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Registered with the Registrar Registered No.

of Newspapers for India under

No. 10410
Dated : 20-7-2017
Price : 44-00

Puducherry, hereby makes the following rules, namely:—


Short title, extent and commencement.—

be called ‘The Puducherry Real Estate (Regulation and Development)
(General) Rules, 2017’.

“Act” means the Real Estate (Regulation and Development)

“appropriate Government” means the Government of

“approved plan” means sanction issued by the planning

“association of allottees” means a collective of the allottees

“authenticated copy” shall mean a self-attested copy of any

“Authority” means the Real Estate Regulatory

“Form” means a Form appended to these rules;

“Ongoing project” means, a project where development is

“planning authority” means the planning authority

“plinth area” means the built-up covered area measured at

“regulations” means the regulations made under the Real

“Secretary” means the Secretary to the

“section” means a section of th


registration of project.—

4 of the Act, for registration of the project with the Authority, namely:—

case may be, for a sum calculated at the rate of:—


rule 3, disclose the following information, namely:—


Grant or rejection of registration of the project.—

Extension of registration of the project.—


Revocation of Registration of the project.—

Ap p licati o n for R eg istra tio n by th e real es ta te ag e n t.—

based, along with the following documents, namely:—


Grant of Registration to the real estate agent.—

Renewal of registration of real estate agent.—


Revocation of Registra tion of real estate agent.—

Books of accounts, records and documents.—

Other functions of a real estate agent.—


Details to be published on the official website.—

under the Act, namely:—

details of the promoter including the following, namely:—
promoter or group profile,–

background of promoter:– educational qualification,

track record of the promoter,–


litigations,– details of litigations if any, pending and which



compliance and registration,–



project such as:—



quarter, namely:—


legal documents,–

contact details,– contact address, contact numbers and

or revoked, namely:—

registration has been revoked/suspended by the Authority:—

Interest payable by the promoter and the allottee.—



conditions of service of Chairperson and Members of the Authority.—



powers in respect of–




— (1) In addition to the

the Authority shall exercise the following additional powers,—

Recovery of interest, penalty and compensation.—


Form for filing Appeal and the fees payable.—

documents, namely:—


and Members of the Appellate Tribunal shall be as follows:—

the Authority or the Appellate Tribunal.—

appointed under sub-rule (2), copies of,–





the administrative powers in respect of–


of offence.—

as specified in the Table below:—



inquiry in the following manner, namely:—


and regulations made thereunder and if the respondent,—


satisfied that—


following manner, namely:—


rules and regulations made thereunder and if the respondent,—


records and submissions is satisfied that the respondent is,—

Budget, accounts and audit.—




ite particulars are as under:—

In case of individual—

partnership / competent authority etc.]–


e] enclose the following documents, namely:—




as under:—






information, namely:—

declaration submitted in Form ‘B’ at the time of making



No. .................., of:—

following conditions, namely:—



The requisite particulars are as under:—

In case of [individual/proprietorship firm]—

In case of [partnership firm/societies/companies etc.]—


[I/we] enclose the following documents along with, namely:—


M ‘H’

certificate bearing No. ........................ to —






information, namely:—

In case of individual—

Father’s Name

In case of [partnership firm/societies/companies, etc.]—




This renewal of registration is granted under section 9 to—

conditions, namely:—







section (3) of section 33—




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