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1. Translate into Romanian pointing out the gerunds in each sentence and show their
a) Avoid making mistakes in your composition. 2. He admitted having done wrong. 3.
She delayed answering my complaint. 4. He denied knowing anything about the plan
of his friends. 5. This room needs dusting. 6. Their house wants repairing. 7. He
finished reading the novel.
b) He was fined for crossing when the red light was on. 2. Owing to his starting late he
couldn’t be in time for the flight for which he had booked a seat. 3. He didn’t write his
examination paper because of his being late.
c) On arriving they called us up. 2. After having received your letter we’ll be able to look
into the matter. 3. Think before speaking.
d) He succeeded in convincing us he was right. 2. We insisted on going there
immediately. 3. I relied on receiving a correct answer. 4. I look forward to hearing
from you soon. 5. I thought of replying at once. 6. I prevented them from doing such a
e) She was angry at his laughing at her. 2. I was fond of reading fiction. 3. I was
surprised at hearing such news. 4. What is worth doing is worth doing well.
f) There was no hope of succeeding in our attempt. 2. “The Importance of Being
Earnest” is a play by Oscar Wilde. 3. You’ll have your chance of saying what you
think. 4. There was a possibility of getting better results.

2. Translate into English using gerunds wherever possible:

1. Citirea cărţilor de beletristică este un lucru plăcut şi interesant. 2. Este util să
citeşti cărţi noi. 3. A citi cărţi este o ocupaţie utilă. 4. Intenţiona să plece mai
devreme. 5. Încetă să mai citească. 6. A reuşit să găsească soluţia problemei. 7.
Îmi place să călătoresc. 8. Ploaia l-a împiedicat să ajungă la timp. 9. Nu avea nici
o obiecţie ca el să mai rămână câteva zile. 10. Nu avea intenţia de a te jigni. 11.
Cu toate că era tânăr, cunoştea meseria sa foarte bine. 12. Datorită faptului că ai
plecat mai devreme, ai prins trenul. 13. Problema a fost dată spre a fi rezolvată.
14. Şi-au petrecut ziua certându-se. 15. Te supără dacă fumez aici? 16. N-am
nimic împotrivă ca el să lucreze în această cameră. 17. Îmi place să citesc seara.

3. Translate into English, using set phrases such as:

It is no use; it is no good; it is worth (while), can’t help; can’t stand (can’t bear):
1. Nu are rost să plângi după laptele vărsat. 2. Această carte merită să fie citită. 3.
Nu are rost să cumperi aceşti pantofi, căci nu sunt măsura ta. 4. Nu mă pot abţine
să râd când îl aud cum se făleşte. 5. Merită osteneala să te duci să vezi această
expoziţie. 6. Nu poate să suporte să se râdă de el.

4. Complete the following sentences using gerunds:

Model: a) I stopped …
I stopped talking.
1. I postponed … 2. He hates …
3. They suggested … 4. Would you mind…
5. Excuse … 6. We deferred …
Model: b) He expressed his disappointment at …
He expressed his disappointment at having been cheated.
1. I’m in the habit of … 2. What’s your reason for … 3. He showed surprise at … 4. I
had the pleasure of … 5. Fancy the idea of … 6. A friend put him in the way of … 7.
His habit of …
Model: c) He was accused of …
He was accused of having broken the laws.
1. I’m engaged in … 2. She objected to … 3. We have devoted our attention to … 4.
They have succeeded in … 5. He felt like … 6. He complained of … 7. Thank you
for … 8. They aimed at … 9. They abstained from … 10. In the classroom, I refrain
from …
Model: d) I’m proud of …
I’m proud of having such good results in my examinations.
1. They were afraid of … 2. I’m capable of … 3. We are fond of … 4. They were
tired of …

4. Translate into English using

a) the “Genitive with the Gerund” construction:
1. Îmi place că el spune asta. 2. Nu am nimic împotrivă ca ea să fumeze aici. 3. Ei
îi displăcea ca el să fumeze ţigări din foi. 4. El apreciază foarte mult participarea
Mariei la discuţie. 5. Contez pe faptul că mă va ajuta să rezolvăm chestiunea.

b) the “Accusative with the Gerund”

1. Ea apreciază (faptul) că ei colaborează în aceste probleme dificile. 2. Te superi
dacă iau cu împrumut aceste cărţi? 3. Ploaia a împiedicat plecarea mea. 4. M-am
gândit ca el să meargă neîntârziat acolo.

6. Replace the subordinate clauses by gerunds:

1. I insist that he should help us in the present circumstances. 2. I remember that I
have read this book. 3. He admitted that he had made a mistake. 4. He objected
that we should leave so soon. 5. We are keen that you should come and see us. 6. I
prefer that you should make up your mind at once. 7. I decided that I should reply
at once.

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