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“Understanding the Self – The Spiritual Self”

Do you understand your self? Do you hear your self? Do you feel and ask every
moment you needed answers to yourself? The spiritual self of an individual is one of
the important aspects of understanding yourself.
In recent decades, there has been a tendency for spiritual paths to develop
which deny and dissociate from emotions and the messy, earthly reality of who we
are. These approaches emphasise enlightening and awakening yet often lead to
radical dissociation.
Your Spiritual Self is you in your most beautiful and powerful form. It is the
authentic self, the unconditioned part, the you without patterns.
This is personal for each of us, so no need to get caught up on the language. Some
may identify with Higher Self, The Universe, God, Higher Power, your inner Buddha,
your true being… It’s the part of you that is connected to everything, the part that is
If your Intellect gets in the way of accessing your Spiritual Self, simply recall a
moment in time, when you were peaceful and content. This may be associated with
nature, love, creativity, or anything else which induced a sense of serenity. In your
mind’s eye, notice how you look; your facial expression, your posture, your eyes…
and you can immediately reconnect to yourself in your most beautiful form.
The feeling you experience when you access your Spiritual Self is
important. Make it a habit to strengthen this aspect of your Quadrinity, so that it adopts
a leading function in your life.
According to Jim Self and Roxane Burnett, to play with your Spiritual Self and
develop your Spiritual Abilities:
 Practice Energy Tools in a focused, intentional way to quiet the noise in your
life and develop your intuitive abilities.
 Return to a quiet space and imagine your Spiritual Self standing before you.
Ask her to help you communicate clearly with your emotional, physical and
mental bodies to give them what they need. The answers may arrive sometime
later and in a most unusual way.
 Go to a public place and watch people. Act as if you are intuitive and notice
what information you get from watching.
 Become aware of your physical, mental and emotional messages. Many of
them are messages from one aspect of you to your Spiritual Self. As you
continue to get quiet, clear out the noise and listen, the messages will become
clearer and louder.
 If you already notice many voices in your head, know that only one of them is
your Spiritual Self. As you use these tools, the others will eventually clear out
and the quietest one will be yours.
 Begin a Spiritual Record. Include insights, desires and night dreams,
meaningful quotes from your readings, drawings and anything else
documenting your unfolding Path. This process focuses your attention on your
goals, validates your Spiritual Self and is helpful to review at times when you
might feel discouraged or “stuck.”
 Make written notes in your Spiritual Record of all the synchronistic events in
your day. As you recognize and validate them, the quantity and quality will grow.
 Bring beauty into your life. Beauty is the language of Spirit. Create beautiful
spots in your office, home, yard, and car. Play with Feng Shui.
 Ask and intend to visit gardens, parks and libraries or attend a lecture on a
specific subject while you sleep.
 Record your night-dreams immediately upon waking, even if they make no
sense. Doing so will increase their frequency and clarity.
 Most importantly… Have fun and laugh a lot. Your Spiritual Self finds your life
amusing and entertaining. So can you.
In one of a Qualitative Research 2015 conducted by Louis F. Kavar, addressing
the problem of research on spirituality from a scientific perspective,
Cairns (2011) summarized the challenge for research on this topic in this way:
“Our problem is all about perspective. We usually try to describe spirituality from within
our acquired belief systems. This is self-limiting and constrains our understanding of
both the origins of spirituality and the beliefs of others. It particularly creates a problem
in heterogeneous communities with a wide range of often-contradictory explanations
for life.”
Understand now, that this is your transformational life experience - the life
experience that you chose in which to incarnate for the purpose of waking up and
remembering who you really are at the core of your being. You’re reading these words
from a seemingly apparent other, but you brought yourself to this page in order that
you’d read them, in order to remind you of your true nature - that is clear!
So in essence, who you really are is Spirit or Love or Pure Consciousness. You're
currently enjoying a physical life experience, and the purpose of this experience is
for fun, creation, expansion, pure joy, bliss, ecstasy and more fun.

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