Personal Interest Essay

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Brandt Lookup

Public Health in Practice

Personal Interest Essay

When I took my first public health class, I was unsure of what to expect. I didn’t know if

the class was going to be more science based or policy based. I was pleasantly surprised to find

out that the class incorporated both of those disciplines. Public health uses science and empirical

evidence to create polices and legislation. I found that public health is literally in every aspect of

our life from driving a car to going out to eat in a restaurant. Public health is everywhere and

that’s what really grabbed my attention. I’ve always felt a certain responsibility to protect my

community in ways that will uplift and empower them, and public health seemed to be the best

outlet to do that.

My main area of interest in public health is drug policy, and more specifically ways in

which to slow down the rapid opioid epidemic. In my policy analysis class last semester, I had

the opportunity to research opioid deaths and overdoses in Sussex county. I was also able to use

what I found to come up with policy solutions to address the issues surrounding the epidemic. I

became very interested in techniques that would reduce the harm that opioid use can cause. I

researched programs like safe injection sites and more expansive needle exchange programs and

how they can make a difference in the amount of lives lost. I feel as though this issue has

impacted so many people in this country and the state of Delaware that more aggressive action is

necessary. It wasn’t until I took my public health class that I noticed the work I was doing was

public health. We were researching solutions and trends to prevent harm to the community, and

that felt very fulfilling.

I’m also interested in HIV prevention and education. I feel as though HIV is still an issue

that our country and state are facing. HIV still has that stigma, so many people do not like nor do

they want to talk about it. I’m very interested in educating people on preventive measures you

can take to prevent the virus while at the same time taking away the stigma, so people feel more

comfortable talking about it. I feel as though there are policies that we as a state and national

government can adopt to slow down the spread of this virus. Educating the population in ways

that don’t scare them but rather informs them is also very important in slowing down the virus.

My interest in the opioid crisis and preventing it started when my friend from my first

year in college became addicted to heroin after using Oxycodone. He inevitably overdosed but

survived. After that I felt the very real affects this crisis has on the entire population. I started to

realize that no one was safe from addiction and that anyone at any age could fall victim to this

drug. With regards to my interest in HIV prevention, I am a part of a high-risk group that could

contract HIV. I feel very responsible and passionate about educating people on their risk, and

how they can prevent the virus. All my main interests seem to address groups of people that

society pushes to the margins or, and I don’t think that is ethical nor responsible. In order to

maintain a healthy society, we must take care of the whole population.

During this semester I hope to obtain a better understanding of what public health is and

how it works. I hope to understand techniques and theories that will be helpful for any possible

careers I might have. For example, I wish to learn how to communicate bold ideas to people who

may not be as openminded. I want to learn how to use research and analysis in developing

polices and ideas. Ultimately, I’d like to learn more about how public health plays a role in our

everyday lives.

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