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Doctrinal Proceedings

Speaker: Prof. M.S. Sommer

The Unity of the Christian Church

It is regretted almost universally that Christianity, which ought to form a united front
against unbelief and superstition, is so divided and wastes so much time and energy in a bitter
feud between various parties. It is generally conceded that this unfortunate state is one of the
biggest obstacles facing the prospect of foreign missions and is a cause of great contention and
scandal at home. Repeated efforts are made by various parties and many new resources were
brought into use, in order to bring the various church fellowships closer together and thus to
forge the way of complete unity. Many of us are familiar with the efforts of the Evangelical
Alliance, a fellowship of Protestants "from different churches and countries that pursues the
purpose, to achieve religious freedom, Christian unity, and joint work together in every good
work. She owes her origin to a widespread and growing desire for greater unity of Protestants,
both for her own sake and for the purpose of being able to lead the struggle against unbelief on
the one hand and superstition on the other hand, in order to lead successfully." The Papists
impress again and again their regret over the divisions in Christianity and constantly invite us all
to combine ourselves with them. Furthermore, they work among the Protestants, in order to
gain more and more followers and to draw them into their nets. This work is particularly
operated by the Paulist Fathers and through the so-called Catholic Missionary Union. In many
cities, associations have been set up, consisting of pastors of different fellowships: from
Episcopalians, the Reformed, "Disciples of Jesus" (Disciples), Congregationalists, Baptists,
Presbyterians and from Lutherans of different synods. These people gather weekly to discuss
issues that affect their work. They hope that such meetings and such united efforts bring them
closer together and be a means to clear differences out of the way. At the same time, of course,
we read: "As far as one can see, these gatherings of pastors have not produced the least
success. Rather, they have proved that they are not able to formulate a basis for unity.
Declarations of principles that one cannot abandon have been made by different men, but their
pronouncements have been so rare that they would have come close to an agreement. After
one had realized the futility of that, the subject was dropped. And when this did not happen,
then the organization was torn.1

We must not forget that in this as in any other work, those who want to count on
success first and foremost must have a right, clear knowledge of the real goal that they want to
achieve, and that they must also apply the right resources, whereby this goal can be achieved.
As everywhere, it is also useless "to fight as one that strikes the air". All efforts to restore the
unity of the external Church are lost time and energy, yes, prevent and prohibit true success, if
one does not recognize the clear objective and know the right way with others, - the objective
can be achieved by them. To help Christians in this beautiful, desirable, important and blessed
work of peace is the task of this work.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 27, 1911.
Thesis 1

The inner spiritual unity of the Christian Church is in the union of each Christian with
Christ through faith, whereby he becomes a member of the body of Christ, in which all other
Christians are members of the same, and so by the same faith with each other and all
"members of one another"2.

Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ founded one Church, and only one, namely the Holy
Christian Church. This one Holy Christian Church consists of all true believers in Christ of all
times, among all peoples and nations, in all places. In this Holy Christian Church there is no
unbelievers, no hypocrites, no false Christians. Every member of this Church has something that
distinguishes it from all non-members: saving faith. Every member of the Church of Christ has
saving faith. No one else except members of the Church of Christ has this faith. Saving faith is
what separates members of the Church, and indeed all members without exception, from all
other people and unites [members] into one body. Saint Paul writes: "You are all God's children
through faith in Jesus Christ."3 And in Ephesians 2:19 he writes to the members of the Church as
the household of God. John 11:51-52 says: "For Christ should die for the people and not only for
the people, but that He would bring back together the children of God that were scattered."
The Church of Christ, founded by the Son of God and still ruled in grace, is made up of the
whole number of God's children, His household. And what makes them children of God? Faith
in Christ Jesus.

This is also the doctrine of our Church in her Confessions. In the Augsburg Confession,
Article VIII, the Christian Church is described as "the gathering of all believers and saints." The
word "saint" is used here and in the Scriptures as a synonym for "believer". We read in the
Smalcald Articles, Part III, Article XII: "Praise God that a seven year old child knows what the
Church is, namely the holy believers." The Bible calls the Church the Body of Christ. The word
"body" is not used here in its literal meaning, but means a spiritual body. Saint Paul writes:
"God has set [Jesus] as the Head of the congregation [of God] over all things, which is His
body."4 Christ is the Head, with Whom the body is intimately connected. As a member of this
body, every Christian is closely connected with Christ, the Head, and with all other members.
Paul speaks of this intimate union of Christ with all His members and the members with each
other in Ephesians 4:3-6: "Be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace:
one body and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith,
one baptism, one God and Father of us all, Who is above you all and through you all and in you
all." And the same apostle says even more in his epistle to the Romans, chapter 12, verse 5: "So
we who are many are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." Here again
the apostle testifies that Christians are so closely connected in a spiritual way that members are
known to each other. The same truth meets us in his letter to the Ephesians: "Bet let us be
honest in love and in all things grow into Him Who is the Head, Christ, from Whom the whole
body is assembled and a member hangs on the other through all joints, through which one
Romans 12:15.
Galatians 3:26.
Ephesians 1:22-23.
helps another according to the work of any member in his measure and might, that the body
grows into its own bettering, and all in love."5 The same idea of a close association of each
member of the Church with Christ and all members with each other is mentioned in the words
of our Lord in John 15:5: "I am the vine, you are the branches." The Lord says here that
separation from Him means spiritual death, but union with Him [brings] spiritual life and
fruitfulness. He is the source of life and spiritual fruit. And what is it that united us with Christ;
what is it that unites members of the body with Christ? It is faith in Christ Jesus, the saving faith
of Christians. The Bible speaks everywhere of this faith as equivalent to union with Christ as the
head and therefore also with members of Christ with each other as parts of the same body of
Christ. "For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus."6

The bond that unites Christians is not something external or visible: no uniform
ceremonies, no equality in manners and customs, not some sign of recognition, not some
identical words or phrases; the bond that unites Christians is spiritual and invisible. Christ says
in Luke 17:20-21: "The kingdom of God comes not with external signs; one will not say, 'See
here!' or 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is among you." And Peter says in his First
Epistle, chapter two, verse five: "And you also, as living stones, are being built into a spiritual
house." That fact is that externally the members of the body of Christ are very different in some
ways; but inwardly they are all one through one Spirit Who dwells in all of them and works in
them all the same faith. Through the same Word the same Lord Jesus Christ has been made
known to all of them, and through the Sacraments He has been sealed in all of them. This is
unity in the Spirit. Through the same saving faith that has been lit in every one of them by the
same Holy Spirit, each member is connected to the same Lord Jesus Christ and with all other
members of His body, with all other believers.

Dr. Stöckhardt says in his commentary on Ephesians, page 1807: "The believing
Christians are truly and actually one body, they are truly united. Each one is united with all the
others. The Spirit and faith unites and holds them together. This Christian faith is, if you wish to
express it thus, the chief social principle. The Christian faith possesses in itself a vis unitiva, it
binds human hearts together. We repeat, by the gift of the Christian faith, which of course not
all men have, but which is never restricted to one person only, there is eo ipso created and
established the congregation of believers. A considerable or even a smaller number of believers
is in itself truly a communion of saints. It is not true that Christians must, through their own
efforts, consultation, and agreement bring about this union of the Church. Remember, the
Church is not the work or creation of man, but the work and creation of God. Moreover, this
work is essentially identical with the chief work which God carries on here on earth, the
creation of faith. In calling one soul after the other, ever more persons through the Gospel, by
enlightening them with His gifts, preserving and sanctifying them in the one true faith, the Holy
Ghost eo ipso gathers, calls, and enlightens the whole Christian Church upon earth and keeps it
with Jesus Christ in the true and uniting faith."

Ephesians 4:15-16.
Galatians 3:26. See Galatians 2:20, 3:2, 7; Ephesians 3:17.
English Translation p. 183-184.
All external differences among Christians may be important in their way, but they do not
disturb the unity of the Church, if only they do not jeopardize or destroy saving faith. Therefore
St. Paul says in Galatians 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free,
there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Externally, Christians are
different in respect to language, race, nationality, color, customs, gender, culture and different
degrees of civilization and order. Such differences are neither against Christ's will, nor do they
disturb the unity of the Church. However, there is one external division that is incompatible
with the internal unity of the Christian Church, dangerous to the spiritual life of Christians,
dangerous for the union of each Christian with Christ, the head of the Church, indeed it is often
devastating - the separation that Christians cause who fight in the camp of those false teachers
who teach the truth, or at least outwardly are separated from them by errors in faith and
doctrine. We speak about that in the second thesis.

Thesis 2

According to God's will this inner unity should now also manifest itself externally by
concord of all members of the Church in doctrine under one Lord, Jesus Christ.

When Christians gather themselves for common prayer, for Divine Service, for
celebration of the Lord's Supper or to come together in other gatherings and deal with each
other in love, humility, gentleness, and patience, then the unity that previously existed
between them is thereby now apparent. And it is God's will that Christians have Divine Service
together and go to the Lord's Supper and that the Pastors thus work together in unity.

Dr. Franz Pieper writes about this external unity in the report of the Evangelical-
Lutheran Synodical Conference of 1908, page 16: "The joining together of Christians in one
place into local congregations and the establishment of the public Preaching Office is not left to
the discretion of Christians, but commanded by God. That local congregations still continue to
join together into larger ecclesial fellowships, e.g. into synods, is not divine, but human
(ecclesial) ordering. This must not be so. But the fact that Christians in one place form a
congregation and that [they] set up and use the public Preaching Office among themselves, that
must be so; that is God's will and order." And on page 18 he writes: "We will not make
synodical affiliation a divine order. But one thing in addition to this is still a divine order
concerning the affiliation of the local congregation: that we recognize and treat Christians who
confess the true faith in other places as fellow believers. The apostle Paul writes to Timothy:
'Do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner.' Hereafter Timothy is
also physically separated from him and recognized and treated Paul, imprisoned in Rome, as a
fellow believer, because Paul was a true preacher of the Gospel. Christ is confessed or denied
here on earth among the adherents of His Word."

Since Christ is the head of the Church, it is the duty of every member to live under the
rule of Christ as the one master. And since every Christian is a member of the common body,
where every Christian is also a member, it is the duty of every [Christian] to live and work in
harmony with other members. Anything that interferes with the rule of Christ and harmony
between members is contrary to the will of God. This St. Paul explains further in 1 Corinthians

"Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus
accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. There are diversities of
gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are
diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the
Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through
the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the
same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles,
to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to
another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things,
distributing to each one individually as He wills. For as the body is one and has many members,
but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one
Spirit we were all baptized into one body - whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free -
and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but
many. If the foot should say, 'Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,' is it therefore not
of the body? And if the ear should say, 'Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,' is it
therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the
whole were hearing, where would be the smelling? But now God has set the members, each
one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the
body be? But now indeed there are many members, yet one body." Accordingly, it is totally
against God's will and against the nature of the Body of Christ that some members adversely
attack other members or refuse to bring about and to testify publicly to the unity by which they
are actually connected as members to the body.

Thus, e.g., division or schism is forbidden in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13: "Now I plead with
you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that
there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind
and in the same judgment. For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by
those of Chloe's household, that there are contentions among you. Now I say this, that each of
you says, 'I am of Paul,' or 'I am of Apollos,' or 'I am of Cephas,' or 'I am of Christ.' Is Christ
divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?"

And Ephesians 4:3-6: "Be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord,
one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you

At this point, it is clearly taught that it is against God's Will that parties, divisions, and
schools of thought exist in Christianity. There have been and still are people that claim that
divisions and opposing parties in the Church are a blessing. They claim that Christians were thus
provoked to the task and the spirit of friendly rivalry will be maintained and that through
mutual criticism and vigilance each party works better and on the one hand would be saved
from deadlock and stagnation, but on the other hand from tyranny and injustice of a monopoly.
But all those who thus wish to play happy optimists, we say: your opinion is not true, but self-
flattery that wishes not to be disturbed in its dream of peace, where there is no peace. God
Himself declares against such division. He exhorts us seriously to "keep the unity of the Spirit in
the bond of peace." He exhorts Christians that they should firmly hold together "in one mind
and in the same opinion." It is also not God's will that there are such divisions, as we know it
today as denominations, as there are Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, Old Catholics,
Episcopalians, Baptists, Congregationalists, Seventh Day Adventists, etc., any hostile act against
the other. This state is not only unspeakably sad, but also sinful and detrimental to the Church
of Christ and the members of His body. Woe, woe to those who are responsible for such a sorry
state; and woe to those who work there, that this condition continues to exist!

When a brother fights the other, Paul says: "It is a fault among you", and adds, "I say this
to your shame".8 If this applies to a sad dispute among a few, how much more will this apply
then, when thousand of those who call themselves Christians, others, who purely proclaim the
Word of Christ, facing hostility and they revile and denounce [them]. How can that be a blessing
in such opposition? Christ says: "Every kingdom divided against itself is desolate, and one house
falls on another."9 When Christ says here that Satan is not so foolish as to build his kingdom by
mutual war, how can anyone be so crazy to say that Christ wants to build His kingdom through
such conflict! No, Christ wants unity.

The apostle of Christ warns and asks Christians "firmly to hold together" and tells them:
"But if you bite and devour one another, take heed that you will be consumed by one
another."10 Yes, this is the solemn, earnest prayer of our high priest, Jesus Christ in John 17:11:
"Holy Father, keep through Your Name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one
even as We are!" And again: "I pray not only for these, but also for those who will believe in me
through their word, that they may all be one, as You, Father, are in me and I in You, that they
also may be one in us, even as we are one."11 And yet people announce that they want to be
teachers of the Church, that it was a blessing for the Church and in accordance with God's will
when the Church was split, and that she should be built through mutual hostility. We know well
enough that God directs these evil, sinful divisions and disputes for the benefit of those, "all
things work together for good to those."12 But even though God guided the wickedness of the
brothers of Joseph for the best, we do not call their evil thoughts and works good. What we
read in 1 Corinthians 11:19 is true: "There must be factions among you, so that those who are
upright may be manifest among you." But such a mob are not good and salutary per se, even
though God brings good out of evil and thus makes apparent the righteous. Liberal-minded
people sometimes say: "There are all sorts of people and views to fill the world."13 They want to

1 Corinthians 6:7, 5.
Luke 11:17.
Galatians 5:15.
John 17:20-21.
Romans 8:28.
The original has translated this German phrase into English: "It takes all kinds of people and minds to make a
world." - Tr.
prove the necessity of different religions in this world. To this we answer: Yes, there are
criminals to fill our prisons, drunkards and fornicators to fill our asylums and hospitals; but who
wants and asks you to belong to such parts of the world, and who feels called to make efforts
so that the world does not lose this part of its citizens? A lot of evil is tolerated in the world by
God and Christians, partly for the purpose to save them from their sad state; but in the Church,
we need only those who are by faith in [an] intimate connection with the one Lord, Jesus Christ,
and demonstrate their faith in that they are obedient to the Lord and live in peace with
members. Christ Himself says: "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He will take away...
Whoever does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered, and one gathers
them and throws them into the fire and they must burn."14

It is sometimes pointed out that many different tendencies and characteristics are
among people, a wide variety of gifts, and that different people require different church
fellowships. "There are emotional people who are by nature Methodists. There are people who
like to have a solemn liturgical order of Divine Service, who are by nature Episcopalians. There
are people who need a strict church rule. One must accommodate their sensual nature with
religious images, gaudy church ornamentation and beautiful priestly gowns. They must be kept
in fear and awe by painful, unintelligible actions before a beautiful, shining altar. They use
entertainment for their very active religious imagination, and their natural superstition must be
directed into channels that bring benefit to the church. These are by nature adapted to the
monarchy of the Pope." To this we answer: Just as little as the difference between eye and foot,
between tongue and hand destroys the unity of the body, nor is the difference with respect to
gifts, inclinations, characteristics and skills among Christians a hindrance of the unity of the
body, except that its character excludes them from the Church as slaves of Satan; because they
do not belong at all to the church. We take no measures to keep dead members of the body.
Paul paints a beautiful picture of this agreement between the members that need not be
disturbed by diversity of gifts and abilities in 1 Corinthians 12 (citation provided above). Yes,
this difference is rather an ornament of unity. "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each
one for the profit of all."15 And: "If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If
the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling? And if they were all one member,
where would the body be?"16 This difference is indeed a blessing. The most-dignified, unhasty
Christ delights in His vibrant, warm and soulful brother and benefits from it. Each will carry the
weakness of the other, as far as weakness is in them, and everyone is relieved by the special gift
of the other and has therefore benefited from it. Personal taste in relation to church
architecture and different orders of Divine Service can be satisfied in the united church, without
it the fellowship is torn apart; because we know what is necessary for the true unity of the
Church. "And to the true unity of the Church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of
the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments. Nor is it necessary that human traditions,
that is, rites or ceremonies, instituted by men, should be everywhere alike. As Paul says: 'One
faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all', etc. Eph. 4:5-6."17 However much we may wish
John 15:2, 6.
1 Corinthians 12:7.
1 Corinthians 12:17, 19.
Augsburg Confession, Article VII.
therefore also have unity in such external things, such as religious ceremonies and customs,
orders of Divine Service, melodies, festival days, etc., it thus will neither keep nor destroy the
unity of the Church. In order to be united, churches need only to preach the same truth and be
consistent in administering the sacraments according to Christ's institution. In these two parts
may certainly occur no difference and no deviation.

It is also true, as the apostle says in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15: "Now if anyone builds on this
foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one's work will become
clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each
one's work, of what sort it is. If anyone's work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a
reward. If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as
through fire." By wood, hay, and stubble he means here errors, foolish opinions of men that
some pastors preach. But far removed from such perverted human opinions to name a blessing
or to say they are according to the Word of God, the apostle rather says that they are foolish
and dangerous additives that in no way promote the work of the Church, but rather prevent it
and put [it] in danger and are likely to destroy the true and essential unity of the Church. This
brings us to the next point: on the causes of division and disunity.

Thesis 3.

Disobedience to our Lord Jesus Christ is the cause of division, sectarianism, false
doctrine, separation and conflict in Christendom.

Although many lament with us about the division and conflict in the Church, only a few
walk with us when we put our finger on the root of evil: disobedience to Christ. And even more
turn away from us when we discuss this and prove it. But we are not discouraged; because he
who is of the truth hears the master's voice. But those who love the darkness rather than light
will have no excuse on that day when they there stand before the Judge those they did not
want to accept here as their shepherds.

One reason why one has made so little progress in working toward unity is that one has
made little effort to track down the true cause of evil. Many people, including some well-
minded [people], are working diligently to heal the sad state of conflict but without even having
seriously considered the causes of the sickness. Is it surprising that they are not more organized
as one who beats the air? Others are so foolish that they attribute the conflicts of the Church to
the different creeds of church fellowships. That would mean as much as: You all are different
because they are different. These are the people who criticize those most who express their
own beliefs most clearly and defend it with determination and without compromise. Without
going into the reasons of the matter of dispute, they blame all parties that they actually fight,
and give them most of the blame, who defend their position with great seriousness. How easy
would be the work of the judges of our country if they wanted to settle all processes using this
method! One can understand why Luther, when he speaks of such people, often attributed the
names of those that they deeply insulted. If someone wanted to propose such a method in a
different dispute as that between the different church fellowships, one would examine him to
see if he was sane. Either there is no greater good in Christianity in general, or the good of the
struggle is worth it.

Others point to the Bible as a source of confusion. Some of them claim that the Bible is
not clear enough and therefore easily misunderstood, from which then slight differences would
arise. The pope used this argument when he forbid the laity the Bible in their native language.
Apparently, he confirmed his assertion by pointing to the various sects that deliberately twist
the Bible. But when one has time and effort and shall look closely into the matter, one will find
that the pope teaches against the clear and express words of the Bible and only looks for an
excuse to wrench away the Book of Books from the hands of the common man, and then the
poor man cannot refute the pope's fraud from Scripture.

Besides the Pope, there are also others who simply push all the blame on the Bible. This
is convenient because one does not need to insult people. But God tells us that His Word is not
confusing and ambiguous or puzzling, but contains the clearest, most definite and accurate
statement of faith and conduct that the world has ever seen. Therefore we have supplied the
testimonies of God: "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." 18 "The testimony
of the Lord is sure and makes the foolish wise."19 "It makes wise the simple." Far removed from
that, that the Bible had been written only for scholars, rather it should be read, heard, and
studied by all, even by the unlearned and by beginners or "children in Christ". The apostle
testifies that he writes to those whom one again "must teach the first letters of the divine
words."20 And Peter speaks to "newborn children" in Christ who are inexperienced Christians
who have only recently come to know the ABCs of Christian doctrine; for he says: "Be desirous
for the sensible, pure milk as the newborn child, so that you may grow thereby." 21 Saint Paul
witnesses to the same when he writes: "And I, dear brothers, could not speak to you as unto
spiritual, but as to carnal, as unto babes in Christ. I have given you all milk to drink, and not
meat; because now you are not able. Even now you are not able."22 If one says that the Bible is
not clear enough for simple, ordinary and inexperienced Christians, then one is not only saying
that Paul has spoken thoughtless, dark, and incomprehensible words, even perverse [words],
but one thus accuses God that He has given us a worthless Word; because then the simple,
common people are forced to rely on the word of several preferred spiritual leaders, while God
wants just ordinary lay Christians to be the judge of truth and error. "Judge for yourselves what
I say", Paul says to those highlighted in 1 Corinthians 10:15, whom he calls "children in Christ".
Concerning the Christians in Berea God tells us, "These were more fair-minded than those in
Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures
daily to find out whether these things were so."23

Psalm 119:105.
Psalm 19:7.
Hebrews 5:12.
1 Peter 2:2.
1 Corinthians 3:1-2.
Acts 17:11.
Peter spoke well concerning the letters of Paul, "some things are hard to understand,
which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of
the Scriptures."24 This passage tells us certainly that "some things" in the Bible are "hard to
understand". And we thank God for that. This should make us all, even the wisest among us, to
be humble students of the Word of God. He does not want masters of His Bible, but students,
humble students, therefore He has given us things that are hard to understand. He does not say
that all things are hard to understand. He also says to us, who are the ones that thereby "are
confused to their own destruction". There are those who do the same "with the rest of the
Scriptures." Is there any blessing from God that some are abusing to their damnation? Does not
the Scriptures and our experience teach us that Christ Himself, our glorious and dear
Redeemer, is a stumbling block to some? And does not Paul say that the Gospel he preached
and that to one it is the power of God to save, to another is an aroma of death leading to
death? But he resolves the whole thing by telling us, who are the ones, where Scripture is
unclear: "Now if our gospel is hidden, it is hidden in those who are lost, in which the god of this
world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, lest they see the bright light of the Gospel." 25

We believe it is hardly necessary to respond to those who want us to believe that the
Bible is the cause of the schism in the church because the Bible itself should contain
contradictions and doctrines that one cannot harmonize. Whoever thinks that the Bible is full
of errors and offer us conflicting judgments and opinions of fallible men, declares himself thus
an enemy of God and His Word. For one such gives no revealed truth except what they
themselves have fabricated from their own folly, dressed up with a number of distorted and
twisted Bible words with which they wish to give their devilish doctrine the reputation, as if it
were Scriptural doctrine that they want to destroy.

No, the cause of division among Christians is not to be found in God and His Word, but
in mankind, who disobeyed God, and the devil, the father of lies, following. God has given us
one religion that is revealed clearly and completely in his Word, Holy Scripture. Whoever
always follows these words will agree with all others who follow the same words, and only
those who cause division and separation who are disobedient to the Lord, and teach and speak
which is contrary to God's word. All the faithful servants of our Lord, Who has written down His
word by inspiration of God, are in complete agreement with one another. And those who
follow them faithfully do not follow a number of teachers who present conflicting doctrines,
but one Lord and one united Church. Disobedience, disobedience to the Lord Jesus Christ, is the
true cause of separation. Ask millions of sincere Christians, why, for example, they do not unite
with the large, influential and powerful Roman Catholic Church, which claims to be the true
Church of Christ; they will say what Dr. H. Mott, a member of the Church of the Holy
Communion, responded to such a question: "In response to the question of whether I or my
congregation would accept the Roman Catholic teachings as they are, I must certainly say no.
The 'Renaissance,' advocated by Martin Luther and the English Reformers, has determined for
all time the fact that the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, on the whole, are not the

2 Peter 3:16.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4.
teachings of Christ and the early Christian Church."26 From Dr. Thomas Gallaudet of St. Ann's
Church of New York it was reported that he had written in the same newspaper: "The Roman
Catholic Church, in my opinion, cannot unify the various Christian church fellowships. She has
added too much to the faith, as it once was delivered to the saints." Shall I mention a number
of false doctrines whereby the papacy has separated themselves from the Church of Christ?
Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "Drink of it, all of you", as He administered the cup in the Lord's
Supper to His disciples. The pope says, "No, by no means, the incumbent priest alone shall drink
from it." How can there be unity when one is so disobedient and God's Word so
contemptuously disregarded? Christ, our Lord, says: "One is your master, Christ; and you all are
brethren".27 The pope, however, says: "I am the infallible head of the Christian Church. Believe
what I teach, no matter what it may be, or I will cut you off as a dead branch who has separated
himself from my church." How can there be unity when the pope forces his followers to recite
the obedience of Christ and to separate themselves from those who hold true to God's word?
This disobedience of the pope is the source of the great separation and division that has arisen
when his sect broke themselves loose from the loyal and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

What caused the discord among the Protestant churches, and why does this discord
exist today? Answer: Disobedience against the Lord Christ. Jesus has clearly taught that He
gives us, as He administers the bread in the Sacrament, at the same time His true Body, when
He says: "Take this and eat; this is My Body".28 What could be clearer than these words that
were spoken from the wise, almighty God in that solemn night before he took up his suffering
and death? Who dares to doubt or to change these words of his last testament? Who?
Thousands who claim to be obedient servants of Christ while they have caused by their terrible,
wanton disobedience of a split between themselves and the faithful servants of the Lord who
neither will allow themselves or others to change these words that one or a number of people
changes its clear meaning. Disobedience is the source of division between the Church that has
expressed her obedience to her masters in the Augsburg Confession and those who are not in
agreement thereby and refused to listen and believe when the Lord spoke. What separates the
Baptists and Campbellites29 from the faithful, obedient Christians? It is their disobedience
against the clear Words of Christ as He speaks to adults: "Unless you are converted and become
like little children, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven." 30 They teach the contrary,
that a child must first be an adult before he is able to be baptized and to be a Christian. This
disobedience against the one Master who orders His disciples to baptize all nations, and limits
baptism merely to adults of a nation, is the cause of division of the Church that remains with
the express words of the Lord the church in this part. And again: what was the cause of
separation of the synergistic Lutherans from the Lutherans of the Synodical Conference? It was
the disobedience of its leaders who refused to accept and to teach the Word of the Lord, as He
New York Herald, May 19, 1895.
Matthew 23:8.
Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24.
Campbellite refers to any of the religious groups historically descended from the Restoration Movement, a
religious reform movement in the early 19th century in the United States. The major groups are: The Churches of
Christ movement, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Independent Christians Churches/Churches of Christ,
the Churches of Christ (non-institutional). Source:
Matthew 18:3.
speaks: "You did not choose Me, but I have chosen you",31 and against the point where the Lord
teaches His apostles that God has predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the good pleasure of His will.32 They ascribe to the choice of men what should be
attributed to the grace of God alone. This disobedience caused the deplorable, sad, and harmful
separation of synergistic Lutherans from the faithful Lutherans of this country.

But what if a church fellowship allows us to preach the truth, but at the same time
requires that opposing views should be allowed in some things, such as the Evangelical Synod
on the question of the true presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper? By such disobedience and
such unfaithfulness that a church fellowship claims for themselves the authority not only to
preach the opposite of the pure doctrine of the Lord of the Church, but also to allow others to
do just that, she necessarily severs the unity of the Church binds herself to people who are
against Christ. Their offer, that it should be allowed to preach the Words of Christ, does not
make things better; for Christ and His disciples did not ask for permission, but taught the truth
without any permission from men. But their error to concede equal rights is not only
disobedience, but also an attack against the sovereignty of Christ. It is rebellion against the Lord
of the Church. God forbid that we forsake Him and defeat ourselves to rebels and insurgents!

Is there a church that is faithful and obedient to the Lord, that preaches God's Word
purely and never deviates from it? Thank God, God has graciously given such a Church. It is the
Church that confesses the whole truth of God as taught in Scripture and is explained purely and
clearly in the unaltered Book of Concord of 1580. In this country this Church is known as the
Synodical Conference, to which we also belong, a union of synods of the Evangelical-Lutheran
Church of America. When pride or Pharisaism is mentioned, that we acknowledge gratefully
pure doctrine as such and are happy about it, then it is also pride and Pharisaism when a
healthy person would like to thank God for his health. Yes, then Paul, Peter, John and James
would have been Pharisees, then all true and faithful teachers would be proud, pompous
people; because they all have made claims that they were faithful teachers of God's Word. And
if not even the faithfully inclined to the Word of God protect us from error, then Christ's Words
are not true: "If you remain in my word, then you are my disciples and you shall know the truth
and the truth shall make you free."33 We do not claim perfect sanctification. We do not claim
that the Lutheran Church is without hypocrites, but we assert that God has given us His
infallible Word and pure doctrine that we simply repeat and teach.

But is not also struggle, strife, and division created in the Lutheran Church through envy,
jealousy, selfishness, hatred, and enmity? Certainly that was also disobedience, and where one
is not opposed to these passions, but lets it grow and spread, also false doctrine follows after
that, and such disobedience has torn the Church. Brothers who are united shall therefore
consider not only pure doctrine, but must also beware of evil, hostile passions against their
brothers, or else Satan wins the upper hand. "Pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without

John 15:16.
Ephesians 1:5.
John 8:31-32.
which no man shall see the Lord. And see that someone does not neglect God's grace that does
not grow up as a root of bitterness and cause strife and many are contaminated by it." 34

But was there no strife and discord even in the Apostolic Church? Certainly, we read in
Acts 15:2: "Then an uproar raised and Paul and Barnabas had no small argument with them,
they arranged that Paul and Barnabas and many more from them go up to Jerusalem to the
apostles and elders about this question." We hear that no small discord and strife arose in
Antioch concerning circumcision. And we read in Acts 15:37-39: "Now Barnabas gave advice
that they would take with them John, whose surname was Mark. But Paul insisted that they
should not take with them the one who had departed from them in Pamphylia, and had not
gone with them to the work. And they came sharply together that they moved from one
another. And so Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus." We read that a major dispute was
between Paul and Barnabas, and that Paul publicly rebuked Peter before all at Antioch. "But
when Peter came to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, for there had been complaints about
him. For earlier, before some came from James, he ate with the Gentiles, but since they came,
he withdrew and separated himself, because he was afraid of the Jews. And the other Jews
played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was misled to play the hypocrite with
them. But when I saw that they did not walk rightly according to the truth of the Gospel, I said
to Peter publicly before all: 'You who are a Jew living like a pagan and not like a Jew, why do
you force the Gentiles to live like Jews? Although we are by nature Jews and not sinners of the
Gentiles."35 The whole epistle to the Galatians shows that Paul fought false teachers. And he
pronounces [in] Galatians 1:8-9 a terrible curse over anyone who preaches a different Gospel
that he has preaches to the Galatian congregations: "But if we or an angel from heaven preach
any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed! As
we have said, we say again: If anyone preaches a different gospel unto you, than that you have
received, let him be accursed!" Paul rebukes the church at Corinth [in] 1 Corinthians 1:11-13
because strife was among them. "It has come to me, dear brothers, by those of Chloe's servants
of you, that strife is among you. But this I say, that one among you says: 'I am of Paul', the
other, 'I am of Apollos', the third, 'I am of Cephas', the fourth, 'I am of Christ'. How? Is Christ
now severed? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in Paul's name?" It is clear from
Romans 14:15 that discord was even in the congregation at Rome, that one could not let it go
on in this way: "But if your brother is grieved for the sake of your food, then you are no longer
walking in love. Rather, do not corrupt with your food the one for whom Christ died!" Acts
21:20-30 shows that discord arose in the congregation at Jerusalem because differences of
opinion prevailed concerning the binding character of Mosaic Law for Christians. In the Gospels
we often hear how Jesus disputed with the false Jewish teachers of that time and condemned
them. Finally we have the prophecies of Christ and the Apostles who proclaimed in advance
that trouble and discord would wreak havoc by many in the Church and false doctrine and
division will arise. "For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and
wonders that will seduce even the elect (if it were possible) into error." 36 "For I know this, that
after my departure horrible wolves will come among you who will not spare the flock. Also from
Hebrews 12:14-15.
Galatians 2:11-15.
Matthew 24:24.
your own selves men will rise up, speaking perverse doctrines, to draw disciples to

Such strife and controversy was not always the same kind. At first there was sometimes
some confusion about certain things, e.g. about the eating of meat sacrificed to idols or about
the binding force of Mosaic Law in the New Testament. These differences of opinion were
settled by Christians through mutual instruction from God's Word. Then there was differences
of opinion about how one should act in certain cases where God has not given a specific
commandment. In such cases consultation, mutual training and patience, combined with loving
self-sacrifice to God's commandment, has prevented separation. Then occurred also real sins in
life and change. If they were punished according to Matthew 18 and one repented over it, as,
e.g. in the case that is reported to us in Galatians 2:11-15, unity was restored. But when false
teachers spread unscriptural doctrines and remained after received warning in such
disobedience, separation and division followed. Such false teachers were excluded from the
congregation. "Shun a heretical man when he is admonished once and again." 38 Paul gives
explicit instructions that one should not tolerate such false teachers in the external fellowship if
their disobedience has revealed them as an actual deceiver. "For there are many unruly and
vain talkers and deceivers, especially those from the Jews." 39

We learn from that how one has to act in obedience to Christ, our Master, when
differences arise or division threatens. Over things that Christ, our Lord, has not decided, one
should consult with the brothers and reach an agreement, even if one must sacrifice his own
opinion about it. In some cases it is also possible that one lets each have their own opinion,
without discord arising thereby, such as in the case reported to us in Acts 15:37-39. "Now
Barnabas gave advice that they would take with them John, whose surname was Mark. But Paul
insisted that they should not take with them the one who had departed from them in
Pamphylia, and had not gone with them to the work. And they came sharply together that they
moved from one another. And so Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus." In such cases
where the Lord has given no specific commandment, the one who caused the split, if such a
dispute arises, who insists upon persistent disobedience against God's command to his opinion,
as if it was God's will. "Brotherly love is cordial to each other. Come with reverence before one
another."40 But where Christ has given us His Word, those who cause dissension and division,
who do not obey Him, but hold different opinions and doctrines lead to God's Word. When
such people look for external unity with us and want to put the blame of separation upon us,
because we refuse to unite with them, it is only further proof of their wickedness because they
forget what the Lord says through his apostle: "Shun a heretical man when he is admonished
once and again" (παραιτοῦ = to withhold fellowship). "But I admonish you, brethren, that you
keep an eye on those who cause divisions and offense against the doctrine that you have
learned and depart from the same!"41

Acts 20:29-30.
Titus 3:10.
Titus 1:10.
Romans 12:10.
Romans 16:17.
Do we reject every man as wicked, as a heretic, as an unbeliever, who has a different
opinion in any doctrine of the true Church than us? No. In obedience to God we make this
distinction: Those who reject essential and fundamental teachings of Scripture we believe to be
enemies of God, Children of Satan, and retreat from them. It is impossible that such people can
be Christians who preach the grossest heresies in regard to the main teachings of Christ. Christ
commands that everyone who wants to be a member of his church shall be baptized in the
name of the Triune God. Therefore, whoever refuses to accept this one true Triune God is
certainly a heathen and has no part in Christ. If someone denies the deity of Christ or does not
want to worship Him as God, he is certainly an idolater and is completely outside the Christian
Church; yes, he is damned, because the Lord tells us: "Whoever does not honor the Son does
not honor the Father who sent Him."42 Such is an idolater. And the Holy Spirit says: "If anyone
does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema. Maranatha!" 43, that is, he is
surrendered as damned to the court of God. Such so-called religious fellowships shall not be
called Church, for they are synagogues of Satan.44

This has been the doctrine of our Church from the beginning, for we read in the Apology
of the Augsburg Confession: "The First Article of our Confession our adversaries approve, in
which we declare that we believe and teach that there is one divine essence, undivided, etc.,
and yet, that there are three distinct persons, of the same divine essence, and coeternal,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. This article we have always taught and defended, and we believe
that it has, in Holy Scripture, sure and firm testimonies that cannot be overthrown. And we
constantly affirm that those thinking otherwise are outside of the Church of Christ. and are
idolaters, and insult God."45

On the other hand, when we deal with those who still believe and confess a substantial
part of God's Word, but in doctrines that also are clearly revealed to be wrong, but are not
fundamental [doctrines], we make in turn some distinctions according to Christ's command.

We do not want to be understood as if we did not consider important any part of the
Word of God, or as if one could disregard set clearly revealed doctrines. Far from it! We
consider the whole Word of God very important and an immense treasure; because our Lord
says: "I say to you: Truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter, not one
tittle of the law will disappear, till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of
these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven." 46
And at the very end of Holy Scripture the curse is pronounced. "I testify to everyone that hears
the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the
plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of

John 5:23.
1 Corinthians 16:22.
Revelation 2:9.
Article I.
Matthew 5:18-19.
this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the book of life, from the holy city, and from
the things which are written in this book."47

The Lord Himself teaches us in His Word that a foundation and a roadbed is under
Christian doctrines. No one is a Christian who overthrows the foundation of his teachings, no
matter whether it is out of ignorance or malice; because in the Christian Church no one can "lay
any foundation other than the one that has been laid." But if anyone builds on this foundation,
it is possible that he retains the foundation, but builds errors on it, and these errors are called
wood, hay, and stubble. Nevertheless, such a foolish builder can be a Christian and be saved.
For it is written: "Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,
each one's work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire;
and the fire will test each one's work, of what sort it is. If anyone's work which he has built on it
endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself
will be saved, yet so as through fire."48 Here Paul explains to us in a picture that those who build
out of ignorance upon the foundation of errors in non-fundamental things can still be saved,
although their work is destroyed. Therefore, we also do not condemn people immediately as
heretics or wicked those who accept, believe, and confess fundamental doctrines, but at the
same time hold onto heresy. In the preface to the "Christian Book of Concord" of our Church it
states: As to the condemnations, censures, and rejections of godless doctrines, and especially of
that which has arisen concerning the Lord’s Supper, these indeed had to be expressly set forth
in this our declaration and thorough explanation and decision of controverted articles, not only
that all should guard against these condemned doctrines, but also for certain other reasons
could in no way have been passed by. Thus, as it is in no way our design and purpose to
condemn those men who err from a certain simplicity of mind, but are not blasphemers against
the truth of the heavenly doctrine, much less, indeed, entire churches, which are either under
the Roman Empire of the German nation or elsewhere; nay, rather has it been our intention
and disposition in this manner openly to censure and condemn only the fanatical opinions and
their obstinate and blasphemous teachers, (which, we judge, should in no way be tolerated in
our dominions, churches, and schools,) because these errors conflict with the express Word of
God, and that, too, in such a way that they cannot be reconciled with it. We have undertaken
this also for this reason, viz., that all godly persons might be warned diligently to avoid them.
For we have no doubt whatever that even in those churches which have hitherto not agreed
with us in all things many godly and by no means wicked men are found who follow their own
simplicity, and do not understand aright the matter itself, but in no way approve the
blasphemies which are cast forth against the Holy Supper as it is administered in our churches,
according to Christ’s institution, and, with the unanimous approval of all good men, is taught in
accordance with the words of the testament itself. We are also in great hope that, if they would
be taught aright concerning all these things, the Spirit of the Lord aiding them, they would
agree with us, and with our churches and schools, to the infallible truth of God’s Word. And
assuredly, the duty is especially incumbent upon all the theologians and ministers of the
Church, that with such moderation as is becoming they teach from the Word of God also those
Revelation 22:18-19.
1 Corinthians 3:11-15.
who either from a certain simplicity or ignorance have erred from the truth, concerning the
peril of their salvation, and that they fortify them against corruptions lest perhaps, while the
blind are leaders of the blind, all may perish."49

Those Christians who are in external fellowship with false believers are internally united
with Christ, and when they are instructed in the right manner and with patience about their
false teachings, that they are in external fellowship with enemies of the Truth, would have had
them clearly in mind so they would willingly leave their false teachers. Or if someone refuses to
recant the error, though he recognizes that it is contrary to the Word of our God, he is willfully
disobedient to the Lord and is thus a dead branch on the vine. If someone urges us nevertheless
to maintain ecclesiastical fellowship with members of heterodox fellowships, because there are
still Christians among them, then we must refuse to do this if we want to obey Christ. Because
we cannot always judge and decide whether someone is stuck in an error out of ignorance or is
revealed to him out of spite and contempt of truth; but we can distinguish truth from error
and wherever we find an error we fight against it and reject it and hold no fellowship with those
who insist to teach it or to have it taught. But where we find the Truth, we defend it,
acknowledge it, and teach it with all diligence and assist those who teach it.

We also distinguish between those who assume to teach, and those who are willing to
learn. God forbid that we should not have patience with a weak brother who is confused or has
fallen into temptation and seduction, who is ignorant or is still suffering the aftermath of his
wrong training. If he listens to the Truth, accepts admonition and is willing to listen to the
Truth, we will take Christ's statement in accordance with one such, instruct him carefully, and
guide him into all Truth, as Priscilla and Aquila did with Apollo and the apostles did with their
congregations. But if someone willfully will teaches and spreads error, then we must not and
cannot tolerate him. If he is too ignorant, if he does not know what Christ wants to have taught,
then he should first learn and study before he can begin to teach others. But if he does his evil
work, although he knows that his teaching does not match the Scriptures, then his mouth must
be stopped50, and after the first or second time of exhortation he must be avoided as a false
prophet. God's Word clearly shows what our duty is: "But I admonish you, brethren, that you
keep an eye on those who cause divisions and offense against the doctrine that you have
learned and depart from the same (ἐκκλίνετε ἀπ' αὐτῶν)!"51

We hold no fellowship with those who outwardly appear to be in fellowship with false
believers as long as they are not willing, after completion of instruction and explanation, to
disassociate themselves from their false teachers. We do not pass judgment and adjudicate
concerning their heart, but we do it because we expect from every brother that he obeys his
master, and Christ says to each one of His disciples that they watch out for false prophets, they
should condemn and avoid them.

Concordia Triglotta, p. 18f.
Titus 1:11.
Romans 16:17.
Paul writes to those who will not tolerate fellowship with false believers: "Do not be
unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with
lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with
Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of
God with idols?... Therefore 'Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do
not touch what is unclean,'"52 Again, in 2 John 10-11 we find this admonition: "If anyone comes
to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house and also do not
greet him. For he who greets him makes himself a partaker of his evil deeds."

False teachers especially describe loyal and obedient servants of Christ as disturbers of
the peace and enemies of true unity; but "wisdom is justified by her children."53 The preacher
who defends pure doctrine in obedience to Christ is not the one who rends the Church, but the
rebel against the King of Love, our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, is the cause of discord and
division with his disobedience.

No one is arguing that we owe love to the erring; because if it is granted that they are
wrong, then it is the duty of love to help them get back on track again with a spirit of
gentleness, as the apostle exhorts us. But if we are told that we should also remember that we
are not infallible, and that we should let others have freedom to teach differently than we
teach, we answer: Then no one could be sure of the doctrine, and all teachings in the church
would be nothing but conjecture. That would mean nothing other than Christ is the arch-liar
when He says: "If you remain in My Word, then you are my disciples, and you shall know the
Truth and the Truth shall make you free." No one has greater love than God Who has given us
His only-begotten Son, and no one has sacrificed more for the lost sheep than Christ Who died
for them. If we follow the clearly revealed word of the Lord and deal with false believers as He
has commanded us, then we follow the voice of Him Who is love Himself. We repeat: The
faithful teachers, who are led by pastors to reject and fight error, are not the cause of division
in the Church, but the disobedience of those who preach their own dreams.

Thesis 4.

The Holy Spirit is the instrumental cause of all true inner and outer unity in the

The attempt has often been made to heal the external conflicts of the church. One has
proposed this plan for example: A man is at the top, whom all recognize at the head and whom
all must obey, and whom must have the right to decide all differences, and whom, if necessary,
achieves obedience toward his decisions by force and thus compels a superficial unity. Now
what is wrong with this plan? This: It is the plan of the devil, and like all plans of the enemy, it
promises much, but achieves nothing good and creates countless evils. This plan, like those of
so many foolish people, is the trick of the hellish juggler, whereby he deposed Christ as head of
the Church and - without people noticing - will put in his place the Antichrist. We say to the
2 Corinthians 6:14-17.
Matthew 11:19.
proponents of this plan: There already is one at the head of the Church, to Him all should obey;
it is He Whom the Father has given a Name that is above all names; it is He Whom the Father
has increased and Who now sits at the right hand of God. The Father has "all things under His
feet and has made Him the head of the Church over all, which is His body, the fullness of Him
Who fulfilled all in all."54 Whoever wishes to take this place that the Father has given His Son,
Jesus Christ, shows that he is not even a member of the Body of Christ, but a rebel, seduced
and kindled from Satan, the rebel spirit; because "One is your master, Christ; and you are all

Satan's way is to improve God's plan in outlook. God gave man a paradise; Satan
promised Adam and Eve something better than paradise. God gave man marriage; Satan has
promised something better to them in celibacy. God gave the Church Christ as the head, Satan
promises more success with the pope as head. And as long as many people like Eve are blinded
by the god of this world, as long as many are fascinated by Satan, that he can pretend the
Antichrist as the representative of Christ to them. What unity, peace, harmony, conformity is
promised to those who accept the pope as the head of the Church! The former so-called
Apostolic Delegate of the Pope to Washington, Cardinal Satolli56, at that time wrote the
following: "The Roman Catholic Church is not only not reluctant, but is trying hard to bring
about this unity, and the pope, our head, constantly invites Christians who have separated
themselves to return to the unity which existed from the beginning."57

First of all, let us examine their claims and see what fruit the pope's unity plan has
produced. At first no one claimed, not even the pope, that by his method all had been united
into an inner and outer union. The pope himself admits that not everyone who is outside the
supremacy of the pope also is united internally with the Catholic Church. He admits that even in
the Catholic Church "are rotten and dead limbs".58 The Roman Catholic Church admits that
teachers in their midst make mistakes and have kept false doctrine. 59 According to their own
concessions the papists have not succeeded and also never will succeed to bring all those who
profess their doctrine into living fellowship with Christ, not even to bring [them] to full
agreement in doctrine. And we know how true this is. But can they not at least outwardly bring
together Christians? No, even they have not managed to unite outwardly all believers of Christ.
There has never been a time in which all those who confessed Christ have recognized the
sovereignty and authority of the Pope and had submitted themselves under him. In the early
Christian Church there was no pope and when the Roman bishops claimed authority over the
whole Church, there has always been people who have refused to recognize such a claim. The
Greek Church, the Waldensians, the Hussites, and the Protestants including many thousands in
the Roman Catholic Church itself have never adopted the Pope as the supreme and final judge

Ephesians 1:22-23.
Matthew 23:8.
Francesco Cardinal Satolli (1839-1910) was the first Apostolic Delegate to the United States, serving from 1893-
New York Herald, May 10, 1895.
Complete Catechism of the Catholic Church by J.O.E. De Harbe, S.J., p. 147.
ibid, p. 141.
on earth, and when the Pope sought to enforce his authority in difficult cases, how many times
he must then learn that people who live outside his church are not subject to him from the
heart! The Christian Church has never managed to unite outwardly in 1500 years.

The plan of the Pope has been going on for centuries without success. And how many
thousands he has killed, burned, imprisoned, expelled from home and pursued in order to keep
everyone in the Papacy! But all his efforts were misguided. Reasonable people should recognize
the fact that the Pope, who has tried so long and so zealously and yet has not managed to learn
his lesson with his offer to unite the church, should no longer make a fool of himself. The
Roman Catholic Church claims to be the mother of Christians, but she reminds us strongly of
"the old woman that lived in a shoe; she had so many children she did not know what to do". 60
Luther clearly shows in the Smalcald Articles how impossible it is for the pope to unite
the church when he writes: "And supposing that the Pope would yield this point, so as not to be
supreme by divine right or from God's command, but that we must have a head, to whom all
the rest adhere in order that the unity of Christians may be preserved against sects and
heretics, and that such a head were chosen by men, and that it were placed within the choice
and power of men to change or remove this head, just as the Council of Constance adopted
nearly this course with reference to the Popes, deposing three and electing a fourth; supposing,
I say, that the Pope and See at Rome would yield and accept this (which, nevertheless, is
impossible; for thus he would have to suffer his entire realm and estate to be overthrown and
destroyed, with all his rights and books, a thing which, to speak in few words, he cannot do),
nevertheless, even in this way Christianity would not be helped, but many more sects would
arise than before. For since men would have to be subject to this head, not from God's
command, but from their personal good pleasure, it would easily and in a short time be
despised, and at last retain no member; neither would it have to be forever confined to Rome
or any other place, but it might be wherever and in whatever church God would grant a man fit
for the office. Oh, the complicated and confused state of affairs that would result!" 61

We have said that the pope has never been able to unite the Church. But the matter is
even worse. As an ignorant, foolish bumbler he has failed not only to unite the church, but he
has made bad worse. The fact that he has applied doctrine against God's Word and yet remains,
that he, e.g., prohibits the laity the blessed chalice and orders idol worship, has renounced
himself from the holy Church, and while he has led others to such disobedience, he has
snatched away thousands from unity in the faith. While he has established the kingdom of the
Antichrist, he has become among men the main rebel against the authority of the one Lord,
and, more than anyone else, has helped to destroy the unity of the Church. Yes, there can be no
doubt about the fact that he has torn apart members from inner unity with brethren through
his many bloody persecutions and through his fraudulent doctrines in a cruel manner, until it
reached the point that the papacy "is drunk from the blood of the saints and the blood from the
martyrs of Jesus."62 Nothing has caused so much confusion and havoc in the Church as the
papacy. And despite all his protests the pope is, by his disobedience and rebellion against Christ
This quote is in English in the original.
Concordia Triglotta, p. 472.
Revelation 17:6.
unto this day, the main obstacle that stands in the way of the unity of the Church. The papacy is
working day and night with his powerful machinery of spiritual and earthly resources and with
all his influence against the unity of the Church. There are many Christians in outward bondage
under the pope, sighing under his tyranny, and are prevented by this scourge and plague of
mankind to come to outward unity with other Christians. And yet people look foolish in their
ignorance to Rome, who shall bring about unity. Let us pray:

Keep us, Lord, in Your Word

And restrain the Pope and the Turks murder,
Who want to overthrow Your Son,
Jesus Christ, from His throne.63

Caesaropapism is another method that has been suggested in some circles. The state
should take up the matter and compel people through punishment, imprisonment, banishment
into exile and death for uniformity of confession and worship. This is similar to the papacy, but
on a smaller scale. It can only strive for a certain, limited area of unity and has never reached
the goal, so pathetic it was. And to see what kind of a failure it was, one needs only took look at
the attempts of Henry VIII in England64 or Philip II in the Netherlands65 or Duke George in the
small Saxony of Luther's time.66 Joachim I of Brandenburg67 could not even force his family to
unity, much less to a cordial agreement. In short, attempts to unify the Church by force, as the
pope and some authorities have tried, produce hypocrites and can bring forth at most a
superficial, limited, hypocritical uniformity with regard to several articles of faith or worship,
but never true, brotherly unity, the treasure that we ourselves want and to which we ask.

Luther expressed it this way: "Again you say: Temporal power does not force men to
believe, but simply prevents them from being misled by false doctrine; otherwise how could
heretics be prevented from preaching? I answer: This the bishops should do, to whom, and not
to the princes, such duty is entrusted. Heresy can never be prevented by force. That must be
taken hold of in a different way, and must be opposed and dealt with otherwise than with the
sword. Here God's Word must strive; if that does not accomplish the end it will remain
unaccomplished through secular power, though it fill the world with blood. Heresy is a spiritual
matter, which no iron can strike, no fire burn, no water drown. God's Word alone avails here, as
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10 [:4-5], 'Our weapons are not carnal, but mighty before God to
destroy every counsel and high thing that revolts against the knowledge of God, and takes
captive all thoughts to the service of Christ.'"68

A literal translation of the first stanza of "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word", LSB 655.
Henry VIII (1491-1547) reigned as King of England from 1509-1547.
Philip II (1527-1598) reigned as Lord of the Netherlands (among many other titles, including King of Spain) from
George the Bearded (1471-1539) reigned as Duke of Saxony from 1500-1539.
Joachim I Nestor (1484-1535) was a Prince-elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg from 1499-1535.
Translation from Martin Luther: Selections from His Writings, p. 389. Originally from "On Secular Authority",
written in 1523.
The attempt has been made to organize a colorless fellowship that has no particular
confession of faith, in which all parties could unite. The Campbellites and Congregationalists are
such fellowships. The Evangelical [Synod], which consists of Lutherans and Reformed, has also
made one step in this direction and have made a compromise. But the whole effort is only a
self-deception; because, despite repeated efforts, the first two could not even bring about an
understanding or agreement. Despite all their claims to the contrary they do have a creed, and
a very narrow one to boot. Their decision to submit to all sorts of false teaching excludes all
Christians who believe that Jesus Christ is the only shepherd of his flock and pretending to be
good shepherds, [when] they are nothing but thieves and murderers. 69 Such a foolish and
narrow commitment is too small for us. The results of this experiment are roughly in inverse
proportion to what one wanted to achieve. Even a Baptist, who otherwise fraternizes in any
way with these false unionists, writes: "A wishy-washy church, without a confession of faith,
that makes compromises, is worse than worthless. She 'only disturbs the country'." 70

Still another remedy to heal the conflict of the Church is proposed and has been
welcomed by many with great enthusiasm. Because we cannot find a better expression for it,
we intend to call it "interdenominational" unionism. This is the idea of the Evangelical Alliance.
According to those who support this effort, "it is to promote a voluntary association of
evangelical Christians from different churches and countries for the purpose of religious
freedom, Christian unity and cooperation in all sorts of good works. It owes its origin to a
widespread and growing desire for a closer union of the Protestants, both for its own sake, and
also as a successful fight at unbelief on the one hand, and superstition on the other hand." 71 "It
does not seek an external union or cooperation of churches as such, but a free Christian union
of individual members from different churches that by and large have the same faith. Naturally
such an association is also intended gradually to bring the churches themselves into closer
fellowship and to mutual recognition." So then, men from various church communities have
accepted a number of articles of faith in which they agree, and though in many other pieces
they still do not agree, they believe on the basis of this "expression of essential agreement of
evangelical Christians" they have accomplished a kind of unity and, of course, even better
expectations for the future. The pastors and members of this ecclesiastical fellowship must
recognize each other as Christians and practice at least altar and pulpit fellowship. They
emphasize the points where they agree, and suppress and reduce the differences; they treat
each other as brothers and jointly participate in various external religious endeavors, e.g., in the
organization of Christian Endeavor Societies and Young Men's and Young Women's Christian

What do we think of this attempt to unite the churches? Do we welcome them as a step
in the right direction and are we to work hand in hand with these people in their effort to
secure unity of churches? No, absolutely not! Never! We will now mention our reasons.

John 10:8.
Lutheran Witness, Vol. 29, p. 145.
Dr. Philip Schaff.
This interdenominational unionism does not quite satisfy even its own supporters.
Almost every one of them admits that it would be much more desirable if the various
ecclesiastical fellowships would come to a full agreement and full harmony in doctrine and in
the administration of the sacraments. They regret that this cannot currently be achieved. They
are a long way off to assert that interdenominationalism was a satisfactory solution to the
problem. However, they hope that it would lead to a better understanding and a better state of
affairs in the church. For the present time, they hold this is a lesser evil than the complete lack
of unity among ecclesiastical fellowships. We see that this arrangement does not even satisfy
their supporters; then it also does not achieve a partial understanding among all ecclesiastical
fellowships; because Lutherans and Catholics do not want anything to do with it, while others,
like Unitarians, are excluded, so that this arrangement is already quite unsatisfactory.

Furthermore, there are those who affiliate themselves to an association who themselves
are not in agreement about what forms the basis for such an organization, who should be
included and who should be excluded. Former President [Theodore] Roosevelt states in a letter
to the Y.M.C.A.: "The longer I live, the more I learn to appreciate the admirable work of the
Y.M.C.A. I do not believe they should just like Christians of all ecclesiastical fellowships, but also
those who do not confess the Christian faith. You remember, no doubt, how I, when I was still
police commissioner, through their intercession, won a young Jew who was part of the Bowery
Branch of the Y.M.C.A. as a valuable recruit for the police. It seems to me unwise and illiberal to
be excluding Catholics from the office of Director of the Y.M.C.A. I knew that this was the rule,
but now someone has informed me that it is so. It seems to me to be of the utmost importance
for our country that our people, who are honest and decent, associate with each other as much
as possible regardless of theological differences, and from my own experience I know that in
the Y.M.C.A. no Catholics are denied any privilege that is given to a Protestant, and that any
kind of religion is never forced upon [them], but each [one] who wants it is given religion.
Therefore, I fail to see why such a difference as the one mentioned should be continued. It can
provide no benefit, but could cause quite a stir. Whenever a Catholic priest or layman heartily
agrees with the purpose and the work of the YMCA - and I know there are many of them - then
they should be admitted to the office of Director and every other influential position as well as
Protestants. I wish that this would be brought before the competent authority of the Y.M.C.A.,
and I would appreciate if you further forwarded this letter to the proper person."

These interdenominational unionists still fight, make fools of themselves, blame each
other, build ecclesiastical opposition, write against each other, and mutually condemn each
other. We cannot see what kind of a benefit will come of it.

On the other hand, interdenominationalism has also much attendant evil. It causes
hypocrisy. Whoever is sincerely attached to the doctrines of his own church, should maintain
brotherly contact with those whom they condemn, spread doctrines that appear false to him
that false teachers who scatter discord and weeds among the people, speak as true disciples of
Jesus, praise their so-called good work, and express the hope that they will also be given to
further success and prosperity. As with many a hypocrite, once he has done it several times, he
becomes a true Pharisee, a hypocrite through and through; and the interdenominational
unionists stand by and applaud.

In the Lutheran Witness, Volume 29, page 162, we read: "We cannot understand how
people can have honest opposing viewpoints and try to hide the difference between truth and
error. In Canada the Methodists, Congregationalists, and Presbyterians are trying to unite
themselves. These fellowships do not agree with each other in doctrine and make no bones
about it. Therefore, if members of these ecclesiastical fellowships are convinced that they have
the truth, they must believe that others are in error. Nevertheless, the committees of these
sects, have managed to produce an agreement that should cover all these different

The Methodist Christian Advocate describes one such agreement with the following
words: "It is a carefully prepared document, an admirable compromise and an elusive report
that should satisfy Arminians and Calvinists, Episcopalians and Presbyterians."

We cannot comprehend that a man can seek to unite those who hold one doctrine of
God's revealed Truth and another of human error deliberately in an ambiguous document.

But what kind of foolishness, we would rather say, diabolical fraud, it is, that someone
will produce the right unity in the Church through hypocrisy!

The interdenominational unionist also produces the spiritual disease of our time:
Indifferentism. Indifference toward doctrine goes against the problem of various ecclesiastical
fellowships, while asserting that there really is no difference or that the differences are slight
and unimportant. These people therefore also believe and teach that it is hardly worth the
trouble to get to know the differences that exist between the various ecclesiastical fellowships.
The deceiver and the wolf in sheep's clothing here has his opportunity. With beautiful, smooth
talk that teem with love and liberalism, he invites his victim to come and join the other church;
" because in reality there is no difference". Here is a bed which is for the convenience of the
spiritually lethargic: "Why should I do my best to distinguish the truth from error? There are
really no differences." This opens up a haven of rest for ignorance and laziness. These are the
sages and saints who can see no difference. Is this not the open door to unbelief? These people
say: "In matters of faith a lot of good people will always have disagreements; but those are only
opinions. They may even be so different, it does not matter what one believes if each one is
sincere and does what is right." In that case, one has finished learning in the school of
interdenominational unionism when each one joins hands and can maintain fellowship with
him if he stated only that he was trying to do right. This masterstroke casts aside Bible,
Catechism, confession, faith, God and eternity. Is this interdenominational unionism not a
wonderful discovery? As Christian Science explains: "There is no sickness" and so with a Don
Quixote-like blow destroyed all medical schools, books, and science, and demolished

Translators note: One year after this essay was read, these fellowships merged into the United Church of
indifference to faith and replaced it with a convenient morality that everyone will shove away
with pleasure.

Interdenominational unionism opens the door to heretics and invites them to scatter
their poisonous weeds in the Church. He claims about me that I am the one who denies Christ's
Words in the holy Supper and makes Jesus a liar, acknowledge him as a Christian brother and
should allow him to my flock his soul-murdering error. He claims about me that I should give
the lying-apostles, the so-called "higher critics" who slander the efficacy of the Sacraments and
mock infant baptism, together with the fanatics and enthusiasts, a place in my church at my
altar and in my pulpit. He opens the doors of the divine vineyard and lets the pigs in that
rummage through and ruin it.

On the other hand, interdenominational unionism must silence every positive, clear, and
decisive witness to the Truth of every word of God and every fearless warning against error. If
interdenominational unionism is the correct position for a Christian from Scripture, then he is
considered as reactionary, as a blind zealot, as a narrow-minded sectarian zealot who
condemns all false doctrine in clear, unmistakable terms, exposes errors and faithfully warns,
while the same is a man of progress and a teacher who has discovered the new and pleasant
way in religion, as the man who should be admired by all, who neutralized the Truth with
sweet, smooth, liberal phrases, and makes dull the sword of the Spirit. Interdenominational
unionism has no place for Christ, no room for a warning against false prophets, no room for
Paul, who utters the curse on anyone who brings a "different gospel," no place for John, who
condemned the spirit of error. He is the deceiver, the hired hand on the throne, the man who
preaches to the people that itch their ears who proclaims his own dreams and prophecies,
while he who preaches exclusively God's clear Word faithfully, clearly, and positively is blamed
and put to shame. Woe to the Church if the traitor flattered, but slandered, persecuted, and
thrown into prison the true and faithful witness! My dear Christians, flee this pestilence who
under the guise of love for the flock of Christ reveals not only one wolf, but thousands of
wolves! God give us open eyes!

God has not commanded us to live in peace or to make peace with all people in all
circumstances. He says rather, "Woe to you when all men speak well of you!" 73
As a faithful Christian should be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond
of peace with Christ, Who is the head of the Church and the Church his body, and also should
seek to create this unity wherever possible, he should also not be unequally yoked with
unbelievers, but come out from them and separate himself from unclean workers of iniquity. If
a division is about to occur, the fault lies not on the faithful people who teach the Truth and
thus obey their Lord and Bishop, Jesus Christ, but solely with the disobedient who teach error
and either maintain or tolerate it in silence. Let us heed the words of Dr. Walther, who said in a
sermon at the Synodical Conference in 1875:

Luke 6:26.
"The second and indeed the most important use that we have to make of the Truth that
God alone builds and maintains His Church, is that we restrain ourselves from wanting to build
and maintain the Church through our wisdom and according to our good opinion, but we let
God alone rule. Thus it may seem to our reason as if the church would spread further and faster
if we concealed this or that truth, or if we tolerate this or that mistake, or if we gave in to in this
or that point, or when we compared ourselves with those who doubt the divine truth and with
the defenders of their conflicting errors, made peace with them, and united ourselves with
them into a great, unified army against the Antichrist and the scoffers of our day; but it may
now, at this time of false freedom, seem to our reason as if it would advance the cause of the
Church very much if we used no other force than the force of the Word, restricting Christian
freedom through man-made laws and introduced an ironclad Church culture and cast our
congregations even in the things that God has not ordered or commanded under the Preaching
Office or even under the synod: all these are nothing but foolish rationalistic notions. Without a
doubt, the building of the Church has been hindered more by those who, in their good
opinion, have wanted to help through their human wisdom, than by those antagonists whom
they have fought and pursued."74

Also in the Formula of Concord our conviction is rendered fully and accurately: "From
this our explanation, friends and enemies, and therefore every one, may clearly infer that we
have no intention of yielding aught of the eternal, immutable truth of God for the sake of
temporal peace, tranquility, and unity (which, moreover, is not in our power to do). Nor would
such peace and unity, since it is devised against the truth and for its suppression, have any
permanency. Still less are we inclined to adorn and conceal a corruption of the pure doctrine
and manifest, condemned errors. But we entertain heartfelt pleasure and love for, and are on
our part sincerely inclined and anxious to advance, that unity according to our utmost power,
by which His glory remains to God uninjured, nothing of the divine truth of the Holy Gospel is
surrendered, no room is given to the least error, poor sinners are brought to true, genuine
repentance, raised up by faith, confirmed in new obedience, and thus justified and eternally
saved alone through the sole merit of Christ."75

Der Lutheraner, 1911, p. 133.
Concordia Triglotta, p. 1094.
Is there now no way at all to heal the disunity of the Church? Should we do nothing to
unite those who belong together? Is there no way, no means, no method that the righteous
servants of Christ could use in order to bring together those who are separated? Yes, certainly,
we have a cure, or rather, we have the only means to heal disunity, we have the only method
by which something can be aligned, through which much has been aligned and is aligned even
every day. To this method, the only right and successful [method], we want now to elaborate.

Let us first consider what our Lord teaches us. "No one can say that Jesus is Lord except
by the Holy Spirit."76 To confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, to believe with the heart and confess
with the mouth, is Christianity. But who says he must also mean what he says. He cannot say:
"Jesus is Lord," merely in order to gain the advantage that he is regarded as a Christian, while
he then does and believes what he wants according to his will, or, he believes and does what is
required of him in order to be recognized by several top officials, or the so-called head of the
Church (like the pope). The faithful Christian who says: "Jesus is Lord" gives himself to the Lord
and confesses that he is a servant of Christ. Redeemed by the blood of Christ from the bondage
and the service of Satan, he is now a free man in the Lord, free from all bonds and all service of
the devil and men, free to serve the Lord alone.77

Such is spiritually united to the head of the Church, Christ, and Christ's body, the
Church, and he is also willing and ready to bring this inner unity to outward expression by now
also joining himself outwardly with his brothers; for mutual love, respect, affection,
consideration, one faith and one confession of faith should be among those who are Christians
and obey His voice. "One is your Master, Christ, and you are all brothers."78 "I urge you, dear
brothers, by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and let no
divisions be among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the
same judgment."79 This our Confessions also stresses: "And the Word of 1 Peter 4, 'Love covers
a multitude of sins" etc., is taken from the Proverbs of Solomon, where he says, 'Hatred stirs up
strife, but love covers a multitude of sins.' Here the text is clear enough in itself, that he speaks
of love towards the neighbor and not love toward God. And he wants precisely the same thing
that Paul says to the Colossians in the next sentence, namely that we are to live diligently,
friendly, brotherly, so that one retains much benefit from the other, that pain and conflict is
avoided; as he should say: Conflict arises out of hate; as we see that from the smallest spark is
often the largest fire. It was not such a big deal until Caius Caesar and Pompey became divided,
and if one had given way to the other, then the great war with so much bloodshed, so much
great misfortune and filth would not have come from it. But since everyone wanted his head
chopped off, is at the time the great, unspeakable shame, that takes place in the disruption of
the entire Roman rule. - And many heresies have therefore grown that preachers have been
bitter toward each other. So now Peter's sentiment is to be understood as follows: 'Love covers
a multitude of sins,' that is, love covers [the] sin of our neighbor. That is, unless indignation
nevertheless goes among Christians, but thus with the love of all, willingly overlooks, gives way
1 Corinthians 12:3.
1 Corinthians 7:22.
Matthew 23:8.
1 Corinthians 1:10.
to the neighbor, tolerates and fraternally bears his infirmities and does not seek to sharpen
again. So now that Peter does not want that love from God that earns the forgiveness of sins,
that love which God reconciled us without Christ the mediator, that we should be pleasant
through the love of God without the mediator Christ, but that Peter does want that in which
Christian love that is not willful, not hard and unfriendly, but easily prides itself on the
infirmities and errors of his neighbor, brotherly forgives the neighbor, satisfies, assigns itself
and gives way for the sake of peace, and also teaches the saying: 'Amici vitia noris, non oderis',
that is, I should learn my friend's manner, but if it is not all straight-like, why not hate him. And
the apostle does not admonish without cause for such love, which the philosophers have called
ἐπιεἰκεια. Because people should be or stay together in unity whether in the Church and in the
civil government, thus they do not have to settle all weakness against each other on the gold
balance, they must let each other almost pass more with water and always grant, however
much as possible, brotherly patience with each other." 80

But from where do such people come that want to do that? How then can people be
brought to the point that they subject themselves in all matters of faith and life, in credendis et
agendis, to the Lord? Such people are alone a product of the Holy Spirit. "No one can say that
Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit."81 No schemer, no compromise, no violence, no fire,
sword, prison, no seductive ambiguity of speech, no toleration of false teachers, no so-called
love, that the truth of the sacred and only true Word of God reveals the folly, weakness and
wickedness of men, can produce such people, but only the Holy Spirit and no one else. If
anyone knows the name of Christ, these would learn a truth, it would open a new era for the
Church. In First Corinthians chapter 12, where Paul describes the unity of many different
Christians and compares them with one body with many different members, he also tells us
that we have come to this unity. "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether
Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, and are all drinking of one Spirit."82 The Holy Spirit is not in
contradiction with Himself. He has not given us different and conflicting religions or rules or
laws, but His Word is one harmonious whole; and when we follow Him, He will not lead us in
different directions, in parties opposed to one another, and in separation, but when we follow
Him, where, how, and wherever He leads us, we certainly attain true unity, both internally and
externally. "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints." 83
That is why He is called "the God of peace",84 because He is not the author of discord and strife,
but peace. But with His peace-loving Christians, He must fight against the disturbers of the
peace, the devil and his seed. And only this God of peace can give us peace.85 This also the Lord
explicitly promises His Church: "But when that Spirit of Truth will come, He will lead you into all
Truth." This is the precaution that Jesus has taken for the unity of His Church and to maintain
her in unity: He has given and sent us His Holy Spirit. This Spirit does not work in opposition to
the will of Jesus, but he works according to the will of Jesus; "He will not speak of himself: but

Concordia Triglotta, p. 186f. (German).
1 Corinthians 12:3.
1 Corinthians 12:13.
1 Corinthians 14:33.
1 Thessalonians 5:23; Romans 15:33.
2 Thessalonians 3:16.
whatsoever He shall hear, that He shall speak;... for He will take of what is mine and declare it
to you."86

This consistency of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit with the words of Jesus is restated by
Paul when he writes: "For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who is preached among you by us,
through me and Silvanus and Timothy, was not 'Yes' and 'No', but it was 'Yes' 87 in Him."

But we will not now imagine that nothing needs to be done, that we could let the Holy
Spirit do his work without people and without means, or that we needed to ask only for the
Holy Spirit. Absolutely not! It is true that the Holy Spirit could do that if he wanted, but "it
pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe."88 The Word of
God "has been revealed through [God's] Spirit" who alone searches the deep things of God. 89
And now through preaching ("with words that the Holy Spirit teaches"90) God calls, gathers,
enlightens, and unites the Church and keeps her in the true faith. "You are kept by the power of
God through faith for salvation." 91 "And I am confident of this very thing, that He who has
begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." 92 Where Christians
follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the clear word of Scripture, there unity must follow and
unity also always followed. Paul warns Christians against discord and division, and the
consequences of such conflict. "But if you bite and devour one another, take heed that you will
not devour one another."93 And then he continues and shows them the remedy for this evil and
tells them that they should follow the Holy Spirit and His work in them and should be guided by
Him; then they will perform neither the lusts of the flesh nor will fall victim to the works of the
flesh, under which he, e.g., calls: "idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, envy, wrath, selfish
ambitions, dissensions, factions, hatred, murder",94 that are all kinds of disobedience through
which most divisions and disputes arose in the Church and still arise. But these three: strife,
division, and partisanship, are the greatest evil. And the Holy Spirit is the One Who is able to lift
these evils. Yes, the Holy Spirit must also work the real success of such a peaceful unity
between Christians; "because it is God that works in you both to will and to do according to His
good pleasure."95

It is now also clear what we need to do to bring about and to keep peace and unity,
namely this, that we are guided by the Holy Spirit into all Truth and even become tools, each
according to his gifts and his ability, through which is brought another Word of the Holy Spirit
to their enlightenment, improvement, strengthening, and edifying. When a Christian submits to
the guidance of the Holy Spirit, walks in the Spirit, uses and takes advantage of every
John 16:13-14.
2 Corinthians 1:19.
1 Corinthians 1:21.
1 Corinthians 2:10.
1 Corinthians 2:13.
1 Peter 1:5.
Philippians 1:6.
Galatians 5:15.
Galatians 5:20.
Philippians 2:13.
opportunity on his part of the gifts of the Spirit, to teach, spread, preach and defend God's
Word, to write, print, read, sing and confess in this interest, then every Christian builds a
temple of God and is a powerful instrument through the Holy Spirit for true Church unity. This is
demonstrated nicely by Paul in the 4th Chapter to the Ephesians: "I, therefore, the prisoner of
the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all
lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to
keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you
were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father
of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But to each one of us grace was given
according to the measure of Christ's gift. Therefore He says: 'When He ascended on high, He led
captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.' (Now this, 'He ascended' -- what does it mean but that
He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is also the One
who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.) And He Himself gave
some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, that
the saints may be built up for the work of service [Dienstes], for the edifying of the body of
Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a
perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be
children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of
men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up
in all things into Him who is the head -- Christ -- from whom the whole body, joined and knit
together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part
does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." 96

In these words Paul admonishes Christians to keep the unity of the Church and also
teaches how that should be done. He shows them that they must remember two important
things if they want to preserve the unity of the Spirit. First, they must walk in such a way that
they do not disrupt the peace with their brethren through pride, impatience, and intolerance.
They should be gentle and patient, and one shall bear the other in love. Whoever does not obey
Christ and does not deal with his brethren as such, who are equally beloved by the Lord, but as
inferior, that one should treat contemptuously, over which one holds sway, that one can brush
aside without love; those who refuse to bear their weaknesses, weaknesses that are found in
every Christian, while he demands that others should overlook his own weaknesses, and
perhaps even expects that one should see his weaknesses as virtues: he rips to shreds the unity
of the church with his pride and selfishness. By such conduct he provokes his brethren, giving
them cause for complaint, challenges their accusations against him; and then when others take
a position, as usually happens with such people, then they will set up opposing parties against
each other. All this can be avoided if Christians walk worthily, as is fitting their vocation where
they are called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, and if one bears with the other
in love and is diligent to keep the unity in the Spirit. But so that some do not get the idea that
one should also tolerate and support false teachers, Paul shows them secondly what is
necessary that unity might be established and maintained in the Church. He says to them that
the risen and ascended Lord has now provided the gift of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of the

Ephesians 4:1-16 NKJV alt.
Church. The Holy Spirit now works through pastors and teachers that the saints may be
prepared for the work of the office, through which the body of Christ is built up, until we all
come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God and become a perfect

When Christians are honest in love and avoid every wind of doctrine from sly and
cunning people, they are taught the Word of Truth, that they all profess one Lord, one faith,
one baptism, and all speak the same [thing]. It is clear that the Holy Spirit unites the Church by
teaching everyone all the same truths but not tolerating all sorts of false doctrine. In fact, if no
one else would work on the Church except the Holy Spirit and those, Whom He calls as servants
of the Church, who taught the pure and clear Word of Christ, then the product would be the
Church and this Church would be one united Church; she could not be anything else. The
disturbance comes from the people who oppose the work of the Holy Spirit or interfere with
their own opinions either out of ignorance (although they mean well) or else out of a sense of
superiority or even out of spite.

So what is it, what should we Christians do toward the restoration of true unity? At the
risk of repeating myself or being long-winded, I will emphasize the following:

1. "Examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves!" 97; that is, make
sure in particular whether you are truly converted Christians through sincere repentance and
true faith. If not, then you might not be in spiritual unity with the Church, no matter what kind
of a high position you occupy in the visible Church or congregation. When such unconverted
people speak about churchly unity, then it is exactly as if a convicted robber and murderer
wanted to give us a talk about "good government".

2. If you are a true Christian, then the Holy Spirit has taught you to say that Jesus is Lord.
See to it that you not only call Him Lord in all things, but that He may be your Lord, that is, the
One Whose voice you hear and you want willingly to obey. Obedience to God has never torn
the Church apart and she will never tear apart.

3. For this purpose, pastors and congregation members should never relent in their
efforts to become better acquainted with the Word of God. Pastors should attend conferences,
synods and meetings, where Truth is taught and error is rejected. They should have time
privately to study the Bible and the writings of orthodox teachers. They should study especially
Luther's works and the works of those to whom God gave such rich gifts and those whom [the
Church] has needed so faithfully in the service of the Lutheran Church in America.

Laity should conscientiously attend Divine Service. They should show their pastor that
they take great interest in doctrinal sermons. They should read and study the Bible and in
addition church papers and magazines, in order to propagate the Truth. If possible, they should

2 Corinthians 13:5.
also be familiar with the Book of Concord and its doctrines and its clear explanation of the
Word of God and agree in its strong, full, and triumphant rejection of all false doctrine.

4. Every Christian head of the family should see to it that enough pure and sound
literature is in the house, and try hard to awaken interest in it.

5. All should help to spread such good books and magazines along with other literature.

6. One should never blame and criticize a true and sincere servant of God when he
rejects an error. If one cannot rightly see the matter, then one should instead ask him to make
things even clearer.

7. As you demand pure food, pure air, pure water, so also demand pure, unadulterated
doctrine. Only the best is good enough for you and your children. "Buy the Truth and do not sell
it!"98 If necessary, then buy it yourself at the highest price and sell it at any price. "All that you
may desire is not equal to it."99

8. Against all those who confess pure doctrine, be gentle, polite, patient, longsuffering,
bearing their weaknesses, love them, defend them and explain everything for the best.

In summary: Whatever you can do to spread God's Word, do it. Discuss this with your
pastor. Help those who preach and spread the Word of God. Fight everything that is opposed to
the Word. This Word is the Truth. The Holy Spirit unites the Church through the Word of God
and keeps her in the one true faith. Without him we can do nothing. God must do it. He must
build and unite the Church. We should simply follow Him, obey, believe and do His will; then
unity will follow, as far as possible in this world. In heaven at last and in the fellowship of the
elect, we ourselves will be perfect and also enjoy perfect fellowship.

Where is unity and harmony in the Bible? Where do we find in it eternal perfect
concord, without contradiction in doctrine, but one faith, one doctrine? It all comes from the
fact that the Holy Spirit is the creator and author of the Bible. He has taught and inspired the
Word. Where was the apostolic Church united? Perhaps the apostles made compromises,
condescended to men? Because Peter was the head? Because Caesar ruled? None of this. It
was, rather, the Holy Spirit; He worked through the word of the apostles. God grant to us that
we recognize this truth, believe wholeheartedly, act accordingly, and therefore detest all
foolish, harmful unionistic methods that the enemies of the Truth suggest and the simple-
minded, ignorant, blind leader of the blind who do not know about what they stumble over. We
who know the Truth and those whom the Holy Spirit by grace has given the blessed existing
unity, both inner unity as well as outward unity of the confession, should neither day nor night
cease to thank God for it and ask for grace that we never, never be the cause of division and
discord through disobedience against our Lord, but always follow the doctrine that He has
revealed to us in God's Word and how He seeks to produce in us faith toward God's Word and
Proverbs 23:23.
Proverbs 3:15.
love toward our brethren. In this way then He will raise up and keep unity in His Church on

"May Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, give us the grace of the Holy
Spirit, that we are all one in Him and steadfastly remain in His Christian unity, as it is pleasing to
Him! Amen."

Presented in 1924 at the Synodical Conference Convention at St. Paul's Church, Napoleon, OH

Translated by David M. Juhl

A.D. 2010

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