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equal to or greater than that which they OBJECTIVES:

PERIOPERATIVE NURSING had prior to the procedure  Prepare the patient mentally
 Physically prepare assist with recovery
PHASES o Process begins on admission
- The provision of nursing care by an RN 1. Preoperative phase o Process ends when recovery is
preoperatively, intraoperatively, and - Begins with decision to perform complete
postoperatively to a patient undergoing surgery and ends when client in OR
an operative or invasive procedure PURPOSES
2. Intraoperative phase It is a place…
- Begins with the entry into OR and 1. To correlate theory and practice
PHILOSOPHY ends when client is in recovery 2. To develop skills in assisting the surgeon
- To provide comprehensive support room in the operation
physically, morally, psychological, 3. To create a suitable sterile field for
spiritually, and socially to a patient 3. Postoperative recovery surgical procedures to prevent
undergoing surgery - Intermediate – post anesthesia care complications
unit (PACU)
GOAL - Ongoing- begins with return to AREAS IN WHICH PREOPERATIVE NURSING IS
- Is to assist clients and their significant clinical unit PRACTICED:
others to achieve a level of wellness - Ends at discharge form facility

1. Hospital operating rooms 4. Endoscopy suites 6. Trauma canters

2. Intervention radiology suites 7. Pediatric specialty hospitals
3. Cardiac catheterization labs 5. Ambulatory surgery center 8. Physician offices


 Advocate  Teacher  Management of patient care
 Protector  Change agent
procedures. Surgery is the work done by
SURGERY a surgeon
- It is the branch of medicine concerned - Surgery can involve cutting abrading, PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES
with diseases and conditions which suturing, laser or otherwise physically Prefixes:
require or are amenable to operative changing body tissues and organs
 Supra – above; beyond  Entero – intestine  Nephron – kidney
 Ortho – joint  Hystero – uterus  Neuro – nerve
 Chole – bile or gall  Mast – breast  Oophor – ovary
 Cysto – bladder  Meningo – membrane; meninges  Pneumo – lungs
 Encephalo – brain  Myo – muscle  Phylo – kiney pelvis
 Salphingo – fallopian tube  Thoraco – chest  Viscero – organ esp. abdomen
e. encephalopathy – various diseases Oophorectomy- surgical removal of an
Suffixes that affect the functioning of the brain ovary
 Oma – tumor; swelling
 Ectomy – removal of an organ or gland 6. Hepat – liver 14. Orchid- related to the testicle
 Rrhaphy – suturing or stitching of a part Ectomy – removal Orchidectomy- surgical removal of the
or an organ e. hepatectomy – liver removal testis
 Scopy – looking into
 Ostomy – making an opening or a 7. Hyster – uterus 15. Vas- related to the vas deferens
stoma Ex. Hysteroctomy Vasectomy-surgical removal of the vas
 Plasty – to repair or restore deferens
 Cele – tumor; hernia; swelling; 8. Lapar – abdominal cavity
inflammation of Octomy – surgical incision 4 Basic Pathological Conditions that Require
Ex. Laparotomy – surgical incision into Surgery
the abdominal cavity
SURGIAL TERMINOLOGIES Obstruction- a blockage; are dangerous
Surgical Roots 9. Lobo – lobe (brain or lungs) because they block the flow of blood, air, CSF,
1. Angio – related to blood vessels Lobotomy – surgical; operation of urine and bile through the body.
Plasty – replacement interrupting the pathways of white
Angioplasty – repair of obstructed nerve fibers within the brain Perforation- is a rupture of the organ, artery or
arteries common sites: coronary, Lobectomy – surgical removal of a lobe vein.
femoral, iliac, popliteal, arteries of an organ
Erosion- break in the continuity of tissue
surface; it can be caused by irritation, infection,
2. Arth – related to a joint 10. Mammo/masto – breast
ulceration or inflammation
e. surgical remodeling of a joint Mammoplasty – plastic surgery of the
breast in order to alter their shapes Tumors- abnormal growth of tissue that serves
3. Bi – two no pathologic function in the body
Ex. Bilateral oophorectomy 11. Myo – muscle tissues
Myotomy – dissection or surgical Major Category of Surgery

4. Colpo – related to the vagina division of a muscle According to purpose

Rrhappy- suture
12. Nepro- related to the kidney 1. Diagnostic surgery
e. colpoperreniorrhaphy – flower
Nephrectomy- surgical removal of a  To confirm a diagnosis
arrangement; an operation to repair
kidneys  Involve a procedure to visualize the
tears in the vagina and surrounding
suspected unhealthy tissue
13. Oophor- related to the ovary  Endoscopy, excision, biopsy

5. Encephala – brain
2. Exploratory surgery e.g. Hysterectomy, CS, - Low risk of infection
 To estimate the extent of the mastectomy - Less interruption of routine
disease and to conform diagnosis - Less time from work
Minor surgery- Involves minimal
 Exploratory laparotomy (ExLap) - Less stress
alteration in body parts
3. Ablative surgery - Usually elective
 To restore malfunctioning tissue e.g. Cataract extraction, D and - Surgery causes minimal pain
 Removal of disease organ C, Tooth Extraction, Circumcision, Skin Grafting - Patient accepts the idea of outpatient
 Hysterectomy, appendectomy, surgery
amputation According to Urgency - Does not require intensive post-surgery
4. Re-constructive surgery 1. Emergency - Can follow discharge instructions
 To restore the form and function of  Requires immediate attention Disadvantages:
the body without delay
 Repair of congenital defects  Control of hemorrhage - Less time for rapport
 Repairs of cleft lip or palate-  Tracheostomy - Less time to assess, evaluate, teach
Cheiloplasty 2. Urgent - Risk of potential complication
 Improve appearance or  Surgical problem requires attention
replacement of damaged tissues within 24-48 hours
 Cosmetics surgery Make a collage of basic instruments – ortho
 Removal of malignant tumor
 Repair of cleft lip palate instruments,
 Excision of cancerous tumor
 Women who have breast implants  Removal of gallbladder stones Make a scrapbook – surgical rules, methods of
 Episiorrhapy  Vascular repair of obstruction artery sterilization
 Internal fixation of fracture
5. Cosmetic surgery Extent of surgery
 To improve appearance; not attain 1. Simple- only the most overtly affected Nursing Assessment
perfection areas involved in the surgery. E.g.
 Rhinoplasty 1. History
simple/partial mastectomy
6. Palliative surgery - Collecting information about the client
2. Radical- extensive surgery beyond the
 Relieves symptom but does not to determine surgical risk factors
area obviously involved, is directed at
cure the disease - To establish rapport
finding a root cause. E.g. Radical
 Rhizotomy - May reduce anxiety in the client and
Hysterectomy, Radical Mastectomy
 Myringotomy family member

According to degree of risk and management Past medical history

Surgical Settings: Ambulatory/Outpatient
Major surgery- involves extensive 1. Previous surgery and experience with
reconstruction or alteration in the body parts; Advantage of Outpatient: anesthesia- Any untoward reactions to
great risks to well being anesthesia
- Low cost
2. Serious illness/trauma
A- Allergy  Sedentary lifestyle- complicate the - Notify surgeon and anesthesiologist
B- Bleeding tendencies surgical course via poor muscle - Chest radiology
C- Cortisone tone, limited cardiac and - Pulse oximetry
D- DM respiratory reserves and decrease C. Musculoskeletal
E- Emboli stress response  History of fracture,
3. Alcohol or Nicotine use  Active lifestyle- post-op compliance contractures, joint
 Use of drugs signals potential 11. Social history injury, musculoskeletal
problem with the administration of  support system; occupation impairment factors in
anesthesia and risk for withdrawal surgical positioning
complications  Arthritis of the neck and
 Smoker- damage lung tissue; must  to identify present health status shoulder
abstain from any nicotine product  baseline information for  Can be assessed thru
for at least 1 week prior to surgery comparison during and after passive and active ROM
 Nicotine- potent vasoconstrictor surgery and history taking
4. Current discomforts  perform a complete physical D. Gastrointestinal
 With pre-existing painful conditions examination  Should be properly
5. Chronic Illness  in trauma and emergency cases, assessed
 Consider in positioning the client examination is brief; examine part  Obtain information
during intubation and operation of the body that will be operated about normal patterns
6. Advance age  assess cognition- responses and  Anesthesia and
 Older clients have specific movement analgesics cause:
perioperative needs that should be o Prolonged
identified preoperatively SPECIFIC BODY SYSTEM ASSESSMENT
nausea and
7. Medication history  Physiologic preparations vomiting
 OTC drugs may increase operative A. Cardiovascular – All cardiac o Constipation
skills conditions can lead to E. Skin integrity
8. Psychological history decreased tissue perfusion  Document and report
 Knowledge of culture beliefs and Angina pectoris, MI, lesions, pressure ulcers
practices are components of holistic Uncontrolled HPN, Heart Failure and necrotic skin and
care B. Respiratory presence of eternal
 Certain rituals should be respected  Chronic Lung conditions- Increase device
9. Ability to tolerate pre-op stress operative risk; impair gas exchange  Note the size, color,
 Physiologic stressors include pain, Emphysema and location of the skin
tissue damage, blood loss, Asthma impairment
anesthesia fever and immobilization Bronchitis
10. Lifestyle - Ask about smoking habit; respiratory
allergies and infection
 Any alteration in skin and anesthetics predisposes to poor
integrity that can occur agents wound healing and
intraoperatively o Cannot infection
F. Renal functions metabolize o Thyroid
 Adequate renal CHO, fats, and hormone
function is necessary to amino acids replacement –
eliminate protein o Often continues
wastes, t preserve FE malnourished, throughout the
balance and to remove debilitated, and Perioperative
anesthetic agents with clotting period
 To access renal status disorders  Hypoth
o Ask about yroidis
voiding H. Cognitive and Neurologic m
patterns assessment  Cardiac
o Monitor FE  Surgical risks: arrest
balance o Uncontrolled
Preoperative Diagnostic Tests
o BUN (blood epilepsy
urea nitrogen), o Severe Tests Normal Purposes
serum headache Ranges
creatinine, o Frequent Serum 3.5-5.0 To identify
urinalysis – dizziness potassium mEq/L hyperkalemia or
most common o Light- hypokalemia
preop tests headedness Serum 1.36-1.45 To identify
G. Liver functions assessment o Tinnitus - sodium mEq/L hypernatremia,
 Client with liver disease o Unsteady gait
dehydration, or
must be assessed o Unequal pupils
properly  Assess cognition –
Serum 96-106 To identify
o Cirrhosis orientation to time, chloride mEq/L hyperchloremia,
o History of place, and person, hypochloremia,
alcoholism cognition, or metabolic
o Increase alkalosis
surgical risk due Glucose 60-100 To identify
to impaired mg/dl hypoglycemia
liver or
I. Endocrine hyperglycemia
o Cannot detoxify
medications  DM – most common
endocrine DO;
Creatinine 0.7-1.4 To identify  Underlying disease process and  Witness to informed consent
mg/dl acute or chronic its natural course maybe a nurse, another M.D.,
renal diseae  Name and qualifications of a clerk or any other authorized
Blood urea 10-20 To identify person performing procedure person
nitrogen mg/dl impaired liver  Explanation of risks and how  The nurse witnessing informed
(BUN) or kidney
often they occur consent, specifies whether
function or
 Explanation that patient has the witnessing explanation of
right to refuse treatment or surgery or just signature of the
protein or
tissue withdraw consent client
catabolism  Patient must be 18 years old to  Surgeon obtains operative
hemoglobin Female: To identify the sign own consent or be an permit (informed consent)
12.0-15.0 presence and emancipated minor o Surgical procedure,
g/dl extent of  Patients sign for dependent alternatives possible
Male: 13.0- anemia children as legally responsible complications and
17.0 g/dl  Patient must be deemed disfigurements or
Hematocrit Female: To identify the competent to sign own consent removal of body parts
36%-45% presence and are explained
 Patient must be alert and
Male: 39%- extent of o It is part of the nurse’s
oriented; consent may not be
51% anemia role as client advocate
signed by patient after receiving
narcotics or sedatives to confirm that the
 Not necessary if there is threat client understands
to life and legally authorized information given
person is unavailable  Informed consent for surgery
 Consent are NOT needed for and blood transfusions
emergency care if all of the FF o Adequate disclosure of
criteria are met:
1. Informed consent risks, and consequences
o There is an immediate it
 Patient signs consent id of legal of treatment,
is an emergency
age probability of success,
o There is an immediate
 Family member signs permit if prognosis if not
threat to life
patient is a minor instituted
o Client is unable to
 Family member signs permit if consent o Understanding and
patient is incapacitated o A legally authorized comprehension –
 Signed permit is part of person cannot be patient must be drug
patient’s chart reached free prior to signing a
 Description of procedure and consent
alternative therapies
voluntarily – patient  Malnourished patients
- Client is given nothing by mouth NPO
must not be ….
for 6-8 hrs. before surgery
o Part of legal prep for
o NPO status – risk for aspiration
surgery PREOP TEACHING o Failure to adhere
o Active, shared decision-
 Postop experience  Cancellation of surgery
making process
 Preop medication  Increase the risk for
between provider and
 Breathing exercises, coughing, incentive aspiration
recipient of care
o Protects patient, spirometry
surgeon, hospital and  Splinting abdomen while coughing
o Nurses role: advocate,  Understands NPO stat
witness, appropriate PREOP INSTRUCTIONS  Remove water and check room at meal
person signs times
 Discuss procedure and postop  On clear liquid diet prior to surgery
2. Physical preparation
instructions  Enemas and laxatives
3. Preparing the client on the day of
surgery  Teach about special equipment
 Teach turn, cough and deep breathing PREPARING THE CLIENT
 Teach leg exercises  Possible placement of tubes, drains, and
PREOP CHART REVIEW  Teach patient to splint incision with vascular devices
small pillow  Teaching about postop procedures and
- Ensure all documentation, preoperative exercises
procedures, and orders are complete  Allow patent to verbalize feelings about
surgery o Breathing exercise
- Check the surgical consent form and o Incentive spirometry
other for completeness  Good preoperative instructions prevent
fewer complications o Coughing and splinting
- Document allergies …
 Leg procedures and exercises
- Ensure results of all lab and diagnostic
 Antiembolism stockings and elastic
tests any AB results
- Report special needs and concern PREOP PREP
 Early ambulation
Intestinal Preparation  ROM exercises
 Bowel or intestinal prep are performed
 Obese patients to prevent injury to the colon and to
reduce the number of intestinal NURSE ALERT!
- An obese client Is more
bacteria – enema, laxative  Vigorous coughing is discouraged after
susceptible to postop
some types of surgeries
complications, obesity
o Hernia repair
 Elderly
o Brain surgeries  Client should remove most clothing and o To reduce dose needed for
o Eye surgeries wear a hospital gown induction and maintenance
o Eye surgeries  Valuables should remain with family o To prevent reflex bradycardia
o Ear member or be locked up that happens during induction
 Tape rings in place if they can’t be of anesthesia
removed o To minimize oral secretions
SKIN PREP  Remove all pieces of jewelry  Sedatives hypnotics/tranquilizers
 Skin  Client ears an identification band o Decrees anxiety
 Shower using antiseptic solution  Dentures, prosthetic devices, hearing o Provide sedation
 Shaving aids, contact lenses, fingernail polish, o Nembutal (pentobarbital
 Caution: check allergies and artificial nails must be removed sodium)
 If patient needs to have surgical areas o Vistaril (hydroxyzine)
shaved this is done in or right before o Valium (diazepam)
surgery-less likely to develop infection IMMEDIATE PREOP PREP o Phenergan (promethazine)
due to shaving o Versed (midazolam)
o Current practice is not shave  Complete checklist and chart  Narcotics
patient unless hair interferes  Hospital gown, voiding removal of o Relieve pain/discomfort
with surgical site dentures, jewelry, contact, etc. o Demerol
o Use sharp disposable razor  Preop meds o MS
o Strokes should be with the grain  Transporting the client to the o Dilaudid
of hair presurgical area about 30-60 min before o Fentanyl
o Nicking and scraping may anesthetics is to be given o Check respiratory depression
become sites of infection  Attend to family needs  Anticholinergics
o Decrease secretion of saliva and
gastric juices
DAY OF SURGERY PREOP MEDS o Prevent bradycardia
 Atropine sulfate
 Allow patient to rest on day of surgery  Reduce anxiety  Robinul
 Family should come 1 hr. before surgery  Promote relaxation  Scopolamine
 Allow patient for personal hygiene  Reduce pharyngeal secretions o Check BP and HR
 Answer patient’s/family questions  Prevent laryngospasm o Dry mouth, drowsiness, urinary
 Monitor VS and report AB  Inhibit gastric secretion consistency
 Assess surgical sites  Decrease amount of anesthesia needed  Antiulcer (histamine h2 antagonist)
 Document preop baseline status of for induction ad maintenance of o Prevent aspiration pneumonitis
patient anesthesia  Ranitidine (zanact)
 PURPOSES:  Cimetidine (Tagamet)
PREOP CLIENT PREP o T relieve fear and anxiety  Famotidine (Pepcid)
 Antiemetics o Teaching family and  Patient allergies
o Increase gastric emptying significant others
o Decrease n/v
 Metoclopramide 2. Preanesthetic Management Physical
(reglan) Status Categories
 Droperidol (inapsine)  ASA/P 1: healthy patient with
no disease
 ASA/P 11: mild systemic ds
PREOP PREP – NANDAS without fix limitations
 ASA/P 111: severe systemic ds
1. Anxiety r/t to unknown
associated with definite
2. Risk for injury
functions limitation
3. Knowledge deficit
 ASA/P 1V: moribund – a patient
who is not expected to service
w/out operation
 ASA/P V1: a declaration brain-
1. Anxiety death whose organ are being
 The nurse must consider the recovered for donor
patient’s family and friends  E: emergencies
when planning psychological
 Empowering their sense of
 Activities that decrease anxiety
are deep breathing, relaxation
exercises, music therapy,
message and animal-assisted  Documents diagnostic tests are
therapy complete
 Use of meds to relieve anxiety  Documents pre-op medication given
o Preop teaching  Documents safety data
o Encourage o ID band in place; 2 identifiers
communication o Jewelry removed
o Promoting rest  Last void
o Using distraction  Dentures removed
 Informed consent verifies

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