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Exercise 11

A skillful diver can see clearly what lies underneath a vast body of water. He
sees swaying seaweeds, acres of sea plants that have large, bright colored leaves. He
finds countless giant crabs and lobsters. A diver also encounters sea snakes, sea
horses, fierce sharks and other wild fishes. He takes delight in watching the different
species of fish, splendid in their brilliant colors. To a diver the life underworld is full
of thrilling adventures.

1. What can the divers see through the clear water?

a. ships b. seashores c. seaweeds

2. Are there plants in the sea?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

3. What kind of a diver can stay in the water for a long time?
a. amateurs b. untrained c. experienced

5. What does a diver find in the sea?

a. wealth b. adventure c. sunken ships

6. What makes a seaweed sway?

a. air
b. fishes
c. water current

7. How does a diver feel while watching the different species of fish underwater?
a. afraid
b. excited
c. delighted

8. How wide is the place underwater where sea plants grow?

a. acres
b. few feet
c. few meters

9. What may possibly happen to a diver who is not skillful?

a. He may drown.
b. He may just float.
c. He may be eaten by fishes.

10. Do you think deep sea diving is safe?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe

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