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The drivers
of real change
Rappi, UseGiraffe, Microsoft, Ubisoft and Carrefour: What do these
companies have in common? Meet Latin America’s Trailblazers, players
that are taking the region to a whole new level


Fernando Teles: Amazon fires: The explosion of

The enemy is cash. from Borges’ Paradise venture capital investment
Believe it or not to Dante’s Inferno in Latin America
The real enemy is cash

Latin America
is now LABS is a content platform
about Latin America, focused
on economics, business,
The drivers of real change
providing deep and accurate
content about the economic

P 10 Rappi
luricultural, diverse and expan- and technological landscape
of Latin America, both in
sive, Latin America is home to Portuguese and English, we help
not only 500 million people, but entrepreneurs and the general 14 UseGiraffe MAKING CHINESE E-COMMERCE IN A BRAZILIAN WAY
also to a wide number of new ventures. public understand the region’s

18 Microsoft
The digital transformation has been tak- particularities.
ing the region by storm, and these huge Masthead
shifts are attracting the eyes of many sav- LABS Editorial Board 22 Ubisoft BET TING ON LATAM WITH A FRENCH DNA
vy players. But it’s certainly no easy task

to understand the plural Latin America.

Head of PR and Content at LABS
LABS - Latin America Business Stories
- is a specialized hub that makes tailored
content from Latam to the world, and Fabiane Ziolla Menezes Amazon fires
Editor-in-Chief of LABS
tells the best stories about the region’s
businesses, economy, society and tech. DURING HER JOURNEY IN THE RAINFOREST
From market to culture, this edition Anna Lima
Content strategist focused on
unveils the idiosyncrasies of a region full
Culture and society
LatAm at EBANX
of opportunities–yet little understood.
Enjoy reading!
Livia Perretto on the spotlight
LABS TEAM Content strategist focused on

Design by Leticia Mulinari.

Cover Illustration by Felipe Mayerle.
The wave of Venture Capital

Powered by

LABS You already said that the evolu- lenders (B2C), payments from consumer
tion of payments would not eliminate, accounts to businesses (C2B) and transfer-
so soon, the card machines and, much ence of funds between businesses (B2B).
less, the debit card. This also, looking The transfer can be completed any day
at Latin America and Brazil, in a context of the week and at any time of the week,
of unbanked individuals, informality, including weekends and holidays. Visa in
and also in the optimization of existing collaboration with Cielo and the Bank of
physical payment methods. Thinking Brazil have already made available such
INTERVIEW of that, what will be the next payment technology through Visa Direct.
solution to be adopted by Brazilians? The case of debit online is an excellent

The enemy is cash.

TELES According to ABECS [Brazilian ally in digital inclusion for Brazilians. With
Association of Card and Services the update of our authentication protocol,

Believe it or not.
Companies], the payments completed with called 3DS 2.0, the utilization of debit on a
credit, debit, and pre-pay cards should large scale, without a card machine, direct-
grow about 16% in 2019, reaching the level ly via the app, without the need to re-in-
Visa’s director in Brazil, Fernando Teles, explains how a bet on innovation of BRL 1.8 trillion. Purchases with cards troduce the password in each operation,
should register, in the fourth quarter of became a reality. Currently, debit went on
is making the company victorious against its biggest opponent 2019, a record participation of 40% con- to occupy an important space between
cerning the volume of consumption new businesses, such as mobility, stream-
of Brazilian families. ing, delivery services, among others.
This strong increase follows a process
of digitization of payments, in which LABS What is the adherence of the
or Mastercard, nor fintechs. of payment methods follows several paths, more and more consumers from all over Brazilian public to payment technolo-
N The biggest enemy of Visa in Latin which vary from country to country. the country uses cards and other digital gies by approximation and wearables
America is cash. In Brazil, from 2008 to The fact is that this potential is enor- means, be it in person or through the like?
2018, the value exchanges via credit card mous in Latin America. It is only necessary Internet or applications, in their pur- TELES Payment by approximation has been
purchases in the country went from BRL to look at the number of countries such as chases. And more and more stores and defining the way in which Brazilians com-
335.67 billion to BRL 1.5 trillion, according the United States or South Korea, where service lenders are accepting this kind of plete their purchases, by the convenience
to data from the Brazilian Association of the use of credit cards reaches 45% and transaction. of being more practical and fast, and by
Card and Services Companies, the ABECS. 70% of family spending, respectively. In other words, there is still quite a bit the security of the user not having to pass
Credit card payments account for 40% of If in China the mobile payment and/or of space for growth. I would say that there their card from hand to hand, so that the
family spending in Brazil—a level that is instantaneous has already exceeded the is no silver bullet, a single solution that we payment might be concluded.
also due to the gradual opening of the cash alternative via credit cards and the bet on, and the person that decides is the Public transport is one of the sectors
segment by regulating institutions since margins of the regulated market bloomed, consumer, that is sufficiently empowered that has been helping to popularize the
2010, and the subsequent entry of new this will not happen in Brazil, where there to choose that which offers the most con- technology. In May of this year, Visa
players in the chain as a whole. Until 2022, is a fixed park of card machines and in full venience in their day to day. announced the pay-
the goal of brands, such as Visa and development. “I would say that there is no Beyond payments by approximation, ment by approxima-
Mastercard, lenders and acquirers, will be silver bullet, a single solution on which I also believe that the upcoming solu- tion for credit cards There is no silver bullet,
to make the card and electronic payment
methods correspond to 60% of family
we bet on, and the person that decides is
the consumer, that is sufficiently empow-
tions that will be more broadly adopt-
ed by Brazilians will be instantaneous
in collaboration with
MetrôRio. Cariocas
a single solution that
spending in Brazil. ered to choose that which offers the most transfers from person to person and/or and tourists already we bet on, and the
Challenges behind this goal are not only
a question of technology, but rather of
convenience in their day to day,” evalu-
ates the general director of Visa in Brazil,
between companies; and the acceptance
of online debit, be it in e-commerce or in
adhered to the pay-
ment by approxima-
person that decides is
culture and of how the payment methods, Fernando Teles. applications. tion technology in the consumer, that is
together with the popularization of smart-
phones, have the power to contribute to the
In an interview with LABS, he spoke of
the future of payments and also of how a
In the case of instantaneous transfers, it
will be possible to make direct payments
the subway of Rio de
Janeiro. According
sufficiently empowered to
formalization of relations of production, true transformation, in the past three years, between peers (P2P), payments of com- to data from choose that which offers
and also to the social inclusion of the pop-
ulation. This means that the development
with a focus on innovation opened new
horizons for Visa operations in the country.
panies to individuals, such as insurance
compensations and payments to service
VisaNet, from the
launch of the new
the most convenience
in their day to day.

Visa does not have a team
responsible for innovation. LABS Some surveys show that Brazilians
All our employees participate are more open to new technologies

in developing solutions. than individuals from other places.

Why does that happen?
FERNANDO TELES, TELES We are a strategic country, since
GENERAL DIRECTOR OF VISA BRAZIL we have a gigantic acceptance park and a
people thirsty for experimenting with new
technologies. Brazilians are early adopters
payment option at the end of April to July, and like to try out new things. And because
the number of transactions by approxima- they are favorable to implementing new
tion completed in the 41 stations of the Rio technologies, they became assiduous users
de Janeiro subway grew 58%. In addition, of business solutions, as well as spreading
94% of the people that used the solution the word and validating that which was
in the subway for the first time, continued launched.
using the solution in a recurrent manner,
according to MetrôRio. LABS What are Visa’s investments in
In June, Visa surpassed the number of 2.5 innovation?
million monthly transactions completed TELES We do not offer investment
using the technology of contactless pay- values, but innovation is one of the
ment in Brazil. And that growth has been pillars that make Visa one of the biggest
exponential since January, when we reg- companies in the world. In the last few areas. Today, we see in a single work LABS What is the program Cities of the
istered a million. These numbers demon- years, we completed a true transforma- group, a mix of knowledge and extreme- Future, that began with three and now
strate that Brazilians are more and more tion in the way that we work disruption ly rich experiences from different areas. has more than 200 cities, in this inno-
technologically adept, which transforms inside the company. By narrowing our link with start- vation context like? Is it the broadest
the payment experience into something Three years ago we opened our own ups, we grow together. In the last and most complex project by Visa in
faster and more practical. This increase Innovation Studio in São Paulo. It was three years, we became all the more terms of innovation?
is also due to the fact that the country is in that space that we brought togeth- acquainted with the digital entrepre- TELES Brazil is a heterogeneous country,
Fernando Teles practically ready to accept the technology, er employees from Visa, clients, and neurship ecosystem through the Visa very diverse. From the beginning of the
became Visa’s more than 82% of payment terminals in- startups to co-create the future of the Acceleration Program. Up to the end program, we took care to contemplate
director in Brazil stalled in the Brazilian market are already technology industry for payments in of the year, more than 70 startups went the actions and initiatives that catered to
in 2016. prepared to receive the technology. Brazil. Our center of innovation bears through our program and what is the characteristics and needs of each city
witness to the emerging solutions of more important, we learned as much served by the program. We promote a series
artificial intelligence, modes of facili- as they did. of activations, with incentive promotions
tating digital payments, among others. We made it our goal to place our for the use of cards, hackathons, actions in
Our clients arrive with a problem that employees, from all positions and financial education, and growth in the issu-
they want to solve and, through the areas, to work as mentors of the fin- ing of electronic payment acceptance.
design thinking methodology, we were techs that participated in our Startup We see that the objective of transforming
able to come out of the co-creation Acceleration Program, given that we the payment ecosystem of those regions is
session with solutions and assertive knew of the importance of learning being fulfilled, thanks to the care we take
products. We gained agility. Often, we with the mindset of digital entrepre- with our partners such as EBANX, that have
launch complex and secure projects in neurs to think quickly, to not be afraid been helping us leverage the development
less than 3 months—what has been a of making mistakes, and to look for ex- and reinforce the benefits of electronic
real revolution in the industry. ponential results. And this should not payment methods in the cities of Cascavel
Visa does not have a team responsi- be centralized the areas focused only and Paranaguá, in the southern region of the
ble for innovation. All our employees on technology. Whoever thinks that in- country.
participate in developing solutions. novation is necessarily high tech, is not We celebrated a year in August, and ac-
Since we implemented shared goals, we on the right track. Since I came to Visa, cording to a survey made by our consulting
managed to generate an exchange in the I have been surprised by the quantity firm, Visa Consulting & Analytics (VCA),
experience of incommensurate riches of innovation that is lead by procedural we can see an expressive growth close to
among executives of the most diverse areas, such as payments of account, 84% in the adoption of electronic pay-
for example. To understand how to do ments in pilot cities—Maringá, Belém, and
the same tasks in a more flexible way, Campinas. There is still much to be done,
it is convenient and better to become but we are happy with these results, for
disruptive, and this team has done that there are more than two hundred cities that
like nobody else. have benefitted from our initiative.
Photo: Visa


The time for

Latin America
is now
any are the challenges for those
M who dare to break the status quo
– and going hand in hand with these
challenges is opportunity. We present
the Latin America’s Trailblazers, a
series about some of the companies
that are winning over the region - and
writing their names all over it.

From different sectors, whether

Latin American or not, these players
have been shifting things around here.
Get to know them:


How Colombian Rappi is

leading the way in Latin
America’s new tech era
From mobility to financial solutions, Rappi is Latin America’s
super app. Understand why the startup is taking the region
to a whole next level of disruption

South American on-demand delivery Don’t get me wrong. We sure have prob-
startup from Colombia, Rappi is a lems of all sorts here. But these same prob-
rising star within the region, having lems, along with a behavioral shift, are the
reached the unicorn status last year and ones opening plenty of room for a brand
recently attracting a $1 billion investment new set of opportunities. This behavioral
from Japanese group Softbank – a rise that shift has to do with connection: 375 million
establishes a milestone in Latin America’s internet users and 250 million smartphone
venture capital market. owners, all the while the e-commerce
Such a tremendous and fast-paced sector reached $54 billion in 2018, up from
success in a region still underrated for its $29.8 billion in 2015 across the region.

Photo: Rappi
business and technology potential has led Latin America has never been more
us to ask the following question: How is connected. Mobile technology adoption
Rappi managing – and succeeding – to lead is booming, and people are seeking to get
this technological shift and behavior trans- smarter, easier solutions to solve their day-
formation in the region? “In this particular to-day problems. In fact, Latin Americans
Sebastian Mejia,
moment, there’s no place in the world with are eager for solutions – innovative solu- cofounder of Rappi: Latin America’s business “Rappi’s founders have a bold vision to
as much potential as Latin America,” said tions that meet their needs, where tradi- $1.7 billion gained in transformation create the premiere multi-service ‘su-
Fernando Chavarro, product lead at Rappi tional ones have been failing. investments in less “Some years ago it was very hard to open per-app’ for Latin America, improving the
in an exclusive interview with LABS. It is this scenario – this particular match than four years. a startup and raise investment in the re- lives of millions in the region. In less than
The region has suffered from political in- of elements – that made Latin America gion. The real change that has generated four years, Rappi has become one of the
stability, economic crises, strikes, inflation, reach an unprecedented turning point. a wave of growth and booming potential fastest growing startups in Latin America.
social inequality, corruption… and the list The keyword? Access. is the money these players can raise in This rapid growth demonstrates the im-
goes on and on. When it comes to reputa- Startups, technology, and innovation investment: this shapes the speed in mense opportunity in the Latin American
tion, Latin America’s score wasn’t the best here are pushed to solving real problems which a business can – or can’t – thrive” region”, said Marcelo Claure CEO of
in the eyes of global players. and creating real solutions. That’s why says Chavarro. Softbank Latin America to Bloomberg, con-
However, things have been changing for these challenging problems also trigger If the Latin American market was once cerning the recent announcement.
some time now – or so it seems. Why are great opportunities. But these are oppor- overlooked by investors in the likes of Other disruptive Latin American players
venture capital and big investment players, tunities for the ones who dare to take it. Softbank, Sequoia Capital or Tencent such as Loggi, Gympass and 99 – to name
like Softbank, investing in these countries? Rappi is one of those. Holdings, now things have changed. only a few – have also attracted invest-
How is it possible that the Colombian start- Profitable innovations are no longer ex- ments from Softbank: “There is so much
up Rappi raised $1 billion capital from the clusive to Silicon Valley. innovation and disruption taking place
above-mentioned Japanese group? How can In this particular moment, there’s Softbank is there to prove it. After an- in the region, and I believe the business
we explain the booming number of startups
whose solutions are elevating them to
no place in the world with as much nouncing a $5 billion innovation fund for
startups early in March, the largest tech-
opportunities have never been stronger.
The SoftBank Innovation Fund will become
unicorn status within the region in such a potential as Latin America. nology fund exclusively focused on the a major investor in transformative Latin
short time? Latin American market; the Japanese giant American companies that are poised to
Could it be that it’s because Brazil, FERNANDO CHAVARRO, PRODUCT LEAD AT RAPPI conglomerate’s first move was to assign a redefine their industries and create new
Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and others great deal of this for the Colombian super economic opportunities for millions of peo-
are heading to a stable and peaceful path in app Rappi – $1 billion, to be precise. ple”, said Marcelo Claure to Techcrunch.
terms of politics and economy?

When you want to, business works:
and Latin America has a culture of
knowing how to make things happen. already with its sights set to becoming a
super app. What began as a service fo-
FERNANDO CHAVARRO, cused on delivering beverages and meals,
soon expanded into groceries, tech goods,
and medicine.
Global investors, such as China’s And this isn’t everything: the super
Tencent Holdings Ltd, Sequoia Capital, app also offers cash withdrawal, allowing
Tiger Global Management, Kaszek users to pay with credit cards and receive idea, we launch a prototype in two weeks, In fact, these laws vs. innovation para-
Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, and cash from one of Rappi’s delivery agents. which helps us understand what can be digm are ancient history – and any country
Softbank are investing in Latin American Although their app includes stores, improved and whether or not we should has to deal with these types of matters. It is
startups along the lines of Rappi, Nubank, pharmacies and beauty services, they also follow through,” said Rogério Pagliari, no different for Rappi: they met with resis-
iFood and Ualá. Why? Because these are have a feature that literally allows you to Rappi Pay leader at Brazil to Startse. tance, but are currently building good rela-
some of the companies changing the busi- buy anything from anywhere. Your wish In Brazil, Rappi started operations tions with government and market players.
ness landscape and making Latin America is their command: access the app, fill in August 2017 and is now planning a “When you want to, business works: and

Photo: Rappi
step it up a notch. in the location info, and give the item’s strong expansion. Currently, the compa- Latin America has a culture of knowing
Not surprisingly, Rappi aims to become description, done. ny works in 20 Brazilian cities, besides how to make things happen,” says him.
the largest technology company in the re- Gathering a variety of features and Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, And things are truly happening:
gion. They are pushing the Latin American following users whole journey, from the FERNANDO CHAVARRO, Peru, Uruguay, and Costa Rica – a sum of Besides the $1 billion from funds man-
PRODUCT LEAD AT RAPPI almost 55 cities across Latin America.
startup ecosystem and e-commerce market moment they start the day, riding a scooter aged by Japan’s SoftBank, Rappi has al-
to a whole new level – and they are very from the Mexican startup Grin, to the end Fernando Chavarro is Product Operating in 8 countries, Rappi is the ready raised $200 million from its current
well-focused and goal-oriented so as to of it, when they are ready to sit down and lead of Strategic Partnerships first tech unicorn based in Colombia investors DST Global, Delivery Hero,
take bigger steps each time. order a pizza; Rappi is solving logistics, at Rappi. "I joined Rappi team and is already considered one of the top Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz,
mobility, access, and many other issues for in the early stage, and along 5 most innovative companies in Latin and Y Combinator.
Rappi’s bold journey the user. This is their power and craft. this path, I have been part America. The $1 billion investment of
in Latin America All this is made possible thanks to a Multiple Rappi bikers of the operations, Softbank Innovation Fund will support The future ahead
Rappi’s purpose was ambitious from the deeply rooted culture innovation. “We parked outside a marketing, commercial an ambitious expansion plan. It’s game “There are no people who understand
very beginning. The Colombian on-de- always think about what we are doing to restaurant in Lima, and expansion team.” on for Rappi. Latin Americans better than themselves
mand delivery startup was born in 2015 improve people’s lives, and if we have an Peru. About the future, Fernando – and Rappi is a Latin American solution
states Rappi’s main goal. Challenges tailor-made for them," says Chavarro.
“Undoubtedly, our strategy Many have thought of what happens If the keyword to thrive in Latin
as a company is to be the when one tries to tear the status quo America is access, Rappi has it all figured
LATAM supper app, and to apart. Some have tried. Only a hand- out, since they are offering full support
achieve this, we are develop- ful have become truly disruptive. But solutions – from delivery to mobility and
ing all the business lines that none have done so without facing big financial services – for a user craving to
are needed to build the larg- challenges. save time. By the end of 2019, the goal
est technology ecosystem in When Rappi came up with brand new is to double the footprint, reaching 100
the history of Latin America.” solutions to solve the same old problems, LatAm cities
they started facing many challenges. More than becoming the largest tech
Although the market momentum seemed company in Latin America, Chavarro
perfect – given the mix of consumers says that Rappi wants to lead the journey
eager to access these solutions and a taking the region to a whole different
fast-paced growth in technology – the level and spread the word out loud to
company knew it would have to over- global players. One thing is for sure: they
come some hurdles. seem to be on the right path, supported
What happens to a society when by the right people.
disruptive changes crash into the scene? As the American management con-
To Fernando Chavarro, “startups and sultant and author Peter Drucker once
technology go at a faster pace than any said, “The best way to predict the future
other sector of the economy – while to is to create it”. And this is for the ones
change laws and regulations, the process who dare to dream – and more than
is way longer and slow.” that, who dare to do.
Photo: Rappi

E-COMMERCE We did not find a customer
for our product, but a
The brand that is
brand stopped being cross-border with
product for our customer. several products and started to be a
strong brand within e-commerce,” un-

reinventing China’s
derscores Romero that bet on a formula
involving constant testing in China,
rigorous control of materials and its

noise and make the whole process cleaner own manufacturing to scale results and
for the consumer, including limitations. For increase satisfaction levels. “We have
example, if a user is making a purchase that created a new kind of service within our

is too close to a seasonal date, the brand cross-border, a new brand that we are
reinforces lead time communication to re- cultivating and we have noticed that it
duce potential frustrations that could hurt has created more credibility.”
the company’s reputation.
Despite all the advances in communica- Turning obstacles into growth
There’s nothing innovative when it comes to Chinese tion and relationship, UseGiraffe had to go In 2018, the recoup of Brazilian e-com-
further to reach another level of satisfac- merce with a growth of 12%, according to
e-stores? Not for UseGiraffe. Find out how the company tion among Brazilian customers. A com- the Webshoppers report, came as a relief to
has been making Chinese e-commerce in a Brazilian way plete new product quality control system national and international brands operat-
was developed that led to the creation of a ing in the country. After about two years of
brand with its own parts production. instability, the market has gained momen-
“At first, the idea was to be a tum again and is growing significantly.
team that is winning move by move. logistics and customer service. UseGiraffe cross-border working with various But while other brands decided to just
This was the spirit that made the was not unscathed by these issues, but manufacturers and suppliers and as dip their toes in the Brazilian market,
founders of UseGiraffe decide to bet on a knew how to turn these obstacles into a the company grew we noticed that the UseGiraffe adopted the opposite strategy,
new business model within a segment competitive advantage.
already well-known among Brazilians: “Brazilian consumers are demanding,
Online shopping for Chinese products. they want to buy, but it has to be some-
China’s buying culture is well-estab- thing of quality, cheap, and fast. This is
lished in Brazil. Among the 10 international Brazilian,” explained Frederico Matos, the
e-commerce companies that Brazilians responsible from UseGiraffe’s technology
bought from the most in 2018, 6 are information department, who underscores
Chinese, according to data from the latest the achievement of credibility among
Webshoppers report. Giants AliExpress the Brazilian public as one of the biggest
and Wish dominate the top two positions, difficulties encountered when entering
but even with their entire global structure, the market. Mission complicated, but not
these companies face logistical and cultur- impossible.
al obstacles on a daily basis. In addition to the team abroad, the
While many people might find the brand has a complete team of profession-
mission of improving Brazilians’ access to als in Brazil. Its goal is to offer consumers
Chinese products impossible, the founders the opportunity to make international
of UseGiraffe decided to use the experi- purchases with support and the same
ence they already had as consumers to sense of security from domestic suppliers.
offer their consumers a new solution. “The core of our company is to solve the
“We entered this market because we purchase path, not only sell, but follow
understand the Latin American public, we the whole journey,” says Frederico Matos.
are from here, we know how to adver- “We did not find a customer for our prod-
tise, tailor the product and especially the uct, but a product for our customer,” adds
service and payment methods facilitated Kunta Romero.
for them,” said Kunta Romero, UseGiraffe’s This team acts directly in customer
CPO, during an interview with LABS. service, offering support in Portuguese and
Brazilian local time, as well as a website
An end-to-end solution and communication that is not simply
When it comes to the challenges of translated, but rather designed according
Photo: Usegiraffe

cross-border e-commerce in Latin to Brazilian buying behavior. This was

America, two issues are unanimous: the solution found by the brand to reduce

The company started in years of crisis, heavy years, and as
we kept growing, we knew we were on the right track.

diving headfirst into Brazil. Turning chal- market and consumer needs. “We always
lenges into opportunities, they exceeded think of growing with quality,” says
their expectations in the first year. Kunta Romero.
“We took a lot of risks, we didn’t like
to wait for it to happen and when we Swimming against the
started the company in 2 months we had tide in a blue ocean
already sold what we believed we would “A gigantic blue ocean,” this is how
sell in 1 year,” says Matos. UseGiraffe’s CPO refers to the poten-
But despite exponential growth early tial of the Latin American market and
on, the company has invested in a busi- Frederico Matos adds that “this is the
ness model poised to become sustain- best market to grow.”
able in emerging markets such as Latin In a market apparently dominated by
America. “The company started in years big global players, UseGiraffe has proven
of crisis, heavy years, and as we kept that Latin America is far from a saturated
growing, we knew we were on the right market, but you have to know all the rules
track,” said Romero. of the game to win in the region. “We saw
The focus was not on sustaining the big players achieving success in Brazil,
growth rates at such aggressive lev- always facing big challenges and we knew
els, but on keeping up with market we could do something different,” said
movements. Thus, to control currency Kunta Romero.
Frederico Matos (left) is the instability, UseGiraffe bet on a pricing That’s why the company was born with
head of UseGiraffe’s technology model based on reais, not on dollars, and Latin America in its DNA, and contrary to
information department, and assumed a risk margin so that in times what many local entrepreneurs imagine,
Kunta Romero (right), is the
company's co-founder and CPO.
of high value of the US dollar, the value
for the Brazilian would not be impacted
it was precisely the power to adapt to
an emerging market that is touted as the
we search, we create, we live the content
“We always think of growing with significantly. This allowed e-commerce reason for the brand’s success. “It is much
quality,” says Romero concerning to keep pace with Brazil’s purchasing easier to grow in Brazil than to enter a
the company's steady growth,
even in times of crises. According
power and maintain values ​​consistent
with what the public was willing to pay
market like the US where the market is
already very big in e-commerce, so you
to its founders, UseGiraffe's at the time, maintaining a healthy sales will be just one more in there and for you
formula for success is to make rate, even during the most difficult peri- to stand out, you need something. And if The Shoppers is renewed. We have built a team to find, engage
Chinese cross-border in a ods for the cross-border market in Brazil. you don’t have help and support, the big and entertain your costumer with the right and proper content
Brazilian way.Brazilian way. This led to the company gaining players can swallow you,” says Frederico. on e offline. Marketing, performance, ads, events, video and
market share month And against the tide of seasonality social media. The whole thing. The complete solution for your
by month, achieving a and big trends on the global market, Latam Marketing campaign. We built content tailored for you
balanced level of growth UseGiraffe has grown its portfolio by
and your audience.
which, according to the betting on building a strong private label
company’s CPO, was the with products that can be offered year-
initial strategy, as too big round and not subject to sudden price
a jump could also result changes due to currency fluctuations.
in an equally signifi- UseGiraffe has proven that it is possible
cant drop in any market to innovate even in segments that seem
movement. The company more consolidated. Exploiting the well-
has always remained on known Brazilian habit of buying Chinese
the sidelines of major products, the brand has built a model
swings and has achieved that offers the cost-benefit of internation-
steady growth month al products adapted to local consumer
by month, balancing the behavior.
Photo: Rodrigo Grossi

Photo: Shutterstock

TECHNOLOGY By relearning the habits of users, and solutions created by the company. “In
solving daily problems of companies, and Microsoft, we are developing AI tools and

How Microsoft uses

offering the right options to increase the technologies, using the resources of the
productivity of professionals in the entire cloud Azure, so as to empower people and
world, Microsoft found itself in a digital increase their abilities. We are working

technology to empower
revolution that the corporate world is to guarantee that those innovations and
also experiencing through its most recent discoveries in AI are available for everyone,”
approach. “A digital transformation opens claims Mariana Hatsumura. And the tech-

people and businesses

a new potential for organizations, and this nology multinational could not have been
does not mean only technological modi- more assertive in choosing this direction
fications or readjustments, but also that to guide its efforts. “We stopped being a
of people. As expectations, knowledge, company that says ‘I know everything’ and
and the abilities of each employee in the went on to become a company that says ‘I
The $1 trillion global company is definitely one of the most avant-garde organization – from the factory floor or can learn everything.’ This means learning
reception, to the executive director’s office from our mistakes,” said her.
tech giants. But as an old player in the game, Microsoft actually keeps — and the tools that they use for work In the second quarter of 2019, the
on learning everyday are all determining factors of the level of company exceeded the market’s high
transformation that any organization can expectations by reaching a revenue of $
reach,” explains Hatsumura. 13.2 billion, an increase of 12% in relation

echnology that is not tailored for all With a market value that already The grand mission of Microsoft
of us, but rather for each of us,” says exceeds $ 1 trillion and a brand that To translate this mission into something We stopped being a company that says
Mariana Hatsumura, productivity director
of Microsoft Brasil, who explains that the
has become an icon of the technology
universe, it is not hard to imagine that
tangible in terms of products, Microsoft
found in artificial intelligence its primary
“I know everything” and went on to become
culture of constant reinvention which the future could take them to opting ally. Present in all the brand’s products, each a company that says “I can learn everything.”
places clients at the center of the deci-
sion-making process in an inclusive
for calmer waters in terms of managing
a consolidated patrimony. But that is
in its own way, it is artificial intelligence
that shapes the path of the new features
This means learning from our mistakes.
manner is one of the reasons why the not sufficient for Microsoft, because MARIANA HATSUMURA
company, founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and the American company has decided to PRODUCTIVITY DIRECTOR
Paul Allen, never lost the innovative touch swim against the current and out of its OF MICROSOFT BRASIL
that characterizes its products. comfort zone.

Microsoft is committed to
empowering each person and each is one of its initiatives that made possible
organization to accomplish more. the creation of projects in the most diverse
of areas, from the adapting control of Xbox
MARIANA HATSUMURA to the inclusion of people with disabilities
and even to the development of InnerEye,
which uses artificial intelligence so that the same users in different moments with The role of Latin America
x-ray equipment can learn, constantly the same needs to be taken care of in each With the explosion of the market
to forecasts. Responsible for this exponen- improving the reading of images. instance: quick apps with easy navigation for fintechs, startups, and, conse-

Photo: Microsoft
tial growth was Azure, which became the that can solve real problems on a daily ba- quently, unicorns in Latin America,
most lucrative area of the company. “We The power to create corporate sis. Those companies focused on B2B solu- there was never so much need for
are committed to certifying that those solutions for users, not just tions and aware of this message will lead corporate tools alongside the exten-
AI systems are developed responsibly companies the pack. Microsoft is one of them. “The sion of market space to be explored
and used to gain the trust of people. We The digital revolution affected the lives MARIANA HATSUMURA, idea is that technology be an important ally in the region. This opportunity is on
believe that AI is a challenging technology of people in all aspects, from day-to-day PRODUCTIVITY DIRECTOR in the delivery of results, flexibility, and the table, and Microsoft is willing to
in our time, and we are optimistic regard- aspects, such as the increase of social OF MICROSOFT BRASIL digital integration. Microsoft is committed win the game.
ing what AI can offer to people, industry, networks, to the way in which we all work, Mariana Hatsumura is productivi- to empowering each person and each or- “The future of work is not only
and society — now and in the future, in including the rise of numerous new areas ty director of Microsoft Brasil and ganization to accomplish more,” highlights a world with more automatization
ways that we have already seen and those of activity in a short time. If corporate has been part of the company for Mariana Hatsumura. and robotics, it is a future of new
that we have yet to understand,” adds the tools had, in the past, very direct and tra- more than 8 years. “When Satya And to accomplish this mission, each types of businesses, activities, and
director of innovation. ditional objectives, the first step to keeping Nadella took the position of CEO of the group’s products became a piece possibilities, something that has the
And it does not stop there, according pace with this new moment is to under- in Microsoft, back in 2014, he in the puzzle of solutions for businesses potential of deeply benefitting re-
to Hatsumura, close to $ 14 billion are an- stand that success is within reach of those began a process of cultural trans- from different segments. “The artificial gions in Latin America where PMEs
nually invested in research for innovation companies capable of grasping that the formation with a new mission: to intelligence integrated into the Office365 and startups have a fundamental
projects classified into four categories: (1) user that posts a selfie is also the person empower each person and each package, for example, stimulates produc- role in economic development,” em-
bold (independently of its size), (2) opti- that needs to manage a team. organization of the planet to ac- tivity when a PowerPoint suggests layout phasizes Mariana Hatsumura.
mistic and inclusive, (3) based on trust, and Whether it is during a stroll with the complish more, which functions options and offers subtitle resources to To exploit all the potential of the
(4) executed on scale. Hence, the company family, during a planned trip, or during as a guideline for everything break down language barriers – offering market, Microsoft’s director of pro-
keeps itself one step ahead of the competi- the preparation of a decisive presentation that we do,” reveals Hatsumura polished presentations – or when Outlook ductivity in Brazil reveals that the
tion when concerning innovation, and this at work, at the end of the day we are all about the transformation process separates the most important messages for company has a support network of
that is guiding the next steps of the user to read first, placing those emails local partners. “Microsoft has a base
Microsoft. in a priority box. Microsoft Teams already of 80 thousand partners in Latin
helps guarantee a flow of communication America, and they are very import-
that is more efficient with translation and ant in the challenge of helping our
subtitles in real time. Innovations such as clients face the digital transforma-
the Microsoft Translator, which includes tion. In Brazil alone, there are ap-
64 languages, can translate in real time and proximately 20 thousand partners,”
is available in various platforms,” explains she claims.
the director of the company. While Latin America is coming
More than just think of the needs of to grips with the pace of its own
businesses, to focus on what truly fuels development in the technology
everything and any positive outcome of a market, Microsoft is one step ahead
business: motivated people. And tech- in coming up with solutions for
nology can have a direct influence on businesses of all types. Technology
all the tasks involved in the workplace, with an objective – this is the
from facilitating simple, day-to-day tasks mission that the technological giant
to providing quick analysis that increase has set for itself in the delivery of
productivity and results. The work day its products to Latin Americans,
has changed, and so should they way we and no doubt they are successfully
engage with work on a daily basis. facing the challenge.
Photo: Shutterstock

© Shutterstock

beginning of something with much the early 1990s, it was only at the end of
potential. Investments in local culture, in that decade that the company arrived in
the localization of games, of the content the country with a physical branch and
and events is super important – and that local professionals. 2019 marks 20 years
is what made us evolve so much since we since the arrival of Bertrand and his team
arrived here only to distribute games,” in Brazil, which in those first years was
says the executive in an exclusive inter- mostly focused on marketing its brand –
view with LABS. back then their big products were based on
Rayman and other smaller games, which
The beginning of an evolution gave way to Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell,
Photo: Shutterstock

in regional content Assassin’s Creed, and other big franchises.

The period of game distribution to which ““It is very important to work in localiza-
Bertrand refers to is at the beginning of tion, and I believe that much of our success
the 1990s, when the French collaborat- here is due to that. It’s no use to only invest
ed with Gradiente to slowly enter the money in the country without understand-
Brazilian market. “At that time, we saw ing your public there or without adapting
many problems concerning taxes and the the content, which is exactly what we do
GAMES value that accrued for the user, which here with our events, Youtube channel, and
was very high […] There is still much to other initiatives,” says Chaverot, who also

French Ubisoft drops

improve, yet the public here is passion- remembers of the dubbing and translation
ate about games and benefits from that of games, something that Ubisoft lead in
industry, buys and plays a lot,” he says. the country and which gave a lot of visibil-

anchor in Latin America

In fact, the sector achieved US$ 1.5 ity to their brand in the market – that was
billion in Brazil alone – which made the a step that led to the opening of the studio
country position itself as the leader in here in Brazil, which closed their opera-
the Latin American market and as 13th tions in 2010, after developing projects for
globally, according to the 19th Global gaming platforms such as the Nintendo DS.
t has been some time now since the development in the continent, has been Entertainment and Media Outlook by The evolution of that localization is tied
Investments in culture and I gaming industry has been consid- the French developer Ubisoft. PricewaterhousCoopers (PwC). to the company’s investment in the content
ered as one of the biggest in entertain- Globally known as the creator Within that framework, Ubisoft rep- channels linked to businesses in Latin
local content made Latam ment worldwide. With a gradually of games such as Assassin’s Creed, resents a significant player, since it is one America. Today, Ubisoft has a channel
one of the most important expanding penetration due to smart- Rainbow Six, and Just Dance, the game of the most important companies in the on YouTube with more than one million
phones and other devices that allow developer has numerous branches sector for some time now. Even though it followers, a fixed set of programs, social
markets for the game gaming on the go and access to social spread throughout the globe with differ- began its operations in partnerships during networks with millions of users and multi-
networks, gaming has become something ent responsibilities. Today, the Brazilian media coverage of global events such as E3,
developer common in the life of many people, branch represents one of the biggest GameXP, and Brazil Game Show. “We look
regardless of age. Success in this industry, yields of the company and has a promis- It is very important to work in for more partnerships and a global reach,
BY THIAGO ROMARIZ however, largely depends on an under-
standing of the culture and behavior of
ing future ahead, according to Bertrand
Chaverot, director of the company. The
localization, and i believe that much so as to expand the market to its potential
size. Nowadays we have the structure of
the gamers in different countries. One of investment here, according to him, has to of our success here is due to that. the Internet and the technology to accom-
the companies that managed to imple- be planned carefully. plish this,” says Bertrand.
ment this understanding, besides having “Although we have been here for BERTRAND CHAVEROT,
accompanied the various stages of some time now, I think this is still the

We look for more
partnerships and a global
reach, so as to expand the
market to its potential size.
Nowadays we have the
structure of the Internet
and the technology to
accomplish this.
Photo: Ubisoft

Events and eSports The strong presence of the company in
When he refers to a region with this the eSports local market yields its fruit not
French-born Brazilian Bertrand much potential, Chaverot uses expressive only in the community, with the content
Chaverot has been Managing numbers as a means to persuade, mainly created by the Ubisoft platforms in Brazil,
Director of Ubisoft in Latin those numbers that are linked to Ubisoft’s but also within their own games.
America for 11 years. With a current large project: Rainbow Six: Siege. Rainbow Six has a map and characters
multi-cultural history in the A first person shooter that has Brazil that are Brazilian for the past three years,
Videogames and Digital industry, as its biggest audience worldwide with and Just Dance includes Latino artists, such
Chaverot believes in the power of tournaments broadcast online. “We are as Anitta, Maluma, Ivete Sangalo, MC Fioti,
localization. For the executive, the among the biggest in terms of the number J Balvin, among others. In 2019, the French
Brazilian branch represents one of of players and we have the biggest audi- developers announced the presence of
the biggest yields of the company ence. Rainbow Six and eSports in general Lexa, a Brazilian singer that would include
and has a promising future ahead. are nowadays responsible for almost a the song “Only after Carnaval” (“Só Depois
third of our investment in Brazil,” ex- do Carnaval“) in the playlists of the game
plains the director. the world over, sharing spaces with names
Beyond the R6, as the game is known in like Cardi B and Ariana Grande.
the community, Ubisoft has in Brazil its For Bertrand, this is just one more ex-
biggest community in Just Dance, a dance ample of how the investment in the region
game that is celebrating its 10 year anniver- brings returns and how the world already
sary in 2019 and has a Brazilian two-time understands the value of Latin America as
champion, Dhiego San, and a strong com- a place for business. “There is a potential
petitive scene in the country, with players here to transform it into one of the three
always reaching the finals in the global largest markets in the world of gaming.”
stages of championships.


Carrefour is betting competencies: that of data, content and Click & Retire. Common in several retail

on partnerships to
services (Carrefour wants to really know chains in the United States, this function-
its customers and consider new products ality arrived in Brazil not too long ago and
and services based on this knowledge); already has in Carrefour one of its most

grow even more

that of the last mile, which is the delivery efficient followers.
of the product (in partnership with the According to the company, more than
startup Rappi); that of digital payments 100 stores should incorporate the service
(a new race of retailers to the goal of the by the end of 2019. This service will be a
super app and a bigger presence in the perfect fit in the multi-channel strategy
Traditional and old-fashioned? Think again. Carrefour daily life of clients). of the chain. Also this year, Carrefour in-
“The idea of eBusiness is to transform tends to incorporate an option “Withdraw
arrived in Brazil in 1975 and is experiencing a full Carrefour into a reference in omni-chan- shopping cart” in 13 of its units and in
expansion, backed by technology and new solutions nels and a leader in grocery e-commerce,” more than 2,000 sellers (those sellers that
said the group in a statement sent to LABS. participate in the group’s marketplace).
Carrefour also wants to incorporate 1.9
The three approaches of the “new million Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) in its
Carrefour” that got the attention of electronic marketplace. The term SKU re-
consumers fers to the stock code that each item has,
Taking a look at Carrefour’s initiatives in something that is crucial in the control of
etail was quite possibly the segment as Carrefour Express) and convenience 2019, alongside the significant investment storage in this new scale of multi-chan-
of the economy that most suffered stores, to superstores (large stores that are in technology, one can notice the focus nels with which the group is working.
from advances in technology in the last a point of reference for Brazilians when on increasing the channels through which The third and last investment approach
decades. Betting on the weight of e-com- they think of Carrefour). There are more their clients can make purchases. for this year is linked to the most varied
merce as a natural result of increased than 100 hundred stores in this last model In this sense, the three approaches capti- modes of shopping that the brand offers:
access to the Internet and intelligent in the country. vated the attention of Brazilian consumers a unified profile for each client, called
devices, new global players emerged and In 2017, the company was considered in the last few months. project One Carrefour.
took the place of many centennial enter- one of the 20 biggest enterprises listed in The first of these approaches is the According to the company, it exists with
prises, which had reigned absolute during the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3). The partnership with the delivery app Rappi. the “objective of having a single vision
the time-tested model of physical sales. following year, Carrefour processed BRL Created in Colombia, the service–which of the group’s clients, independently of
Like any jungle that is considered as 56.3 billion. It was literally the company was the first player in our Latin America’s the format of interactions, in addition to
such, some of the most experienced that generated the most revenue in 2018, Trailblazers series in LABS–had in Brazil giving access to all the services by means
players in the segment were able to followed by the Group Pão de Açucar (BRL its biggest pool of clients and announced of whichever customer service platform.”
correctly interpret this phenomenon in 53.6 billion), Via Varejo (BRL 30.5 billion), its partnership with the French group at Today there are more than 13 million sub-
time, adapting to survive–even in a region, and Walmart (BRL 23 billion), accord- the beginning of 2019. scriptions in the My Carrefour platform.
such as Latin America, with highs and ing to a ranking released this Thursday In just the first trimester of the year,
lows that would be a challenge to any (22) by the Brazilian Retail Executives Carrefour’s sales via e-commerce
businessperson. Instituto (Ibevar) in partnership with the (through its website or apps) grew 84%. The idea of eBusiness is to transform
One of those survivors is the Carrefour
group. The French chain arrived in Brazil
Administration Instituto Foundation (FIA).
Their good results are due to a series
Also this year, a new 24 hour frozen
drinks service was announced, taking into
Carrefour into a reference in omni-channels
in 1975 and is nowadays experiencing a of changes based on the shifts in behavior account the type of consumption specific and a leader in grocery e-commerce.
full expansion. It has been investing in of Brazilian consumers, shifts that estab- to Brazilian customers.
technology and flexible services like no lished a new business front for the group, The second approach of 2019, an ap- CARREFOUR GROUP
other competitor, implementing both its Carrefour eBusiness Brazil. proach that can only be found in a few
own solutions and those offered with the This year–as in 2018–Carrefour will cities in the country, were the markets
help of strategic partnerships. invest close to BRL 1.9 billion in Brazil,
There are more than 650 points of sale primarily focusing on the technological
in Brazil, all of them of the most diverse evolution of their business. The new
types: from small supermarkets (such plans involve the development of three

Photo: Shutterstock
A global leader and Carina, Carrefour’s AI The results of these investments are
reference in food The form of localizing and personalizing already manifesting. From April to June of Tailored content from
retail, Carrefour is a one’s own service, alongside the initiatives this year, Carrefour registered liquid profits
pioneer in countries discussed above, went live with Carina, of BRL 419 million, 11% more than those of
Latin America to the world.
such as Brazil in 1975 the artificial intelligence that Carrefour the same period last year.
and China in 1995, launched at the beginning of the last Gross sales added BRL 15.3 billion, an in- LABS is a content platform about
and operates more trimester, following the trend of virtual as- crease of 12.9% above the second trimester Latin America, focused on economics,
than 12,000 stores sistants that help the customer understand of 2018. Notwithstanding the operations of business, technology and society. By
and e-commerce what is the best way of interacting with the Atacadão (a sales brand of the chain that providing deep and accurate content
sites in more than service. deals with wholesale) having been respon- about the economic and technological
30 countries. Differently from telecommunications sible for the biggest portion of that growth, landscape of Latin America, both
companies or banks, Carrefour gambled there was an increase of 9% in the sales in Portuguese and English, we help
on a more mature visual for its AI. Carina that took place in “the store itself.” This entrepreneurs and the general public
is 42 years old. She provides customer ser- means that, in general, all of Carrefour’s
understand the region's particularities.
vice to clients via chatbot and Whatsapp, models are growing and this is due also to
which is the favorite app of Brazilians the investments in the three approaches
to exchange messages–a responsiveness cited at the beginning of this article.
to the characteristics of each country or With good results also in the first tri-
region where it offers its services is funda- mester, 2019 promises to be a new year of
mental to the global success of the group. record revenues for the group in Brazil.


In the photo,
Gabriela talks to
tribal chief Tashka

Photos: Gabriela Grosskopf Antunes

Photos: Gabriela Grosskopf Antunes

At one point in the trip,
I remembered a phrase attributed
Gabriela on the
first day in the
OPINION to the North American journalist
Amazon region, Truman Capote that says something
The Amazon: from
soon after seeing
the size of the along these lines: “that when God
forest devastation
gives us a virtue, he also gives us On August 24th, I fire smoke on health are immediate and

Borges’ Paradise to
with the fires. arrived at Rio Branco, cumulative. That is, the consequences
In the second a lash to inflict self-harm.” Acre, where part of were toxic and irreversible for those
picture, the journal- the Brazilian Amazon who had been exposed to so much

Dante’s Inferno
ist's soot-soaked is on fire. I was smoke, a tragedy for human health and
sneakers from the
following a North American television the environment.
team, in the condition of journalist. We During the week that we travelled
had barely landed, when the plane’s by land and air, flying in small planes
cabin filled with smoke. Asking the and relocating to the outskirts of Acre
LABS columnist and editor of Argentinian journal Clarín, pilot what he saw in the radar, he re- and Rondônia. We talked with ev-
sponded that it was the smoke coming eryone that wanted to speak: chiefs,
tells what she saw in the forest, during her journey with from Bolivia, whose border was 200 indigenous communities, government
an American TV crew km away from Rio Branco. But there representatives, river folk, scientists,
were still urban and forest fires on all firemen, representatives of NGOs,
sides. On that day, flames surrounded small landowners, fire victims, and
the perimeter of the airport, and the countryfolk. Our aim was to give them

BY GABRIELA he Argentine writer Jorge indigenous communities, whose culture, city seemed like a large smoker. In ten the most autonomy possible, so that
GROSSKOPF Luis Borges used to say that language, and customs still lack the minutes, we all smelled of barbecue. It they could share their experiences and
ANTUNES “paradise was a type of appropriate research; and like water, was “Dantesque.” Already in the hotel, a perspectives, strengthening the jour-
library.” A voracious reader, the lifeblood that unfortunately may well-known scientist of the region came nalistic independence of our content.
Borges imagined himself surrounded by become a future commodity. to visit us. I realized, while we spoke, I saw indigenous people fighting for
books. That was his “Eden.” Without a We are talking of undiscovered insects, that I had made an unfortunate analogy their reserves, animals dispossessed
woodsman’s vocation, Borges was not tribes in isolation, plants that could with other tragedies of large propor- by the fire, river folk trying to row
referring to the living library of the feed and cure evils and diseases that tions. To my surprise, he confirmed that against rivers filled with fallen trees,
Amazon rainforest. Borges imagined affect the human population. It is a 3D it was not that different, considering clearings in the forest the size of cities,
words, phrases, and poems. library, alive, in transformation, whose the appropriate scale of the event. More fire, smoke, but also the strength of
In the biological paradise of the impact on life is so pervasive that human specifically and concerning human agro-businesses, with families depen-
Amazon, we may dream with 10% to conscience might not yet be ready to health, he agreed with me: the effects of dent on that activity.
15% of the biodiversity present in the process. And that is where our limit of
world today, as well as 40% of the human understanding may spell our
rainforests in the planet, hundreds of death sentence.

On The

Photos: Gabriela Grosskopf Antunes

Brazil - and Latin America -
One of 2019’s best The controversial story of
have much to offer when it
documentaries is from infamous Brazilian singer
comes to culture. Check this
Brazil, according to Wilson Simonal
special selection of tips to The New York Times One of the few black stains in the
take a deep dive into some Netflix doc Democracia em Vertigem ex- Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) is the
of the best latest Brazilian plains the recent - and polemic - changes story of Wilson Simonal. Charismatic,
in the Brazilian government from a left with a strong personality–and a splash
We can no longer flee from the pieces. Go beyond business to a right-wing-party. The piece is among of arrogance – the singer captivated fans
issues that deal with economic sus- the 8 selected by The New York Times as and made enemies during his career.
tainability; that is, how to enjoy this and enjoy! the best movies of 2019 so far. “Simonal”, the film, premiered in Brazilian
treasure by keeping it alive. With the cinemas in August.
proximity of the flames, we no longer The Edge of Democracy
have the luxury of taking our time. 2019, Neflix Simonal
We need to decide whether we will 2018, Pontos de Fuga
Firefighters trying to At one point in the trip, I remem- drink from that knowledge with the
prevent one of the bered a phrase attributed to the rainforest still standing, with infinite
fires from spreading. North American journalist Truman possibilities, with the support of sci-
Capote that says something along ence, technology, and sustainability,
these lines: “that when God gives us a or whether we will raze the rainforest
virtue, he also gives us a lash to inflict to the ground, betting on an agro-ex-
self-harm.” Our biggest vocation, the porting and mineral extraction model.
treasure that fell on good part of our The difference between those two
national territory, has been trans- models, a controversial topic, prag-
formed, in part, into our misfortune. matically consists in a single one: if
It was a treasure chest, heavy, desired we opt to maintain the rainforest, we
by so many pirates, with millions of can rethink its purpose every time the
animal and plant species, indigenous discussion is launched. On the other
communities, and, perhaps, it was far hand, if we destroy the forest, we may
too heavy for the country to carry. never be able to rethink that model. ‘Sintonia’: An important part of history, ‘Most Beautiful Thing: Bossa
The Amazon rainforest is linked to
our navel, where our umbilical cord is
It might be prudent, and count-
er-productive, to point fingers and
The Brazilian Favela by Laurentino Gomes Nova and women’s rights in
found, extension of flesh that shapes offer simple solutions for such a as it really is Author of best-sellers like 1808, the 50s
our origins. We came from that house complex situation. I returned from Laurentino Gomes launched in August
Created by Kondzilla, famous funk video Celebrating the emerging Bossa Nova
that has a green rug, padding our identi- the Amazon with more questions than the first book of his new trilogy.
producer responsible for greatest hits, culture, and depicting the country during
ty. In my opinion, it is less productive to answers. Dense and humid doubts “Everything we once were, what we are,
Sintonia brings a real vision of how young a hard time for women’s rights, Most
know whether the current government as the closed foliage of the forest. and what we will be, links to our African
people deal with life in Brazil’s suburban Beautiful Thing shows the shift of Maria
is Nero playing the harp and allowing The biggest one? As a paradise, as roots, and to the way we relate to those
regions. Among crime and drugs, religion Luiza, a common housewife, into Malu,
Rome to burn, or whether our current Borges once dreamt, a library filled roots”.
and music; Sintonia brings a humanized a strong businesswoman starting her
situation is the cumulative result of with knowledge, can be transformed
vision of the favelas, putting the suburb own Bossa Nova club in Rio de Janeiro.
small, medium, and large political, eco- into a hell not unlike the one narrat- Escravidão Volume 1
on the spotlight. Soundtrack is one of the main highlights.
nomic, and environmental tragedies. ed by the Italian Dante Alighieri? Laurentino Gomes
2019, Globo Livros Most Beautiful Thing
2019, Netflix
2019, Netflix



Opportunities with the Venture capital has exploded in Latin America—

revealing fertile ground for innovation. Mobile
Explosion of Venture services, software and SaaS are underserved
Capital Investment in markets ready to disrupt.

Latin America Recent data highlights the impressive growth in venture capital
investment in Latin America, the key drivers of this growth and
the opportunities for international companies that wish to take
advantage of this momentum.

Room to Grow
5X Venture capital (VC) investment in Latin
America has gone up by 5 times since 2016 46% Annual growth
since 2011

% of total Global VC Investment, 2018

Latin America 0.4%

Europe 9%
of total global
VC investment Asia 37%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Growth Factors The Top 5 Areas for VC Investment in LAC

Despite the investment lag, market conditions in Latin America suggest
that more digital and software-based solutions are needed.

An Expanding Mobile/ Surging Software and SaaS Markets

Online Market Projected SaaS market growth, 2018-2022 1 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
445mn 517mn Logistics/
Fintech Transportation SaaS
Real estate
Unique mobile subscribers in Latin
America from 2018 to 2025, a $927M $504M $141M $81M $81M
2.2% CAGR

25% 16%
10% LatAm Global average
4% Drivers
of all new global mobile
subscribers from now until 2025 And the LatAm SaaS investment
Of global VC
will come from Latin America. market is growing faster than it is
investment in Latin
America went to SaaS
industries in 2018, The growth of Growth in internet
15% showing severe
(~20% annually) has
and mobile users is
fueling demand for
Growth of internet penetration
in LatAm by 2025. increased the need for SAAS solutions for
innovative logistics, both B2C and B2B
fintech and use cases
Outlining Opportunities

While VC funding in Latin America is growing, the numbers show that

the supply is not meeting local demand. Latin American consumers want
to transact and consume over digital channels and need increasingly
diverse tech solutions to do so. As innovation heats up in the region,
now is the ideal time for digital international merchants to offer
innovative solutions not currently being offered by local competitors.


LatAm SaaS CAGR is through 2023 • Source: AMI / EBANX


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