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Question 201.

Caustic soda is a Deliquescent

Other deliquescent KOH, CaCl2, FeCl3, MgCl2

Question 202. Artificial rain or cloud seeding used-

silver iodide (AgI)

Question 203. Silver bromide is used for making film


Question 204. Old oil painting black due to lead


Question 205. Brass get discoloured in air due to

hydrogen sulphide

Question 206. Formalin is an aqueous solution of


Question 207. Rectified is a mixture of ethanol (95.6)

+water (4.4)
Question 208. Gasohol is a mixture of petrol and

Question 209 methyl salicylate is used in Iodex (also

Called oil of winter)

Question 210. Rusting is a redox reaction in which both

reaction take place one is oxidation and second one

Question 211. Radioactive element used in heart

pacemaker is plutonium-238
Radioactive isotopes used in skin diseases- Phosphorus
Radioactive element used in cancer treatment-Cobalt-60

Question 212. When there are two electron in same

orbital, they have opposite spin

Question 213. Coal is a biochemical sediment rock

Question 214. Same chemical formula but different
structure are called Isomer Like glucose and fructose

Question 215. Vinegar is a solution of 5-8 % acetic acid

in water

Question 216. Ester is mixture of ethanol + ethenoic

acid or alcohol +acid

Question 217 Number of covalent bond in pentane


Question 218. Major component of CNG and Gober

gas- Methane (CH4)
LPG is a mixture of butane and propane

Question 219 Chemical formula of water gas Co +H2

Chemical formula of producer gas Co+ N2
Question 220. Important chemical formulas
 Limestone (CaCo3)
 Quicklime (CaO)
 Slacked lime Ca (OH)2
 Bleaching powder CaoCl2
 Chloroform CH3Cl3

Question 221. Radioactivity discovered by Hennery

SI unit Becquerel, CGS unit Curie

Question 222. Heating of rubber with sulphur to

increase its quality Vulcanisation

Question 223. Petroleum is mixture of hydrocarbon

Question 224. Soap is a salt of fatty acid

Question 225.Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen used

in propellant of rocket
Question 226 Glycol is used as antifreeze agent in

Question 227 Bristle of brushes make by Nylon-66

Question 228 Bullet proof vest made by Kevlar polymer

Question 229.Terylene used in clothes and helmets

Question 230. Plastic bottle make by polythene

terephthalate (PET)

Question 231. Light emitted by fire fly due to

chemiluminiscene process

Question 232. Dissolving acid or base in water is highly

exothermic reaction take place

Question 233. Tooth enamel made up of calcium

Question 234. Light scattering take place in colloidal

Question 235. During electro refining pure metal is

collected at cathode

Question 236. In homologous series successive

compound differ from CH2
Some important formulas
Question 237. General formula for
Alkene- CnH2n
Alkyne- CnH2n-2
Question 238. Vander Waal’s force act in graphite

Question 239. Soap do not work with hard water

because in soap react with calcium and magnesium.
Question 240. Lactometer is based on which principle-

Question 241. What is required for propagate sound


Question 242. In periodic table period 2 called as

bridge element

Question 243. In periodic table period 3 called as

typical element

Question 244. Cupric oxide is used in purification of


Question 245. Gold, platinum, silver & mercury are the

noble metal

Question 246. Purest form of iron is wrought iron

Question 247. Onion and garlic have odour due to

Question 248. Heavy water used in nuclear reactor
because of slowdown the speed of neutrons.

Question 249. Aluminium hydroxide used in making

water proof and stainless cloth
Question 250. Function of Tetra-ethyl lead compound?

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