, in correlation with the results of
structural analysis. Additionally, it was shown that thermally induced microstructural
transformations in the alloy provoke changes in its magnetic moment, as manifested in
thermomagnetic curve.

PS2.60 Poster Session 2

Analysis of solidification characteristics in AlSi10MnMg alloy with

additions of Zr or/and Mo using thermal analysis
Maja Vončinaa, Stanislav Koresb, Matej Erneclb, Jožef Medveda
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Aškerčeva 12, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Talum Tovarna aluminija d. d. Kidričevo, Tovarniška cesta 10, 2325 Kidričevo, Slovenia

Castings of aluminium alloys are made from hundreds of different configurations of all
commercial casting processes, including sand casting, the composite or permanent mould casting,
precision casting, with gravity casting, low pressure and high-pressure casting for a variety of
purposes. The research on modification of alloys from the system Al-Si for high temperature
applications are the subject of numerous studies. Zr and Mo are one of the important alloying
elements to improve the microstructures and properties of various aluminium alloys.
In this study the course of the solidification of AlSi10MnMg diecasting alloy was
investigated in the presence of Zr and/or Mo addition. The concentrations of added elements were
planned using ThermoCalc program. The experimental alloys were cast into Croning measuring cell
in order to record cooling curve and to determine characteristic solidification temperatures, whereas
the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used in order to confirm obtained characteristic
solidification temperatures of experimental alloys. The addition of small concentrations of added
elements was clearly seen in the course of the solidification. The additional phases formed, which
were based on Zr and Mo.

Poster Session 2 PS2.61

Thermal, Mechanical and Cavitation Behaviour of Poly(4-methyl-1-

pentene)/Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol)-coated TiO2 Nanocomposites

Sang Bum KIM1, Sang Yoon LEE2, Eun-Soo PARK3

Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 89 Yangdaegiro-gil, Ipjang-myeon, Seobuk-gu,
Chungcheongnam-do 31056, Korea
Ah Sung Chemical Co., Ltd., 455-100, Dongsak-ro, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Young Chang Silicone Co., Ltd., 205-16, Gasandigital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul 08501, Korea

With polymer nanocomposites, achieving highly effective dispersion of agglomerated

nanofiller and major or optimal property enhancements remain challenges [1]. The most important
aspect in preparation of nanocomposites through dispersive blending is surface modification of the
nanofillers [2-3]. In this study, poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) (PMP) composites were prepared by
solution mixing of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) (EVOH)-coated TiO2 (c-TiO2) nanocomposite
particles. The effects of the c-TiO2 content on thermal, mechanical and tensile-fracture behaviours
of prepared hybrid nanocomposite were evaluated. In addition, thermal properties changes of two
nanocomposite systems after electron-beam irradiation were also discussed.

Figure 1. TEM image of the nanofiller. The particle sizes of TiO2 were nanoscale with the grain size about
15 to 35 nm for TiO2-A (anatase) and 100 to 250 nm for TiO2-R (rutile).

[1] E. J. Lee, J. S. Yoon, E. S. Park. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 125 (2012) E691.
[2] Y. T. Choi, S. B. Kim, S. J. Lee, Gwang. T. Kim, E. H. Park, E. S. Park. Composites Part B 114 (2017) 268
[3] K. R. Kim, E. S. Park. Plastics, Rubber and Composites 45 (2016) 118

PS2.62 Poster Session 2

Thermal behaviour of a fibrous titanium oxophosphate with ability

for nitrogen-adsorption above room temperature


Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica, Universidad de Oviedo-CINN,
33006 Oviedo, Spain
Departamentos de 2Física y de 3Matemáticas, Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería,
Universidad de Oviedo, 33204 Gijón, Spain
Servicios Científico-Técnicos, Universidad de Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Spain

In the last decades, a great variety of metal phosphates has been synthesized and
characterized. These compounds exhibit a multitude of fascinating structures and the dimensionality
of their inorganic framework encompasses one-dimensional chain or ladder structures, two-
dimensional layers and three-dimensional structures possessing channels of different sizes [1]. By
the end of the last century, two Ti2O(PO4)2·2H2O polymorphs (ρ-TiP and π-TiP), among other
open-framework inorganic materials, were prepared hydrothermally and the crystal structure of ρ-
polymorph was solved ab initio from both neutron and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data
[2]. The topology of fibrous ρ-TiP consists of a Ti/P/O framework enclosing two different linear
channels parallel to the direction of the growth of the fibers, both containing water molecules
coordinated to only one of the two octahedral-coordinated independent titanium atoms. Recently,
we have described the structural features in the thermal transformation of ρ-TiP to its anhydrous
phase, where the hydrated titanium coordination changes from octahedral up to distorted
tetrahedral, and how this structural change provokes a measurable thermally activated nitrogen-
adsorption at high temperature (100-300 ºC) [3]. To our knowledge, this phenomenon constitutes
the first example of nitrogen-fixation by an inorganic material at above ambient temperature
although, in our opinion, probably it is the iceberg-tip that indicates the way towards the
manufacturing of a new family of valuable materials.
Although it is known that the thermal decomposition of ρ-TiP occurs in two partially
overlapping steps, giving Ti2O(PO4)2 as the final product, the kinetic parameters for the dehydration
reaction are unknown so far. In addition, Ti2O(PO4)2 is revealed as a no-inert material in the Lab
atmosphere, showing a surprising behavior when subsequently it is subjected to heating. This
contribution reports the thermal features of ρ-Ti2O(PO4)2·2H2O in two different situations: freshly
and thermally activated.

[1] Z. Amghouz, B. Ramajo, S.A. Khainakov, I. da Silva, G.R. Castro, J.R. García, S. García-Granda, Chem. Commun.,
50 (2014) 6729 (and references therein)
[2] I. Bortun, S.A. Khainakov, L.N. Bortun, D.M. Poojary, J. Rodríguez, J.R. García, A. Clearfield, Chem. Mater., 9
(1997) 1805; M.A. Salvadó, P. Pertierra, S. García-Granda, J.R. García, M.T. Fernández-Díaz, E. Dooryhee, Eur. J.
Solid State Inorg. Chem., 34 (1997) 1237
[3] J. García-Glez, Z. Amghouz, I. da Silva, C.O. Ania, J.B. Parra, C. Trobajo, S. García-Granda, Chem. Commun., 53
(2017) 2249 (and references therein)

Poster Session 2 PS2.63

Thermal behaviour of layered α-titanium phosphates: From the

titanium(IV) bis(hydrogenphosphate) monohydrate to an
europium(III)-phase via propylamine intercalation


Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica, Universidad de Oviedo-CINN,
33006 Oviedo, Spain
Departamentos de 2Física y de 3Matemáticas, Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería,
Universidad de Oviedo, 33204 Gijón, Spain
Servicios Científico-Técnicos, Universidad de Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Spain

α-Ti(HPO4)2·H2O (α-TiP) [1] and its propylamine intercalation product, α-

Ti(HPO4)2·2C3H7NH2·H2O (α-TiPPr) [2], have been previously both synthesized and characterized.
On the other hand, Eu3+ is often considered as a chemical analogue for trivalent heavy metals,
lanthanides and also actinides (such as Np, Am, Cm and Pu, radionuclides found in high-level
radioactive waste produced during the nuclear fuel cycle) [3]. In this way, in our Lab, the sorption
capacity for europium(III) of layered titanium(IV) phosphates was investigated, and this purpose
was accomplished by treating α-TiP and α-TiPPr with europium(III) nitrate solutions at different
concentrations until the equilibrium is reached [4]. All samples were characterized, among others,
by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopies (SEM,
TEM, STEM-EDX, SAED), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and photoluminescence (PL)
measurements. The results show that the Eu3+ uptake is limited to surface when α-TiP is used as
sorbent. Nevertheless, the Eu-retention is considerably enhanced with α-TiPPr as a consequence of
an ion-exchange process into the interlayer space of the layered titanium phosphate (involving
propylammonium cations, C3H7NH3+, and hexahydrate europium(III) species, [Eu(H2O)6]3+), and
the crystal structure of a hypothetical final product, α-[Eu(H2O)6]2/3Ti(PO4)2·[(H2O)6]1/3, has been
proposed by using DFT calculations.
This contribution reports the solid-state-NMR characterization (1H, 14C, and 31P) of the three
aforementioned compounds (α-Ti(HPO4)2·H2O, α-Ti(HPO4)2·2C3H7NH2·H2O, and α-
[Eu(H2O)6]2/3Ti(PO4)2·[(H2O)6]1/3), and the description of the kinetic features for their thermo-
oxidative decomposition processes.

[1] R. Llavona, M. Suárez, J.R. García, J. Rodríguez, Inorg. Chem., 28 (1989) 2863; M.A. Salvadó, P. Pertierra, S. García-
Granda, J.R. García, J. Rodríguez, M.T. Fernández-Díaz, Acta Cryst. B, 52 (1996) 896
[2] A. Espina, E. Jaimez, S.A. Khainakov, C. Trobajo, J.R. García, J. Rodríguez, Chem. Mater., 10 (1998) 2490
[3] H.B. Ortiz-Oliveros, R.M. Flores-Espinosa, E. Ordóñez-Regil, S.M. Fernández-Valverde, Chem. Eng. J., 236 (2014)
[4] J. García-Glez, C. Trobajo, S.A. Khainakov, Z. Amghouz, Arab. J. Chem. (2016), (and references therein)

PS2.64 Poster Session 2

In-Situ Synchrotron Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction During

Flash Sintering of Unstable Complex Oxides: The Case of BiFeO3


Shikhar JHA2, Antonio PEREJON-PAZO1,3,
Materials Science Institute of Seville, CSIC, Americo Vespucio 49, 41092 Seville, Spain
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rutgers University, 607 Taylor Road,
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, USA
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Seville, Spain
X-ray Science Division, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass
Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA

Flash sintering procedure is explored for the processing of thermally unstable complex
oxides. Processing such compounds is quite complex as the temperatures required to obtain dense
pure compositions should be above their thermal stability limit. A good example of those complex
compounds is the iron bismuth oxide that above its curie temperature goes throw peritectic
decomposition and, therefore, conventionally processed materials present secondary phases and
suffer from high leakage currents. Here, it is shown that Flash Sintering allows obtaining high
purity and highly insulating specimens. Moreover, Flash sintering does not produce reduction in the
sample, which produces higher conductivity materials, as it happens with Spark Plasma Sintering
(SPS) technique.
In-situ Synchrotron Energy Dispersive X-ray diffraction experiments, performed in
Argonne National Laboratories, have been used for following the evolution of the iron bismuth
oxide during the Flash Sintering experiment. From these experiments phase composition and
specimen temperature was obtained under in-situ conditions.

Poster Session 2 PS2.65

Calorimetry in chemistry and technology of cement and concrete


Kharkov national university of civil engineering and architecture,
Sumskaya str., 40, Kharkov, Ukraine

Technologies of cement and concrete in the XXI century are developing according to
exponential laws [1]. In the world, the volumes of their production increase and the importance of
human life support. Composite cement, concrete, and additives to them are complicated by a
complication of hydration reactions, processes of structure formation and formation of high
properties. In principle, this situation is supported by an increase in the science intensity of
materials science at the Interdisciplinary junction of the basic sciences. The boundaries of the
methodology of research are widening considerably.
Calorimetry and its methods are increasingly involved in the study of the production and use
of cement and concrete. Three directions are distinguished, developed by the Kharkov calorimetric
center of building materials science.
Thermokinetic analysis (TKA) of hydration interaction based on differential isothermal
microcalorimetry [2]:
- The device for carrying out ТКА in isothermal and not isothermal conditions of hardening
is developed;
- The whole range of binders under normal, elevated (up to 180 ° C) and lower (around 0 ° C
and lower) temperatures in the presence of organic and inorganic, individual and complex additives
for various purposes has been studied;
- According to quantitative signs of the rate and completeness of hydration, a thermokinetic
classification of the regularities of hardening processes is proposed.
Thermoporometry (TРМ) - a non-destructive method for studying the microstructure of
cement paste on the basis of differential scanning calorimetry is justified from the viewpoint of the
thermodynamics of surface phenomena in disperse systems [3].
- The influence of the conditions and peculiarities of the formation of the concrete structure
in the range of 1.5-100 nm has been studied in detail in connection with the technological factors in
the synthesis of cement stone and concrete.
- The contribution of the capillary and gel components of the microporosity of the cement
stone to the strength, density, permeability and durability of concrete is quantitatively determined.
- The regularities of ice formation during freezing of hardening astringents are established.
The methodology of temperature and time monitoring (TТМ) for controlling and regulating
the hardening of concrete on the basis of semi-adiabatic calorimetry was developed and
implemented in the practice of laboratory research and production work. A procedure for
compatibility of additives with cement is proposed, taking into account the mechanisms of their
action, technological specificity, and purpose.
The integrated application of calorimetry, in our opinion, is the most effective and promising
direction for scientific and technological purposes.

[1] P.-C. Aitcin, Cem. Concr. Res., 30 (2000) 1349-1359.

[2] A. Usherov-Marshak, V. Sopov, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 43 (1995) 497-504.
[3] A. Usherov-Marshak, V. Sopov, W. Kurdowski, J. of Therm. Anal. Calorim., 55 (1999) 1031-1037.

PS2.66 Poster Session 2

Application of Differential Scanning Calorimetry to assess the

effectiveness of protective concrete coatings of microbiological sulfuric
acid aggression

Viktor SOPOV, Julia DANCHENKO, Ekaterina LATOREZ

Kharkov national university of civil engineering and architecture,
Sumskaya str., 40, Kharkov, Ukraine

The operation of concrete drainage pipelines without anticorrosive protection for even a
short service life leads to a significant destruction of their internal surface, which necessitates their
repair or relocation.
Specification of corrosion processes in sewerage networks, the predominant role of
microbiological processes in them requires the protection of concrete with materials resistant to
specific biogenic sulfuric acid aggression. The effective protective materials, in this case, are those
that, in addition to acid-proofing materials, have bactericidal properties.
Polymer composite materials (PCM) of cold curing based on modified epoxy-resin, resins
with dispersed oxides as fillers are widely used in construction. Unique properties and simple
technologies make it possible to use them as injection formulations for repair, restoration and
restoration of building structures and structures, waterproofing and facing materials, for
impregnating, gluing and coating metal, wooden, brick and concrete building structures and parts.
Due to the combination of high strength characteristics, adhesion to various surfaces, and
also resistance to most aggressive media, these materials are practically indispensable for solving
any technological problems. However, there are factors that limit their use in the construction
industry due to an inadequate stability of properties under severe operating conditions. Regulation
of the performance characteristics of PCM is carried out by chemical and physical modification of
the compositions taking into account the specific operating conditions of the material.
In the reconstruction and restoration of sewerage collectors operating under conditions of
exposure to liquid biochemically aggressive media with mineral acids and organic substances,
particular attention is paid to the permeability of repair materials.
To assess the permeability of PCM, the method of thermoporometry on the basis of
differential scanning calorimetry was used. The characteristics of the PKM pore structure in the
range 2 ... 100 nm were determined: the size, volume and pore size distribution, and the degree of
exposure of aggressive media to their change.
Based on the results of the study, PKM compositions were chosen whose estimated lifetime
is about 20 years, ensuring reliable protection of the sewage collectors from corrosion.

Poster Session 2 PS2.67

Processing of TiC-Al2O3 ceramic composite

University of Sakarya, Faculty of Technology,
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 54187 Sakarya- Turkey

Carbides are one of advanced ceramics group that have a wide range of applications in many
fields due to their superior properties such as high melting points, extreme hardness, and high
resistance to oxidation and corrosion[1-3]. TiC is one of them and the most important advanced
engineering carbide material to technological applications[4]. The typical synthesis of TiC involves
reducing of titania with carbon[5], direct carbonation of Ti element[6], combustion[7], spark plasma
sintering[8] and self propagating high temperature processes[9]. It is used extensively in many high
temperature structural applications or reinforcing and hardening component in metals and ceramics,
especially cutting tools and wear resistance coating[10].
Aluminium is the most common used reducing metal in metallothermic applications. It is
highly exothermic process. In this study, an aluminothermic reduction process was presented for the
production of alumina-titanium carbide compound. With the addition of solid carbon and
aluminium to titanium dioxide a homogeneous mixture was formed after ball milling for 6 hours.
Titanium dioxide was reduced to titanium carbide in the molten state at temperature between 1300-
1500 ºC under argon atmosphere. The TG curve of the sample showed mass loss and mass gain
steps were related with the reduction of the oxide by Al and the formation of the carbide phases.
One endothermic and two exothermic peaks were occurred on the DTA curve of the sample. X-ray
diffraction was confirmed the formation of the reaction phases were Al2O3 and TiC, depending on
the reaction temperature and time. Energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) analyses were used for
interpreting the reactions and the processes. The effect of several variables such as time,
temperature, aluminium and carbon content on the effectiveness of the process was evaluated by
identifying the reaction products which were composed of TiC and Al2O3 powders at above 1400

Key words: Titanium carbide, aluminothermic process, thermal analysis, alumina

[1] H. Hwu, JGG. Chen, Chem Rev., 105 (2005)185

[2] B. Liu, C. Huang, M. Gu, H. Zhu, H. Liu, Mat. Sci. Eng., A 460 (2007) 146
[3] D. Strzeciwilk, Z. Wokulski, P. Tkacz,, J. Alloys Compd.,350 (2003) 256
[4] B. Zou, C. Huang, J. Song, Z. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Zhao, Int. J. Ref. Met. Hard. Mat. 35(2012) 1
[5] R. Koc, J.S. Folmer, J. Mater. Sci., 9 (1997) 1172
[6] H. Jia, Z. Zhang, G. Liu, J. Alloys Compd., 472 (2009) 97
[7] D.C. Halverson, K.H. Ewald, Z.A. Munir, J. Mater. Sci. 28 (1993) 4583
[8] AH. Houyem, F. Schoensteinb, M. Abdellaoui, N. Jouini, Int. J. Ref. Met. Hard. Mat. 29 (2011) 170
[9] J.H. Lee, S.K. Ko, C.W. Won, Mat. Research Bull. 36 (2001)157
[10] A. Bellosi, R. Calzavarini, F.M.G. Monteverde, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 143(2003)527

PS2.68 Poster Session 2

An Investigation on UHMWPE-HAp Composites Manufactured by

Solution-Gelation Method

Gözde Ç. Efe1,2, İbrahim Altınsoy1, Serbülent Türk2, Cuma Bindal1,2

Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering,
Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya-Turkey
Sakarya University, Biomedical, magnetic and semi conductive materials research center (BIMAS-
RC) Esentepe Campus,54187 Sakarya-Turkey,

Biomaterials include a broad class of materials that are used in medicine and dentistry such as:
metallic biomaterials, ceramic and glass biomaterials, non-degradable synthetic polymers,
biodegradable polymers, bio-derivative polymers as well as passive and bioactive coatings [1].
Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is one of the promising matrix materials due
to its high chemical inertness, the highest wear resistance of any thermoplastics, low friction
coefficient and bioinertness make it the material of choice for hip joints and knee joints. Other
excellent properties, such as low density, high strength, high modulus, good abrasion, and
chemicals resistance [2,3]. To further improve its mechanical properties and tribological response,
fillers/reinforcements are incorporated into the polymer [4]. For biomedical applications, the HAp is
very interesting filler because is one of the bioceramics with good bioactivity and is a major mineral
constituent of the bone matrix [5].
In this study, HAp reinforcement into UHMWPE matrix and its effect on mechanical
properties of the UHMWPE composites were investigated. UHMWPE composites reinforced with
0.5, 1 and 2.0% wt., respectively nano HAp powders were successfully produced by solution and
gelation method. SEM studies showed that HAp nano particles were homogenously distributed into
UHMWPE matrix and good cross-linked with the matrix. FTIR results revealed that HAp
incorporation into matrix was conducted and crystallization of UHMWPE increased by increment in
amount of HAp results in deepening crystallization peaks at nearby 500 and 1500 cm-1. DSC
results, which is useful technique to determine the variation of melting point and crystallization
ratio of UHMWPE composites, indicated that there was no remarkable change in melting points of
composites, while crystallinity of the samples generally showed slight increase by increasing
amount of nano HAp particles. The tensile test instrument was utilized to determine elastic modulus
of the samples and their elastic modulus were raised from 1050 MPa (pure UHMWPE) to 1900
MPa with higher HAp reinforcement. It can be concluded that UHMWPE-2 % wt. HAp composites
have promising results by combining of crystallinity and elastic modulus.

[1] Ž. Mitić, A. Stolić, S. Stojanović, S. Najman, N. Ignjatović, G. Nikolić, M. Trajanović, Article in Press, Materials
Science and Engineering C (2017)
[2] G. Celebi Efe, F. Ozaydin, H. Ucisik, C. Bindal, H. Liang, J Therm Anal Calorim, 125 (2016) 659-665
[3] S. Firdous, M. Fuzail, M. Atif, M. Nawaz, Optik, 122 (2011) 99-104
[4] A. Golchin, A. Villain, N. Emami, Tribology International, 110 (2017) 195-200
[5] D. L. P. Macuvele, J. Nones, J. V. Matsinhe, M. M. Lima, C. Soares, M. A. Fiori, H. G. Riella, Materials Science
and Engineering: C, 76 (2017) 1248-1262

Poster Session 2 PS2.69

The Effect of Nano TiO2 Particles on UHMWPE

Gözde Ç. Efe1,2, İbrahim Altınsoy1, Cuma Bindal1,2, Hikmet Üçışık3

Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering,
Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya-Turkey
Sakarya University, Biomedical, magnetic and semi conductive materials research center (BIMAS-
RC) Esentepe Campus,54187 Sakarya-Turkey
Atılım University, Board of Trustees, 06836 Ankara-Turkey

Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is widely used as joint replacements

because its low friction coefficient, relatively good thermal stability, low toxicity, bioinertness and
relatively good wear resistance, with respect to other polymers [1-3]. It is well understood that the
physical, chemical and mechanical properties of crystalline polymers depend on the morphology,
the crystalline mass fraction and degree of cross-linking [4].
In this study it is aimed to improve the mechanical and crystalline properties of UHMWPE with the
addition of nano sized TiO2 particles with the amount of 0.5, 1 and 2 wt.%. UHMWPE- TiO2
composites manufactured by solution gelation method. Decalin was used as a solvent for
UHMWPE. Recent studies showed that the addition of reinforcement particles in polymer matrix
result in enhancement of mechanical properties [5]. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and EDS
analysis techniques reviled that TiO2 particles were distributed homogenously in the UHMWPE
matrix. The melting temperature Tm and the enthalpy of fusion (ΔHf) were measured by the DSC
method. Calculated crystallinity value of 24% for UHMWPE increased to 47% with the addition
of TiO2 particles. The presence of C-H2, C-H and C-O bonds and type were verified by FTIR
analysis. Mechanical properties of composites were analyzed with tensile tester. Increase in TiO2
content from 0% to 2wt.% increased the 67% young modulus of composite which is much more
than the pure UHMWPE used for total joint replacements in the literature [5].

[1] M. B. Turell, A. Bellare, Biomaterials, 25 (2004) 3389- 3398

[2] S. S. Khasraghi, M. Rezaei, M. K. Razavi Aghjeh, PPS-2011, (2011) 15-17
[3] D.I. Chukov, A.A. Stepashkin, A.V. Maksimkin, V.V. Tcherdyntsev, S.D. Kaloshkin,
K.V. Kuskov, V.I. Bugakov, Composites Part B, 76 (2015) 79- 88
[4] M. Sattari1, S. A. Mirsalehi1, A. Khavandi1, O. Alizadeh, M. R. Naimi-Jamal, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 122
(2015) 1319- 1330
[5] D. L. P. Macuvele, J. Nones , J. V. Matsinhe, M. M. Lima, C. Soares, M. A. Fiori, H. G. Riella, Materials Science
and Engineering C, 76 (2017) 1248- 1262

PS2.70 Poster Session 2

Properties of sintered Al-Cu-Mg-Sn alloys

Çiğdem ÖZAY1, Elif Beyza GENCER2, Azim GÖKÇE3,

Armetal Surface Treatment Ltd. , Bolu Organized Industrial Zone, Turkey
Institute of Natural Sciences, Sakarya University, Turkey
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Dept., Technology Faculty, Sakarya University, Turkey

Powder metallurgy (PM) is a new production technique compared to methods such as

casting and machining, and offers fast and economical production possibility. PM process can
easily be automated, and this property made it a preferred method for producing automobile
parts[1]. Generally motor and transmission parts are produced with powder metallurgy and iron-
based powders are used [2]. Using light alloys such as aluminium and magnesium instead of steel is
very common for decreasing the vehicle weights so decreasing the CO2 emissions and fuel
consumption[3,4]. PM aluminium alloys attracts the attention of automotive produce There are
limited number of commercial aluminium PM alloys and properties of these alloys extensively
investigated in literature[5]. The major disadvantage of aluminium alloys against steel is their low
strength. Researchers focused to produce high strength aluminium alloys by using various methods
and one of these methods is to develop new non-commercial aluminium PM alloys. Alloying
elements such as Mg, Fe, Pb, In, Zn, Ni, Si and Sn are used for strengthening the Al PM alloys. In
this study effects of Sn addition into the non-commercial Al4Cu0.5 alloy were investigated. In
doing so four kinds of alloys with various Sn contents (0, 0.1, 0.5,1 wt. %) were prepared using
press-sinter technique. Microstructural features investigated by using Optical microscope and
Scanning Electron Microscope. Compositional analysis of emerging alloys were done using EDS
and XRD. Phase transformation temperatures of the alloys detected by using DSC. Results showed
that minimum level (0.1 wt. %) addition of Sn to the base alloy increased hardness and transverse
rupture strength values of the alloy to the maximum level.

[1] W.B. Eisen, B.L. Ferguson, R.M. German, R. Iacocca, P.W. Lee, D. Madan, K. Moyer, H. Sanderow, Y.
Trudel, Powder metal technologies and applications, ASM International, Novelty, OH (United States), 1998.
[2] J.M. Capus, Metal Powders: A Global Survey of Production, Applications and Markets 2001-2010, Elsevier
Science, 2005.
[3] W.. Miller, L. Zhuang, J. Bottema, a. . Wittebrood, P. De Smet, a Haszler, a Vieregge, Recent development in
aluminium alloys for the automotive industry, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 280 (2000) 37–49.
[4] H. Friedrich, S. Schumann, Research for a “new age of magnesium” in the automotive industry, J. Mater.
Process. Technol., 117 (2001) 276–281.
[5] G.B. Schaffer, Powder processed aluminium alloys, Mater. Forum, 28 (2004) 65–74.

Poster Session 2 PS2.71

Development of Ti-16Nb-xZr alloy for implant applications

Eren YILMAZ1, Azim GÖKÇE2,b, Fehim FINDIK2,c, H. Özkan GÜLSOY3

Sakarya University, Biomedical, Magnetic and Semiconductor Materials Application & Research
Center, Sakarya, Turkey
Sakarya University, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Techology,
Sakarya, Turkey
Marmara University, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Techology,
Istanbul, Turkey

For hard tissue replacement, Ti and Ti alloys widely used owing to their high corrosion
resistant, low density, good biocompatibility, comparatively low elastic modulus and high strength
[1]. The goal in developing an implant is to obtain features close to the bone. Elastic modulus
mismatch between bone and implant leads to stress shielding effect problem.
Ti alloys indicate two stable phases, the α phase (HCP) at lower temperatures, β phase
(BCC) at higher temperatures. In the case of quenching or heat treatment, metastable phases (αı, αıı,
ω) can be formed. β phase has the lowest elastic modulus among these phases. Elastic modulus is
reduced by the addition of β stabilizer such as Nb to Ti alloys [2]. Also, non toxic elements such as
Zr, Ta, Sn generally used as an alloy element to improve mechanical properties and corrosion
resistance [3].
The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of Zr addition on the microstructure and
mechanical behaviour of Ti-16Nb alloy. These alloys are produced by powder injection molding,
which offers advantages such as low cost, net shape and complicated parts production for implant
production. Optical microscope, SEM, EDS, XRD analyses were carried out for the microstructure
and phase analyses of the sintered samples. The alloys were composed of the α+β phases. Elastic
modulus and hardness of the alloys measured by using nanoindentation test. Also DSC analysis was
used to examine the β-α transformation with the addition of Zr. As a result, addition of Zr to the Ti-
Nb alloy has positive effect on biomedical implant properties.

[1] J. Zhang, F. Sun, Y. Hao, N. Gozdecki, E. Lebrun, P. Vermaut, R. Portier, T. Gloriant, P. Laheurte, F. Prima,
“Influence of equiatomic Zr/Nb substitution on superelastic behaviour of Ti-Nb-Zr alloy’’, Materials Science &
Engineering A, (2013) 78-85
[2] D. Q. Martins, W. R. Osorio, M. E. P. Souza, R.Caram, A. Garcia, “Effects of Zr content on microstructure and
corrosion resistance of Ti-30Nb-Zr casting alloys for biomedical applications’’, Electrochimica Acta, (2008) 2809-2817
[3] Q. Li, M. Niinomi, M. Nakai, Z. Cui, S. Zhu, X. Yang, “Effect of Zr on super-elasticity and mechanical properties
of Ti-24at%Nb-(0, 2, 4)at%Zr alloy subjected to aging treatment’’, Materials Science & Engineering A, (2012) 197-206

PS2.72 Poster Session 2

Preparation of MgAl2Si2O8:Pd0.01 as Cathode Active Layer for DSSCs


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kayseri, Erciyes University, Turkey

Since their discovery by O’Regan and Grätzel in 1991, [1] dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have
attracted considerable interest [2] because of their low production cost, high power conversion
efficiency (η), and environmental friendliness. Although an η over 21% has been recorded for
DSSCs with volatile organic liquid electrolytes, [3] they may be inhibited for outdoor applications in
view of the need for robust encapsulation.

The MgAl2Si2O8: Pd0.01 material for DSSCs as cathode active layer has been developed by
conventional solid state reaction at 1300 oC. The prepared materials were characterized by thermal
analysis (TG/DTA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray powder diffraction
analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and
nitrogen adsorption-desorption analysis (BET). The fabricated MgAl2Si2O8: Pd0.01 material was
tested as counter electrode in the DSSCs.

We acknowledge the financial support granted by Erciyes University (ERUBAP), (FBA-2016-

[1] B. O’regan, M. Grätzel; Nature, 353 (1991) 737.

[2] T. Chen, S. Wang, Z. Yang, Q. Feng, X. Sun, L. Li, Z.-S. Wang, H. Peng; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, (2011) 1815.
[3] F. Gao, Y. Wang, D. Shi, J. Zhang, M. Wang, X. Jing, R. Humphry-Baker, P. Wang, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. Grätzel;
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130 (2008) 10720.

Poster Session 2 PS2.73

Fabrication of MgAl2Si2O8:Ru0.01 as Counter Electrode Catalyst for Dye-

Sensitized Solar Cells


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kayseri, Erciyes University, Turkey

It is well known that many inorganic substances with the desired structure, properties, and surface
morphology have attracted considerable interest among scientists. Silicates are also suitable for
applications in luminescence, catalysis, UV absorption, the preparation of zeolite materials,
photocatalysis, etc [1].

In this study, the MgAl2Si2O8:Ru0.01 material was synthesized via solid state method and
characterized by TG/DTG/DTA, FT-IR, XRD, SEM-EDX and BET analysis. The prepared catalyst
show good efficiency as counter electrode for DSSC. Also, to our knowledge, this the first report of
DSSCs using MgAl2Si2O8: Ru0.01 material as highly active catalytic systems.

We acknowledge the financial support granted by Erciyes University (ERUBAP), (FBA-2016-

[1] S. M. Aksenov, R. K. Rastsvetaeva, V. A. Rassylov, N. B. Bolotina,V. K. Taroev, V. L. Tauson,

Microp. Mesop. Mater. 182 (2013) 95–101.

PS2.74 Poster Session 2

Preperation, characterization of SrMO4:Eu@MCM-41 composites

Ali İhsan KARAÇOLAK1, Fatih Mehmet EMEN1, Zeynep YILDIRIM1, Ruken

Esra DEMİRDÖĞEN2, Derya KILIC3, Tuncay YESİLKAYNAK4, Göktürk
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, TR
15030, Burdur, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Çankiri Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
Department of Material Technoligies, Faculty of Engineering, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University, TR 15030, Burdur, Turkey
Afsin Vocational High School, Sütcü _Imam University, TR46500, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mersin University,
TR 33343 Mersin, Turkey

Mesoporous materials endowed with photoluminescence property upon functionalization are

of potential in the drug storage/release fields [1,2]. The design and preparation of non-toxic, stable
systems with luminescence property have key role in realizing this application.
In this study, we aimed at obtaining luminescent SrMO4:Eu@MCM-41 composites via sol-
gel process. The obtained composites were characterized via XRD, FT-IR, SEM, N2
adsorption/desorption analysis and PL spectra. In order to determine the optimum synthesis
conditions thermal analysis studies of the initial reactants was made via TG/DTA combined system.
Starting reactants decompose upto 918 oC upon dividing into volatile compounds and at this
temperature a mixture of metal oxides (SrO, MoO3, Eu2O3) form.

This study was supported by TUBITAK The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey (Project Number :116Z402).

[1] Shi D.L., Lian J., Wang W., Liu G.K., He P., Dong Z.Y., Wang L.M., Ewing R.C., Adv.
Mater. 18 (2006) 189.
[2] Sauer J., Marlow F., Spliethoff B., Schuth F., Chem. Mater. 14 (2002) 217.

Poster Session 2 PS2.75

Electrical properties and thermal expansion of in-situ formed

Cordierite-Anorthite ceramic composite

Aptullah KARAKAS1, Ali Sabri BERKEM1, Ahmet CAPOGLU1

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gebze Technical University, 41400,
Gebze/Kocaeli-TURKEY, e-mail:

Substrates for electronic circuits can be divided into three significant categories; ceramic based,
polymer printed circuit-board-based and structures built up on a metal core [1]. For high thermal
performance package, the ceramic based packages are prefered. Commercial ceramic packages have
leaning cofired multilayer structures that necessitate casting ceramic tape. Ceramic packages
materials have got to have low thermal expansion coefficient, low dielectric constant and low
electrical conductivity [2].
In this study, dense cordierite-anorthite composite ceramic was in-situ formed during one step
sintering and cordierite-anorthite ceramic body was prepared from a mixture of pyrophyllite, α-
alumina, wollastonite and Mg-clay with appropriate proportions. The samples were formed by
employing aqueous tape casting method and sintered at 1340 °C for 2 h. The dielectric constant,
dielectric loss tangent, resistivity, thermal expansion coefficient and electrical conductivity were
measured. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were carried
out to analyze the microstructure. The results are that thermal expansion coefficient is 2,68 x 10-6 C-
, resistivity is 2,11 x 1011 Ω.m, dielectric constant at room temperature and 300 ̊C respectively is
4,5 and 8,5 at 1 MHz and dielectric loss tangent at room temperature and 300 ̊C respectively is
0,0015 and 0,0015 at 1 MHz. Electrical conductivity at room temperature and 300 C ̊ respectively is
-6 -6
7-7,5 x 10 S/cm and 7,5-8 x 10 S/cm.

[1] Tok A. I. Y., Boey F. Y. C., Khor M. K. A., (1999), “Tape casting of high dielectric ceramic substrates for
microelectronics packaging”, The journal of Applied Clay Science, 8, 469-472.
[2] Camerucci M. A., Urretavizcaya G., Castro M. S., Cavalieri A. L., (2001), “Electrical properties and thermal
expansion of cordierite and cordierite-mullite materials”, 21, 2917-2923.

PS2.76 Poster Session 2

Corrosion Behaviour of Inconel 718 Superalloys Produced By Powder



Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Technology Faculty, Sakarya University,
54187, Sakarya-Turkey

Corrosion behaviours of Inconel 718 superalloy produced by powder metallurgy using

elemental powders (Al, Ni, Fe, Cr, Ti, Co, Nb and Mo) were investigated. The production process
was carried out in electrical resistance furnace in open air at 1200°C for 180 min. In order to
balance the strength and ductility, the produced sample was given the standard heat treatment. The
microstructures and phase constitutions of the samples were characterized by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM-EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The relative density of the samples
measured according to Archimedes’ principle was 95.1%. The hardness value of synthesized
sample and heat treated sample were approximately 232,1±18 and 389,8±13 respectively. In
addition, hot corrosion behaviour of Inconel 718 superalloys was determined in Na2SO4–60% V2O5
environment at 750°C for 30h. Also, the corrosion behaviours of the produced samples were
determined using by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements in %3,5 NaCl
solution. Their morphology as on the surfaces were observed by SEM-EDS and XRD analyses.

Poster Session 2 PS2.77

Hot Corrosion Behaviours of Ti48Al and Ti48Al-2Cr Intermetallics

Produced by Electric Current Activated Sintering (ECAS)


Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Technology Faculty, Sakarya University,
54187, Sakarya-Turkey

Ti-48Al and Ti-48Al-2Cr intermetallics were produced by electric current activated sintering
(ECAS) at a maximum of 3500 A for 35 min. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) and X-ray
difraction analysis (XRD) were used to characterize the microstructures and phase constitutions of
the samples. X-ray difraction studies revealed that the phases are Ti3Al and TiAl. Scanning Electron
microscopy examinations showed a dense microstructure with very low amount of porosity. The
relative density of the samples measured according to Archimedes' principle was 99.4%, and the
hardness value of synthesized Ti-48Al and Ti-48Al-2Cr alloys were approximately 280±40 HV0.05
and 340±55 HV0.05 respectively. Hot corrosion behaviour of the samples was investigated in
K2SO4+Na2SO4 environment at 700 °C. The hot corrosion rate was evaluated on the basis of mass
change measurements. Their morphology and oxide phase on the surfaces and cross-section were
observed by SEM-EDS and XRD. Main corrosion products were TiO2 and Al2O3.

PS2.78 Poster Session 2

Dehydroxylation of high-energy ball milled diasporic bauxite

Volkan Murat YILMAZ1, Tuğba TUNÇ PARLAK2, Kenan YILDIZ2

Bartın University, Central Research Laboratory, Bartin, Turkey
Sakarya University, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Sakarya, Turkey

Aluminium is produced from bauxite ore [1]. Gibbsite [Al(OH)3], boehmite [γ-AlO(OH)]
and diaspore [α-AlO(OH)] that are aluminium hydroxide minerals [2] can be found in bauxite ore at
different ratios. Aluminium is only produced from gibbsitic bauxite by Bayer process. Beside the
leaching conditions, the type of bauxite ore is the key factor of the production. While ores with high
gibbsite content can be processed at about 140°C, boehmite requires 200–240°C and stronger
caustic solutions, higher temperatures and pressures are needed for complete extraction from
diasporic bauxite [3].
In this study, diasporic bauxite was mechanically activated for different durations (15, 30,
60, 90 and 120 min) by planetary mono mill. Speed of main disc and ball-to-mass ratio were kept
constant at 600 rev.min-1 and 25 respectively. Structural changes and thermal behaviour were
examined by XRD, SEM, DTA and FTIR. Diaspore and hematite were detected at XRD analysis
and with increase in activation time, intensity of the peaks decreased and position and width of the
peaks changed as well. In DTA analysis, with mechanical activation, temperature of the
endothermic peak that corresponds to dehydroxylation of the aluminium hydroxide, was lowered
and area was decreased. These results mean that the structure was disordered with mechanical

[1] J. T. Kloprogge, H. D. Ruan, R. L. Frost, J. Mater. Sci., 37 (2002) 1121

[2] L. G. Shumskaya, J. Min. Sci., 38 (2002) 299
[3] W. Liu, J. Yang, B. Xiao, Int. J. Miner. Process., 93 (2009) 220

Poster Session 2 PS2.79

Study on thermal behaviour of mechanically activated smithsonite

Tuğba TUNÇ PARLAK1, Volkan Murat YILMAZ2, Kenan YILDIZ1

ISakarya University, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Sakarya, Turkey
Bartin University, Central Research Laboratory, Bartin, Turkey

The one of the secondary minerals of zinc is known namely smithsonite which is naturally
occurring zinc carbonate (ZnCO3). The formation of this mineral is controlled by the partial
pressure of CO2 .Smithsonite is only stable at elevated CO2 partial pressures [1,2].
Mechanical activation which increases the free energy of the particulate material system by
increasing the defect concentration and subsequently the reactivity of the solids has been used in
mineral processing. With mechanical activation, it is possible to reduce minerals reaction or their
decomposition temperatures [3,4].
Smithsonite from Zamantı – Kayseri, Turkey was subjected to high-energy ball milling. X-
ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and thermal analysis (TG/DTA) were performed to study the
decomposition reactions in both non-activated and activated smithsonite. The results showed that
decomposition temperature of smithsonite decreased with increasing mechanical activation time this
reaction was completed during 60 min of mechanical activation.

[1] M.C. Hales, R.L. Frost, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 91 (2008) 855
[2] V. Vagvölgyi, M. Hales, W. Martens, J. Kristof, E. Horvath, R.L. Frost, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 92 (2008) 911
[3] T. Tunç, F. Apaydin, K. Yildiz, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 118 (2014) 883

PS2.80 Poster Session 2

Antireflective coatings for high power laser optics produced by

RF-PLD: the influence of the substrate temperature

M. Filipescu1, A. Bercea1,2, L. C Nistor3, S.V. Nistor3, D. Colceag1, V. Ion1,

A. Moldovan1, M. Dinescu1
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 077125 Magurele, Romania
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, Craiova, Romania
National Institute of Materials Physics, 077125 Magurele, Ilfov, Romania

The aim of this work is to report our progress on the obtaining and characterization of
antireflective (AR) coatings from dielectric oxides for high power laser systems. For these reason,
thin films of tantalum, hafnium, aluminum and silicon oxides were grown as mono / double/ triple-
layers by pulsed laser deposition assisted by a radio-frequency discharge beam (RF-PLD). The
samples consisting of two / three layers (SiO2 / HfO2, SiO2 / Al2O3, SiO2 / Ta2O5, HfO2 / SiO2 /
HfO2) were deposited on quartz substrates, substrates heated at different temperatures and placed in
a controllable oxygen atmosphere. In order to asses our results and furthermore improve them, we
employed: Atomic force microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy, Transmission electron
microscopy, Secondary ion mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and spectro-ellipsometry
techniques to investigate the resulting samples.
Our results highlight the fact that structures based on HfO2 and SiO2 layers have a lower
roughness than the structures with Al2O3 or Ta2O5 as bottom layer. Moreover, using HfO2 as bottom
layer induces a nanostructured growth of the top layer. Also, on the triple-layer AR coating, we
observed that despite the fact that the value of the refractive index “n” of the HfO2 bottom layer is a
standard value for this material, the refractive index of the HfO2 top layer is much lower. This
decrease is likely due to the fact that the top layer of material probably contains some voids.
This work was supported by a grant from MEN-UEFISCDI, project PN-PCCA 38/2014 and
4N/2016, Nucleus Program.

Poster Session 2 PS2.81

Annealing influence on amorphous IGZO based TFTs

Cristina BESLEAGA, George E. STAN, Viorel DUMITRU, Roxana RADU,

Liliana M. TRINCA, Aurelian C. GALCA
National Institute of Materials Physics, Atomistilor 405A, 077125, Magurele-Ilfov, Romania

Amorphous indium–gallium–zinc-oxide (a-IGZO) is an n-type semiconductor widely used

in transparent electronic devices [1,2,3]. Due to its suitable properties like ~3 eV band gap, high
charge mobility and good chemical stability this material is considered to be the lower-cost
alternative for LTPS (low-temperature polysilicon) in high-pixel-density displays.
The IGZO-based transistors are slightly photo-sensitive in visible domain. Their photo-
sensitivity is boosted in ultra-violet (photon energy above 3 eV) range. This propriety is explored in
this work in order to emphasize the photoconductivity of the IGZO semiconductor.
IGZO thin films were fabricated by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering under various
deposition regimes. The sputtered IGZO thin films were integrated in micro-sized thin film field
effect transistors (TFTs) with 50 nm thick SiO2 gate dielectric layers.
It was observed that the TFTs electrical output can be significantly modified when the
device suffers thermal annealing. The effect of structural modifications induced by such type of
post-fabrication processing is thus analyzed and discussed with respect to the TFTs performance

[1] E. Fortunato, P. Barquinha, R. Martins, Advanced Materials 24 (2012) 2945.

[2] A.K. Sahoo, G.M. Wu, Thin Solid Films 605 (2016) 129.
[3]C. Zhao, T.-C. Fung, J. Kanicki, Solid-State Electronics 120 (2016) 25.

PS2.82 Poster Session 2

Obtaining and characterization of glasses from

BaO - B2O3 - TiO2 system

Lucica BOROICA1, Bogdan Alexandru SAVA1, Mihail ELISA2,

Olga SHIKIMAKA3, Daria GRABCO3, Mihaela POPA3, Zinaida BARBOS3,
Evghenie HAREA3
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 409th Atomistilor Str., RO-77125,
Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
National Institute of Research & Development for Optoelectronics - INOE 2000, 409th Atomistilor
Str., RO-77125, Magurele, Romania
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 5th Academiei str., Chisinau, MD-
2028, Republic of Moldova

The BaO - TiO2 – B2O3 system was studied by several researchers [1-6]. Glasses were
obtained by melting at 1150-1450°C. Two glass samples first, coded B1 with 20 mol % B2O3 and
the second, coded B3 with 50 mol % B2O3 were analysed. The DTA results show in evidence that
sample B1 had higher crystallization tendency due to the lower B2O3 content. A pronounced
crystallization peak at 688 ° C and a very low one at 744 ° C can be observed, which can be
assigned: the first to BaTi(BO3)2 and the second to Ba2Ti2B2O9, which melt at 927 °C and 982 °C,
respectively. For the sample B3, three crystallization temperatures were found at 689; 739; and 791
°C. The crystallization peaks are reduced in amplitude, indicating that this sample has lower
crystallization tendency. DTA analysis at different heating rates (5, 10 and 20 oC/min) was used in
order to establish the kinetics of the crystallization process.
Crystallization kinetics is interpreted in terms of standard nucleation and crystal growth
based on the obtained data. The kinetics of the non-isothermal crystallization of the B3 sample was
studied using DTA curves recorded at different heating speeds (10, 15, 20 oC/min). Recent
researches show in evidence new methods to obtain the variation of activation energy to conversion
degree [7-13]. The microhardness of the glass samples B1 and B3 was determined by Vickers
method using 50, 80 and 100 g loads.

Acknowledgement: The authors are grateful to UEFISCDI, Romania, for the financial support in the
frame of project 4N/2016, 16 47 01 02, Core Programm.

[1] M. Millet et al., J Am Ceram. Soc. 69 (11) (1986) 811

[2] Bhargawa et. al., J. Non-Cryst. Solids 102 (1988) 136
[3] Goto Y. et. al., Yogyo Kyokai Shi 77 (1969) 355
[4] M. Cerchez, L. Boroica, D. Hülsenberg, Phys. Chem. Glasses, 41 (5) (2000) 233
[5] L. Boroica, et al., Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Heron Press, Sofia (2004) 302-306
[6] L. Boroica, D. Radu, R. Medianu, J. O. A. M., 10 (12) 2008, 3217
[7] L. Boroica, D. Radu, R. Medianu, I.C. Vasiliu, I.S. Boroica, Rom. J. Mater., 43 (2013) 68
[8] P. Budrugeac, D. Homentcovschi, E. Segal, J. Thermal Anal. Cal. 66 (2001) 557
[9] H. Tanaka, Thermochim. Acta 267 (1995) 29
[10] M.E. Brown, J. Thermal Anal. 49 (1997) 17
[11] S. Vyazovkin, C.A. Wight, Thermochim. Acta 340-341 (1999) 53
[12] P. Budrugeac, A.L. Petre, E. Segal, J. Thermal Anal. 47 (1996) 123
[13] P. Budrugeac, E. Segal, ICTAC News 33 (1) (2000) 39

Poster Session 2 PS2.83

The study of the protein – nanoparticles interaction by calorimetric


Alina BOTEA-PETCU, Daniela GHEORGHE, Aurica PRECUPAS, Romica

SANDU, Vlad Tudor POPA, Speranta TANASESCU
“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Splaiul Independentei
202, Bucharest, Romania

The evaluation of the thermodynamic parameters describing the protein stability in the
presence of nanoparticles (NPs) is a key issue for understanding the protein-nanoparticles
interaction on a molecular level. In this study, the effect of TiO2 and SiO2 NPs on the thermal
stability of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in water and the analysis of protein-NPs binding were
For the study of native protein - NPs interaction, isothermal calorimetric measurements in
water at 298 K were performed using an ITC200 microcalorimeter (MicroCal Inc.).
Thermodynamic characteristics of protein - NPs interactions: the binding stoichiometry n, the
binding constant K, the changes of binding enthalpy ΔH and the binding entropy ΔS were obtained.
The binding of BSA on TiO2 and SiO2 NPs surface is an entirely enthalpy-controlled process.
Different concentrations of aqueous NPs dispersions were prepared and the changes in the
thermal behaviour of BSA (both free in solution and adsorbed to nanometer-sized oxide particles)
were studied by NanoDSC. In water, both TiO2 and SiO2 NPs have a destabilizing effect on the
thermal unfolding of BSA. Compared to the thermal denaturation of free protein in solution, lower
values for the transition temperature for adsorbed protein-NPs were observed, which indicate that
the stability of the protein in the adsorbed state is reduced.
The far-UV CD spectra were measured in order to evaluate the structural changes of the
protein induced by the presence of NPs. The information concerning the secondary structure content
were correlated with the DSC and ITC calorimetric data.


The support of the EU (ERDF) and Romanian Government under the project INFRANANOCHEM
Nr. 19/01.03.2009 and of the project NanoReg2, Nr. 646221/2015 in the frame of the Horizon 2020
Framework Program of the European Union is acknowledged.

PS2.84 Poster Session 2

Thermodynamic properties of LnCoO3-δ (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd)

perovskite-type oxides


Institute of Physical Chemistry "Ilie Murgulescu", Splaiul Independentei 202, 060021 Bucharest,
Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str.10, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland

Cobaltite-based perovskite systems are among the most promising materials for solid oxide
fuel cells cathodes (SOFC) and oxygen permeable membranes (MIEC). Alongside the electrical and
electrochemical requirements, the knowing of thermodynamic data is critical, because the driving
forces for chemical reactions and diffusion can be given properly in terms of thermodynamic
properties. Despite the amount of research being conducted on these materials, there is limited
information concerning the thermodynamic behavior of the cobaltite-based perovskite materials, as
well as on the correlation existing between composition, oxygen nonstoichiometry and their
thermodynamic properties.
The aim of the study was to obtain information about the domains of stability and
thermodynamic data of the nonstoichiometric LnCoO3-δ (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) perovskite-type
materials. The thermodynamic data represented by the relative partial molar free energies,
enthalpies and entropies of oxygen dissolution in the perovskite phase, as well as the equilibrium
partial pressures of oxygen have been obtained from 550 to 1000 0C using the solid electrolyte
electrochemical cells (EMF) method. The effect of the oxygen stoichiometry change on the
thermodynamic properties was examined using the data obtained by a coulometric titration
technique coupled with EMF measurements [1].
The thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) of the perovskite compounds have been
determined by using a thermomechanical analyser (TMA) Setaram Setsys Evolution 17 in the
temperature range of 25-11000C, at a heating rate of 50C/min and in argon atmosphere. The
correlation between the thermodynamic properties and thermal expansion behaviour of the
perovskite-type oxides has been discussed.

[1] Tanasescu, S., Marinescu, C., Maxim, F., Sofronia, A., Totir, N., J. Solid State Electrochem., 15 (2011) 189

Poster Session 2 PS2.85

Thermophysical properties of fired clay bricks with waste ceramics

and paper pulp as pore forming agent

Nicoleta COBÎRZAN1*, Gyorgy THALMAIER2, Anca-Andreea BALOG1,

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, 28 Memorandumului Str.,
400114, Cluj, Romania
Faculty of Material Science, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, 28 Memorandumului Str.,
400114, Cluj, Romania
Cemacon S.A Silver Business Center, 48 Dorobantilor, 400121 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies,
65-103 Donath Str, 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
* E-mail:

Many studies conducted in recent years showed a high potential in exploiting the waste
materials in production of ceramic bricks, in order to improve their mechanical properties and
thermal characteristics [1,2].The paper presents a new type of fired-clay bricks with adition of
recycled waste ceramics resulted from building demolition and/or construction and paper pulp as
pore-forming wasted material agent. The pore-forming agent and waste ceramics are incorporated
into a clay matrix in different proportions, in order to reduce the embodied energy of buildings, to
increase the products’ thermal performances but also to keep the mechanical properties above the
values recomended by the Romanian Seismic Code. In the first stage of the study, the mineralogical
and microstructural properties of raw materials were analysed. The results reveals that oxide
composition of clays determined from EDX analysis contain SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O
and Fe2O3. The mineralogical composition consists of quartz, illite, muscovite, etc. The ceramic
specimens were produced into laboratory and characterized from structural, microstructural,
physico-mechanical and thermal point of view. Finally, the study was focused on the removing the
“weak spot” along the ceramics by controlling the size of pores, failures and their distribution.The
porosity of the obtained samples as well as the pore size distribution were estimated using image
analysis on SEM images, and mercury intrusion porosimetry. The thermal properties were evaluated
by infrared lock-in thermography and photopyroelectric calorimetry techniques. It was found that
the thermos-physical and mechanical properties of bricks are influenced by both their composition
composition and the total porosity, but the contribution of pores plays the most important role. in
thermal conduction.
Acknowledgments This work was founded by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation,
CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0203.

[1] D. Eliche-Quesada, F.A. Corpas-Iglesias, L. Pérez-Villarejo, F.J. Iglesias-Godino “Recycling of sawdust, spent earth
from oil filtration, compost and marble residues for brick manufacturing”, Constr Build Mater 34 (2012), 275–284.
[2] M. Sutcu, J.J. del Coz Díaz, F.P. Álvarez Rabanal, O. Gencel, S. Akkurt Thermal performance optimization of
hollow clay bricks made up of paper waste. Energy Build 74 (2014), 96-108.

PS2.86 Poster Session 2

Homogenization Heat Treatment and Segregation Analysis of

Equiaxed CMSX-4 Superalloy for Gas Turbine Components

Mihaela Raluca CONDRUZ1, Gheorghe MATACHE1,

Alexandru PARASCHIV1, Cristian PUȘCAȘU1
COMOTI - Romanian Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines, 220 D Iuliu Maniu
Av., Bucharest, Romania

Homogenization heat treatment and segregation analysis of equiaxed CMSX-4 superalloy

was investigated along with the influence of heat treatment on the evolution of CMSX-4
microstructure and porosity. The Nickel based superalloys are materials used to manufacture critical
gas turbine components such as turbine blades or vanes for service in severe environment. The
outstanding properties of this class of materials are given by the microstructure, strengthening phase
γ' and alloying elements [1]. The Nickel based superalloys may contain up to 10 or 15 different
elemental additions such as, Cr, Co, W, Nb, Ta, Al, Ti, Mo, Re and Ru. Usually, refractory alloying
elements such as Mo, W, Nb, and Re, are added for solid-solution strengthening of the γ phase and
additions of Ti and Ta contribute to the development of the strengthening Ni3(Al, Ti, Ta, Nb) γ'
phase [2].
The heat treatment temperature was determined using a thermodynamic calculation software
(Pandat™). The heat treatment consisted in an isothermal regime, with holding at 1300°C between
1 to 9 hours and air cooling. The goal of this approach is to evaluate the gradual evolution of the
microstructure and elemental partition coefficients after each stage of holding.
Based on the calculated elemental partition coefficients, it was observed that Al, Ti, Ta
segregates in the interdendritic regions and eutectic pools, while W, Re and Co segregates mainly in
dendrite core and dendrite arms. It was observed that Re has the highest tendency to segregate in
dendrite arms and dendrite core.
The compositional analysis shows a more homogenous structure after the heat treatment, but
a certain compositional gradient between the dendrite core and the interdendritic areas still remain.
The results obtained are good agreement with the findings of Pang for a third-generation alloy
(CMSX-10) [3].
The initial microstructural analysis showed that a typical highly segregated as-cast
microstructure, with cuboidal γ' phase in γ matrix and γ-γ' eutectic islands in the interdendritic
areas. The microstructural analysis sustains the results obtained from the compositional analysis
regarding the homogenization of the alloy. Initialy, the preferential segregation of the alloying
elements produces a great contrast between the dendrites and the interdendritic areas, contrast that
is reduced after each stage of heat treatment. A descending evolution of the cuboidal γ' phase and an
increase of porosity with few orders of magnitude were observed.

[1] R.C. Reed, ”The Superalloys. Fundaments and Applications”, Cambridge University Press (2006)
[2] E.C. Caldwell, F.J. Fela, G.E. Fuchs, Superalloys (2004), 811-818
[3] H.T. Pang, N. D’Souza, H. Dong, H.J. Stone, C.M.F. Rae, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 47A (2016), 889-906

Poster Session 2 PS2.87

Thermal expansion coefficient derived from a dilatometry study on a

set of as-cast Pu-Ga alloys at multi-stage solid phase transformations
during heating
Michael LING
AWE, Aldermaston, Reading RG7 4PR UK

Plutonium is a unique element. It readily changes its crystal structure with temperature,
pressure, chemistry and time [1, 2].When a pure Pu is heated from room temperature to its liquidus
temperature (at 640˚C) under ambient pressure, the metal undergoes 5 solid phase transformations
in the following sequence: α→β, β→γ, γ→δ, δ→δ’ and δ’→ε prior to the ε→liquid transformation;
Its thermal physical property varies significantly with the change of its crystal structure: whilst α, β,
γ and ε phases all have positive thermal expansion coefficient, the δ and δ’ phase have negative one
as schematically shown in Fig.1. Furthermore, the δ phase can be retained at room temperature by
adding a certain amount of Ga as alloying element. The Ga-stabilized Pu alloys would have either
positive or negative thermal expansion coefficient values depending on the Ga concentration. The
general trend is that the single δ phase in its existent temperature range gradually increase its
thermal expansion coefficient value with increase of Ga content in the Pu-Ga alloys.
Dilatometry is a widely used technique for phase transformation study. It has been applied
to the study of both pure Pu and δ-stabilized Pu alloys [1, 3-5]. In this method, the relative length
changes of the sample with temperature are recorded as dilatometry traces. Any dilation jump may
indicate the occurrence of a phase transformation and the slope of the dilation curves indicates
either expansion or contraction of a specific phase(s). In a phase transformation study [6],
dilatometry traces on a set of as-cast Pu-Ga alloys containing 0.18 to 0.63 wt. % Ga during heating
were recorded in the temperature range of 25°C to 560°C (Fig.2). The characteristic dilation jumps
and slopes shown in the dilatometry tracks during heating are ascribed to the known phase
transformations and phase(s) regions in the Pu-Ga alloys. Based on the identified phase(s) regions,
the values of thermal expansion coefficient for corresponding phase(s) regions were derived by a
linear fitting method and they will be concisely summarized and discussed in this report.

Fig.1. Length change of unalloyed Pu compared to Pu-3.0 at. % Ga and 4.5 Fig.2 Dilatometry heating curves for as-cast Pu- 0.18 wt. % Ga alloy, Pu-0.42 wt. %
at. % Ga (Pu-0.89 wt. % and Pu-1.36 wt. %) alloys (re-printed from [1]). Ga alloy and Pu-0.63 wt. % Ga alloy heated from RT to 560 °C (ε-phase region).

1. S.S. Hecker, D.R. Harbur and T.G. Zocco, Prog. Mater Sci. 49 (2004) 429–485.
2. S.S. Hecker, Metallurgical and Materials transaction A, Vol.29 July 2008 1585-1592
3. D. S. Schwartz, J. N. Mitchell, D. V. Pete and M. Ramos, Research Summary, Actinides, JOM sep.2003, 28-30
4. P. Deloffre, J. L. Truffier, A. Falange, J. Alloys Compd. 271-273 (2012) 370-373.
5. J. N. Mitchell, M. Stan, D. S. Schwartz and C. J. Boehlert, Metall. & Materials Transaction A, 35, 2004, 2267.
6. M. Ling, R. F. E. Jenkins and N. Park, J. Alloys Compd. 586 (2014) 709-717

PS2.88 Poster Session 2

BiFeO3: synthesis, characterization and its photocatalytic activity

towards doxorubicin degradation from water

Raluca DUMITRU1, Florica MANEA1, Adelina IANCULESCU2, Cornelia

PĂCURARIU1, Lavinia LUPA1, Aniela POP1, Oana CARP3
Politehnica University Timisoara, Faculty for Industrial Chemistry and Environmental
Engineering, Bv. Parvan no. 6, 300223 Timisoara, Romania
Materials Science, Polytehnic University of Bucharest, Gh. Polizu Street no.1-7, 011061
Bucharest, Romania
Institute of Physical Chemistry, "I. G. Murgulescu", Spl. Independentei No. 202, Sector 6,
Bucharest, Romania

A low temperature synthesis strategy of BiFeO3 consisting in the thermolysis of new
bismuth ferrioxalate coordination compound, namely BiFe(C2O4)3·3H2O was developed. The
coordination compound was obtained by an unconventional method based on the redox reaction
between 1,2-ethanediol (reducing agent) and nitrate ion (oxidizer). The synthesized precursor was
characterized by chemical analysis, vibrational spectrum and thermal analysis.
The bismuth ferrite obtained after a heating treatment of the precursor for at 480ºC/1h was
investigated by FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, SEM, TEM and HRTEM coupled with EDX
The obtained bismuth ferrite was tested as photocatalyst towards the degradation of
doxorubicin (DOX), a well-known anti-cancer drug commonly used for the treatment of various
cancer types, which has been detected in hospital effluent water. The comparative results of DOX
degradation through photolysis and photocatalysis under UV irradiation showed a great
photocatalytic activity of bismuth ferrite towards DOX degradation and mineralization from water.
The kinetics aspects were discussed based on the first-order kinetics model that fitted the best the
experimental photocatalysis results.

Poster Session 2 PS2.89

Synthesis, characterization of nanosized ZnCr2O4 and its

photocatalytic performance in the degradation of humic acid from
drinking water

Raluca DUMITRU1, Florica MANEA1, Cornelia PĂCURARIU1, Lavinia

LUPA1, Aniela POP1, Adrian CIOABLĂ2`
Politehnica University Timisoara, Faculty for Industrial Chemistry and Environmental
Engineering, Bv. Parvan no. 6, 300223 Timisoara, Romania
Politehnica University Timisoara, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 1 Mihai Viteazu Blv.,
300222 Timisoara, Romania

Zinc chromite (ZnCr2O4) was obtained by the thermolysis of new Zn(II)-Cr(III) oxalate
coordination compound, namely [Cr2Zn(C2O4)4(OH2)6]·4H2O. The synthesized precursor was
characterized by chemical analysis, vibrational spectrum and thermal analysis. The zinc chromite
obtained after a heating treatment of the precursor at 450ºC/1h were investigated by various
methods such as XRD, IR, TEM coupled with SAED measurements.
The photocatalytic performance of nanosized zinc chromite was assessed for the degradation
and mineralization of humic acid (HA) from drinking water source, envisaging the development of
the advanced oxidation process for the drinking water treatment technology. A mineralization
efficiency of 58.95% was achieved after 180 minutes of 50 mg L-1 HA photocatalysis using zinc
chromite under UV irradiation, in comparison with the photolysis that did not allow HA

“This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research
and Innovation, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2104-4-1043”.

PS2.90 Poster Session 2

Thermal, optical and dynamic mechanical properties of LDPE/TiO2


Augusta Raluca GABOR1, Cristian-Andi NICOLAE1,

ICECHIM Bucharest, 202 Spl. Independentei, POB 35-174, 060021 - Bucharest, Romania
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Physics Department, 060042, Romania

For LDPE/TiO2 nanocomposites, the photodegradation mainly happens on the LDPE film
surface where electrons or holes combine with adsorbed oxygen molecules or hydroxyl ion to
produce O2‾ or HO•, two very important reactive oxygen species for a new and useful way to
decompose solid polymer. In this paper, solid-phase photocatalytic oxidation of LDPE with TiO2
nanoparticles as photocatalyst under artificial light irradiation was investigated.
LDPE 150E - Dow Chemical was used as polymer matrix and Degussa P25 as TiO2
photocatalitic nanoparticles. Low density polyethylene nanocomposites with 1 to 4 wt% nano-TiO2
filler were prepared by direct mixing in the Brabender Plasti-Corder mixer chamber. The samples
used for thermal, mechanical and optical characterizations – square plates 150×150×0.30mm – were
prepared by compression molding in an electrically heated press at 170ºC for 5 min, with a force of
50 kN.
Morphological, thermal, mechanical and optical changes in polyethylene nanocomposites as
a result of TiO2 nanofiller were investigated by FT-IR spectroscopy, polarized optical microscopy
(POM), Thermogravimetric and dynamic mechanical analysis.
LDPE-TiO2 composite films were exposed to light irradiation under natural and simulated
conditions of solar light in a Xenotest apparatus and the effect of ageing was evaluated. Influence of
ageing on thermo-mechanical properties of composite materials and structural modifications were
investigated together in relationship with mechanisms of photodegradation.
The photo-catalytic degradation of nanocomposites is significantly faster than the simple
photolytic decomposition of pure LDPE, which goes on as more reactive oxygen species are
generated and could be used as a solution for the destruction of polyethylene wastes. The notable
change in the FT-IR spectra was intensification of carbonyl region along with the appearance of
unsaturated groups due to photo-oxidation of the alkyl chains.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This work was supported by the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research Core Program, under Grant PN.

Poster Session 2 PS2.91

Study of photodegradation of PP/TiO2 nanocomposites for short

duration materials

Augusta Raluca GABOR1, Cristian-Andi NICOLAE1,

ICECHIM Bucharest, 202 Spl. Independentei, POB 35-174, 060021 - Bucharest, Romania
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Physics Department, 060042, Romania

A photocatalytic technique using Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) activated by light, due to its high
oxidation efficiency, producing total decomposition of polymers (has been considered as an
economical method to solve the problem of plastic waste disposal, called "white pollution").
Polypropylene (PP F401, Rompetrol Petrochemicals) nanocomposites were prepared using a
commercially available TiO2 nanopowder (Degussa, P25). To study photocatalytic degradation,
PP/TiO2 nanocomposites were exposed to artificial and natural light and their thermal, mechanical
and morphological properties were investigated before and after the irradiation and were compared
with pure PP (DMA, DSC, TGA, FT-IR, POM analysis).
PP nanocomposites with 1 to 4 wt% TiO2 nanofiller were prepared by direct mixing in the
Brabender Plasti-Corder mixer chamber. The samples used for thermal, mechanical and optical
characterizations – square plates 150×150×0.30mm – were prepared by compression molding in an
electrically heated press at 170ºC for 5 min, with a force of 50 kN.
The FTIR spectra of the pure PP and PP/TiO2 nanocomposite films after UV irradiation
showed the absence of carbonyl peak in the case of PP film, while in the case of nanocomposite
films the intensity raises as the TiO2 content increases.
DMA evidenced the stiffening effect of TiO2 nanoparticles. The magnitude of α loss
modulus peak increases proportionally with the filler ratio. α relaxation from loss modulus peak
shifts to higher temperatures with increasing TiO2 nanoparticle content and number hours of
POM micrographs show that both the surface of PP nanocomposite and pure PP are smooth
before irradiation and after 192h some cavities are formed on the surface of PP nanocomposites
showing photodegradation of PP nanocomposites films comparatively with pure PP films.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This work was supported by the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research Core Program, under Grant PN.

PS2.92 Poster Session 2

Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) of graphite films deposited on

metal surface by electrical discharge in impulse


National Institute for Research and Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Bucharest,
Splaiul Independentei Street, 202, sector 6, Romania
State University, Balti, Republic of Moldavia

The formation of graphite films at micrometric and nanometre scale on the surfaces of
alloys-made parts causes their diffusion in the surface layer accompanied by the formation of high
hardness carbides, and, as a result, the wear resistance of this layer increases [1-5]. TGA tests on
graphite films were conducted on a Du Pont Instruments 951 device. In order to avoid errors – due
to the oxidative process that takes place at high temperature and results in a weight increase – TGA
tests on graphite films were carried out in nitrogen atmosphere. The following parameters were set
for the reference sample and for the graphite deposit material on the surface of the work piece: 20-
800 ° C temperature range; 10 °C/min heating rate; medium N2 analysis at a working pressure of
760 mm Hg. First of all, TGA tests were done on a pure graphite sample, which was thought to be
the reference sample. The curve shape does not reveal any unusual thermal behaviour for graphite;
within the temperature range of 100-280 °C a weight loss of 7.485% (0.4683 mg) occurs as a result
of volatiles and water evaporation; between 280-600 °C no weight loss occurs which shows a high
thermal stability of graphite; some non-significant decomposition (of about 18% of baseline) occurs
within the temperature range of 650-800 °C, caused by decomposition of tars and heavy
hydrocarbons that are found in most varieties of graphite and, finally, considerable amount of
graphite is found in the residue – more than 75%, at the end of determination 800 °C. These aspects
are characteristic for graphite behaviour. TGA curve of deposited graphite sample shows a
completely different allure from that characteristic of pure graphite. The graph shows a number of
very interesting aspects suggesting that the graphite film, deposited by electrical discharge in
impulse, has a completely different structure from that of pure graphite or that, besides graphite,
other chemical compounds of carbon are formed [6]. One may notice that within 200-300 0C
temperature range (at 222.99 0C) a significant weight increase (of 1.999 %) occurs, showing that the
graphite sample gains weight, instead of losing it due to decomposition or loss in volatiles –
showing a material adsorption in graphite film structure (as the adsorbed material cannot be
anything but nitrogen from the atmosphere in which the tests are run)

[1] Luneva V.P.; Verhoturov A.D.; Coziri A.V.; Glabet T.V.; Brui V.N. (2005). EPI, Nr 4, pp.11-18.
[2] Burumculov F. H.; Lezin P.P.; Senin P.V.; Ivanov V.I. (2003). USM “Ogareva”, Saransk.
[3] Topala P. (2007). Saint-Petersburg. V.2, pp. 234-242.
[4] Sidorenco S.I.; Ivaschenco E.V.; Mazanko V.F.; Lobachva G.F.; Mironov D.V.; Khranovskaia E.N. (2005).
“Interaction of Radiation with solids” September 28-30, Minsk, Belarus, pp. 430-432.
[5] Beshliu Vitalie. (2008). The annals of „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine
building Vol.1, pp. 24-30PublishingHouse, (2008) 1356-1364
[6] W. Weselowski, A. Kartuj, F. Laam, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 81 (2008) 1237
Kroto, H. W.; Heath, J. R.; O'Brien, S. C.; Curl, R. F.; Smalley, R. E. (1985). "C60: Buckminsterfullerene". Nature 318
(6042): 162–163.doi:10.1038/318162a0

Poster Session 2 PS2.93

Thermal analysis of Fe–14Cr–3W–0.4Ti–0.25Y2O3 oxide dispersion-

strengthened ferritic steel powder ball-milled in air


National Institute of Materials Physics, PO Box MG 7, RO-77125, Magurele, Romania

Oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic steels, ODSFS (e.g., Fe-Cr-W-Ti-Y2O3), are under

development as materials that provide irradiation tolerance along with superior high temperatures
mechanical properties that are relevant for breeding blanket structures of future fusion power
reactors. Refined structure and an ultra-high concentration of Y-Ti-O nanofeatures induced by
mechanical milling (under reducing atmosphere) are required in this application. The impurification
with nitrogen and oxygen uptaken from the air is very probable during ball-milling, especially at the
long time-high energy milling conditions [1]. As a rule, these interstitial impurities in as - milled
powders are in quantities under the detection limit of conventional measurement techniques, such as
XRD, SEM/EDS, etc. This work aimed to elucidate the tendency for microstructure modification
by the nitrogen and oxygen introduced during milling. For this, Fe-14Cr-3W-0.4Ti-0.25Y2O3
(14WTY) ferritic steel powders were produced by milling in air for different durations. The
microstructure modification during milling (up to 170h) and upon heating (up to 1350°C) was
evidenced by thermal analysis in correlation with X-ray diffraction and scanning electron
microscopy. (Fe,Cr)4N, fcc - γ, (Fe,Cr)2O3 and (Fe,Cr)3O4 impurity phases were found in powders
milled over 12 h and their thermal evolution and influence on the structural parameters of ferritic
phase are described in details.

[1] Valentina Mihalache, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 124 (2016) 1179

PS2.94 Poster Session 2

A novel synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of

manganese ferrite/carbon composites

Eliza MUNTEAN1, Marcela STOIA1,2, Cornelia PĂCURARIU1

Politehnica University Timişoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering,
6 Pîrvan Blv., RO-300223, Timişoara, Romania
Politehnica University Timişoara, Research Institute for Renewable Energy, P-ta Victoriei No.2,
300006, Timişoara, Romania

Embedding magnetic nanopowders in a high surface area matrix, such as activated carbon,
represents a new alternative to create materials with both good magnetic properties and high surface
area. Due to these remarkable properties, the magnetic nanopowders/carbon composites are
intensively investigated nowadays as magnetic adsorbents for water pollutants [1, 2], and as
nanomaterials for biomedical applications [3]. Many of the preparation methods of ferrite/carbon
composites require multi-step routes, high temperatures, long reaction times and toxic or expensive
raw materials such that, the development of new synthesis methods is a continuous challenge.
In this work we present a novel and simple synthetic route for preparing MnFe2O4/C
nanocomposites by the thermal decomposition of Mn(NO3)2 – Fe(NO3)3 – PVA gels. The advantage
of this method is its versatility, allowing to be obtained composites with tunable magnetic
properties that can be easily manipulated by an external magnetic field.
For obtaining a powder like (not gel) precursor material, the initial gels were carefully
heated at 100 °C until drying and then at 150 °C until no nitrogen oxides emission was observed.
The as prepared precursors were further annealed in nitrogen atmosphere, air atmosphere or air
followed by nitrogen atmosphere, in order to find the optimal conditions for the obtaining of
MnFe2O4/C nanocomposites. The thermal evolution of the precursors in air and nitrogen was
investigated by TG/DSC simultaneous thermal analysis. All annealing products have been
characterized by FTIR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.
In order to avoid the oxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(III) or the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(0), two
solutions have been applied: a thermal treatment in air at low temperatures followed by thermal
treatment in nitrogen at higher temperatures and the thermal decomposition of the precursors in air,
but in covered recipients. The carbon content in the final composites was evaluated by TG
analysis and EDX analysis. The influence of PVAs’ initial content on the carbon content of the final
composites was discussed and correlated with their magnetic properties.

This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research
and Innovation, CNCS–UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0514.

[1] A. B. Fuertes, P. Tartaj, Int. Chem. Mater., 18 (2006) 1675-1679

[2] J. Wan, H. Deng, J. Shi, L. Zhou, T. Su, Clean Soil Air Water., 42 (2014)1999-1207
[3] J. C. Rios-Hurtado, A. C. Martınez-Valdes, J. R. Rangel-Mendez, J. C. Ballesteros-Pacheco,E. M. Muzquiz-
Ramos, J. Ceram. Sci. Tech.07 (2016) 289-294

Poster Session 2 PS2.95

Manganese ferrite-polyaniline hybrid materials.

Electrical and magnetic properties

Marcela STOIA1, Cornelia PĂCURARIU1, Ciprian MIHALI2,

Iosif MĂLĂESCU3, Cătălin MARIN3, Aylin CĂPRARU1
Politehnica University Timişoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering,
6 Pîrvan Blv., 300223, Timişoara, Romania
“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, The Institute of Life Sciences, No. 86, Liviu
Rebreanu Street, 310414 Arad, Romania
West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Physics, 4 Pîrvan Blv., 300223, Timișoara, Romania

Inorganic-organic hybrid materials with controllable electrical and magnetic properties can
be obtained by combining inorganic magnetic constituents with conducting polymeric materials [1,
2]. These materials can effectively shield electromagnetic waves generated by electric and magnetic
Manganese ferrite (MnFe2O4) exhibits remarkable magnetic properties, extensively used in
various technological applications such as recording media devices, drug delivery, ferrofluid,
biosensors, and contrast-enhancement agents for MRI technology. On the other hand, polyaniline
(PANI) is a conducting polymer with high electrical conductivity, excellent environmental stability,
very light weight, flexibility and facile processability. Due to its excellent properties, PANI is
widely used for many applications such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, sensors,
diodes, light weight batteries, microwave absorption, corrosion inhibitors [2,3], etc.
In the current study, magnetic MnFe2O4 nanopowders were prepared by an original, simple
solvothermal method and MnFe2O4/ PANI hybrid materials were synthesized by in situ
polymerization of aniline in the presence of MnFe2O4 nanopowders.
MnFe2O4 was prepared using Mn(II) and Fe(III) chlorides as precursors, triethylene glycol
as solvent, potassium hydroxide as precipitant and different surfactants such as tetra-n-
butylammonium bromide and Tween 80. MnFe2O4/ PANI hybrid materials were prepared by
polymerization of aniline on the surface of MnFe2O4 using ammonium persulfate as oxidant.
The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy, thermal analysis (DSC-TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy
dispersive X-ray (EDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specific surface area, particle
size, pore size distributions, electrical and magnetic properties. The properties of MnFe2O4/ PANI
hybrid materials were compared with that of MnFe2O4 and of PANI.

This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research
and Innovation, CNCS–UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0514.

[4] G. Kickelbick, Progr. Polym.Sci., 28(2003) 83-114

[5] C. L. Yuan,Y.S.Hong,C.H. Lin, J. Magn. Magn.Mater.,323 (2011) 1851-1854
[6] H. Sozeri, U. Kurtan, R. Topkaya, A. Baykal, M. S. Toprak, Ceram. Int., 39 (2013) 5137-5143

PS2.96 Poster Session 2

Ceramics sintering in dental ovens: non-destructive evaluations using

optical coherence tomography (OCT)

Cosmin SINESCU1, Adrian BRADU2, Virgil-Florin DUMA3,4*,

Nicolina POP5, George M. DOBRE2, Adrian Gh. PODOLEANU2
School of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, 2A
Eftimie Murgu Place, Timisoara 300070, Romania
Applied Optics Group, Physics Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NR, UK
Optomechatronics Group, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, 77 Revolutiei Ave., Arad 310130,
Doctoral School, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 1 Mihai Viteazu Ave.,
Timisoara 300222, Romania
Department of Fundamentals of Physics for Engineers, Politechnic University of Timisoara,
2 Vasile Parvan Ave., 300223, Timisoara, Romania


Dental prostheses made of ceramic or metal and ceramics are sintered in specialized ovens,
which sometimes suffer from an expected loss of calibration; these can lead to variations of the
sintering temperature with regard to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Such variations can lead
to high stresses and even to fractures in the dental ceramics, and therefore to the necessity to redo
the dental construct. This is a major issue for the patient and a significant financial and prestige loss
for the dentist.
We have proposed for the monitoring of this process the use of optical coherence
tomography (OCT) [1-3], a non-destructive method - in contrast to nowadays procedures, that
employ the fabrication of supplemental samples by the technicians; such samples are evaluated only
visually [4]. In this respect, OCT can also bring objectivity for the measurements with regard to the
totally subjective evaluations performed nowadays. Different alternative, destructive methods, such
as Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) [5], are considered in order to validate the results
obtained using OCT.

[1] D. Huang, E. A. Swanson, et al, J. G. Fujimoto, Science 254(5035) (1991) 1178-1181.

[2] M. Wojtkowski, Appl. Opt. 49 (2010) D30-D61.
[3] A. Gh. Podoleanu, J. of Microscopy 247 (2012) 209–219.
[4] C. Sinescu, A. Bradu, V.-F. Duma, F. Topala, M. L. Negrutiu, A. Gh. Podoleanu, Appl. Sciences 7(6) (2017) 552.
[5] Gh. Hutiu, V.-F. Duma, D. Demian, A. Bradu, A. Gh. Podoleanu, Appl. Opt. 53(26), (2014) 5912-5916.

This research was supported by the Romanian Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI–UEFISCDI
Grant PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1937 (

Poster Session 2 PS2.97

Thermal analysis and EPR study of copper exchanged mordenites


Saint-Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia
Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Ensenada 22860, Baja California, Mexico

Copper-exchange zeolites are highly promising materials for heterogeneous catalysis,

especially for reduction of NO (de-NO catalysts) [1]. According to numerous researches their
catalytic properties are governed by both the valence state of copper ions, their location and
coordination in the zeolite lattice, copper content and so on [2], which, in their turn, are determined
by the preparation method as well. Water molecules, which easily enter inside zeolite channels and
encircle copper ions separating them from channel walls, is another crucial factor that influences
zeolite properties. It is well known that water is a promoter of many physical and chemical
processes proceeding in porous materials. From this perspective, the study of how the hydration
level affects the catalytic activity of zeolites is highly required.
Recent development of microwave assisted treatment of materials imparted a new impact in
development of material chemistry [3,4]. Being a simple, inexpensive and efficient nonconventional
heating method, the microwave technique is well established in the field of alternative methods in
the synthesis of emerging materials, including zeolites [4].
The purpose of this work is to study by thermal analysis, which includes thermogravimetry
and temperature-programmed reduction/oxidation, the impact of the preparation method
(conventional and microwave assisted) and hydration level on copper states and its environment in
the mordenite matrix. The electron paramagnetic resonance has been used to characterize the
studied samples before and after dehydration.

Acknowledgements. The studies were carried out at the Research Park of Saint Petersburg State
University: Centre of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry and Centre for Magnetic Resonance.

[1] S. Roy, M.S. Hegde, G. Madras, Appl. Energy, 86 (2009) 2283

[2] H. Yahiro, M. Iwamoto, Appl. Catal. A, 222 (2001) 163
[3] J. Jacob, L.H.L. Chia, F.Y.C. Boey, J. Mater. Sci., 30 (1995) 5321
[4] Y. M. Zhukov, A. Yu. Efimov, M.G. Shelyapina, V. Petranovskii, E.V. Zhizhin, A. Burovikhina, I.A. Zvereva,
Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 224 (2016) 415

PS2.98 Poster Session 2

Titanium-based composite alloy with high thermal and

mechanical properties

Ştefan GHEORGHE1, Ileana PASCU1, Daniela TĂRÂŢĂ1,

Nicoleta CIOATERĂ2, Petre ROTARU2
Faculty of Mechanics, University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania 2Faculty of Sciences,
University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania

The composite alloy investigated in this paper was obtained by mechanical mixing in a steel
ball mill, in argon atmosphere, of some micrometric powders of TiH2, Mn, Al, Sn, Zr, in specified
proportion. To decrease the friction was introduced micrometer graphite powder. A composite alloy
precursor having the following composition: Ti80Mn8Al6Sn3Zr2C1, was obtained. The precursor
was subjected to complex thermal analysis in order to establish the optimal structure that
corresponds to the desired thermal and mechanical properties for the final material. All the
thermally analyzed samples were heated with 6 K/min in the argon atmosphere until 1100 °C. From
this temperature, three samples were cooled down to 50 K/min at the following temperatures: 1050,
1000 and 950 °C, at which the temperature lasted for 75 minutes. Two more samples, after heating
with 6 K/min at 1100 °C (and standing for 15 minutes at 110 °C), were cooled with 50 K/min at
1000 °C and 900 °C respectively, temperatures at which they stayed for 15 minutes. The samples
were then cooled with 50 K/min at 900 °C and 500 °C respectively and then maintained isotherm
for 60 minutes.
The Figure is the representation of the last heat treatment, the sample suffering more
gravimetric and caloric effects.

Achieving of a metal alloy with high thermal and physic-mechanical properties has been
confirmed by electrical, mechanical (hardness) and structural (SEM, XRD) measurements. The
studied alloy has multiple applications in the manufacture of automotive components [1].

[1] O. Ivasishin, V. Moxson, Low-cost titanium hydride powder metallurgy, in: Ma Qian and F. H. Froes (Est),
Titanium hydride powder metallurgy, Science, Technology and Applications, Elsevier Inc., Library of the Congress,
New York, 2015, pp. 117–148.

Poster Session 2 PS2.99

Composite material based on wolfram powder obtained by mechanical


Ileana PASCU1, Ştefan GHEORGHE1, Nicoleta CIOATERĂ2,

Daniela TĂRÂŢĂ1, Claudiu NICOLICESCU1, Petre ROTARU2
University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, A.I.Cuza str., no.13, Craiova, Romania
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, A.I.Cuza str., no.13, Craiova, Romania

Due to its unique properties, wolfram is an excellent candidate for electrical, electronic and
nuclear applications [1]. Copper presents high electrical and thermal properties [2]. For these
reasons, WCu system have been widely used in electrical engineering. To activate the sintering of
refractory metals, small quantities of transition metals are added. After mixing, for 15 minutes, 2
%wt Cr or Ni have been added. After that, the mixtures were mechanical alloyed in a Planetary
Mono Mill PULVERISETTE6 classic line from Fritsch, with 250 ml grinding bowl, rotational
speed of main disk of 600 rpm, argon atmosphere. Balls/powders ratio: 4/1, balls material: stainless
steel 1.3541 ISO/EN/DIN codeX47Cr14, at different alloying times: 5, 10 and 15 hours. In Figure
the SEM image for 78%W20%Cu2%Cr alloy, after 15 hours of mechanical alloying is presented.

The alloys obtained were thermally analyzed (TG, DTG, DTA and DSC), with PerkinElmer
DIAMOND TG/DTA thermobalance, under argon atmosphere, with 10 K/min, at 1000 °C.
After mechanical alloying, the mixture has been compacted in a metallic die at 400MPa and
600MPa compaction pressure on the A009 electromechanical-computerized 100 kN machine
equipped with TCSoft2004Plus software. The green compacts were sintered in argon atmosphere
(99.98 % purity) at 1100 °C sintering temperature for 2 hours dwell time.
Electrical (conductivity), physical (density, granulometry), mechanical (hardness) and structural
(SEM, XRD) measurements were made.

[1] S A Calvo, N Ordás, I Iturriza, J Y Pastor, E Tejado, T Palacios, C García-Rosales, Physica Scripta, 167 (2016) 278
[2] K Arshad, J Wang, Y Yuan ,Y Zhang, Zhang-Jian Zhou, Guang-Hong Lu, Int.J.Refr. Met and Hard Mats 50 (2015)

PS2.100 Poster Session 2

Properties and structure of Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloys prepared

by mechanical alloying and powder metallurgy


Miroslav SOKIĆ2, Vladan MILOŠEVIĆ2, Vladan ĆOSOVIĆ3,
University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, VJ 12, Bor, Serbia
Institute for Technology of Nuclear and other Mineral Raw Materials, Bulevar Franš d'Eperea 86,
Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Njegoševa 12,
Belgrade, Serbia

Powder metallurgy (PM) is a powerful method to obtain polycrystalline Cu–Al–Ni shape

memory alloys with enhanced thermo-mechanical properties [1]. Nevertheless, it is shown that
these properties can still be improved by the mechanical alloying of a mixture before the
compacting stage [2-4]. The present work describes the experimental results related to preparation
of Cu-Al-Ni shape-memory alloy (SMA) strips from mechanical alloyed mixture of Cu, Al, and Ni
The elemental powders are pre-alloyed by mechanical alloying in high energy ball mill,
which significantly modified the characteristics of the starting powders and shortened the sintering
time [5]. This method gives better results than the ones achieved by just using the mixture of
elemental powders, due to the improvement of composition homogenisation produced by
mechanical alloying. SEM, XRD and DSC thermal analysis have been used to characterize the pre-
alloyed powders and PM Cu–Al–Ni alloys.

Acknowledgement: The research results were developed with the assistance of the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under the projects (OI 172037 and TR34003).

[1] Z. Xiao, Z. Li, M. Fang, M. Luo, S. Gong, N. Tang, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 17(6)
(2007) 1422-1427.
[2] S.K. Vajpai, R.K. Dube, P. Chatterjee, S. Sangal, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Science 43(7) (2012) 2484-2499.
[3] M. Sharma, S.K. Vajpai, R.K. Dube, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and
Materials Science 41(11) (2010) 2905-2913.
[4] S.M. Tang, C.Y. Chung, W.G. Liu, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 63(1-3) (1997) 307-312.
[5] Z. Li, Z.Y. Pan, N. Tang, Y.B. Jiang, N. Liu, M. Fang, F. Zheng, Materials Science and Engineering A 417(1-
2) (2006) 225-229.

Poster Session 2 PS2.101

Thermal analysis of the Bi-In-Sn and

Bi-In-Pb ternary eutectic alloys


University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty, Bor, Serbia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak, Croatia
3University of Pristina, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia

Low-melting bismuth based eutectic alloys have good potential for commercial application in the
field of phase-change metallic materials [1-3]. In this respect, the accurate knowledge of their
thermal properties such as melting temperature, latent heat of melting, supercooling tendency,
thermal conductivity, etc. is of large importance. In this study Bi-In-Sn and Bi-In-Pb ternary
eutectic alloys were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy
dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Microstructures
of the prepared alloys of eutectic compositions were analyzed using SEM-EDS and identification of
co-existing phases was done. Melting temperatures and latent heats of eutectic melting were
measured using DSC. Experimentally obtained results were compared with the results of
thermodynamic calculation according to CALPHAD (calculation of phase diagram) approach.

Acknowledgement: The research results were developed with the assistance of the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under the project (OI 172037).

[1] X.-H. Yang, S.-C. Tan, J. Liu, Numerical investigation of the phase change process of low melting point metal,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 100 (2016) 899–907.
[2] A. Sharma, V. V. Tyagi, C. R. Chen, D. Buddhi, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13 (2009) 318–345.
[3] H. Ge, H. Li, S. Mei, J. Liu, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 21 (2013) 331–346.

PS2.102 Poster Session 2

Effect of the precipitation of metastable phases on the thermal

properties of aluminium alloys from 6000 series


University of Belgrade, Technical faculty in Bor, Vojske Jugoslavije 12, Serbia

In this paper two aluminium alloys from the 6000 series were investigated, the EN AW-
6060 and the EN AW-6082. Alloys from the 6000 series have a variety of uses as structural
material. They have a combination of good properties, good corrosion resistance, good weldability,
high response to heat and mechanical treatment, which in some cases changes their physical and
mechanical properties [1]. Alloys from the series 6000 are mainly hardened by the presence of
magnesium and silicon. These two elements make stable and metastable phases throughout the
aging sequence [2]. The accepted sequence in the literature is SSSS (α) – atomic clusters – GP
zones – β’’ – β’/B’ – β (stable) [3-5]. The β’’ phase is the primary cause of the hardening of these
alloys with the Mg:Si ratio close to 1:1.74 respectively /2, 6/.
Experimental investigation included annealing the samples, quenching them in ice water in
order to obtain the super saturated solid solution (αssss), and then doing the DSC-DTA analysis from
room temperature up to 600 °C. After the DSC-DTA analysis obtained peaks were analysed relative
to the temperature. Analysis showed that obtained peaks are in relation to the forming of the
characteristic metastable phases showed in precipitation sequence [2-5].
In order to investigate the influence of precipitated phases, thermal diffusivity, thermal
conductivity and heat capacity were all measured in temperatures ranging from 25 °C to 440 °C, on
quenched samples of the investigated alloys. Peaks that were present on the DSC-DTA curves now
appeared on curves constructed from results obtained in diffusivity/conductivity measurements.
It was concluded that these alloys are very much influenced by precipitation, especially by
some of the metastable phases in the precipitation sequence, an example being β’’ phase. Also, this
investigation provided the information that the investigated properties can be enhanced simply by
following the aging treatment for these alloys. The influence of the aging process on the thermal
properties of some other aluminium alloys that are precipitation hardened were also reported by
some other authors [7, 8]

Acknowledgement: The research results were developed with the assistance of the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under the project (OI 172037).

[1] K. Strobel, M. Lay, M. Easton, L. Sweet, S. Zhu, N. Parson, A. Hill, Mater Charact, 111 (2016) 43.
[2] A. K. Gupta, D. J. Lloyd, S. A. Court, Mat Sci Eng A-Struct, 316 (2001) 11.
[3] G. A. Edwards, K. Stiller, G. L. Dunlop, M. J. Couper, Acta Mater, 46 (11) (1998) 3893.
[4] L. Zhen, W. D. Fei, S. B. Kang, H. W. Kim, J Mater Sci, 32 (1997) 1895.
[5] M. Murayama, K. Hono, M. Saga, M. Kikuchi, Mat Sci Eng A-Struct, 250 (1998) 127.
[6] N. Maruyama, R. Uemori, N. Hashimoto, M. Saga, M. Kikuchi, Scripta Mater, 36(1) (1997) 89.
[7] D. R. Poirier, E. Mcbride, Mat Sci Eng A-Struct, 224 (1996) 48.
[8] S. W. Choi, H. S. Cho, S. Kumai, J Alloy Compd, 688 (2016) 897.

Poster Session 2 PS2.103

Synthesis, characterization and investigation of luminescence

properties of CaMO4:Eu@MCM-41composites

Zeynep YILDIRIM1, Fatih Mehmet EMEN1, Ali İhsan KARAÇOLAK1, Ruken

Esra DEMİRDÖĞEN2, Derya KILIÇ3, Tuncay YEŞİLKAYNAK4, Göktürk
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, TR
15030, Burdur, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Çankiri Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
Department of Material Technoligies, Faculty of Engineering, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University, TR 15030, Burdur, Turkey
Afsin Vocational High School, Sütcü _Imam University, TR46500, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mersin University,
TR 33343 Mersin, Turkey

Mesoporous materials endowed with photoluminescence property upon functionalization

have potential in many fields such as non-toxic, stable sustained drug storage/release [1,2].
Especially red emitting phosphors prepared with Eu3+ ions have attracted much attentrion in the
technological applications.
In this study, we aimed at obtaining luminescent CaMO4:Eu@MCM-41 composites via sol-
gel process. The composites thus prepared were characterized via XRD, FT-IR, SEM-EDX, N2
adsorption/desorption analysis, PL and TL spectra. In order to determine the optimum synthesis
conditions thermal analysis studies of the initial reactants was made via TG/DTA combined system.
A three step decomposition is observed in the DTG curve presented in Figure 1. The first
decomposition occurs in the temperature range 450-544 oC, while the second step is observed in the
range 544-722 oC and the third step occurs in the range 722-1002 oC. In the temperature range 25-
1002 oC a total weight loss of 18.58 % was observed. Above 1050 oC no weight loss was observed.
The mentioned temperatures are the temperatures when phase transitions start and the synthesis 100 .0

were carried out at these temperatures. 16 0 .0

4 .0 0 0

9 5.0
14 0 .0
2 .0 0 0

12 0 .0
9 0.0
0 .0 0 0

10 0 .0
DTG ug/min


TG %

-2 .0 0 0 8 5.0
8 0 .0

-4 .0 0 0
6 0 .0
8 0.0

4 0 .0 -6 .0 0 0

7 5.0
2 0 .0
-8 .0 0 0

0 .0 7 0.0
10 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 0 0 110 0
T em p C el

Figure 1. TG/DTA curves of the initial mixtures of CaMO4

This study was supported by TUBITAK under the Project Number :116Z402).

[1] Sauer J., Marlow F., Spliethoff B., Schuth F., Chem. Mater. 14 (2002) 217.

PS2.104 Poster Session 2



Qiuhong Wang1, *, Jun Deng1, Jinhua Sun2, Chi-Min Shu1, 3, Haitao Li1,
Wangbin Lai3, Chen-Rui Cao4
College of Science and Technology, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an,
Shaanxi 710054, China
State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
Process Safety and Disaster Prevention Laboratory, National Yunlin University of Science
and Technology (YunTech), Douliu, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan
Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology, YunTech, 123, University Rd., Sec. 3,
Douliou, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, ROC

Zirconium metal powder is vastly used in aerospace and military as a metal fuel because of its
high combustion rate and heat. To comply with the special requirements for aerospace and military
applications, zirconium particles are coated respectively with ferrite nanoparticles–FeOOH, Fe2O3,
Fe3O4 nanoparticles to form a core-shell structure [1]. This process alters the combustion
performance of the coated zirconium dust. In this study, scanning electron microscopy, X–ray
diffraction, thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry are used to examine the
micromorphology, phase composition, crystal structure, thermal stability and reactivity of the three
kinds of coated zirconium particles [2,3]. The combustion behaviour of FeOOH–coated zirconium
particles, Fe2O3–coated zirconium particles, Fe3O4–coated zirconium particles in the air is explored
and presented comparatively. It was concluded that with the coating layer of coated zirconium
particles generating a replacement reaction with the inner core zirconium [4,5]. The inner
zirconium induced an oxidation-reduction reaction with oxygen and Fe2+ was oxidised at high

Keywords: Metal powder, Ferrite nanoparticles, Coated zirconium dust, Replacement

reaction; Oxidation-reduction reaction

[1] J.W. Arblaster. Thermodynamic properties of zirconium. Calphad, 43 (2013) 32–39

[2] E. Elias, D. Hasan, Y. Nekhamkin. Zirconium ignition in exposed fuel channel. Nucl Eng Des., 286 (2015) 205–
[3] H. Akhian, A. Hunt, X. Cui, A. Moewesb, J. Szpunara. The electronic structure of zirconium in hydrided and
oxidized states. J Alloys Compd., 622 (2015) 463–470
[4] V.I. Levitas, M.L. Pantoya, S.W. Dean. Melt dispersion mechanism for fast reaction of aluminum nano- and
micron-scale particles: Flame propagation and SEM studies. Combust Flame., 161 (2014) 1668– 1677
[5] N.K. Memon, D.H. Anjum, S.H. Chung. Multiple-diffusion flame synthesis of pure anatase and carbon-coated
titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Combust Flame., 160 (2013): 1848–1856

Poster Session 2 PS2.105

Direct measurement on the abnormal electrocaloric effects in

Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3 solid solutions

Zhiyuan JIANG1, Guang-Ping ZHENG1, Sana ULLAH1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

Abnormal electrocaloric effect (ECE) is observed in (1-x)Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3

(BNT-xBT) solid solutions by calorimetry measurements, manifesting itself by the differences in
the heats released and absorbed under the application and withdrawal of electric fields,
respectively. The abnormal ECE is explained by the coexistence of positive and negative ECEs [1]
close to the ferroelectric-to-antiferroelectric transition temperature, which is demonstrated by the
structural and ferroelectric properties determined from anelastic analyses and thermodynamics
calculations on the solid solutions under an applied electric field, respectively. A threshold electric
field below which the negative ECE occurs is obtained, in comparisons with that predicted by the
thermodynamics Maxwell’s relations. The abnormal ECE in the BNT-xBT solid solutions and the
inconsistency of ECE between the direct and indirect measurements [2] could be attributed to the
formation of a metastable AFE state under an applied electric field.

[1] Y. Bai, G. P. Zheng and S. Q. Shi, Mater. Res. Bull. 46 (2011) 1866-1869.
[2] X. C. Zheng, G. P. Zheng, Z. Lin, Z.Y. Jiang, J. Electroceramics 28 (2012) 20-26.
[3] X. C. Zheng, G. P. Zheng, Z. Lin, Z.Y. Jiang, Ceramics International 39 (2013) 1233-1240.

PS2.106 Poster Session 2

The effect of “GASCARBUSINT” method on the tribological

properties of sintered steels

Marius Cătălin CRIVEANU1,2, Andrei ROTARU3,

University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, IMST, Calgareni Str, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
POLITECNICO di Torino, Department of Applied Science and Technology, Corso Duca degli
Abruzzi, 24 – 10129, Torino, Italy
INFLPR-National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bvd. Atomistilor 409, Măgurele,
Bucharest, Romania

The employment of structural sintered materials in the automotive industry is increasing,

given the increasing of the mechanical properties of Powder Metallurgy (PM) products and
especially considering the combination of the tribological properties which can be achieved.
In this paper presents the tribological behavior of sintered steels developed through a new
process called gascarbusintering (GCS), consisting of carburizing in methane gas (CH4) of a set
of iron-based powder compacts followed by sintering. Powder metallurgy (PM) technique offers
progress of new material processing for applications requiring various combinations of
properties. The influence of compaction pressure and dwell time at the carburizing temperature
on the tribological properties of steels processed by GCS is investigated. To determine the wear
behavior a “ball on disk” tribometer was used.

Poster Session 3
Thermochemistry & (Bio)Calorimetry, Polymers, Biocomposites,
Bio(macro)molecules, Organic & Functional compounds
Poster Session 3 PS3.01

Standard enthalpies of formation and sublimation for vanillin


Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University,
14 Leningradskaya str, 220006, Minsk, Belarus
Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical, 5 Institutskiy per., 194021, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
JSC «BMC», 4-154 Nezavisimosti av., 220030, Minsk, Belarus

Vanillin is widely used in many applications. Chemically vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-

methoxybenzaldehyde) is a benzene derivative with three different substituents. Nature, number and
arrangement of substituents in the benzene ring define values of physical and chemical
characteristics of the individual aromatic compounds and materials which are composed of them.
Thermochemical properties are fundamental characteristics of chemical compounds they have a
crucial significance in evaluation of thermal effects of chemical reactions with their participation.
Therefore, determination of standard enthalpy of formation of vanillin is an importance task.
Commercial sample (Sigma-Aldrich Co) of vanillin was purified by fractional sublimation at
the pressure of 0,2 kPa in the temperature interval from 313 K to 318 K. The purity of the used
sample, according to perfomed chromatographic analysis, was found to be 99,94 %. Density of
crystalline powder vanillin was determined by pycnometric method at 298,15 K and was found to
be 1,33 ± 0,01 g cm-3.
Specific energy of combustion of vanillin was measured in the bomb isoperibolic
calorimeter BIC 100 (JSC "BMC", Belarus). The calibration of calorimeter was performed using
the certified standard sample of benzoic acid (trade mark K-1) with a molar proportion of the main
component 99,995 ± 0,001 % and with the specific combustion energy 26434,4 ± 0,6 J g-1. The
value of the energy equivalent calculated from 12 experiments amounted 10242,48 ± 1,02 J K-1.
The uncertainty represents the standard deviation of the mean. Calorimetric experiments were
organized in such a way, which allows to ensure identity of conditions of calibration and research
experiments. Samples in the form of compressed in the air pellets were burnt in the platinum
crucible. The corrected temperature rise in all experiments was approximately the same: 2,597 ±
0,015 K for benzoic acid, 2,457 ± 0,022 K for vanillin. In order to test the calorimeter and the value
of its energy equivalent, a series of experiments of the burning of salicylic acid had been carried
out. The obtained value of energy of combustion is in good agreement with the literature data.
The value of standard molar enthalpy of formation of vanillin in the crystalline state at
298,15 K, obtained by using bomb calorimeter, and the value of standard molar enthalpy of
formation of vanillin in a gaseous state at 298,15 K, obtained by using ab initio calculations, were
found. The values of enthalpy of sublimation of vanillin at 298.15 К, calculated on the basis of the
difference between these values, amounted to be 100 ± 3 kJ mol-1.

PS3.02 Poster Session 3

Bomb isoperibolic calorimeter BIC 100 for research and testing

Ivan VASARENKO1, Vladimir DUBOVIK1, Alexander SYSHCHANKA1,

Yuri MAKSIMUK2, Vladimir KROUK2
JSC «BMC», 4-154 Nezavisimosti av., Minsk, 220030, Belarus
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University,
14 Leningradskaya str, Minsk, 220006, Belarus

The bomb isoperibolic calorimeter BIC 100 (produced by JSC «BMC», Belarus) depending
of the class of built-in sensors, present oneself:
1) a scientific and research instrument for precise measuring of combustion energy for
individual organic substances with C, H, O composition;
2) a measuring device for testing of gross calorific value at a constant volume in accordance
with ISO 1928:2009 and GOST 147-2013 (solid mineral fuels), EN 14918:2010 and GOST 33106-
2014 (solid biofuels), EN 15400:2011 and GOST 33108-2014 (solid recovered fuels), ASTM D
240-02 and GOST 33299-2015 (liquid hydrocarbon fuels) and so on;
3) included in national standard of combustion energy unit of Republic of Belarus.
This calorimeter consists of a thermostat (water jacket with constant-temperature) connected
to the cooling block and measuring-calculating block, arranged in a single housing. Inside the
thermostat is the chamber (enclosed on all sides) wherein the calorimeter can (with calorimetric
bomb) is installed. The external view of this device is available online ( The
calorimeter does not require connection to an external cold source for resetting excess heat, because
it has a built-in cooling block. The thermostat lid is a separately constructed hollow lid with
channels inside, which are connected to the thermostat by the pump that is disposed on the sidewall
of calorimeter.
Measurement of temperature in the calorimeter is carried out using two 100 Ω platinum
resistance thermometers (PRT) of difference classes according to DIN-IEC 60751. The
measurement block produces high-precision measurement of electrical resistance of the PRT and
converts it by using the microcontroller of the measuring-calculating block to the temperature value
according to ITS–90 with a resolution of 0,00001 K. Accuracy of temperature measurements in
measuring block is about 0,002 K. The absolute error of PRT gives the main contribution to the
total error of the temperature measurement. During governmental certification tests was established,
that the absolute temperature measurement accuracy at the temperature 298.15 K does not exceed
0,03 K.
The calibration of calorimeter was performed using the certified standard sample of benzoic
acid (VNIIMS, Saint-Peterburg). Thus, the relative error of the bomb calorimeter BIC 100 obtained
by ratio of the energy equivalent uncertainty (represents the standard deviation of the mean) to the
energy equivalent (multiplied by 100 %) was ± 0,01 %, what corresponds to the level of modern
recognized bomb calorimeters.

Poster Session 3 PS3.03

Recent improvements in the high pressure differential calorimetry

method applied to the study of gas hydrates

Rémi ANDRE1, Pierre LE PARLOUËR1, Laurent MARLIN2,

Frédéric PLANTIER2, Jean-Philippe TORRE2
SETARAM Instrumentation, 7 rue de l’Oratoire, Caluire 69300, France
Univ. Pau & Pays Adour, CNRS, TOTAL – UMR 5150 – LFC-R – Laboratoire des Fluides
Complexes et leurs Réservoirs, Avenue de l'Université, BP 1155 – PAU, F-64013, France

Calorimetry and especially High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry (HP-DSC)

applied to the study of gas hydrates has originally been developed and patented (US6571604) by a
collaborative work lead by the French Institute of Petroleum – New Energies. It was found to be a
relevant tool for investigating the thermodynamics of formation and dissociation of gas hydrates as
it is able to simulate the temperature and pressure conditions of their formation.
Originally applied to fields related to oil and gas production and flow assurance [1], then
extended to the study of oil-water-gas systems and the emulsion stability of oils with hydrate [2], it
has now been involved in several new studies. Indeed, carbon dioxide sequestration by CO2/CH4
exchange in natural gas hydrates present in marine sediments, carbon dioxide hydrates reversible
formation/dissociation for refrigeration loops, hydrogen storage system through the formation of
hydrogen hydrates [3], and many other studies involve the use of HP-DSC.
However, the technique still has some limitations which are linked to the fact that the gas
hydrate formation in the calorimetric cell occurs at the gas-liquids interface. It leads to problems
such as inefficient gas dissolution, long induction times, formation of a hydrate crust covering the
gas/liquid interface, low hydrate to water conversion, etc. Thus it makes for example difficult or
impossible the accurate determination of heat capacities or of kinetics of formation/dissociation
(except when water-in-oil emulsions are involved).
The presented work will cover these new fields of application of the technique and will
include the description of a new high pressure, mechanically stirred calorimetric cell which
overcomes the existing limitations. This cell has been developed by the Laboratory of Complex
Fluids and their Reservoirs of the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (patent #FR/2012/57319
UPPA-CNRS) and has been industrialized and commercialized by SETARAM Instrumentation.
[1] L. Ma, Z. Chen, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 87 (2009) 1567.
[2] A. Ionescu, V. Alecu, “Thermal properties of solids”, Expert Publishing House, (2008) 1356-1364.
[3] W. Weselowski, A. Kartuj, F. Laam, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 81 (2008) 1237.

PS3.04 Poster Session 3

Thermodynamic constraints – useful for systems biology?

Heike Kohrt1, Christoph Held2, Sergey Verevkin3, Thomas Maskow1

Department of Environmental Microbiology, WG Biocalorimetry/Ecothermodynamics, Helmholtz
Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Laboratory of Thermodynamics, Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering,
Technische Universität Dortmund, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
Institute of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Rostock, 18051 Rostock,

Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) is a powerful tool of systems biology in describing the
functioning of an entire cell. MFA by applying mass balances as well as kinetic relations results
unfortunately in huge undetermined equation systems. Thermodynamics might help in reducing
solution space by eliminating solutions that fulfill mass balances but violate second law of
thermodynamics. For this reason an algorithm called Thermodynamic Feasibility Analysis (TFA)
has already been tested on well-known glycolysis pathway.[1] Unfortunately, even glycolysis
pathway has been estimated thermodynamically unfeasible. Neglecting activity coefficients, poor
thermodynamic basic data as well as neglecting the influence of special conditions in the cytosol of
the cell (e.g. macromolecular crowding, ionic strength etc.) have been detected as possible reasons
of the unexpected outcome. [2]
Within the algorithm of TFA, ΔgR is calculated for each single reaction of a certain
metabolic pathway as well as for combinations of consecutive reactions using the measured
concentration range of the metabolites. Reactions that will reveal a positive value of ΔgR will be
considered as thermodynamically unfeasible and designated as localized bottlenecks. Combinations
of consecutive reactions with a positive value of ΔgR for the total reaction result in so called
distributed bottlenecks. Both, the occurrence of localized and distributed bottlenecks, will make a
given metabolic pathway unfeasible.
In the current work, the applicability of TFA on glycolysis will be explored using state of
the art thermodynamic data and models. Three areas will be researched. First, physical and
thermochemical basic data of selected pure metabolites will be determined. Second, the reaction
equilibria of these metabolites under real cytoplasmic conditions (e.g. ionic strength, molecular
crowing) are determined and modelled with e-PC-SAFT. Finally, the pure component data as well
as the reaction data are applied to a dynamic metabolic network. This project will help to clarify the
potential role of thermodynamics to enlighten complex intra-cellular metabolic networks.

[1] T. Maskow, U. von Stockar, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 92 (2005) 223

[2] U. von Stockar, T. Maskow, V. Vojinovic, Thermodynamic Analysis of Metabolic Pathways; EPFL Press
Distributed by CRC Press., 2013.

Poster Session 3 PS3.05

Accurate and reproducible heat capacity measurements from DSC

Jelena S. Petrović, Bruno P. Rodrigues, Lothar Wondraczek
Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Fraunhoferstraße 6, 07743 Jena, Germany

We comment on a method for calculating true specific heat capacity data as a function of
temperature from differential scanning calorimetry experiments. This includes the relevant
corrections stemming from the experimental set-up. Using a commercially available borosilicate
glass, it is shown how best correspondence with true calorimetric analyses can be obtained. We also
emphasize the importance of sample preparation, including variations between bulk and powder
samples. Given the extensive interest in the heat capacity of glassy materials, in particular, in the
glass transition region, the presented procedure enables reliable assessment of such quantities, in a
relatively simple manner and with widely available equipment.
We also comment on obtaining accurate and reproducible specific heat capacity data from
differential scanning calorimetry in a straightforward way. Some simple but often disregarded
corrections need to be considered in data evaluation. Secondly, in order to account for variations in
heat flow, specific attention needs to be paid on choosing accurate combinations of sample and
reference morphology rather than simply using the same reference specimen for each experiment.
Applying the present procedure to a commercial borosilicate glass yielded values in great
agreement with published calorimetric data. The calculations shown here are applicable also well-
after the original experiments were done, as long as the experimental details and some parameters
about sample, reference and crucibles are known.

PS3.06 Poster Session 3

In vitro toxicity studies of aluminium compounds - The problem of

undesirable reactions with the cell culture medium

Dirk Walter1,2, Simone Helmig1

Laboratories of Chemistry and Physics, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Justus-Liebig-
University, Aulweg 129, D-35392 Gießen, Germany
Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Justus-Liebig-University, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17,
D-35392 Gießen, Germany

Introduction: In vitro analyses make it possible to investigate complex biochemical

processes and toxicological effects on cellular level. Cell culture experiments, besides
epidemiological and animal studies, are an important source of information in particular for risk
assessments of hazardous substances. Nevertheless an accurate interpretation of the results can be
hampered by chemical interactions between non bio-persistent metal-containing dusts and the
ingredients of the cell culture medium. Therefore it is necessary to gain knowledge about these
reactions and to define their resulting products. Especially soluble metal ions can change their
substance specific properties completely by such undesirable reactions. As an example we describe
and characterise the resulting product of a reaction with soluble aluminium containing dusts and the
cell culture medium RPMI.
Method: Aqueous stock solution (5 mg/ml) of aluminium sulphate (Al2SO4·nH2O) was
dissolved in 10 ml RPMI cell culture medium (final concentrations from 1 µg/ml to 100 µg/ml).
Then the solutions were filtrated. The initial as well as the final substance products were analysed
by electron microscopy (REM, EDX) and thermal analysis (TG, DSC).
Results: Soluble Al3+-Ions of non bio-persistent aluminium-containing dusts and RPMI cell
culture medium form aluminium phosphate concentration dependently.
The solubility of aluminium phosphate depends on the number of water molecules
integrated into the structure. TG and DSC analysis show the content of crystal water and provide
the transformation enthalpy for the dehydration reaction. Therefore these results provide knowledge
on the solubility of the formed aluminium phosphate and contribute to correct interpretation of
further “in vitro” results.

Poster Session 3 PS3.07

Novel cellulose fibre/poly(vinyl)alcohol composites: a thermal study

Ignazio Blanco, Gianluca Cicala, Alberta Latteri

Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, V.le A. Doria 6, 95125
Catania, Italy

Poly-paper is a new composite material made of cellulose fibers, derived from recycled
waste paper, and a water-soluble matrix of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The choice, as matrix, of a
polymer-based material produced without diverting fertile lands from agriculture, capable of
melting in water and forming nontoxic composites [1,2] ensure high environmental sustainability
and the economic and environmental advantages of using newspaper-derived fibers were widely
outlined in literature [3-5]. The aims of our research in this area was to investigate novel
formulations by using high rates of cellulose to promote recycling of the obtained composites in
water and to assess the feasibility of these formulations to be used as a novel soluble material.
Composites with different cellulose fibre content (30%, 50% and 70% w/w) were prepared by
extrusion and injection moulding and tested by thermogravimetric analysis TGA to obtain
parameters for the thermal evaluation, namely temperature at 5% mass loss (T5%) and apparent
activation energy (Ea) of degradation. Results were compared with each other, with those of neat
polymer. Thermogravimetric analysis suggested a good resistance to the thermal degradation for
Poly-paper composites, that appear to warrant further investigation as highly sustainable packaging.
The author wish to thank the INSTM and the Regione Lombardia in the frame of the project
COMMAND(IN-RL/11) for the financial support.

[1] C.C. De Merlis, D.R. Schoneker, Food Chem. Toxicol. 41 (3) (2003) 319
[2] S.J. Zhang, H.Q. Yu, Water Res. 38(2) (2004) 309
[3] S.M. Huda, L.T. Drzal, M. Misra, A.K. Mohanty, K. Williams, D.F. Mielewski, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 44(15) (2005)
[4] S.M. Huda, L.T. Drzal, A.K. Mohanty, M. Misra, Compos. Sci. Technol. 66(11-12) (2006) 1813
[5] A. Serrano, F.X. Espinach, J. Tresserras, N. Pellicer, M. Alcala, P. Mutje, J. Clean. Prod. 65 (2014) 489

PS3.08 Poster Session 3

Processing and characterization of biodegradable

thermoplastic corn starch

Antonella GIURI1, Silvia COLELLA2, Andrea LISTORTI2, Aurora RIZZO,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento, via per Monteroni, km 1,
73100, Lecce, Italy
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica “E. De Giorgi”, Università del Salento, Via Arnesano snc,
73100 Lecce, Italy
Istituto di Nanotecnologia CNR-Nanotec, Polo di Nanotecnologia c/o Campus Ecotekne, via
Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy

In recent years great progress was achieved in the development of biodegradable products
on the basis of agricultural raw materials. Different approaches have been made to use starch as a
natural biopolymer for the production of biodegradable thermoplastics [1]. The aim of this paper
was the development of a controlled, easy and cheap procedure to process corn native starch to give
a thermoplastic product, which can easily be transformed into injection or blow moulded articles.
The interaction of amorphous amylose and of crystalline and amorphous amylopectin with the
plasticiser glycerol in the absence of water was studied, by using differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC), Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), water permeability, UV
transmittance, colorimetric, QUV accelerated weathering and mechanical tests. Several films of
corn starch plasticized with glycerol were prepared by extruding corn starch powder and glycerol,
pre-mixed by hand, in a Haake twin-screw extruder with a 100 mm wide film die and six
temperature controlling zones along the barrel of the extruder. The composition of glycerol was
changed from 50 to 70% wt .The effect of the amount of the selected plasticizer, i.e. glycerol, on the
processability by extrusion process, of the commercial corn starch powder was assessed, by varying
the process parameters and by measuring the final properties of all films produced. The XRD
experimental results evidenced that the extrusion process changed the kind of crystallinity of the
corn starch, from A-type to Vh-type, irrespective to the amount of glycerol. Thermal analysis
results evidenced a slight influence of the glycerol amount on the melting point, degradation
temperature and final solid residue. The permeability to water vapour tests still evidenced the
hygroscopic property of the thermoplastic films, irrespective to their composition. On the other
hand, the transmittance and mechanical tests suggested that the film containing 50% wt. of glycerol
possesses the best mechanical properties and the highest transparency. Mechanical and colorimetric
analyses performed on the selected film before and after the QUV test evidenced a decrease of the
mechanical performances and an increase of the colour variation.
[1] A.L.M. Smitsa, P.H. Kruiskampa, J.J.G. van Soestb, J.F.G. Vliegentharta, Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (2003) 409

Poster Session 3 PS3.09

Self-healing properties of PBT obtained by ring opening polymerization

Francesca FERRARI, Antonio GRECO, Alfonso MAFFEZZOLI

Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, via per Arnesano, 73100, Lecce,

The present work is aimed to the development of a smart, self healing material from cyclic
buthylene-terephthalate. Self-healing polymers have the capability to recover their load transferring
ability after damage. The material is composed of a mixture of catalyzed CBT (cyclic buthylene
terephthalate) and poly-buthylene terephthalate (PBT). The self healing ability is based on the
catalyzed ring opening polymerization (ROP)1 of molten CBT to PBT. Therefore the conversion of
molten CBT to solid PBT represents the basic mechanism that welds the surfaces of the growing
crack, thus restoring the mechanical properties of the material. Different systems were studied to
produce a partial polymerized material, which allowed in a second step the reaction of residual CBT
and the restoring of the crack. In particular, at first a system with two catalysts, with different
activation temperatures (Fascat 4101 and Fascat 4102) was chosen, then the slower catalyst (Fascat
4102) was replaced by montmorillonite nanofiller (Dellite HPS) after intercalation of the faster
catalyst (Fascat 4101) in the montmorillonite layers. XRD was used to confirm the intercalation of
catalyst in the nanoclay. Finally, the epoxy thermoplastic Elantech resin was added in different
amounts to evaluate its toughening capability2.
The evolution of the degree of conversion of CBT to PBT and the viscosity of the resultant
mixture were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rheological analyses.
Flexural tests were performed on partially reacted PBT samples, then samples were notched to
simulate partial damage and left for different times in oven at 200 °C, to allow the activation of the
Fascat 4102 catalyst (or of the intercalated catalyst in case of the use of nanoclay) with the
consequent ROP of the residual CBT.
Although ROP of CBT is athermal, DSC was used to detect the existence of unreacted CBT
after processing, by the presence of its melting peak, and to monitor the crystallinity of the PBT
obtained by ROP. Melting peak of CBT disappeared when the material was subjected to recovery at
200 °C, and only PBT peak was visible. Also, DSC analysis confirmed that the use of nanofillers
with intercalation of Fascat 4101 did not affect the melting temperatures of CBT and PBT. Finally,
the presence of the glass transition temperature at about 45 °C on systems with Elantech resin
confirmed that the addition of the resin involved a decrease of crystalline fraction and a toughening
of the material. Rheological analyses were used to monitor the conversion of CBT to PBT, since
ROP involves a significant increase of the viscosity of the material, associated to the increase of
molecular weight. Flexural tests showed the brittleness of the material due to its high crystallinity,
and the toughening effect obtained through the addition of Elantech resin. Also, tests on samples
after maintenance at 200 °C showed a good recovery of mechanical properties.

D.J. Brunelle;U.S.Patent, 5, 498, 651, 1996.
Abt T., Sánchez-Soto M., Martínez de Ilarduya A.:Toughening of in situ polymerized cyclic butylene terephthalate by
chain extension with a bifunctional epoxy resin, European Polymer Journal 48, 163–171 (2012)

PS3.10 Poster Session 3

Diclofenac-interpolyelectrolyte complexes with Eudragit® EPO/L100

as a new oral microparticulate drug delivery system


Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russian Federation

The aim of this work was the synthesis and physicochemical and pharmaceutical
characterization of interpolyelectrolyte-drug complexes (DIPEC) as micro-sized particles formed
between Diclofenac sodium (DS) and Eudragit® L100 (L100) with countercharged Eudragit® EPO
The optimal conditions for interaction between chemically complementary grades of a
polycation (Eudragit® EPO) and a polyanion copolymer (Eudragit® L100) in presence of acidic
ionized DS molecules were studied in aqueous salt media. The solutions of copolymers and DS
were mixed in different orders, pH and molar ratios. The yields of precipitate formed were first
analyzed gravimetrically. The unbounded DS of content in supernatant solutions and encapsulation
effectively (EE) was investigated UV-spectrophotometrically. After isolation of the precipitates of
formed DIPEC particles, they were washed with demineralized water and subsequently dried for 2
days using FreeZone 1 L freeze dryer (Labconco). ATR-FTIR-spectroscopy of solid DIPEC was
performed on the Nicolet iS5 FTIR-spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) equipped with iD5 ATR smart
accessory. The thermal properties of DIPEC were studied using mDSC – Discovery DSC (TA
Instruments). Particles size and zeta potential (ZP) of DIPEC particles was evaluated by Zetasizer
Nano ZS (Malvern). The release of DS from micro-sized DIPEC particles was performed using a
standard dissolution tester – paddle method (DT 828, Erweka) in gastro-intestinal tract (GIT)
mimicking conditions. The amounts of DS released in the dissolution medium were determined by
UV spectrophotometry at 276 nm (Evolution 220, Thermo Scientific).
According to the results of gravimetric and UV-spectrophotometric analysis, only three
stoichiometric compositions of DIPEC EPO/L100/DS were choose for further testing. All of DIPEC
have a band at 1560 cm-1, which can be assigned to the stretching vibration band of the carboxylate
groups (L100, DS) that form the ionic bonds with the protonated dimethylamino groups of EPO [1].
Moreover, bands of 1453 cm-1 and 748 cm-1 were confirm including of DS in DIPEC structure:
appearance of aromatic C=C and C-H bonds, respectively. All complexes are chemically
homogenous and characterized by one single Tg, which was higher compared to that of pure EPO
(54.5±1.3°C). However, increasing the amount of DS led to an increase in the resulting Tg, but it
could not exceed the Tg of L100 (172.9±1.8°C). ZP of formed micro-sized DIPEC particles is
positive, pointing to the surface location of free EPO chains and EPO sequences bounded to DS.
The release of DS from all DIPEC EPO/L100/DS (9:1:1) system is gradual and completely enters
the buffer within 6 hours of the experiment. Moreover, the release process for other compositions
(7:1:1; 5:1:1) is also comparatively fast in the first two hours, but slower afterwards.
The physicochemical and pharmaceutical properties of the new DIPEC suggest that it has
great potential as a new oral microparticulate DDS.
This work is financially supported by the RFBR via grant № 16-04-01692 (to A.B., and

[1] Palena, M.C., Manzo R.H., Jimenez-Kalruz A.F. Self-organized nanoparticles based on drug-interpolyelectrolyte
complexes as drug carries. J. Nanopart. Res. 14, 867-878, 2012.

Poster Session 3 PS3.11

Dismantlability and thermal behaviour of epoxy adhesive/inorganic

salt mixtures

Eiko HIGASHI1, Akihiro TORIGOE1, Tadayuki SAEKI1,

Seiji NISHIDA2, Hakobu BAZAKI2, and Katsumi KATOH1
Fukuoka University, 8-19-1 Nakakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka, Japan
Asahi Kasei Corporation, 4-5003-1, Nagahama, Nobeoka, Japan

Structural adhesives exhibit high bonding strength and could hardly dismantle. However, from the
viewpoint of recycling, the development of ‘dismantlable adhesives’ would be highly desirable.
Such adhesives should show high adhesion strength but should dismantle readily when an external
stimulus such as heat is applied. In this work, epoxy adhesive samples containing 36 types of
inorganic salts, including ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), lithium iodide (LiI), and potassium
chloride (KCl), were prepared. The thermal behaviour of the samples was analysed using
differential scanning calorimetry, and their dismantlability was evaluated. The exothermic peak
temperature (Texo) of the epoxy adhesive containing LiI was 165 °C. This temperature was lower
than that for the salt-free epoxy adhesive sample (Texo = 321 °C), suggesting that the addition of LiI
promoted decomposition of the adhesive. To evaluate the dismantlability of the adhesives
containing the various inorganic salts, tensile tests were performed as per the JIS 6850 [1]. The
adhesion strength of the sample with LiI before and after heating at 270 °C for 30 min was 13.3
MPa and 0.2 MPa, respectively, indicating high dismantlability. However, Texo of the adhesive with
KCl was 317 °C, which is similar to that for the salt-free adhesive. Furthermore, the adhesion
strength of the KCl-containing adhesive was 10.4 MPa and 11.2 MPa before and after heating,
respectively, indicating low dismantlability. Thus, when adding the inorganic salt which raises
dismantlability of epoxy adhesive, Texo indicated the tendency which becomes lower than that of the
epoxy adhesive alone. The dismantlability is high when a salt containing halogen ions is added.
However, low dismantlability is observed when the cation in the salt is the potassium ion, even if
the anion is a halogen ion.

[1] JIS K 6850 Adhesives: Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of rigid-to-rigid bonded assemblies (1972).

PS3.12 Poster Session 3

Concentration of liquid foods: a comparative study of membrane and

cryoconcentration methods

Elena Agarwal1, Iurie Bosneaga2, Mircea Bologa2

University of ASM, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Institute of Applied Physics of ASM, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Energy-efficient concentration of liquid foods becomes one of the key technologies of food
and beverage industry, with the impacts on sustainability, quality of products, storage stability,
transportation and handling expenses.
Nowadays most of the liquid products - especially fruit juices - are concentrated by vacuum
evaporation. This is an energy-intensive technology, plus - associated with the loss of the fresh
juice’s flavours. The alternative methods, which offer surmounting of these deficiencies, are
membrane and cryoconcentration ones.
Membrane methods of liquid foods concentration reduce energy consumption several times
(as compared with vacuum evaporation), but are characterized by low values of flow-rate and
membranes’ stoppage (occlusion). Another shortage of the membrane-based concentration process -
is the substantial output reduction with the highly desirable decrease of the operating temperature.
We consider that freeze concentration method (also called cryoconcentration) permits
overcoming the above-mentioned drawbacks. Cryoconcentration - by its nature - is a low-
temperature technology, which ensures maximal quality of the final product; then - it offers the
possibility to reduce (practically, to exclude) the loss of volatile components (for this purpose -
“indirect” crystallizers are preferable to be used); also energy consumption can be minimized -
through the rational utilization of the natural cold (low- temperature thermoaccumulation).
The alleged limitation of the cryoconcentration method could be the low intensity of ice
deposition. We prove that this limitation can be successfully avoided - due to application of the
“microthermotechnical” solution.
From the general reasons it comes - for cryoconcentration process intensifying it is
necessary to expand the area of phases’ contact (that - in the case of cylindrical surface of
sedimentation - means constructive increase in the number of heat-removing pipes, at reduction of
their diameter). Calculation of the contact-freezing process allows optimizing cryoconcentrator’s
design. Additionally, there appears an unusual - but favourable - reduction of linear resistance to
heat transfer - concurrently with the growth of the ice layer thickness. We demonstrate that such a
positive “microthermotechnical” effect can be achieved only in conditions of the reasonably small
diameter of the ice-condensation surface. So, owing to the existence of the minimum for the linear
resistance to heat transfer - at the sufficiently small diameter of the cryoconcentrator tube the
increase in the thickness of the ice layer not simply does not create additional resistance for heat
and mass transfer, but, on the contrary, - promotes its reduction. This non-trivial effect of
freezing boosting can be efficiently combined with the additional - intensifying - electro-physical
actions. Low-temperature cryoconcentration process contributes to conservation of all the
thermolabile components of the product. Meantime, microorganisms also could survive at low
temperatures. In order to ensure microbiological stability of the final products - we developed
application of high voltage impulse technology for “cold” (low-temperature) sterilization.

Poster Session 3 PS3.13

Thermal properties of heterometallic Fe(III)-Ln(III) carboxylate

wheels and clusters


Svetlana G. BACA1
Institute of Applied Physics, Academiei 5, MD2028 Chisinau, Moldova
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Landoltweg 1, 52074 Aachen, Germany

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has been widely used for the characterization of a wide
variety of materials, including coordination cluster compounds. TGA study provides valuable
information about compounds such as their thermal stability and composition, influence of
temperature on the structure and its transformation, give information regarding intermediate and
final product and the way of decomposition.
Thermal properties of heterometallic decanuclear wheels [Fe6M4(is)8(N3)2(bdea)10]·MeOH
(where M = Dy (1), Gd (2), Tb (3), Ho (4), Y (5)), His = isobutyric acid; bdeaH2 =
butyldiethanolamine) (Figure 1a) and hexanuclear clusters [Fe4M2(µ3-OH)2(is)6(N3)2(bdea)4]·MeOH
(where M = Dy (6), Gd (7), Tb (8), Er (9), Y (10), Tm (11)) (Figure 1b) have been investigated by
TGA/DTA measurements. Single-crystal X-ray analysis showed that wheels 1-5 are isostructural
and crystallize in the triclinic space group P-1, while isostructural clusters 6-11 crystallize in the
orthorhombic space group Pbca. Thermogravimetric studies of compounds have been performed
from 25 to 800ºC with a heating rate of 5 min−1 under nitrogen atmosphere. TGA diagrams display
that molecular wheels 1-5 remain stable before the temperature of 220ºC and clusters 6-11 up to
150ºC. The loss of methanol solvent molecules of all compounds took place in the range of 50-
100ºC. The decomposition of the organic components occurs in the range of 220 - 550 ºC for 1-5
and 150 - 500ºC for 6-11, giving the residual weight suggests the final product of iron and
lanthanide oxides. Both series show three-step decomposition accompanied by an exothermic (1-5)
and an endothermic peak (6-11). TGA studies revealed that coordination wheels 1-5 are thermally
more stable than clusters 6-11.

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Molecular structure of 1-5 (a) and 6-11 (b). Colour definition: Fe, light green; Ln, aqua; O,
red; N, blue balls and C, grey sticks. Hydrogen atoms are omitted.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work is supported by DAAD (O. Botezat) and CSSDT 16.00353.50.05A.

PS3.14 Poster Session 3

The application of thermal analysis in the study

of single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation

Diana CHISCA1, Lilia CROITOR1, Eduard B. COROPCEANU2,3,

Oleg PETUHOV2, Marina S. FONARI1
Institute of Applied Physics of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, R. Moldova
Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, R. Moldova
Tiraspol State University, Chisinau, R. Moldova

Coordination polymers (CPs), which retain their crystallinity in the exchange reactions with
the anion or cation guests or in substitution reactions at the metal centre by the single-crystal-to-
single-crystal (SC-SC) transformation, represent a new class of materials and can be considered as
molecular containers. Such transformation are important for heterogeneous catalysis and can be
used to obtain improved gas adsorption systems. Among the thermally induced SC-SC
transformations reported to date, most are based on guest molecule exchange in porous CPs
networks or in metal-organic frameworks.
The reaction of Co(CH3COO)2·4H2O with H2bdc and S-nia in a solvent mixture of CH3OH,
dmf, and H2O resulted in pink block-shaped crystals with the composition {[Co2(μ2-OH2)(bdc)2(S-
nia)2(H2O)(dmf)]·2dmf·H2O}n (1). By heating in vacuum at 105 °C for 4 hours compound 1 was
transformed into the desolvated compound [Co2(bdc)2(S-nia)2]n (2) (where H2bdc=1,4-
benzenedicarboxylic acid and S-nia=thionicotinamide). The SC-SC transformation is accompanied
by a pink to dark blue colour change. This transformation involves a change in the coordination
environment of Co(II) and the replacement of solvent molecules with less volatile ligand molecules.
Thermal analysis of compound 1 has
allowed the study of the sequencing of
solvent removal processes with the
formation of compound 2 and the
determination of the temperature range in
which it retains its structure (fig). Thus,
the compound 1 initially loses a lattice
water molecule (35-77 °C) followed by
the removal of one coordinated water
molecule and three dmf molecules (77-
170 °C), the latest water molecule is lost
in the range of 170-180 °C. Immediately Figure. TG/DTG/DTA patterns of 1
after it, the thermal degradation of the S-nia ligand begins, thus representing the maximum thermal
stability step of compound 2.
This study indicates that vacuuming allows the displacing of desorption temperature of the
studied coordination compounds with 70 oC and keeping of the crystalline structure of the
intermediate compound. The thermal analysis has indicated that at higher temperatures degradation
of the newly formed compound begins immediately after the solvent molecules are eliminated,
making it impossible to obtain the intermediate compound at the normal pressure.

Acknowledgement. D.C. & L.C. thank Grant for Young Scientists (16.80012.02.05F) for financial support.

Poster Session 3 PS3.15

Investigation of thermal behaviour of Zn(II) malonate coordination

polymers with nicotinamide-like pillars

Diana CHISCA1, Lilia CROITOR1, Eduard B. COROPCEANU2,3,

Oleg PETUHOV2, Marina S. FONARI1
Institute of Applied Physics of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, R. Moldova
Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, R. Moldova
Tiraspol State University, Chisinau, R. Moldova

The rational construction of coordination polymers (CPs), normally existing as infinite

crystalline lattices extended from inorganic vertices and organic struts, essentially benefits from the
development of crystal engineering strategies. Herein we report the thermogravimetric behaviour of
three bidimensional (2D) zinc(II) CPs with composition {[Zn(mal)(nia)(H2O)]·dmf}n (1),
{[Zn(mal)(S-nia)(H2O)]·dmf}n (2) and {[Zn(mal)(izo-nia)(H2O)]·dmf}n (3) (where H2mal=malonic
acid, nia=nicotinamide, izo-nia=isonicotinamide,
S-nia=thionicotinamide, dmf=N,N'-dimethylforma-
mide), and discuss the influence of the nicotinamide-
like ligands on their stability. All compounds were
subjected to the combined thermal analysis
TG/DTG/DTA in the temperature range of 20-1020
C, to evaluate the areas of their thermal stability. Up
to 195 oC all compounds are losing a water and dmf
molecule, the processes being accompanied by
endothermic effects. The thermic degradation of 1 (1)
and 3 go in the same way, with minimal differences
being noted in the decomposition steps: initial
removing a formamide molecule from the
nicotinamide ligands, then decarboxylation of
malonic acid takes place. The decomposition of 2
goes differently: initially the decarboxylation of
malonic acid occurs followed by the oxidation of
thionicotinamide. As a result, ZnS is formed, which
in the presence of oxygen from the air passes in (2)
ZnSO4 and the process results in a mass increasing.
The thermic analysis of the zinc(II) malonate
CPs with nicotinamide-like ligands have indicated a
similarity in the decomposition processes of
complexes containing nicotinamide and
isonicotinamide, at the same time, the
thionicotinamide ligand degrades thermally at a
higher temperature, indicating a more pronounced
thermal stability. (3)
Figure. TG/DTG/DTA patterns of 1-3

Acknowledgement. D.C. & L.C. thank Grant for Young Scientists (16.80012.02.05F) for financial support.

PS3.16 Poster Session 3

Thermal characterisation of
cooper(II) benzotyazolyl phenol complexes

Olesea CUZAN
Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 3 Academiei str., Chisinau MD2028,
Republic of Moldova

Four new copper coordination compounds with 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-di-

tertpentylphenol] ligand, namely [CuL2], [CuL2DMF], [CuL2DMA] and [CuL2DMSO] have been
previously synthetized, characterised and employed as catalysts in veratryl alcohol oxidation
process. [1]
In order to study the possibility of enhancing the catalytic activity by changing the reaction
temperature and to study the thermal behaviour of all four complexes, thermoanalytical
investigations were performed.

Figure 1: Thermoanalytic curves for the [CuL2] compound, measured at air

in the 20 – 1000 °C temperature range at a 10 °C/min speed.

Thermal analysis data show that all 4 analysed compounds are stable up to 120 °C. The first
step of decomposition is the elimination of the coordinating solvent molecules through an
endothermic process at 120-200 °C. Further is observed the decomposition of the complex followed
by full elimination of two moieties of ligand with the formation of copper oxide after 550 °C.

Acknowledgements: To Oleg Petuhov (Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of

Moldova) for thermal measurements.

[1] O. Cuzan, A. Kochem, J.A. Simaan, S. Bertaina, B. Faure, V. Robert, S. Shova,

M. Giorgi, M. Maffeï, M. Réglier, M. Orio, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., (2016) 5575–5584

Poster Session 3 PS3.17

Thermal study of Fe(III) complexes with 2,6-diacetylpyridine



Institute of Chemistry, 3, Academiei str., MD-2028, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau,
Republic of Moldova
Institute of Applied Physics, 5, Academiei str., MD-2028, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The detailed study of the properties and mechanisms in the case of applied activities of
coordinating compounds in various fields such as catalytic, biological, antibacterial and other
activities requires the knowledge of their molecular and crystalline structure, but especially of their
thermal behavior.
The complexes of iron(III) with 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis((iso)nicotinoylhydrazone) were
obtained by condensation reactions of 2,6-diacetylpyridine with hydrazides of nicotinic and
isonicotinic acid on the matrix of iron(III) ions and by direct interaction of iron salt with the
corresponding Schiff bases. In order to determine the composition, spectral characteristics,
molecular and crystal structures of the complexes, elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy and single
crystal X-ray diffraction were applied. The composition and structure of the studied complexes
were established and can be described by the following formulas: [Fe(HL1)(NCS)2] · 0.25H2O (1),
[Fe(H2L1)(H2O)2](NO3)3 · 5H2O (2), [Fe(HL2)(NCS)2] · 2.33H2O (3) and [Fe(HL2)(OH)2] · 4H2O
(4), where H2L1 - 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(isonicotinoylhydrazone) and H2L2 - 2,6-diacetylpyridine
The combined thermal analysis (TG-DTG-DTA) of the compounds and coordinating agents
was performed in the 20-1000°C range in an air atmosphere at a heating rate of 10°C/min. Both
coordinating agents, due to the similar structure, have identical heating behavior: initially the
adsorbed water is eliminated, the process being completed at 80°C after the melting of the Schiff
bases, at 230ºC - H2L1 and at 255ºC - H2L2. Immediately thereafter, the ligands begin to
decompose, with a mass loss of 53% to 423°C, when the DTA curves for both samples show an
endothermic effect attributed to the recrystallization of the intermediate compounds. The
subsequent raising of the temperature leads to the oxidative degradation of the organic residue with
a 100% weight loss.
Complex compounds 1-4 have a different heating behavior, the decomposition process being
carried out in several stages. The first stage, common to all compounds, is the elimination of the
water of crystallization, which is completed at 105ºC. For all compounds, there is a major
difference in the degradation of the coordinated organic ligands in relation to the initial coordinating
agents, which is explained by the strong coordination bonds formed with the iron atom. Thermal
degradation of compounds 1 and 3 occurs in the range of 220-510°C. A less thermal stability is
registered for compounds 2 and 4 in whose internal coordination sphere water molecules and
hydroxide ions are present; the decomposition process takes place in the range 180-400ºC. The
residue obtained for all compounds corresponds to iron(III) oxide which remains stable up to

PS3.18 Poster Session 3

Thermal behaviour of the lanthanide compounds in the phase of

strongly basic cross-linked ionic polymer

Vasile Gutsanu, Cristina Grecu

Moldova State University, 60 A. Mateevici str., Chişinau, MD-2009, Moldova

Lantanides and their compounds are used extensively in various fields of science and
industry. The largest amounts of lantanides are used in catalysis [1]. Special interest represented
fluorescent properties of the lanthanide compounds [2].
The sorption of metal cations on the cation exchangers has been investigated sufficiently.
The sorption of lanthanides in the form of anionic complexes on the anion exchangers has also been
investigated. But there are no known papers in which the sorption of lanthanide cations on strongly
basic anion exchangers has been investigated. This is because such polymers do not contain
negatively charged or electron donor atoms in their matrix. Yet we have demonstrated that the
cross-linked ionic polymers containing strongly basic groups (R4N+) under certain conditions can
retain trivalent metal cations from sulphate solutions but not from chloride or nitrate ones [3]. The
retention of metallic cations takes place due to the formation in the polymer phase of the ultrafine
particles of the jarosite mineral type compounds: R4N [M3(OH)6(SO4)2].
In the present work, the commercial anion exchanger AV-17(Cl), containing R4N+
functional groups, was used. The characteristics of the polymer are shown in Ref.[4]. The polymer
was loaded with metal cations in solutions of La2(SO4)3, Nd2(SO4)3), Eu2(SO4)3 and Er2(SO4)3.
Composites were investigated thermogravimetrically in the temperature range of 20-1000 oC. For
comparison, the thermograms of samples AV-17(Cl) and AV-17(Cr) sorbents in the air and nitrogen
atmosphere were obtained. The sorbent AV-17(Cr) is the AV-17 polymer containing jarosite
mineral type compounds of the Cr(III)).
Data analysis allows us to consider that the thermal stability of the investigated samples
decreases in the following order:AV-17(Cl) ˃ AV-17(Eu) ˃ AV-17(Cr) = AV-17(La) ˃
˃ AV-17(Er) ˃ AV-17(Nd). The thermal behavior of the AV-17(Nd) differs from other composites
containing Lanthanides (III).
[1] Koichi Mikami, Masahiro Terada, Hiroshi Matsuzawa, Angew. Chem. Iternat. Ed.
41 (2002) 3554
[2] Stephen Faulkner, Simon J. A. Pope and Benjamin P. Burton-Pye, App. Spectrosc. Rev.
40 (2005) 1–31.
[3] V. Gutsanu, V. Gafiichuk, V. Shofransky, C. Turta, J. App.Polym.Sci. 99 (2006) 59.
[4] Lurie A.A., Sorbents and Chromatographic Carriers. Nauka, Moscow, 1972 (in Russian).

Poster Session 3 PS3.19

Thermal behaviour of the immobilized thiosemicarbazone on the

cross-linked ionic polymer

Vasile Gutsanu, Olga Istrati

Moldova State University, 60 A. Mateevici str., Chişinau, MD-2009, Moldova

Thiosemicarbazones and their complex combinations possess antibacterial, antifungal,

antimicrobial, antioxidant, antituberculostatic, anti-HIV and antitumoral activities [1]. Testing of
thiosemicarbazones and their coordination compounds in the determination of biological properties
is carried out in a homogeneous environment. This means that the potential use of drugs containing
thiosemicarbazone compounds in the treatment of living organisms will increase the speed of
interactions. Usually in homogeneous liquid systems, the speed of interactions is much higher than
in heterogeneous systems. But in this case the drug and dead cells or microorganisms will spread
throughout the body. The action of immobilized active ingredients of drugs on solid support will be
slower, but will be local.
In this paper, thiosemicarbazone 5-NO2-salicylic aldehyde was used. Thiosemicarbazone
was immobilized on the cross-linked ionic polymer AV-17(Cl). This is a commercial product
containing strongly basic (ammonium) groups [2]. Tiosemicarbazone was also immobilized on the
sorbent AV-17(Cr) which was obtained according to Refs. [3,4]. The AV-17(Cr) support is the AV-
17(Cl) polymer in the phase of which was synthesized jarosite mineral type compounds in the form
of ultrafine particles: RN[Cr3(OH)6(SO4)2]. The
AV-17(Cr) support was used on the assumption that the electron donor atoms of thiosemicarbazone
will coordinate with the Cr3+ ions of the jarosite as a result of ligand exchange.
The research was conducted in order to know the thermal stability of the following systems: AV-
17(Cl), AV-17(Cr), AV-17(Cl)-thiosemicarbazone [AV-17(Cl+HL)] and AV-17(Cr)–
thiosemicarbazone [AV-17(Cr+HL)]. Thermograms were obtained in atmospheric air. But for
samples AV-17(Cl) and AV-17(Cr) were obtained and in nitrogen atmosphere.
The data show that thermal degradation of sorbent samples takes place in 4-5 steps. The general
conclusion is that the systems are stable (without change, only with the loss of hydrating water):
AV-17(Cl) - up to 150 oC, AV-17(Cr) – up to 127 oC, AV-17(Cl+HL) up to 197 °C and AV-
17(Cr+HL) - up to 220 °C (in air) and AV-17(Cl) – up to 170 oC , Av-17(Cr) – up to 148 oC (in
In the paper the processes of thermal degradation of the investigated systems that take place at
each stage are explained.

[1] I. Iacovidis, I.Delimaris, S.M. Piperakis, Molecular Biology International. 2011,

[2] Lurie A.A., Sorbents and Chromatographic Carriers. Nauka, Moscow, 1972 (in Russian).
[3] Raisa Drutsa, V.Gutsanu, V.Rusu, J. App. Polym. Sci. 102 (2006) 3978
[4] V. Gutsanu, R. Drutsa, Patent MD 1027, BOPI, 9 (1998) 23

PS3.20 Poster Session 3

Preparation, spectroscopic, TGA and X-ray study of

{[Cu(bpp)2(H2O)](BF4)2·(dmf)·2(H2O)}n coordination polymer

Aliona VITIU1,2, Lilia CROITOR1, Eduard COROPCEANU2,

Institute of Applied Physics of АSМ, Chisinau, R. Moldova
Institute of Chemistry of АSМ, Chisinau, R. Moldova

1,3-Bis(4-pyridyl)propane (bpp) represents a very flexible versatile bifunctional ligand,

where the longer N-to-N distance in bpp can lead to larger cavities in coordination networks, and
different conformations of bpp can result in different extended structures. The interaction in the
system Cu(BF4)2–bpp resulted in a new 1D coordination polymer with the composition
{[Cu(bpp)2(H2O)](BF4)2·(dmf)·2(H2O)}n I, and complex was studied by IR spectroscopy, TGA
analysis and the single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The IR spectrum confirms the presence of
the organic ligands used in the synthesis. Vibrations of the aromatic ring in I were registered as the
band of average intensity at 1655 cm-1, and for coordinated water molecule at 3246–3116 cm-1. The
compound I crystallizes in non-centrosymmetric monoclinic P21 space group. The copper atom
adjusts the square-pyramidal coordination surrounding composed by four bpp nitrogen atoms and
one water oxygen atom. The bpp ligand is linked to the Cu(II) atoms in a double-stranded bridge
fashion, thus extending the structure to 1D double tape composed of the 24-membered metallo-ring
with Cu···Cu separation of 11.475 Å across the cavity. The hydrophilic regions absorb [BF4]-
anions, water and dmf molecules, and are held in the crystal lattice via OH···O and OH···F
hydrogen bonds (Figure 1a).
(a) The decomposition of I was
investigated by combined TG-DTA
(Figure 1b). The first weight loss step is
observed in the range of 47-89°C,
corresponding to the removal of three
molecules of water and accompanied by a
weak endothermic effect with a 7.26%
(b) (7.08% calc.) mass loss. Subsequent
heating leads to the loss of a dmf molecule
from the outer sphere, with mass loss
accounting for 8.37% (9.59% calc.).
Beginning at 150°C, a new mass loss is
observed, which corresponds to the
removal of two BF4 anions with a 22.86%
loss of mass (22.86% calc.). In the range of
347-680°C degradation of the bpp ligand
takes place, the process being strongly
exothermic with a maximum at 522°C. The
mass fraction of the obtained residue
Figure 1. Fragment of 1D double tape (a) and corresponds to CuO, representing 10.91%
TG-DTA pattern of I (b). (10.51% calc.).

Poster Session 3 PS3.21

Thermal analysis of new coordination polymers based on 4,4ʹ-bis((1H-

imidazol-1-yl)biphenyl, 1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylic acid or 1,3,5-tris(4-
carboxyphenyl)benzene and Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II)

Irina VODA, Vadim DRUTA, Vasile LOZAN

Institute of Chemistry, 3, Academiei str., MD-2028, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau,
Republic of Moldova.

Coordination polymers or metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a new member in the vast
field of porous materials that have gained a tremendous attention in the last two decades because the
voids inside the frameworks can accommodate guest molecules for a number of applications. [1]
High thermal stability is important for reaching practical implementations of these compounds
being a clue for good stiffness, rigidity, robustness and structural integrity estimation.
Four new coordination polymers have been synthesized and characterized from room
temperature to 1000 °C under flowing nitrogen atmosphere: [Co3(BIBP)2(BTC)2(H2O)2]n (1),
{[Ni3(BIBP)3(BTC)2(H2O)4]·2H2O}n (2), [Zn(BIBPH)(BTC)]n (3), {[Co(BIBP)1.5(HBTB)]·H2O}n
(4), where BIBP = 4,4ʹ-bis((1H-imidazol-1-yl)biphenyl, BTC = 1,2,3-
benzenetricarboxylate, BTB = 1,3,5-tris(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene.
Thermogravimetric trace for 1, 2 and 4 allowed to identificate the number of water
molecules in the internal and external sphere of the complexes. Compound 2 loses 2 water
molecules (2%) from the external sphere up to 150 °C and other 4 water molecules (4%) from
internal sphere between 250 and 350 °C, that is similar to compound 1 - 2 water molecules (1,5 %)
from internal sphere - between 300 and 350 °C. Coordination polymer 4 decomposes into three
steps observed on the DTA curve, the compound has a small weight loss of 1 % up to about 340 °C,
which corresponds to the loss of water molecules from the crystalline network. One interest was to
see the effect of water removal from channels within the structures - in the absence of the
guest molecules the compounds are thermally stable up to 250 - 340 °C. Compound 3 is stable
up to 230 °C, a sudden loss of 35 % up to 440 °C occurs, then the compound gradually decomposes.
High thermal stability can make these materials eligible in technical processes involving

This work is supported by Institutional Project 15.817.02.01F. We thank Oleg Petuhov for the
thermogravimetric measurement facilities.

[1] R. J. Kuppler, D. J. Timmons, Q-R. Fang, J-R. Li , T. A. Makal, M. D. Young, D. Yuan, D. Zhao, W. Zhuang, H-C.
Zhou, Coord. Chem. Rev. 253 (2009) 3042–3066

PS3.22 Poster Session 3

The influence of roasting process of the barley and rye grains on their
oil quality by Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry
and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

Andrzej BRYŚ1, Joanna BRYŚ2, Agnieszka KALETA1, Krzysztof GÓRNICKI1,

Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Production Engineering,
Nowoursynowska st. 164, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences,
Nowoursynowska st. 159c, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

Grains like barley and rye contain oil with a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids. The oil
is the most sensitive grain component with regard to oxidation, that in turn limits the shelf life and
sensory characteristics of roasted products [1]. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a
nonchemical technique to determine oil quality parameters e.g. its oxidative stability [2].
The aim of current study was to assess the influence of roasting process on oxidative
stability of oil extracted from barley and rye grains using combined data from Pressure Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (PDSC), Gas Chromatography (GC) and Fourier-Transformed Infrared
Spectroscopy in the middle range (MID-FT-IR). Roasting was conducted in a laboratory convective
dryer, Memmert UFP400. Mentioned measurements were conducted for both fresh and roasted
grain samples. PDSC experiments were carried out using a DSC Q20 TA Instruments, coupled with
a high-pressure cell. Studied samples were placed in the platinum pan filled with oxygen, and
pressurized in isobaric module (1400 kPa) in constant temperature of 120°C. PDSC curves
registered were used to determine induction time. The determination of fatty acid composition was
carried out by GC separation of fatty acid methyl esters formed from fatty acids naturally contained
in studied oils. Infrared spectra were registered for every sample in the classic range of 4000–400
cm-1 with 1 cm−1 resolution, using System 2000 Perkin Elmer instrument. The Grams AI 8.0 and
TQ Analyst 8 software were used for spectral data processing, statistical modelling hence oils
evaluation. Single drop of studied samples with approximate volume of 0.5 cm-3 was placed on a
KRS plate and covered by another KRS plate to form a film. Registration of 10 spectra for each
sample with 20 scans for every spectrum was followed by spectra averaging and processing of the
averaged spectrum.
The analysis of data registered shows that roasting process has influenced the oxidation
induction time, hence oxidative stability of studied oils. It was also observed, that spectral data
from selected only ranges correlate with the induction time with statistical significance.

[1] H. Ciemniewska-Żytkiewicz, J. Bryś, K. Sujka, P. Koczoń, Food Anal. Methods 8 (2015) 2465–2473
[2] J. Bryś, M. Wirkowska, A. Górska, E. Ostrowska-Ligęza, A. Bryś, P. Koczoń, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 112 (2013)

Poster Session 3 PS3.23

Evaluation of the oxidative stability of oils extracted from roasted oat

and wheat grains by PDSC and FT-IR techniques

Andrzej BRYŚ1, Joanna BRYŚ2, Szymon GŁOWACKI1,

Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Production Engineering,
Nowoursynowska st. 164, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences,
Nowoursynowska st. 159c, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

Lipid oxidation is a primary deteriorative reaction affecting edible oils and fats hence
principal concern to manufacturers and consumers due to their quality [1]. Differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) is a recognised method for the assessment of the oxidative stability of oils and
fats. The DSC experiments are conducted with a linear increase in temperature (dynamic
conditions) or at constant temperature (isothermal conditions). The pressure of oxidative medium
(oxygen or air) can be either atmospheric or higher (pressure differential scanning calorimetry,
PDSC) [2].
In current study, the objective was to study the oxidative stability of oils extracted from
roasted oat and wheat grains using PDSC accompanied with Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy (FT-IR) in the middle range (4000 – 400 cm-1).
Roasting was conducted in a laboratory convective dryer, Memmert UFP400. Oat and wheat
grains were roasted at three temperature conditions: 120°C, 140°C and 160°C at
a constant air flow rate (0.8-1.0 m× s ). Oil was extracted from samples with use of hexane. The
peroxide value (PV) of oil was determined by classic iodometric titration. Determination of fatty
acid methyl esters obtained from fatty acids contained in studied oils resulted in fatty acid
composition. Data obtained from differential scanning calorimeter (Q20 DSC TA Instruments)
equipped with a high-pressure cell were used to study oxidative stability of oils from roasted oat
and wheat grains. Samples of oil were placed in the aluminium pan, under oxygen atmosphere,
being pressurized in an isobaric module (1400 kPa) at 120°C. The oxidative induction time resulted
from PDSC curves. In addition the IR spectra registered were used to differentiate oil samples.
The chief conclusion drawn is that the induction time is inversely proportional to the
peroxide value of studied oil samples. Induction time determined for studied oils from roasted oats
and wheat can serve as primary parameters of the resistance of studied oils to oxidation.

[1] C.P. Tan, Y.B. Che Man, Food Chem., 67 (1999) 177-184.
[2] E. Ostrowska-Ligęza, W. Bekas, D. Kowalska, M. Lobacz, M. Wroniak, B. Kowalski. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol.,
112 (2010) 268-274.

PS3.24 Poster Session 3

Evaluation of oxidative stability of human milk fat substitutes

obtained from mixtures of lard and milk thistle oil
using PDSC and FT-IR techniques

Joanna BRYŚ1, lnês Filipa VAZ FLORES2, Agata GÓRSKA1,

Tomasz NIEMIEC4, Piotr KOCZOŃ1
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences,
Nowoursynowska st. 166, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Catholic University of Portugal, Faculty of Biotechnology,
Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida st.,4200-072 Porto, Portugal
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Production Engineering,
Nowoursynowska st. 164, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences
Ciszewskiego st. 8, 02-786 Warsaw, Poland

In order to produce human milk fat substitutes (HMFS) that mimic human milk fat several
studies have been carried out using immobilized lipases as catalysts. The successful production of
HMFS can be impeded by their high susceptibility to oxidative deterioration [1]. Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) technique coupled with a pressure cell have the potential to be used as
an accelerated thermal method to determine oil quality. It has previously been successfully used for
human milk fat substitutes and other fat products for quality assessment [2].
The aim of current study was to evaluate the oxidative stability of human milk fat
substitutes, synthesized by enzymatic interesterification of a blend of lard and milk thistle oil, using
Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry (PDSC) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
(FT-IR). The enzymatic reactions were carried out at 70°C for 2, 4 and 6 hours, respectively. A
commercially immobilized 1,3-specific lipase, Lipozyme RM IM, obtained from Rhizomucor
miehei was used as a biocatalyst. Raw experimental data were recorded with use of the differential
scanning calorimeter (DSC Q20 TA Instruments) equipped with a high-pressure cell (PDSC).
Samples of oil were placed in the aluminium pan, filled with oxygen, being pressurized in an
isobaric module (1400 kPa) with temperature set on 120°C. The oxidative induction time was
obtained from the PDSC curves. In addition the IR spectra registered in the classic range (4000 –
400 cm-1) were used to differentiate the samples of interesterified fats.
The results confirm that the induction time obtained from PDSC measurements can be used
as parameters for the assessment of the resistance of HMFS to their thermal-oxidative
decomposition. Obtained HMFS were characterized by lower induction time that initial fats.

[1] C. Maduko, Y. Park, C.C. Akoh, JAOCS, 85 (2008) 197–204

[2] J. Bryś, M. Wirkowska-Wojdyła, A. Górska, E. Ostrowska-Ligęza, A. Bryś, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 118 (2014)

Poster Session 3 PS3.25

Use of PDSC and FT-IR techniques to characterise fat extracted from

complete dry pet food for adult cats

Joanna BRYŚ1, Tomasz NIEMIEC2,

Andrzej BRYŚ3, Piotr KOCZOŃ1
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences,
Nowoursynowska st. 166, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences
Ciszewskiego st. 8, 02-786 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Production Engineering
Nowoursynowska st. 164, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland

Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry (PDSC) is a fast and reliable method, that can be
used to assess the oxidation state of fats [1]. The major advantages of Fourier Transform Infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy over other techniques include fast and easy equipment operation along with
the possibility to conduct non-destructive analysis of samples at any state (solid, liquid, paste, gas)
with convenient and environmentally friendly sample preparation [2].
The purpose of the present work was to characterize fats extracted from different dry pet
food for adult cats using PDSC and FT-IR techniques. The feeds used were purchased from local
market in Warsaw, Poland. They differed by price. The fat was extracted using the Folch procedure
slightly modified by Boselli et al [3]. The oxidative induction time of fats resulted from the PDSC
curves. The differential scanning calorimeter (Q20 DSC TA Instruments) equipped with a high-
pressure cell was used for current studies. Samples of oil were placed into the aluminium pans.
Then pans were filled with oxygen and pressurized in the isobaric module (1400 kPa) at 120°C.
Infrared spectra were also registered for extracted fats in the classic range of 4000–400 cm-1 with 1
cm−1 resolution, and 20 scans, using System 2000 Perkin Elmer apparatus. Spectral data registered
were processed with use of the Grams AI 8.0 and TQ Analyst 8 softwares. Spectra of fats from dry
feed for adult cats were registered as
a film between two KRS plates. Film was obtained by squeezing a drop of oil sample between two
identical round-like KRS plate. Ten spectra for each sample were averaging and data from averaged
spectrum were further processed.
The fats were also characterized by standard quality parameters: fatty acids composition
(with use of GC technique), free fatty acids content by titration with 0.1M potassium hydroxide and
peroxide value determined by iodometric titration technique.
FT-IR data of selected spectral ranges correlate with the value of oxidation induction time of
extracted fats at a statistically significant level. Studies conducted classify PDSC and IR as a
valuable techniques for dry pet food for cats quality control.

[1] H. Ciemniewska-Żytkiewicz, K. Ratusz, J. Bryś, M. Reder, P. Koczoń, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 118 (2014) 875–
[2] M. Bevilacqua, R. Bucci, S. Materazzi, F. Marini, Food Chem., 140 (2013) 726–734
[3] E. Boselli, V. Velazco, M.F. Caboni, G. Lercker, J. Chromatogr. A, 917 (2001) 239–244

PS3.26 Poster Session 3

Spectroscopic and calorimetric studies of interactions between

PAMAM G-4 type dendrimers and fludarabine monophosphate


Unit of Biophysical Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry,
University of Lodz, Pomorska 165, Lodz 90-236, Poland.

Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers (PAMAM) are polymeric macromolecules that can find their
use as carriers of oncologic drugs, including among others fludarabine monophosphate. Fludarabine
is a potent drug used in a chemotherapy to treat leukemia and lymphoma. However, its use is
limited, because of its relatively high toxicity. The architecture of PAMAM dendrimer belonging to
the fourth (G4) generation create a semi open-type structure, which facilitate small ligand molecules
to bind with them. Hydroxyl terminated PAMAM dendrimers are better tolerated by organism
compared with their cationic (amine-terminated) equivalents.
The aim of our study was to evaluate the number of molecules of fludarabine
monophosphate combined by a macromolecule of PAMAM G4, and the equilibrium constant of the
drug combined to the dendrimer functional groups in aqueous solutions.
The formation equilibrium of PAMAM G4 dendrimer complex with fludarabine in
aqueous solution at room temperature was examined. Using the results of the isothermal titration
calorimetry and equilibrium dialysis, the binding parameters such as: number of drug molecules
bound to the dendrimer molecule, enthalpy, entropy and the equilibrium constant of the formed
dendrimer-drug complex were evaluated. These parameters confirm the strong interactions between
fludarabine monophosphate and PAMAM G-4 dendrimers.
Acknowledgments: The study was financed from the Grant for Development of Young Researchers
from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Lodz, 2017.

Poster Session 3 PS3.27

Diversity in athlete’s response to exercise in normobaric hypoxia –

serum DSC study

Anna MICHNIK1,2, Zofia DRZAZGA1,2, Izabela SCHISLER1,2,

Stanisław POPRZĘCKI3, Miłosz CZUBA4
University of Silesia, Department of Medical Physics, A. Chełkowski Institute of
Physics, ul. Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland,
The Silesian Centre for Education and Interdisciplinary Research, ul. 75 Pułku Piechoty 1A, 41-
500 Chorzów, Poland
The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Department of Physiological
and Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, ul. Mikołowska 72a, 40-065 Katowice, Poland
The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Department of Sports Training,
ul. Mikołowska 72a, 40-065 Katowice, Poland

The hypoxia may be used during exercise training sessions in humans with the aim of
improving athletic performance. Increased hypoxic stress at altitude facilitates key physiological
adaptations within the athlete and could increase the training stimulus. However, it is widely
accepted that prolonged exposure to extreme altitude is detrimental for muscle structure. Moreover,
hypoxia impairs O2 delivery, which decreases one’s maximal oxygen uptake VO2max relative to
normoxia. Highly trained subjects seem to suffer more under hypoxic conditions than untrained
In this study athletes were exposed to hypoxia only during exercise sessions. The blood
serum from 12 students (6 men and 6 women) of the Academy of Physical Education practicing
strength sports has been studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Initially the
maximal load 1RM (1-repetition maximum) was measured using the device Myotest with test Half-
Squat Profile. The students performed squats with a barbell (70% 1RM) in normobaric hypoxic
conditions. Participants were ask to perform 10 sets of 12 repetitions with brief 3 min rest periods
between sets. The experiment comprised three stages in a seven-day intervals. The exercise test was
carried out in: 1) normoxic conditions (NORM), corresponding to the level of the sea and fraction
of inspired oxygen 21%, 2) normobaric hypoxia HYP4– 4000 m above the sea level where the
oxygen content was 13%, 3) normobaric hypoxia HYP5 – 5000 m above the sea level where the
oxygen content was 11,3%. Normobaric hypoxia conditions were obtained with the climate system
A substantial inter-individual variability has been observed in the effects of hypoxia on DSC
curves of athlete’s serum. The effect of exercising in normobaric hipoxia at a simulated altitude of
4000 m and 5000 m has been found greater for men than for the women. Some opposite trends
have emerged depending on gender, e.g. an increase of albumin/globulin ratio for women and a
decrease of this ratio for men at 5000 m in comparison with normoxia. There were two different
types of responses to hypoxic conditions in the group of men. The results indicate that hypoxic
training sessions do not require longer recovery periods compared to normoxic training.

PS3.28 Poster Session 3

The use of DSC for melting characteristics of modified milkfat and

lard mixtures


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Food Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS –
SGGW), Nowoursynowska st. 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

Interesterification of edible fats is an important process improving their physical and

functional properties (melting, crystallization, recrystallization behavior). Melting characterisric and
solid fat content profiles are among the most important predictors of fat functionality used in
industry [1]. DSC can be successfully used to obtain the melting properties of interesterified
milkfat mixtures [2]. Their measurement by DSC is a key indicator of changes in their structure.
The aim of this paper was to assess the melting characteristics of interesterified mixtures of
milkfat (MF) with rapeseed oil (RSO) and lard (L) with rapeseed oil. The mixtures of MF with RSO
in proportion 2:3 were interesterified for 2 h, at a temperature of 60°C. The mixtures of L with RSO
in proportion 7:3 were interesterified for 4 h, at a temperature of 50°C. The fats mixtures were
modified in at the presence of enzymatic preparation Lipozyme RM IM.
DSC measurements of melting points were carried out with a Q200 DSC (TA Instruments,
New Castle, DE, USA). The experiments were performed under an nitrogen flow rate of 50 mL per
minute, normal pressure. Melted samples were heated to 80°C and held for 10 minutes, in order to
melt all the crystals and to erase the thermal memory. The samples were then cooled to –80°C at
10°C per minute and maintained at –80°C for 30 minutes. Then the melting (so-called second
fusion) profiles were obtained by heating the samples to 80°C at a heating rate of 15°C per minute
[2, 3].
DSC could be successfully used to visualize the changes occurring during enzymatic
interesterification. The results indicate that all interesterified fats are complex mixtures of various
triacylglycerols with wide-ranging melting points. Enzymatic interesterification using Lipozyme
RM IM was found to be effective in modifying the melting behavior of milkfat and lard with
rapeseed oil.

[1] I. Nor Hayati, A. Aminah, S. Mamot, I. Nor Aini, HM. Noor Lida, Int J Food Sci Nutr., 53 (2002) 43 – 54
[2] M. Aguedo, J-M. Giet, E. Hanon, G. Logany, B. Wathelet, J. Destain, R. Brasseur, M. Vandenbol, S. Danthine, C.
Blecker, J-P. Wathelet, Eur J Lipid Sci Technol., 111 (2009) 376–385
[3] S. Danthine, C. Deroanne, Food Res Int., 37 (2004) 941–948

Poster Session 3 PS3.29

Comparing of different saccharides with sweeteners by using

thermogravimetry (TG)


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Food Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS –
SGGW), Nowoursynowska st. 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

Carbohydrate polymers and mixtures of carbohydrates polymers and simple sugars are
increasingly used as biodegradable polymers and as matrices for the encapsulation, stabilization and
release of active ingredients, like flavors, drugs and nutrients. For these applications, carbohydrates
generally are used in the amorphous state. As a milk component, they significantly affect the
physical characteristics of dairy powders. During processing, amorphous carbohydrates are often
subjected to significant stresses including shearing and elevated temperatures. Whereas the effect of
for instance shear is well-understood, much less is known about the impact of thermal
decomposition on the properties of carbohydrate polymers in dense states [1]. Saccharides are a
typical component of carbohydrate ingredients and often present in food and pharmaceutical
products. Its physical state is important for stabilization of food products during processing and
storage [2]. Very little information is available on thermal degradation behaviour of these materials.
The aim of the study was to compare the thermal properties of different saccharides and
sweeteners by using thermogravimetry (TG). The material used in experiments were: glucose,
saccharose, lactose, maltodextrin, trehalose and chosen sweeteners.
The analyzes were performed using a Discovery TGA (TA Instruments) thermogravimetric
analyzer. Measurements were made under nitrogen at a flow rate of 25 ml / min. Samples were
placed in platinum containers. The range of operation was from 50 to 1000° C, measurements were
made at a temperature range of 50 -700 ° C with a heating rate of 10° C/min. TG curves were
obtained for temperature dependence on mass loss, first derivative (DTG) was calculated [3].
There were differences in the TG curves and first derivatives for the saccharides and the
sweeteners. Thermal stress on systems containing glucose units were dependent on the composition.
Thermogravimetry technique, coupled with other techniques, can be successfully used as efficient
and important tool in the characterization and study of various substances. The advantages in the
use of thermal analysis are simplicity of sample preparation, the speed of analysis and low operating

[1] J. Claude, J. Ubbink, Food Chem., 96 (2006) 402–410

[2] Md. Kamrul Haque, Y. Roos, Innov. Food Sci. Emerg., 7 (2006) 62 – 73
[3] S. Materazzi, S. De Angelis Curtis, S. Vecchio Ciprioti, R. Risoluti, J. Finamore, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 116
(2014) 93–98

PS3.30 Poster Session 3

DSC analysis of PLA and PHA composites containing natural


Małgorzata LATOS1, Anna MASEK1, Marian ZABORSKI1

Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Stefanowskiego 12/16,
90-924 Lodz, Poland

The stabilizers determine the polymer lifetime. All of the polymers undergo degradation
when exposed to an environment factors. The preparation of polymeric materials for technological
applications requires a good understanding of the possible mechanisms that determine the oxidation
processes in the materials.
There are several major groups of stabilizers. The division is determined by the types
of environmental factors against which the material should be protected. One of the most important
groups of stabilizers are antioxidants. The polymer industry used synthetic antioxidants but it seems
that more interest is directed towards natural substances with anti-aging properties. Natural
antioxidants may be a novel, environmentally friendly alternative to the aromatic amines frequently
used in polymers [1].
Phenolic compounds are significant and very large group of compounds with antioxidant
properties. They are commonly found in plants. Depending on the criteria are divided into different
classes. Due to structure of basic carbon skeleton are distinguished: phenolic acids, flavonoids,
stilbenes and lignans [2,3]. The flavonoids are the most common in the world of plants and the best
known compounds. It have a high reduction in oxidation. Thus, it should protect polymeric
materials from the negative influence of environmental factors and can be used as ecological anti-
ageing substances.
The natural antioxidant (such as quercetin and rutin) was added to biodegradable polymers –
polylactide (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) to protect against UV, termooxidation ageing
and weathering. The second step of the research was DCS analysis of the composites.

This study was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
project: LIDER/32/0139/L-7/15/NCBR/2016.

[1] A. Masek, Polymers., 7 (2015) 1125-1144

[2] H. Wang, G.J. Provan, K. Helliwell, Tech. Trends. Food. Sci. Tech., 11 (2000) 152-160
[3] K. Robards, P.D. Prenzler, G. Tucker, P. Swatsitang, W. Glover, Food Chem., 66 (1999) 401-436

Poster Session 3 PS3.31

Thermogravimetric analysis of biodegradable polyesters containing


Małgorzata LATOS1, Anna MASEK1, Marian ZABORSKI1

Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Stefanowskiego 12/16,
90-924 Lodz, Poland

The polymer industry used synthetic antioxidants but it seems recently that more interest is
directed towards natural substances with anti-aging properties. Natural antioxidants may be a novel,
environmentally friendly alternative to the aromatic amines commonly used in polymers.
Natural antioxidants are typically present in many vegetables and fruits and are often
responsible for their color. The largest group of natural antioxidants includes polyphenol
compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, stilbenes, lignans and lycopene [1].
The flavonoids are the best known group of polyphenols. They are consist of two benzene
rings, which are connected by oxygen containing pyrene ring [2]. Flavonoids show antioxidizing
properties and aditionally pro-oxidizing characteristics [3].
The first step of the research was added natural polyphenols to biodegradable polymers,
such as polylactide (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), in order to protect against
termooxidation, UV ageing and weathering. Thermogravimetric analysis of the composites was
performed to obtain the initial temperature of degradation and the maximum thermal degradation

This study was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
project: LIDER/32/0139/L-7/15/NCBR/2016.

[1] A. Masek, Polymers., 7 (2015) 1125-1144

[2] H. Wang, G.J. Provan, K. Helliwell, Tech. Trends. Food. Sci. Tech., 11 (2000) 152-160
[3] V. Chobot, L. Kubicova, G. Bachmann, F. Hadacek, Int. J.Mol. Sci. 14 (2013) 11830–11841.

PS3.32 Poster Session 3

Thermal properties of ingredients used in chocolate production by

thermogravimetry (TG)


Joanna BRYŚ, Agata GÓRSKA
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Food Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS –
SGGW), Nowoursynowska st. 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

In many processed foods the product food structure depends not only on the ingredient
formulation but also on the processing history of the material. This is particularly true for chocolate
molding during which the fat component (cocoa butter for dark chocolate and cocoa butter and milk
fat for milk chocolate) solidifies [1]. Confectionery products consist of proteins, sugar and fats. One
third of the chocolate is fat. The nature of the fat phase of confectionery products determines the
properties of the final product. For example in chocolate the physical structure of the fat phase is
largely responsible for heat stability, mouth feel, flavor release and general consumer satisfaction
[2]. The fat phase mainly consists of cocoa butter, which is one of the most expensive ingredients.
Cocoa butter is needed to increase fat level in chocolate. The quantification of various fats in
chocolate is of great interest to research and development laboratories, process control and quality
control during manufacture [3]. Dark chocolates are suspensions of sucrose and cocoa particles,
coated in phospholipids in a continuous fat phase, generally cocoa butter, with total solid content of
65% to 75%. The outcome is production of a smooth suspension of particulate solids in cocoa butter
The purpose of the study was to assess the thermal properties of ingredients used in
chocolate production by thermogravimetry (TG).
The analyzes were performed using a Discovery TGA (TA Instruments) thermogravimetric
analyzer. Measurements were made under nitrogen and oxygen at a flow rate of 25 ml/min.
Samples were placed in platinum containers. The range of operation was from 50 to 1000° C,
measurements were made at a temperature range of 50 -700 ° C with a heating rate of 10° C/min.
TG curves were obtained for temperature dependence on mass loss, first derivative (DTG) was
calculated [5].
On the TG curve for cocoa butter one transition was observed in the range of 310 to 440° C,
for dairy range it ranged from 275 to 410 ° C. The first derivatives designated for fats and
chocolates allowed identification of chocolate ingredients. The maximum peak temperature of the
first cocoa butter derivative peak was about 400° C coincides with the temperature of the first
derivative (fourth peak) in bitter chocolate. Peaks characterizing fat in milk chocolate do not have
such a clear course.

[1] A. Stapley, H. Tewkesbury, P. Fryer, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 76(6) (1999) 677-685
[2] K. Kerti, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 63 (2001) 205-219
[3] C. Simoneau, C. Naudin, P. Hannaert, E. Anklam, Food Res. Int., 33 (2000) 733–741
[4] E. Afoakwa, A. Paterson, M. Fowler, J. Vieira, Food Res. Int., 41 (2008) 751–757
[5] S. Materazzi, S. De Angelis Curtis, S. Vecchio Ciprioti, R. Risoluti, J. Finamore, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 116
(2014) 93–98

Poster Session 3 PS3.33

Characteristics of milk and dark chocolate at various stages of

production by thermogravimetry (TG)


Joanna BRYŚ, Agata GÓRSKA
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Food Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS –
SGGW), Nowoursynowska st. 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

Chocolate is a multi-component system consisting of cocoa powder and sucrose (total solids
of 65–75%) in a continuous fat phase, primarily composed of cocoa butter. During chocolate
manufacture, tempering – a technique of controlled pre-crystallization is used to induce a more
thermodynamically stable polymorphic form of cocoa butter to effect good product snap,
contraction, gloss and shelf-life characteristics [1]. Pre-crystallization of a small proportion of
triglycerides forms nuclei for the remaining lipid to set in an appropriate form, through nucleation
that is highly dependent on the shear-temperature–time parameter combinations. Important physical
and functional characteristics (i.e., texture, snap and gloss) of chocolate products are dictated by the
crystal network formed by its constituent lipid during crystallization. In industrial chocolate
manufacture, tempering is crucial, influencing quality characteristics such as colour, hardness,
handling, finish and shelf-life characteristics [2].
The purpose of the study was to analyze the chocolate at various stages of production using
thermogravimetry (TG).
The analyzes were performed using a Discovery TGA (TA Instruments) thermogravimetric
analyzer. Measurements were made under nitrogen and oxygen at a flow rate of 25 ml/min.
Samples were placed in platinum containers. The range of operation was from 50 to 1000° C,
measurements were made at a temperature range of 50 -700 ° C with a heating rate of 10° C/min.
TG curves were obtained for temperature dependence on mass loss, first derivative (DTG) was
calculated [3].
Thermogravimetric curves were determined and the first derivative for all samples was
calculated. The TG curves that characterize samples of chocolate at different stages of production
can be divided into three stages. First stage ranged from 50 to 210°C, second from 210 to 350°C
and third from 350 to 700°C. In dark chocolate at a temperature range of 250 to 350° C, the first
derivative exhibits the presence of cocoa liquor, so no distinct peaks are observed for milk
chocolate. There were differences in the TG curves and first derivatives for the chocolates,
chocolate before tempering and the finished dark and milk chocolate.

[1] E. Afoakwa, A. Paterson, M. Fowler, J. Vieira, Food Res. Int., 42 (2009) 200–209
[2] E. Afoakwa, A. Paterson, M. Fowler, Trends Food Sci. Tech., 18(6) (2007) 290–298
[3] S. Materazzi, S. De Angelis Curtis, S. Vecchio Ciprioti, R. Risoluti, J. Finamore, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 116
(2014) 93–98

PS3.34 Poster Session 3

Application of the calorimetrical and spectroscopy methods in the

analysis of the protective effect of extracts from the blueberry fruit of
the genus Vaccinium in relation to the lipid membrane


Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Physics and Biophysics,
ul. Norwida 25, 50- 375 Wrocław, Poland
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Fruit, Vegetable and Plant
Nutraceutical Technology, ul. J. Chełmońskiego 37, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland

Blueberry fruit of the genus Vaccinium, that includes low, high and black blueberry, is
consumed because of its taste and healing effect. The fruit of these plants, as HPLC analysis
showed, are rich in many nutrients, including polyphenols. Attributed to it is an antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory action, helpful in treatment of tumors and diseases of the nervous, digestive and
blood systems. Knowledge of the mechanisms responsible for their protective effect on the
organism at the molecular level is of vital importance for dietetics and pharmacy.
The purpose of our experiments was to investigate the protective effect and mechanism of the
interaction of polyphenolic extracts of low, high and black bilberry fruits with the lipids
The aim of the study was to determine changes incurred by polyphenol compounds from
blueberry fruit in lipid model membranes. In particular, the effect of extracts on the packing order in
the lipid hydrophilic phase, the fluidity of the hydrophobic phase, as well as the temperature of the
phase transition in DPPC liposomes was studied. Model membranes were formed of
dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), egg phosphatidylcholine and lipids extracted from
erythrocytes. The interaction of extracts with lipids was studied using the differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), spectroscopy and fluorometry methods. All experimental results indicate that
the biggest changes are in the hydrophilic part of the lipid bilayer. The polyphenol compounds had
practically no influence on fluidity in the hydrophobic region of the membranes. No changes in the
temperature of the main phase transition of DPPC were observed and only a small change in the
temperature of pretransition for high concentration of compounds. The findings indicate that the
polyphenolic compounds contained in extracts of blueberries interacting with the membrane surface
and there can protect it.
The results of the investigation can be used to design new preparations or drugs and
nanotechnological food ingredients, in particular in the form of liposomes, supporting the
prevention of specific disorders and diseases in living organisms.

The use of a DSC in the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Wrocław University of

Environmental and Life Sciences is gratefully acknowledged. This work was sponsored by the
statutory activities of the Department of Physics and Biophysics of Wrocław University of
Environmental and Life Sciences.

Poster Session 3 PS3.35

Lipid and DNA interaction with the triorganotin

dimethylaminophenylazobenzoates studied by DSC and spectroscopy

Hanna PRUCHNIK1, Teresa KRAL1,2, Martin HOF2

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Physics and Biophysics,
ul. Norwida 25, 50- 375 Wrocław, Poland
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v.v.i., Dolejškova 2155/3, 182 23
Prague 8, Czech Republic

The subject of the research are the tributyltin (TBTA) and triphenyltin (TPhTA) 2-[4
(dimethylamino)phenylazo]benzoates complexes:


The complexes belong to the very efficient anticancer agents. Previous in vitro studies show that
investigated compounds exibit cytotoxic activity against human cell line A549 (lung
adenocarcinoma) and HCV29T (urinary bladder cancer) [1,2]. In this study, the influence of
triorganotin complexes on lipid bilayers in the presence and absence of cholesterol as well as on
DNA was investigated by calorimetrical (DSC) and spectroscopy methods [3]. The investigated
compounds have slightly different effects on phases transition of phosphatidylcholine (DPPC).
They cause a slight decrease of temperature of the main phase transition of DPPC and significantly
reduce cooperativity of this phase transition. The changes are more pronounced for TBTA than for
TPhTA, and at higher concentration the TBTA eliminate both subtransition and pretransition of
DPPC. The effects are even more pronounced in the presence of cholesterol (5mol%) in model
membrane. On the other hand, TBTA and TPhTA have a very similar effect on plasmid DNA.

[1] F.P. Pruchnik, M. Bańbuła, Z. Ciunik, H. Chojnacki, M. Latocha, B. Skop, T. Wilczok, A.

Opolski, J. Wietrzyk and A. Nasulewicz, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2002) 3214-3221
[2] F.P. Pruchnik, M. Bańbuła, Z. Ciunik, M. Latocha, B. Skop, T. Wilczok, Inorg. Chimica Acta 356
(2003) 62-88
[3] N. Adjimatera, A. Benda, I. Blagbrough, M. Langner, M. Hof, T. Kral, Springer Series in
Fluorescence, Vol. 4; Springer: New York, (2008) 381

The use of a DSC in the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Wrocław University of

Environmental and Life Sciences is gratefully acknowledged. This work was sponsored by the
statutory activities of the Department of Physics and Biophysics of Wrocław University of
Environmental and Life Sciences.

PS3.36 Poster Session 3

The structures and thermogravimetric study 3d-metal complexes with

pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid


Agnieszka Zofia WILCZEWSKA2, Renata ŚWISŁOCKA1,
Włodzimierz LEWANDOWSKI1
Division of Chemistry, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45E Street,
15-351 Bialystok, Poland
Institut of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, Ciolkowskiego Street 1K, 15-245 Bialystok, Poland

In our previous work we investigated the influence of alkaline and 3d transitional metals on
the structure and thermal properties of pyridine and pyrazine derivatives [1-3]. Complexes and salts
of pyridinecarboxylic, pyrazinecarboxylic and pyridinedicarboxylic acids were investigated [4-5].
The complexations of aromatic carboxylic acids by metal cations changes the electronic
charge distribution within the aromatic ring and the carboxylate anion. So far, our studies showed
that the effect of metal cation on the electronic structure of pyridine ring of pyridinecarboxylic acids
depends on the position of nitrogen atom within the carboxylic acid structure. In the presented work
the structure (x-ray), spectroscopic (IRKBr, IRATR) and thermal properties of 2-pyrazinecarboxylic
acid and 3-d metal 2-pyrazinecarboxylates were studied. X-Ray diffraction data were collected at
100K and crystal structure was solved and refined. The FT-IR spectra were recorded with an Alfa
(Bruker) spectrometer within the range of 400–4000 cm-1. Samples in the solid state were measured
in KBr matrix pellets and ATR technique. The products of dehydration and decomposition
processes were determined from the TG and DSC curves. Based on bond lengths in an aromatic
ring have been calculated aromaticity indices for 3-d metal 2-pirazinecarboxylates. It was compared
to the influence of manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper and zinc on an aromatic system of 2-pyrazine
carboxylic acid.

Studies have been carried out in the framework of the work no. S/WBiIŚ/3/2017 and financed from
the funds for science MNiSW.

[1] G. Świderski, H. Lewandowska, R. Świsłocka, S. Wojtulewski, L. Siergiejczyk, A.Z. Wilczewska, J. Therm. Anal.
Calorim., 126(1) (2016) 205
[2] W. Lewandowski, G. Świderski, R. Świslocka, S. Wojtulewski, P. Koczoń, J. Phys. Org. Chem., 18(9) (2005) 918
[3] M. Kalinowska, M. Borawska, R. Świsłocka, J. Piekut, W. Lewandowski, J. Mol. Struct., 834 (2007) 419
[4] G. Świderski, M. Kalinowska, I. Rusinek, M. Samsonowicz, Z. Rzączyńska, W. Lewandowski, J. Therm. Anal.
Calorim., 126(3) (2016) 1521
[5] G. Świderski, H. Lewandowska, R. Świsłocka, S. Wojtulewski, L. Siergiejczyk, A.Z. Wilczewska, I. Misztalewska,
Arab. J. Chem. DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2016.06.011 (in press)

Poster Session 3 PS3.37

Spectroscopic and thermogravimetric study of copper, manganese,

zinc, nickel, iron and cobalt complexes
with 2,3-pyrazinecarboxylic acid


Agnieszka Zofia WILCZEWSKA2, Karolina MARKIEWICZ2,
Włodzimierz LEWANDOWSKI1
1Division of Chemistry, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45E Street,
15‐351 Bialystok, Poland
Institut of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, Ciolkowskiego Street 1K, 15-245 Bialystok, Poland

In the frame of our previous work we studied the effect of alkali metal on the electronic
system of pyrazinecarboxylic acids. The salts of 2-pyrazinecarboxylic and 2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic
acids with alkali metal cations were synthesized as well as the spectroscopic (IR, Raman, NMR),
theoretical (DFT) and thermogravimetric studies of obtained compounds were done. Comparing the
curves of the thermal decomposition of the alkali metal salt of either acid we observed that salts of
2-pyrazinecarboxylic acid decomposed at a slightly higher temperature than the salts of 2,3-
pyrazinedicarboxylic acid [1].
In the frame of this work the complexes of 2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic acids with 3d metals
were synthesized as well as the spectroscopic (IR, Raman) and thermogravimetric studies of
obtained compounds were done. The FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of 3d metal 2,3-
pyrazinedicarboxylates were recorded and analyzed in the region of 4000–400 cm-1. The
temperature distribution of the complexes was carried out at a temperature range of 50 - 900 ° C.
Measurement was done in oxygen atmosphere and in argon atmosphere. The products of
dehydration and decomposition processes were determined from the TG and DSC curves. Thermal
studies have shown that 2,3-pyrazinecarboxylic acid complexes have been hydrated. During thermal
decomposition, complexes are broken down into metal oxides as end products.

Studies have been carried out in the framework of the work no. S/WBiIŚ/3/2017 and financed from
the funds for science MNiSW.

[1] G.Świderski, H. Lewandowska, R. Świsłocka, S. Wojtulewski, L. Siergiejczyk, A. Wilczewska, J. Therm. Anal.

Calorim. 126(1) (2016) 205

PS3.38 Poster Session 3

Thermodynamic analysis of collagen denaturation in saphenous vein

from patients with chronic venous insufficiency

Agnieszka SZCZĘSNA1, Hanna TRĘBACZ1, Jan KĘSIK2,

Department of Biophysics, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology, Medical University of Lublin

Chronic venous insufficiency is one of the most common disease of civilization affecting
adults. The main symptom are varicose veins at lower limbs, which are defined as elongated and
twisted veins’ broadenings Even though the causes of this condition have not been fully defined,
one of the factors causing the risk of varicose veins is weakening of the vein wall and venous
valves. Physical properties of the veins depend directly on the collagen content and structure.
Collagen, as a fundamental protein of the connective tissue, cooperates with the other components
of the vein wall, in order to ensure suitable level of the wall stiffness and elasticity. Loss of these
properties can lead to permanent broadening of the veins.
The main objective of the presented study was to compare properties of collagen in
efficient and inefficient parts of the saphenous veins obtained during surgical procedures from
patients operated due to venous insufficiency. Collagen was characterized in terms of parameters of
thermal denaturation obtained from differential scanning calorimetry (Q200, TA) for temperatures
from 15°C to 90°C.
On the basis of analysis of samples from 60 patients significant differences between
efficient and inefficient parts of the vein were recognized. In particular, the enthalpy of denaturation
was lower and the width at half-peak height was larger in inefficient parts as compares to efficient
ones. Moreover, the shape of thermograms suggested a nonhomogeneous population of collagen
fibers in the vein wall, especially in the inefficient part. Significant differences of collagen thermal
properties were stated among samples from different layers of vein wall, what can be useful for
discussing possible nature collagen alterations in varicose veins.

Poster Session 3 PS3.39

Quantitation of paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid in drug

formulations using DSC, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy


Medical University of Gdansk, Department of Analytical Chemistry
Gen. J. Hallera 107, 80-416 Gdansk, Poland

The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC) for quantitative analysis of paracetamol (acetaminophen) and acetylsalicylic acid, both
analgesic and anti-inflammatory active pharmaceutical ingredients. DSC scans of these drugs
showed single, endothermic melting peaks, for paracetamol at 168,71°C, ∆Hf = 159.67 J/g, and for
acetylsalicylic acid at 139.74°C, ∆Hf = 167.01 J/g). The model mixtures of these active ingredients
with selected excipients (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, lactose, sucrose, potato starch and
magnesium stearate) were prepared at concentrations over the range between 5 and 95%. The
calibration curves were constructed by plotting melting enthalpy vs. concentration of active
pharmaceutical ingredient in the mixtures. For the majority of studied samples linear relation
between enthalpy of fusion and the drug content in the investigated range was found. Correlation
coefficients varied from 0.9924 to 0.9995. Limit of detection was in the range of 4.06-7.25% for
mixtures with acetylsalicylic acid and 3.52-9.25% for mixtures with paracetamol. Limit of
quantification was from 12.29 to 21.96% for acetylsalicylic acid mixtures and from 10.66 to
28.04% for paracetamol mixtures. The results of the study proved that DSC could be used for
quantitation of both active ingredients in their mixtures and selected commercial formulations.
In the next stage of the study, spectroscopic methods such as Fourier transform infrared
(FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy were also used for quantitation of both active ingredients in their
model mixtures and pharmaceutical preparations. For this purpose, model mixtures of
paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, lactose, sucrose, potato
starch and magnesium stearate were analyzed to obtain FTIR and Raman spectra. Interpretation of
the spectra revealed that characteristic types of vibration of the molecules of the tested
compounds can be identified. After examining the intensity of the characteristic bands of active
ingredients it was found that it decreases in proportion to the decreasing quantity of
acetaminophen or acetylsalicylic acid in the mixture. This relation can be the basis for the future
research. A matrix of the data to be processed using advanced techniques of multivariate
statistical analysis, which results in creating a model of multi-point calibration.

PS3.40 Poster Session 3

Spectroscopic (IR, Raman, UV-VIS) study and thermal analysis

of copper, manganese, zinc, nickel and cobalt complexes
with 4-imidazolecarboxylic acid

Grzegorz ŚWIDERSKI1, Agnieszka Zofia WILCZEWSKA2,

Włodzimierz LEWANDOWSKI1
Division of Chemistry, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45E Street,
15-351 Bialystok, Poland
Institut of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, Ciolkowskiego Street 1K, 15-245 Bialystok, Poland

4-imidazolecarboxylic acid is a derivative of imidazole which is of great biological

importance. Imidazole is a structural unit of constructive histidine, histamine, and component of
purines, which is the molecule performing important biological functions in the human body. Some
imidazole derivatives possess anti-inflammatory, antituberculotic and even antitumor activity [1,2].
A number of imidazole derivatives were used as drugs. Available literature data suggest that the
corresponding complexes of compounds which are derivatives of imidazole can operate more
efficiently, are less toxic and what's more, they can solve the problem of absorption of drugs [3].
In this work the spectroscopic properties of complexes of 4-imidazolecarboxylic acid with
3d metals were studied in order to determine the effect of metal on the electronic structure and
physicochemical properties of the ligand. Complexes of 4-imidazolecarboxylic acid with selected
3d-transition metals (zinc, iron, copper, cobalt, manganese and nickel) were synthesized in an
aqueous medium. Spectroscopic studies showed that the 3d-transition metals stabilize the electronic
system of 4-imidazolecarboxylic acid. Similar results were obtained by studying the influence of
metals on the electronic system of benzene and pyridine derivatives. [4,5]. The obtained complexes
were hydrated, as determined by elemental and thermogravimetric analysis.
Thermogravimetric analysis conducted in air atmosphere showed that the analyzed
complexes, decompose to metal oxides. During the thermal decomposition process, products such
as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and imidazole ring degradation products are released.

Studies have been carried out in the framework of the work no. S/WBiIŚ/3/2017 and financed from
the funds for science MNiSW.

[1] R.V. Shingalapur, K.M. Hosamani, R.S. Keri, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 44 (2009) 4244
[2] H.M. Refaat, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 45 (2010) 2949
[3] Li L-F., Han Wang H. i in., European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 92: 295-301
[4] Lewandowski, W., Kalinowska, M., & Lewandowska, H. (2005). Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 99(7), 1407-
[5] Kalinowska, M., Borawska, M., Świsłocka, R., Piekut, J., & Lewandowski, W. (2007). Journal of molecular
structure, 834, 419-425.

Poster Session 3 PS3.41

Study of chlorine-substituted p-xylylene polymerization

using high-vacuum in situ DSC

Alexander Buzin1, Dmitry Streltsov1, Petr Dmitryakov2, Sergei Chvalun1,2

Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer materials RAS, ul. Profsoyuznaya 70,
117393 Moscow, Russia
National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, pl. ak.Kurchatova 1, 123182 Moscow, Russia

We have developed a DSC cell embedded into a vapor deposition polymerization reactor, as
well as electronics and software controlling the calorimeter. The temperature and heat flow
calibrations of this calorimeter were performed in a wide temperature interval. The time constants
of the calorimeter were determined and deconvolution procedure of DSC traces was implemented.
Polymerization of chlorine substituted p-xylylene (PX-Cl) was investigated using high-
vacuum in situ DSC. Condensate of the monomer on the substrate was formed using Gorham’s
method. Figure 1 shows DSC scans of PX-Cl polymerization and (for comparison) the one of
unsubstituted p-xylylene (PX) [1]. The heating rate in both cases was 2.7 oC /min. Щту сфт see that
polymerization of PX-Cl begins at considerably lower temperature than that of PX (the temperature
range of polymerization is from -135 oC to -75 oC for PX-Cl and from -105oC to -80 oC for
unsubstituted PX at heating rate 2.7 oC /min). Moreover, the DSC peak of polymerization of PX-Cl
has bimodal shape (there is a shoulder on the left side of the peak), which probably indicates
complex mechanism of PX-Cl polymerization.

Figure 1. DSC scans of polymerization of PX and PX-Cl condensates without baseline

subtraction and smoothing. Heating rate is 2.7 oC /min.

The study was performed with partial financial support of RFBR (15-03-08502) and grant of
President of RF (MK-5990.2016.3).

[1] D.R. Streltsov, A.I. Buzin, P.V. Dmitryakov, P. Kamasa, D.A. Ivanov, S.N. Chvalun, Thermochimica Acta, 643
(2016) 65

PS3.42 Poster Session 3

Phase behaviour of some proton ionic liquids and poly(ionic liquids)

Arkadiy Kolker, Matvey Gruzdev, Liubov Safonova

G.A. Krestov Institute of solution chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
153045, Ivanovo, Akademicheskaya str. 1, Russia

Ionic liquids are considered to be quite promising for creating effective fuel cells, sensors, super
capacitors, etc. due to their high ionic conductivity and thermal stability, as well as low pressure of
saturated vapours and non-flammability. At the same time, an ionic liquid can be used both as a
dopant to the polymer matrix and for the synthesis of a polymerized ionic liquid which, in its turn,
is itself a polymer matrix. We have applied methods of fine organic synthesis and radical
polymerization to synthesize proton ionic liquids and polymerized ionic liquids.
Proton ionic liquids were obtained using trietiamine salts with various acids [1], derivatives of N,N-
vinylimidazole, as well as sulphonates of dialkylsubstituted imidazoles, which made it possible for
zwitter-ions to be formed with Branstead acids. Polymerized ionic liquids were synthesized by
doping polymers, polybenzoimidazole derivatives, with low-temperature trethanolamine-based
ionic liquids at lowered temperature under inert gas atmosphere. The second route was via
monomers on the basis of a substituted imidazole followed by polymerization by the vinyl group [2]
using the method of radical polymerization in the block.
Another approach was to obtain a linear polymer based on the zwitter-ion of 1,3-substituted
imidazile followed by doping with a strong acid.
+ HN N N S O H+Y- Y- = HSO4-
O NO3-
Thermal stability of the substances and materials obtained is tested by methods of
thermogravimetry (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
Compounds based on zwitter-ions of vinilamidazole were found to be mainly in the glassy state
(viscous oil-like liquids). Ionic liquids based on triethanolamine pass into the metastable state via
the crystallization-melting process. Polymers based on imidazole derivatives normally exhibit only
the glassy state.

[1] Shmukler LE, Gruzdev MS, Kudryakova NO, Fadeeva YuA, Kolker AM, Safonova LP // RSC Advances, 16 (2016)
[2] Lemus J., Eguizabal A., Pina M.P. // Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 3981.

This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (№ 16-13-10371).

Poster Session 3 PS3.43

Structural and energetic characteristics of the acetamide-water


Ekaterina Odintsova, Мikhail Krestyaninov, Arkadiy Kolker

G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
153045, Ivanovo, Akademicheskaya str. 1, Russia

Amides provide a simplified example of molecular interactions of the peptide linkage,

which play an essential role in determining the structure of biological systems. The acetamide
molecule is the simplest model of such system. Amides and their water clusters have been
extensively studied experimentally by various methods.
However, quantum chemical calculations allow us to obtain and to analyze in detail
structural and energetic characteristics of the acetamide-water complexes. It allows improving the
understanding of how these groups can interact with each other and with the solvent molecules
surrounding them. Besides, it allows obtaining important microstructural information which is not
available from any physical experiment.
We have investigated the structure of acetamide complexes with various numbers of water
molecules (1-4 molecules) forming different types of hydrogen bonds.
Ab initio molecular calculations were performed using the Gaussian 09 program package.
Optimization of geometric parameters and NBO analysis were performed in the framework of
density functional theory (DFT) with B3LYP hybrid functional using the aug-CC-pVTZ basis set.
The initial configurations of the complexes were created in the GaussView program by using
optimized molecular structures. Each obtained structure corresponds to the global minimum on the
potential energy surface.
Taking into account the basis superposition error (BSSE), we calculated distances and
angles characterizing a hydrogen bond and the intermolecular interaction of the studied systems.
Stabilization energy of the hydrogen bonds and the magnitude of charge transfer, the shifts of
vibrational frequencies relative to vibrational frequencies of the isolated molecules and the energy
of hydrogen bonds obtained in the framework NBO analysis.
It is possible to form two types of hydrogen bonds X-H ··· Y, where the molecule of
acetamide can be either a donor or an acceptor of the proton.
Based on the geometric and energetic criteria, it was found that the bond between the C = O
··· H-O, as well as the N-H ··· O bond, refers to the bonds of medium strength.
The formation of bonds is also confirmed by the presence of critical points in all complexes
on H ... Y bonds obtained by the QTAIM method using the AIMAll package.
Thus, it was established that the water molecule is much stronger interacts with the carbonyl
oxygen atom than a proton of the amino group.
The most stable complex with two H-bonds, i.e. the case when the water molecule is
connected with the O=C-group of the acetamide, but is located nearby the NH2-group and also
interacts with it. However, a comparison of the geometric parameters of the complexes showed that
these bonds are distorted.
The work was carried out with the partial financial support of the Russian Foundation for
Basic Research (Project No. 17-03-00309)

PS3.44 Poster Session 3

Volatile complexes of rare-earth metals and zirconium: synthesis,

thermal and structural properties

Svetlana A. MOSYAGINA1,2, Kseniya V. ZHERIKOVA2,

Ludmila N. ZELENINA2, Sergey V. SYSOEV2, Sergey V. TRUBIN2
Novosibirsk State University, 630090, 1, Pirogova str., Russia
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,
630090, 3, Acad. Lavrentiev Ave., Russia

Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) layers are actively used as material of thermal barrier
coatings (TBC). The increase of operating temperatures up to 2000 K in gas turbines of new
generation leads to the stricter requirements to the TBC composition as well as to necessity of
changing technological preparation method. Metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is
considered as alternative perspective method for creating TBCs.
From the point of successful MOCVD process, first of all the information on thermal
properties of the metal precursors with organic ligands are needed. The objects of our investigation
were yttrium(III) and zirconium(IV) dipivaloylmethanates and their mixtures. Thermal behavior in
condensed phase was investigated by thermogravimetry, differential-thermal analysis and
differential scanning calorimetry. Based on the information about thermodynamic characteristics of
phase transitions, vapour pressures were measured for yttrium(III) and zirconium (IV)
dipivaloylmethanates and for their equimolar mixture by static method with membrane quartz-
manometer and transpiration method.
As a result of searching new, perhaps, more appropriate MOCVD precursors yttrium(III)
dipivaloylmethanate derivatives with tetramethylethylendiamine (tmeda), bipyridyl (bipy) and
ethilendiamine were obtained and investigated by using TG/DTA and effusion method Knudsen
with mass-spectrometric registration of the gas phase composition.
This work was supported by RSF № 16-19-10325; authors are grateful to P.Е. Plusnin for
thermogravimetric research.

Poster Session 3 PS3.45

Calorimetric study of lysozyme denaturation in glycerol at a wide

range of heating rates

Timur A. Mukhametzyanov1, Igor A. Sedov1, Boris N. Solomonov1,

Christoph Schick1,2
Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, 420008, Kazan, Russia
University of Rostock, Institute of Physics, Albert-Einstein-str, 23-24, 18051, Rostock, Germany

Differential scanning calorimetry is widely employed for the investigation of protein

denaturation [1]. However, the scope of presented data is usually limited to the thermal effects and
the temperature of the denaturation at a single heating rate. There are just a few systematic studies
probing protein denaturation at various heating rates and this limits the understanding of the
denaturation mechanism.
We have studied the denaturation of hen egg-white lysozyme dissolved in glycerol at a wide
range of heating rates. Burova et al. [2] found that lysozyme structure in glycerol resembles the
native form and an endothermal heat effect is observed upon heating of the sample. Glycerol
solution due to high viscosity and wider temperature range of liquid state represents a good model
system allowing the denaturation investigation in the range of heating rates from 0.017 K/s
(1K/min) up to 8000K/s (480,000 K/min).
Conventional DSCs from Mettler-Toledo (DSC 822e) and Netzsch (204 F1 Phoenix) were
used to measure calorimetric curves at heating rates from 1 to 50 K/min. Pyris DSC by Perkin-
Elmer was used to measure denaturation at heating rates of up to 200 K/min. Protein behavior at
heating rates from 2 K/s to 8000 K/s was investigated on a fast-scanning chip calorimeter by
Mettler Toledo (Flash-DSC 1).
In all cases, we have observed an endothermic heat effect upon heating, the position of the
peak varied with the heating rate. The results from conventional DSCs were in agreement with each
other, on the other hand, the denaturation temperatures measured by Flash-DSC were systematically
lower. The Kissinger plot produced to parallel straight lines for the results of conventional and
ultra-fast DSCs, and the actual activation energies calculated from the plot are close (246±24
kJ/mol from conventional and 233±17 kJ/mol from Flash-DSC). The discrepancy between the
results of conventional and chip DSCs can likely be attributed to the small size and large relative
surface area of Flash-DSC samples. On the other hand, no notable deviation from the straight line
was observed on the Kissinger plot for the entire range of heating rates. Thus denaturation likely
follows the same mechanism even at the highest heating rates measured. Decreased thermal stability
of protein in small samples is relevant to the production methods of protein formulations in which
the substance is both heated and powdered, such as spray-drying.

This research was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation (grant

[1] C. M. Johnson, Archives of Biochem. And Biophys., 531 (2013) 100

[2] T.V. Burova, N.V. Grinberg, V. Ya. Grinberg, R.V. Rarir, A.M. klibanov, Biochem. et Biophys. Acta 1478 (2000)

PS3.46 Poster Session 3

Methods of thermal analysis in the evaluation of the activity of

hydrogenation-dehydrogenation catalysts of the Liquid Organic
Hydrogen Carriers

Andrey A. Pimerzin1, Sergey P. Verevkin2

Samara State Technical University, Samara, 443100, Russia
Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Rostock, Rostock, 18059, Germany

The problem of the long-term accumulation of the occasional surplus of electricity with the
possibility of using them in the future - is still challenging and extremely complex. The idea of
accumulating energy in the form of hydrogen, which is one of the most energy-reach elements, has
been a longstanding endeavor. When the stage of the transformation of electricity into hydrogen has
already been successfully solved by the electrolysis of water, the problem of accumulating
hydrogen itself is still in the focus of the current research, looking for the safe, efficient and
inexpensive hydrogen carriers.
One of the promising directions in solving this problem is the use of liquid organic hydrogen
carriers (LOHC), in other words organic compounds capable of attaching and cleaving hydrogen
molecules. Using of the LOHC is based on the reversible reactions of hydrogenation and
dehydrogenation of an unsaturated compound, which corresponds to the stage of energy storage
(charging of the battery), and dehydrogenation, which corresponds to hydrogen recovery (or the
battery discharge). Both reactions take place in the presence of catalysts. Thus, the activity and
stability of hydrogenation-dehydrogenation catalysts in this case determine the efficiency of the
entire system as a whole.
Methods of thermal analysis are widely and successfully used in the field of studying
physical and chemical properties and evaluating the activity of catalysts. In particular, the methods
of simultaneous thermal analysis (DTA-TGA) have been widely used to study the stability of
catalysts and determine their operating temperatures, as well as to determine coke, sulfur, nitrogen
on spent catalysts. Methods of temperature programmable reduction of catalyst precursors (or active
phase particles) are often used to estimate the relative catalytic activity in various reactions,
including the hydrogenation-dehydrogenation reaction. Thermal analysis methods with temperature
programming (desorption of NH3, pyridine, CO, CO2) are widely used to evaluate the acid
properties of carriers and catalysts. To characterize the dispersity of the distribution of the active
component on the surface of the carrier, the methods of adsorption of probe molecules are used,
which can be CO, NO, etc.
In this work, we present some results of the complex study of the physicochemical
properties of catalysts based on the metal sulfides with metals of variable valence, performed using
a wide range of thermal analysis methods. The interrelationships between the measured
physicochemical characteristics and the activity of synthesized catalysts in the hydrogenation-
dehydrogenation reactions of LOHC will be discussed.

This research was supported by the Government of Russian Federation (decree №220 of 9 April
2010), agreement №14.Z50.31.0038.

Poster Session 3 PS3.47

Intermolecular interactions of amides with organic molecules:

cooperativity effects


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Intermolecular interactions has significantly influence on properties of many supramolecular

and biological systems. Especially they are important in conformational stability of proteins and
nucleic acids. Quantification and analysis of hydrogen bonds in complex biological molecules is a
very complicated task, so for their research simple model compounds are used. Peptides and amides
of carboxylic acid are the most appropriate facilities for these purposes.
In present work a thermochemistry of hydrogen bond formation of proton acceptors (B) in
the medium of linear (N-methylformamide (NMF)) and cyclic amides (2-pyrrolidone (Py)) was
studied. These compounds simulate structural fragments of different biological molecules. The
infinite dilution solution enthalpies of nitriles, ketones, esters, ethers and amines in amides were
measured at 298.15 K. The hydrogen bonding enthalpies of studied solutes with proton acceptor
solvents were determined on the basis of experimental data. The hydrogen bond enthalpies of
proton acceptors (B) in N-methylformamide and 2-pyrrolidone are significantly lower than the
hydrogen bonding enthalpies of systems of amide-base in the complexes 1:1 due to reorganization
effects of amides as solvent. The cooperative effects in multi-particle complexes of amides with
bases change inversely from proton acceptors abilities of base

This work was supported by the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan
Federal University. Also, the reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project
№ 16-33-01021 мол_a.

PS3.48 Poster Session 3

Excess heat capacities for the n-propanol + water mixture: new data
and its application

Nikita Tsvetov, Anna Sadaeva, Maria Toikka, Irina Zvereva,

Alexander Toikka
Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskiy prospect, 26, Peterhof,
198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Excess heat capacities are one of the important properties that characterized both pure
substances and multicomponent systems. The study of these thermodynamic properties is an actual
fundamental and applied task. However, experimental data on the heat capacities of liquid mixtures
is very limited, despite their practical significance. For example, using values on excess heat
capacities it is possible to predict other thermodynamic properties, such as excess heats, Gibbs free
energy, activity coefficients in a wide temperature diapason. Moreover, these values give the
opportunities to estimate parameters of various Gibbs free energy models (UNIFAC, NRTL etc.)
more correctly. In our work a new sets of experimental data on excess heat capacities of n-propanol
+ water binary system were obtained.
Binary mixtures of n-propanol and water were prepared by weighing for all composition
scale with a step of 0.1 mol. fractions. Preliminary densities of each binary system were measured
using laboratory densitometer DMA 5000 M (Anton Paar) in the temperature scale 278 – 358 K.
The experimental determination of heat capacities was carried out using microDSC III Evo
calorimeter (Setaram) in the temperature scale 278 – 358 K. The cells for Cp were prepared
according to Setaram recommendation. Experimental procedure was tested by measuring of excess
heat capacities for the standard substances: water and n-heptane. According to tests the deviation of
experimental data (ARD) was less than 2 %.
We also applied the new data on excess heat capacities for calculation of heats of mixing
(excess enthalpies, HE) in binary system n-propanol + water at few temperatures. The results of
calculation are in good accordance with experimental data on HE and reflect the necessity of
consideration of temperature dependence of thermal effects of mixing. On this base we also
estimated a temperature dependence of parameters of UNIFAC and NRTL models. The new data
set may be useful both for the calculation of temperature dependence of other fundamental
thermodynamic properties, especially when rigorous data is necessary for the industrial process

Acknowledgements This study was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research:
N.Tsvetov, I.Zvereva and A.Toikka are grateful for the grant RFBR 15-03-02131. Maria Toikka
also acknowledges the Scholarships of President of Russian Federation (SP-2140.2016.1). The
investigations were carried out using the equipment of the Resource Center of Thermogravimetric
and Calorimetric Research and Centre for Diagnostics of Functional Materials for Medicine,
Pharmacology and Nanoelectronics (Research Park of St. Petersburg State University).

Poster Session 3 PS3.49

Excess enthalpies in acetic acid-ethanol-ethyl acetate-water system

Alexandra Golikova, Nikita Tsvetov, Maria Toikka, Irina Zvereva,

Alexander Toikka
Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskiy prospect, 26, Peterhof,
198504, Saint Petersburg, Russia

The study of thermochemical properties of multicomponent liquid phase systems is an actual basic
and applied problem. Knowledge of the thermal effects is necessary for many basic tasks and
theoretical calculations. For example the data on excess enthalpies allow extending vapour-liquid
equilibrium data to higher or lower temperatures using the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. The complex
of thermochemical data are also the necessary base for industrial process design.
The aim of our work was to determine excess molar enthalpies in the system with ester synthesis
reaction, namely acetic acid – ethanol – ethyl acetate – water system at 313.15 K and atmospheric
pressure. It was necessary to take into account that in this system the chemical reaction
(esterification) can occur and falsify the calorimetric results. Usually in the absence of the catalyst
the esterification rate is slow and therefore the influence of reaction enthalpies on the calorimetric
measurements can be neglected [1]. Nevertheless in this work we present the new data on
subsystems without reactions and the values of excess enthalpies in the quaternary system for
chemically equilibrium states.
The excess enthalpies were obtained at T = 313.15 K. The measurements of the heat of mixing were
carried out with the C80 calorimeter with membrane mixing cells manufactured by Setaram
Instrumentation (France), equipped with a reversing mechanism, which ensures thorough mixing of
the mixtures without making additional contributions of heat, using membrane mixing cells.
For the binary systems (ethanol + water, acetic acid + ethyl acetate) excess enthalpies were
determined for all concentration range with the step of 0.1 mol. fractions. The same data for the
quaternary system were obtained for chemical equilibrium compositions only: we used the data of
our paper [2]. Excess enthalpies in this case were obtained by the mixing of two binary non-reactive
solutions {ethanol + water}+{ethyl acetate + acetic acid}. The experimental data of binary system
were fitted using the Redlich-Kister and NRTL model equations. In this presentation we also
consider the general problem of differentiation of two heat effects in reacting mixtures (heats of
mixing and reaction) and our approach for the control and dividing of these phenomena.

[1] I.Letyanina, N.Tsvetov, I.Zvereva, A.Samarov, A.Toikka, Fluid Phase Equilib. 381 (2014) 77-82
[2] A.Golikova, A.Samarov, M.Trofimova, S.Rabdano, M.Toikka, O.Pervukhin, A.Toikka, J. Solution Chem. 46 (2017)

Acknowledgements This study was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant
15-03-02131. Maria Toikka acknowledges the Scholarships of President of Russian Federation (SP-
2140.2016.1). The investigations were carried out using the equipment of the Resource Center of
Thermogravimetric and Calorimetric Research (Research Park of St. Petersburg State University);
authors are also grateful to SPbSU for technical support (12.40.518.2017)

PS3.50 Poster Session 3

Phase transitions thermochemistry of aromatic amines: estimation of

sublimation enthalpies at 298.15 K through fusion enthalpies at the
melting temperature


Department of Physical Chemistry, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya str. 18, 420008
Kazan, Russia

The present work is devoted to indirect determination of sublimation enthalpies at 298.15 K

of aromatic amines from their fusion enthalpies at the melting temperature and solvation enthalpies
in benzene calculated according to group-additivity scheme. Determination method is based on the
relationships between fusion, solution and sublimation enthalpies of aromatic compounds self-
associated due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding that were derived and verified in the studies [1-
The standard molar sublimation enthalpy of a substituted aniline (Xi)nPhNH2 with the
substituents Xi not causing self-association due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding (CH3, Hal,
COOCH3, COCH3, NO2, etc.) may be expressed as follows:
Δ gcr H (Xi )n PhNH 2 (298.15 K) = Δ lcr H (Xi )n PhNH 2 (Tm ) + Δ lg H PhNH 2 (298.15 K) −
− n ⋅ Δ solv H Xi → H/C6 H6 (298.15 K)
where Δ lcr H (Xi )n PhNH 2 (Tm ) is the fusion enthalpy of substituted aniline at the melting
temperature and Δ gl H PhNH 2 (298.15 K) is the vaporization enthalpy at 298.15 K of aniline;
Δ solv H Xi → H/C6 H6 (298.15 K) is the contribution to solvation enthalpy in benzene bound with insertion
of a substituent Xi into an aromatic ring. Sublimation enthalpies of aromatic amines with expanded
aromatic system (for example, naphthylamines) may be found in a similar way, using solvation
enthalpy group-additivity scheme.
If the substituents Yj causing self-association due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding are
present in a molecule (OH, NH2, COOH), their contributions into sublimation enthalpy
Y →H
ΔH j (298.15 K) may be also considered:
(Yj )n PhNH 2 (Yj )n PhNH 2
Δ gcr H (298.15 K) = Δ crl H (Tm ) + Δ lg H PhNH 2 (298.15 K) −
Y →H
− n ⋅ ΔH j (298.15 K)
Sublimation enthalpies of 17 substituted anilines, 1- and 2-naphthylamine calculated
according to proposed equations are shown to be in good convergence with the literature data,
within the limits of experimental uncertainty. In addition, sublimation enthalpies of 11 of these
aromatic amines were determined from their solution enthalpies in benzene. In most cases
divergence does not exceed 3%.

[1] M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 105 (2017) 50
[2] B.N. Solomonov, R.N. Nagrimanov, M.I. Yagofarov, Fluid Phase Equilib., 430 (2016) 93
[3] M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov, Thermochim. Acta, 646 (2016) 26

Poster Session 3 PS3.51

Morphology and Thermal Analysis of Biocomposites based on

Chitosan and Natural Antioxidant Enoxil


Alexandru GONTA3, Valentina PETROVA2, Alexander KUTIN2,
Ioffe Institute RAS, Politekhnicheskaya str. 26, Saint-Petersburg 194021, Russia
Institute of Macromolecular Compounds RAS, V.O., Bol’shoy pr. 31, Saint-Petersburg 199004,
Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academiei str. 3,
Chisinau MD-2028, Republic of Moldova

Chitosan is a natural linear polysaccharide with some antioxidant and antibacterial

properties, which has been used in a broad range of biomedical applications. In the present work,
for the enhancement of its antioxidant/antibacterial activity a series of novel composite films, based
on chitosan (Ch), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and natural antioxidant (bactericide) Enoxil, were
prepared and characterized by atomic-force microscopy (AFM), dynamic mechanical analysis
(DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
The AFM images of topography, profilograms and 3D images of free and contacting with substrate
surfaces of composite films show that these films exhibit heterogeneous morphology and various
nanoporosity depending on their composition and way of preparation. It was showed that
introducing Enoxil in concentrations from 1 to 5.0 wt.% into Ch solution affected the morphology
of the films - sizes of nanodomains and roughness of the free sample surface, as well as
nanoporosity of the films. These changes can be explained by nanostructurization occurring due to
the complex formation between the Ch and Enoxil. For the ternary composition, containing 2.5
wt.% Enoxil and 30 wt.% HEC, morphology of both surfaces of films looked like that of the initial
Ch film; this can be explained by decreasing of interaction between Ch and Enoxil. DSC and DMA
display that Enoxil introduction changes substantially the thermal, relaxation and elastic properties
of composite films, and the behavior of materials under study depends strongly on the degree of
their hydration. For initial hydrated Ch and Ch/Enoxil films (scan 1 with water desorption up to
1300C), the pronounced glass transition relaxation peak and dropping storage modulus by an order
of magnitude are observed at 35-45°C. Meantime, water-free films display at scan II a step-like
"unfreezing" mobility over the temperature range from ~ 50 to 250°C, with the most intense
relaxation peak at 220-250°C and, then, the onset of exothermic process of thermo-oxidative
degradation at higher temperatures. Some changes in the relaxation behavior of Ch in Ch/Enoxil
and Ch/HEC/Enoxil films and the essential dynamic heterogeneity may be seen from both DSC and
DMA data. Relaxation behavior and elastic properties indicate some structural loosening after
introducing Enoxil and some suppression of molecular mobility at moderate temperatures due to
HEC addition. . The increased antimicrobial properties of these biocomposite films have been
shown in vitro and in vivo research for their use as valuable wound coatings films for healing of
open skin traumas.
The research has received partial funding from the European Union‘s Seventh Framework
Programme FP7 under REA grant agreement PIRSES-GA-2013-612484 – NanoBioMat.

PS3.52 Poster Session 3

Screening and characterisation of phenacetin-benzamide cocrystals

Alessandra D’ANGELO1, Benjamin EDGAR1, Zhang QIAOYUE1,

Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, ME4 4TB, UK

A pharmaceutical cocrystal is a multicomponent crystalline entity where at least one

constituent is an API. Components interact with non-ionic and non-covalent forces [1]. Cocrystals
have been widely adopted in the pharmaceutical industry because of their inherent stability (relative
to the crystalline state) and the possibility of increased solubility and dissolution rate in respect to
single components.
An initial screening revealed that by melting then cooling the molar ratio 1:1.5 of phenacetin
and benzamide a single melting point (Mp) at 98.260°C was observed. This is significantly different
from the Mp of the single components. The hypothesis was that the process generated a cocrystal.
Hence, eleven physical mixtures of phenacetin and benzamide with different molar ratios were
prepared to identify the most feasible molar ratio to generate the cocrystal. In DSC, the physical
mixtures were heated above the melting point and then cooled at 5°C/min with multiple heating
cycles being conducted. Preparation was also attempted by rapid solvent evaporation from mixtures
solubilised in ethanol (by rotary evaporation) as an alternative method to generate phenacetin-
benzamide cocrystals.
Among those tested, three molar ratios showed a single Mp at 98.43±1.06°C for both
preparation methods, those molar ratios of phenacetin:benzamide were, 1.5:2, 1:1.5 and 0.5:1 (Fig.
1). XRD was used to evaluate variation in the crystallography of the generated products and
significant differences were revealed between those identified as containing cocrystals and the pure
compounds (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. DSC overlay screening Fig. 2. Difractogram overlay of products and physical mixtures

The three selected physical mixtures will be further evaluated to identify the best conditions
for the generation of pure phenacetin:benzamide cocrystals. The three selected molar ratios will be
further analysed to identify a phenacetin:benzamide ratio that forms a cocrystal without impurities.
The physicochemical properties of the generated cocrystal will be studied and characterised.

[1] E. Korotkova, B. Kratochvíl, Procedia Chemistry, 10 (2014) 473

Poster Session 3 PS3.53

Polystyrene/Candelilla wax electrospun fibres for oil-water separation

Semira BENER1,2
Istanbul Kultur University,, Turkey
Istanbul Technical University,, Turkey

Catastrophic oil spills and their impact on the environment have created a great need to find
low-cost, multi-functional materials which are efficient at oil-water separation [1]. In nature, several
plants such as lotus leaf which display water-contact angles bigger than 150° are considered to be
superhydrophobic [2,3].
In this study, superhydrophobic-superoleophilic nanofibers were prepared via
electrospinning of polystyrene (PS) with various percentages of candelilla wax (CW) in
dimethylformamide (DMF) and tetrahydrofurane (THF) solvent mixture. Characterization and
thermal analysis of the nanofibers have been investigated by the Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. The wettability of
the nanofiber membranes was determined by water-contact angle measurements. Oil-water
separation efficiency was also tested with diesel and vegetable oil.
FTIR and DSC results showed that CW was successfully incorporated into PS. It is reported
that oil absorption efficiency of PS nanofiber with 2% CW has considerably enhanced. The contact
angle of water on PS nanofiber with 2% CW was found to be 153° which is higher than that of neat
PS nanofiber (151°) while the contact angle of oil on prepared nanofibers was 0°. PS/CW
nanofibers seem to have potential applications in waste-water treatment for oil spill clean up.

[1] Lin, J., Tian, F., Shang, Y., Wang, F., Ding, B., Yu, J., & Guo, Z., Nanoscale, 7 (2013) 2745
[2] Lee, M. W., An, S., Latthe, S. S., Lee, C., Hong, S., & Yoon, S. S., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 21 (2013) 10597
[3] Çanak, T. Ç., Ünsal, C., Serhatlı, İ. E., & Sarac, A. S., Prog. Org. Coat., 105 (2017) 342

PS3.54 Poster Session 3

Synthesis and investigation of cellulose based pyridine modified

microfibers for their exploitation in antibacterial textile production

Ruken Esra DEMIRDOGEN1, Fatih Mehmet EMEN2, Derya KILIC3,

Göktürk AVŞAR5, Şinasi AŞKAR6
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Çankırı Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, TR
15030, Burdur, Turkey
Department of Material Technoligies, Faculty of Engineering, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University, TR 15030, Burdur, Turkey
Afsin Vocational High School, Sütcü Imam University, TR 46500, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mersin University,
TR 33343 Mersin, Turkey
Department of Dietetic and Food, Faculty of Health Science, Çankırı Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey

In order to prevent community origin infections new antibacterial agents and antibacterial
textiles obtained by functionalization of textiles with pyridine based compounds, which can act as
effective agents, has gained importance [1]. In this study, dichlorodipyridine palladium (II)
(PdCl2L12), dichlorodipyridine nickel (II) (NiCl2L12), dichlorodipyridine copper (II) (CuCl2L12),
dibromodipyridine copper (II) (CuBr2L12) complexes are synthesized for to be exploited for this
purpose. DTA/TG, FT-IR and 1H-NMR analysis of the compounds are made. Antibacterial activity
of these compounds are investigated. The results are summarized in Table 1. In order to obtain
antibacterial textiles from these compounds, their micro-fibers in cellulose acetate are obtained via
electrospinning. Physical and chemical characterization of the electrospun agent incorporated
micro-fibers are made. As is presented in Table 1 antibacterial activity of the synthesized pyridine
modified cellulose fibers against E.coli is determined and compared to the antibacterial activity of

Table 1. Zone diameter of the prepared complexes compared with that of Gentamisin
Complexes Zone diameter (mm)
GSBL E.coli
[PdCl2L12] (5mg/disc) 23
[NiCl2L12] (10mg /disc) 19
[CuCl2L12] (7mg /disc) 18
[CuBr2L12] (10mg /disc) 17
Gentamicine (10µg /disc) 24

This study was supported by Çankiri Karatekin University Scientific Research Projects Commission
(Project Number : FF060416B23).

[1] Nakashima, T., Sakagami, Y., Ito, H. and Matsuo, M. "Antibacterial activity of cellulose fabrics modified with
metallic salts", Textile Research Journal, 71(8), (2001), 688-694.

Poster Session 3 PS3.55

Synthesis and investigation of the cytotoxic activities and the thermal

behaviour of dichlorobis(pyridine derivatives) platinum(II) complexes

Fatih Mehmet EMEN1, Emine Kutlu1, Ruken Esra DEMİRDÖĞEN2,

Derya KILIÇ3, Tuncay YEŞİLKAYNAK4, Göktürk AVŞAR5
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, TR
15030, Burdur, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Çankiri Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
Department of Material Technoligies, Faculty of Engineering, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University, TR 15030, Burdur, Turkey
Afsin Vocational High School, Sütcü _Imam University, TR46500, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mersin University,
TR 33343 Mersin, Turkey

Biological activities of pyridine derivatives have been successfully studied for various
biological actions. Metal halide complexes of pyridine derivatives such as 2-chloropyridine, 2-
bromopyridine, 3-chloropyridine, 3-bromopyridine, 2-methoksipyridine, 2-(p-tolyl) pyridine, 2-
methylpyridine, 3-methylpyridine, 3,4-dimethylpyridine, 4-benzoylpyridine, 3-hydroxypyridine, 4-
ethylpyridine have been extensively studied [1]. However, the antitumor activities of these halide
complexes have received less attention in the literature [2].
In this study, complexes with the general formula [PtCl2L2] (L: 3,4-dimethylpyridine, 2-
amino-3-methylpyridine , 2-amino-5-bromopyridine, 2-floropyridine) were synthesized and
characterized via FT-IR, UV-Vis, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR techniques. While the thermal behavior of
the compounds was investigated via DTA/TG combined system, their kinetic parameters were
investigated by using Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Kissenger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) methods.
The activation energies of the complexes were calculated to be 31,72- 196,54 kJ/mol for FWO and
29,17-203,43 kJ/mol for KAS.
The cytotoxic effect of the complexes againts the colon cancer cell line (DLD-1), which is
one of the most common types of cancer observed both in humans and animals, was investigated.
The complexes showed high cytotoxicity. Especially, [PtCl2(2-floropyridine)2] and [PtCl2(2-amino-
3-methylpyridine)2] complexes were found to be the most effective compounds against colon cancer
cell line during the 24 hours incubation period.

This study was supported by Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Scientific Research Projects
Commission (Project Number: 232-YL-14)

[1] Moawad, S. S. Aniss, M. L. Eskander, Trans Met Chem 26 (2001) 50.

[2] G. Kısmali, F. M. Emen, T. Yeşilkaynak, O. Meral, D. Demirkıran, T. Sel, N. Kulcu, Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci.,
16 (2012) 1001.

PS3.56 Poster Session 3

Investigation of antibacterial activities and thermal behaviour of the

microfibers containing platinum(II) complexes with pyridine

Fatih Mehmet EMEN1, Emine KUTLU1, Ruken Esra DEMİRDÖĞEN2,

Derya KILIC3, Tuncay YESİLKAYNAK4, Göktürk AVŞAR5, Şinasi AŞKAR6
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, TR
15030, Burdur, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Çankiri Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
Department of Material Technoligies, Faculty of Engineering, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University, TR 15030, Burdur, Turkey
Afsin Vocational High School, Sütcü _Imam University, TR46500, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mersin University,
TR 33343 Mersin, Turkey
Department of Dietetic, Faculty of Health Science, Çankiri Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey

Nosocomial infections which generally transmitted by organisms that are resistant to

antibiotics (i.e., penicilline, ampicilline, meticilline) found in hospitals, are important reasons for
morbidity, mortality and economic loss. Staphylococcus aureus, and is especially methicillin
resistant S.Aureus (MRSA) is one of the most important nosocomial infections and is also a major
cause of pneumonia and bloodstream diseases [1]. For an effective struggle against these diseases
mixed pyridine derivatives of metal halogen complexes, which show antibacterial activity, and
textiles functionalized with these complexes have gained importance both with respect to cost
effectiveness and drug activity. In this study, [PtCl2L2] complexes (L: 3,5-dimethylpyridine, 4-(4-
nitrobenzyl)pyridine, 2-amino-5-nitropyridine) were prepared and also characterized by FT-IR, 1H-
NMR, 13C-NMR techniques. Further, cellulose based polymer microfibers containing the
complexes were prepared via electrospray technique. Thermal behavior of the complexes was
investigated by DTA/TG combined system and their kinetic parameters were calculated by using
Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Kissenger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) methods. Activation energies
(Ea) of the complexes were calculated to be 57,73- 196,54 kJ/mol for FWO and 44,81-203,43
kJ/mol for KAS. Antibacterial activities of the complexes were also investigated. One of the most
important factors of nosocomial infections was the gram negative Extended Spectrum Beta Lactate
(ESBL) Escherichia coli (ATCC 35218), used in the study.

This study was supported by Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Scientific Research Projects
Commission (Project Number: 232-YL-14)

[1] Emori, T. G., Culver, D. H., Horan, T. C., Jarvis, W. R., White, J. W., Olson, D. R., Banerjee, S., Edwards, J. R.,
Martone, W. J. and Gaynes, R. P. American journal of infection control, 19(1) (1991) 19.

Poster Session 3 PS3.57

Synthesis and investigation of pyridine modified biopolymer fibers for

antibacterial textile production

Derya KILIC1, Fatih Mehmet EMEN2, Ruken Esra DEMIRDOGEN3,

Tuncay YEŞILKAYNAK4, Göktürk AVŞAR5, Şinasi AŞKAR6
Department of Material Technoligies, Faculty of Engineering, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University, TR 15030, Burdur, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, TR
15030, Burdur, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Çankırı Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
Afsin Vocational High School, Sütcü Imam University, TR 46500, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mersin University,
TR 33343 Mersin, Turkey
Department of Dietetic and Food, Faculty of Health Science, Çankırı Karatekin University,
TR 18100, Çankırı, Turkey

There is an increase in the prevalence of patients infected with methyciline resistant S. aureus
and 95% of these patients do not respond to first class antibiotics such as peniciline or ampiciline
[1]. Antimicrobial drugs are considered as the most effective mean with respect to both cost and
drug effectiveness [2]. In order to prevent MRSA based infections development of new antibacterial
textiles have gained importance [3]. Thus, for an effective struggle mixed pyridine derivatives of
metal halogen complexes, which show antibacterial activity, and textiles functionalized with these
complexes have gained importance both with respect to cost effectiveness and drug activity.
The micro-fibers obtained by incorporating the complexes (drugs), which have the general
formula ML2Cl2 (L: 2-amino-3-methyl pyridine, 2,6-diamino pyridine; M: Ni (II), Cu(II), Co(II)),
into bio- polymers such as cellulose based polymers –namely, cellulose acetate and
hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose- via electrospinning are characterized by 1H-NMR, FE-SEM
images, TG/DSC and FT-IR spectra. The functionalized fibers thus prepared are targeted to be used
in production of antibacterial textiles.

This study was supported by TUBITAK The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey (Project Number :116Z295).

[1] Neu, H. C. (1992). "The crisis in antibiotic resistance", Science, 257(5073), 1064-1073.
[2] Scott 2nd, R., Solomon, S. L. and McGowan Jr, J. (2001). "Applying economic principles to health care", Emerging
infectious diseases, 7(2), 282.
[3] Govarthanam, K. K., Anand, S. C. and Rajendran, S. (2011). "Development of Advanced Personal Protective
Equipment Fabrics for Protection Against Slashes and Pathogenic Bacteria Part 2: Development of Antimicrobial
Hygiene Garments and their Characterization", Journal of Industrial Textiles, 40(3), 281-296.

PS3.58 Poster Session 3

Synthesis, Structural and Thermal Characterization of Acesulfamato-

N,N-Diethylnicotinamid Mixed Ligand Complexes of Some Transition
Metal Cations

Tuğrul Yıldırım1, Dursun Ali Köse1, Onur Şahin2

Hitit University, Department of Chemistry, 19030, Çorum, Turkey
Sinop University, Scientific and Technological Research Application Centre, 57000 Sinop, Turkey

Acesulfam molecule (6-methyl-1,2,3-oxothiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide) (Figure 1a), which has

been used as an artificial promoter and food additive in Europe since 1983, was released in 1988
with the authorization granted by the FDA [1]. Despite being 180 to 200 more sweet than the
known glucose sugar, it is not digested, stored, and calorie-free when taken in the body. Because of
these properties, they can be used as sweeteners by diabetics. At the same time, acesulfame is a
multifunctional ligand which can form new compounds with different properties by binding to
metal ions via acidic imine nitrogen and neutral carbonyl oxygen, sulfonyl oxygen or ring oxygen
The molecular weight of N,N-diethylnicotinamide, whose chemical formula is C10H14N2O,
is 178.12 g/mol, IUPAC is the name 3-pyridine diethylcarboxamide (Figure 1b). This compound,
commonly called N,N-diethylnicotinamide, is also known to be commercially available, such as
cordiamin, niketamide. Good solubility in water but insoluble in oils and ether [5].

Figure 1. Molecular structure of ligands. (a) acesulfame, (b) nicotinamide

In this work, mixed ligand complexes have been synthesized where asesulfam-nicotinamide
molecules use transition metal cations of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II). For the structural
characterization of new molecules, elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, single crystal x-ray
diffraction spectroscopy (SC-XRD), solid-visible region spectroscopy (UV-vis), magnetic
susceptibility determination and melting point determination methods have been studied. Thermal
analysis curves (TG/DTA/DrTG) were also used to determine the thermal characterization of new
molecules. Structural properties of Co(II), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II) complexes obtained as single
crystals were elucidated in detail and suggestions were made based on other analytical studies
obtained in Ni(II) complex.

[1] V.D. Duffy, G.H. Anderson, J. Am. Diet. Assoc., 98 (1998) 580.
[2] A. Mukherjee, J. Chakrabarti, Food and Chem. Tox., 35 (1997) 1177.
[3] M. Fidan, H. İçbudak, R. Tapramaz, Y. Şahin, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 79(1) (2011) 17.
[4] H. İçbudak, et al., Trans. Metal Chem., 31 (2006) 666.
[5] D.A. Köse, H. Necefoğlu, H. Icbudak, J. Coord. Chem., 61(21) (2008) 3508.

Poster Session 3 PS3.59

Non-Metal Cations(NMC’s)-Polyborate Structures:

Synthesis and Thermal Characterization

Ömer YURDAKUL1, Dursun Ali KÖSE1, Ümit SIZIR1

Hitit University Faculty of Sciences & Arts, Chemistry Department, Çorum, TURKEY

Borate materials have become an active topic of inorganic chemistry in areas such as
luminescence, non-linear optical materials, due to interesting structural differences and future
applications in mineralogy. The synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid compounds containing borate
derivatives is a relatively new area of research and develops rapidly[1-3].
Polyborate salts, especially non-metal cations(NMC's), can be used to template structurally
solid materials [4]. Polyborates salts have been attracting attention as a potential thermal precursors
and porous materials have attracted much academic interest because of the variability and unique
structural chemistry
For this reason, in this study, polyborate structures of cationic amino acids were synthesized
and thermal characterization was performed.

[1] Sihai Yang, Guobao Li, Shujian Tian, Fuhui Liao, Jianhua Lin, Crystal Growth&Design, 2007 7(7) 1246-1250.
[2] V.P. Dotsenko, N.P. Efryshina, I.V. Berezovskaya, Material Letters 1996, 28, 517-520.
[3] Galo J. de A.A. Soler-Illia, Clément Sanchez, Bénédicte Lebeau, Joël Patarin, Chemical Reviews, 2002, 102 (11),
[4] D.M. Schubert, M.Z. Visi, C.B. Knobler, Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47(6), 2017-2023.

PS3.60 Poster Session 3

Thermal analysis on GeSP linear polymer

Gheorghe ALDICA1, Dan BATALU2, Cristian SPANU3,

National Institute of Materials Physics, Atomistilor 405A, 077125 Magurele, Romania
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei 313, 060042 Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Dumbrava Rosie 23, 020462 Bucharest,

The Ge-containing polymers (e.g. C6H10Ge2O7) used as additives to superconducting MgB2

in the ex-situ spark plasma sintering route, significantly enhance the critical current density Jc in
high magnetic fields [1, 2]. Investigation and understanding of the decomposition processes of Ge-
based polymers in the presence or not of MgB2 deserves attention for pinning control and
In this work are presented results of thermal analysis on another polymer from the same
family of Ge-polymers. Namely, thermodynamic transitions during heating and cooling of the GeSP
(also noted as THGP) polymer [3] under synthetic air or pure argon were revealed by differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC, 20-600 °C) and thermo-gravimetric - differential thermal analysis (TG-
DTA, 20-1200 °C). Heating and cooling rates were of 10 °C/min. Detailed thermal analysis is
supported by measurements of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR)
Experiments during heating below 600 °C have shown transformation of the crystalline
GeSP polymer into an amorphous state. This process is accompanied by weight loss. In Ar
atmosphere, above 840 °C, only metallic Ge is detected. At higher temperatures, when heating in
air, oxidation of Ge occurs, with inherent weight increase and, finally, GeO2 melts at 1115 °C.

[1] D. Batalu, G. Aldica, S. Popa, L. Miu, M. Enculescu, R.F. Negrea, I. Pasuk, P. Badica, Scripta Mater., 82 (2014) 61
[2] D. Batalu, G. Aldica, P. Badica, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 26 (2016) 7100104
[3] N. Mizuno, E. Nishibori, M. Oka, T. Jomori, M. Takata, T. Kumasaka, J. Pharm. Sci., 104 (2015) 2482

Authors acknowledge MEC-UEFISCDI, projects PCCA 214/2014 BENZISUPRA, POC E-28

REBMAT, and Core Program PN16-480 P2, P3, Romania.

Poster Session 3 PS3.61

Structure and thermal behaviour of cobalt acrylate-melamine

Mihaela BADEA1*, Rodica OLAR1*, Gina VASILE SCĂEŢEANU2,
George-Mădălin DĂNILĂ1, Constantin-Gabriel DANILIUC3
University of Bucharest, 90-92 Panduri Str., 050663 Bucharest, Romania
University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 59 Mărăşti Str., 011464 Bucharest,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 40 Corrensstrasse, 48149 Münster, Germany
CEEC-TAC (Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)

Melamine (2,4,6-triamino-s-triazine, MLM) is a molecule with high potential to acts as ligand due
its three heterocyclic nitrogen atoms and three amino moieties as potential donors. However, the
melamine coordinative chemistry is poorly due either to its insolubility in all common solvents,
except hot water, or to hydrogen bonds formation between the adjacent molecules. In the known
inorganic compounds, melamine was found as dication outside of coordination sphere, rarely as
ligand and co-crystal with inorganic salt.
Co-crystallization is considered a powerful technique which allows modifying solid-state properties
such as solubility, stability, and dissolution. Having in view all these, our efforts to synthesize
complexes of cobalt acrylate with melamine as ligand lead to a co-crystal of these compounds,
[Co(acr)2(H2O)4]⋅4MLM⋅2DMF. This compound was characterised by using IR, UV-Vis,
thermogravimetric analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction (Fig. 1).
The thermal decomposition was a useful technique which evidenced the presence of water and
DMF molecules. Also, the high temperature observed for melamine loss can be associated with the
greater stability of compound due to hydrogen bonds.

Fig. 1 Molecular structure of [Co(acr)2(H2O)4]⋅4MLM⋅2DMF.

PS3.62 Poster Session 3

Thermal, spectral and biological characterization of new complexes

with imidazole derivatives

Ioana Dorina VLAICU1, Rodica OLAR2* Mariana Carmen CHIFIRIUC3,

Mihaela BADEA2*
National Institute of Materials Physics, POB MG-7, 077125 Măgurele-Ilfov, Romania
University of Bucharest, 90-92 Panduri Str., 050663 Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest, 1-3 Aleea Portocalelor Str., 60101 Bucharest, Romania
CEEC-TAC (Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)

Complexes with imidazole derivatives have received a great attention because of their
interesting spectral and magnetic properties as well as biological activity. Among these, imidazole
plays important role in numerous natural compounds and acts as ligand toward transition metal ions
in a variety of biologically important systems like iron-heme systems, vitamin B12 and its
derivatives, and other several metalloproteins.
Taking into account all these, we report here the synthesis and characterization of new
complexes of copper and nickel with imidazole derivatives and acrylate ion as ligands. The
compounds were characterized by chemical analysis as well as IR, UV-Vis-NIR, EPR spectroscopy
and magnetic data at room temperature.
All complexes exhibit specific anti-infective properties against Gram-positive (S. aureus, B.
subtilis, B. cereus), Gram-negative (P. aeruginosa, E. coli, Enterobacter) and fungal (C. albicans)
as demonstrated by the low MIC values. Their ability to inhibit the microbial biofilm formation on
inert substratum was also assayed.
The thermal analysis (TG, DTA) elucidated the complexes composition as well as the
number and the nature of water molecules. The thermal transformations are complex processes
according to TG and DTG curves including dehydration, acrylate ion oxidative degradation and
thermolysis process of imidazole derivatives. The final product of decomposition is the
corresponding metallic oxide.

Poster Session 3 PS3.63

TG-FTIR/MS and Py-GC/MSD analysis of spruce bark and of its

structural components

Mihai BREBU, Cornelia VASILE

“P. Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
41A G. Ghica Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi, Romania

Oana Alexandra PĂTRĂUŢANU, Valentin I. POPA, Irina VOLF

“Gheorghe Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection
73 Prof. dr. docent D. Mangeron Street, 700050, Iasi, Romania

Biorefining aims for a complete valorization of the biomass by performing the overall processes
with a minimum energy and mass and to maximize the overall value of the production chain. It
consists of an efficient fractionation of biomass into various value-added products and energy using
physical separation processes (primary biorefining) in combination with bio-chemical and thermo-
chemical conversion steps (secondary biorefining). Pyrolysis is an important process to valorise the
residue remaining after separation of valuable extractives.
The aim of this paper is to study the thermal behaviour of Picea abies bark and of its structural
components, cellulose and lignin. The main degradation steps and the corresponding evolved
compounds were determined by TG-MSD/FTIR. Pyrolysis was performed and the composition of
pyrolysis oils was determined by GC-MSD analysis in order to determine the potential use of the
obtained products.
Spruce Bark
Dervative of Mass , a.u.

Mass , %







50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
450 500 550 600 650
Temperature , C
The TG and DTG curves of spruce bark
and of its structural components

PS3.64 Poster Session 3

Effect of rosemary powder over thermal performance of composites

based on polylactic acid

Raluca N. DARIE-NIŢĂ1, Traian ZAHARESCU2, Mihai BREBU1,

Cornelia VASILE1
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A Gr. Ghica Voda Alley, 700487, Iasi,
National Institute for Electrical Engineering (INCDIE ICPE CA), 313 Splaiul Unirii,
P. O. Box 149, Bucharest 030138, Romania

Dynamic scanning calorimetry analysis (DSC), combined with other complex investigations
was performed in order to test the thermal stability and to evaluate the structure–properties relation
of the developed composites. The contribution of additive to the protection of PLA against
oxidative degradation is discussed in respect with phenolic compounds contained by rosemary
Polylactic acid (PLA) is nontoxic, biodegradable, bio-absorbable, compostable polymer
obtained from renewable resources that could be thermally processed and finds utilization in a
variety of fields. In order to maximize the benefits and versatility of PLA, it is necessary to
understand and combine the relationship between the properties of polyester matrix and
characteristics of dispersed phases (additives, etc.), their compatibility and interactions, stabilizing
or degradation effects, influences of manufacturing process on the characteristics of final products,
and so on. These influences are evidenced in DSC curves which are shifted to higher temperatures
by natural antioxidant incorporation – Fig.1.

Fig. 1. DSC curves of PLA and PEG-plasticized PLA containing bioactive agents as
chitosan as antimicrobial and rosemary extract as antioxidant
The results were corelated with those obtained by other methods such as mechanical tests,
rheology, ATR-FTIR, and SEM.

Poster Session 3 PS3.65

Thermal, spectral and antimicrobial characterisation of Cu(II)

complexes with ligands bearing hydrazone moieties

Irina Zarafu1, Rodica OLAR1*, Mihaela BADEA1*,

Carmen Mariana CHIFIRIUC1, Ecaterina Monica SÂRBU,
Petre IONIŢĂ1, Anca PĂUN1, Gabriela IONIŢĂ2
University of Bucharest, 90-92 Panduri Str., 050663 Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
“Ilie Murgulescu” Physical Chemistry Institute of Romanian Academy, 202 Splaiul Independentei,
060021 Bucharest, Romania
CEEC-TAC (Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)

Several studies evidenced an enhanced antitumor, antiviral or antimicrobial activity for

Cu(II) complexes with nitrogen-chelating ligands [1].
As results, starting from hydrazones functionalised with ketopyridine moiety (HL) a new
series of mononuclear complexes were synthesised (Scheme 1).

R: CH 3 (L1)
H C2H5 (L2)
+ H2N C3H7 (L3)
O n-C4H9 (L4)
i-C4H9 (L5)
- H2O

H + [Cu2(CH3COO) 4(OH2)2]
N Cu
(Ln ) OH

The features of complexes have been assigned from ESI-MS, IR, UV-Vis and EPR data.
All complexes presented an enhanced antimicrobial activity in comparison with the ligands
as well as the ability to inhibit the biofilm formation in case of some bacterial and fungal
pathogenic strains.
The thermal analysis evidenced some complex processes as water elimination, thermolyses
and oxidative processes leading to CuO as final product.

[1] M. Gielen, E.R.T. Tiekink “Mettalotherapeutic Drugs & Metal-based Diagnostic Agents” John Wiley&Sons, Ltd.,
Chichester, England, (2005) 219-233

PS3.66 Poster Session 3

Insight on thermal, spectral and antimicrobial profile of Cu(II)

complexes with Schiff base ligands

Irina Zarafu1, Rodica OLAR1*, Mihaela BADEA1*,

Carmen Mariana CHIFIRIUC1, Marcela BUCUR1, Petre IONIŢĂ1,
Anca PĂUN1, Mihaela MULŢESCU1, Gabriela IONIŢĂ2
University of Bucharest, 90-92 Panduri Str., 050663 Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
“Ilie Murgulescu” Physical Chemistry Institute of Romanian Academy, 202 Splaiul Independentei,
060021 Bucharest, Romania
CEEC-TAC (Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)

Copper(II) species are usually used for obtaining complexes with a large spectrum of
biological activity based on its stereochemical diversity and ability to generate redox reactions. On
the other hand, multidentate hydrazones generate both stable complexes and modulate biological
activity of complexes. Several studies evidenced an enhanced antitumor, antiviral or antimicrobial
activity for Cu(II) complexes with nitrogen-chelating ligands [1]. Some of these species were
studied also concerning thermal behaviour [2].
In order to develop new metallo-antimicrobials a series of complexes of type
CuL(CH3COO)·nH2O (L: Schiff bases resulted in [1+1] condensation of 8-alkyle-2-hydroxy-
triciclo[]-trideca-13-one and 4-amino-1-phenyle-2,3-dimethyle-pyrazolone were
The ligands and complexes features have been assigned from microanalytical, ESI-MS, IR,
UV-Vis-NIR and EPR data. All these investigations account for a square-pyramidal or an
octahedral stereochemistry.
The in vitro screening of the antimicrobial activity performed against Gram positive (S.
aureus, B. subtilis), Gram negative (P. aeruginosa, E. coli, Enterobacter spp.) and C. albicans
reference strains indicates an overall good activity for all complexes.
Complexes display a similar thermal behaviour. Processes as water endothermic elimination
as well as oxidative degradation of both acetate and Schiff bases were evidenced according with TG
and DTA curves profile.

[1] M. Gielen, E.R.T. Tiekink “Mettalotherapeutic Drugs & Metal-based Diagnostic Agents” John Wiley&Sons, Ltd.,
Chichester, England, (2005) 219-233
[2] R. Olar, M. Badea, M. Ferbinţeanu, N. Stănică, I. Alan, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127 (2017) 709

Poster Session 3 PS3.67

Cerium-doped hydroxyapatite/collagen coatings on titanium implants

Gabriela CIOBANU, Maria HARJA

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Prof. dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron Rd. 73, Iasi,
700050, Romania

The hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, a calcium phosphate ceramic, is the most important

inorganic component of human hard tissues such as bone, dentine and enamel [1]. The
hydroxyapatite structure allows the incorporation of a wide range of different ionic substitutions [2].
The benefits of these hydroxyapatite substitutions to medical applications were reported in recent
years. Thus, the doping of hydroxyapatite with various metal cations (Na+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Bi3+, Y3+,
Ti4+, etc.) increases the osteoblast adhesion and enhance properties of hydroxyapatite pertinent to
orthopedic and dental applications [3-5]. The hydroxyapatite doped with cerium (Ce) was rarely
been studied in recent years [6,7]. Furthermore, the Ce-doped hydroxyapatite/collagen composites
serving as coatings on titanium implants have not yet been studied by other researchers.
This study uses an in vitro experimental approach to investigate the roles of collagen in
regulating the deposition of the Ce-doped hydroxyapatite layer on the titanium surface. In order to
increase the bioactivity of the titanium surface, an alkali and thermal oxidation treatment has been
applied. Titanium implants were coated with a Ce-doped hydroxyapatite layer under biomimetic
conditions by using a supersaturated calcification solution modified by adding cerium source and
collagen. The apatite deposits on titanium were investigated by means of scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) coupled with X-ray analysis (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Alkali and heat
treatment of titanium implants created better treatment conditions for obtaining a bioactive implant
material. The results obtained have shown that Ce-doped hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium
surface were produced in vitro under cerium source and collagen influence. These coatings are
more effective against Gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria than Gram-positive Staphylococcus
aureus bacteria.

[1] S. Dorozhkin, Prog. Biomater., 5 (2016) 9

[2] T. Tamm, M. Peld, J. Solid State Chem., 179 (2006) 1581
[3] A. Yasukawa, K. Gotoh, H. Tanaka, K. Kandori, Colloids Surf., A393 (2012) 53
[4] S.C. Cox, P. Jamshidi, L.M. Grover, K.K. Mallick, Mater. Sci. Eng. C - Mater. Biol. Appl., 35 (2014) 106
[5] D.G. Guo, A.H. Wang, Y. Han, K.W. Xu, Acta Biomater., 5 (2009) 3512
[6] G. Ciobanu, A.M. Bargan, C. Luca, Ceram. Int., 41 (2015) 12192
[7] B. Priyadarshini, U. Anjaneyulu, U. Vijayalakshmi, Mater. Des., 119 (2017) 446

PS3.68 Poster Session 3

Thermal analysis of geopolymeric/zeolitic materials synthesised from

power plant fly ash

Maria HARJA, Gabriela CIOBANU, Gabriela LISA

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Prof. dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron Rd. 73, Iasi,
700050, Romania

In this paper we present the innovative procedure to compare different activation methods
by thermal analysis. For obtaining geopolymeric/zeolitic materials from power plant, ash is used
different methods: direct activation, fusion, ultrasound and microwave. In this study, we present the
samples synthesised in conditions: 20 °C time 168 h, direct activation at 70, 90 and 150 °C, for 4, 8
and 12 h and ultrasound method –70 °C, 1 h respectively 2 hours. After activation the samples were
cooled and crystallization at 20 °C for 18 h. After this all samples were filtered, washed at pH 8,
with distilled water, and dried at 80 °C for 4 h. We selected these conditions for economic reasons.
Fly ash and activated materials were characterised by SEM/EDAX, XRD, BET, FT-IR, thermal
According to the experimental results the synthesised materials have a BET surface between
21-122 m2/g, bigger than ash 7 m2/g. The FT-IR and XRD analysis demonstrated that the ash
contains: quartz, kaolinite, muscovite, mullite, and vitreous phase. In activated materials were found
mixtures of geopolymers/zeolites phases: quartz, analcime, sodalite, chabazite, faujasite, Na-Y,
tobermorite, etc. According to the loss on ignition (LOI) and the DTG for ash, was observed that the
weight loss is a three-stage process: water evaporation, coal combustion and loss of water of
crystallization, total LOI was 6.52 %. The values of the LOI are higher for the activated materials
comparatively with ash. Comparing different methods, the LOI values are higher for direct
activation samples than samples obtained by ultrasonic method. It is because the zeolite synthesis is
more efficient in direct activation case (higher level of hydration - fact demonstrated by adsorption
capacities). The materials obtained by ultrasound method have only two stages of LOI and total loss
are closed of value of ash. In the case of materials synthesized by direct activation was observed
four stages of loss on ignition, and total LOI increase at 23.84 %, function of activation conditions.
The use of DTG/DTA curves permit to determine the amount and nature of chemical species lost
during the heating process. The endothermic and exothermic peaks, offer information regarding: the
dehydration, amorphization/recrystallization process. All DTA curves confirmation a distinct
endothermic peak in the range of 30–475 °C due to desorption of zeolitic water, and small
exothermic peaks at higher temperatures due to zeolite destruction and crystallization of new
phases. The temperature of the first exothermic peak represents measure of the thermal stability.
Thermal analysis permits identification of the materials and allowed elucidation of the processes
occurs during the thermal heating, for establishing the better activation method.

[1] A. Grela, M. Hebda, M. Łach, J.Mikuła, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 220 (2016) 155
[2] C. Barreneche, A. I. Fernández, L.Cabeza, R. Cuypers, Appl. Energ., 137 (2015) 726

Poster Session 3 PS3.69

Thermal characterization of rivastigmine

Gabriela VLASE1, Adriana LEDEŢI1, Denisa CIRCIOBAN1,

Marius MURARIU2, Angelica CAUNII1, Ionuț LEDEŢI1, Titus VLASE2
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Medicine, Eftimie Murgu Square
2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA

Rivastigmine, a parasympathomimetic and reversible cholinesterase inhibitor, is used to

treat mild to moderate dementia associated with Parkinson's or Alzheimer’s disease [1].
Considering the low risk of the exhibited side effects, nausea and vomiting, research is focused on
obtaining a complete physico-chemical profile in order to develop new pharmaceutical formulations
that increase therapeutic compliance [2].

a b

Thermoanalytical curves TG/DTG/HF (a) and UATR spectrum (b) of rivastigmine

The present study describes the investigation of thermal degradation process in a dynamic
air atmosphere at five different heating rates, up to 500 °C. In order to evaluate the values of the
activation energies, three isoconversional methods were utilized (Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose,
Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Friedman), the different processes that occur during thermal treatment
being afterwards analysed following the NPK method [3].

1. R. Reñé, J. Ricart, B. Hernández, Neurologia, 29 (2014) 86

2. A. Simon, M.I. Amaro, L.M. Cabral, A.M. Healy, V.P. De Sousa, Int. J. Pharm., 501 (2016) 124
3. T. Vlase, G. Vlase, N. Birta, N. Doca, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 88 (2007) 631.

This work was supported by a grant financed by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor
Babeş” Timişoara (Grant PIII-C3-PCFI-2016/2017, acronym STONES).

PS3.70 Poster Session 3

Using of TG-FTIR method for studying the thermal decomposition of

some electro-insulating materials

Andrei Cucos1, Petru Budrugeac1

National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering INCDIE ICPE-CA, Romania, Bucharest

Thermogravimetric analysis coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (TG-FTIR) was
used for investigating the thermal decomposition of some materials used as insulators in electrical
devices. Such materials include polymers (PE, PVC) used as dielectric materials and jackets in
electric cables, epoxy resins used for coating and encapsulating electrical circuit components,
transformer oils used for insulating and cooling electrical oil-filled transformers. Observing by
FTIR the volatiles that are released, some insights concerning the processes occurring on heating of
these materials were gained. Such studies can be helpful for assessing the hazards linked with the
normal or incidental heating of these materials during their usage.

Poster Session 3 PS3.71

Thermal and structural behavior of reduced graphene oxide –

xanthan gum/poly(N-vynil-2-pyrrolidone) hydrogels synthesized by
e-beam crosslinking

Maria DEMETER1,2, Ion CALINA1,3, Catalin VANCEA1,3, Anca Scarisoreanu1,

Marian VIRGOLICI4, Viorica MELTZER2, Cosmin Adrian PINTILIE4
National Institute for Lasers Plasma and Radiation Physics, Accelerators Laboratory,
409 Atomiştilor, Magurele, Romania
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, 4-12 Regina Elisabeta, Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Magurele, Romania
Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, IRASM Radiation
Processing Center, 30 Reactorului, Magurele, Romania

In this work, hydrogels composites based on reduced graphene oxide-xanthan gum and a
synthetic and biodegradable polymer, poly(N-vynil-2-pyrrolidone) (XGrGoPVP) were synthesized
by electron beam radiation crosslinking, in the presence of N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide (NMBA)
used as a crosslinking agent. In order to investigate the influence of reduced graphene oxide on the
hydrogel properties, two types of polymeric hydrogels were prepared, with reduced graphene oxide
(rGo) and without reduced graphene oxide.
Thermal analysis (TG/DSC) was employed to investigate the thermal behavior of these
hydrogels composites. The TG curves of XGrGoPVP hydrogels showed one mass loss event,
characterized by an increase of weight loss percentage up to 10 kGy. The degradation temperature
was likely influenced by the addition of rGo and above 20 kGy, this parameter has decreased. The
DSC data presents one endothermic peak, whose melting enthalpy obviously increased up to 10
kGy. The different absorbed dose, as well as the addition of rGo was found to influence the
crosslinking process and the hydrogels thermal behavior.
The polymeric hydrogel composites were investigated by FT-IR, FT-Raman spectroscopy
and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sol-gel analysis and the swelling behaviour, as
function of absorbed dose, were investigated to calculate the crosslink density and the average
molecular weight between crosslinks (Mc). FT-IR and FT-Raman analysis has shown the formation
of a miscible blend between the hydrogels components. The crosslinking process has been
highlighted by increasing the intensity of specific absorption bands or their shifting toward lower
wavenumbers, as well as throughout the formation of new C−C chemical bonds.
The sol-gel analysis revealed that the minimum absorbed dose to reach the gel point is 4.9
kGy for hydrogels composites with rGo and the degradation degree was higher for the hydrogels
without rGo. The swelling degree has increased with absorbed dose and reached a maximum value
of 3000%. The same increase was observed when the average molecular weight between crosslinks
(Mc) was determined.

PS3.72 Poster Session 3

New cooper complex of azo compound. Synthesis and characterization

Maria Elena RĂDULESCU-GRAD 1, Gabriela VLASE 2, Nicolae DOCA2,

Gheorghe ILIA1, Simona Gabriela MUNTEAN 1, Marinela MICLĂU,3
Institute of Chemistry Timişoara of Romanian Academy, B-dul Mihai Viteazul 24, 300223 -
Timişoara, Romania.
West University of Timisoara, Research Center: Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timisoara, RO-300115, România,
National Institute for Research and Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Dr.
A. Paunescu-Podeanu 114, 300569, Timisoara, Romania

The present paper is concerned with the obtaining and characterization of two new
complexes acid dyes by combining transition metal (Cu2+) with two azo acid dyes namely Acid
Orange 7 (C.I. 15510) and Amido black 10B (C.I. 20470) as precursors. It is well known that the
wide-spreadest class of synthetic organic dyes, representing more than 50% of the commercial dyes,
meaning the azo dyes contains the azo group −N=N− as part of their molecules.[1] At the same
time, related to their chemical structures, these azo dyes are shared into several categories, in close
dependence to the fibres type, for which they have affinity and to the methods by which they are
applied respectively.[2]

Fig 1.Thermoanalitical curves in air with Fig.2 Thermoanalitical curves in nitrogen with
10ºC/min-500ºC for ligand and Cu complex 10ºC/min-500ºC for ligand and Cu complex
Nowdays, azo transition metals chelates have also attracted significant attention due to their
interesting electronic and geometrical features in close connection with their application in many
different fields. The resulted structures were synthesized in fair yield and characterized by FT-IR,
UV-VIS, AAs, thermal analysis in different condition (fig 1,2) and X-ray diffraction techniques.

1.Zollinger H. Color Chemistry: Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Organic Dyes and Pigments. 3rd ed.
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH; 2003.
2.Hassan M.M., Bhagvandas M. Sustainable low liquor ratio dyeing of wool with acid dyes: Effect of auxiliaries on
agglomeration of dye molecules in a dyebath and dyeing uniformity. J. Clean. Prod. 152(2017) 464-473.

Poster Session 3 PS3.73

Synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial applications of

phosphate materials based on calcium apatite scaffold

Irina FIERASCU1, Radu Claudiu FIERASCU1*, Cristian-Andi NICOLAE1,

Stefan Ovidiu DIMA1, Raluca SOMOGHI1, Lia-Mara DITU2
National R&D Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM Bucharest, 202 Spl.
Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest, Microbiology Department, 1-3 Aleea Portocalelor, 060101, Bucharest,

Calcium phosphate in general and hydroxyapatite in special received in the last decades a lot
of attention, due to their potential for application in various areas, from human health applications
[1, 2] to environmental [3] or cultural heritage conservation applications [4]. For application in
cultural heritage conservation, the apatitic materials should have enhanced antimicrobial properties.
The present paper describes the synthesis of phosphate materials based on calcium apatite
scaffolds, obtained by substituting calcium from the hydroxyapatite matrix with different bi-valent
metals. The obtained materials were characterised in terms of composition and structure (using X-
Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Fluorescence, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Thermal analyses)
and morphology (using Transmission Electron Microscopy).
Antimicrobial activity was tested against filamentous fungi strains and pathogenic bacteria
strains, using both spot on lawn qualitative method (on agar medium) and serial microdilution
quantitative method (in broth medium). The anti-biofilm activity of the tested samples against some
microbial strains implicated in biofilm development, was evaluated using crystal violet stained
biofilms microtiter assay, followed by spectrophotometric quantitative evaluation [5].

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-
PED-2016-0198, within PNCDI III.

[1] Y.D Yu, Y.J. Zhu, C. Qi, J. Wu, Ceram. Int., 43 (2017) 6511
[2] Y.Y Ozbek, F.E. Bastan, F. Ustel, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 125 (2016) 745
[3] I. Fierascu, R.C. Fierascu, O. Popa, N. Babeanu, Rom. Biotechnol. Lett., 19 (2014) 9196
[4] I. Fierascu, R.C. Fierascu, R.M. Ion, C. Radovici, Rom. J. Mat., 44 (2014) 292
[5] F. Khan, M.U. Hashmi, N. Khalid, M.Q. Hayat, A. Ikram, H.A. Janjua, App. Surf. Sci., 387 (2016) 317

PS3.74 Poster Session 3

Thermal analyses applied for the study of purification and

micro-fluidization of bacterial cellulose

Stefan-Ovidiu DIMA1, Radu-Claudiu FIERASCU1, Csongor ORBAN2,

Cristian-Andi NICOLAE1, Marius GHIUREA1, Florin OANCEA1*
INCDCP ICECHIM Bucharest, 202 Splaiul Independenței, 060021 Bucharest, Romania,
S.C. Corax Bioner CEU S.A., 53 Sarkadi Elek, Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita County, Romania

Kombucha membrane (KM) was identified as a new source from the bioeconomy’s side
streams for obtaining micro- and nanofibrils of bacterial cellulose. KM is a by-product that results
during the fermentation of tea broth by a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), and its
importance resides from its content in pure cellulose, free of lignin, in comparison with vegetal

Fig. 1. TG and DTG analyses of bacterial cellulose in different processing steps.

After a purification step by alkaline treatment for the removal of melanoidins, the resulted
bacterial cellulose was submitted to different steps of mechanical treatment, starting with grinding
using a blender, followed by grinding with a colloidal mill to micro-size cellulose fibrils, and
ending with micro-fluidization at high pressure (1260 bar) and at different number of passes, the
final aim being the obtaining of pure cellulose nano-fibrils.
For the evaluation of intermediary and final products, different analytic techniques were
used, like TG, DTG, DSC, SEM, TEM, FTIR, and XRD. In particular, the use of thermal analyses
confirmed the destructuring of macro- and micro- cellulosic structures to nanofibrils, and offered
important information regarding the thermal stability and behaviour of cellulose materials in
different purification and treatment steps.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by a grant of CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project

CONVERT-SI 62/2016, within ERA-NET.

Poster Session 3 PS3.75

Influence of the ultrasound on the thermal behaviour of flax-cotton

fabrics during the bioscouring treatment

Mihaela DOCHIA1, Simona GAVRILAȘ2, Monica PUSTIANU3,

Daniel TOMESCU1, Dorina CHAMBRE2
Research Development Innovation in Natural and Technical Sciences Institute of “Aurel Vlaicu”
University, 2 Elena Drăgoi Str., Arad, Romania
”Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environmental
Protection, 2 Elena Drăgoi Str., Arad, Romania
”Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Faculty of Engineering, 2 Elena Drăgoi Str., Arad, Romania

Fabrics obtained from natural fibres represent an important field of textile industry. The
specific lignocellulosic/cellulosic structure gives special chemical, technological and thermal
properties. The influence of different treatments applied on the fabrics could be determined using
various analyses. All treatments and preparation methods applied on fabrics influence their thermal
behaviour. Another important aspect which has significant influence is the heating rate [1].
The flax fibres are lignocellulosic type. To improve the flax fabrics quality those are subject
of a pre-treatment to remove the impurities presented (wax, organic acids, pectin, salts). From
economical and ecological point of view it is recommended the bioscouring treatment. This
involves an enzymatic process for the pectin degradation [2].
Our study determined the influence of an ultrasonic reaction media on the efficiency of the
pectin degradation process by using thermal analysis. It had been demonstrated that using
ultrasound in textile industry improves the diffusion coefficient of the reaction compounds and also
the fibres swelling in water [3]. For this, a comparative bioscouring treatment with and without
ultrasound was made on 40% flax-60% cotton fabrics using two variables: enzyme concentration
and treatment time. The reaction media consisted in an aliquot of commercial pectinolytic product
called Beisol Pro, Denimcol Wash-RGN as detergent from CHT Bezema Company and a chelating
agent (sodium citrate) in distillate water.
All results obtained from different analyses such as: thermal analysis, IR, weight loss,
hydrophilycity, whiteness degree, colorimetric analysis, tensile strength and elongation at break
underline the positive effect of the ultrasound in the bioscouring process.

[1] H. S. S. Sharma, G. Faughey, D. McCall, J. Text. I., 87 (1996) 249.

[2] D. Fakin, V. Golob, K. Stana Kleinschek, A. Majcen Le Marechal, “Text, Res. J., 76 (2006) 448
[3] C. Karaboğa, A. E. Körlü, K. Duran, M. İ. Bahtiyari, Fibres. Text. East. Eur., 15 (2007) 97

PS3.76 Poster Session 3

The study of protein - mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticles interaction


Aurica PRECUPAS2, Romica SANDU2, Salvador BORROS1,
Grup d’Enginyeria de Materials (GEMAT), Institut Quimic de Sarrià, Universitat Ramon Llull,
Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Splaiul
Independentei 202, Bucharest, Romania

In this study the effect of mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticles (MNPs) on the thermal stability of
human serum albumin (HSA) in sodium buffer phosphate at pH 7.4 and in MilliQ water pH 6.3, as
well as the thermodynamics of protein-MNPs interactions were evaluated against the protein corona
(PC) formation in that media, depending on the nanoparticle surface area. The chemical and
structural characterization of the studied materials (mesoporous SiO2 with particle size of 300 nm
and 270 nm) was realized by IR, BET surface area, BJH pore size and volume analysis, scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), DLS (dynamic light scattering) size distribution and zeta potential. The
characterization of the protein corona formed by incubating the NPs with a biological fluid, in this
case HSA, was realized by BCA assay for the quantification and SDS-PAGE for the qualification of
the proteins that form the protein corona.
The changes in the thermal behaviour of HSA (both free in solution and adsorbed to
nanometer-sized oxide particles) were studied by using NanoDSC-TA Instruments equipment. SiO2
MNPs have a destabilizing effect on the thermal unfolding of HSA. Compared to the thermal
denaturation of free protein in sodium buffer phosphate at pH 7.4, lower values of the transition
temperature for adsorbed protein were observed, indicating that the stability of the protein when it
forms the corona is less stable than the free albumin. Furthermore, enthalpy (ΔH), and heat capacity
(Cp) values for the adsorbed protein on MNPs are bigger than the corresponding values in the MNP
absence, due to the presence of water molecules when the protein corona is formed. Within the
studied samples the one that has a higher protein corona (262 μg HSA/mg MNP), and at the same
time more surface area (827.3 m2/g) and a higher pore (38.8 Å), has less increase comparing with
the free albumin and the MNP that has the lower protein corona (81 μg HSA/mg MNP), less
surface area (780.7 m2/g) and pore (36.0 Å).
For the study of HSA-MNPs interaction, isothermal calorimetric measurements in water at
310 K were performed using an ITC200 microcalorimeter. Thermodynamic characteristics of
protein-MNPs interactions (the binding stoichiometry n, the binding constant K, the changes of
binding enthalpy ΔH and the binding entropy ΔS) were obtained. The binding of HSA on SiO2
MNPs’ surface is a complex proces. At the beginning of the titrations, the endothermic effect
indicates the dominance of hydrophobic interactions. It is followed by an exothermic effect
implying a predominant role of polar interactions, e.g. ionic and/or hydrogen bond formation.
The less ΔH and the high K correspond to higher PC.

Acknowledgements: The support of the EU (ERDF) and Romanian Government under the project
INFRANANOCHEM Nr. 19/01.03.2009 and of the project NanoReg2, Nr. 646221/2015 in the frame of the
Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Union is acknowledged.

Poster Session 3 PS3.77

The Enthalpy of Formation of Cyclooctane Revisited


"Ilie Murgulescu" Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, 202 Splaiul
Independentei, 060021, Bucharest, Romania
Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Department of General Chemistry, 1 Polizu st., 011061,
Bucharest, Romania

The enthalpy of formation of cyclooctane was derived from experimentally measured

energy of combustion, by means of a Parr Instruments model 6200 microprocessor controlled,
isoperibol oxygen bomb calorimeter. The energy of combustion in liquid phase was measured using
a static-bomb combustion calorimeter. The value obtained by us is discussed in correlation with
literature ones and with those calculated by means of group additivity, together with the ring strain
energy. The enthalpies of formation of non-saturated eight-membered ring hydrocarbons were
calculated starting from their enthalpies of hydrogenation and the value for cyclooctane.
The DSC study of the title compound allowed the determination of its heat of fusion and
showed an important supercooling effect.

This contribution was carried out within the research programme - Chemical Thermodynamics of
the “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, financed by the Romanian Academy. Support
of the EU (ERDF) and Romanian Government, that allowed for acquisition of the research
infrastructure under POS-CCE O 2.2.1 project INFRANANOCHEM - Nr. 19/01.03.2009, is
gratefully acknowledged

PS3.78 Poster Session 3

Compatibility studies of Ketoconazole-Fumaric Acid co-crystal

with tablet excipients in physical mixtures

Irina KACSO1, Flavia MARTIN1, Maria MICLAUS1, Xenia FILIP1,

Ioana GROSU1, Claudiu FILIP1
1 National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 67-103
Donat str. 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ketoconazole (KET) is an imidazole derivative antifungal drug with very low aqueous
solubility and bioavailability, widely used in a variety of formulations for oral and topical
administration. Based on KET co-crystallization potential with dicarboxylic acids a Ketoconazole –
Fumaric Acid (KET-FUM) co-crystal was obtained [1]. The solubility of this co-crystal is 100 times
higher than pure KET, so it can be considered a good candidate for oral administration in lower
doses for the fungal infections treatment. Therefore, compatibility studies with the usual
pharmaceutical excipients of this co-crystal are needed to be performed.
Physical mixtures of KET-FUM with corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium
stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, colloidal silica and talc, in 1:1 ratio,
were prepared and analysed by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
The PXRD and FTIR analysis did not reveal interactions between co-crystal and the tested
The DSC analysis shows no interactions between KET-FUM and corn starch,
microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, colloidal silica, talc and
polyvinylpyrrolidone, for the first five excipients the values of thermal events remaining practically
unchanged, and for the last one a melting peak appears at a slightly lower temperature than in pure
co-crystal (168°C).
The mixture of KET-FUM with magnesium stearate exhibits a totally different thermal
behavior than pure components [2]. During the heating process four endothermic events were
observed: the first between 50-80°C corresponds to the dehydration of sample, and the next three,
with maxima at 94, 108 and 124°C respectively, are probable due to the physical-chemical
interactions that appear between co-crystal and magnesium stearate. Also, the decomposition of the
sample occurs at lower temperature than the melting of the pure co-crystal. Due to this interaction
the magnesium stearate should be avoided as tablet lubricant in KET-FUM formulations.

[1] F. Martin, M.M. Pop, G. Borodi, X. Filip, I. Kacso, Cryst. Growth Des., 13 (2013) 4295
[2] S.S. Bharate, S.B. Bharate, A.N. Bajaj, J. Excipients and Food Chem., 1(3) (2010) 3

Poster Session 3 PS3.79

Thermal and structural characterization of some silica natural


Virginia COMAN1, Ioana PERHAIȚA1, Miuța FILIP1, Ioan BRATU2,

Diana LAZĂR2, Victor-Constantin MĂRUȚOIU3, Irina KACSÓ2,
Mihaela VLASSA1, Constantin MĂRUȚOIU3
Babeș-Bolyai University, Raluca Ripan Institute for Research in Chemistry, 30 Fântânele Street,
RO-400294 Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; E-mail:
National Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 67-103 Donath Street, RO-
400293 Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; E-mail:
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Episcop Nicolae Ivan Street,
RO-400692 Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; E-mail:

In this work, several natural products (three volcanic tuffs, six clays, one diatomite, one
bentonite) based on silica have been investigated by instrumental techniques like thermal analysis
(TG, DTG, DTA), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) and X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, respectively, and specific surface area measurements. These
products are fundamentally built of tetrahedral silicate sheets and octahedral hydroxide sheets.
Our results show similarities and differences between the analyzed samples related to their
origin and nature.
The thermal analysis gives information about the mass loss of water coming from adsorption
or silanols (%) according to the identity of the natural product. TG (thermogravimetry) curves show
the continuous mass loss, DTG (derivative thermogravimetry) the rate of mass loss while DTA's
(differential thermal analysis) the nature of thermal effects occur. The thermal analysis proves the
loss of adsorption water by endothermic effects (40–175ºC) with a minimum around 110ºC and the
loss of water from silanol groups by exothermic effects (175–800ºC) with a maximum around 375º.
The results obtained by XRF technique indicate the content of metals of the investigated
natural products. One can observe that all analyzed samples contain potassium (0.75–4.37%), iron
(0.69–3.21%) and zirconium (0.01–0.04%). Other metals found in the most of samples are calcium,
titanium and strontium.
The original and demineralized samples were analyzed by ATR-FTIR technique. The
compared results of these measurements have better outlined the siloxane and silanol groups.
The specific surface area of measured samples is found in the range of 5 to 130 m2/g.
The results of this work are useful for the application of these natural products as supports in
liquid chromatography and gas/liquid filtration.

PS3.80 Poster Session 3

Preformulation studies for selection of excipients for cholinesterase

inhibitor tacrine

Ionuţ LEDEŢI1, Lenuţa-Maria ŞUTA1, Marius MURARIU2,

Denisa CIRCIOBAN1, Gabriela VLASE1, Adriana LEDEŢI1, Titus VLASE3
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Medicine, Eftimie Murgu Square
2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA

Tacrine (IUPAC: 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridin-9-amine) is a chemical compound that acts as a

reversible inhibitor and classical pharmacophore known as one of the main FDA approved drugs for
AD [1].

Chemical structure of tacrine (1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridin-9-amine)

The selected excipients were starch, calcium lactate, lactose, mannitol, magnesium stearate,
sodium carboxy-methyl-cellulose, PVP, sorbitol, talc and fumed silica. As investigation tools, FTIR
spectroscopy was choose as first technique, in order to determine the compatibility of components
under ambient conditions, and the results are correlated with the ones of PXRD patterns. Later, the
influence of thermal stress over the stability of samples and the analysis of thermal-induced
interactions was studied by using thermal analysis [2].
For the observed incompatibities, a possible mechanism of interaction between levodopa
and excipients was discussed.

1. Z. Najafi, M. Mahdavi, M. Saeedi, E. Karimpour-Razkenari, R. Asatouri, F. Vafadarnejad, F.H. Moghadam, M.

Khanavi, M. Sharifzadeh, T. Akbarzadeh, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 125 (2017) 1200.
2. I. Ledeti, S. Bolintineanu, G. Vlase, D. Circioban, A. Ledeti, T. Vlase, L.M. Suta, A. Caunii, M. Murariu, J. Therm.
Anal. Calorim., (2017) doi: 10.1007/s10973-017-6393-2.

This work was supported by the PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0515.

Poster Session 3 PS3.81

Thermal behaviour and physical properties of food azo dyes,

biologically active. I. Tartrazine


Anca MOANŢĂ1, Nicoleta CIOATERĂ1, Mariana POPESCU2,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, 2-4 Petru Rareş Street, 200349 Craiova, Romania

The food azo dyes are significant biologically active materials. Thermal behavior of trisodium(4E)-5-oxo-1-(4-
sulfonatophenyl)-4-[(4-sulfonatophenyl)hydrazono]-3-pyrazole carboxylate, tartrazine or E102 named (Figure
1), food dye was studied in correlation with the physical, chemical and biologically antioxidant properties [1]. Azoic dye structure has been
determined by X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis. Atomic transitions and atomic bonds behavior in molecules, fluorescent excitation of the
compound has been identified by spectroscopic FTIR, UV-Vis, atomic fluorescence and Raman techniques. Optical properties were determined
through refractive index for different concentrations measurements. Relative electrical permeability, electronic polarization and others were
calculated. Biological of azo dye activity has been evidenced through their interaction with animal proteins and azo dye toxicity, to plants, it was
manifested through the treatment of wheat with different concentrations azo dye solutions. Were measured surface tension and pH of the azo dye
solutions depending on the temperature [2].

Figure 1 Figure 2

Thermal analysis measurements were performed in air dynamic atmosphere (150 cm3/min) at 10 K/min to 1000 °C, using alumina
crucibles with PerkinElmer Diamond TG/DTA device [3]. These measurements of tartrazine revealed a thermal stability till 350 °C (Figure 2). The
visible absorption band with a peak at the wavelength 436.36 nm, for tartrazine solution c = 0.001 %, has absorbance value of 1.011.
The study was conducted in order to determine the bioactivity behavior of tartrazine.

[1] A. Moanta, “Organic chemistry and pollution”, SITECH House, (2009) 78-86
[2] A. Rotaru, G.Bratulescu, P. Rotaru, Thermochim. Acta, 489 (2009)
[3] A. Rotaru, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 126 (2016) 919

PS3.82 Poster Session 3

Thermal behaviour and physical properties of food azo dyes,

biologically active. II. Sunset yellow


Nicoleta CIOATERĂ1, Maria CIOCÎLTEU2, Marius VĂRUŢ2,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, 2-4 Petru Rareş Street, 200349 Craiova, Romania

The food azo dyes are significant biologically active materials. Thermal behavior of
disodium6-hydroxy-5-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonate, sunset yellow or E110 named
(Figure 1), food dye was studied in correlation with the physical, chemical and biologically
antioxidant properties [1]. Atomic transitions and atomic bonds behavior in molecules, fluorescent excitation of the compound has been
identified by spectroscopic FTIR, UV-Vis, atomic fluorescence and Raman techniques. Optical properties were determined through refractive index
for different concentrations measurements. Relative electrical permeability, electronic polarization and others were calculated. Biological of azo dye
activity has been evidenced through their interaction with animal proteins and azo dye toxicity, to plants, it was manifested through the treatment of
wheat with different concentrations azo dye solutions. Were measured surface tension and pH of the azo dye solutions depending on the temperature

Figure 1 Figure 2

Thermal analysis measurements were performed in air dynamic atmosphere (150 cm3/min)
at 10 K/min to 1000 °C, using alumina crucibles with PerkinElmer Diamond TG/DTA device [3].
These measurements of sunset yellow revealed a thermal stability till 350 °C (Figure 2). The visible
absorption band with a peak at the wavelength 482.47 nm, for sunset yellow solution c = 0.0025 %,
has absorbance value of 0.785.
The study was conducted in order to determine the bioactivity behavior of sunset yellow.

[1] A. Moanta, “Organic chemistry and pollution”, SITECH House, (2009) 78-86
[2] A. Rotaru, G.Bratulescu, P. Rotaru, Thermochim. Acta, 489 (2009)
[3] A. Rotaru, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 126 (2016) 919

Poster Session 3 PS3.83

Hybridization effects on electric properties of CF/FF and BF/FF epoxy

based composites


Transilvania University of Brașov, 29 Eroilor Av., Romania

Broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy represents one of the most versatile methods
deployed to assess both glass transition and dielectric properties of polymeric materials with a wide
dynamic range of frequencies [1, 2].
Hybridization by aid of either natural or synthetic reinforcements, irrespective of their
inherent material characteristics (e.g. shape, length, orientation, etc.) and compatibility issues
assured through various techniques seem to capture researchers’ attention continuously, as can be
traced by a focused survey on particular literature [3,4].
The herein study aims to present the relaxation curves from dielectric measurements carried
by aid of a high precision dielectric analyzer (Alpha analyzer, Novocontrol Technologies) in
combination with a control temperature system in the temperature range 25° - 180° C, in steps of 5
K/min and consecutive isothermal frequency sweeps (101 – 107 Hz) on the epoxy based composite
specimens under debate.
The hybrid polymer based composites were manufactured as asymmetric and symmetric
architectures of synthetic fibre reinforced layers (e.g. carbon, basalt) in combination with natural
reinforcements (e.g. flax fibres) to deliver the polymer based laminates.
Data processing will emphasise the influence of the stacking sequence and individual
constitutive materials upon the dynamic electrical properties (e.g. loss modulus, permittivity) as
well as the heterogeneity of the combinations through Cole-Cole plots.
[1] W. G. F. Sengers, et al., Polymer, 45 (2005) 6054
[2] M. T. Viciosa et al., Polymer, 52 (2011) 1944.
[3] L. Yan, N. Chow, K. Jayaraman, Comp. Part B, 56 (2014) 296
[4] M. Jawaid, H. Abdul Kahlil, Carbohyd. Polym. 86 (2011) 1

PS3.84 Poster Session 3

Spectral, thermal and biological characterization of some new

complexes with a Schiff base bearing triazolo moiety as potential
antimicrobial species

Rodica OLAR1*, Mihaela BADEA1*, Larisa CALU1,

Nataša ČELAN KOROŠIN2, Mariana Carmen CHIFIRIUC1,
University of Bucharest, 90-92 Panduri Str., 050663 Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 113, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
CEEC-TAC (Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)

The complexes with Schiff bases are intensively studied concerning both structural diversity
and spectrum of biological activity. Such complexes exhibit antimicrobial, anticonvulsive, anti–
HIV, anti–inflammatory and antitumor activity [1] and moreover, some complexes proven an
interesting thermal behaviour [2].
In order to modulate biological activity a novel series of complexes ML(ClO4)·nH2O (M:
Co, Ni, Cu, Zn; HL: Schiff base resulted in [1+1] condensation of salicylic aldehyde and 3-amino-
1,2,4-triazole) have been synthesized and characterised as mononuclear species.
The features of complexes have been assigned from microanalytical, ESI-MS, IR, UV-Vis-
NIR, EPR and magnetic data. The IR spectra display the characteristic band of azomethine, indicate
the chelate behaviour of Schiff base and the perchlorate presence either as free ion or as unidentate.
Electronic spectra of Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes are characteristic for hexa-coordination while that
of Cu(II) indicates a square-planar stereochemistry. The stereochemistry of these complexes is
sustained also by magnetic moments and features of EPR spectra.
The in vitro screening performed on Gram positive (S. aureus, B. subtilis), Gram negative
(E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa), both in suspension or adherent cultures, indicate a good
activity for Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes. Moreover, Cu(II) complex exhibit a promising antitumor
activity on HT 29.
The simultaneous TG/DSC/MS measurements evidenced process as water (crystallisation or
coordination) elimination, perchlorate decomposition as well as fragmentation and oxidative
degradation of Schiff base.

[1]C. Zhou, L. Gan, Y. Zhang, F. Zhang, G. Wang, L. Jin, R. Geng, Sci. China Chem., 52 (2009) 415
[2] R. Olar, M. Badea, M. Ferbinţeanu, N. Stănică, I. Alan, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127 (2017) 709

Poster Session 3 PS3.85

Thermal behaviour of some biological active perchlorate complexes

with a triazolopyrimidine derivative

Rodica OLAR1*, Mihaela BADEA1*, Larisa CALU1,

Mariana Carmen CHIFIRIUC1, Luminiţa MĂRUŢESCU1
University of Bucharest, 90-92 Panduri Str., 050663 Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 113, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
CEEC-TAC (Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)

Triazolopyrimidines similarity with DNA purine nucleobases generated development of

derivatives with a large spectrum of biological effects such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor and cardiovascular [1]. Furthermore, complexes with such
ligands were studied from point of view of antimicrobial, antitumor or antiparasitic activity [2] as
well as thermal behavior [3].
In order to modulate biological activity new species of type M(pmtp)(ClO4)2⋅nH2O (M: Co, Ni,
Cu, Zn; pmtp: 5-phenyl-7-methyl-1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine) were synthesised and characterised
by chemical analysis, ESI-MS, IR, UV-Vis-NIR, EPR spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and magnetic
data at room temperature.
The in vitro screening of the antimicrobial activity were performed against Gram positive (S.
aureus, B. subtilis), Gram negative (E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa), both reference and
clinical multidrug resistant strains. Zinc(II) complex was the most active, with minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) in the range 31-125 μg mL-1. Instead, all complexes have the ability to inhibit
the biofilm adhesion on inert substratum.
In order to evidence the modifications at heating and also the thermodynamics effects that
accompany them the thermal behaviour of these derivatives was investigated by simultaneous
TG/DSC/MS measurements. Processes as water elimination, perchlorate decomposition,
fragmentation and oxidative degradation of the triazolopyrimidine species were observed during the
thermal studies.

[1] H.M. Ashour, O.G. Shaaban, O.H. Rizk, I.M. El-Ashmawy, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 62 (2013) 341
[2] I. Łakomska, M. Fandzloch, Coord. Chem. Rev., 327-328 (2016) 221
[3] L. Calu, M. Badea, R. Cerc Korošec, P. Bukovec, C.C. Daniliuc, M.C. Chifiriuc, L. Măruţescu, C. Ciulică, G.
Şerban, R. Olar, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 127 (2017) 697

PS3.86 Poster Session 3

Thermal Properties of Protein-Inorganic Hybrid Nanoflowers


Erciyes University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Turkey

Proteins have a large number of biochemical functions. Stability of the proteins is dependent
on certain conditions, including temperature, pH and ionic strength. They work only in a narrow
range of temperature. When protein is heated to a specific temperature, there will be changes in its
secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure, which is called denaturation. This behavior causes
changes in the functional properties of protein. There are many studies about thermal properties of
the proteins in the literature [1-3]. But, there is no report about thermal properties of protein-
inorganic hybrid nanoflowers yet.
Flower-mimicking nanostructures have attracted considerable interest in recent years [4-6].
Integrating biomolecules (proteins, DNA etc) as functional building blocks into the inorganic
nanoflowers further offers a tool to modulate their nanostructures. This approach confers specific
biological activities to facilitate their applications in various fields [7].
In this study, flower-like hybrid protein-inorganic structures were synthesized using a
common protein (bovine serum albumine, BSA) and metal ions (Cu2+) at different pHs and different
protein concentrations. The structures that were created by the assemby of nano-sized leaf-shaped
structures with the formation of bond are called flower-like nanostructure because of the resulting
structure resembles a flower. These synthesized hybrid nanoflowers were characterized using SEM,
EDX, FTIR analysis. Also, the thermal behavior such as glass transition and crystallization of
protein-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers was investigated in detail using differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), TGA.

This study is supported by a grant (Project Number: FDK-2016-6637) from Scientific

Research Projects Committee of Erciyes University.

[1] M. Wis´niewska, K. Szewczuk-Karpisz, D. Sternik, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. (2015) 120:1355–1364

[2] X. Rui, J. I. Boye, S. Ribereau, B. K. Simpson, S. O. Prasher, Food Res. Int. 44 (2011) 2497–2504
[3] W. Weselowski, A. Kartuj, F. Laam, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 81 (2008) 1237
[4] J. Ge, J. Lei, R.N. Zare, Nat. Nanotech. (2012) 7, 428-432
[5] B. Somtürk, M. Hancer, I. Ocsoy, N. Özdemir; Dalton Trans. (2015), 44 (31), 13845-13852
[6] C. Altınkaynak, I. Yılmaz, Z. Köksal, H. Özdemir, I. Ocsoy, N. Özdemir, Int. J. Biol. Macromolec. (2016), 84, 402-
[7] G. He, W. Hu, C. M. Li, Colloids Surf. B. Biointerfaces 135 (2015) 613–618

Poster Session 3 PS3.87

New mixed-ligand Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes with enrofloxacin:

synthesis, spectral and thermal behaviour
Aurora REISS1, Gabriel MUNTEANU2, Nicoleta CIOATERA1,
Cezar SPÎNU1, Petre ROTARU1
Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, 13 AI Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, Romania
“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, 202 Spl.
Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
Infection and Immunity Laboratory, Cantacuzino Institute 103, Spl. Independentei, Sector 5,
050096, Bucharest, Romania

A major problem of medical world is faced with the rapid development of resistance to the
existing antimicrobial drugs, which needs the discovery of new antimicrobial compounds.
Considerable attention has been focused on mixed-ligand with transition metallic ions which drive
to obtain new compounds with a wide range of biological properties, having a good reactivity and
stability [1]. New mixed-ligand Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes with enrofloxacin and 1,10-
phenanthroline/8-hydroxyquinoline have been synthetized. The metal complexes have been
characterized by elemental analyses, molar conductance, FTIR, solid reflectance, magnetic moment,
thermal analyses, X-ray powder diffraction and SEM analysis. Conductance measurements indicate
that all the complexes are nonelectrolytes. Spectral data showed that the deprotonated enrofloxacin
is bidentately bound to the metal ion through the pyridone oxygen and a carboxylato oxygen; 1,10-
phenanthroline acts as neutral bidentate ligand coordinated through two nitrogen donor atoms and
the deprotonated 8-hydroxyquinoline is coordinated through nitrogen and oxygen donor atoms [2].
The geometry of the complexes was elucidated with solid reflectance UV and magnetic moments.
TG experiments revealed the thermal stability of metal complexes and confirmed their compositions
suggested by the analytical data.

In addition to experimental data molecular modeling study has been made and present the
optimized geometries of metal complexes. The powder XRD and SEM studies show that all the
complexes are nanocrystalline.The metal complexes were investigated in vitro for the cytotoxic

[1] M. Lalia-Kantouri, M. Gdaniec, C. D. Papadopoulos, K. Parinos, K. Chrissafis, B. Wicher, J. Therm. Anal.

Calorim., 117 (2014) 1241
[2] K. Nakamoto, “Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds”, Wiley New York, (1986)

PS3.88 Poster Session 3

Effect of thermal aging on the optical properties

of poly(ester urethane) elastomers

Liliana ROSU1, Stefan OPREA2, Dan ROSU1,

Cristian–Dragos VARGANICI1
Centre of Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers, ”Petru Poni” Institute of
Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A Gr. Ghica-Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi, Romania
Laboratory of Polyaddition and Photochemistry, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular
Chemistry, 41A Gr. Ghica-Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi, Romania

Poly(ester urethane) elastomers (PEURs) are considered amongst the most important classes
of polymers because they can be processed by extrusion, injection and moulding [1,2]. The
physico–mechanical properties, chemical resistance and good processability make PEURs available
in many technical applications as protective coatings, adhesives, biomedicine or damping materials
[3]. Although PEURs possess special properties, their practical applicability is limited by their
sensitivity to temperature [4,5] and light [6]. Whilst the colour changes on the surface of PEUR
samples occur especially under the influence of light, the increase of temperature may significantly
accelerate the aging tests.
The aim of this paper consists in the studies of thermal aging of poly(ester urethane)
elastomers obtained by melt polyaddition technique in two stages, resulting in a regular structure.
The structural regularity of rigid and flexible segments may lead to superior properties. Thermal
aging was performed by exposing the specimens to different temperatures up to 200 hours. It was
found that at 40°C and low exposure times changes occur mainly to the carbonyl groups of the soft
segments. At higher temperatures and longer exposure times urethane groups were affected. The
found aspects led to significant changes of the optical properties, especially colour.
This paper is focused on the investigation of temperature influence on the colour
modifications of some cross-linked PEURs.

[1] H. Saunders, K.C. Frisch, “Polyurethane chemistry and technology part 1: Chemistry”, Wiley, (1962)
[2] L. Rosu, C.N. Cascaval, C. Ciobanu, D. Rosu, D.E. Ion, C. Morosanu, M. Enachescu, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A:
Chem., 169 (2005) 177
[3] S. Oprea, Adv. Polym. Technol., 28 (2009) 165
[4] D. Rosu, L. Rosu, C.N. Cascaval, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 94 (2009) 591
[5] D. Rosu, N. Tudorachi, L. Rosu, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 89 (2010) 152
[6] D. Rosu, C. Ciobanu, L. Rosu, C.A. Teaca, Appl. Surf. Sci., 255 (2009) 9453

Authors acknowledge the financial support of a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research, CNCS−UEFISCDI, Project Number PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0436.

Poster Session 3 PS3.89

Thermal behaviour of some composites based on wood and natural

and synthetic epoxy derivatives designed as wood protection coatings

Liliana ROSU1, Cristian–Dragos VARGANICI1, Fanica MUSTATA2,

Teodora RUSU1, Carmen–Alice TEACĂ1, Nita TUDORACHI2, Dan ROSU1
Centre of Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers, ”Petru Poni” Institute of
Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A Gr. Ghica-Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi, Romania
”Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A Gr. Ghica-Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi,

The paper deals with the thermal properties characterization of some polymer composites
based on wood and natural and synthetic derived epoxy derivatives. The latter were
thermally and photocrosslinked.
The softwood samples modified with succinic anhydride were impregnated with glycidyl
methacrylate, diglycidyl of bisphenol A and epoxy modified grapeseed oil, with the latter either
individually crosslinked or in the mixture. Crosslinked, glycidyl methacrylate is reported as being a
good material for chemical modifications of wood surfaces [1]. The impregnated samples were
firstly UV photocrosslinked for 10 minutes on all surfaces and afterwards thermally crosslinked for
5 hours at 130 oC, followed by post-curing for 30 minutes at 150 oC.
After exposure to natural and artificial UV light, the samples were characterized by means
of colour tests, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),
since they are reported as very efficient methods for characterizing such composite materials [2-4].
The untreated samples exhibited the most significant mass losses and colour modifications. The
TGA and DSC curves of natural wood were less complex than those corresponding to treated
samples. The simultaneous TGA/FTIR/MS analysis of the treated wood samples showed the
presence of a higher number of evolved gaseous products, due to the presence of polymers in the
structures of the studied composite materials.

[1] R.R. Devi, T.K. Maji, Polym. Compos., 28 (2007) 1

[2] M. Gao, B. Ling, S. Yang, M. Zhao, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 73 (2005) 151
[3] B.D. Mattos, P.H.G. de Cademartori, W.L.E. Magalhães, M. Lazzarotto, D.A. Gatto, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 121
(2015) 1263
[4] S. Hamdan, Md.S. Islam, A.S. Ahmed, Md.R. Rahman, M. Rusop, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 128 (2013) 1842

This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research
and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI project number ERANET-ERA IB 2 – ProWood, within

PS3.90 Poster Session 3

Thermal characterization of the pure thiourea derivatives

Ancuta SOFRONIA1, Cornelia MARINESCU1, Andreea Dana NEACSU1,

Cristina-Silvia STOICESCU1
Institute of Physical Chemistry “Ilie Murgulescu” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Synthesis of the pharmaceutical substances is a subject of real interest during the last years
due to the necessity of new treatment strategies [1]. N-(p-chlorophenyl)-N’-(2-thenoyl)-thiourea (I),
N-(p-bromophenyl)-N’-(2-thenoyl)-thiourea (II), N-(p-iodophenyl)-N’-(2-thenoyl)-thiourea (III), N-
(p-metoxyphenyl)-N’-(2-thenoyl)-thiourea (IV), N-(p-metylphenyl)-N’-(2-thienyl)-thiourea (V), N-
(p-metylphenyl)-N’-(2-thenoyl)-thiourea (VI), N-(p-metylphenyl)-N’-(3-thenoyl)-thiourea (VII) are
new synthesized 2-thiophenecarboxylic acid thioureas compounds which exhibit efficiency in
treatment of multidrug resistant infections [2,3]. Therefore, the aim of the present work was the
evaluation of (I) – (VII) pharmaceutical substances to understand their specific properties
responsible to the above applications.
Data resulted from the morphological and thermal stability investigations are required to
complete the physico-chemical characterization of the compounds. Scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) data showed that all samples have needle forms with different wide lengths. Simultaneous
thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermal methods were used to
study the thermal behaviour of the pure thiourea derivatives powders. The endothermic parameters
of melting and decomposition processes were derived from DSC results. The fusion enthalpies of
the pure compounds are: 26.0 kJ/mol (I), 27.6 kJ/mol (II), 22.6 kJ/mol (III), 29.5 kJ/mol (IV), 27.3
kJ/mol (V), 22.1 kJ/mol (VI), 27.4 kJ/mol (VII).

[1] C.D. Badiceanu, A. Missir, Rev. Roum. Chim. 54 (2009) 27

[2] C. D. Badiceanu, Al. V. Missir, C. Draghici, C. Larion, Farmacia, 57 (2009) 771
[3] C. D. Badiceanu, C. Larion, Farmacia, 57 (2009) 473

Poster Session 3 PS3.91

Supramolecular host – guest interaction of anthracene and

phenanthrene with cyclodextrin macrocycles: thermodynamic and
structural studies


“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, 202 Splaiul
Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania

Studies involving supramolecular host–guest complexes is a fast advancing research area in

chemistry, where encapsulation of a guest molecule into the macrocyclic cavity of a host, such as
cyclodextrins (CDs) can lead to many interesting results [1, 2].
Aromatic molecules with special optical and electrical properties such as anthracene (Ant)
and phenthrene (Phen) can be preserved by complexation with CDs.
In this work, supramolecular host–guest interaction of Ant and Phen molecules with CDs
macrocycles has been investigated in solid state using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),
thermogravimetry and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) methods.
Cavities of the beta-cyclodextrin (βCD) and 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPβCD)
are large enough to accommodate one to three Ant molecules. Such hosts provide a well-defined
nano environment, a so-called molecular reaction vessel [3], which can prevent the degradation of
the guest. Ant and Phen molecules undergoe significant interactions with βCD and HPβCD hosts,
forming host–guest complexes mainly with the molar ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 (host:guest). In a 3:1
molar ratio of the host and guest the complexation occurred without a complete encapsulation of the
Ant or Phen molecule into CD cavity. The findings of this work suggest that the geometric
dimensions of the reacting molecules and the hydrophobic forces are crucial for matching between
cyclodextrins and guests. It was observed that the presence of hydroxypropyl group in βCD led to
increasing of the interaction between the reactants.

[1] J. Szejtli, Pure Appl. Chem., 76 (2004) 1825

[2] M.V. Rekharsky, Y. Inoue, Chem. Rev., 98 (1998) 1875
[3] T. Murase, M. Fujita, Chem. Rec., 10 (2010) 342

PS3.92 Poster Session 3

Thermal and spectral studies of Al(III), Ga(III), In(III) complexes

with 5-hydroxyflavone

Alexandra-Cristina MUNTEANU1, Mihaela BADEA2, Rodica OLAR2,

Valentina UIVAROSI1
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of General
and Inorganic Chemistry, 6 Traian Vuia Str., 020956 Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, 90-92 Panduri
Str., 050663 Bucharest, Romania

Primuletin (5-hydroxyflavone; 5-hydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one) is a natural

flavonoid, which was reported to act as a calcium and potassium channel agonist [1] and androgenic
receptor antagonist [2] and to have vasorelaxant activity [1]. Due to the presence of a chelating 5-
hydroxy-4-keto moiety, 5-hydroxyflavone can act as a bidentate ligand toward metals ions.
Three solid complexes of Al(III), Ga(III) and In(III) were synthesized and characterized by
means of elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG/DTA/DTG), molar conductivity, IR, UV-Vis,
fluorescence and mass-spectrometry spectra. Based on the experimental data, the following
formulas have been attributed to the complexes: [AlL3]·2H2O, [GaL3], [InL3]·H2O, where L =
C15H9O3, deprotonated 5-hydroxyflavone.
According to the TG, DTG and DTA curves, the aluminium complex is stable up to 180°C,
when water elimination occurs. The remaining anhydrous compound is stable up to 352°C, when it
begins to melt. The melting process is followed immediately by the oxidative degradation of the
organic ligand. The gallium complex is stable up to 250°C. The decomposition begins with
endothermic processes followed by several exothermic steps, corresponding to the thermolysis and
oxidative degradation of the ligand. For the In(III) complex, thermal decomposition begins at
190°C, with loss water molecules through an endothermic process. The following exothermic steps
correspond to the oxidative degradation of 5-hydroxyflavone. The three complexes showed similar
thermal behaviors, leading to metal (III) oxides as final products of degradation.

[1] V. Calderone, S. Chericoni, C. Martinelli, L. Testai, A. Nardi, I. Morelli, M.C. Breschi, E. Martinotti, Naunyn
Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol., 370 (2004) 290
[2] Y. Nishizaki, Y. Ishimoto, Y. Hotta, A. Hosoda, H. Yoshikawa, M. Akamatsu, H. Tamura, Bioorg. Med. Chem.
Lett., 19 (2009) 4706

Poster Session 3 PS3.93

Thermal behaviour of some new lanthanide (III) complexes with

5-hydroxyflavone and 1,10-phenantroline with antitumor activity

Alexandra-Cristina MUNTEANU1, Mihaela BADEA2, Rodica OLAR2,

Valentina UIVAROSI1
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of General
and Inorganic Chemistry, 6 Traian Vuia Str., 020956 Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, 90-92 Panduri
Str., 050663 Bucharest, Romania

Flavonoids and their metal complexes are well-known for their cytotoxic activity on cancer
cell lines. The design of the new complexes was focused on improving the stability and cytotoxic
activity. Previous studies reported increased antitumor activity of complexes containing 1,10 -
phenanthroline [1,2]. Consequently, o-phenantroline was chosen as the second ligand for the new
Four solid coordination complexes of Sm(III), Eu(III), Gd(III) and Tb(III) were synthesized
and characterized by means of elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG/DTA/DTG), molar
conductivity, IR, UV-Vis, fluorescence and mass-spectrometry spectra. Based on the experimental
data, the following formulas have been attributed to the complexes: [SmL1L2(OH)2]·4H2O,
[EuL1L2(OH)2]·3.5H2O, [GdL 1 L 2 (OH) 2 ]·2H 2 O, [TbL 1 L 2 (OH) 2 ]·3H 2 O, where L 1 =
C 1 5 H 9 O 3 , deprotonated 5-hydroxyflavone and L2 = C12H8N2, 1,10-phenantroline.
The thermogravimetric curves (TG, DTG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) of the
complexes were recorded in air, over the temperature range 30-1000°C. Elimination of water
molecules and oxidative degradation of the organic ligand has been observed. All compounds lose
water molecules in a first non-unitary endothermic step. Given the final temperature of this step
(<170°C), the water molecules are most likely not coordinated. The elimination of the coordinated
phenantroline molecule occurs in a second, endothermic stage, consisting of chemical bond
breaking, rather than oxidative degradation. The last stages are exothermic, corresponding to the
degradation of the organic ligand, the final residue being the most stable metal oxide: Ln2O3 for Sm,
Eu and Gd, or Tb4O7.
The antitumor activity was studied on HT-29 (human colorectal adenocarcinoma) cell line.
The four complexes showed a superior activity compared to that of cisplatin, with the best results
obtained for the Tb(III) complex.

[1] Z.M. Wang, H.K. Lin, S.R. Zhu, T.F. Liu, Z.F. Zhou, R.T. Chen, Anticancer Drug Des., 15 (2000) 405.
[2] F. Biba, M. Groessl, A. Egger, A. Roller, C.G. Hartinger, B.K. Keppler, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2009 (2009) 4282

PS3.94 Poster Session 3

Thermal properties of some hydrogels

Cornelia VASILE, Daniela PAMFIL, Manuela Tatiana NISTOR,

Cătălina Natalia CHEABURU-YILMAZ, Mihai Adrian BREBU
’’P. Poni’’ Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A G. Ghica Voda Alley, 700487 Iasi,

The transitions and water state in three types of hydrogels have been examinated by
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in dried and hydrated states correlated with dynamical
mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), namely substituted anhydride modified collagens and their
corresponding hydrogels, hybrid hydrogels of collagen and poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide)
(pNIPAM) with various nanoclays and hydroxyapatite and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel and mixed
hyaluronic acid cryogels have been investigated. The denaturation temperature (Td), denaturation
enthalpy, and glass transition temperature (Tg) and water states (free or bonded) in the hydrated
samples have been determined, and they were found to be dependent on chemical composition,
thermal history, and moisture content. It was established that the denaturation of collagen is an
irreversible kinetic process that is governed by the temperature history, nanoparticle type in hybrid
hydrogels, specimen hydration, and cross-linking agent amount, amongst other variables. The
interaction of water with hybrid collagen and water state in semi-interpenetrated polymer network
depends on hydrogel composition and thermal history. The hybrid hydrogels keep the temperature
responsiveness. Contact angle and swelling measurements demonstrated the correlation between
hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity balance and state of water in the polymer network and the
denaturation temperature values.
Thermal characterization of the HA/PVA hydrogels unloaded and loaded with methotrexate
and ciprofloxacin was shown that Tg of PVA is strongly affected by the water content, the water
induced a plasticizing effect on the polymer, lowering its glass transition temperature. The
processing conditions e.g. number of cycles of freeze/thaw process or time of thaw cure affected
both, crystallinity and physical network showing variations in the Tg values of the systems. The
evidenced low-temperature peaks indicate the presence of freezable bound water within the
polymeric network. Transition temperatures determined at higher temperature were assigned to the
relaxation mechanism of the glycosidic bonds and structural rearrangements due to the loss of the
residual water. Crystallinity degree increased with number of the FT cycles and by the loading of
drugs into cryrogel network because of a good compatibility between the two constituents.

[1] D. Pamfil, M. T. Nistor, C. Vasile Collagen-based materials for pharmaceutical applications, in "Handbook of
Polymers for Pharmaceutical Technologies ", editori: V. Kumar Thakur, M. Kumari Thakur, publisher: Wiley-
[2] C. N. Cheaburu-Yilmaz, O.Yilmaz, C. Vasile, Eco-Friendly Chitosan-Based Nanocomposites: Chemistry and
Applications, in Eco-friendly Polymer Nanocomposites Chemistry and Applications, Eds V. Kumar Thakur, M. Kumari
Thakur, 341- 387, 2015, in Advanced Structured Materials, Volume 74, Springer, ISSN 1869-8433 ISSN 1869-8441
(electronic) Advanced Structured Materials, ISBN 978-81-322-2472-3 ISBN 978-81-322-2473-0 (eBook), DOI

Poster Session 3 PS3.95

Thermal behaviour of the some PLA/CS biocomposites after soil

burial degradation

D. PAMFIL1, Cornelia VASILE1*, M. RÂPĂ2, Raluca Nicoleta DARIE-NIŢĂ1,

Amalia Carmen MITELUT3, Mihai Adrian BREBU1
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Polymers Department,
41A Gr. Ghica Vod_a Alley, RO700487, Iasi, Romania
ICPAO S.A., 8 Carpati St., 551022, Medias, Sibiu, Romania
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Faculty of Biotechnology,
59 Mărăşeşti Blv., district 1, 011464, Bucharest, Romania

The thermal properties change after the soil burial degradation of polylactic acid plasticized
with tributyl o-acetyl citrate (ATBC) was studied By differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The
results have been corelated with those obtained by weight loss measurements, changes in average
molecular weight and its distribution, mechanical and surface properties correlated with structural
and morphological modifications.
The Young modulus increases during degradation time while elongation at break significantly
decreased, mainly for the biocomposites with high content of chitosan which also led to important
decrease of average molecular weight and increased polydispersity index. The high content of
chitosan led to increased hydrophilicity of biocomposite surfaces which favors interaction with
moisture and attack of microorganisms. Besides the loss of transparency at the end of
biodegradation test that all composites became brittle. This is also demonstrated by increase of glass
transition temperature and crystallinity degree values and decrease of cold crystallization and
melting temperature when soil burial period is longer. Degradation in active soil is much advanced
than in sterile soil this being due to the microorganisms action. Chitosan as hydrophilic compound
promotes the soil burial degradation of PLA. However longer period of soil burial are necessary for
totally degradation of the plasticized PLA/CS biocomposites.

PS3.96 Poster Session 3

Thermal behaviour of entacapone, a catechol-O-methyltransferase

inhibitor used in Parkinson’s disease

Gabriela VLASE1, Paul ALBU2, Adriana LEDEŢI1, Denisa CIRCIOBAN1,

Marius MURARIU3, Angelica CAUNII1, Ionuț LEDEŢI1, Titus VLASE3
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
„Vasile Goldiș” West University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry,
Department of Pharmacy, L. Rebreanu Street 86, Arad, RO-310414, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA

Entacapone, a selective and reversible inhibitor of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), is

used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in combination with levodopa/carbidopa to treat the
symptoms of end-of-dose "wearing-off" effect [1]. Considering that new formulations are
researched constantly, proper knowledge of the active pharmaceutical ingredients is crucial in the
pre-formulation stages [2].
a b

Thermoanalytical curves TG/DTG/HF (a) and UATR spectrum of entacapone (b)

In order to fully characterize the analysed compound and determine its thermal behaviour
three methods—two integral, (Flynn–Wall–Ozawa, FWO and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose, KAS) and
one differential (Friedman) – were used. The thermoanalytical curves were registered at five
different heating rates: β=5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 °C min-1. In order to confirm the purity of the analysed
samples, the FTIR spectra entacapone was drawn up and is presented above [3].

1. M. Nagai, M. Kubo, N. Nishikawa, M. Nomoto, Park. Relat. Disord., 16 (2010) 697

2. N. Soukhova, Z. Kassymbek, S. Bradby, A. Martin-Esker, P. White, S. Wahab, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 54 (2011)
3. A. Fuliaş, C. Popoiu, G. Vlase, T. Vlase, D. Oneţiu, G. Sǎvoiu, G. Simu, C. Pǎtruţescu, G. Ilia, I. Ledeţi, Dig. J.
Nanomater. Biostructures., 9 (2014) 93.

This work was supported by the PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0515.

Poster Session 3 PS3.97

Solid state characterization of human gallstones

Marius MURARIU1, Sorin OLARIU1, Codruţ IVAN1, Ionuţ LEDEŢI2,

Denisa CIRCIOBAN2,3, Gabriela VLASE3, Adriana LEDEŢI2, Titus VLASE3,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Medicine, Eftimie Murgu Square
2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Eftimie Murgu
Square 2, Timişoara, RO-300041, ROMANIA
West University of Timisoara, Research Centre for Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Pestalozzi Street 16, Timişoara, RO-300115, ROMANIA

Human gallstones are solid products formed within the gallbladder out of bile components.
Instrumental investigation over these samples can lead to important information over the
composition, and as well over the pathology that lead to their formation.

Superimposed FTIR spectra of Human Gallstone (sample I) determined for outer layer (1),
middle layer (2) and center (3)

All the samples were cut over the diameter and samples were collected from the outer layer,
middle layer and centre of each calculus. Twelve gallstones were investigated using FTIR
spectroscopy and thermal analysis. The qualitative composition was estimated by correlation of the
results with some previous papers [1,2].

1. M.S. Murariu, S. Olariu, C. Ivan, I. Ledeti, T. Vlase, G. Vlase, A. Ledeti, N. Iacob, G. D. Miclaus, P. Matusz, Rev.
Chim., 67 (2016) 575.
2. C. Ivan, I. Ledeti, G. Vlase, T. Vlase, A. Fulias, S. Olariu, Rev. Chim., 66 (2015) 265.

This work was supported by a grant financed by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor
Babeş” Timişoara (Grant PIII-C3-PCFI-2016/2017, acronym STONES).

PS3.98 Poster Session 3

An investigation into the crystal formation and thermal induced

processes of dimethylethanolammonium 4-nitrobenzoate
Manuela CRISAN1, Titus VLASE2, Paulina BOUROSH3, Yurii CHUMAKOV3,4,
Elisabeta I. SZERB1, Mihaela PETRIC1
Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy, 24 M. Viteazul Blvd., 300223 Timisoara,
Romania; 2West University of Timisoara, Research Center: Thermal Analysis in Environmental
Problems, Pestalozzi Str. 16, Timisoara, RO-300115, Romania; 3Institute of Applied Physics,
Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academiei Str. 5, Chisinau, MD - 2028, Republic of Moldova;
Gebze Institute of Technology, Cayirova, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey

The crystallization process usually implies multiple stages and is accompanied by the appearance of
intermediate states. Understanding the early stages of crystallization from solution has attracted
increasing attention in pharmaceutical material engineering in the last years. The objective of this
study is to explore the reactivity of two different solid state forms of 4-nitrobenzoic acid with
dimethylethanolamine and the evolution of crystal formation and transformation processes, under
identical reaction conditions (temperature, presure and solvent). The dimethylethanolammonium 4-
nitrobenzoate (DMEA4NB) crystallization process occurs via two different crystal growth
mechanisms. The main difference between the mechanisms of crystalliation is the formation in
the first stage of microcrystalline powder suspension in a case and a clear solution in the other,
which undergoes to single crystal. Thermoanalytical and infrared techniques, single crystal X-ray
diffraction, hot stage microscopy and density functional theory calculations were used to investigate
the time depending changes occurring in the solid phase during crystallization and the crystal
stability in air (Figure 1). The structural analysis reveales the interplay of more than one type of
bond in the crystal: hydrogen bonds and weak van der Waals bonds. The hydrogen bonds N–H…O
and O–H…O between the organic ionic compounds contribute to the formation of molecular
synthons R22(9), which are linked in chains by C–H…O bonds. The packing of these chains is
stabilized by weak van der Waals bonds (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Thermogravimetric curves (TG, DTG, heat flow) Figure 2. Chains packing in crystal
of DMEA4NB at heating rates of 10 ºC min-1, in air

Acknowledgement. Authors thanks the bilateral Moldova-Romanian project 16.80013.5007.04/Ro

and the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI,
project PN3-P3-217/24 BM/19.09.2016

Poster Session 3 PS3.99

Synthesis, structural characterization, thermal studies, and corrosion

inhibitor properties of ethylethanolammonium 4-nitrobenzoate
organic salt

Manuela CRISAN1, Nicoleta PLESU1, Titus VLASE2, Mihaela PETRIC1,

Lilia CROITOR3, Victor KRAVTSOV3, Paulina BOUROSH3
Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy, Timisoara, Romania;
West University of Timisoara, Research Center: Thermal Analysis in Environmental Problems,
Timisoara, Romania;
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau,
Republic of Moldova

The demand for corrosion inhibitors with low toxicity has increased in the last years in a wide range
of sectors. Our study presents investigation of ethylethanolammonium 4-nitrobenzoate (EEA4NB)
organic salt as corrosion inhibitor. The analysis of crystal structure revealed the formation of
organic salt with proton transfer from 4-nitrobenzoic acid on nitrogen atom of aminoalcohol
molecule. The cationic component forms 1D supramolecular chain along b axis due to N–H···O
hydrogen bonds. The chain is decorated by 4-nitrobenzoate anions due to O–H…O and charge
assisted N–H…O H-bonds, which form R22(9) graph set (Figure 1). Thermal stability and
calorimetric studies were performed in nitrogen atmosphere using the TG and DSC techniques
(Figure 2). Electrochemical corrosion measurement technique was used to evaluate the efficiency of
EEA4NB in corrosion inhibition of iron in 3% NaCl solution (Figure 3). The study was conducted
at various concentrations (1, 2.5 and 5 mM) at 25°C. The corrosion current and corrosion rate
decreases with the increase of EEA4NB concentration. The inhibitive action results from the
adsorption of EEA4NB molecules at the metal/solution interface which replace the water molecules
present at interface and form at the surface stable complexes.

Figure 1. Fragment of chain Figure 2. Thermogravimetric Figure 3. Polarization Tafel

formation by N–H···O hydrogen curves (TG, DTG, heat flow) of curves for iron in 3 % NaCl in
bonds EEA4NB at heating rates of 10 the absence and presence of
ºC min-1, in nitrogen atmosphere EEA4NB (5mM) at a sweep rate
of 1 mV s-1 at 25 ºC

Acknowledgement. Authors thanks the bilateral Moldova-Romanian project 16.80013.5007.04/Ro and the Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project PN3-P3-217/24 BM/19.09.2016

PS3.100 Poster Session 3

Structural and thermal analyses of HPMC-based PAA or SA

bioadhesive formulations containing fluconazole/anise loaded-β-
cyclodextrin inclusion complexes

Mirela-Fernanda ZALTARIOV1, Cristian-Dragos VARGANICI1,

"Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Aleea Grigore Ghica-Voda 41 A, 700487,
Iasi, Romania

Stimuli-responsive drug delivery polymeric systems based on physical interactions between

all components: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) or Sodium
alginate (SA) loaded with anise/fluconazole β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes in 1:2 and 1:3
ratios were prepared and characterized by temperature-dependent ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, DSC
and TGA analyses. The successfully occurrence of the embedding of β-CD-fluconazole complex
into polymeric matrices was demonstrated by IR spectroscopy. The H-bonding interactions between
HPMC and PAA were found to be stronger by increase the HPMC content in the mixture, EH
varying from 21.29 kJ to 25.89 kJ. This behavior could be due to the complex interactions between
the two polymer chains by combining inter and intramolecular interactions. This aspect is
highlighted by the presence of several vibrations of –OH groups in the IR deconvoluted spectra
(Figure 1). The DSC thermograms (Figure 2) revealed several endotherms, while the TG/DTG
curves (Figure 3) showed multiple degradation stages because the studied hydrogels are
multicomponent systems with complex interactions between constituents.

Figure 1. The deconvoluted IR spectra of PAA- Figure 2. DSC thermograms for hydrogel formulations
HPMC based hydrogels in 2960-3600 cm-1 containing pure FCZ (F1A_1) and FCZ–β–CD 1:2 and
spectral region: (a)-I, (b)-II, (c)-III, (d)-IV. FCZ–β–CD 1:3 inclusion complexes (F1A_1:2, F1A_1:3,
F2A_1:2 and F2A_1:3).

Figure 3. TG (a) and DTG (b) thermogravimetric curves of hydrogel formulations containing pure FCZ (F1A_1) and
FCZ–β–CD 1:2 and FCZ–β–CD 1:3 inclusion complexes (F1A_1:2, F1A_1:3, F2A_1:2 and F2A_1:3).

Poster Session 3 PS3.101

Mouse IP-10 gene delivered by folate-modified chitosan nanoparticles

and dendritic/tumour cells fusion vaccine effectively inhibit the
growth of hepato-cellular carcinoma in mice:
a future thermal study

Jiaojiao Chen1,†, Zixi Hu1,†, Sufang Zhou1,†, Nuo Yang1, Siliang Duan1,
Zhenghua Zhang1, Jing Su1, Jian He1, Zhiyong Zhang1,2*, Xiaoling Lu1,*,
Yongxiang Zhao1,*
National Center for International Research of Biological Targeting Diagnosis and Therapy,
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Biological Targeting Diagnosis and Therapy Research, Collaborative
Innovation Center for Targeting Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy, Guangxi Medical University,
Nanning, Guangxi 530021, China.
Department of Surgery, Robert-Wood-Johnson Medical School University Hospital, Rutgers
University, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, USA.

These authors contributed equally to this work. *Corresponding author

Dendritic cells (DC) and tumour cell fusion vaccine (DC/tumour cell fusion vaccine) is
considered an effective approach in cancer biotherapy. However, its therapeutic effects in early
clinical trials have been suboptimal partially due to the immunosuppressive tumour environment.
In this study, we used nanoparticles of folate (FA)-modified chitosan, a non-viral vector capable of
targeting tumour cells with high expression of FA receptors. FA-chitosan nanoparticles were used
as biological carriers for the expression plasmid of the mouse interferon-induced protein-10 (mIP-
10) gene, a potent chemoattractant for cytotoxic T cells. The combination of FA-chitosan/mIP-10
and DC/tumour cell fusion vaccine against hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) effectively inhibited
the growth of implanted HCC tumours and prolonged the survival of mice. The combination
therapy significantly reduced myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in mouse spleen, local
tumour, and bone marrow while increasing tumour-specific IFN-γ responses. Furthermore, the
combination therapy significantly inhibited tumor cell proliferation while promoting their apoptosis.
Taken together, our data illustrate that the mIP-10 enhances the anti-tumour effect of DC/tumour
cell fusion vaccine by alleviating the immunosuppressive tumour environment.
In our future studies we aim to use the following thermal techniques: Thermal biosensor
(calorimetric biosensor), which is a device using temperature sensitive element to measure the
small temperature difference in biochemical reactions, the targets can be quantitatively based on the
amount of heat produced by the biochemical reaction. The thermal biosensor is made up of two
parts: one is a molecular recognition element for selective detection, and the other is a temperature
conversion element that converts the heat produced during the reaction to the detectable signal.
Photothermic therapy (PTT) is a therapeutic technique for killing tumour cells at high temperature
by laser irradiation to produce heat energy. This technique also exhibits several other advantages
such as simpler procedure, fewer complications, and short period in hospital. What’s more, it can
kill cancer cells effectively without damage to healthy tissues.

PS3.102 Poster Session 3

Synthesis and thermal analysis of novel Cu(II) complex with


Vyacheslav GRINEV1,2, Inna MOKHONOVA1, Yevgenii MAKSIMOV1,

Alevtina YEGOROVA1
Saratov National Research State University,
83 Ulitsa Astrakhanskaya, Saratov 410012, Russian Federation
Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms RAS,
13 Prospekt Entuziastov, Saratov 410049, Russian Federation

Substituted hetarylhydrazones are important heterocyclic compounds, which have in their

structure few sites capable of complexation of metals giving potentially cytotoxic complexes [1].
Thermal analysis is convenient and useful method for investigation of the chemical content of the
complexes with metals (additionally to spectral methods such as FTIR, UV-Vis, and XRD).
The titled complex was obtained by heating of the ligand, 5-phenyl-3-[2-(thiazol-2-
yl)hydrazono]furan-2(3H)-one (HL), and Cu(OAc)2 · 2 H2O in acetonitrile.
Hetarylhydrazones exist as few tautomeric forms dependently from pH of the medium and
other factors (the presence of ortho-substituents may give the possibility of existence the
intramolecular hydrogen bonds etc.). Due to their polydenticity they can coordinate metals in
different ways.

The simultaneous thermogravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA)

measurements of the obtained complex were recorded from RT to 1000 °C on a OD-103
derivatograph (MOM, Hungary) analyzer. The experiments were carried out in air atmosphere at a
ramping rate of 10 °C per min with 100 mg of the sample.
Calculated from DTA analysis molecular mass of the complex revealed that the Cu and L
are in ratio 1:1. Two molecules of acetonitrile are also present. These data are consistent with the
elemental analysis.
O N Cu(OAc)2 2 H2O
Ph N MeCN Cu
In the molecule of the L there is the only one proton capable of migration and substitution. It
is obvious that during the reaction occurs a reduction of Cu(II) by hydrazones giving rise the
monovalent copper species. This along with the data [2], where it was reported about the redox
process during the complexation, allow us to propose the structure of the complex as the Cu(I)
species Cu(L)(MeCN)2 were the ligands are bidentate.
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 15-13-10007).

[1] M. Alagesan, N.S.P. Bhuvanesh, N. Dharmaraj, J. Dalton Trans., 42 (2013) 7210

[2] P. Krishnamoorthy et al. Inorg. Chem. Commun., 14 (2011) 1318

Poster Session 3 PS3.103

Spectroscopic and microscopic investigation of azoic food dyes

Mihaela BOJAN1, Andrei ROTARU1, Marian LEULESCU2,

Valentin ION1, Victor Damian1, Antoniu MOLDOVAN1, Maria DINESCU1
INFLPR-National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bvd. Atomistilor 409,
Măguree, Bucharest, Romania
University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, A.I. Cuza Str., Nr. 13, Craiova, Romania.

Some physical properties of five food dyes E 102-Tartrazine, E 110-Sunset Yellow, E 122-
Azorubine, E 124-Red Ponceanu, E 155-Brun HT, were investigated with several spectroscopic and
microscopic techniques: THz spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, spectroellipsometry, optical
microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Attempts to obtain coating of these dyes on different
substrates (by spin-coating technique) were practically unsuccessful, proving the good non-adhesive
properties that are required in order not to stick to the packings. Terahertz spectroscopy were
employed here in order to complete the information of the other classical spectroscopic techniques
and also for the detection of low quantities of dye embedded/present in different environments; the
characteristic THz spectra (0.1-10 THz) is transmitted through various materials, excepting metals
and polar media.

Fig. 1 Characteristic THz spectra for the five azoic food dyes

PS3.104 Poster Session 3

Thermal analyses on the effects of additions of two-dimensional

C3N4 on phase transitions in ferroelectric copolymers
Sana ULLAH, Guang-Ping ZHENG
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

Nanocomposites containing ferroelectric copolymer P[VDF-TrFE] and two-dimensional C3N4

are synthesized. The crystal phases of nanocomposites with 15-50% contents of C3N4 are analyzed
by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The piezoelectric force
microscopy (PFM) analyses on the nanocomposite surfaces confirm the uniform distribution of
copolymer and C3N4. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is used to investigate the effects
of C3N4 on the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition of copolymer and the kinetics of
crystallization of the nanocomposites close to their melting points. The additions of C3N4 in the
copolymer are found to significantly increase the melting points of nanocomposites from 139.21
C to 145.38 0C, while the crystallinity of copolymers decreases with increasing C3N4 contents.
Moreover, the kinetics of crystallization processes of the nanocomposites quantitatively
determined by the Avrami exponent and crystallization rate using Avrami equation [1-2] suggests
that the crystallization processes are one-dimensional in nature. The ferroelectric-to-paraelectric
phase transition temperature increases from 61.38 0C to 63.24 0C with increasing C3N4 content, in
consistent with that determined from the dielectric and ferroelectric measurements on the
nanocomposites. The thermal analyses indicate that the addition of two-dimensional C3N4 in the
ferroelectric copolymer is an effective approach in enhancing the dielectric and ferroelectric
properties of copolymers.

[1] Z. Y. Jiang, G. P. Zheng, Z. Han, Y. Z. Liu, and J. H. Yang, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 204101 (2014)
[2] V. Sencadas, C. M. Costa, and J. L. Go, J. Mater. Sci. 45, 1328–1335 (2010)

Poster Session 3 PS3.105

Thermographic studies of non-valent metal compounds Co (II) and Ni

(II) with terephthalic acid
Beybala Usubaliev1, Aynur Tomueva1, Matanet Hasanova1,
Parvana Safarova2, Humay Mammadova2
Scientific Research Institute "Geotechnological problems of oil, gas and chemistry", Baku,
Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry by M.F. Nagiev
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

Proceeding from the above, we synthesized compound an inclusion compound based on

complex compounds of cobalt and nickel with terephthalic acid [1-6]. The compounds obtained
examined by X-ray, elemental, IR spectroscopic and thermographic analysis.
This paper presents the results of thermographic studies of the compounds obtained.
The thermal decomposition of a non-valent compounds {Со4(OH)6 n-C6H4(COO)2⋅
CH3COOH}n (I) and {Ni4(OH)6 n-C6H4(COO)2⋅2CH3COOH}n (II) occurs in the temperature range
of 53-2040С, 60-3200C and is accompanied by a deep endothermic effects with a loss at
1250С,1100С,1200С, and 1300C. This indicates the loss of one and of two molecules of acetic acid,
respectively. The latter are phased out from of the clathrate. In this case, the mass loss is
experimentally 10.4% and 19.2 %, and the calculated value of the latter is 10.7% and 19.3%,
respectively. The third maximum at 1300C corresponds to the removal of three constitutional water
molecules produced by condensation of six OH - groups. In the case of the clathrate compound (I)
removing three constitutional water molecules were occurs at higher temperatures from 2040C-
2860C with a maximum at 2740C. The loss of mass, accompanied by the endothermic effect is
11.2% (calculated 11.4%). At a higher temperature 286-3600C and 320-5000С on the DTA curve,
an endothermic effect fixed with a maximum at 3080C and 3700С, which gradually turning into an
exothermic effect with a maximum at 5600C and 4500С, related to the rupture of the covalent bond
and the combustion of the organic residue, respectively. The mass loss in this stage are 29.2%
(29.2% calculated) and 25.6% (26.4% calculated). In the termogram of the clathrate compound (II)
above 5000C on the TG curve shows an increase in mass by 1.6% is observed with the exothermic
effect accompanying in the temperature range 450-6000С with a maximum at 5400С. Quantitatively
this corresponds are one nickel atom and three NiO molecules, whose total values are 45.5%
(45.6% calculated). An increase in mass above 5000C corresponds to the oxidation of metallic
Thus, the final thermolysis product of the non-valent compound are CoO and NiO. The
experimental and the calculated values are 53.2 and 53.35%, 47.2 and 48.1%, respectively.

[1] Smith R.A. //Acta Crystal. Logr, Sect. B.,(1975),V.31, P. 1773-1778

[2] Xiao H.P., Shi Z., Zhu L.G., Xu R.R., Rang W.Q. //Acta Crystal, (2003) C.59 P. 81-83
[3] Licum Li, Daizeng Liao, Zonghui Jiang, Shiping Yan. // Inorganica Chemical Acta, (2004), V. 357, Issue 2, P.
[4] Xiao H.P., Zhu L.G. //Acta Crystal. 2003. E.59. P. 964-966
[5] Hong Bin Xu, Zhang Min Su, Kui Zhan Shao, Ya Hui Zhao, Yan Xing, Yu Cang Liang, Heng L. // Inorganic
Chemistry Communications, (2004), V. 72, P. 260-263
[6] Liu B.X., Su J.R. Xu D.J. //Acta Crystalorg, (2004) V.60, P. 183 - 185

PS3.106 Poster Session 3

Thermographic studies of supramolecular compounds of metals with


Beybala Usubaliev1, Dilqam Tagiyev 2, Gudrat Aliyeva 2, Aida Rzayeva1,

Humay Mammadova2
Scientific Research Institute "Geotechnological problems of oil, gas and chemistry", Baku,
Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry by M.F. Nagiev
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

As it is known, paraaminosalicylic acid, its sodium salt and parahaminosalicylic acid

analogues, for example, sulfonamides, sulfonamides (dalson) show bacteriostatic action of a wide
range and are effective in the treatment of microbacterial diseases, tuberculosis, leprosy and etc. [1].
Therefore, the possible interactions of metals such as lead (II) and silver (I) with
metabolites, the importance of which for life processes is the subject of many articles [2-5] in
particular with paraaminosalicylic acid (PASA) and are of undoubted interest for inorganic
This paper presents the results of thermogravimetric studies of the supramolecular
compounds of lead (II) and silver (I) with paraaminosalicyl acid.
Decomposition of the complex compound [Pb(p-NH2C6H3COO(OH))2⋅(H2O)8] and
Ag2(n-H2NC6H3(OH)COO)2 starts at 1970С and168.20C, is accompanied by a shallow, but sharp
endothermic effect with the maximum at 207,60С and 4670C. This corresponds to the removal of
eight water molecules and the decomposition of the anhydrous compound. Experimental mass loss
value is 21.09% (calculated 21.97%) and 58.49% experimentally (calculated 58.50%), respectively.
The removal of water molecules in the first compound at hight temperatures shows that it are
bonded to the OH group and to each other by strong hydrogen bonds. After the loss of the water
molecule in the temperature range of 225-7000С, the intermediate anhydrous complex compound
decomposes gradually and burnout of organic part of the molecule. Experimental mass loss in this
case is 38.15% without one carbon atom and three atoms of oxygen (calculated 37.24%). PbCO3 is
formed as an intermediate product of thermolysis after burning down of the organic part of the
Residual mass is 40.76% (calculated 40.78%). PbCO3 is stable up to 8270С. Then a weight
loss is observed on the thermogram which corresponds to the decomposition of the lead carbonate
with removal of a carbon dioxide which is equal experimentally 0.18% (calculated 0.17%). Final
product of thermolysis is the PbO and Ag.
Thus, from the above shows that the paraaminosalicylate of lead (II) has a more stable
structure that silver (I)

[1] Mashkovskiy M.D. Medicines. 13th ed. Kharkov: Torcing, (1997), V. 1, 560 p.
[2] Thayer I.S. J. Organometal Chem., 76 (1974), 265 p.
[3] Amiraslanov I.R., Djafarov N.Ch., Nadjafov H.N. and others J.Struc. Chemistry, 21(3), (1980) P. 131-136
[4] Amiraslanov IR, Usubaliyev BT, Najafov G.N. and others // Journal structure. Chemistry. (1980), Vol. 21, No.
5, P. 112
[5] Usubaliev BT, Amiraslanov IR, Mamedov H.S. and others // Journal structure. Chemistry. (1981), V. 22, No.
1, P. 98

Information on Sponsoring
List of participants

No Name Country E-mail

1 Akhmadiyarov, Aydar Russian Federation
2 Aldica, Gheorghe Virgil Romania
3 Andre, Remi France
4 Anikina, Elena Russian Federation
5 Antal, Vitaliy Slovakia
6 Antonijevic, Milan United Kingdom
7 Arena, Giuseppe Italy
8 Atasoy, Ahmet Turkey
9 Babich, Alexey Russian Federation
10 Badea, Mihaela Romania
11 Balanovic, Ljubisa Serbia
12 Baltakys, Kestutis Lithuania
13 Baranovskiy, Nikolay V Russian Federation
14 Basaran, Tahsin Turkey
15 Bener, Semira Turkey
16 Bercea, Adrian Romania
17 Besleaga, Cristina Romania
18 Bissengaliyeva, Mira Kazakhstan
19 Blajezowski, Jerzy Poland
20 Blanco, Ignazio Italy
21 Blazic, Roko Croatia
22 Bojan, Mihaela Romania
23 Borek, Wojciech Poland
24 Boroica, Lucica Romania
25 Bosneaga, Iurie Moldova
26 Botea Petcu, Alina Romania
27 Botezat, Olga Moldova
28 Botnariuc, Vasile Moldova
29 Brandova, Daniela Czech Republic
30 Brebu, Mihai Romania
31 Brys, Andrzej Poland
32 Brys, Joanna Poland
33 Buczkowski, Adam Poland
34 Budrugeac, Petru Romania
35 Bujoreanu, Leandru-Gheorghe Romania
36 Bulhac, Ion Moldova
37 Buzin, Alexander Russian Federation
38 Cao, Chen-Rui Taiwan
39 Catauro, Michelina Italy
40 Cavallaro, Giuseppe Italy
41 Cavdar, Sukru Turkey
42 Celan Korosin, Natasa Slovenia
43 Celebi Efe, Gozde Turkey
44 Cerc-Korosec, Romana Slovenia
45 Checmanowski, Jacek Poland
46 Chicinas, Ionel Romania
47 Chifiriuc, Carmen M. Romania
48 Chisca, Diana Moldova
49 Chislov, Mikhail Russian Federation
50 Ciesielski, Wojciech Poland
51 Ciobanu, Gabriela Romania
52 Ciocanu, Gheorghe Moldova
53 Cioroianu, Traian Romania
54 Circioban, Denisa Romania
55 Cobirzan, Nicoleta Romania
56 Colibaba, Gleb Moldova
57 Condruz, Mihaela R. Romania
58 Constantinescu, Catalin France
59 Coropceanu, Eduard Moldova

60 Cristea, Mariana Romania
61 Criveanu, Marius Romania
62 Cucos, Andrei Romania
63 Cumaoglu, Ahmet Turkey
64 Cuzan, Olesea Moldova
65 Dalla Palma, Mauro Italy
66 Danielescu, Olga Moldova
67 Danilova-Tretiak, Svetlana Belarus
68 Dayan, Serkan Turkey
69 Dedova, Tatjana Estonia
70 Demeter, Maria Romania
71 Demirdogen, Ruken Esra Turkey
72 Diakowska, Karolina Poland
73 Dinescu, Maria Romania
74 Dirlau, Iuliana D. Romania
75 Dmitroglo, Liliana Moldova
76 Dobrinescu, Claudiu Romania
77 Doca, Nicolae Romania
78 Drzazga, Zofia Poland
79 Duca, Gheorghe Moldova
80 Dudek, Magdalena Poland
81 Dudek, Piotr Poland
82 Dumitrescu, Nicoleta Romania
83 Dumitru, Raluca Romania
84 Emelianov, Dmitrii Russian Federation
85 Emen, Fatih Mehmet Turkey
86 Erceg, Matko Croatia
87 Esposito Corcione, Carola Italy
88 Evtodiev, Silvia Moldova
89 Fierascu, Radu C. Romania
90 Florian, Gabriel Romania
91 Fomin, Vladimir Germany
92 Franke, Ralf Germany
93 Fueglein, Ekkehard Germany
94 Gabor, Augusta R. Romania
95 Gaidamaviciene, Giedre Lithuania
96 Galca, Aurelian C. Romania
97 Garcia-Glez, Jorge Spain
98 Gavrichev, Konstantin Russian Federation
99 Gavrilas, Simona Romania
100 Gheorghe, Daniela Romania
101 Giancola, Concetta Italy
102 Gingu, Oana Romania
103 Ginsari, Irina Moldova
104 Gokce, Azim Turkey
105 Goncearenco, Evghenii Moldova
106 Gorceac, Leonid Moldova
107 Gorska, Agata Poland
108 Gosteva, Alevtina Russian Federation
109 Gradys, Arkadiusz Poland
110 Grajcar, Adam Poland
111 Greco, Antonio Italy
112 Gutanu, Vasile Moldova
113 Gyngazov, Sergei Russian Federation
114 Harabor, Ana Romania
115 Hassan, Shehab Mansour Egypt
116 Higashi, Eiko Japan
117 Holjevac Grguric, Tamara Croatia
118 Huang, Yong China
119 Hutchinson, John Spain
120 Ilatovskaya, Mariia Russian Federation
121 Ion, Ion V Romania
122 Ion, Valentin Romania

123 Ionescu, Maria Romania
124 Ionescu, Stefania Romania
125 Isacova, Calina Moldova
126 Izato, Yuichiro Japan
127 Jerina, Lina Slovenia
128 Jordan, Tamas Hungary
129 Kacso, Irina Romania
130 Kadyshevich, Elena Russian Federation
131 Kalaycioglu Ozpozan, Nilgun Turkey
132 Kalinkin, Aleksandr Russian Federation
133 Karacolak, Ali Ihsan Turkey
134 Karakas, Aptullah Turkey
135 Katoh, Katsumi Japan
136 Khachatrian, Artashes Russian Federation
137 Kilic, Derya Turkey
138 Kim, Sang Bum South Korea
139 Kirichenko, Olga Russian Federation
140 Kolejka, Jaroslav Czech Republic
141 Kolker, Arkadiy Russian Federation
142 Korchagina, Elena Russian Federation
143 Kose, Dursun Ali Turkey
144 Kozina, Franjo Croatia
145 Krol, Mariusz Poland
146 Krupinski, Mariusz Poland
147 Ksepko, Ewelina Poland
148 Kucerik, Jiri Czech Republic
149 Kucharczyk, Barbara Poland
150 Kurtuldu, Fatih Turkey
151 Kuzina, Anisa Russian Federation
152 Kuznetsov, Viktor Russian Federation
153 Labus, Malgorzata Poland
154 Latos, Malgorzata Poland
155 Lazarescu, Ana Moldova
156 Lazzara, Giuseppe Italy
157 Ledeti, Adriana Romania
158 Ledeti, Ionut Romania
159 Leinemann, Inga Estonia
160 Leulescu, Marian Romania
161 Ling, Michael United Kingdom
162 Lis, Bartlomiej Poland
163 Lokteva, Ekaterina Russian Federation
164 Lozan, Vasile Moldova
165 Lozovanu, Petru Moldova
166 Luca Motoc, Dana Romania
167 Lupan, Oleg Moldova
168 Lupascu, Tudor Moldova
169 L'vov, Boris Russian Federation
170 Maciag, Tomasz Poland
171 Macovei, Mihai Moldova
172 Magsumov, Timur Russian Federation
173 Majda, Dorota Poland
174 Majling, Jan Slovakia
175 Maksimuk, Yuri Belarus
176 Malyshev, Andrey Russian Federation
177 Mammadova, Humay Azerbaijan
178 Manasijevic, Dragan Serbia
179 Marian, Eleonora Romania
180 Marin, Laurentiu Romania
181 Marinescu, Cornelia A. Romania
182 Maskow, Thomas Germany
183 Mateescu, Madalina Romania
184 Matsunaga, Hiroki Japan
185 Mentus, Slavko Serbia

186 Menyhard, Alfred Hungary
187 Meyer, Markus Germany
188 Migas, Damian Poland
189 Mihalache, Valentina Romania
190 Mija, Alice France
191 Mikuskiewicz, Marta Poland
192 Miller, Tom USA
193 Minich, Iana Russian Federation
194 Mirea, Radu Romania
195 Mitovski, Aleksandra Serbia
196 Miyake, Atsumi Japan
197 Monnier, Xavier France
198 Morrison, Finlay D. United Kingdom
199 Mosyagina, Svetlana Russian Federation
200 Moustafine, Rouslan Russian Federation
201 Moya, Xavier United Kingdom
202 Mukhametzyanov, Timur Russian Federation
203 Nagrimanov, Ruslan Russian Federation
204 Nataf, Guillaume F. United Kingdom
205 Nika, Denis L. Moldova
206 Nikolaev, Evgeniy Russian Federation
207 Nikorich, Valentina Moldova
208 Nistreanu, Andrei Moldova
209 Obradovic, Nina Serbia
210 Oksuz, Kerim Emre Turkey
211 Olar, Rodica Romania
212 Olmrova Zmrhalova, Zuzana Czech Republic
213 Onen, Umut Turkey
214 Oprescu, Elena-Emilia Romania
215 Ostrowska-Ligeza, Ewa Poland
216 Ozdemir, Nalan Turkey
217 Ozdemir, Ozkan Turkey
218 Ozer, Ummuhani Hilal Turkey
219 Pacheco Pujatti, Fabricio Jose Brazil
220 Pacurariu, Cornelia Romania
221 Paladi, Florentin Moldova
222 Parisi, Filippo Italy
223 Pascu, Ileana Romania
224 Pelosi, Chiara Italy
225 Perez-Maqueda, Luis A. Spain
226 Perez-Rodriguez Jose L. Spain
227 Petkova, Vilma Bulgaria
228 Petreanu, Irina Romania
229 Petrovic, Jelena Germany
230 Petuhov, Oleg Moldova
231 Pieczara, Gabriela Poland
232 Pimerzin, Andrey Russian Federation
233 Pop, Nicolina Romania
234 Popa, Alexandru Romania
235 Popa, Viorel Romania
236 Popa, Vlad T Romania
237 Popescu, Simona Romania
238 Povar, Igor Moldova
239 Pruchnik, Hanna Poland
240 Raevschi, Simion Moldova
241 Rakipov, Ilnaz Russian Federation
242 Randall, Clive A. USA
243 Reiss, Aurora Romania reissaurora
244 Roedolf, Daniel Belgium
245 Rosu, Dan Romania
246 Rosu, Liliana Romania
247 Rotaru, Andrei Romania
248 Rotaru, Petre Romania

249 Rus, Lucia Maria Romania
250 Saratovskikh, Elena Russian Federation
251 Sasca, Viorel Romania
252 Sava, Bogdan A. Romania
253 Scotto, Piero USA
254 Sebastiao, Rita de Cassia de Oliveira Brazil
255 Serhatli, I. Ersin Turkey
256 Shiota, Kento Japan
257 Siauciunas, Raimundas Lithuania
258 Silyukov, Oleg Russian Federation
259 Simon, Peter Slovakia
260 Sinyova, Svetlana Russian Federation
261 Sirbu, Carmen Romania
262 Skvorcinskiene, Raminta Lithuania
263 Sofronia, Ancuta M. Romania
264 Sopov, Viktor Ukraine
265 Spinu, Oxana Moldova
266 Sprincean, Veaceslav Moldova
267 Stan, George Romania
268 Stawski, David Poland
269 Stoporev, Andrey Russian Federation
270 Strbac, Goran Serbia
271 Suba, Mariana Romania
272 Swiderski, Grzegorz Poland
273 Swislocka, Renata Poland
274 Szczygiel, Bogdan Poland
275 Szczygiel, Irena Poland
276 Szostak, Elzbieta Poland
277 Tapuchi, Saad Israel
278 Tarulescu, Radu Romania
279 Tarulescu, Stelian Romania
280 Teodorescu, Mariana Romania
281 Tiginyanu, Ion Moldova
282 Tirca, Ion Romania
283 Toma, Adina Romania
284 Toplan, Huseyin Ozkan Turkey
285 Toplan, Nil Turkey
286 Tranquillo, Elisabetta Italy
287 Trebacz, Hanna Poland
288 Trinca, Liliana Romania
289 Trusilewicz, Lidia Poland
290 Tsvetov, Nikita Russian Federation
291 Tsyntsaru, Natalia Moldova
292 Tunc Parlak, Tugba Turkey
293 Tutunaru, Bogdan Romania
294 Uivarosi, Valentina Romania
295 Ullah, Sana Hong Kong
296 Unguresan, Mihaela L. Romania
297 Urzova, Jana Czech Republic
298 Utkina, Tatiana Russian Federation
299 Valverde Palomino, Jose L. Spain
300 Varfolomeev, Mikhail Russian Federation
301 Varganici, Cristian D. Romania
302 Vasarenko, Ivan Belarus
303 Vasic, Milica Serbia
304 Vasile, Cornelia Romania
305 Vecchio Ciprioti, Stefano Italy
306 Verdes, Orsina Romania
307 Verevkin, Sergey Germany
308 Vitiu, Aliona Moldova
309 Vlase Titus Romania
310 Vlase, Gabriela Romania
311 Vlasov, Vitaly Russian Federation

312 Voda, Irina Moldova
313 Voncina, Maja Slovenia
314 Vykydalova, Anna Slovakia
315 Walter, Dirk Germany
316 Wesolowski, Marek Poland
317 West, Anthony R. United Kingdom
318 Wlodzimierz, Lewandowski Poland
319 Yagofarov, Mikhail Russian Federation
320 Yakushev, Pavel Russian Federation
321 Yang, Hee-Chul South Korea
322 Yegorova, Alevtina Russian Federation
323 Yildirim, Zeynep Turkey
324 Yildiz, Kenan Turkey
325 Yilmaz, Senol Turkey
326 Yurdakul, Omer Turkey
327 Zachar, Martin Slovakia
328 Zaharescu, Maria Romania
329 Zaltariov, Mirela F. Romania
330 Zavrazhnov, Alexander Y Russian Federation
331 Zdravkovic, Jelena Serbia
332 Zelenina, Liudmila Russian Federation
333 Zhang, Zhenghua China
334 Zhao, Yongxiang China
335 Zherikova, Kseniya Russian Federation
336 Zhou, Sufang China
337 Zovko Brodarac, Zdenka Croatia
338 Zvereva, Irina Russian Federation

Authors’ Index


ALBU, P. PS1.55 BINEK, M. OP4.12
ALBU, P. PS1.56 BIRJEGA, R. OP1.19
ALBU, P. PS3.96 BIRJEGA, R. PS1.64
ATASOY, A. PS2.67 BOREK, W. PS1.14
ATES, A. PS1.43 BOREK, W. PS2.25
BAIMEL, D. OP3.07 BOTEA, M. PS1.62
BALCI, G.A. OP4.22 BRADU, A. PS1.58
BEIU, R. PS1.58 BURIAN, W. OP1.09

CATANA, R. PS1.65 DAYAN, S. PS2.72
CAUNII, A. PS3.96 DIKO, P. OP3.19
CAVDAR, S. PS1.34 DOBRE, G. M. PS1.58
CHISLOV, M. PS2.49 DUCE, C. OP4.14
CHOVANEC, J. OP2.05 DUMA, V.-F. PS1.58
CHOVANEC, J. PS2.04 DUMA, V.-F. PS2.96
CRUDU, M. PS1.60 FESSAS, D. OP4.14
D’ANGELO, A. OP4.17 FOLCH, A. OP4.16
DARGENT, E. OP3.24 GAL, J. OP3.07
DAYAN, S. OP1.06 GALCA, A.C. OP1.20
DAYAN, S. OP3.08 GALCA, A.C. PS1.62

GAULE, D. OP1.21 JUKIĆ, A. OP3.03
GRECO, A. PS3.09 KATOH, K. OP2.10
HABU, H. OP2.10 KAYACI, N. OP3.08
HIGASHI, E. OP4.08 KIM, H.-J. PS1.30
HIGASHI, E. PS3.11 KIM, H.-J. PS1.31
IANASI, C. OP2.11 KOK, M.V. IL15
ION, I.V. PS1.46 KÖSE, D.A. PS3.38
IONESCU, M. PS1.47 KÖSE, D.A. PS3.59
IURIAN, S. PS1.61 KRÓL, M. OP1.09
IZATO, Y. OP2.09 KRÓL, M. PS2.30
IZATO, Y. OP4.09 KRÓL, M. PS2.31

KURT, A.O. OP2.26 MACOVEI, M.A. OP2.22
L’VOV, B.V. PL1 MAJDA, D. PS1.17
LEE, K.-Y. PS1.30 MASEK, A. PS1.24
LEE, K.-Y. PS1.31 MASEK, A. PS3.30
LEE, S.-Y. PS1.30 MASEK, A. PS3.31
LEE, S.-Y. PS1.31 MASKOW, T. OP4.01
LEHTO, V.-P. OP4.13 MASKOW, T. PS3.04

MIGAS, D. OP3.11 NASTAS, R. PS1.11
MIGAS, D. OP3.12 NATAF, G.F. OP3.09
MIGAS, D. PS2.39 NATALI, N. OP3.07
MIYAKE, A. OP2.09 OGUNI, M. OP2.21
MIYAKE, A. OP2.10 ÖKSÜZ, K.E. OP1.10
MIYAKE, A. OP4.09 ÖKSÜZ, K.E. OP4.24
MONNIER, X. OP3.24 ÖNEN, U. PS1.36
MOREAU, S. OP2.15 OPREA, S. OP4.25
MOSKAL, G. OP3.11 ÖZER, A. OP4.24
MOSKAL, G. OP3.12 ÖZER, U.H. OP4.24
MOSKAL, G. PS2.39 ÖZKAL, B. OP2.07
MOYA, X. OP3.09 PALADI, F. OP2.21
MURARIU, M. PS1.51 PANĂ, D. PS1.46

PAVLYUK, V. OP3.20 RADU, R. PS1.66
PAVLYUK, V. PS2.28 RADU, R. PS2.81
PETROV, A. PS1.19 ROCHA, H.L. OP2.02
ROGAN, J. PS1.29
ROMAN, F. OP4.16
ROSU, D. PS1.60
ROSU, D. PS1.69
ROSU, D. PS3.88
ROSU, D. PS3.89
ROSU, L. PS1.60
ROSU, L. PS1.69
ROSU, L. PS3.88
ROSU, L. PS3.89
POP, N. PS1.58
ROTARU, A. PS1.105
POP, N. PS2.96
ROTARU, A. PS1.106
POPA, A. OP2.11
POPA, A. OP2.12
POPA, C.L. OP2.23
POPA, C.L. PS1.59
POPA, F. OP2.08
POPA, M. OP3.06
ROTARU, P. PS1.100
POPA, M. PS2.82
ROTARU, P. PS1.101
POPA, V. OP2.23
ROTARU, P. PS1.102
POPA, V. PS1.59
ROTARU, P. PS1.103
POPA, V.T. OP1.15
POPA, V.T. PS2.83
RUS, L.M. PS1.61
ŞAHIN, O. OP4.23
ŞAHIN, O. PS3.58

SASCA, V. OP2.11 STAN, G.E. PS2.81
SASCA, V. OP2.12 STANCA, L. PS1.56
SAVA, B.A. OP3.06 STANCIU, A. PS1.56
SECU, M. OP1.19 ŠTRBAC, D.D. PS1.28
SECU, M. PS1.64 ŠTRBAC, G.R. PS1.28
ŞEN, Ş. OP1.10 SUBA, M. OP2.12
ŠEVČÍK, J. OP1.02 ŞUTA, L.-M. PS1.49
SHIOTA, K. OP4.09 SVERA, P. OP2.12

TIRCA, I. OP1.19 VELEA, A. OP1.20
TIRCA, I. PS1.64 VERDES, O. OP2.11
TIȚA, B. PS1.52 VERDES, O. OP2.12
TOMUTA, I. PS1.61 VICAȘ, L. PS1.53
TONY, M.A. PS1.09 VIDOVIĆ, E. OP3.03
TOPLAN, H.O. PS1.39 VILAG, V. OP1.25
TOPLAN, H.O. PS1.41 VLAD, A. OP1.19
TOPLAN, N. PS1.38 VLAD, A. PS1.64
TOPLAN, N. PS1.39 VLASE, G. PS1.44
TOPLAN, N. PS1.40 VLASE, G. PS1.45
TOPLAN, N. PS1.41 VLASE, G. PS1.49
TORRES, K. OP4.15 VLASE, G. PS1.50
TRINCA, L.M. PS1.62 VLASE, G. PS1.56
TRINCA, L.M. PS1.66 VLASE, G. PS3.69
TRINCA, L.M. PS2.81 VLASE, G. PS3.72
TUFFI, R. OP4.02 VLASE, T. PS1.44
TUFFI, R. PS2.09 VLASE, T. PS1.45
TӦYRӒS, J. OP4.13 VLASE, T. PS1.49
URSU, D. OP2.12 VLASE, T. PS1.55
URZOVÁ, J. PS1.07 VLASE, T. PS1.56
UTKINA, T. PS1.81 VLASE, T. PS3.80

YANG, H.-C. PS1.31 ZICHIL, V. PS1.12
YANG, I.-H. PS1.30 ŽÍDEK, J. OP1.02
YANG, I.-H. PS1.31 ZIMOWSKA, M. OP4.13
YUAN, C. PS1.22 ZVEREVA, I. PS3.49

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Academica Greifswald

© Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

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