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2010-2011 Keizer Citizen Survey

1. Overall, do you feel you are getting your money’s worth for your City tax

Response Response
Percent Count

Yes 57.5% 306

No 19.4% 103

Don't Know 23.1% 123

answered question 532

skipped question 21

2. What do you feel is the single most important issue facing Keizer in the
next 5-years?



answered question 455

skipped question 98

1 of 14
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3. Funding services in the City’s General Fund includes many trade-offs.
For example, each dollar the City spends on Administration, Police
Services, Planning means one less dollar spent for other services like
Police or Parks & Recreation. Additionally, certain costs like administration
and planning cannot simply be avoided or drastically reduced because
they are already at the lowest levels possible while still meeting our
organizational needs or mandated requirements. Following are a list those
services allocated in the General Fund and paid for all or in part with your
property tax dollars. (Please indicate on the right-hand side below how
you would allocate funding to each of these services if you only had $100
to spend between all of them. Either circle a number in the range given or
fill in a number if no range is provided:) **$??** - Indicates the current
amount allocated per $100 for the 2010/11 budget year

Response Response Response

Average Total Count

City Wide Administration - **$15**

(City Management, Community
Center, Emergency Management,
Finance, Human Resources, Legal,
City Recorder/ Records/ Volunteer 14.93 7,181 481
Support, Facilities Maintenance,
Information Technology (IT),
Network/ Website/

Community Development - **$5**

(Current and long range planning,
6.58 3,171 482
Transportation planning, Code

Public Safety **$76** (Police

72.11 34,975 485
Services, Municipal Court)

Parks & Recreation **$3** 4.79 2,303 481

Contingency **$1** 1.86 870 469

answered question 485

skipped question 68

2 of 14
4. Parks The City of Keizer has the lowest permanent tax rate of any full
service City in the State of Oregon with a population above 10,000 at $2.08
per $1,000 of assessed valuation on real property (your home, business,
or rental property). Due to this low rate, the tax dollars we have available
to provide city services that Keizer residents say they want are extremely
limited. In the future, this will require a reduction in services or additional
funding. Please select the level of service you would like to see the City
provide during the next 5-years for Parks by indicating whether or not you
would be willing to support a fee collected on your water bill that would be
dedicated to supporting parks services. Select one level of service for

Response Response
Percent Count

No fee – May see a slow

reduction of service levels in
parks in future years meaning
fields will likely be mowed fewer
times per month, existing play
structures and other amenities
would probably be maintained
but not likely replaced,
upgraded, or added to; new 45.0% 240
parks will not likely be
developed; and special activities
like free community concerts at
the amphitheatre and/or
operation of the spray fountain
at the Civic Center would only
be scheduled only as funding

$1/month – Would likely see an

improvement of service levels in
parks in future years meaning that
fields would be mowed and
maintained more times per month;
existing play structures and other
amenities could be maintained
and/or replaced; new play
structures and amenities may be
added as per the adopted parks
Master Plan at a modest pace and
some new parks may be added to

3 of 14
the system and developed over
time (i.e. large playground structure
33.6% 179
at Keizer Rapids Park);
public/private partnerships to
provide some youth recreational
activities may be supported as
funding is vialable (i.e. the Wild,
Wild Recreation program sponsored
between the City, Boys & Girls
Club, and Keizer Rotary); and
certain activities like free
community concerts at the
amphitheatre and continual
seasonal operation of the spray
fountain at the Civic Center may
become priorities, etc.

$2/month – Would likely see a

marked improvement in service
levels in parks in future years
meaning that fields may be mowed
and maintained on a frequent
schedule; existing play structures
and other amenities would likely be
well maintained and/or replaced
and/or upgraded; new playground
structures and amenities would
likely be added to parks as per the
Parks Master Plan on a more
aggressive schedule; more new
21.4% 114
parks may be added to the system
as opportunities present
themselves; public/private
partnerships for some youth
recreational activities could be
funded (i.e. Some funding for some
KYSA, KYBA, Keizer Soccer, Keizer
Little League projects); and special
activities like free community
concerts at the amphitheatre and/or
continual seasonal operation of the
spray fountain at the Civic Center
would likely occur each summer.

answered question 533

skipped question 20

4 of 14
5. Police The City of Keizer has the lowest permanent tax rate of any full
service City in the State of Oregon with a population above 10,000 at $2.08
per $1,000 of assessed valuation on real property (your home, business,
or rental property). Due to this low rate, the tax dollars we have available
to provide city services that Keizer residents say they want are extremely
limited. In the future, this will require a reduction in services or additional
funding. Please select the level of service you would like to see the City
provide during the next 5-years for Police by indicating whether or not
you would be willing to support a fee collected on your water bill that
would be dedicated to supporting police services. Select one level of
service for Police.

Response Response
Percent Count

No Fee – Will see a strong

attempt to maintain current
levels of service but vacant
police officer positions will
remain unfilled to slowly reduce
the force through attrition;
certain units like gang/drug
crimes enforcement may be
deemphasized as resources
need to be diverted to patrol,
which is the primary mission of
the police department; non-
mission critical functions like
community outreach may not be
29.8% 158
able to be funded; and as the
number of calls for service
continue to increase and staffing
declines, patrol will likely
become more and more
reactionary versus proactive
meaning that a majority of their
time responding to 9-1-1 calls
for service instead of
conducting proactive
neighborhood patrols. (The
Police Department currently has
two frozen and unfilled officer

$1/month – Would provide

5 of 14
resources to help support police
functions which may include units
like gang/drug crimes enforcement;
police positions would be more
likely be able to be filled after
22.0% 117
some time being held open when
there are vacancies, though some
positions may not be able to be
filled in later years; patrol would
likely continue to be more
reactionary than proactive.

$2/month – Police force levels

could stabilize for a period of at
least 5-years and positions would
likely be able to be filled as soon
as possible when vacancies occur;
units like gang/drug crimes
enforcement could be fully staffed;
community outreach and 27.1% 144
community based policing may be
emphasized and patrol may
become more proactive in nature,
spending more time patrolling
neighborhoods versus mainly
responding to 9-1-1 calls for

$3/month – Police force levels

would likely increase and positions
may be added providing additional
policing assets in all areas of the
department; the department will be
better able to perform its’ mission
in a proactive and effective
manner; units like gang/drug crimes 21.1% 112
enforcement would very likely be
provided resources to aggressively
fulfill their missions; community
outreach and community based
policing practices could be
emphasized and taken to higher

answered question 531

skipped question 22

6 of 14
6. Community Development: Priorities for City Services: The following is a
list of specific services provided by the Community Development
Department. Please rate how important you believe each of these
functions to be with 1 being less important and 5 be more important:

Less More Rating Response

Important Important Average Count

Managing new development to 19.7% 18.5% 20.5% 17.4% 23.9%

3.07 507
maintain a sense of community (100) (94) (104) (88) (121)

Administering zoning that allows for

25.0% 18.7% 23.3% 18.1% 14.8%
availability of commercial and 2.79 507
(127) (95) (118) (92) (75)
industrial development

Enforcing zoning and code 13.7% 17.0% 27.6% 19.7% 22.0%

3.19 518
requirements (71) (88) (143) (102) (114)

21.5% 18.9% 23.9% 16.7% 18.9%

Revitalizing the River Road corridor 2.93 502
(108) (95) (120) (84) (95)

Promoting an adequate supply and 33.1% 21.6% 21.0% 10.5% 13.7%

2.50 495
price range of housing (164) (107) (104) (52) (68)

Preserving appropriate open space 20.1% 15.8% 20.1% 17.4% 26.6%

3.15 507
and park lands (102) (80) (102) (88) (135)

answered question 532

skipped question 21

7 of 14
7. General Administrative Services: Priorities for City Services: The
following is a list of specific services provided by the General
Administrative Services. Please rate how important you believe each of
these functions to be with 1 being less important and 5 be more important:

Less More Rating Response

Important Important Average Count

Providing accurate and consistent 8.2% 16.4% 22.3% 45.3%

7.8% (40) 3.89 512
utility billing (42) (84) (114) (232)

Making it easy to get information 10.4% 14.7% 29.5% 22.2% 23.2%

3.33 509
on City services (53) (75) (150) (113) (118)

Providing budgetary and other data

16.2% 29.5% 21.0% 24.2%
to citizens in an easy to read and 9.2% (46) 3.35 501
(81) (148) (105) (121)
understandable format

Ensuring that City facilities are well 15.5% 24.7% 28.4% 25.5%
5.9% (30) 3.52 510
maintained and accessible (79) (126) (145) (130)

Responding to citizen requests for 11.3% 29.0% 26.0% 26.5%

7.1% (37) 3.53 520
service and info (59) (151) (135) (138)

Working with the development

community to promote new 21.5% 16.5% 19.5% 18.3% 24.1%
3.07 502
commercial, industrial, and (108) (83) (98) (92) (121)
residential development

answered question 528

skipped question 25

8 of 14
8. Streets, Water, & Storm Water: Priorities for City Services: The following
is a list of specific services provided by the Public Works Department.
Please rate how important you believe each of these functions to be with
1 being less important and 5 be more important:

Less More Rating Response

Important Important Average Count

Maintaining existing city streets and 8.2% 18.3% 31.9% 37.3%

4.4% (22) 3.89 502
sidewalk (41) (92) (160) (187)

Improving city streets and 15.4% 29.6% 23.0% 22.2%

9.8% (49) 3.32 500
intersections (77) (148) (115) (111)

Keeping the streets free of dirt and 13.7% 31.2% 26.2% 19.7%
9.3% (46) 3.33 497
trash (68) (155) (130) (98)

13.9% 25.2% 19.7% 31.6%

Improving traffic circulation 9.5% (48) 3.50 503
(70) (127) (99) (159)

Keeping the major streets free of 16.1% 16.9% 20.3% 18.8% 27.8%
3.25 478
snow and ice (77) (81) (97) (90) (133)

Making improvements for 21.9% 21.9% 25.3% 14.1% 16.8%

2.82 475
pedestrians and bicyclists (104) (104) (120) (67) (80)

3.1% 10.8% 75.6%

Delivering clean drinking water 5.0% (26) 5.4% (28) 4.49 517
(16) (56) (391)

Keeping the public informed of any

8.3% 11.6% 18.7% 55.0%
important issues regarding the 6.4% (31) 4.07 482
(40) (56) (90) (265)
drinking water system

Protecting the drinking water

system, water ways, and the 3.9% 17.6% 65.9%
3.3% (17) 9.2% (47) 4.39 511
environment from harmful (20) (90) (337)

Ensuring good water pressure

4.2% 16.6% 27.9% 47.5%
exists so that you have proper flow 3.8% (19) 4.11 495
(21) (82) (138) (235)
at your home

answered question 536

skipped question 17

9 of 14
9. Police Services: Priorities for City Services: The following is a list of
specific services provided by the Police Department. Please rate how
important you believe each of these functions to be with 1 being less
important and 5 be more important:

Less More Rating Response

Important Important Average Count

Responding to citizen calls for 3.5% 20.8% 64.4%

3.5% (18) 7.8% (40) 4.39 514
service (18) (107) (331)

10.2% 24.4% 24.2% 33.7%

Enforcing traffic laws 7.5% (38) 3.66 508
(52) (124) (123) (171)

Teaching drug and gang resistance 12.0% 12.4% 20.7% 21.3% 33.7%
3.52 493
to students (59) (61) (102) (105) (166)

Conducting frequent neighborhood 9.9% 23.9% 24.3% 35.8%

6.1% (31) 3.74 506
patrols (50) (121) (123) (181)

2.7% 21.9% 61.5%

Investigating and solving crimes 4.3% (22) 9.7% (50) 4.34 517
(14) (113) (318)

Combating gang and narcotics 4.1% 11.1% 22.9% 58.0%

3.9% (20) 4.27 512
related crimes (21) (57) (117) (297)

Enforcing laws regarding juvenile 10.7% 23.3% 25.1% 35.8%

5.1% (25) 3.76 486
delinquency (52) (113) (122) (174)

8.2% 19.5% 23.7% 44.8%

Preventing vandalism to property 3.8% (19) 3.97 498
(41) (97) (118) (223)

Enforcing alcohol related laws (MIP, 7.8% 12.9% 25.1% 48.7%

5.5% (27) 4.03 487
DUI) (38) (63) (122) (237)

answered question 534

skipped question 19

10. What needs to change in the community?



answered question 421

skipped question 132

10 of 14
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11. What needs to stay the same in the community?



answered question 364

skipped question 189

12. What do we need to add within the community?



answered question 391

skipped question 162

11 of 14
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11. What needs to stay the same in the community?



answered question 364

skipped question 189

12. What do we need to add within the community?



answered question 391

skipped question 162

11 of 14
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13. Wireless services privilege tax: We have a problem. All of our
emergency services are dispatched through 9-1-1. The gap between the
funds we receive from the State to help cover the expense of 9-1-1 and
what it actually costs to provide this service is approximately $600,000 per
year for Police and another $300,000 per year for the Keizer Fire District.
Unlike other telecommunications businesses, cellular phone companies
pay no franchise fees or other taxes in the City to help pay for City
services like public safety. If the City imposes a 3% tax on cellular phone
companies that have customers in Keizer, the funds collected would be
enough to cover the current cost of 9-1-1 services, freeing up funds to
hire more police officers, fire fighters and paramedics. Knowing that the
cellular phone companies would probably pass the cost of this tax on to
the customers, would you be willing to pay a 3% fee on cell phone bill to
help fund Police and Fire emergency response and 9-1-1 services at an
average cost of about $1.80 per month?

Response Response
Percent Count

Yes 63.7% 331

No 36.3% 189

answered question 520

skipped question 33

12 of 14
14. Please tell us which age group you fall into.

Response Response
Percent Count

19 or younger 0.0% 0

20s 3.4% 18

30s 7.5% 40

40s 16.5% 88

50s 19.7% 105

60s 26.0% 139

70s 18.4% 98

80 or older 8.6% 46

answered question 534

skipped question 19

15. Please describe your family status.

Response Response
Percent Count

Single, no kids at home 23.7% 123

Single, kids at home 5.4% 28

Married, no kids at home 48.8% 253

Married, kids at home 22.0% 114

answered question 518

skipped question 35

13 of 14
16. Please identify your employment status:

Response Response
Percent Count

Unemployed 4.0% 21

Employed 46.0% 240

Retired 49.4% 258

Student 0.6% 3

answered question 522

skipped question 31

17. Please look at the image below. With River Road and Chemawa Road
as dividers, which quadrant of Keizer do you live in?

Response Response
Percent Count

1 40.1% 214

2 19.9% 106

3 23.2% 124

4 16.9% 90

answered question 534

skipped question 19

14 of 14

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