Reflection Paper Assignment

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Delaney Johns

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180 iCourse
April 28, 2019

The main focus of this class has been to help me achieve computer literacy. I believe that this
class has helped to provide me with a firm foundation in how technology works and the
importance of technology in everyday life. I believe that I am able to achieve the first objective,
which is to approach new computer-based tasks more easily and with greater confidence. In the
past I would automatically call my brothers, who are computer science majors and ask for help
on even little things. I am now able to at least try and figure out how to achieve and do a task that
involves technology.
I am also much more familiar with a majority of Google based applications, which is objective
#13. Before, I had more trouble navigating google software, but now I am able to work on
google applications and know what I am doing. I am much better at utilizing google docs and
spreadsheets for assignments. I have found these to be especially helpful when I am working on
documents that I want to work on with other classmates. For example, in my communications in
the workplace class I constantly am working on group projects. We are always utilizing google
docs to work with other people in the group and to contribute together on the assignment. Before,
I had more trouble utilizing it and sharing it with others. Now, I am able to use it to comment on
other people’s work and add suggestions without changing their work.
I also am better at objective 4, which is to discuss the functions of computers in classrooms,
businesses, homes, and other environments. I believe that this class has showed me the
importance of technology and why it is important to be literate in technology. In the past, I never
really saw a point to understanding technology, because I could just ask others for help if I didn’t
understand something. Now I understand other ways it can help you other than just
understanding how it works. I never saw a use for understanding coding in the past, because I
thought it didn’t matter since I wasn’t going to code. Now I see how it can help building problem
solving skills and help to introduce math and counting to younger kids. I also believe that
understanding technology will help a lot in the future, since it is now used everywhere. To be
able to stay ahead, a business would have to use technology since it is always advancing and
coming out with new ways to do things.
I now feel more comfortable with trying to understand new programs and applications. They are
not as scary to think about and I now feel that I can understand how to use them if I just take the
time to try and understand them. To be able to get an internship for my future career I have to
understand how to use a program called indesign. At first I was worried since I don’t understand
technology very well. Yet, this class has helped to show me that with time and effort, I will be
able to understand and excel in it.

pg. 1

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