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Greeting of Peace and Love!

As you know Christmas is fast approaching, we from SPP is organizes a yearly feeding and gift giving to
the less fortunate families. This year we are again raising funds for activities below.

1. Feeding Program and Gift Giving

2. Fund raising for the Generator set for the Parish

We are reaching out to ask financial assistance to make this possible. As a time when people are focused
on giving thanks to the bounty in their lives, others are feeling the pain in need.

With this, We will be having a houses to house caroling this coming December __& __, 2019 at __:__
(am/pm) in which 100% of our funds raised will be on the activities stated in this letter.

Hoping that we can count on your support in making this plans possible. Any amount, no matter how
small or large, will make a difference. Your kindness and generosity are appreciated, and will make a
difference in the lives of our benefactors at ______________________________.

Blessing to you and your family!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year

Renato D. Orias Jr Rev. Fr. Isagani Petelos

Music Ministry Head SPP Parish Priest

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