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1. Every day, a lecture may be canceled due to inclement weather with probability 0.05.
Class cancelations on different days are independent.
(a) There are 15 classes left this semester. Compute the probability that at least 4 of
them get canceled.
(b) Compute the probability that the tenth class this semester is the third class the gets
2. An issurance company divides its customer into 2 groups. Twenty percent of customers
are in the high-risk group and eighty percent are in the low-risk group. The high-risk
customers make an average of 1 accident per year while the low-risk customers make
an average of 0,1 accidents per year. Eric had no accidents last year. What is the
probability that he is a high-risk driver? (Petunjuk : gunakan konsep bayes)
3. Eric from exercise 2 continues driving. After 3 years, he still has no traffic accidents.
Now, what is the conditional probability that he is a high-risk driver? (Petunjuk :
gunakan konsep bayes)
4. Consider a plant manufacturing IC chips of which 5 % are expected to be defective.
The chips are packed 30 to a box. A sample of size 10 is drawn without replacement
from each box. If more than one defective chip is found in the sample, the box is
rejected and subjected to a complete inspection. What is the probability that a box will
be rejected?
5. A company employs 800 men under the age of 55. Suppose that 30% carry a marker on
the male chromosome that indicates an increased risk for high blood pressure.

(a) If 10 men in the company are tested for the marker in this chromosome , what is the
probability that exactly 1 man has the marker?

(b) If 10 men in the company are tested for the marker in this chromosome, what is the
probability that more than 1 has the marker?

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