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1. I hit rock bottom, and knew I had to try and stop drinking.
2. He is just another lame duck asking the director for a loan.
3. Blue chip refers to firms with long track records for turning profits and paying dividends.
4. Although he runs the operation with a firm hand, the Steelers are more like a family than
any other team.
5. The chairman denied that he had been given the boot.
6. It'll be hard to find someone to step into Pete's shoes.
7. Overseas payments could keep the country deep in the red for the next decade.
8. Local stores and businesses are beginning to feel the pinch from the economic crisis.
9. Failure to stick to the safety rules is simply playing with fire.
10. We have to get our account in the black otherwise the bank will never give us a mortgage.


1. The oil men realised that we meant business, so the seizures began to drop.
2. Construction of the theme park never got off the ground dut to insufficient bugets.
3. Lawmakers were burning the midnight oil last night, as the debate continued.
4. Although I've been out of a job for three months, I've managed to keep my head above
5. Between them, the three main political parties spent a small fortune on this election.
6. You might as well throw them now, they’re nothing but money down the drain.
7. 'He's rolling in it,' said the girl, pointing at Lewis. ’His girlfriend is very lucky, she has
8. The boys remained optimistic that their musical career might bear fruit.
9. Colleges have tightened their belts and are giving fewer scholarships than before.
10. Without a job, they were living on a shoestring.

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