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Bulacan State University

College of Arts and Letters

Malolos City, Bulacan

An Analysis of English Proficiency among First Year Students

of Broadcasting in Bulacan State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Purposive Communication

Carreon, Mark Joseph F.

Dela Cruz, Catherine Mae A.

Fernando, Raven Andrei

Manuel, Rovhic M.

Riano, Ludy Anne L.

Submitted by:


Submitted to:

Mr. Florentino Pineda Jr.

Subject Teacher, Purposive Communication

November, 2019




Communication plays a vital role in the life of every human being. It is the cement that

holds society together. Without it, or even if we only lack communication skills there would be a

complete chaos in the world. That is why people created and arise different kinds of

communication to keep our communication active, breathing, to keep the world intact.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or

group to another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient.

This may sound simple, but communication is actually a very complex subject. The transmission

of the message from sender to recipient can be affected by a huge range of things. These include

our emotions, the cultural situation, the medium used to communicate, and even our location. The

complexity is why good communication skills are considered so desirable by employers around

the world: accurate, effective and unambiguous communication is actually extremely hard.

It is truly the most essential to everyone wherein in our everyday life people tend to

communicate to others with the different types of communication. Verbal, non- verbal, visual and

written. Wherever and whenever communicating is always a need.

In communicating there are things to consider like the effectiveness of it especially in the

workplace we belong. It serves as a vehicle through which coordination, smooth working,

efficiency, effective decision making, and work peace are carried out, just like in the field of


Being a broadcaster is not that easy and affiliates responsibility not only for themselves but also

for the mass or the nation especially when spreading information. It requires high degree of

dedication, effort, passion, and the willingness to serve the people within its reach. Based from the

previous studies, an effective broadcaster should have their self- confidence. They must be fluent

enough in speaking the English language.

English has come to be the international language, it has a big contribution in our world

and everyone knows how to communicate effectively using the language. Proficiency in English

is usually defined by a combination of skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. A

good broadcaster is wearing these skills to become successful in their field they want to pursue.

Criticizing, socializing and reporting. Three words but there is deep meaning and very

important in terms of broadcasting. Criticize the news or issues, whether it is reliable or not,

socialize with people and report in an appropriate way and how people can easily understand the

information. Broad casting commands the attention and courts the affection of million people. It

is also a popular source of news and information and most reliable vehicle for advertising and

marketing offers. In other words, broadcasting was very powerful and beneficial for the netizens.


This research aims to examine the English proficiency level of First Year Broadcasting

students of Bulacan State University Main Campus. This study will be conducted on the 1st

semester of the academic year 2019-2020.

This study aims to answer the following:

1. What is the general proficiency level in English of the First Year Broadcasting Students of
Bulacan State University?

2. What is the proficiency level of the First Year Broadcasting Students in the 3 language

areas on the following indicators;

a. Grammar

b. Vocabulary

c. Reading Comprehension

3. Which language area does the respondents excel the most?


This study is focused on recognizing only the analysis of the English proficiency among

students. It is also limited to studying the first year students of Bulacan State University - Main

Campus for the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020. It does not extend to students from

other schools or universities.

The study is concerned in knowing how proficient do the students are in the three

language areas namely--- Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading Comprehension.

Nevertheless, the researchers cannot force the students to follow the results of the research

and its recommendations as it is still up to them on how they would take action in helping the

students in ensuring their proficiency in the language.

The information that this study provides is also limited to the data based on the answers

of the respondents.

The aim of this study is to examine the general proficiency level and the proficiency level

in Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension of first year Broadcasting students of

Bulacan State University - Main Campus in the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020 to

help them better understand that English is one of the language of media today.


The research aims to benefit the following:

Broadcasting Students. The research study aims to analyze the English proficiency of the students

in the broadcasting field. The result of this study will be beneficial to the students, that they can

be aware of the status or level of their knowledge in English, both written and oral; and this study

will be a great help for them to assess themselves on the things that need improvement in terms of

their English skills and proficiency.

Professors. The outcome of the research study will not just be beneficial to the students but also

to their professors as well. Through the results that this study will produce, the professors can

develop a way on how to guide and teach the students the English language in a manner wherein

they can comprehend faster.

Future Researchers. This will help them gain profound and detailed information about the research

study. This will also serve as their guide in creating their research if they wish to create a study

about the same topic or a topic related thereof.


In order to better comprehend the contents of this study, the following terminologies have been

defined conceptually based on the context and way they were used in this research.

Proficiency- it is advancement in knowledge or skill in a particular matter just like in the language

we used every day. It is the level of how we know about something and how we know to use it.

Grammar- the set of rules that explain how words are used in a language.

Vocabulary- the words that make up a language.

Reading comprehension- is the ability to understand the meaning of a given text and the ability to

process information and message. And the ability to identify the main thought of a passage.



This review of foreign and local literature and studies present several information about

the communication using the English language, the status of the proficiency of the students in the

language, and the level of intelligence and knowledge about the said topic. It also includes other

information related thereof. The researchers utilised various resources such as books, journals,

theses and dissertations, and other printed and published material.

A student perspective on low English Proficiency in Oman

According to the study of Mahrooqi (2012), there is a large resources into English language

in the nation's schools, colleges and universities in Oman. Student's continue to graduate from

schools with inadequate English language proficiency and the majority therefore require remedial

or intensive courses in a foundation program before beginning the tertiary level study. Omani

people have problems in terms of their English proficiency, they graduated school without

mastering the English language. They need to repeat their studies to achieve high proficiency level

in the English language.

Factors Affecting the Level of English Proficiency among IIUM Students

The level of proficiency among Malaysian students often questioned. Despite

learning English for almost 10 years in school, the majority of Malaysian students still encounter

difficulties in using the language effectively especially in tertiary education. Many local graduates

are still unemployed due to their lack of fluency in English. The study investigate the factors

affecting the level of English proficiency among International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

undergraduate student. The findings of the study revealed that factors affecting the students were

language anxiety, students attitude and also peers, parental and teacher influences.

English language proficiency as an indicator of academic performance at a tertiary


The level of proficiency among Malaysian students often questioned. Despite learning

English for almost 10 years in school, the majority of Malaysian students still encounter difficulties

in using the language effectively especially in tertiary education. Many local graduates are still

unemployed due to their lack of fluency in English. The study investigate the factors affecting the

level of English proficiency among International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

undergraduate student. The findings of the study revealed that factors affecting the students were

language anxiety, students attitude and also peers, parental and teacher influences.

Reading habits of university ESL students at different levels of English proficiency and


Mokhatari (1994) conducted a study which examined the degree to which the levels of

English proficiency (high vs. low) and education (graduate vs. undergraduate) of students for

whom English is a second language (ESL) were associated with differences in their reading

behavior patterns. Subjects completed a survey which elicited information about several aspects

of their reading behavior patterns including the type of materials read, the amount of time devoted

to each type of reading, perceptions of their own reading ability, weaknesses, and needed

improvements in reading. The results revealed that many of the mean scores obtained differed

significantly, a fact indicating that the subjects’ levels of education and English proficiency were

indeed associated with their reading behavior patterns.



Grammar Proficiency



Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework of the Analysis on the English Proficiency among the
First Year Students of Bulacan State University

Figure 1.1 demonstrates the conceptual framework which examines the level of proficiency

in the English language among first year students of Broadcasting in Bulacan State University.

The researchers developed that the three language areas namely Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading

Comprehension has a relation to the Proficiency of the students in the English language which is

used in their field.

Hypothesis of the Study

HO: There is no significant relationship among the variables of the study namely grammar,

vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

HO: The first year Broadcasting Students of Bulacan State University are not proficient in

English language.

Definition of Terms

In order to assure that all readers were interpreting these terms in the same manner

as the researchers intended, the following definitions are hereby defined:

English Proficiency. English Language Proficiency is the ability of students to use the

English language to make and communicate meaning in spoken and written contexts effectively



Stated in this chapter are the steps and methods that shall be used in this research to

guarantee that the data gathered are all relevant and reliable. This chapter describes the research

design, the population and sample size of the respondents, and the sampling technique utilized.

This chapter also covers the description of the respondents, the research locale, the

instrumentation, and the data gathering procedure used by the researcher. In this chapter, the

variables needed to conduct the research properly are described and are further explained and

expounded for a deeper understanding and interpretation of the matters of this research entitled,

An Analysis of English Proficiency among the First Year Students of Broadcasting in Bulacan

State University.


Ethridge (2004), defines Descriptive Method as a statement of affairs as they are at present

with the researchers having no control over variables. Moreover, descriptive studies may be

characterized as simply the attempt to determine, describe, or identify what. It is aimed at casting

light on current issues or problems through a process of data collection that enables them to

describe the situation more completely than was possible without employing this method

The study used the descriptive method as it is aimed at describing and identifying the

characteristics of the respondents and their personal experiences with accordance to the

phenomenon being studied.

Under the descriptive research method, survey method was used in this investigation.

Survey forms meticulously made, evaluated, presented to the subject teacher, enhanced, and were

finally handed out to be answered by a set of respondents and from these survey forms thrived the

entirety of the study’s material.


Since the research is about the proficiency of students in English, it is obvious that the

respondents or the subjects of this investigation are students who were in lined with the

communication course which is the Broadcasting students. The researchers chose the first year

Broadcasting students of Bulacan State University- Main Campus as their population as they were

accessible to them.

Saunders and Lewis (2012), defined Stratified Random Sampling as a sampling technique

in which researcher divides the population into two or more relevant and significant strata based

on the attributes given. Stratified Random Sampling is a probability sapling method in which the

population is divided into groups or strata along a relevant dimension just like age, gender,

ethnicity, and so on. In this study, the dimension used by the researcher is the course which is


The researchers used stratified random sampling due to their judgement that the study they

had conducted was only for the purpose of examining the knowledge and level of proficiency of

students in the English language. The researchers chose the street food vendors of Barangay

Poblacion, Malolos, Bulacan Public Market as their respondents for their research study. There

were one hundred fourteen (114) broadcasting students , two sections were composed of 28

students each and the other two sections were composed of 29 students which has a total of 114

students all in all. The researchers chose the first year broadcasting students of due to the reason

that these group of students were the one who mostly use English as a language of communication

every day and in the media industry they are entering in the future.. Moreover, the broadcasting

students of Bulacan State University are the accessible population of the research study since they

are highly reachable to the researchers. Thus, they were chosen to be the respondents of this study.

The researchers makes use of formulas to determine the sample size since the target

population itself is huge. Thus, the researchers used the Slovin’s Formula to determine the number

of respondents needed.

The formula is as follows:



N is the population

e is the margin of error

The researchers made twenty (114) survey forms which were only distributed to the first

year broadcasting students of Bulacan State University which is the specific area for the collection

and gathering of data from the respondents.


The researchers gathered information from different media such as the internet for

references. They also collected data from books and articles. They took out all the possible facts

concerning the study such as the status quo or the current or existing state of things. They have

reread and reconsidered each evidence and brainstormed as to relate them to the problem. After

conducting a thorough investigation about the topic from different sources, the researchers decided

to adapt a questionnaire from English Proficiency Test of the site Transparent about basic english

language to be answered by the respondents. The information gathered from the respondents were

kept confidential and the numerical data collected were tallied and illustrated through statistical


To ensure the validity of the questionnaire used, the researchers used a validated

questionnaire as it was already utilized by a previous research. They simply modified it to befit

their research and their chosen respondents. They also presented it to their subject teacher wherein

he checked it so that it would be free from errors.

The main instrument used in gathering the needed amount of data for the research is the

questionnaire. It was divided into three parts:

PART I was composed of ten (10) questions concerning the first language are which is

grammar. The first part is in a multiple choice type of test.

PART II was focused on the second language are which is vocabulary. It is composed of

ten (10) questions and in a multiple choice type of test.

PART III was composed of five (5) questions concerning the language area which is

reading comprehension. There were 2 paragraphs that the researchers have given which contains

the answers to the questions.


The data collected were treated statistically through various statistical tools such as:

The researchers computed the scores of the respondents. They divided the total individual

score by language areas. In order to have the general proficiency of the students, and to determine

whether who pass and fail the English proficiency test the researchers used the formula for

percentage. In the second part, in order to determine those who pass and fail in each language are

the researchers used the same formula.

The formula is as follows:

f_ × 100

% = Pecentage

f = Frequency

N = Total number of respondents

In getting the percentage of the general level of proficiency of the students in the

proficiency test, the researchers have decided to set the 70% of the 25 points exam which is 18

points as the passing score. Those who will attain the score of 18 and above will considered as

passers of the proficiency exam. To determine the level of proficiency per language area, the

researchers set the 70% of the total points per language area as the passing score, 7 points for

grammar, 7 points for vocabulary, and 3 points for reading comprehension.


85- 100 Very Proficient

70-84 Proficient

55-69 Moderately Proficient

40-54 Hardly Proficient

25-39 Not Proficient

The scale above is used to guide the respondents’ evaluation. It is used to determine the

interpretation of the percentages of the general proficiency level and the proficiency level in the

three language areas of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.



This chapter centered on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered

on the previous chapters from the selected respondents through the use of the main instrument, the

questionnaire. The data gathered are presented are organized below according to the order of

problems presented in chapter one that they correspond to accordingly. The data arranged in the

tables below are the questions on the first part of the questionnaire which is all about the profiles

of the respondents. Their profile include age, gender, educational attainment, et cetera which could

be determinants on how they respond to the questions on the second and third part of the


Table 4.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the General Score in the English
Proficiency Test

BA Broadcasting 1 Section

18 and
19 20 24 18 81 71.05

18 and
9 8 5 11 32 28.95

Shown in Table 4.1 are the general scores of the four sections of the first year Broadcasting

students. It is evident that the 71.05% of the 114 students passed the English proficiency test and

the remaining 28.95% failed to reach the passing score of 18 in the said examination.

Due to the scores of the respondents, it is evident that the students who reached the passing

score of 18 and above is considered proficient in the English proficiency test that they have taken.

The students who failed to reach the passing score is interpreted as not proficient in the

examination conducted

Table 4.2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Scores in the

Grammar part of the English Proficiency Test

Scores in BA Broadcasting 1 Section


7 and above 23 28 28 23 102 89.47

7 and below 5 4 1 6 16 14.04

It is shown in Table 4.2 that most of the respondents passed the grammar part of the English

proficiency exam which is 89.47% of the population and the 14.04% of this failed to reach the

passing score in this part.

This means that most of broadcasting students were very proficient in the language area of

grammar. Based on the study of Baeta (2012), the students who are in college are more conscious

in their grammar. In his study, the percentage of the proficient college students in grammar is

84.70% which is surprisingly lower than the results of this study. This concludes that the

percentage of the level of proficiency in grammar is increasing in the span of 7 years (2012-2019).

Table 4.3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Scores in the
Vocabulary part of the English Proficiency Test

Scores in BA Broadcasting 1 Section

Scores in
Vocabulary BA Broadcasting 1 Sections

7 and above 22 19 25 20 86 75.44

7 and below 6 9 4 9 28 24.56

It is shown in Table 4.3 that eighty-six (86) of the respondents are passed the vocabulary

part of the examination having the percentage of 75.44%. The 24.56% of the remaining

respondents failed to reach the passing score of the exam.

This means that the broadcasting students were proficient in vocabulary. Based on the

study of Baeta (2012), the percentage of the proficient college students in grammar is 81.30%

which is higher than the result of this study. This concludes that higher number of students in the

past 7 years were proficient than the number of the students in the present year. It is interpreted

that the number of proficient students in vocabulary is decreasing. It also shows that the freshmen

broadcasting students lack the knowledge in vocabulary. The vocabulary skills of the respondents

were not that broad

Table 4.4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Scores in the
Reading Comprehension part of the English Proficiency Test

Scores in READING BA Broadcasting 1 Section


3 and above 24 19 21 24 88 77.19

3 and below 4 9 8 5 26 22.81

Table 4.4 evidently shows that the respondents having the percentage of 77.19% passed

the reading comprehension part of the proficiency test and the remaining percentage which is

22.81% failed the said part of the examination conducted.

This means that the broadcasting students were proficient in the reading comprehension

part of the examination. Based on the study of Baeta (2012), the percentage of the proficient

college students in grammar is 83.80% which is higher than the result of this study. This concludes

that higher number of students in the past 7 years were more into reading than the students of

today. The behaviour of the youth mostly affects the level of proficiency them in the reading

comprehension part. Chomsky (1959), stated that the behaviour of the person affects how he

acquire knowledge. In this study, the students were not that fond and diligent in reading so they

find it boring, which results to the lower percentage in this part.

Table 4.4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Scores in the
Language Areas of the English Proficiency Test

BA Broadcasting 1 Section
Language Area

Grammar 23 28 28 23 102 89.47

Vocabulary 22 19 25 20 86 75.44

Reading 24 19 21 24 88 77.19

As illustrated in table 4.4 are the total scores of the four first year broadcasting sections in

the three language areas of Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension. The grammar

part has a total of 102 passers, 86 passers for vocabulary and 88 for the reading comprehension.

This shows that the grammar area has the most number of students that pass the exam and attained

the score of 18 and above which is the passing score of the 25 item exam.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, recommendations of the study drawn from

the data gathered by the use of the survey questionnaire. This study aims to examine the general

level of English proficiency and in the three language areas of the first year Broadcasting students

of Bulacan State University. In detail, the research study sought the answers to the questions that



The overall purpose of this study is to know the level of English Proficiency of first year

broadcasting students from the Bulacan State University. The total number of respondents of the

study consist of one hundred fourteen (114) students. Twenty-eight (28) from BAB 1A and BAB

1B, twenty-nine (29) from BAB 1C and BAB 1D.

Survey questionnaires were used to gather relevant data that will help the researchers to

come up with a conclusion and solution that will address the problem. The percentage distribution

formulas were used to analyze the data gathered through the survey forms. This is done to have a

thorough analysis of the data and information derived from the answers of the respondents


Summary of Findings:

1. What is the general proficiency level in English of the First Year Broadcasting Students of
Bulacan State University?

According to the results of the English proficiency test conducted by the

researchers, the general proficiency level in English of the First Year Broacasting students

of Bulacan State University is 71.05 %. It is proficient based on the given verbal


2. What is the proficiency level of the First Year Broadcasting Students in the 3 language

areas on the following indicators;

a. Grammar

From the indicated result, the proficiency level of the First Year

Broadcasting Students in the grammar language area is 89.47 % that is evidently

shown to be very proficient.

b. Vocabulary

The result shows that the proficiency level of the First Year Broadcasting

Students in the vocabulary language area is 75.44 % which is proficient.

c. Reading Comprehension

It was found out that the proficiency level of the First Year Broadcasting

Students in the reading comprehension language area is 77.19 % that is said to be


3. Which language area does the respondents excel the most?

Based on the tabulated results, the language area that the respondents excel the most

is the grammar. It is very proficient.


The overall result of the study concludes that the English Proficiency of the First Year

Broadcasting students of Bulacan State University is high based on the given interpretation in

grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension areas. It is said to be proficient. In the area of

grammar, they are said to be very proficient that reflects that the respondents are more

knowledgeable in that area than the others. Every language area is important and as future

broadcasters, at this very point in time these areas must be enhance to be more effective and

efficient in the field chosen.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from this study, the researchers formulated


1. Government. Although the Filipinos was said to be more knowledgeable in speaking

English compare to the countries that English was their first language, it will be a big help

to the students if they will have wide knowledge and learnings in English for it is a strength

in future. The government must give more attention on the construction of the sentences

that will be taught to the students.

2. Teachers. They must improve the way of teaching wherein the atmosphere of learning is

more likely to be understood by the students. They also need to establish excitement to the

students to learn more and enhance their skills in English language, specifically in the areas

which they have difficulty for example their proficiency.

3. Broadcasting students. In the result of this studies, they must give time to reflect where in

those areas of language they need improvement. They must cooperate with their professors

in order to be more efficient in English language.

4. Future researchers. Regarding the related studies of this research, the future researchers

must improve and add more information to make this research more reliable and realistic.

In terms of quantitative research, statistical treatment is one of the most important part and

in this research, one must enhance this part to be able to make more dependable.


Factors Affecting the Level of English Proficiency among International Islamic University
Malaysia students

NBA RAHMAN, SABINS TAIRI-Methodology, 2016


A student perspective on Low English Proficiency in Oman Rahma Al-Mahrooqi International

Education Studies, 2012-ERIC


English Language Proficiency as an Indicator of Academic Performance at a Tertiary Institution

WJ Jordaan, JC Welman, DF Stephen, SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 2004


The English Proficiency of Overseas Students

Alan Davies, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1967



Name (Optional): 5. The company will upgrade
________________________ _________ computer
Date: ________ information systems next
Course and Section: month.
a. there
b. their
Score: _______
c. it's
English Proficiency Test d. its
The proficiency test below is made
up of multiple sections, each 6. You were ____________ the
comprised of 5-10 questions. It is New York office before 2 p.m.
divided in three (3) parts, Grammar, a. suppose call
Vocabulary and Reading b. supposed to call
Comprehension. This test will help c. supposed calling
you to know how broad is your d. supposed call
knowledge about English Language.
General Instruction: Encircle the 7. When I graduate from college
letter of your answer next June, I _____________ a
I. Grammar student here for five years.
1. The movie was __________ a. will have been
the book. b. have been
a. as c. has been
b. as good d. will have
c. good as
d. as good as 8. Ms. Guth _________ rather
not invest that money in the
2. Eli's hobbies include stock market.
jogging, swimming, and a. has to
__________. b. could
a. to climb mountains c. would
b. climb mountains d. must
c. to climb
d. climbing mountains 9. Maria __________ never late
for work.
3. I have only a ________ a. am
Christmas cards left to write. b. are
a. Few c. were
b. Fewer d. is
c. Less
d. Little 10. Who is ____________, Marina
or Sachiko?
4. Each of the Olympic athletes a. tallest
____________ for months, b. tall
even years. c. taller
a. have been training d. the tallest
b. were training
c. has been training II. Vocabulary
d. been training

1. The rate of ___________ has 7. Peter says he can't
been fluctuating wildly this ___________ our invitation to
week. dinner tonight.
a. money a. angel
b. bills b. across
c. coins c. accept
d. exchange d. almost

2. The bus ___________ arrives 8. We were __________ friends in

late during bad weather. that strange but magical
a. every week country.
b. later a. upon
c. yesterday b. among
d. always c. toward
d. in addition to
3. Do you ____________ where
the nearest grocery store is? 9. The hurricane caused
a. know ____________ damage to the
b. no city.
c. now a. extend
d. not b. extended
c. extensive
4. Jerry Seinfeld, the popular d. extension
American comedian, has his
audiences ___________. 10. Many cultures have special
a. putting too many irons in the ceremonies to celebrate a
fire person's _________ of passage
b. keeping their noses out of into adulthood.
someone's business a. right
c. rolling in the aisles b. rite
d. going to bat for someone c. writ
d. write
5. The chairperson will
____________ members to the
a. appoint
b. disappoint
c. appointment
d. disappointed

6. The critics had to admit that

the ballet ______________ was
a. procrastinate
b. performance
c. pathology
d. psychosomatic

Anna Szewcyzk, perhaps the
2. Which is closest to Erik's
most popular broadcaster in house?
the news media to Erik's
won a. the traffic lights
the 1998 Broadcasting exit
Leave Interstate 25 at b. the shopping center
7S. Follow
Award. She that road
got her (Elm
start in c. exit 7S
Street) for two
journalism as an miles.
editor After
at d. a greenhouse
the mile, youCounty
will pass
Timesa in 3. What is the purpose of this
small shopping center on announcement?
Missouri. When the
your left. At the nextofset of a. to invite people to the
newspaper went out National Convention of
traffic lights,
business, turn right onto
a colleague Broadcast Journalism
Maple Drive.
persuaded herErik's house
to enter the is b. to encourage college
field of broadcasting. Sheleft.
the third house on your students to study
It's number
moved 33, and
to Oregon it's a
to begin broadcasting
white with green c. to recognize Ms.
master's degree intrim.
journalism at Atlas accomplishments
University. Following d. to advertise a job opening
graduation, she was able to at the Hollsville County
begin her career as a local Times
newscaster with WPSU-TV in
Seattle, Washington, and 4. The expression "to become
synonymous with" means
rapidly advanced to national
a. to be the same as.
television. Noted for her b. to be the opposite of.
quick wit and trenchant c. to be in sympathy with.
commentary, her name has d. to be discharged from.
since become synonymous
with Good Day, 5. What was Ms. Szewczyk's
America! Accepting the award first job in journalism?
a. She was a T.V. announcer
at the National Convention of
in Washington.
Broadcast Journalism held in b. She was a newscaster in
Chicago, Ms. Szewcyzk Oregon.
remarked, "I am so honored c. She was an editor for a
by this award that I'm at a newspaper in Missouri.
total loss for words!" Who d. She was a talk show host
in Chicago.
would ever have believed it?

III. Vocabulary
1. What is Erik's address?
a. Interstate 25 Thank you and God bless!
b. 2 Elm Street
c. 13 Erika Street
d. 33 Maple Drive

Bulacan State University

College of Arts and Letters
Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan

November , 2019

Dear Sir/Madam:

The undersigned are currently conducting a study entitled, “An Analysis on the English Proficiency
among the First Year Broadcasting Students of Bulacan State University” in partial fulfilment of
the requirements in Purposive Communication.

Considering your professional competence and valued experiences, the undersigned earnestly request
your assistance to validate the instrument prepared by the researchers. In addition, kindly give
comments and suggestions on how the instrument can further be improved under the remarks column.

Anticipating your kind consideration and favourable action on this matter.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Fernando, Raven Andrei C.


Carreon, Mark Joseph


Riano, Luddy Anne


Dela Cruz, Catherine


Manuel, Rovhic

Noted by:

Florentino G. Pineda Jr.

Purposive Communication Instructor


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