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Hưở Modigliani and Miller (1961) and Miller (1977) result that firm value is

independent of dividend policy has also been examined extensively. Bhattacharya (1979) and
others show that firm dividend policy can be a costly device to signal a firm’s state, and hence
relevant, in a class of models with: (i) asymmetric information about stochastic firm earnings; (ii)
shareholder liquidity (a need to sell makes firm valuation relevant); and (iii) deadweight costs (to
pay dividends, refinance cash flow shocks or cover under-investment). In a separating
equilibrium, only firms with high anticipated earning pay high dividends, thus signaling their
prospects to the stock market. As in other costly signaling models, why a firm would use
financial decisions to reveal information, rather than direct disclosure, must be addressed. As
previously, taxes are another important friction which effect dividend policy (e.g., see Allen,
Bernardo and Welch (2000)).
4 Modigliani and Miller (1961) and Miller (1977) result that firm value is independent of
dividend policy has also been examined extensively. Bhattacharya (1979) and others show that
firm dividend policy can be a costly device to signal a firm’s state, and hence relevant, in a class
of models with: (i) asymmetric information about stochastic firm earnings; (ii) shareholder
liquidity (a need to sell makes firm valuation relevant); and (iii) deadweight costs (to pay
dividends, refinance cash flow shocks or cover under-investment). In a separating equilibrium,
only firms with high anticipated earning pay high dividends, thus signaling their prospects to the
stock market. As in other costly signaling models, why a firm would use financial decisions to
reveal information, rather than direct disclosure, must be addressed. As previously, taxes are
another important friction which effect dividend policy (e.g., see Allen, Bernardo and Welch
4 Modigliani and Miller (1961) and Miller (1977) result that firm value is independent of
dividend policy has also been examined extensively. Bhattacharya (1979) and others show that
firm dividend policy can be a costly device to signal a firm’s state, and hence relevant, in a class
of models with: (i) asymmetric information about stochastic firm earnings; (ii) shareholder
liquidity (a need to sell makes firm valuation relevant); and (iii) deadweight costs (to pay
dividends, refinance cash flow shocks or cover under-investment). In a separating equilibrium,
only firms with high anticipated earning pay high dividends, thus signaling their prospects to the
stock market. As in other costly signaling models, why a firm would use financial decisions to
reveal information, rather than direct disclosure, must be addressed. As previously, taxes are
another important friction which effect dividend policy (e.g., see Allen, Bernardo and Welch
4 ng ứng phong trào chung của ngày hội đọc sách thế giới, thư viện trường TH
Namfdgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgs Tiến II đã tổ
chức “ Ngày hội đọc sách” vào ngày 22 tháng 4 năm 2015. “Ngày hội ” có sự tham
gia Ban giám hiệu nhà trường, các thầy cô giáo, các bậc PHHS và toàn thể các
em học sinhgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfd trong toàn trường.
“Ngày hội đọc sách” diễn ra với nhiều hoạt động thiết thựfdggggggggggggggggc,
phong phú như: Thi vẽ tranh theo sách, tuyên truyền giới thiệu sách, kể
chuyện theo sách, thi đồ dùng dạy học tự làm… học sinh được tham quan gian sách
trưng bày của các lớp với nhiều cuốn sách hay, nội dung phong phú, ý nghĩa và sắp xếp rất
đẹp mắt. ngày hội đọc sác4444444444444444444444444h’ nhằm góp phần đưa ‘văn hóa
đọc’ trở thành thói quen cho chúng em, rèn cho học sinh biết chọn những loại sách báo có
nội dung tốt, tính giáo dục cao. Ngày hội mang lại cho chúng em những kiến thức bổ ích,
được vui chơi và tham gia nhiều hoạt động.


• personal or corporate taxes.

• Firms with similar level of risk are said to be in a homogeneous risk class.

• No brokerage-costs.

• The debt of firms and individuals is riskless, so the interest rate on all debt is the risk-free

• All cash flows are perpetuities.

• personal or corporate taxes.

• Firms with similar level of risk are said to be in a homogeneous risk class.

• No brokerage-costs.

• The debt of firms and individuals is riskless, so the interest rate on all debt is the risk-free

• All cash flows are perpetuities.

• personal or corporate taxes.

• Firms with similar level of risk are said to be in a homogeneous risk class.

• No brokerage-costs.

• The debt of firms and individuals is riskless, so the interest rate on all debt is the risk-free

• All cash flows are perpetuities.

• personal or corporate taxes.

• Firms with similar level of risk are said to be in a homogeneous risk class.

• No brokerage-costs.

• The debt of firms and individuals is riskless, so the interest rate on all debt is the risk-free

• All cash flows are perpetuities.


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