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Amodiali Press Pack - Contents 2.- 3. Mute’ Mag (US) - Interview (2000) 4-111. ‘Starvox' (U.S) - Interview (2000) 42. ‘Orkus’ Mag. - Album of the Month{(1888) 413. -15. ‘Orkus' Mag.(Germany) - Interview (1998) 416. Promotion Advert - Hagazussa Tour (1996) 417. Live Photo - 1996 418. Live Photo -1986 49. ‘Seething’ - Promo Photo (1990) 20. ‘Seething'-Review 21. ‘Seething’ - Reviews (2000) 22. ‘Zio’ Festival Poster 23. Live - Photo 24. ‘Zillo’ Viag,(Germany) - Interview 25.- BG. ‘Chemantra’ - Reviews (2000) 27. 'M’ M agazine.(Russia) - Interview (2000) 28.- 29. 'Grindzone’ MagItaly) - Interview (2000) 30.'Compulsion’ (U.K) Mag. - Cover 811. Promo Material - Concert, Austria (1998) 32. Live photo - ‘Zillo’ festival 33.-34. 'Orkus’ Mag (Germany) - Interview (2000) 35. ‘Rumore’ Mag [Italy) - Interview - (1995) 36. ‘In Music’ Mag. (Germany) - Interview (2000) 7. Live Photo 38. 'Equinoxe’ Mag.(Germany] - Coven 9.- 40. ‘Elegy’. Mag.(Frence) - Interview (2000) Mother Destruction Would you grant pbringing? [ima child ofthe punk era, the anarchy and ereative innovation ‘of that time was like a door into a wondrous parallel universe ‘which opened for a short time, and inspired me totally..the sonic ‘experimentation of bands like Cabaret Voltaire,23 Skidoo, Pil. the Pop. Group being early influences At this time | started playing in bands with really primitive analogue synths, also Wanted to be a vocalist then , but It took a long time to work out hhow | wanted to use my voice, as conventional singing styles held ‘no appeal whatsoever fo me. us @ brief history of your electronic ‘What or who has encouraged you to devise the imaginative manipulation of synthetic resonance? ‘The main ideas and passions behind M.D. are not directly related to music. Its a long story ..but to try and frame it | would say that for many years ive been trying to create a kind of language of ecstasy’ | feel that our core conciousness has an ecstatic inteligence, which has been obscured and denied to our detriment Trying to defi this 'eostasy conciousness’ has occupied me for a long time now, ive explored many types of philosophies and Practices, but with M.D. Iwanted to make a contribution based on ‘my own experiences. All the music is based on creating various, fitualised ‘energy’ dynamics, and Hve found igital technology to bbe the perfect medium for this ..when Ive experimented with trance techniques ive experienced very strange realities and Sonics ,and this is something | wanted to try and reproduce ...we combine synthesised and organic sounds, especially vole, to try and get close to these wider realites. Working with computers has created a lot of fantastic possiblities that I could nat have dreamed of years ago. | especially love the way one can sculpt sound and modify natural sonic material in a really precise way. Im offen ‘tying to re-create sounds that only exist in my head, and its only really in the last year that ive felt like ive started to get close to aproximating them. Trying to map out the extremes of ecstatic ‘experience, feelings ,and sounds seems to be a teritory that has much let to be explored creatively. ‘The main intention with our live act is to ereate a modeen version of a ‘seid ritual. By which I mean that we try to evoke a very celebratory, frenzied and intenso atmosphere, within which | try to attain various trance states, through thesel try to stimulate various energies within the frameworks that the songs provide. T ‘seething’ states can manifest pretty wildly ,othertimes | can channel the shuddering into dance movements... in any case, ignited it aint! It's not necessary to have an interest in the intentions and ideas behind the music , hopetully anyone could feel stimulatod and energised by it in the real primal sense that ance music can provide. Live work is the real essence of M.D. {as we can bring together all the elements such as lighting , visuals,etc. Our sound is much harder and more tribal than on C.D. For me its the ultimate challenge to ty and reach the level ‘of unseliconciousness and abandonment required to go into a ‘seething! trance, yet keep a foot in normal realty enough to keep the continuity of the performance together. It seemed to me that the best way to communicate ecstatic energies, is simply show it, rather than theorise and intellectualise about it..when it work and the audience connects its wonderful. In our lve shows I often. vocalise using very spontaneous and cries, on our last European tour at some concerts fe the audience ware redpocaing beck wih sarge surat ot \ very weird and alavistic but in a real nice way. Bke mu of that reaction... Mo. cnt We ns fo a_i SS creat at rs i Ss ‘myself that wil be only available via. mailorder and hopetully me format. The featured music will be highly experimental or Specialised, and thus wouldn't be practical for a general release as IR would be of a more limited appeal Do you ever plan on future? | would ove to play the U.S. , fm hoping that we may be able to do a small tour sometime in the not too distant future. Our now label Trinity Records seems to have arranged good distribution for 'Chemantra' C.D. , $0 it all depends on how much interest and reaction we get touring the Unit This le a litte off topic, but | must comment on your b find you extremely ‘intriguing and your physic Intellectual beauty nearly flawless, D0 you have a lot of lunusual reactions to your physical beauty along with your Intense display of electronic musical art? ‘Thanks for your comments but | really do not consider that 1am ‘conventionally beaut ,this isnot self criticism at al, but | dont ‘embody physical corelations to ideal standards that are presented in the media, which seem to promote an impossible combinations. ‘of youth and perfection. But most people are programmed to ‘react to this kind of sanitised aesthetic, | hope the M.D imagery is challenging compared to that. | think that most women have a very painfully ambiguous relationship to beauty, as it's generally an Lnforgiving standard by which all women are measured, and other aspects of femininity are stil not valued as much. When | started ut in music;women were stil seen largely as omamentation,it ‘was hard to be taken seriouslyit was totally depressing. This ‘gradually seems to have changed largely through efforts of femalo artists of my generation such as Bjérk, Courteney Love,ete,and previously through the likes of Patty smith , siouxsle. Of course | ‘am not ant-beauly, i's a high spirtual universal energy that can bbe perceived on a multitude of levels, and its a power that women ‘can manifest through their whole beings, not just the physical. | hhope that my work as M.D. has a ‘beauty, | find that strong teactions | get especially to performances come from women who ‘seem to buzz off the energy | create, which is very raw, sensual and ‘crazy’, women instinctively seem to appreciate what Im trying to communicate... think men have more of a tendency to be freaked out by it! is also quite interesting to see the male/female reaction to some of our artwork /promo material which features a lot of nude shots. | figured that | would get a lot of exiticism trom women for being ‘poltically incorrect , the images are intended to reflect the very primal/ ‘magickal and physical aspects of the ‘music and | fell it was the most honest and natural way of presenting myself, and ive actually had nothing but favourable Teactions from women. From some men ive had the idea they think it's a cheap stunt to put pictures of breasts in our promo material! All | can say is all power to the breast! fm totally Uninterested most of the ideas behind modern sexual politics which | think often miss the point totally. | think it's natural primordial need for many to look at images of naked's. a longing for ‘goddess’i's only conditioning thats created the idea that this is somehow shameful and the concept of pornography was created. If women had been revered and respected throughout the last couple of millania , then their sexuality would S (say that we.wolcome-any feedback, artharyane Wanting information-about-MD-can contact us. Wie E-mail at, mall order enquiies should be direct 116, erosby.Lverpoo! 122 3UZ. UK Mote Destin LAO 453 pm Interviews Feature Articles Concert Reviews CD Reviews Interviews Radio Reviews ‘Club Scene. Contest Links News Photo Gallery Merchandise Archives Credits Advertise Musicians Resource StarVox Events| Press aap war stave nvintiew/m hn Mother Destruction ~Interview by Adrian (photos courtesy of Mother Destruction and Trisol Records) Cybersexuality, techno-tribalism, and industrial aural assaults, this is what is created and dissolved within the musical project Mother Destruction. | want to share a small story with you as to why this woman is my pick for the women who rock series this month. Back in May here in Austin, TX we have an annual festival called Burning Flipside, Which is a smaller sister festival to the annual Buming Man festival out in Black Rock City Nevada. People from all walks of life and beliefs come together for four days of complete personal freedom to enjoy life. Various musicians, art instilations, performers, DJs and "alternative" thinkers gather together and talk, share stores and enjoy the magic of what a true community is, leading up to the paganistic buming of the "Man and all out visual and aural assault of the party afterwards where as many as thirty theme camps join together in creating a massive display of lights, music and all out is almost like stepping into another dimension for 12 hours. While being a fan of Mother Destruction for many years now, | guess it would be safe to say | have never "experienced" the music like | did when | spun it on the evening of the Bum this year. Our camp was a complete mixture of what would be best described as a modemized version of a highly psychedelic den from 1967 and some otherworld, alien structure which swirled in the smoke from the fires that opened up around the camp areas and the main Bum. Fire spinners, dancers, and jugglers populated the grounds while colorful costumes of all shapes and sizes created a fractalized image of human absorption of true "magical" energy. It is really hard to explain the beauty and intensity 1 111101453 pm that overtakes 500+ people in an environment like this and these words really are not doing it justice at all So there I was playing my set when | took a different direction in the mood, an almost tribal, sexual direction, in which Mother Destruction was the first artist | played. The mood, which was at first frantic and scattered suddenly became one of playful erotica, dark mother-goddess seduction, and animalistic energy that harkens back thousands of years ago when all we had was the moon, the sun, and nature and all her unforgiving gifts. Sounds washed and slithered and the hypnotic beats pounded and created a support of energy that | have never witnessed in a group of people dancing under the stars and moon in the middle of the woods. Mother Destruction has always been heavy in the pagan influence with her music and words and her sexual magick energy that laces the songs she creates was in full force this evening almost to the point of no retum. | ended up playing about nine of her songs throughout the evening. To this day | have never had quite such an experience with any other artist | have played at such an event nor has the crowd | was playing to ever become so enraptured to any other music as much as they did to Mother Destruction. Amodali and Patrick O'Kill make up Mother Destruction and they are two people who really have their fingers on the pulse of dark, tribal, gothic, electronic music and its culture and this is why, in such humble terms and words, | feel that she is definitely a woman who rocks!. Adrian: First off, where did the name, Mother Destruction, come from? Mother Destruction: It's simply a metaphor for the kind of transformative energies which can break down all the unhelpful and unhealthy psycho/physical complexes which prevent us from reaching our true potential,an ecstatic force which could be identified with various deities or simply a visionary experience which shatters preconceptions and limitations. A: Describe the direction you are taking musically with Mother Destruction and what style you are creating MD: Well | think creative direction is something of a 'shadow-dance',| guess a lot of artists seek some kind of essential core of inspirational, indefinable energy that they are trying to penetrate and express , this ‘holy of holies’ tends to reveal or hide itself in a totally random manner, so experience only provides one with a better idea of how to create the conditions for a musical experiment to work. The last couple of M.D albums were quite rhythmic and body orientated, the next album will stil retain some elements of this but there will be a lot more focus on experimental sonics.As to our style... | don't really think this is defined by any particular musical genre which often confuses people ,I think it's more to do with the particular vibes that we try to create which are very sensual, pagan, wild, otherworldly and ritualistic in a very idiosyncratic way, it's modem ‘kundalini music. ‘A: When you first walk into the studio, what are the first steps in creating a song? What is, required for Amodali and Patrick to gather the right energy in your music. MD: We work in a rather intuitive way, | have collections of words , poetry and drawings! diagrams which | keep ,which come from ‘magickal ' memories and experiences which are itv www aarvor.act itv Nt Pape 20f9 Mother Desastion 1/1101 453 pm the main source for our songs. Ori sit with a mic. and a recording machine and fall into various trance states which often results in various vocalizations and text which welll later sample or weave into a song. When we are putting tracks together ill have a lot of sounds in my head which | want to try and recreate to get the right atmosphere, so we will spend a lot of time experimenting until we find the right textures. Then Patrick will structure and program all of these elements into rhythms /melodies/soundscapes which we then finally edit and mix. ‘A: How does your local music scene affect or not affect you musically? MD: Our local scene has no influence whatsoever, as in the U.K apart from in London there are very few venues supporting experimental music. A: Care to go into the history of Mother Destruction and what makes the project, and yourself, tick? MD: M.D was created in 1990 to be a multi-faceted reflection of magickal experiments in which sonics, visuals ritual and live performance could be used to express aspects of the ecstatic energies i'm inspired by. It's something of an ‘obsession as most aspects of my life are tied in with M.D in some way , our first project was ‘seething’ which was an exploration of aspects of Nordic shamanism -Apart from the sense of personal destiny and unstoppable magickal dynamics that this project seemed to possess it felt important at the time to try and present Runic magick and symbolism in a way that highlighted feminine and very primal aspects of these energies as for many people the runes have very ugly connotations. Whereas ! felt aspects of the northem mysteries had been overlooked , specifically the lore of the vanir ( the name of a mythical family of gods including Freyja who presides over areas such as sex magic and fertility). The vanir are a logical place to try and look for many aspects of northern European shamanism and female mana which have been eradicated over millenia, and through many invokations of Freyja and connecting with 'seidr energies | found a body of knowledge which are the roots of a personal cosmology which | connect with more modern praxis and magickal currents . I'm particularly interested in trying to understand the dynamics of the female sacred /energy body and how it connects and can be developed with various occult sciences for example Thelema and scientific ideas such as those of Wihelm Reich. A: | have noticed that you mentioned before that you try to recreate a modern version of a,seidr ritual, can you explain what that is and why you interweave that into your music? MD: ‘Seidr' means ‘seething’ in Old Norse , in the scandanavian eddas and sagas it described as a trance technique practiced by the high priestesses of the old pagan religion mainly for prophesy . But 'seidr’ is also sacred to the goddess freyja who presides over the areas of magick and sexuality, and i've spent the past decade trying to uncover more complex aspects of female shamanism connected with freyja,'seidr’ and the vanir in general which has resulted in a very personal set of practices which i've incorporated into our performances. Obviously living in Northem Europe | can feel a very elemental connection with the Nordic deities ,and in feeling them in the earth | walk upon | found a way to manifest and consolidate different aspects of spirituality into a cohesive entity. With 'seidr’ | found a way to create a map of the awakened female ecstatic body which was in harmony with many other magickal currents | connect with pion: strex nevintvewnd him Page 3089 Mother Desretion 11101 4:53 pm such as Thelema and utilise these energies in a real creative sense. 'Seidr' can be a very physical practice in contrast to similar ecstatic techniques such as tantra in which static postures dominate, 'seidr’ is often very wild, frenzied and dynamic. The Excellent author Jan Fries has written a book in which he explores the physical dimensions of ‘seidr'’ , it's connections with trembling and shaking phenomena and similarities to shamanic practices in other cultures which | highly recommend. In our live show | try to invoke, weave and dance seidr energies into particular dynamics reflecting the songs, to bring the songs to life as they are simply sonic spells waiting to be awakened... ‘A: What is your spirituality and how close does it connect within your music? MD: | have always been rather a loner as far as spiritual pursuits go, Ive carved out my own path based on my own experience . Broadly speaking I'm pagan with a lot of inspiration from Runelore, Thelema and many other occult disciplines and philosophies. Spirituality is merged to the music completely and | try to keep pushing against boundaries in both these areas to try and create something that's always changing and evolving. A: Do you ever look at the world and ask yourself, "what are we doing to ourselves?" MD: Every day! All of the political structures in place in the world are soul destroying in varying degrees and the continuing environmental impact of our human presence on this planet is not being addressed on a serious level. | don't see how we can continue to go on much longer in this way. Currently the ‘anti-capitalisvenvironmental' protesters | think are voicing concems of many in that we need to look at ways of managing economic systems/environmental impact in a more global and holistic manner. It's just common sense, but since when did that count for anything when the greedy few want to cling on to power through divisive politics/economics or fundamentalist religion, and the apathetic affluent bury their heads in the mindnumbing trough of consumer culture . It's obvious we are at a real pivotal time in terms of our evolution/survival, the wake-up call has been sounding for a while now ,| don't know if enough of us will listen in time. ‘A: Your band mate, Patrick was once in Death in June and seems to carry quite a history behind him, which some of the rumors have been quite negative. Can you dispel some of that hypocrisy that surrounds him and shed some light as to how you two connected? MD: It's very ironic that when I met Patrick | had never heard of ‘Death in June'and | think it would be hard to find two entities as starkly different in imagery, energy and subject matter as M.D and D.l.J . Patrick had long ceased any connection with D.I J when I met him, and it's not for me to comment on this ,he has explained it at length in other interviews. I's been frustrating over the years,as peoples assumptions about artists motives are often very short sighted, this may be frustrating but hardly surprising in the case of D.I J , but unfair as people assume some kind of common ground just by association when no connections exist in reality From what | can tell most peoples reactions to D.! .J are coloured by their own ‘shadow selves’ , hypocrisy and narrow mindedness , | assume it's exactly these aspects of the human psyche which Douglas P seeks to challenge (although | have never met him, my npr starve met nview/md an Page 40f9 L101 453 pm impression is that he is a person of great honesty . integrity and humour ) . His imagery and music reflect themes that have nothing in common with M.D but I would totally defend his prerogative as an artist to have total freedom to express whatever he wants to. | met Patrick through a strange series of synchronous events, which was nothing to do with his musical past, but fate somehow provided me with a musical partner with whom | have had the greatest artistic affinity , there is no-one else | could have imagined who would have had the combination of insight and sensitivity to create the music for ‘seething’ for example which was a very idiosyncratic album, Patrick was uniquely qualified for this work, as his previous interpretations of magickal themes on works such as 6 comm's' fruits of yggdrassil ‘had shown. ‘A: How do you think you have matured from your first few records such as Seething to the latest gem Chemantra ? MD: Getting to grips with digital music technology over the years has definitely played a major part in our musical evolution .| imagine a lot of musicians like me have daydreamed over the years about some kind of Midi device which could be plugged straight into ones brain to translate ones musical ideas but now reality is'nt so very far from that, most sounds that one can imagine can now be created through various types of audio Sculpting/sampling techniques , it's a long way from when | first started grinding out noise from early analogue synths and now that I have the possibilities I've always dreamed of for making music it feels like i'm just starting really. Seething(our first release) was a special album to me in a sense that contradicts everything ve just said in that it was done on the spot in 5 days in a studio we had no equipment to write/ demo the material with . | had a kind of blueprint of what | wanted to create and invoke with the album which I discussed with Patrick, then it was a case of hoping it would work when we tried to put it together. The album sounds very raw but it has a sense of ‘inbetweeness' that | was trying to attain. ‘Chemantra’ is a lot more polished in some ways but it marks a newphase in our music in that | had the chance to really work on producing the kind of sonics that had previously been technically unattainable , a least 50% of the sonic material on the album is from vocal sources even some of the percussion, and | hope in future to develop these first experiments with our next album. ‘A: Your sound has a strong sexuality and almost a dark seductive and psychedelic quality which is quite noticeable. How do you create that within your music and what drives that energy to be so strong and open? MD: I'm glad that these aspects are coming across as one of the main creative objectives of M.D is to widen interpretations of sexuality and how it can inspire and engage the mind and body. My own experiences of this energy have been the fuel for my spiritual and creative work. Theres a vast magickal science of how sonics can evoke various energies which | don't claim to be an expert in by any means , but | have tried to create a kind of ecstatic sonic language of my own to describe the various energies and states of consciousness which | find inspiring . This involves using a lot of voice and organic sounds, creating pulses with these which are stimulating and trancelike or sounds which cut very asymmetrically through a piece to create a disjointing/disorientating effect . It's a primary motive for me to try and find new definitions of relating sexuality and sound i's extension of how | experience life , which | guess has always been through my genitalia! | have always interacted with the world through a kind of ecstatic flux in Which the sexual organs are the first to be engaged long before my brain! | can feel a roa starver.neintvow an hm Page 5069 Motte Dsrtion HAVOL 653 pm A: How much does your live sets differ from your studio creations? MD: ina live set there are more elements involved such as (apart from the previously mentioned ritual elements ) lighting, visuals and a battalion of live percussion which creates a much richer and harder edged sound which can't always be present in studio recordings, we try to make the live performances as manic and spontaneous as possible. A: You have now created a new label, Ond music. How did that come about and what is the aim of the label? MD: With Ond we are hoping to create a vehicle for more specialized ritual, dance and experimental music thats inspired by spirituality and experimentation. We will release music from various offshoots of M.D such as Patricks 'PSG' , my solo work and material from other artists such as schiZm. The music will often be very specialized in it's appeal so it wouldn't be practical for general terrestrial release but we hope that anyone interested in more experimental ritual sonics will be able to find us on the intemet.We are also selling M.D/kenaz and 6 {0 lsu, Pik ved eis sheen. Heese rd es ihe ts Weg vo ale as ageagn und wo. 1: Sdetage sit eine Abt ser 2 ete. amd einer om was be i? Wat Yor at Ser pps andere mage Ther? 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Pid bit grade a eine Solan, de Iopchrwer ht ee wr pot aed deter al cine Neuen Bee its bes a pane xe tid 7? ae aS la MOTHER DESTRUCTION - HAGAZUSSA - sricesconiacs ee) DAS ERSTE ZEICHEN VON MOTHER DESTRUCTION SEIT 1994: HAGAZUSSAl AMODAL] UND PATRICK BEFAHREN WIEDER DIE SCHIENEN DES EXPERIMENTELLEN TRANCE-DANCE UND LEGEN SIE -Wit IMMER MIT IHREN VEROFFENTLICHUNGEN- WEITER IN BISHER UNSEKANNTE SPHAREN. Orkus MOTHER DESTRUCTION LIVE -MUTTERTAGE- 1. JUNI LEIPZIG, PFINGSTTREFFEN 2. JUNI BERLIN, INSEL 3. JUNI BOCHUM, ZWISCHENFALL 4. JUNI T.B.A. 5, JUNI ROSSELSHEIM, RIND 6. JUNI MESSKIRCH, ABBY Bookine & TOURINFO ‘Arodi Phot by Ot SEETHING Seething is musically realized by Patrick O'kKill, and features Amodali, a priestess of Babalon and practitioner of Seidr magic, who adds her extraordinary vocals to this LP. Drumming, chant and dance can attain shamanic levels of avatism. This beautifully-packaged,and exquisitely realized LP attains a synthesis of these which imparts a genuine ‘feel’ of the Northern Mysteries; only attained elsewhere, perhaps, and at a more cerebral level, by the Norse/Zen horn playing of ECM's Jan Garbarek. Beginning with ‘Mithras'. Here, the sound of blades, being keened, leads to a thunderous, _rhythmically-charged invocation of the feminine spirit, as the lines are intoned ‘The hill of masculinity lies parched and dead. Her time has come’. All six tracks possess this urgency and power; as, for example ‘Hella’, where that Goddess of Death & Dark Chaos is depicted in spacy drum beats and a soaring, swelling soundscape. Its primal quality inspires a mood of dark and brooding energy. The LP's ideas; tribally realized in its course; are summated and catalysed in its final track ‘Serpent Dance’, a ritual drumming tour-de-force, intended to energise the ‘serpent fire’ or Kundalini. Overall, this record has an urgency and drive not often heard on records purporting to be based on magickal or shamanic concepts, with its brooding music, fiery rhythms and evocative singing, it is a nigh-on perfect mix of music and magic in precise conjunction. (Review: Memes 1991) Hoblink Mag "Seething is an achievement deserving real acclaim and recognition. So much music linked to occultism is unde stanably derided. Pagan influenced music (with some exceptions) is quaint and folksy, whilst the tinkle tinkle new age cassettes seem to drain excess energy around the wallet chakra but act as the astral equivalent of valium. Seething has passion, has come backbone, mystery and intensity, and is disturbing in parts. The work demands response from alll pagans and heathens. At last there is some music linked to the pagan tradition which primarily stirs the senses and pssesses vitality. The title is a translation of ‘seidr’ a form of norse magic/occultism linked to feminine mysteries, shamanism and runolore, even sexual deviance according to one or two commentators. The lyrics explore the goddess tradition, the rise of patriarchy (mithras - the wrath), whilst the track ‘Kenaz’ is touchingly erotic, a sort of heathen bridging of Seething Reviews sexual ectasy and spiritual energy. Another song ‘a evokation of hella’ is magnificent and potent, being concerned with the darker image of the goddess. Other tracks ‘the serpent dance’ and ‘birth of the seven' are concerned with the awakening of the sacred serpent energy. Highly recommended.” Audion Mag “In the ever growing genre of ritualist music add yet another inventive group. Mother Destruction, who ride beyond the realms of early current 93, with magical imagery, music that cuts from dead ean dance onto © yuki conjugate and ever stranger realms. The concoction with magical and sexual texts (mostly temale voice) creates powerful land potent imagery that can be quite unnerving" Modern Taboo Mag “What's that sound? knives? thares danger ahead. Too late. You are head long into the storm. One should consider this before pressing play - this disc is potent. It is largely the work of Patrick OKills partner Amoldi. Her liner notes explain her work with runic energies and the goddess babalon. The flame of the her breath impales the listener as she spits the venom of her power, tempered with matriarchal love. ‘The songs are a sories of rituals hammered home by ecstatic Percussion as well as all manner of fierce sounds and persuasive undercurrents compliments of Mr O'Kill, If you survive the journey through the tumults of ‘mithras’ and ‘evokation of hella’ - the enthralling, almost serene ‘Kenaz’ 'Serpent Dance is the other side of the eye, end the C.D. with more Intense drumming and chants. | urge fans of crash worship and their ilk to find this. This le my pick of the issu F.C.0.L. Mag “The work ‘seething! the breath of the serpent concentrates on cryp- tically detailed instrumentation in highly dramatic gestures. The work aspires to a mighty cascade of brooding drums fused into the invocation extremely modulated vocalisms by Amodali with cascading soundscapes and deviations of decorative rhythms, creating forms of cultured trance dance. The basis of the work is an exploration of | shamanic techniques and concepts in which the shaman (net the group) is a person who has an overwhelming psychological experience that tums him totally inward. The whole unconcious opens up and the shamen falls into it. Such like a medicine man whe works with the supernatural. Quite an involved project from both Patrick O'Kill and Amodali in conceiving that the work is an indispensable prere: quisite fantastically done and well recommended for something so unique. | strongly recommend contacting Kenaz for their catalogue as they have a lot to offer!” Softwaten “To compare it to anyone , I'd say that with the limited knowledge that | have of such music, they perform in a similar field to the likes of Sol invictus and recent Current 93, yet have lept beyond the point these people have reached to somewhere akin to @ more cultured , studied aware Contrastate (circa i ) yet have there own individual sound. To conclude an early contender for Soft Watch record of the year....Soft Watch mag. alien eset LY giant Le A te ae LONDON iS ae ted rote fa "FH ree * @ ‘FHER De eter foecresa Co ae tle ea ace aaoe US & MARY CHAIN | ONT LINE ASSEMBLY Bes ed ia e “INC HTABOKATABLES ' AND ALSO THE bras 4 peur’ SIND oho FORTHCOMING FIRE: aes OF ‘-ARDEN OF araatenes Nachdem Patrick O'Kill und Amodali mit ihrem frees rr in England ein anil Fasko cerlebten, wurde es seh, seh ruhig um das in magie schenDingenexermenterende und musheende Due, Dar mate hr “Comeback” mit dm im Sommer eschienenen bun "Pagan Dance” (Kenaliscord), er Besta Dppel.€0 (Celtic Circle Productions/EFA), dem brandneven ‘bum “Side Serpent” (KenawPiscorda) und einer anstehenden Deutschland-Tournee wie ein Pauken- schlag an, der auch a ede, dr von der Beendigung ihrer Aktivititen nur im leisesten abercegt wa, as Geentel ns Gedchinis ru ln lets ahr war mit der EP “Ascending The Spi ‘Groone" nd de Vertetichngcnes ino ‘ete Faken nsuen Lebes 21 verochen Siete er Dopelane Mosher Desrton Sith Comm auch in wenig Vewitng, wre im Booklet dis Ser Album ies ther Dearaion We bess, ws Amodal in rem lerersen Face-Far nevi tech ber ust, “Ais wi Seething gomuht habe, stele wrest, de Mask viligandes war, dre gn een il ate ls ‘Se een Sate, 0d wir us ds enchlsen cine in tht fr Max di Pach on je, aber Pack rice dn Nien Sith tigen Vert Fenlshongen, sein Solracen ued Kollsbosone bl Sect Unicsshedung reichen Sich Con Destnction 2a wachen Mother Des enalen, die von dr Atmore er dente Comm Schon nel. Mother Desrcio eine ¥l andere Sache Ose Ulrthidng dent sowohl as Sc ‘efi die Lea, om die vege Maik einordnen 20 ‘orn, ls auch ls Mle frum, weitere ds rusian Spelaom mich 30 WMie-Seething "nah de Musi on Pa tinen wets eythnischeen Caakie ‘uch augioglcer, Analis Tet, ie von der Gtin BatlonFreva isin ware, (nde in und Amoi nen Trommelwirel are ate mosaic! rang und beschworen Bilder ton itu te er Far Amol chin a Teten, depres Arbeit mit etcusstongeite Sybiose eric ‘Mn ire a Oke cine Faint irk alsichngr wa, wurde ich i Erne fu, 8 verachid ‘Verio von Sexi ed eter Energie, Das war der Punk von dem aus wi wit aise Syl auf ince Kompletere Wet betta eh begann mit Visonn 2s Rane, ve lem der de de Gti Freya symbolise. Da wet ch ach beraup ihe Gb nen. Es deach etches berm twain, ds dom meinen urpringlchen Esfahan gen it Seu od Kester Teh fen ds Mi rit ea ‘ectindea kona, Sohalich soci i th ingen die dit in Vstindang sone is dr haypschliche Ker deste, wat wir mit ler Destruction chen" Amoal, di ci den Faon Ser Mask moot Pose heh od ale Perfor in ig war vor sie wach Amsterdam Biche D: ing um ners an weibichen Mtr, Magic und Shamans vere, Pack Oil de sich pach eine pit von Dea une rit Sith Con daseren, hthcterenKlingen der ants idee, set Ame en iesen Pare gefunden as hab. Paik ued icherlnaen ns ei er et, Packs A sie der panzer Soke int ser element. devel mek ‘it Gt wd er Nr verre it Exh cin agp ysis Vrinsa allenDingsn. Sie Spal Komnt cher avs den weilichen Mysterien, Sea Kuni, Des dedie Kenur-Rune ier Je bevor wuts emerge, Wit beideempfiden das, was wie it unserer Mesias che. esti ei, ach wena Pack es andes Wa esiualich it a i Mitlerseile haben de Biden Zinger and mit der Pan Da For ie mi sitachen Op Nach vnchidenn Sings and de: CD-EP "Ascending The Sil Groove” eschien dara vo ingen Monaen mit “Paan Dace” ds ese Full-Time. Albu, mi em sich Paik vad Amodau ethnic anfeshowen gegen eve Tends nde Dance Szee wien. Doch Armia eet da mit em © Eimsatzeekrnische Mitel kein bow wenden, aber das ine beachge Sache Wihaen tur figs, {ah de CD a0 Wig, dal wc sie Wit ‘Sichen abet, de wir voer ‘ndtv aber che wind wider her nd 98 hier, kame rm Maik die Zi machen wl EEstaunich iat wich out die Tabac, da) it de {Siig Dopyel-CD-Comiltion endlich in rei Soir Cberik ute das bherge Schule von ther Desracion Sh Comm chien ii de Spe Aci Novenber an “Wirhaben er sehr che, ud wi mtn ds ‘as em ir eden be, Dae ane vier ive efoeanees me token von Pagan Dance nd neuen Mater, dh eh wer Biba in einen Te iets, sich wiih tut Es dere inl und ul Eifavurg wed, Dirk Hottann eta vember | f MRED in ee PO caeXU ng Beginn: 20.00 Uhr s| EBS linen ee Rem CO er aa ora Pre eee neon ees RISEN NOUVELLES LEC OMT enc CSc arc mcs Tite coon Pe: hime Pie File under Produkct-lnfo:, ‘Mother Destruction .Chemanta’,inr ites, extrem cubtaugiches Album, verbindet ekstatsches Tribal Drumming, Drum Ride, ‘erkautsaroumente: ~ Anzeigen in ORKUS 03/00 (1/4 S.) und ORKUS 04/00 (1 8.) > Brandneues Album der Techno-/Ritual Trance-Pioniere MOTHER DESTRUCTION. & Bass und magisch-beschrende Gesange. Ein Pfichtkaut fr alle Anhnger von Underwori oder ‘Makai bis hin zu Sonar oder Winter. Tracklisting: NYD ~The Other Sie Of The Equation, Ride Rune 0, Hore Now, Chemanta, Distant - Diamond, Shamankas Recipe, Kinky Dakni, FB. - 0.0. Artikel in ORKUS 03/00, ZILLO 04/00 und SONIC SEDUCER 04/00 ~ Reviews In RAVELINE 04/00, BEAM ME UP 04/00, LOOP 04/00, GROOVE 04/00, ORKUS 03/00, TILLO 04/00 und SONIC SEDUCER 04/00, Spin City 05/00 Side-Line 04+05/00 ' OTHER DESTRUCTION (Crema (ed Vt Reads) ‘ath arate prea an tor ates oa tar ‘ain ince ine ecb Noyes meg fon ery essa eer | sei ener ett “pmnse monic etc ae ns Benen Sktessignebenenstenraen tins Tomttetesy essere arse non (eSelharin mex noc e. Orkus 03/00 TextundTon 04/00 ‘Mother Destruction “Chementa® co cigrePa toile: hel tee Ct Seton aut dem _Verstngetbom {Eat snage at te Sere “Hagazussa” haben Amodali und Patrick ‘Nee sant oti Feet at: Bo Okt mit gnden Eye pace ri en ron sar Ene von nligenem Techno an ed een rp ald ederim nisch-schamanistisenen ster wate there ane “Gomme wi gest tear Tescwtranptae eee ind St ‘aie tome Wm Sete Sameera Tors Tec peolgtpregtigel pao eater ete “erat pnb ‘Sermany n agctn ae ae fer erg och Sen St ce. Mo (woot oot nde need “opera “noch eng ech Segre ere" Sehwachen sues “pientech Zog mo oer e “Chonan” in oem ween inet ‘ea -tusgearbeiteten Gewand aus Electronics orien Pie. ‘und Ambientstrukturen, die von einem 2 ae SR or Sis os pee Black Frihjahr 2000 Stes Cueme ae Sine mates ct weteres otal femdarg Wingendes MOTHER DESTRUCTION “Chemana® (CO) Instrument ein, Trancig-atmospharsce a, Rneraestng abe Eh ear ogeten Frngen wesc sch ceges oe area Satecette DereeRrachen ab and” geen den ‘Seat Sra a erate Sten ee ungunn dma Ns Sorter cr sae Rene fle. Wgst rit rot gem Fetisch lion bogeyang Searle Se aac hug Mon gant fe Ee ies westetae ts to spnitcen Erenjensplren 2u nen, de ‘in gies of BRAC Ate Dsmeton tre Ma fet eaeged ct tags sane aS Eniden Min Bow 3) Se plete 9 pe oer ce Meson Mace eso fict Ssesucentor eet ‘oii Bum rh = Sore nremeree oe Ee eree teens ae Sas MOTHER DESTRUCTION mwamanpr | cpenu mac | Romy, wae swore ‘Sitar yet nares {iatemerene onan ‘epee nm wong Serena? Asa ul cat OF oartece «rime noeawerent ‘at ose myrawr:ppararaair {int oramtiaaio? On a trepeous Eom Sau ower Yrmspimeniai Yo corona DESTRUCTION erpaneneno. pomama nates y nae preme Reno's roan 8 wiysisos desnopevenravope Amol A ‘Coonmouij cabo marwce ‘ayinaven © ceoeborecaoe 2 ‘Sore jrapuoreTeonede: penn Cape an fpemcrepmsneayeren wae a ap Shor eee apperce-e: ns estat eaase cece opr yaatiamon tencrnecroro ne Siateah nu, a mae Pijana, 6 anpent ba repuaie Towle Ware Qe R Serpe! RoxneKanson Toueeanchan ® ankle Grote nedene inty Recard" marces YoouiQH Waban: mertetne Mepxy concen [MOTHER DESTRUCTION buinye: » Uvarhee maowioe ueuewe L” Grae? i ‘now eaom nom anGonn eens Sern eesyaacrss vk hy 8 ya em FGhementya" eames tanue |. Yataoveres Foye, fay Togs Ye *Chemana? moras aunt ‘sonuncopwteraponarenal axe saenaens Tesch’ yea hal abe tre mponn ume fae mie F erarn Nan rpatinea Gora 9 oc. Tarp HE, “pinos fantann ¢ spstorausl cheeses ame capeugn enlonegnuaenee Gol) vs veh cae @ forgo a ‘rap ime react tows pogenepevedar wet a 2h voparharah ce wae tose (eauene pasarene fee Rorano reas cober wore ue Mauch WSR a caeN In Fest maou i paaiaonate, eat cei Ns) pling or ‘afvcutan na tootsie Han roi ovaonodet anes fa sie compeaaune tenn 2 ce imir oseimeccae a Mace cris wyatronelh poet €seson Dat bee ie tain Nearepancronr Moura epmpomen Tyre ia) inns {Siac fovea somonst sein Men pe kecromaero eben ehcaiht yop, theemaspaan «BAe wie a ee ee i for open nua Conm encnonenmer Be Yepoene faa fay | fora. Tio: neeapenne nie, RomWORINce cephaMties We. regen. Datoon Srepathag, MOR Peoenpatnie € wagany to" -pacuontaumoesh teancner: acs ovens nfapece Gore : fect tc w guest oar spun hm ae ae con epost Bee ae Bias Winer nceh! tpomou eve canst yeduaie Spm felony consul po pe [earsoente eoapdve okgrane”orbpauine vib emjsarenre “Metter bene acon vine oe £ musi he cele sete Ay oppanacrn 8 oe MGoed omnacane agen he" wap, esi su nowenctt Grane ete puoi aneh on mt eon eka oa Tir S'eStepiewe pone: at a eects mee OTe tron pi wn oy tl re Depo “eet xe Sond ance Pesan ee ets MNr. 20/00 Rune, Corpo e Spirito ae EOS Gane noel etc ae ae er ere SSE eee ne ee ene aon rape ea erent et mm aot cna nes PRs Ce a cee ere ener eal aa ee cn ee een try over cane SOR cee ee Bore are ee a | Pa eee eens Pantene reenter Sour Ree rian Bas aera Sens SP Renee Uae mn eens za ree eee a eee ROTTEN a Ce oe Sea ee Te a ee ner nN weer ae RT a nee a PO Re ne eee Pee a ce pe Hen Pook poet aaa oma enter iey mn tt a Nn ee EN Pa) CG Tra A a a re ere ne | Pa eae Si erodo proprio che sala perso- | ma voce con particolari riami per eer eee eta Pee ar Perec ny Pane re rm Ean an Ne OR Fer eer eee eee ae ea PO Re OR ea Cee ae em ee ea ee ae Pe Arc en ae cre Fane Onan Pa eo Lo Ty Re oN RO OO ee a a ee ines ere Ce tc : rT Poe : ain rasa N i Panos Pea \ ri eae Reais rie Pra re ST Pr Pn a errnes Pra aT renee ti ran rnin Paes ears nr ont Oe rou crear aE ne rate) De Poa en ras cee aes en nr Penne Pern meme Pra eras Sac ects an rarer can a rere sr a eens ero rrr rena eres rs ra Ee rene ara Pr eas ra coe ran ear Pree s oe ss Paro Pee e cee oer i } Saree pra i aren aan pararns hires 5 ey ra Pe Pl ea CRU ner Reece OMAR Re eM eRe rere tyr Ue aac ecaLe LR aaa eS ea CO Sn) POSS tre et ae en a see a ee ra or nena Pe oer ct Reo Pee oR eR Pe Parra ven eee ee a er Tey A ee ea ee Oe ere Re i ea Perce Sernnnie ern eet a Derma eee eens PATE a en nT a ea PT RT ean eR OT Ra 5 Orem ncn emer a T Peery or Brrr tan arnt Ce Re a a ae a rn er RO ee SSR in ie an ee a CN a SR aR one Ra renter nen Anan ena er En eee a iia ere nn et aE ee ee Se en OT ar ante Ceri eer ne a oa nr COT arena ener ie nee ee Cy etic eee ener ne a a cp prrrrnemenr ern aa oan on ee rer a Sern Rene nn re Va SOT sen neat a oon arte i ea en TT mT ROR oe a rear rare err PR ar ne ee a Sr Ten yeep a SR ROY Ne ate ra a Sen erred as iene ors rari Pea ren rans ars eran Pras See Pore Re nen eee ee ey Rn ee a ae erm ee Te Eee ent ert an een ean) Tey Bre eR me Re en reer NG Or iat eee a ee ree nee er Serre a ne RO Darren emir itm ene nna Dera RestrranNn oar em r Pa STI ne en eas ROC ent ae mn a re CI ee Ma ee Reh SRO ne NEN OR ory a ren ans SN ea PaO ee ‘mente. Se fasse ver, significhercbbe che tte Te cone PSone a oa TR reese a ee ne Cn LN ee ree erin ee ce ne re rar en en SE eT | ina acid che eereava di descrivere con la parola morn Cnn eee Te cp OT re ra inuseas Sn “Chemanera alien 11 $0% del stom Eee paneer ner URN: irene ana Nery en Rear en ene eee ene eet en ee eT Ps tee ee ar eres Bere UD ne Ry Te ee ie Po nn en moa Pen POY Tae pene re ay en ne a ‘mantra ho deciso di nou ereare pest cow fe strutture arenes ear ea RnR nee RRL erin ener Brora rn are Ec enn errr Sonia mani eR Pe Dirpennn repair en lence e oi faceia guadagnare un po" dl imeresse da Por mene a are ee are rr er nea Pe ec ae een ere oe ores area a eee ‘rossimo fururo (i mostra sito sarin linea « partire Care rt ane a ere Ars aero Rea cand Ea er Ce eee ae Core ara rn a Mas Par a rs re rei ers aa area Perea aera Poa en Pn eae cna ecg a er Piven nanny reese err aS Pra Pare ens Pea ora Cre ay CoB ra aE a oa ar Trew ged crn tcearons Tey Raa PoE S fog es Oxe | DATES: Coil, Death in June, PMA en Plus News, Catalogues + More ‘ pz KATAKOMBEN AVANTGARDE - RITUAL - BATCAVE Seer Omen OSTA (OO Stan Preaey AV e909 U2 / oe EVERY SATURDAY 22.00 BIS{O: Oey A InVE TIEN are 4 Tees tS Wel UR eee tefstiassejlinks, siehe Cagecinemeteae parkplatzojverhanden. iy me TWILIGHT, MARKE Trresenss ray ON SKOOL Und-enri mc b dieser Bah on sche a ‘mioderner “Eléctronica-Technoiditat wore Spintueller Enepgien, = Visionen lind-heidnischer, Mythen. Amodali: ind © Patrick O'Kill Volifahren’ auf..ihfem neuesten 4 ktivere Grat Mystik und Techno-Termpel, was sicher nt nur Fong vergangener, Tega. ob Heb wenig verwirren dirt, Aber gar so w sich die beiden von iver urspriinglichen Ideen berhaupt nicht ¢ Orkus: Ein Mantra ist mein ns eine Art Meditationsgesang. Was ist ein .Chemantra’? Giot fer uBere Bindung zis Sthemen 2usarvme! te Es geht ut eau fe natch Tell em Fixeren ut (ellerentvicklung von tae FrUher war es (Or mich seh w 2 Musik see Hatt defrieren, so dass. es keine cones mie oe ol Nr als, Mannie vat aa fenijehace yr emiesis, senichafien wie abschevliches Gedarkengebaiide wardas.von der ‘abe elit Sklayen des Cristie 12000 Javon oufgebout ‘ruceken, Weide, Die Menseen inides westicnen Wet sincig ioe trauma. ychon sind Ih side i, nurse Foray gepresst Pehle Areca at cos des ain besset-wad, abet vei Dinge Wercen einfach automatic wieder-20 ns) = ririekoninen Tradivonen, eriorser", wmediese-verforenen fein ciaghan es umtisk wien se ee oe or “pelsciliche “haben: mucti wikis verandert | Versuch einige dieser Soratiren zu spuren Sle sich” ofc) dans es n unserer sk Elemente” [im Fuss und den Geveten des Kdspus afifesie. gor dic sebrurtumich Ringe Wirmus elt “S16 Uns dasalles selbst erarbeten, yer F gandes Net multiplet ileligesaen~ ie Reich des wr keine Fever Foti, ciemunsienwas © Gektes, dér Menschen, det Mineraien, det ‘Flere “Uber alte cuopalche. Tadtionen, bel * byinijon korien, obwon! natch bles! dest hemtanita"wesliche und dst in sanderen ,kulluren immer noe liche spigiuele Waalionan Was fsziner’ eich anc Bestand hat Die Leute massen buch diesem {{Grossover’, wiseB6N. Runermmagie und stablitf*aussich_herauskommen, Mantel dm gesuné:zu sen. Wenn: wir: mit. A: ci denke, dass ginem viele verschiedené’ dem Mother Destruction Projekt in Techfien-und’Ansitze be! vélfisanlegen hellen” fgendeiner Weise dazu beitragen Kenner, dié weltiche Realtat aus dem Brennpunkt Konfen,sindwr'sohraldckich! a 2u nehmen und sen Bewusssein Zu vel@ndesniund. 0: Es gab’ ja bel-uch in jungerer 4 Bi erste. Es spieh Kaine Rolle, ob das Systeme. Vergangenhet vele Umvatzngen. Wie Haha, Galer, Zkr oder wie auch imfier genaAnt hat sich eure Historie seit Hagazussat Frid. Auf demAlbuim wolte ich Ladte in sehr inti weiterentwickett? Fiver Weise verwerdenteh:habe einige Runenlaute Az Patrick und ich oben une. sot F verwendet, well sie fir mich sehr vertraut und-nor- Hagazussa”—_mit __verschiedénen! inal sil en, Sear Mantra habe ich gewahlt weil Projeklen hecumgeschlagen. Ich hebe © er mir belies Zum! Gesamtkonzept des AIBUS 21 "mi eleKronischer Bildveratbettung und essen senien Grafie gearbeitet, wahrond © 0: Der Sonatte Kinky Dakin, st mic/aulgefotin. Shah’ Comm-Mater-gearbetet, Rat Uvaé gent es boi dom Stuck? erste Verdtfeitinung.,Headiess™*sble ‘A: Kinky Dani ist ein ziemlch exzentrecher Thal balsieraltich so Gin Sloe Sch wor 4 fir jesen Song, der den Dakinis, den tgischen, ~ Gie,Grindung des Labels OND; das lov HS webblichen Gelste,Tibelsgewidmet St. ich habe... Zusammenarbeit dem. Ethno- | smichvienge Zet'sehe zurbeischen Budhimus, Schiagesper Philip Escot ns Leben ger hingezogen gefdhit Weller.eine unglavbiche” fen habe. Dieses Label wife hauptsachlich Sicition spiritvelecTechnolégie, gekoppett i eer ax. Uber das internet arberten wid dort Tracks, ‘groBartigen Miteinbeziehtig de® VerstandesbeStel « Remixe.und Alben im MP3-Format verkav =r bezient auch vor buddhistsche, schaimaniseho fen, die te Handel sonst nicht erhtich Praktken in sein System miein, Auielen Grinden sein werden. Geplante Veroentichungen ging ictnicht diesen Weg, aber'ef Inspiierte mich’ sind_das hochinnovative. Schism, Patricks ‘tolzdem seh staeibie-Lexenden vOt-den Dakinis _Painiea Savage" Gentlemeh Projekt und ein stehen in umfassefidem Bezug zur weibichen ~ A\riddal-Sola-Aloum, Energie und Spittualtat. Siesind gotgleiche Wesen 0: Werdetihr euch mit Mather Destructon mit fentasbschen, magiscren Kelten,-diedgenze weiterhiniin Richtung Techno -bewegen sixth comm her destruction| ive i BUD Wasco resSinin Eom ‘Siote St con eve nomi sve MD appurto. Qual sono Is Pataca ha eamoiiay none Sram ‘Wangikor, @ ave sluerare | mea Gitaa soeka? Fongsment Seenng no pote a or mano, s Wang-Ker, oes un nueie Nbeseno la oul tunaione 0! 1a tmistione 9 cistenca ol energs ¢ Pensiero, Tuo vis ha pura posse tint con signtosto ces ura Gi xenaz cho b per no! un sirbote fT: : Wang kor #2 ay ‘agiese (vaeuar nar signtea sogaler™ Shin coors ‘sagna che pet ‘eco t poder pb gla ta trea (ragiee nest) in Sol erode fisicamente © mentaimente. La musica a1 MD 8 una personal a cuore, nonortnnte sberante dezh stessi ca parte 3! alcuni Osiniet, Spero she un numers Bempre croscarte@: sorne sl scco 1 aa tradsione rune par Bi clara attuale dominio mazcile fn a eaite encipate dota Zone magica deli forza vito: 8 ‘on toca eivorante che t tuttune on oid che considera eroativo @ Sec. € ansho gi ai ergomant {he menaion lang sempioeerte 6 tale naszione revit evidente tla neta musiea™ ’A tal propoaito, $0 ohe race mento avots promaeto uns eampa: {Goa atinend I paganeeimg forse Sconvecuto quae velgione vMelss fn Gran Bretagna. Naor eres ene 9 {at eas, bon Fitrousione treo. 1o, copie control, 3 eorra fae inebotonsSineegnamen Pagani vogiamo semplcemente be te nos ies inet Baw. come sccace ad esempio 60) Stat Unt ei rane, e dm. SE non riendaro orga Fegna Unto eo ron 8 fo che l paganecins poses presrio potansiate. Il problema Eommai 8 eve Tuome dolla soda Pagar “eatgnst:marginbambin 2 questo prcura goblers a cual ome noicha hate igh." ‘Bacel quelehe sano, io eonelve sone. £0: voat® prope a corsa a Fimproselone che neg uli amp! etate evontanda verso una {erra partectae oi nce ms “Abblame appena regieate # CD Pagan Dance e rel rosso mast Leeranae dye nov lave, Black ‘Stag 0 Seicr Sorport & ckemire socnerero per brie vote oat Svein Germania, @ Parigi Praga e vormevo vente in Nake nel 95. pore carehar four pe. ‘ters inteeasst als cosa Nicola Catalano RADIO POPOLARE MILANO ‘0500-9. 200 presi. RUMORE Ekstatische DNA-Grooves det Das britische Projekt Mother Destruction ver! rituelle Tanzelemente mit modernem Elektronik- Equipment. Wir sprachen mit Mastermind Amodal on dar gesanglihen Komponente her Rt sch eure Masi set dom fetton Album JHagoavea* oh ‘inert AMODALE J, Wc haben vel mit Musi techn eparent, au denen finer einen Zugonghaten Wie naben|ede Meng ausproblert Oas hate 21 Foge dass th Zur Belspll sine Gesangsoxporment® wolterentwicklakoante.Deshalit mi Sestens 50% der Musk aut Chemantra™ (esang. woh et rieht uniter also her2uerkomen i. INMUSIC: Also eine neue Méelcbke, ‘Stimme una Schl au einem nnvatvem Wioge 2 varinden? "AWODALL Rtg! Wirnehmen vie og risehe Quen yon Stiagzeug ber Zhe, Wininsrumenton bs hin mu igendener ‘Objekt das ene itresanion Ton oat ‘au um dann dese Sounds slang 24 vr miscen bse cas ete Farrel Log haben. Wr verschmelzen prekich die rmenschiiche Suimme mit BaseTonen und fgenarigenEfekten, Mother Destruction isteinFanrzeug (vel Kanidesn und Moment, uner Sound ental on bel ‘schon Kgngen bis hin zu sehamanischen ‘osanganso larch als. Aber est ict nbadingtnotwend, sich dese Tern -ultressicren, umm ansere Nu fenifen 2u kénnen, Wi offen, oksatsche, sehr ions und tanatar reeves 2 lesen, {eau elnem reinen,rspringichen Level uversteon sn. INMUSIC: For was stent cer COT Chemantra"? Fir tele ud machen ‘he Musk? Braafood? 'AMODALL:

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