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SECTION IX MAINTENANCE WELDING GENERAL ‘This section covers repair welding proceduresthat have not ‘been covered in tho specific section of the manual desig: ated for the item being repaired. Included is Harnisch: foger Corporation Field Repair Welding Recommendations a8 to oper preheat and weld information. REPAIR AND WELDING PROCEDURE The following is a summary of practices that shoutd be em ployed when making any structural repair, This procedure ‘dows not apply to any welding of the manganese racking to the dippat handle bottom plate, dipper lip. propel dive tumbler or crawier shoe. 1. Cleaning - Remove all mill seale, dint. grease and any other contaminants from the area that is to be repaired. Atter cleaning, the entire area should be checked witha dye enetrant or any other moans of magnetic particle inspec: von to determing the extant of eracking. 2, Grinding ~ Grind the weld surtoce te getitsmooth andes Feasonably level as possible so that there are no areas for trapping slag during tha welding eperation 3. Preheating - Depending upon tne alloy, always preheat ‘and maintain « temperature of at least 200°F in the weld ‘ment during welding, The entire structure usually doosn’t eating, but fan the heat around with atarch to cover the adjacent areas, Qbtain @ reasonable amount of soaking heat for 3 inches towach side of the weld joint, At. dhe inches, a 200°F indicating crayon should melt 4 Rod — Wher preheat tamparature ig resched, bagin Welding immediately. Use low hydrogen siectrodes of a Qood quality. Uniass extremaly high strength is a must, the best general recommendation is to weld both joining sur- faces of the prepared joint with AWS E-7018 low hydrogen slectrodes. The rod must be new and elean, elore using the electrodes, they should be baked at 700°F for @ period of on6 hour to assure dryness and then held in hot boxes of holding ovens st 200°F until used. Any elec- trode exposed t0 air for aver two Hours should be rebskod before use, 5. Buttering - Use the stringet bead technique with no weaving. Weld only the sides, Put a single layer af weld ‘metal on each side! the weld joint. This layer shoulda p- proximately 3/32 inch to 1/8 inch thick. The bottom or root ‘of the joint should be epan far enough that the joint is not Joined when the buttering passes are made. The buttering ‘Weld passes should extend up over the top edge of the joint ‘and onto the surtace of the plate for eppraximately ¥/4inch ‘oh e8eh Side of the joint 6, Peaning - The first two passes put into the root of the ‘weld should not be poened. These passes must be thor- ‘oughly cleaned, This should give approximately 1/2 inch thickness of weld, All passes of the weld trom there to the: final pass or layers must be paened with a well rounded chisel Figure 9-1, Weld Cress Sections o4 SECTION IX NOTE ‘Take care to avaid overweld. The weld deposit should bbe above the original thickness of the plate and then ‘ground flush. On joint welds the deposits should be ‘well blended. Whanavor possible, ‘made in the tlat position. Refer 10 typical weld joint cross sections with the weld sequence. 7. Cooling ~ Protect the weld area trom rapid cooling. Pro- vide an ares free of wind and drafts 1a ensure slew even cooling of the weld matorial 8. Finishing - Grind and blond the wold eseners to elimin. ate sharp notches and severe corners. 9. Air-arcing - Preheat the material t0200°F. Limit the moval of material toa maximum of 3/16 inch depth per are MAINTENANCE WELDING pass. After air-arcing, a dyepenetrant shouldagainbe used to ussure that the erack has been complatoly removad. ‘Air-arcing should be to the full hickness of the plate, Toas= ‘sure that a full thickness welt is employed, a back-up bar should be placed under the crack to be welded. The arc (groove should be ground out by the use of a hand grinder to ‘depth of 1/32 inch to remove all carbon deposits latt by the air-arcing operation, REPAIR WELDING RECOMMENDATIONS ‘The following table provides weld information specifically, designed for all field rework. This table provides the P&H ‘Material Specification Numbers, the Spacifieation Rete ‘ence. the P&H Weid Symbols used on the drawings, the AWS Weld Rod Classification and the Recommended Mini- mum Prohoat required in throw categorin Table 8-1, Field Repair Welding Recommendations: PBN Pan | AWS cer as en ae Rlscommandad Minimum Prehant Spee 'S.- Gant Stee! Symbo! | fication] 374 Inch and Under [7/8 inch to 2 inch] Over @ Inch 1 | CS - Med carton Ww fevae | ror aie | 200%F( S80 | S00-F IARC) 2 | CS ~ Med carbon Wy [e-toore} —ao0eF (tage) | do0eF 208%) | S00 (260°C) 6 | cs-camo nH Jegors] —eooF(areec) | oom (aztec) | e00% (427°C), 7 | GS — AUST. MN (Hodtieta) aa | e307 70°F ( 21°C), 20°F 21°C) | 70°F 21°C) 8 | CS — Low Carbon Ww fevore | 70°F; 210) 70°F ( 21¢C) | 70°F! 21°C), nn | Gs «mimo nN Jesoore| —soorr (rag) | 00°F (zo8"c) | soo-F 280°C) 13 | CS —NICRMO Consul 7OOeF (37186) | BOO |A27eC) 18 | CS —NLCR.MO Welding 50°F 28°C) | 600°F(318°C) 19 | CS-NLCRMO Engineer 00°F 260°) | ss0°F izeerc) | eo0%F (316°C) 20 | CS-cAMO.8 500% (260%) | SOF (2marc) | BOO (a16eC) 21 | CS. Low Carbon MH Jeors | 20°F) sq | asorF(I2zt°G) | aoorFII8a"C) 22 | ES-NLCR-MO Consult Welding S00 260%) | BOO 318%) | 7OO%R(I7I¢C) 23 | CS-NbCRMO Engineer 00°F (260°C) | GOO"F (318°C) | 700°F (371°C) BO | Steet Carbon Pinte Hi w fe: 70°F | 24°C) | soos, Sach 80 | Stal KSLA mw [eso | 70°F) 21%cy 70°F | 21e¢) | 100°R( 38°C) 97 | Steal - HR, Alloy nH Jerore | stor izaec) | enor iaia'c) | z00°F(a71°<) 100 | Stoel - Carb, Pate H Jevoe| ori arc) | 150F1 Ba°cs | 250° 121°C) 108 | 86204 Carburized Steet Beezo | 200° 93°q | somF {149°C | 00°F 208°C) 1064 | AGA1 SLA [Tri Ton Type) wero | ror, zie) | ¥E0%F| Bares | 200%; 93%C) 108 | Alloy Steet Abcasson nw [evs | asorr 77°C) | 00° (208c) 105 | Nevabioy 135 HR [eros | soo-r iso | ss0°F 288%) 112 | 4340 Alioy Stoat E.aaso | sooeriat6°c} | TOF ITIP) 113 | 1080 1A. Carbon Bars [E7018 | soo zeorc) | Gooreiatercy | 700°F(971"C) 119 40H Alley Steal CF & [E4130 | S00°F (260°C) | Goo" 16) | 700% a7I°C) 120 | 4142-87-50 Alloy Svee! [e130 | sooF (260°C) | soorFiat6%e) | 7oOrF (371°C) 121. | 41308 Alloy Stee! p [eaizo| soor tage) | 80H (179%¢) | dooHe oa%cy 123, | 1010 Carbon Steet nw fev | 70°F) 21°c) TO"R( 21°C) | OFC 2V*C1 125. | 12L14 CF Stoel feo | y0F\ 21°c) 70°F, 21%) | Fore, 2b"C) 126 | 117 CF Steal mw [evo] — 70°F) 2190 7o%r | 21°C) | NOOPFE JBeCI 127 | 118 GF steel wu [eros | ror) 210 Tore( 21%) | 10°F 38°C) 128 | 1045 CF Stes! w | &7018 | so0er rao8rc) | sa0%F 260°C) | 6OO% (916%CI 129 | 1020HA Su nH fevoie| 70°F) 21°C) TO"F( 21°C) | 1O0°FE 38°C) 190 | 1035 HA Steet H [e718 | — 200°F( sec) | soOrF (149° ¢) | doorF 204°C) 131 | 1040 HR Seaat W [e7ors | goer iraarc) | Aare 20aecy | soorF 260°C) 132 | 1065 WA Steet H [e-vore| a00°Fir4aq | a00*F 20arcr | soorF r2eorc) 133 | M27 Elec Snaet Stee) 4 [E701 70°F ( 29°C) 134 | Steet Back Pine n feos | 70°F, 21-0) 138 | 1015 Carbon Stee! HR H [erota| — 70°F( 21°C) 139 | 4:36 Carbon Stee! 1. 4 fevors| yore 21°C 140 | 4439 Alloy Tubing Ne toors| soner (aor 92 MAINTENANCE WELDING Table SECTION IX ‘1. Field Repair Welding Recommendations (Cont,) ran Pan Mast ‘Spee. Reterance aid Spee. C8. = Cant Stool Symbol 3/4 Inch and Under |7/8 tneh ta 2 inch] Over 2 inch 1141 Cold Drawn Str Rat " soorr iiagrcy | 400% (aor) | soomF 260°C) 1148 Cold Drawn Sir Ret " soorrirasrc | aoorr zone) | sooraeero) 1018 Seamless Tobing 4 TOF ( 28C 43204 Bars ond Biles x soorrias | asorei177°C) | 400% 208°C) ER Stamoing Swe! " 70°F | 21 OMB Cold Fished " sor (asec) | 400F p08rc) | soo AsO" HSLA Struct Shapes " yor zee | 180%) s8rcr | 25GRNZITC 4182.47.51 HR Alloy " s0orF @eorc: | eporeane%c | 700%FI37N°C) 1015 Welded Tubing * POF (21°C Inger iron * Tork ( 21°C) 303 Stainless AK 20°F ( 21°C) ingen iron ©. Fin " Torr 21¢C 1053 Steel HA Bars 4 aoorr otc) | 500° (260%) | soo%e a16°C) 1070 HR. Stool " soovF sore; | 60" (318°C) | TOO II7N¢CI A514 HSLA T) Type " Tore aire | ¥50°F\ orc | Z00°FI 83°C) Hye Tubing 1095 HT High Carton ” soorr atsrer | 700% (a7¥een | soorr 427°C) Carbon Scwel Expanded i Room Temp 2:36 HR. Carbon ™ TOF ao) TorF( 24°C) | 1SOrFH ere) Golanised Poe * TOF 21H Low Carton * Dorr 20°C Gold Oran Totieg . ror aver Buck Pee x aon Teme 1080 Seamiess HR. Pe me soorritaac) | 400"F oars Steet Carbon Plate we TOE, 21%) | ABO; BHC | ao0HRHNABHC 4.26 Stroctural Tubing K vo-F 200 4190 Steet HA r soorriasch | asorr irre | soo'rrosc) Steet HHT K sour 38°C) | 200%: 93ecs | 30orFNA9"C) Steet HAN T " wore sercr | 200%; 93°c) | aoorFHa8"C) NOMA Steel HA Carton Pr K corr aoarcy | poor aeo'c) | woorR TEC GARBODY INSPECTION & REPAIR ‘The carbody should be Inspected on # routine schedule for fatigue cracks as shown on Figure 9-2. If any cracks are found on the carbody structure they should be weld rer paired as described in the Repair and Woiding procedure, Prior to making any inspection in the carbody, the power must ba secured and the tall cable must be disconnected from the axcavator to Prevent the possibility of death or injury of per- sonnel if they accidentally contact the high voltage collectors. 93 SECTION IX |AINTENANCE WELDING POINT 1: WELD AROUND POINT 4: WELDS ‘CENTER HUB ‘ON GUSSETS POINT 2: WELDS. POINT 5: HOLES IN BOTTOM PLATE TOP view BOTTOM VIEW POINT 6: WELD AROUND POINT 3: HOLES Tus SECTION IN REAR PLATE REAR VIEW NOTE: IT IS SUGGESTED THAT THE AREAS SHOWN BE PERIODICALLY CHECKED FOR CRACKS SO THAT REPAIRS CAN BE MADE IF NECESSARY Figure 9-2. Carbody Inspection Paints

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