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Linao North, Tuguegarao City

Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 8

Prepared by:
Mark Christian P. Callueng

Checked by:
Mr. Alvin M. Darauay
Cooperating Teacher
At the end of the discussion the student should be able to:
A. correctly identify adjectives;
B. distinguish the degrees of comparison of adjectives;
C. illustrate their learning through role play, talk show, song rendering, poem writing and
poster making.

Topic: Adjectives
Reference:, Grammar
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, speaker, worksheets, picture (like and unlike
Value Statement: Treat Other People The Way You Would Like To Be Treated


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Daily Routine
 Prayer
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance

A. Motivation

New day, new beginning, new opportunities,

new experiences and new learning ahead of
you. Well, this day is the continuation of your
journey as a student in exploring new ideas
and values. Reminding yourself that you
need to go to school and win your future. A
future that you’ll work on to put it into reality.
Right class?
Yes sir.
A blessed afternoon Linao Stars!
Blessed afternoon too sir.
New day, new lesson. Before we delve with
our lesson. For today, we will first do the
activity called“ Your Face Sounds Familiar”.
I will flash different faces of Filipino Artists, I
will give you these two emoticons which is
Like and Dislike, raise the Like one if you
want that artist and raise the other if you feel
otherwise I will ask some of you to describe
these artists. Is that clear class?
Yes sir
Face no.1 is no other than Nadine Lustre.
Raise your chosen emoticon for her. Who
wants to describe Nadine?
(answers vary)
Sir she is a good dancer and singer. She is
also the girlfriend of James Reid.
Yes, very good. Also, last 2017 she was the
number 1 sexiest woman in the Philippines.
Face number 2, Mr. Xander Ford. Raise
your chosen emoticon for him. Why dislike
(answers vary)

Sir because he degraded Kathryn

Bernando’s legs which shows disrespect.
Very good. He became popular in social
media because of that incident and from that
he has now a lot of bashers.

Face number 3, Mr. Daniel Padilla

Raise your chosen emoticon students.
Seems like all of you want Daniel Padilla.
So anyone who would like to describe him?
(answers vary)
Sir he is very handsome, kind, family
oriented and a loving boyfriend to his only
girl Kathryn Bernardo
Very good. Also a versatile actor no wonder
he is being loved by many girls. Am I right
Yes sir
Last but not the least is the Unkabogable
Vice Ganda. Kindly raise your emoticon
class. So who would like to share?
Sir unlike the other artist he is one of a kind
because he can easily make other people
Very good. He is an epitome of bravery for
he is not afraid to express himself because
for him that is his happiness.
Understood class?
Yes sir

Class these artists are just some of the viral,

popular and idolized artists who receive
praises and even discrimination. Now class
what have you noticed about the activity we
had done?
Sir we described the artists
That`s right! What do you think is our lesson
for today?
Adjectives sir!
Class our topic for today is all about
adjectives and its degree of comparison.


What is adjective class?

Sir adjective is a word that describes a noun
or a pronoun.
Class, let`s have another activity. We will
play the “30 Seconds Challenge”. You will
have your partner and that is your seatmate.
One of you will provide a “noun” and one of
you will give an “adjective” that would simply
describe the noun provided by your partner
as many as you can in 30 seconds.
Understood class?
For example, the noun is ‘dog’ the possible
adjective is ‘ furry’.

Okay let`s play the “30 Seconds Challenge”

starting with partner number 3. Your timer
starts now!
Bag- expensive
Lion- brave
Teeth- white
Hand- smooth
Hair- long
Times up! Very good you have provided five
examples and it is all correct. I can say that
you really know what is a noun and an
adjective. Right class?
Yes sir
Expect another partner later to play the “30
Seconds Challenge” you should be ready.

To continue our discussion. Adjectives

describe nouns by giving some pieces of
Examples for this definition are:
 It's a big table. (size)

 It's a round table. (shape)

 It's an old table. (age)
 It's a brown table. (color)
 It's an English table. (origin)
 It's a wooden table. (material)
Who wants to give an example under this
definition choose among this information
(size, shape, age, color, origin or material)?
Sir, “I got a small pen”. Small is a size which
is adjective is the adjective and it describe
the pen.
Very well said. Who else wants to give an
Sir, “My phone is black”.
Very good. Another definition is that
adjectives are words that describe the
qualities or states of being of nouns. They
can also describe the quantity of nouns

Furry dogs may overheat in the
My cake should have sixteen candles.
The scariest villain of all time is Darth

Anyone of you who wants to give an

Sir, “Kathryn Bernardo is the sexiest actress
for me”.
Very good, well I agree to that because she
is my idol and she is working hard to have
such well-shaped body.
Who else who wants to give an example?
Sir, “My parents are hardworking”
Very good, I think all parents are
hardworking because they are loving and
caring parents to their children and parents
always want the best for them. Am I right
Yes sir

Here we go again for the “30 Seconds

Challenge). May I call on partner 7 to come
up in front and do the challenge. You timer
starts now!
Bulb- bright
Daniel- handsome
School- exclusive
Bus- long
Table- messy
Slippers - dirty
Very good! You got six correct examples. I
know that the next partners will give us more
examples later.

Now class, in adjectives we also have the

Degrees of Comparison which are
absolute, comparative, and superlative.

First is the absolute degree meaning an

adjective makes no comparison or it simply
 A tall building.
 She runs fast.
 This is a beautiful car.

Second is the comparative degree meaning

compares two people, things, actives or
qualities. So let’s take the examples earlier,
how will you make it a comparative.
 A taller building than this one.
 She runs faster than I do.
 This car is more beautiful than yours.
Very good. In here, you will simply compare
two things.

Next is the superlative degree compares a

person, thing, activity or quality with the
group. So let’s take the examples given
earlier and you will make it in a superlative
form. Anyone who would like to give a try?
 The tallest building in the town.
 She is the fastest runner among the
 This is the most beautiful car I have
Very good, Superlative adjectives indicate ever seen
that something has the highest degree of
the quality in question. Understood class?

May I call on partners number 9 to do the Yes sir.

“30 Seconds Challenge “You timer starts
Cellphone- big
Carpet- red
Ring- expensive
Chair- heavy
Socks- odorous
Wallet- elongated
Very good! You have provided 8 examples. Book- substantial
I can see that you are really taking this
activity serious.


Class, Kindly tell me what is all about our

discussion for today?
Sir, it is all about adjectives, and its degrees
of comparison. Adjectives describe nouns
by giving some piece of information. We
also have absolute/positive, comparative
and superlative degrees of comparison.
Very good, and each of it has its own use.
Don’t forget that adjectives are being used
anytime and anywhere. Let`s be careful that
in everyday conversation we always use
adjectives.. Understood class?
Yes sir


Now, you will choose one of people that you

idolize most and you are going to describe
him/her. I will ask some of you to share.
Understood class?

Anyone who would like to share?

Yes sir

(answers vary)
Sir he/she is ( ) (name of a student). All
I can say is, he is an active student, he is a
very good dancer and he is my best friend.
I’m looking forward for our journey as a
dedicated student and together let’s make
our dreams come true.
Very good, very wonderful message. I hope
that you both will still be friends whatever

Class, we all have that characteristics or

attributes that leave marks to the people
surround us. Most of the time, we are being
remembered because we have done a
mistake. But little did they know, there are
many things they still don’t know and that is
the good things we do everyday. We
describe people based on their physical
appearance and maybe in their background
and that doesn’t make us famous rather a
stupid. Yes, no one is perfect but everyone
deserves to be respected and it will start
with you. Know how to respect and
unconsciously people will respect you as
well. Class can you do this? Or will you show
this attitude towards others?
Yes sir.


Group 1: The singers

Compose a song that involves the use adjectives.
Group 2: The interviewers
Make a talk about about the past relationship (love/friends) you had. Express your
thoughts using adjectives.
Group 3: The dramatists
Make a role play about the importance of education with any social issues.
Observe the use of adjectives.
Group 4: The poets
Construct a 3-stanza poem about love. Observe the use of adjectives.
Group 5: The Artists
Make a poster which shows different social issues. Present your output observing
the use of adjectives.

Content 5%
Relevance 5%
Grammar 5%
Presentation 5%
Teamwork/discipline 5%

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