Long Test in Reading and Writing Skills 2019

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Select the letter of the best answer to each of the following questions.

____1. What do we call the major idea to be developed in a paragraph?

A. Clinching Sentence B. Connected Discourse C. Supporting Details D. Topic Sentence

____2. What do we call the element of the paragraph wherein the text forms a unified whole and has meaning?

A. Coherence B. Cohesion C. Emphasis D. Unity

____3. What divide large chunks of a text to make it easier for readers to comprehend the content?

A. Clauses B. Phrases C. Paragraphs D. Sentences

____4. What is the term for the part of the topic sentence that contains the writer’s opinion or assertion about the


A. limited topic B. controlling idea C. subject D. thesis

____5. What do we call the specific or minor ideas that help develop the topic sentence into a paragraph?

A. Controlling idea B. Limited topic C. Supporting Details D. Topic Sentence

____6. What do we call the final statement that closes the paragraph?

A. Clinching Sentence B. Initial Sentence C. Topic Sentence D. Thesis Statement

____7. Which sentence contains parallel grammatical structures?

A. Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bike.

B. Mary likes to hike, swimming, and riding a bicycle.

C. Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle.

D. Mary likes hiking, to swim, and riding a bicycle.

____8. What is the use of signal words and phrases such as and, moreover, further, furthermore, also, likewise, in like
manner, etc.?

A. to add ideas B. to give examples c. to signal a cause d. to signal an effect

____9. What refers to the use of pronouns to refer to words, phrases, or clauses previously mentioned

A. Pronoun Markers B. Pronoun Reference C. Pronoun Substitutes D. Repetition of Pronouns

____10. What kind of parallel grammatical structures are used in the following:

“To see is to believe.”

A. gerund structure B. infinitive structure C. noun structure D. verb structure

____11. To achieve coherence and to clarify important ideas in the reader’s mind, what does the writer do with key
words or key phrases in the paragraph?

A. add B. delete C. repeat D. simplify

____12. Which paragraph order is most appropriate for the topic “Analyzing Photographs?”

A. Chronological B. Logical-Deductive C. Logical-Inductive D. Space

____13. Which paragraph order will lend itself easily to the topic “Photographs:Now and Before?”

A. Chronological B. Logical-Deductive C. Logical-Inductive D. Space

____14. Which topic should be written using the chronological order?

A. “Comparing the Old Ways and New Ways of Filipino Courtship”

B. “Male and Female Roles in Filipino Courtship”

C. “The Anatomy of Filipino Courtship”

D. “What Makes Filipino Courstship Unique”

____15. Which topic will lend itself best to space order?

A. “Pre-War Manila: A Well-Planned City (Aerial View)

B. “Manila: Then and Now”

C. “What I Miss About Manila”

D. “Yorme’s Vision of Manila”

____16. Which one is the best order to use when writing an article about the sprawling home of a celebrity?

A. Chronological B. Logical-Deductive C. Logical-Inductive D. Space Order

____17. Which paragraph order may either be deductive or inductive?

A. Chronological B. Logical C. Sequential D. Spatial

____18. Which word refers to the emotion or belief expressed in writing?

A. feeling B. phenomenon C. sensation D. sentiment

____19. Why is there a need to come up with certain strategies in processing information?

A. People today are bombarded with a lot of information from different sources.

B. People today are not aware of the importance of processing the said information.

C. People today are not interested in these information coming from different sources.

D. People today are not skilled enough to read these information from different sources.

____20. Which technique in selecting and organizing information involves listing down ideas?

A. Brainstorming B. Chart C. Graphic Organizer D. Outlining

____21. Which one is the first basic step in writing?

A. Exploring for a topic to write about

B. Gathering information to develop the topic

C. Selecting and organizing the ideas or information gathered graphically or in outline form

D. Writing the paragraph

____22. Which technique is a visual display that demonstrates relationships between facts, concepts or ideas?

A. Brainstorming B. Charting C. Graphic Organizer D. Outlining

____23. Which of the following is the basic building block of the composition?

A. paragraph B. phrase C. sentence D. word

____24. Which skills are strengthened when one writes paragraphs?

A. listening and speaking B. reading and writing C. reading and speaking D. writing and listening

____25. Which of the following is a visual learning device that shows the information arranged in charts, clusters,
tables, and the like?

A. brainstorm list B. graphic organizer C. topic outline D. sentence outline

____26. Which skill makes one intellectually stronger as it requires reason, which comes only from disciplined minds?

A. Listening B. Reading C. Speaking D. Writing

____27. Which sentence is true about the topic outline?

A. The topic outline summarizes the main topic and subtopics of the article in words or phrases.

B.The topic outline uses complete sentence for each topic and subtopic.

C.The topic sentence is a visual learning device that shows the information arranged in charts, clusters, tables, etc.

D. The topic sentence is a process for generating creative ideas through freewheeling group discussion.

____28. Which statement below is not an advantage of brainstorming?

A. Many ideas can be generated in a short time.

B. It requires few material resources.

C. The results can be used immediately.

D. Sometimes, some members fail to contribute.___

____29. Which one among the following is not a graphic organizer?

A. Brainstorm Web B. Triple Venn Diagram C. KWL Chart D. Outline

____30. What is the “point of view” when the writer tells his own story?

A. Author-Observer B. First-person C. First-person observer D. Third person

____31. Which of these narratives is short, interesting, and amusing?

A. anecdote B. character sketch C. short story D. travelogue

____32. Which element of the narrative refers to the series of events in the story?

A. character B. plot C. point of view D. setting

____33. Which word is not a synonym of bestow. “The three magi bestowed gifts to the Baby Jesus.”

A. allot B. donate C. give D. take

____34. Which of the words/phrases below are used in narratives to denote time?

A. across B. eventually C. from far to near D. from the top to the bottom

____35. Which pattern of development tries to put into words the picture of an object, person, place, or scene?

A. Description B. Definition C. Exemplification D. Narration

____36. Which one does not talk about an objective description?

A. informative B. scientific C. suggestive D. Technical

____37. Which signal word is commonly used in a descriptive text?

A. after B. later C.meanwhile D. Nearby

____38. Which pattern of development calls on your imagination to recreate past images or to build new ones?

A. Description B. Definition C. Exemplification D. Narration

____39. Which word is an antonym of picturesque? “The sunset at Manila Bay is such a picturesque scene.”

A. attractive B. charming C. colorful D. ugly

____40. Which of these patterns of paragraph development is a story?

A. description B. definition C. exemplification D. narration

____41. Which pattern is normally chronological although at times can use flashbacks?

A. definition B. description C. exemplification D. narration

____42. Which paragraph pattern is used to illustrate the nature of people, places, and things?

A. Comparison-Contrast B. Definition C. Description D. Exemplification

____43. Which word is not a synonym of tenacity? “We admire Winston Churchill for his bulldog tenacity as a leader.”

A. cowardice B. determination C. diligence D. perseverance

____44. Which signal words/phrases are not used to add examples?

A. also b. furthermore c. likewise d. to the right

____45. What do we call the villain in the story who creates the problems in the life of the main character?

A. antagonist B. foil C. protagonist D. sidekick

____46. What do you call the perspective the writer takes in telling his story?

A. character B. point of view C. plot D. setting

____47. Which pattern of paragraph development is easy to use and is effective in explaining or clarifying difficult


A. definition B. description C. exemplification D. narration

____48. Which pattern of paragraph development compares two different things on the basis of their similarities in
certain aspects?

A. Paragraph by analogy C. Paragraph by comparison

B. Paragraph by classification D. Paragraph by example

____49. Which is the best type of sequencing to use for the paragraph by analogy?

A. chronological C. parallel

B. logical D. space

____50. Which one is not a signal word commonly used in analogy?

A. a number of C. just like

B. also D. similarly

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