Soal B.inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1 2019-2020 Fix

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JL. Pulau Panjang, Kelurahan Tanjung Redeb, Kecamatan Tanjung Redeb, Berau

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 90 Minutes

Kelas : III ( Tiga ) Tanggal : Desember 2019

A. Choose the right answer between a, b , c or d.

1. One of domestic animal is . . .
a. lion b. tiger c. cat d. bird
2. What are these?
a. These is duck c. These are ducks
b. This is a ducks d. This a is duck
3. Dwi : “What is this, Ida?”
Ida : “This is a rabbit”
Dwi : “How do you spell rabbit?”
Ida : “. . .”
a.C-A-T b. R-A-B-B-I-T c. B-I-R-D d. L-I-O-N
4. Gajah, sapi, panda in Engish is . . .
a. Elephant, cow, panda
b. Cow, elephant, panda
c. Elephant, cat, panda
d. Cow, panda, elephant
5. C–e–r–o–l–o-i–c–d=...
a. Crocodile b. Cow c. Cat d. Camel
6. Thing that you can find in the classroom is …
a. Bed b. Stove c. Whiteboard d. Soap
7. What is this?
a. This is a board
b. This is a chair
c. This is a window
d. This is a table
8. Translate in to English ! “Tolong buka pintu”.
a. Open the window, please! b. Open the door, please!
c. Close the door, please! d. Close the door,please
9. Cupboard in Indonesian is ...
a. Papan tulis putih b. Lemari c. Pensil d. Eraser
10. This is a. . . .
a. Chair
b. Door
c. Eraser
d. Ruler
11. Ana : What is this ?
Budi: This is a . . .
a. Tomato b. Spinach c. Carrot d. Cabbage
12. Novi : What is that ?
Martina: That is a . . .
a. Potato b. Chilli c. Longbean d. Corn
13. Fatimah : What is this ?
Selvi : This is a . . .
a. Kale b. Cabbage c. Spinach d. Onion
14. The . . . is long ,but . . . is round
a. Kale, tomato c. Cucumber,tomato
b. Tomato, spinach d. Onion,potato
15. Daniella : Is this a chilli ?
Alexa : No, this is a . . .
a. Potato c. Onion
b. Corn d. Tomato
16. a - tomato-is-this
The correct sentence is.......
a. Is this a tomato b. Tomato is a this c. This is a tomato d. This a is tomato
17. This is a...
a. fan
b. table
c. carpet
d. curtain
18. What is this? This is a ...
a. sink b. sponge c. soap d. towel
19. This is a pillow. It is in the ...
a. bedroom b. bathroom c. kitchen d. living room
20. Sikat gigi in English is ...
a. bowl b. spoon c. mirror d. toothbrush

B. Fill the blank with the right answer.

21. A: What is this ?
B : This is a …

22. Mosquito, Giraffe, Snake, in Indonesian is …

23. … your book, please!

24. “Sit down, please!” In Indonesian is …

25. What is your favorite vegetables?
26. “Spinach” in Indonesian is …
27. Rearrange into the correct sentence!
Corn – Is that – a?
28. =___T_

29. Cupboard in Indonesia is ...

30. N-B-K-E-T-L-A = B _ _ _ _ _ _

C. Answer the question correctly!

31. Mention 3 wild animals?

1. … 2. … 3. …

32. Translate into Indonesia the word below!

a. fan =…

b. eraser =…

c. whiteboard = …

33. Translate the words into Indonesia and complete it

“Hobi saya adalah …”

34. Arrange the sentence!

the living room – the television – is in

35. Where is the ...? It is in the ...

===================================== Good Luck ===================================

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