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A Study on the DepEd's Goal in Relation to the Preference of the Computer Programming

Graduating Students of La Consolacion University of the Philippines

A Study Presented to the

Grade 12 Faculty, Basic Education Department

La Consolacion University of the Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in

Practical Research 2

Anzures Jr, Joselito C.
Camua, Ivan Jhasper F.
De Guzman, Nicko
Flores, Dharyll R.
Macalos, Joseph Jemuel M.
Magat, Irene Marie

Ms. Maricar S. Dimla

October 2019

Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans,

programs and projects in the areas of formal and non-formal basic education. It supervises all

elementary and secondary education institutions, including alternative learning systems, both

public and private; and provides for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate,

and integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development. Based on

the Republic Act 10533 Section 9 To properly guide the students in choosing the career tracks that

they intend to pursue, the DepEd, in coordination with the DOLE, the TESDA and the CHED,

shall regularly conduct career advocacy activities for secondary level students. Notwithstanding

the provisions of Section 27 of Republic Act No. 9258, otherwise known as the “Guidance and

Counselling Act of 2004”, career and employment guidance counsellors, who are not registered

and licensed guidance counsellors, shall be allowed to conduct career advocacy activities to

secondary level students of the school where they are currently employed. So they will undergo a

training program to be developed or accredited by the DepEd. “CHED is mandated to partner with

DepEd and DOLE in career guidance and counseling activities for high school students. Helping

students choose what courses to take in college can help them pursue careers that lead to better


As stated by Isagani (2012) understudies will no longer need to cram everything into ten

years. In specialized terms, this implies the base learning abilities or measures will be less every

year in the K to 12 curriculum than in the previous 10-year educational curriculum.

Future job planning significance to the students who settle on their career related choices

every year (Witko, Bernes, Magnusson, & Bardick, 2006). By The K-12 curriculum, many

students will tend to work abroad because some jobs do not exist in the Philippines and furthermore

the preparation abroad is greatly improved than here. They may produce globally competitive

graduates and guarantee the employability of the students (Andales, Elarcosa, Sinco, & Ramirez,


An education and preparation in business is developing quickly at colleges, universities

and governments worldwide supports this kind of education (Katz, 2003; Kuratko, 2005; Martin,

McNally, & Kay, 2013).

As indicated by Evangelista (2013), as referred to Mendoza and Lacap (2016), business

enterprise has been the prolong battle of different associations, both private and public. Often

neglecting to perceive racial, ethnic, and semantic differences of a students' encounters about into

and through institutions of higher education. As scholars and policy makers seek to analyze the

procedure of understudies participate in to pursue higher education (Ceja, 2004). This is

additionally applicable to the social intellectual hypothesis of Bandura (1986) which investigates

the maturity and development of interest, career and how these things transformed without

hesitation. So that the students under study truly aspire to pursue college degree, either personal

decision or with consent and approval from other individuals (Aguado, C L., Laguador, J M. &

Deligero, JC L., 2015).

Based on Statistics, more than 15,000 typical young people have problems about school.

Despite a certain amount of groaning and grumbling, 79 percent of those polled frankly admit that

they like school. Only 6 percent dislike it so much that they would like to quit. Despite their general
approval, however, many young people complain that this problem is not knowing how to study

effectively (Alba,2010 ).

This study aims to know the most choices in three major goals of DepEd in preference of

the Computer Programming Graduating Students at La Consolacion University of the Philippines.

Were the subject of this research is to recognized purposes of Graduating students preferred to get

a job, business or college. As for positive images of Graduating students, they recognized it as

applying talent and aptitude to life early, getting good jobs easily. And the reason they wanted to

get a job was usually because they want to be successful by advancing into society early, or because

it is still hard to get a job even after graduate from the university. Others go for the business sectors

for the fast independence after graduation, and learning excellent technologies, They also

recognized that Basic Education as being effective for improvement of basic and executive ability,

development of creative human resources, learn excellent skill, hope for early employment and

improvement of right personality and courteous manners. Some are going to college usually hope

for the promising future and being favourable for employment for choosing major. Graduating

students was to develop into talent of industrial institution, ability of student, and need for

manpower with high school graduating students.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to analyze which among the three goals of DepEd is the

most preferred choice of the Computer Programming Graduating Students. Is it taking college,

doing business or go for work?

This study aim to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the Computer Programming Graduating students according


1.1 Age; and

1.2 Gender?

2. What are the factors did the respondents considered upon choosing?

3. How this/these factor/s affect the choice of the respondents?

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers are focused on how the preparation of a Computer Programming

Graduating students in choosing at three major goals of DepEd.

The period of the study started from September 26 to October.

The respondents will be the Computer Programming graduating students upon choosing in

the three major goals of DepEd in La Consolacion University of the Philippines.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may be significant to the following:

Students - They are the direct beneficiaries of the outcome of this research. This study may help

the graduating students in choosing between business, work, or degree.

Parents - This study will also help the parents to known the difference between work, business o

degree.. Also the parents will help their children to know what the right path for them.

Teacher - This studies are important for the teachers to help their students to inform them about

work, business o degree. Also they can get a lot of knowledge though this research.

Academe - To contribute to the related studies conducted the three major goals of DepEd so that

they can refer to this study when topics such as how the students’ preference on their goals in

relation to DepEd’s three major goals.

La Consolacion University of the Philippines - This thesis will serve as a reference for future

students of Grade 12 Students; will serve as pattern for the future students when they choose a

topic that frames a case study about the three major goals of DepEd.

Future Researchers - This study will help to the future researcher to elaborate their knowledge

about work, business o degree. Also this study is important for the future researcher because they

might help them as one of their guide in the future.

Conceptual Framework


To know the profile of

the computer
programming students
according to their age
Creating Self-made “A Study on the DepEd's
and gender. Survey Questions Goal in Relation to the
Preference of the
To be informed to their Computer Programming
most preferred among Graduating Students of
Conducting a Survey
La Consolacion
three major goals of
University of the
DepEd. Philippines”
Data analysis and
Have knowledge to the Interpretation
respondents' factors
upon choosing.
Be informed of how the
respondents' affect of
their choice.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework The Reseponse of the Computer Programming Graduating

Students to the DepEd’s Goal
Job Business



First the researchers identify the preferred choices of the respondents’ through survey.

Second, the researchers make questions for the survey. Next, the researchers conducted an

interview and ask questions to obtain data. After that the researchers processed the information

gathered and consolidated. Lastly, the analysis and interpretation of gathered information leads to

explain the compliance of the Computer Programming Graduating to DepEd’s Goal.


This chapter includes the research design used, the participants involved, the instruments

used, the process of data gathering method and the procedure in data analysis.

Research Design

The researchers will utilize quantitative design. Quantitative information is more solid than
subjective information, and a decent examination requires great information. Quantitative data
refers to numbers and measurements, it is substantially more helpful when discovering examples
or conduct on overriding topics (Joseph, 2014).

Research Method

This study will use descriptive method in order to thoroughly explain the DepEd’s three
major goals in relation to their preference. The goal of descriptive research is to describe a
preference to its major goal. This research mainly focuses on what rather how or why chooses to
it. Therefore, observation and survey tools are mostly used in order to gather information (Nassaiji,

The target of this study is to make people aware that students was intact or not in their goal.

Respondents and Sampling

Table 1 shows the total number of Computer Programming students in La Consolacion

University of the Philippines.

Section Total Number of Students Total Number of Respondents

Computer Programming 1 46 20
Computer Programming 2 42 0
Computer Programming 3 40 10
Computer Programming 4 39 10
Computer Programming 5 45 20
Computer Programming 6 19 0
Total 231 50
Sections Computer Programming 1, 3, 4 and 5, 25 students per section will be given a test
questionnaire which totals to 100 respondents, 100 of the survey questionnaires will be retrieved
and it will be utilized to its full data by using quota sampling.

Research Instrument

The main instrument that will be used in gathering the data is a Survey Questionnaire that
is made by the researchers.


A questionnaire will be made for the study. The set is for the Computer Programming
students of La Consolacion University of the Philippines.

The questionnaire contains the following:

First Page deals with on what they will choose among the three major goals of DepEd and
its factor to considerate.

Construction and Validation of the Questionnaire

In the construction of the questionnaire the researchers must read articles pertaining about
go for business, apply on work and college choice. The specific problems of this study is used as
a guide to devise a survey questionnaire. The first draft of the questionnaire will be given to the
researcher’s instructor for correction and revision of the question.
To validate the survey questionnaire it will be given to 4 Teachers at La Consolacion
University of the Philippines.
Administration of the Questionnaires

Before the administration of the survey questionnaires the respondents, preparation of the

research project is done by:

1. By locating which schools holds a TVL Strand Computer Programming Track.

2. Determining the availability of the researchers.

Documentary Materials
The data that will be gathered in the survey questionnaire will be classified, organized,

tallied and tabulated. This will be treated with the use of Pie chart, Rank order and frequency table.

Data to answer specific question will be treated as follows:

1. In describing the availability of the said section, as not all Computer Programming

sections are Afternoon sessions some of the Computer Programming students are also in the

morning session.
A Study on the DepEd's Goal in Statement Strongly Disagree Neither Agre Strongl
Relation to the Preference of the Disagree agree or e y Agree
Computer Programming Graduating I chose this
Students of La Consolacion University preference
of the Philippines because I am
fully confident
that I will give
my best here.
This study aims to know the most
preferred in three major goals of DepEd I chose this
to the Computer Programming Graduating preference
because I
Students at La Consolacion University of fulfilled the
the Philippines and how the graduating merit
students differs when it comes to their requirement.
career preference.
I chose this
because I was
Name (Optional):___________________ inspired/advis
ed by my
Gender:_______ Age : _______ teachers.
I chose this
because my
1. Among the three major goals of DepEd
teachers made
which do your prefer? me feel that I
could succeed
 Go for business
in this.
 Apply from work
 College choice I chose this
 Not Decided preference
because its
 Other: working
_______________________ conditions suit
me well.
2. What is the factor did you consider upon
I chose this
choosing? preference
 Parents because my
parents is/are
 Friends in the same
 Self choice profession.
 Other:
I chose this
_______________________ preference as
it is a part of
3. How this/these affect your choice?
my family
_______________________________ business.
I chose this
_______________________________ preference
because I was
inspired by
one of my

Foreign Studies

Garcia, N M., Irizarry, J G. & Ruiz, Y.(2019). Al esconder hide and seek RicanStructing college
choice for Puerto Rican students in urban schools. Retrieved from

Iovu, M. B. (2013). Senior high school students’ job planning for the future: what factors really
matter?. Retrieved from'_j

Staniewski, M W. & Szopiński, T. (2015). Student readiness to start their own business.
Retrieved from
Local Studies

Factors Affecting Career Preference of Senior High School Student. (2017) Retrieved from

The Transition in Higher Education. (2015) Retrieved from

Andales, M., Elarcosa, Z., Sinco, D., & Ramirez, K. (n.d.). EMPLOYABILITY OF SENIOR
HIGH SCHOOL. Retrived from

Cruz, I . (2010). SCHOOL IS IN: Education Here, There, Everywhere. Retrieved from
Lacap, JP G. (2017). Senior High School Students’ Entrepreneurial Inclination: The Case of
Accountancy, Business, and Management Track Students in Pampanga, Philippines.
Retrieved form'_

Aguado, C L., Laguador, J M. & Deligero, JC L. (2015). Factors Affecting the Choice of School
and Students’ Level of Interest towards the Maritime Program. Retrieved from

Alba (2010 ). The Factors that Affect Students’ Decision in Choosing their College
Courses. Retrieved from

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