USAID Aclara Que El Gobierno Legítimo de Venezuela No Ha Manejado Dinero de Ayuda Humanitaria

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USAID in Venezuela

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Development Objective Assistance Agreement (DOAG)?

On October 8, 2019, USAID Administrator Mark Green and Venezuelan Ambassador to
the United States Carlos Vecchio announced a Development Objective Agreement, the
first bilateral agreement USAID has signed with Venezuela in more than 65 years. This
agreement serves as a mechanism for USAID and the administration of Interim
President Guaidó and the National Assembly to collaborate formally on development
programming inside Venezuela. This agreement does not transfer funds to the interim
Guaidó Administration and/or the National Assembly.

How is USAID helping the people of Venezuela?

Since Fiscal Year 2017, the United States has provided more than $654 million in
humanitarian and development assistance to address the crisis caused by Maduro. This
includes nearly $467 million in humanitarian and development assistance to support
Venezuelans who have fled the crisis and the communities throughout the region
hosting them, as well as more than $184 million for Venezuelans inside Venezuela.

Of this $654 million, USAID has provided more than $435 million; our efforts are
outlined below.

Outside Venezuela (more than $277 million): ​ The United States is supporting response
efforts in 16 countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. U.S. assistance
helps meet urgent humanitarian needs, stem the spread of infectious diseases, and
support communities that are hosting vulnerable Venezuelans. With our humanitarian
partners, we are providing emergency food and health assistance, shelter, safe drinking
water, and critical relief items, among other efforts. USAID is also working to boost
affected countries’ long-term capacity to respond to the influx of Venezuelans by
strengthening and expanding social services, providing technical support to national
migration authorities, and creating new economic opportunities in communities hosting

Inside Venezuela (more than $158 million): ​Inside Venezuela, USAID is providing more
than $30 million in life-saving humanitarian assistance via impartial international and
local organizations. In addition, USAID has committed $128 million to support
Venezuelan human rights defenders, civil society organizations, independent media,
and electoral oversight, as well as to help the Interim Government and the
democratically elected National Assembly to continue developing plans to recover the
economy and social services for implementation during a transition to democracy. When
the illegitimate Maduro regime is gone, the funding will support the recovery efforts—led
by a democratically elected Venezuelan administration. USAID will support restoration
of health care completely destroyed by the mismanagement and corruption of Maduro
and his cronies, and critical work in agriculture to help rebuild the private sector
production and distribution of food in Venezuela.

Does USAID funding go directly to the interim government to implement these

assistance programs?
No. Worldwide, most USAID funding is awarded competitively to private organizations
through contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements. Implementing partners include
faith-based and community organizations, the private sector, colleges and universities,
public international organizations, and non-profit non-governmental organizations.

Although no USAID programs or funds are currently managed by the interim

Venezuelan government, in some cases, USAID is providing compensation, travel
costs, and other expenses for some technical advisors to the National Assembly and
the interim Guaidó Administration through assistance funds. ​No funds are provided
directly to elected National Assembly members, high-level officials of the Guaidó
Administration, Ambassadors, or the interim President himself​.

How is the Interim Government involved in this DOAG?

USAID regularly consults with interim President Guaidó’s Administration and members
of the National Assembly on their vision for a democratic and prosperous Venezuela
and the design and prioritization of USAID programming. Dozens of representatives
from the interim government, political parties, civil society, and high-priority sectors have
participated in these consultations. Their involvement is central to our process of
providing helpful and strategic assistance to the people of Venezuela.

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