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1305 N.

Martin Avenue
P.O. Box 210203
Tucson, AZ 85721-0203
Tel: (520) 626-6152
Fax: (520) 626-2669

September 11, 2019

To Whom It May Concern:

Riley Oberholtzer: Why would you choose her for your Nurse Residency Program? Without
sounding impertinent, given Riley's resume, is there any reason you wouldn't! Of course, you
will want to interview her to confirm that, in person, she is as genuine, caring, and focused as
she looks on paper. As Riley relates in her letter of intent, given the mission, vision, and
values, your programs and her abilities an attitudes are a perfect fit.

Riley Oberholtzer was our student during her third semester psychiatric/mental health nursing
course of the BSN Program at The University of Arizona College of Nursing. As clinical
instructors/lecturers with fifty plus years experience in various psych nursing areas, we have a
unique opportunity to become acquainted with my students as individuals. Since they're
learning to use their own personalities as a therapeutic tool, we try to help them get to know
themselves more in depth and as members of a team on our inpatient facilities. During our
psych rotations, they also experience working with older adults, adult acute units and psych
crisis/Ed services. Our goal for them is to practice interpersonal relationship skills that can be
generalized and applied to any nursing endeavor they choose.

So, to summarize, Riley is an honor's student times three, has a minor in Spanish, has
international academic/volunteer healthcare experience, and has an extensive care-giving work
and volunteer history to persons of all ages and cultures. It is even all right nowadays to
mention her Greek system affiliation due to the leadership and philanthropic opportunities
therein. All this - in someone who is not quite in her mid-twenties.

Now the usual (but true) description of the strengths and attributes that Riley will bring to your
organization: 1) a broad and in depth nursing knowledge base; 2) highly developed
technical/technology abilities; 3) excellent verbal/written communication skills and finally; 4) an
appreciation of the value of the continued application of evidenced-based nursing practice.

What is really difficult to capture on paper about Riley is her truly engaging personality and
warm disposition - kind of an interesting mix of authenticity and worldliness. Riley hasn't lost her
sense of wonder even though she has seen a lot in her travels so far. All this translates into a
person mature beyond her years, who is happily a team member, but always seems to evolve
into a leadership position: the ideal nurse of the future you will want to include in your healthcare
organization now.


Susan Markovich, RN, MSN

Clinical Instructor

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