Scholarship Sssss

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How you have faced or continue to face adversity and have not only Risen up against the odds

demonstrated a commitment to pursuing your education.

I have demonstrated my commitment to pursuing my education when my dad went to the hospital and
was diagnosed with psychosis and severe depression. I still attended school, nights we didn’t know what
was wrong with him. I had to set a positive mind set. I didn’t sleep for two weeks but I still attended
school and did my homework on time. I managed to make it work. I continued to do what I can while
staying strong and always hoping for the best. My school was important but so was my dad's mental
health. I had to balance my life at that time. I would go visit my dad during the day and come back home
and do my homework. I would wake up the next morning to attend school and go visit my dad again
after school. I did have to struggle and many negative thoughts were going around me but what
motivated myself was my dad. I know that my dad is a strong person but I had to beat myself and be
strong as well. I knew that a strong, driven mind who thinks anything is possible, who isn’t afraid and
thinks about their goals is unstoppable. I continued even through rough family times, I wanted the
better for my family and I. Yes I struggle sometimes not being motivated to come to school due to many
thoughts but I know what I want in the future so I encourage myself.

What would winning this award mean to you in terms of helping you achieve your post secondary

Winning this award will change my life along with my family.. My dad doesn’t work due to his truck
accident and my mom helps him by staying home. My family has no income so this award will mean a lot
to me. By that I mean I will be able to attend post secondary and not be stressed about not having any
money to start with. This scholarship will motivate me to achieve my dream goal for getting a business

If you could share one piece of advice with other youth facing personal hurdles (such as poverty, health
challenges, family issues, personal loss, and lack of support.) what would it be?

I would like to share this one piece of advice with all youth. Most youths now and days have jobs I would
like to give them advice that would be saving your money. Saving your money is very important, I regret
wasting money on pointless things and wish I could go back and save it all. realized now and i hope the
youth can learn from my mistakes and use their money wisely.

I regret now and I want you guys to be smarter than me plan about your future. Focus on saving most of
your money so down the road you can use it towards school or buying a house. My family went through
a lot and still is. My parents don’t work and don’t have steady income.

I have two other sisters we all still have to attend post secondary school. We don’t get much support
from the government due to the fact we’re low income.. My advice is always going to be save money on
the side even if you think you don’t need it because anything in your life can change. Always have a
positive mindset your dreams can come true even when your going through rough hurdles in life.

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