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Common name / Botanical Name Parts Used Medicinal Use

Maturity period or Family
Amla ( T )After 4th year Emblica officinalis Fruit Vitamin - C, Cough ,
Fam - Diabetes, cold, Laxativ,
euphorbiaceac hyper acidity.

Ashok ( T )10 years Saraca Asoca Bark Flower Menstrual Pain,

onward Fam : uterine, disorder,
Caesalpinanceac Deiabetes.

Aswagandha ( H ), One Withania Somnifera Root, Leafs Restorative Tonic,

year Fam: Solanaccac stress, nerves disorder,

Bael / Bilva (T)After 4-5 Aegle marmelous Fruit, Bark Diarrrhoea, Dysentry,
year Fam: Rutaccac Constipation.

Bhumi Amla ( H), with in Phyllanthous Whole Plant Aenimic, jaundice,

one year amarus Dropsy.
Fam :

Brahmi ( H ) Indian Bacopa,Monnieri Whole plant Nervous, Memory

penny worth/one year Fam: enhancer,mental
Scrophulariaccac disorder.

Chiraita ( high altituted) Swertia Chiraita Whole Plant Skin Desease, Burning,
with in one year ( H ) Fam : Gentianaccac censation, fever.

Gudmar / madhunasini, Gymnema Sylvestre Leaves Diabetes, hydrocil,

after Four year ( C ) Fam: Asthama.

Guggul ( T)after 8 years Commiphora Gum rasine Rheuma tised,

Wightii arthritis, paralysis,
Fam: burseraccac laxative.

Guluchi / Giloe ( C )With Tinospora Stem Gout, Pile, general

in one year CordifoliaFam debility, fever,

Calihari / Gloriosa superba Seed, tuber Skin Desease, Labour

panchanguliaGlori Lily Fam: Liliaccac pain, Abortion, General
Five years debility.
Kalmegh/ Bhui neem ( H Andrographis Whole Plant Fever, weekness,
) with in one year PaniculataFam : release of gas.

Long peeper / Pippali ( C Peeper longum Fruit, Root Appetizer, enlarged

) after two to three years Fam : Piperaccac spleen , Bronchities,
Cold, antidote.

Makoi ( H )Kakamachi/ Solanum nigrum Fruit/whole plant Dropsy, General

With in one year Fam: Solanaccac debility,Diuretic, anti

Pashan Bheda / Pathar Coleus barbatus Root Kidny stone, Calculus.

Chur ( H )One year Fam : Lamiaccac

Sandal Wood ( T )Thirty Santalum Album Heart wood , oil Skin disorder, Burning,
years onward Fam: santalinaccac sensation, Jaundice,

Sarpa Gandha ( H )After Ranwolfia Root Hyper tension,

2 year Serpentina insomnia.
Fam: apocynaccac

Satavari ( C )After 2-3 Asparagus Tuber, root Enhance lactation,

year Racemosus general weekness,
Family: liliaccac fatigue, cough.

Senna ( S )With in 1 year Casia augustifolia Dry Tubers Rheumatism, general

Fam: Liliaceae debility tonic,

Tulsi (perennial) Each 3 Ocimum sanclum Leaves/Seed Cough, Cold,

months Fam: Lamiaccac bronchitis,expectorand.

Vai Vidanka ( C ), 2nd Embelia Ribes Root, Fruit, Leaves Skin disease, Snake
year onward Fam: Myrsinaccac Bite, Helminthiasis.

Pippermint ( h) Perennial Mentha pipertia Leaves, Flower, Oil Digestive, Pain killer.
Henna/Mehdi ( S ) 1/25 Lawsennia iermis Leaf,Flower, Seed Burning, Steam, Anti
years Fam: lytharaceae Imflamatary.

Gritkumari ( H) 2nd-5th Aloe Verra Leaves Laxative, Wound

yr Fam: Liliaceae healing, Skin burns &

Sada Bahar ( H ) Vincea rosea/ Whole Plant Leaukamia,

Periwinkle/Nyantara catharanthusRoseus Hypotensiv,
Fam :apocyanace Antispasmodic , Atidot.

Vringraj ( H ) Eclipta alba Seed/whole Anti-inflamatory,

Fam: Compositae Digestive, hairtonic.

Swet chitrak Plumbago Zeylanica Root, Rootbar Appetiser,

Perennial ( h ) Fam: Antibacterial, Aticacer.

Rakta Chitrak ( H ) Plumbago Indica Root, Root bar Indyspeipsia, colic,

Fam : imflammation, cough.

Kochila ( T )15 yrs Strychinos Seed Nervous, Paralysis,

nuxvomica healing wound.
Fam: loganiaceae

Harida ( T ) Terminalia Chebula Seed Trifala, wound ulcer,

Fam: Combretaceae leprosy, inflammation,

Bahada (T) TerminaliaBellerica Seed, Bark Cough, Insomnia,

Fam:comretaceae Dropsy, Vomiting,
Ulcer, Trifala.

Gokhur ( H ) Tribulus Terrestris Whole Plant Sweet cooling,

CrawlingPuncture Vine/1 Fam: Aphrodisiac, appetizer,
yr Lygophyllaceae Digestive, Urinary.

Neem ( T ) Azardirchata - Rhizome Sdedative, analgesic,

indica epilepsy, hypertensive.
Fam : Mahaceae
Anantamool/sariva ( S Hemibi smus Root/ Leaf Appetiser, Carminative,
)Indian Sarap sarilla Indicus aphrodisiac,
Fam: Astringent.

Bach ( H ) Acorus Calamus Rhizome Sdedative, analgesic,

Sweet Flag/1 yr Fam : araceae tpilepsy, hypertensive.

Vasa ( S ) Adhatoda vesica Whole Plant Antispasmodic,

Fam : respiratory, Stimulant.

Nageswar ( T ) Nag Mesua Ferrea Bark, Leaf, Flower Asthma, Skin, Burning,
Champa Fam : Guttiferae Vomiting, Dysentry,

Benachar ( S ) Khus/khus Vetiveria Ziziinoides Root Hyperdisia, Burning,

Fam : Toaceae / ulcer, Skin, Vomiting.

Mandukparni ( H ) Centella asiatica Whole plant Antiinflamatory,

Indianpennywort Fam : Umdelliferae Jundice, Diuretic,

Kaincha/CreeperBaidanka Mucuna Truriens Root, Hair, Seed, Nervous, Disorder,

Fam : Fabaceae Leaf Constipation,
Strangury, Dropsy.

Dalchini Cinnamomum Bark, Oil Bronchitis, Asthma,

Perenial Shrub Zeylanicum Cardiac, Disorder,
Fam : Lauraceae Fever.

Kurai ( S ) Holorheena Bark, Seed Scabies, Antipyretic,

antidysentrica Amoibic dysentery.

Kantakari / Solanum Whole Plant, Fruit, Diuretic,

AkrantiPerennial ( H ) Xanthocarpum Seed Antiinflamatory,
Fam : Solanaceae Appetiser, Stomachic.

- April 23, 2016

Bhat or Hill glory bower (clerodendrum viscosum, family: verbenaceae) is an annual
shrub attaining a height of 2-4 metre. It grows on fallow land as weed everywhere in
Bangladesh. It is also found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world
particularly in Bangladesh & India.
Common names: Bhat, Ghetu, Bhatphul, Hill glory bower

Hill glory bower flowers are white, scented, borne on terminal panicle. Sepals 5, light
green, petals 5. Lower parts of petals are brushed with red color. Stamens are much longer than
petals. Flowering occurs in spring.
Leaves are big, dark green, petioled, ovate-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long & 2.5 -7 cm. wide,
Fruit is a drupe, purplish blue, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter.
The plant is used in malaria, chronic fever, skin disease, pain, insect bite. In worm & louse
infection it is also used.

annual_shrub Bangladesh bhat bhatphul clerodendrum_viscosum drupe ghetu Hill_glor

y_bower India longer_stamens ovate-
lanceolate petioled terminal_panicle Verbenaceae weed

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