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Britney Ann B.

Manayon The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Valther Arino Ms. Aljean Sareno
Jia Mae Sing Oct. 07, 2019
Ryza Bueno
Angelo Losentes
Maricar Lazarte

Jose Rizal’s Exiled in Dapitan City

Britney: The Shrine City of the Philippines has become Jose Rizal's second
home. He spent most of his time thinking of innovative ways to better the community.
Britney: The national hero, José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, was
exiled to Dapitan on July 17, 1892.
Jia: Even when he was deported, he always thought of what he could do to alleviate the
condition of his countrymen.
Both: Why was Jose Rizal exiled in Dapitan?
Jia: Due to his association with the members of Katipunan,

Britney: Jose Rizal was implicated as one of its founders and was tried for sedition,

Jia: rebellion and conspiracy before a military court.

Britney: He was convicted as guilty of all three charges.

Britney: Rizal was arrested by the Spanish authorities on several grounds,

Jia: including founding a society, publishing books and newspapers that spread
rebellious and seditious ideas to the public, possessing a bundle of handbills that violated
the Spanish orders, criticizing the religion spread by the Spaniards and spreading
filibusterism in the Philippines.
Britney: Even though Rizal was sent to Dapitan as a prisoner, his years of stay in the
province served as one of the most fruitful periods of his career as a doctor, agriculturist,
businessman, engineer, teacher, scientist and linguist.

Jia: He used his remaining days in Dapitan to improve his literary and artistic skills. It
was also in Dapitan that Rizal met and married Josephine Bracken, the daughter of a
retired Hong Kong engineer. A blind man named George Taufer The two had one son,
who died shortly after birth.

Within his four years in Dapitan, a member of Katipunan named Dr. Pio Valenzuela visited and informed him
about the establishment of the Katipunan. Rizal cannot blame his fellowmen for doing so because the Reform
Movement was a failure. Although he was against the revolution that might happen however, he suggested Gen
Antonio Luna to maneuver the military tactics of the Katipunan. He also informed Valenzuela that he voluntered
as a surgeon in the Cuban revolution to observe the war and might apply his observations there.

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