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Hello classmates today I'm going to talk about teenager’s problems.

Being a teenager is not easy. We have to go through a lot of things and
still listen to adults say that we are being overdramatic that our problems
are not a big deal or that we are too young to have this type of problems.
Advances in technology mean today’s teens are facing issues that no
previous generation has ever seen. Although some issues are not exactly
new, electronic media has changed or amplified some of the struggles
young people face.
As a teenager myself I’m going to identify some of the problems that we
go through and real life people that have been affected by those
Cyberbullying, also known as online bullying, is a form of bullying or
harassment using electronic means. Is when someone, typically teens,
bully or harass others on social media sites. Harmful bullying behavior can
include posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a victims' personal
information, or pejorative labels (hate speech). Bullying or harassment can
be identified by repeated behavior and an intent to harm. Victims may
have lower self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of
emotional responses, including being scared, frustrated, angry, and
depressed. It has become increasingly common, especially among
teenagers in the past years.
Amanda Michelle Tood was a 15-year-old Canadian student and victim of
cyberbullying who committed suicide by hanging at her home in Canada.
Before her death, Todd posted a video on YouTube in which she used a
series of flash cards to tell her experience of being blackmailed into
exposing her breasts via webcam, and of being bullied and physically
assaulted. The video went viral after her death, resulting in international
media attention. Now the video has more than 12 million views.
3.1 million. That’s how many teens, in the USA has had at least one
major depressive episode in the past year. And nowadays Depression
rates are growing among teenagers
 * Why do teens get depressed? *
Some researches blame technology for the rise in mental health
problems. But there are multiple reasons why a teenager might become
depressed such as developing feeling of worthlessness when it comes
school performance, social status with peers, unhealthy family
environment sexual orientation or even bullying. Each one of those
problems can have a major effect on how a teen feels.

I think most of us are familiar with the song “Jocelyn flores “from the
rapper xxxtentacion but it is more than just a song. In the track he talks
about his friend Jocelyn a teen that was battling with suicide and
depression for a long time, and decided to take her own life on May 14,
2017. The song has now more than 360 million views on YouTube. This
song relates to many ideas that come back to suicide which is a growing
epidemic. When someone commits suicide, there are always after effects.
There is always at least one person who feels immense loss from an action
of another. Some feelings that result in suicide is numbness, loneliness,
excessive inappropriate guilt, and worthlessness, which are all recognized
through this song.
If you identified with any of these feelings I want you to know that
you’re not alone and that you can always talk to me. For those who need
someone to talk to the suicide line in Portugal is 2135445/ 963524660.
The rapper encouraged people who are suffering from depression to seek

During the teen years, the hormonal and physical changes of puberty
usually mean people start noticing an increase in sexual feelings. It's
common to wonder and sometimes worry about new sexual feelings.
It takes time for many people to understand who they are and who
they're becoming. Part of that involves better understanding of their
own sexual feelings and who they are attracted to. Unfortunately not
every story has a happy ending.
Jadin Robert Bell was an American teen known for his suicide which
raised the national profile on youth bullying and gay victimization in
Bell, a 15-year-old gay adolescent, was intensively bullied both in
person and on the internet because he was gay. On January 19, 2013,
Bell went to a local elementary school and hanged himself from the
play structure. He did not immediately die from the strangulation and
was rushed to the emergency department, where he was kept on life
Kenneth James 14 years old, was bullied in person, death threats were
sent to his mobile phone, and he was the subject of a Facebook hate
group. He was targeted for being gay, having come out one month
before his suicide. The bullying was characterized as aggressive, and
"overwhelming". In response to the bullying, James took his own life in
April 2012. He hanged himself in the family's garage and was
discovered in the early morning hours on April 15, 2012 by his
Both stories purpose is to cause awareness to what’s happening right
now on the moment we’re speaking. We live in a world where lgbtq+
teenagers don’t feel safe, a world where people get bullied to death
just because of who they love and a world where mental health
problems are not taken serious.
And just like Mandela once said “No one is born hating another person
because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion.
People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be
taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than
its opposite.”

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