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{3a285) ee hat dew trickles to the Holy Apple Orchard, as is written: dra Rabba The layer of dew lifted, 4nd look, on the surface of the desert—something fine, flaky (Exodus 16:14). Th - © appearance of that dew is white, are seen, as is written: bers 11:7), dey W of emanat ie “™ANation conveyed by Shekhinah. On tis Phrase, see above, note 5, see : the association of manna with dew, cs Pxodus 1623-14; Numbers 11:9, Psalms fe , describes the manna as bread of the bi 8 Which may refer to food of the an ees Septuagint, ad loc. + Wisdom of Sol- Raby, fa2 BT Yoma 75b (in the name of Zohg Akiva): Nalymanides on Exodus 16:6; a iS :61b, my 156b; ZH 86d (MN, Rut). see $e nels being nourished by Sheldinahy ed Rabbah 32:4; Kallah aye i the arent being ground forthe righteous 326, atetlife see BT Hagigal 12b; Zohar Sa. eZ); Gikatilla, Sha’arei Oral, “pte, Mekhilta, Vayassa 4; Mekhilta de- Pane : Pesigta de-Rav Kahana ae manides on Exodus 16:6; Zohar Utica, ments In the Zohar, see Hecker, ne Bodies, Mystical Meals, 82-5. Brody mahation as dev, see Nahmanides on Razin «iS Todvos. Abulafia, Sha'ar ha- pe cae re 1:95b, 143b, 224b, 225b, i 22616, 62b, 83a-b ar ab, 88a, 156b, 176b es ee (Sd73), roa; 5:26, 135b (IR), o i (IZ), 290 (IZ); ZH 45a-b. oy = Passage in Pirgei de-Rabbi Eliezer So Berakhot 5:2, 9b; BT Hagigah 12b, Tinker 8b; Pirget de-Rabbi Eli'ezer 32-333 ae na (Buber), Toledot 195 Todros Abu- (ny, 0" M-Raziny 54; Zohar 188 _ ob-a31a, 2asb, 2320; 2:28b, 83a, zy es % 3:35b (IR), 2880 (IZ), 292b (IZ); Sefer + 90d (MhN, Rut); Moses de Leén, Tht Mishaat, 86-8. he number “13 fe 120 millio sep thowsand myri "Pts inchy " sens luding N49, V22) read “thirteen feures myriads,” and the number thirteen = Prominenty below. N ferms Arikh Anpin and Ze'eir Anpin, literally Several manu like a crystal stone in which all colors ts appearance was like the appearance of crystal (Num- see above, note 14. The full verse in Song of Songs reads: I was asleep, but my heart was ‘awake. The voice of my lover, knocking: “Open to-me, my sister, my beloved, my dove, my per- fect one! For my head is drenched (literally filled| with dew, my locks with sprinkles of night.” ‘The full verse in Isaiah 26 reads: Your dead will live, my corpses will arise. Awake and shout for joy, O dwellers of the dust! For Your dew is a dew of lights, and the earth will give birth to lor: cast forth] spirits of the dead. 26. That dew trickles to the Holy Apple Orchard... ‘The flow of emanation pro- ceeds to Shekhinah, who is pictured as an orchard filled with sefirotic trees—especially the triad of Hesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet, whose respective colors all appear in the ap- ple: the white pulp, the red skin, and the green stem (or leaves), See above, p. 23, 1. 66. In the verse from Exodus (as understood here), the desert symbolizes Shekhinab, The full verse, describing the first appearance of the manna, reads: The layer of dew lifted, and look, om the surface of the desert for: wilder- 1ness|—something fine, flaky, fine as frost on the ground. ‘The full verse in Numbers reads: The ‘manna was lke coriander seed, and its appear- ‘ance jor: color, texture] was like the appear- ance of nigrtan (harbedolah), bdellinm, The term bedolal) appears only one other place in the Bible, in the geographical setting of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2212). Orig nally, bedolah apparently designated an aro- matic yellowish semitransparent resin of trees (namely bdellium, similar to myrth), but a number of ancient and medieval sources identify it as a precious stone, Rashi ‘on Numbers 11:7 describes it as “crystal,” and 329

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