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Zinc oxide  Sulphur vulcanisation  Acti-

vators  Metal oxides  Time-concentra-
tion development of reaction products
Effect of Metal Oxides as
Two widely different rubbers, viz. EPDM Activator for Sulphur
and s-SBR have been selected in the
present study. The influence of the basi-
city, the crystal structure and the ability
Vulcanisation in Various Rubbers
to form complexes of various metal oxi-
des were studied. It was observed that
neither CdO, PbO, BaO, CaO, MgO and
BeO are proper substitutes for ZnO as
activator in thiuram-accelerated vulca-
nisation of EPDM, nor do they show a
synergistic effect with ZnO. In s-SBR It is generally known that for efficient vul- Where ZnO is commonly used in the vulca-
compounds, however, it is demonstrated canisation of rubbers by elemental sulphur nisation recipe, not much is known about
that CaO and MgO can function as acti- or by sulphur donors the presence of a me- the accelerating properties of other metal
vator of cure for sulphur vulcanisation,
tal activator is necessary [1]. Zinc oxide is oxides, so, a comprehensive study was
retaining the curing and physical prop-
erties of the rubber vulcanisates. the most effective activator for sulphur vul- considered worthwhile. In the first part
Model Compound Vulcanisation has canisation. A great deal of attention has of this article the sulphur vulcanisation
been used to elucidate the influence of been paid to the problem of reducing of EPDM and s-SBR rubber with several al-
the activators MgO and CaO on the vul-
canisation mechanism. the zinc content in rubber products. A ternative metal oxides as activators is de-
It can be concluded that depending on completely zinc-free vulcanisation system scribed. The objective of the second part
the exact requirements for a specific based on sulphur keeps on being intri- is to gain additional insight into the me-
compound, certain metal oxides repre- guing. There have been a number of inve- chanistic details of sulphur vulcanisation
sent an alternative route to reduce the
zinc level and therefore to minimise the stigations comparing different metal oxi- with other metal oxides as activator in or-
environmental impact. des as vulcanisation activators, mostly der to judiciously reduce zinc oxide levels in
with tetramethylthiuram disulphide rubber compounding.
Einfluss von Metalloxiden auf (TMTD) in NR, with variable results. It is
concluded that a variety of metal oxides Other metal oxides in
die Aktivierung der Schwefelvul-
can accelerate cure, but the degree of ac- comparison with ZnO
kanisation von Kautschuken celeration varies with the specific metal ion
It has been reported that the high activity
used [2]. In a research by Chapman, it was
Zinkoxid  Schwefel Vernetzung  Ak- of ZnO can be explained on the basis of the
tivator  Metall Oxide  Zeit-Konzen- found that of metal oxides other than ZnO,
chemistry of complex formation. A prece-
trationsverlauf von Reaktionsproduk- CdO on average appears to be best, follo-
ten ding reaction with stearic acid forms the
wed by lead- and mercury-oxide [3]. Lau-
rubber hydrocarbon-soluble zinc stearate
tenschlaeger et al. studied the effects of
In dieser Studie wurden verschiedene and liberates water before the onset of
different metal oxides in accelerated sul-
Oxide in zwei unterschiedlichen Poly- crosslinking [6]. Furthermore, ZnO is in
meren, EPDM und s-SBR, getestet. Der phur vulcanisation with 2-methyl-2-pente-
many vulcanisation systems a precursor
Einfluss des Säuregrades, der Kristall- ne, as a model olefin [4]. The results of a
struktur und der Fähigkeit Komplexe to zinc-derived accelerators [7]. It has fur-
comparison of ZnO, CdO, CaO, and a com-
zo formen, wurden untersucht. Es ther been suggested in many different stu-
bination of ZnO and aniline also indicated
zeigte sich, daß weder CdO, PbO, BaO, dies that Zn2+-ions form these active com-
CaO, MgO noch BeO als Ersatz für ZnO that CdO is the most effective oxide, resul-
plexes with accelerators, which are more
in einem Thiuram-Vulkanisationssy- ting in a high yield in monosulphides and a
stem in EPDM in Frage kommen. Es reactive than the free accelerator [8 – 10].
relatively low production of byproducts. In
konnte auch kein synergistischer Ef- Complex formation of the zinc ion with dif-
fekt der Kombination der genannten an investigation of the crosslinking of a
ferent accelerators is critical to get efficient
Oxide mit ZnO festgestellt werden. Im model olefin with sulphur, tetraethylthiu-
Gegensatz dazu können CaO und ramdisulphide (TETD) and various metal
MgO als Ersatz für ZnO eingesetzt oxides, cupric oxide was found to give hig-
werden, ohne daß das Vulkanisati-
onsverhalten und die mechanischen her yields than zinc oxide, and nickel oxide
Eigenschaften des Vulkanisates be- was also quite effective [5].
einflußt werden. Some metal oxides behave synergistically G. Heideman, J. W. M. Noordermeer,
Mit Hilfe von Modellcompound-Vul- with ZnO. Replacement of half of the R. N. Datta, Enschede (The Nether-
kanisationen wurde der Einfluß von lands), B. Van Baarle, Eindhoven
MgO und CaO auf den Mechanismus ZnO by an equivalent amount of CdO,
(The Netherlands)
der Vulkanisationsreaktion unter- PbO, Bi2O3, CaO, HgO or CuO in an effici-
sucht. ent vulcanisation (EV) system gave higher
In dieser Untersuchung konnte ge- Corresponding author:
moduli. Other oxides gave moduli equal
zeigt werden, daß abhängig von den J. W. M. Noordermeer
Produktanforderungen alternative to or lower than with ZnO alone. CaO University of Twente
Metalloxide geeignet sein können, die and MgO are apparently not so promising Faculty of Science and Technology
Zinkkonzentration in einer Gummi- in conventional sulphur/sulphenamide cu-
mischung zu verringern und so die Department of Rubber Technology
Umweltbelastung zu reduzieren. res, especially not in combination with P.O. Box 217
ZnO. It has been reported that CaO and NL-7500 AE Enschede
MgO interfere with the efficient activation E-mail:
of ZnO [4].

30 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005

The Zn2+-ion functions as a Lewis acid in Tab. 1. Radii of Ca2+, Zn2+ and Mg2+ Experimental section
the complex formation and the cleaved ac-
Cation Radius
celerator as a Lewis base. The basicity of a (10ÿ12 m) Materials. – Solution butadiene-styrene
metal ion is dependent on its size and the 2+ rubber (Buna VSL 2525-0 M) was obtained
Ca 94
charge, according to equation 1 [11]. from Bayer GmbH, Germany. Buna VSL
Zn2+ 74
2525-0 M contains 25 wt % of 1,2-vinyl-
k  Z2 Mg 2+
cation acidity ¼ ð1Þ butadiene and 25 wt % of styrene; it has
a Mooney viscosity, ML (1þ4) @ 100 8C
where: of 54. Ethylidene norbornene (ENB)-con-
k ¼ constant taining EPDM rubber (Keltan 4802) was
Z ¼ charge of the cation Tab. 2. Materials used for Model Com- obtained from DSM Elastomers B.V., the
r ¼ radius of the ion pound Vulcanisation
Netherlands. Keltan 4802 contains
Material Source 52 wt % of ethylene units and 4.3 wt %
Since for Ca2+, Zn2+ and Mg2+ the charges Squalene Merck of ENB; it has a relatively narrow molecular
are equal, the size of the cation is the main 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (TME) Aldrich weight distribution and a typical Mooney
factor that determines the difference in viscosity, ML (1þ4) @ 125 8C of 77. As fil-
TBBS Flexsys B.V.
acidity between them. In Table 1, the sizes lers were used: carbon black N-375 HAF,
Sulphur Merck
are given. From Table 1 can be concluded N-550 FEF and N-762 SRF (Cabot B.V.).
that the order of acidity from strongest ZnO pure Merck Aromatic oil (Enerflex 75) was obtained
acid to the weakest is Mg2+ > Zn2+ > Ca2+. MgO Aldrich from BP Oil Europe, paraffinic oil (Sunpar
Duchacek et al. tested the effects of cop- CaO Aldrich 2280) from Sun Petroleum Products Co.,
per-, mercury-, nickel-, zinc-, cadmium-, in- Stearic Acid J.T. Baker and stearic acid from J.T. Baker. Commer-
dium-, magnesium-, and calcium-stearates cially available ZnO Red Seal (Grillo GmbH)
on the course of CBS-accelerated sulphur and the different metal oxides (Aldrich)
vulcanisation of NR [12]. Based on results were used as received. Sulphur (J.T. Baker),
and in accordance with Irving’s and Wil- and are adsorbed on the ZnO-surface with N-tert-butyl-2-benzothiazolesulphenami-
liams’ finding about the order of stability the formation of intermediate complexes. de (Santocure TBBS, Flexsys B.V.), 2-Mer-
of metal complexes [13], the following or- Nieuwenhuizen [7] in his thesis proposed a captobenzothiazole (Perkacit MBT, Flexsys
der for the stability of metal complexes mechanism in which the ZnO surface func- B.V.), and Tetramethylthiuram-disulphide
with accelerator ligands was presented: tions both as a reactant and as a catalytic (Perkacit TMTD, Flexsys B.V.), were also
Cu2+, Hg2+ > Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, In2+ > reaction template, activating and bringing commercial grades and used as such.
Mg2+, Ca2+. They concluded that nickel, together reactants. The most important The materials used in the model com-
zinc, cadmium, and indium have a definite parameter here is the crystal structure of pound experiments are listed in Table 2.
ability to form complexes, but they form the ZnO. The most common crystal struc- Rubber mixing. – EPDM and s-SBR ma-
significantly less strong coordination ture for ZnO is the zincite (wurtzite) struc- sterbatches were prepared in an internal
bonds, than, e.g. copper and mercury. ture. Zincite has a hexagonal structure, mixer ( 50 kg) in order to get a homoge-
This is why zinc and cadmium form active Fig. 1, with each atom surrounded by a te- neous mixture and minimise the influence
sulphurating vulcanisation species. Ma- trahedron of atoms of the opposite type. of mixing conditions. The vulcanisation sy-
gnesium and calcium have only a slight The structure consists of a continuous net- stems including the various metal oxides
tendency to form complexes. This fact eli- work of interconnected tetrahedra. The investigated were added in a separate ope-
minates the possibility of formation of an only metal oxide isostructural with ZnO ration, on a two roll mill at  50 8C. The
active sulphur-containing complex. is BeO. compounds were sheeted off at a thick-
Generally, it is stated that increasing the pH In addition to its role as an activator for sul- ness of approximately 2 mm which was
leads to activation of the vulcanisation. phur vulcanisation, there is also evidence convenient for the subsequent preparation
Krebs [14] postulated that the accelerating that the inclusion of ZnO in a compound of test specimens. The compositions of the
properties of amines are related to their reduces heat build-up and improves tyre EPDM and s-SBR compounds with the dif-
base strength. The alkaline character of abrasion resistance. ZnO acts as a “heat ferent metal oxides are given in Tables 3
magnesium and calcium stearates is the sink”, which accepts frictional energy and 4, respectively.
reason for the acceleration of sulphur vul- without a large increase in internal tempe- Curing. – The cure characteristics of the
canisation of rubber in an analogous way rature. It has also been found that ZnO im- different compounds were measured at
as in the cases of currently used basic ac- proves the heat resistance of the vulcanisa- 160 8C with a Rubber Process Analyser
celerators. The greater basicity of calcium tes and their resistance to the action of dy- RPA2000 (Alpha Technologies), a type of
in comparison with that of magnesium is namic loading [15]. The high thermal con- moving die rheometer. The optimal vulca-
in good accordance with the larger vulca- ductivity of ZnO helps to dissipate local nisation time (t90) and scorch time (t02) of
nisation rate found for calcium containing heat concentrations that might otherwise the compounds were determined. The
rubber compounds [12]. affect the properties of rubber. Therefore, compounds were cured in a Wickert labo-
In some of the vulcanisation mechanisms it reduction of ZnO or complete elimination ratory press WLP 1600/5*4/3 at 160 8C
is assumed that ZnO is distributed in the might influence these properties as well, and 100 bar, according to the t90 of the
form of crystal particles in rubber mixes. although it is anticipated that other metal specific compounds.
Molecules of accelerators, sulphur and fat- oxides also possess high thermal conducti- Characterisation. – Tensile tests were car-
ty acids diffuse through the rubber matrix vities. ried out on dumb-bell shaped specimens

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005 31

Tab. 3. Composition of the EPDM compounds (phr) with different metal oxides
Compound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
EPDM (Keltan 4802) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Carbon Black (N550 FEF) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Carbon Black (N762 SRF) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Paraf. Oil (Sunpar 2280) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Stearic Acid 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ZnO 3 – – 3 3 – – – – –
MgO – 3 – 3 – – – – – –
CaO – – 3 – 3 – – – – –
BaO – – – – – 6 – – – –
PbO – – – – – – 8 – – –
CdO – – – – – – – 4.5 – –
Cu(II)O – – – – – – – – 5 –
BeO – – – – – – – – – 1
Accelerator (TMTD) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Sec. Accelerator (MBT) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Sulphur 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

Tab. 4. Composition of the s-SBR compounds (phr) with different metal oxides
Compound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
s-SBR (Buna VSL 2525) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Carbon Black (N375 HAF) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Arom. Oil (Enerflexâ 75) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Stearic Acid 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
ZnO 3 – – – – – –
MgO – 3 – – – – –
CaO – – 3 – – – –
BaO – – – 6 – – –
Cu(II)O – – – – 3 – –
BeO – – – – – 1 3
Accelerator (TBBS) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Sulphur 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75

(Type 2) according to ISO 37. Ageing of the [16, 17]. Although this equation as such and TME. The model compound vulcanisa-
test specimens was carried out in a venti- is only valid for non-filled systems, the tion experiments were carried out in a
lated oven in the presence of air at 100 8C data obtained with these measurements glass ampoule. The reaction mixture was
for 3 days according to ISO 188. Compres- do yet give an indication of the relative weighed into this ampoule. In order to mi-
sion set (CS) tests were performed at 23 8C crosslink densities. The Flory-Huggins pa- nimise the influence of oxygen in the reac-
and 100 8C for 72 hours according to DIN rameter v for s-SBR-toluene networks tions, the ampoule was fluxed with nitro-
53517. Hardness of the samples was mea- was taken from literature: 0.21. For swol- gen and sealed off. The reaction was per-
sured with a Zwick Hardness-meter Shore len EPDM-decahydronaphthalene net- formed in a preheated thermostatic oil
A Type, according to DIN 53505. works the v-parameter was calculated bath at 140 8C for a fixed time. A magnetic
Swelling measurements were performed in via the relationship v ¼ 0.121 þ 0.278 * stirrer was added to the mixture to provide
order to obtain information about the v2, reported by Dikland [19], with v2 ¼ po- adequate stirring during the reaction. Af-
crosslink density. The unextracted filled s- lymer network volume fraction at equilibri- ter a definite period of time the reaction
SBR samples were swollen until constant um swelling. was arrested by taking the ampoule out
weight in toluene at room temperature. Model compound vulcanisation. – Three of the oil bath and by immersion in liquid
The EPDM samples were swollen in deca- metal oxides were selected as activator, nitrogen. After cooling, the ampoule was
hydronaphthalene at room temperature as viz. ZnO, MgO and CaO, and investigated covered with aluminium foil to avoid an
well. The crosslink density was calculated with model compound vulcanisation in UV influence, and stored in a refrigerator.
according to the Flory-Rehner equation two different model compounds: squalene The compositions of the squalene and TME

32 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005

Tab. 5. Squalene Model compound systems
No activator ZnO as activator MgO as activator CaO as activator
phr mmole phr mmole phr mmole phr mmole
Squalene 100 1.217 100 1.217 100 1.217 100 1.217
CBS 1.2 0.023 1.2 0.023 1.2 0.023 1.2 0.023
Sulphur 2 0.039 2 0.039 2 0.039 2 0.039
Activator – – 5 0.307 5 0.620 5 0.448
Stearic Acid 2 0.035 2 0.035 2 0.035 2 0.035

Tab. 6. TME Model compound systems

No activator ZnO as activator MgO as activator CaO as activator
phr mmole phr mmole phr mmole phr mmole
TME 100 5.941 100 5.941 100 5.941 100 5.941
TBBS 1.5 0.025 1.5 0.025 1.5 0.025 1.5 0.025
Sulphur 1.75 0.034 1.75 0.034 1.75 0.034 1.75 0.034
Activator – – 5 0.307 5 0.620 5 0.448
Stearic Acid 2 0.035 2 0.035 2 0.035 2 0.035

Tab. 7. HPLC conditions ding to Table 3. Fig. 2 shows the cure cha-
racteristics for the EPDM compounds with
Column Nucleosil 100-5 C18 HD (reverse phase)
oxides from the group IIa of Mendeleyev’s
Length of column 250 mm periodic table as activator, viz. MgO, CaO
Internal diameter of the column 4.6 mm and BaO. Compared to ZnO the scorch
Mobile phase 97 Acetonitrile : 3 Water (vol%) time increases, the rate and amount of
Flow rate 1 ml/min cure decrease drastically. The presence of
these oxides resulted in a poorly developed
Temperature 23 8C
network, comparable with the results
Detector UV
without any activator. The results of swel-
Wavelength 254 nm ling experiments with different metal oxi-
Injected Volume 20 ll des are presented in Fig. 3. A higher swel-
ling percentage corresponding to a lower
crosslink density was found for the com-
reaction mixtures are listed in Tables 5 and ponent by the initial concentration and ex- pounds with MgO and CaO, which is in ac-
6, respectively. pressed in percentages. cordance with the torque measurements.
Analysis of the reaction products. – A small A combination of metal oxides as activator
portion of the filtered sample (about Results system has also been tested in EPDM to ex-
0.03 g) was weighed and dissolved in plore synergistic effects. As mentioned in
To obtain additional insight in the exact
2.5 ml of acetonitrile, containing an inter- the introduction, it has been reported
role of the activator in the vulcanisation
nal standard: dibutyldisulphide. The re- that CaO and MgO interfere with the effi-
mechanisms and to find routes to reduce
sponse factors for all the initial compo-
the amount of ZnO in rubber compounds,
nents in reference to the internal standard
experiments with metal oxides other than
were measured with the HPLC at a wave-
ZnO have been performed, evaluating vul-
length of 254 nm. The internal standard
canisation behaviour and physical proper-
was added after the vulcanisation as an ex-
ties. Irrespective of the main goal of the
tra component for quantitative analysis.
present project, to reduce the amount of
Before injecting in the HPLC, the sample
ZnO for its environmental impact as a hea-
was filtered twice over a 45 lm porous fil-
vy metal, in the current article not only the
ter. About 20 ll of this diluted sample was
more “eco-friendly” metal oxides, viz.
injected onto the HPLC-column for analysis
MgO and CaO, but also other heavy metal
according to the conditions described in
oxides like CdO, CuO and PbO are investi-
Table 7. The areas of the different peaks
in the chromatogram were determined
and converted into concentrations via
Several metal oxides as activator
the measured response factors for the se-
in EPDM rubber compounds
veral components. Reaction conversions as
a function of reaction time were calculated Several metal oxides were investigated as Fig. 1. Zincite (ZnO) structure, isostructural
by dividing the concentration of the com- activator in the EPDM masterbatch accor- with wurtzite; * ¼ Zn, * ¼ O

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005 33

Fig. 2. Cure characteristics of EPDM compounds with different metal Fig. 3. Swelling and crosslink density of EPDM compounds with diffe-
oxides as activator rent metal oxides as activator

Fig. 4. Cure characteristics of EPDM compounds with ZnO in combina- Fig. 5. Cure characteristics of EPDM compounds with other metal oxides
tion with MgO and CaO as activator

cient activation by ZnO. The cure characte- The physical properties of the EPDM com- for the compression set measured at
ristics of the compounds with ZnO/MgO pounds with MgO, CaO and the combina- 100 8C. The compression set at elevated
and ZnO/CaO as activator combinations tions of these metal oxides are presented temperature is sometimes considered to
are represented in Fig. 4 and the corre- in Table 8. In accordance with the decrea- provide a first indication about the thermal
sponding results of the swelling experi- sed extent of crosslinking, higher values stability or ageing behaviour of the vulca-
ments in Fig. 3. The cure characteristics for the elongation at break and compres- nisates. The CS at 100 8C is in both com-
of the compounds with ZnO/MgO and sion set as well as lower tensile strength pounds considerably higher. On the other
ZnO/CaO as activator combinations indi- are observed in the compounds with hand, the values for elongation at break
cate that only CaO slightly interferes in a MgO and CaO as activator. Examination after 168 hours ageing at 100 8C are
negative way with the efficient activation of the data of the compounds with activa- only slightly higher as compared to the
by ZnO. The final states of cure and cross- tor combinations reveals that neither the ZnO reference system, suggesting a similar
link densities, as determined with the swel- addition of MgO nor of CaO to the stan- high thermal stability, thereby contradic-
ling experiments, are comparable with the dard system with ZnO causes any major ting the thermal behaviour indicated by
reference compound with only ZnO. difference in vulcanisate properties, except the data of the compression set at

34 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005

Tab. 8. Properties of EPDM compounds with different metal oxides Overall, close inspection of the data reveals
that in EPDM rubber none of the chosen
Compound 1 2 3 4 5
metal oxides is as active as ZnO. In the pre-
Tensile strength (MPa) 13.3 3.0 4.4 12.2 13.3 sence of CaO, MgO, BaO, BeO, and PbO,
Elongation at Break (%) 450 681 776 418 475 CdO, Cu(II)O the cure characteristics are in-
Tear strength (N/mm) 37 18 26 38 36 ferior to the ZnO system and in some cases
CS 72h/23 8C (%) 6 28 25 4 7 even perform the same as in an experiment
without any activator, indicating that there
CS 72h/100 8C (%) 37 99 95 64 61
is less influence of these metal oxides on
After 168 Hours / 100 8C ageing:
the reaction. See for example Fig. 2 for
Tensile strength (MPa) 11.6 11.9 13.2 11.9 12.1 the effect of CaO and MgO relative to
Elongation at Break (%) 180 449 466 232 220 ZnO, and Fig. 5 for the effect of CdO.
Though the results indicate that depen-
dent on the intended applications, there
Tab. 9. Properties of s-SBR compounds with different metal oxides exists the potential to replace ZnO by other
metal oxides, like e.g. Cu(II)O, as activator
Compound 1 2 3
in EPDM compounds, it does not consti-
Hardness (Shore A) 67 67 69 tute a very promising and realistic solution
M25 (MPa) 1.2 1.2 1.3 for the ZnO problem from an environmen-
M50 (MPa) 1.8 1.8 1.9 tal point of view. It might appear that these
M100 (MPa) 3.4 3.3 3.4 alternative metal oxides exert (un)foreseen
environmental implications even more pro-
M300 (MPa) 17.7 17.1 –
blematic than the zinc-based systems.
Tensile strength (MPa) 21.3 19.4 16.8
Elongation at Break (%) 345 329 296
Several metal oxides as activator
Tear strength (N/mm) 37 34 34
in s-SBR rubber compounds
CS 72h/23 8C (%) 6 8 7
CS 72h/100 8C (%) 35 35 37
The effect of metal oxides was investigated
in s-SBR rubber as well, according to the
After 168 Hours / 100 8C ageing:
recipes in Table 4. A TBBS-accelerated vul-
M25 (MPa) 1.7 1.6 1.6 canisation system is used in the s-SBR com-
M50 (MPa) 2.8 2.6 2.6 pounds. Fig. 6 shows, that the scorch times
M100 (MPa) 6.2 5.0 4.9 for the s-SBR compounds with MgO, CaO
M300 (MPa) – – – and BaO are comparable with the referen-
ce compound with ZnO, but the rates of
Tensile strength (MPa) 16.6 15.6 13.1
cure lower and mutually comparable.
Elongation at Break (%) 203 235 211 The extent of crosslinking (MH-ML) of the
compounds is slightly lower, in particular
for the BaO-containing compound. Yet,
100 8C. So, no conclusions can be drawn thiazole-accelerated (TMTD/MBT) vulcani- in contrast with ZnO at longer vulcanisati-
from these data. sation. The extent of crosslinking with on times no decrease or reversion is obser-
Fig. 5 summarises the cure behaviour of Cu(II)O takes an intermediate position be- ved.
EPDM compounds with other (heavy) me- tween CdO and ZnO concerning the rate Swelling percentages and crosslink densi-
tal oxides, like PbO, CdO, Cu(II)O, and and extent of crosslinking. Disadvantage ties of the s-SBR compounds are depicted
BeO. The compound with PbO displays a of BeO is the extreme high toxicity by inha- in Fig. 7. The swelling experiments also re-
short scorch time and a substantially lower lation and ingestion, but it was tested an- veal an increase in swelling percentage or
delta torque value compared with ZnO. yway to check whether the wurtzite struc- decrease in crosslink density for use of
CdO, which is a member of the zinc group, ture is the governing factor regarding the MgO, CaO and in particular BaO, relative
results in a lower rate of cure and a extent activity of ZnO. The compound with BeO to ZnO. While in EPDM a considerably lo-
of cure comparable with PbO, albeit with a as activator resulted in a considerably lo- wer torque level was observed for the com-
marching modulus. The latter contradicts wer crosslink density than the reference pounds with these metal oxides, in s-SBR a
earlier statements in literature, that CdO compound, similar to the compound with- more positive effect was found: a grossly
is a good activator for sulphur vulcanisati- out activator. This provides evidence that comparable torque level and correspon-
on. Frenkel [20] hypothesised that CdO is the crystal structure of the metal oxide is dingly a comparable crosslink density.
an effective activator for mercaptobenzo- not the main factor determining the activi- The physical properties of the s-SBR com-
thiazole-accelerated vulcanisation, but ty. In view of the eco-toxicity of the majo- pounds with different metal oxides and the
not an activator for thiuram-accelerated rity of these metal oxides, further testing of combinations of activators are presented in
vulcanisation, which is in accordance the compounds was not considered wort- Table 9. It is evident from the data shown
with the reduced effectivity of CdO in hwhile and not pursued in the present con- in Table 9, that MgO as well as CaO lead to
the current and earlier reported experi- text. vulcanisate properties, before as well as af-
mental results on thiuram/mercaptobenzo- ter ageing, comparable with the ZnO refe-

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005 35

Fig. 6. Cure characteristics of s-SBR compounds with different metal oxi- Fig. 7. Swelling and crosslink density of s-SBR compounds with different
des as activator metal oxides as activator

Fig. 8. BeO and Cu(II)O as cure activator in s-SBR compounds Fig. 9. Decomposition of CBS in squalene as a function of reaction time,
with ZnO, MgO, CaO as activator

rence compound, and therefore can be wurtzite structure is not the governing fac- zole-accelerated vulcanisation system is
considered as good activators for sulphur tor for the activity of ZnO. In contrast with different and less dominant. On the other
vulcanisation of s-SBR rubber. the observations in EPDM compounds, hand, the difference in nature and reacti-
Despite the high toxicity of BeO, the effici- Cu(II)O demonstrated hardly any activating vity of the rubbers can also (partially) cause
ency of BeO as activator of sulphur cure influence in the s-SBR compounds. the difference in activation induced by the
was investigated in s-SBR compounds as Overall, substitution of ZnO Red Seal in s- various metal oxides.
well, mainly to study the influence of the SBR compounds by MgO or CaO seems to
crystal structure of the metal oxides. The be possible without large effects on the
Model compound vulcanisation
cure characteristics of compounds with dif- cure and physical properties, while the ad-
ferent levels of BeO as activator are given in dition of Cu(II)O as activator leads to infe- In the previous section it was demonstra-
Fig. 8. In the presence of BeO the results do rior cure characteristics. These findings ted, that the curing and physical properties
not differ very much from the vulcanisates contrast with the results in EPDM and im- of EPDM and s-SBR compounds with other
without activator, indicating that BeO is ply that the activating influence of the me- metal oxides as activator, in most cases de-
again not active as an activator in sulphur tal oxides on the reactions in a benzothia- viate considerably from the ones obtained
vulcanisation. It indicates again, that the zole- vs. a thiuram/mercaptobenzothia- with ZnO. A more detailed knowledge of

36 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005

Fig. 10. Sulphur concentration in squalene as a function of reaction Fig. 11. MBT concentration in squalene as a function of reaction time,
time, without and with ZnO, MgO and CaO as activator without and with ZnO, MgO and CaO as activator

Fig. 12. General scheme for sulphur vulcanisation [9] Fig. 13. Decomposition of TBBS in TME as a function of reaction time,
without and with ZnO, MgO and CaO as activator

the effect of the activator on the reactions stage in the vulcanisation process: curati- aid of HPLC at room temperature thereby
and mechanisms during the vulcanisation ves development. The mono-unsaturated preventing thermal decomposition of the
process can be obtained by studying the model 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (TME) was products.
reactions of the curatives in a rubber-like selected to study three different stages
model environment. In this section the re- in the vulcanisation process as a function
Squalene model compound
sults of Model Compound Vulcanisation of reaction time: curatives development,
experiments with four different metal oxi- crosslink precursor formation, and the
des, viz. none, ZnO, MgO and CaO, in two crosslinked products development. The composition of the squalene samples
different model compounds, viz. squalene The reactions were done as described in as a function of reaction time was determi-
and TME are described. The poly-unsatura- the experimental section, at 140 8C in ned. For every reaction time a separate
ted compound squalene was used because the presence of a vulcanisation system. HPLC chromatogram was obtained. The
of its similarity to the real rubber structure, Since the reactions were performed in inert concentrations of the curatives can be cal-
viz. the presence of more than one double atmosphere, the amount of products due culated via the internal standard and the
bond and relatively less end-groups. Squa- to oxidation could be suppressed. The response factors, and can be plotted as
lene was used to specifically study the first reaction products were analysed with the a function of reaction time. Fig. 9 depicts

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005 37

Fig. 14. Sulphur concentration in TME as a function of reaction time, Fig. 15. MBT concentration in TME as a function of reaction time, with-
without and with ZnO, MgO and CaO as activator out and with ZnO, MgO and CaO as activator

the concentration profile of the accelerator MBT is formed during the course of the Overall, several steps in accelerated sul-
CBS for the four formulations. It can clearly reaction as decomposition product of the phur vulcanisation, generally accepted to
be seen in Fig. 9, that the various activators accelerator and as a side product from take the course as visualised in Fig. 12
influence the breakdown of CBS differen- the transformation of a crosslink precursor [23], could be investigated in the presence
tly. Without activator no decomposition of into a crosslink. Since MBT is not present of metal oxides. The rate of accelerator de-
the accelerator CBS is observed in the first initially, the amounts are related to the ma- composition is found to be strongly depen-
20 minutes. MgO as activator causes a very ximum amount that can be formed if all dent on the metal oxide used, Fig. 9. An
fast decomposition of CBS: within 5 minu- CBS would transform into MBT. A relative active accelerating complex is formed
tes all the accelerator is consumed. It is also amount of 0.5 suggests a 50 % conversion which interacts with sulphur to generate
evident from Fig. 9 that CaO hardly has of the CBS into MBT. Although in the HPLC the active sulphurating agent: a decrease
any influence on the decomposition of system used, MBT and MBTS have the of the sulphur content is observed,
CBS. ZnO takes an intermediate position: same retention time, it is assumed that Fig. 10. A part of the complex forms a (po-
a slower decomposition than MgO but fa- the peak at the retention time of 2 minutes ly)sulphidic crosslink precursor, which is,
ster than CaO. The results are in agree- in the HPLC chromatogram contains only for this particular model system, difficult
ment with the earlier results obtained by MBT and that the amount of MBTS is ne- to analyse with this HPLC-UV setup. De-
Garreta [21], who performed similar mea- gligible. This assumption is justified by se- composition of the accelerator and trans-
surements with ZnO, MgO, CaO and CdO veral researches [21, 22]. The concentrati- formation of the precursor into a crosslink
as activators in squalene. Similar trends on profile of MBT for the several metal oxi- yields a side product: MBT. Only in pre-
were observed: a very fast decay of CBS des is shown in Fig. 11. sence of ZnO, complexation between the
in the system with MgO, slightly slower Only when ZnO is present in the reaction metal ion and MBT is observed. In the pre-
with ZnO and hardly any influence of mixture, the MBT concentration remains at sence of MgO, at a reaction time of 10 mi-
CaO on the decomposition of the accele- a low level, contrary to the case where no nutes the relative amount of MBT is about
rator. activator has been added: MBT tends to 25 %, which is not exceeded within a reac-
A very fast decay is observed in the sulphur accumulate at longer reaction times. This tion time of 60 minutes. It is suggested
concentration in the first five to ten minu- can be explained by the formation of a that MBT partly remains in a complex
tes for all systems, Fig. 10. In this stage the complex between the zinc ions and with the metal ion. CaO is apparently un-
sulphur is incorporated in the accelerator MBT: ZnMBT. ZnMBT precipitates in the able to remain bonded to the MBT. The ac-
during the first 10 minutes to form polysul- reaction mixture and is therefore difficult celerator decomposition and the MBT for-
phidic species. The sulphur content in the to analyse with HPLC. MgO leads to higher mation proceeds similar for CaO and in the
systems with ZnO and MgO shows similar amounts of MBT at shorter reaction times. absence of activator.
incorporation behaviour, while with CaO Presumably, less complex formation be-
the profile is comparable with the non-ac- tween the magnesium ions and MBT oc-
tivated system. In the presence of CaO the curs, which corroborates the proposition
TME model compound
rate of formation of active sulphurating that magnesium has only a slight tendency
species is lower, as indicated by the slower to form complexes. With CaO present, the
decomposition of the accelerator in Fig. 9, MBT concentration follows again grossly To study the formation and decomposition
and therefore a slower decay of sulphur is the same profile as the non-activated sy- of crosslink intermediates and crosslinking
observed. stem. reaction in detail, additional experiments

38 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005

Fig. 16. Crosslink precursor: TME-MBT, concentration as a function of Fig. 17. TBBS, Crosslink precursor, and crosslinked products concentrati-
reaction time, without and with ZnO, MgO and CaO as activator on as a function of reaction time with ZnO

with MgO and CaO as activator were per- bly forms a complex with metal ions and rently delays the formation as well as
formed in TME-model systems. The same precipitates in the reaction mixture or is breakdown of precursors.
metal oxides as in the squalene system present as crosslink precursor, bonded to Various mechanisms for the conversion of
were studied in TME MCV: none, ZnO, the allylic position of the model molecule crosslink precursors into crosslinks have
MgO and CaO. Fig. 13 and 14 show the via a polysulphidic bridge (rubber-Sy-acc). been proposed. The reaction of the inter-
concentration profiles of the initial vulcani- The formation of this intermediate com- mediate crosslink precursor with another
sation ingredients, TBBS and sulphur, re- pound can be followed as a function of intermediate moiety or through the reacti-
spectively, for samples without and with reaction time. The crosslink precursor de- on with polymer chains leads to the forma-
ZnO, MgO and CaO. ZnO has hardly any velopments for the systems with different tion of polysulphidic crosslinks. For the sy-
influence on the decomposition of TBBS. metal oxides as an activator are shown in stem with ZnO as an activator, the concen-
In the initial stage, a more or less similar Fig. 16. tration profiles of TBBS, crosslink precursor
profile is observed in the non-activated sy- Fig. 16 indicates no significant differences and crosslinked products are summarised
stem and the system with MgO, whereas in rate of crosslink precursor formation in in Fig. 17. The symbols used in Fig. 17 cor-
after 15 minutes a faster decay of the ac- the four systems, which is consistent with respond with the symbols depicted in the
celerator is observed in the latter system. the decomposition profile of TBBS as sum- general vulcanisation scheme, Fig. 18. In
CaO, on the other hand, seems to impose marised in Fig. 13. In the non-activated sy- accordance with the concept that the
a slightly delaying effect on the accelerator stem a maximum concentration of cross- crosslink precursors convert into crosslinks,
conversion. link precursor is observed at approx. 30 mi- the formation of crosslinks begins slightly
In the TME samples a fast decay of sulphur nutes reaction time. In the samples with before the concentration of crosslink pre-
in the first five minutes is observed, Fig. 14, ZnO present, the breakdown of the cross- cursor decreases.
comparable with the results obtained in link precursor is delayed to some extent. In Fig. 19 – 22 show the development in time
squalene. It is evident from this figure, the presence of MgO crosslink precursors of three of the reaction products, viz. S3, S4
that the amount of sulphur remains hig- are formed slightly faster than with the and S5 TME-crosslinks, for the systems with
hest in the non-activated and CaO-contai- other metal oxides. This coincides with different metal oxides, measured with
ning systems. The sulphur concentration the faster breakdown of the accelerator HPLC. The different (poly)sulphidic cross-
profile with MgO present in the system ta- TBBS caused by MgO as shown in linked products cannot be compared abso-
kes an intermediate position, as observed Fig. 13. At a reaction time of 20 minutes lutely while the response factors of these
in the squalene samples. a maximum is reached and after 30 minu- products were not all determined, therefo-
Fig. 15 represents the MBT-development tes the precursor is fully transformed re only the trends between the different sy-
as a function of reaction time. Except for again. With CaO the formation of crosslink stems can be compared. The peak areas of
the MgO-containing sample, the formati- precursors is delayed. During the first 10 the crosslinked products for the samples
on of MBT starts after a reaction time of minutes of reaction hardly any precursors without activator, with ZnO, MgO and
approx. 30 minutes. In contrast with the are formed, neither any TBBS consumed. CaO as activators are plotted versus reac-
results in squalene samples, a relative However, the formation of crosslink pre- tion time in Figs. 19, 20, 21 and 22, respec-
amount of 1 for the MBTcontent is not rea- cursors occurs at a pace comparable to tively.
ched in any of the samples, though in all the other metal oxides. A maximum con- The peak at 17 minutes corresponds to the
cases all TBBS has reacted after 40 minu- centration of the crosslink precursor is ob- longest sulphur bridge, S5, while the peaks
tes. As suggested before, the MBT proba- served at approx. 50 minutes. CaO appa- at 12 and 10 minutes represent the S4- and

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005 39

cular phenomenon, the crosslinked pro- gested mechanism of complex formation
ducts development for the different metal between the cations and the accelerator
oxides as a function of reaction time parts [8 – 10].
should be examined. Crosslink shortening It has appeared that the sulphur concen-
is most clearly observed in the non-activa- tration profiles in the two model systems
ted system: Fig. 19. The longer crosslinks are influenced by the presence of metal
decrease while the shortest sulphur bridge oxides. The order of sulphur levels at short
increases. In all systems the amount of the reaction times observed in squalene, start-
shortest crosslinks increases with reaction ing with the highest sulphur level, is: CaO
time.  MgO ¼ ZnO, whereas the order obser-
ved in TME is: CaO > MgO > ZnO. When
Discussion CaO is present, the sulphur concentration
profile is comparable with the non-activa-
Comparison and evaluation of
ted system. It can be concluded that in the
squalene and TME MCV results
presence of CaO hardly any sulphur inser-
The rate of breakdown of the accelerator tion in the active accelerator complex oc-
in the squalene model compound seems to curs. On the other hand, in presence of
depend strongly on the activator used. The MgO, sulphur is consumed much faster
order of the activators from the fastest to compared to the systems with ZnO pre-
the slowest breakdown is: MgO > ZnO > sent. Presumably, active sulphurating spe-
Fig. 18. General vulcanisation scheme (z < y)
CaO. cies are formed via sulphur insertion in the
The differences between the rate of de- active accelerator complex.
S3-TME-crosslinks, respectively, in accor- composition of the accelerator in the pre- The formation of the crosslink precursor, as
dance with the linear correlation between sence of metal oxides in TME is not as clear studied with TME model compounds, pro-
the sulphur rank and the logarithm of the as in squalene. A similar trend is observed ceeded fastest for MgO and slowest for
retention time reported by Hann et al. [24]. in TME as compared to squalene: in the CaO with respect to reaction time. The
It is evident from these graphs that the dis- presence of MgO the accelerator decom- breakdown of the crosslink precursor as
tribution of the crosslinked products is poses the fastest and in presence of CaO a function of reaction time follows a similar
strongly affected by the applied metal oxi- the slowest and even delayed. At short trend: MgO > ZnO > CaO. As mentioned
des. It is noted that in the presence of MgO reaction times, however, considerably before, it corresponds with the order of the
the formation of crosslinked products in- smaller differences between the activators Lewis acidities. It is an indication that the
itiates at considerably shorter reaction are observed. Apparently, the accelerator activators play a role in detaching the ac-
times, which is in accordance with earlier TBBS used in the TME model compounds celerator part (MBT) of the crosslink precur-
observations on the decomposition of is more reactive, thereby decreasing the sor via complex formation.
the accelerator and formation and break- dependence on the activator. In conformance with the suggested reacti-
down of the crosslink precursor. The order of reactivity towards the accele- on mechanisms, the concentration of
The final step of the scheme in Fig. 18 is rator is similar to the order of Lewis acidity crosslink precursors starts to decrease
crosslink shortening. To observe this parti- of the cations. This corroborates the sug- when the crosslinked products are formed.

Fig. 19. Crosslinked products (CP) concentration in TME samples without Fig. 20. Crosslinked products (CP) concentration in TME samples with
activator ZnO as activator

40 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005

Fig. 21. Crosslinked products (CP) concentration in TME samples with Fig. 22. Crosslinked products (CP) concentration in TME samples with
MgO as activator CaO as activator

it provides a good idea of the crosslink de-

velopment. Fig. 23 shows in a combined
graph the crosslink development obtained
with the TME model compounds and the
rheograms of s-SBR compounds for sy-
stems with ZnO, MgO and CaO.
At first sight, the MCV results are not at all
in agreement with the s-SBR compounds,
probably due to many (fundamental) diffe-
rences between the real rubber and model
systems. After 60 minutes of MCV the to-
tal peak area of the crosslinks in the sample
with ZnO, is still increasing and reaches a
higher final level than the samples with
Fig. 23. Comparison MgO and CaO, which is in good agree-
cure-torque of s-SBR
compounds with to- ment with the higher torque level observed
tal crosslinked pro- in the s-SBR compound with ZnO present.
ducts in MCV of TME
The effect of MgO on the onset of cross-
as a function of
reaction time linked products formation found in MCV
experiments, is not observed however in
the cure characteristics of s-SBR com-
The initially formed polysulphidic bridges Comparison of the effect of metal pounds. The lower final crosslink density
tend to reduce the sulphur chain length oxides as activator in MCV studies and difference in crosslink distribution in
by releasing sulphur and the formation and rubber compounds the presence of CaO in particular, is also
of shorter crosslinks. Apparently, the ap- reflected in the physical properties presen-
plied metal oxide also affects the final It is to be noted that the latter results apply ted in Table 9.
crosslink distribution in the model com- to model compounds, i.e. squalene and
pound samples. With MgO present in TME, and that these findings may not ne-
the system, the formation of crosslinked cessarily be extrapolated to real rubbers
products initiates at shorter reaction times such as EPDM and s-SBR. However, the ge- To explore possibilities to reduce ZnO levels
and the dominating product appears to be neral trend of the reactions is unlikely to be in rubber compounds, this article describes
the shortest crosslink, whereas in the ZnO- influenced by the particular allylic structu- a comprehensive study on the substitution
containing sample the longer crosslinks are res of the various rubbers involved. of the conventional activator ZnO by other
formed to a higher extent. The overall pro- The crosslinked products as studied with metal oxides. Both, real rubber and model
duct yield in presence of MgO, however, is MCV can be evaluated by summing all compound systems are employed to inve-
considerably lower as compared to the the peaks of the various sulphur chains, stigate the effect of these metal oxides on
ZnO-containing sample. i.e. area of S3, þ area of S4 etc. Although the different stages of the vulcanisation
addition of peak areas is not totally correct, process. It has appeared that CdO, PbO,

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005 41

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project in the Innovative Research Program
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nology (Senter). An industrial consortium
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42 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 1-2/2005

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