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Name : Hikmal Dwi Rifai

School : SMP N 1 Merawang

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning our teacher, ladies and gentlemen, and also my dear
friends I am Hikmal Dwi Rifai. I am seventh grades in my school. And I am from Junior High
School 1 Merawang. Thank you for the opportunity given to me this morning to be able to
deliver this speech. First of all let’s praise the blessings of God Almighty because of his grace we
can all gather together on this day in the good health.

Dear teachers and friends, today I will speech about one of the heroes that exist in our daily life.
They are the teachers. For me a teacher is a noble job. A teacher is not only tasked to deliver the
subject matter, but also must be able to educate the next generation of the nation. A teacher is not
only required to be smart but also to be in the moral. On the other hand the profession of teachers
is also referred to as a noble profession. In this case, it should be realized that a teacher in
carrying out his profession demanded the presence of noble and high morals. Or in other words
the essence of the noble profession is the dedication of humanity. Each teacher should know their
roles and tasks in detail if they want to try and produce impressive teaching. A teacher is a great
person, full of patience and affection.

I do not know what I should express to reward my teachers who have made me such a better
person. The teacher’s struggle is full of simplicity and sacrifice. That struggle actually inspires us
as his students. A teacher sets an example as a hero to this nation and country.

My beloved teachers and friends, no one in this world can become successful without a teacher.
President, doctor, pilot, manager, even CEO will learn much from a teacher. All the great people
in this country, the great leaders of this country are the result of a teacher. Life is a learning
process. We will continue to learn until we die later, therefore the figure of a teacher is an
important figure for us all. But, it’s very ironic, right now, there are still the students haven’t
shown their good attitude to their teachers yet. At social media and electronic some cases
happened to the teachers. The students say rudely, despise even they hurt their teacher’s
physical. It’s very sad and not praised. I am sure and hope no students in our city do the bad
action like that.

My beloved friends,

One question from me, what should we do to our teachers in order our knowledge to be useful?
Who knows? Nobody knows? Well, I shall tell you. First, we always must obey and respect to
our teachers. Second, we always must do their advice and knowledge has given by teachers. If
we apply knowledge in our life, it will develop and bless.

My beloved teachers and friends,

Thanks to the devotion of our teacher to us, because of that we can achieve good results. Our
teachers never tired of teaching us from the beginning. Our teachers teach us to read, write, and
also count. They also give all the knowledge they have so we can become the great people later.
With the guidance of our teachers we feel like under the supervision and care of our own parents.
This is because we and our teacher have made a great bond.

Therefore I as the representative of all students, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for
the services and sacrifices of our teachers so far. Thanks for guiding us all. Thank you for
educating us all. Thank you for being patient with our naughty behavior. Thank you for not
giving up on teaching us. Thank you for everything. I am proud of my teachers. They are an
inspirational figure to me and to all of us. Maybe someday, I and all of you can follow in their
footsteps as a servant of the nation.

Well, from now I invite you to obey, respect, honor our teacher and apply knowledge have given
in our life.

So that’s the end of my speech. If there is any mistake, I do apologize. Thank you for your
attention. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Selamat pagi bapak ibu guru, para hadirin, dan juga teman-teman semuanya. Terima kasih atas
kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya pada pagi hari ini untuk bisa menyampaikan pidato.
Pertama-tama mari panjatkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang maha Esa karena berkat
rahmatnya kita semua bisa berkumpul pada hari ini dengan keadaan sehat.

Bapak ibu guru dan juga teman-teman semuanya, hari ini saya akan membahas tentang salah satu
sosok pahlawan yang ada didalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari yaitu guru. Bagi saya seorang guru
adalah pekerjaan yang sangat mulia. Seorang guru tidak hanya bertugas untuk menyampaikan
materi pelajaran, tapi juga harus bisa mendidik generasi penerus bangsa. Seorang guru tidak
hanya dituntut untuk menjadi pintar tapi juga harus bermoral baik. Di sisi lain profesi guru juga
disebut sebagai profesi yang luhur. Dalam hal ini, perlu disadari bahwa seorang guru dalam
melaksanakan profesinya dituntut untuk mempunyai budi luhur dan akhlak yang baik. Atau
dengan kata lain profesi luhur adalah pengabdian kemanusiaan. Setiap guru seharusnya
mengetahui peranan dan tugas mereka secara detail jika mereka ingin berusaha melakukan dan
menghasilkan pengajaran yang berkesan. Guru adalah orang yang hebat, penuh kesabaran dan
kasih sayang.

Saya tidak tahu harus berkata apa untuk memberikan penghargaan bagi guru-guru saya yang
telah membuat diri ini menjadi orang yang seperti ini. Perjuangan ibu dan bapak guru yang
penuh dengan kesederhanaan dan pengorbanan. Perjuangan mereka memberikan inspirasi bagi
kami sebagai anak didiknya. Seorang guru memberikan contoh teladan sebagai seorang
pahlawan bagi bangsa dan negara ini.

Bapak ibu guru dan juga teman-teman semuanya, tidak ada satu orang pun di dunia ini yang
menjadi sukses tanpa melalui jasa seorang guru. Presiden, dokter, pilot, manager, bahkan ceo
sekalipun akan belajar banyak dari seorang guru. Seluruh orang-orang hebat di negeri ini, para
pemimpin besar negeri ini merupakan hasil dari seorang guru. Kehidupan adalah proses
pembelajaran. Kita akan terus belajar sampai kita mati nanti, maka dari itu sosok seorang guru
merupakan sosok yang penting bagi kita semua.

Bapak Ibu Guru juga teman-teman yang saya cintai…

Berkat pengabdian dari bapak dan ibu guru yang telah diberikan kepada kami, kami dapat
mencapai hasil yang baik. Bapak dan ibu guru kita tak pernah lelah mengajari kita dari awal.
Bapak ibu guru kita mengajari kita membaca, menulis, dan juga berhitung. Mereka juga
memberikan semua ilmu yang mereka miliki agar kita bisa menjadi orang-orang hebat nantinya.
Dengan bimbingan dari bapak dan Ibu guru, kami merasa seperti memiliki orang tua lagi. Hal ini
tidak lain karena kami telah menjadli ikatan erat dengan Bapak dan Ibu guru.

Oleh karena itu saya selaku perwakilan dari seluruh pelajar, saya ingin mengucapkan terima
kasih sebesar-besarnya atas jasa dan pengorbanan dari bapak dan ibu guru selama ini. Terima
kasih telah membimbing kami semua. Terima kasih telah mengedukasi kami semua. Terima
kasih telah berlaku sabar terhadap kelakukan kami yang nakal. Terima kasih untuk tidak
berputus asa dalam mengajari kami. Terima kasih atas semuanaya. Saya bangga dengan guru-
guru saya. Mereka adalah sosok inspirasi bagi saya dan bagi kita semua. Mungkin kelak suatu
saat nanti, saya dan kalian semua bisa mengikuti jejak mereka sebagai pengabdi bangsa.

Sekian pidato dari saya. Jika ada salah-salah kata, saya mohon maaf. Atas perhatiannya saya
ucapkan terima kasih
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning

To the honorable the principal of SMPN …………….

The honorable the vice principal, ………………….

The honorable all of the teachers

And the beloved audience,

Alhamduliilah, let us praise and gratitude to our God Almighty, Allah SWT for the grace and
guidance of Him that we all can come together in this happy day in the commemoration of the
national teachers who falls on this day. Do not forget to convey blessings and greetings to the
great Prophet Muhammad SAW and his entire family, friends and loyal followers. May we all be
reunited in heaven someday Aminnn.

Today, in this occasion, I would like to deliver a speech in the commemoration of the national
teachers as our gratitude to teachers for all of the services that they provide.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before starting this speech, I will sing a song for all of the teachers here.

Baca juga: Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Internet dan Artinya

Terpujilah wahai engkau ibu bapak guru

Namamu akan selalu hidup dalam sanubariku

Semua baktimu akan kuukir di dalam hatiku

Sebagai prasasti terima kasihku

Tuk pengabdianmu

Engkau sabagai pelita dalam kegelapan

Engkau laksana embun penyejuk dalam kehausan

Engkau patriot pahlawan bangsa

Tanpa tanda jasa

The motto of the teachers as the unsung heroes is still very relevant until today. They have been
educating the children of this nation to become the potential successors. President, government
officials, local officials, and many more, are all products that are produced by the teachers.
Without the teachers who educate us, there will be no one educated in this world.

We certainly cannot deny that the presence of a great man must be because of a great teacher
behind her. There will not be a great president without the presence of a teacher. There would
not be a good doctor without the teacher’s attendance as well. There, of course, will not be a
great teacher without the existing of a great teacher behind him. It is because to be a great man,
we need to be smart. To be smart means that we need to go to school, and when we are in the
school, then, we need a teacher to teach us to be someone better. So indeed, the teacher is the
most important aspect in enhancing one’s civilization in the narrow sense and the nation in a
broader sense.

Teacher is one of a very noble profession on earth. Although only the title of Unsung Hero that
they have, the will not give up to give the students much knowledge so that they will become
successors of this nation and become a man of pride for the country and nation. They have been
delivered and opened our horizons towards this immense world. They, too, who have taught us to
read, write and count. Therefore, without teachers we may not be able to achieve success.

Despite their proteges the government would later forget them. Even though the government is
no longer paying attention to their fate, the teachers will continue to actively carry out their
duties which is so precious to shape the nation’s future leaders. They will not get tired to teach
until their old age approaches them.

Therefore, it is good for us to reward our teachers and gratitude them who have taken the trouble
to teach us much knowledge, given advices and motivations to build our spirit to study, and
being the guidances and role models that shape our personality in order to be educated men and

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Later we will grow up to be a successful human being. However, we do not ever forget our
teachers and what they have given to us all. Let us prove to them that what they have done and
give us is a way to excel and achieve our dreams. A teacher’s true happiness is not a gift or any
material, but they will be very happy to see their students become successful and be able to be
useful for others.

Before I end this speech, I again convey that the teacher is a person who is very essential in our
lives. Therefore, let us express a huge gratitude for all of our teachers.

Thank you teachers for everything that you have provided to us.

Thanks for your time, patience, knowledge and persistence that you have given to us.
We realize that we can not reply to all of your services. Prayer is typically the only wish we
could give to you. We pray that you are given the patience and health by God in order to remain
able to perform tasks such clarity.

I think that is all the speech that I can convey. Hopefully in this national day, all of the teachers
will always be great. Thank you for your attention and participation in this seminar.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

First of all, lets pray and thanks unto our god Allah who has been giving us some mercies and
blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.

Brother and sister, I would like to deliver my speech today.

My theme today is about the "teachers ' day" which falls squarely on 25 November. On this day
we all convey a profuse gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Teacher who had devoted as the educators.
Thanks to the devotion of Mr. and Mrs. Teacher who has poured out upon us, so we can achieve
a good result. With the guidance of Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, we feel it is under the supervision and
care of the elderly siblings alone. This is because the teachers have formed a close bond. I
represent from friends saying "happy teachers ' day"

On the other hand, it is also called the teaching profession as a noble profession. In this regard, it
should be realized that a teacher in the exercise of their profession required the presence of good
attitude and high morals. Or in other words the nature of the profession of the sublime is the
devotion of humanity.

Every teacher should know their role and tasks in detail if they want to try to do and make
teaching memorable. Among the duties of a teacher are:

Delivering science

Deliver a message

Provide expertise

Foster the lofty values as mentioned above.

As a mentor, educator, reformer, exemplary, giver of clues and so on.

Clearly, it shows that being a teacher is one task and role of a rather heavy. In fact, the task was
considered as hard is accepted as a duty and responsibility in a positive way.

Teacher who I respect

Thanks to the father/mother, teachers, who have participated actively and boasts. I am proud to
hang out together, fought in the same place and struggle to build the school in the direction of
better, building a generation of the nation. And I feel God gave grace a tireless goodness for all
of us.

We can only pray, we wish Mr. and Mrs. Teacher that we love always in grace and his mercy
and in health, prosperity, happiness, and patience our educate.
That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many
mistakes in my speech please forgive me

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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