Group Project Rubrics

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

- Maintain eye - Maintain some -Minimal eye - Maintain no eye

contact. The eye contact. The contact. The contact. The
presenter presenter kept student presenter read all
maintained eye eye contact most occasionally used of the report with
contact with the of the time but eye contact, but no eye contact.
audience, seldom frequently still read most of
returning to notes. returned to notes. the report.

Presentation Mix of 4
skills and 2 - Some rehearsal
possible - No rehearsal
- Well rehearsed - Some rehearsal
obvious obvious

- Body language
inappropriate - Absent body
- Appropriate body
- Appropriate and language language
effective body

- The presenter - The presenter's - The presenter's - The presenter

used a clear voice voice was clear voice was low and mumbled,
and correct, and pronunciation difficult to hear incorrectly
precise of most words was and/or words pronounced words
pronunciation, so correct. Most were incorrectly frequently or
that all audience audience pronounced spoke too quietly.
members could members could
hear the hear the
presenter. presenter.
Language Mix of 4
Skills and 2

- Grammar
- Grammar -Some grammar mistakes were
mistakes were mistakes. frequent.
rare. - Grammar
mistakes were

- Presentation - Presentation Presentation Presentation is
has a clear and has a clear structure is hard chaotic
logical structure structure, some to follow
inaccuracies are Mix of 4
Organization present
- Presenters use and 2 Presenters do not
signposts to communicate Presentation has
communicate different parts of no logical
the presentation structure
different parts of
the presentation

Group deeply Group Group Group Group barely

understands the understands the somewhat understands the understands the
topic topic understands surface of the topic
the topic topic

Group Group’s
Group presented Group presented presented perspective and Group did not
their perspective their perspective only their opinion is not present their own
as well as others’ and mentioned perspective clear perspective or
Content and
others’ opinion

Presentation has Presentation has

Presentation has a clear Conclusions are no conclusions
clear and conclusion but not clear
understandable implications are
conclusions and confusing

Presentation Presentation Presentation No presentation

slides effectively slides present slides do not slides
Visual aids present students’ the ideas, but present students’
and written ideas they are not ideas

Students used Students used Students misused No visual nor
variety of visual simple visual or visual and audio audio aids
and audio aids audio aids Mix of 4 aids
and 2

Data and Data and Data and

collected collected collected No evidence of
information are information are information are data and
appropriate appropriate inappropriate information

Students Students
organized their organized their Students work
work well work well Students work was unorganized
was badly

Presentation was Most of the Presentation was Presentation was

interesting for presentation was not interesting for boring
the listeners interesting for listeners, but it
the listeners was on topic
Presenters did
not capture
Students were Students were audience’s
Students were well prepared not prepared and attention even for
well prepared and submitted submitted the a short time
and submitted the presentation presentation late
Overall presentation on on time Mix of 4
impression time and 2

The purpose of
The purpose of the presentation The purpose was
the presentation somewhat The purpose was
was mainly not achieved
was achieved achieved achieved

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