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Social Studies


Q1. Choose the correct answer: (10x1=10)

i. A land that is surrounded by water on three side..........................

a. plateau b. peninsula c. basin d.globe

ii........................... is a neighbouring country of India.

a.Bhutan b.Japan c. Russia d.Italy

iii.The Bay of Bengal lies to the .................................of India

a.east b.west c. north d. South

iv. the capital of Ladakh

a.Srinagar b. Leh c. Kolkata d.Jaipur

v. India ia a

a.democratic b. Republic c. secular d. All of these

vi. The member of the government are chosen or elected by the people who are ...........year old and

a.21 b. 16 c. 18 d.25

vii.The head of the gram panchayat is

a.mayor b.sarpanch c.chairperson d.principal

viii. India became Independent on ……………………………

a. 15 August 1947 b. 26.January1950 c. 26 November 1949 d. 9 December 1946

IX. ………………………… the green tea from Kashmir.

a. Kahwa b. kangri c. Pahari d. dhazu

X. Kanchenjunga is in the state of

a. Arunachal Pradesh b. Sikkim c. Nagaland d. West Bengal

Q2. Fill in the blanks: (10x1=10)

i............................... are important means of transport in a desert.

ii.India is the ......................largest country in the world.

iii.India has .......... union territories and .............states.

iv.The capital of Goa is ......................

v..................................,...............................and ...............................three neighbours of India.

vi. India lies in ......................Asia.

vii.................. is the highest peak in the world.

Viii The gram panchayat has .......................members.

ix. The mayor is the head of the ...............................

x. A municipality is headed by a ..................................

Q3.Define the following: (5x2=10)

1. Plateau
2. The Great Indian Desert
3. Local-self government
4. Chairperson
5. Democracy

Q4. Give one word answer: (5x1=5)

1. Father of Indian constitution.

2. India became republic on
3. The guidelines listed in the constitution for the government.
4. A row of mountain.
5. The number of people living in a particular place.

Q5. Give reasons for the following: (3x5=10)

1. India has a great diversity in the kind of landforms.

2. People practice step or terrace farming.

3. India is known as a democratic country.

4. In Greater Himalayas people find difficult to survive there.

5. India is a secular country.

Q6. Based on the given picture, answer the following questions:

i. Identify the picture and name it. (1)

ii. Which part of the country you can locate it. (2)

Q7. Complete the analogy: (5x1=5)

I. Bihar: Patna:: West Bengal:..............................

ii..............................:the Himalayas::K2:the Karakoram

iii.Himadri:........................::Shiwalik:Lower Himalayas

iv.Municipality: chairperson::........................:sarpanch

v.15th August: Independence Day:: 26th January:.................................

Q8. Answer the following questions:

1. How many states and union territories are there in India? (2)
2. In which continent does India lie? (2)
3. What is a peninsula? Give an example. (2)
4. Name the three levels of the government in India. (2)
5. Who is a mayor? (2)
6. Define Democracy. (2)
7. What are the Functions of Gram panchayat? (3)
8. What is the difference between municipality and Municipal Corporation? (3)
9. What are the major physical division of India? Explain. (3)
10. Name some states that are located in the Northern Mountains. (3)
11. How are the Northern Mountain important to us? (3)
12. Describe the life of people in Himachal Pradesh (3)
13. On a given political map of India locate and label the following: (5x1=5)
• K2
• Karakoram ranges
• Delhi
• Mt. Everest
• Shimla
Answer Key

Q1. Choose the correct option:

i b. Peninsula ii. a Bhutan iii. a. East iv. b. Leh v. d. All of these vi. c . 18 vii. b. Sarpanch
viii. a.15 August 1947 IX. a. Kahwa X. b. Sikkim

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

i.Camels ii. Seventh iii. 9 and 27 iv. Panaji v Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh

vi. southern vii. Mt. Everest viii. 5 ix. Municipal corporation x. Chairperson.

Q3. Define the following:

1. A plateau is a flat land higher than the surrounding areas.

2. The Great Indian Desert, is also known as Thar Desert . It is located in the west of India. It is a
hot and dry region.

3. A government formed by the people in villages , town and cities.

4.Chairperson is the head of the municipality. He is responsible for the welfare of the small

5.Democracy is a government by the people of the people and for the people.

Q4. Give one word answer:

1.Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

2.26th January 1950

3.Directive Principles



Q5. Give reasons for the following:

1. India has different landforms. There are snow capped northern mountains, the northern plains, to
the west lies the Thar Desert and in the south the Deccan plateau. The Deccan Plateau is flanked by
the coastal plains. So India is diverse in the kind of landforms.

2. The people in the hills practise step or terrace farming, as the land there is not levelled. They cut a
series of steps in the slopes and plant crops on the steps. The major benefits of step farming are
conservation of soil and water.
3. India is a democratic country because we the people of India elect our representatives to form a
government. The government governs the people and works for the welfare of the country and its

4. These ranges remain snow covered round the year. Since the Himadri region is so high that people
find it difficult to live there. Very few plants and animals can grow and survive there.

5. In India we have different types of religious people. The people are free to follow the religion or
belief of their choice. There is no official religion for the country.

Q6. Based on the given picture, answer the following questions:

i. Step farming
ii. The Northern mountains

Q7. Complete the analogy:

iii. i.Bihar: Patna:: West Bengal: Kolkata

iv. ii.Mt.Everest:the Himalayas::K2:the Karakoram
v. iii.Himadri:The Greater Himalayas::Shiwalik:Lower Himalayas
vi. iv.Municipality: chairperson::Gram Panchatyat:sarpanch
vii. v.15th August: Independence Day:: 26th January: Republic Day
• Q8. Answer the following questions:
1. India has 9 union territories and 28 states.
2. India lies in the Southern Asia.
3. A peninsula is a land that is surrounded by water from all the three sides. Eg-India.
4. The three levels of government are:
i. Central Government
ii. State Government
iii. Local self Government

5. A mayor is the head of a municipal corporation .He takes care of the city and its people.

6. Democratic government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
It’s a peoples’ government where the people elect their representatives.

7. The Gram Panchayat has many duties.

• It has to provide facilities like wells, drinking water, schools, hospitals, and roads.
• The villages are kept clean through proper garbage disposal.
• The Panchayat also settle fight in the village.

8. The Municipality:

• The Municipality look after the small towns.

• A Municipality is headed by a Chairperson.
The Municipal Corporation:
• Municipal Corporation look after big cities.
• The Mayor is the head.
9. The Major physical features of India as follows:
• The Northern Mountains
• Northern Plains
• Great Indian Desert
• Southern Plateau
• Coastal Plains
• The Island Areas.
10. Some states that lie In the Northern mountain regions are Jammu and Kashmir,
Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, northern portion of West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh,
Sikkim and the North Eastern States.
11. At the top or at the crown of our country are the northern mountains.
• They act as barriers against the cold winds from the north, they making life comfortable in
the plains.
• They also prevent rain-bearing clouds from being blown away out of India.
12. Climate:
• Himachal Pradesh is cool in summers and very cold in winters. A number of hill stations are
there to visit during summer and winters.
• Agriculture:
Rice, maize, barley, fruits, and vegetables are grown by farmers here. They also rear sheep
and goats.
Hindi is the main language, people also speak Pahari.
Colourful woollen coats and phirans are worn along with pyjamas and chudidars. Woollen
caps are worn by men, while women wear traditions scarves called dhazu.

13. Map work (Refer the text book)

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