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*whispering as Beth leads Annie and Ruby into a bedroom!

Ruby: Will you tell us what’s going on? This is freaking me out!!
*a dead man is on the bed bleeding!
Annie: Oh my God…!
Ruby: Who is that?!
Beth: I don’t know !
Ruby: What do you mean you don’t know?!
Beth: I mean I came back from the grocery store and he was just there. And I’m assuming he’s,
like, and associate of the gangbanger. !
Ruby: Come on! I thought we were done with that!!
Annie: Yeah, what the hell!!
Beth: Ok, Ok we were…and then..Oh God it sounds so crazy even saying it out loud!
Annie: Spit it out!
Beth: Ok!…..I offered to do another job!
Ruby: You asked for this? !
Beth: It’s not like we don’t need the money. We all still need the money. !
Ruby: So you asked for this?!
*Annie starts laughing!
Beth: Well not this! !
Annie: I’m sorry. I just can’t believe it’s you and not me. Come on, it’s crazy.!
Beth: Look, I just said that we would possibly, if the circumstances were right, pick up another
load of fake cash. !
Ruby: You volunteered us? !
Beth: It’s not drugs. It’s paper. I mean, it’s literally paper. !
Ruby: You can’t sign people up for criminal activity like it’s a bake sale. !
Beth: Noted. But can you just help me get this person out of my house right now?!
Annie: Oh so you want some help now? Why don’t you call your BFF, the other gangbanger?!
Beth: He’s not my BFF. I don’t even know that guy’s name. !
Annie: No but I bet he does. Right? Maybe I can….Okay, I guess I’ll do it. Just watch my back
okay? Please!
*Annie goes towards the dead body to retrieve his phone!
Beth: Just be careful. !
Annie: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. !
*Annie accidentally pulls a gun out of his pocket instead!
Annie: Oh God ok well this is not a phone..Just take it. Take it. !
Ruby: I don’t want it!!
*Annie grabs the phone!
Annie: Ok I have it. !
Ruby: Who’s the last person he called?!
Annie: Papa Johns!
Beth: The last person Annie!!
Annie: “Mom, Mom, Mom , Mom, Mom”!
Ruby: Why doesn't he just go to his Moms?!
Annie: Mom, mom, mom !
Beth: Seriously?!
Annie: Mom, and..Rio. !

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