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Proposed B+G+1 Private Villa

Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

19102 - 2019
April 2019

Email: skylne90280@gmail.com
Tel: 04-2516182
Fax: 04-2516183
P.O. Box 90280
Dubai, UAE








TENDER No. 19102 /2019 2/255

PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
TENDER No. 19102 /2019 3/255
PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
1.1. Ruling Language : (E) English

1.2. Mobilization Period from the date

Of receiving building demarcation : 30 days (to consider within the contract period)

1.3. Completion period : 16 Months.

1.4. Penalty for the delay of work. : Dhs.60,000 /- per month to the owner and
Dhs.15,000/- per month to the consultant.

1.5. Period of maintenance : 365 days from the preliminary handing over.
The certificate to this will be issued from the consultants.

1.6. Quantities : Contractor has to fill the detailed bill of

quantities & submit the same along with
Tender package

1.7. Payment of materials at site : Nil

1.8. Minimum amount for the payment : 5 % of the contract value


1.9. Third party insurance : Shall be provided from the contractor for himself & for
the project as per Clause 23.1 of the FIDIC

1.10 Time required for certification : (i) 7 days for interim payment
of bills by the consultant (ii) 15 days for the final payment

1.11. Time within which payment : (i) 10 days for interim payment
To be made by the owner after (ii) 15 days for the final payment

1.12 Retention money : 10 % of work done to be released as

5 % along with the final payment
5 % after the one year

1.13 Advance payment : Nil.

1.14. Over-Time Fees upon Request : Dhs. 200/- per hour to be on normal working days
Dhs. 300/- per hour to be on Friday's, Saturdays &
Declared public holidays.

1.15. Tender Bond : 0 % of the Estimated Contract Value for a period of 3


1.16. Performance Bond : the winner contractor to change the Tender Bond into
Performance Bond (0% of the contract value), for a period of
0 months.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
1.17. Contractors to submit inline
With their quotations the following:
1. Master program in line with the project duration (CPM).
2. Detailed program.
3. Cash flow.
4. Labour histogram and equipment schedule.

1.18. Any tender not including the fully detailed pricing of the bill of quantities in addition to the
information mentioned in item 1.19. Page No. 5 will be rejected.

1.19. The several documents forming the contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one
another, but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the same shall be explained and adjusted by the
engineer who shall thereupon issue to the contractor instructions thereon and in such event, unless
otherwise provided in the contract. The priority of the documents forming the contract shall be as
1. The contract agreement (if completed)
2. The letter of acceptance;
3. The tender;
4. Part II of these conditions ;
5. Part I of these conditions ; and
6. Any other document forming part of the contract

1.20. CONTRACT AMOUNT: ___________________________________________ Dhs.

Only: ____________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ Dhs.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Form of Tender

Proposed Villa
( B + G + 1)

P. O. Box
………., U. A. E.


Having examined the Tender and Contract Documents for the Construction of the above named
works, we, the undersigned hereby offer to construct, complete, maintain and deliver up the whole
of the said works, in strict conformity with the said Tender and Contract.

Documents for the Sum of Dhs. …………………

Only or such other sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the said Conditions.

We undertake in the event of this Tender being accepted, with the understanding that you are not
bound to accept any tender you may receive, to execute when called upon by you to do so, a
Contract for the works in the terms of the article of Agreement which my be altered and added to in
such a manner as you may require for the purpose of the adapting it to the circumstances of this

We undertake to complete and deliver up the whole of the works within the period named in
Appendix “A” to the form of Tender from the date of receipt by us of order to Commence with the
works, and furthermore complete the different parts of the works define in our program of works
within the time limits therein guaranteed.

We enclosed our Tender guarantee m the name and qualifications of the Site Agent whom we
propose to put in charge of the works, and also specifications of constructional plant which we
undertake to provide for the execution of the works.

Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Tender, together with your
written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding Contract between us.

Dated this Day of ………………………..200

Signature ………………………………………………

Address ………………………………………………..

Witness: Signature …………………………………

Name and Address: ………………………………….

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan



Project :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the amount of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U.A.E (Dirhams)
Which equals to five percent (5%) of the Tender sum, as a guarantee for their good intention in the
presentation of their Tender for the construction, completion, maintenance and delivering up of the
above named works in conformity with the provisions of the contract documents.

The guarantee shall remain valid and irrevocable for a period of ninety (90 days) starting at twelve
(12) O’ clock noon on the day for the receipt of the tenders.

In the event of Messers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Withdrawing their Tender before the expiration of the period of validity of this letter of guarantee,
we undertake to pay in cash to you upon your demand and not withstanding any objection on the
part of the said Messers-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The aforesaid sum of----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U.A.E (Dirhams).

Yours truly,


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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

Name of Owner :-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address :-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub : Our Guarantee No. :-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Project :-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Sirs,

As Messers--------------------------------------------------------------------------P.O. Box--------------------
-have been declared that, their Tender for the construction of the above named works has been
accepted, we hereby undertake to hold at your disposal the sum of U.A.E Dirhams.--------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------(Dhs. -------------------------------)

As Performance Bond or Surety which constitutes percent (10%) of the tender sum. This bond
shall be free of interest and payable to you in cash on your first demand without the right to object
or suspend payment thereto for any reason whatsoever.

This undertaking shall remain in force from ----------------------- until--------------------- and will be
automatically renewed before expiry for period of these months each if the original guarantee is not
returned to our bank.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Form of Agreement
Proposed Villa (B+G+1)
For Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

This Agreement made the ……………………… day of ………………………….. 2012

Hereinafter called “the Employer” of the one part
Hereinafter called “the Contractor” of the other part

Whereas the Employer is desirous that the Works as described in the Contract Documents and
shown on the Drawings prepared by

Messrs ………………………
P. O. Box
……., U. A. E.

be carried out and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor to construct, complete, maintain and
deliver up such Works, during the Contract period, and in the manner mentioned.

And whereas the Contractor undertakes to complete, maintain and deliver up the whole of the said
works, within the Contract period.

Now this Agreement witnessed as follows:-

1. In this Agreement wards and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and constructed as per of
this Agreement, viz:

a) Tendering Conditions.
b) Appendix ‘A’ and Forms.
c) Conditions of Contract.
d) Specifications.
e) Drawings.
f) Bills of Quantities.
g) Addenda and Circular Letters (if any).
h) Letter of acceptance.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. In considerations of the payment to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as
hereinafter mentioned the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to construct,
complete, maintain and deliver up the Works in conformity in all respects with the provisions
of the Contract Documents.

4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the construction,
completion, maintenance and delivering up the Works the Final Contract price at the times, and
in the manner described by the Contract Documents.

In Witness whereof the parties hereto have set their respective hands and seals the day and
year first above written.
Contract value Dhs.
Amount in words
Contract period
Liquidated Damages

Signed, Sealed and Delivered by



Witnessed by


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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

(General Condition of contract shall be as per the conditions of contract laid by Federation
Internationale Des Ingenieurs Conseils (FIDIC) Fourth Edition 1987.)
General notes for the Tender & specifications of this mentioned edition is considered part of this
tender and contract:

2.1 General Condition of contract shall be read in conjunction with General notes for the
tender, specification & drawings.

2.2 Tender document along with BOQ to be filled properly without any conditions. In case of the
missing basic price, the bidder shall indicate the basic price of the material which is taken into
consideration while evaluating the item rate of the work to be executed; if the contractor
ignores the basic price the consultant has the right to choose any material.
All the items has to be filled even though it is not specified in the specification (rate wise)

2.3. The contract is a lump sum priced contract. No variation will be accepted unless it is an
additional item of work instructed by the consultant after the approval of the owner the
same shall be recorded prior to the commencement of work.

2.4 All the documents collected from the consultant office along with drawing and also the fax
messages (if any, which are sent across clarifying the queries of the contractors) becomes part
of the contract document and the same shall be stamped, signed and handed over to the
consultants while submitting the tender document.

2.5. Mobilization of the work at site shall be within 30 days from demarcation or as
instructed by the consultant, which shall include the following:

- Site offices
To be as follows:
One site office for the contractor.
One site office for the Consultant including meeting room (30sq.m), RE office (20 sq.m.) and bath
The areas of the site offices to be up to the consultant approval.
The office shall be provided with all the equipment necessary for their efficient operation. The
equipment to be provide for the Engineer’s offices, shall include, but shall not be limited to the
1executive desk with lockable drawers, executive swivel chair
1desks with lockable drawers upholstered swivel chair
6 chairs with upholster seat and back on steel frame
1 full size drawing board with stand, stool, parallel motion
1 layout table for drawings
1 Large steel cupboard
1 vertical hanging unit for drawings
3 correspondence trays with spacers
2 waste paper baskets
1 portable dry powder extinguisher

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
- If the contractor put prices and rates, for the specified materials/ equipment, in his offer not
equivalent to / lower than the market prices, this will not release him from supplying the specified
material/equipment at the market rate.
- The Contractor shall, for the duration of the Contract, supply sufficient stationary attendance
to the Engineer.
- Temporary fencing to be provided as per the regulation of Dubai Municipality and after
getting approval from them.
- Temporary electrical and water supply to be arranged at site on contractor cost.
- All the requirements for starting the work to be completed as per the normal practice and
regulation of local authorities.
- Telephone and fax lines for the Contractor and Consultant.

2.6 Site preparation:

Contractor shall clear the site from any bushes, debris, plants etc. before starting the work.
The bidder is to familiarize himself of the site situation particularly on the raggedness of the
plot surface and all obstruction, which could hinder construction progress. The matters are to
be brought to the consultant's notice prior to submission of the bid. Contractor has to keep in
provision for the general leveling of existing ground.

2.7 The contractor must adhere to the latest rules and regulations of S.E.D, water supply/drainage
Dept. Civil Defense and Etisalat or du etc. In connection with the above service the
contractor shall approach the necessary authorities at times of need.

2.8 Contractor shall submit their list of sub contractor to execute all the services connected with
the bldg. for the approval by the consultant.

2.9. Selected contractor shall submit the sample chart of all the materials including certification of
geniuses for the consultant's approval & the same shall be made available at the site for the
entire tenure of the contract.

2.10. The selected contractor shall submit the detailed CPM & time BAR CHART which shall also
indicate the clearances /details / drawings etc. which are required from the consultants for the
uninterrupted work at site. The above said charts shall be submitted to the consultant prior to
commencement of the work at site.

2.11. The selected contractor shall also submit the tentative CASH FLOW CHART required for the
uninterrupted work at site which is to be evaluated from the work progress chart.

2.12. Contractor shall depute for the full time engineer as per clase 2.30

2.13. For all site meeting the main contractor shall depute qualified engineers of various
disciplines. viz. electrical, plumbing, air conditioning etc.

*All the above persons mentioned in item no. 2.12 & 2.13 are subject to the final approval of
the consultant and subject to removal from site for any mistake as per the consultant opinion.

2.14. The contractor if asked by consultant shall produce shop drawing for electrical, plumbing,
fire fighting, Aluminum work and also any other drawing

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
2.15. Payment terms shall be as under:
(a) Bill for interim payments shall be according to the progress of the work & the same
shall be accompanied with detailed BOQ along with measurement sheets.
(i) The time required for certification of the bill is 15 days from the date of receiving the
bill in original.
(b) Payment towards the final bill shall be subject to:
i) As built drawing for all services are submitted to the consultants along with the original
ii) All guarantee certificates shall be handed over in original.
iii) The main contractor has to submit clearance certificate from all his subcontractors.

2.16. Retention money:

10% retention will be deducted from every interim payment certificate, 5% of the above will
be released along with final payment & the balance 5% will be released after the satisfactory
completion of one year maintenance period or it may be released against the bank guarantee
which is subject to the approval of consultant/ owner

2.17. Taking over certificate will be issued only after the execution of the entire job as per the
scope of work of the contract & to the satisfaction of the consultant & after getting clearance
from all the departments required for the municipality checking. This also includes testing,
commissioning and rectifying the defects if any.

2.18. Defects liability period (Maintenance Period) shall be for one year and the same shall
commence from taking over date. In this period contractor shall rectify all the defects within
15 days from date of receiving the defect note or informed by the Consultant failing which the
same will be executed by hiring out side agency and the cost will be reimbursed from the main

2.19. No variation is allowed unless by written instruction from the consultant, the rate for the
same to be finalized from the consultant/ his representative along with the consent of the
owner when all the documents of the variation is completed as per consultant opinion. The
rate of an extra item shall be evaluated on a prorate basis from an identical item for which the
rate is already agreed in the contract document, and in case of a new item, the contractor shall
submit the detailed break up to evaluate the cost of the item. Work order for the execution of
an extra term shall be collected from the consultant’s office prior to the commencement of the
work at site.
The contractor has to check the approved drawing with the tender drawing & submit the
claims (if any) within 14 days from receiving the approved drawing. The claims after this
period regarding any matter will not be considered

2.20. All the jobs shall be executed in proper line level, plumb & to the consultant’s satisfaction.

2.21. The consultant reserves the right of shifting the location of service connection subject to the
site conditions and within the flat. viz. electrical points, distribution board, kitchen sink,
ceramic fixtures etc.
The location of the above shall be discussed with the consultant at the time of preparing the
shop drawing Contractor won't be paid any extra amount for doing the above unless it is an
additional item of work by numbers.

2.22. All the light fixtures supplied shall be installed and commissioned by the main contractor.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
2.23. All The electrical conduits are to be laid through the slab and wall but not on the floor.

2.24. Contractor shall take up one number of Macks up office and the same shall be finished in all
respect including door, window, ceramic fixtures, filling etc. completely.

2.25-(i) Contractor shall include in his bid to execute all the civil works whatsoever and are related
to the jobs of the specialized agencies (Ref.: items excluded) and are not mentioned in the
B.O.Q. viz.
(1) P.C. foundation pad for A/c outdoor units.
(2) P.C. foundation for water tank. Etc.
(3) P.C. foundation for transformer
(4) Builders work for MEP subcontractor or any other subcontractor.
(5) Main contractor shall also coordinate with all the agencies involved in the execution of the

2.26- safety procedure:

It will be sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide full and continued security and safety
for the site and including all site facilities until the substantial completion certificate is issued
and all the works are completed and the Contractor is demobilized.
The Contractor shall nominate a qualified Safety Engineer dedicated for the site. He will
within 30 days of handing over the site (to the Contractor) formulate a safety plan for the
works and shall submit the same for the approval of the Engineer. Any comment of the
Engineer shall be incorporated and re-submitted till final approval is obtained.
The Safety Engineer and the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring of that safety plan is
adhered to and shall co-ordinate with the subcontractors and or other persons required to be
working on or near the site for proper implementation during the execution of the works.
He shall make himself fully conversant with safety regulations and requirements of good
engineering practice, of the local authorities and implement them effectively to the approval of
the Engineer.
Safety practice shall comply with the requirement of the local/governing Municipality
The Safety plans shall include but not limited to the following safety, fire and personnel
welfare aspects: -
1. Protective clothing
2. Overhead working
3. Scaffolding, general access, access to work places
4. Protection/Barricades to openings, edges, and excavations
5. Transportation
6. Plant, Machinery and Tools
7. Carnage and Hosting Equipment
8. Working at height
9. Fire prevention- Fire fighting
10. Work in enclosed spaces.
11. Electrical works and Temporary electrical works
12. Cylinder gases-storage-transport and use
13. Welding and gas cutting
14. Grinding wheels
15. Cartridge operated fixing tools

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
16. First aid, on-site first aid room and associated trained staff, emergency transport and
hospitalization if injured persons
17. Smoking regulations.
18. Accident reporting and statistics
19. Training and Instruction
20. Hygienic facilities, i.e., rest rooms, messing facilities, washrooms and sanitary
facilities, hot and cold water, etc.
21. Provision and correct use of safety equipment
22. Appropriate use of known safety signs in all the jobs/tasks performed.
23. Use of Hard hats and safety boots for all Site personnel, labours and all other
persons requiring access to the site
The Contractor shall also implement the following as part of the Project safety
Programme of safety orientation and training for all the personnel/labour prior to commencing
work on the site.
1. Provide safety and fire prevention procedures to be clearly posted about the site in
relevant languages.
2. Routine checks on Contractor’s as well as Sub-contractor’s first aid and other
medical facilities to ensure adequacy\cy of supplies and services.
3. Routine checks on fire fighting equipment and safety equipment to ascertain proper
4. Ensuring that all personnel wear proper safety clothing and apparel.
5. Handle claims for accidents sustained by employees or third parties working on
6. Enforce safety regulations.
7. Maintain in safety records.
The Contractor shall provide but not limited to the following safety ware for the Client and
Engineer’s staff at site visiting the site:-
1. Safety Helmets.
2. Safety shoes.
3. Protective eyeglass.
4. Ear muffs
The Safety Engineer shall report to the Engineer on the status of planning and implementation
of activities to ensure safe construction and operation of the work periodically, as agreed with
the Engineer.
Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval, detailed procedure for the control of fire,
first-aid, and security, applicable to the Site.
Contractor shall liaise with the Engineer and shall observe and ensure that all their personnel
observe, all relevant security procedures particularly those applicable to performing works in
an ongoing operating environment.
 No heavy equipment “tower crane, lift” to be used at the site without the following:
 Guarantee letter from approved company.
 Regular inspection to be done for this equipment through approved company.

2.27- As built and guarantee: Provide As built drawings and guarantees as indicate here below but not limited to the
following items:

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
S.N Description Source Duration Starting Note
i. Civil works
1. concrete structure Main contractor 10 years Guarantee
2. water proofing works water proofing contractor 10 years Guarantee
3. Anti termite treatment Anti termite contractor 10 years Guarantee
4. Internal paint Paint contractor 3 years Guarantee
5. External paint Paint contractor 5 years Guarantee
6. Carpentry works Carpentry contractor 1 year Guarantee
7. Doors handle/ Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
cylinders/ Hinges
8. Doors handle/ Manufacturer - - Certificated of origin
cylinders/ Hinges
9. garbage shut garbage shut contractor 1 year Guarantee
10. mixers Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
11. mixers Manufacturer - - Certificated of origin
12. piling works piling contractor 10 years Guarantee
13. Lift Lift contractor 1 year Guarantee
14. Swimming Pool Contractor 1 year Guarantee
ii. Aluminum Works
15. Aluminum drawings Aluminum contractor - - As built drawings
3 sets
16. Aluminum works Aluminum contractor 1 year Guarantee
17. Glass Manufacturer 10 years Guarantee
18. Glass Manufacturer - - Certificated of origin
19. Aluminum Sections Extrusion company - - Certificated of origin
20. Door closer Supplier 5 years Guarantee
21. Automatic sliding Supplier 5 years Guarantee
22. Aluminum accessories Supplier 5 years Guarantee
23. Silicon Manufacturer 15 years Guarantee
24. Rubber Manufacturer 15 years Guarantee
25. powder coating Manufacturer 15 years Guarantee
26. System Guarantee Extrusion company 15 years Guarantee
iii. Electrical Works
27. Electrical drawings Electrical contractor - - As built drawings
3 sets
S.N Description Source Duration Starting Note
28. Electrical works Electrical contractor 1 year Guarantee
29. List of all the suppliers/ Electrical contractor - - -
contact numbers
30. List of all the materials Electrical contractor - - -

31. Manuals (materials) Electrical contractor - - -

32. DB, SMDB, MDB Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee

33. Capacitor bank Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
34. hand dryer Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
35. light fitting Manufacturer - - Certificated of origin
36. Intercom Supplier 1 year Guarantee
37. Generator Manufacturer 1 year Guarantee
38. Generator Manufacturer As built drawings
3 sets
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
39. TV system Supplier 1 year Guarantee
iv. Plumbing Works
40. Plumping drawings Plumbing contractor - - As built drawings
3 sets
41. Plumping works Plumping contractor 1 year Guarantee
42. List of all the suppliers/ Plumping contractor - - -
contact numbers
43. List of all the materials Plumping contractor - - -

44. Manuals (materials) Plumping contractor - - -

45. Water transfer pump Manufacturer 3 years Guarantee

46. Water booster pump Manufacturer 3 years Guarantee
47. Water heater Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
48. Water tanks Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
v. A/C Works
49. A/C drawings A/C contractor - - As built drawings
3 sets
50. A/C works A/C contractor 1 year Guarantee
51. List of all the suppliers/ A/C contractor - - -
contact numbers
52. List of all the materials A/C contractor - - -

53. Manuals (materials) A/C contractor - - -

54. A/C machines Manufacturer 1 years Guarantee

55. Compressor Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
56. Thermostat Manufacturer 1 years Guarantee
vi. Fire fighting Works
57. Fire fighting drawings Fire fighting contractor - - As built drawings
3 sets
58. Fire fighting works Fire fighting contractor 1 year Guarantee
59. Fire Alarm works Fire fighting contractor 1 year Guarantee
60. List of all the suppliers/ Fire fighting contractor - - -
contact numbers
61. List of all the materials Fire fighting contractor - - -
S.N Description Source Duration Starting Note
62. Manuals (materials) Fire fighting contractor - - -

63. Fire Alarm cable Manufacturer 1 years Guarantee

64. Fire fighting pumps Manufacturer 5 years Guarantee
65. detectors Manufacturer 1 years Guarantee
vii. Gas Works
66. Gas drawings Gas contractor - - As built drawings
3 sets
67. Gas works Gas contractor 1 year Guarantee
68. List of all the materials Gas contractor - - -

69. Manuals (materials) Gas contractor - - -

Guarantee should be from the date of releasing the taking over certificate.
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
2.27. SIGN BOARD SKETCH: with total Number of 1 signboard.
one illuminated sign boards shall be provided in Arabic and English giving names of the “EMPLOYER”,
“ENGINEER”, and “MAIN CONTRACTOR” only, and strictly in accordance with the format shown here with. The
signboards shall be illuminated adequately and as indicated on Drawings. The perspective view will be as agreed by
the Engineer.
The signboard shall consist of a supporting structure securely anchored to the ground and with sign plates fitted on it.
All working details including sitting and positioning shall be submitted for approval and shall be approved before
fabrication or erection commences. The signboards shall be properly illuminated to the required illumination levels and
good Engineering Standards and to the approval of the Engineer.
The contractor shall comply with current regulations of the Municipality and obtain approval of the Municipality. The
Contractor shall keep clean and maintain the signboards and remove them and make good all woks disturbed upon
completion of the Contract. The Contractor shall provide space for signboards and pay all costs in connection with
them including Municipality.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
2.28. Progress Photographs.
The Contractor shall arrange to have monthly record photographs of the Works taken. These photographs
shall cover such extent of the Works as the Engineer shall direct. The days upon which the photographs are
taken shall be as decided by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with two sets of the monthly progress photographs with dates
imprinted on them.
One set shall comprise the following:-
One colour negative of each photograph for an anticipated average maximum of fifty exposures per month.
Seven colour prints (294 x 210 mm) off each of a maximum of twenty of the negatives as selected by the

2.29. Progress Reporting

The Contractor shall implement an Engineer Approved Progress reporting system. The Contractor shall
submit to the Engineer Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Progress Reports, providing the following information
as a minimum: -
i) Daily Reports
Highlights of manpower and major Construction Equipment employed, Materials received, key milestone
achieved and other major activities of the day
ii) Weekly Reports
Highlights of the week’s activities. The actual progress versus planned progress in quantitative terms, Work
availability and planned Work for following week and major areas of concern along with proposed
corrective actions. Manpower and Construction Equipment loading chart showing actual versus planned
numbers and a three-week Look-Ahead Schedule shall be submitted by each Sub-Contractor. The
Contractor shall submit a summarized weekly report for the total Project in a format approved by the
Engineer. The report shall be submitted on the first working day of each week.
iii) Monthly Progress Report
This report shall be submitted to the Engineer by the 5th day of each month.
The exact format for the report will be mutually agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor. As a
minimum, it shall include the following: -
Executive summary narrative highlighting major Home Office (if applicable), Local Office, and
Construction Worksite activities accomplished during the month.
Status of Works, overall and a comparison between Planned and Actual.
Proposed remedial actions recommended to correct stated situations and avoid potential problems.
Effectiveness of remedial actions taken previously.
Narrative summary of Drawings/Documents progress – Actial versus Planned.
Narrative and summary of subcontract award progress- Actual versus Planned.
Narrative and summary of procurement progress- Actual versus Planned.

Construction Progress – Activities performed and progress achieved. Actual versus Planned by subcontracts
and overall Construction.
Plans and Schedules including important activities in the immediate future, updates, and forecasts.
Site Materials delivery details and forecasts including specific information on late Materials deliveries likely
to affect progress.
Progress, productivity, and man-hour data to include planned, actual and forecast progress together with
trend identification and analysis, by each Sub-Contract.
Project Schedule Status, highlighting the status of Critical activities along with schedule trend analysis
indicating the actions proposed to be taken to ensure timely completion of the Project.
Project Milestone Status
Drawings and Materials hold-up analysis and report.
Productivity analysis for each Sub-Contractor.
Project Trends Summary.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
2.30. Contractor site staff:

The contractor has to provide high technical staff to execute the project and he has to get the
consultant approval first

2.31. Contractor’s Quality Control:

The contractor shall nominate a site quality control manager for approval by the Engineer. The quality
control manager will be an employee of the contractor, reporting directly to the contractor’s main office,
and to the Engineer. Additionally, the Quality Manager will remain independent of the Contractor’s field
operations, and have the authority to accept or reject the Contractor’s work.
The contractor shall provide and maintain an effective quality control system, the contractor shall be
responsible for ensuring that his sub-contractors and suppliers conform to the quality requirements as
provided in the contract documents.
The contractor shall establish a “Quality Control” (QC) system to perform sufficient inspection and tests of
all items of work, including that of his sub-contractors and nominated sub contractors to ensure that all
aspect of supply, construction, finishes, technical and functional performance, and prescribed in the contract
except where the technical provisions of the contract provide for specific control by inspections, test or
other means. The contractor’s QC system shall specifically include the surveillance and tests required in the
technical provisions of the Specification.
The contractor’s QC system is the means by which the contractor assures himself that his construction
complies with the requirements of the contract documents. The controls shall include as a minimum at least
three phases of inspection for all definable phases of construction as follows :

a. Preparatory Inspection : Preparatory inspection shall be performed prior to beginning any work on
any definable phase of construction and as shown in the approved construction programme. It shall
include a review of contract requirements: a check to assure that all materials and / or equipment
have been tested, submitted and approved; a check to assure that provisions have been made to
provide required control testing ; and plan mock ups where appropriate and as required by the
Engineer; examination of work area to ascertain that all preliminary work has been completed; and
a physical examination of materials and equipment to assure that they conform to the approved shop
drawings or submittal data and that all materials and / or equipment area on hand. The Engineer
shall be notified at least twenty four (24) hours in advance of the preparatory inspections and such
inspections shall be recorded in the QC report as specified herein.

b. Initial Inspection: Initial inspection shall be performed as shown in the approved construction
programme and as soon as a representative portion of the particular phase of the construction has
been accomplished and shall establish the acceptable standard of workmanship, including a review
of control testing for compliance with contract requirements, review of mock up, identifying
defective or damaged materials used, omissions and dimensional requirements. The Engineer shall
be notified at least twelve (12) hours in advance of the initial inspection and such inspection shall be
recorded in the QC reports as specified herein.

c. Follow-up Inspections: Follow up inspections shall be performed daily to ensure continuing

compliance with contract requirements, including control testing, until completion of the particular
phase of construction. Such inspections shall be recorded in the QC reports as specified herein.

The contractor and sub contractors shall operate a quality system in accordance with ISO 9001 or ISO 9002
and shall furnish to the Engineer for his review as soon as practicable and in no event later than thirty (30)

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
days after receiving the letter of acceptance, a QC plan which shall include the procedures, instruction and
records to be used. This document will include as an minimum.

a. The QC organization chart.

b. Qualification requirements of personnel.
c. Authority and area of responsibilities of the QC personnel. The contractor’s QC manager
shall not have any duties other than the implementation of the QC programme.
d. Plan for accomplishing quality control inspections including that of his sub contractors and
nominated sub contractor’s work.
e. Detailed listing and designation of all tests to be performed. The engineer reserves the right
to determine which tests may be performed by technicians employed by the contractor and
those that must be performed by an approved independent testing laboratory.
f. Method of documenting QC operations, inspections and testing.
g. A copy of letter of direction to each contractor’s representative responsible for QC,
outlining his duties and responsibilities and issued by a responsible officer of the contractor.
h. A narrative discussion of how the contractor’s QC staff will accomplish the tasks assigned
to QC.
i. An explanation as to how the Contractor’s QC relates to other staff elements with regards to
all submittals, as built drawings, safety and revisions to the contract.

Construction operations will not commence until the contractor’s QC plan has been accepted by the
Engineer. However, the Engineer may permit at his direction to proceed on specific phases of construction
for which the plan has been submitted and accepted. Progress payments will not be processed for any
portion of work that has QC requirements until that portion of the QC plan has been submitted and accepted.
Prior to submittal of the Contractor QC plan for acceptance, the contractor shall meet with the engineer to
discuss the QC system. The meeting shall develop mutual understanding relative to details of the system,
including the forms to be used for recording the QC operations, inspections, administration of the system.
The contractor’s QC organization shall be sufficiently staffed to perform the following tasks :
a. Conduct phased inspection (preparatory, initial and follow-up) as described above.
b. Perform all testing required under the Contractor’s QC reports hereinafter.
c. Prepare daily QC reports in accordance with contractor’s QC reports hereinafter.
d. Review and approve all submittals including shop drawings.
e. Inspect materials as they are delivered on site to ensure compliance with approved shop
drawings and contract specification.
f. Conduct off-site inspections of supply items fabricated or assembled and services to be
incorporated into the works. Provide monthly report of off-site QC activities. The contractor’s
QC representative at the fabricating plat shall be responsible for the release of the fabricated
items for shipment to the site job.
g. Maintain record of all QC activities. These records shall be made available to the engineer.

The contractor shall, within ten (10) days of issue of the letter of acceptance, report to the Engineer, the
names and qualifications of personnel assigned full time to the QC function for approval of the Engineer.
The named personnel shall prepare the QC programme and remain as the basis of the QC staff until a QC
program has been submitted and accepted.

If at any time during the life of the contract the Engineer determines the QC staff is not capable of
performing all the tasks listed above, then the Engineer may direct the contractor to revise and/or
supplement the present organization structure at no additional cost to the Employer.
Contractor’s QC Reports : The contractor shall submit a daily QC report in triplicate not later than the end
of the next working day. The report shall contain a record of inspections and tests for all work accomplished
subsequent to the previous report and shall include the following information.

a. Trade(s) of construction underway during the time frame of the report (i.e. earth work,
concrete work, structural steel erection , etc)

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
b. Phase inspection (preparatory, initial or follow up), phase of construction and location of
inspections and/or tests that were made.
c. Results of inspection, including nature of deficiencies observed and corrective actions taken
or to be taken.
d. Report of tests performed, including those specified failures and remedial action to be
taken. Test results, including all computations shall be attached to the report form. Where
test results cannot be completed by the time the report is submitted, a note shall be added to
the effect that the test was performed, along with the date when the test results will be made
available. Delayed test results shall be submitted with the report form on the date received.
e. Results of inspection of materials and equipment upon arrival at the site and prior to
incorporation into the work for compliance with submittal approval, damage and storage.
f. Instructions received from the Engineer.
g. In all cases, the report must be verified and signed by the person delegated with this
responsibility by the contractor. The verification is to contain the statement that all supplies
and materials incorporated in the work are in compliance with the terms of the contract
except as noted.
h. Site safety.

Laboratories used to perform test shall be approved by the Engineer.

The engineer reserves the right to utilize the contractors control testing laboratory and equipment to make
spot tests and to check the contractor’s testing procedures, techniques and test results at no additional cost to
the employer.
If recurring deficiencies indicate that the QC system, personnel, inspections, tests and / or records are not
provided adequate control, the contractor shall take corrective action as deemed necessary and as directed
by the Engineer. The contractor shall, after receipt of such notice, immediately take corrective action. Such
notice, when delivered to the contractor or his representative at he site of the work, shall be deemed
sufficient for the purpose. If the contractor fails or refuses to comply promptly, the Engineer may issue an
order stopping all or part of the works until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. No part of the time
lost due to any such stop orders shall be made the subject for extension of time or for excess costs or
damages by the contractor.
The contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any proposed change to the QC system. No such
change shall be implemented without approval in writing by the Engineer.

a. Latest Document

The QC programme shall provide for procedures which will ensure that the applicable portions of the
contract (and any variations thereto made in accordance with clause 51 of the general conditions of
contract) and the latest approved shop drawings and samples are used for fabrication.

b. Testing and Inspection Devices\

All measuring and testing devices shall be calibrated periodically against certified standard equipment.
Copies of certified calibration reports issued by relevant authorities / agencies should be made available
for review by the Engineer. The certificates shall be kept validated for the entire duration of the project.

c. Test methods

The test shall include typical, routine and sample tests specified in British Standard or ASTM or
equivalent International standards relating thereto and those corresponding to any special requirements
or change contained in the specification. In addition, the Engineer may direct special tests to be made to
prove that the equipment and materials supplied comply with the specification. The methods of tests for
equipment and materials not covered by a recognized standard and for which tests have not been
specified shall be as directed by the Engineer.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Material shall be tested before leaving the manufacture’s premises as well as after delivery on the works
and the Engineer shall have the right to reject material after delivery notwithstanding the preliminary
test at the manufacturer’s premises.

Should the employer decide not to send an inspector the manufacturer’s works, the contractor shall
obtain from the manufacturer, certificates of test, etc.., showing that the materials have been tested in
accordance with the requirements of the specification, but the omission of the employer to send an
inspector no the submission or manufacturer’s certificates of test as aforesaid shall not relieve the
contractor from his contractual responsibilities and commitments or shall affect the right of the
Employer or the Engineer to reject after delivery materials found to be unsuitable in accordance with the
specification. The contractor shall meet all expenses in connection with the testing and inspection.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

Which is Contain:


Part 1: Instructions to Tenderers

Part 2: Conditions of Contract

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Part I Instructions To Tenderers
Tender documents 01
Method of submitting tenders 02
Validity of tenders 03
Tender Guarantee 04
Formal contract and performance bond 05
Tenderers to obtain information 06
Explanations...etc, not binding on employer 07
Prices to be inclusive 08
Errors in computing tender 09
Price analysis 10
Corrections of errors 11
Tenderer’s address 12
Addenda and circular letters 13
Construction programme 14
Acceptance 15
Partnership pf contractors 16
Specialized sub-contractors 17
Type of contract 18
Alternative tenders 19
Form of tender 20

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Part I: Instructions to Tenderers

01 – Tender Documents:

The tender documents consist of the following:

(a) Volume 1 Conditions of Contract & Civil Specifications. MEP


02 – Method of Submitting Tenders:

Complete tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope as described in the Letter of Invitation to

03 – Validity of Tenders:

Tenders shall remain valid for ninety (90) days from the date fixed for submission of tenders.

04 - Tender Guarantee:

Each Tenderer shall submit with this tender a Tender Guarantee in a sum equal to three percent
tender sum issued by an approved local Bank in the form included herein. The tender shall be
retained by the Employer as a guarantee of a good faith of the Tenderer for the performance of the
obligations and commitment undertaken by the Tenderer.
In the case of unsuccessful Tenderers the tender guarantees will be retained until the end of the
period of validity of the tender or until such earlier time as a tender for the contract shall have been
definitely accepted where after unsuccessful Tenderers may withdraw their tender guarantee.

05 – Formal Contract and Performance Bond:

The Contractor whose tender is accepted, shall be requested to execute within fifteen (15) days
from the date of issuance of the Notice of Acceptance of his tender, a formal Contract in the Form
of Agreement annexed hereto and shall provide within the above mentioned period a “Performance
Bond” issued by a local Bank approved by the Employer to the value stated in the Appendix “A”
and as stipulated in the conditions of Contract.
The tender guarantee shall be released only at the date of signing the Contract and handing over the
performance bond to the Employer.
Should the Contractor, for any reason, fail to provide a performance bond or execute the Contract
Agreement within the above stated period and as stipulated in the conditions of the Contract, the
Employer has the full right to confiscate the tender guarantee and the Contractor shall have no right
to claim refund or compensation.
The performance bond shall be retained by the Employer during the period of the contract and shall
only be released when the works are satisfactorily completed in accordance with the conditions of

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
06 – Tenderers to Obtain Information:

Tenderers shall in addition to the requirements of clause 04 of the General obligations (Inspection
of Site), satisfy themselves as to the sources, sufficiency, availability, means of obtaining and
delivering materials, water, fuel, power, labour, transport, accommodations of personnel if
necessary and any other matters or things required for the construction and influence the pricing of
their tender.
Should the Tenderer fail to obtain information as to the nature of the site and of his various
obligations under the terms of the Contract, he (the Contractor) shall not be relived of any of his
responsibilities and liabilities.
All expenses incurred by Tenderers in the preparation of their tenders, and site visits connected
therewith shall be t the sole expense of the Tenderers. The Tenderers shall have no right to claim
for any expenses or charges incurred due to such visits or investigations

07 – Explanations ….etc. – Not Binding on Employer:

Neither the Engineer nor any Agent of the Employer shall have any authority to make
representation or explanation to tenderers as to the meaning of the Contract documents or as to
anything to be done or supplied by the Tenderer or to any other matter or thing so as to bind the
Employer or fetter the judgment or discretion of the Engineer in the exercise of his powers and
duties under the terms of the Contract.

08 – Prices to be Inclusive:

The rates and prices set down by the Tenderer against the items in the Bills of Quantities are to be
the full inclusive value of the finished work described there under and are to include for all
Contractor’s overheads, profit and all other obligations and liabilities which, under the Contract,
are to be borne by the Contractor.
Each item in the Bills of Quantities is to be priced or if any items are left unpriced the Tenderer
must indicate the value of the work described there under as being allowed for elsewhere.
Any Alteration in the prices of the Bills of Quantities shall be installed by the person signing the
Form of Tender; uninitialled corrections shall not be considered and shall subject the tender to

09 – Errors in Computing Tender:

The Contractor shall be responsible for errors which he may make in computing any quantities of
materials and labour required or costs involved or through any lack of knowledge of the site or
misunderstanding of anything shown or implied on the drawings or in the specifications and/ or the
Bills of Quantities.
The Contractor must refer any discrepancy in the drawings and/ or the specifications to the
Engineer before submitting his tender otherwise the decision of the Engineer as to the
interpretation of the discrepancy will be final.
Any item or items of work not specifically shown on the drawings or referred to in the
specifications, but which would be necessary for the proper construction of the works in
accordance with the best practice is implied and must be included for in the tender sum.
Any item for which the Contractor has not inserted a price in the Bills of Quantities shall be
deemed to be covered by other prices or rates therein.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
10 – Price Analysis:

The Tenderer may be asked for and should be prepared to furnish forthwith and when so requested
a price analysis for any item priced in the Bills of Quantities. Likewise during the Contract
(construction) period, the successful Tenderer shall furnish price analysis for any item when
requested to do so by the Engineer.

11 – Correction of Errors:

The rates and prices inserted in the tender documents will be examined prior to award of the
Contract in order to ensure that the items are extended correctly at the rates quoted. Generally,
should any errors be found, the rate will remain unaltered and the extended amount will be
corrected, unless there is and obvious typographical error, in which case the more realistic figure
shall be inserted. The total amount of the tender shall be amended accordingly. Any or all
corrections necessary may be made without reference to the Tenderer.
And the tender price shall be revised accordingly and shall be used for the purpose of comparison
with other Tenderers.
Failure of the Engineer to discover any error during the analysis of the tender shall not entitle the
successful Tenderer (or any other Tenderer) for any claim against the error if it is subsequently

12 – Tenderer’s Address:

The successful Tenderer shall have an address in the country where the works are to be executed.
Each Tenderer shall give with his tender an address at which notices may be validly served on him.
All notices shall be deemed to be validly served which are left at such address or are sent there by
post and every letter sent by post shall be deemed to have arrived in due course of post unless the
contrary is shown.

13 – Addenda and Circular Letters:

Should there be any doubt or obscurity in the meaning of any of the tender documents or as to
anything to be done or not to be done or as to any other matter or thing, the Tenderer must set forth
such doubt or obscurity in writing and submit same to the Engineer not later than one week before
the date fixed for the delivery of tenders. The clarification in the form of an addendum or circular
letters will be distributed to all Tenderers to whom a set of tender documents has been issued.

14 – Construction Programme:

Tenderers shall submit together with their offer a tentative construction programme in the form of a
bas chart indicating the dated of commencement and completion of each operation and the date by
which the Tenderer shall complete the construction of the works.

15 – Acceptance:

The Employer has the right to accept or reject any offer or to cancel the Tender and stop the
bidding without giving any justification.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The employer is not bound to accept the lowest offer nor to give an explanation, or a reason for its
The Employer will not be responsible or pay far expenses or losses which may be incurred by any
Tenderer for the preparation of the Tender.
Any Tender not complying with the foregoing instructions shall not consider.

16 – Partnership of Contractors:

“Partnership of Contractors” as used in these instructions shall mean an actual partnership, merger
of companies, joint ventures or any combination of Contractors or Contracting Companies joined
together for the purpose of tendering for this Tender.
Where several Contractors (local or local with foreign) decide to tender in partnership, such
partnership will have to be registered in the country where the works shall be constructed. The
partnership shall be registered either before the submission of the Tender, or before signing of the
Contract, the latter case being where the partners would have decided to become associated only if
they were awarded the Contract.
The partnership of the Contractors shall be for the whole duration of the Contract, otherwise the
Employer shall entitled to cancel the Contract immediately without any formalities, and to apply
the procedures stipulated in clause 56 (1), (2), and (3) of the conditions of Contract concerning the
forfeiture of the Contract.
It is imperative that the partnership of Contractors shall present a copy of the registered partnership
agreement indicating the persons who have the right to enter into Contract in the name of the
partnership, the extent and limits of such rights, the responsible person who will execute this
Contract, provided that they have the right to give correct statements in the name of the
partnership. Samples of the signatures of the aforesaid persons are required. The Tenderers shall
also submit a copy of their commercial register as legally approved by the Government Authorities.
The “Partnership of Contractors” shall submit with the Tender:-
An affidavit, signed by the parties of the partnership, declaring that they may be had jointly
The Contract of partnership they intend to register or an affidavit signed by all parties of the
proposed partnership and the draft of the proposed Contract.

17– Specialized Sub-Contractors:

Specialized Sub-Contractors for all specialist/ major work shall be of a high standard to the
approval of the Engineer
The Contractor shall submit with his tender as least three of qualified and top quality Sub-
Contractors for any and all trades which he intends to sublet, which shall be subject to the approval
of the Engineer.
The Engineer shall have the right to approve any one of the proposed Sub-Contractors and reject
others, or to reject all of the proposed Sub-Contractors. The Contractor shall then response further
three names for the Engineer’s approval. The Engineer shall review the resubmission and shall
have the right to select any one of the re-proposed names or reject all. The Contractor shall re-
propose and repeat the process till final approval is accorded by the Engineer. The Contractor shall
not be entitled for any claims in terms of money or time due to any revised proposal or delays
caused due to the approval process.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
18– Type of Contract:

The Contract shall be a Lump Sum Contract.

19 – Alternative Tenders:

In the event that the Tenderer wishes to submit and alternative tender based on specifications other
than those in the Tender Documents, this alternative will only be considered provided that a Tender
fully complying with the conditions laid in the Tender Documents is also submitted. The Tenderer
shall give full details of such alternative specifications together with the effect, if any, on the
Tender Sum. The Employer shall be free to accept whichever Tender he may choose. Alternative
Tender must be submitted along with the main Tender and shall be endorsed “Alternative No. 1”

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Part II. Conditions Of Contract
Definitions and Interpretation
01. (1) Definitions 35-36
(2) Singular and plural 36 / 251
(3) Headings of notes 36
(4) Cost 36
(5) Time 37

Engineer and Engineer’s representative

02. Duties and powers of Engineers and Engineer’s representative. 37

Assignment and sub-letting

03. Assignment 37
04. Sub-letting 37

Contract documents
05. (1) Language/s and law 37
(2) Documents mutually explanatory 38
06. (1) Custody of drawings 38
(2) One copy of drawings to be kept on site 38
(3) Disruption of progress 38
(4) Delay and cost of delay of drawings 38
Further drawings and Instructions

General obligations

1 Contractor’s General Responsibilities 39

2 Contract Agreement 39
3 Performance Bond 39
4 Inspection of Site 40

Sufficiency of Tender

5 Adverse Physical Conditions and Artificial Obstructions 40

6 Work to be to Satisfaction of Engineer 41
7 Program to be Furnished 41
8 Contractor’s Superintendence 41
9 (1) Contractor’s Employees 42
9 (2) Removal of Contractor’s Employees 42
10 Setting – Out 43
11 Boreholes and exploratory Excavations 43
12 Watching and Lighting 43
13 (1) Care of Works 43
13 (2) Expected Risks 44
14 Insurance of Works.. etc. 44
15 (1) Damage to Persons and Property 45
15 (2) Indemnity by employer 46
16 (1) Third Part Insurance 46
16 (2) Minimum Amount of Third Party Insurance 46
16 (3) Provision to Indemnity Employer 46
17 (1) Accident or Injury to Workmen 46
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
17 (2) Insurance Against Accident ..etc to Workmen 47
18 Remedy on Contractor’s Failure to Insure
19 (1) Giving of Notices and Payment of Fees 47
19 (2) Compliance with Statutes, Regulations …etc. 47
20 Fossils ..etc 48
21 Patent Right and Royalties 48
22 Interference with Traffic & Adjoining Properties 48
23 (1) Extraordinary Traffic 49
(2) Special Loads 49
(3) Settlement of Extraordinary Traffic Claims 49
(4) Waterborne Traffic 50

24 Opportunities for Other Contractors 50

25 Contractor to Keep Site Clear 50
26 Clearance of Site on Completion 50


27 (1) Engagement of Labour 51

(2) Supply of Water 51
(3) Alcoholic liquor or drugs 51
(4) Arms and Ammunition 51
(5) Festival and Religious Customs 51
(6) Epidemics 51
(7) Disorderly Conduct …etc. 51
(8) Observance by Sub-Contractors 52
(9) Other Conditions Affecting Labour and Wages 52
(10) First Aid 52
28 Returns of Labour …etc. 52

Materials and Workmanship

29 (1) Quality of Materials Workmanship and Tests 52

(2) Cost of Samples 52
(3) Costs of Tests 53
(4) Cost of Tests not Provided for …etc. 53
30 Inspection of Operations
31 (1) Examination of Work before Covering Up 53
(2) Uncovering and Making Opening 54
32 (1) Removal of Improper Work and Materials 54
(2) Default of Contractor in compliance 54
33 (1) Suspension of Work 55
(2) Suspension Lasting more than 90 days 55

Commencement Time and Delays

34 Commencement of Works 56
35 (1) Possession of Site 56
(2) Way leaves …etc. 56
36 Time for Completion 56
37 Extension of Time for completion 57
38 (1) No Night o Days of Rest Work 57
(2) Engineer’s Overtime 57
39 Rate of Progress 57
40 (1) Penalty for Delay 58
(2) Reduction of Penalty for Delay 58
(3) Engineer’s Supervision 58
41 (1) Certification of Completion of Works 58
(2) Certification of Completion by Stages 59
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
(3) Criteria for Completion of Works 59

Maintenance and Defects

42 (1) Definition of Period of Maintenance 60

(2) Execution of Work of Repair ….etc. 60
(3) Cost of Execution of Work of Repair ….etc. 60
(4) Remedy on Contractor’s Failure to Carry Out Work Required. 60
43 Contractor to Search 61

Alteration Additions and Omissions

44 (1) Variations 61
(2) Orders for Variations to be in Writing 61
45 (1) Valuation of Variations 62
(2) Power of Engineer to Fix Rates 62
(3) Variations exceeding 25 percent 62
(4) Day work 63
(5) Claims 63

Plant Temporary Works and Materials

46 (1) Plant ..etc. Exclusive Use for the Works 64

(2) Removal of Plant …etc. 64
(3) Employer not liable for Damage to Plant ..etc. 64
(4) Re-export of Plant 64
(5) Customs Clearance 64
47 Approval of Materials ..etc Not Implied 64


48 Quantities 65
49 Works to be Measured 65
50 Method of Measurement 65

Provisional Sums and Prime Cost Sums

51 (1) Definition of Provisional Sums 65

(2) Use of Provisional Sums 66
(3) Production of Vouchers ..etc. 66
(4) Prime Cost Sums 66

Nominated Sub-Contractors

52 (1) Definition of Nominated Sub-Contractors 67

(2) Nominated Sub-Contractors, Objection Nomination 67
(3) Design Requirements to be Expressly stated 67
(4) Payments to Nominated Sub-Contractors 68
(5) Certification of Payments to Nominated Sub-Contractors 68
(6) Assignment of Nominated Sub-Contractors Obligations 69
(7) Cash Discount 69

Certificates and Payments

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
53 (1) Certificates and Payments 69
(2) Interim Payments 70
(3) Retention 70
(4) Materials on Site 71
(5) Reduction of Retention 71
(6) Release of Retention 71
(7) Time for Payment 72
(8) Correction and Withholding of Certificates 72
(9) Currency 72
(10) Advance Payment 72
54 Approval Only By Maintenance Certificate 72
55 (1) Maintenance Certificate 72
(2) Cessation of Employers Liability 73
(3) Unfulfilled Obligations 73

Remedies and Powers

56 (1) Default of Contractor 73

(2) Valuation at Date of Forfeiture 74
(3) Payment After Forfeiture 74
57 Urgent Repairs 74

Special Risks

58 (1) No Liability for War ….etc. Risks 75

(2) Damage to Works ..etc by Special Risks 75
(3) Projectile, Missile …etc. 76
(4) Increased Costs Arising from Special Risks 76
(5) Special Risks 76
(6) Outbreak of War 76
(7) Removal of Plant on Termination 76
(8) Payment if Contract Terminated 77


59 Payment in Event of Frustration 77

Settlement of Disputes

60 Settlement of Disputes – Arbitration 78


61 (1) Service of Notices on Contractor 79

(2) Service of Notices on Employer 79

Default of Employer

62 Default of Employer 79

Changes in Costs and Legislation

63 Increase or Decrease of Costs 80

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Currency and Rates of Exchange

64 Currency Restrictions 80
65 Taxation 80
66 Boycotts 81
67 Bribery 81

Safety of Construction

68 Safety of Construction 81

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 Definitions:
(1) In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall
have the meanings hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise

(a) “Employer” means “Client”, who will employ the Contractor, and the legal
successors in title to the Employer, but not (except with the Consent of the
Contractor) any assignee of the Employer.
(b) “Contractor” means the person or persons, firm or company whose tender
has been accepted by the Employer, and includes the Contractors personal
representatives, successors and permitted assignees.
(c) “Engineer” means : Skyline International Consulting Engineers
P. O. Box 3436, Sharjah – U. A. E. Directly within the scope of the
particular duties assigned to him and the authority given to him by the
Employer for this Contract according to the context of the Contract
(d) “Engineers Representative” means any resident engineer or assistant of the
Engineer or any clerk of works appointed from time by the Employer or the
Engineer to perform the duties set forth in clause 2 (Duties and Powers of the
Engineer and Engineer’s Representative) hereof whose authority shall be notified in
writing to the Contractor by the Engineer.

(2) “Works” means the works to be executed in accordance with the Contract and shall
include both Permanent works and Temporary Works.

(e) “Contract” means collectively the Contract Documents listed in the form of
agreement (including accompanying documents), and any letters exchanged which
letters both contracting parties agree shall be part of the Contract.
(f) “Contract Price” means the sum named in the Letter of Acceptance subject
to such additions thereto or deductions therefrom as may be made under the
provisions hereinafter contained.
(g) “Constructional Plant” means all appliances or things of whatsoever nature
required in or about execution, completion or maintenance of the Works, but does
not include materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the
Permanent Works.
(h) “Temporary Works” means all Temporary Works of every kind required in
or about the execution, completion or maintenance of the Works.
(i) “Permanent Works” means the permanent works to be executed and
maintained in accordance with the Contract.
(j) “Specifications” means the specifications referred to in the Tender and any
modification thereof or addition thereof as may from time to time be furnished or
approved in writing by the Engineer.
(k) “Drawings” means the drawings referred to in the Specifications and any
modification of such Drawings approved in writing by the Engineer and such other
drawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the
(l) “Site” means the lands and other places on, under, in or through which the
Permanent Works or Temporary Works are to be executed or carried out and any
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
other lands or places provided by the Employer for working spaces or any other
purpose as may be specifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the
(m) Approved” means approved in writing by the Engineer including subsequent
written confirmation of previous verbal approval and “approval” means approval in
writing by the Engineer including as aforesaid.
(n) “Moth” means calendar month according to the Gregorian Calendar.

1.2 Singular & Plural:

Words importing the Singular only also include the Plural and vice versa where the
context requires.

1.3 Headings or Notes:

The headings or notes in these conditions of Contract shall not be deemed to be part
thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of
the Contract.

1.4 Cost:
The word “Cost” shall be deemed to include overhead costs whether on or off the Site.

1.5 Time:
Time is defined by reference to Gregorian Calendar.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Engineer and Engineer’s Representative

2. Duties and Powers of the Engineer and Engineer’s Representative.

(1) The Engineer shall carry out such duties in issuing decisions, certificates and
orders as are specified in the Contract

(2) The Engineer’s Representative shall be responsible to the Engineer and his
duties are to watch and supervise the Works and to test and examine any materials
to be used or workmanship employed in connection with the works. He shall have
no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the
Contract no, except as expressly provided hereunder or elsewhere in the Contract, to
order any work involving delay or any extra payment by the Employer, nor to make
any variation of or in the Works.
The Engineer may from time to time in writing delegate to the Engineer’s
Representative any of the powers and authorities vested in the Engineer, and shall
furnish to the Contractor and to the Employer a copy of all such written delegations
of powers and authorities. Any written instructions or approval given by the
Engineer’s Representative to the Contractor within the Terms of such delegation
(but not otherwise) shall bind the Contractor and the Employer as through it had
been given by Engineer. Provided always as follows:

(a) Failure of the Engineer’s Representative to disapprove any work or materials,

which do not conform to specifications, shall not prejudice the power of the
Engineer thereof to disapprove such work or materials, and to order the pulling
down, removal or breaking up thereof.
(b) If the Contractor shall be dissatisfied by reason of any decision of the Engineer’s
Representative, he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Engineer who shall
thereupon confirm, reverse or vary such decision.

Assignment and Sub-Letting:

3. Assignment:
The Contractor shall not assign the Contract or any part thereof or any benefit or interest
therein or thereunder (otherwise than by a charge in favour of the Contractor’s Bankers of
any monies due or to become due under this Contract).

4. Sub-Letting:
The Contractor shall sub-let the whole of the Works. Except where otherwise provided by
the Contract, the Contractor shall not sub-let any part of the Works without the prior written
consent of the Engineer (which shall not be unreasonably withheld), and such consent, if
given, shall not relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under the Contract,
and he shall be responsible for the acts, defaults and neglects of any sub-contractor, is gents,
servants workmen as fully as if they were the acts, defaults or neglects of the Contractor, his
agents servants or workmen. Provided always that the provision of labour on a piecework
basis shall not be deemed to be a sub-letting under this Clause.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Contract Documents:

5. Language/s and Law:

(a) The Contract Documents shall be drawn up in English.
(b) The Laws of the United Arab Emirates are to apply to the Contract.

6. Documents Mutually Explanatory:

Except if and to the extent otherwise provided by the Contract the provisions of the Conditions
of Contract shall prevail over those of any other document forming part of the Contract. Subject
to the foregoing the several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually
explanatory of one another, but in case ambiguities or discrepancies the same shall be explained
and adjusted by the Engineer who shall thereupon issue to the Contractor instructions thereon.
Provided always that if, in the opening of the Engineer, compliance with any such instructions
shall involve the Contractor in any cost, which by reason of any such ambiguity or discrepancy
could not reasonably have been foreseen by the Contractor, the Engineer shall recommend and
advise the issuance of payment certificate of such additional sum as may be reasonable to cover
such costs, be approved and paid by the Employer.

6.1 Custody of Drawings:

The Drawings shall remain in the sole custody of the Engineer. The Contractor shall
provide and make at his own expense any copies required by him.

6.2 One Copy of Drawings to be kept on Site:

One copy of the Drawings furnished to the Contractor as aforesaid shall be taken by
the Contractor on the Site and the same shall at all reasonable times be available for
inspection and use by the Engineer and the Engineer’s Representative, and by any
other person authorized by the Engineer in writing.

6.3 Disruption of Progress:

The Contractor shall give written notice to the Engineer whenever planning or
progress of the Works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any further drawing
or order, including a direction, instruction or approval, is issued by the Engineer
within a reasonable time. The notice shall include details of the drawings or order
required and of why and by when it is required, and of any delay or disruption likely
to be suffered if it is late.

6.4 Delays and Cost of Delay of Drawings:

If, by reason of any failure or inability of the Engineer to issue within a time
reasonable in all the circumstances any drawing or order requested by the
Contractor in accordance with sub-clause (3) of this Clause, the Contractor suffers
delay and/ or incurs costs then the Engineer shall take such delay into account in
determining any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Clause
37 hereof , and the Contractor shall be paid the amount of such costs as shall be

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Further Drawings and Instructions:

The Engineer shall have full power and authority to supply to the Contractor from
time to time during the progress of the Works such further drawings and instructions
as shall be necessary for the purpose of the proper and adequate execution and
maintenance of the Works, and the Contractor shall carry out and be bound by the

General Obligations:

Contractor’s General Responsibilities:

1. (1) The Contractor shall, subject to the provisions of the Contract, and with due
care and diligence, execute and maintain the Works and provide, all labour,
including the supervision thereof, materials, Constructional plant and all other
things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for such
execution and maintenance, so far as the necessity for providing the same is
specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from the Contract.
(2) The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all
site operations and methods of construction, provided that the Contractor shall not be
responsible except as may be expressly provided in the Contract, for the design or
specification of the Permanent Works, or for the design or specification of any Temporary
Works prepared by the Engineer.

Contract Agreement:
2. The Contractor shall, when called upon so to do, enter into and execute a contract
agreement (to be prepared at the cost of the Employer) in the form annexed, with
such modification as may be necessary.

Performance Bond:
3. For the due performance of the Contract the Tender shall contain an undertaking by
the Contractor to obtain, when required, a bond or guarantee of an insurance
company or bank or other approved sureties to be severally bound with the
Contractor to the Employer, in a sum of 10% of the sum named in the Letter of
Acceptance. The said insurance company or bank or sureties, and the terms of said
bond or guarantee shall be such as shall be approved by the Employer. The
obtaining of such bond or guarantee or the provision of such sureties and the cost
of the bond or guarantee to be so entered into shall be at the expanse in all respects
of the Contractor.
Wording of the performance bond shall be as stipulated in the Form of Performance Bond
attached to the Instructions to Tenderer’s section. The Bond shall be presented to the
Engineer for his retention, immediately after the Contractor’s receipt of Letter of

Inspection of Site:
4. The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor with the Tender
documents such data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions as shall have been
obtained by or on behalf of the Employer from investigations undertaken relevant
to the Works, and the Tender shall be deemed to have been based on such data, but
the Contractor shall be responsible for his own interpretation thereof.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The Contractor shall also be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site, and its
surrounding and information available in connection therewith and to have satisfied
himself, so far as is practicable, before submitting his Tender, as to the form and nature
thereof, including the sub-surface conditions, the hydrological and climatic conditions, the
extent and nature of work and materials necessary for the completion of the Works, the
means of access to the Site and the accommodation he may require and, in general, shall be
deemed to have obtained all necessary information, subject as above mentioned, as to risks,
contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or effect his Tender.

Sufficiency of Tender:

Adverse Physical Conditions and Artificial Obstructions:

5. (1)The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to
the correctness and sufficiency of his Tender for the Works, and of the rates and
prices stated in the priced Bills of Quantities and the Schedule of Rates and Prices
(if any) which rates and prices shall except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the
Contract cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and things
necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the works.

Responsibility for Documents

(2) The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the correctness, sufficiency, accuracy
and applicability of all drawings and specifications and bills of quantities. The Contractor
must inspect the aforementioned documents and shall satisfy himself before tendering as to
their correctness, sufficiency, accuracy and applicability. No claim from the Contractor
will be considered for extra payment or an extension of time should there be any omission,
inaccuracy or ambiguity. In signing the form of tender the Contractor specifically agrees to
accept such responsibility.

Works to be Satisfaction of Engineer:

6. Save insofar as it is legally or physically impossible the Contractor shall execute,
complete and maintain the Works in strict accordance with the Contract to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, and shall comply with and adhere strictly to the
Engineers Instructions and directions on any matter (whether mentioned in the
Contract or not) touching or concerning the Works. The Contractor shall take
instructions and directions only from the Engineer or (subject to the limitations
referred to in Clause 2 “Duties and Powers of the Engineer and Engineer’s
Representative “ hereof) from the Engineer’s Representative.

Programme to be Furnished:
7. (1) The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a program of his approval
within three weeks receipt of the Letter of Acceptance showing the order of
procedure in which he proposes to carry out the Works. The Contractor shall
whenever required by the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative, also provide in
writing for his information a general description of the arrangements and methods
which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the Works.
(2) If at any time it should appear to the Engineer that the actual progress of the
Works does not conform to the approved program referred to in sub-clause (1) of
this Clause, the Contractor shall produce, at the request of the Engineer, a revised
program showing the modifications to the approved program necessary to ensure

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
completion of the Works within the time or completion as defined in Clause 41
(3) The submission to and approval by the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative
of such programs or the furnishing of such particular shall not relieve the
Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.

Contractor’s Superintendence:
8. The Contractor shall give or provide all necessary superintendence during the
execution of the Works and as long thereafter as the Engineer may consider
necessary for the proper fulfillment of the Contractors obligations under the
Contract. The Contractor or a competent and authorized English Speaking agent or
representative approved of in writing by the Engineer (which approval may at any
time be withdrawn) is to be constantly on the Works, and shall give his whole time
to the superintendence of the same. If such approval shall be withdrawn by the
Engineer the Contractor shall as soon as is practical (having regard to the
requirement of replacing his as hereinafter mentioned) after receiving written
notice of such withdrawal remove the agent from the Works and shall not
thereafter employ him again on the Works in any capacity and shall replace him by
another agent approved by the Engineer. Such authorized agent or representative
shall receive on behalf of the Contractor directions and instructions from the
Engineer or (subject to limitations of clause 2 “Duties and Powers of the Engineer
and Engineer’s Representative “ hereof) the Engineer’s Representative.
The Contractor’s authorized agent or representative shall be sufficiently fluent in
the Arabic and English languages to receive directions and instructions and
instructions, and to correspond with the Employer, the Engineer and the Engineer’s

Contractor’s Employees:
9. (1) The Contractor shall provide and employ on the Site in connection with the
execution and maintenance of the Works.
(a) Only such technical assistants as are skilled and experienced in their
respective trades and such sub-agents foremen and leading hands as are
competent to give proper supervision to the work they are required to
supervise, and
(b) Such skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour as is necessary for the proper
and timely execution and maintenance of the Works.

(2) All Contractor's supervisory staff down to and including general foreman level
provided and employed by the Contractor shall have a reasonable command of the
English language.

At all times during normal working hours the Contractor shall have on site a
sufficient number of people provided by the Contractor sufficiently competent in
both English and Arabic to ensure transmission and comprehension of all

Removal of Contractor’s Employees:

The Engineer shall be at liberty to object to and require the Contractor to remove
forthwith from the Works any person employed by the Contractor in or about the
execution or maintenance of the Works who in the opinion of the Engineer

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
misconduct’s himself or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of
his duties or whose employment is otherwise considered by the Engineer to be
undesirable and such person shall not be again employed upon the Works, without
the written permission of the Engineer. Any person so removed from the Works
shall be replaced as soon as possible by competent substitute approved by the

10. The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting-out of the Works
in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer in
writing and for the correctness (subject as above-mentioned) of the position, levels,
dimensions and alignment of all parts of the Works, and for the provision of all
necessary instruments, appliances and labour in connection therewith. If at any
time during the progress of the Works any error shall appear, or arise in the
position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor
on being required so to do by the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative shall at his
own expense rectify such error to the satisfaction of the Engineer or Engineer’s
Representative. Unless such error is based on incorrect data supplied in writing by
the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative in which case the expense of
rectifying the same shall be borne by the Employer, Provided that the expense of
rectifying any errors shall be borne by the Contractor if such error results from
incorrect data on the Drawings or in the Specifications which were used for Tender
purposes which Drawings and Specifications are deemed to have been carefully
studied by the Contractor and accepted by him as being correct unless he has
notified the Engineer in writing of such errors at the time of tendering. The
Checking of any setting-out or of any line or level by the Engineer or the
Engineer’s Representative shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility for the correctness thereof and the Contractor shall carefully protect
and preserve all benchmarks, sight-rails, pegs and other things used in setting out
the Works.

Boreholes and Exploratory Excavation:

11. If any during the execution of the works the Engineer shall require the Contractor
to make boreholes or to carry out exploratory excavation such requirements shall
be ordered in writing and shall be deemed to be an addition ordered under the
provisions of Clause 44 hereof unless a provisional sum in respect of such
anticipated work shall have been included in the Bill of Quantities.

Watching and Lighting:

12. The Contractor shall in connection with the Works provide and maintain at his own
cost all lights, guards, fencing and watching when and where necessary or required
by the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative, or by any duly constituted authority
for the protection of the Works or for the safety and convenience of the public or

Care of Works:
13. (1) From the date of Commencement of the Works until the date stated in the
Certificate of Completion for the whole of the Works Pursuant to Clause 41 hereof
the Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care thereof. Provided that if the

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Completion in respect of any part of the
Permanent Works the Contractor shall cease to be liable for the care of that part of
the Permanent Works from the date stated in the Certificate of Completion in
respect of that part and the responsibility for the care of that part shall pass to the
Provided further that the Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of any
outstanding work which he shall have undertaken to finish during the period of
maintenance until such outstanding work is completed. In case any damage, loss or
injury shall happen to the Works, or to any part thereof, from any cause
whatsoever, save and except the excepted risks as defined in sub-clause (2) of this
Clause, while the Contractor shall be responsible for the care thereof the Contractor
shall, at his own cost, repair and make good the same, so that at completion the
Permanent Works shall be in good order and condition and in Conformity in every
respect with the requirements of the Contract and the Engineer’s instructions.
In the event of any such damage, loss or injury happening from any of the excepted
risks, the Contractor shall, if and to the extent required by the Engineer and subject
always to the provisions of Clause 58 hereof, repair and make good the same as
aforesaid at the cost of the Employer. The Contractor shall also be liable for any
damage to the Works occasioned by him in the course of any operations carried out
by him after the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion for the purpose of
completing any outstanding work or complying with his obligations under Clause
42 or 43 hereof.

Excepted Risks:
(2) The “excepted risks” are war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not) invasion, act
of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power, civil
war, or unless solely restricted to employees of the Contractor or of his sub-contractors and
arising from the conduct of the Works, riot, commotion, or disorder or use or occupation by
the Employer of any part of the Permanent Works, or cause solely due to the Engineer’s
design of the Works, or ionizing radiation’s or contamination by radioactivity from any
nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive
toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive, nuclear assembly or
nuclear component thereof, pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices
traveling at sonic or super-sonic speeds, all of which are herein collectively referred to as
“the excepted risks”.

Insurance of Works ..etc:

14. Without limiting his obligations and responsibilities under Clause 15 hereof, the
Contractor before commencing the execution of the works shall insure in the joint
names of the Employer and the Contractor against all loss or damage from
whatever cause arising (other than the excepted risks), for which he is responsible
under the terms of the Contract, and in such manner that the Employer and
Contractor are covered for the period stipulated in Clause 15 (1) hereof, and are
also covered for the Period of Maintenance for loss or damage arising from a cause
occurring prior to commencement of the Period of Maintenance and for any loss or
damage occasioned by the Contractor in the course of any operations carried out by
him for the purpose of complying with his obligations under Clause 42 thereof.
(a) The Works, together with materials and plant for incorporation therein, to
the full replacements cost. The insurance cover shall include an additional
sum as stipulated in Appendix “A” to the Form of Tender to cover any

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
additional costs of and incidental to the rectification of loss or damage
including Consultant’s fees, and the cost of demolishing and removing any
part of the works and of removing debris, site clearance…etc.
(b) The Constructional Plant and other things brought on to the Site by the
Contractor to the full replacement value of such Constructional Plant and
other things.
(c) The Constructional Plant and other things brought to the Site by Sub-
Contractors or provided under separate Contract to the full replacement
value of such Constructional Plant and other things.
Such insurance’s shall be effected with an insurer and in items and in terms approved by
the Employer (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), and the Contractor
shall within a period of sixty days of the commencement date produce to the Engineer or
the Engineer’s Representative the policy or policies of insurance and the receipts for
payment of the current premiums.

Damage to Persons and Property:

15. (1) The Contractor shall (except if and so far as the Contract provides otherwise)
indemnify the Employer against all losses and claims in respect of injuries or
damage to any person or material or physical damage to any property whatsoever
which may arise out of or in consequence of the execution, and maintenance of the
Works and against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto except any compensation or damages
for or with respect to:-
(a) The permanent use or occupation of land by the Works or any part thereof.
(b) The right of the Employer to execute the Works or any part thereof, on over,
under in or through any land.
(c) Injuries or damage to person or property resulting from any act or neglect of
the Employer, his agents, servants, or other contractors not being employed
by the Contractor or for or in respect of any claims, proceedings, damages,
costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof or in relation thereto or where
the injury or damage was contributed to by the Contractor, his servants or
agents such part of the compensation as may be just and equitable having
regard to the extent of responsibility of the Employer, his servants or agents
or other contractors for the damage or injury.

Indemnity by Employer:
(2) The Employer shall indemnify the Contractor against all claims, proceeding, damages,
costs, charges and expenses in respect of the matters referred to in the proviso to sub-clause
(1) of this Clause.

Third Party Insurance:

16. (1) Before commencing the execution of the Works the Contractor (but without
limiting his obligations and responsibilities under Clause 15 hereof) shall insure in
the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor against his liabilities for any
material or physical damage, loss or injury which may occur to any property
(including that of the Employer) or to any person (including any employee of the
Employer) by or arising out of the execution of the Works or in the carrying out of
the Contract, otherwise than due to the matters referred to in the proviso to Clause
15 (1) hereof.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Minimum Amount of Third Party Insurance.
(2) Such insurance shall be effected with an insure and in terms approved by the Employer
(which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), and for at least the amount stated in
the Appendix to the Tender. The Contractor shall within a period of sixty days of the
commencement date produce to the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative the policy or
policies of insurance and the receipts for payment of the current premiums.

Provision to Indemnify the Employer:

(3) The terms shall include a provision whereby, in the event of any claim in respect of
which the Contractor would be entitled to receive indemnity under the policy being brought
or made against the Employer, the insurer will indemnify the Employer against such claims
and any costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof.

Accident or Injury to Workmen:

17. (1) The Employer shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or
compensation payable at Law in respect or in consequence of any accident or
injury to any workmen or other person in the employment of the Contractor or any
sub-contractor, the Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer
against all such damages, and compensation and against all claims, demands,
proceedings, costs, charges, and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in
relation thereto.

Insurance Against Accident, …etc., to Workmen:

(2) The Contractor before commencing the execution of the works shall insure against such
liability with an insurer approved by the Employer (which approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld) and shall continue such insurance during the whole of the time that
any persons are employed by him on the Works, and shall within sixty days of the
commencement date produce to the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative such policy
of insurance and the receipt far payment of the current premium. Provided always that in
respect of any persons employed by any sub-contractor the Contractor’s obligation to
insure as aforesaid under this sub-clause shall be satisfied if the sub-contractor shall have
insured against the liability in respect of such persons in such manner that the Employer is
indemnified under the policy but the Contractor shall require such sub-contractor to
produce to the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative when required such policy of
insurance and the receipt for payment of the current premium.

Remedy on Contractor’s Failure to Insure:

18. If the Contractor shall fail to effect and keep in force the insurance referred to in
Clause 14, 16 and 17 hereof, or any other insurance which he may be required to
effect under the terms of the Contract then and in any such case the Employer may
effect and keep in force any such insurance and pay such premium or premiums as
may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time deduct the amount so paid
by the Employer as aforesaid from any monies due or which may become due to
the Contractor or recover the same as a debt due from the Contractor.

Giving of Notices and Payment of Fees:

19. (1) The Contractor shall give all notices and pay all fees required to be given or
paid by any National or State, Ordinance or other Low or any Regulation or Bye-
Law of any local or other duly constituted authority in relation to the execution of

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
the Works and by the rules and regulations of all public bodies and companies,
whose property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the Works.

Compliance with Statutes, Regulations, …etc:

(2) The Contractor shall conform in all respects with the provisions of any such Statute,
Ordinance or Law as aforesaid, and the Regulations or Bye-Laws of any local or other duly
constituted authority which may be applicable to the Works, and with such rules and
Regulations of public bodies and companies as aforesaid and shall keep the Employer
indemnified against all penalties and liabilities of every kind for breach of any such Statute,
Ordinance or Law, Regulation, or Bye-Law.
The Contractor shall allow in his Tender for all sums payable in respect of such fees.

(3) The Contractor shall pay all fees arising from Clause 19 (1), (2) and shall be deemed to
have included any such fees in his Tender.

Fossils, …etc:
20. All fossils, coins, articles of value or quantity and structures and other remains or
things of geological or archaeological interest discovered on the Site of the Works
shall as between the Employer, and the Contractor be deemed to be the absolute
property of the Employer and the Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to
prevent his workmen or any other persons from removing or damaging any such
article or thing and shall immediately upon discovery thereof and before removal
acquaint the Engineer’s Representative of such discovery and carry out at the
expanse of the Employer, the Engineers Representative’s order as to the disposal of
the same.

Patent Rights and Royalties:

21. The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Employer from and against
all claims and proceedings for or account of infringement of any patent rights,
design trademark or names or other protected rights in respect of any
Constructional Plant, machine work or material used for in connection with the
Works or any of them and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings,
damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation
thereto. Except where otherwise specified the Contractor shall pay all tonnage and
other royalties, rent and other payments or compensation (if any) for getting stone,
sand gravel, clay or other materials required for the Works or any of them.

Interference with Traffic and Adjoining:

22. All operations necessary for the execution of the Works shall so far as compliance
with the requirements of the Contract permits, be carried on so as not to interfere
unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public or the access to use
and occupation of public or private roads and footpaths to or of properties whether
in the possession of the Employer or of any other person. The Contractor shall save
harmless and indemnify the Employer in respect of all claims, demands,
proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in
relation to any such matters in so far as the Contractor is responsible thereof.

Extraordinary Traffic:
23. (1) The Contractor shall use every reasonable means to prevent any of the
highways or bridges communicating with or on the routes to the Site from being

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damaged or injured by any traffic of the Contractor or any of his sub-contractors
and in particular shall select routs, choose and use vehicles and restrict and
distribute loads, so that any such extraordinary traffic still inevitably arise from the
moving of plant and material from and to the Site shall be limited as far as
reasonably possible and so that no unnecessary damage or injury may be
occasioned to such highways and bridges.

Special Loads:
(2) Should it be found necessary for the Contractor to move One or more loads of
constructional plant, machinery or pre-constructed units or parts of units of work over part
of a highway or bridge, the moving whereof is likely to damage any highway or bridge
unless special protection or strengthening is carried out, the Contractor shall before moving
the load on to such highway or bridge, give notice to the concerned owner or Government
Department. All costs, expenses, delays and the like arising therefrom shall be the entire
responsibility of the Contractor. No claim will be allowed by the Engineer for any such
costs, expenses, delays and the like.

Settlement of Extraordinary Traffic Claims:

(3) If during the carrying out of the Works or at any time thereafter the Contractor shall
receive any claim arising out of the execution of the Works in respect of damage or injury
to highways or bridges he shall immediately report the same to the Engineer, and thereafter
the Employer shall negotiate the settlement of and pay all sums due in respect of such
claim and shall indemnify the Contractor in respect thereof and in respect of all claims,
demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges expenses in relation thereto. Provided
always that if and so far as any such claims or part thereof shall in the opinion of the
Engineer be due to any failure on the part of the Contractor to observe and perform his
obligations under sub-clause (1) and (2) of this Clause, then the amount certified by the
Engineer to be due to such failure shall be paid by the Contractor to the Employer.

Waterborne Traffic:
(4) Where the nature of the Works is such as to require the use by the Contractor of
waterborne transport the foregoing provisions of this Clause shall be construed as though
“highway” included a lock, dock, sea wall, or other structure related to a waterway and
“vehicle” included craft, and shall have effect accordingly.

Opportunities for Other Contractors:

24. The Contractor shall in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer afford all
reasonable opportunities for carrying out their work to any contractors employed
by the Employer and their workmen and to the workmen of the Employer and of
any other duly constituted authorities who may be employed in the execution on or
near the Site of any work not included in the contract or any Contract which the
Employer may enter into in connection with or ancillary to the Works. If however,
the Contractor shall on the written request of the Engineer or the Engineer’s
Representative make available to any such other contractor or to the Employer or
any such authority any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the Contractor
is responsible or permit the use by any such of the Contractor’s scaffolding or other
plant on the site, or provide any other service or whatsoever nature for any such the
Employer shall pay to the Contractor in respect of such use or service such sum or
as shall in the opinion of the Engineer be reasonable.

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Contractor to Keep Site Clear:
25. During the progress of the Works the Contractor shall keep the Site reasonably free
from all unnecessary obstructions and shall store or dispose of any Constructional
Plant and surplus materials, and clear away and remove from Site any rubbish or
Temporary Works no longer required.

Clearance of Site on Completion:

26. On the completion of the Works the Contractor shall clear away and remove from
the Site all Constructional plant, surplus materials, rubbish and Temporary Works
of every kind and leave the whole of the Site and Works clean, and in a
workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


Engagement of Labour
27. (1) The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging for a sufficient and suitable
supply at all times throughout the Contract of all labour and personnel and shall
make his own arrangement for their recruitment.

Recruitment of Labour
(2) The Contractor shall pay all costs and charges for and shall make all arrangements in
connection with the engagement, transport, accommodation and feeding during transport
guarantee and all other matters whatsoever in connection with the recruitment of labour all
of which arrangements shall be subject to the relevant laws, regulations and orders in force
from time to time during the continuance of the contract.

Rates of Wages and Working Hours

(3) The Contractor shall pay rates of wages and observe hours and conditions of labour not
less favourable than those established in the trade or industry in the district where the work
is carried out by agreement, machinery of negotiation or arbitration to which the parties are
organization of employers and trade unions representative respectively of substantial
proportions of the employers and works engaged in the trade or industry in the district
(hereinafter referred to as "established rates and conditions") or failing such
established rates and conditions in the trade or industry in the district, established rates and
conditions in other districts where the trade or industry is carried on under similar general
The Contractor shall abide by the labour laws and regulations in force of the Government
of Dubai and U.A.E.

Expatriate Labour
(4) The Contractor shall be responsible for the engagement, importation and repatriation of
all expatriate labour required for the purposes of the contract and in respect of the
engagement, importation, repatriation, employment, transportation, payment, feeding,
housing, health welfare and working conditions or all matters connected therewith shall at
all times during the continuance of the contract conform in all respects with and carry out
all obligations imposed on him by the provision and requirements of any law, regulation or
order of the Government or any regulation or bye-law of any local or other duly constituted
authority which may be applicable including any such law, regulation, order or bye-law
passed or made or coming into force during the continuance of the contract.

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No labour personnel shall be imported by the Contractor without first obtaining the
necessary permit or permits or passports from and in compliance with all instructions of the
appropriate authorities.

Supply of Water, etc.

(5) The Contractor shall so far as is reasonably practicable having regard for local
conditions provide on the site to the satisfaction of the Engineer's representative an
adequate supply of drinking and other water, shelter, washing and ablution facilities,
electric lights for the use of the Contractor's staff and work people.

(6) The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for providing the necessary housing
for labour employed on the Works in accordance with all local authority requirements. The
Engineer shall have the right to enter on and inspect and check that all local authority
requirements are being complied with.

(7) The Contractor shall be responsible for making suitable arrangements for the provision
of food and cooking facilities for workmen and labourers employed on the Works.

Wage Record
(8) The Contractor shall keep proper wages books and time sheets together with such other
records as are required by labour laws and regulations and shall be bound whenever
required to produce such wages, time sheets and other records for the inspection of any
person authorized by the Engineer.

(9) The Contractor shall be responsible for the repatriation to those places where they are
recruited of such labour as be recruited and employed subsequently on or in connection
with the works and shall maintain such persons as are being repatriated in a suitable
manner until such time as they have left the district or country; in default the
Government may maintain and repatriate such persons and recover the costs from the

Returns of Employees
(10) At the commencement of each month the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer's
representative's office a return showing the number, distribution and trades of all
employees (including staff) employed by him during the previous month at the site. On
daily basis the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer's representative's office daily
manpower reports as well as details of equipment on site, or any other reports as instructed
by the Engineer.

Safety Precautions
(11) The Contractor and all persons employed by him on the site in or about the execution
of the Works shall conform in all respects with the provisions of all statutes, ordinances,
regulations, bye-laws made by a competent authority that shall be applicable to the Works
or any temporary Works and binding upon the Contractor or persons employed as aforesaid
and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing such matters as
concern the safety, health or welfare of persons working on the site. The Engineer may
require the immediate removal from the site and the Works of any person who in the

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opinion of the Engineer fails properly to observe the provisions of this Clause and such
persons shall not be again employed upon the Works without the permission of the
Engineer. The Engineer shall give prompt and due consideration to any matter to which
the Engineer's representative in the course of his duty may find it necessary to call attention
for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the foregoing.

Alcoholic Liquor and Drugs

(12) The Contractor shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the statutes, ordinances,
Government regulations or orders for the time being in force, import, sell, give, barter or
otherwise dispose of any alcoholic liquor or drugs nor permit or suffer any of his sub-
contractors, agents or employees to make such importations, sale, gift, barter or other

Arms and Ammunition

(13) The Contractor shall not at any time import or sell, give, barter or otherwise dispose of
any arms or ammunition or explosives of any description to any person or persons
whatsoever nor permit or suffer any of his sub-contractors, agents or employees to make
any such sale, gift, barter or other disposition.

Festivals and Religious Customs

(14) The Contractor and his sub-contractors including agents and other personnel shall in
all their dealings with labour for the time being employed on or in connection with Works
have due regard to all recognized festivals and other official public holidays ordered by the
Government and religious or other customs.

(15) In the event of any outbreak of illness of any epidemic nature the Contractor shall
immediately inform, comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements
as may be made by the Government or the local medical or sanitary authorities for the
purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same.

Disorderly Conduct
(16) The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any
unlawful riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his employees and for the
preservation of peace and protection of persons and property in the neighborhood of the
Works against the same.

(17) The Contractor shall within 24 hours of the occurrence of any accident at or about the
site or in connection with the execution of the Works report such accident to the Engineer's
representative. The Contractor shall also report such accident to the competent authority
whenever such report is required by law.

Observance by Sub-Contractors
(18)The Contractor shall be responsible for the observance by sub-contractors employed by
him or by the Employer (nominated sub-contractors), in the execution of this contract of
the provisions of this Clause.

Returns of Labour, …etc:

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28. The Contractor shall if required by the Engineers, deliver to the Engineer’s
Representative or at his office, a return in detail in such form and at such intervals
as the Engineer may prescribe showing the time employed by the Contractor on the
Site and such information respecting Constructional Plant as the Engineer’s
Representative may require.

Materials and Workmanship

Quality of Materials and Workmanship and Tests:

29. (1) All materials and workmanship shall be of the respective Kinds described in the
Contract and in accordance with Engineer’s instructions and shall be subjected
from time to time to such tests as the Engineer may direct at the place of
manufacture or fabrication or on the Site or at such other place or places as may be
specified in the Contract or at all or any of such places. The Contractor shall
provide such assistance, instruments, machines, labour and materials as are
normally required for examining, measuring and testing any work and the quality
weight or quantity of any material used and shall supply samples of materials
before incorporation in the works for testing as may be selected and required by the

Cost of Samples:
(2) All samples shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost, if the samples are
clearly provided for in the Contract.

Cost of Tests:
(3) The cost of making any test shall be borne by the Contractor if such test is clearly
intended by or provided for in the Contract and (in the cases only of a test under load or of
a test to ascertain whether the design of any finished or partially finished work is
appropriate for the purposes which is was intended to fulfil) is particularized in the
Contract in sufficient detail to enable the Contractor to price or allow for the same in his

(3-1) The Contractor shall allow in his pricing for all tests as necessary to be carried out on
the materials due for incorporation into the works. The Contractor should note that it may
be required that the Engineer will have to visit the factories of various manufacturers in
order to establish and monitor testing procedures and the Contractor’s price is deemed to
have included for providing such provisions.

(3-2) The Contractor is to submit samples of all materials and / or catalogues requested by
the Engineer, and the cost for the same is deemed to be included in the Contract. Samples
of workmanship requested by the Engineer shall be provided by the Contractor and the cost
for the same is deemed to be included in the Contract.

(3-3) The Contractor is to carry out tests of materials as required by the Engineer and the
cost for the same is deemed to be included in the contract.

Inspection of Operations:
30. The Engineer and any person authorized by him shall at all times have access to the
Works and to the Site and to all workshops and places where work is being
prepared or from where materials, manufactured articles or machinery are being
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obtained for the Works and the Contractor shall afford every facility for and every
assistance in or in obtaining the right to such access.

Examination of Work Before Covering Up:

31. (1) No work shall be covered up or put out of review without the approval of the
Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative and the Contractor shall afford full
opportunity for the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative to examine and
measure any work which is about to be covered up or put out of view and to
examine foundations before permanent work is placed thereon. The Contractor
shall give due notice to the Engineer’s Representative whenever any such work or
foundations is or are ready or about to be ready for examination and the Engineer’s
Representative shall, without unreasonable delay, unless he considers it
unnecessary and advises the Contractor accordingly, attend for the purpose of
examining and measuring such work for examine such foundations.

Uncovering and Making Openings:

(2) The Contractor shall uncover any part of the Works or make openings or in through the
same as the Engineer may from time to time direct and shall reinstate and make good such
part or parts to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If any such part or parts have been covered
up or put out of view after compliance with the requirements of Sub-Clause (1) of this
Clause, and are found to be executed in accordance with Contract, the expenses of
uncovering, making openings in or through, reinstating and making good the same shall be
borne by the Employer, but in any other case all such expanses shall be borne by the

Removal of Improper Work and Materials:

32. (1) The Engineer shall during the progress of the Works have power to order in
writing from time to time:
(a) The removal from the Site within such time or times as may be
specified in the order, of any materials which, in the opinion of the Engineer
are not in accordance with Contract.
(b) The substitution of proper and suitable materials, and
(c) The removal and proper re-execution, (notwithstanding any
previous test thereof or interim payment thereof) of any work which in
respect of materials or workmanship, is not in the opinion of the Engineer in
accordance with the Contract.

Default of Contractor in Compliance:

(2) In case of default on the part of the Contractor in carrying out such order, the Employer
shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out
the same and all expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be borne by the
Contractor and shall be recoverable from him by the Employer, or may be deducted by the
Employer from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor.

Suspension of Work:
33. (1) The Contractor shall on the written order of the Engineer, suspend the progress
of the Works or any part thereof for such time or times and in such manner as the
Engineer may consider necessary and shall during such suspension properly protect
and secure the work so far as is necessary in the opinion of the Engineer. The extra

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cost incurred by the Contractor in giving effect to the Engineer’s instructions under
this Clause shall be borne and paid by the Employer unless such suspension is:

(a) Otherwise provided for in the Contractor or

(b) Necessary by reason of some default on the part of the
Contractor, or
(c) Necessary by reason of climatic conditions on the site, or
(d) Necessary for the proper execution of the Works or for the
safety of the Works or any part thereof insofar as such necessity does not
arise from any act or default by the Engineer or the Employer or from any of
the excepted risks defined in Clause 13 hereof.
Provided that the Contractor shall not be entitled to recover any such extra cost unless he
gives notice in writing of his intention to claim to the Engineer within 28 days of the
Engineer’s order. The Engineer shall settle and determine such extra payment and/ or
extension of time under Clause 37 hereof to be made to the Contractor in respect of such
claim as shall in opinion of the Engineer be fair and reasonable.

Suspension Lasting More than 90 Days:

(2) If the progress of the Works or any part thereof is suspended on the written order of the
Engineer, and if permission to resume work is not given by the Engineer within a period of
ninety days from date of suspension then, unless such suspension is within paragraph (a),
(b), (c) or (d) of sub-clause (1) of this Clause, the Contractor may serve a written notice on
the Engineer requiring permission within twenty eight days from the receipt thereof to
proceed with the Works, or that part thereof in regards to which progress is suspended and
if such permission is not granted with in that time, the Contractor by a further written
notice so served may, but is not bound to, elect or treat the suspension where it affects part
only of the Works as an omission of such part under Clause 44 hereof, or where it affects
the whole, as an abandonment of the Contract by the Employer.

Commencement Time and Delays:

Commencement of Works:
34. The Contractor shall commence the Works on Site within the period named in the
Appendix to the Tender after the receipt by him of an order in writing to this effect
from the Engineer and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and
without delay except as may be expressly sanctioned or ordered by the Engineer or
be wholly beyond the Contractors control.

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Possession of Site:
35. (1) Save insofar as the Contract may prescribe the extent of portions of the Site of
which the Contractor is to be given possession from time to time and the order in
which such portions shall be made available to him and subject to any requirement
in the Contract as to the order in which the Works shall be executed the Employer
will with the Engineers written order to commence the Works give to the
Contractor possession of so much of the Site as may be required to enable the
Contractor to commence and proceed with the Construction of the Works in
accordance with such reasonable proposals of the Contractor as he shall, by notice
in writing to the Engineer, make and will, from time to time as the Works proceed
give to the Contractor possession of such further portions of the Site as may be
required to enable the Contractor to proceed with the Construction of the Works
with due dispatch in accordance with the said program or proposals (as the case
be). If the Contractor suffers delay or incurs expense from failure on the part of the
Employer to give possession in accordance with the terms of this Clause the
Engineer shall grant an extension of time for the completion of the Works and
certify such sum as in his opinion shall be fair to cover the expense incurred which
sum shall be paid by the Employer.

Wayleaves …etc.:
(2) The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary wayleaves
required by him in connection with access to the Site. The Contractor shall also provide at
his own cost any additional accommodation outside the Site required by him for the
purposes of the Works.

Time for Completion:

36. Subject to any requirement in the Contract as to completion of any section of the
Works before completion of the whole, the whole of the Works shall be
completed, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 41 hereof, within the time
stated in the Contract calculated from the date of the Engineer's written order to
commence the Works on Site. The time for completion (Contract period) shall
include Fridays and Holidays or such extended time as may be allowed under
clause 37 hereof.

Extension of Time Completion:

37. Should the amount of extra or additional work of any kind or any cause of delay
referred to in these conditions, or exceptional adverse climatic conditions, or other
special circumstances of any kind whatsoever which may occur, other than through
a default of the Contractor, be such as fairly to entitle the Contractor to an
extension of time for the completion of the Works, the Engineer shall determine
the amount of such extension and shall notify the Employer and the Contractor
accordingly. Provided that the Engineer is not bound to take into account any extra
or additional work or other special circumstances unless the Contractor has within
twenty eight days such work has been commenced, or such circumstances have
arisen, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, submitted to the Engineer’s
Representative full and detailed particulars of any extension of time to which he
may consider himself entitled in order that such submission may be investigated at
the time.

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No Night or Days of Rest Work:
38. (1) Subject to any provision to the contrary contained in the Contract, non of the
Works shall save as hereinafter provided be carried on during the night or on
locally recognized days of rest without the permission in writing of the Engineer’s
Representative, save when the work is unavoidable or absolutely necessary for the
saving of life or property or for the safety of the Works in which case the
Contractor shall immediately advise the Engineer’s Representative. Provided
always that the provisions of this clause shall not be applicable in the case of any
work which it is customary to carry out by rotary or double shifts.
If authority is given by the Engineer to carry to permanent works during the night or on
days of rest, or outside normal working hours then the cost of inspection of such works
shall be borne by the Contractor. The Engineer’s additional costs shall be paid by the
Employer and the amount shall be deducted from the Contractor monthly Certificates.

Engineer’s Overtime:
(2) In the event that the Engineer is obliged to supervise the Contractor’s operations in
excess of 8 hours per working day, or on Fridays or declared Public Holidays, the cost to
the Engineer of such overtime shall be agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor,
and approved by the Employer, Payment will be made to the Engineer by the Employer
who shall deduct the agreed amount from monies due to the Contractor certified by the
Engineer in the payment certificates. Overtime rates will be as set out in the Appendix to
the Conditions of Contract.

Rate of Progress
39. If for any reason, which does not entitle the Contractor to an extension of time, the
rate of progress of the Works or any section is at any time, in the opinion of the
Engineer, too slow to ensure completion by the prescribed time or extended time
for completion, the Engineer shall so notify the Contractor in writing and the
Contractor shall thereupon take such steps as are necessary and the Engineer may
approve to expedite progress so as to complete the Works or such section by the
prescribed time or extended time. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any
additional payment for taking such steps. If, as a result of any notice given by the
Engineer under this Clause, the Contractor shall seek the Engineer’s permission to
do any work at night or on Fridays, if locally recognized as days of rest, or their
locally recognized equivalent, such permission shall not be unreasonable refused.

Penalty for Delay:

40. (1) If the Contractor shall fail to achieve completion of the Works within the time
prescribed by Clause 36 hereof, then the Contractor shall pay to the Employer the
sum stated in the Contract as Penalty for delay the sum stated in Appendix “A” to
the Tender. The Employer may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery,
deduct the amount of such damages from any monies in his hands, due or which
may become due to the Contractor. Te payment or deduction of such Penalty for
delays shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to complete the Works,
or from any other of his obligations and liabilities under the Contract, If the amount
of penalty for delays payable to the employer should reach 10%, The Employer has
the right to take over the project and complete it and charge any extra cost over the
contract amount to the contractor. This is in addition to the 10% penalty and
excluding consultant supervision fees for additional time of construction.

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Reduction of Penalty for Delay “N/A”:

Engineer’s Supervision:
(3) In the event that the Engineer is obliged to supervise the Contractor’s operations after
the period named in the Contract for the completion of the Works, the cost to the Engineer
of such supervision shall be as set out in Appendix A to the Conditions of Contract.
Payment will be made to the Engineer by the Employer who shall deduct the agreed
amount from the monies due to the Contractor certified by the Engineer in the payment

Certification of Completion of Works:

41. (1) Within sufficient time before the expiry of the time for completion, the
Contractor shall issue a request for inspection by the Employer and the Engineer
accompanied by an undertaking to finish any outstanding works within the last day
of the original completion period.
The Engineer will then arrange to inspect and take over the Works accordingly and shall
issue the Completion Certificate only if the whole of Works have been completed and have
satisfactorily passed any final test that may be prescribe by the Contract and the Works
shall be considered as complete.

Certification of Completion by Stages:

(2) The Engineer may give a Completion Certificate with respect to any part of the Works
before the completion of the whole of Works. The Employer may upon the written
application of the Contractor give such certificate with respect to any substantial part of the
Works which has been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Employer and
occupied or used by the Employer. If such certificate is given in respect of a part of the
Works such part shall be considered as having been completed and the Period of
Maintenance of such part shall commence from the date of such Certificate partial

Criteria for Completion of Works:

(3) The Works shall not be deemed to have been wholly or partially completed unless the
following criteria have been met in addition to any other conditions stipulated in the
(a) All tests that are required to be carried out to materials, equipment,
fittings and any item or component of the Works (or part of the
Works) have been carried out in the various manners described in the
Contract and all materials, equipment, fittings and any such item or
component so tested have been shown by the tests to comply with the
Contract and to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the Employer.
(b) The Works (or part of the Works where applicable) are in condition
such that the Employer can immediately occupy all the Works (or
part of the Works where applicable), and use all of the Works (or
part of the Works where applicable) to his full advantage and for the
purpose for which it is intended to be used without hindrance or
disruption from any employee, item of equipment, item of temporary
works or temporary or surplus material of temporary works or
temporary or surplus material of the Contractor or of any sub-

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( c) The Completion Certificate in respect of the Works or part of the
Works as the case may be has been issued by the Engineer.
However, neither the Employer nor other Contractors employed by the Employer to
perform work directly related to the Project, shall constitute “use” or “occupancy” by the
Employer as stated in this Clause.

Maintenance and Defects:

Definition of Period of Maintenance:

42. (1) In these Conditions the expression “Period of Maintenance” shall mean the
Period of Maintenance named in the Appendix to the Tender, calculated from the
date of completion of the Works, certified by the Engineer in accordance with
Clause 41 hereof, or, in the event of more than one certificate having been issued
by the Engineer under the said Clause, from the respective dates so certified and in
relation to the Period of Maintenance the expression “the Works” shall be
construed accordingly.

Execution of Work of Repair, …etc:.

(2) To the intent that the Works shall at or as soon as practicable after the expiration of the
Period of Maintenance be delivered up to the Employer in the Condition required by the
Contract, (fair wear and tear excepted) to the satisfaction of the Engineer the Contractor
shall finish the Work, if any, outstanding at the date of completion, as certified under
Clause 41 hereof, as soon as practicable after such date and shall execute all such work of
repair amendment, reconstruction, rectification and making good of defects, imperfections,
shrinkage’s or other faults as may be required of the Contractor in writing by the Engineer
during the Period of Maintenance, or within fourteen days after is expiration, as a result of
an inspection made by or on behalf of the Engineer prior to its expiration.

Cost of Execution of Works of Repair, ….etc.:

(3) All such Work shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense if the necessity
thereof shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, be due to the use of materials or workmanship
not in accordance with the Contract or to neglect or failure on he part of the Contractor to
comply with any obligation, expressed or implied, on the Contractors part under the
Contract. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, such necessity shall be due to any other cause,
the value of such work shall be ascertained and paid for as if it were additional work.

Remedy on Contractor’s Failure to Carry out Work Required:

(4) If the Contractor shall fail to do any such Work as aforesaid required by the Engineer,
the Employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out the same and if
such Work is Work which, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor was liable to do
at his own expense under the Contract, then all expenses consequent thereon or incidental
thereto shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer, or may be deducted by
the Employer from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor.

Contractor to Search:
43. The Contractor shall if required by the Engineer, in writing, search for the cause of
any defect, imperfection or fault under the direction of the Engineer and the cost of
the work carried out in searching for the aforesaid shall be borne by the Contractor

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and he shall in such case, repair, rectify and make good such defect, imperfection
or fault at his own expense in accordance with the provisions of Clause 42 hereof.

Alternations, Additions and Omissions:

44. (1) The Engineer shall make any variation of the form, quality or quantity of the
Works or any part thereof that may in his opinion be necessary and for that purpose
or if for any other reason it shall in his opinion be desirable he shall have power to
order the Contractor to do and the Contractor shall do any of the following:-

(a) Increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the Contract.
(b) Omit any such Work.
(c) Change the character or quality or kind of any such work.
(d) Change the levels, lines, position and dimensions of any part of the Works,
(e) Execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the
And no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract, but the value (if
any) of all such variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the
Contract Price.

Orders for Variations to be in Writing:

(2) No such variation shall be made by the Contractor without an order in writing of the
Engineer. Provided also that if for any reason the Engineer shall consider it desirable to
any such order verbally the Contractor shall comply with such order and any confirmation
in writing of such verbal order given by the Engineer whether before or after the carrying
out of the order shall be deemed to be and order in writing within the meaning of this
Provided further that if the Contractor shall, within seven days confirm in writing to the
Engineer any verbal order of the Engineer and such confirmation shall not be contradicted
within fourteen days in writing by the Engineer it shall be deemed to be an order in writing
by the Engineer.

Valuation of Variations:
45. (1) All extra or additional work done or work omitted by order of the Engineer
shall be valued at the rates and prices set out in the Contract if, in the opinion of the
same shall be applicable, if the Contract does not contain any rates or prices
applicable to the extra or additional work, then suitable rates or prices shall be
agreed upon between the Engineer and the Contractor. In the event of disagreement
the Engineer shall fix such rates or prices as shall, in his opinion, be reasonable and

Power of Engineering to Fix Rates:

(2) Provided that if the nature or amount of any omission or addition relative to the nature
or amount of the whole of the Works or to any part thereof shall be such that in the opinion
of the Engineer the rate or price contained in the Contract for any item of the Works is by
reason of such omission or addition rendered unreasonable or inapplicable then a suitable
rate or price shall be agreed upon between the Engineer and the Contractor. In the event of

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disagreement the Engineer shall fix such other rate or prices as shall in his opinion be
reasonable and proper having regard to the circumstances.
Provided also that no increase or decrease under sub-clause (1) of this Clause or variation
of rate or price under sub-clause (2) of this Clause shall be made unless as soon after the
date of the order as is practicable and in the case of extra or additional work before the
commencement of the work or as soon thereafter as is practicable notice shall have been
given in writing:-

(a) By the Contractor to the Engineers of his intention to claim

extra payment or a varied rate or price, or
(b) By the Engineer to the Contractor of his intention to vary a
rate or price as the case may be.

Variations Exceeding 25% (N/A):

Day work:
(4)The Engineer may, if in his opinion it is necessary or desirable, order in writing that any
additional or substituted work shall be executed on a day work basis. The Contractor shall
then be paid or such work under the conditions set out in the Day Work Schedule included
in the Bills of Quantities and at the rates and prices affixed thereto by him in his Tender.
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer such receipts or other vouchers as may be
necessary to prove the amounts paid and, before ordering materials, shall submit to the
Engineer quotations for the same for his approval.
In respect of all work executed on a day work basis, the Contractor shall, during the
continuance of such work, deliver each day to the Engineer’s Representative an exact list in
duplicate of the names, occupation and time of all workmen employed on such work and a
statement, also in duplicate, showing the description and quantity of all materials and plant
used thereon and therefore (other than plant which is included in the percentage addition in
accordance with the Schedule herein before referred to). One copy of each list and
statement will, if correct, or when agreed, be signed by the Engineer’s Representative and
returned to the Contractor.
At the end of each month the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer’s Representative, a
priced statement of the labour, material & plant, (except as aforesaid), used & the
Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment unless such lists and statements have been
fully and punctually rendered. Provided always that if the Engineer shall consider that for
any reason the sending of such list or statement by the Contractor, in accordance with the
foregoing provision, was impracticable he shall nevertheless be entitled to authorities
payment for such work, either as day work, on being satisfied as to the time employed and
plant and materials used on such work, or at such value thereof as shall in his opinion, be
fair and reasonable.

(5) The Contractor shall send to the Engineer’s Representative once in every month an
account giving particulars (as full and detailed as possible) of all claims for any additional
payment to which the Contractor may consider himself entitled and of all extra or
additional work ordered by the Engineer which he has executed during the preceding
month. No final or interim claim for payment for any such work or expense will be
considered which has not been included in such particulars. Provided always that the
Engineer shall be entitled to authorize payment to be made for any such work or expense
notwithstanding the Contractor’s failure to comply with this condition if the Contractor has

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at the earliest practicable opportunity notified the Engineer in writing that he intends to
make a claim for such work.

Plant, Temporary Works and Materials:

Plant, ..etc. Exclusive Use for the Works:

46. (1) All Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and materials provided by the
Contractor shall when brought on to the Site be deemed to be exclusively intended
for the construction and completion of the Works and the Contractor shall not
remove the same or any part thereof (save for the purpose of moving it from one
part of the Site to another) without the consent in writing of the Engineer which
shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Removal of Plant, ….etc.:

(2) Upon completion of the Works the Contractor shall remove from the Site all the said
Constructional Plant and Temporary Works remaining thereon and any unused materials
provided by the Contractor.

Employer not Liable for Damage to Plant, …etc.:

(3) The Employer shall not at any time be liable for the loss of or damage to any of the said
Constructional Plant, Temporary Works or materials save as mentioned in Clause 13 and
58 hereof.

Re-Export of Plant:
(4) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the import and export of Constructional
Plant, Temporary Works and materials, and shall at his own cost obtain licenses for such
purposes if required.

Customs Clearance:
(5) The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in his tender for all Custom Duty,
Harbour and Port Fees, Wharfage, Landings, Pilotage and all other costs relating to the
import and export of Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and materials.

(6-a) The constructional plant, temporary works, materials, transport and things of
every kind necessary for the construction, completion and maintenance of the works shall
be erected in such positions and used or executed at such times and in such a manner as is
indicated in the programme to be provided by the Contractor under the terms of Clause 14
of these conditions of contract or any subsequent modifications to such programme agreed
by the Engineer and as are most efficient and suitable for the proper, timely and safe
execution of the Works to be undertaken under this contract.

(6-b) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the provisions, sufficiency, safety and
all other risks and costs of all the aforesaid constructional plant, temporary works,
materials, transport and things of every kind and for the methods adopted by him for the
proper execution of the Works in accordance with the contract.

(6- c) The Contractor shall at his own expense, unless otherwise specified, make all his
own arrangements for the supply and the distribution of water (including adequate storage
facilities) fuel, light and power (including temporary facilities as required) to all points
where they are required for all the operations under the contract and for this purpose he
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shall provide and use all the necessary constructional plant temporary works, transport,
materials and things of every kind necessary to supply and distribute the supplies to the
various parts of the Works including also for a satisfactory supply and adequate storage
facilities of water to the offices, camps, latrines and other temporary buildings requiring it
and a sufficient supply of drinking water of good quality for his employees. If the
Engineer considers the level of lighting is inadequate to ensure the level of workmanship
required by the contract, the Contractor shall provide additional lighting provisions at his
expense, all to the Engineer's satisfaction.

(6-d) The Contractor shall take all risks from water whatever the source of cause may be
and shall, at his own expense unless otherwise specified, properly deal with and dispose of
water by use of sufficient constructional plant, temporary works, materials, transport and
things of every kind as to ensure the whole of the Works being executed in a satisfactory
dry and safe manner in accordance with the requirements of the contract.

(6-e) The Contractor shall at his own expense unless otherwise specified provide and
maintain all necessary temporary bridging gangways, ladders, staging, railways, roads and
footpaths to and about the site of the Works as may be necessary for the construction and
completion of the Works or transport of labour, plant and materials.

(6-f) The Contractor shall obtain his own information with regard to the granting of import
and export licences. The Contractor shall bear the expense of obtaining all import and
export licences for constructional plant, materials, equipment and Other things required for
the completion and maintenance of the Works and shall be deemed to have satisfied
himself with regard to all his liabilities under the statutes, ordinances, laws, regulations and
bye-laws governing the granting of these licenses.
The Contractor shall ensure that applications for import and export licences are submitted
to the appropriate authorities in sufficient time to clear all formalities before the licences
are required.

(6-g) The Contractor shall make good at his own cost all diversions or damage to
telephone, telegraph and electric cables, wires, sewers, water mains or other pipes and all
other services encountered except where the authority or private party owning or
responsible for the same elects to take the responsibility. The cost incurred in so doing
shall be paid by the Contractor to the authority or private party on demand.

(6-h) All injury to the surface of the land where disturbed by the Works (other than where
specifically ordered by the Engineer) shall be repaired by the Contractor or the authorities
concerned at the Contractor's expense. All such making good shall be at the approval of
the Engineer and the authority or private party concerned.

Approval of Materials ..etc., not Implied:

47. The operation of Clause 46 hereof shall not be deemed to imply any approval by
the Engineer of the materials or other matters referred to therein nor shall it prevent
the rejection of any such materials at any time by the Engineer.

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Fixed Contract Price

48. (1) The tender sum shall be a firm lump sum price.

Breakdown of Contract Price

(2) The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are deemed to have been verified by the
Contractor as being the quantities of the works required to be executed by him in
accordance with the contract drawings and will not be subject to re-measurement on
completion. The Contractor is to include, where provided in the Tender documents, for a
breakdown of each unit rate into materials, labour, plant, overheads and profit. Each unit
rate shall correspond to that included in the Bill of Quantities which is the basis for the
Tender & no adjustment will be made in the event of any error or omission in the quantities
being discovered after signing the contract.

Works to be Re-Measured:
49. The Contract is for a lump sum and is not subject to re-measurement. If the
Engineer requires any part or parts of the Works to be measured, he shall give
notice to the Contractor who shall forthwith send a qualified agent to carry out
such measurement. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with all particulars
and measurements he requires for checking and approval. Should the Contractor
not attend or neglect or omit to send such an agent then the measurement

Made by the Engineer or approved by him shall be taken to be correct measurement of the
work. Quantities of work omitted shall be re-measured from the original Contract drawings
and shall be agreed by the Engineer before the value of variation is calculated.

Method of Measurement:
50. The Works have been measured net, notwithstanding any general or local customs,
except where otherwise specifically described or prescribed in the Contract.

Provisional Sums and Prime Cost Sums:

Definition of Provisional Sums:

51. (1) “Provisional Sum” means a sum included in the Contract and so designated in
the Bill of Quantities for the execution of work or the supply goods, materials, or
services, or for contingencies, which sum may be used, in whole or in part, or not
at all, at the direction and discretion of the Engineer. The Contract Price shall
include only such amounts in respect of the Work, supply or services to which such
Provisional Sums relate as the Engineer shall approve or determine in accordance
with this Clause.

Use of Provisional Sums:

(2) In respect of every Provisional Sum the Engineer shall have Power to order:
(a) Work to be executed, including goods, materials or services to
be supplied by the Contractor. The Contract Price shall include the value of

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such work executed or such goods, materials or services supplied determined
in accordance with Clause 45 hereof.
(b) Work to be executed or goods, materials or services to be
supplied by a nominated Sub-Contractor as hereinafter defined. The sum to
be paid to the Contractor thereof shall be determined and paid in accordance
with Clause 52 (4) hereof.
(c) Goods and materials to be purchased by the Contractor. The
sum to be paid to the Contractor thereof shall be determined and paid in
accordance with Clause 52 (4) hereof.

Production of Vouchers, ..etc.:

(3) The Contractor shall when required by the Engineer produce all quotation invoices
vouchers, and accounts or receipts in connection with expenditure in respect of Provisional

Prime Cost Sums:

(4) Every sum in the Bill of Quantities prepared by the Contractor which contains either as
the whole or part of the sum a Prime cost (P.C) price for goods or materials to be supplied
for incorporation into the works, shall be varied, by the substitution for the prime cost
price, the actual price paid by the Contractor for the goods or materials on the direction of
the Engineer and the Contract Price shall be increased or decreased (as the case may be) by
the amount by which the sum in the Bills of Quantities prepared by the Contractor is
increased or decreased
By such substitution No variation shall be made to, or in the respect of, any sum added for
labour to the Prime Cost of account of the said actual price being greater or less than the
Prime Cost Price but, in respect of all other charges and profit, there shall be added or
deducted as the case may be a sum representing such percentage as is provided in the Bills
of Quantities prepared by the Contractor in relation to the Particular item of Prime Cost
concerned or if non, as is inserted by the Contractor in the Form of Tender as the
Percentage for the adjustment of Prime Cost Sums.

Nominated Sub-Contractors:

Definition of Nominated Sub-Contractors:

52. (1) All specialists, merchants, tradesmen and other executing any work or
supplying any goods, materials or services for which Provisional Sums are
included in the Bills of Quantities who may have been nominated or selected or
approved by the Employer or the Engineer and all persons to whom by virtue of the
provisions of the Contract, the Contractor is required to sub-let any work, shall in
the execution of such work or the supply of such goods, materials or services be
deemed to be Sub-Contractors employed by the Contractor and are, under this
contract, referred to as “nominated Sub-Contractors”.

Nominated Sub-Contractors:
(2) The Contractor shall be required by the Employer or the Engineer or be deemed to be
under any obligation to employ any nominated Sub-Contractor:
(a) That in respect of the work, goods, materials or services the
subject in the sub-contract, the nominated Sub-Contractor will undertake
towards the Contractor the like obligations and liabilities as are imposed on
the Contractor towards the Employer by the terms of the Contract and will
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save harmless and indemnify the Contractor from and against the same and
from all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever arising out or in connection therewith, or arising out of or in
connection with any failure to perform such obligations or to fulfill such
liabilities, and
(b) That the nominated Sub-Contractor will save harmless and
indemnify the Contractor from and against negligence by the nominated
Sub-Contractor, his agents, workmen and servants and from and against any
misuse by him or them of any Constructional Plant or Temporary Works
provided by the Contractor for the purpose of the Contract, and all claims as
Design Requirements to be Expressly Stated:
(3) If in connection with any Provisional Sum the services to be provided include any
matter of design or specification of any part of the Permanent Works or for any
requirement or plant to be incorporated therein, such requirement shall be expressly stated
in the Contract and shall be included in any nominated Sub-Contractor. The nominated
Sub-Contractor shall specify that the nominated Sub-Contractor providing such services
will save harmless and indemnify the Contractor from and against the same and from all
claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in
connection with any failure to perform such obligations or to fulfill such liabilities.

Payment to Nominated Sub-Contractors:

(4) For all work executed or goods, materials or services supplied by any nominated Sub-
Contractor, there shall be included in the Contract Price:

(a) the actual price paid or due to be paid by the Contractor, on the direction of
the Engineer, and in accordance with the Sub-Contract,
(b) The sum, if any, entered in the Bill of Quantities for labour supplied by the
Contractor in connection therewith, or it ordered by the Engineer pursuant to
Clause 51 (2) (b) hereof, as may be determined in accordance with Clause
45 hereof,
(c) In respect of all other charges and profit, a sum being a percentage rate of
the actual price paid or due to be paid calculated, where provision has been
made in the Bills of Quantities for a rate to be set against the relevant
Provisional Sum, at the rate inserted by the Contractor against that item or,
where no such provision has been made, at the rate inserted by the
Contractor in the Appendix to the Tender and repeated where provision for
such is made in a special item provided in the Bills of Quantities for such

Certification of Payments to nominated Sub-Contractors:

(5) Before issuing, under Clause 53 hereof, any certificate, which included any payment in
respect of work done or goods, materials or services supplied by any nominated Sub-
Contractors the Engineer shall be entitled to demand from the Contractor reasonable proof
that all payments, less retention’s, included in previous certificates in respect of the work or
for goods, materials or services of such nominated Sub-Contractor have been paid or
discharged by the Contractor, in default whereof unless the Contractor shall:

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(a) Inform the Engineer in writing that he has reasonable cause for
withholding or refusing to make such payments and,
(b) Produce to the Engineer reasonable proof that he has no informed
such nominated Sub-Contractor in writing.

The Engineer shall have powers to with-hold all further interim payments, till such period
the Contractor provides reasonable proof that all payments, less re-tensions, included in
previous certificates have been paid or discharged by the Contractor to his sub-contractors.
Alternatively the Engineer shall be entitled to pay to such nominated Sub-Contractor
direct, upon the certificate of the Engineer, all payments, less re-tensions, provided for in
the sub-Contract, which thr Contractor has failed to make to such nominated Sub-
Contractor and to deduct by way of set-off the amount so paid by the Employer from any
sums due or which may become due from the Employer to the Contractor.
Provided always that, where the Engineer has certified and the Employer has paid direct as
aforesaid, the Engineer shall in issuing any further certificate in favor of the Contractor
deduct from the amount thereof the amount so paid, direct as aforesaid, but shall not
withhold or delay the issue of the certificate itself when due to be issued under the terms of
the Contract.

Assignment of Nominated Sub-Contractor’s Obligations:

(6) In the event of nominated Sub-Contractor, as here in before defined, having undertaken
towards the Contractor in respect of the work executed, or the goods, materials or services
supplied by such nominated Sub-Contractor, any continuing obligation extending for a
period exceeding that of the Period of Maintenance under the Contract, the Contractor shall
at any time after the expiration of the Period of Maintenance, assign to the Employer at the
Employer’s request and cost, if any, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired
duration thereof.

Cash Discount:
(7) Any cash discount allowed by the Nominated Sub-Contractor shall be for the benefit of
the Employer.

Certificates and Payments:

Certificates and Payments:
53. (1) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer after the end of each month a
statement, in an approved form, showing:

(a) The value of the works executed up to the end of that month,
(b) Seventy five percent (75%) of the value of any goods or
materials delivered to the Site for, but not yet incorporated in the Works (if
mentioned in the form of tender).
(c) Other amounts to which the Contractor considers himself
entitled and for which provision is made in the Bills of Quantities.
Unless the total of such sums does not exceed the Minimum Amount of Monthly
Payments, as set down in the Appendix to the Tender, after the deduction of Retention,
previous payments and other sums as may be deductible under the Contract.
The statement shall list separately amounts due to nominated sub-contractors

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Interim Payments:

(2) Upon receipt of the Contractor’s monthly statement, the Engineer shall issue an Interim
Payment Certificate to the Employer with a copy to the Contractor for the amount he
considers payable to the Contractor less:

(a) Ten percent (10%) Retention, and

(b) The total amount of previous payments.

Unless such amount is less than the Minimum Amount of Monthly Payments as set down in
the Appendix to the Tender.
Before issuing, any interim payment certificate, which includes any payment in respect of
work done or goods, materials or services supplied by any of the Sub-Contractors of the
Contractor, the Engineer shall be entitled to demand from the Contractor reasonable proof
that all payments, less retentions, included in previous certificates in respect of the work or
goods, materials or services of such Sub-Contractor have been paid or discharged by the
Contractor, in default whereof unless the Contractor shall:

(a) Inform the Engineer in writing that he has reasonable cause

for withholding or refusing to make such payments, and
(b) Produce to the Engineer reasonable proof that he has no
informed such nominated Sub-Contractor in writing.

The Engineer shall have powers to with-hold all further interim payments, till such period
the Contractor provides reasonable proof that all payments, less retention’s, included in
previous certificates have been paid or discharge by the Contractor to his sub-contractors.
Alternatively the Employer shall be entitled to pay to such Sub-Contractor direct, upon the
certificate of the Engineer, all payments, less retentions, provided for in Sub-Contract,
which the Contractor has failed to make to such Sub-Contractor, and to deduct by way of
set-off the amount so paid by the Employer from any sums due or which may become due
from the Employer to the Contractor.
Provided always that, where Engineer has certified and the Employer has paid direct as
aforesaid, the Engineer shall in issuing any further certificate in favor of the Contractor
deduct from the amount thereof the amount so paid, direct as aforesaid.

(3) Retention shall be held on the amount payable to the Contractor in respect of items (a)
or (c) of sub-clause (1) of this Clause. The percentage of Retention is stated in the
Appendix to the Tender. Retention shall be held up to the limit stated in the Appendix to
the Tender.

Materials on Site (If mentioned in Appendix “A” Form of Tender):

(4) Materials to be paid for shall not include those brought prematurely to site or those
improperly stored or protected. Invoices for materials shall be provided with the monthly
statement from the Contractor.
Seventy five percent (75%) of the value of materials on site shall form a part of the interim
payment and such amount shall not be subject to any retention.

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If the value, as indicated on an invoice, of any item payable as materials on site exceeds the
respective price in the Bills of Quantities, the Engineer shall determine the amount to be
paid for that item as materials on Site.

Reduction of Retention:
(5) After the issue of the Certificate of Completion the Contractor shall submit a statement
of final account and supporting documentation showing in detail the value in accordance
with the Contract of work done together with all further sums which the Contractor
considers to be due to him under the Contract. After examining this statement the Engineer
shall issue a payment certificate for the amount he considers payable to the Contractor less:

(a) Five percent (5%) Retention, and

(b) The total amount of previous payments.

Release of Retention:
(6) Upon the issue by the Engineer of the Maintenance Certificate the Employer shall pay
to the Contractor the remaining Retention money less any amounts due to the Employer
under the Contract.
Provided that if at such time there shall remain to be executed by the Contractor any work
ordered pursuant to Clause (42) and (43) hereof in respect of the whole or any part of the
Works, the Employer shall be entitled to withhold payment of the remaining retention
money or such portion thereof as shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, represent the cost of
work remaining to be executed unit the completion of such work.

Time for Payment:

(7) Payment upon each of the Engineers Certificates shall be made by the Employer within
the time stated in the Appendix “A” to the Tender after such certificates have been issued
by the Engineer and have been delivered to the Employer.

Correction and withholding of Certificates:

(8) The Engineer may be any certificate make any correction or modification in any
previous certificate which shall have been issued by him, and shall have power to withhold
any certificate without claim by the Contractor if the Works or any part thereof have not
been or/ and are not being carried out his satisfaction.

(9) All payments shall be in U. A. E. Dirhams.

Advance Payment:
(10) An Advance Payment of the amount stated in Appendix “A” to Form a Tender shall,
following the presentation of the Contractor to the Employer of an approved performance
Bond in accordance with Clause (3) hereof and a guarantee of one of the approved banks
on terms approved by the Employer for the full value of the Advance Payment, be certified
by the Engineer for Payment to the Contractor.
The Advance Payment shall not be subject to retention. The Advance Payment shall be
repaid in monthly installments at 10% of the value of the monthly Certificate commencing
from the second month of the Contract Period. Provided that upon the issue of a Certificate
for Substantial Completion for the whole of the Works under Clause (41) hereof, or
termination under Clause (56) or (58) (6) hereof, the whole of the balance then outstanding
shall immediately become due and payable by the Contractor to the Employer.

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60.10 Approval of Works included in Certificates
(11) Inclusion of any works in the interim payment certificates and payment of the values
of such certificates shall not be deemed to constitute approval by the Employer of any such
works nor shall it in any way affect any of the rights of the Employer under the contract.
(12) Similarly failure by the Employer to deduct from such monthly payment certificates
any sums due to the Employer by the Contractor shall not imply abandonment by the
Employer of the right to claim such sums.

Approval Only by Maintenance Certificate:

54. No certificate other than the Maintenance referred to in Clause (55) hereof shall be
deemed to constitute approval of the works.

Maintenance Certificate:
55. (1) The Contract shall not be considered as completed until a Maintenance
Certificate shall have been signed by the Engineer and delivered to the Employer
stating that the Works have been completed and maintained to his satisfaction. The
Maintenance Certificate shall be given by the Engineer within Twenty eight 928)
days after the expiration of the Period of Maintenance, or, if different periods of
maintenance shall become applicable to different sections or parts of the Works,
the expiration of the latest such period, or as soon thereafter as any works ordered
during such period, pursuant to Clause (42) and (43) hereof, shall have been
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and full effect shall be given to this
Clause, notwithstanding any previous entry on the Works or the taking possession,
working or using thereof by the Employer. Provided always that the issue of the
Maintenance Certificate shall not be a condition precedent to payment to the
Contractor of the retention money in accordance with the conditions set out in
Clause (53).

Cessation of Employers Liability:

(2) The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter or thing arising out of
or in connection with the Contract or the execution of the Works unless the Contractor
shall have made a claim in writing in respect thereof before the giving of the Maintenance
Certificate under this Clause.

Unfulfilled Obligations:
(3) Notwithstanding the issue of the Maintenance Certificate the Contractor and (subject to
sub-clause 2 of this Clause) the Employer shall remain liable for the fulfillment of any
obligation incurred under the provisions of the Contract prior to the issue of Maintenance
Certificate which remains unperformed at the time such certificate is issued and for the
purpose of determining the nature and extent of any such obligation the Contract shall be
deemed to remain in force between the parties hereto.

Remedies and Powers:

Default of Contractor
56. (1) If the Contractor shall become bankrupt of have a receiving order made against
him or shall present his petition in bankruptcy or shall make an arrangement with
or assignment in favor of his creditors or shall agree to carry out the Contract under
a committee of inspection of his creditors or (being a corporation) shall go into
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
liquidation (other than a voluntary liquidation for the Purposes of amalgamation or
reconstruction) or if the Contractor shall assign the Contract without the consent in
writing of the Employer first obtained or shall have an execution levied on his
goods or if the Engineer shall certify in writing to the Employer that in his opinion
the Contractor:

(a) Has abandoned the Contract or

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence the Works
or has suspended the progress of the Works for Twenty eight days after
receiving from the Engineer written notice to proceed, or
(c) Has failed to remove materials from the Site or to pull down
and replace work for 28 days after receiving from the Engineer written
notice that the said materials or work had been condemned and rejected by
the Engineer under these conditions, or
(d) Despite previous warnings by the Engineer in writing is not
executing the Works in accordance with the Contract or is persistently or
flagrantly neglecting to carry out his obligations under the contract, or
(e) Has to the detriment of good workmanship or in defiance of
the Engineer’s instructions to the Contrary sub-let any part of the Contract.
Then the Employer may after giving 14 days notice in writing to the Contractor enter upon
the Site and the Works and expel the Contractor there from without thereby voiding the
Contract or releasing the Contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the
Contract or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the Employer or the Engineer by
the Contract and may himself complete the Works or may employ any other Contractor to
complete the Works. The Employer or such other Contractor may use for such completion
so much of the Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and Materials which have been
deemed to be reserved exclusively for the execution of the Works under the provisions of
the Contract as he or they may think proper and the Employer may at any time sell any of
the said Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and unused materials and apply the
proceeds of sale in or towards the Satisfaction of any sums due or which may become due
to him from the Contractor under the Contract.

Valuation at Date of Forfeiture:

(2) The Engineer shall as soon as may practicable after any such entry and expulsion by the
Employer fix and determine ex-prate or by or after reference to the parties or after such
investigation or inquiries as he may think fit to make or institute and shall certify what
amount (if any) had at the of such entry and expulsion been reasonably earned by or would
reasonably accrue to the Contractor in respect of work then actually done by him under the
Contract and the value of any of
The said unused or partially used materials, any Constructional Plant and any Temporary

Payment after Forfeiture:

(3) If the Employer shall enter and expel the Contractor under this Clause he shall not be
liable to pay to the Contractor any money on account of the Contract until the expiration of
the Period of Maintenance and thereafter until the costs of completion and maintenance
damages for delay in completion (if any) and all other expenses incurred by the Employer
have been ascertained and the amount thereof certified by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall then be entitled to receive only such sum or sums (if any) as the Engineer may certify
would have been due to him upon due completion by him after deducting the said amount.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
If such amount shall exceed the sum which would have been payable to the Contractor on
due completion by him then the Contractor shall upon deemed pay to the Employer the
amount of such excess and it shall be deemed a debt due by the Contractor to the Employer
and shall be recoverable accordingly.

Urgent Repairs:
57. If by reason of any accident or other event occurring to in or in connection with
the Works or any part thereof either during the execution of the Works or during
the Period of Maintenance any remedial or other work or repair shall in the opinion
of the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative be urgently necessary for the
safety of the Work and the Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to do such
work or repair the Employer may employ and pay other persons to carry out such
work or repair as the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative may consider
necessary. If the Work or repair so done by the Employer is work which in he
opinion of the Engineer the Contractor was liable to do at his own expense, under
the Contract all expenses properly incurred by the Employer, or may be deducted
by the Employer in so doing shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the
Employer, or may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due or which
may become due to the Contractor. Provided always that the Engineer or the
Engineer’s Representative (as the case may be) shall as soon after the occurrence
of any such emergency as may be reasonably practicable notify the Contractor
thereof in writing.

Special Risks:

No Liability for War, .. etc., Risks:

58. Notwithstanding any thing in the Contract contained:-
(1) The Contractor shall be under no liability whatsoever whether by way of indemnity or
otherwise for or in respect of destruction of or damage to the Works (save to work
condemned under the provisions of Clause 32 hereof prior to the occurrence of any special
risk hereinafter mentioned) or to property whether of the Employer or third parties or for in
respect of injury or loss of life which is the consequence of any special risk as hereunder
defined. The Employer shall indemnify and save harmless the Contractor against and from
the same and against and from all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, cost, charges
and expenses whatsoever arising thereat or in connection therewith.

Damage to Works, … etc. By Special Risks:

(2) If the Works or any materials on or near or in transit to the Site, or any other property of
the Contractor used or intended to be used for the purpose of the Works, shall sustain
destruction or damage by reason of any of the said special risks the Contractor shall be
entitled to payment for:

(a) Any permanent work and for any materials so destroyed or damaged.
And, so far as may be required by the Engineer, or as may be necessary for the
completion of the Works, on the basis of cost plus such profit as the Engineer may
certify to be reasonable.
(b)Replacing or making good any such destruction or damage to the Works.
(c) Replacing or making good such materials or other property of the Contractor
used or intended to be used for the purposes of Works.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Projectile, Missile, etc:
(3) Destruction, damage, injury or loss of life caused by the explosion or impact whenever
and wherever occurring of any mine bomb, shell, grenade or other projectile, missile
monition or explosive of war shall be deemed to be a consequence of the said special risks.

Increased Costs arising from Special Risks (N/A):

Special Risks:
(5) The special risks are war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of
foreign enemies, the nuclear and pressure waves risk described in Clause (13) (2) hereof, or
insofar as it relates to the country in which the Works are being or are to be executed or
maintained, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, civil war, or
unless solely restricted to the employees of the Contractor of his Sub-Contractors and
arising from the conduct of the Works.

Outbreak of War:
(6) If during the currency of the Contract there shall be an outbreak of war (whether war is
declared or not) in any part of the world which whether financially or otherwise materially
affects the execution of the Works the Contractor shall unless and until the Contract is
terminated under the provisions of this Clause,
Continue to use his best endeavors to complete the execution of the Works. Provided
always that the Employer shall be entitled at any time after such outbreak of war to
terminate this Contract by giving notice in writing to the Contractor and upon such notice
being given this Contract shall (save as to the rights of the parties under this Clause and to
the operation of Clause 60 hereof) terminate but without prejudice to the rights of either
party in respect of any antecedent breach thereof.

Removal of Plant on Termination:

(7) If the Contract shall be terminated under the Provisions of the last preceding sub-clause
the Contractor shall with all reasonable dispatch remove from the Site all Constructional
Plant and shall give similar facilities to his sub-Contractors to do so.

Payment if Contract Terminated:

(8) If the Contract shall be terminated as aforesaid the Contractor shall be paid by the
Employer (insofar as such amounts or items shall not have already been covered by
payments on account made to the Contractor) for all work executed prior to the date of
termination at the rates and prices provided in the Contract and in addition:-

(a) The amount payable in respect of any preliminary items so far as the work or service
comprised therein has been carried out or performed and a proper proportion as certified by
the Engineer of any such items the work or service comprised in which has been partially
carried out or performed.
(b) The cost of materials or goods reasonably ordered for the Works which shall have been
delivered to the Contractor or of which the Contractor is legally liable to accept delivery
(such materials or goods becoming the property of the Employer upon such payment being
made by him).

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
(c) A sum to be certified by the Engineer being the amount of any expenditure reasonably
incurred by Contractor in the expectation of completing the whole of the Works in so far as
such expenditure shall not have been covered by payments in this sub-clause before
(d) Any additional sum payable under the provisions of sub-clause (1), (2) and (4) of this
(e) The reasonable cost of removal of constructional plant under sub-clause (7) of this
Clause and (if required by the Contractor) return thereof to the Contractor’s main plant
yard in his Country of registration or to any other destination at no greater cost.
(f) The reasonable cost of repatriation of all the Contractors staff and workmen employed
on or in correction with the works at the time of such termination provided always that
against any payment due from the Employer under this sub-clause the Employer shall be
entitled to be credited with any outstanding balances due from the Contractor for advances
in respect of Constructional Plant and materials and any sum which at the date of
termination were recoverable by the Employer from the Contractor under the terms of the


Payment in Event of Frustration:

59. If war, or other circumstances outside the Control of both parties arises after
the Contract is made so that either party is prevented from fulfilling his
contractual obligations, or under the law governing the Contract, the parties
are released from further performance, then the sum payable be the
Employer to the Contractor in respect of the work executed shall be the same
as that which would have been payable under Clause (58) hereof if the
Contract had been terminated under the provision of Clause (58) hereof.

Settlement of Disputes:
Settlement of Disputes – Arbitration:
60. If any dispute or different of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the
Employer and the Contractor or the Engineer and the Contractor in
connection with, or arising out of the Contract, or the execution of the
Works, whether during the progress of the Works or after their completion
and whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the
Contract, it shall, in the first place, be referred to and settled by the Engineer
who shall, within a period of 90 days after being requested by either part to
do so, give written notice of his decision to the Employer and the Contractor.
Subject to arbitration, as hereinafter provided, such decision in respect of
every matter so referred shall be final and binding upon the Employer and
the Contractor, and shall forthwith be given effect to by the Employer and
by the Contractor, who shall proceed with the execution of the Works with
all due diligence whether he or the Employer requires arbitration, as
hereinafter provided, or not. If the Engineer has given written notice of his
decision to the Employer and the Contractor and no claim to arbitration has
been communicated to him by either the Employer or the Contractor within
a period of 90 days from receipt of such notice, the said decision shall
remain final and binding upon the Employer and the Contractor. If the
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Engineer shall fail to give notice of his decision, as aforesaid, within a
period of 90 days after being requested as aforesaid, or if either the
Employer or the Contractor be dissatisfied with any such decision, then and
in any such case either the Employer or the Contractor may within 90 days
after receiving notice of such decision, or within ninety days after the
expiration of the first-named period of 90 days, as the case may be, require
that the matter or matters in dispute be referred to arbitration as hereinafter
provided. All disputes or differences in respect of which the decision, if any,
of the Engineer has not become final and binding as aforesaid shall be
finally settled by a committee of three arbitrators. One arbitrator shall be
appointed by the Employer and one by the Contractor and these two
members shall appoint a third member to act as chairman. If agreement
between the two appointed members upon a third member cannot be reached
within 15 days from the last date of their appointment such third member
shall be appointed, on the application of either of the parties, by the
president for the time being of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in
the Country where the Contract is being executed. The decisions of the
Arbitration Committee shall be final and binding on both parties. The said
arbitrator/ s shall have full power to open up, revise and review any decision,
opinion, direction, certificate or valuation of the Engineer. Neither party
shall be limited in proceedings before such arbitrator/ s to the evidence or
arguments put before the Engineer for the purpose of obtaining his said
decision. No decision given by the Engineer in accordance with the
foregoing provisions shall disqualify him from being called as witness and
giving evidence before the arbitrator/ s on any matter whatsoever
Relevant to the dispute or difference referred to the arbitrator/ s as aforesaid. The
reference to arbitration may proceed notwithstanding that the Works shall not then
be or be alleged to be complete, provided always that the obligations of the
Employer, The Engineer and the Contractor shall not be altered by reason of the
arbitration being conducted during the progress of the Works.


Service of Notices on Contractor:

61. (1) Any notice to be given to the Contractor under the terms of the Contract
shall be served by sending the same by post to or leaving the same at the
Contractor’s principal place of business (or in the event of the Contractor
being a Company to or at its registered office) as stated in the Tender or by
handing the same to the Contractor’s Site Agent or leaving the same at his
Site Office. Any Change thereof shall be notified in writing to the Engineer
who shall not be bound to recognize any change of address until so notified.

Service of notices on Employer:

(2) Any notice to be given to the Employer under the terms of the Contract shall be served
by sending the same by post to or leaving the same at the Employer’s last known address
(or in the event of the Employer being a Company to or at its registered office) and as
stated in the Tender.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Default of Employer:

Default of Employer:

62. (1) In the event of the Employer:-

(a) Failing to pay to the Contractor the amount due under any
certificate of the Engineer within the Time stated in Appendix “A” to the
Tender, after the same shall have become due under the terms of the
Contract, subject to any deduction that the Employer is entitled to make
under the Contract, or
(b) Interfering with or obstructing or refusing any required
approval to the issue of any such certificate, or
(c) Becoming bankrupt or (being a Company) going into
liquidation other than for the purposes of a scheme of reconstruction or
amalgamation, or
(d) Giving formal notice to the Contractor that for unforeseen
reasons, due to economic dislocations, it is impossible for him to continue to
meet his contractual obligations, the Contractor shall be entitled without
prejudice to any other rights or remedied to terminate his employment under
the Contract by giving 14 days prior notice in writing to the Employer, with
a copy to the Engineer.

(2) Upon the expiry of the 14 days notice referred to in Sub-Clause (1) of this Clause the
Contractor shall (notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 46 (1) hereof) with all
reasonable dispatch remove from the Site all Constructional Plant brought by him thereon.
(3) In the event of such termination the Employer shall be under the same obligations to the
Contractor in regard to payment as if the Contract had been terminated under the provisions
of Clause (58) hereof, but in addition to the payments specified in Clause (58) (8) hereof
the Employer shall pay to the Contractor the amount of any loss or damage to the
Contractor arising out of or in connection with or by consequence of such termination.

Changes in Costs and Legislation:

63. Increase or Decrease of Costs:
No adjustment will be made to the Contract Price in respect of any fluctuation in
the cost of plant, labour, materials or any other matters, affecting the cost of
execution of the Works.

Currency and Rates of Exchange:

Currency Restrictions:
64. (N/A).

65. (1) The Contractor shall comply with the statutes, ordinances, laws,
regulations and bye-laws of Dubai and U.A.E. He shall be responsible for
ascertaining the extent and incidence of all taxes, customs, rates, dues and all
other charges payable in accordance with such statutes, ordinances, laws,
regulations and bye-laws.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
(2) The Contractor shall give all notices and pay all taxes, customs, rates, dues and all other
charges of whatever nature required to be given or paid in order to comply in all respects
with the provisions of any statute, ordinance, law, regulation or bye-law which may be
applicable in Dubai / U.A.E. in connection with the fulfillment of the contract.

(3) The rates in the Bill of Quantities will be held to have included for the cost not only of
all such taxes, customs, rates, dues and all other charges in Dubai / U.A.E. but also all
charges of whatever nature incurred outside Dubai / U.A.E. in connection with the
fulfillment of the contract and all such costs will not be considered as reimbursable by the
Employer in the interpretation of Clause 26 of the Conditions of Contract.

66. The Contractor shall ascertain and comply with any Government regulations
concerning the boycott of other countries.

The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against any penalty which may arise
as a result of breach of Boycott laws and regulations.

67. Any commission, advantage, gift, gratuity reward or bribe given, promised
or offered by or on behalf of the Contractor or his agent or servant or any
other person on his or their behalf to any officer servant representative or
agent of the Employer or the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative or to
ny person on their behalf or on behalf of any of them in relation to the
obtaining or the execution of this or of any other contract with the Employer
shall, in addition to any criminal liability which may be thereby incurred,
subject the contractor to the cancellation of this and of all other contracts
which may have entered into with the Employer and also to the payment of
any loss or damage resulting from such cancellation. The Employer shall be
entitled upon a certificate in writing from the Engineer to deduct the
amounts so certified from any monies or otherwise due to the Contractor
under this or any other contract or to recover the said amounts as a debt due
or partly the one and partly the other as the Employer shall deem advisable.

Safety of Construction:
68. The Contractor shall be held responsible, for a period of (10) years after
issuance of Completion Certificate for the safety of construction and for any
defect in the Works resulting from the execution thereof for any loss or
damage that may result out of such lack of safety or defect.

Contract Confidentiality
69. The Contractor shall treat the Contract as confidential. In particular the
Contractor shall not publish any information, drawing or photograph
concerning the Works nor shall he use the works for the purpose of
advertisement without written consent of the Engineer and subject to such
conditions as the latter may prescribe.

Law to apply
70. The Contract shall in all respects be construed in accordance with the law of
Dubai, and the UAE and any difference that may arise between the

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Employer and the Contractor in regard thereto shall be settled in accordance

As built Drawings
71. During construction the Contractor shall keep an accurate record of all
variations between the work as shown on the drawings and which is actually
constructed. The Contractor shall obtain from the Engineer a complete
reproducible set of drawings, against the payment for the same to the
Engineer and shall in a neat and accurate manner note in ink on such
reproducibles a complete record of all changes and revisions which have
been incorporated in the works as and when they are completed.


72. (1) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing all sub-
contractors, whether nominated or otherwise, with sufficient copies of all
relevant drawings in order that they can complete their work within the
construction programme.

Workshop Drawings / Builders Work Drawings / As-built Drawings

(2) The Contractor and all sub-contractors, whether nominated or otherwise, shall provide
workshop drawings for their own trades, where applicable or when requested by the
Engineer. Workshop drawings shall clearly show all dimensions, details, specifications,
connections or joints to other trades, incorporation of the work of other trades etc.
The Contractor shall also provide builders work drawings showing exact dimensions and
locations of holes, ducts, recesses, access points etc.
The Contractor and all sub-contractors whether nominated or otherwise shall provide
manufacturers drawings for their own trades where applicable or when required by the
The Contractor shall provide the Engineer at the time of completion of the Works, with As-
built drawings for architectural, structural and building services installations etc. and
Working and Maintenance Manuals for other installations or sections of the Works where
required by the Engineer. All sub-contractors shall prepare a set of as-built drawings of the
sub-contract Works. The Contractor shall submit 3 sets of all as-built drawings, Working
and Maintenance Instruction Manuals as well as 1 set in digital format on compact disc.

(3) The Contractor shall be responsible for co-ordinating all drawings including those
produced by sub-contractors whether nominated or otherwise and submitting them well on
time for the Engineer to study / comment / approve.

Approval of Drawings
(4)All drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer by the Contractor at the appropriate
time. Should the Engineer instruct any alteration or amendment, the Contractor shall ensure
that it is done immediately in order to avoid any delay to the construction programme.

(5) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer three prints of each drawing or document

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
and he shall ensure that these are submitted in sufficient time to allow the Engineer a
reasonable time to examine them.


Cleaning Up
73. (1) The Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste
material and rubbish. At the completion of the work he shall remove from
the premises all rubbish, implements and surplus materials and leave the
building broom-clean. He shall employ a specialized cleaning company to
ensure that proper cleaning is carried out.

(2) Special cleaning : Besides the general broom cleaning, the Contractor shall do the
following special cleaning for all trades under this Contract Scope of Works at completion
of work;
a) Cleaning of Glass: Contractor shall remove putty stains and paint from all glass and
shall wash and polish same. Care shall be taken not to scratch glass.
b) Cleaning of all Painted, Decorated and Stained Work; Contractor shall remove all
marks, stains, fingerprints, and other soil or dirt from all painted, decorated, and
stained work.
c) Removing of all Temporary Protection: Contractor shall remove all temporary
protection and shall clean and polish all floors at completion.
d) Cleaning and Polishing of all Woodwork: Contractor shall clean and/or polish all
woodwork upon completion.
e) Cleaning and Polishing of all Hardware: Contractor shall clean and polish all
hardware for all trades; this shall include removal of all stains, dust, dirt, paint, etc.,
upon completion.
f) Removal of all Spots, Soil, and Paint from all tile work : Contractor shall remove all
spots, soil, and paint from all the work and shall wash same upon completion.
g) Cleaning of all Fixtures and Equipment: Contractor shall clean all fixtures and
equipment, removing all stains, paint, dirt and dust.

Protection of Existing Facilities

(3)Adequate protection of adjoining existing facilities shall be provided during construction,
against damage, paint marks, soiling and loss.
It shall be the contractor's responsibility to repair / replace any such damage, resulting from
inadequate protection.

Protection of Existing Services

(4) It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to adequately protect any existing services
during construction against damage, and to repair / replace the same if damaged.
If the existing services require to be relocated within the site, the same shall be carried out
by the Contractor and the price and time required for the same is deemed to be included in
the tender sum.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

1. General notes for the Civil And The MEP works
2. General & scope of work
3. List of Approved Materials, Manufacturers & Suppliers
4. Excavation and earth works
5. Soil investigation report, site plan
6. Concrete works
7. Pile Works.
8. Solid and Hollow blocks
9. Plaster Works
10. External works
11. External Finishes
12. Floor finishes
13. Skirting finishes
14. Wall finishes
15. Ceiling finishes
16. False Ceiling finishes
17. Wood and Carpentry works
18. Metal works
19. Glazing Works
20. Roofing and Water proofing
21. Garbage Chute
22. Lift Works
23. Fitting & fixtures
24. Provisional Sum

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
1. General notes for the Civil And The MEP works:


6.1 All quantities for excavation have been measured net with no allowance for increase in bulk or
working space.

6.2 The Tenderer shall allow in his rates for excavation for excavating in any material including
running silt, running sand and rock, commencing excavation of any depth, excavating below the
normal water table, excavating around existing services and mains supporting the vertical sides of
excavations, working space and filling soft spots as described.

6.3 Rates for all excavation shall include for keeping excavations free from water by whatever means.

6.4 Rates for disposal of excavated material shall include for any necessary double handling and the
provision of a tip, if necessary, including any charges in connection herewith.

6.5 The rates for trenches for service pipes shall include for disposal and back filling.

6.6 The rates for drains, inspection chambers, etc. are to allow for testing.

6.7 Rates for drain pipes generally are to include for all short lengths, back stops, wooden plugs and
retaining and alignment pegs required in laying and for the extra involved over normal trench
excavating in hand packing and tamping selected fine material around the lower half of the pipes to
buttress them against the side of the trench. Rates are to include for leaving all pipes clean and

6.8 Pipes are measured net as laid and are to include for all cuttings, etc., for laying in trenches of any
depth and building in to sides of inspection chambers.
6.9 Rates for drain fittings on all types of drainpipes are to include for extra joints of all types and
cutting and waste on all pipes.

6.10 Rates for drain accessories shall include for concrete surrounds and any additional excavation and


7.1 Construction joints have not been measured but are to be included in the rates for concrete slabs,
beams, columns and walls, etc. The position of all construction joints shall be agreed with the
The rates for blinding concrete shall include for formwork to edges.

7.3 The rates for concrete shall include for hosting to any heights, or lowering to any depth, compaction
by vibrators if required, curing, hacking surfaces for key, forming and grouting mortises, making
good concrete in connection with holes and mortises and all surface treatment to unset concrete.

7.4 The rates for concrete easing to stanchions shall include for expanded metal lathing and angle

7.5 The rates for concrete shall include for joint sealing between concrete and plaster.

7.6 The rates for rod reinforcement shall include for the fixing of rods of any diameter, extra material in
laps, for straightening as necessary, cutting to length, bending to the required shapes, tying wire,
distance pieces, chairs, block spacers and for welding of bars to form mesh reinforcement.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
7.7 The rates for rod reinforcement shall include for the cost of calculating and preparing all bar
bending scheduled to the approval of the Engineer. Bending schedules are to be prepared in
accordance with BS 4466.

7.8 The rates for shuttering shall include for all props, struts, stays, wedges, bolts, all cutting labours at
the intersections, overlaps, passing at angles, cutting and fitting round projections and pipes,
grooves of any sectional area, all stops, chamfers, splaying angles, mould oil, strutting and
supporting shuttering to any height and for easing, striking and removal.
7.9 The rates for precast concrete shall include for all reinforcement and for all moulds, square, rounded
and mitred angles, holes or notching for pipes, etc., and hoisting, setting and bedding in position.


8.1 The rates for block work are to include for all cuttings, building to any height of slabs or beams,
raking out joints or hacking surfaces to form key, bedding and pointing frames, etc., building in
door and window frames and the like building in or cutting pinning in ends of lintels, steps, timbers,
steel sections, and the like, mortices and making good in connection with building in cutting and
pinning in holes and mortices.

8.2 The rates for blockwork shall include for all expansion joint with compressible filler and joint
sealant where shown on the drawings unless they are contained within the Bill of Quantities.

8.3 The rates for blockwork shall include for G.I anchor channels and masonry ties at horizontal
abutments of beams and vertical abutments of columns within the Bill of Quantities.

8.4 The rates for hollow block work shall include for filling blocks solid with in-sit concrete and steel
bar reinforcement if shown on the drawings and for providing solid course of block work at sill
level of all openings and bearings of all in-site concrete and at the top of all free-standing walls.

8.5 The rates for cavity walls shall include for G.I vertical twist ties as indicated on the drawings or in
the specification.


9.1 The rates for all steel work and metalwork shall include for ends, angles, intersections, tamps on
frames, handrails, bearers, stays and the like: assembling and jointing together components, all
holes for pipes, tubes, bars, cables, conduits and the like and all other holes, countersunk holes,
tapped holes, slots and the like. The rates for steelwork shall include for all stanchion and rafter
restraints, gussets and end plates.

9.2 The rates for bolts and countersunk bolts shall include for holes and countersunk holes.


10.1 The rates for all woodwork shall include for all raking, curved or splayed cutting, miters and ends to
all members, for all joints in members over 200 mm wide or for obtaining timbers in one width
notchings, sinkings, rounded curves, splayed edges, extra timber in joints, horns. Etc. all dowels and
cramps and holes for pipes, tubes, bars, cables, conduits, ducting, trunking and the like.

10.2 The rates for doors are to include for lifting and hanging any type.

10.3 The rates shall further include for rebates, chamfers, grooves, scribed edges, rounded edges and the
like labours, and shall include for all cross grain and stopped work and for all stops, ends, angles
and miters.
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

11.1 The rates for waterproof membranes and insulation slabs shall include for cutting, notching,
bending and lapping, holes for pipes, standards and the like, angles, ends, turning into grooves and
forming outlets, skirtings, upstands, aprons, gutters and channels and forming small openings.

11.2 The rates for gutters shall include for angles, ends, seams, passings at ends and outlets.

11.3 The rates for damp proof courses shall include for laps passing at angles and intersections and for
additional mortar in bedding.


12.1 The rates for all finishings shall include for preparing surfaces for finishings or backings, for
working at or up to any height, and all narrow widths, small areas and all cuttings.

12.2 The rates for all finishings shall include for all dubbing out to walls and columns necessary to
produce an even surface preparatory to the application of the finishing coat.

12.3 The rates for all finishings to soffits shall include for level and sloping soffits.

12.4 The rates for all finishings to block walls are to include for plasterwork to face of concrete columns,
lintels, etc.

12.5 The rates for in-situ plain sheet, tile, slab or block finishings shall include for fair edges, rebated
edges, splayed edges, rounded edges, arrises, quirks, grooves, flutes and the like; all ends and angles
or risers and edges of landing ends, angles, ramps to strings and ends of steps; all fair joints or fair
cutting, making good or cutting and fitting around pipes, bars, cables conduits, ducting, trunking,
sanitary fittings and the like; dishing to gullies and outlets, mortices, sinkings and ends, angles,
ramps, outlets and intersections to skirtings, flush, raised or sunk bands, sills, dividing strips,
control joints, channels, kerbs, and the like.

12.6 The rates for insitu finishings shall also include for all internal and external angles, fair, rounded
and chamfered edges, arrises, chamfered external angles and coved internal angles.

12.7 The rates for floor , wall and ceiling finishes shall include for expansion joints and control joints as
specified or as shown on drawings.

12.8 The rates for beds and backings shall include for preparing surfaces etc

12.9 The rates for plastering to vertical surfaces shall include for providing expanded metal lathing of the
required width wherever concrete and blockwork surfaces meet.

12.10 The rates for backings, plasterings, rendering, shall include for all metal plaster stops, angles and
beads and additional stops to form grooves in surfaces.

12.11 The rates for ceramic wall tilling shall include for a hollow rounded fillet at the junction with other
wall finishes.

12.12 The rates for painting shall include for working to or at any height: internal or external work; all
narrow widths; rubbing down between coats; work in multi-colours; cutting to line: opening edges
of doors and work on additional surfaces exposed by such opening edges; hooks, bolts and clips to

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
sheeting and pipe clips, saddles and holder bats and the like and for removing ironmongery and
refixing on completion.

12.13 The rates for painting on wood shall include for work on hardwood or softwood and for knotting.

12.14 The rates for painting on manufactured boards and wood shall include for surface filling.

12.15 The rates for sprayed emulsion painting to horizontal soffits shall include for painting all pipes,
ducts, fittings, etc. as no allowance has been made in the measured items for this equipment.


13.1 The rates for pipework and ductwork shall include for, but not limited to the following:
All cuttings, short lengths and small quantities,
Made bends and proprietary fittings,
All jointings,
Fixing with approved holderbats or pipe clips cut and pinned, built in or plugged and screwed.
Sleeves through walls.
Bends and fittings on pipes whatever the diameter and valves and the like.

13.2 The rates for duct work shall include for, but not be limited to the following:
Cutting, short lengths and small quantities.
Couplers and or joints in the running lengths.
Bends, tees and other fittings.
Fixings with mild steel angles and threaded rod rawl plugged to the structure
And Testing and commissioning.

13.3 The rates for sanitary fittings and the like shall, unless otherwise described or implied, shall include
for, but not be limited to the following:
Assembling components parts including suitable bedding compounds.
All necessary plugging and screwing.
Joints to water services with straight or bent proprietary connectors.
Cleaning of all protective wrappers and leaving ready for use and
Leaving taps and valves greased, clean and in full working order.

13.4 The Contractor shall include for the supply of manufacturer’s recommended spares as required by the
Specifications for all mechanical engineering installations and shall submit details of spares to be
provided by him on a separate sheet accompanying his tender submission.

13.5 The rates for equipment shall include for, but not be limited to the following:
Assembling components parts including all supports,
Fixing including rawlbolts or the like,
Testing and pre-commissioning and

Spare parts. The rates for equipment shall include for the provision of commissioning spares,
consumables and operating spares during the one year maintenance warranty period.

13.6 The rates for testing and pre-commissioning for Mechanical Works shall include for, but not be
limited to the following:
Provision for permanent drains at all low points and vents at high points irrespective if shown on the
Temporary supply lines, hoses, pumps, instruments, temporary blinds and gaskets.
Disconnection of piping systems and

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Provision and disposal of water including providing corrosion inhibitor and filling of systems up

13.7 The rates for commissioning shall include for vendor attendance at site.

Items that have been measured with imperial sizes shall require the Contractor to obtain that size
or the nearest metric equivalent to ensure a proper and component fit.


14.1 The rates in general shall include for , but not limited to the following:
All cutting short lengths and small quantities.
All joints in the running length and all connections.
All considerations arising from the Specifications.
Fixing conduits/cable trays, etc. by approved methods.
Pipe sleeves through walls.
Assembling components parts.
Cleaning off all protective wrappers and leaving ready for use.
Leaving all equipment etc. clean and in full working order.
Draw wires in empty conduits.
Rates for cable and duct trench excavation shall include for all excavation, bedding, backfill and
disposal as required by the Statutory Authority standard Specifications and
All pre-commissioning and commissioning works.

Main Circuits

Cabling and conducting within the buildings shall be described as an item, and be inclusive of all
sleeves, joints, etc. as required to connect the supply to the Main Distribution Board.
The Contractor shall include for the supply of manufacturer's recommended spares as required by
the Specifications for all electrical engineering installations and shall submit details of spares to be
provided by him on a separate sheet accompanying his tender submission. The rates for equipment
shall include for the provision of commissioning spares, consumables and operating spares during
the one year maintenance warranty period.
The cable lengths/routes are taken from point to point on the drawing, any cable required for
connections, loops, etc. at equipment, appliances, control gear or the like will be deemed to be
included. Internal cables are included with items.


The particular specification shall be read in conjunction with the General specification. Where
discrepancies occur between the conditions of the general and particular specification then the conditions of
the particular specification shall take precedence.

The contractor is responsible to execute any item mentioned in the particular specifications, drawings and
bill of quantities.

If any discrepancies occur between the above contracts documents, Consultant have the right to choose
any of the specified materials unless the contractor brought it to their notice while tendering.


1. Cutting, leveling and filling to have the finished ground level.

2. Construction, completion, maintenance and handing over of residential commercial building.
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. All Electromechanical works as described in the drawings and specification documents.
4. All paving and interlock works and all services as indicated in the sitting out plan and the
contract drawings.
5. Soil investigation - report for the plot shall be included in this contract.
6. Buildings permit fees by the client.
7. Final Connection fees for (Elec., water, drainage, civil defense and gas) by the client.

List of Approved Materials, Manufacturers & Suppliers

 Manufacturers and suppliers of materials to be submitted to consultant for comments and

approval for any works commencement.

Material submittals & sub contractor submittal:

 Material Procurement schedule to be submitted by all the sub contractors in line with the
approved time schedule.
 Shop drawing tracking schedule to be submitted by all the sub contractors in line with the
approved time schedule.
 Sub contractor-tracking schedule to be submitted for the consultant approval in line with the
approved time schedule.


MEP Works A/C Al Andhima -/- - Or Equal
Al Pioneer
MEP Works Elec. - - - -- Or Equal
MEP - - - Or Equal
Garbage Shut C- - - Or Equal

Water Proofing - - - Or Equal

Concrete Dafco Mix Tremix Conmix National Or Equal

Ready Mix
Joinery/ Wooden - - - - Or Equal
A.C Machines - - Or Equal

Aluminum Works alshaburra --- Or Equal

Light fitting - - - Or Equal

Health club - - - - Or Equal

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. Excavation and earth works:

1. Scope of work:
Includes all the required earth works for site preparation, excavation, backfilling, dewatering, shoring, anti
termite treatment deposal of surplus excavated materials or any other works according to the project

2. Nature of soil:
The contractor to visit the site and clear for himself the actual average ground level compared to the road
level and the ground surface condition and to include in his bid any related works inside the plot limit to
have to zero level.

The Contractor shall judge for himself the nature of the ground and the possible occurrence of rock and
shall be fully responsible for ascertaining all necessary information concerning strain, permanent water
table, periods of rain fall, flooding of the site and all maters affecting the excavation and foundation work.
No extra will be allowed due to want of knowledge in this respect.

The methods of excavation, which the Contractor desires to use, shall be at the sole discretion of the
Contractor. The explosives may be used only with the Engineers written consent.

The Contractor shall report to the Engineer when excavation is ready to receive foundation concrete and
shall obtain consent before depositing concrete. Any concrete deposited before consent is given may, at the
Engineers request, be broken up and removed at the Contractors expense and the work re-executed at no
extra to the Employer.

In the event of excavation being made deeper than directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall fill in the
excavated void to the correct profile with hard-core or with sulfate resistance mass concrete (Mix “D”) as
described in the Concrete Work Section herein after, at his own expense, and to the satisfaction of the

The final 6” depth of all excavations shall be taken out by hand unless allowed by the Engineer otherwise
and the bottom leveled and rammed immediately prior to placing Concrete.

3. Except where indicated on the drawings to remain undisturbed, the Contractor shall remove all
top soil, plants, roots vegetation, rubbish, rocks, etc. from areas lying within limits of structures and from
areas to receive fill, embankment, surfacing, road construction, concrete or other construction.
Foundations shall rest on firm undisturbed soil free from loose materials

4. The Engineer’s Representative may instruct the Contractor to test the bearing capacity of the
soil in the bottom of excavation. Upon receipt of such instruction, the contractor shall forthwith carry out
such tests at his expense.
Should the bottom of excavation if found to be unsuitable as bearing surfaces as a result of such tests or
inspection by the Engineer’s Representative, the Contractor shall excavate further as directed until a
satisfactory bearing surface is achieved.

5. Sheeting And Shoring: As per site coordination/soil report, the contractor has to submit the design
criteria for Consultant approval

6. Excavated materials
Excavated materials shall not be piled along sides of excavations in a manner that will overload or increase
danger of excavation side collapse.

Excavated materials shall be separated into those suitable for fill and those unsuitable for fill, materials
unsuitable for fill shall be removed as soon as possible from the site.
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The excavated materials arising from all excavations declared by the engineer representative suitable for fill
to be used as filling, all other filling materials shall be imported.

7. Filling Backing and Compaction:

The excavated material; arising from all excavations declared by the Engineer's Representative to be
suitable for fill is to be used as filling. All other filling material shall be imported.

The imported materials shall be:

a. Sand and or subkha and obtained form an approved source in accordance with the latest
instructions issued by the Department of Municipalities regarding the winning of material for filling.
b. Shall contain no perishable or organic rubbish and no protocols in excess of 150mm in
c. MDD “maximum dray density” not less than 1600kg/m3.

Filling or backfilling shall be placed in layer not exceeding 15cm thickness after compaction, each layer
shall be spread and moistened or dried by aeration to ensure the OWC “optimum eater content” and shall be
compacted uniformly up to the specified density “98%”, the number of the density test per layer shall be as
instructed by the Engineer’s Representative.

When machine compacted, compaction shall be by means of a 6 ton smooth wheeled roller.

The Engineer's Representative shall have the right to disapprove any compacting device of inadequate
capacity or in his opinion, of type unsuited to the character of the material, being compacted/. Heavy
equipment for spreading and compacting fill and backfill shall not be operated closer to walls than a
distance to the difference in height between the opt of the footings and the layer being compacted

Testing to determine the density of enplane soil shall be by means of ASSHTO Standard
Method of Test T147 or in accordance with BS1377: 1975. The number of density tests per layer shall be as
instructed by the Engineer's Representative.

When backfilling behind the retaining walls or the basement walls, no compaction shall be carried out until
the wall concrete achieved its full strength.

Compact fill shall consist of approved materials obtained either from excavations or from other approved
sources. Compacted fill shall comprise suitable granular materials well graded and shall not include
perishable matter or an excess of fines and should give a dense fill layer. The material shall be free of
organic matter and have the following properties.

Minimum Soaked CBR of 15% when the material is compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density.

Insitu CBR of 10% when the compacted layer is field tested at site.
Liquid Limit not more that 35% and plasticity index not more than 60%
Linear Shrinkage not exceeding 3%
Water Soluble Salts not more than 5% by weight of dry material.
Organic Materials on organic material permissible
Maximum Particle Size not more than 75% mm: max passing seive No.200< 30%
Lab CBR Tests as determined by Test 16, BS 1377.
Field Density Test as determined by Test 15B of BS 1377.
Linear Shrinkage test as determined by AASHTO T92
Organic Matter Test as determined by BS 1377
Maximum Dry Density At Optimum Moisture Content as determined by Test 13,
BS 1377.
Liquid limit as determined by BS 1377;1975 : 2.2 (Test 2 A : Preferred method using the cone
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Plasticity Index as determined by BS 1377: 1975 2.4
Water Soluble Salt as determined by BS 812 Part 117.
Tests for Density and Compaction

The following gives the minimum testing required for fill. Additional or more frequent tests may be
required if materials vary or workmanship is consistent:

i) Laboratory tests for MDD, optimum moisture contents, for each layer.
ii) Field density and moisture contents, insitu CBR, for each layer as required by the Engineer.
The areas shall be rejected if the resulting test results do not satisfy specified requirements.

8. Safety of adjacent building:

The contractor shall take all necessary precautions during the excavation for the Works particularly those
excavation which are adjoining existing buildings/structures and shall protect such buildings/ structures
from the damage or collapse by means of temporary or permanent shoring, strutting, sheet piling or
underpinning or excavation in short lengths and/or other methods as he deems fit also he shall properly
support all foundations, trenches, walls, floors, etc. affecting the safety of the adjoining existing

The Contractor shall alter, adopt and maintain all such works described above for the whole period of the
contract and shall finally clear away and make good all damages done.

The construction and efficiency of the shoring, underpinning, strutting and the like for the purpose for
which it is erected shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, should any subsidence or any other damage
occur due to the inefficiency of the shoring, underpinning, strutting and the like or any other support
provided, the damage shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense and responsibility.

The shoring, strutting, piling and the like shall be executed in such a manner as to cause as little
inconvenience as possible to adjoining owners or the public and the Contractor shall be responsible for
negotiating with the adjoining owners the means to safeguard their property and for the use of any portion
of their land for the purpose of executing the excavations and no claims submitted on this ground will be

The Contractor shall be held solely responsible for the safety of the adjoining existing buildings/structures
the sufficiency of all temporary or permanent shoring, underpinning, piling, and the like. The Contractor
shall keep the Engineer informed as to manner in which he intends to proceed with the execution of the
excavations and obtain his approval; such approval if given shall not absolve the Contractor of his
responsibility under this clause.

The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Employer in respect of all claims, demands,
proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in relation to any such
matters in so far as the Contractor is responsible under this Clause.

9. Dewatering:
Where the excavation level is under the water table level, it is necessary to install special form of
dewatering equipment around the perimeter of the excavated area, the Dewatering amount will be deducted
from the contract value if the same has not been executed
The excavations shall at all times be kept free from storm water, percolating water or subsoil water by any
means necessary. The contractor shall provide, maintain and clear away on completion any equipment
necessary together with temporary drains and the like. Under no circumstances shall concrete be poured, fill
placed, pipes laid or appurtenances installed in excavations containing water.

Where the excavation level is below the natural water table and it is necessary to pump continuously form
the excavation or to install a specialist form of dewatering equipment around the perimeter of the site or
excavation, the Contractor will be responsible for ensuring the safety and stability of all adjoining structures
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
and services or utilities above or below ground level. It will also be the responsibility of the Contractor the
equipment installed shall ensure the excavation and subsequent construction is carried out in dry

Continuous or permanent dewatering of the excavation or site may not be undertaken without the written
approval of the Engineer to the work and the methods to be employed which shall also comply with Codes
of practice and local authority requirements.

The water pumped from the excavations or well points shall be pumped to disposal points or sumps as
approved by the Engineer and/ or Local Authority and if so required be passed through settling tanks before
disposal. Under no circumstances must water be disposed of the Municipality's sewer systems or as
instructed by them.

The de-watering system catering for de-watering upto about 50 cm below the final excavation level of the
bottom of the blinding concrete of the pile-cap/raft shall be handed over by the Piling Contractor at the
commencement of the project.

If the dewatering system does not maintain the groundwater level to obtain the specified sub grade
conditions, the Engineer shall be notified and the system shall be modified appropriately at no additional
cost to the Client.

If dewatering system causes sub grade soils to be unable to meet density requirements due to dewatering
interruptions or an inadequate system, notify the Engineer and modify the system to perform as specified at
no extra cost to the Client.

The Contractor shall submit the following for the approval of the Engineer.
Shop drawings to a scale agreed with the Engineer. Drawing shall indicate the locations and sizes of berms,
dikes, ditches, all deep wells, observation wells, sand and gravel filters, settlement points, well points,
sumps, recharge systems and discharge lines, including their relation to sedimentation ponds.
Capacitates of pumps, prime movers, and standby equipment.

Unless otherwise specified continue dewatering uninterrupted until the structures, pipes, and appurtenances
to be built there have been completed such that they will not be floated or otherwise damaged by an increase
in ground water elevation.

Dewatering Discharges.
Install sand and gravel filters in conjunction with well points and deep wells to prevent the migration of
fines from the existing soil during the dewatering operation.
Transport pumped or drained water without interference to the other work, damage to pavement, other
surfaces, or property. Discharge pumped water to a sedimentation pond or drainage system and as approved
by the local Municipality Authorities.
Do not discharge water into any storm or sanitary sewer system. Discharged water must be visible or
allowed to be observed to verify compliance with U.A.E Regulations.
Provide separately controllable pumping lines.
The Engineer reserves the right to sample discharged water at any time.

10. Polythene sheet:

to be as described in the drawings, and shall be 1000 guage nominal weight 0.92 kg/m2, minimum joint
width should be 450mm.

11. Anti termite treatment:

The product shall be a product registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, and shall have documentation
confirming a minimum of fifteen years satisfactory trials certified by a competent authority in the UAE or in
the country of origin, and at least ten years of use in the UAE.
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The product shall be supplied to site in one consignment sufficient to treat all the required areas in the
project, and shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations until required for use.
Treated areas shall be covered with polythene sheet to protect from sunlight, and shall be left completely
undisturbed for at least 3 hours before subsequent concreting operations.
Treatment shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines for application.
The treatment should be done by using chemical approved by the engineer and the municipality “Tormidor
25C (rate = 1 lit chemical/ 250 lit) or Piflex (rate = 1 lit chemical/ 484 lit)” or equal, the rate should be
5l/m2 and should be as follows:

1. Under the PCC.

2. Under the concrete flooring.
3. Around the building with 75cm width by injection.
Note: in case the water table level was higher than the treated level, the same shouldn’t be applied, and it
will be deducted from the contract.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
4. Soil investigation report, site plan:

The soil investigation report enclosed herein is for reference and guidance only and it shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the minimum design soil strength is met with.
Any modification requires with the foundations or the soil strata under the foundations to satisfy
the design requirements shall be carried out at no extra cost and/or the time to the Contract.
The Contractor shall however submit all the necessary details of his findings and his proposed
modifications for the approval of the Engineer before commencing the work. However, any
such approval accorded shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his contractual obligations and
The Contractor will follow up all recommendations and instructions given by the nominated
geotechnical engineer that appointed by Engineer. The scope of work of this nominated
geotechnical engineer will mainly pertain earthwork, site grading and all sub construction
works (including piles tests).
The cost of all tests in enclosed soil report or other required under this clause are to be paid by
the Contractor.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
5. Concrete works:

1. Codes of Practice:
Except where they are varied by the requirement of the this specification the provisions of the British
Standard codes of practice BS 8110-1985 the structure use of concrete in building be help to be incorporated
in the specification.

2. Materials
Except where otherwise specified all materials for which British Standard specifications exist shall conform
to the latest revised editions of such specifications as published at the date of tender.

a. Cement.

Except where otherwise required cement shall be locally manufactured controlled fineness ordinary
Portland cement complying with BS 12 or ASTM C 150 Type 1

The source of supply of cement shall be subject to the Engineer's approval and the Contractor shall at all
times furnish the manufacturer's certificates and proof that the required specification has been complied
with together with a note of the date of manufacturer, certified by an independent agency. The Engineer
shall have the power to reject a part of the whole of any consignment of cement if the considers it to be
unsuitable for use in the works.

The chemical composition of the cement shall comply with the standards as stipulated above an in addition
with the following requirements.

i. Tricalcium eliminate (C3 A) content shall be within the range of 4% to 12%.

ii. The total lime (CaO) contents shall not exceed 70% unless agree otherwise by the engineer.

iii. The total alkali content shall not exceed 0.6%.

One brand as approved by the Engineer shall be used throughout the works unless otherwise authorized by
the Engineer in writing.

b) Aggregates for Concrete

i General

Aggregates for concrete shall consist of naturally occurring materials complying with the requirements of
fine and coarse aggregates of BS 882 and as specified herein, except that for Class D concrete all in
aggregate within the grading limits of Table 3 of BS 882 may be used. Approval of aggregate will not
prevent subsequent rejection results of subsequent tests of not indicate compliance with the specified
requirements. The properties specified for aggregates in Sections 2,3 and 4 shall be for aggregates form
individual sources. The use of beach sand in mixes for reinforced concrete is prohibited. The frequency of
testing aggregates shall be one test each 50m3 or different batch of aggregates received at site.
The CI test shall be as per BS 812 (Part 117), S03 as per BS 812 (118) and water absorption test as per Bs

ii. Fine Aggregate

The grading of fine aggregate shall be within the limits of Class C or M, table 5 Bs 882:
1983 and the percentage by weight passing BS 410 test sieve 300 m shall not be in excess of 30%.

The amount of deleterious material shall not exceed the following limits when determined by the ASTM
standard test stated below.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Clay Lumps & friable particles 1% by weight ASTM c142
Coal, lignite & shell 1 % by weight ASTM C123

Fine aggregate shall satisfy the requirements of ASTM C33 with regard to organic impurities, when tested
in accordance with ASTM C 40 and C87. Local sands contain aggressive salts, and it is essential to test the
fine aggregate to ascertain that the maximum quantity of acid soluble chloride 4s shall not exceed 0.4% by
weight of fine aggregate. The fine aggregates shall be washed with fresh water complying with BS 3148
unwashed sand shall not be allowed under any circumstances for any part of the works.
When fine aggregate is subjected to five cycles of the sodium Sulphate Soundness Test. ASTM C88 the
loss shall not exceed 10% of weight.
Fine aggregate shall be of such uniformity that the fineness modules as defined in AASHTO M6 shall not
vary more than 0.20 either way from fines modules of the representative samples used in the mix disign.
The sand equivalent for fine aggregate (AASHTO T176) shall be a minimum of 70%.
The water absorption of fine aggregate shall not exceed 2% (BS 812)

iii. Coarse Aggregate

Coarse Aggregate shall be prepared as single size aggregate and blended to produce normal size grading.
The combined grading of coarse aggregate shall be with the limits given in Table 1 of BS 882 for nominal
size of graded aggregate 20mm to 5mm.

The proportion of soft and friable particles in coarse aggregate shall not exceed 1% when tested in
accordance with ASTM C 142. The maximum quantity of acid soluble chlorides
(C1) shall not exceed 0.03 % weight of coarse aggregate. The maximum quantity of acid soluble sulphate
(SO3) shall not exceed 0.4% by weight fo coarse aggregate. (BS 812 part (118). No organic matter of any
nature shall be permissible to be contained by the aggregates such as wood, paper, plastic, or any other
matter, The standard test method for organic maters shall be as per BS 1377 Test 8.

iv. Combined Aggregate in Concrete

For the combined grading, the quantities of acid soluble salts shall not exceed the following in the concrete

Chlorides (C1)- Max 0.3% by weight of cement ( OPC ) and max 0.06% for SRC
Sulphates ( SO3) Max 4 % by weight of cement (including the sulphate in the cement)

v. Potential Aggregate-Cement Reactivity

If so directed by the Engineer, the contractor shall carry out petrographic analysis in accordance with ASTM
33 and C 295 on all aggregates proposed for use. Arising from such analysis the Engineer may require the
Contractor to perform further tests in accordance with ASMýTm C286 and BRE Digest No. 35; also in
accordance with ASTM C227 and C586 if the Engineer so decides after his examination the results of the
proceeding tests. In the event that tests in accordance with ASTM C227 are called for, the cement used in
the test shall have an alkali content (expressed as sodium oxide +0.658 potassium oxide)
greater than 0.8% by weight of 2.25 to 1.0 Depending on the results obtained the Engineer may decide to
limit the alkali content (Na 20 and K20) of the cement to 0.6%.

c) . Water.

Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the engineer only water form portable supply system may be used
for mixing concrete and other products containing cement. Similarly only portable water conforming to BS
3148 (1980) may be used for curing purposes. No other source of water shall be allowed to be used for any
of the above purposes.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The PH requirements of water shall be from 7-9
The inorganic impurities in water shall not exceed the following:
Chlorides = 600mg/liters
Sulphates = 500mg/ liters
Total dissolved solids = 2000mg/liters
Alkali Carbonate and Bicarbonate == 1000mg/liters

e. Reinforcement for concrete

Steel reinforcement shall generally be one of the following types:

All the reinforcement works to be with Qatar Steel only accept Y8mm.

i). hot rolled mild, high yield steel deformed bars complying with BS 4449 or similar approved standard.

ii) cold twisted bars complying with BS 4482 or similar approved standard.

iii) steel fabric reinforcement complying with BS 4482 or similar approved standard.

In case any other type of reinforcement is required, it shall comply with the requirements of the particular
specification .

All reinforcement shall be free of loose rust and mill scale and any coating such as oil, clay , paint etc.,
which might impair the bond with the concrete Steel reinforcement shall be stored in clean conditions and
shall be protected from damage at all times. It shall be clean and free of loose rust, dirt , mud, loose mill
scale, paint, oil or all other foreign substances at the time of fixing in position and subsequent concreting.

Manufacturer's test certificates for all classes fo reinforcement shall be supplied when required. Specimens
sufficient for three tensile tests and three supplied when required. Specimens sufficient for three tensile
tests and three cold bending tests per ten tones of bars or traction there of and for each different size of bar
shall be sampled under the supervision of the Architect. Testing shall be in accordance with BS 4449 or
other approved standard and batches shall be rejected if the average results for each batch are not in
accordance with the specification.

The Contractor shall cut and bend bars to Bs 4466 and to schedule, if provided or unless otherwise
instructed by the Architect, Straight sections of bars must be kept out of winding.
The internal radius of bands shall in no case be less than two times the diameter of the bar. Great care is to
be taken to be stirrups and blinders separately and to the sizes shown.

All bars will be bent cold on approved machines, and at temperatures in the range of
5 C to 100 C.

Lengthening of bars by welding, and rebinding of incorrectly bent bars will not be permitted, except where
requested by the Engineer.

Unless otherwise allowed for in the reinforcement except where described in the Contract or where
approved by the Engineer.

Reinforcement shall be placed and maintained in the position shown in the Contract. Unless otherwise
permitted by the Engineer, all bar intersections shall be tied together and the ends of the tying wire shall be
turned into the main body of the concrete. 1.2 mm diameter stainless steel wire shall be used throughout.

f. Cover Blocks (Buried Concrete Surfaces)

i) Concrete cover blocks required for ensuring that the reinforcement is correctly positioned, shall be as
small as possible consistent with their purpose, of a shape acceptable to the Engineer, and designed so that
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
they will not overturn when the concrete is placed. They shall be made of concrete with 10mm maximum
aggregate size to produce the same strength as the adjacent concrete. Tying wire complying with the
requirements of section e last paragraph shall be cast in the block for the purpose of tying it to the

ii) Cover Blocks (Exposed Concrete Surfaces)

Concrete cover blocks required for ensuring that the reinforcement is correctly positioned, shall be as small
as possible consistent with their purpose, of a shape acceptable to the Engineer, and designed so that they
will not overturn when the concrete is placed. They shall be made of asbestos cement, factory produced and
of the same strength as the adjacent concrete. Tying wire complying with the requirements of section e last
paragraph shall be cast in the block for the purpose of tying it to the reinforcement.

3. Storage of Materials:
a. Cement

The cement shall be stored in a weather proof shed used exclusively for this purpose. The shed shall be
large enough to allow proper aeration and effectual separation of the various consignments, the old
consignments being used before the latter ones. Cement shall not be stored on site for more than 21 days;
after this it must be removed from the site a the Contractor's expense. Alternatively, the cement may be
stored in a silo the design of which has been approved by the Engineer.

b. Aggregates

The aggregates are to be stored on a concrete slab in such a way that contamination form other materials and
inter-mixing of the various grading will be prevented. The aggregate shall be deposited in a way that will
prevent segregation through dropping on to the peak of a high heap.

The Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that for some of the design mixes specified it
may be necessary in order to obtain the required cube strength with minimum cement content to store the
aggregate in different sizes so that they can be combined in the correct proportion at the mixer.


The reinforcement should be stored and properly covered clear to the ground and should be protected from
contamination by other materials.

4. Testing of Materials:
(All tests to be carried out by an independent approved Lab.)

The cost of all tests required under this clause are to be paid by the Contractor. whether the test results show
the materials to be satisfactory for the work or not.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer sufficient quantity of material proposed to be used for the
works, together with a list of suppliers to be employed. The Engineer's consent in wiring shall be obtained
to all such samples and source of supply before any concreting work is put in hand no change shall
subsequently be made without the Engineer's approval. The Engineer shall have access to all sources of
supply for the purpose of inspecting and taking samples of any materials which will be later delivered to the

a) Cement

Cement will be tested at an approved testing station. Sample are to be taken from each delivery of cement as
directed and conveyed by the Contractor to a testing station to the approval of the Engineer, or as specified.
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
b) Aggregate

All aggregates shall be tested by an approved testing laboratory at the beginning of work and for every
50m3 of aggregate or before any change is made in the source of supply during the progress of the work and
the Engineer shall have approved the results of such tests before the preliminary test cubes are made.

The size of the sample shall be as required by the testing laboratory but in the absence of specific instruction
two sample of not less than 121/2kg. of fine aggregate and 50kg. of coarse aggregate shall be quartered
down from representative bulk samples for each test.
Each sample shall clearly and durably labeled to give the name of the supplier and of the pit of quarry and
one of each pair of samples shall be sent to the laboratory for testing and one retained on the site for

c) Water: water for the purpose of construction including all concrete works shall be clean potable water.

d) Reinforcement

Generally the manufacturer's test certification should be obtained with each delivery of reinforcement but
the Engineer reserves the right to request tests from an independent testing from time or from every batch of
steel delivered to site.

e) Testing Equipment
The Contractor shall provide:-

1. Sufficient 150mm. cast iron cube moulds to enable him to carry out the requirements of this

2. BS Slump Cone, base plate and tamping rod.

3. Maximum and minimum thermometers, also thermometer to measure temperature of concrete.

4. Suitable graduated measuring tubes for measuring the moisture content of fine aggregate.

5. Suitable weighing scales

5. Concrete Mix Design & Concrete Mixing:

a) In all mixes, except MASS, the proportion of cement, fine and coarse aggregate and aggregate and the
water-cement ratio are to be determined minimum cube strength specified in the following table and have
the workability required for the work in hand, But the cement- aggregate ratios shall not be less than
specified in the Table - The Engineer shall be informed of the proportions proposed.
The concrete to be used in each part of the works shall be of the class described in the drawing and shall
conform to the requirements of the grade as per the standard unless otherwise specified.
Mix for structural concrete shall be designed by the contractor. The grade of concrete shall be as shown on
the drawings and as denoted by the minimum 28 day works cube strength and the maximum size of
aggregate. Cement for blinding and mass concrete shall be sulphate resisting. Cement for reinforced
concrete shall be ordinary Portland cement, unless otherwise specified or approved by Engineer on the basis
of Soil Investigation Report or any other related information.

b) Concrete for Ancillary Purposes

Concrete for blinding and other uses as indicated on the Drawings shall be composed of sulphate resistant
cement and aggregates, complying with BS 882, including all-in aggregate within the grading limits of the
British Standard.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The ratio of the combined or all-in aggregate to the cement shall not be more than 8:1 by volume or 10:1 by
mass. No account need be taken of bulking.

For pumped concrete, admixtures may be used in particular cases to increase the workability. As there is
likelihood of higher strengths due to their use, the requirements of average of four cubes and that of an
individual test result have to be correspondingly increased and those figures shall be agreed upon at the trial
mix stage.

7- days strength is 0.8 of 28 days strength.

All materials are to generally conform to following standards:-

Cement : B.S 12
Water : B.S 3148(Also as specified for concrete
Aggregates : B.S 882
Admixtures : B.S 5075 Part 1

All concrete mixes are to be designed according to requirements of the above table.

The concrete shall be mixed by machine to a uniform colour and consistency before placing./ The quantify
of water used shall not exceed that required to produce a concrete with sufficient workability to be placed
and compacted in the required location.
The concrete shall be compacted by mechanical vibration.

c. Trial Mixes

No structural concrete shall be placed in the works until the Engineer has approved the relevant mix.

The Contractor shall, at least 35 days before the commencement of concreting, have trial mixes prepared in
a laboratory to be approved by the Engineer. The concrete from each mix shall be tested in accordance with
clause 4.1.6 and must satisfy the strength requirements of Clause 4.1.5.

When the mix has been approved, no variations shall be made in the proportions the original source of the
cement and aggregates, or in the type size and grading zone of the latter without the consent of the Engineer
who may require further tests to be made.

The Engineer may also require practical tests to be made on the site by filling trial moulds to confirm the
suitability of the mix for the works. In these tests, the type of plant used for mixing, the method of
compaction used, and the form work face to the mould shall be similar in all respects to those intended for
used in the works.

When the Contractor intends to purchase factory-made precast concrete units the Engineer may dispense
with trial mixes and laboratory tests, provided that evidence is given which satisfies him that the factory
regularly produces concrete which complies with specification, The evidence shall include details of mix
proportions, water-cement ratio, workability and strengths obtained at 7 and 28 days.

d) Mixing Concrete

i) The weighing and water-dispensing mechanisms shall be maintained in good order. Their accuracy
shall be maintained within the tolerances described in BS 1305 and checked against accurate weights and
volumes when required by the Engineer.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
ii) The mass of cement and each size of aggregate indicated by the mechanisms employed shall be within a
tolerance of 28% of the respective mass per batch agreed by the Engineer. T he mass of the fine and coarse
aggregates shall be adjusted to allow for the free water contained in them. The water to be added to the mix
shall be reduced by the quantity of free water contained in the fine coarse aggregates, which shall be
determined by the Contractor by a method approved by the Engineer immediately before mixing begins and
further as the Engineer requires.

iii) Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, concrete shall be mixed in a batch type mixer manufactured in
accordance with BS 1305 or in a batch type mixer, a specimen of which has been tested in accordance with
BS 3963 and having a mixing performance within the limits of table 6 of Bs 1305. Where appropriate the
batch capacity, conform to the detail furnished in accordance with the requirements of BS 3963 for the mix
which corresponds most closely to the mix proportions being used. The mixing blades of pan mixers shall
be maintained within the tolerances specified by

the manufacturer of the mixer and the blades shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to maintain the
tolerances by adjustment.

iv) Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before any
fresh concrete is mixed, and unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, the next batch of concrete through the
mixer shall contain only two-thirds of the normal quantity of coarse aggregate. Mixing plant shall be
thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of cement to another.

v) The Contractor shall ensure that the constituent materials of the concrete are sufficiently cool to prevent
the concrete from stiffening in the interval between its discharge from the mixer and compaction in its final

e) Ready-Mixed Concrete

i) Ready-mixed concrete as defined in BS 5238, batched off the site, may be used only with the agreement
of the Engineer and shall comply with all requirements of the Contract.

ii) The concrete shall be carried in purpose-made agitation's, operation continuously, or truck mixers. The
concrete shall be compacted and in its final position within 2 hours of the introduction of cement to the
aggregates, unless a longer time is agreed by the Engineer. The time of such introduction shall be recorded
on the delivery note together with the details of the constituents of each mix.

iii)When truck-mixed concrete is used, water shall be added under supervision, either at the site or at the
central batching plant as agreed by the Engineer but in no circumstances shall water be added in transit.
iv) Unless otherwise agreed by the /engineer, truck mixer units and their mixing and discharge performance
shall comply with the requirements of BS 4251. Mixing shall continue for the number and rate of
revolutions recommended in accordance with item 9
in Appendix B of Bs 4251 or, in the absence if the manufacturer's instructions, mixing shall continue for
not less than 100 revolutions at a rate of not less than 7 revolutions per minute.

f) Precautions against High Temperatures

When the rate of evaporation of surface moisture from concrete is expected to approach 1 kg/m2 per hour or
when the shade air temperature is 35C and rising, precautions shall be taken, including the following:

Fig.1108-effect of concrete and air temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity on the rate of
evaporation of surface from concrete.

1. dampening the forms

2. reducing the concrete temperature to the lowest practical level by procedures such as:
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
i. shading the aggregate
ii cooling the mixing water before use
iii screening the mixing plant and transporting vehicles from wind, rain and sun.
iv erecting wind breaks ad sunshades at the concrete placing location
v reducing the time between the placing of the concrete and the start of curing to the minimum possible
vi) minimizing evaporation (particularly during the first few hours subsequent to placing the
concrete) by suitable means such as applying moisture by fog spraying.

(Materials to be approved from the engineer)

All precautions to be taken shall be subject to the Engineer's approval and the Contractor shall demonstrate
that all approved precautions are available for use prior to the Engineer granting approval to any concreting
The temperature of the concrete when placed shall not exceed 30 C or shall be concrete mixed or placed
when the shade air temperature is 35C or above, or is expected to reach such a level during concreting,
without special permission from the Engineer.

g) Supervision of Concrete Work

The Contractor is to employ a qualified competent person whose main duty is to supervise all stages in the
preparation and placing of the concrete work.

 Concrete mix will be as follows: -

1. For Raft, strap beams, Retaining Walls…etc: -

cement content shall not less than 420 Kg/m3 and fcu at 28 days should be not less than 40 N/mm2
and 80% of that strength should be provided after 7 days, with a slump not less than 200 mm using
superplasticiser rehobuild805 from BASF or equally approved, a transmit time of 60 minutes have
been allowed from mixing of concrete to placing of concrete
W/C ratio = 0.38.
 Concrete placing temperature shall not be more than 32 degree Celsius.
 Concrete water absorption shall be below 2% - when tested as per BS 1881 part 122.
 Concrete water penetration shall be below 10mm -when tested as per Din 1048.
 Concrete chloride permeability to be below 1500 coulombs - when tested as per AASHTO T277.
 Concrete air content shall not be more than 2%.

2. Ground Water Tanks: -

Durable concrete using GGBS 50% or Fly Ash 30-40 % to be added, with a cement
content of 420 Kg/m3 and fcu should be not less than 50N/mm2 at 28 days 80% of that strength should
be provided after 7 days, with a slump not less than 150 mm.
Ipanex from Emirates specialist, Rheocrete 222+ from BASF construction chemicals or
equal to be added. W/C ratio = 0.38.

 Concrete placing temperature shall not be more than 32 degree Celsius.

 Concrete flow spread at the time of placing shall not be below 660mm.
 Concrete water absorption shall be below 1.5% - when tested as per BS 1881 part 122.
 Concrete water penetration shall be below 10mm -when tested as per Din 1048.
 Concrete chloride permeability to be below 1500 coulombs - when tested as per AASHTO T277.
 Concrete air content shall not be more than 2%.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. Columns: -

All columns will be with grade 40 N/mm2 with a cement content not less than 420 Kg/m3Concrete
placing temperature shall not be more than 32 degree Celsius and. W/C ratio = 0.38

 Concrete water absorption shall be below 1.5% - when tested as per BS 1881 part 122.
 Concrete water penetration shall be below 10mm -when tested as per Din 1048.
 Concrete chloride permeability to be below 1500 coulombs - when tested as per AASHTO T277.
 Concrete air content shall not be more than 2%.

4. Slabs: -

All slabs will be with grade of 40 N/mm2 with cement content not less than 420 Kg/m3

 Concrete placing temperature shall not be more than 32 degree Celsius.

 Concrete water absorption shall be below 1.5% - when tested as per BS 1881 part 122.
 Concrete water penetration shall be below 10mm -when tested as per Din 1048.
 Concrete chloride permeability to be below 1500 coulombs - when tested as per AASHTO T277.
 Water cement ratio shall be = 0.38.
 Concrete air content shall not be more than 2%.

6. Sampling & Testing of Concrete

a. General
The cost, including transport to the testing station of all cube tests required under this specification to be
met by the Contractor, whether the test result are satisfactory or not, The Contractor shall keep a set of at
least six cube moulds on site at all times, together with a standard slump cone.

b. Sampling
Sampling shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS 1881(method of Testing Concrete) at a testing
station approved by the Engineer.
Concrete shall be sampled in two series as follows:
Series A- one batch shall be sampled at random from every 20 cubic.meter of concrete placed. For strength
tests one sample shall be taken from each batch samples, from which six test cubes shall be made, three of
which shall be tested at 7 days and three at 28 days.
Series B- batches shall be sampled at the direction of the Engineer. For strength test three independent
samples shall be taken from bath to be sampled, from each of which one test cube shall be made. Test cubes
shall tested at 7 days as directed.
The workability tests. one sample shall be taken at an early the discharge of each batch sampled at the
direction of the Engineer.

1. Test cubes shall be made, cured and tested in accordance with BS 1881 Parts 101,108,111 &116.
2. Where a batch been sampled for the purpose of determining the workability of the concrete, one test shall
be made on each sample using one of the following tests in accordance with AB 1881 (1983) and shall be
within the following limits of the values for the accepted trial mix:

d. Load Tests

Load Tests shall generally be in accordance with relevant clauses of CP-110_1972,

or in such other manner as may be directed by the Engineer.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
e. Work not up to standard

lf any of the works tests are not up to standard, the Engineer shall be entitled t stop the work until the reason
has been investigated and steps taken to prevent further low results.
Any concrete carried out from a batch that afterward appears to be faulty will be liable to rejection and, if so
directed, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, cut and replace the defective work, or take such other
measure as may be allowed to prove by means of test loading, at his own expense, that the concrete is
capable of safely withstanding the prescribed stresses.

7. Quality Control of Concrete

a) General

The control of concrete quality shall satisfy the requirements of Clause 4.1.5. (a to c)

b) Standard of Control

The Standard of control for structural concrete shall be such that not more than % of works concrete test
cubes shall have strengths which fall below the appropriate specified minimum strength. Compliance with
this standard of control shall be monitored by the methods described below.

As test results become available average values of test results and values of standard
deviation shall be determined on a continuing basis for Series a cubes taking 7 days & 28 days tests results
separately, but min. each calculating the Standard deviation.

Until the relationship between 7 days strength and 28 strength has been established to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, the assessment of control shall be based on the 28 days only. The required standard of control
shall be deemed to have been attained if the average value of the 28 days test results exceeds the specified
minimum strength.

When the Engineer is satisfied that sufficient cube test results from series a cubes are available to establish
the rates of 7days to 28 days strength the assessment of control as described in paragraph above shall also be
based on the 7 days cube tests.

c) Series B Test Cubes

The strength requirements of each set of three test cubes of Series B shall be deemed to be satisfied if none
of the test results for the three cubes is below the required minimum strength, or if the average value of test
results for the three cubes is not less than the required minimum strength and the difference between the
greatest and the lowest value is not greater than 20% of the average value. The required minimum strength
shall be the specified minimum strength at 28 days, as detailed on the drawing, multiplied by that ratio of 7
days and 28 days strength as determined.

In cases where the standard of control is being met but where any one cube tested has a strength less than 85
% of the required minimum strength, or where any set of three cubes in Series B fails to satisfy the strength
requirements as specified, the Contractor shall take such remedial action as the Engineer may direct. This
may require the -
cutting out of the concrete to which the cubes correspond together with any sound concrete as the Engineer
may consider necessary i n order to effect a satisfactory repair, the whole to be carried out at the
contractor's expense.

d. Additional Tests

Where a subsequent operation independent on the strength of the concrete in particular portions of the work,
for example if the Contractor wishes to remove form work in advance of the minimum periods stated or to
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
subject the concrete to early loading, the Engineer will require additional cubes to be made, stored, cured
and tested on the same basis as is specified for Series A&B in Clause 4.6 (b&c) to check the concrete has
attained sufficient strength for the subsequent operation to proceed until he is satisfied that the requisite
strength has been reached.

8. Concrete Placing
Before the concrete is actually placed in position the inside of the shuttering or moulds should be inspected
by the Engineer or the Engineer's representative to see that it has been properly assembled and fixed.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a weekly and a monthly concreting program which shall be
approved before the concreting work is executed.

The Contractor shall be responsible for giving 24 hours notice in writing to enable the Engineer to have a
representative present during concreting. In the event of the contractor not giving such notice, the Engineer
reserves the right to cut away such concrete as he may require to expose the reinforcement and the cost of
such cutting away shall be borne by the Contractor, even is the position of the reinforcement is found to be

As soon as possible after the mixing and before the initial set has taken place, the concrete shall be
deposited directly in the work from barrows, etc. carefully trimmed into position in layers and well rammed
and vibrated. Concrete shall not be thrown or dropped form a height exceeding 2m without the written
authority of the Engineer.

The concrete shall be worked up against the face of the previously deposited concrete or against form work
or moulds with rods or long tampers. Very great impotence is attached to the depositing and through
consolidating of the concrete to ensure that it is homogenous and free from interstices and that it is in
contact throughout with the forms or moulds; all to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.

Care shall be taken not to disturb setting concrete by shocks, loading or other wise before it has sufficiently
hardened, Any concrete that it not finally placed within half an hour of mixing shall be discarded. Any
concrete which shows signs of initial setting before it is deposited in the forms or moulds shall not be used
in the work and shall be removed from the site or otherwise disposed of to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Care shall be taken that at no time segregation of the concrete takes place.

Where concrete is laid on hard-core or any absorbing material, the surface shall be thoroughly wetted before
the concrete is deposited.

Large areas of unsuspended floor construction shall be of alternate bay construction Each panel cast shall be
approximately square in plan and not exceeding an area of 20m2 for the un reinforced and 50m2 for the
reinforced slab.

For suspended floor construction generally the area may be increased to 100m2 and the sizes of bays to be
cast should be agreed with the Engineer. The sizes of bays may be increased at the discretion of the
Engineer depending on the conditions relating to each individual case.

The specifications for reinforced slabs may be consider to apply for reinforced wall construction generally,
but the length of panels to be cast may not exceed 8m.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
9. Vibration
The contractor shall have available sufficient mechanical vibrators of an approved pattern (having not less
than 6000 vibration per minute) to cope with the largest volume of concrete likely to be poured at any one
Spare machines shall be kept available over and above those normally used in the works in case of a
The type of vibrator should be applied in a number of places for short periods rather than in one place for a
long time. The spacing between points of application should be such that all parts of the section are equally
and fully compacted. The vibrations should be removed slowly from the compacted concrete.
The vibrations must not be used to cause the concrete to flow horizontally along the work or cause bleeding
and placing of concrete shall therefore be kept sufficiently ahead of the vibrator to prevent this.
Under no circumstances should the vibrator be attached, or allowed to rest on reinforcement not embedded
in the concrete.
Clamp on vibrators should be rigidly fixed to the form work and their spacing should be determined in
relation to the size of the section so that all parts of the concrete are vibrated equally.
Concrete shall not be subjected to vibration between 4 and 24 hours after compaction.
Accumulation of water on the surface due to any cause during compaction is to be prevented as far as
possible and any such water is to be removed before further concrete is placed .
In case bleeding tests are instructed to be carried out by the Engineer these shall be as per ASTM-C-232.

10. Cutting A way

The Contractor shall not cut away any concrete work without the written authority of the Engineer and the
Contractor will be held responsible for the safety of any work damaged due to unauthorized cutting by
himself or his sub- contractors.

11. Waterproof Concrete:

Particular care shall be taken for all waterproof concrete to use an aggregate of the correct grading and the
proportion of fine and coarse aggregate are to be carefully adjusted to obtain the maximum density.

All waterproof concrete below ground ( U.G. tanks and Swimming pool structure as well in addition to any
other specified element hereafter) and in direct contact with water shall include an admixture similar to "
Conplast WP400from Fosroc, Ipanex or equally approved " as directed by the Engineer.

12. Expansion Joints

To be formed in position and details shown on drawings shall be filled with approved material form Fosroc
(Flexible sheet) to their full depth and width the top portion of the sheet to be cut back for a depth at least
25mm and sealed as follows:
1. Pre-priming of the concrete surface to be used against which sealant will be added.
2. Backing rod.
3. Approved sealant from Fosroc equal.
4. Approved aluminum flushing as per the approved detail by the engineer.
5. The ground floor slab shall be separated generally from the tie beams by forming such joints.

13. Form work.

a. Definition
Form work is the casing into which concrete is placed and /or its supports.

b. Materials
Form work shall be constructed of timber , metal or other approved material shall be so constructed as to
prevent any loss of grout or fine materials during concreting. The materials used shall be adequate to
provide the required surface finish to the concrete after removal and be sufficiently rigid to produce
concrete surfaces true and plane as required within a tolerance of 6mm in 4 m.

c. Design
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Form work shall be so designed and constructed that concrete can be properly placed and thoroughly

Form work shall be firmly supported and adequately strutted, braced or tied. it shall be capable of
adjustment to the lines and dimensions of the finished concrete, and it shall be sufficiently strong to resist,
without excessive distortion, the pressure of concrete during its placing and compaction, and other loads to
which it may be subjected. It shall not be liable to suffer distortion under the influence of the weather.

When concrete is to be vibrated, special care shall be taken to ensure that the form work will remain stable
and the joints tight.

The Contractor shall., if required, supply to the Engineer drawings and calculation for the form work he
propose to use.

d. Deflection and Camber

The Contractor shall make allowance for any settlement or deflection of form work that is likely to arise
during construction so that the hardened concrete conforms accurately to the specified line and level. The
Contractor shall also make allowance in the form work for any camber and deflection due to creep of the

e. Supports

Form work shall be constructed so that the form work to the sides of members can be removed without
disturbing the soffit form work or its supports.

Props and supports shall be designed to allow the form work to be adjusted accurately to line and level to be
erected and removed in an approved sequence without injury to the concrete.

Supports shall be carried to construction, which is sufficiently strong to afford the necessary support
without injury to any portion of the structure. This may mean in some cases that it
be carried down to the foundations or other suitable base.

Props and bracing shall be provided for the temporary support of composite construction where separately

f. Joints and Edges

All joints in form work shall be close fitting to prevent leakage of grout from the concrete.
All construction joints form work shall be tightly secured against previously cast or hardened concrete to
prevent the formation of stepping or ridges in ht concrete.
Form work shall be constructed to provide straight and true angles, arises or edges. Where chamfers are
shown on the drawings, the fillets shall be accurately cut to size to provide a smooth and continuous
Form work panels shall have true edges to permit accurate alignment at sides and provide a clean line at
construction joints in the concrete.
Form work panels shall be fixed with their joints either vertical or horizontal, unless otherwise specified.

g. Ties

The material and position of any ties passing through the concrete shall be to the Engineer's approval.
Except where it shall be possible to remove a tie so that no part of it remaining imbedded in the concrete
shall be nearer to the finished surface of the concrete than the specified thickness of cover to the
reinforcement. Any holes left after the removal of ties shall be filled with concrete or mortar of approved
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
h Sundries

Form work shall be provided to the top surface of concrete where the slope or the nature of the work
requires it.

Provision shall be made for forming holes and chases for services and for building in pipes, conduits and
other fixings shown on the drawings.

i. Cleaning and Treatment of Form work

All rubbish, chipping, shavings, sawdust and dirt shall be removed from the interior of the form work before
concrete is placed. The form work to be in contact with the concrete shall be cleaned and watered and
treated with suitable mould oil of approved composition. Care shall be taken that oil or composition is kept
from contact with the reinforcement or with concrete at any construction joints.

Retarding agents shall not be used except with the permission of the Engineer. Form work shall be
thoroughly cleaned after each use.

Striking or removal of Formwork

All formwork shall be removed without shock or vibration that might damage the concrete. Before the
soffit and props are removed the surface of the concrete shall be exposed where necessary in order to ensure
that the subjected at the time of striking.

The form work to vertical surfaces such as walls, columns and sides of beams may by removed after 12-24
hour in normal weather condition, although care must be taken to avoid damage to the concrete, especially
to arises and features. In cold weather a longer period may be necessary before striking and protection
against frost should be afforded to exposed surfaces.

Where the early concrete strengths are not accurately known the following minimum times (in days) shall
elapse before removal of form work.

Ordinary Portland cement

concrete with Normal
Slab (props left under) 3
Beam soffits (props left under) 7
Props to slabs 7-10
props to beams 16

Any days during which the average temperature is bellow 2oC must be completely disregarded in
calculating the minimum time which must elapse before form work is removed. The contractor must at
such time obtain the approval of the Engineer before striking any form work.
The times given for the removal of props are based on the assumption that the total live plus dead weight to
be supported at the time of removal is not more than one half the total design load.
For horizontal members where the loading is a higher proportion of the total design load these times may
need to be increased.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any injury to the concrete work and for any damage caused by or
arising from the removal and striking of the forms and supports. Any advise, permission approval given by
the Engineer relative to the removal and striking of forms and supports shall not relieve the Contractor from

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
k Plastered Surfaces

Where concrete surfaces are to be plastered the Contractor shall ensure that the solution used on form work
will not in any way reduce the adhesion of the plaster to the concrete.

14. Construction Joints

Construction joints and day work joints are to be formed in positions approved by the Engineer, and vertical
stop boards must be provided to form these joints.
with joggles wherever possible; provision shall be made from the reinforcement to run continuously through
the joint without begin temporarily bent up or otherwise displaced, and any concrete flowing past the joint is
to be hacked off as soon as it is set. Once concreting has started, it must be carried on to its natural
completion or to properly constructed day work joints.

Before concreting is resumed, the surface of the concrete on the first side of the joint shall be thoroughly
cleaned, and the surface removed so as to expose the aggregate. The work required to achieve this will
depend on the age of the concrete, and may vary from hacking, if the concrete is thoroughly hard to mist
spry on horizontal surfaces which can be dealt with whilst the concrete is still green.

The new concrete shall be carefully worked up against the hardened surface of the joint. Where possible,
except in the case of exposed face work where colour is important, the proportions of cement and fine
aggregate to coarse aggregate shall be increased in the batches to be placed against the joint.

The Contractor must at all times ensure that the supply of concrete is adequate for pours up to a properly
constructed day work joint.
If for any reason this is not achieved the Engineer shall be entitled of stop the work and reject the
incomplete pour and the Contractor shall at his own expense remove that concrete either wholly or partly as
directed by the Engineer and re-concrete to a reply prepared day work joint.
While casting the retaining wall, the contractor shall not consider what mentioned above as no any
construction joint will be accepted while casting the retaining wall for the basements floors.
15. Remedial Treatment of Surfaces
Any remedial treatment of surfaces shall be approved from the Engineer following inspection immediately
after removing the form work and shall be carried out without delay. ''
Any concrete, the surface of which has been treated before being inspected by the engineer, shall be liable
to rejection.
No claim of any sort will be admissible for carrying out any such repair work.

16. Finishes
All concrete surfaces which are not exposed (sawn form work ) are to be left as struck from the mould,
except that any surfaces which are found to be honeycombed shall be made good as soon as they have been
inspected by the Engineer.
The making good shall be done with a mixture of fine aggregate and cement in similar proportions to the
concrete and as dry as possible .
All exposed concrete surfaces with wrought form work are to have a rubbed finish, which shall mean the
application of rubs. The first rub shall be made after the removal of the forms , the surface shall be wetted
and rubbed with a No. of 20 carborundum stone to remove all mould marks. The second rub shall be made
when finishing the concrete work when the surface shall again be wetted, and rubbed with a No of 24
carborundum stone, excess paste being removed with a we brush.
The final surface shall be free from all irregularities and discoloration and shall be an even level surface.
If any honeycombing is found on exposed faces, the Engineer's decision as to whether the concrete shall be
cut and replaced or made good shall be final.

17. Curing
a. General
The concrete shall be protected during the first stage of hardening from the harmful effects of sunshine,
drying winds, cold , rain or running water.
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Unless the following procedures are followed to the satisfaction of the Engineer the concrete will be
considered defective and unacceptable.

All material needed for curing should be ready for use before concreting begins.

Contractor has to ensure attendance for the curing before proceeding with concreting.

b. Top Surface
Immediately upon finishing, the expose surface is to be covered by polythene sheeting, the sheeting to be in
direct contact with concrete and covered with hessian to prevent air circulation over the concrete.

As soon as the concrete has sufficiently the sheeting is to be removed and the surface covered with wet
hessian and polythene sheeting to reduce evaporation.

Addition water to be introduced frequently under the polythene sheeting to keep the hessain thoroughly and
permanently wet.

This process should continue without interruption for seven days.

Alternatively and whenever possible ponding of the exposed concrete surface may be allowed, In such a
case care should be taken to reduce evaporation.

In areas where starter bars protrude and is not possible to pond, as much of the area as possible is to be
covered with hessian and kept continuously wet.

c. Vertical Surfaces
For the sides of columns beams and walls, form work kept in position and sprayed with water for at least 24
hours provides the initial protection needed against evaporation.

Immediately on removal of form work the concrete should be closely warped with wet hessian and enclosed
with polythene sheeting. The hessian should be kept wet by frequent additions of water. The process should
continue for not less than seven days.
Curing by using an approved curing membrane will be allowed on surfaces which are difficult to cure by
any other method.
Traffic or loading shall not be allowed on the concrete until the concrete is sufficiently matured and in no
case shall traffic or loading be of such magnitude as to cause deflection or other movement in the form work
or damage to the concrete members.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Solid and Hollow blocks

1. Scope of work:
The entire required block works Includes:
o Cement blocks “Hollow and solid”.
o Thermal Insulated block.
o The accessories and the other related items.

2. Cement Block:
Cement blocks shall be strictly as manufactured to B.S 6073 part II and I and shall be from
approved manufacturer.

The cement used in the manufacture of concrete masonry blocks shall comply with the requirements
of either BS 12, minimum cement content in mix is 200kg/m3.

Water shall be conform to the requirements specified under “Concrete Works” with the beloq
requirements: -
The water shall be clean and free from any organic matter, having PH value in the basic range (7-9). The
inorganic impurities shall not exceed the following limits:

2000 ppm Total dissolved solids

600 mg/I Chlorides
500 mg/I Sulphates
Alkalis carbonates & bicarbonates 1000 mg/I

The aggregates shall consist of naturally occurring crushed. or uncrushed materials which shall fully comply
with BS882. The salt contents shall not exceed the following limits:

Acid Soluble Chloride (C1) 0.05% by wt. of fine aggregate.

0.04% by wt of course
0.04% aggregates

Acid Soluble Sulphate (S03) 0.3% by wt. of

coarse & Fine aggregates

Coarse aggregates used for the manufacture of concrete blocks shall be 10mm nominal size aggregates for
standard blocks.
Additives to mixes for blocks and mortar shall be from approved manufacturers and shall be used
strictly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Additives shall only be used with
Engineer’s written instruction.

Mortar for concrete block work shall be cement/sand mortar (1:3) composed of one part ordinary
Portland Cement to three parts of sand by volume for works above damp proof course level and
mortars for below damp proof course level shall be I part sulphate resisting cement to 3 parts sand.
Mortar shall be mixed in approved mechanical mixers. The mixers shall be kept clean at all the
times. The ingredients for mortar shall be measured in proper clean gauge boxes. Mortar shall be
prepared with the addition of the minimum quantity of clean water for workability. The sand used
shall be dry when proportioning. In case it is not possible to obtain dry sand, allowable shall be
made for bulking when gauging by volume. The mean compressive strength at 28 days for each
mortar shall conform to BS 5628: Par 1:1992.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Mortars shall be used within thirty (30) minutes of mixing. Hardened mortars shall be used in the
work and shall be removed immediately from the site.

Cement Block shall be manufactured of cement and sand 1:5 mix (300 kg cement to 1m3 sand)
made in vibrated pressure machine, they shall be hard sound square with maximum dimensional
tolerance of +-5mm.
The required bonding agent between blocks and plaster concrete and plaster shall be added as per
the manufacturer instructions.
Crushing strength: shall be comply with the following requirement:
Compressive strength at 28 days:
Hollow block>7.5n/mm2 average for 10 blocks (for non baring walls).
Solid block>12.5n/mm2 average for 10 blocks (for non baring walls).
Hollow block>6 n/mm2 minimum for any block.
Solid block>10.0 n/mm2 minimum for any block.
Water absorption: 20% or less of dry weight.
Dimension tolerance: +-5mm maximum.
When block works is constructed under ground level SRC shall be used.

Dimensions & Tolerances

Standard block sizes for walls shall be 40cm. long, 20cm width and 20cm height. Alternative sizes
are to be modular as specified in as 6073 Part 2. Load bearing blocks sizes are to have thickness not
less than 20cm. Hollow blocks must have voids between 25 and 50 percent with a minimum
external shell thickness' of 35mm or 1.75 times the nominal maximum size of aggregate, whichever
is greater.

Tolerance is limited to 3mm

Linear Shrinkage

When tested for shrinkage as per as 1881: Part 5: 1970, the values obtained must comply with BS
6073: Part 1 and in no case shall it be more than 0.05%.


Ten blocks shall be drawn at random from every designated 1000 blocks section or part thereof in a
consignment. All samples shall be clearly marked at the time of sampling- in such, a way that the
designated section or part thereof and the consignment represented by the sample, are clearly

Testing for Strength:

The sample specimen shall be tested in compression as specified in BS 6073: Part 1, Appendix “B”.


Concrete blocks when tested according to BS 6073: Part 2, shall have an average compressive
strength of 12.5 N/mm2 with a minimum individual strength of not less than 10 N/mm2 for load
bearing blocks and an average strength more than 7.5N/mm2 with a minimum individual strength
not less than 6 N/mm2 for non-loading blocks

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Certificate of Compliance

This certificate is to be provided by the manufacturer at the time of sale as per item NO.12 .of BS
6073 where the independent-laboratory mentioned therein shall be the Dubai Municipality

Construction & Method Statement: -

The workmanship is to be in accordance with as 8000: Part 3 block walling.

Walls shall be carried up regularly without leaving any part more than one metre
lower than another unless the permission of the Engineer is first obtained. Work
which is left at different levels shall be hacked black. In the case of cavity walls,
both thicknesses shall not be carried up more than about 400mm.

The courses of blockwork shall be properly leveled. The perpendicular joints shall
be properly lined and quoins, jambs and other angles plumbed as the work proceeds.

All walls shall be thoroughly bonded in accordance with the best constructional
practice and as directed by the Engineer. Broken blocks shall not be used except
where required for bond.

Block walls are to be built in half bond. Where junctions are not wholly bonded, the
Contractor shall provide and build in 2 No. 6mm mild steel reinforcing bars to ever
other course at angles .and intersecting walls and partitions

All concrete blocks shall be soaked with water before being used and the tops of
walls left off shall be wetted before work is recommenced. The faces of walls shall
be kept clean and free from mortar droppings and splashes.

All blocks shall be properly spread with mortar before being used and the tops of
walls left off shall be wetted before work is recommenced. The faces of walls shall
be kept clean and free from mortar drained splashes.

For block walls the gauge shall be ten courses to 220mm.

Walls to be left un plastered shall have a fair face consisting of selected blocks
pointed with a neat weathered or flush joint as the work proceeds using the same
mortar mix as for the jointing and as per Local Order 44/90.

Blockwork described as 'fairface one side' shall be finished with all blocks laid in
one planed, smooth and level and presenting a uniform appearance. All vertical and
horizontal joints shall be bagged to eliminate joint lines and the outline of the

Walls to be plastered shall have the horizontal joints raked out to a depth of 15mm
to form a key.

Fixing blocks, ends of brackets, bars, bolts, chases etc... are to be built into or
formed at the time of laying the blocks. No part of the blockwork shall be cut away
for any such item or for any other reason. without the Engineer's permission.

Blockwork shall be bonded to concrete columns and the like with 200mm x 6mm
galvanized metal ties cast in concrete and subsequently bent down ragged and built
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
into every alternative course of blockwork. . Shot-firing ties to .concrete will not be

The ties shall be of the butterfly twist type of No. 10 SWG mild steel wire zinc
coated and similar to those described. in BS 1243. The length of the ties shall be
approximately 80mm less than the total thickness of the wall. . The cavity shall be
kept clean by lifting screeds or other means approved by the Engineer and shall be
left clean at completion.

Block wall should be kept for at least 7 days after being erected

Blocks should be damped before the mortar bed is applied on their surface
The following tests to be done on the consultant instruction for 12 blocks:
1. Crushing strength:
2. Chemical analysis “chloride, and sulphate”.
3. Water absorption.
4. Dimension tolerance.
1. Block workmanship shall be set out and built to the respective dimensions,
thickness, and height mentioned on the drawings.
2. First block line, doors jams, and windows opening to be solid block.
3. Windows sills should be made of concrete.
4. Mortar used in the block workmanship shall be of 10 mm average thickness
for the cement block, light weight block glow to be used as per the
manufacturer requirement “from Conmix or equally approved”.
5. Where blocks about against concrete each third course shall be tied together
by means of approved galvanized steel ties.
6. Horizontal joints shall be leveled and the vertical joints shall be lined.
7. Walls shall be carried out regularly without leaving any part more than 1 m
lower than another.
8. DPC comply with BS 6398type D to be used under the first line in the ground
floor and around the wet areas in the typical floors.
9. Block work partitions over 3 meter high shall be stabilized as following:
a. Providing continuous 20*20/10 cm reinforced concrete lintel at the door lintel
10. Prefabricated lintels shall comply with the requirements of B>S 5977, Part 2
All lintels shall be bedded cement and and mortar and the Contractor shall allow
for a minimum bearing at each end of 150 mm.
11. Block work which exceeding 14m2 in area shall be stabilized as following:
a. Providing continuous 20*20/10 cm reinforced concrete lintel and 20*20cm
reinforced concrete columns.
12. All internal block work shall be extended up to the under side of the concrete

The maximum number of courses permitted to be erected per day is 6 courses

Sample Panel

The Contractor is to provide, in a suitable position, test samples of each type of

finish to be used in the Works. The test samples are to be approved by the SO
before these finishes are commenced in the Works.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The test pieces are to be vertical panels, 2 meters square. After approval they shall
be retained in position until the blockwork has been completed when they shall be
demolished and removed from the Works.

The approved sample panel shall be deemed to represent the minimum acceptable
standard in the work.

Claustra Walls

Blocks for claustra walls shall be manufactured and built generally in accordance
with the preceding clauses for blockwork, except where otherwise noted below.

Blocks may be constructed of either:

(a) White gypsum plaster

(b) Concrete (1:2:5) or
(c) White concrete (1 :2:5) using white Portland cement, and white aggregates as
described in Section C, Concrete Work

As noted on the drawings or as described in the Particular Specification

All blocks are to be finished with a fine finish to an approved ornamental pattern and shall be
100mm thick unless otherwise noted with slots in ends of blocks to receive reinforcement.

Claustra walls will normally be built with vertical straight joints reinforced with 12mm mild steel
reinforcing bars vertically at each straight joint pinned to structure at each end and surround solid
with mortar.

Blocks shall be bedded in a mixture of white cement and sand (1 :4) and struck pointed to approval.

Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be formed with straight vertical joints filled with 19mm impregnated
fibreboard and reinforced with two steel rods each side as described in Clause 11.01 .

Tops of non-load bearing walls are to be stopped 12mm short of structural concrete soffits
and pinned up with 12mm of soft board against the underside of the slab.

3. Thermal Insulated Block:

All the External block works for the building should be 20 cm single wall with extruded polystyrene insert
6.5*7*6.5 from Apex (Apex thermoblock) or equally approved and comply with the following specs:
Description Rate Value
Size and dimension - As per the
Thermal Conductivity Watt/m2.c 0.0723
U value Watt/m2.c 0.362
Total Resistance of m2.c/watt 2.762
Density Kg/m3 800
Compressive strength N/mm2 7.5
Polystyrene density Kg/m3 26-28
Sound Insulation Sound insulated
Sound transmission 65
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
class rating
The workmanship should be as per the manufacturer recommendation.
All the internal Block Work should be light weight with the provided above density “500-550

6. Plaster Works

Scope of work:
Including all the plastering works for the internal and external walls and ceiling.

Technical submittal:
Internal plastering is to comply with BS 5492.
The plaster for use internally is to be composed of one part cement and four parts of sand, and is to
be applied in two coats to a the finished stated thickness.
The render for use externally is to be composed of one part cement and four parts of sand, and is to
be applied to the finished stated thickness stated thickness externally.
Plaster or render is to be mixed in clean busckets and gauge boxes. All tools are to be kept clean
and not to be contaminated with plaster or render.
Preparation works as noted below to be completed well in advance of commencement of plastering
a) All the service lines to be concealed in plastered area are to be completed and tested.
Cutting on plastered wall not be accepted.
b) Cutting made on block work for service lines in wider size shall be repaired by concrete.
c) Approved expanded metal mesh to be provided at all joints between block work / concrete
and on the repaired surface of cutting made for services viz. electrical, plumbing pipes etc..
d) Angle beads to be provided on all internal corners of walls & also in R.C. column
projection sample to be submitted for approval.
e) G.I. angle beads are to be provided on all corners for the door and window opening
wherever plastering will be done.

All the External Accessories to be Stainless steel.

f) Key coat using cement slurry to be applied and cured properly on the surface to be plastered
and same shall be from approved supplier.
g) Necessary approved bonding agent to be added to the key coat mix applied on smooth
concrete surface.
h) Hacking to be done on concrete surface to roughen the area before the application of key
i) Plaster level pads to be provided to maintain the line, level and plumb.
j) Irregularities on the surface to be plastered shall be filled with mortar 24 hour before
plastering work
k) Joints in block etc. to be well raked out to form a good key.
l) All surfaces to be plastered shall be clean and free from dust, loose mortar and traces of
m) All The plaster accessories to be from approved manufacturer such as Expamet or emirates
specialties or equally approved.

The ingredients for the plaster or render are to be mixed three times dry and three times while water
is added. Alternatively mixing may be done by approved mechanical mixers, which are to be
cleaned before use.

The contractor is to ensure that before plastering or rendering commences the junctions between
differing base materials are reinforced with a strip of galvanized expanding metal lath secured at
both edges. All angle beads and the like shall also have been fixed.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
All surfaces to be plastered or rendered are to be sprayed with water, which is to be allowed to dry
out before a key coat of cement slurry is applied.

All undercoats are to be scratched to form an adequate dry for the next coat. , The setting coat is
not to be applied until the floating coat has been left in a moist condition for at lest three days.

All Plastering shall be executed in a neat workmanlike manner and made good to wood frames,
skirting, pipes, fittings and the like.

Plasterwork is to be finished with as smooth, trawled face, free from blemished and fit to receive
decoration. Render is to be finished with a wood float. Any blown, cracked or otherwise damaged
plaster or render shall be condemned by the Engineer and is to be hacked off and made good with
quick setting plaster at the Contractor's expense.

Full use is to be made of grounds, rules and angle trowels to ensure that all wall faces finish plane
and true to line in all direction and that all angles are straight, true and plumb. Prices for plastering
and rendering are to ensure that work to walls and ceilings are effectively 'cut' at the joint so as to
minimize damage due to movement.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
7. External works:

1. Scope of work:
Including all the external paving and car park as shown in the setting out plan and described herein.

2. Pre-cast Concrete Paving Blocks:

1. Materials

i) Cement
The cement used in the manufacture of precast concrete paving blocks
Shall comply with the requirements of either BS 12, 4027 or BS 146
The cement content of compacted shall not be less then 400 kg/m3.

ii) Aggregates
The aggregates shall consist of naturally occurring crushed or uncrossed
Materials which apart from grading requirements comply with BS 882
The salt contents shall not exceed the following limits.
Acid soluble chlorides 0.06 % by wt. of Fine \aggregate
0.02 % by Wt of coarse Aggregate
Acid soluble sulphates 0.03 % by wt. by of coarse and fine aggregates

iii) Water
The water shall be clean and free and free from any deleterious matter having ph value n the basic
range(7-9) and shall conform to Bs 3148 (1990) and as specified for the concrete works.

iv) Pigments
Any pigment used shall comply with BS 10014.

2. Dimensions and Tolerances

Standard rectangular blocks shall b manufactured with a nominal length of 200mm
ad an nominal width of 100,,. Alternative sizes and shapes shall have a ration of length to width of
100mm. Alternative sizes and shapes shall have ration of length to width on plan of not less than
1.5 or greater than 2.3; the width shall not be less than 80mm or greater than 115mm. The
minimum nominal thickness for paving blocks or any size shall be 60mm. The preferred nominal
thickness shall be 60,80 and 100mm
All arises shall be clean and of uniform dimension. Wearing surface area shall be not less than 70%
of the plan area.
Tolerance: Length < + > 2mm
: Width < + > 2mm
: Thickness < + > 2mm

3. Compressive Strength
The average compressive strength of the block on delivery when sampled and tested in the manner
described below shall not be less than 49 N/mm2

4. Sampling Block
Two blocks shall be drawn from each group of 1000 blocks for sampling , 10 blocks every designed
5000 block section or part there of in a consignment.
All samples shall be clearly marked at the time of sampling in such a way that the disignated section
or part thereof and the consignment represented by the sample, are clearly defined.

5. Test for compressive Strength

The sample specimens shall be tested in a wet condition after being stored for at least 24 hours win
water maintained at a temperature of 20 o c <+ > 5o C.. Before the specimens submerged in
water, the necessary area shall be determined as follows:
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
i) Where possible the plan area the wearing surface area shall be calculated by multiplying the
length by the width.
ii) Alternatively the plan area or the warring area shall be calculated by cutting our shapes of
cardboard and weighing it to the nearest 0.01 g.

In case of chamfer or radius the width of chamfer or radius shall be measured and marked on the
cardboard shape. This shape shall then be cut out accurately and weighed for above calculation of
the wearing surface area.

Plywood nominally 4mm thick shall be sued as packing between the upper and lower faces of the
specimen and the machine platens, and these boards shall be larger than the specimen by a margin
of at least 5mm at all points. Fresh packing shall be used for each specimen tested.

The load shall be applied without shock and increased continuously at a rate of approximately 15
N/mm2 per minute until no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied to the
specimen shall be recorded. The strength shall be expressed to the nearest.

6. Certificate of Compliance
This certificate is to be provided by the manufacturer at the same time of sale as per item No. 12 of
BS 6717

3. Interlocking block workmanship:

“gray color for the roads, red color to be used for the car park marking”:
To be as follows:
pattern colors and layout subject to approval
 To be for the road areas and the car park areas as indicated in sitting out plan.
Interlocking block shall be 80 mm pre cast concrete block, shape color and pattern up to the
engineer approval.
To be confirming with the BS 7617 and lead on well compacted bed of 50mm layer of clean
crushed sand over minimum 250mm layer of road base well compacted to 95% @ OMC as
per BS1377 test 13, and laid over properly well compacted and watered of base course.
Spaces between interlock to be filled with white sand.
 To be used for the Pavement as indicated in the drawing No. A01.
Interlocking block shall be 60 mm pre cast concrete block, shape color and pattern up to the
engineer approval.
To be confirming with the BS 7617 and lead on well compacted bed of 50mm layer of clean
crushed sand over minimum 250mm layer of road base well compacted to 95% @ OMC as
per BS1377 test 13.
Spaces between interlock to be filled with white sand.

4. Pre-cast Concrete Kerbs

1. Precast concrete kerbs shall comply with BS 340 and shall be laid and bedded on a
mortar bed on a concrete foundation as shown on the Drawings.
The carriage way or foundation shall be thoroughly cleaned and prior to placing the
backing, the line levels and joints of all units shall be approved by the Engineer.
2. Precuts concrete kerbs shall be hydraulically pressed.
3. For radius less than 12m, radius kerbs shall be used.

4. Any units deviating more than 3mm in 3m from line or level shall be taken up and re-
5. Where filling placed adjacent to the kerb is likely to have a harmful effect on the kerbs,
due to IRS aggressive chemical nature then the kerbs shall be protected from the fill
material by a method agreed with the Engineer or as shown on the Drawings.
6. Expansion joints will provided at 6m spacing along the kerb run. The Expansion joints
shall be formed of suitable flexible material to the approval of the Engineer.
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
7. For radius less than 12 m, radius curb should be used.
8. Heel curb to be provided in the shape and color as per the drawings

5. Curbstone marking:
- Curbstone marking: to be Durethane from Jotun or equal, and complying with the
following specification:
Technical Information:
Color :White
Finishing : Glossy.
Solid “by Volume” : 48 ± 2.
Flush Point : 31 C ± 2.
Gloss retention, Flexibility, Water & Chemical resistance, Abrasion resistance, UV
resistance : Very Good
For application, surface treatment and others to be as per the manufacturer

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

The External finishes shall be as descried herein and indicated in the elevation drawings but
not limited to the following:

1. Groove in plaster with aluminum channel.

2. Granite.
3. Curtain Wall "refer to curtain wall section"
4. Aluminum cladding "refer to Aluminum cladding section"
5. Reflective glass (refer to glazing section).
6. Aluminum powder coated handrail (refer to aluminum section).
7. Aluminum louvered door (refer to Aluminum section).

-Granite cladding: 20 mm thick best quality Italian granite cut to size with basic cost of 400 DHS/Sq.m.
supply & installation rate, with edges and profiles as per the drawings & approved shop drawings.
Wall cladding to be by mechanical fix with stainless steel accessories.
Granite shall be obtained from a source that has the capacity to provide quantity, quality and sizes required
for the Works.
Samples of all granite to be used in the Work are to be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
commencement of it on site. Actual materials used in the works shall match the approved samples.
Granite shall be of the best quality, smooth, uniform in color and texture, free from voids, holes, vents,
cracks, earth veins, objectionable irregularities and laminations or structural weakness.
The Contractor is to ensure that all granite delivered to site is stored on a raised platform in a water free area
and is protected with suitable sheeting.
Any chipped or stained pieces are to be removed from site and replaced at the Contractor's expense.
The contractor to use acrylic modified protective coat to the back side of the marble and the granite as a
protective coat against moisture, similar to Brushbond from Fosroc or equally approved, in single coat.
For steps : use 20 mm thick best quality Granite from the same Granite type for the risers and use 30 mm
thick best quality Granite from the same Granite type for the Treads, skirting shall be in single unit and
having non- slip carborandum inserts and matching from the same Granite type.
Granite delivered at site should be presented to Engineer for selection before fixing.
For ramp use 30 mm thick best quality Granite from the same Granite type cut to size as per Consultant
approval with combination of polished and flamed granite finish (50/50)
Granite shall be obtained from a source that has the capacity to provide quantity, quality and sizes required
for the Works.
Samples of all granite to be used in the Work are to be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
commencement of it on site. Actual materials used in the works shall match the approved samples.
Granite shall be of the best quality, smooth, uniform in color and texture, free from voids, holes, vents,
cracks, earth veins, objectionable irregularities and laminations or structural weakness.
The Contractor is to ensure that all granite delivered to site is stored on a raised platform in a water free area
and is protected with suitable sheeting.
Any chipped or stained pieces are to be removed from site and replaced at the Contractor's expense.
The contractor to use acrylic modified protective coat to the back side of the marble and the granite as a
protective coat against moisture, similar to Brushbond from Fosroc or equally approved, in single coat.

-Grove in Plaster
As per the elevation drawings, shall be made by fixing Aluminum Channels, powder coated
from inside. These Aluminum Channels shall be fixed by stainless screws, and are to be
checked for plumb and alignment by the Engineer, prior to the plasterwork.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
11. Internal finishing

F. Floor Finish
(General specs for particular refer to the schedule of finishes mentioned in the drawings)

F-1 Granite: 20 mm thick best quality Italian granite cut to size with basic cost of 250 DHS/Sq.m. supply &
installation rate, with edges and profiles as per the drawings & approved shop drawings.
For steps : use 20 mm thick best quality Granite from the same Granite type for the risers and use 30 mm
thick best quality Granite from the same Granite type for the Treads, skirting shall be in single unit and
having non- slip carborandum inserts and matching from the same Granite type.
Granite delivered at site should be presented to Engineer for selection before fixing.
For ramp use 30 mm thick best quality Granite from the same Granite type cut to size as per Consultant
approval with combination of polished and flamed granite finish (50/50)
Granite shall be obtained from a source that has the capacity to provide quantity, quality and sizes required
for the Works.
Samples of all granite to be used in the Work are to be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
commencement of it on site. Actual materials used in the works shall match the approved samples.
Granite shall be of the best quality, smooth, uniform in color and texture, free from voids, holes, vents,
cracks, earth veins, objectionable irregularities and laminations or structural weakness.
The Contractor is to ensure that all granite delivered to site is stored on a raised platform in a water free area
and is protected with suitable sheeting.
Any chipped or stained pieces are to be removed from site and replaced at the Contractor's expense.
The contractor to use acrylic modified protective coat to the back side of the marble and the granite as a
protective coat against moisture, similar to Brushbond from Fosroc or equally approved, in single coat.

F-2 Granitee tiles, in two colors design, up to consultant approval with (supply by client ) for staircase as
indicated in the schedule of finishing with design as per the drawings and complying with the following
Test description USA (ASTM) / EUROPE International standard
Length and width (CEN)
C499 ± 0.5%
Thickness C499 ±5.0%
Rectangularity/ squareness C502 ±0.6%
Straightness of side EN 98 ±0.5%
Surface flatness C485 ±0.5%
Water absorption C373 <=0.5%
Module of rupture C674 >=27n/mm2
Impact resistance C368 No crack
Resistance to deep abrasion C501 <=205 mm3
Resistance to surface abrasion EN 154 Report abrasion class
Leaner thermal expansion C372 <=9*10-6/c
Resistance to thermal shock C484 No damage
Color Resistance to light DIN 51094 No change
Crazing Resistance C424 No Crazing
Frost Resistance C1026 No damage
Chemical Resistance C650 No damage

F-3 20 mm thick best quality marble approved as per Consultant approval laid in patterns & design as per
drawings and consultant's approval and including cement and sand bedding to give overall thickens to the
Engineers approval (not more 70 mm). Allow for three-color variations of marble “cut to size supply and
fix by client for supply & installation rate”.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit shop drawings for all marble laid in patterns or as directed by the
Engineer and he shall submit samples of material and workmanship on site for approval of the Engineer.
The contractor to use acrylic modified protective coat to the back side of the marble and the granite as a
protective coat against moisture, similar to Brushbond from Fosroc or equally approved, in single coat.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
F-5 For Bath rooms and kitchens and bed rooms: “size up to consultat approval” colored non- slip
ceramic floor tiles first quality from approved manufacturer on mortar and sand over waterproofing
membrane as specified with supply and fix by client².
Tiles to be laid to falls and cross-falls as per drainage points. Drains shall be fixed to the center of the tile to
the Approval of the Engineer. Tile grout from approved source should be of matching color to the tiles.
The Engineer has the right to instruct the contractor to fix the tiles on 45-degree inclination to the wall
Ceramic floor tiles should approve and to comply with the following specification:

Test description International standard Value

Length and width ISO – 10545-2 ±0.3%
Thickness ISO – 10545-2 ±5.0%
Rectangularity/ squareness ISO – 10545-2 ±0.4%
Straightness of side ISO – 10545-2 ±0.4%
Surface flatness ISO – 10545-2 ±0.4%
Water absorption ISO – 10545-3 3-5 %
Module of rupture ISO – 10545-4 >=30 n/mm2
Scratch hardness EN 101 4-7
Staining resistance ISO – 10545-14 Stains removed
Resistance to surface abrasion ISO – 10545-7 Class 2-4 upon request
Slip resistance ISO – 10545-17 satisfactory
Crazing Resistance ISO – 10545-14 No damage
Chemical Resistance ISO – 10545-13 No damage

F-6 Concrete flooring for the Sub station.

F-7 Flooring system for car parking including basement,

Floor Coatings

A. Case of Basement – Lower Basement

Case of Ground+Podium (No Basement) - Ground Floor Slab (Slab on Grade)
The contractor to apply a high build solvent free, multi component epoxy resin traffic coating system shall
be applied to the concrete floor slab at a nominal thickness of 1.5mm, such that it forms a durable profiled
surface to the concrete, utilizing graded anti-slip aggregated supplied by the coating manufacturer.

The hardened material after application shall achieve the following physical properties:
Density 1.53
Absorption (ASTM C413-80) 0.06%
Bond strength (DIN ISO 4624) 1.5N/mm² (concrete failure)
Abrasion resistance (DIN Taber 53754) 98mg
Modulus of elasticity (DIN 1048) 9000N/mm²

The product should be manufactured locally by a company certified to conform to the requirements of the
quality, environmental and occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
and applied a manufacturer endorsed and trained specialist applicator.
Mastertop 1210 CP –the contractor should provide at least 5 Years Warranty from the manufacturer.

Remark: -
All flooring marking should be phosphoric color.
F-9 Interlock & curbstone: Refer External works specs.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
F-10 Vinyl flooring for Gym area with total thickness of 6mm supply and fix by client from, Armstrong,
Gerfloor or equal and to be applied above self leveling compound with maximum thickness of 15 mm from
BASF, Fosrok or equally approved.

9. S. Skirting (General specs. For particular refer schedule page

S-1 100x20mm granite skirting with profiled top and bottom edge set proud of the wall finish by 5mm, and
should be matching with the flooring type “refer floor finishes specs and schedule of finishes”

S-2 100x10mm thick Graniti tile skirting, up to consultant approval, and should be matching with the
flooring tile.

S-3 100x20mm marble skirting with profiled top and bottom edge set proud of the wall finish by 5mm, and
should be matching with the flooring type “refer floor finishes specs and schedule of finishes”

S-4 100x20mm thick polished Mosaic with profiled top edge, set inside the wall finish by 5mm.
To be 45 degree skirting for the staircase.

S-5 100x8mm thick ceramic skirting with round top edge and curved corners for all external and internal
angles. The skirting shall match in color and range to the floor tiles. The skirting shall be set 5mm inside the
wall, “refer floor finishes specs and schedule of finishes”

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
10. W. Wall Finishes:

W-1 Granite cladding: 20 mm thick best quality Italian granite cut to size with basic cost of 350
DHS/Sq.m. supply & installation rate, with edges and profiles as per the drawings & approved shop
Wall cladding to be by mechanical fix with stainless steel accessories.
Granite shall be obtained from a source that has the capacity to provide quantity, quality and sizes required
for the Works.
Samples of all granite to be used in the Work are to be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
commencement of it on site. Actual materials used in the works shall match the approved samples.
Granite shall be of the best quality, smooth, uniform in color and texture, free from voids, holes, vents,
cracks, earth veins, objectionable irregularities and laminations or structural weakness.
The Contractor is to ensure that all granite delivered to site is stored on a raised platform in a water free area
and is protected with suitable sheeting.
Any chipped or stained pieces are to be removed from site and replaced at the Contractor's expense.
The contractor to use acrylic modified protective coat to the back side of the marble and the granite as a
protective coat against moisture, similar to Brushbond from Fosroc or equally approved, in single coat.
as indicated in the schedule of finishes with the following specs:
Test description USA (ASTM) / EUROPE (CEN) International standard
Length and width C499 ± 0.5%
Thickness C499 ±5.0%
Rectangularity/ squareness C502 ±0.6%
Straightness of side EN 98 ±0.5%
Surface flatness C485 ±0.5%
Water absorption C373 <=0.5%
Module of rupture C674 >=27n/mm2
Impact resistance C368 No crack
Resistance to deep abrasion C501 <=205 mm3
Resistance to surface abrasion EN 154 Report abrasion class
Leaner thermal expansion C372 <=9*10-6/c
Resistance to thermal shock C484 No damage
Color Resistance to light DIN 51094 No change
Crazing Resistance C424 No Crazing
Frost Resistance C1026 No damage
Chemical Resistance C650 No damage
Light Reflectivity 88%
Anti-Carbonation Air Equivalent (R) >300m2
(Taywood Test Method)
Water Vapour Perms Dry (ASTM D1653) 2.1

The product should be supplied by a Dubai based company certified to conform to the requirements of the
quality, environmental and occupational health & safety standards ISO 9002, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
and shall be applied by a manufacturer endorsed and trained specialist applicator who can demonstrate
experience in application of the specified system.
Sonoshield Parkcoat

W-5 Colored ceramic tiles size, color, pattern up to consultant approval with decorative boarder from
approved Manufacturer on plaster to full height of the wall. Allow for two-color variation (dark and light)
and or pattern and fixing of tiles in pattern of varying sizes to the approval of Engineer. Supply and fix by
client Tile grout and adhesive shall be waterproof type and grout shall be matching in color to the tiles.
Rounded edge tiles shall be used at all junctions including the junction at floor.
Contractor to include in his bid one or two décor pieces for each wall.
Ceramic wall tiles should be comply with the following specification:
Test description International standard Value
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Length and width ISO – 10545-2 ±0.3%
Thickness ISO – 10545-2 ±5.0%
Rectangularity/ squareness ISO – 10545-2 ±0.4%
Straightness of side ISO – 10545-2 ±0.3%
Surface flatness ISO – 10545-2 ±0.3%
Water absorption ISO – 10545-3 7-12 %
Module of rupture ISO – 10545-4 >=20 n/mm2
Scratch hardness EN 101 2-4
Staining resistance ISO – 10545-14 Stains removed
Resistance to surface abrasion ISO – 10545-7 Class 1-3
Slip resistance ISO – 10545-17 -
Crazing Resistance ISO – 10545-14 No Crazing
Test description International standard Value
Chemical Resistance ISO – 10545-13 No damage

W-6 15mm thick sand cement plaster with sealer smoothed finish with three coats of washable emulsion
paint as specified in contract drawings with the following layers:
from Jotun Paints or equal.

W-7 magnum
Film thickness and spreading rate:

Typical Maximum Minimum

Film thickness, dry (um)
Film thickness, wet (um)
3 4 2 Theoretical spreading rate

Physical prosperities

Colour As per the consultant approval.

54 + 2 Solids (vol %)*
* measured according to ISO 3233:1998 (E)

Surface preparation:

The substrate must be sound, clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease and laitance etc. All traces of release
agents must be removed. On chalky and dusty surfaces, all loose material must be removed by stiff
bristle brushing.

Condition during application:

The temperature of the substrate should be min. 10oC and min. 3oC above the dew point of the air,
temperature and relative humidity measured in the vicinity of the substrate.

Application methods:

Hopper Gun. Spray

Recommended for stripe coating and small areas, care must be taken to achieve the Brush
specified dry film thickness.
Texture Roller Roller

The Required Coats:

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
1 coat Tex primer or Acrylic Emulsion primer
Magnum 2 coats

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
C. Ceiling Finish (General specs. For particular refer schedule page)

C-1 15mm thick sand cement plaster with sealer smoothed finish with three coats of washable emulsion
paint as specified in contract drawings from, Jotun or equal

C-2 15mm thick sand cement plaster with Epoxy paint finish. And will be from Jotun paint or equal.

C-3 Magnum
Film thickness and spreading rate:

Typical Maximum Minimum

Film thickness, dry (um)
Film thickness, wet (um)
3 4 2 Theoretical spreading rate

Physical prosperities

As per the consultant approval. Colour

54 + 2 Solids (vol %)*
* measured according to ISO 3233:1998 (E)

Surface preparation:

The substrate must be sound, clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease and laitance etc. All traces of release
agents must be removed. On chalky and dusty surfaces, all loose material must be removed by stiff
bristle brushing.

Condition during application:

The temperature of the substrate should be min. 10oC and min. 3oC above the dew point of the air,
temperature and relative humidity measured in the vicinity of the substrate.

Application methods:

Hopper Gun. Spray

Recommended for stripe coating and small areas, care must be taken to achieve the Brush
specified dry film thickness.
Texture Roller Roller

The Required Coats:

1 coat Tex primer or Acrylic Emulsion primer

2 coats Magnum

C-3 Spray Plaster ceiling similar to Hytec, Terraco or equally approved with the following layers:
One Base Coat.
One Top coat or more (due to the surface situation).
Textured finish coat.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
FC. False Ceiling (General specs. For particular refer schedule)

Contractor to submit reflected false ceiling shop-drawings showing all the access panel, openings, A/C
diffusers, Fire fighting sprinklers and smoke detectors & light fittings for consultant's approval

FC-1 12mm gypsum board ceiling/bulkhead on concealed metal proprietary suspension system with taped
and skimmed joints, fire rated with shadow line edge trim with three coats of acrylic emulsion textured
paint. Allow for all openings, proprietary lockable-framed access panels as required.
Design of ceiling to be as per the drawings.
Shallow domes to be done by Cast gypsum “refer to drawings”

FC-2 600x600x12mm thick PVC vinyl coated gypsum tiles with Aluminum foil backing rested on GI
metal suspension system with shadow line edge trim.

FC-3 Aluminum strips 2000x300 mm Aluminum Strips with thickness of 0.7 mm and to receive a super
durable powder coating (refer to Aluminum coating mentioned in the Aluminum section) and the color
choice will be according to the consultant choice.

FC-4 600x600mm Calcium Silicate suspended ceiling for swimming pool area and as per schedule of

General notes for the finishing works:

i. Threshold to be 100 mm for all internal doors and 140 mm for flat entrance door with Potchino
ii. Contractor to submit sample for the Junction boxes cover (aluminum powder coated with color
matching with the wall finishes).
iii. Metal lathing, stops, beads etc. are to suit the plaster and tile thickness.
iv. All external accessories to be stainless steel, internal to be GI.
v. Expansion joint cover to be aluminum mill finish.
vi. Marble and granite shall comply with the BS 4131.
vii. Unglazed ceramic shall comply with the BS 1286.
viii. Mosaic tiles shall comply with the BS 4131.
ix. Glazed ceramic shall comply with the BS 1281.
x. Before plastering the surfaces with deferent materials or the surfaces above the electrical conduits
are to be reinforced with strip expanded metal lathing of 300 mm width with nails of 450mm
intervals complying with the BS 1246.
xi. Plastering for the walls will reach the soffit of the slabs above the false ceiling and to receive two
coats of primer before starting of services works.
xii. All adjustable rods used for required fixation for False ceilings to be GI from Armstrong, Finemete
or equally approved.
xiii. The soffit of slab should be cleaned properly and to be painted by tow coats of primer before
starting the fixation of services pipes, AC works,…etc
xiv. All O.T.S's should be plastered and finished by semi epoxy paint unless otherwise mentioned in the
schedule of finishes.
xv. All required Platforms and beams for O.T.S's should be provided and the contractor has to submit
shop drawing for the same which providing the safety requirements and the access per each floor
considering to provide the same for all O.T.S's for the building.
xvi. AC openings surrounding the walls to be immured by a wooden Marine ply frame and to be
plastered with one primer coat at least before providing .

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan


Wooden Doors:
WW-1 Wooden sub frame:
1.8 cm thick beech ply frame shall be used for the following areas and the same shall be
treated with anti termite paint for:
(a) For A/C window units
(b) For all wooden doorframes as mentioned on schedule.

WW-2 Wooden frame:

(i) Solid doors: doorframe to be in beech wood using 4.5cm thick and width
equivalent to wall + plaster / tiles in polyurethane polish finish.
(ii) Semi solid Flush doors: doorframe to be in beech wood using 4.5cm thick
and width equivalent to wall + plaster / tiles with polyurethane polish

WW-3 Wooden Architrave:

(iii) Solid doors: Decorative architrave to be in teak wood using 2 cm thick and
7 cm width in polyurethane polish finish.
(iv) Semi solid Flush doors : Decorative architrave to be in beech wood using
2 cm thick and 7 cm width in polyurethane polish finish.

WW-4 Wooden shutter

(i) Solid doors: The shutters for wooden solid decorative doors to be in solid
white Wood and with 6 mm MDF with beech veneer 100 % glossy finish
and comply with appendix B of BS 1186 part 1, design up to consultant
(ii) Semi solid Flush doors : The shutters for doors to be comply with the BS
459 (1988) generally and shall be:
a. Hollow core tubler board 38 mm from Germany, The core of solid core
flush doors shall be constructed of longitudinal laminations of precision
planed timber, butt jointed and glued with resin based adhesive under
hydraulic pressure, the whole forming a rigid, fire resistant raft.
b. to be constructed from 25mm x 75 mm top and bottom rail and stiles,
25mm x 50mm intermediate cross rails at 100mm centers.
c. 3.2 ply wood from both side.
d. beech veneer with beech veneer 100 % glossy finish.
e. All doors are to be hardwood lipped on all edges. The lipping shall be a
minimum of 12mm thick securely jointed and tongued into the framing of
the door. Where rebate meeting stiles are required on pairs of door, the
lippings on the meeting edges shall be a minimum of 20mm thick.
All lippings will be solid beech wood.
(iii) Semi solid flush doors for bath rooms: The shutters for doors to be comply
with the BS 459 (1988) generally and shall be:
a. Hollow core tubler board 38 mm from Germany, The core of solid core
flush doors shall be constructed of longitudinal laminations of precision
planed timber, butt jointed and glued with resin based adhesive under
hydraulic pressure, the whole forming a rigid, fire resistant raft.
b. to be constructed from 25mm x 75 mm top and bottom rail and stiles,
25mm x 50mm intermediate cross rails at 100mm centers.
c. 3.2 ply wood from both side.
d. teak veneer 100 % glossy for one side and 0.9mm Formica finish.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
e. All doors are to be hardwood lipped on all edges. The lipping shall be a
minimum of 12mm thick securely jointed and tongued into the framing of
the door. Where rebate meeting stiles are required on pairs of door, the
lippings on the meeting edges shall be a minimum of 20mm thick.
All lippings will be solid beech wood
f. Aluminum kick plates to be provided.
(iv) 2 hours fireproof to be provided for all the doors as per the Door schedule
“kitchen doors, Exit stair case doors…”, by using 60mm thick solid Spano
Antivilam and equally approved by the engineer and the civil defense
department, and to be comply BS and DIN standard.
Door sets/Door Assembles: shall have certified fire resistance where fire resistant doors are
specified. Each door leaf shall bear an engraved label at the top of the hinge stile
confirming its fire resistance and certificate number.
It shall be responsibility of the Contractor to provide doors of fire rating indicated on
drawing to the approval of the Civil Defense Authorities and the Engineer, in additions to
meeting the relevant standards. All door sets shall follow the fire zoning and shall be of
appropriate rating to the location they are situated in.
The details shown on drawing and mentioned in the specs are for the purpose of
architectural finish and layout only and not for achieving the required ratings.
Vision panels in fire rated doors shall be provided with fire rated glass.

Note: the external sides of doors shall be 100% glossy and the internal sides shall be 70%

WW-5 Solid Doors frame and fire rated doors frame to have 4*20 mm thick
intumescent strips.
All the doors to have rubber seal.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
General notes for the wooden works:
1. Hard wood should be complying with BS 881, and soft wood should be complying with BS 1186.

2. The timber to be to moisture content of 14%-15% before transportation.

3. The Contractor is to take a site reading to determine the moisture content of all joinery by Moisture
Meter. Documentation is to accompany each batch shipped to verify the moisture content. Without
such documentation the whole batch will be rejected.

4. Soft wood timbers to be European redwood, Swedish or Russian, and to be comply with the BS
881/589 and 1186.

5. All timber shall be free from the following defects:-

Splits, ring shakes, soft pith.
Checks exceeding 300mm long
Checks exceeding 20mm wide
Checks exceeding in depth one half of the thickness of the timber
Knots exceeding 30mm
Knots exceeding one half of the width of the surface
Decayed or dead knots unless cut out and plugged
Loose knot or knot holes unless cut out and plugged
Pith pockets
Decay and insect attack.

6. The preservative of timber shall comply with the BS 5268, the contractor shall provide certificate of
assurance that the treatment has been carried out as specified, and in no case wooden works to be
carried without the same to be coated with preservative and anti termite coats suitable for the
position in which the member is to be incorporated.

7. The timber shall be complying with the BS 476/5669 in respect of the fire resistance.

8. Plywood shall be comply with the BS 1455/6566, plywood bonding to be WBP comply with the
requirement of BS 1203, the surface grading to be grad 1 where to receive clear finish and grad 2
elsewhere, plywood shall be free from end joints, overlaps, dead knots, patches and plugs.

9. Veneer : shall be roll cut veneer with 0.06 mm min. thickness having class A facing in accordance
to the French standard FN B 53.504, only whole sheet shall be used.
The veneers shall be factory applied under pressure using urea-formol adhesive by manufacturer of
the various components, all veneers shall guaranteed by the manufacturer

10. Plastic lamination: : shall be comply with the BS 3794 class l, only whole sheet shall be used, and
should be of minimum thickness of 0.9 mm thick.

11. Medium Density Fiber Board:

Medium density fiber board (MDF): MDF shall be to BS 1142: 1989 of 750 Kg/m3 density. Typical
characteristics shall be as follows:

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
EN 323 DENSITY Kg/m3 740/700 730/700
EN 319 INTERNAL BOND N/mm2 0.6 0.75
EN 310 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY N/mm2 2.500 2.700
‫ُآ‬EN 322 MOISTURE CONTENT % 7±2 7±2
Length/Width % 0.4 0.4
Thickness % 6 6
EN 324-1 Thickness mm ± 0.2 ± 0.2
EN 324-1 Length and Width mm/m ±2,max. ±5 ±2,max. ±5
EN 324-2 Squareness mm/m ±2 ±2
EN 324-2 Edge Straightness mm/m ± 1.5 ± 1.5
Edges N 800 800
Force N 1.000 1.000
EN 311 SURFACE SOUNDNESS N/mm2 1.2 1.2
ISO 3340 GRIT CONTENT % Weight Max 0.05 Max 0.05
EN 382-1 SURFACE ABSORPTION mm >150 >150
(both sides) (both sides)

12. Nails and screws: Nails are to comply with BS 1201 and screws with BS 1210. They are to be of the
appropriate approved type for their intended use.

13. Adhesive are to be synthetic resin type complying with BS 1204 Part 1. and they are to be type

14. Workmanship:
Joinery shall comply with BS 1186 Part 2 and CP 112 for structural carpentry, and where possible
shall be fabricated in a manufacturer's shop prior to delivery. It shall be accurately, properly and
soundly constructed with all moulds and arrises clean and sharp. Joinery shall be protected from
damage during storage at Site and throughout the construction period subsequent fixing.
The terms "frame" or "framed" or " framing" mean work put together by proper carpentry or
joinery, such as morticing and tenoning, dovetailing, dowelling, etc., and the joints are to be as
shown specified or directed. Butted and screwed or nailed joints or halved joints and the like will
not be deemed framed and will not be accepted for framed work.
Fixing of all joinery work, including fillets, architrave's, frames. glazing beads and the like shall be
by means of screws. Nailed work will not be permitted.
Screw heads in work to be painted shall be countersunk and stopped. Screw heads in wood to be
oiled, varnished or polished shall be pelted, with grain of the pellet in the same direction as the
grain of the member.
Unless otherwise described, work described as "plugged" shall be fixed by drilling holes in the wall
or floor, plugging with "Plastic Plugs" well rammed in and fixing the member with screws. Centers
of the fixings must not exceed those necessary to provide adequate support, and in any must not
exceed 600 mm,

15. Wood moisture content: Kiln–dried (KD) lumber with an average moisture content range of 6% to
11% shall be provided for their interior work. Temperature and relative humidity shall be
maintained so that moisture content values for woodwork at time of installation does not exceed

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
WW-6 Ironmongery: BY CLIENT to be stainless steel with basic cost of BC=150 DHS/piece for the
internal doors in the flat and BC=200 DHS/piece for the MAIN door, and to be from Dorma or equal
and complying with the following Specs:


1. Where possible, all hardware shall be the product of one manufacturer who maintains a
fully equipped plant with all necessary tools, fixtures, bonderizing and furnishing
equipment, engineering and installation organization to perform the requirements of this
specification in accordance with the highest standards and details of quality and
manufacturing skill.

2. All hardware shall be first class quality at least equal to the appropriate British Standards or
European Standards.


1. Layout keying system for building in consultation with the Engineer. System includes
keying alike, keying in groups, submaster keying and grand master keying locks as
directed. Prepare and submit keying chart and related explanatory data for approval. Do
not commence lock work until written confirmation of keying arrangements is received.

2. Keying:
1. Keys alike: All lock within the building shall have the same key combination.

3. Supply the following:

Grand-master keys - GMK
Submaster keys
Change keys for each lock
Construction master keys -CMK

4. Forward grand-master and Submaster keys with a covering letter to the Engineer.

5. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawing, all locks shall have two keys with the
lock number stamped upon them, and the corresponding number stamped on the face of the
locks shall be master keyed as directed hereinafter and as approved by the Engineer.

6. Furnish three master keys. All keys shall have metal chain and metal tag on which shall be
stamped the room number. After all locks have been installed and upon completion of the
work, the keys shall in presence of the Engineer be shown to operate their respective locks
and shall be tagged and delivered to the Engineer.



1. Submit one sample of each hardware item specified and manufacturer's catalogue
to the Engineer for approval prior to order. Fully label each sample as to
manufacture, type, size and location for use proposed.

2. Do not order hardware from manufacturers until samples have been approved.
Hardware and finishes supplied shall be identical with approved samples.

2. HARDWARE SCHEDULES: Successful hardware supplier to submit six (6) copies of

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
hardware schedule for approval. The schedule will list all doors by number including size.

3. MAINTENANCE: Provide 2 sets of maintenance data, part lists and manufacturer's

instructions for each type of door closer, lockset, door holders and fire exit hardware for
incorporation into maintenance manual.

4. MISCELLANEOUS: Supply two complete sets of wrenches & fastening tools for lockset
and closers. Normally supplied from manufacturer. Submit template information for
distribution to related trades.


1. Pack hardware in suitable wrappings and containers to protect from injury during shipping
and storage. Enclose accessories, fastening devices and other loose items with each item.
Mark packages for each identification as indicated on approved delivery schedule.
Containers shall be clearly labeled as to content and door on which the hardware is to be

All hardware shall be carefully wrapped and protected until the completion of the work and
any items or part which are damaged or defaced shall be replaced by and at the Contractor's
expense before handling over the building to the Client.

1. Warrant exit devices, locksets, latchsets and door closers to remain free from defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of issue of The Final
Completion Certificate. The warranty shall state expressly that all hardware shall be
replaced on the doors and frames at no cost to the Owner in the event of breakage or
manufacturing defect occurring, willful damage excluded.


1. GENERAL: The type, quality, pattern and size of hardware items shall be as indicated on

2. STRIKES: Standard template box strikes, extended lips to protect door frames and trim
from marking with bolts. Set flush in door frames. Supply blank standardized template
strikes for door frames as scheduled for such doors without locks.

3. DOOR CLOSERS: Door closers shall be with full cover, in stainless steel finish. Closers
shall have adjustable closing strength EN2-4, made of die cast aluminum bodies with
hardened rack and pinions. The door closers have to be per BS EN 1154 : 1997 for the
conformance to power rating and BS476: Part 22.187 for the fire resistance. Hold open
facility is not be used in fire rated doors. Closers should be not be used on the public side
of the doors. Install closers on the push side of doors opening from the public areas /
corridors (parallel arm type) and pull side on doors opening from the public areas /
corridors into rooms (regular arm type). The door closers should be installed on the push
side of doors opening to exterior.
Floor closers, where used, to be Dorma BTS80, depending on the weight and wind factors
of the location of the doors.

4. LEVER HANDLE SETS: Lever handle sets for wood and steel doors shall be with roses
and escutcheons, in stainless steel, 20mm diameter return to door lever handles with 8mm
spindle; secured by unique non reversible spring clips locating into serrations on spindle
and preventing lateral movement. Collared neck of levers push into sprung retaining clips,
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
providing a 3 point secure fixing, with all operating pressure transferred to the door leaf.

5. MORTISE LOCKS: Mortise locks for wood and steel doors to be Dorma Type 752, size
165 x 85 x 13 mm, 55mm backset, with stainless steel case and 8mm bronze bushed self
adjusting heavy sprung follower, 20 mm double throw nickel plated steel dead bolt and
11mm nickel plated reversible steel latch bolt, 24mm steel square forend in stainless steel
finish, suitable for europorfile cylinders at 72mm centers. Latch to have sound dampener.
Locks be supplied boxed with fixing screws and type 20 strike. Lock to have 3 separate
springs for follower, latch and dead bolt function.

For fire rated doors use Dorma Type 180, size 165 x 88 x 14mm, 55mm backset, 9mm
follower made as per DIN 18250 for fire and smoke check doors.

Bathroom locks shall be 790 Mortise lock, as per above description, but suitable for use
with thumbturn / indicator sets with 8mm spindle at 78mm centres. To be supplied with
fixing screws and type 20 strike

Narrow stile doors to have 852 locks, 30mm backset in stainless steeel finish.

Doors of the corridors to have 515 lockcase, latch lockcase sealed, zinc plated, latch nickel
plated 8mm follower without key operation. Double action doors to have 484 Roller lock,
55mm backset.

6. CYLINDERS: Cylinders to be euro profile double cylinder / cylinder with thumb turn,
matt nickel plated brass, under grand master key, complete with 3 keys.

The master key system should have change keys (3 keys per cylinder), master keys based
on the key schedule approved by the Consultant.

7. PULL HANDLE: Pull handle to be Dorma, in stainless steel, pull handle of size 350mm
between centers and 20mm diameter, with bolt through zinc plated, with M8 countersunk
steel bolts.

8. FLOOR STOP: Full dome satin stainless steel floor stop, with hard rubber stop, with
screws and dowel.


1. Hardware to be completed with screws, bolts, expansion shields and other

fastening devices as required for satisfactory installation and operation. Fastening
device of same finish as hardware to be used.

HINGES: All hinges shall be, ball bearing, five knuckle, stainless steel, brushed finish,
with size 100mm x 76mm x 3mm. Each door leaf shall have a minimum of 3 hinges -
doors 90cm wide and over to have a minimum of 4 hinges. Where aluminum doors are
used, and overhead closers are used, use aluminum hinges Type LM, B22, 22mm offset
two-part load bearing hinge.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan


1. Before furnishing any hardware, carefully check all architectural drawings of work
requiring hardware; verify door swings, door and frame material and operating conditions.
Ensure hardware will fit work.

2. Check shop drawings and frame and doors lists affecting hardware type and installation.
Certify to correctness or advise Engineer in writing of required revisions.

Templates: Check hardware schedule, drawings and specifications. Furnish promptly to

3. applicable trades any patterns, template information and manufacturers’ literature required
for proper preparation and application of hardware, in ample time to facilitate progress of
work. Hardware shall be furnished with all screws and fastening to suit job condition.


1. ADJUST AND CLEAN: Provide services of competent mechanic without additional cost.
Mechanic shall inspect installation of all hardware furnished under this section and
supervise all adjustments (by trades responsible for fixing) necessary to leave hardware in
perfect working order.


1. All hardware for fire rated openings shall comply with NFPA 80 or equivalent British
Standards and meet the standards by the local authority having jurisdiction and regulatory

2. Hardware Installation

Hardware locations dimensions shall be as follows:

Distance from finish floor to center line of hardware unless instructed otherwise by the
Locksets / Latchsets -Centre Line of Strike - 1040mm
Deadlocks / Mortise Night Latch - 1200mm
Panic Device - Centre Line of Strike - 940mm
Push Plates & Door Pulls 1050mm Guard Bars - 1060mm
Blank Strikes & Blank Fronts - 1524mm

3. Provide hardware schedule as specified, for Engineer' s approval prior to placing finial

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

Medium density fiber board (MDF): MDF shall be to BS 1142: 1989 of 750 Kg/m3 average density
with ash veneer 0.6-0.8 mm nominal thickness. Typical characteristic shall be as indicated
elsewhere in this section.
Carcasses: Carcasses shall be of 18 mm MDF white melamine faced factory applied and melamine
roll-on lipping on exposed edges.
All cabinet backs shall be of 3.2 mm thick white hardboard using a thermo set paint process.
Suitable supports at intervals shall be provided as required.
Drawers: Drawer shall be with all metal drawer runner system. Drawer box shall be solid, tested for
heavy loaded opening and closing.
Doors: Doors shall be of 18 mm thick MDF with white melamine finish from the inside and PVC
film faced on the outside with post formed vertical edges.
Hinges: Hinges shall provide 180 degree opening. Hinges shall be all heavy duty stainless steel,
having a self-closing action and permit adjustment in three planes. Hinges shall be concealed type.
Shelves: Shelves shall be MDF utilizing white plastic laminate on both sides, unless otherwise
Shelves shall be adjustable or fixed type as indicated on Drawings. Shelves support shall be of
stainless steel and restrain shelves from movement/tilting in positive manner.
Hanger Rods: Hanger rods shall be chrome plated steel oval shape on approved supports.
Handles/Knobs: handles/knobs shall be as per the selection and approval of the Engineer.
Architraves: 18 mm thick MDF, PVC, finished on outside and white melamine finish from inside.
Locks: Suitable locks and bolts to the approval of the Engineer shall be provided. 3 keys shall be
provided for each lock.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

Includes the following:

AW-1 Aluminum sections for the sliding doors and windows

AW-3 Handrail for stair case.
AW-4 Polyester Powder Coating.
AW-5 Cat ladder.
AW-7 Stainless Steel Works.
AW-8 Balconies Handrail.
AW-9 Handrail for the ramp at grand floor.
AW-10 Curtain Wall.
AW-11 Aluminum Claddindg

AW-1 All the Aluminum sections for the sliding doors and windows are to be from approved
source and similar to series 105 sections for the sliding windows and 125 for the sliding
doors, from Gulf extrusion and the same shall be polyester powder coated 60-80 microns to
the approved color.
All the sliding windows & doors shall have fly shutter from outside
All the items must be strengthened, tapped and modified as necessary to receive
ironmongery. All ironmongery shall be of first quality with the sliding slashes fitted with
roller ball bearing type (Savio or equally approved).

AW-3 Staircases railing using Standard aluminum powder coated finished to the Engineer’s approval,
design to be up to the consultant approval.

AW-4 Polyester Powder Coating:

All aluminum sections that are to receive a polyester powder coating shall be given a caustic etch
followed by an anodic oxide treatment to obtain an architectural class 1 anodic coating.
Anodization shall comply with BS 3987 and should be hard coat anodizing 550kg/mm2 hardness
and not less than 25 micron thickness coating will be from Jotun or equally approved.
All aluminum works shall be finished in colored electrostatic polyester powder coating as per DIN
standard 53151,53153,53156 or equal and approved to Ral colour subject to the Engineer's

AW-5 Cat ladder:

Shall be aluminum and constructed as follows: stringers shall be 50*6 mm flat attached to the
structure with 75*75*6 mm plates bolted to the structure and not less than 300 mm centers.
Trade shall be formed of 19mm tube riveted to the stringers.
Safety loops shall be fitted to cat ladders more than 2000mm long and thereafter at 1000 m
intervals, the width across the loop shall be 685 mm and the distance from the center line of
stringers to be inside of the back of the loops measured at right angle to the stringers shall be
762mm, the loop natural shall be min. of 50*12mm.

AW-7 Stainless steel works:

Scope of Works:
All the Stainless steel works as indicated in the elevation and plans drawings,
design to be as per the drawings.
Shop drawing to be submitted for the engineer approval before the work

Technical Submittal:
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Any structure elements, the contractor is fully responsible for against the following:
ii) Contractor to submit method statement for the consultant approval, in no way
the contractor to start fixing without getting the same approval.
iii) 10 years guarantee letter to be submitted by the contractor.

Technical Properties:
All accessories and fixing items to be stainless steel.
All stainless steel works to be grad 316 L, 1.5 mm thickness with polishing No. 8
and backing with galvanized sheet 1.5mm.
Stainless steel tubes shall comply with BS3014, and plates shall comply with
BS1449 part 2

1) All work shall be installed adjusted and glazed by experienced workmen all in
accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and in full conformity
with the approved shop drawings, samples and other submitted date. Under no
circumstances shall materials be installed on surfaces that contain condensation,
dirt, grease or other foreign encountered materials that would hinder or prevent
proper installation and functioning for the use intended.

2) All work shall be carefully and accurately assembled with proper and approved
provision for counteraction and expansion and set in correct locations as per
approved detailed shop drawings, all level, square,, plumb and aligned with
Other work all joints between framing and structural building shall be sealed in
order to be watertight and weatherproof and to satisfy all other requirements of the

3) Frames shall be designed and manufactured with a maximum 2.5 mm tolerance

around the opening in the structure. These joints are to be finished by applying an
approved sealant in to a polystyrene foam backing strip.

4) All works are to be fully protected for the duration of the contract from damage
by other trades. The engineer shall approve the method of protection.

5) If for any reason final finishes become scratched, abraded or damaged during
transport, delivery, storage or erection, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to
remove or repair those defective areas or components as directed and to the
complete satisfaction of the engineer.

Repair work shall be identical to the manufacturer's applied finish with regard to
gloss, finish and visual appearance. Field touch up of painted aluminum is
permitted only with written permission of the Engineer. Where touch up is no an
authorized means of repair the damaged material must be replaced by new.

6) Upon completion of work all protective coverings from all exposed surfaces
shall be removed. All surfaces shall be cleaned using soap or detergents as
recommended by the aluminum manufacturers to remove sealants, discoloration
and any other foreign material. Defection of any type determined by type
determined by the Engineer shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense.

7) Extreme care shall be taken when cleaning the exterior portion to protect all other
adjacent works.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
AW-8 Balconies railing: using Super Durable aluminum powder coated finished to the Engineer’s
approval, with laminated glass.

S.N Description Source Duration Starting Note

70. Aluminum drawings Aluminum contractor - - As built drawings
3 sets
71. Aluminum works Aluminum contractor 1 year Guarantee
72. Glass Manufacturer 10 years Guarantee
73. Glass Manufacturer - - Certificated of origin
74. Aluminum Sections Extrusion company - - Certificated of origin
75. Door closer Supplier 5 years Guarantee
76. Automatic sliding Supplier 5 years Guarantee
77. Aluminum accessories Supplier 5 years Guarantee
78. Silicon Manufacturer 15 years Guarantee
79. Rubber Manufacturer 15 years Guarantee
80. powder coating Manufacturer 15 years Guarantee
81. Aluminum cladding Manufacturer 15 years Guarantee
82. System Guarantee Extrusion company 15 years Guarantee

1.9.1 Materials: Inorganic, resistant to rodents, vermin, mildew,
fungus and algae, as necessary to obtain design and
performance requirements and as follows:
1.9.2 Framing, Trim and Flashings:
i. Aluminum:
1. Extrusions: Extrusions shall be from ally 6063 , T6
Temper with following chemical and mechanical
properties extruded to BS 1474.

Chemical Composition

Mg 0.45 – 0.60 %
Si 0.20 – 0.60 %
Cr 0.10 %
Zn 0.10 %
Fe 0.35 %
Cu 0.10 %
Mn 0.10 %
Other Impurities 0.05 %
Aluminium Remainder

Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength Mpa 185
0.2% Proof Stress Mpa 160
Shear Strength Mpa 155
Hardness BHN 75

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Elongation on 50 mm % 8
Density Gm/M3 2.7
Melting Range Deg. C. 580-600
Coefficient on Linear Expansion x 10-6/ Deg.C. 23.5
Modulus of Elasticity Gpa 68.3

1.11.1 Steel at building interior and not exposed to exterior environmental
conditions shall be primed with primer.
1.11.2 Steel at building exterior or assemblies shall be galvanized.
1.11.3 Concealed surface of aluminum and galvanized steel which would
otherwise come in contact with structural steel, concrete, masonry or
plaster shall be given a heavy protective coating of alkaline resistant
bituminous paint or zinc chromate prior to installation.
1.11.4 Paint weld, galvanized items where galvanizing has been removed
for welding. Make good corrosion protection using two coats of
touch-up primer for galvanized steel. Make good corrosion
protection on prime painted steel using same premier.
1.11.5 All exposed aluminum shall have powder : refer powder coating
specs in the metal works Section (Section No.19).
1.11.6 Exposed fastenings if occurring: Finished and coloured to match the
finish and colour of the material in which they appear. The finish
provided shall be permanent and durable.
1.11.7 Stainless steel: all stainless steel products shall be made from 316L
Alloy in No. 8 mirror finish.

1.12.1 Take field measurements from actual structure and verify prior to
commencement of fabrication.
1.12.2 Remove dust and other loose material from openings.



Including Supply, Installation and guarantee for all the internal and external glazing works
as described here in and mentioned in the tender drawings.

All glazing work shall be installed by workmen experienced in this wok in accordance with
BS 6262.
The Contractor shall fix all glass with required gaskets, clips, beads, etc.
All glass panels shall have rounded edges to prevent any damage to gaskets.
The Contractor shall produce on request all invoices or advice notes from suppliers to
confirm that the glass is of the standard specified.
Any scratched, broker or otherwise defective glass is to be removed and replaced by the
Contractor at his cost during or on completion of the Works.
Glazing systems that are produced, fabricated, installed shall be provided to withstand
normal thermal movement, wind loading, and impact loading (where applicable), without
failure including loss or glass breakage attributable to the following: defective manufacture,
fabrication, and installation; failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight;
deterioration of glazing materials; and other defects in construction.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. Glass Design
Glass thickness indicated on the drawings and herein are the minimum thickness required.
Contractor shall confirm glass thickness by analyzing project loads, and in-service
conditions. Provide glass items for the various openings in the thicknesses and strengths
(annealed or heat treated or tempered) to meet or exceed the following criteria:
 Minimum glass thickness for the exterior conditions shall
be determined utilizing the structural performance criteria
and the test methods of ASTM E997 and E998. Minimum
thickness shall be determined using the most stringent of
these requirements.
 Minimum glass thickness of lites, whether composed of
annealed or heat-treated or tempered glass, are selected so
that the worst-case probability of failure does not exceed
the following:
i. 8 lites per 1000 for lites set vertically or not over 15° off vertical and under wind action.
Minimum thickness of monolithic annealed glass shall be determined according to ASTM
E1300. Thickness of glass other than monolithic annealed glass shall be determined as per
glass manufacturer’s standard method of analysis including applying adjustment factors
to ASTM E1300 based on type of glass.
ii. 1 lite per 1000 for lites set over 15° off vertical and under action of wind.
iii. Normal thermal movement resulting from a maximum change (range) of 50°C in ambient
and surface temperatures acting on glass-framing members and glazing components,
based on engineering calculation on materials actual surface temperatures due to
both solar heat gain and night time sky heat loss.

The glass framing shall both structurally support and adequately cushion the glass. To
prevent mechanical and thermal stresses on the glass, the framing system shall provide
openings that are within the tolerances for spareness, corner offset and bow. The tolerances
are listed below.

Squarness - 3mm difference in lengths of

the diagonals.
Corner Offsets - 0.8mm maximum offsets at
Bow - 1.6mm bow in a 1.22 length
of frame.

If the variations from these tolerances are anticipated, details of same shall be advised to
engineer. If site conditions are found to be outside these tolerances corrections must be
made before the openings are glazed.


Workmanship shall generally be in accordance with CP 152 and respective British

The glass is to be delivered to the site with adequate protection to prevent damage and
where possible to is to be fixed in position immediately after delivery. When fixed the
contractor is to take all necessary precautions to prevent damage during succeeding building
operations and will be entirely responsible for the replacement of any broken or damaged
glass mat his own cost.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The Contractor is to be solely responsible for determining the exact sizes of glass required,
including a tolerance of 2mm to each edge and he is recommended to check the necessary
dimensions on site.

All glass shall be thoroughly cleaned and polished on both sides and all paint spots and the
like completely removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

7. Materials:

1. Ground Floor
Shops elevation, Other External Windows and doors:
Outer lite: 6 mm Tented High performance heat-Strengthened.
Space: 12 mm air filling
Inner lite: 6 mm fully tempered clear glass.

2. Typical Floors
Outer lite: 6 mm Reflective High performance heat-Strengthened.
Space: 12 mm air filling
Inner lite: 6 mm fully tempered clear glass.
Spandrel area to be provided with insulation: 50 mm thick rigid rockwool
of density 50 kg/m3.
Balconies Handrail:
13.52 mm single laminated of the following make up:
6mm reflective high performance fully tempered
(4x0.38) mm clear pvb
6 mm clear fully tempered
Design to be up to the consultant approval.

3. External Bathrooms (on the elevations)

The glass to be 24 mm hermetically sealed structural silicone double glazed
unit of the following make up:
Outer lite: 6 mm obscured heat-treated.
Space: 12 mm air filling
Inner lite: 6 mm clear glass.

4. Internal Bathrooms (On the OTS)

6 mm obscured heat-treated.

8. Particular notes:
Obscured glass type and colour is to the architect’s approval.
Glasses shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C1036, quality Q3 unless otherwise
specified. Heat-treated glass shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C1048. Tempered
glass shall also conform to ANSI Z 97.1-984. All heat-treating shall be by the horizontal
process, and processed in such a manner as installed on the building.
Insulating glass shall comply with the following standards:
E773 test method for seal durability of sealed insulating glass units.
E774 specification for seal insulating glass units
E546 test method for frost point of sealed insulating glass units
E576 test method for dew / frost of sealed insulating glass units vertical position.
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Laminated glass shall comply with ASTM C1172
10 years warranty on the double glazing units and 5 years on the laminated glass to be
submitted from the glass fabricators by the name of the project upon the completion.

Original glass certificate of origin and 10 years warranty on the reflective and low-E
coating from the glass agent should be submitted by the name of the project upon the

9. Approved Manufacturer:
Glaverbel from Gutal- Dubai or equally approved.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

1. Under ground Waterproofing

The contractor to protect any finished surfaces to ensure no damages will be occurred, and
in the case of the same it will be complexly the contractor responsibility to fix the same and
3.3.1 Substructure and Retaining Wall:
1. 2 coats of 4mm SBS non-woven “200 g/m2” membrane waterproofing protected with
protection board 6mm -Servipack from approved source similar to -Servipack for the vertical
And should comply with the following specs:
The waterproofing membrane for protection of concrete substructure and retaining wall
shall be a SBS heavy laminate bituminous felt of a type suitable for hot climates, reinforced
with 200 gm/m2 of non woven polyester inlay and modified bituminous compound
presenting high thermal stability, plasticity and flexibility characteristics as detailed on
drawings and as specified in this Section. The thickness of the membrane shall be 4 mm as
specified and indicated on drawings.
The typical characteristics of a 4 mm thick membrane shall be as follows:

T e s t s Un i t Value Tolerance Test Method

T h i c k n e s s M m 4 ± 5 % UEAtc
A e r i c M a s s Kg/m 5.25 ± 1 0 % UEAtc
Tensile Strength at break Long N/5 cm 900 ± 2 0 % UEAtc
Tranv N/5 cm 800 ± 2 0 %
Elongation at break Long % 5 0 ± 1 5 % UEAtc
Tranv % 5 0 ± 1 5 %
Tear Strength Long N 170 ≥ 1 7 0 UEAtc
Tranv N 180 ≥ 1 8 0
C o l d B e n d i n g ° C -25°C ≤ - 2 5 UEAtc
F o r m S t a b i l i t y ° C 100 ≥ 1 0 0 UEAtc
Water pressure resistance Kpa 400 ≥ 4 0 0 DIN 16935
Softening Point R&B ° C 115 ≥ 1 1 5 ASTM D36
Down Penetration 25 °C (77°F) Dmm 3 2 ± 5 ASTM D5
2. 4mm membrane waterproofing protected with screed 5cm for the horizontal surfaces.
3.3.2 Solid block:
Two coats epoxy base paint from approved source.( Fosroc ) or equal comply with the following
Standard: BS 6920, ASTM D-570-81 “water absorption”, ASTM D-638-77a tensile strength”.
Chemical resistance: very good resistance for the following:
Distilled water, chlorinated water, marsh water, sewage water, kerosene, Sodium Hydroxide 50%,
petrol, gas oil, phosphates acid, hydrochloric acid, lactic acid 30%, acetic acid 15%, sulphuric acid

2. Roofing and Wet areas water proofing for Roof:

WP-1 The Contractor shall allow for 48 hour standing water test once the waterproofing membrane has
been properly applied. The Contractor shall allow for the disposal of the water upon completion of
the test and all repairs and re-testing as necessary to the approval of the engineer .the contractor
shall also once again test the roof by standing water for 48 hours at the time of final inspection.

WP-2 Water proofing for the roof shall be as under;

1) Foam concrete, minimum thickness 50mm with density 800 Kg/m3 laid to falls and
cross-falls to drainage outlets. The Foam concrete shall be laid in alternate bays not
exceeding ten square meters and 300mm wide from the edge with joints between bays in
10mm thick compressible fiber material, Angle fillet 100x100mm shall be provided at
junctions with vertical surfaces.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Foam concrete shall be produced by mixing a foaming emulsion with Ordinary Portland
Cement and water in a purpose designed foamed mortar mixer.
The foaming emulsion shall be obtained from a specialist manufacturer approved by the
Engineer. The mortar mixer shall be of a type recommended by the specialist manufacturer.
All mixing and laying of form concrete shall conform to the manufacturer’s written
instructions to thickness as indicated in the drawings with a minimum thickness of 50 mm.

2) Supply and apply one coat of approved solvent base priming/ bonding course as per
manufacture instruction.

3) 1 layer of 4mm elastomeric special polyester tropical grade SBS non-woven modified
bituminous approved membrane, and complying with the following specs:
The waterproofing membrane for protection of concrete substructure shall be a SBS heavy
laminate bituminous felt of a type suitable for hot climates, reinforced with 200 gm/m2 of
non woven polyester inlay and modified bituminous compound presenting high thermal
stability, plasticity and flexibility characteristics as detailed on drawings and as specified in
this Section. The thickness of the membrane shall be 4 mm as specified and indicated on
The typical characteristics of a 4 mm thick membrane shall be as follows:
T e s t s Un i t Value Tolerance Test Method
T h i c k n e s s M m 4 ± 5 % UEAtc
A e r i c Ma s s Kg/m 5.25 ± 1 0 % UEAtc
Tensile Strength at break Long N/5 cm 900 ± 2 0 % UEAtc
Tranv N/5 cm 800 ± 2 0 %
Elongation at break Long % 5 0 ± 1 5 % UEAtc
Tranv % 5 0 ± 1 5 %
Tear Strength Long N 170 ≥ 1 7 0 UEAtc
Tranv N 180 ≥ 1 8 0
C o l d B e n d i n g ° C -25°C ≤ - 2 5 UEAtc
Form Stability ° C 100 ≥ 1 0 0 UEAtc
Water pressure resistance Kpa 400 ≥ 4 0 0 DIN 16935
Soft en i ng Poi n t R& B ° C 115 ≥ 1 1 5 ASTM D36
Down Penetration 25 °C (77°F ) Dmm 3 2 ± 5 ASTM D5

4) The junction between the horizontal and vertical shall be covered with metal-faced water
proofing membrane as skirting with overlap of min. 300 mm.

5) 50mm thickness extruded Polystyrene (Rigid foam) SHD grad closed cell with 32 kg/m3 density,
and should comply with the following:
A. Material
The thermal insulation material shall be an inorganic plastic material and performed into
rigid foam slabs by pressure extrusion method. The foaming and extrusion process shall
ensure 100% closed cell formation and smooth hard unbroken skin on all external faces.
The insulation slabs shall be extruded polystyrene boards of 50 mm uniform thickness and
shall conform to BS 3837: Part 2: 1990 Extruded boards. It shall be type A, grade SHD
(extruded boars with skins) having a standard dimension of 1250 x 600 x 50 mm.
The material shall exhibit the following characteristics:
Five year aged average thermal conductivity of maximum 0.032 W/mk when tested at 24°C
in accordance with DIN –52612 or ASTM C-518-76, C-177-76.
Compressive strength of 43 psi or 300 kps average when tested in accordance with DIN-
53421 or ASTM D-1621.
Water absorption of maximum 1% average when tested in accordance with ASTM D-2842.
Water vapour permeability of 0.6 perm inch average when tested in accordance with ASTM

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
6) Separation layer of polypropylene fabric Type 3337 from approved list of manufacturers
laid loosely over membrane to receive tiles.

Technical characteristics Test Method Unit Value

Mass per unit area ASTM D 5261 G/m2 80
Thickness (Under 2 KN/m2) ASTM D 5199 mm 1.2
Tensile Strength (MC/CD) EN 29073-3 N/5cm 130/150
Elongation EN 29073-3 % >60
Grab Strength (MC/CD) ASTM D 4632 N 150/170
Grab Elongation ASTM D 4632 % >70
Trapezoid Tearing (MC/CD) ASTM D 4533 N 80/100
Mullen Burst ASTM D 3786 PSI 120
Puncture Strength ASTM D 4633 N 150
CBR Puncture BS 6906 Part 4 N 580
Cone Drop Test BS 6906 Part 6 mm 32
Permeability “K” ASTM D 4491 cm/sec 0.35
Permittivity ASTM D 4491 s-1 2.5
Flow Rate 100 mm Head BS 6906 Part 3 l/m2/s 250
Transmissivity (2 KN/m2) ASTM D 4716 10-6xm2/s 25
Flow Rate (in-plane/2KN/m2) ASTM D 4716 l/m/h 80
A.O.S (O95) ASTM D 4751 Micron 106
Fabric Colour White
Roll Size (Width x Length) 3.0 m x 100 m
Paper Core Size
3000 mm x 70 mm x 4 mm
(Width x ID x Wall thickness )
Packing HDPE wrap

7) 600 * 600 Concrete panels to be provided with the necessary plastic support.
8) Gravel to be filled all around the roof at the skirting areas.
9) Roof membrane at the edges (skirting areas) to be mineral chips.
10) Zaid coat system from Al Zaid International and the coats will be as follow: -
1. RA 71.
2. Zaid Filler.
3. Zaid Coat.
4. Fiber Tex (Matrix)

WP-3 For Kitchen, Pantry, Balcony, Toilet and bath etc

1) Supply and apply one coat of approved solvent base priming/ bonding course as per manufacture
2) 1 layer of 4mm elastomeric special polyester tropical grade SBS non-woven modified bituminous
approved membrane. Torch applied 200 gm\m2. Extra layer at junctions with vertical surface

WP-4 The Contractor is to allow in his rates for such areas to be flooded with water, and left for a minimum
of 48 hours.
Roof to be tested once again before the preliminary handing over of the project on the
written instruction by the engineer.
All the surfaces to be cleaned, dried and grinded in accordance to the manufacturer
The contractor to protect any finished surfaces to ensure no damages will be occurred, and
in the case of the same it will be complexly the contractor responsibility to fix the same and

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. Guarantee:
The Contractor and sub-contractor shall provide the Employer with a written unconditional
guarantee for the roofing system installed on site for a period of 10 (ten) years form the date
of issue of the Fine \certificate at the completion of the maintenance period. The contractor
shall bear the cost on any of the consequential damage or complete renewal as determined
by Engineer during the above period as is provide for is same guarantee. The text of the
guarantee shall be to the Engineer's approval.

All surfaces shall be clear of all deleterious matter and dry all in accordance with the
manufactures written instructions. Prior to the application of any waterproofing/roofing
material or primer the Contractor shall grind the concrete surface using a mechanical
grinder to ensure al surface irregularities are removed. and gain the Engineer's written
approval that he may commence the said works, without same all works shall be rejected
and replaced at the Contractor's expense.

Finished and part finished surfaces shall be suitably protected to ensure no damage by other
trades. Any roofing or waterproofing so damaged due to non-protection shall be remove an
replaced at the Contractor's expense. The contractor shall submit to the engineer his
proposed methods of protecting the various surfaces and locations prior to their completion
or application of finishing layers, i.e. tiling and the like.


The internal floor, walls of the water tank shall be treated with a waterproof coating. The
lining shall be GRP lining suitable for use on horizontal and vertical surfaces. Further
properties of the lining shall be non toxic and contain no chloride or other corrosive salts
which could cause blooming.
All internal surfaces shall be clean and sound and free of dust, loose particles, cement
laitance, grease, rust and other contaminants prior to application all to the Engineer's
Absorbent surfaces, (concrete, renderings and plaster) shall be pre wetted with clean water
and during application the surface shall be kept moist but free form standing water.
The lining shall be applied to the prepared surfaces in 2-3 layers, each layer not exceeding
1.5 mm thickness. overall Thickness shall be 4mm for water tank and 2 mm for manholes.
Curing shall be controlled so as to prevent the application drying out too quickly,
particularly with respect to heavy winds and intense sunshine.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval his water tank lining proposal and
application of same shall be strictly applied in accordance with the manufacturer's printed
The Contractor to submit samples for Engineer's approval.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Will be Galvanized metal strips, each is 2 cm long and 16.7 cm wide. Both sides are completely
covered with a special coating which guarantees a waterproof bonding to the fresh concrete.
The coating must be protected by a split protective film on both sides.
A concrete cover 3 cm should be sufficient to retain a water pressure of up to 6.0 bar. The
enormous elasticity of the coating in the area of the joint should prevent leaks that may arise
due to the concrete shrinkage.

Water stopper for construction joint shall be Pentaflex KB, Germany origin.
Approved supplier is Emirates Hickson or equally approved.

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Mirrors shall be 6 mm thick approved polished plate glass with beveled edges fixed with chromium
plate dome headed mirror screws and plugged to walls.
In case of Counters: mirrors to be provided inside the baths with width equal to the counter width and
with height up to the false ceiling, other wise to be 90*60 cm.
Concave mirror with radius of 500mm to be provided at each corner at basement floors and the first
connection between ground floor ramp and the 1st basement.
Fixation and height will be according to the consultant approval.


 Vanity Top: marble vanity top with supply rate of 650 DHS/l.m including facia from the
same marble with 30cm depth and 2 cm thick with grove, skirting to be from the same
marble (10*2) cm.

3. SW. Sanitary Ware


The contractor shall allow in his bid his price for fixing the Sanitary Ware and any related works for
the completion of this item.
-Items listed are from approved manufacturer, up to consultant approval. All colors to the
consultant selection.


5. fittings are chrome plated unless otherwise stated. All apparent cold and hot water pipes
connected to taps shall be rigid and chrome plated.
All mixers to be for approved manufacturer “HASA (Hansa Mix) or GROHE (Eurodisk)” and up to
the consultant approval.

6. All sanitary Accessories are from approved manufacturer, Position of accessories as directed
by Engineer wherever required.

SA-1 Shelf concealed fixing

SA-2 Soap holder for washbasin, semi- recessed.

SA-3 Toilet roll holder

SA-4 Hooks by pair

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan


1- EW. Electrical works

2- Generator Set

3- Digital Intercom system

4- Light Fittings


6- WS. Water supply



9- Air Conditioning:

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
1. EW. Electrical works


The electrical systems installations to be executed completely by a specialist Electrical Firm.

The Electrical Contractor shall include for the supply of the whole of the materials in accordance with the
specifications as per approved list of make and the whole of the work of fixing necessary for the complete
installations as set down in their specifications with accompanying drawings and schedules. Commencing
from supply authorities terminals

The work shall be carried out to the satisfaction of and in accordance with the rules, regulations and
requirements of the supply authority. Where none exist the work shall be carried out in accordance with the
"Current Regulation for the Electrical Equipment of Building " issued by the Institute of electrical Engineers
(United Kingdom).

The electrical contractor shall serve all notices on the supply authority for testing, pay all fees in connection
therewith, and should any additional charges be made for re-testing, they shall be paid by the electrical

Circuit list shall be provided inside all distribution board etc, clearly marked in Indian ink.

The consulting engineer shall have full power to require any material or work to be tested at the electrical
contractor's expenses in order to prove their soundness and efficiency.

The cable conduit and sheaths shall be tested for insulation and continuity as the work proceeds, before any
connections are made to the switch and distribution board terminals. In case any materials or work shall,
with or without being tested, be considered defective, such work shall forth with be amended in a proper
and satisfactory manner on being notified by the Consulting engineer. Where certificates are required from
manufactures of specialized equipment, before handing over the Electrical Contractor will pay all charges
incurred on obtaining these certificates.

The position of all points and equipment shown on the accompanying plans shall be assumed correct for the
purpose of tender but it is the Electrical Contractors responsibility to check the positions with the drawings
which will be available on site. Any variation of position or height may allow without extra charge, unless
such alterations are made after conduits, cables etc are fixed.

The Electrical Contractor shall submit shop drawings showing all details and samples of Electrical
Accessories as required by Consulting Engineer and shall be approved before starting work at site.



Surface/recessed mounted type switch gear and distribution board suitable for conduit or cable entry as
required and shall, where specified, be mounted on the building structure by means of suitable mild steel
straps or angle iron frames. In the case of distribution boards or switchgear required to be directly attached
to brickwork etc. the fixing shall be by means of grouted in bolts, or bolts of the expansion type.

Barriers of fireproof materials shall be fitted between all phases and neutral. Any live metal in the
distribution board shall be screened with the insulation material, so that circuit breakers can be withdrawn
and replaced without any danger to the operator.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The circuit Breakers shall be situated to allow wiring to the carried out with sufficient slack to enable them
to be removed for inspection without disconnecting any circuit wiring.

Where single core cable enter or leave any item of metal clad switch gear, distribution gear, etc. the cable
core shall all pass through the same aperture in the enclosure or case of the unit concerned, to avoid the
setting up of eddy currents. Where separate holes are provided by the manufacturer for the slot, or
alternatively the holes shall be joined together with saw cuts through the solid metal sperating the holes. In
all cases the plates shall be of non-ferrous materials

The Contractor shall submit test certificates such as ASTA or as issued by any other independent testing
authority confirming the declared short circuit rating of switch board and circuit breakers.


Main L.V. distribution panel shall be of free standing cubicle multier type in cooperating 3 phase neutral
and earth high conductivity insulated copper bus bars with individual connection for every outgoing ACB'S
fuse switches, distribution units, metering panels, all necessary CT'S and the like as required. Each
compartment shall be equipped with thermostatic ally controlled heaters that shall be "on" all the time
Ventilation means and lights.

Main distribution panel (s) shall be equipped with all necessary circuit breaker and components with enough
spare outgoing for any future use as per drawing.

Switch distribution shall be designed to operate on a 415/240v 3 phase and neutral 50HZ supply and shall
have a minimum short circuit rating as specified in the approved drawing, for three seconds switchboard
shall be comply with BS. 5486 part - 1 malticubicle type FBA FROM-11

All ACB'S shall be tripe-pole withdraw able type. They shall have manually and electrically D.C. operated
spring charge closing mechanism and three duel- magnetic (low time delay) and instantaneous over current
trip devices unless specified otherwise (such as short time-delay for selective tripping)

Electrically operated-breakers shall have a push button on the escutcheon of the breaker. All the incoming
and outgoing circuit breaker shall have enough change over auxiliary contacts.

Each breaker of 630A or more shall be supported within its compartment by a roll-outer track that is part of
the withdrawable mechanism attached to the side of the compartment. All the ACB'S of the same type and
rating shall be entirely interchangeable.

All ACB'S shall be temperature Compensated at the manufacturers works to give the current rating
indicated on the drawings at 50 degree. C. Non-compensated breaker will not be approved. A formal
certificate will be required from the manufacturer confirming that the breakers have been suitably
temperature compensated.

The contractor will be responsible for the ensuring that any back up (current-limiting) fuse protection is
provided in circuit breaker switchboards as necessary. Any such current limiting fuses shall be
appropriately labeled to indicate their function.

The cubicle shall be front operated with a mechanical on/off position indicator and shall be designed and
tested in accordance with relevant standards. The cubicle shall be capable of being extended in either
direction for further MCCB'S as necessary.

The main incoming supply shall be complete with an ammeter, CTS, phase-to-phase voltmeter. Each meter
shall have phase selector switch and indication lamps and set for main incoming supply.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The switchboard shall be complete with adjustable gland plates, lamp, and cable boxes for the incoming and
outgoing circuits. There shall be adequate channel frames drilled or slotted for ease of assembly, to support
cable tails, clamps and terminations within the cubicles. All entries and opening shall be vermin proof. All
line conductive parts shall be shielded in such a manner that they cannot be accidentally touched when the
doors are open.
The degree of protection of the switchboard enclosure should be IP31 or above.


These shall be self contained, rust proof, durable stoves silver-gray hammered enameled, cubicle pattern
sheet steel units complete with circuit breakers of the size and rating required to meet the power demand (as
per approved drawing). All distribution boards shall contain an integral main isolator/MCCB appropriate
capacity. The short circuit capacity of the distribution boards shall be rated to withstand the short circuit
level of the position installed.

A sub-feed neutral assembly with a removable link for isolation shall have available as an integral part of
the distribution board. Earthing bar assembly shall also be available to felicitate the connection of earth
continuity conductors.

Door locks shall be fitted as standard to all distribution boards and all the locks shall be keyed alike. The
degree of protection of the switchboard shall comply with BS- 5490 and IP 31 OF ice 529 or upgraded to
meet the requirement of particular location


The MCB Distribution boards shall be flush-mounding type rust proof sheel units, complete with miniature
circuit breakers providing thermal over load and magnetic short circuit protection and ICB's as shown on the
drawings. The assembly shall comply with BS - 5486 part - 12

The MCB shall be mounted on either d phase or single phase or split busbars as appropriate. All MCB
distribution boards shall be provided with an integral main isolator/MCB with the capacity as shown on
drawings/schedules. All spaces that are not provided with breakers shall be covered with blank plates. As
standard items all MCB hoards shall be provided with permanent circuit identification chart to the approval
of the Engineer.

A final sub circuit neutral assembly and an earthing bar assembly shall be available to the felicitate the
connection of neutral conductors and protective conductors respectively.

All MCB's connected to incandescent and fluorescent lighting shall be protection type 3 and those
connected to general purpose socket and water heaters shall be protection Type- Final sub circuit for other
inductive loads to be provided with Type - 3 break. The three pole-circuit breaker shall be common trip with
individual spring pressure on each contact/ The minimum short circuit breaking capacity of MCB shall be
6K.A. All the circuit breakers shall comply to B.S.- 3871 Part -1, with amendments, and shall be
constructed and tested with the same. All CB's shall be factory calibrated to ambient temperature of 50
degree C
Earth leakage circuit breakers shall be provided as per the drawing/loading schedule.

DB colour to be submitted for the Architect’s approval before placing the order for the materials.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
ITEMS Excluded
1) Transformer & H.T. Switch gear
2) H.T. cable up to transformer

1) Electrical contractor has to put all the conduits
2) Consultants reserve the right to change the location of DB inside the building as per the site
condition. The electrical contractor has to do the same without cost variation.
3) Electrical contractor shall co-ordinate with A/c contractor for successful completion of A/c
works. The supply, installation, testing and commissioning of isolators, providing sleeves
and PVC pipes for A/c gas pipes, providing opening for fresh air supply wherever necessary
to be done by Elect. Contractor as instructed by consultants & A/C contractor.
4) Electrical contractor shall co-ordinate with Plumping contractor for successful completion
of Plumping works. The supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water heater,
water pump set, water booster pump set, , providing sleeves , wiring and PVC pipes for the
same, providing opening for the plumping sleeves wherever necessary to be done by Elect.
Contractor as instructed by consultants & Plumping contractor.
5) Electrical contractor shall co-ordinate with fire fighting contractor for successful
completion of fire fighting works. The supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
fire fighting pump set, providing sleeves and PVC pipes for the fire alarm cables, fire alarm
control panel.
6) The Electrical contractor has to do the testing and commissioning of the entire electrical
system as per DEWA rules and regulations and up to the satisfaction of the consultants'
engineer. Any item which is not mentioned in the specification / drawing and is necessary
for the successful operation of the electrical system, electrical contractor has to supply and
install the system without any extra cost.
7) Electrical contractor shall provide the power requirement for the window A/C that is
mentioned in the drawings.
8) Contractor has to provide cable tray for taking the cable from G.FL. Electrical room to
upper floors and horizontally at ground floor and first floor above false ceiling.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
1. PVC conduits & accessories - Decoduct (to be very heavy duty) as per BS
2. Cable and Wires - Ducab / Delta
MK, Clipsal Series E 3000
4. Exhaust Fan (For All the internal bath - Xpleir- or equal “to be with auto shutter”.
rooms and kitchens)
8" for Baths, 10" for kitchens.
pump room & substation to be provided with
16” industrial exhaust fan .
5. Inline ducted exhaust fan (For all the Penn, Newair (UK) or equal.
external bath rooms and kitchens)
Capacity to be calculated by the
contractor to fit the requirements of the
6. Main/Sub-main distribution Boards - Dorman smith (from approved assembler & supplier)
7. Final Distribution boards - Dorman smith (from approved assembler & supplier)
8. Earthing system - BICC, Furse, Otter mill
9. Emergency Light/ Exit light - Tam Lite (with prismatic - diffuser)
10. Electrical Box - Galvanized English made with brass Terminal and
adjustable lugs Barton –UK or equal.
11. Main incoming cable (upto - excluded.
12. Capacitor bank - Dorman smith (from approved assembler & supplier)
13. Isolators - Clipsal
14. Telephone system - Laying of PVC conduits and junction boxes- decoduct
with wires approved by Etisalat, face plat to be same as
item 3, and approved by Etisalat.
15. Electrical meter - Auto meter or GEC
16. Trucking system wall mounted and
floor mounted.
The dimension to be as follows:
Upto 229mm 1.0 mm - MK England, Swift (UK)
229 mm to 305 mm 1.2 mm
305 mm to 457 mm 1.5 mm
457 mm to 914 mm 2.0 mm
17. Junction Boxes Legrand (UK) or equal
18. Calling bell - Gong- Germany or Legrand – UK
19. Ceiling fans - KDK or equal.
20. GI conduits Barton (UK) or equal.
to be 100% galvanized protection on all

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
2. Generator Set:


Generator Set 50 Hz
Model Rating

Standby 100 160
GEP 110

Standard Voltages 50 Hz 380-415 Volts 3 Phase

Rating Definitions

Standby Power

These ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power (At variable load) in the event of a
utility power failure. No overload is permitted on these ratings. When used at standby rating the alternator
will be peak continuous rated (as defined in ISO8528-3) at 270C.

Prime Power :

These ratings are applicable for supplying continuous power (at variable load) in lieu of commercially
purchased power. There is no limitation to the annual hours of operation and this model can supply 10%
overload power for 1 hour in 12 hours.
The Generator should be provided with life time rechargeable battery.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. Digital Intercom system:

A. General

The Contractor shall allow for the supply, Install, test and commission the Digital Audio vidio
Intercom system, as herein specified and shown on the drawings. The system shall consist of a master
intercom station at the main entrance and audio vidio intercom slave stations in all the apartments.

B. System Features

The basic function of the system shall be to facilitate communication between a visitor at the entrance
lobby and the occupants of the apartments. The visitor initiates a call by punching in the apartment
number to be visited, and pushing the call button in the digital keypad of the panel. A buzzer alerts the
occupant of a visitor. When the occupant picks the telephone handset, an audio communication link
shall be established between the entrance panel and the apartment.

The system shall be operated on 24VAC supplied by a 220V/24V transformer located at the ground
floor electrical room or above the false ceiling, to the approval of the Engineer. The main entrance panel
and apartment stations shall be installed as shown on the drawings, with all inter connection wiring,
conduits and accessories. The conduit system shall be segregated from all other systems.

The system shall be a programmable digital type permitting parallel connection (looping) of all flat
telephone units and shall not require individual radial connections. The program shall permit assignment
of suitable identification numbers to individual apartment stations.
The system shall allow privacy, i.e. conversation shall only be heard by the number called.

C. Apartment Stations (Handsets)

All apartment stations shall be complete with electronic call, conversation button on the base, door
opening button and supplementary button for additional services.
The handset shall be surface mounted type.

D. Master Intercom Station (Main Entrance Unit)

The main entrance unit station shall be flush mounted with an illuminated push button, microphone
speaker all as a built in unit. The face plate shall be of thick anodized aluminum, with aluminum push
buttons. It shall consist of a digital call module and electronic name directory module and speaker unit
with microphone. The digital call module shall have a four digit LCD display, 12 push button panel
illuminated form the rear, confirmation buzzer for push button pressed and shall act as electronic coded
key with 9 possible different control codes. The electronic name directory module shall have a 32-
character alphanumerical display. It shall memorize at least 400 user names. Name scrolling shall be
carried out using two search push buttons. Once the name of the desired person is displayed, the call
shall be imitated by simply pressing the call button.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
4. Light Fittings:


The main contractor shall be responsible for the full coordination with the fittings supplier for incorporating
any arrangement required for good fixation such as appropriate hooks for pendant fittings, openings in the
false ceilings, special electricity power supply or any other requirement whatsoever. The contractor shall
show the dates of the light fittings delivery in the master programme of work after having the same
approved by the Client’s representative.
The main contractor shall show in his bid his price for fixing the light fittings.
All external; lights to be connected to timer.
The light fitting to be considered as LUPSUM contractor to include in his bid:
1. Lifting of materials, scaffolding, storage area.
2. Protection of stored materials will be the MEP Sub-contractor responsibility.
3. Fixing of light fittings.
4. Providing the light points.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

The contractor shall allow in his bid his price for the infra-structure work required for the above work (
fixing the necessary manholes, pipes, cable trays, conduits, junction boxes, boxes and sockets with the
necessary pull ropes as per du requirement/ approval vide the approved drawing ), attendance/overhead &
The contractor to prepare separate CATV drawing and to submit the same for Etisalat approval.


Out lets to be provided for each leaving room and bed room.
General Outlines
The contractor shall allow for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of switched
intermediate frequency “IF” distribution system, as specified.
The manufacturers authorized representative shall install the primary system equipment and its components.
All of the equipment and / or components for the “IF” distribution System installed shall be from the same
manufacturer. Mixing of equipment made by different manufacturers will not be accepted unless the
manufacturer does not carry a product in his range.
The system shall be designed in such a way, that maximum number of Satellite Channels can be distributed
through the distribution network with consideration for future expansion.
All electronic equipment shall comply and conform to ISO 900 series of quality standards and Y2K
The installation must comply to all electrical safety regulations, with particular reference to :
- Equi- potential group
- Network powering
- Protection against contact and proximity with electrical power distribution systems.
- Protection against over voltages

System requirements
The IF system shall provide for the reception of a minimum of three satellite LNB (F) s. It shall also provide
for an RF signal input.
The IF system shall be future proof, so that any additional satellite packages can be added onto it.

Satellite Dish Antennas

The combination of dishes, antennas and LNB (F) s used shall render sufficient signal and carrier to Noise
(CNR) levels of Analogue and Digital TV and radio channels. Typically a minimum signal level of 70Db V
at 15Db CNR measured at the output of the LNB (F)
The LNB (F) shall have a suitable phase-noise to be stable enough to accommodate for an interrupt-free
reception and radio channels receptions well as render an acceptable Bit Error Rate for Digital TV.

Cable Distribution Network :

- The IF distribution system shall be capable of carrying RF signals on the same cable network
along with IF signals and shall be transparent to any standard and access control.
- The distribution system shall be compatible with all Analogue and Digital transmissions shall
be designed with different values of appropriate taps and splitters so that the signal level at
different points does not vary from floor to floor.
The cable distribution network shall also be designed as such that the signal levels at every wall outlet shall
meet or exceed the specifications as listed in the table below :

Typical Wall Outlet Signal Requirements (Terminated @ 75 )

Bandwidth 950-2150MHz
Output Level 55 –75 Db V
Max Level Difference SAT IF 950-2150 15dB V
CNR 15Db(27MHz noise bankwidth)
CSO (composite second order distortion) 30dB
CTB (composite triple beat) 30dB
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
All cables used in the network shall be double screened: sweeps tested to 2 GHz and have an nominal
impedance of 75

Trunk Cable Specification must meet or exceed the following :]

Maximum Losses 950MHz 15Db / 100Mts
Maximum Losses 2150 MHz 25Db / 100Mts

Drop cable specifications must meet or exceed the following :

Maximum Losses 950MHz 21 DB / 100Mts
Maximum Losses 2150MHz 32DB / 100Mts
All cables shall be labeled at both ends.
Complete schematic diagrams of the cable network shall be submitted as part of the as built drawings

Splitters and Tapes ( passives)

The IF distribution system, Splitters & Tapes shall be able to operate in frequency band of 950-2300 MHz
The UBB distribution system splitters and taps shall be able to operate in the frequency and 5-2300 Mhz.
Maximum of one looped wall outlets shall be used. Each main point shall be fed directly from IF switch.
All taps, Splitters, Switches, amplifiers and any other system component shall be easily accessible for test
and maintenance purposes.

Only the correct connectors to suit the matching cable must be used. All connectors shall be crimp type only
and shall be waterproof type. All non-connected inputs or outputs hall be properly terminated with a 75
Ohm load.

Wall Outlets
- All wall outlets shall be capable of extracting the TV/FM & satellite frequencies
- Each wall outlet shall have direct IF connection, looping between wall outlets is not acceptable.
System shall have correct value of outlets and confirm to the signal level requirements.

Terrestrial antennas
Antennas should be constructed of light aluminum alloy and protected against corrosion by heavy anodic
Antennas should be fixed on a galvanized steel pipe 1.5” min. diameter, and the mast should be fixed on the
roof of the building with strong concrete base and secured by guy wires. The locations of the mast to be
agreed by the consulting engineer.
Channelized antennas shall be provided for VHF channels and channel-grouped antennas for UHF channels.
Number of elements and the gains of the antennas shall be selected according to the aerials signal level of
each channel.

Dish Antenna
All dish antenna shall be made by reputed international company and shall be made from non Ferron
material and coated if required by anti-corrosive paint.
Dishes shall have structural integrity to withstand the max expected wind forces in the area.
To support of all satellite dish antennas and terrestrial antennas on roof shall be to structure engineer
Following are the required satellite receptions :

A. MATV(Terrestrial) channels
1. Dubai Ch 33 & 41
2. Abu Dhabi Ch 43
3. Sharjah 22
4. Ajman Ch 26
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
5. FM Radio

B. SMATV (Satellite) Channels

Nilesat : All digital programs (IF distribution) with provision for the Showtime
ArabSat : All digital programs (IF distribution)
AsiaNet : All digital programs (IF distribution)
Hotbird : All digital programs (IF distribution)
List of approved make for equipment of system digital:
Wisi Digital Modulators or equivalent.
Free to Air Digital Receivers Euro box Koria or equivalent.
Wisi Digital Amplifiers or equivalent.
RG 6 TFC Cables U.S.A. or equivalent.
RG 12 TFC Cables U.S.A. or equivalent.
RG 500 TFC Cables U.S.A. or equivalent.
T.V. socket outlet Wisi (Germany) or equivalent.
Decoder Strong Koria or equivalent
All Above component are to be compatible as hole system or equivalent.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
6. WS. Water supply:

WS-1 Scope of work include supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water supply and
drainage system as specified herein and as per drawing and up to the satisfaction and approval of
consultants. Any item of work which is not mentioned in the specification and drawing and is
necessary for the successful completion of the project, the contractor has to provide the same without
any extra cost.

WS-2 Internal water supply shall be as following:

1. Polypropylene Pipe Germany made for the horizontal pipes “above the false
2. Pex pipe for the vertical pipes “through the walls”.
3. the fitting and trims to be bronze.

WS-3 External water supply shall be using PPR pipes – Aluminum coated with UV protection layer, and
insulated with rubber insulation protected with canvas.
(i) From ground water tank up to the overhead water tank
(ii) Water outlet for external area (2 Nos)
(iii) From overhead water tank to individual location

WS-4 water transfer pump set to pump the ground water to the overhead tank placed at pump room in two
nos. ( one as stand by) - (GROUNDFOS OR BIRAL) and approved by consultants.

WS-5 booster pump sets to be provided on roof for the last two floors for each building with the
provision of a control panel and a pressure vessel having the proper capacity to BS standard,
(GROUNDFOS OR BIRAL) and approved by consultants.

WS-6 Water meters/ valves will be supplied and fixed by plumbing contractor. All laison work required
for water supply connection to be done by plumbing contractor.

WS-7 Gate valve on roof area - Pegler-UK.

WS-8 Angle valve shall be provided for all hot and cold water out let/ water heaters - Grohe - Germany or

WS-9 All the water supply system shall be tested for 10 bar pressure for 24 hours in the presence of
consultants' engineer.

WS-10 All the water supply pipes at roof area to be identified in accordance with the colors and code
indication of BS. 1710.

WS-11 Pressure reducer to be provided Pegler-UK.

The main contractor shall allow in his bid his price for attendance/overhead & profit.


Water heaters shall be supplied and fixed by contractor and to be from approved manufacturer “Ariston” or
equal and to be glass lined with 5 years guarantee, capacity to be as per the drawings.
The contractor shall fix the water heaters as shown in the contract drawings. All pipe work for the hot water
system shall be Polypropylene Pipe.
The contractor shall show the dates of the Water heaters delivery in the master programme of work after
having the same approved by the Client’s representative.
The contractor shall allow in his bid his price for fixing the water heaters and any related works for the
completion of this item.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

Scope of work include supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of wet riser system “landing valve”
hose reel and sprinkler system as per Dubai Civil Defense requirements and as per the approved drawing
and up to the approval of the consultants. Civil Defense Department approval fees to be paid by the

FF-1 Hose reels and Extinguishers

First-aid firefighting consisting of pressurized hose reels two numbers (Viking USA or equal)
1. fire hose reel to be of swinging type with automatic operation after unwinding a short length of
hose, the hose to be 1’ dia. with total length of 100 m robber fire hose reinforced with double
braiding and shall be suitable of working pressure up to 3 bar .
2. hose reel for the landing valve to be of 2.5” dia. with total length of 30 m.
extinguishes shall be in accordance with BS 530 part 3 and BS 5423, and shall be approved by Dubai Civil
The hose reel nuzzle shall be of high impact plastic/ jet spray and shut off.
The extinguishers shall be Co2 and dray powder of 5 kg.
Hose reel cabinets shall be of mirror S/S finish recessed type up to the consultant approval.

FF-2 wet riser system:

A system consisting of wet riser, landing valves, breaching inlet and hoses as per Dubai Civil Defense
requirements and as per the approved drawing up to the satisfaction of the consultants is to be provided.

Where shown on the drawing, a wet riser two inlet breaching valve assembles shall be provided in a wet
riser inlet box.

The breaching shall be located in stainless steel cabinet and to be of 100mm two inlet type, horizontal
pattern with 65mm male instantiation inlets, caps and chains back pressure valves and 25mm drain valve all
as manufactured by Angus / Unitor / Sukar or as equal approved.

At each floor level wet riser landing valves shall be supplied and installed as shown on the approved
drawing. The valves shall be manufactured in gun metal and shall be of the gate pattern.

 Separate pump set of enough capacity (to be approved by consultants) has to be

provided and approved by the consultants.
 All the piping works inside the building shall be heavy gauge galvanized seamless
type to BS1387 with fitting to BS 143/1256.
 Firefighting equipment including fire pump - Angus / Unitor or equal and approved
by the consultants.


(a) Wet pipe sprinkler system employ automatic sprinklers attached to a piping system
containing water and connected to a water supply, each line is fully pressurized, so that
water discharges immediately from sprinklers opened by a fire.
(b) The System shall be designed such that only those sprinklers, which have been
operated by heat only discharge water.
(c) The design of the sprinkler system indicated on the drawing will be fully developed by
the contractor strictly in accordance with the requirements of the local fire officer and
rules for automatic sprinkler installation as per NFPA 13. All material shall UL listed /
FM approved.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
(d) The System including riser check valve layout of automatic sprinklers, piping network,
inspectors test & drain connection, sized and design should be considered as per NFPA
13 or LPC rules.
(e) The Fire fighting system shall be fed from the adequate water source.
(f) The System shall be complete with automatic packaged fire pumping set, valves, water
motor alarm gong, pressurized water mains, main distribution pipes, Branch pipes,
hangers and supports, sprinkler heads and drain system. The alarm system shall be
interconnected with the main building fire alarm panel.
(g) The water motor alarm gong shall consist of a single water turbine having the shaft
connected to a rotary ball clapper mounted with in a domed gong. The test valve shall
be incorporated on a branch pipe from the alarm valve to allow operational conditions
to be simulated for test purposes. Auxiliary pressure sensing device shall be
incorporated in the feed to the alarm gong to actuate the main fire alarm panel.
(h) Water from the test valve shall be properly drained. Alarm system shall be self
winding, adjustable recycling non thermal type and equipped with signal retarding
device to prevent faults alarms due to surge in the water system.
(i) Are protected per sprinkler shall not exceed 130-sq. ft. (12.1 m2) and distance between
sprinklers shall not exceed 12 ft.
(j) The distance from the walls to end sprinklers on the branch lines shall not exceed one –
half of the allowable distance between sprinklers on the branch lines. The distance
from the walls to the end branch lines shall not exceed one – half the allowable
distance between the branch lines.
(k) The allowable distance between sprinklers on the branch lines is determined by the
actual distance between the branch lines and the permissible protection area, per
(l) The contractor shall supply adequate quantity of spare sprinkler heads of the correct
temperature rating to the employer for use during an emergency.


The System shall be provided with Alarm Devices Consisting (but not limited) the following:
(a) ALARM VALVE : UL listed and FM approved.
Should be check type, rubber faced clapper. Designed for use in wet pipe system for
automatic actuation. The system alarm valve may be installed vertically or horizontally
with inlet and outlet connection as per ANSI standard B 16.1.
(b) BASIC TRIM AND RETARDING CHAMBER : UL listed and FM approved
To be used in order to prevent and false alarm may be caused by small variation in pressure.
The combination should consist of and externally mounted by – pass check valve to permit
slow as well as small transient increases in water supply pressure to be passed through to
the system, and held at their highest valve, without opening of the water way clapper.
(c) PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH : UL listed and FM approved.
To be designed to indicate a water discharge from automatic sprinkler and start-up or shut-
down of auxiliary fire protection system equipment. The one single pole double throws
snap-action switch’s components to be enclosed in an oil resistant NEMA type 2 dripproof
indoors rated housing.
(d) WATER MOTOR ALARM : UL listed and FM approved.
Hydraulically operated outdoor alarm, designed for use with fire protection system water
flow detection devices. To be suitable for mounting to any type of rigid wall and to consist
of an approved ‘Y’ strainer for use in the alarm line utilizing a high energy efficient, light
sound pressure impeller design which can produce a very high sound pressure level. The
gong, gong mount and water motor housing to be from corrosion resistant aluminium alloy.
The drive bearings to be made from derlin and do not require lubrication.
(e) STOP VALVE: UL listed and FM approved should be gate valve OS & Y designed
specifically for fire line applications, where positive indication of the open or closed
position is necessary. The valve to be of flange ends, iron body have a working pressure
of 175 PSI.
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
A.03 SPRINKLER Heads: UL listed and FM approved.
As per Central Sprinkler Co. or Equal approved. Sprinkler heads shall be with Glass bulb
element and rated for 68oC (155oF). They shall be ½” orifice and ½” NPT. Type of the
Sprinkler heads shall be as follows:

(a) Installed Areas with false ceiling.

Concealed type Sprinkler heads consists of a unique 2 piece base and cover assembly with a
Pendent Sprinkler Head. The base element shall be suitable for accommodating the Pendent
Sprinkler and shall orient the Sprinkler in ceiling opening. The cover shall snap on the Sprinkler
deflector by a heat sensitive metal clip, which release the cover during fire.

(b) Installed in Area without False ceiling.

(Pendent / upright type - Brass finish).
Sprinkler heads shall be of type GB4 of Central Sprinkler or equal approval. Finish
of Sprinkler heads shall be located such that.
b.a) There is no interference with discharge pattern and shall be 75 – 150 mm below false
b.b) Shall not be placed too close, in order to prevent an operating Sprinkler wetting adjacent
Sprinkler and there by delaying the operation of it.
b.c) Sprinkler heads which are liable to be operated or damaged by accidental, blow, it shouts
be protected by stout metal guards.
Contractor shall provide adequate quantity of Sprinkler heads of correct rating type in a cabinet.

A. 04 Piping System:
As per Central Sprinkler System of Equal An Approved.
(a) Pipes:
Steel pipe shall be mutual systems ‘approved, exterior galvanized, ASTMA – 135 steel pipe
having and working pressure of 30 PSI. Coupling may be of the rolled grow type or the
mechanical locking type (push – on), and they shall be dimensionally compatible with the pipe.
Pipe and preparation accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation as of : LIGHT
WALL, SCH. 40 & SCH. 10.
Mechanical grooved pipe coupling and fittings as manufactured by central shall be used for all
stand pipe systems. All material shall be underwriting laboratory listed factory mutual approved,
fitting 2 ½” below inclusive shall be threaded. 2 ½” above shall be mechanical grooved type.

All line and fitting joints shall be with grade ‘E’ gaskets with zinc and electroplated bolts and
All reducing joints shall be reducing coupling with grade ‘E’ gaskets and zinc-electroplated
bolts and nuts.

Branches stub-in connection shall be made with clamp T and Clamp T cross with grade ‘E’
gaskets and zinc electroplated.

b.2) Bolts and Nuts.


Direct Sprinkler head connection, drop nipples and springs shall be made with ease
tee sock - it products, according to standard specification.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Flange connections shall be flange incorporating zinc electroplated latch-bolt clossure
and grade ‘E’ gasket.

Shall be standard malleable iron, ductile iron, forged steel or segmentally welded steel
fittings with grooved or shouldered ends.

b.6) VALVES:
Shall be of wafer end design with encapsulated body and disc. Neck design shall
readily accommodate installation. Valves shall have pressure assisted double seal and be
capable of 175 PSI or 300 PSI bubble-tight shutoff. Butterfly valves shall be with gear


UL listed and FM approved

(a) Support, hanger and guise are piping to preclude failure of deformation. Construction install
hangers, supports, hangers, guides and accessories to the approval of the engineer. Do not use
wire, tape of metal bands supports shall be designed to support weight of pipe, weight of fluid and
weight pipe insulation.


For internal Fire alarm system i.e. Fire alarm inside the building:


The scope of work includes supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire alarm system as
mentioned herein and as per the approved drawings up to the satisfaction and approval of consultants.

All the fire alarm works has to be executed by specialist fire alarm contractor approved by Dubai Civil
Defense / consultants.

The fire alarm contractor has to prepare and submit workshop drawing to Dubai Civil Defense / consultants
and has to get approval before commencing work at site.

The fire alarm system shall comprise of a multi zone control and indicator panel, smoke & heat detectors,
manual break glass units, alarm bells, batteries and chargers. All as indicated in the drawings, and shall be
complete with all necessary connections, accessories and wiring to give a completely reliable and
satisfactory system designed to operate on 24 volts DC.

The alarm system shall be designed to cover zones as detailed in the drawing. In any zone of the building,
the manual breaking of a break glass contact or automatic operation of heat or smoke shall give a visual and
audible alarm signal at the indicator panel, and shall simultaneously ring local alarm bells in the particular

All equipment and components of the alarm system shall be ordered from one approved manufacturer. The
supply, installation and commissioning of all fire alarm system shall be to the approval of the Civil Defense
Authority and consultant's Engineer.

The contractor shall provide the consultant's engineer with the schedules of equipment and comprehensive
wiring diagrams of the alarm system proposed and shall obtain his written approval before orders are
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The following items to be connected to the fire alarm system of the building:
1. A/C system.
2. the lift.


The control and indicator panel shall be designed and constructed to the requirements of BS 5445: 1977 and
BS 5839 part 4:1988. The panel shall be located in a suitable and approved position.

The panel shall be of the illuminated lamp type designed for surface or flush mounting (to be approved by
the consultant) and shall be equipped with all necessary supervisory alarm, buzzers, indicators, pilot lamps,
switches, relays, push buttons, etc. The panel shall be arranged to indicate where the alarm initiated.

The panel shall be suitably protected against unauthorized operation.

2.1 On receipt of manual or automatic fire signal in any zone the following shall occur:
(i) Visual and audible signal shall be given on the panel.
(ii) The appropriate zone indicators shall operate.
(iii) An "evacuate" signal shall sound in the particular zone.
(iv) An "alert" signal sound for 30 seconds in all other zones

2.2 Facilities shall be provided on the panel for the following:

(i) To silence the panel and zone alarm bells.
(ii) To enable the " evacuate" signal to be sounded in any threatened zone.
(iii) To initiate alarm for individual zone or a general alarm for all zones

2.3 The following functions shall be monitored against fault:

(i) Detection circuit fault.
(ii) Alarm sounder circuit fault.
(iii) Main supply failure.
(iv) Battery supply failure.
(v) Earth leakage.


All smoke detectors shall be of the ionization type designed and constructed to the requirements of BS
5445. The smoke detectors shall be installed in approximate locations as indicated in the Civil Defense
approved drawing.

All smoke detectors shall be complete with mounting junction boxes and red LEDS for indication. In
addition, in areas such as ceiling voids, Electrical and Lift Machine Rooms, each smoke detector shall be
connected to an LED, which shall be located outside each area.


Heat sensors to BS 5445, shall have both rate if rise and fixed temperature detection giving a close tolerance
rapid response to temperature rise caused by fire. Minimum temperature rise caused by fire. Minimum
temperature setting 58deg.C.


All manual call points shall be designed and constructed to comply with the requirements of BS 5839 part 2:
1983. These shall be of the non-break glass surface mounted type, housed in shatter proof and corrosion
resistant case with front glass and plate of approved type.

All call points shall be finished stove enameled Red and shall be complete with an instruction plate lettered
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
All call points shall be surface mounted at a height of 1.400 m above F.F.L. at approximate location
indicated in the approved drawing.


All alarm bells shall be of 150mm dia. These shall be tangent under dome pattern, finished stove enameled
Red, with the movement totally enclosed beneath gong. Minimum sound level at farthest points from bell
shall be 65 dB (A).

All bells shall be surface mounted at a minimum height of 2.30 m above F.F.L. at approximate locations as
indicated in the drawings.


Batteries shall be Nickel Cadmium type complete with trickle charger of sufficient capacity to operate the
system for a minimum period of 24 hours during monitored condition and then, in addition, provide a full
alarm for 30 minutes.

The whole of the wiring shall be carried out in flexible fire resistant cables of minimum cross-sectional area
1.5 mm2. The limit of voltage drop under full alarm load shall not exceed 1 volt.

All fire alarm wiring shall be completely segregated from all other wiring in the building.


The alarm system shall be designed to avoid radio interference in excess of the limits specified in BS 800.
Interference from lighting and power supply transients shall be kept to a minimum.


The contractor shall affix, adjacent to fire alarm control and indication panel, a clear and unambiguous zone
diagram of the installation. They shall be enclosed within a glass faced frame and be to the approval of the

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

D-1 All the manhole covers shall be heavy duty (double seal ) grade A for parking area and for non
parking area grade B (double seal) RSI-India or equal. For sizes refer drainage drawing.

D-2 Drainage shall be using UPVC pipes and fittings- Marly or Hyppworth for sizes . Ref. sanitary

D-3 Floor traps shall be UPVC with cover of approved make or as instructed by the consultant- Hyppworth

D-4 All length of drains shall be tested for water tightness by means of water pressure and for the
straightness of possible blockages, to the satisfaction of consultant's Engineer. The tests shall be applied
before the drains are surrounded in concrete or aggregate protection and the satisfaction of the engineer
shall be confirmed in writing as a record. Prior to practical completion and with adequate notice to the
engineer the complete system will be proven by the contractor by testing in accordance with standard testing
procedure in the pressure of consulting engineer.

D-5 Roof water tank should be GRP hot pressed thermal panel type (Local Made) of capacity as per the
drawings, and to be heat insulated, of the following characteristics:
1. specific gravity of 1.8.
2. water absorption less than 0.2 %.
3. rubber gasket.
4. S.S bults and nuts.
5. GI frame angle and frame plate.
6. external ladder of hot deep galvanized steel.
7. internal ladder of rigid UPVC.
8. SS tie rods.
9. panel thickness of 12mm.
10. insulation of 25 mm.
11. glass tube level indicator.

D-6 Contractors shall submit shop drawings for the plumbing work before starting the work at site and all
the plumbing fixtures and accessories shall be approved by the consultant prior to the commencement of the
work at site.

D-7 floor drain shall have brass, chrome plated floor plates connected to the UPVC

D-8 As per drawings, the contractor has to provide for the 1st and 2nd basements fully shop drawing for the
drainage system including the sump pet with sand trap and submersible pumps up to consultant approval.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Central Air-conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation Works:

Approved Suppliers are REEM DAIKEN OGENERAL


Clause No. Description

1. Scope of works
2. Design Condition
3. Split Unit (Duct Type)
4. Duct Works
5. Installation
6. Pipe Works
7. Grilles and Diffusers
8. Commissioning
9. Guarantee

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Scope of Works:
 To Supply, install, commission and maintenance of the Air-conditioning Unit & Mechanical
Ventilation as per the drawings, specifications and bill of quantities to the satisfaction of the Engineer

Provisional sum for central Air conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation:

(For supply, installation, testing, commissioning, handing over & Maintenance of complete Air conditioning
System & Mechanical ventilation system as per the drawings & specifications.

 Civil work related to the Air conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation installation such as breaking,
cutting, foundation, carpentry work and finishing are excluded from the A/C works. All this items to
be carried out by the Main Contractor.

 Electrical works and conduiting upto isolating switches are excluded from A/C Works. All this items
to be carried out by die Main Contractor.

Design Condition:
 Outside Ambient Temperature : 115 deg. FDB/84 deg, FWB
 Relative Humidity : 55 + 5%
 Inside Room Temperature : 72 + 2 deg., FDB
 Air Change (A/C areas) : 1 air change/hour.
 Contractor should comply with internal design condition and it is his responsibility to do complete
testing in order to achieve this condition.
 Contractor to submit copy of the heat load calculation and workshop drawings within 3 weeks after
signing the contract.

Package roof units (Duct Type)

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Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Ducts Works:

All ducts and fittings should be manufactured and installed as per the ASHRAE standard or
Equivalent standard as approved.

Sheet metal should be from excellent hot deep galvanised type. Fixing and installation way should be approved by the
Engineer before commencement of work at site.

Duct System should be provided with volume control dampers wherever necessary Steel supports should be
painted in anti-rust paint.

All ducts passing through the wall should be isolated and air-tight and installed as per the ASHRAE

Duct should be designed on a low velocity basis in order not to exceed the specified noise level (N 35) and duct should
be designed on an equal friction method.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Insulation: Duct Insulation
Thermal indoor duct insulation shall be of Rigid fibre-glass insulation with aluminium foil factory applied, having a
thickness of not less than 2.0" thick, "K" factor = 0.40 and a density not less than 2" Kglm3

Exposed duct shall be of 2.0" thick and a density of not less than 16 Kg/M3 all duct internal and external to
be covered with canvas cloth (6 oz) and two coats of foster 30-36 and one coat of Foster 57-86 or

Sound Liner:
Accoustic insulation of fibre-glass W' thick shall be fixed to internal duct surface of each unit discharge duct of not
less than 10 ft., length.

Refrigerant Pipe Insulation:

The suction line shall be insulated with 3/8" thick tubular rubber insulation (Armflex) protected by means of arm flex
black paint.

Insulation shall be fixed as per the insulation manufacturer. The insulation shall not be split.

Pipe works:-
Refrigeration Pipe Works:-

All refrigeration shall be installed parallel to the building lines wherever possible. All pipe runs shall be straight and
parallel. All bends shall be made with a mechanical bending machine wherever possible. Brazed joints are to be kept to
a minimum hand bending of refrigeration pipes are not permitted.

Drain Pipes:
All drain pipes shall be of approved pipe and shall be fitted with a demountable trap

Grills and Diffusers:

Supply Air Grilles: (S.A.G)
All side wall supply air grilles shall be of the double deflection type, having vertical front bars and horizontal back bars
and fitted with key operated opposed blade dampers. Gaskets to be fitted. Materials shall be constructed from extruded
aluminium with powder coated finish

Return Air Grilles (RAG):

When they are placed in a position such that return and supply grilles can be seen together then return grilles must
match the supply grilles in outside look (double deflection). Materials shall be constructed from extruded aluminium
with powder coated finish

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Supply Ceiling Diffusers (S.C.D):
Anodized extruded aluminium multi- pattern 4 - way diffusers (removable core type) with opposed blade lever,
operated dampers

Return Ceiling Diffusers. (RCD):

Anodized extruded aluminium multi-pattern 4 way diffusers (removable core type).


The Contractor shall allow for all R22 and air distribution services to be balanced and commissioned in accordance
with the relevant commissioning codes published by the Chartered Institution of the Building Services Engineers

The balancing and commissioning for all air-conditioning circuits shall be carried out by the manufacturer of the air
handling plants.

The Contractor shall supply & install on all air distribution system all test permits required in order to commission the
systems completely. Testing and commissioning results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

The Contractor will be particularly required to show, in distribution systems, that the correct design static pressure will
be available at the most remove diffuser when operation with "wet cooling coils and dirty filters''.

The Contractor shall prepare a pre-commissioning programme for each system of every service included in the
development. The procedures to be adopted for commissioning shall be as laid down by the relevant commissioning
codes pulished by the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers.

All plant shall be Scheduled and recorded with its relevant duty and cross checked with the actual performance.

All main ducts and sub-distribution shall be checked for volume and pressure drop throughout its length and recorded in
schedule form.

The above procedure shall be carried out in stage & then checked and demonstrated to the Engineer. Should any of the
demonstrations show irregularities the Contractor shall repeat the procedure until the systems are provided against the

The Contractor's attention drawn to the following:

a) No installation will be accepted until it is proved to be operating in accordance with the true intent of the
design criteria.
b) The commissioning of the mechanical services shall include the establishment of nose levels of each item of
plant and levels within each system. It is the Contractor's responsibility to carry out the test and make any
modifications necessary before demonstrating the systems to the Engineer.
c) The Contractor shall co-ordinate the commissioning of the mechanical services with the electrical services and
other allied services.
The Contractor shall guarantee the Airconditioning and system for 1 year period from handing over the project and a
local supply of spare parts of every item during the time of construction and for a period of one year from the date of
handover of" building. These parts shall be supplied and installed at no cost of the .Client where the failure occures
in the ONE year period. The Contractor shall submit 5 Years Guarantee for the Compressors.

a) package system : REEM , DAIKEN , OGENERAL
b) Grills and Diffusers: TECHNALCO, Beta, B.C.I
c) A/C Control: HONEWELL, Siemens or equal with 3 Speed Digital type
d) Duct Insulation: ISOVER, KIMMCO, IZOCAM
e) G.I sheet Nippon – Japan, South Africa
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
f) Sound Liner: Manson, Kimmco
g) Copper Pipes: MULLER BRASS, Maksai
h) Copper Pipe Insulation: ARMOFLEX, GULFOFLEX

Note: All equipment and accessories shall be of the specified brands or equivalent.

Ventilating:/Supply Fans:
The contractor shall supply and. install where shown on the drawings, fans as described hereinafter and capacities
indicated in the capacity schedule on the drawings.

Wall/Glass mounted Propeller Exhaust Fans

'Wall/Glass mounted exhaust fans shall be of plastic construction and have shutter that opens and closes automatically
by means of an electromagnet

Centrifugal in-Line Fans

Centrifugal in-line fans should be of aluminium construction with metallic fixing frame and supports, vibration
isolators, flexible duct disconnect switch under motor casing and complete with belt guard, in case belt driven

TENDER No. 19102 /2019 186/255

PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Veneaxial Flow Fans
Fans shall be of axial flow type with belt driven earofil impeller. Casing shall be from mild steel hot dipped galvanized
after manufacture for outdoor installation the fan shall be water proof.

Fans shall have integral guide vane, inlet guard of stainless steel mesh and electric motor mounted on casing with belt
guard in case of belt driven.

Any other type as per description given in the drawings. For all fans the bearings shall be self-aligning, self grease
lubricated ball-bearing type, and shall be complete with grease fittings, extended for easy access where necessary. The
fan motors and starter shall be in accordance with local W.E.D. regulations and our electrical specifications. The sheets
shall be balanced statically and dynamically, after any coating is done o the wheel.

All required civil works, openings, Pedestals, Sleeves, loading & Unloading, Foundation for machines on the roof, sub-
Frame for ducting and electrical requirements for central Airconditioning shall be done by the main contractor. This
include panels, Isolators, Conduits Cables, Wiring & Control Wiring etc., complete as well as wiring and conduiting
between A/C machines & Thermostat, wiring and conduiting isolators and A/C Machines as per SEWA rules.

All pipes for drainage and all necessary drainage arrangements to the Main Drain Line etc., 3: dia., PVC Refrigeration
Sleeves for Refrigeration & 1" dia., PVC Sleeve for Thermostat Control Wire etc., shall be made by the Contractor to
the total approval of the Consultants. The Main Contractor shall co-ordinate all his works with the A/C Sub-
Contractors works. The Consultant has the right to accept or reject any of the Quotations submitted by the Sub-
Contractor. Note that, weatherproofed Isolators to be used on the Roof. FCU and Thermostat shall be fixed inside the
Room & Compressor (CU) shall be fixed outside on the Roof as shown in the Drawings
Sub-Contractor shall be approved by the Consultants

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

Any item of work not included in this B.O.Q which is essential for the satisfactory completion of the
project, the Contractor has to add the same in this list or to be considered elsewhere in their offer

SL Unit
No Price
A. Mobilization

1. Preliminaries & mobilization L.S

Cutting/ filling/ grading to make finished
2. ground level L.S
3. Safety Gear L.S

4. Monthly reports, Correspondences…etc L.S

5. Sign Board Nos.

6. The tenderer is to detail below any additional
items with quantities and rate not previously
included to complete the lump sum tender price
for the above section of works. Should the
tenderer fail to insert any items here, it will be
deemed that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the various
system outlined in the specification and drawings,
and no subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of A.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price

B. Sub Structure works

1. Excavation m3
P.C.C for footings, Tie beams, Solid block
2. etc m3

3. Pilling Works

4. R.C for Raft/ Pile Cap. m3

5. R.C. for strap beams m3

6. R.C for neck columns m3

7. R.C for Retaining Walls m3

8. Floor concrete with BRC mesh m3

9. Polythene sheets m2

10. water proofing system for Concrete L.S

11. water proofing system for Solid Block L.S

12. Refilling with excavated material m3

13. Refilling with imported material m3

14. Road Base m3

Expansion joint with flexole sheet & mastic
15. sealant “if required” L.S

16. Dewatering L.S

17. Anti termite control L.S

18. Water stopper. L.M

19. R.C Works for holding tank (if any). m3

20. R.C works for U.G water tank. m3

Total of B.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price

C. Super Structure works

1. R.C. columns m3

2. R.C. beams m3

3. R.C. solid slab m3

4. R.C.Lintels/Arches/Parapet etc. m3

5. R.C. Staircase m3

6. R.C Shear Walls m3

The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of C.
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price

D. Block Work

1. 100 thick hollow block work m2

2. 150 thick hollow block work m2

3. 200 thick hollow block work m2

4. 200 thick solid block work m2

5. 100 thick (thermal insulated) block work m2

6. 200 thick (thermal insulated) block work m2

250 thick (thermal insulated) block work
The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of D.
TENDER No. 19102 /2019 192/255
PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price

E. Plaster works

1. Plaster for ceilings m2

2. Plaster for internal walls m2

3. Plaster for external wall m2

4. The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of E.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price

F. External finishes

1. Jotashield heritage with top coat Paint m2

2. Natural stone dry fix full villa & compound m2


3. Groove in plaster with alum. channel L.M

4. Reflective glass L.M

5. Clear toughened glass

6. Aluminum louvered door

7. Aluminum powder coated handrail.

The tenderer is to detail below any additional items
with quantities and rate not previously included to
complete the lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail to insert
any items here, it will be deemed that his lump sum
price for the tender includes all items necessary to
make the various system outlined in the specification
and drawings, and no subsequent claim for any
additional item shall be entertained.

Total of F.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price
G. Floor finishes
Laundry and Ironing at basement in Ceramic m2
1. Tile with B.C 35 Dhs/sq.m.
2. Multi Purpose hall at basement in rubber
flooring. Supply and installation with m2
B.C 145 dhs/sq.m.
3. Cinema at basement in underlay- carpet m2
flooring with B.C 120 dhs/sq.m.

4. Graniti tile for basement corridor & storage m2

area with B.C 55 dhs/m2
5. Flooring System for garage with UV
resistance “Polyurethane system”
Granite 15mm thk. m2
6. Entrance porch .and side entrances as well
as 2 staircases, leading in to basement also
landing space at basement BC 150

Graniti tile 55 dhs/m2 at ground floor for

7. driver room, maid room, storage area as per m2
sch.of finishes

8. Marble works at Ground Floor, Entrance m2

Hall, Family Living & Dining, Guest Majlis
with B.C rate of (400 Dhs/m2)
Ceramic tiles for toilet, bathrooms with B.C
9. rate of 60 Dhs/m2 m2
Ceramic tiles for kitchen with B.C rate of
45 Dhs/m2
Marble with B.C rate of (400Dhs/m2) at first
10. floor hall and staircase m2
11. Wooden parquet flooring for all bedrooms &
dressing room with BC 135dhs/m2 over m2
levelled surfce tiled BC 25dhs/sqmt
12. Ceramic tiles for toilet, bathrooms, with
B.C rate of 60 Dhs/m2
13. Ceramic tiles for pantry with B.C rate of
14. Graniti tile for balconies with B.C 55
12. Combo System for roof
TENDER No. 19102 /2019 195/255
PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of G.


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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
No Price
H. Skirting

1. Terrazzo tile for roof L.M

2. Granite 10 cm hight 10 mm thk L.M

3. Marble for stair case and steps at ground L.M


4. Ceramic tile L.M

5. Graniti tile Skirting for all rooms at round L.m

and first floor

6. Terrazzo L.M

7. Granite steppes L.M

8. Threshold L.M

9. Vinyl
The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of H.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price
I. Wall finish
Laundry and Ironing at basement in Ceramic m2
1. Tile with B.C 35 Dhs/sq.m.
2. Multi Purpose hall at emulsion washable paint
3. Cinema at basement in emulsion washable m2

4. Graniti tile for basement corridor & storage m2

washable paint
5. garage stone paint finish ,anti caborandum


Emulsion paint at ground floor for driver

6 room, maid room, storage area as per sch. of m2

7 Emulsion washable paint at Ground Floor, m2

Entrance Hall, Family Living & Dining,
Guest Majlis
Ceramic tiles for toilet, bathrooms with B.C
8 rate of 80 Dhs/m2 m2
9 Ceramic tiles for kitchen with B.C rate of
45 Dhs/m2
10 garage stone paint finish ,anti caborandum
Emulsion washable paint first floor hall and
10. staircase and all bedrooms jotun m2


J. Ceiling finishes

1. Emulsion paint jotun m2

2. Epoxy paint jotun m2

3. Spray Plaster m2
12 mm Gypsum board false ceiling as per
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
4. design m2

5. 600x600mm gypsum vinyl tile for kitchen m2



The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of J.

SL Unit
No Price

K. External works

1. 8 cm interlock in two color m2

2. 6 cm interlock in two color m2

3. Curbstone L.M
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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
4 Granite tile
5 The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of K.

SL Unit
No Price

L. All doors under provisional sum

1. Solid Doors main door for villa Nos.

2. Semi Solid Flush Doors rooms Nos.

Sub frame by contractor

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
3. Nos.

The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of K.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price

M. Aluminum & Metal works

1. Kitchen cabinets ps. L.M

Aluminum and glazing (doors and windows)

2. Typical Section. L.S

3. Stainless Steel works L.M

4. Cat ladder for the roof NOS

5. Handrail for stair case/ external Ramp L.M

6. Handrail for Elevations Balconies L.M

Cat ladder for UGWT with no. of 2, one
7. out side and the other inside


The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate not
previously included to complete the lump
sum tender price for the above section of
works. Should the tenderer fail to insert any
items here, it will be deemed that his lump
sum price for the tender includes all items
necessary to make the various system
outlined in the specification and drawings,
and no subsequent claim for any additional
item shall be entertained.

Total of M.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price

N. Roofing & Waterproofing

1. Water proofing sys. For the roof as specified m2

2. Roof tiles m2

3. Roof skirting L.M

4. Water proofing for baths & kitchen m2

5. Aluminum Flushing for roof. L.S

6. Mastic for roof L.S

7. Water proofing for the plaster L.S

8. Water Stops L.S

Water proofing limning for water tank

8. Al Zaid coat L.S

The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of N.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price
O. Other works I

1. Mirror L.S

2. Counters L.S

3. Internal Signage L.S

4. External Signage L.S

5. Column Protection L.S

6. Garbage Chute L.S

7. Curved mirrors as specified L.S

The tenderer is to detail below any
additional items with quantities and rate
not previously included to complete the
lump sum tender price for the above
section of works. Should the tenderer fail
to insert any items here, it will be deemed
that his lump sum price for the tender
includes all items necessary to make the
various system outlined in the
specification and drawings, and no
subsequent claim for any additional item
shall be entertained.

Total of O.

TENDER No. 19102 /2019 204/255

PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
SL Unit
No Price
Other works II “Items is not mentioned in
W. the BOQ”






Total of W.

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

A. Preliminaries & mobilization

B. Sub Structure works

C. Super Structure works

D. Piling Works

E. Block Work

F. Plaster works

G. External finishes

H. Floor finishes

I. Skirting

J. Wall finish

K. Ceiling finishes

L. External works

M. Joinery and wood work

N. Aluminum works

O. Roofing and waterproofing on concrete slab

P. Other works I




T. Fire Fighting Works


V. Provisional sum Items


TENDER No. 19102 /2019 206/255

PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Scope of Work
Lump Sum Amount
- Contractor scope of works including all details to make the villa ready for living
- Client wishes to exclude some items as shown herein after and will be supply and fix by client
nominated sub contractor. However, main contractor to fix his percentage of
overhead, profit for these items.
- Any item not shown herein after in the exclusion scope of works will be part of this

Landscape Hardscape:
-All external landscape and hardscape works including proposed Gasebo, Plants, Irrigation System
and Pump, nearby including finishes and MEP work also prepare shop dwg.


- Allow for any profit, Attendance. Builders work and other overhead %

Main Gates & Balconies Handrail:

- Supply and installation 2 double leaf cast aluminum openable gates and 1 single leaf gate by
specialists, Handrail and decorative handrail.


- Allow for any profit, attendance, builders work and other overhead of this item %


-irrigation water tank and domestic Included by main contractor scope of work

Sanitary Ware :
- Supply of all sanitary ware and fitting by owner, fixing and installation by
main contractor PROVISIONAL Sum AED 150,000/-

- Allow for any profit, attendance, builders work and other overhead of this item %


- Allow for any profit, attendance, builders work and other overhead of this item %

TENDER No. 19102 /2019 207/255

PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Elevation Finishes:
- All external finishes of all elevations and compound wall and service block are in natural stone

supply and fix natural stone cladding dry fix PROVISIONAL Sum AED 850,000

Light Fitting:
- All light fitting including sockets and switches supply by owner
fixed and installed by main contractor

- Allow for any profit, attendance, builders work and other overhead of this item %

Villa Clean :
out internally and externally from dust and polish flooring fitting

- Allow for any profit, attendance, builders work and other overhead of this item %

Lift :
- allow provisional amount for lift

- Allow for any profit, Attendance. Builders work and other overhead %

- allow provisional amount for low current system by Smart Home
CCTV System
Access Point System
Telephone System
Intercom System
Satellite System
Structural Data Cabling
- Allow for any profit, Attendance. Builders work and other overhead %

- allow provisional amount for air conditioning and ventilation system


- Allow for any profit, Attendance. Builders work and other overhead %

TENDER No. 19102 /2019 208/255

PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan
Joinery and Dressing Cabinet :
- Supply and installation all wooden doors and dressing cabinet


- Allow for any profit, Attendance. Builders work and other overhead %

- Supply and installation Kitchen cabinet including sink and mixer


- Allow for any profit, attendance, builders work and other overhead of this item %

Internal Staircase Balustrade :

- Allow provisional amount for staircase baluster balustrade
Provisional Sum AED 25,000/-

- Allow for any profit, Attendance. Builders work and other overhead %

Doors for Garage :

- Allow provisional amount for staircase baluster balustrade
Provisional Sum AED 30,000/-

- Allow for any profit, Attendance. Builders work and other overhead %


1. This BOQ is a part of contract agreement

2. Since the agreement is for the lump sum priced contract, the quantities mentioned in this BOQ
will be referred only for the purpose of tender analysis. No re measurement of work shall be made
at site.

3. Any future variation will be scrutinized based on the unit rates quoted in this BOQ and as per the
condition of contract.

4. The items mentioned in this BOQ is considered for the best quality of material - English make,
The make and choice is up to the consultant unless it is clearly mentioned by the contractor along
with the item or a list of proposed material is attached along with this BOQ. The unit rate quoted
will not be considered for the selection of material.

5. Contractor has to submit detailed breakdown for all the lump sum items mentioned in this BOQ.

6. Any item of work not included in this B.O.Q which is essential for the satisfactory completion
of the project, the contractor has to add the same in this list or to be considered elsewhere in their

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PROPOSED B +G+1 Private Villa
Owner: Mr. Kaleem Ullah Khan

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