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Language Arts November 27th, 2019

Amelia Wills
Winter vs. Summer

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLO 1- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings
General and experiences.
GLO 2- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
Learning personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
Outcome(s) GLO 4- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of
1.2 Clarify and Extend
- ask for the ideas and observations of others to explore and clarify personal understanding
2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
- discuss ways that visual images convey meaning in print and other media texts
4.2 Attend to Conventions
Specific - use adjectives and adverbs to add interest and detail to own writing
Learning - identify correct subject–verb agreement, and use in own writing
Outcome(s) - Attend to capitalization and punctuation
- identify commas, end punctuation, apostrophes and quotation marks when reading, and use them to
assist comprehension
4.3 Present and Share
- speak or present oral readings with fluency, rhythm, pace, and with appropriate intonation to
emphasize key ideas
Learning 1. Students will use adjectives and verbs in writing to distinguish preference between summer and
Objective(s) winter seasons.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Summative Formative
• • Writing activity
Assessment Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Tech Resources
• •
to Do to Bring
Time: 60 mins Content/Description Notes
Literacy Menu
• Students will trickle into the room in the morning and choose
an option from the literacy menu on the board
20 mins
• Literacy options are read to self/ read to partner, Literacy
Stations, Free Write or Hangman

• Remind students how “Read with Feeling”
• Instruct students on the new ways they will be reading the
3 mins
book today. Characters and correlating dice will be written on
the board.

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Language Arts November 27th, 2019
Amelia Wills
Winter vs. Summer

Read with Feeling

• Students choose a “just right” book to read with a partner.
12 mins • Students will take turns rolling dice to see what kind of
emotion/character to read one page of the book as.

• Have students listen to summer ambiance music and look at
pictures of summer
• Have students brainstorm words that come to mind from music
and photos. This could be activities (verb) or adjectives.
5 mins • Introduce writing task: “Do you prefer Summer or Winter?”
• Students must choose between whether they prefer summer
or winter better and give reasons why. Explain why they like
summer or winter and why they don’t like the other. Use
adjectives and verbs in writing.

• I will put the sentence starter “I prefer _______ over ________
because . . .” on the board
• I will have adjectives and various words relating to assignment
20 mins at students’ desks for students to pick up and use in their
• I will put timer on the smartboard
• Students are expected to write for the entire 20 minutes.

• Have students volunteer to share work with the class.
5 mins
• Take a vote in the class to who prefers what. Write as a

Students had a hard time sitting and writing for the full 20 minutes, they would say
they can’t think if anything else to write after only coming up with two sentences.
For this lesson I provided words at each of their tables to help them brainstorm
about things to write about and adjectives they could include in their writing.
Reflection Students didn’t seem to take advantage of these words because I hardly saw
anyone actually pick them up and use them. I need to find something to help
students generate ideas.

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