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Cleaning our cloths is daily task for every human in the earth. What people care is just
getting it washed and cleaned from dirt and ignoring the consequences of the hazardous
chemical this is being washed with. Therefore, it’s a very big issue that people should take it
into consideration and start using it in a safe way the will be explained later. In this report, we
will be talking about the dangerous of dry cleaning and how can we use green dry cleaning
by simple steps that everyone is able to do it in order to protect our environment not only

The objectives of this report are the following:

1. Understand the meaning of dry cleaning and green dry cleaning and know how to
distinguish between them.
2. To know what the consequences are of using dry cleaning and how it destroys our
nature and our health.
3. To clarify the reason of using clean dry cleaning and its following methods.

What is meant by Green chemistry?

Scientist and engineer have recognized lately that the substance that are
been using in the process or experiments has put too much danger to our
environment. So therefore, they tried to reach a solution that won’t affect the
environment yet still making their experiments. When we talk about
something green the first thing that poops in our mind is nature. The main
purpose if it that it means producing products or experiment without
damaging our environment. The scientific meaning of green chemistry which is also called
sustainable chemistry, in which chemists and chemical engineers try to reduce the use of
dangerous substances or chemicals in any chemical processes that may affect our
environment (ACS, 2018).

To sum up, after knowing the differences between dry cleaning and clean drying cleaning, it
shows from the information we got that green dry cleaning is way much better than dry
cleaning. Although some methods in clean dry cleaning are a bit harmful but not as much
harmful as using the solvents that are been used in dry cleaning. However, people should take
this problem in serious way before it is too late that can affect their health in many different
ways. We encourage every human in the earth to start from this moment to start washing by
green dry-cleaning method to save our lives and earth!

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