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SOE LOLs 7D, Do you know any jokes? QUICK REVIEW eee Work in pairs. What can you remember about the four news stories from 7C? Compare ideas with another pair. Then check on p58 and p59. @© Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 What’ your favourite comedy programme or film? 2. Do you like listening to or telling jokes? @© 2» Tick the verbs you know. Check new verbs with your teacher or in a dictionary. love hate come laugh buy sit wait ay sy start see happen b) What is the Past Simple of each verb? Which verbs are irregular? Check in the Irregular Verb List, p159. oe a) (URE! Read and listen to the joke. Fill in the gaps in the last line. b) Read the joke again, Match paragraphs 1-4 to pictures A-D. epee TM, a a) Look at these sentences. Then complete) the rules with alan or the. | An old man ina long coat came and sat near him. | The old man had a big black dog. He sat in the front row. © We use to talk about things or people for the first time. © We use ....... when we know which thing or person. © We use when there is only one thing oF person in a particular place. TIP! * We also use the in some fixed phrases: 40 to the cinema, in the evening, ete. b) Check in (ERY p136. eo Read the joke again and find all the ‘examples of a, an and the. Work in pairs and decide why they are used. Vocabulary articles: a, an and the Review Past Simple: irregular verbs ‘One day Mike went to the cinema to see a film. He bought a drink and an ice-cream. Then he sat in the front row of the cinema and waited for the film to start. A few minutes later, an old man in a long coat came and sat near him, The old man had a big black dog. and the dog sat on the floor by the man’s feet. ‘When the film started, Mike saw that the dog was very interested in the film. When something funny happened, the dog laughed and laughed. When person in the film died or something bad happened, the dog cried and cried. This happened alll the way through the film. 4 At the end of the film, Mike went to talk to the old man, “That was amazing” said Mike. “Your dog really loved the film.” The old man looked at him and said, “Yes, it was amazing, He the Ee © 2) Check these words with your teacher or in a dictionary. cut down atree ‘a chainsaw an axe b) Read another joke. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the. ‘One morning * to cut down? garden, He went to>........ shop to buy 4... axe. 5... manager of shop said, “Why dont you buy 7... chainsaw? It will save you a lot of time.” man wanted tree in his ‘ man agreed and bought very expensive chainsaw. He took it home and started cutting down. tree. He worked very hard for six hours, but ™ tree didn't fall down. 2 man was very angry and went back to ®. shop. “This chainsaw is no good,” he said. “Hmm, it looks OK to me,” said ™. manager. He looked at it for a minute, then started *. chainsaw. “What's that noise?” asked w. ‘man. ) Choose the correct words. 1 Did you have a/the big breakfast this morning? 2 Is there a/the park near your home? 3 Did you go to a/the capital city of another country last year? 4 Do you often go to a/the theatre at a/the weekend? 5 Do you watch a/the TV programme The Simpsons? 6 Who was a/the main actor in a/the film The Terminator? ) Work in pairs. Take tums to ask and answer the questions. Ask follow-up questions if possible, o @ a) Write the missing letters in these types of film. (72) vhorror films 2 s_ie_ce-f_et 8 hst_r_c_l dr_m_s b) Tick three types of film you like. Find two students who like the same types of film. a) Tick the correct sentences. Don't look at p54. 1 James Bond was born in England. He had two sisters. His parents died in an accident. He lived with his grandparents He liked studying. He worked as a doctor in ‘World War 2. 7 He got married in 1962. b) Check your answers on p54. ‘c) Make the incorrect sentences in 2a) negative. Then write correct sentences. James Bond wasi't born in England. He was born in Scotland. a) Fill in the gaps in these questions about yesterday with Did, Was or Were. |) you get up early? you at work/school all day? 3... Your manager/teacher nice to you? 4... you listen to any music? 5 uuu YOU at home in the evening? 6 uu. You go to bed late? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask the questions about yesterday. Progress Portfol 7 REVIEW ancuage summary 7, p136 ) o a) Match questions 1-7 with answers a)-g). 1 When did you last go toa birthday party? Whose birthday party was it? Who did you go with? Where was the party? How many people were there? What music did they play? How long did you stay? 2) Until 2a.m. ») About fifty. ¢) My cousin, Tim’. 4) Dance music. ¢) Two months ago. ) My boyfriend, Leo. a) In Tim's flat, b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask questions 1-7. Answer for you. a) Find fifteen verbs. WACHOOS DD YMOTSLTLE ECMHGSAOQ BJREAKLRVW uly 1 PKATAA WX F PPUTMI TSEEWGDLT WINNFHATE STOLISTEN b) Work in pairs. What is the Past Simple of the verbs? Which are irregular? a) Tick the things you can do in English. | can talk about types of film and music. | can say when things happened in the past. | can ask and answer questions about the past and the present. | can understand simple news stories. | can start a conversation about the news. | can respond to news stories. ) What do you need to study _ @

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