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FEBRUARY 24, 2019


Numerous associations utilize Porter's five forces analysis to assess their potential in making

benefits inside a given industry. As indicated by Porter (2008), understanding the competitive

forces and industry structure is fundamental to successful key situating. The distinguishing

proof of the competitive forces and forming them in the organization's favors is vital to

technique. An industry investigation not just uncovers situating openings inside a current

industry. However, it additionally enables organizations to completely break down when the

organization ought to enter and leave the business. It can likewise help the organization in

distinguishing a planned new industry with a decent future or one that can display some an

incentive to the association. As indicated by Porter (2008), it is the business structure that

drives rivalry and gainfulness. This paper will analyze the attractiveness of the Emirates

Defense Industries Company in terms of the five competitive forces of Porter’s five forces

framework. The Emirates Defense Industries Company was founded in 2014 in the United

Arab Emirates. It manufactures defense products and arms (Carvalho, 2014). It is a holding

organization that came into existence by combining a few state-possessed defense

organizations by the UAE government, with the expectation of accumulating and remodeling

the nation's defense industry (Rahman, 2015). The making of EDIC has been portrayed as an

achievement for the domestic arms industry of the UAE (Karasik and Dempsey, 2017).

Analysis of the Emirates Defense Industries Company Based on Porter’s Five Forces


1. New Entrants

New entrants to an industry convey new limit and want to pick up a piece of the overall

production that puts weight on costs, price and the rate of venture significant to contend

(Porter, 2008). At the point when new participants are differentiating from different markets,
they can use existing capacities and money streams to shake up rivalry (Porter, 2008). In the

defense business, the hindrances to passage are astonishingly high. The risk of entry is

constrained because of the large organizations having restrictive innovation, built up brand

personalities, and combined involvement in the business (Porter, 2008), making it

troublesome for private ventures accomplish government contracts and contend with the

defense organizations. The Emirates Defense Industries Company is a joint-venture of the

government. It has advanced in the past few years. However, there is still a threat of new

organizations entering the industry with new innovations.

2. The Power of Suppliers

Dominant suppliers’ providers catch more an incentive for themselves by charging more

expensive rates, constraining the nature of administrations or moving expenses to industry

members (Porter, 2008). The resistance business is comprised of a few large enterprises. A

portion of the providers has their items licensed which keeps the administration from

exchanging providers and anticipating a similar thing from another organization. Emirates

Defense Industries Company (EDIC), the well-established incorporated national defense

industries stage, finished up its fifth day at the International Defense Exhibition (IDEX 2017)

in Abu Dhabi with the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces reporting original arrangements,

surpassing 1 Billion AED with Emirates Defense Industries Company and its organizations

(EDIC, 2018). Through its vital organization with IDEX 2017, Emirates Defense Industries

Company has underscored on its driving job in the country's defense (EDIC, 2018).

3. The Power of Buyers

Powerful clients can catch more an incentive by compelling down costs and requesting better

quality. The defense business is very directed with just a single significant purchaser who is

likewise the controller; the Department of Defense (Gribbin et al., 2012). Guard spending
represents the vital wellspring of income for aviation and defense contractors with essential

purchasers being the military and insight parts of United Arab Emirates and outside

governments. Eighty-two contracts were signed by United Arab Emirates worth

approximately $5 Billion at International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX)

(Karasik and Dempsey, 2017). The UAE’s department of defense is an incredible purchaser

and catches more an incentive by driving costs down and requesting better quality. On the off

chance that a firm is serving this market and department of defense spending plans are cut, of

course, various organizations may leave the safeguard market and spotlight on existing or

developing businesses.

4. The Threat of Substitutes

Like recently expressed, because of high entry barriers and incredible providers, there are a

couple of rivals in the business leaving a couple of value substitutes. Since contracts set aside

significant lots of opportunity to finish, it is troublesome for the legislature to switch

providers over a brief time-frame and substitute the item. Furthermore, a large number of the

protection organizations are looking to in-source if the defense suppliers and contractors

cannot meet the necessities repressing the entry of developing organizations. As recently

expressed, the securing of merchandise and enterprises from outside governments and sellers

is an alternative however impacts the United Arab Emirates department of defense’s military

preference since it represents a danger to the classification and exclusive parts of household


5. Rivalry Amongst Competitors

As stated earlier, there are just a couple of contenders among the defense business, which are

all of the comparable sizes. Competition comes about when offering on or seeking another

undertaking. As per the article, "Rivalry in Defense Contracting" by Tom Gerbe (2011), the
Defense Department issued an interval rule in February 2010 to build rivalry in real barrier

obtaining projects to trim guard spending. Subsequently, prime contractual workers are

required to give specialized information bundles that were once viewed as restrictive data,

making it less demanding for littler organizations to create similar products. This will expand

rivalry for sole source things and enable independent companies to contend.

Nonetheless, Gerbe (2012) states that a portion of these enormous providers endeavor to

additionally confound contenders by giving part numbers to the military that are unique

concerning their equal off-the-rack parts. A contender striving to get an example from one of

these organizations might be informed that the specific part pitches to the military. If an

organization cannot get the part, at that point, there is nothing to figure out. According to

Karasik and Dempsey, 2017, a substantial number of contracts were granted to residential

makers in the U.A.E. at International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX), where the

indigenous guard industry is developing. Although purchasing neighborhood is not

extraordinary to the United Arab Emirates, organizing household makers, in any case, gives

some fascinating experiences into the present state and likely direction of its barrier industry.


The Emirates Defense Industries Company has far venturing arms into various organizations

in the United Arab Emirates and faces rivalry locally, provincially, and globally as the same

number of different organizations in the area. The Emirates Defense Industries Company is

much mindful of the significance of procedure. The same amount of various organizations in

the inlet area, the procedure is fundamental for the organization to have a sound business

methodology. From this work, the organization appears to concentrate on its qualities,

shortcomings, openings, and dangers in the plan of its technique. The organization

additionally puts a great deal of weight on arranging as it ceaselessly looks for new advances
that would render the upper hand. The organization likewise puts accentuation on enrolling

United Arab Emirates nationals to pick up help of society-a critical partner for any

organization. On the other side, the organization does not put accentuation on Positioning.

The organization doesn't organize examining the market and breaking down what other

world-class organizations are doing.

An essential part of the organization's vital reasoning is quality. In the exactness, business

quality is exceptionally crucial. Here little minor mistakes are not permitted. For this, the

organization is focused on angling out the most recent advancements. The common

estimations of the organization additionally show commitment to giving great workplace.

While the organization's hierarchal auxiliary is very customary. This very essential in the

locale where hierarchal structure requires movement. A portion of the potential issues

acquired in the organization may be because of the established hierarchal structure which

comes up short on the adaptability needed to react to advertise changes or cost evasion

openings. The organization needs a progressively flexible structure to be increasingly

responsive. The organization ought to on the other hand center around specialty items and

magnificence in quality remembering that the need of the market is an excellent quality

Carvalho, S. (2014). UAE merger creates defence services, manufacturing company. Reuters.

Retrieved from


EDIC. (2018). Retrieved from

Karasik, T., and Dempsey, A. (2017). UAE Struggling to Build World Class Defense

IndustryLexington Institute. Retrieved from


Gebre, T. (2012). Defense contracting getting more competitive. Bidlink Defense Industry

News. Retrieved from


Gribbin, D. W., Qian, H., and Zhong, K. (2012). The Effect of Product Demand Decline on

Investments in Innovations: Evidence from the U.S. Defense Industry. Journal of

Applied Business and Economics, 13(3). Retrieved from

Porter, M. E. (2008). The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy. Harvard Business

Review. Retrieved from

Rahman, F. (2015). Emirates Defence Industries Company plans more integration. Gulf

News Business. Retrieved from


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