Revised What Is Email Marketing

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Hey, everyone, Professor Ron here from One Hour, and today’s
lecture is all about what is email marketing? When I talk about email
marketing, simply put, email marketing is the act of sending emails to people
across the internet, and sending those emails in an effort to make them
actually purchase a product or service that you use, or drive them back to your

In the simplest form, it’s sending out emails to get people to see your brand
and come back to your brand, but really there’s a lot more to it than that.

What we’re going to talk about here is we’re going to talk about two things:

 The audiences of email marketing

 The different types of email marketing


Starting off with the audiences of email marketing, the way I see it, there’s two
different types of audiences that you can use when you’re doing email

There is a mass audience, which is when you go to a third-party, and you

purchase the ability to use a list, and some ecommerce companies will do this,
these email companies will create a list, they’ll find lists of people that have
different interests, specific targeted interests, and then a company will come to
them, and they’ll say, “We’re looking for people that are interested in this
particular topic”, maybe entrepreneurship. “We’re looking for people that are
interested in entrepreneurship”, and these email companies will then have a
really large list.

This could be millions of emails, and what ends up happening is, the company
then purchases the right to email all of those people once, or twice or three
times, whatever their deal may be.
That’s mass email, and those are the types of emails people get and usually, it’s
going to be one of those that you mark as spam, or you delete it, or something
along those lines. It’s the unsolicited emails, and really it’s the cold calling
approach to email marketing.

Most people when they think of email marketing when you say that, that’s
what they think of, that’s what gets triggered in their head is, “I’m not going to
send out emails to all these random people when I’ve never talked to them

The other type of email marketing which is much, much more effective is when
you do opt-in email marketing, and that’s basically when somebody goes to
your website, and they see, maybe they read a blog post, and at the end of the
blog post it says, “To sign up for blog post updates, give us your email here,
and we’ll continually send you updates on the content that we’re publishing”,
and people give you an email.

I will say that mass audience email marketing from my experience, I’ve seen
that where its’ truly just not that effective, because again, it’s a cold call
approach, but actually the opt-in email marketing, that is an incredibly
powerful marketing tool.

Many marketers out there, and if you look at studies about this, many
marketers out there say, “That this is more valuable than social media, this is
one of the most valuable channels of marketing that they have, and if you
think about it, and conceptualize it for a second, that makes a lot of sense
because, when you’re talking about email, and opted-in email lists and
audiences, these are people that have been to your website once, and they
have voluntarily given you information to continue to contact them.

Those are the two different types of audiences when we’re talking about email

Moving on from the audiences, let’s talk about the different types of email
marketing. First off, when you do a Mass email, it’s usually a promotional
email, maybe a special deal, that sort of thing.

What we’re going to do is, we’re actually going to focus on the emails that go to
those opted-in audience, the people who have voluntarily given their email, and
talk about four different types of email marketing that you can do to those
individuals to push your marketing efforts forward.

First off, just as I said are promotional emails with ecommerce sites these
tend to be a little bit higher percentage in emails that go out, but overall
promotional emails are the ones that you send out, and it says “Buy one thing
today, get 50% off of another item, or “Buy something by Friday, and you’ll be
able to get 25% off until Friday”, or something along those lines.

We see those a lot with the large department stores, so it’s one of those things
that it’s promotional in a sense that “Buy a product, here’s a deal on the
product, or share this with a friend and every person that purchases that’s
your friend you’ll get ten dollars back”, whatever it may be, it’s some type of
promotion that’s being sent out, so that’s part one.

The second type of email marketing is a Drip Campaign, and this uses an
email auto-responder which simply put is a system that you put in place that
automatically emails people on a time interval basis.

Drip campaigns are extremely powerful, one of the main reasons why is that
with a drip campaign you’re able to set it up to where somebody signs up for
your email list today, for instance, and two days later they’ll get an email, and
four days after that they’ll get another email, and seen days after that they’ll
get another email, and three days after that they’ll get another email, but the
beauty about this is that with a Drip email marketing campaign using an auto-
responder you don’t have to intervene.
It’s one of those things that people give their email address once, and it runs
automatically, and this becomes really powerful when you get someone to sign
up, and you bring them down a funnel, you give them some good content up
front, you hit them with seven or eight emails all spaced out evenly throughout
time, so that you’re not overwhelming them, and then at some point you say,
“Here’s one of my products that you may want to try”, or something, “or a
course that you may want to enroll in”, and something like that, and you do
that because, it automatically does everything.

It’s really a beautiful thing because you really don’t end up spending any time
on this, it runs them through the funnel automatically, and at the end, ten
emails later, you could, you may or may not end up getting a purchase from it.
So, Drip campaigns are extremely, extremely powerful, and highly

Next are Blog Broadcasts, and this is something I use specifically, I use
AWeber for my email marketing, and I also use an auto-email responder, but I
use AWeber for my email marketing, and blog broadcasts, these are important
because, people have given you their email address, they’ve read your blog,
they’re red a blog post, they likely enjoyed the blog post, and then what they do
is they reach out, and they give their email to you.

In my opinion, it’s your duty as an individual to let those people know that, “I
have a new blog post out, and I think that you may enjoy it, here’s a link to it.”
That’s what blog broadcasts are, and I do this consistently.

You’ve got to be careful not to overwhelm people, you want to make sure that
you space these out. I usually will do this on Wednesdays or Fridays if I have a
blog post ready, but you need to be really careful about not over doing it,
because with all these different email types, and email campaigns out there you
could very easily overwhelm someone, so be careful of that.
And then lastly is a Newsletter. Some people will do weekly newsletters, some
people will do monthly newsletters, but the idea behind newsletters is that you
send an email maybe once a week, or once a month and in that email basically
what you do is you sum up maybe the happenings of the company, or you sum
up some information that those who have joined your email list would enjoy,
and you send that information over to them on a monthly basis, or on a weekly
basis, and that way you’re not risking overwhelming them with emails, but at
the same time you’re giving them a lot of content, delivering it all at once, and
saying, “Here’s a bunch of things that you can check out at the end of the
week”. People can look forward to that if they’re really well written.

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