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Comprehensive “CHECK LIST” of Quality Audit for UTTIPEC Approved-PROJECTS.
(Approved in 39th Governing Body Meeting of UTTIPEC held on 21.9.2012)

I. Based upon Planning & Safety Aspects.

Sl.No. Item Observation Specified-Range Remarks

1. Obstructions in Walking Zone No- Utility ducts, utility poles, electric, water or telecom boxes, trees,
signage or any kind of obstruction should be placed within the “ walking-
zone in future.

2. Walking Zone Width Residential Areas:- 2.00M

Commercial/Mixed:- 2.50M
Use Areas
Commercial Nodes:- 4.00M

3. Kerb. Height
Max. height of a pavement (kerb, walking surface, paving ) shall not
exceed 150MM (6”)
Foot-Path and Bus- Stop surfaces should be matt finish /anti-skid.

4. Existence of slip road at left Slip-roads or free left turns should be avoided. In case, they already exist,
turn kerb radius should be as follows:-
1.5 M or less for roads less than 30 M width
3.0 M for most intersections.
4.5 M for industrial streets with a lot of truck traffic.

5. Raised driveway in front of The motorized vehicles should pass over a gentle ramp to enter the
buildings. property.

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6. Dead width or width of For side-walks in shopping areas an extra 1 Mt. should be added to the
frontage-Zone stipulated 4.00m width.
In other situations where sidewalks pass next to buildings and fences, a
dead width of 0.5 M can be added. In busy areas like bus stops, Rly stn.
Recreational areas width of side walk should be suitably increased to
account for accumulation of pedestrians.
7. Provision of kerb ramps Standard kerb-ramps are cut into the foot-path. Width of such ramp
Near pedestrian Crossing should not be less than 1.2M with gradient not greater than 1:12 with
flared sides. It is desirable to provide two curb cuts per corner.

8. Provision of raised table top Raised crossing should be located at

crossing a) Slips roads
b) Where high volume streets intersect with low volume streets
c) At mid block crossings.

9. TACTILE-PAVING • Tactile-working strip to be provided on the kerb-side edge of the

slope 1 & last step of every flight of each subway/FOB. It is desirable
to provide two kerb-side edge of the slope.
• A Distance of 600-800m to be maintained from the edge of Foot-
Path/Boundary Wall/ any Obstruction.
• A height of about 5mm for the raised part of the surface is sufficient
for almost all persons with vision impairment to detect, without
causing too much discomfort for other pedestrians.
• Tactile paving must be maintained to ensure that the profile does not
erode away.
• Tactile tiles should have a colour (preferably canary yellow), which
contrasts with the surrounding surface.
• Tactile paving should be minimum 300mm wide (so that someone
cannot miss it by stepping over it)

10. Auditory Signals Pedestrian traffic lights should be provided with clearly audible signals
Acoustic devices should be installed on a pole at the point of origin of
crossing and not at the point of destination.

11. • Slope of foot over bridge • A slope of 8% (1 in 12) on foot over bridge ramps with a slope of 5%(1
ramps. in 20) with landing is preferable.
• Height of hand rail at foot • Within the underpass a hand-rail set 850-900 mm above the walking
over bridge/underpass ramps surface should be provided.
• Tactile-paving should be provided at top & bottom of the flight of

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• Provision of elevator/lift at steps.
entrance/exit of the • Elevator/lift should be provided on both entrance/exit & should have
elevators. minimum internal dimension of 1400 mm X 1400 mm
• All lifts to have Braille buttons & Audio announcement system.

12. Tree pits and tree grates • A clear width of 1800X1800 is to be left free of concrete for tree pits
1. Size of tree pits in order to allow access nutrients to the roots of trees.
• The tree guards should be provided for young trees
2. Provision of tree guards • Tree grates allow pedestrians to walk close to trees
3. Provision of tree grating • Tree grating finished at the same level as surrounding pavement –
allow people walk over them.

13. Bi-cycle and non-motorized • Segregated cycle tracks are required in arterial and sub-arterial roads
infrastructure. i.e roads with ROW > 45m.
Width of cycle/NMV lane • Minimum width of NMV lane is 2.50 mt. & they are clearly segregated
from faster moving motorized traffic.
• The NMV should be constructed with smooth finished cement
concrete and on both sides of street.
• A 0.70 m landscaped buffer should be kept between NMV and MV
lanes to maximize the speed, efficiency and capacity of NMV lanes.
Provision of cycle parking
• Cycle parking stands can be accommodated within the multi-
functional zone.
14. Crossings:-
a. Provision of at grade • Mid block crossing to be provided at mid-block transit/bus-stop
full signal crossing at location and Areas with pedestrian attractor like shopping areas,
junctions. schools & community centers.
• Mid-block crossing must include signages visible from min. 100 mt.
b. Provision of full signal
• Auditory signals are required to provide assistance to the differently
crossing at mid blocks.
c. Provision of kerb ramps
at crossings. • Traffic calming treatment to start at least 25 m before zebra-crossing.
d. Provision of stop line
e. Provision of cautionary • Spacing range: Every 80-250 m coordinated with entry points of
sign before mid block complexes, location of bus/train stops, public facilities etc.
f. Provision of foot over • Foot over bridge may be necessary for streets with high speed transit
bridge. corridors like BRT etc. All sub-ways and foot over bridges must have
combination of either “staircase + ramp or stair-case + elevator.

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15. Provision of median:- Median & refuge islands:_
Median should be provided only on roads where design speed is
• Provision of refuge islands greater than 20/25 km. per hour. Median should not generally
provided on roads where design speed is less than 20/25 KM/hr. or
• Height of median kerb
Row less than or equal to 24.00 mt.
• Width of median/refuge • Maximum height of median kerb is about 220 mm.
island. • Instead of fences, median should be landscape & used for storm-
• Provision of safety bollards water management.
in the refuse space. • Planting should be drought-tolerant, preferably capable of storm-
water filtration.
• When street trees are desired, a median should be min. 1.5 m
wide i/c kerbs.
• Trees in a median can provide a fuller canopy and provide a
highly cooling effect on immediate surroundings.
• Clear-width of a median refuge island should be 1.2 m.
• Safety bollards in the refuge space to prevent the ‘U” turning of
16. Street Lighting:- • Trees causing obstructions in street lighting must be – trimmed.
Checking of street lighting to be
done as per approved design of
17. Underground utilities:- • Common Utility Duct (CUD)
A. Provision and location of • A structure above or under the ground which contain more than
common utility duct (CUD) two types of public utilities & include its own drainage,
B. Type of common utility ventilation & lighting etc.
duct provided • Placement of services which require access covers should not be
done under NMV.
C. Provision of entrance
• Dense-urban area e.g. Shahjanabad could consider providing
chamber in CUD
common-utility ducts for carrying the services.
• Utilities must be placed in a neat & tidy manner.
• It would be prudent to leave pipes under the footpath to provide
cabling & services in the future.
• Use of cement concrete should be kept to the minimum
requirement, gravel, sand soil etc. is preferable as filling material.
• Manholes aligned parallel to street to facilitate conduit
• Duct bank to be straight & should drain into manholes.
• Dia of duct pipe – 1.5 X O.D. of cable
2.00 O.D. of gas pipe

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18. • Location of Bus Stop • Bus Stops must be universally accessible and located at every
800-1000M. Criteria for location of Bus Stop as per Guidelines.
• Accessibility of the Bus Stop • Public- Phones should be made available near Bus-
stop/subway/F.O.B./etc. to take help in case of any emergency.
• Bus Stop should be preferably in Multifunction Zone and should
not interfere with 1.8m clear walking zone.
19. Public Toilets:- • Toilet should be located near every alternate Bus Stop. These
should not be located on isolated places
• Entrance to lady-Toilet should not be faced towards Gents-
• Provide Public Toilets at a distance of every 500-800M from each
other and from any destination.
• Public Toilet should be provided as combination of general Toilet
and accessible toilets.
20. Street Signage’s:- • Signage’s provide help to pedestrian to navigate the city with
a. Provision of Street ease and safety and have the following functions-
Signs. • Availability of Public Transit nearby (Transit sign)
b. Provision of Transit Signs. • Guiding street flow (Traffic sign).
c. Provision of Traffic Signs. • Announcing about city’s (Information signs).
d. Provision of Information • Conveniences:- Toilet, Dustbin etc.
21. Pelican crossings • Pedestrian initiated traffic lights may be installed at mid-block
crossings to make traffic stop for pedestrians, cyclists and the
physically handicapped.
22. Provision of Dustbins • Dustbins must be provided each bus stop and street intersection
in order to discourage people from throwing trash on the roads.
23. Provision of Hawker Zones • Hawker must be accommodated within the Road R.O.W. at
approximately every 500-1000M on a Public Street.
• They are needed at all commercial centers and must be at
walking distance from Offices, Homes and Retail Areas.
• Flexible Hawking Zones can be accommodated within the
Multifunctional Zones.
• Essential Utilities must be provided with in the Hawking Zone.
• Vendors may be allotted space to sell their goods in sub-
ways/FOB’s so that, they are not isolated at any time

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II. Based upon Critical-Engineering Aspects.

S.N. Item Observation Specified Range Remarks

a) Road-way-width. Actual observation As per approval drawing
b) Carriage-way- ------Do-------- -----------Do-------------
width. Actual -----------Do-------------
c) Camber
Actual -----------Do-------------
d) Super-elevation
and Extra, Visual-observation -----------Do-------------
widening at /Measurements
e) Longitudinal =
gradient in case of Visual-observations -----------Do-------------
road in hilly/rolling
f) Provision of
passing places
25. Earth-work& Sub-Grade:-
a) Quality of Material for Visual inspection Material-should be free of logs stumps, rubbish etc.
grade Dry-Density of As per I.S. 2720 (Part-8)
compacted layer
b) Compaction
Measurement As per approved Drawing

c) Side-Slopes and profile Visual-Observations -----------Do-------------

d) Stability and workman

Ship of cut-slope(In- Visual-observation -----------Do-------------
case of hilly/rolling
e) Adequacy of slope-
protection(In case of

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high embankments/ As per approved Drawing
hilly rolling terrain)
f) Section of retaining
wall and breast wall
26. Sub-base:-
a) Adequacy of Field-density test As per IS : 2720(Part XXVII)
compaction through by sand
volumetric-analysis replacement

Measurement by As per Approved Design.

b) Total Thickness of taking pit for full
layer layer thickness.
a) Adequacy of Hand-feel test by As per I.S. 2720(Part-XXVIII)
compaction through digging pit &
volumetric analysis.
Actual As-per design.
b) Thickness of every Measurement by
layer of taking pit.

a) Aggregate Gradation, Grain- As per I.S. 2720

(Gradation test)
Impact. Value,
(flakiness index &
Stripping water absorption
Measurement of 155’ degree C-163’ C
b) Mixing temperature of Temperature by
Mix thermo-meter
-----do----- 110 degree C-135 degree C
c) Laying temperature of
Mix Measurement by As per design the density should not be less than 95% of the optimum
Making pit/Core- density

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d) Thickness of Layer cutter method of
density calculating density

By- Straight-edge

e) Surface Even-ness

29. Bituminous-Layer

Visual –
a. Functioning of hot mix bins, Computer
plant (Computerized) functioning)
Visual-observation As per specifications

b. Calibration of weighing- -------do-------

c. Functioning of sensor Visual-observation
paver finisher
d. Seal-Coat- over -------do-------

e. Longituanal and
transverse joints
Visual-Observations As per specifications
a) Quality of (for c.c.. verify-cub
test results from
stone/ Brick,
Masonry, Hume Visual-observation
pipes including size

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b) Quality of As per design
workmanship such
as positioning of
pipes , wing walls,
cushion over H
pipes etc.
General Quality of side- Visual- As per drawing
drains catch water drains observation/Actual
and their- integration with measurement
Cross Drainage.
32. Concrete-Pavements:-
a) Quality of
Visual- As per I.R.C.43-1972
surface texture, ated/Straight
surface-evenness. wedge/Bump
Adequacy of setting of integrator-method
concrete joints edges
33. Thickness of Layer Measurement As per design

34. Road Protection Works Visual As per design


1. The Planning Audit of working drawings will be carried out before the execution of the project.
2. The Quality Audit based upon critical engineering aspects as mentioned above will be carried out when the progress of the work is 25%-50% and 80% respectively.
3. The Quality of material such as bitumen, aggregates etc will be checked by taking samples of materials being used at site. The no of samples to be taken will be at
the discretion of the Audit Team.
4. The check list is indicative only and not exhaustive. The Audit Team can check any other item at its discretion.

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