Quality Control

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Gamata, Devie Ann I.

Garcia, Richard Julius U.
Orozco, Ralph Henry B.
Pedrosa, Vanessa A.
What is Quality Control?

Quality control is a process that is used to ensure a certain

level of quality in a product or service. It might include whatever
actions a business deems necessary to provide for the control and
verification of certain characteristics of a product or service. Most
often, it involves thoroughly examining and testing the quality of
products or the results of services. The basic goal of this process is
to ensure that the products or services that are provided meet
specific requirements and characteristics, such as being dependable,
satisfactory, safe and fiscally sound.
Basic examples of Quality Control:

 Manufacturers of food products often have employees who test the

finished products for taste and other qualities.

 Clothing manufacturers have workers inspect garments to ensure

that they are properly sewn.

 Service-oriented companies often have representatives who observe

the services being performed or who do follow-up checks to ensure
that everything was done properly.
When does Quality Control occur?
1. When raw materials are received prior to entering production.

2. Whilst products are going through the production process.

3. When products are finished - inspection or testing takes place

before products are despatched to customers.

4. Evaluating people. (Applicable with service-oriented companies.)

7 Basic Tools of Quality
1. Check sheet - is a form used to collect data in real time at the
location where the data are generated. The data it captures can be
quantitative or qualitative. When the information is quantitative, the
check sheet is sometimes called a tally sheet.

2. Control chart - also known as Shewhart charts or process-

behavior charts, in statistical process control are tools used to
determine if a manufacturing or business process is in a state
of statistical control.

3. Histogram - is a graphical representation showing a visual

impression of the distribution of data.

4. Ishikawa Diagram - Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram

are product design and quality defect prevention, to identify
potential factors causing an overall effect. Each cause or reason for
imperfection is a source of variation. Causes are usually grouped
into major categories to identify these sources of variation.
5. Pareto Chart - is a type of chart that contains both bars and
a line graph, where individual values are represented in
descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented
by the line.

6. Scatter diagram - is a type of mathematical

diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two
variables for a set of data.

7. Flow chart - is a type of diagram that represents

an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various
kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows
Some problems concerning Quality Control:

 The inspection process does not add any "value". If there were
any guarantees that no defective output would be produced, then
there would be no need for an inspection process in the first

 Inspection is costly, in terms of both tangible and intangible

costs. For example, materials, labour, time, employee
morale, customer goodwill, lost sales.

 It is sometimes done too late in the production process. This

often results in defective or non-acceptable goods actually being
received by the customer
 It is usually done by the wrong people - e.g. by a separate "quality
control inspection team" rather than by the workers themselves

 Inspection is often not compatible with more modern production

techniques (e.g. "Just in Time Manufacturing") which do not allow
time for much (if any) inspection.

 There is often disagreement as to what constitutes a "quality

product". For example, to meet quotas, inspectors may approve
goods that don't meet 100% conformance, giving the message to
workers that it doesn't matter if their work is a bit sloppy. Or one
quality control inspector may follow different procedures from
another, or use different measurements.
Difference between Quality Control
& Quality Assurance
 Though the two are similar, but there are some basic differences.
Quality control is concerned with examining the product or service
— the end result ‐ and quality assurance is concerned with
examining the process that leads to the end result.

 A company would use quality assurance to ensure that a product is

manufactured in the right way, thereby reducing or eliminating
potential problems with the quality of the final product.
"Inspection with the aim of finding the bad ones
and throwing them out is too late, ineffective,
costly. Quality comes not from inspection but
from improvement of the process."

- W. Edwards Deming

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