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Anti Ramon Diaz Minaya

William Hidalgo M.
English 3
1er bimestre

In this final work I will talk about my video for the subject of English 3,
where I will talk about my favorite foods and why I like them. I will write it
and add images indicating my tastes and in the end I will add the link of
the video that I uploaded to YouTube and finally in the conclusion I will
talk about the effects of this final work.

Hable sobre su comida favorita y por qué le gusta, etc.

This is my final work of English 3 where I will talk about my favorite
My favorite food is traditional Dominican food rice, cakes, and chicken. I
like it because it is the food that my mother prepares me whenever I visit
her, and it is what she prepares me as a child for some holiday.

I also like spaghetti for this meal I don't have anything special because I
like it, it's just something I like.

For my birthday I like to pamper with a pork steak is something that I like
at special times with white rice or Moor de Gandules.

I also love grills with all kinds of sausage, as well as wings, thighs,
sausages, chops, accompanied with prepared bread on the grill.
These are my favorite foods that I talked about in this video for the final
work of English three.


The way of doing this final work is very important for our learning
because it does not help to learn to know different forms of words as
well as the way in which we pronounce them in order to know what we
say and how we say it.

Anti Ramon Minaya

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